#detective gumshoe x reader
schizoscribbles · 2 years
Detective to the Rescue!
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KEY: [N] = First Name [LN] = Last Name
[One-sided Enemies][to lovers][workplace romance]
"It's like he's trying to make me scream at him!"
[N] said, his trenchcoat flailing about as he paced inside of Miles Edgeworth's office. The poor prosecutor simply sat there, fist holding his head up while he simply dozed; half listening to [N]. "I mean, I don't get it! How could he just constantly be a..." [N] looked at his hands, angry "A..." he got fed up and slammed his hands down on Miles' desk, rage flaring in his eyes "Nuisance!"
Miles jumped before he sighed, "Do you mind telling me why you're so furious with Detective Gumshoe, Mr. [LN]? Or are you simply going to scream and rant all day about nothing." the sarcasm dripping from his tone agitated [N] but he groaned and nodded "Sorry, Miles." and so, [N] sat on Edgeworth's desk and began recounting what had happened-
December 23
3:00 PM
Detective [N] [LN]'s Office
A knock came at Detective [LN]'s door, he gritted his teeth as he grunted a "Come in.".
"Heya, Mr [LN]!" Gumshoe grinned happily not fully aware of [N]'s bad mood; just mere moments ago he was informed of Gumshoe's malpractice in a recent case that involved Mr. Pheonix Wright, which could have costed both of them their jobs, and he wasn't happy.
"Dick Gumshoe." [N] snarls, watching Gumshoe take his seat. "You wanted ta' see me?" the stupid grin that Gumshoe held in response to seeing [N] never left his face as he waited eagerly for the reason he sat in [N]'s office. [N] cleared his throat, "I was recently informed of a recent case." he glared daggers at Gumshoe who was still oblivious, "Which one?" "The one where the main suspects defense attourney was Mr. Pheonix Wright. The recent medical malpractice case." Gumshoe thought for a minute before his face dropped and his mouth made an O as he realized. Gumshoe scratched the back of his neck as he spoke up, "Listen, pal I'm so-" "I don't want to hear it, Dick." [N] snapped a bit, "This incident could have cost us our jobs! And you're just a bumbling mess as is." Gumshoe's face scrunched in a pained expression before he stood up and hung his head, "I'm sorry, [N]." and so, he left.
December 23
5:00 PM
Chief Prosecutor's Office
"Are you dense, [LN]?" Miles asked, [N] jumped a bit.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, turning to face his best friend.
"Do I need to spell it out for you?" Miles got up and walked around to [N], [N]'s head swiveling to meet him. Miles sighed and smacked the back of their head("OW WHAT THE FUCK!" being heard under the detectives breath).
"He's in love with you, genius." [N] rubbed his head in pain with his face scrunched up before it all dropped and he blinked at Miles, "What?" "He's so utterly and madly in love with you in infuriating." Miles walked to grab his kettle off of his table.
"Honestly, he never shuts up about you." he said as he picked up a small tea cup and paused to pour tea in. Then he mocked Gumshoe, "He's so pretty! And amazing at his job! He's so understanding!" Miles made a dumb face before it dropped and [N] sat there dumbfounded.
"Well?" Miles said, [N] snapped his attention back toward Miles. "What?" "Go apologize." Miles said seriously, [N] blinked a bit, "Okay."
December 23
6:30 PM
Outside of The Police Department
[N] sighed, he had looked for Gumshoe everywhere and he was nowhere to be found. He looked forward under the awning, rain pouring down from the sky.
"Goddamnit." [N] said angrily, he had no umbrella and he walked here from the prosecutor's office so he couldn't just run to a car. He pinched the bridge of his nose and huffed before he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Heya, pal." [N] opened his eyes and shot his attention to the voice, it was Gumshoe. "Oh, there you are."
"Chief said ya' were lookin' for me." [N] put his hands on his upper-arms and sighed, "Yes, I was." Gumshoe chuckled at the somewhat flustered man before he handed him an umbrella, [N] looked at it before looking back at Gumshoe.
"I know it doesn't make up for what I did but I really care about ya' and I don't want ya' getting si-" Gumshoe was interupted by [N] smashing his lips onto Gumshoe's. The kiss lasted a bit before [N] pulled away, "I'm so sorry, Gumshoe." Gumshoe smiled, "It's okay, pal." they both paused.
"So does this mean ya' like me too?..."
"Yes, Gumshoe."
"Are we gonna be boyfriends now?"
"Yes, Gumshoe."
;OK wow that took me a while, jesus.
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 9 months
Horror Movies Pt. 2 | Neil Lewis x fem!reader
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Summary: She shares a special passion for horror movies with her boss, Neil Lewis. But it doesn't end there, she also shares his secrets... or at least the ones he can keep himself. He's been keeping one from her but maybe a night of adventure will break the silence and scare them to their senses.
Warnings: Drinking, semi-public sex, boss/employee relationship, struggles with self-image, spying, invasion of privacy, slight disrespect for the dead, smut, moments of miscommunication and assumed consent, unprotected sex, oral, and some fluff.
word count: 3229k
Lady Grinning Soul- David Bowie 🎶
Freak- Lana Del Rey 🎵
Minors do not interact!
“What are you doing, Neil?” She whispered, not wanting to trespass. 
“Having a little adventure since our act of chivalry was all for naught.” He shrugged and smiled goofily. 
“You want to play golf?” She looked between the dark green and Neil’s face. 
“Nah, not golf.” 
She stared at him for a little while longer before ducking beneath the fence. He followed her and they started to cross the green, looking up at the star studded sky. 
“The stars are so pretty tonight.” She pointed up at the clusters of twinkling lights. 
“Wait until you see what I have to show you.” He smiled mischievously and took her wrist. He pulled her across the golf course and through the connecting gate. 
“Where are we now?” She looked around and noticed the distant groupings of headstones. “Are we in a cemetery?” 
“Bingo.” Neil laughed and let her wrist go, running ahead a little. The graveyard was cool and still, surrounded on all sides by tall shrubbery. They climbed the short hill up onto the main stretch of green, walking alongside the grave markers. 
“This feels like the beginning of a horror movie.” She recalled Neil’s previous statement from the morning and he laughed. 
“I like to come here at night. It’s so peaceful and I like to look at the people’s names. It helps put my life into perspective.” He led her to a small mausoleum beside a weeping willow and swiped his arm across his forehead. 
“Isn’t it beautiful?” He gestured around and she nodded. 
“It really is but… what does this have to do with the bra?” 
“Ah, well since you can’t use it and Nancy doesn’t want it back, I thought we could leave it as an offering… here.” 
“Who do you want to give it to?” 
“Someone who died the same day that one of us was born.” He stated as he had already begun looking. She helped him and they passed the lines of headstones, checking each name for their respective birth and death dates. They wandered through a few plots until they found a secluded embankment. There was an older headstone with Neil’s birthday listed as the person’s death date. 
“Here.” Neil pointed to the numbers on the stone and smiled up at her from the ground where he was crouched. She joined him on the ground and nodded. “Edgar Allen… that’s almost too weird. It must be a fake name. Edgar Allen? He just needs a ‘Poe.’” 
She trailed her fingers over his name and nodded. 
“So, how do we do this?”
“What, are you saying that you’ve never left an expensive bra at a dead person’s grave?” He joked and she almost laughed out loud when he put his hand over her mouth, shushing her with a smile. 
“You’ll wake the dead.” He whispered and she smiled against his hand, her eyes boring into his. She hoped that her eyes were telling him what she wanted or how happy she was to be with him, even if it was in a fucking cementary. He removed his hand slowly and cleared his throat. Sweat coating his forehead, trapping a few strands of his longer dark hair. 
“We, uh, let’s just drape it over the headstone.” He put the bra over the long rectangular top of the stone. 
“We should say a few words.” She offered and cleared her throat quietly, “May I?” She glanced over at him. Neil was staring at her, his lips parted partly. 
“Uh, er, yeah. Of course.” He sniffed and looked back at the headstone. 
“Mr. Allen, we leave you this offering in hopes that you will bestow upon us the grace of your guidance and experience. Inspire us to be brave and forward with our… desires,” she couldn’t think of a better word, “Help us imagine ways of living our lives to the fullest.” She added. When she glanced over, Neil was nodding almost absentmindedly. 
“Give us a little adventure in our lives, Edgar.” He clarified. 
“Mhmm.” She hummed in agreement and they waited in silence for a few minutes, taking in the serene peacefulness of the graveyard. 
“If this were a horror movie, we would be-” She broke the silence but the force of Neil’s body cut her off. He’d kissed her, his hands snaking behind her head and pulling her into an aggressive kiss. She pulled away breathlessly, he was panting too.
“What-” She started.
“I’m sorry, christ. I thought you were… sending me a signal.” He stumbled over his words. 
“You thought I was asking you to make a move on top of someone’s grave?” She raised a suspicious eyebrow and he chuckled, embarrassed. 
“I don’t know what I was thinking. I just… oh I don’t know.” He trailed off and stood, putting his hands back into his pocket and turning away from the grave. She followed him quickly. 
“What, Neil?” She stumbled after him, up the embankment. He spun around and held a hand against his head.
“I just… I thought that lately there was something different between us.” He looked away. 
“Neil…” she frowned and fought the anger in her voice, “you just fucked someone last night. I don’t know if I should believe anything that you’re saying right now.” She crossed her arms across her chest and looked up at the sky. 
“I, well we didn’t actually… have sex.” He mumbled. 
“What do you mean?” She raised her eyebrow. 
“God, this is so fucking embarrassing,” he pulled down on his face and trilled his lips. 
“What, what is it?” He nearly smiled, finding him too funny to take seriously. 
“Well, she came into the store right before closing last night and put on this whole act about which movie to pick… kind of like the girl in the store today. I told her to pick Arsenic and Old Lace… yada yada yada, she ends up flirting and leaning over the counter, batting her eyelashes at me. I’ll admit that I succumbed to her but as soon as she got me on the couch, she started… eh slapping me and calling me a bad boy and look, I totally get kinks but it was a little too weird for me.” 
“So what happened?” She encouraged him to go on and he looked back at her, his heart fluttering in his chest. He sighed and looked at his feet. 
“We watched the movie and the whole time she wouldn’t stop talking, so she missed basically everything. And when the movie was over, she started kissing me and undressing herself. And when she got my pants down, I couldn’t get it up. So, that’s what happened.” 
She gasped and immediately clamped a hand over her mouth.
“I’m sorry. It isn’t funny, Neil,” she apologized but he shook his head. “Whatever, go ahead and laugh. I don’t know how it happened but I just wasn’t attracted to her. I don’t need a girl who’s a film geek like me but I can’t stand people who just talk through a movie or pay absolutely no attention to what’s happening. There’s not point in putting it on if you’re not going to pay attention. And not to mention she looked-” He cut himself off and chucked. 
“What?” She waited for him to finish but he shook his head. 
“It’s silly.” He sniffed. 
“We’ve already gotten this far, you might as well tell me.” 
He cocked his head, staring at her face in the faded light of the crescent moon. He inhaled deeply and told her, point blank. 
“She looked like you,” he took another breath, “she looked like you but she was nothing like you. I realized that I was only humoring her because she looked like you and for some reason, my subconscious had tricked me into thinking she was you. And after that, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He watched her for her reaction and she exhaled shakily, not knowing how to respond. 
“What happened after that?” She asked quietly. 
“I told her that it wasn’t a good night and she packed up. In the heat of the moment, she must have forgotten her bra but look,” he took a step closer, “that doesn’t mean our relationship needs to change. It's not like I’m in love with you or obsessed, I just realized that the person that I was really attracted to this whole time has been you.” He looked down into her eyes. “I didn’t have time to explain it this morning and I knew how it looked so…” He shrugged, “I actually haven’t slept with anyone in weeks. Ever since you got the haircut actually, I guess I haven’t stopped thinking about you whether or not I was conscious of it.” 
“Jonathan asked me out.” Was all she could think to say and Neil chuckled lightly. 
“That’s a minor detail.”
“He’s one of your best friends.” 
“And because he’s one of my best friends, he’ll understand why I’m doing this.” 
“What if I don’t like you back?” She narrowed her eyes, wanting to stand her ground a little longer. He took one more step closer, their feet almost touching and he leaned over slightly, his breath brushing her forehead.
“Do you like me?” He asked softly. 
“I don’t know,” she lied. He brushed his lips against hers. 
“Do you want to find out?” He teased her and her breath caught, nearly choking her. She couldn’t speak from the nerves paralyzing her, so she just nodded. He rubbed his lips against her lips, not kissing her yet. She brushed her nose against the soft spot of skin below his nose and above his lip, standing on the balls of her feet. Her hands came up and stopped midair, unsure how or where to touch him. Turning his head slightly to the side he kissed her. His hands went from the top of her thighs to her waist and then up to her neck, which he held in place while he moved his head to kiss her. He stood still and reciprocated his slow kisses as best as she could. She put her hands on the outside of his and wrapped her fingers around each wrist. He sucked on her lip and she let her head fall back, giving him a better angle. She stumbled back a little and he caught her in his arms, his lips never skipping a beat as he sucked her and explored her. 
“Are we going to fuck in a graveyard?” She panted, pulling herself away from his hungry mouth. Neil smiled and looked around at the deserted cemetery, empty with the exception of the dead. He shrugged. 
“Do you think they’ll hold it against us? Haunt us for the rest of our lives?” She smiled.
“Are you kidding? They’re probably dying for a show.” He cracked himself up over his own pun and she rolled her eyes affectionately. She kissed him again before he could make another joke and pulled him into the alcove of a mausoleum. There was a stone casket beside the mausoleum and they stumbled over to it, wordlessly deciding to fuck against it. He pressed her back up against the cold stone which felt amazing in the humid summer air. He groped her breasts and she slid a hand down Neil’s chest below the waistband of his jeans. She reached her hand into his underwear and took a hold of his hard cock. She smiled against his lips. 
“It obviously wasn’t a problem this time, was it?” She teased and he groaned, looking up at the sky. 
“No, no, it wasn’t.” He laughed breathlessly as she rubbed her hand down his length, twisting her palm at the end. He went back to kissing her but broke off to whine and pant occasionally as she jerked him off. She pulled her hand back out and spat on it before returning it back into his pants. She fondled his balls and squeezed them, making him gasp against her lips. He reached a hand up her camisole and wrestled his hand beneath her bra. He was definitely a breast man. 
She removed her hand from his pants and pulled his pelvis against her by looping her fingers through his belt loops. With his free hand, Neil unbuttoned her jeans and unzipped the fly. She did the same for his jeans and turned around, sticking her butt against his hard crotch. 
“Fuck…” Neil looked at her ass and felt himself get even harder. He pulled her back against him by holding her shoulder. He kissed her bare neck and carded his hands through her cropped hair. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered and she sighed softly. At that moment, she felt infinitely beautiful, so beautiful that it would last a lifetime. He pulled down his pants slightly and glanced around before bending her over again. She pulled down her jeans and rubbed her underwear against him like before. She held her hands flat against the stone casket monument and opened her mouth, nearly moaning in anticipation of Neil’s cock inside her. He slowly rolled down her underwear, the hipster style that covered her butt. They were white, ironically. 
Exposing her ass, he moaned and reached around to her cunt and rubbed her clit. 
“God, fuck me already, Neil.” She pleaded and he nodded. 
“Are you wet enough? I don’t have a condom.” 
“I’m soaking wet, Neil. Don’t worry about the condom. It’s ok with me.” 
“Ok, ok.” He smiled and spat on his hand, rubbing the saliva over her folds. Then he did it again, smearing his spit on his own cock. She gasped loudly when he pushed his tip inside her. He grabbed her hips and tried to stop himself from rutting into her. 
“Fuck, go slow… you’re so big.” She whimpered and moaned as he slowly pushed further in. He gasped pitifully and resisted the urge to cum immediately like a schoolboy. 
“Jesus, you feel so good.” He panted and watched as his cock went further inside her. She clutched her uterus, trying to allow him to enter her. He whined as she did so and gave a few tiny thrusts. 
“Ah, ahh.” He moaned weakly and started to fuck her more regularly, feeling her walls begin to mold around him. “Oh fuck, its so good.” He pulled her hips against him with a harder thrust and she cried out softly, her hands sweating against the stone. As she became wetter, he slid in and out faster, hitting the bottom of her uterus each time. 
“Jesus, Neil!” She moaned and pushed herself against him, wanting him further inside. 
“I can’t go any farther, honey. You’re not big enough.” He whispered against her neck and continued to fuck her with the same primal sexuality as a dog in heat. She hummed to keep herself from screaming out. 
“Fuck yes, this is so good.” He praised her and went faster, his pale legs shaking with pleasure. He felt like he was losing his virginity all over again, needing to come already and they had just started. He pulled out and spun her around to kiss her, his hand holding her chin up to reciprocate his kiss. He switched places with him and pushed him onto the ground where he was sitting on the grass. She kicked off her jeans and underwear, still in her shoes and socks and straddled him. He whimpered as she lowered herself onto him and sat completely on him. She shifted her hips back and forth, wanting him to stay completely inside her. His back was against the stone. When she started to feel her orgasm approaching he started to move up and down, snapping on top of his cock in quick movements that made them both cry out.
“Mmmm, fuck…” Neil panted and looked up at her, studying how her head fell back and her neck arched out towards him. He looked down and watched how her cunt took him, so wet that precum dribbled down his cock onto his pubic hair. 
“Um, God, Neil, I’m gonna cum.” She panted and he smiled. 
“Come here,” he wrapped his arms around her and turned her around again, laying her flat on her back on the grass and thrusted into her again. She gasped and clutched a handful of grass above her head. She wrapped her thighs around his waist and he sat on his knees, pulling her up to meet him. He fucked her hard and fast, pounding his pelvis against hers. The muscles in his butt clenched as he fucked her desperately. She covered her mouth and cried out in pleasure. She squirted but he continued to fuck her, chasing his own high. 
“I’m so close.” He panted and ran his hand down her chin. She looked so beautiful below him, mouth still slightly agape in a pleasurable ‘O’ shape. “Fuck! Oh my God.” He cried and pulled out quickly so that he wouldn’t cum inside her. She rolled over and sucked him off, allowing him to fuck her throat weakly as he finally spilled him cum down her throat. She rolled her tongue around his cock and licked the tip as he pulled out, panting like he had just run a race. He collapsed beside her on the ground and laughed in disbelief. She laughed too, covering her face with her hands. 
