#di saltzman asks
foxalade · 5 months
Things I saw/heard on my 2 week holiday that reminded me of the Marauders
in a diner a little thing where you could pick Music and there was 30 Bowie songs
a street called "Grant"
Grant Grove Village & General Grant Tree
a shaggy black dog (x3)
forever 21 (x3)
Sirius.xm (radio)
A t-shirt with [something] McKinnon
2 gay ppl were talking to us in McDonald's and they said they were the Black sheep of their families and that's how they found each other
deer warnings + deer lego sets
an old man (cleaner) who told us his tragic life story when we said he was doing a great job at cleaning, his name was James
a deck of cards with various constellations (my mother was gonna buy it for me but didn't 💔(I don't own Dollars so I couldn't buy it myself))
the radio guy who's name was Grant
Man on the Moon (song by R.E.M.)
James Road
Dune 2 posters, Wonka dvds
they both die at the end (book)
T-Shirts: I'm not gay, but 20$ is 20$ I ❤️ sluts Accepting sugar daddy applications Daddy's little slut
Wolf statue
Sirius, Regulus & Arcturus (the stars)
Alaric Saltzman from TVD (he's so Remus to me idk???) (I love him (I'm beginning of S3 don't spoiler me please it's already breaking my heart))
Vampire Diaries in general
Deer (alive and dead (roadkill and on the walls))
Song: C'est la vie (always 21)
the words "Sunseeker" on the back of a caravan (idk if it was the make or what it was but my heart stopped for a second)
the words "seriously", "regularly", "oh dear"
one of those 2016 Wolf T-Shirts
the full moon
a woman asked where we were from (she wanted to compliment our accent (Northern British)) and said she's been to England too and then when asked where she said Wales and Scotland. And I think that would have made Remus go mad
misread "Porters" as "Potters" (x2)
Matt Chapman (baseball player I saw on Telly)
Yellow (Coldplay) is so Jegulus. "For you I'd bleed myself dry" James Potter would. James Potter absolutely would.
A boy out running, who looked like James (I nearly walked into him)
multiple ppl that looked like Remus or James
a girl sat behind me on the plane with a "Have you seen this wizard" top on with Sirius Blacks face on it (very handsome boy, prettiest mugshot I've ever seen)
a tik tok about funny bird names (Marlene would have cackled)
tik tok in general
I was reading a book for school and the father was doing experiments and died bc of and explosion (sorry Pandora)
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no one asked but here's what I would do if I could rewrite the Parkers arc on TVD:
starting out Kai would leave after taking Jo's magic. I don't even care where he goes or if his final line in season six is "have a good life, sissy" but my boy would disappear and go run free for a while and leave mystic falls behind. So no second stent in a prison world or being a blood-bag for a bunch of heretics (like y'all wonder why he came back to the wedding swinging).
Listen, do I still want him to become a heretic ??
Yes, 100%.
But we'd need to figure out how to avoid killing Jo and Liv in the process, so we'd be relying on some silly TVD loophole. As coven leader his ass should be able to sever the ties binding them.
(or maybe jo gets given vampire blood at the hospital pre wedding and when he stabs her she wakes up too but as a vampire i don't KNOW and i don't care but we keep the three of them alive end of discussion. the Red Wedding is so deliciously evil of him part of me wants to keep it but maybe we focus on making it about killing their awful dad/the abusive family and leave the siblings out of it).
so yes, Jo would somehow make it through the wedding unscathed, leaving Caroline out of the horrible gemini baby incubator plot line.
Liv and Tyler get back together post wedding gate, and in season 7 they're hopefully enjoying college and making plans for the future. She's still broken up about Luke, obviously, but she's finding ways to heal. He's helping her, she's helping him, they're healthy and adorable and 100% on track for marriage.
In season 7 we'd see Jo and Ric adjusting to pregnancy/parenthood, with the mystic falls gang rallying around them to help.
We'd get an occasional check in on Kai: i want him off being ridiculous on islands and in europe and just vibing being a menace wherever he'd like; maybe the MFG call him for magical advice since he's wicked smart where the witch histories are involved or maybe hes still hung up on bonnie and calling every few months to see if she misses him yet (she'll never admit she does).
In Season 8, the saltzman girls start to get their powers. The gang hasn't heard from Kai in a while, maybe we haven't even seen him in town since he left in season 6. But he shows up unannounced one afternoon on Jo and Ric's porch (they've upped to a family house) asking if he's missed dinner. It's a holiday: my boys got an awful sweater on, a baked good in one hand and a sack of presents for the girls in the other. I'd also like a santa hat with a little bell if it's christmas.
The loophole about Jo saying she'd kill him if he ever came back is that now she's a mom, and the girls are confirmed witches (which makes them official members of the coven) so if he dies they die, and he doesn't think Jo will kill her own kids.
Obviously he's right, so a super weird and uncomfortable "family" dinner ensues. The girls have no idea who he is at first, but they're thrilled to meet a new Uncle. They have questions about their mom growing up, and questions about Kai now and where he lives, and Josie, especially, has questions about what's wrong with them.
Lizzy is nervous around new people, but Josie isn't even the tiniest bit afraid of him. She peppers him with question after question, hardly letting him catch his breath:
If he's a siphon like her, how come he has magic of his own now? Can she ever have that, too? Does letting her magic drain out ever stop hurting? Will she ever be as good a witch as Lizzy? Why were they born like this?
And Kai can't help but fall for her. No one answered his questions when he was a kid, so he takes his time telling her the truth now. He still doesn't know why the spirits did this to them and not their sisters - but there's nothing stopping Josie from being as powerful as she wants to be.
(Except him, of course, but she doesn't need to know that.)
At dinner, Jo and Ric sit at either end of the table, and Kai sits in the middle across from the girls. Lizzy's warmed up to him now and keeps asking him for special tricks. They haven't seen a real witch except for Aunt Bonnie, and having one so close for the evening - let alone someone they're actually related to, is a novelty they can't pass up.
Suddenly Kai flicks his wrist, and the girls freeze in their seats. "They're cuter than I thought they'd be," he admits.
"What did you do to them?" Ric growls, starting to stand. But Kai keeps him in his seat with another wave of his hand, smiling at both of them.
"We need to have a little chat," he tells them, "grown ups only."
"So send them to their rooms," Jo snaps, "we don't use magic on our children-,"
"Oh nice," Kai nods, "good on you for breaking the family traditions. But this will only take a moment, sissy, and they won't remember a thing. Pinky promise."
"Fine," Jo says, "what is it?"
"Simple question," Kai sighs. "I know which one of them is my favorite, but how about you two?"
Jo and Ric can only stare at him.
"You probably like Lizzy best, right?" Kai asks, rolling his eyes at Jo. "But what about you, Ric? Does Josie being a little freak bother you? Or does it not really matter, since you've never been a witch anyway?"
"Kai-," Jo tries to stop him, but he brushes her off.
"Don't pretend you don't have a secret favorite," he says. "You and I both know every parent does. Now tell me which one it is, and I'll unfreeze them."
"Why would I ever do that?" Jo asks. "I don't HAVE a favorite, I love them both."
"Well," Kai hums. "I suppose I could kill them both, if it's what you want. But between us it only really needs to be one of them. I thought you'd at least want to pick which one you got to keep."
He flicks his wrist, and the girls go back to peppering him with questions. Jo and Ric exchange panicked, horrified glances.
"Why are you two looking at me like that?" Kai asks, making sparks dance on his fingers for the girls. "I'm being nice, or did you miss the part where I said you could keep one of them?"
Later, after Ric and Jo have had a heated debate on what they should or shouldn't do, Jo takes the girls into the living room where Kai's waiting.
"Oof, bit harsh, sissy," he says, standing, "making one of them watch?"
Jo doesn't say anything, she just stops before him, the girls standing between them.
"Who's it going to be?" He asks, cracking his knuckles.
"I don't know," Jo says, "because I can't decide, and I'm not going to."
Kai tips his head back, groaning. "Come on, that wasn't the deal-,"
"I didn't agree to any deal," she reminds him, keeping a tight grip on each of her daughters. "I love them both, Kai, equally. If you want me to pick Lizzy because she's the easier option, I'm not going to do it. Josie is just as much a witch as any of us, and I'm not going to give up on her just because we might have hard days. I'm their mother, I can't make this choice."
Kai glares at her, knowing where she's headed.
"So if this is really what you want to do, then you look at your nieces right now," she orders, "and pick."
Kai rolls his eyes. This is her big plan?
Fine, easy.
He drops down to his knees before the girls, looking at each of them. Josie shuffles a bit closer, tugging the edge of his sleeve.
"Uncle Kai," she whispers, "did we do something wrong?"
Kai's expression falters. "No," he says, "you - you haven't done anything."
"Then why are you and mommy fighting?" Lizzy asks, tilting her head.
"Because your mom is being difficult," Kai pinches the bridge of his nose, "can you two just be quiet for a minute?"
"Sorry, Uncle Kai," Josie shrinks in on herself, drawing her little hand away from his arm.
He stares at them, and they stare right back at him. It should be easy - but it isn't. Josie has his eyes, his hair, his curse. And Lizzy can't shut up to save her life, she's twitching now with the need to ask him something else.
"You're both so - small," he says, one hand on each of their cheeks. "You're kids," his eyes flick up to where Jo still stands above them, "they're just kids."
"I know," Jo agrees, "so were we."
and just like that, we've got an immortal coven leader and no need to ever do a merge again
anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk
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imaginefan · 1 year
The New Baby *Part 4*
All Platonic Relationship Characters involved or mentions are - Asher (OC), Jayleen (OC), Hope Mikaelson, Jodie Saltzman, Lizzie Saltzman, Klaus Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce, Damon Salvatore and Jeremy Gilbert.
Word Count: 1015
Requested: @emaz-0225
Request: Original Request
*Part 3*
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No one had expected your death and everyone was hit hard, you had been protecting the twins, Katherine had come to Mystic Falls to visit your grave cry. She hadn’t expected to see anyone but ended up running into Damon who was placing flowers on your grave, they spoke for a while and finally agreed that she was allowed to see the twins considering they needed all the family that they could get. For the first couple of months they didn’t hear anything from Klaus either, he chose to mourn your death on his own only reappearing when the twins or specifically when Asher was in danger as the first born, however much like any other danger it passed.
The twins themselves had always struggled with your death. They were still young when you died, only three, Jay had taken a quieter approach to her grieving receding into herself, she didn’t speak to anyone apart from Asher, who took a more aggressive and angry approach to grieving. For a long time they were on their own only because they chose to be, Jay was the first to let Damon back in Asher following suit, then Stefan and finally Kathrine and Klaus. Jeremy was there but after a few years he found someone else, someone that he wanted to settle down with.
It took about 10 years before the twins had friends of their own age, with the supernatural school finally in place, they attended with Hope, Lizzie and Jo. They seemed to be getting on well unfortunately on the 13th anniversary of your passing Jeremy decided that he was going to tell them both something.
“I needed to talk to both of you.” Jeremy said as he looked at them, they were both sitting on the beds in the room that they shared as they waited for him to tell them what he needed to. “What?” Asher asked, he was far less forgiving of Jeremy, feeling abandoned by his father, all of his grandparents coming to the rescue. “It’s about Jessica.” Jeremy said. “Honestly I don’t want to talk about your new girlfriend.” Asher said as he leant back against the headboard of the bed. “Fiancée.” He corrected. “Excuse me?” Asher asked. “Fiancée.” Jeremy repeated. “So what do you expect me to call her mum and play happy family every holiday?” Asher asked. “Not gonna happen.” “Do you want to hear why we’re getting married?” Jeremy asked. “Because you love her or something?” Asher asked, putting air quotes around the word ‘love’. “I do love her but there’s another reason.” Jeremy answered. “She's pregnant.” “Oh so you’ll marry her but you wouldn’t marry mum?” Asher asked. “Asher, that was different.” Jeremy argued, Asher sat up, his feet falling to the floor as he stood. “Honestly I could care less that you are having a baby or getting married, I don’t want anything to do with it so if you don’t mind will you kindly leave me the fuck alone.” Asher said before disappearing from the room. “You couldn’t have picked a better day for this?” Jay asked. “You know what this day means to him and yet you would tell him that you are moving on and you expect him to do the same.” “That’s not-” “No it’s not what you meant but that’s what he heard.” Jay sighed before standing up and walking out of the room to find her brother.
Asher found himself at your grave as he always did on the anniversary of your death, he’s cry, tell you everything that he had achieve that year and even brought Hope Lizzie and Jo to see you one year, they had all asked to come pretending that they were there for Jay but they had come for him to, he knew that but he couldn’t bring himself to thank them. “Do you know what he said to me today?” Asher asked, the silence that answered him was no unfamiliar “he said that he’s getting married and she’s pregnant, I think he was hoping that we would be happy for him but I was just angry because somehow after everything he still manage to come out on top, like he did every other time, you looked after us when we were younger and he was able to do whatever he wanted, he only ever looked after us when he wanted to and he’s the one that gets to move on while rest of us are still hurting.” Asher wanted to be able to see a picture of you without feeling angry or like he wanted to cry. “You know with all of the friends that I’ve made I shouldn’t feel this way, I don’t feel as lonely as I was before but you're still not here and I can’t bring you back, no one can.” “Your right no one can bring her back so we have to live for her.” Jay said as she sat in front of him. “Mum wanted us to live so the best thing that we can do for her past bringing her back is living the way that she wanted and showing her everything that we can become.” “What if we don’t do what she wanted?” He asked. “I think we have, you know, making friends that would do anything for us and we would do anything for, you know I think that if we never did anything for the rest of our lives she’d be proud as long as we were happy.” Jay explained as her eyes moved over to the girls that you’d say were your closest friends each of them taking a seat so that you were making a semi circle around the grave. “We’ll stick together no matter what.” Hope said “you can rely on us.” “We promise.” Josie said. “Always.” Lizzie added. “Thanks guys.” Asher said softly and while he knew that it was still going to be a long time before he was okay, he had the perfect people around him to make sure that it happened in and out of the school.
Requests and general question!
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intothewickedwood · 5 months
🐈‍⬛ 🌻 😇 👥️ 🎶 for the ask game <3
Thank you so much for the asks! <3 :D
🐈‍⬛ animal
My favourite animal is a cheetah! I'm just so impressed by their speed and how they run. If I had a mutant power, I'd want it to be super speed. So I want them to teach me there ways!
😇 blorbo
Right now, my The Wilds hyperfixation is so strong I can think of practically nothing else (oopsie). But yes! I love all the Wilds girls but Toni Shalifoe is my favourite <3. Honestly, she might have taken the crown of favourite character of all time at this point. Just gaaah. Such a softie underneath all that understandable anger. Cares so much for those she loves. I love her and all the layers of her character.
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Before I watched the Wilds I got really into Legacies again (by finally watching s3 and s4). Absolutely obsessed with Lizzie Saltzman! Very relatable in some regards. Absolutely hilarious! Has so much pain and so many deep insecurities.
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Alice Jones from Once Upon A Time, (my beloved) <3! A silly who has suffered too much!!
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Chelsea Daniels from That's So Raven. She's so endearing to me. The silliest of sillies. Raven is a very close second, though.
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Natalie Goodman from Next To Normal. Relatable in an ansty way.
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Peter Simmonds from Bare: A Pop Opera. So relatable. A Cinnamon Roll <3.
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Kate Dalton from We Are The Tigers. Sarcasm queen.
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Vincent Lin From Adamandi. They may be a murderous blorbo. But they're my murderous blorbo.
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Circe from Epic: The Musical. She's just so cool.
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Draculaura from Monster High. Again, so cool and I love how much she loves her friends.
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Chloe Sullivan from Smallville. Big influence on me growing up. Though I probably shouldn't have been watching Smallville at 9. She just cared so much about those she loved.
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Simon Tudor from Jeopardy. His character development is everything <3.
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Cloe From Bratz. The biggest drama queen ever and I love her for it.
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Kurt Wagner from X-Men Evolution (and just x-men in general). He's such a silly guy.
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Shalimar Fox from Mutant X. The most badass, protective queen to ever.
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And that's all I can think of, but they're in no particular order. Except Toni. Toni gets the number 1 blorbo badge.
🌻 flower
I don't know much about flowers but I really like the look of Plumeria.
👥️ otp
So many! I shall limit myself to one per show.
Shoni!! (from The Wilds). I think they have made it to number 1 otp status!
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Snowing from Once Upon A Time. But also shout out to Curious Archer!
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Mizzie from Legacies! Still can't believe they got to be endgame!! I thought it was just gonna be hopes and dreams but the way I screamed my head off!! I love an unrequited love storyline but I love it even more when it then becomes requited. He thought the world of her and then she realised she felt the same about him too and it was beautiful and I cried (and screamed).
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Natalie x Henry from Next To Normal. He's just so supportive of her and would do anything to make sure she's okay and that makes me want to cry into my cereal.
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Peter x Jason from Bare: A Pop Opera. Everything hurts. But their chemistry was of the charts and they were so in love and I am in pain.
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Cheer Wives from We Are The Tigers. They were sooooo bad for each other but needed each other? It was a mess but I was so very there for it.
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Quincent from Adamandi. I am once again in so much pain. I can't get over how beautiful the lyrics they sang were when referencing each other.
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Freffy from Skins. The way he cared for Effy D,:. He would haved moved mountains just to make her smile. My heart will forever be broken over what happened to Freddie. He deserved so much better.
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Dracudeen. Just the whole of 'This is Not How Or Story Goes.' There was no hetrosexual explanation for that and Clawdeen nearly died to save her!
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Chlark from Smallville. Next to Simon x Chrissie, they were one of my first otps. No one did friendship like them. But I always wanted it to be more. That whole unrequited thing that was never really given a chance to become requited.
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Edited to add: Chlavis! I now one cannot have 2 otps that include the same character but I always go back and forth between which I like best. Chlavis' story was so intense and traumatic but at least it ended up being requited this time around! Extremely requited!
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Simon x Chrissie. Tfw the two most terrible people you'd never wanted to be stranded in the wilderness with have the most beautiful, unrushed character development and learn to care for people other than themselves as they slowly fall in love, when there was merely the shallowest one-sided crush you ever did see there before. The way they became heroes <3. And the way Simon just didn't know how to be without Chrissie but persisted in trying to save her when chances were beyond slim. I miss them so much and need to rewatch <3.
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Harlan x Cyrus. They had so much chemistry and genuinely had a connection and now we'll never know what happened to them. I wish we got to know them better. Darn you Amazon!