“Fucking hell.” She laughed into her hands. “That was the best I ever had,” she admitted and he smiled proudly. 
“Honestly it was mine too, and my first time in a cemetery, I’ll admit.” 
“What, you’re saying to don’t fuck all your girlfriends here?” She teased and he shook his head, rolling it side to side on the ground. A pleasant silence settled between them as they caught their breath. She tried to ignore the fact that she mentioned girlfriends. Neil flopped his head to the side and watched her, her long eyelashes fluttering as she blinked. 
“Is that what you are now?” He asked.
“Am I what?”
“Are you my girlfriend now?” He clarified with a small smirk. 
“Is that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?” She laughed and looked away.
“No…” He rolled on top of her and kissed her all over her face, “this is my way of asking. Will… you… be… my… girlfriend?” He asked between feverish kisses. She giggled and propped herself up on her elbows, kissing him back. He slowed his kisses down and she pulled away with a happy sigh. 
“I guess so.” She said finally and he raised his shoulder to his ears, looking around in childish glee.
“Oh, come on!” She pushed him playfully away and stood. He helped her change back into her clothes and they fixed their clothing. She combed through Neil’s hair with her fingers and nodded her approval. Neil looked down at his watch and nodded. 
“The store opens in exactly seven hours, whatever will we do with our time?” He wrapped his arms around her, clamping her arms against her sides and kissing her neck. 
“I have an idea.” She smiled around his kisses.
“Take me home.” 
“What if you’re a serial killer?” He faked a sense of suspicion. 
“Then I guess we’ll just have to find out.” She teased and kissed him deeply, her index finger pressed against the hollow of his cheek.
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red-riding-wood · 8 months
I Want You to Want Me
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Pairing: Neil Lewis x F!Reader
Fandom: Watching the Detectives
Summary: Neil receives a frantic call and finds you outside of Gumshoe after a date night gone wrong. Secretly habouring feelings for you ever since the two of you met, he finds you oddly irresistable in your tears and torn fishnets.
Warnings: SMUT, mutual pining, dub-con touching, dryhumping, riding, foreplay, teasing, begging (m), masturbation (m), clothed sex (semi), Neil being a wet paper towel, so just Neil being Neil, pervy Neil, switch!Neil, slight dom but mostly sub!Neil because c'mon guys it's NEIL, slight dom!reader, body worship, public sex (technically?), premature ejaculation (sort of?), angst, some fluff? by my standards anyway lol so take that with a grain of salt -- this ended up being more wholesome than I thought it would be
Inspired by this cover of I Want You To Want Me (the reader's song) and Creep (Neil's song) by Radiohead.
Huge thanks to @your-nanas-house for getting me started with a prompt for this and cheering me on!
Totally nicked the "jock boyfriend" inspo from @cillianmesoftlyyy's fic here; go check that out if you want more spicy Neil content, because it was fantastic!
And thank you and also fuck you to @rysko for dramatically beta reading this in my ear WHILE I WAS TRYING TO MAKE THE HEADER
And now that I'm done thanking every fic writer on tumblr, my parents, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Birds, and Saturn and all of its rings, enjoy your filth!
WC: 4239
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He found you outside the back door of Gumshoe, huddled against the concrete step, the cool air of the spring night nipping at the wet tears that streaked your cheeks, the slight breeze stirring a shiver from one fretful limb to the next. The whites of your eyes burned red beneath the faint glow of the lanterns atop the neighbour’s picket fence. It wasn’t exactly the most incognito place to cry your eyes out, but you didn’t have a key to Neil’s store, and it was nearly three in the morning. 
“Hey, I got your call. What’s going on?” A familiar voice broke the pitiful sounds of your sobbing, and the tension of your shoulders eased if only slightly at the mere sound. 
You tried to answer past your sobs, but found that your words came only in hiccups, in broken fragments of your splintered heart, and it didn’t take long for him to sweep an arm around your shoulders, lowering himself to sit beside you on the cold step. Instinctively, you found yourself leaning into his touch, trembling against the warmth of his body. 
Neil was never really great at these sorts of things to begin with, but it certainly didn’t help that his attention was drawn to the low-cut top where a tear streaked down the groove of your breasts, to the fishnets that you’d torn on your way out the door of your boyfriend’s, to the short skirt that rode up just enough for him to catch a glimpse of the lace hem of your panties. 
He swallowed, his throat suddenly dry, and he tried to keep his eyes on the face you so desperately tried to hide with your trembling fingers, for you were ashamed of your unkempt appearance. You must’ve looked like a cheap whore – a mess of one, no less. You couldn’t tell what was more embarrassing: the way you were dressed, like you were begging for attention, or the way your emotions seized you so cruelly that you could scarcely breathe. 
“Hey.” His warm, careful touch landed on your wrist, and as you pulled your fingers from your lashes, they came away black with smudged mascara. “I’m here,” your friend said. “Tell me what happened.”
You could still only speak in hiccups and broken vowels.
“Shhh,” Neil soothed you, fingers running up and down your spine, sending tiny shivers through each nerve as the fabric of your shirt bunched and his skin brushed yours. “Shhh. I’m here.”
Resting your head on his shoulder, your hair spilled in sticky threads over the jacket that, judging by the slight musty scent that lingered in the weave of the corduroy, had probably missed one too many washes. But you didn’t care. You’d come to appreciate the little imperfections about him, the details of his scent that made Neil Neil. Like the waxy tinge that seemed to always cling to his fingers after a long shift of rolling back tapes. Like the silk cream and smoke of the vanilla candle you’d gifted him last week. Like the artificial scent of cheap shaving cream and the slightest hint of blood where he’d nicked himself with the razor. The musk of his sweat and skin, buried beneath all these little things that you’d come to know almost as intimately as your own.
But there was something else, something you couldn’t quite pinpoint. And its unfamiliarity unnerved you.
His other hand came to rest on your knee, hot as fire in the cold of night. He thumbed at the tear in your fishnets and looked at you with bright, concerned eyes, but he used this as an excuse to touch you.
“Did he hurt you?” Neil asked. His hand stayed on your knee. In a way, it felt comforting; it grounded you enough so that, finally, after lulled by the rise and fall of his shoulder and the unique blend of his scent, you could speak.
“Is that cologne?” You wrinkled your nose and drew back to look him in the eye, your tangled hair peeling reluctantly from his corduroy jacket.
A rose blush came upon Neil’s cheeks, and he smiled nervously. He’d been sure to spritz himself with a good helping of it before he left, despite his hurried state. He needed to impress you; ever since you’d started dating that jock from across the street, he’d been trying to find more ways to steal your attention back.
“Yeah, it’s new,” he said, a little flustered, in a way that made your stomach flutter. “I wanted to ask for your opinion on what I should get, but you – well…” His voice cracked a bit as a hint of sadness crept into his tone. “… you’ve been pretty busy lately.”
“It’s awful,” you told him, laughing slightly, and your words seemed to cheer him up; his lips tugged into that playful grin of his again, and a deep chuckle rumbled from his throat.
And then you both fell into silence, and he looked back to your knee, still thumbing the skin where the fabric had torn.
“You didn’t answer my question,” Neil said.
You swallowed, another lump forming in your throat, and when you looked at him, bottom lip in your teeth, reddened eyes pouting, rimmed by your messed mascara, his heart sped in his chest in both fear and arousal. The thought of James even touching you boiled his blood, made his skin crawl and tightened a noose round his neck, but seeing you like this, baring your soul to him with those tear-brimmed eyes and mournfully upturned brows, it made him want you even more.
If he’d been the one to take you out tonight, he would’ve brought you home to his bed, worshipped each inch of your hallowed skin and made love to you like you were the only woman in the world, splayed his fingers across your thighs and parted them like a sea, dropped to his knees and prayed with the hungered strokes of his tongue and lapped at your holy waters.
He’d started reading poetry lately. It had felt right; it was the only thing that seemed to express just how he felt about you. Echoed the words in private like they were gospel; chanted your name from desperate lips as he palmed himself each night – and morning – to your photographs, to the vanilla of the candle that reminded him so much of you, to the fantasy of your sweat-slicked thighs wrapped around his waist, your walls clenched around him as he bucked his hips against your weight and finally let himself go, spilling himself inside you and hearing you moan so sweetly for him from those heavenly lips, feeling his own cum dampen his stomach as you collapsed over him. He always knew you’d be so tight, that you’d fit so perfect around him.
But sitting here, staring at your shivering, impotent form in your torn fishnets and your skimpy attire, he could barely contain the urge to tear open your knees and fuck you against the concrete. It had been so long since he’d even been this close to you; James took up all of your time nowadays, and gone were the late movie nights and stolen games of basketball on the breaks he took so liberally.
He missed you. So much.
And you knew it. You knew it, deep in your chest where the remnants of your heart twisted, still hearing the words, “You’ve been pretty busy lately.”
You shook your head, choking out another sob as shame crept along your skin, and you shivered at its grotesque touch. “No, he didn’t hurt me… not – not in that way.”
You couldn’t look at him; his pearlescent blue eyes and his sun-kissed freckles and his boyish brown locks all fading into memory as you buried your face in his chest, inhaling once more the faint scent of his laundry detergent and the musk of him beneath the shirt that was flipped inside-out but still outlined the blatant logo of Back to the Future. Whether he hadn’t realised he’d put it on backwards or he’d been shy about it, you couldn’t be sure, but it lightened your heart all the same, your sobs turning to giggles.
Neil pulled you closer, his chin resting along the nape of your neck and his hand running up your thigh; you barely noticed how near his hand was to your panties as you tugged at his shirt, nails sinking past the fabric as if to keep him and never let him go.
You regretted all that time you’d spent with James, when you should have been spending it with him instead. Everything felt so much easier with him; your smiles were broader, your laughter more carefree.
But you wanted more – selfish and lovesick, you wanted more than what he already gave you. You needed more than his attention and his friendship.
You needed him to want you.
“I thought that…” You sniffled. “… I thought that James wanted me. I dressed up all… nice… fucking whorish… and I thought tonight was finally the night and that he would’ve… that he would’ve…”
The words twisted in your throat, and you squeezed your eyes shut. Two hours ago, when you did up your makeup and clothes for your date with James, you’d felt sexy. Powerful, even.
Now, you just felt worthless.
Neil nestled his nose in the crook of your neck, brushed the silk strands of your hair aside, breathed your scent in so deeply that for a moment, the butterflies came back to the pit of your stomach.
“I just want to be wanted,” you admitted, losing it, sobbing uncontrollably into the now-damp shirt that clung to his thin frame. “I just want to be desired. That was the only reason I was with him, Neil. The way he looked at me that day when he came into the store, I…”
With a bitter pang in his chest, Neil remembered that day. The way James had looked at you like you were a piece of meat. The way he’d asked you if had any recommendations on which sports film he should rent and Neil had practically wedged himself between the two of you and started chattering to James about every little piece of trivia he knew about Chariots of Fire and Rocky. How, despite his efforts, James had still gone home with your number as well as the tapes. How you’d come in the next morning with a hickey on your neck and Neil had just known that where James had paused one of the tapes was when your movie night was likely cut short by… things he’d rather not think about ever again.
It should’ve been his couch you’d been curled up on, should’ve been him watching the movie with you. His mark on your neck.
And he would’ve picked something a little more fitting for the mood, too. Something more like Casablanca or Sin City. It was as if James didn’t even have to try to get you drooling over him. What was so special about him, anyway?
I wish I was special, Neil thought.
Neil’s grip on you tightened at the memory, nails digging in to the flesh of your thigh in a way that stirred a little gasp from your lungs, huffing against his collarbone as you tilted your head up to look at him.
“Y/N.”  His breath caught in his throat, and he reluctantly pulled from your neck to look you in the eye, locks of messy hair falling across his forehead and his eyes half-lidded. His fingers ghosted up your thigh, and you blinked past the sharp mint of his mouthwash – it burned your eyes slightly, but you didn’t care. You were so close to him, your breaths became one, a few threads of his hair tickling your cheeks and his nose brushing yours.
“Neil,” you breathed, the slightest of smiles tugging at your lip as your heart thudded between your legs, dangerously close to his fingers. Warmth spread across each fevered limb, taking you somewhere past the cold concrete and bitter chill of the wind, somewhere away from the graffiti-painted alley and the reek of broken booze bottles. Somewhere safe, and warm, and thrilling all at once.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” Neil’s voice cracked around the words, a nervous laugh huffing against your fluttering lashes as his freckled cheeks darkened another shade of red. The hand that wasn’t between your legs played with a lock of your hair, twirling it in his finger but still supporting you beneath a quivering arm.
You couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t believe this was real.
He had to have been playing some sick joke, right?
But the whimper that fell from his lips was very real, as his nails dug into your flesh again and he tugged you closer, his hips arching upward against your outer thigh.
“You look more than nice. You’re so fucking hot in this skirt, in anything you wear. That asshole is fucking blind,” he breathed, fingers grazing your panties and landing over your hipbone, testing the waters more and more as he tried not to rock his growing arousal too obviously against you.
But you noticed. You noticed the way his cock hardened and twitched beneath your weight; you noticed how even despite his body trembling from his attempts to resist his primal urges, his hips still gave little bucks upward, seeking friction. Seeking the heat that flared between your thighs, that ached for him so desperately that it was all you could do not to return the favour.
He couldn’t take it anymore. Staring into those gorgeous, bright eyes. Looking up at him with anything but innocence. So he scooped both hands around your ass, squeezing the flesh and lace and tugging you properly onto his lap with an alluring squeal tearing from your full lips.
“I want you, Y/N.” His hot breath pooled at your collarbone as he trailed wet, sloppy kisses along your jaw, your neck, and your lips parted in another gasp, back arching and thighs clenching around his waist as you ground wet panties against the bulge in his trousers.
“I fucking need you,” he whined, nipping like a needy puppy at the delicate skin of your neck. “Always have.” Another kiss. “Ever since I first saw you. Long before James.” A possessive growl stirred from his throat at that, the flare of dominance sending a jolt through your core.
“Neil, I – oh my God.” A moan broke your words as his fingers moved up your spine and his teeth grazed your collarbone, hovering over your pulse point.
“Fuck, baby. Say that again. Just like that.” His fingers began rolling your shirt up over the lip of your breasts, the sight enough to make him whine again in need. He couldn’t help himself from groping you, squeezing your breasts and rolling one nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Bending his neck to trail more sloppy kisses down your torso, they were his next destination.
“Oh my – Neil. Neil, I – “ You had so much to tell him, so much you needed off your chest, but his hips bucked sharply against you at the sound of his name moaned so beautifully, a low groan in his throat and his cock digging slightly inside your heat, the fabric of your panties scraping almost painfully against your walls.
“Please, Y/N, please don’t make me stop. Please let me keep touching you like this. I wanna worship you.” His hot breath shattered against a pert nipple. “Wanna fucking prove to you how much I want you.”
For a few moments, you were rendered speechless, mind whirring like the wheels on a VHS. Everything was happening so fast, and the warmth of his touch was seeping into you like honey, inundating you in a sort of comforting flame.
He could almost smell the vanilla of the candle wick burning.
You left nail marks down his chest where you clawed at the collar of his shirt, but he didn’t care. He sucked a nipple past his teeth and moaned around the taste of you, the sound so filthy that your eyes nearly rolled back in your skull as your parted lips tipped to the heavens. His name outlined by their perfect shape.
Reality came crashing down around you as you jumped, another squeal leaving your tongue as his teeth bit at your nipple and pain shot along your nerve endings.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed, chest heaving, looking up at you with reverent eyes. “I didn’t mean to, I – “
You cupped his chin in your palm and shook your head. “No, Neil. I’m sorry.” A tear streaked down your cheek, beaded on your jawline. “I’m so, so sorry.” You were beginning to sob again, and his brow furrowed in concern, thumb beginning to trace small circles along your spine. “I’m sorry I abandoned you for James, I didn’t… I shouldn’t have. I didn’t know you felt this way, I – I’m so sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for,” he told you, his words sinking into your skin like a warm tide. With one hand, he brushed the tear from your jaw and wove his fingers into your hair, pulling you closer. “Just let me keep touching you. Please.”
When you didn’t respond for a moment, caught up in the way his blue eyes seemed to hollow with a certain hunger, the way his chest rose and fell beneath the bare flesh of your stomach, he uttered that word again:
You smiled, elated and giddy with joy, blood pounding with arousal, and kissed him, threading your own fingers into the fluffy locks of his hair.
Another tear streaked across your lips as they met his, and you tasted like salt and vanilla, slightly waxy from your chap-stick but the sweetest thing he’d tasted nonetheless. At first, he was embarrassed by the noises he made, the way he’d accidentally called you “baby” because he’d always wanted to do so, but he melted beneath you like butter. Nothing mattered anymore except the fact that you were finally his, that you were in his arms and grinding against his cock.
Neil broke the kiss to pull your shirt over your head, tossing it aside somewhere on the concrete – he would buy you a new one. His hands flattened against your back and pulled you flush to his chest, taking any excuse he could to hear that little squeal you made each time.
“Please, baby, please let me be inside you,” he whined, biting his lip as he stared up at you with those powder-blue eyes. Nails dug into your skin. Hips bucked against yours.
Your heart soared with his words, his worship, his want; you’d never been this ecstatic in your whole life. Part of you wanted to keep teasing him, make him beg, while another part of you ached to feel him buried to the hilt inside you.
“Patience, Neil,” you giggled, as you undid his trousers. You worked them down to his knees and your eyes widened as your hand brushed his cock, bare and springing flush against his stomach. You hadn’t expected him to not wear boxers.
Neil smiled sheepishly up at you, eyes still lidded, mouth still panting out a fevered breath. “I was in a rush getting dressed. I…” His cheeks reddened, and there was something so cute about how pathetic he looked in that moment. “You wanna know how much I want you, Y/N? I was touching myself thinking of you when you called.”
Creep, some voice in the back of his head hissed.
You bit your lip to suppress a moan, trying to ward off thoughts of Neil stroking himself to you, finishing to the thought of you. Oh, how you wished you could have witnessed the sight.
“Did you come?” you asked, a devious grin pulling at your lips as you took him in your hand, massaging a bead of pre-cum into his sensitive flesh.
His eyes fluttered, and he shook his head, his words coming out as a breathy whine,
“No, I promise. I didn’t come. Not yet.”
“Will you?” You dipped your head to let your words tickle his neck, your grip on him tightening.
“Yes,” he moaned. “Yes, yes, oh God, I will. Fuck, baby. Fuck, gonna come if you don’t stop that, need to come inside you, please, please…”
His mutterings trailed off into a low hiss of a whine, and your movements stilled, dragging him to his peak and letting him teeter at the edge as you both caught your breaths, chest heaving and a cold chill racing down your sweat-slicked back, thighs trembling around him.
“You sure you can handle this?” you purred against his ear before pulling back once more to witness the shivering mess you’d made him, priding yourself in your accomplishment. Lining his cock up with your entrance, the fabric of your panties scraped his tip teasingly as you slotted them to the side.
Neil looked up at you like you were some kind of goddess, his breathing coming laboured, his throat stripped of words. The dazed, blissful look he gave you was all the answer you needed. But you wanted to reap him of every last praise he had.
“Use your words, Neil,” you giggled, smirking.
“Ah…” His lips parted, near soundless. You watched intently as they formed the word “Please”.
You almost felt bad for him.
But it wasn’t pity that brought your hips down around him, slowly, teasingly, savouring the stretch of him against your walls and the fullness in your belly, but rather, your own need.
Neil’s head rolled back against the brick wall, blood welling at his lip where he bit it to keep himself from toppling over his peak; he nearly did it to himself when he bucked his hips upward, burying himself inside you, making you whimper at the pain that blended so sordidly with the pleasure. Your fingers tugged at his hair, and your nails grazed his scalp, and every little sensation sent him into overdrive. He used these little things to ground himself, as you had his tangled scents; he focused on how smooth your stomach felt against his own, his shirt hiking up so that you were skin to skin; he focused on the noises you made, huffing and whimpering, as you began to ride him; he focused on the softness of the breast that he cupped in his hand. Tried not to think about how you felt better than he’d imagined, how you clenched so tightly around his cock that he was almost pushed out each time you elevated your hips, but were so wet for him that he slid back inside so seamlessly each time.
“Neil,” you moaned as you fucked yourself on his cock, breast bouncing beneath his thumb, skirt fluttering around the bareness of his thighs. “Neil, fuck. Fuck.”
“Baby, I’m s—sorry. I’m gonna…”
You yelped again as pain shot deep inside your core, his hips bucking against yours with a violence you hadn’t known sweet Neil from the VHS store to possess, bottoming out inside you as his nails dug into the now-abused skin of your back and pulling you close, so close you were panting over his shoulder and his breath shattered against your ear. The hand that had been cupping your breast shot up to cradle your head, petting your hair.
He held you to him so tight, you didn’t think he’d ever let go. And you couldn’t have been happier.
Warmth spilled around his cock, sticky against your thighs, painting your insides white. You shuddered around him, balling his hair into a fist and digging your own, sharper nails, against his back.
“I didn’t mean it to be over so fast,” he mumbled into your neck. “I just… you’re so… fuck, I’ve been waiting for this for so long.”
“So have I,” you breathed. You practically hugged each other, shivering in the night air but content in each other’s warmth. “Don’t worry.” Pulling away slightly, you smiled down at him, cheeks flushing bright red. “If anything, it… it’s endearing.”
“Really?” he chuffed out a laugh.
“It…” you looked down, unable to meet that crystalline gaze. “It makes me feel wanted.” You pecked a quick kiss to his jaw, and could’ve sworn you saw love in his eyes when you pulled away.
“God, you’re perfect.” His voice broke again as his lips sought yours, and his breath hitched in his chest when the action caused you to rock your hips forward, a new sensation he’d never felt before buzzing along his skin. His mouth hung open and you laid kisses to his lips, his jaw, the Adam’s apple that bobbed along his throat. He felt his cock stiffen again inside you, already eager for Round Two.
“I should take you home,” he murmured, hands running up and down your sides. “You must be so cold.” As if just realising that he still had his jacket on, Neil shrugged it off in haste and wrapped the heavy material around your shoulders. A chill ran down your spine, as the material was damp with sweat – you smiled at how predictably forgettable he was when he had a woman on his lap, just as you’d imagined –, but his scent soothed you.
Though you were cold, it was a small sacrifice to make to stay here, with him buried so deep inside you that you felt dizzy in the head. Depleted of your energy and sinking into his warmth, you smirked, and rested your chin on his shoulder.
“I was thinking of just staying like this a while,” you admitted.
“Whatever makes you happy,” he breathed, hugging you even tighter. “Whatever you want.”
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A.N. Sorry if this was a bit rough, guys. I smashed this one out the other day because I was tired of my writer's block.
I actually laid into some themes that I was planning on using for a Dark!Neil fic based on the song "Creep" which I don't know when I'll get around to writing, but let me know if you guys would like to hear more about the idea for the series or are interested.
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pinguwrites · 10 months
Dark!Neil refusing to pull out when the reader needs him to due to not being on birth control.
"no please stop, we can't! . . . hehehhehHAHHHAHA "
Drabble: dark!neil refuses to pull out
pairing | dark!neil lewis x girlfriend!reader
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Warnings: non-con, smut, dark!neil, forced breeding kink, sexism, implied reader co-owns gumshoe video with neil, PROCEED WITH CAUTION, DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE
Disclaimer: Watching The Detectives characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
A/N: you have @mrkdvidal1989 to thank for this, I took a break from another fic to get this out real quick so I could give you guys some fuel 😘. Writing about neil also reminds me of a dream I recently had where Neil spit in my mouth on a beach sooo yeah
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"Fuck, Neil!"
You weren't sure what had gotten into your boyfriend today. Since morning he had been uncharacteristically handsy and needy — not that he wasn't a little pervert most days — only that it was becoming so public and obvious that you had to swat Neil's hand away and give him a warning glare just so he would quit warding of the customers, multiple times since you both arrived at Gumshoe Video.
"I had a dream," he had murmured, wrapping you up in his arms, only for his hands to slide up underneath your skirt and feel the curve of your ass, to which you had snapped at him before frantically looking around the store to see if anyone saw.
"Well," you said in response, "you can tell me about it later — Friday's are one of our busiest times!"
Neil had backed away after that, but you could still feel the longing glances he sent over to you. You almost felt bad, though you knew you had to be professional at work. Besides, you relished in the idea of teasing him.
The moment you two had stepped foot inside your shared apartment he had pinned you against the wall and attacked your lips. He carried you to your bedroom, shoved you down on the mattress, grabbed some lube, and started thrusting like mad dog.
"P-please, slow down," you whimpered, the bed shaking so hard the creaks could be heard through the halls. His cock slid in and out of you at a pace Neil never used before, filling up your walls ungracefully, like you weren't his girlfriend, but a hole.
"Can't," he moaned, burying his face in your breasts. "Can't help myself when I'm around you. Just need you so bad . . . You know that dream I was telling you about?"
"Neil — just a break — "
Neil groaned, his hot breath on your neck. "I know women aren't that smart, but c'mon, it was only this afternoon."
Neil could be sexist sometimes. Your family and friends told you to avoid men like that, which was the specific reason you avoided telling them about your boyfriend's often slips. It was just — you loved Neil. You really loved him. There wasn't much else about the topic to discuss, or at least anything you wanted to admit about how problematic it really was.
"I remember," you said, breathless. "Is this what it was about? Fucking me till I pass out?"
"I bred you."
You froze, though your body was still moving due to Neil's deathly grip and the way he was shoving into you so desperately.
"N-no," you protested. "You can't now, I'm not on birth control. I don't have anymore, I ran out, the store's closed — "
" — It's not just that," Neil hissed, interrupting you. "I want a child."
This was bound to happen soon. You and Neil were well on your way to marriage, but not now, not like this. Not when you knew that you both weren't ready to raise a kid.
"You're just saying that because of the dream." You placed your hands against his chest, halfheartedly pushing him off. You didn't want this to be a struggle. You were hoping that he would understand the message and pull out, but he didn't.
Neil shook his head.
"Yes," you insisted, then you got scared. You didn't want to be the woman who only married her man because she got knocked up. What if Neil and you broke up after this? That would be even worse! These few moments of pleasure weren’t worth all the headache in the future.
Neil took your hands and pinned them above your head, pushing them into the soft, cold pillow.
"You do what I say, understand?" Neil said sternly, looking right into your eyes. "Be a good girlfriend and let me give you a child."
"No," you cried out, turning your head, your fear increasing by the second.
Neil used his free hand to grab your chin and forced you to look at him. He had never been this forceful, this violent before.
"Stop being so goddamn stubborn," he spat. "You're gonna have my child wether you like it or not."
He wiped away your tears and buried his head his head back in your breasts, muttering, "Stupid bitch."
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@henrywintersdearestgirl @shroombloom-rry @meetmeatyourworst @nela-cutie @madnessandobsession @slut4thebroken @qqquartz7 @mrkdvidal1989
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goosedoes-fics · 1 year
Spiderman Noir x Reader
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Content warnings: alcohol mention, no use of y/n, first person (reader pov)
Notes: if you look closely you can see the exact moment that I lost all inspiration to actually finish this oneshot!! anyways yea I was gonna have it from Noir's POV but it would be harder for the reader to be gender neutral if that was the case
The young shamus' office was colder than a summer night in Antarctica. A single light dangled overhead, dimly illuminating the room just enough that the corners were pitch black, but everything else was a bit visible. I had heard tales of the hard-boiled gumshoe, the only private eye in New York to wear a mask. It was pretty dang smart, really. Protecting his identity and all that jazz.
His feet were propped up on his desk, clad in worn leather boots that seemed to have dirt caked in from his many adventures. His fedora covered where his eyes would have been, had he not been wearing a mask that already concealed them.
I took notice of the bottle of moonshine on his desk, picking it up and inspecting the label. "Bit ironic for a detective to be drinkin' hooch, ain't it?"
For a moment, I thought he wouldn't respond, as he didn't look up nor tilt up his hat, but he leaned forward slightly as he addressed me. "Don't blow your wig, pal. You can't convince me ya haven't stepped into a speakeasy a few times."
His retort earned a quiet laugh out of me as I placed the bottle back in its original spot.
The private investigator finally took his feet off the desk and looked up at me. I could only imagine his piercing gray eyes inspecting me. The thought somehow got me flustered, subtle heat rising to my cheeks.
"You got somethin' to say, or are you just gonna stand there gawkin'?" He eventually asked, snapping me out of my stupor.
He reached into a drawer on his desk and took out a cigar, lighting it and putting it up to the fabric of his mask where his mouth would be. "Usually people come in here for me to solve a mystery."
"Oh!" I laughed nervously. Had I been staring at him? Idiot. "Right. Yeah."
Reaching into my back pocket, I retrieved a small photograph, sliding it across the table like an 8 ball in a game of pool.
"My grandma." I tapped the photo. "Y'see the necklace? It's been in my family for decades. And today, it wasn't in the safe."
The detective's interest seemed piqued, at least from what little I could deduce from his body language. "Touched it lately?"
"Not since two months ago. It's only for VERY special occasions." I shrugged, taking a glance at the nameplate on his desk. "Mr. Noir... can you find it?"
The silence was thicker than 5 year old expired eggnog. Golly, how I wished I knew what he was thinking. The only thing I could decipher was a bit of curiosity from the slight tilt of his head.
I hadn't even realized I was holding my breath until I started getting dizzy.
Eventually, he spoke up. "The question ain't can I, toots. It's will I. And the answer is yes."
A small smile spread across my lips as he stood up, handing me back the photograph with a slight tilt of his head.
"Thank you, sir."
The apartment I lived in was quite small, and hardly luxurious. Despite our family heirloom being one of such high worth, we weren't a wealthy family. But I managed to get by. Even if it wasn't large, it was cozy.
"This is your place?" His body language betrayed no thoughts. It was really quite frustrating how little I could infer from him, with only his voice and movements to determine what he was feeling.
"...it's not much," I admitted carefully, "But I do like it."
"And you never thought to sell the necklace?"
"No, sir. It's too important to our family."
Noir hummed softly, inspecting the safe when I pointed it out. He dragged a gloved finger over the surface, a thin layer of dust now coating his fingertip like ash from a fireplace. The motion somehow made me nervous, as if he was convincing me I had something to hide.
Noir looked up at me after a moment's pause. "...Listen, if you can't pay, I can-"
"No." I cut him off. "I can pay. I wouldn't have hired you if I didn't set aside some money."
The vigilante didn't respond. He merely turned back to the safe, closing the door of it before standing up straight again. He looked down at me, and I could practically feel his eyes burning into me.
"...I can't take your money, darlin'."
Frustration boiled inside of me as I took a step forward. "Yes you can. I don't need pity, detective."
A small sigh could be heard through the fabric of Noir's mask. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep myself from having an outburst.
In a swift, almost imperceptible movement, Noir took one of my hands in both of his. The investigator's huge gloved hands dwarfed my own. "You don't understand. I know what happened with yer necklace, I can't ask you to pay me for such a quick job."
It was hard for me to choke out any words. "But-"
"No buts."
"I have to pay you. This is your job," I protested.
Noir was quiet for a moment before cupping my face in his hands. I was aware of heat rising to my cheeks. If he noticed how flustered he was making me, he didn't say anything. "You really wanna pay? I'm not gonna bump gums with you about this."
I nodded stubbornly. Perhaps I didn't quite understand the implications of his words, because after lifting up his mask just above his nose, he kissed me square on the lips.
The light pink on my cheeks doubled, turning my face red as I slowly began kissing back. My mind clouded, halting any racing thoughts and focusing only on the gentleness of his lips.
When he finally pulled away, it felt too soon. I couldn't squeak out any words as he took a step back from me, tilting his hat by the brim with a small nod.
My mind was still in a bit of a daze when he started to leave. "By the way, darlin'." I looked up at him as he spoke to me. "Check the coffee table."
And sure enough, there was the necklace, hidden from view next to a stack of magazines.
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sstar-ggirl · 1 year
The Charming Man| Neil Lewis x gn!Reader
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Mars rants about things: LITERALLY LOVE HIM SO MUCH and he’s literally The Smiths coded idc what you mfs gotta say. And his favorite Smiths song is ‘Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now’ because yeah i said so. But in this fic he shades Y/N so much for listening to The Smiths bc he’s a little asshole and I love him.
Warnings: Cursing, Neil being a hater but its playful banter bc him and Y/N are childhood friends, they are in an established relationship of course, eww holding hands, EWWWW KISSING, y/n threatens Neil once but its playful banter and they are joking, pet names both cute and cringey to annoy Neil, they dance in the end bc why not :D! Neil loves the smiths but doesn’t want to admit it.
Word count:798 words
An average boring day in Gumshoe Video and there you stood organizing the tapes and sorting out what needed to be specifically on display for inviting customers, and also because there was an upcoming event for specifically dark detective movies, and he wanted to be prepared beforehand. Your head bobbed along to the song playing in the speakers, slightly swaying your hips to the song. “What she asked of me at the end of the day, Caligula would have blushed.” You were singing along to the song and then low and behold your boyfriend Neil walks in from his office “ Y’know babe I don’t know why you listen to this boring crap; studies show that music will slowly rot your brain as time goes by.” You chuckle in response to this “Neil my love, Shut up. And what study even says that? And so be honest with me Neil, you like The Smiths, and may I add, I caught you nodding along to the song literally 3 days ago.” He looked so shocked and offended at that statement, it was like you told him his movies and store suck. “I do not?? You listen to them so much it gets irritating sometimes and it’s completely normal for a human being to nod along to the sound of music even if they hate it.”  You couldn’t contain yourself now. His face was red as an apple as you continued “Also this is why you love me! I’m not going to ruin your chances of the universe punishing you with eternity because you like a music group that started in England way back in the 80’s.” You jabbed him in the arm playfully. “And this is why I love you Neil, your stupid ass always seems to have a smart-ass opinion on everything I do because Mr. Neil Lewis has to be the king of the world and cinema!” And you both cracked up at the fact that you're actually right about that.
“Can I join you?” He was teasing you now and was walking towards you and placed a hand on the shelf you were organizing. You hand him a tape and continue. Then he says out of nowhere, playing with the tape in his hands instead of helping. "I love it when you’re this opinionated and you think there's nothing bad about you because you're always the leader of everything and you have to get the red crayon.” “Yeah, yeah whatever Neil, continue talking about kindergarten Neil and watch when I clock you again in your fucking nose. On the same spot too!” After that was said, he walked away to sit at the counter and his gaze stood on you. You were humming along to the song and then once you finished you dusted your hands off and walked towards Neil and held his hands swinging them side to side sort of dancing. “What are you even doing Y/N…” “Shh shut up and dance with me.” He tried to pull away, but you immediately wrapped your arms around his waist. “No, I don’t-” You cut him off with a kiss to his cheek “Come on please Neil for me, please cupcake” “No Y/N. I refuse.” “Please sweet cheeks.” You had to contain yourself from laughing as he cringed at the name you gave him “What is wrong with you Y/N?” “Come on princess, I’ll cook dinner tonight and we can watch any movie you want even the most unfathomable movies to exist.” He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Fine because that offer sounds too irresistible.” You clapped and dragged him away from the counter for more space, wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his chest, He rested his arms around your hips and laid his head on top of yours swaying both of you, Neil softly started humming the song ‘The Charming Man’ by The Smiths and your jaw dropped, “So you DO like The Smiths after all!” you looked up at him and he shushed you and put your head back to its previous position, “Shh sweetheart, I was joking with you the whole time, I like some of their songs.” Your eyes rolled at that, but you couldn’t help but blush and feel content with how you two were right now.
Moving your arms to his waist and hugging him tighter you sighed “I love you, Neil Lewis. I love you so much baby.” He moved his head and gave you a kiss and you melted into and eventually pulled away for air. “I love you too Y/N L/N, you're all I need to keep me alive.” And then the moment of passion and cuteness was ruined by a customer walking in. ‘Always at the wrong moments huh?'
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Drunken Words Reveal Sober Thoughts (Phoenix Wright x Reader)
YAY my first Phoenix fic. I’ve been in love with him for a while this should’ve happened a lot sooner.
You should’ve drunk more that night.