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Cloe x Jade from Bratz. It was more of a case of all the unwritten fanfiction I had in my head for them as an 11 year old. But I only let it get as gay as Monster High 2 at the time, which is actually very incredibly gay, so I don't know who my brain was trying to fool.
Lance x Kitty from X-Men Evolution. They had a really interesting connection and were drawn to each other.
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🎶 musical artist
I mostly listen to musical theatre songs but my favourite band has always been S Club 7. I'm not sure I have an overall favourite solo artist. Maybe James Morrison!
Thank you again for the asks! They were such a blast to answer!
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countrymusiclover · 4 months
55 - Idiot Townies
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Part 56
Family is More than Blood
@vavafaure1994 @melvia-ito
Missy’s pov
Sitting outside on one of the park benches with the tall clock tower behind me I just stared off into the distance in front of me. I just needed some time to myself to get my emotions in check. Clasping my hands together I rested my chin on them hearing someone walking up to me. “Go away, Hope.”
“How did you know it was me and not Alina?” She asked me.
I didn’t turn around on the bench hearing her stop walking, meaning she was standing a few feet away from me. “Because I know your different heartbeat sounds, you annoying Tribrid!”
“I’m not technically a tribrid yet.” She walked the rest of the way to me sitting down on the other side of the bench.
Rolling my eyes I scooted away from her as much as I could to the other end. “Regardless, I'm still pissed at what you did.”
“Lizzie told me what happened with Ethan. I swear I would have never guessed that she would hurt him like that. I’m sorry-“
“Are you that dumb to think that’s what I’m pissed about!”
Hope parted her lips. “What else did I do wrong?”
“For god sake Hope! You risked our sister’s life, the Saltzman twins' lives and especially our mothers life all to bring your stupid boyfriend back.”
She tried to speak. “You would do the same for Ethan. You love him-“
“We aren’t anywhere close to saying I love you yet. And don’t try to change the subject with me. Mom is now in a coma and her witch's dark side is in control that no one in our family has ever interacted with before.”
Hope reached to touch my shoulder. “That wasn’t supposed to happen. You know that.”
“But you didn’t stop performing the spell did you?” I finally glanced in her direction seeing she didn’t have a response back. “You kept doing the spell when Lizzie started getting infected then Josie had to step in. Y’all would’ve died if mom didn’t step in.”
Hope got to her feet throwing her arms away from her sides. “You weren’t even there. You have no right to judge my actions, Missy.”
“I shouldn’t have to judge your actions, you’re right it shouldn’t be my responsibility. You are older than me and the rest of our siblings.”
She scoffed. “You, me and Alina are triplets. Born on the same day.”
“You were still born first.” I snapped back at her.
My sister crossed her arms. “That’s your defense, really. I’m born three minutes earlier and that makes me responsible for the rest of my family’s safety. But oh wait I can’t have someone outside of that to love for myself. Sure that sounds like the perfect life for me!”
“That isn’t what I was saying.” I jumped up from the bench stepping closer to her.
Hope ran a hand down her face. “So you’re just saying that I should have been more responsible.”
“Yes!” I felt the fangs inside my mouth coming to the surface having this fight with her.
“Just because I’m 18 now doesn’t mean I have to instantly start acting like an adult!”
I throw my hands up in the air, frustration boiling through my veins at my sister. “Some of our family isn’t going to be stuck at age 16 forever.”
“We’re getting off topic of what this argument started about in the first place. The whole point is that I did what I had to do to bring my boyfriend back safely and I didn’t care how much danger I put myself in. I’m sorry that you can’t seem to wrap your head around the concept.”
I growled back at her throwing out whatever insults I could quickly think of. Not caring if I pissed her off. “You’re still a virgin. Ha!”
“So are you.” She quipped. “Alina is the only one in own family that isn’t. So get a better defense Melissa.”
Clutching my hands into fists at my sides. “Don’t call me Melissa.”
“You won’t hurt me, Melissa.” She challenged me with a slight smile on her face.
I growled underneath my breath feeling my hands turning red where I needed to release my anger. I wasn’t going to easily get over what she had done or made our mother do. “I don’t think you know how bad this upset me. So get out of my face or we are going to fight right here - Hello who is this?”
“Missy, it’s MG. We have a problem. Ethan is trying to get involved in a bar fight.”
I gasped, not sure on what he just said. “He’s what now?”
“He is getting tired of waiting around for some adventure to happen. I tried to talk him out of it but he wouldn’t listen.” MG explained and I could hear the nervousness in his tone.
Running my freehand through my hair I sighed heavily. “Uh, just keep him safe. I’m coming over right now.”
“What’s wrong with Ethan?” Hope asked me when I hung up the phone.
Shoving my phone in my pocket I put a hand on my hip not wanting her help considering she wasn’t very reliable lately. “He’s trying to get into a bar fight. I’ll handle it. You should go back to the school and make sure your phoenix boyfriend is okay.”
“Missy, please let me help.” My sister begged briefly.
Glaring at her I crossed my arms over my chest hating the idea but I was a nice person. “Fine. Just stay out of my way.” Hope and I made our way over to the Grill where we entered inside seeing some biker guys standing in a circle around my boyfriend.
“I’d suggest getting out of here, kid.” One of them spoke down to him.
Pushing myself through the crowd I grabbed Ethan by his arm spinning him around. “What are you doing, E?”
“Trying to find you and MG a bad guy to fight against. Why should we have to keep waiting around when a bad guy could be anywhere.”
I gave him a pity look. “Ethan.”
“If you don't believe me. Then I'll MG take this ass.”
The lead biker guy stepped up until he was pressed against my boyfriend's back almost. “What did you call me, kid?”
“He was just joking.” Hope attempted to defuse the situation.
I snapped my head around to her. “Shut up, Hope. We don't need your help.”
“I'm telling them you're a bad guy by not letting those girls from earlier sit at the bar. So you all were being an ass - ohhh!” Ethan got cut short in his sentence when the lead guy grabbed him by his shirt and throws him harshly into the nearest table where he got cut up pretty bad.
I cried out with some tears. “Ethan!”
“Hey, that wasn't cool man.” MG said back to the guy.
The guy grumbled. “You wanna be next?”
“No, no man. I was just saying he's my friend.” MG held his hands up in surrender.
Hope grabbed my hand whispering to me. “Go give Ethan your blood before he dies.”
“He's not going to die. I only give him little doses of my blood just enough to heal him.”
She sent me a raised brow. “If this goes wrong. Even the smallest drop of your blood can turn him.”
“What are they whispering about over there?”
MG chuckled nervously. “Uh, nothing important.”
“They're agreeing with what that boy said aren't they. And since they're your friends I think I need to send them a message to stop talking about us.” The guy grabbed MG and he launched him into one of the other bar tables.
Hope broke the conversations with me. “Okay that's enough of this. Ad somunm- Ah!”
I dug my fingers into her raised hand siphoning off of her dropping her body to the ground before she could do anything. “You mess with the bull's friends, you get the horns.” I stepped around her body not trusting that she would teach them the right lesson.
Another biker got up from his seat. “You think you can beat us.”
“You're just a little teenage girl.” The third guy rose from his seat standing by his friends. The three created a circle around me.
I briefly closed my eyes, still hearing Ethan's faint heartbeat coming in my ears. “Ascendo -”
“This girls a joke.”
“Look at that. She's sleeping.”
“Told you she wasn't strong enough to fight us.”
Opening my eyes again I saw the broken chairs and silverware hovering behind them and they had no clue. “Dissulta - Ascendo!” I declared launching the furniture at them where one of them gets stabbed in the leg.
Another guy got knocked on his back by a chair and the third guy ran towards me. He halted in his tracks until I raised my hand and threw him down onto his back. “Do you give up now?”
“You're a beast.” He grunted with my boot holding his chest down on the floor.
The veins and fangs underneath my eyes appears when I bent down seeing the fear appear in his eyes. “Here's a warning. Don't hurt my friends ever again.”
“What the hell is happening here?” I heard a different voice enter the Grill causing me to throw my hand behind me.
I heard Ethan gasp through a cough beside me. “Maya?”
“Oh my god.” Whipping my head around I released a breath seeing Maya leaning against the wall holding onto the piece of a table leg that was stuck in her stomach. “I'm so getting grounded for this.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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terapsina · 11 months
Hope/Lizzie: Dealer’s choice! 21, 22, 23, or 25!
(lets try to go for broke and pick all)
21. sharing long term dreams, goals and aspirations with one another 22. playful teasing 23. being unable to keep their eyes off of them 25. finding comfort in their scent
--- ao3 ---
Lizzie Saltzman shone.
She was... the most alive person Hope knew. It was hard to look away from, - which... a bit ironic that, considering how it was Hope who killed her.
But it was the truth all the same.
Even on a night like any other, where they were just hanging out in the library going through piles of grimoires and fairy tale books - and what were their lives that both were equally useful now? - the last ones still awake, with everyone else having abandoned them almost an hour back. Even here, under the simple light of the table lamp, Lizzie pulled Hope's eye like a magnet.
Lizzie's hair was pulled up in a messy bun, with little golden tufts of hair fallen out of place and tickling her neck. Little micro-expressions flit over Lizzie's face as she read, - a scrunch between the eyebrows; a sharpening in her gaze as she leaned closer to the book; a brief uptick to the corners of her lips as she took a brief note.
Hope's chest ached with the increasingly familiar sensation of longing.
It was getting harder trying to hide it. If this was what Lizzie had felt during Hope's dramatic roller coaster of a romance with Landon, she didn't know how Lizzie had dealt with being Hope's one big constant at the time.
Which was exactly what Lizzie had been. And it was so easy to see that with all the reflection available to Hope now.
Lizzie had always been there. Having Hope's back, helping Hope even when it nearly cost her everything. Even when they fought, even during the moments in time when Lizzie would proclaim her hatred of Hope, Lizzie would always - always - come through.
And Hope had begun to take it for granted.
"Lizzie?" she asked spontaneously "What do you want to do?"
"What?" Lizzie looked up, blinking rapidly a few times, like she was trying to wipe away the imprint of pages and pages of text from the back of her eyelids. "Figure out how to deal with this brownie infestation?"
"No, I mean... when we leave the Salvatore Boarding School, what will you do?"
"Oh," she bit into her lip and Hope felt it like a slice of a heated blade somewhere deep within the lining of her stomach, her fingertips tingled with the urge to reach over and run them against Lizzie's bottom lip to ease the tiny sting. "I... don't really know. I mean I want to go to college. Go visit Josie in London. But existentially? With potentially the rest of all of eternity? No idea."
There was a moment of heavy silence as the air between them seemed to stretch, their eyes caught by a single spiderweb string.
Frazzled, she grasped for something to say.
"I miss New Orleans," she admitted quietly, "I miss seeing my family."
After her dad died Hope had... kind of walled herself off from everyone. Sometimes she blamed her aunts and uncles for letting her. They hadn't at first, of course, had called nearly every week and visited more than a few times too. But Hope had barely spoken to them, the pain too deep, missing both her dad and her mom too much.
She'd let the calls go to voicemail. Barely spoke during the visits until Rebekah, Marcel, Kol and Aunt Freya finally started giving her the space she'd been fighting for.
It was probably because they didn't quite operate on a mortal timetable. Didn't quite remember anymore what a year or two meant to someone who was sixteen and not one thousand and sixteen.
"I'd like to go to New Orleans someday," Lizzie's eyes dug into her in a way that made Hope think she really could see right through her and into Hope's head. Like she saw into the very depths of Hope's heart and saw it laid bare.
She wondered if she was translucent enough for there to be Lizzie's own face staring back at her.
"I could show you," Hope offered with a traitorous skip in her heartbeat. One that by the way Lizzie's eyes slipped briefly to Hope's chest she had clearly heard too. "I could introduce you to my family, I think they'd like you."
Which was a bit of an understatement, she could already picture Aunt Rebekah taking one look at Lizzie - or better yet, the way Hope's eyes had lately been going to Lizzie with something like a compulsion - and starting to grin like she was having the best day of her millennia-long life.
She wondered what it said about her... feelings, that the thought was strangely compelling instead of terrifying.
"Okay," Lizzie said and pulled Hope back into the present.
"Yeah, I'll come meet your scary family. But just so you know, if I die I'm going to have to sucker punch Frodo and come back as a ghost to haunt you," Lizzie said, tone very frank and practical.
Hope fought back a smile.
It was strange, Lizzie's careless mention of Landon should have hurt and yet somehow it just reminded her that he was still... there. Somewhere in the grand space of reality he wasn't truly gone.
And somehow, as was Lizzie's way, she'd said the exact right thing in what might have been misconstrued by someone who didn't know Lizzie as the exact wrong way to say it. It wasn't though. It was just... the Lizzie way to say it.
And Hope kind of loved-
Hope loved Lizzie.
The thought wasn't new exactly. She'd been thinking it with increasing frequency in the past few months - and with a strangely more pointed edge since Lizzie and MG had broken up; like the side of her that had taken over when she'd switched off her humanity was getting bored with Hope's pace.
Or her complete absence of pace.
Instead Hope just... stewed. At first, not ready to move on from Landon. Then, not ready to face what she'd done to Lizzie and how making her own growing feelings for Lizzie obvious might hurt her just as she was clearly moving on from her confession to Hope. And once she'd dealt with that, there was the fear of being too late.
Hope had hurt her. Hope had hurt her so much. She had killed her, it would only be rational to have moved on from whatever it was she felt for Hope.
And yet Lizzie had remained Hope's best friend and one constant - something Hope was no longer stupid enough to take for granted or to abuse.
And sometimes - like right now - Hope caught Lizzie staring back. A look of something deeply fond on her face, like Hope's brief, swallowed smile had pushed everything else out of Lizzie's head.
"Oh, screw it," Lizzie said under her breath and in one vampire-quick movement of air moved around the table, grasped Hope lightly by the back of her neck, and pulled her forward until Hope's lips landed against Lizzie's.
Blood rushed to her head as she leaned even further into Lizzie's hold on the sheer rush of instinct and pleasure. Lizzie's lips were warm and tasted of cherry lip balm. Her scent, which Hope usually tried to push into the background - she did kinda still need to function sometimes - exploded around her with overpowering strength. It made Hope dizzy and giddy.
She wanted to fall asleep to that scent, to wake up to it, to-
Lizzie kissed her like she was trying to prove a years-old point. And Hope kissed her back like she was finally ready to listen. Their lips moving against each other with the need to meld together. Her own hand moving under nearly its own power to slide Hope's fingers between the messy strands of Lizzie's hair, swallowing into their kiss the response of the little, contracting gasp of air Lizzie released in response.
She'd been wanting this for so long. Waiting. Hoping.
And then, as the emotion of it all reached some kind of crescendo Hope felt veins begin pulsing under the skin of her eyelids, - with the hot need for Lizzie, to pull her close, so close they'd never be parted from this moment - when her suddenly sharpening teeth accidentally nicked the skin of Lizzie's lips.
"'Sorry," Hope gasped at Lizzie's hiss, pulling back, panting heavily.
"It's fine. Though... it's a good thing I used your blood," Lizzie said, rueful and a bit dazed, a look of a tiny smirk blooming on her lips and glinting over her eyes, "it would be very annoying needing to drink from you every time you bit me."
Hope's eyes widened with a brief spike of panic. Werewolf venom.
"Are you okay, do you feel anything? Maybe you should still- just to be safe-"
"Chill, sweetie" Lizzie soothed her, running a reassuring finger over the side of Hope's face "I'm fine. If you'd just poisoned me I'd feel it, Mom told me how it feels, and see?" she extended her lip in brief pout "Already healed."
Hope's eyes flicked back to Lizzie's lips and she swallowed, feeling heat rush onto her face.
An extended beat passed before an old lesson they'd had once also managed to push forward from the back of her mind, reminding her that also-
"You're a heretic, heretics can pull the magic from the bite."
"Oh, right. I forgot. I'm awesome," Lizzie grinned and swung forward to plant a tiny kiss on the very tip of Hope's nose.
Hope smiled, something warm flickering within again and then growing slightly more serious. Asked, "Why did you kiss me?"
Lizzie had never tried to kiss Hope before, not even during their ill-fated road trip when Hope's darker side was behind the wheel and had left more than a few openings for it. She was glad for it now, though, not because Hope thought she'd have regretted it happening - she knew she wouldn't have - but because she was afraid of how she might have hurt Lizzie's heart further with her gaping, empty lack of care.
Or her possessiveness. There had been quite a bit of that in the No Humanity version of Hope where Lizzie was concerned.
"Because you were taking too long," Lizzie smirked matter-of-factly.
Hope widened her eyes in mock offense, enjoying Lizzie's teasing "Was not!"
"I'm immortal now but I think I still would have died of old age before you came out and actually-"
"I would have said something eventua-"
"Hope Andrea Mikaelson, you would have let the universe crumble into dust before you went ahead and actually-"
Well, with fighting words like those there was only one thing Hope could do.
This time, Hope kissed her.
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drvcxrys · 1 year
hello guys! i'm going to post this starter call and also a plot call for the event. feel free to ask the starters that you like or just like to plot, for the starter call, there is no cap. i'm going to put under this read more who is there willingly and who is there not and also the ones that are open for death has an asterisk so you can see &lt;3
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willingly went in:
alice cullen
edward cullen (characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore) kaiden (monster: werewolf)carlisle cullen (monster: masked murderer wearing the Ghostface mask)laurent da revin (monster: minotaur) kate denali (characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark.)
*anna of arendelle
*betty cooper
*beverly marsh
*buffy summer
*caitlin snow
*caroline forbes
enzo st. john (though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress)
emma swan
patia por´co (monster: masked murderer wearing the ghostface mask) killian jones (monster: giant spiders)
*hermione granger
hagrid (though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress) harvey hufflepuff (the area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. they aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around) james potter (monster: a hoard of geese)
*hope mikaelson
rebekah mikaelson (monster: living scarecrow) klaus mikaelson (characters wander in to a giant feast, long empty tables piled high with food, with chairs much too high for anyone human to sit in.) josie saltzman (monster: skeletons)
*isabelle lightwood
max lightwood (monster: ghosts) leia organa (monster: skeletons)
jill roberts
tatum riley (the area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. they aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around.) stu macher (characters wander in to a giant feast, long empty tables piled high with food, with chairs much too high for anyone human to sit in.)
kara danvers
lexie grey (characters are greeted by two beings the size of children but with pumpkins for heads arrive with a cart, gesturing for characters to get in) alex danvers (monster: living corn attempting to eat characters. It is still the size of regular corn.)
korra (characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud.)
lila pitts
diego hargreeves (monster: a swarm of bats)
*lissa dragomir
isaac lahey (monster: ghosts)
*nancy wheeler
rapunzel corona
*samanha carpenter
kirby reed (monster: gelatinous cube) billy loomis (monster: masked murderer wearing the ghostface mask) feng xing (monster: stormtroopers)
sara lance
sheila hammond
kevin snipe (monster: minotaur)bloo regard (monster: a rat with a gun)marco del rossi (monster: murderous clown)
usagi tsukino
madoka kaname (characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them.)
wednesday addams
dragged in:
*annabeth chase
*annie cresta
*bianca di angelo
bree tanner
choi nam ra
*daenerys targaryen
drogon (monster: dementors) aelin (the husks of corn emit a poisonous gas, making characters weaker the longer they breath it in)
daphne bridgerton
eloise bridgerton (monster: a rat with a gun) edmun bridgerton (monster: living corn attempting to eat characters. It is still the size of regular corn.)