Some friends of yours from the detective squad decided to go to a bar, and invited you with them. You had work the next day, but decided to go anyway and keep the drinking light. But that was the problem: while you were trying to avoid a hangover tomorrow, everyone else was drinking the night away.
As you try to find someone to talk to, you pass by many of the invitees. Detective Gumshoe was teetering back and forth, telling some tall tale to Maggey, Officer Marshall was making some dubious threats to someone you didn’t recognize, and Prosecutor Edgeworth… was… was he drinking tea? There wasn’t a hint of flush on his face. Although you were initially relieved to finally find someone to talk to, you weren’t drunk enough to forget that doing that was a bad idea.
Just as you were about to look on the other side, someone else catches your eye: Phoenix Wright. The two of you had talked before, mostly exchanging information about a trial you were both working on, but it was hardly enough to even call the two of you work acquaintances. Still, it didn’t stop you from falling head over heels for him, much to your dismay.
Wright was talking to a man you could’ve sworn you’d seen before, but had no clue where. The other man didn’t matter all that much, anyway. You couldn’t help but be drawn in by Wright’s drunken complexion. His hazy eyes seemed to glimmer from the neon lights around the bar, and the blush on his cheeks complimented his face perfectly.
You snapped yourself out of it. You were being creepy, staring at some guy you hardly knew! What if he caught you? How would your work relationship suffer? Plus, he was drunk! People shouldn’t be cuter than usual when they’re drunk!
Sighing, you decide to go outside for some fresh air. You were in no position to be anywhere near Wright at the moment, as you could let your feelings be known without even meaning to. You knew that bottling them up like this was bad in the long run, but it would be worse if every single case you were both working on was awkward.
God, what am I supposed to do?
A familiar voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You turned your head to see Wright staring right at you, mouth agape. In his hand was a bottle of beer, but it was quickly dropped and forgotten about.
Was this it? Was Wright about to confess? Would you finally get to be free of the heartache you felt every time you see him? Would you and Phoenix finally enter a relationship?
“You look exactly like this detective I work with! That’s crazy!”
“Really?” You ask, feeling too awkward to reveal your true identity to him.
“Well, I say that I work with them, but it’s really more…”
You stopped listening once Wright started explaining your work relationship, losing yourself in your own thoughts again. It seemed that he was the forgetful type when drunk, and painfully unaware. Of course. Why would you think that he was going to tell you that he liked you? Why would he feel that way about you? You barely know each-
“I mean, I’d love to be closer than we are right now, though. After all, I have a huge crush on them.”
Did Wright just say he had a crush on you? Just like that? To a supposed stranger?
“Oh?” you asked, trying so hard to hide your excitement.
“Yeah, huuuuuge crush. Like this big.” Wright stretched his arms out as far as he could, and almost slapped you in the face. “I mean, I’m head over heels for this one.”
And now, Phoenix was describing everything about you as if you were a Greek sculpture. Every single word he spoke had love poured into it as he went into detail about what he liked about you. He wasn’t great with his words as drunk as he was, but you didn’t care.
“You know, sometimes I look at their lips and I wonder what they’d feel like against mine,” Phoenix said. The way his gaze was suddenly fixated in the distance meant he was probably zoned out, thinking about it right now.
You decided to shoot your shot.
“Well, what if you kissed me?” you asked. “I look exactly like this person, right? My lips would probably feel the same as theirs.”
Phoenix shook his head. “No, sorry. I want to save it for them, once I finally tell them.”
Although the irony of that statement wasn’t lost on you, you were more focused on the loyalty of it. Phoenix, a man you weren’t dating yet, was saving his kiss for you. And here you were, pretending to be someone else, trying to steal it prematurely while he was drunk.
Oh, god. Wright was drunk. You were drunk. You just asked if Wright wanted to kiss you. You were both drunk. You had work in the morning. You had a healthy work relationship with Wright. You tried to kiss him.
“I think I should head home,” you suddenly spoke out, almost involuntarily. “It was nice to meet you. Goodbye.”
“See ya,” was all he said as you hailed a taxi to be driven home.
You were glad you didn’t drink more that night.
It was a bright, sunny day, and although you had a small headache, some pain medication would fix your issue right away. You were walking down to the precinct to clock in for work, but you decided to make a detour first. Gumshoe said it was right next to that hotel, right?
Eventually, you found the building you were looking for, and then the office inside of there. You took a deep breath, then knocked on the door. As it opened, you were greeted with… a girl. She had straight, black hair, partially tied up in a bun, and a purple robe. This wasn’t who you were expecting.
“Welcome to Wright and Co.,” the girl said. At least you were at the right place. “Sorry, Nick’s a little tied up right now. He said he probably got food poisoning from the restaurant he went to last night, and so he’s been in and out of the bathroom.”
Restaurant. Food poisoning. Right.
If this girl didn’t know why Wright was really in the bathroom, then this is a conversation you needed to have out of her earshot. “That’s okay,” you said. “Is it alright if I wait for him in the other room?”
“Sure!” the girl said. You went into the next room, closing the door behind you.
It wasn’t too long before Wright came to talk, but as soon as he opened the door and saw you, his face went pale. He remembered.
“Look, about what happened last night, I’m-”
As Wright was rambling, you suddenly stood up. You didn’t really mean to, nor did you mean to walk up to him and grab his necktie, pulling him into a kiss. It ended as quickly and abruptly as it began, though, as you quickly pulled away and sat back down.
“I’ve had a crush on you for a while, actually,” you said, quieter than usual. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you who I was last night, but once you started talking about me, I just wanted to keep listening to you talk about me. If I’m honest, that was the most I’ve really felt loved recently.” You finally looked back up at Phoenix, who was giving you a thousand-yard stare, hands hovering over his lips.
The realization kicked in.
“Oh, my god,” you whispered. “I kissed you. I… oh my god. I’m so sorry! I… that… I’m… it wasn’t… that wasn’t professional! I’m so, so sorry! I just got so caught up in my emotions, I didn’t even…”
As you were rambling, you were suddenly cut off by Phoenix’s lips against yours. This kiss, however, lasted a bit longer, and the pull-away was softer than before.
“Don’t worry,” Phoenix told you, his voice softer than before. “I won’t press charges or anything.” He let out a small laugh. The way he laughed at his own jokes made you involuntarily speak again.
“Dinner tonight?”
Phoenix seemed just as stunned as you were that you asked so bluntly. “Uh… yeah, sure! Anywhere specific you wanna go?”
“What if we walked around… holding hands… and we decided then?”
As soon as you said that out loud, you cringed. What were you, a grade-schooler? Phoenix didn’t seem to mind, though, as he said, “Yeah, that sounds like a plan,” through stifled laughter.
“You’re laughing at me!” you cried out, laughing yourself.
“Sorry!” Phoenix released the laugh he was holding. “It was just unexpected!”
As the two of you calmed down, you stood up again. “Should I meet you here after I’m done with work?” you asked.
Phoenix nodded. “I’ll be waiting!”
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effiefics · 2 months
Summary: She's the daughter of the founder of Media Giant. An up and coming video store company that has taken out several small video stores. Only one still stands and it just happens to be owned by the man she has a major crush on.
Chapter Summary: After finally meeting Neil, Y/N is excited to see how the showing goes and gets to know the Gumshoe crew a little better.
Warnings: Smut (future chapters), age gap (reader is 21 and neil is like late 20s to early 30s), cursing.
Word Count: 1.1k
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That night, she looked herself over in her full length mirror. She was dressed in a flowy white blouse and tight dark denim jeans with her favorite heeled boots. The jeans accentuated her curves and helped make her thighs look a little smaller than normal, the perfect look to be flirty yet demure. She ignores the pudge of stomach as she looks around for accessories.
Looking down to the gold watch on her wrist, she curses to herself before grabbing her purse and black tweed jacket. Quickly running down the stairs, she slides on her jacket before heading to the door. “Wait a minute! Get back here!” Her dad says loudly from the living room, sighing to herself she walks back to the living room, her eyes immediately finding the large Media Giant poster on the main wall.
“Where are you going all dressed up?” he asks, noticing her outfit. “My friends and I are going to get some food then go to a showing. One of their boyfriend’s just finished making something.” She lied easily, used to havig to do this all through high school.
“Okay, just be home before sunrise.” She nods and quickly leaves the house. Choosing to walk to the video store, she makes quick steps to get there before too many people show up. It doesn’t take her too long as the store isn’t too far from her house, looking inside the store there is a small amount of people so far.
Pushing the door open, she smiles at the people who turn when the bell rings. “Ah, Y/N! You came.” Neil says, kind of shocked she actually came. “Yeah, I’m a woman of my word.” She says, smiling up at him. “Oh, I want to introduce you to my employees and best buds. Jonathan and Lucien.” He says, gesturing to the two men she saw when she first entered the store earlier.
She waves before turning back to Neil, “So, do you expect a lot of people here tonight?” She asks, playing with her fingers. “I think it’ll be the usual people that come in here. Maybe some curious folks but nothing too crazy.” She nods and looks around. “Oh, would you like something to drink?” He asks and she nods following him to get a drink.
The store slowly started to fill with people as it got closer to eight but it definitely wasn’t full. Everyone was able to fit comfortably around the TV area when it hit eight. The TV starts to play a black and white video which makes everyone cheer, it reminds her of the old detective films she used to watch with her grandparents when she was younger.
The commercial is definitely for a certain kind of audience with it’s noir style aesthetic and script. Neil’s old timey detective accent makes her giggle as the camera pulls back to show the store lighting up and he gives a big smile to the camera. The room cheers as it ends and he walks to the TV mimicking what he did at the end with a big thumbs up, smile, and wink. “Wow, this is amazing. Um, I don’t really know where to begin.” He breathes heavily as his voice starts to shake. “I told myself I wouldn’t cry.” He says and everyone laughs at his acting.
He starts to say a speech when a Media Giant commercial starts to play. The room starts to boo and throw popcore at the screen which makes her shrink into herself. “Guys, can someone…” Neil makes a cut motion towards Jonathan who quickly turns the TV off as the company name is said.
“It's okay. I know I can't compete with these big guys, but as long as I have you guys...my small and loyal following of geeks and weirdoes, I know I'll be alright. Everyone, have some more beer! Oh, and stick around, because later on…we are gonna have a special midnight screening of a 1949 classic She-Gorilla.” Neil says, the little speech making her smile even though she does feel conflicted because of how much of her life is engrained in Media Giant.
The night goes well, Y/N gets to meet a lot of people in the store and drinks plenty, enjoying being able to be around like minded people for a while. 
“Y/N/ Y/N!” Neil says, catching her attention. He motions her over which she follows immediately. She leans against the counter as Jonathan makes some drinks, she found out he was a bartender at a place not too far from here. “How was that, guys? You're not supposed to show ads for two different video stores...during the same commercial break, alright?” Neil says sadly.
“Who cares? When is the show again?” Jonathan asks, sipping on his beer. “Oh my god, 3:12 a.m.” Neil says but she zones out as she watches Neil’s lips move as he drinks his drink. She blinks quickly when Jonathan walks away, leaving the two alone.
“What did you think, honestly.” He asks, knowing he might get the most honest answer from the woman he met only a couple of hours ago. “I thought it was cool. The concept was nice and definitely will stick out. I’m also guessing that girl in the commercial was your girlfriend.” She says, trying to get more information on the girlfriend situation.
“Yeah, that’s Denise. She didn’t show up tonight, I think. She thinks this whole thing is a little stupid.” He admits, the alcohol making him more open than normal. “Ew, that’s not good. I understand being skeptical but to think this is stupid is not a good thing girlfriend wise. You’re supposed to support your partner, and even if you don’t like the idea then be nice about it.”
He nods, “Yeah, that’s what I thought. I don’t think I’m gonna be with her much longer anyway. We don’t have a lot in common.” He says and she nods. An empathetic look on her face as she tries to hide her giddiness.
The two talk for a moment longer before he walks away to continue to mingle. She smiles to herself before also going to find more people to talk to.
The rest of the night is fun with the screening going well before people start to leave, Y/N included until Neil stops her. “Hey, um, I was wondering. Could I get your number, just incase I need help here at the store or something?” He asks, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
“Yeah, I don’t mind at all.” She gives him her number before looking at him with a bright smile. “Have a good night, Neil.” She gets on her tiptoes and kisses his cheek before walking away, a sway in her step as she feels his eyes on her.
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perplexedflower · 24 days
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Fandom: Ace Attorney.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Dick Gumshoe x Female Reader.
Type: One shot.
Words: 7,352.
Summary: [Y/N] offers to spend an evening out with Dick in the bar right down her street. But while it starts as a means for the two to unwind and relax, it becomes clear - through liquor, chatter, and cheers - that real feelings are at play.
Chronology: Any game.
She hurried down the street, her heels echoing on the sidewalk; she hated that she was late, even by only five minutes. But she could not help it.
She had spent longer than expected getting ready, but she could not afford to show up scruffy. It was just a night out at the bar, she knew it, but she simply could not help it.
Soon enough, in the nearing distance, she spotted Detective Gumshoe standing at the bar's entrance, visibly waiting for her.
"Detective Gumshoe!" She called out to him.
A smile came over his face as he watched her approaching, seemingly happy to see her.
"[Y/N]! How was your day?"
"Good, thank you." She answered in a slightly panting voice with a smile of her own. "I'm really sorry I'm late, I hope you haven't been waiting for me here for too long... I had trouble deciding what to wear..."
She looked down at her own body, at her clothes, and felt her cheeks redden slightly.
"... I hope I'm not overdoing it." She added in a shy whisper.
"I only got here a minute or two ago, don't worry." He reassured her with a chuckle before he looked her up and down. "But ya don't look bad at all. I think ya look quite lovely, actually."
His warm grin soon vanished as he realized his compliments were making both of them embarrassed; more than they already were, to begin with.
"I-I mean, that is, uh... y'know what? I'll just shut up before I put my foot in it." He mumbled while he cleared his throat. "... In any case, the wait was worth it."
She felt the tips of her ears burn as a shy, embarrassed smile shaped her lips.
"Thank you..." She whispered while her hands fiddled with the end of her sleek black skirt.
Before she could let silence take over, she decided to continue talking in an attempt to break the tension between them.
"You look good yourself, Gumshoe." She told him with a nod.
But it only made things worse: the man was dressed exactly as usual, tie and coat on, even down to that red pencil he would keep behind his left ear.
"I mean—" She promptly added, her eyes lowering to the ground. "Nothing's different in your outfit compared to usually... But, you know, you always look good."
And somehow, she had taken it even beyond "worse".
"I-I mean— It's just— Your, hum... Never mind, pretend I didn't say anything..." She stammered in embarrassment, her entire face red.
"No, no, please, keep going." He said with a wide grin as he gestured for her to continue. "You were saying?"
His grin was contagious, and [Y/N] had to try her best not to smile back in return: she could not help but let out a little giggle as she looked at him, hearing her heart beat in her ears. And no matter how hard she was trying not to let her emotions get the better of her, it was evident to both of them that they shared a mutual attraction.
"I wasn't saying anything... You big, dumb idiot." She murmured shyly under her breath, her eyes still averting his.
She gently cleared her throat then gestured to the doorway, in front of which they were both standing.
"Anyway, let's just... go in already, shall we?" She asked him as she motioned with her hands. "We didn't come here to spend the entire evening out on the doorstep, after all."
"Right you are." He responded with a nod.
Still smiling, Gumshoe stood straight and beckoned her into the bar with an extended arm; as they stepped inside, [Y/N] felt her heart start to race, noticing how closely he was walking beside her. Her eyes darted everywhere around them in an attempt to try and take in her surroundings, but all she could truly focus on in the end was the detective's handsome face.
Eventually, however, she managed to snap out of it and dedicated some time to scanning the inside of the bar: the establishment was not overcrowded, but not deserted either. She looked around her and her eyes landed on the bar counter, behind which stood the bartender.
I don't know what's best for us... should we sit at the counter or a table? Hmm... I wonder what he'd prefer...
"... We could sit at this table, if that's all right with you?" She asked him after a moment of silence as she pointed to an available table nearby, only slightly isolated from the others.
Although a part of me wishes to merge with the decor by sitting at the counter, I also crave intimacy right now...
"That sounds wonderful." He answered with a gentle chuckle. "A table it is."
A light smile passed over his face and he began to walk over to the spot the young woman had pointed to; once they had both reached the table, he held her chair out for her to sit on.
"Allow me to provide service, m'lady." He said, grinning.
She could not help but giggle at his behavior, so charming and endearing, as she sat down.
"Well, in that case, allow me to repay that service, my good sir." She said in return with a grin of her own. "Tell me what drink you'd like to get and I'll go order it at the counter along with mine."
For a woman to take a man's order in his place could sometimes be seen as inappropriate, that she was well aware of, and she was not sure whether Gumshoe would accept her offer, but she wanted him to know she cared about him.
He laughed and shook his head as he looked up at the ceiling, before looking back down at her, right into her eyes.
"Your good manners, I love 'em, [Y/N]."
With that comment, her eyes darted away and a thin layer of blush appeared over her cheeks.
"Y'know, you don't have to do this... but I'll accept it." He told her with a sly grin while he leaned on the table with his arms. "I'll have a beer, please."
"One beer, duly noted." She said with a warm smile as she got up from the table. "Then, I'll be right back with our drinks, Gumshoe."
As she spoke these words, she gently tapped on the table with her hand, her eyes looking directly into his, before she made her way to the counter, her smile still present, though it was now accompanied by a hue of pink on her cheeks.
He watched her walk away and could not help but admire that adorable walk of hers, his gaze still locked onto her figure.
... She's a real sweetheart, ain't she? He asked himself in thought. She's definitely actin' cute, and her words only make it ten times better... Darn, I have to keep my composure, I can feel my face turn red just thinking 'bout it all.
Once having reached the bar, [Y/N] called out to the bartender and ordered their two drinks; as she waited for them to be made and served to her, she started to get lost in thought, the longer she stood straight.
Things are going well with Gumshoe so far. If only I could be less nervous around him... But I just can't help it, he's so... him.
Soon enough, both of their drinks were set in front of her by the bartender, whom she thanked before she walked back to the table, one drink in each hand. She returned with a smile and placed his drink before him, then sat back down.
"One beer for you, and one whiskey on the rocks for me." She said with her glass in hand.