*effy stonem
*elizabeth midford
*hanna marin
heidi volturi
yoon chi woo (monster: a hoard of geese) victoria sutherland (characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore)
intouch chatpokin
*jean grey
jessica riley
malia tate
peter hale (the area exists as a zone of truth, making characters incapable of lying. characters are aware of this when they enter the space)
team siriyothin (characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour)
*mary stuart
lola fleming narcisse (characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud)
*melinda halliwell
piper halliwell (monster: living scarecrow)
myrcella baratheon
*narcissa black
rabastan lestrange (monster: skeletons) lily evans (characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore)
*rhaena targaryen
lucerys valeryon (monster: a rat with a gun)
sharon carter
daisy johnson (characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them) peggy carter (the area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. they aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around.)
*victoire weasley
fred weasley (monster: minotaur) fleur delacour (characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark) teddy lupin (monster: dementors)
win wanichakarnjonkul
*yelena belova
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fadeintoyou1993 · 8 months
For this ask -
HOPE ANDREA MIKAELSON AND ELIZABETH JENNA SALTZMAN!!! The only characters to have ever character’d EVER
already did lizzie so hope <3
favorite thing about them: how much of a deeply pathetic loser she actually is like its literally so funny when people write her as someone whos like badass or like doesnt go to therapy because like that is literally not her she goes in canon to therapy every week or so or well she did in s01 but anyways lets not get into THAT lmfaooo but umm yeah so she goes to therapy weekly and she has like plants that she tries really hard to take care of and she bakes like every other day and she like watches.. wait ill conitnue this in the headcanon part so sorry
least favorite thing about them: literally nothing shes the most perfect girl thats ever existed:)
favorite line: when she said Who cares what lizzie saltzman thinks :( because like shes who :(
brOTP: hope and kaleb forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and everrrrrr :) also her and jed :) she would never fvuckinv talk to penelope park STOP trying it. and handon when not romantically. omg also halyssa altho i also ship them romantically :)
OTP: hizzie :) and handon because hope has two hands like landon said :)
nOTP: hosie literally the most disgusting fucking rotted bitch ive ever laid my eyes upon. stupid ship stupid fandom terrible fuckin vibes just rotted disgusted and gutted. i wisgh hope mikaelson had killed that girl so bad my god... hope literally gave josie the only thing that could kill her bc her ass KNOWS she not gonna see that bitch again so shes fine PLUS if she does see her she dies immediately after:)
random headcanon: ok so back to what i was saying before!!! hope like watches the randomest fucking cooking shows there are like she knows all of them and she can rank them by season and she knows so much fucking random shit and random information about the most random things and she like goes to the gym everyday and she like lowkey uses Pinterest and pins a bunch of random workout routines and art tutorials and shit like that like god shes so annoying i love her so much :)oh and shes so autistic actually
unpopular opinion: um i have so many :) i think she actually is a bottom sorry :) i dont think she can flirt either she just says things wholeheartedly because she is an autistic individual and people think shes flirting but shes just like that. she thinks shes really cool doing those one liners and stuff shes like im a hero and so i have to do my one liners :) and thats why landon and lizzie are obsessed w her because shes just like that.
song i associate with them: do you realize?? by the flaming lips
favorite picture of them: this one that she drew:)
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send me a character and i'll tell you....
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evadne01 · 23 days
Crossover Masterlist
Harry Potter & The Vampire Diaries Universe
Reborn from the ashes
Harry James Potter at thirteen years old was adopted by an American family visiting England.
After Pettigrew and Voldemort's deaths, Harry assumed that he would have a peaceful life.
He couldn't be more wrong
Mikaelson Family & Harry Potter, Elena Gilbert & Jeremy Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett & Caroline Forbes & Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert & Harry Potter, Tyler Lockwood/Harry Potter, Harry Potter & Damon Salvatore, Caroline Forbes & Harry Potter, Bonnie Bennett & Harry Potter, Jeremy Gilbert & Jenna Sommers, Elena Gilbert & Jenna Sommers, Katherine Pierce & Harry Potter, Elena Gilbert/Stefan Salvatore, Alaric Saltzman/Jenna Sommers
When Ashlyn Potter found out she was adopted, she could only think about her twin sister. She found her after the war. She learned what her birthmark on her shoulder meant. For years they have been looking for someone who knows something about their parents when they get help. Unfortunately, that help didn't tell them that, during her one night fling with the big bad hybrid, Hayley got pregnant with his child. And to think Ashlyn had always wanted to be an aunt
Elijah Mikaelson/Harry Potter, Hayley Marshall/Jackson Kenner, Rebekah Mikaelson/Marcel Gerard, Davina Claire/Kol Mikaelson, Harry Potter & Klaus Mikaelson, Harry Potter & Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter & Hayley Marshall, Harry Potter & Jackson Kenner, Harry Potter & Kol Mikaelson, Harry Potter & Mikaelson Family, Harry Potter & Marcel Gerard, Hayley Marshall & Rebekah Mikaelson & Harry Potter
Merlin & The Vampire Diaries Universe
Immortality shared
Merlin knew his immortality was a burden.
And, somehow, something changes
Percy Jackson & The Originals & Suits
The crazy soulbond
"Okay, and we're what?" Percy asked.
“Soulmates, darling.” Elijah said, glancing at the mark they shared.
“I didn't even know they were a thing.” Percy snorted. "I'll have to talk to Aphrodite about it and ask her why exactly no one knew about the existence of soulmates."
Percy Jackson/Elijah Mikaelson/Harvey Specter
The crazy soulbond
"I found him. I found my soulmate"
Percy Jackson/Elijah Mikaelson/Harvey Specter
Percy Jackson & Merlin
What's the problem, weather boy?
Percy and Merlin meet
Percy Jackson & Merlin, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Leon & Merlin, Percy Jackson & The Olympians, Merlin & The Olympians, Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson
What have you done?
Leon has to deal with Merlin and their new friend, Percy Jackson.
Leon isn't paid enough for all this.
Leon & Merlin, Percy Jackson & Merlin, Percy Jackson & Leon
You're just special 
Merlin has a nightmare. Percy is there for him. They trust each other
Percy Jackson & Merlin
Remember that time? 
It's time to ask Nico his help in their research.
Of course, when Percy says 'everything's going to be fine', Merlin should worry.
Percy Jackson & Merlin, Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson, Hades & Percy Jackson
Immortal Knights, Old Sorcerers and Demigods 
Percy makes a discord server for their group.
Percy Jackson & Merlin, Leon & Merlin, Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson
The Seer
Merlin finds the first reborn soul.
Percy Jackson & Merlin, Percy Jackson & Leon, Merlin & Arthur Pendragon, Merlin & Morgana
The Druid 
Thalia and Merlin give memories back to the first reborn soul.
Merlin & Morgana, Thalia Grace & Merlin, Nico di Angelo & Thalia Grace, Mordred & Morgana, Merlin & Mordred & Morgana
The most loyal of them all 
Thalia, Nico, Merlin and Leon find Lancelot.
Merlin & Morgana, Merlin & Mordred, Leon & Merlin, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Jason Grace & Thalia Grace, Lancelot & Merlin
It wasn't your fault ~ it was my choice 
Jason ~ reborn Lancelot ~ and Merlin talk
Lancelot & Merlin, Jason Grace & Merlin
We left you alone for five days! 
Jason has a competition with his other cousins and he isn't worried of playing dirt to win.
Merlin is amused, Percy has unhealty adopting mechanism and Jason is tired.
Percy Jackson & Merlin, Jason Grace & Merlin, Jason Grace & Percy Jackson, Lancelot & Merlin
The blacksmith's son
Merlin, Percy, Leon, Thalia, Nico and Jason find someone else
Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, Will Solace & Merlin, Will Solace & Leon, Percy Jackson & Will Solace, Jason Grace & Will Solace, Lancelot & Merlin, Elyan & Merlin, Elyan & Leon, Leon & Merlin, Lancelot & Leon
The queen
Hazel got her memories back.
And she uses the situation for the Competition.
Percy Jackson & Merlin, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Nico di Angelo/Will Solace, Gwen & Elyan, Gwen & Merlin
I see my reflection in your eyes 
Merlin and Percy discuss about their lives.
Percy Jackson & Merlin
It's movie night!
The new reborn souls, Percy, Merlin and Leon have a movie night!
Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson & Hazel Levesque, Leon & Merlin, Percy Jackson & Merlin
“Hey, it’s me. It’s just me.”
Merlin and Percy spend some time alone
Percy Jackson/Merlin
If you agree with me that Percy is everyone's type, choose the role 
Percival enters the chat!
Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Past Gwen/Lancelot, Past Gwen/Leon, Past Unrequired Gwaine/Gwen, Percy Jackson/Merlin
Did you send the head where? 
The reborn souls, Merlin, Leon and Percy talk about some quests.
Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang, Percy Jackson/Merlin, Leon & Merlin, Nico di Angelo/Will Solace
Funny. I wasn't aware of that. 
Merlin has a chat with a possessive parent.
Merlin isn't impressed at all
Percy Jackson/Merlin
It takes a lot more than that to impress me
Merlin finally meets reborn Gwaine.
Percy is amused, Leo is amused, Merlin is amused.
Leon is not amused.
Percy Jackson/Merlin, Gwaine & Merlin, Leon & Merlin, Percy Jackson & Leo Valdez
You need therapy
Leon and Percy talk.
Leon adopts Percy
Percy Jackson & Leon
Supernatural & Harry Potter
Happiness can be found even in the darkest moments
Harry James Potter is Sam's and Dean's little brother.
This is how it all change
Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Harry Potter & Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
Merlin & Supernatural
There's always a way
Merlin is desperate to see his friends again. He cannot die, so he can only bring them back.
Enters Crowley.
Go back to the General Masterlist
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lokiwhitewolf · 11 months
Red Hot Winter- Chapter 16
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Trigger warning- Blood sharing, vampire torture, the Mikaelsons being a dysfunctional family
Chapter 16- "Midnight Hours"
It didn't take long for the last harvest girl to make contact with the Mikaelsons. Two weeks after Francesca had died, Klaus, Caroline, Elijah, and Elena had failed in their efforts to locate her, even though Klaus wanted to force Davina to find her to which Elena strongly opposed, they got an invitation in the mail.
While the four of them were having breakfast, Caroline gave the envelope to Klaus.
"You are cordially invited to a night of the harvest feast, tonight at 9 pm." Klaus read.
"Harvest feast, Niklaus?" Asked Elijah, his hand tightening on Elena's waist.
"It could be just a coincidence, brother." Said Klaus.
"What do you mean?" Asked Elena.
"This time of the year, when we were still human it was our village's tradition to celebrate the Harvest Feast or Skördefest. It was to celebrate the successful harvest of the year while we prepared for the months we wouldn't be able to rip anything from the land." Explained Elijah.
"Wait, so what are we thinking?" Asked Caroline. "Most of the harvest girls are dead, you two killed two of them."
"It's not the witches' ceremony love." Replied Klaus, holding her hand. "We don't think the final harvest girl came back, we think our mother came back inside her body."
"How is that even possible?" Asked Elena.
"She was consecrated on New Orleans grounds, and besides, Mother always has a few tricks up her sleeve." Replied Klaus.
"You're not going Elena. Last time Mother was in your presence, she talked you into a spell to kill all of us, and I can't let her do anything against you again." Said Elijah.
"I'm not leaving you alone with her, I'm coming with you." Said Elena, in a tone that left no space for argument.
"I'm not staying either. You said I'm queen, and a queen doesn't leave her king behind." Said Caroline, crossing her arms and looking at Klaus, who smirked at her.
Later that night, Elena was finishing getting ready to leave when Elijah showed up behind her. He was almost ready as well.
"You're afraid." She said, turning around. He stopped butting up his shirt, bringing her close to his body.
"I'm not afraid. I'm concerned. It's different."
"What's concerning you?" She asked, putting her arms around his neck.
"When Esther saw what vampirism did to me and my siblings, she wanted to destroy us. That's why she made our father a vampire hunter, and Alaric Saltzman a vampire hunter as well. I'm afraid Mother will see how happy and in love we are and try to destroy what we have."
"Remember what Bonnie said? No witch can break our bond." She moved her face to whisper in his ear. "And I'd love to make it even stronger before we leave."
Leaning her head back, she scratched her neck with her nail drawing some blood, watching his face transform. She'd never get tired of this sight. His eyes turned black, the veins popped up and his fangs came down, and he bit into her neck.
It doesn't matter how many times they've done this, neither one of them would ever get over the fact of how euphoric it made them feel. Her blood seemed like it was just made for him, just the right flavor. He was addicted to it. Not taking it anymore, Elena bit into his shoulder, ruining his shirt and quenching her thirst for his blood. This was more than just making sure Esther wouldn't break their bond, this was a reaffirmation that no one ever could. Elena clutched into Elijah's back, his blood being the best drink she'd ever had. Their life force mixed together, as it is always supposed to be.
Elena and Elijah stopped drinking and looked at each other, smiling. Elijah held her face and kissed her. As their lips locked, they both had an intense rush of pleasure pouring through their veins, as if they were alive once again. Suddenly, a bond more powerful than anything before began to form. It was as if their souls were connected and intertwined together, and nothing in the world could stop them. They embraced again, this time exchanging each other's blood with every caress. This exchange felt like the purest and most passionate form of love conceivable, and soon they were both overcome with emotion, Elena had no choice but to accept the intense feelings of love and devotion that Elijah was displaying. After a few moments, the intensity of the kiss had not worn. They then shared what seemed like the longest and most passionate kiss ever and soon after they did a rush of excitement and love overcame them both, and they knew that this was a real love, a love that was unbreakable and worth treasuring forever.
When they separated, satisfied, they knew Esther wouldn't be able to do anything against them. Or at least, that was their hope.
Klaus, on the other hand, was not taking any chances.
"You need me to do what?" Asked Bonnie inside his office. Caroline was beside him.
"I need you to do a spell to protect Caroline and one that links me and Elijah," Klaus replied.
"Putting a spell to protect Caroline I get it, but why would you want to link yourself to your brother?" Bonnie said.
"Well, let's just say that the last time me, Elijah, and a doppelganger were together during a harvest festival, it didn't turn out so well for Elijah later. That was the night our mother decided who to ask for blood to perform the vampirism spell, as you all know, Tatia was the one who gave her the blood."
"What does this have to do with Elijah though?" Asked Caroline.
"Love, you can ask me for anything in the world and I'll give it to you, but I can't answer that. Not even I know all the details, but… it took my brother decades to crawl out from what my mother did to him."
"Okay. But what about Elena? Doesn't she need protection too?" Asked Bonnie.
"My brother would die before letting anything happen to her. And besides, I'm pretty sure the blood sharing they've just done will not allow Esther to do much." Replied Klaus.
Bonnie went to work, grabbing one of Caroline's hands and putting over a golden bowl. She cut through the vampire's palm, letting a few blood drops fall, and reciting the incantation. Caroline's blood turned to fire, and what appeared to be a golden halo enveloped the young vampire, quickly fading away.
"You're protected." Said Bonnie, smiling. "Now, for you." She said, turning to the hybrid. "I'm gonna need your blood and your brothers as well, and I'm also gonna need you to write your name and your brother's name in runes. They don't teach runes anymore."
"No problem Bon-bon." Said Klaus, writing down his name 'Niklaus' (ᚾᛁᚲᚨᛚᚢᛊ) and 'Elijah' (ᛖᛚᛁᛃᚨᚺ), and then biting his own wrist, letting the blood fall onto the sheet. Bonnie started to recite another incantation, watching the blood fall onto Klaus's name and then to Elijah, linking both of the originals.
After thanking the witch, who left to continue teaching Davina, even though she didn't like the fact that the young witch made a new witch friend called Kaleb, who had been showing up to their meetings all the time, Caroline turned to Klaus.
"You want to protect your brother." She said.
"Yes, my love." He said, looking at her. "While my father has done unspeakable things to me throughout the centuries, I'm afraid my mother has done something far worse to Elijah." His tone in the last sentence left no room for question.
"Why do you call Mikael your father? He was not your biological father." Looking at his feet, he said:
"He has done damage only a father could make. Sometimes I wonder if I'm gonna do the same things to Hope." Tears fell from his eyes.
"You're not," Caroline reassured him, wiping his tears by kissing his face. "You know how I know?" He looked at her, while she held his face between her hands. "You're doing everything in your power to make this place a safer home for her. You've been doing right by her even before she was born. You love her, and you have forever to spend with her."
Klaus gently kissed her. She was truly his queen.
The ride to Esther's house was fast, but what they dreaded was inside. The four of them got into Esther's house and were greeted by Vincent. Both Elijah and Klaus had a deadly grip on Elena and Caroline's waist, ready to attack if they had to. They were led outside by the witch. There was a bonfire in the middle of the yard, a table set for six with various types of Viking food, and by the smell of animal blood in the air, it appeared that Esther had followed the tradition to a T.
"Welcome, welcome." Said Esther, in the body of the fourth and final Harvest girl. "Niklaus, Elijah, so great to have you in my house. But I don't remember inviting a young vampire and a third-generation doppelganger."
"You do anything against them Esther, and I'll rip your heart out." Said Elijah, in a threatening tone.
"That's no way to treat our mother!" Said Vincent.
"Mother? The only one who would say such a thing would be Finn." Said Klaus. "Wasn't it enough to come back from the dead? You had to bring our most annoying sibling along?"
"Niklaus." Said Elijah. "You can't say those things about our brother."
"Can't I?" Defied Klaus.
"You lock me up in a box for 900 years Niklaus. You expect me to thank you?" Said Finn.
"Children, we have visitors." Said Esther, trying to quiet her sons. "Now, let's eat." The six of them sit at the table, Esther and Finn at both ends of the table, with Elijah sitting next to Elena, and Caroline and Klaus seating next to each other facing the couple.