"Thank you, [Y/N]." He responded with a smile as he took the bottle from her hand.
But as he looked down at his drink and then down at hers, he let out a low chuckle.
"Wouldn't ya rather have somethin' light like a beer?" He asked her before he took a sip. "I mean, I can't even imagine what you're like when you're drunk... but I feel like I'd like to see it, actually."
"Oh, because you really think one glass of whiskey will get me drunk?" She rhetorically asked with a scoff. "Please, it takes more than that for me to be tipsy. I can hold my alcohol pretty well, you know."
She drank from her glass, the pleasant taste of liquor flowing down her throat, then looked back into his eyes with a playful smile.
"Besides, even if that does end up happening, it's Friday night." She added. "One Saturday morning hangover wouldn't be a problem."
Weirdly, her words made him feel somewhat more comfortable, taking another sip to ease his nerves further.
"Well, guess I have to see it for myself, then. But I just know you're adorable when drunk. You can already be a bit of a handful normally, so I can't imagine what kinda shenanigans you'd come up with once you've drank..."
Upon hearing his choices of adjectives, her playful smile vanished in an instant to be replaced with somewhat of a pout, her confidence having suddenly left her, shyness taking over in its place.
"Y-Yeah, well... we'll see." She muttered as she looked away.
With both of her hands wrapped around her glass, she raised it slightly towards him in an attempt to make it meet with his beer bottle; and, despite her slight awkwardness, she forced herself to look into his brown eyes as she did so.
"In any case, cheers." She said affectionately.
He held his bottle up towards her glass and they both clinked their drinks together.
"Cheers, [Y/N]."
Gumshoe took a swig of his drink, his expression mostly filled with joy, though a slight hint of embarrassment was readable as well. He felt his heart beating in his ears, feeling so close to her at that one moment: he wanted to reach out and hold her hand in his own, but he fought against the urge. It was not long before he felt his cheeks beginning to flush again and he cleared his throat while he put on a grin, trying to hide his timidity.
After their toast, [Y/N] swallowed another sip of her whiskey before she put the glass back down in front of her on the table. As if being fully rid of her shyness once more, she smiled in a relaxed manner while she closed her eyes, a sigh escaping her lips.
"Man, this really feels good." She said with genuine appreciation.
She opened her eyes and her gaze immediately found his in a moment of tenderness.
"I'm really glad you agreed to spend this evening with me, Gumshoe." She told him sincerely. "Finally having reached the weekend, not having to think about work, being able to relax and unwind... I really needed it. And I know you did too... and I'm happy we get to take this much-deserved break together."
"Well said, [Y/N]! I'm more than happy to spend this evening with ya, and I'm glad you proposed it. I can't stress enough how much I agree... My work's been real challengin' lately, so it's always wonderful to feel the peace of not having to think 'bout it."
He could not help but smile while his cheeks continued to redden and his heart continued to quickly beat inside his chest; he truly had been looking forward to that meeting at the bar, and now that it was finally happening, all he felt was sheer happiness and an odd sense of safety in her company.
"My thoughts exactly." She said with a light chuckle. "Don't get me wrong, I love helping Phoenix out with his cases and investigations, but boy, is it exhausting. And I'm not even an actual attorney myself, I'm only an... attorney helper, all I do is fieldwork, yet it's already so tiring... I don't know how he does it."
The young woman looked down into her glass, into the honey-colored liquid swirling gently, then looked up into Gumshoe's eyes with a more tender expression.
"... And the same goes for you." She added. "I'm always so happy to lend you a hand in your detective work whenever I can, but I won't lie, sometimes it's a lot for me. You work so hard all the time, it's honestly quite impressive."
"Well, you're right about that." He told her, still smiling, as he took a sip of his beer. "I'll admit, I sometimes don't even realize just how much time I end up spending on work. Truth is, I don't think it's 'cause I love my job that I dedicate so much time to it... Frankly, I don't really know what else to do with my life, and I'm not even sure if I wanna do anything else with it... But that's just somethin' I need to figure out on my own at some point."
The emotion in her gaze turned sad as she stared at him, a feeling of compassion weighing on her heart. Her eyes instinctively landed on his hands, holding his beer bottle in their palms, and then her heartbeat began to pick up speed: after a short moment of hesitation, she outstretched her right arm over the table and reached for one of his hands, delicately placing hers over his. The two of them stared into one another's eyes as a smile formed on her face.
"... Hey, for what it's worth, I think you make an amazing detective." She told him with honesty. "I personally wouldn't see you doing any other job... though, I do understand the doubts and worries. And no matter the choices you might make throughout your career, I'll be here to support you through them."
Gumshoe looked surprised yet overjoyed that she chose to hold his hand, leading his cheeks to turn red for the umpteenth time that night, his pulse racing.
He cleared his throat - somewhat awkwardly - before he looked back down at their hands: in earnest, he was not quite used to showing so much affection to someone in such a way. And at the same time, it simply felt too good to be true, the pleasant sensation of her smooth, warm hand against his own overwhelming him and making him forget all of his concerns and doubts.
[Y/N] smiled further and closed her eyes as she slightly tilted her head to the side, before she removed her hand from his and placed it back around her glass, a hint of blush on her cheeks.
"Anyway, I'm sorry I brought all this up in the first place. I said we didn't have to think about work, and yet here I am, rambling on about it." She said with a chuckle. "Let's cast it all aside for tonight and enjoy ourselves, hm?"
The detective could not help but feel sad that she had decided to withdraw her hand, but he forced himself to play it cool; after all, it was her right to do so, even though the thought of being able to hold her hand longer excited him.
"Yeah, that sounds good."
His lips formed a smile as he said those words and he felt himself relax, actually managing to take his mind off his worries for once.
"But don't worry 'bout all that, I think it's nice to discuss these things, and I really do mean that." He added with a nod as he took another swig of his beer.
And so the evening went on.
As time passed, the two of them exchanged smiles and jokes, their voices echoing around them, bouncing off the glasses and bottles in their hands. They were fully rid of worries, their conversation leading them to chat about anything and everything, but always light-heartedly. Over the course of the evening, [Y/N] ordered a second drink, then a third, which motivated Gumshoe to do the same; but while the alcohol in his veins seemed to barely affect him, it was undeniable she was becoming a little tipsy. And with it, all her inhibitions seemed to have vanished from her body.
She leaned forward and rested her chin on the palm of her hand, her elbow set on the table.
"Say, Gummy, while we're on the topic of food, are you getting a little hungry?" She asked him with a tipsy smile. "I sure am..."
He looked at her with a big grin, taking in her change in demeanor, noticing a hint of flirtatiousness in her voice.
"Actually... yeah, me too, now that ya mention it." He answered with a warm chuckle. "Should we order somethin'?"
"I just... don't want to have to buy something, though..." She let out with a sigh, her eyes slowly closing. "I've already spent enough money on our drinks as it is, I don't really feel like spending more on food."
She opened her eyes back and stared down at her almost empty glass.
"But I do feel like eating something..." She whispered to herself.
She had a point about not wanting to spend more money, Gumshoe knew it; but in his current state, he did not care anymore and only wanted more of that good feeling, more time with her, more time together with no worries.
"Oh, I know all 'bout that feeling." He said with a grin. "I can pay, [Y/N]."
The young woman could not help but laugh aloud at his words, her saddened expression disappearing completely from her face.
"You? Paying? With what money?" She rhetorically asked between two laughs.
As she heard herself speak, she realized just then the inappropriate tone and rudeness of her words, both of which had been completely unintentional. Her wide grin diminished as a feeling of shame invaded her from within.
"Uh, I mean... Sorry, Gummy, I... I didn't mean it like that, my words came out much worse than I wanted them to..." She apologized with embarrassment. "It's just... we both know Edgeworth really underpays you, and I know your salary doesn't... really allow you to afford as much as mine can..."
She avoided his eyes completely, too ashamed of herself to confront his gaze.
"That's why I decided to be the one to pay for all the drinks tonight... and I'd feel terrible having to ask you to pay for food."
The silence did not last long, as it was soon broken by a hearty laugh, accompanied by a sign of the hand.
"It's okay, [Y/N]." He told her in a reassuring tone. "I promise I didn't take it as badly as ya think. It ain't like you said anything bad anyway. I mean, you're right, I don't earn enough to make that kinda decision with my money. But don't sweat it, I don't mind paying, 'specially if it means I can spend more time with you."
Her eyes immediately rose to meet his as her heart ached ever so slightly in her chest.
"Gummy..." She let out softly, her eyebrows a little furrowed.
As she looked back down at her hands on the table, she felt as though she could have cried, most likely a cause of the alcohol in her veins that accentuated her emotions.
God, I feel so goddamn stupid... She thought to herself as she squeezed her eyes shut. What the hell was I thinking, saying this out loud? He must think I'm so mean, now...
However, after a few seconds of sulking in silence, a sudden idea crossed her mind out of the blue.
"Hey..." She hesitantly started, catching Gumshoe's attention. "... Maybe, instead of either one of us buying something, we could... head back to my place together, and eat dinner there?"
"Huh? Head back to your place?" He repeated as he tilted his head. "You want us to go to your apartment to eat and not order somethin'?"
His curiosity was now piqued, his thoughts racing until he could not suppress a smirk, his imagination suddenly starting to run wild.
"I mean, let's be honest here for a second..." She started as she gestured her hands around. "You're going to take me back home anyway, right? It's—"
She put her sentence on hold for a brief moment, the time for her to reach for her phone and check the time.
"... 10:14 PM, right now, so it's dark out, I'm wearing heels, and I'm tipsy. Knowing you and your gentlemanly ways, you'd never in a million years let me walk back home on my own. My apartment's not far from here, it's only a solid 10 minutes on foot, so you'd walk me there."
She stopped talking, but only to rest both of her elbows on the table and place her chin on the palms of her hands, as she looked at him with a hint of playfulness inside her eyes.
"... In that case, what's the harm in me inviting you in?" She asked him. "You'd be there already, you know?"
He could not help but chuckle as he gave it some thought: she was right, he never would have let her walk by herself, especially this late at night, especially in the state she was in.
"Huh, I guess you're right..." He said as he raised a playful eyebrow. "That makes a whole lotta sense, actually."
"Great, it's decided!" [Y/N] exclaimed enthusiastically. "Well, let's go, then!"
Not wanting to waste a single second, she grabbed her purse and got up from her chair, though not without swaying just slightly to the side. With a grin, she stood in front of him and reached for one of his arms.
"C'mon, just gulp down what's left of your beer and we'll be good to go." She told him in a motivational tone of voice, both of her hands wrapped around his forearm.
"Okay, okay! I'm drinkin' up, okay?" He said with a chuckle before finishing his drink. "Sheesh, the pressure's on, I wasn't ready for this amount of stress."
He stood up from the table and held her arm, his cheeks turning a dark pink: with her standing so close to him, he simply could not control his physical reactions. With the thought of having to head off to her place and dine with her, his heart began to pick up the pace, beating even faster than it had earlier.
The two of them made their way across the bar until they reached the front doors: but as they pushed them open and stepped outside, [Y/N] was greeted with the cold evening air, spreading chills over her bare arms and shoulders.
Her smile quickly left her face to be replaced with an expression of discomfort, all while her hands rubbed her arms vigorously.
"God, it's a little cold tonight..." She sighed. "The temperature must've gone down super quickly, it wasn't this cold when we walked in just a few hours ago..."
Gumshoe's expression immediately changed the instant he saw the uncomfortable look on her face. And as soon as he saw her rub her arms in an attempt to keep herself warm, something snapped within him; in a sense, it was instinctual, as if his body was telling him what to do.
Without hesitation, he removed his coat and promptly draped it over her shoulders.
"Here, have my coat."
Upon seeing his warm smile and feeling the weight of his large coat on her shoulders, her eyes opened wide and her face turned a crimson red.
"G-Gummy..." She muttered shyly while looking down at herself.
His trench coat was twice her size, her arms now completely hidden underneath the sleeves, and a strong smell began to surround her: the aroma of cologne, along with hints of coffee, mixed in with a very familiar scent, warm and reassuring. She was like draped in a sensation of comfort, no longer feeling the cold reaching her.
Now once again overcome with emotions, she looked up at him and met with his affectionate eyes.
"... Thank you." She simply told him, too shy to say any more.
He stared down at her with a gentle grin.
God, she looks really adorable in my coat.
In fact, she looked incredibly small, almost fragile wearing it, the fabric most likely too heavy and stiff for her stature. But he was glad to see wearing it made her feel better; it was the least he could do.
"You don't have to thank me."
"In any case, we should get going now." She stated, trying her hardest to sound nonchalant. "I'll lead the way."
For roughly ten minutes, the two of them walked side by side, supporting each other physically when needed, as they chit-chatted casually, until they finally arrived at [Y/N]'s apartment building; once there, they stopped in front of her door and she dived her hand inside her purse in search of the key.
"Here we are." She declared as she inserted the key into the lock.
She pushed the door open and stepped in, after which she made room for Gumshoe to enter the hallway.
"It's not the most luxurious or spacious place out there, but it's where I live. Please, don't hesitate to make yourself at home."
He followed her around with a smile while analyzing his surroundings: it really was not all that extraordinary, as she had stated, but it was not a terrible place either. It was nice, cozy, and provided enough space for the both of them to move around freely.
"It's nice enough, pal. Nothin' you should be embarrassed about." He reassured her. "And don't you worry, I am most definitely plannin' on making myself at home, ya don't gotta tell me twice."
With a chuckle, she went to close and lock the front door behind them, after which she set her purse down on the small table in the hallway. But, just as she entered the living room, just as she was about to take her heels off, she looked down at herself and her eyes fell to his green trench coat, still resting over her shoulders.
"... Now that we're inside and all warm, I guess I don't need your coat anymore..." She slowly said, looking up at him mid-sentence.
Her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink, and that she knew was caused by neither the temperature nor the alcohol: with a shy smile, she stared back down at the coat and clung tightly onto it.
"... I know I should hand it back to you, now... But I won't lie, I really like wearing it. It's all big... and warm... like you..."
She spoke without thinking, a silly smile plastered on her face, the alcohol in her veins taking over her speech. The words caught Gumshoe off guard and made his cheeks turn a strong pink hue, but a gentle smile started forming on his lips the more he thought about her comment: he found it more than a little endearing to hear her call him "big" and "warm". He began to wonder if her straightforward attitude was due to the alcohol coursing through her, or if it was something else. Either way, he did not mind it one bit.
"... Y'know, ya can keep it if you want." He smiled. "... Ya look pretty cute in it anyway."
"No, no." She promptly followed stubbornly, shaking her head. "I have to give it back to you, it's yours. It's your trench coat, and I'm no thief. I wouldn't want you to arrest and handcuff me for stealing it from you."
She could tell her words did not make much sense, her brain capacities suddenly reduced by at least half, it seemed, but it mattered little to her: she felt safe, around him, in the comfort of her own home, enough to let herself go.
She took a step towards him, their bodies now only an inch from one another, and removed the green trench coat from her shoulders. Then, clumsily, she leaned forward and did her best to put it over his own.
"Here." She said softly.
Surprise struck him when he watched her get so close to him, and when he watched her clumsy movements: as she attempted to place the coat over his shoulders, he ended up having to help her do it. Just as it fell over his figure, he felt her fingers slightly brush against his arm, and she did not even move back. She stared up into his brown eyes, and the close proximity between them made her heart beat at a million miles; neither of them dared move, both of their faces ranging from pink to red as they stared into each other's gazes.
He was so close to her. His face was only inches away from her own. He could hear her breathing. He could feel her warmth. The scene was overwhelming. He could not help but lean in closer to her, his skin feeling incredibly hot.
There was a sense of anxious affection in his eyes, and a sense of longing passion in hers. And she decided it was about time she would finally put this longing to rest.
Without a second thought, she grabbed Gumshoe's orange tie and pulled on it, the knot loose enough not to strangle him, but her grip strong enough to bring his face down: enough for her to lean in and kiss him.
The moment their lips met, she let out a soft, instinctive sigh against his mouth, while her other hand came to rest on his chest. It all felt so good, so passionate, so heavenly.
Her actions took him by surprise, but his body reacted immediately: as soon as her lips touched his, his arms wrapped around her, holding her tight. His body was on fire, and his heart was beating at twice the usual pace; he felt incredible, as if his entire life had been completely fulfilled in that one, single action. He held her tight, pulling her closer and closer against him. He never wanted to let the moment go.
The feeling of his strong, warm hands on her waist and sides triggered something within her, a sensation of sheer craving. Slowly, her body began to back up, her movements somewhat clumsy and wavering due to her tipsy state, her legs moving on their own, until her back hit the nearest wall: there, trapped between the wall and him, his body pinning hers against it, she felt small and weak under his silhouette, but in the best way possible. Blindly, as her lips were still kissing his, she took off her heels in haste, her height reduced by a few inches, before she raised her right leg against his body, her bare skin sliding against the fabric of his pants until it reached and stopped at his waist.
He was almost light-headed, his blood pumping through his veins as he slowly pushed her leg forward before gently grabbing the back of her knees, raising both of her feet above the ground so that she was completely against the wall. The heat inside of him was intense.
He knew he should not stop. Not now.
Upon feeling him effortlessly lift her body off the ground, she sighed against his lips once more. She tightly wrapped both of her legs around his waist in hopes of finding balance and support as his hands held her thighs; whether unconsciously or deliberately, his fingers began to progressively roll her skirt up her legs while his palms pressed against her skin. Whichever it was, it was enough to make her pull away from his lips.
"Dick—" She breathed out instinctively, her eyes still closed as she rested the back of her head against the wall, her neck almost fully outstretched.
His grip on her legs tightened, his hands continuing to roll her skirt, up, and up, and up. His fingers were on her bare legs, and his lips touched her neck; with every second that passed, he wanted to kiss and touch more and more of her. There was nothing holding him back. His lips found their way to her neck at the same time as her arms circled his, her palms holding onto the back of his head with a passion, her fingers caressing his hair: the sensation of his stubble against her delicate skin was intoxicating, the friction rough and prickly as his mouth kissed and nibbled.
"Dick..." She repeated in a whisper. "... Let's take this to the bedroom."