They all started to eat, Elijah serving Elena, with Klaus doing the same to Caroline.
"Now Elena." Said Esther, after a few minutes. "How's your brother? I heard he had become a hunter of the brotherhood of the five."
"Mother, don't." Warned Elijah.
"It's okay, Elijah," Elena said, holding his hand with more strength than she usually did. "My brother was killed by Katherine to wake up Silas."
"I'm terribly sorry for your loss, dear." Said Esther. "In the matters of the supernatural, is never good when a poor child loses their life." That got Klaus's attention, who looked at her. "One week our beloved Henrik was alive and running through the fields as if nothing mattered, the next he's dead because he and Niklaus went to watch the wolves." Caroline put her hand on Klaus's leg to calm him down, because he was about to snap. "By the way" Esther's turned to Klaus. "How's my little granddaughter doing?"
The silence was deafening. The four of them knew they couldn't deny and say she was dead, though the whole city thought so. If she knew, she had become a more deadlier threat than they had originally thought.
In a matter of seconds, Klaus stood up and held his mother by her neck. Finn stood up, but Elijah was quicker and held him back.
"You and Niklaus, always looking out for each other." Said Finn. "It's almost pathetic how devoted you are to him, Elijah."
"I swore my alliance to him the day you and Kol decided to leave me and Rebekah behind."
"He puts you in a coffin for decades and you still stand by him?"
"I'll never leave my family behind, not even if I have to stand against you brother."
"What do you know about Hope?" Klaus demanded to know, squeezing Esther's neck. "I've killed you once. I can easily do it again"
"I know she is not dead. Do you really think the witches wouldn't feel if a being so powerful like her died? You might have the entire city, the vampires and the wolves convinced she is dead, but the witches know better."
"If you make a move against my daughter, your life will be reduced to a never-ending agony."
"I don't need to make a move against your daughter Klaus… I just need to hit you where you hurt." And with that, Finn started to recite an incantation. The chains that had been used to restrain the animals for the harvest came off the ground, locking themselves on each of Elijah's wrists, and then tying to two branches of two nearby trees. Both Elijah and Klaus screamed in agony. The chains had been soaked in vervain and were piercing against the vampire's skin.
"No!" Screamed Elena, going to him to try and let him go. Finn tried to hold her back but she had transformed into full vampire mode and bit his neck, drinking his blood enough to keep him away. "Elijah!" Elena tried to take the chains out, but even with her strength, she couldn't open them up.
"Don't bother." Said Finn weakly. "You will never be able to open them up"
"Let him go!" Said Klaus, who had let off his mother when the chains had been tied to his brother.
"No." Said Esther. "I'm gonna make your life, and your brother's life as unbearable and agonizing as I can."
"Niklaus…" Said Elijah, debilitated. "Get her out of here."
"No, please Elijah, don't…" Begged Elena.
"She can't break our bond, love." Said Elijah. "I don't want you to stay here and get yourself hurt because of me."
"Elena, let's go." Said Caroline, trying to get her to go.
"I'm not going!" Said Elena, her tears mixing with the blood she had drank.
"Elena, look at me, please." Begged Elijah, having trouble breathing. "I know you'll be back for me. I need you to go, I need to protect you, my lovely Elena. Please."
Elena kissed him one last time as she leaned into him. Tears streaming down her face, she felt like time had stopped as they embraced and all her worries and fears seemed to disappear. She savored this moment, remembering how his lips felt as he did the same.
Each kiss they shared had been like a testimony to their time together, and this last one carried the weight of all the others wrestled with the knowledge of what it meant – she had to leave him. Tears blurred her vision as she stepped away.
If it wasn't for Klaus dragging her away, she'd stay behind, even though Elijah had asked her to leave. Elijah breathed out in relief, watching his brother take his love to safety and finally let the poison of the vervain overtake him.
Back at the compound, Elena was ready to give Klaus a piece of her mind.
"Elena, do you really think I would go to a dinner party with my mother and not have an advantage?" Said Klaus, pouring himself some scotch, while Caroline was trying to calm her down. "Before we left, I asked the Bennett witch to link me and my brother. That way, even if my mother tries to kill him, she can't kill me. I'll heal and so will him."
Elena flew across the room, holding Klaus by his neck, and throwing his cup away.
"Why didn't you tell me this before?" She asked.
"Well, you and my brother were too busy sharing your blood. And besides, we're going to rescue him" Elena let go of Klaus.
"And how are we gonna do this?" Asked the brunette.
"Well, mother is in the body of a teenager. Knowledge is not her problem, but she is not as strong on that body, and she wouldn't be able to compete against a Bennett and a Harvest witch together."
Even though she didn't want to bring Davina into this, Elena knew the young witch would do just that. She considered Elena her older sister and would do anything to keep her happy.
"Fine." Said Elena. "Let's do it your way."
Elena got out of Klaus's office and went to her and Elijah's bedroom. She took her clothes off and put on one of Elijah's shirts, being enveloped by his scent. Laying on the bed, she started to cry.
"We're gonna bring you back." She whispered.
Back in Esther's yard, Elijah could've sworn he heard Elena whisper that they’d bring him back. His moment of hopefulness was cut short by Esther driving a stake with vervain on his chest, and he gave himself up to the darkness again.
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prophecey · 7 months
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INDEPENDENT + MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE MULTIMUSE . current muses can be found under the cut, but all former muses are available by request. KT + twenty nine + minors / personals DNI.
this multi-muse blog is private and very selective with low to moderate activity and will be heavily plot and dynamic based. if you don't interact ic or ooc, i will softblock.
plotted interactions are preferred. romantic ships will require plotting and ongoing ooc interactions as well as ic interactions. familial and platonic ships are just as important.
i will be using basic formatting on this blog. threads will be small text with bold and italics for emphasis. if you want me to change/simplify my text for any reason, just ask. i prefer to write longer length replies.
muses are from various media, some that contain mature themes i will tag everything with the #TRIGGER CW format, but if i miss something, please send a dm so i can fix it. there may be sexual themes present on this blog but nothing will be explicitly written.
don’t be a dick! in character drama is fun, but keep it between our muses. if you unfollow me, please soft block. i will not interact with anyone that writes problematic themes or uses problematic or deceased fcs.
graphics belong to me unless stated otherwise. not affiliated with any of the media, characters or faceclaims represented on this blog. all content is my own creative property so do not use my lore without permission.
alex claremont diaz. rwrb, bridgerton. taylor zakhar perez fc.
andrés cordero. tsitp oc. maxi iglesias fc.
anthony bridgerton. bridgerton. jonathan bailey fc.
ben de vaillant. bridgerton, modern royalty. damian hardung fc.
conrad fisher. tsitp. christopher briney fc.
drusilla elmsworth. bridgerton oc. alisha boe fc.
evie grimhilde. bridgerton, modern royalty. sofia carson fc.
harry bingham. tvd, the society. alex fitzalan fc.
indira petrova. bridgerton oc. aubri ibrag fc.
josephine "posey" lovelace. bridgerton oc. kristine froseth fc.
kieran night. original demon lore. maxence danet-fauvel fc.
luna castillo. original familiar lore. sofia carson fc.
neil josten. all for the game. froy gutierrez fc.
rebekah mikaelson. tvd, bridgerton. claire holt fc.
rosalie hale. twilight, bridgerton. simay barlas fc.
sophie beckett. bridgerton. courtney eaton fc.
tris prior. divergent, thg. daisy edgar-jones fc.
violet bridgerton. bridgerton. ruth gemmell / rose williams fc.
allie hayes. off campus. scarlett leithold fc.
andrew minyard. all for the game. conor doherty fc.
campbell riley. tvd, grey's. abigail cowen fc.
daniel le domas. ready or not, bridgerton. adam brody fc.
dean di laurentis. off campus. matthew noszka fc.
elena gilbert. tvd, grey's. nina dobrev fc.
feyre archeron. acotar. simay barlas fc.
garrett graham. off campus. felix mallard fc.
grace le domas. ready or not, bridgerton. samara weaving fc.
hope mikaelson. legacies. danielle rose russell fc.
isaac lahey. teen wolf, tvd. daniel sharman fc.
jeremy gilbert. tvd. froy gutierrez fc.
john tucker. off campus. ken bek fc.
josie saltzman. legacies. kaylee kaneshiro fc.
liv parker. tvd. penelope mitchell fc.
lizzie saltzman. legacies. jenny boyd fc.
samantha larusso. cobra kai. mary mouser fc.
steve harrington. stranger things. joe keery fc.
steven conklin. tsitp. sean kaufman fc.
summer di laurentis. off campus. madelyn cline fc.
tyler lockwood. tvd. michael trevino fc.
valerie tulle. tvd. elizabeth blackmore fc.
REQUEST MUSES (plotting required!)
alex karev. grey's. justin chambers fc.
azriel of velaris. acotar. berk cankat fc.
cassian. acotar. alperen duymaz fc.
demetri alexopoulos. cobra kai. gianni decenzo fc.
jasper diggs. original character. hugh dancy fc.
jean moreau. all for the game. archie renaux fc.
landon kirby. legacies. aria shahgasemi fc.
luke patterson. jatp. charlie gillespie fc.
mat hatter. original character. alex fitzalan fc.
nell crain. thohh. alycia debnam carey fc.
scarlet graves. original character. sandra bullock fc.