His head was spinning with passion as his fingers continued to caress her skin, now running through the ends of her hair. With her arms around him, he could feel every little movement she made, every little breath she took, and it all sent chills down his spine. His heart wanted her, and so did his body.
"Let's." He nodded in agreement.
His hands traveled from her thighs to her behind, a gesture that caught her off-guard until she understood it was for him to cling onto her as he pulled her off the wall; with very little effort, he secured the young woman into his embrace as he began to walk, his strength impressive though not surprising.
As the two approached [Y/N]'s room, her legs still tightly wrapped around his body, she tugged at his tie once more, in an attempt to make him stop walking, just as his feet reached the doorway.
"Hey, hey! No shoes inside the bedroom, mister." She told him with a teasing smile as she pointed down at his feet.
The way she had stopped him in his tracks, in such a flirty manner made Gumshoe chuckle; he had to admit he enjoyed seeing her take charge.
"Alright, alright. Hold on—"
He stopped walking, still carrying her in his arms, and promptly took off his shoes.
"There." He told her with a smile. "Happy now?"
"Yes, thank you." She replied before leaning in and gently kissing his cheek as a token of her gratitude.
As he stepped into the bedroom, her eyes fell on her own hands, both of which were still holding his tie, and she flushed upon letting go of it.
"Hey, by the way... Hum, sorry for pulling on your tie like that, for the second time..." She started, slightly embarrassed. "I hope it's not hurting you or anything. And I hope it doesn't bother you, like, turn you off... I don't know if you're maybe... into it or if it's actually not your type of thing..."
He chuckled wholeheartedly.
"If I was turned off by a cute 'n' hot girl constantly pulling on my tie, there'd be somethin' wrong with me. I kinda liked it, actually. You don't really gotta ask about any of those things, anyway. If you enjoy it and I'm not uncomfortable with it, feel free to do whatever ya want. Do me a favor and don't hold back."
Her eyes opened slightly wider as she stared at him, at the spark of desire in his gaze.
"... Fuck, it's really sexy when you say stuff like this."
The second the words left her mouth, she realized a little too late she had blurted out her thoughts instead of having kept them inside her head. She stared at him, her entire face feeling as though it had been set on fire.
"... I meant to think that and not say it out loud, but you know what? You deserve to hear it. You're incredibly sexy and the way you look into my eyes while you flirt with me is very hot, and I really want you right now." She blurted out in one single breath.
"[Y/N]... I really want you too..." He said after a few seconds of silence, his voice husky.
The warmth of his breath as he said those words bounced off her skin, their faces so close to one another, and she did not hesitate a single second before closing what little distance remained as she made her lips meet his once more. She closed her eyes while her hands moved to his chest, while his legs began to walk again, in the direction of her bed, only a foot or two away from them.
Her eyes were still closed when she felt him lean forward and put her down on the mattress, her back coming in contact with the soft sheets; as he did so, they had no choice but to break their kiss and pull away. There, he stood before her, positioned between her open legs, his figure towering over her in a way that matched the look in his eyes: in a way that made her hold her breath and rendered her speechless. He stared down at her, at her body lying over the bed, at her messy hair surrounding her head, until his eyes met hers, and silence filled the entire room: he felt his breath catching in his throat, completely lost in her gaze. For a few seconds, as their stares locked, she remained quiet, and so did he; then, without saying a word, while still lying down on her back, she reached for the hem of her top and pulled it up with both of her hands. In a swift second, it went over her head and was tossed on the pillows.
With her upper body now only covered with her bra, shielding her breasts from his view, she breathed heavily while staring at his lower body, her gaze falling on his belt. His blood boiled in his veins, his thoughts became a lot less tame, his desire slowly grew stronger: understanding well the meaning behind her eyes, he slowly undid his belt, pulling it out of the loops. As he let it fall to the ground, a burning sensation quickly spread throughout his body. She watched him remove his belt in silence, his eyes devouring hers as his hands went to work around his waist. That simple sight was enough to arouse her, a certain warmth taking over her and making her close her legs on instinct.
She could not hold herself back any longer: she rose on the bed, just slightly, enough to reach his tie and grab it yet once more, her hand dragging his entire body closer to hers. With her free hand, she held his right shoulder and sensually slid his black suit off, which prompted him to remove it altogether. Then, still as sensually, she slowly loosened his tie and removed it from around his neck, letting it drop on the floor beside the bed. Her touch was electrifying, sending waves of pleasure all through his body, and he, too could no longer hold back: with a loud grunt, he pushed her legs apart and crawled on top of her, his breath catching in his throat. A quiet noise escaped her lips upon feeling his hands on her thighs, his fingers holding them in place as he opened her legs; she closed her eyes and let him take the lead, take full control of the situation and her body. Slowly, his palms went up her skin until they reached her sides, just above her waist, and just below her bra.
Just as she opened her eyes back, she saw him lean forward and soon felt his lips on her neck again, which made her sigh multiple times as her back arched slightly. His hands traveled further upwards and slid behind her back, his touch possessive. Her body was simply too sweet for him, too soft to the touch, and with her limbs snaked around him at every single moment, his need continued to expand: a part of him wanted to take things slow, but the other had already been deprived of her touch for far too long.
As he bit the lower half of her neck, his right hand coming to rest beside her body on the mattress, she moved her hands down to his neck, her palms grabbing the collar of his dress shirt; her fingers began unbuttoning it, the sheer thought of his bare chest against her driving her crazy. Eventually, his shirt dropped from his body with the help of her hands, exposing his torso and stomach. It did not take long before [Y/N]'s hands roamed his chest: now that it was bare, her fingertips could explore every curve, touch every line, feel every muscle. And it was paradise. Nothing could have made that moment better.
Gumshoe left a trail of shivers behind him as he traveled across her skin; the feeling of his palms slowly caressing her hips through the fabric of her skirt, the sensation of his fingers firmly holding her thighs as he pushed them open, the burning warmth and overwhelming strength of his hand muscles on her skin. It all felt amazing. Her mouth exhaled heavy breaths as her hands moved to his back, her arms circling his wide upper body as best as she could. And she opened her eyes halfway, just enough to stare inside his.
As he lay there, on top of her, he reached for the hem of her skirt, gently grabbing it: for a few seconds, he looked at it, at her legs underneath, before slowly pulling the skirt off her body. She watched his fingers fumble with the zipper of her skirt as he opened it, she watched his palms grab the fabric as he slid it down her legs, she watched the desire appear in his gaze as her underwear got exposed for his eyes to see. She lay on her back, only partially covered, and her heart rate accelerated greatly while her face grew red. She had done that before, and yet, she could not help but feel vulnerable, feel slightly insecure about her own body: because no other man before had ever meant so much to her as he did.
He looked down into her eyes, then down at her body.
"... You're so gorgeous, I don't even know what to say..."
His voice was slightly wavering, but not due to the alcohol or the exhaustion. It was his heart that spoke up.
"Your body under mine, your skin so soft, your form so pretty... This feels like a dream, right now... I might have to pinch myself to make sure this is really happening."
Her body twitched by reflex when she felt his murmurs on her skin, goosebumps spreading over the surface of her body as a result. Yet, they felt so incredibly good: hearing him compliment her, compliment her body in such a passionate and heartfelt way made her feel desired and desirable. It showed her how much he truly loved her.
"This is real, Dick... As real as my feelings for you." She softly said with a sigh, resting one of her hands on the back of his head, her fingertips gently brushing his hair.
Leaning toward her face, just as covered in blush as his, his lips drew a faint, though loving smile.
"I know you know by now, but I think I still need to say that I love you."
His voice was hoarse and shaken, and with good reason.
"And I love you so damn much... Every single part of you." He whispered against her lips. "And I can't believe I finally get to do this with you tonight..."
His words left her holding her breath, his voice dripping with sensuality and desire. He no longer seemed like the clumsy and confused detective she had been used to knowing: now, in that bed with her, his flesh against hers, he was a confident and assertive man, and that only further fueled her craving for him.
Unable to articulate words in response, she simply stared into his eyes. And when she did, she read his emotions clearly. No more doubts. No more second thoughts.
"... [Y/N], I want to feel you." He spoke, his voice quiet, but strong.
Holding his face with both hands, she left a delicate kiss on his lips.
"I'm all yours, Dick."
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an-impulsive-pen · 10 months
Dick Gumshoe x gn reader
Your loving boyfriend takes you on what seems like a normal date, but his mind seems to be occupied by something...
Lotsa fluff, I love him<3
    Okay, deep breath, he thought, sweating. This couldn’t be that hard, could it? If he had managed to work up the courage to tell them how he felt, surely he could do this… Ah, and the whole cop thing, too. 
    “Dick?” he flailed a bit as their voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “You good there?”
    “Y-Yeah! No worries, pal!” he chuckled nervously. They gave him a look.
    “Alright, enough. You’ve been sweating through your coat all night- What’s bugging you? Work stuff or something?” they nudged him with a caring smile, but there was a note of concern behind their eyes. God, something about those eyes always got to him… He hated the thought that he might be worrying them, but he wanted the moment to be perfect. He sighed and gave them a tiny smile.
    “H-Hey, uh… Let’s head over this way, huh?”
    They blinked, but grinned and nodded, slipping theit hand into his in the way that he couldn’t help but blush at. He just hoped they didn’t notice how sweaty his palms were…
    He led them to a somewhat secluded area of the park, his stomach turning the whole way. Every time he glanced at them, he wasn’t sure if he felt more comforted by their presence, or if it just made him more nervous for what he was about to do.    
    “... You’re doing it again.”
    He startled and looked down at them.
    “D-Doing what? I-I’m not doing anything! Nothing at all!” he stammered, face flushing. They sighed and stepped in front of him to meet his eyes, taking both his hands into theirs.
    “Dick, something is going on- Whatever it is, you don’t have to keep it from me. I never want you to feel like you have to hide things, and I just want to be here for you. So… Please… What’s going on?” they asked, their tone soft yet firm. He hesitated, but eventually, his shoulders slumped with a sigh. Here goes nothing…
    “... I, uh… Th-The thing is, I…” he wracked his mind for words, but nothing came to mind. He had wanted so badly to make this as eloquent and poetic as possible, to make his words as perfect as he found them to be. But now, in the moment, nothing came. His heart was racing, and he felt almost dizzy. God, why did he think he could do this? He-
    Then he felt it. A soft, gentle pressure as they squeezed his hand. They looked up at him with a kind, patient expression, eyes filled with reassurance. He took a deep breath.
    “I… I-I wanted to make this perfect, a-and to give you everything you deserve- but… But all I’ve got right now is… W-Well… Me,” he sighed. He closed his eyes. He doubted he’d be able to do this otherwise. “Y-You deserve t-to be happy, a-and to be with someone who loves you, a-and… I wanna be the one to give that to ya’.”
    Okay, okay, now’s the time- You’ve got this…
    He took a deep breath and, with all the courage he could muster, got down on one knee. Their eyes went wide.
    “I… I love ya’. I really, really do. A-And… I wanna keep loving you forever. So…” he gulped and reached into his pocket, retrieving a small box. He held his breath as he opened it to reveal a thin engagement ring.
    “Would you make me the happiest detective in the entire world… And marry me…?” he tensed up as he finally got the words out. He was suddenly very self-conscious about the size of the ring. He had spent months saving up to get it, but he was all too aware of how small it was.
    “I-I know it’s not much, b-but I-”
    “Dick,” a small, shaky whisper cut him off. He glanced up at them to find them covering their mouth with their hands, tears in her eyes. “I… Yes… God, yes!” they cried as their face broke into a massive smile. All at once, all other thoughts vanished from his head. He felt himself smiling as tears began blurring the corners of his vision. He couldn’t help a small, overjoyed laugh. As soon as his mind returned to him, he held out a hand to take theirs.
    “M-May I?” he asked, voice shaking. They nodded immediately and held out their hand excitedly. He carefully took the ring from the box and slipped it onto their finger. As soon as he did they grabbed his hands, urging him to stand up. He chuckled and rose to his feet, only to almost be knocked over again by how quickly and forcefully they threw herself into his arms. 
    “I love you so much, I love you, I love you,” they repeated into his chest. He pulled away just enough to see their face, opening his mouth to say something, but before he could, they leaped up and pressed their lips to his. He could feel them smiling into the kiss, and couldn’t help doing the same as he wrapped his arms tightly around them.
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vikkirosko · 11 months
what abt the prosecutors (pref miles. but anyone) falling in love with an ex-criminal. like somehow they meet and m!reader is like "your job is kinda dangerous. want me to teach u self-defense" or smth stupid like that since everyone is technically detectives in the game😭
Well... Miles Edgeworth so Miles Edgeworth!
⚖️ Miles Edgeworth x male!Reader Oneshot Your job is kinda dangerous 🚘
Miles sat in his office, feeling a whole storm of emotions at a time. The reason for this was what happened in the morning. This morning he almost became the victim of a real murder. A man who was a suspect in the investigation led by Edgeworth broke into the police station and apparently, the man decided that by killing the prosecutor he would be able to get rid of all his problems, and he would have succeeded if it hadn't been for you. You were an ex-criminal who was released a few years ago and Detective Gumshoe, with whom you managed to get along even before you went to prison, asked you to help with an investigation that may have been related to your former accomplice. You didn't let the criminal even get close to the prosecutor, easily neutralizing him. When the police took the man away, you looked at Edgeworth and, slightly tilting your head to one side, spoke to him.
"Your job is kinda dangerous. Want me to teach you self-defense?"
Your words surprised him and caused a rapid heartbeat. He never thought that the sight of you neutralizing a criminal would cause him such a reaction. For a moment, you seemed beautiful to him, as if he had fallen in love with you, and now, sitting in his office, he did not know what to do, because he automatically agreed to your proposal and you said that you would come for him in the evening so that you could do your self-defense lessons. He wasn't sure if he could concentrate, but it was too late to back down. He couldn't just refuse you, not when his heart started beating faster next to you and the blood rushed to his cheeks. But for now, he stayed in his office, because he still had a whole working day ahead of him.
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creativepawsworld · 2 years
Just Like Magic
Pairing = Neil Lewis (Watching The Detectives) x Reader 
Summary = Neil is following along with another one of Violets adventures. He is getting married. Can Y/n stop it before it’s too late. 
Warnings = Language, Grammar...
Word Count = 1264
Note- One shot that has been sitting in my drafts for a bit. This place is lacking in Neil Lewis content lol so here is a one shot... Enjoy
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“Lucien where is Neil?” You asked rushed, hurdling through the glass door of Gumshoe Video. Lucien looking up from his spiderman comic book to look at me with wide eyes before returning to his relaxed state, eyes returning to the book in front of him like this was a daily occurrence for him.
 “He’s not here, Violet whisked him away. Leaving me in charge, again.” He muttered, lifting his right index finger to his tongue, dampening it and turning the to the next page, careful not to damage any corners.
 “Where did they go Lucien? Don’t you check your messages?” You question rummaging through the cash desk in hopes of finding something, anything that would tell me the address of the where they were heading but only finding old receipts, posters and mail that had been left unopened for some time.
 “No why?” He replied, completely unphased by my sense of urgency. A white brochure catching you attention next to his foot, bending down, your breathe hitched in my throat as you read over the tiny writing, finding the address you were looking for.
 “I need to take your car” You inform him standing to your feet and taking his car keys from beside the cash register.
 “NEIL’S GETTING MARRIED” You heard Lucien yell just as you ran out the door. The door closing with a bang as you jumped into Lucien’s beat up Ford Mondeo out front, speeding to the little church at the end of Maple drive.
 You had ran into every red light on the way here, the tears were falling from your eyes as you parked close to Neil’s car, hoping and praying you wasn’t too late.
 Running towards the wooden door, you inhaled deeply pushing it open but due to how light the door was, it flew from your hands, smacking off the concrete wall behind it alerting everyone, including the church mice that you arrived.
 “Oh god, I’m so sorry” You called to the pastor who was standing at the end of the altar, bible opened in his hands with an annoyed expression on his face as he looked at you. “You have really oiled them door huh?” You tried to joke lightly only for it to fall on deaf ears.
 “Y/N what are you doing here?” Neil asked wide eyes as he walked towards you, a shocked expression on his face. He was wearing that dorky light blue shirt with the ruffles down the front, accompanied with a blazer and navy pants. His statement converse on his feet.
 “You can’t do this Neil” You sigh, eyes pleading with him not to go through with this crazy charade.
 “And why not Y/N? I love Violet, she loves me we want to do this”
 “What about me?” You ask unsure of the words leaving your mouth but this was your last chance. Neil’s eyes slide over towards Violet and the pastor before returning to your gaze, bewilderment obvious. “Why do you think I stayed late with you all those nights after work? Wore those stupid costumes with you Neil? Watched those terrible movies”
 “Because that’s what friends do?” He asked, shuffling between his left and right foot as he scratched the back of his head.
 “No because I fell in love with you. Don’t you see that?” You asked practically pleading with him at this point to at least acknowledge your feelings.
 “Everything alright here Neil?” Violet asked stepping towards us, a hop in her step as she linked her hands around his arm.
 Jealous coursed through your veins as you looked at the woman in front of you, she had given him countless heart attacks and almost got him shot, literally shot to breaking his heart all for her sick twisted messed up fantasy world and yet he stuck by her.
 “You what?” Neil asked, a concerned look on his face like he was trying to solve the worlds hardest maths puzzle. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
 “Because I’m a coward. I was afraid you would reject me” You tell him, leaning your feet outward no doubt ruining the sides of your converse as you stood in what many considered an uncomfortable position.
 “Neil come on the pastor is waiting” Violet began to tug on his arm now, her gaze flicking to yours with a glare.
 “I’ll be right there” Neil muttered towards her, shaking her hands from his arm before running a hand down his face. “You should have told me before now Y/N”
 “I know, I’m sorry” You retreated, heart breaking at his choice of words. You didn’t want to stick around and here the actually rejection, it would hurt to much so you began to back out of the small church. “Sorry again, about the…about the door” You called to the pastor again who this time, returned your gaze with a sympathetic nod, no doubt hearing what just happened.
 Nodding to no one in particular, you opened the door, gently this time waiting for it to close before you took off running towards the car. Inside where it was safe, you allowed yourself to lose it. Your hands slapped against the steering wheel and sides of the seat. You were too late.
 Deciding you didn’t want to stick around for them to leave, you put the car into drive, hitting every green light this time on your way back to the video store to return the cars to Lucien. The lights were clearly a sign from the universe that you shouldn’t have ignored, the red lights before clearing telling you not to do it but you didn’t listen.
 “Did you find him?” Lucien asked when you walked through the door, instantly clocking onto your tears. “I’m sorry Y/N, I honestly didn’t think he would chose her. He never shut up about you”
 “Don’t, don’t do that. It’s over I was too late” You huff putting the cars into his open expected hand. “Um I probably won’t be around for a bit, you know…with everything so see you around?” You stated, holding up your hand unsure of what to actually do with it.
 “You don’t have to do that, we are still your friends”
 “Yeah I know but it will be weird with her around. For me at least, I just need to lick my wounds” You reply backing away towards the door, opening the single glass door planning to make your escape for the foreseeable future when a car’s tyres screeching had you looking out to the street.
 “Y/N, Y/N” Neil shouted climbing awkwardly out the car door, almost falling out to the road with his clumsiness. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that”
 “It’s fine Neil, I’m happy for you. Truly” You respond willing the tears away to send the newly wedded grown your best.
 “Why?” He asked, an almost disgusted look on his face as he stared at you.
 “For your marriage, to Violet”
 “I didn’t marry her Y/N. It’s always been you”
 “What? No, Neil no, don’t say things you don’t mean”
 Instead of replying with words, he took two long strides forwards making his way to you and clasping his hands over your ears pulling your face close to his and placing a searing kiss on your lips. You had no idea so much passion and want could be construed through a kiss but somehow Neil managed it.
 “Does that prove what I mean?”
 “Not really, maybe one more” You grin wrapping your hands around the back of his head holding you close to you, lips working together just like magic.
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 9 months
Horror Movies Pt. 1 | Neil Lewis x fem!reader
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Summary: She shares a special passion for horror movies with her boss, Neil Lewis. But it doesn't end there, she also shares his secrets... or at least the ones he can keep himself. He's been keeping one from her but maybe a night of adventure will break the silence and scare them to their senses.
Warnings: Drinking, semi-public sex, boss/employee relationship, struggles with self-image, spying, invasion of privacy, slight disrespect for the dead, smut, moments of miscommunication and assumed consent, unprotected sex, oral, and some fluff.
word count: 3781k
Nothing's New- Rio Romeo 🎶
We Used to Wait- Arcade Fire 🎵
I'm Writing a Novel- Father John Misty 🎶
Not proof read- sorry folks!
Neil’s eyelashes fluttered gently against his pale, sleepy skin. He woke to the soft hymn of a record player’s needle spinning on a Billie Holiday disk. When he opened his eyes, he saw her standing at the milk crate, flipping through the old vinyl, dusty with age. He sighed and stretched out his arms above his head on the cracking leather couch. She glanced over and smiled. 
“Long night?” She teased as she put the stack of records back. 
“How could you tell?” He rubbed his eyes and sat up, an empty can of cheap beer sliding off of his leg and onto the carpeted ground in the store. 
“You almost never spend the night here unless you have a special guest,” she wiggled her fingers and leaned against the register counter. The store still bore the signs of the night before, lamps dimmed, empty beer cans, and a woman’s bra hiding between the seat cushions of one of the couches. 
“You know I can’t have anyone over yet… it feels weird to bring them home with me, like the start of a horror movie.” He laughed awkwardly and checked his watch. 
“What horror movie starts like that?” She raised her eyebrow. 
“What if she turned out to be a serial killer?” He argued and she laughed lightly, shaking her head. 
“So who was it this time?” She walked over to the couch and retrieved the bra from between the cushions. He watched her with an embarrassed blush creeping up his sharp cheekbones. “34D?” She whistled slowly and tossed it at his chest, “impressive, Neil.” 
“Oh shut up!” He fumbled with the bra and tossed it aside. 
“We need to open in fifteen minutes,” she stopped herself from sounding too annoyed and clocked in on the ancient time-clock system behind the counter. Neil grunted and forced himself into a standing position. Jonathan and Lucien arrived at the front doors and pressed their faces against the glass. She rolled her eyes, “Neil, your friends are here.” 
Neil, holding the bra, dashed behind the counter and stuffed it into her purse. 
“What are you doing?” She protested, struggling over the bra and her purse. 
“Can you just keep this in your bag for a little while? I don’t want the guys to see.” His hair was pushed up over her forehead, showing the freckled texture of his skin. 
“Neil…” She warned and he pouted playfully. 
“Pretty please!” He widened his eyes into wide pools. She sighed and pinched the skin between her eyebrows. 
“Fine, fine!” She pushed her bag into one of the counter compartments and crossed her arms across her chest. 
“Oh God, thank you!” He smiled and hurried to let Lucien and Jonathan inside the video store. “I owe you one!” 
“Yeah you do.” She couldn’t help but laugh to herself as she watched him scramble over to the front doors and unlock them. His friends came inside without a second thought and continued the argument that they had been having outside. 
“No, I don’t think you understand. Quentin Tarantino is so overrated.” Lucien protested and beelined for her. “Here, is Tarantino overrated?” 
“No, I don’t think so.” She shook her head, “I love all of his movies.” 
“See!” Jonathan laughed. 
“Sorry, Lucien, I’m with Jonathan on this one.” She pulled out the order receipts and started slipping through them, her short acrylic nails scratching at each slip.  
“How could you like Quentin Tarantino?” Lucien exclaimed and walked angrily to the small circle of couches that Neil had previously been asleep on. She exchanged a look with Neil and smiled down at the papers, trying not to laugh. 
“Come on, I don’t pay you two to sit around and argue.” Neil followed them. Jonathan stepped on a crumbled can and laughed. 
“Well you certainly pay someone to sit around and drink.” He picked up the can and showed it to Lucien who stopped arguing to look. 
“Jesus Christ.” Neil pulled on his face and ran away as they started bombarding him with questions. 
“Did you have a girl over again last night?” Jonathan laughed loudly, gesturing to the empty cans. 
Again? She thought it only happened once or twice but it happened enough times for Jonathan and Lucien to notice. She felt her heart drop into her stomach and tried to go back to work. 
“Shhhh!” Neil tried to shush them and glanced over, embarrassed. She pretended to not hear. “I’ll tell you guys later, ok?” He whispered and she saw the boys nod out of the corner of her eye. 
“I can still hear you!” She sighed and opened the register. 
“You mean… you two?” Lucien pointed between them and Neil laughed tightly. 
“No, no. I just didn’t think it was appropriate to talk about it… in front of my employee.” He struggled for the right words. 
“Ohhh, sorry.” Lucien held up his hands in defeat and plopped back down on the couch. “So, anyway, the reason why I don’t like Tarentino…” 
Neil left them to their argument and wandered over back to the register. 
“Sorry about that.” Neil blushed and avoided eye contact. 
“It’s ok. We’re all adults here,” she looked over at Lucien and Jonathan, “at least we are.” She corrected and he laughed. 
“You have some…lipstick…” She pointed to a place on his neck and he wiped his neck with the back of his hand. 
“Damn, I should probably change.” He let his voice drone on for a second longer and spun around on his heels, heading back to his office. 
She had hid her feelings well for the past few months. She joked with him about the girls he brought back to the store and covered his ass when he slept into a work day. She felt like that was the only way that she could be with him, his friend or his younger sister. Strictly platonic. She’d been working at Gumshoe Video for nearly a year and gotten to know every one of Neil’s quirks. She’d started to like them, even though they could piss her off. The bells on the front door hit the door frame as a customer entered. She was short with black-shoulder length hair, twisted into small curls around her face. Her hooded eyes were focused on the racks of VHS tapes around her, speaking into a pair of string-earbuds. She was speaking to someone on the phone so she just waved at the customer and mouthed “hello.” The girl smiled back and started looking. Neil came back out into the store wearing cartoonish prisoner garb, a white undershirt visible at the base of his neck. He took a stack of returned VHS and put them on the counter. 
“Hey, could you rewind these for me? I’ll help the customer.” He tucked a loose strand of black hair behind his ear and waited for her nod of assent. 
“Sure, boss.” She liked using the nickname, especially when she was frustrated with him over something. His mouth twitched, starting to form a smile. She took the tapes to the tv in the store and Jonathan helped her load a tape into the box. 
“Geez, how many are there?” He pointed to the stack at her side. 
“Like ten.” She shook her head. “They never rewind the tapes, do they?” 
“No, I guess they don’t.” He pressed the rewind button on the base of the box and they waited for the movie to go back to the beginning. She glanced over at Neil who was sorting tapes on the case behind the register. When the customer approached, he didn’t react, until she cleared her throat and asked again. 
“Oh are you talking to me now?” He whispered and she nodded. 
“Which do you recommend?” She held up the tapes and Neil smiled. 
“Next tape, please.” Jonathan asked and she took the next tape from the box and loaded it into the player. “I’ll start a pile here.” He started to stack the boxes beside him on the other side. 
“I need a form of ID.” She could hear Neil say behind her as the movie rewinded. 
“I don’t have one.” The customer responded and she could hear Neil’s apprehension.
“No driver’s license?” 
“I don’t drive.” She answered as if it were obvious.
“We don’t usually rent to people without ID.” 
“Can I pay in cash? I have cash.” She handed him some money and he shrugged. 
“Uhh that works.” She could hear his smile in his words. “It’s due back in two weeks.” He handed the tape over and she left. 
“That was weird.” Jonathan mumbled beneath his breath and looked over at Neil who was watching her leave. “Looks like he’s found his next target.” 
Neil chuckled and said took out an envelope from beneath the register. 
“That girl was definitely on something. She gave me a $50.” 
“Jesus…” She nearly dropped the tape in her hand. 
“That is crazy.” Lucien fiddled with his pipe. 
“And no driver’s license?” Jonathan asked and Neil nodded. 
“She was hot though. Oh, Lucien?” 
“Could you get that box of old thrillers from my office? They’re in a cardboard box, it's a recent shipment.”
“Oh dear God… thrillers.” Lucien stood and shuffled into the backroom, speaking beneath his breath about thrillers.
She rolled her eyes and focused back on the tapes. Jonathan cleared his throat beside her. 
“So… I was meaning to ask you-”
“Yeah?” She asked absentmindedly and he started again. 
“I was wondering if you’d like to do something this weekend.” Jonathan asked hesitantly and snapped a VHS box closed, “just the two of us.” He added and she paused. She looked over and blushed, suddenly very sweaty and uncomfortable in her own body. Neil looked up from the desk, having overheard the conversation. 
“We could watch a movie… your choice of course.” He smiled and she mirrored him. 
“Well, um,” she struggled to come up with an excuse. The truth was that she didn’t have one. Sure she favored Neil but Jonathan was cute too and obviously, Jonathan was interested in her. “Sure… yeah. I’d like to.” She allowed and Jonathan grinned. 
“Yeah, why not?” She shrugged and Jonathan smiled down at the tapes in his hands. 
“Look, I don’t mind if you guys fuck eachother but don’t do it right in front of me, ok?” Neil almost sneered and Jonathan looked over his shoulder. Lucien came back with the box. 
“Says the guy that had sex right where Lucien was just sitting!”
Lucien almost dropped the box. “Where I was SITTING? Neil! You could have warned me!” He exclaimed and pushed the box onto the countertop. Neil’s face paled slightly and he swallowed, looking down at the box of movies.
“Nevermind, sorry.” He grumbled and Jonathan returned to tapes. 
She and Jonathan finished the tapes quickly and returned them to their places on the store’s shelves. She stayed out of Neil’s way for the rest of the day, trying to ignore the growing core of frustration in her stomach. She hated the way he made her feel. They were only a year or two apart and yet, she felt so much younger, so naive. She knew him from high school when he was a senior and she was a sophomore. They’d done AV club together and he’d done tech in theater when she acted. They’d been nearly friends by the time he graduated. He had been attractive in high school too though he wasn’t very popular. They’d bonded over their mutual love for film and corresponded a few times over email in college. She’d only seen him as a friend until now, running her eyes down the length of his chest to her narrow hips. Neither of them had made as much as a move on the other since they’d met and now she willed him to see her as more than just a colleague or coworker. 
She was perched on the stool behind the counter when a customer came in to return a video. She scanned the barcode and completed the transaction, bidding them a good day. She held the tape between her hands and flipped the box over, looking at the image of Mia Farrow in Rosemary’s Baby. She’d cut her hair weeks ago, inspired by Mia Farrow’s character. Even though she knew she looked good in the shaved pixie, she felt almost undesirable. She had hoped that it would make her more confident but instead, it had weakened her sense of self-confidence. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. Even having Jonathan ask her out didn’t help her confidence, it was pretty pitiful. Neil came around the back of the counter and checked a folder of receipts. 
“This envelope is for that girl from earlier if she comes in again.” He pointed out the envelope with ‘That weird girl without a driver’s license.’ She smiled at the envelope and nodded. 
“Got it, boss.” 
He laughed lightly and started to turn away when she interjected. 
“Do you want that bra back now?” She was suddenly conscious of her own breasts, pressed against the soft padding in her own bra. She crossed her legs, fixing the hem on her jeans. Neil cleared his throat and blushed again. 
“Eh yeah, sure.” He avoided his eyes and she dug around in her bag for the bright red bra. When she found it, she draped it in his open hand, brushing her fingers against the skin on his wrist. 
“Here.” She met his eyes. 
“Thanks,” he looked down at it and then cursed beneath his breath, “shit I just realized that I don’t know her address. I don’t know how to get this back to her.” 
“Do you remember her name?” She pulled up the business log on the computer. 
“Umm… Nancy?” He offered and she typed in the name checking the rentals from the day before. 
“Nancy Rand?” She read out the only name in the system. 
“That sounds right.” He nodded and licked his lips absentmindedly. 
“This is the address,” she read it out as he wrote it down. 
“Are you doing anything tonight?” He asked and she turned, shocked. 
“Do you want to help me return this?” He smiled. 
“You’re ridiculous,” she stood and brushed past him but turned and then nodded slowly, “ok.” The store closed at 8pm. She changed the vinyl on the record player and sought out the broom and dustpan. Jonathan and Lucien left at closing and Neil closed the door behind them, flipping the sign on the door to ‘closed.’ Jonathan gave her a nod goodbye and she waved shyly. They closed down the video store in relative silence, only the music from John Lennon’s Double Fantasy filling the space. She swept the store thoroughly as Neil closed the register. She waited as he locked up and pulled on the doors to ensure that they were secure. The summer humidity hit them like a cloud as soon as they stepped outside. Neil had switched out of his prison costume, now wearing jeans, his white undershirt, and a green button up that he’d left unbuttoned. She took off her cardigan and stuffed it into her bag, preferring to confront the heat in her plain brown camisole. Her jeans were a little too long and brushed the pavement as they walked. 
“Do you know where we’re going?” She asked Neil and he shrugged. 
“Kind of. I think I’ve been in the neighborhood before.” 
“Nice neighborhood?” She stuck her hands in her back pockets as they walked. 
“Oh yeah. It’s across the street from the golf course.” 
“Do you think Nancy Rand golfs?” 
“It's the Victoria’s Secret.” She sighed with a nod.
“Her bra- it’s Victoria’s Secret.” She pointed to the tag on the side of the bra and he raised his eyebrow. 
“Oh… right. What does that mean?” He smiled. 
“It means she dropped like $30 on that. She has the kind of money to play golf and buy expensive bras.”
“What??” He held the bra further away from him. “Why are they so expensive?” 
“The super fancy ones are. I can’t believe she left without it. It's nice.”
“Well to be fair, neither one of us were very sober.” He put the bra back into his pocket and swung his arms back and forth.  
“Mmm,” she hummed. 
“Soooo,” Neil shoved his hands into his front pockets and shrugged his shoulders up to his ears, “Do you wear Victoria's Secret too?” He smiled naughtily and she rolled her eyes. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “It seems like you have plenty of Victoria’s Secrets to go around, Neil.” She joked and pointed to his back pocket. He laughed and kicked his shoe against the pavement. 
“Yeah, yeah.” He held up his hands in surrender. 
“Is this the house here?” She pointed to a large house with wide round columns. Neil whistled low when he saw the house with two station wagons parked out front. 
“How are you planning on giving that back?” She asked and he shook his head.
“I have no idea.” 
“Oh, man… I have got to see how you pull this off!” She started laughing hysterically and he massaged his temples anxiously. 
“I’ll just go up there and knock on the door.” He claimed and rubbed his hands together. 
“Ok,” she smiled. “Go ahead! I’ll be right here.” She gestured to the curb. 
He sighed dramatically and walked up to the front door, framed by symmetrical fake gas lamps. He pointed to the gaslamp and pursed his lips, she could almost hear him trilling his lips in mock admiration. She giggled and waved him on. When Neil rang the doorbell, an older woman opened the front door and greeted him with a confused smile. 
Neil met the woman with a wide grin, immediately regretting the whole trip. 
“Can I help you?” She asked and Neil shifted his weight onto the balls of his feet. 
“I uh, I’m… I just moved into the neighborhood and I wanted to introduce myself.” He thought quickly on his feet and the woman smiled.
“Oh! I didn’t know someone was selling their house. Which is yours?” 
“It's uh… over there.” He gestured widely behind him and cleared his throat. “So er, nice to meet you.” 
“You haven’t told me your name.” The woman furrowed her brow. 
“Right, right. I’m uh Neil… Neil Lowry.” He came up with a random fake name on the spot and clasped his hands behind his back. “Well, I should be going. It was nice to meet you!” He called and hurried down the front step to the driveway. 
“Well, goodnight!” The lady frowned and closed the door, locking it. Neil practically scrambled back to the curb, panting. 
“That was fucking embarrassing.” He coughed out and she stifled her laughter behind her hand. 
“No luck?” 
“God no.” He put his hands on his knees, his shirt falling away from his thin stomach. 
“Why didn’t you just ask for Nancy?”
“I’m not even convinced that this is the right house!” He flailed his arms above his head. 
“Well, we could always leave it in the mailbox.” She shrugged and he sighed. 
“And run the risk of this not being her house and leaving a bra at a completely unrelated family home?” He cringed. “Could you use it?” He held out the bra and she smiled.
“I’m not a 34D, though I appreciate the offer. Ummm,” she rummaged through her bag.
“What are you looking for?” He asked.
“My binoculars.” She answered seriously and he laughed. 
“You carry binoculars?” 
“Yeah,” she shrugged, “they come in handy.”
“Do you often spy on people?” He crouched beside her on the curb, his hands held together in a tent. 
“It's called people watching, Neil.” She withdrew the small pair of binoculars and brushed them off. 
“Its fucking weird.” Neil retorted and laughed when she swatted him painfully on the shoulder. 
“Do you want my help or not?” 
“Ok, ok, sorry!” He took the binoculars and fixed the magnification onto the house. “We’ll have to go up to the house.” 
“Now who sounds like a stalker?” She grumbled and grabbed her bag. They snuck around the house to the side fence. 
“We’re both too short.” She pointed out and took the binoculars from Neil. “I could get on your shoulders…” She offered and bit her lip uncomfortably. Neil nodded and crouched down, his hands planted on the side of the house. 
“Alright, climb aboard.” 
“Don’t say that- it makes it sound weird.” She grumbled and scrambled, putting her thighs on either side of his neck. He stood upright and wavered a little. 
“Steady.” She whispered and peaked over the top of the fence, and looked into the second story room through the binoculars. She could see a girl sprawled out on her bed, a tv playing Singing in the Rain. 
“How do you feel about old musicals?” She asked and Neil huffed his response, not having to say anything. He hated Hollywood musicals. 
“Is she in there?” He asked in a strained voice. 
“Yeah, second story bedroom.” 
Neil lowered her to the ground and she put the binoculars back into her bag. They went around the fence and crouched beside the side of the house, below the window. 
“How old did you say this girl was?”
“I didn’t… and she’s in college.” He added quickly, “senior at NYU.” 
When she didn’t respond he changed the subject. 
“I’m going to throw a few pebbles at her window,” Neil thought aloud, “and when she opens the window, I can slingshot the bra up to her. 
“Slingshot? You can’t be serious.” 
“It’ll work.” Neil assured her and took a pebble from the ground. She sighed and waited for him to gently toss the pebble against the glass. He did it two more times before the window slid open and she could hear the girl leaning out. 
“Neil?” Nancy asked, confused. “What are you doing here?”
“You, uh, left this in the store.” He raised the bra and gave an awkward, crooked smile. 
“Oh, gosh. Thanks but I have so many. It’s ok, who’s telling what kind of stuff is on it now. You can just toss it.” She shrugged and waved. “Bye, Neil.” She closed the window with a loud snap and Neil lowered his arm. He said nothing though his brows were knit together. 
“Well what do we do now?” She asked below him and Neil smiled suddenly. 
“I have an idea. Come on!” He beckoned her to follow him as he crossed the street and held aside the fence onto the golf course.
End part 1 here :)
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
Strawberry Lip Balm
Klavier Gavin x gn!reader
Okay so I'm aroace so I have no idea what crushes are like but I tried my best?? I've also never written for Klavier before but I just finished aa4 and I couldn't resist lol
Translations at the end :)
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1393
You don't know how such a stupid, blurted-out question brought you to this moment, but sitting in the God of Rock's lap with his hands set on your hips to support you, you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
"Can I do your makeup?"
It was a stupid question. He had his head in your lap, guitar across his stomach as he loosely tried out melodies, and you lost yourself admiring his features. You weren't thinking - you really expected him to laugh in your face and tease you for it. Instead, he took it like it was any other question.
With a slight grin, he remembered he had a makeup bag tucked away in his unnecessarily tall filing cabinet. So he got up from the couch, propped his guitar safely in its glass case, and rifled through the endless drawers while you sat there trying to collect yourself. He found the case, plopped back on the couch, and after several minutes of struggling to position yourself to do anything to his handsome features, he told you to just sit in his lap.
It took a moment of adjusting. To be honest, you couldn’t tell if he was just doing this to mess with you or if he was being genuine. It was better not to think about it too much.
His makeup bag contained some basic things - dark pencil liner, some concealer, an eyebrow brush. But tucked down toward the bottom was a bold liquid liner, mascara, even a couple round containers of blush and eyeshadow.
Klavier was essentially putty in your hands. You decided to try out some eyeshadow and asked him to close his eyes, and he obligingly shut them. His grin never faltered, even for a second.
With a brush from the bag, you very carefully worked to apply a brown shade to his lid. It complimented his tan skin exceptionally well, and you tried not to get stuck just admiring him there. The trust he was putting in you to do this…
Warm hands squeezed your hips playfully, startling you.
“Don’t forget to breathe, schatzi,” he teased. “You’ll have plenty of time to admire me when you’ve finished.”
You scoffed, desperately ignoring the way your cheeks burned. Still, he kept his eyes closed, so at least he wouldn’t see how flustered you were. “I could make you look hideous on purpose, Klav,” you threatened. “You’re lucky I won’t.”
He huffed a laugh. It resonated through you. “I am grateful, liebling. I would hate to frighten my fans.”
Once the eyeshadow was even (enough), you put away the container and brushes. You picked up the pencil liner, then considered the liquid liner. It was hard enough to get even lines on yourself, but… It was just for fun, right? It wouldn’t matter. He’d probably wash it off once you left.
You grabbed the liquid liner. “Nope. Now shut your eyes.”
The brush was thin, perfect for sharp lines. The rich black glided across his lashline and into an “elegant” wing. You leaned in closer in your concentration. Joke or not, you were going to get this perfect. Klavier waited in perfect silence as he felt the cool, wet ink define his eyes. He also felt how you went back and forth between both eyes, and heard when you cussed quietly under your breath before adjusting one or the other.
As he sat there, acting as the perfect subject, his mind wandered. When he first met you on a crime scene several years ago, you’d tried to stop him from entering. You didn’t realize the famous Klavier Gavin of the Gavinners was also Klavier Gavin the prosecutor. You’d apologized profusely for the confusion, but he just laughed it off. Somehow, you became friends. Similar to Prosecutor Edgeworth and Detective Gumshoe, you became stuck to his side. He requested you to lead investigations when he was working the case, you would testify the lay-down of the events during trials, and he took you out to dinner when he “won” (though he was always more interested in the truth than winning).
Somewhere along the way, he couldn’t quite figure out when, his thoughts would constantly shift to you. What did you do when you weren’t working? What was your favorite color? Favorite food? Did you like scary movies or were you the kind of person to hide behind a pillow the whole time? He wanted to know so much about you, always. Maybe that’s how these get-togethers started. Maybe he asked if you wanted to hang out after investigations or trials to get to know you better. The real you. The you that didn’t hide behind your badge.
Maybe that’s why he didn’t hesitate to indulge your stupid question. Maybe that’s why he let you sit in his lap. Maybe that’s why he held onto you, even if you didn’t need the support.
Ripped from his thoughts, he carefully opened his eyes, worried the liner could still be wet. He didn’t realize you finished his eyes several minutes ago, and had filled in his eyebrows and touched his cheek-bones with blush while he zoned out.
You were still there, sitting in his lap. He almost forgot you were really there. You turned a small tube around in your hands, looking for a label. He hummed, getting your attention. You held the small container to him so he could look, too.
“What is this?”
He removed a hand from your hip to take it from you. The warmth lingered behind, but you missed the weight it provided.
“I think…” Skillfully, with one hand, he opened the tube. He smelled the whitish wax inside. “Ah! It’s my strawberry lip balm. I thought I lost it.”
He hummed, holding it out for you to smell. You leaned forward and held the back of his hand as you cautiously sniffed it. He hoped the way his cheeks tinged pink was hidden by the blush.
“Oh, it does smell like strawberries!”
“It tastes like strawberries, too, schatzi,” he mused. “Put it on, try it.”
You swore your whole face was red. “A-Are you sure?”
“Ja. I can always buy more if I need to.”
You carefully took the lip balm from his hand and twisted it to expose more of the wax, looking away to save yourself the embarrassment. All the while, Klavier felt his heart stutter as he watched you carefully apply it to your lips. Watching the movement entranced him. It was like being on stage and watching as the crowd coordinated into a wave of fluid movement, energizing him even more. His pupils blew wide as you tentatively rubbed your lips together and licked slightly, tasting the strawberry flavor.
A thumb and index finger gently grabbed your chin, urging you to face him again. He had to force himself to stop staring at your lips that now gleamed in the late-afternoon light spilling into his office, but he was just as stunned by the way your eyes sparkled with the orange sun’s rays.
“Can I try it, liebling?” His voice was a low whisper. No one would think this is the man that regularly belted out his soul on stage.
He waited, waited until you gave him your answer with the slightest nod, almost imperceptible if he did not feel the movement between his fingers.
He guided your face closer, eyes becoming half-lidded as he pulled you in. His mind raced, thinking only of what you would taste like through the sweet strawberry lip balm. Of what you would feel like against his lips. His eyes shut the instant your lips brushed his.
The kiss was barely-there, like a butterfly’s wing fluttering against sun-kissed summer skin. It didn’t last that way forever, though. Klavier pulled away, before going back in with more vigor, eagerly angling his head to reach every inch of your lips he could.
His hand reached around to cradle the back of your neck. Cold rings sent shivers down your spine, and you felt the way he grinned. You slid a hand up and over his shoulder, around his neck and into his long hair. He groaned into the kiss, pulling you closer with the hand on your hip; he despised the space between your bodies, desperate to feel all of you.
Strawberry was his new favorite flavor.
Schatzi - treasure
Liebling - darling
Ja - yes
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detective-writes · 1 year
Introduction and (future) Masterpost!
Hello! My name is Rayx and I decided to revamp a dead sideblog to be something I wanted to try! Here you will find writing but it'll be from requests (either sent in the inbox or DMs)! I will have anon on in but it will be turned off if y'all don't behave.
What I will write, what fandoms I write for, and what I won't write for is under the cut!
Brief DNI: TERFs, H//rry P//tter fans, bigots, prosh//ppers,
Fandoms I'll write for:
Star Wars (The Clone Wars TV show, The OG trilogy, and the recent movies mostly. I have yet to watch the prequels and haven't finished other media.)
Sherlock (Doyle's, Elementary and BBC's mostly.)
Hitman 2016
Lockwood & CO
Heavy Rain
Red Dead Redemption
Undertale (and any AUs that aren't NSFW)
Supernatural (I haven't watched the finale so please don't spoil anything)
Ace Attorney
Detroit Become Human
Venom (I haven't watched the second movie yet)
Legend of Zelda (I haven't played/watched Tears of the Kingdom)
My Hero Academia (I didn't watch all of it but I watched enough to get an understanding of characters)
Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Egos (is that still the term?)
AFK Arena
More to be added
Fandoms I might write for:
Danganronpa (I've only watched gameplay of THH though)
Attack on Titan
Death Note
Gravity Falls (I'm on the last season but haven't finished)
Rick and Morty
Scooby Doo
Love, Nikki
Slashers (it's under a 'maybe' because I'm not too confident in writing the slashers well but willing to try!)
Cookie Run
What I can write:
Character x Character
Character x Reader
Character Headcanons
Ship Headcanons
X Reader Headcanons
Specific Tropes (enemies to lovers, "there's only one bed", etc)
What I won't write:
NSFW (I have a sideblog [ @detective4sideblog ] where I share my NSFW writing and do take requests. This is going to be a SFW blog.)
Inc//stous Pairings (*looks at SWs Clones in specific)
Adult Character x Underage Character
Over-the-top violence
Anything relating to self harm
Abusive Relationships (even if it's on par for the pairing, I do not feel comfortable writing that)
Ships I Will Write:
Note: Feel free to ask about any I did not list!
Star Wars:
Codywan (Obi Wan/Cody)
Rexwalker (Anakin/Rex)
Padtine (Satine/Padmé)
Obitine (Satine/Obi Wan)
Obi Wan/Satine/Cody
Ploit (Plo Koon/Kit Fisto)
Skysolo (Han Solo/Luke Skywalker)
Finpoe (Poe/Finn)
Most other ships you can think of from SWs, feel free to shoot an ask to make sure!
Mormor (Sebastian Moran/Jim Moriarty)
Johniarty (John Watson/Jim Moriarty)
Johnastian (John Watson/Sebastian Moran)
Mollrene (Irene Adler/Molly Hooper)
Hooperan (Sebastian Moran/Molly Hooper)
Specifically Victorian Johnlock (John Watson/Sherlock Holmes)
I think that covers everything, though there's others but regardless.
Dianseven (Agent 47/Diana Burnwood)
Hannigram (Hannibal Lector/Will Graham)
I don't know any other Hannibal ships but feel free to inform me, I'll gladly write for 'em :)
Lockwood & CO:
Locklyle (Anthony Lockwood/Lucy Carlyle)
George/Lucy/Lockwood (is this a ship? Either way, listing it)
Heavy Rain
Jars (Norman Jayden/Ethan Mars)
I might write for Norman/Blake if I like the prompt enough but they aren't my cup of tea. Same goes for Ethan/Madison.
Ethan/Grace (*shrugs*)
Vandermatthews (Dutch Van Der Linde/Hosea Matthews)
Arthur Morgan/Kiran Duffy (I can't remember their ship name atm)
Charles/Arthur Morgan (I can't remember the shipname again)
Most other pairings you can think of that don't break my "won't write" list :)
Sansby (Sans/Grillby)
Burger Guy/Nice Cream Guy
Papyton (Papyrus/Mettaton)
Soriel (Sans/Toriel)
Destiel (Castiel/Dean Winchester)
Sabriel (Gabriel/Sam Winchester)
Like I said, I haven't watched the finale...or much past season 5 or 6 so...yeah.
Ace Attorney
Wrightworth (Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth)
Detective Gumshoe/Phoenix Wright
Maya Fey/Franziska von Karma
Larry Butz/Phoenix Wright
Reed900 (Gavin Reed/RK-900)
Hankcon (Hank Anderson/Connor)
The obvious canon Venom/Eddie Brock
Zelink (Zelda/Link)
Sidlink (Prince Sidon/Link)
Midlink (Midna/Link)
Honestly anything BUT Midoriya/Bakugo.
Darkstache (Wilford Warfstache/Darkiplier)
Antiaverage (Antisepticeye/Chase Brody)
Anti/Marvin the Magnificent
Chase Brody/Marvin
Schneeplbro (Doctor Schneeplestein/Chase Brody)
Googleplier/Chase Brody
There's more but I'm forgetting them 😭
AFK Arena
Idk any other ships so feel free to request
Will be updated in the future :)
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turnaboutimagines · 5 years
What about Edgeworth and Gumshoe (seperately) making their crush laugh, and reacting to their crush's laughter?
i’m very happy that i got a request for both of these lads making their crush laugh and then their crush making them laugh.  very cute to get both sides of it.  ;;w;;Also Miles’s does have an AAI/Turnabout Reminiscence reference to some flavor text because he has so many funny, iconic lines in that episode.  And Gumshoe’s is also an AAI flavor text reference, but not as direct.  Can you guys tell I really like AAI’s dialogue???
Miles Edgeworth.
He can’t help but ponder upon how little things change, yet simultaneously are completely different.  There’s a sense of deja vu as he stands in front of the vending machine with you at his side—during a recess for a court for a trial that is going well in his pursuit for the truth.  So different and yet…
“’Defendant’s fresh milk’…?” you ask, making a face as you look over to him.  “That’s… what does that even mean?!  That they confiscate bottles of milk from defendants and resell it here?”
There’s a moment of silence as Miles contemplates how to respond to that.  With most people, perhaps he would have.  Yet with you, everything comes easier and the pull of nostalgia is too tempting.  Humor isn’t his strong suit, but he feels completely safe
“Ah yes, I’ve thought about this a great deal and that’s not out of the realm of possibility,” he says, looking at you with a hint of a smile quirking up the corners of his lips. “But I think it might mean that it was milked from the various defendants of this very court, fresh each morning, of course.”
You gawk at him for a moment, shocked, before bursting out into laughter.  Miles’s eyes snap open at the sound as he stares at you, utterly awestruck by the sound.  However, his mouth presses into an uneven line as he forces himself to look away, gripping his left arm as he does so.  The blush that sets alight across his face spreads to the tips of his ears.
“You should make jokes more often, Miles.”
“…Nngh, perhaps…”
…if it means making you laugh like that again, of course.
Dick Gumshoe.
It’s not intentional.  It often isn’t with him.  He simply comes over to your place for the first time, only to freeze in the doorway and stare up at your ceiling, his dark brown eyes darting around and around as he follows the rotation of the fan’s blades.  It’s as if he’s entranced by it.  You have to bite down on your bottom lip to bite back a giggle as you wait for him to say something.
He’s just too cute.
“Is that one of them ‘ceiling fans,’ pal?”
“…Yeah?”  You look between him and the fan, equal parts puzzled and amazed.  “Dick, have you… not seen a ceiling fan before?”
He scratches the back of his head as he thinks, a hint of pink coloring his cheeks.  “Not one in motion, anyways.  Mr. Edgeworth told me about them once, though.”
“Well, now you have.”  You place your hands on your hips and give him a smile.  “There’s a first time for everything, right?”
He perks right back up at that, flashing you a grin paired with a nod.  “Right!  Anyways, I brought my trusty checkers board like you asked.”
It isn’t until a while later, that the two of you are seated and playing a game of checkers when you catch him doing it.  You’d just made your move and look up, expecting Dick to be ready to make his next move as he has so far (each time.  
He isn’t.  
Instead, he’s staring up at your ceiling fan again.  Only this time, it’s not just his eyes following it.  It’s his entire head, bobbing around in a circular motion as he watches the fan above, utterly transfixed.
It’s too much, he’s too adorable and ridiculous and perfect.  Even though you bring a hand up to try and muffle the sound, your laugh escapes your throat—loud and true.  It’s enough to snap his attention away from the piece of novel technology (to him, at least) up on your ceiling.  He blinks at you, eyebrows drawing upwards in his dazed confusion.  Not quite understanding what it is you’re laughing at...and he’s also a little dizzy.
But as you laugh more, his expression softens into raw adoration and he can’t help but chuckle some, himself...  Even if he doesn’t know what you’re laughing at.  It doesn’t matter, not with the way you’re looking at him and the sound of your sweet laughter filling his ears.
The way you’re looking at him makes his heart do flips in his chest.  Whatever it is he did, he’s glad he did it and he hopes that he can keep making you laugh like that again and again.
Because it’s just as perfect as you are.
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