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deafangel2019 · 1 year
Just asking:
Did anyone forget that Tyler died right after sending his friends information about the Armory once holding two sirens until one of them escaped - which was revealed to Seline, Lizzie and Josie's nanny!?
I'm already skeptical about the circumstances about the manner of Tyler's death (not just the writing, but the TVD!verse reasoning aka Damon's manpain).
Like this video here:
Tyler was helping Virginia St. John look for Seline for who knows how long. In his stash of research, we don't just see old papers and portraits, but modern day photos - and if Tyler took them, that means he came close a couple of times.
Now let's look at what happened next: Because Matt had a face to identify as Siren #2, the second Caroline showed him a picture of the "Hot Nanny Seline" - all the dots connected. And now let's look at what all these dots indicated:
The very fact Virginia knew Tyler indicates they had a relationship of sorts, or maybe she or the St. John sisters were the ones who recruited him into the Armory services in the first place.
Tyler must've known or had an idea of the extent of Sybil and Seline's abilities.
According to TVD Timeline, Virginia died in the Fall of 2017 (which started on Sept. 22nd). And given that Tyler died in December, that leaves 3 months that Tyler had inherited Virginia's research for him to continue.
But all together, Seline had been under the employment of the Saltzman twins' nanny 8 months after Sybil was released from the vault. Tyler was the only employee (for lack of better wording) who knew about Seline. The fact is that Tyler knew about an escaped Siren and the remaining gang only knew so much about the "monster in the vault" but none of it clicked together until he died and gave his research to Matt?
It's basically akin to saying that if the MFG hadn't become distant and, with their experience, passed on info regarding any new people entering their lives, maybe Tyler would still be alive and Seline would have been caught sooner.
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lunarcovehq · 1 year
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Connection: Twin Brother
Suggested Name: UTP but must be plant inspired. The last name would be Reed.
Age Range: 32
Species: Witch (Or vampire/werewolf)
Suggested FCs: Chace Crawford, Scott Eastwood, Daniel Sharman, Jonathan Bailey, Adam Demos, Alex Saxon, Max Irons, Austin Butler, Alexander Ludwig, Luke Mitchell, or UTP. (Mainly I just ask that they look like Rebecca Rittenhouse)
Connection Description:
They were 6 they were taken away from Boston and memory wiped by their mother to forget Silas. They also had their last names changed to their mother’s surname.
Their mother refused to acknowledge Jasmine Chamberlain as their half sister, but before they were memory wiped the siblings were aware of her. Update: They are now aware and have been for a year about Jasmine's existance.
Poppy was always the rebel, but your character was always the one who would remove the charm their mother gave them to forget and would remember. So constantly she would be dosing them, trying to alter their memories even more. To the point their memories of childhood would be more blurry and harder to remember.
Which I always pictured him like a season 1 Lizzie Saltzman where he’s always known his brain works different, but still he’s trying and working on his issues. He would probably have a therapist in the coven when growing up, rather he goes or not anymore is up to you.
The mom, Alyssa, probably forced them into spots or any after school activity to keep them busy and to prevent them from being another Poppy, who rebelled against everything. Considering Poppy was their twin I could see them trying to protect her in a way and going along with it.
This is up to you, but I do see him struggling with some type of addiction rather it be a substance or just even magic itself.
He probably would be the least controlled when it comes to magic out of the siblings, but also it comes from his emotions not being in check.
Potential issues with authority/the coven given how they exiled one of his siblings.
More than likely they’re the one always in the middle of the sisters and trying to break up the arguments, they probably get dragged into them more often than not.
When Poppy left and didn’t come back it probably put more pressure on the twin and their mom Alyssa probably had them on a short lease since she already had one child that had escaped town and basically disgraced the family.
Since they are twins I do image Poppy stayed in contact with them even if they couldn’t really visit one another.
Poppy only returned after she’d been attacked and she was pretty much cast out by not only the coven but their mom Alyssa and step dad. How your character felt is up to you, I’m down if they’re mad or if they welcomed her back secretly.
I could also see your character being recently turned via if it was on purpose or even accident. Again you don’t have to do this plot but it is up to you.
Poppy was killed and resurrected in the August 2023 event. As a result since black magic was done by their half sister Jasmine to bring Poppy back their mother Alyssa died as the price.
Alyssa was the only one in the coven to note vote bringing Poppy back, while the other siblings and coven all wanted her back
Please be sure to contact the player before applying:
Kourtney is available for DMs on @moonglowmagic  !!
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griefbuilt · 2 years
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𝐣𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭  ~   𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥  𝐯𝐢𝐛𝐞𝐬
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.  jeremy  grayson  gilbert
NICKNAME.  jer  ,  jerbear,   j  (  vicki  )  ,  baby  /  little  gilbert  (  damon  &  katherine  )  ,  bear  ( exclusively  tyler  lockwood  )
GENDER.  cismale  
HEIGHT.  6′3  (   he  grew  out  of  sheer  spite  )
AGE.  19  (  as  of  october  13th  )  
ZODIAC.   libra  
SPOKEN LANGUAGES.   english  ,  some  spanish  
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.  dark  brown
EYE COLOR.  hazel
SKIN TONE. tanned  ;  freckled
BODY TYPE.   athletic  ;  mesomorph  (  lean  as  a  teenager  ,  built  as  an  adult  )  
VOICE.  deep
SCARS.  nicks,  scratches,  cuts,  &  burns  littering  his  hands  and  arms  ,  bullet  wound  on  chest  from  liz  forbes  ,  stab  wound  on  shoulder  from  silas  ,  relatively  mottled  skin  on  neck  from  bite  marks  /  tearing  that  wasn’t  properly  healed  ,  a  long  scar  down  his  left  calf  from  a  failed  attempt  at  jumping  a  fence  as  a  child  ,  faint  appendicitis  scar  (  by  thirty  he’s  covered  from  head  to  toe  )  
TATTOOS.  a  shitty  stick  n  poke  cross  on  his  middle  finger  (  age  14  ;  shortly  after  miranda  and  grayson  died  ------  gotten  while  high  on  some  wannabe  artist’s  couch.  it  was  a  miracle  it  didn’t  get  infected  )  ,  circle  of  thorns  around  right  wrist  (  age  18  ;  impulsive  decision  after  the  barrier  went  up  )  ,    ‘ you  killed  me  first,  ‘  across  collarbones  (  very  recent  ;  19th  birthday  present  to  himself  )  ,   (  starts  getting  significantly  more  in  his  twenties  and  thirties  )  
PIERCINGS.   tongue  stud  &  pierced  right  earlobe  (  both  done  at  14  -----  once  again  a  miracle  nothing  got  infected.  probably  because  jenna  put  the  fear  of  god  into  him  ;  gets  a  nose  ring  in  his  late  twenties  )  
BIRTHMARKS.   two  small  moles  under  left  eye  ;   moles  smattering  his  back
MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).   height ,  scars
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
HOMETOWN.  mystic  falls,  virgina
SIBLINGS.   elena  gilbert  (  damon  salvatore  ,  future  brother-in-law  )  
PARENTS.  grayson  gilbert  &  miranda  gilbert  nee  sommers   (  legal  guardians  include:  jenna  sommers  ,  alaric  saltzman  ,  damon  salvatore  )  
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.  hunter  ;  rancher  (  after  the  barrier  )  
CURRENT RESIDENCE.  mckinley,  virginia  
CLOSE FRIENDS.  caroline  forbes  ,  andrea  mikaelson  ,  matt  donovan  ,  noelle  bennett  ,  bonnie  bennett
RELATIONSHIP STATUS.  involved  ------  rebekah  mikaelson  &  tyler  lockwood  (  married  to  nadia  petrova  in  2064  )
FINANCIAL STATUS.  debatably  wealthy  (  relies  entirely  on  what  he  siphons  off  the  salvatore  brothers  /  tyler  lockwood  )  
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.  biromantic  bisexual  (  sex  and  romance  favorable  )  
PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.  protective  /  caretaking  ;  generally  passive  -----  tends  to  put  the  wellbeing  /  happiness  of  his  partner(s)  above  his  own
PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.  switch ----  generally  based  on  his  /  his  partner(s) ‘  moods  ;  adventurous  
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  falls  fast  and  hard  ;  tends  to  get  involved  in  relationships  that  have  ended  before  they’ve  begun  ;  chases  the  unattainable  ;  goes  for  more  dominant/aggressive  personalities  ;  would  do  most  anything  for  love  (  or  perceived  love  )  ;  never  really  falls  out  of  love  ;  idealizes  partner(s)  ;  craves  attention  /  validation  but  fears  asking  ;  protective  /  defensive  of  partner(s)  ;  can  get  clingy  ;  devoted  listener  ;  number  one  advocate  for  partner(s)  ;  can  get  jealous  ;  supportive  ;  likes  a  certain  amount  of  possessiveness  ;  reliable  ;  prone  to  random  acts  of  kindness  ;  remembers  dates  ; relationships  tend  to  end  with  death
LIBIDO. generally  high  ;  can  turn  hypersexual  /  disinterested  depending  on  mental  state
TURN ON’S. strength  ,  passion  ,  daring,    honesty,   loyalty  ,  drive  ,  biting
TURN OFF’S. dogmatic  ,  disloyal  ,  unreliable  ,  naïve  ,  childish  ,  distant  
LOVE LANGUAGE.  tends  towards  giving  quality  time  /  acts  of  service  /  touch  ;  likes  receiving  touch  /  quality  time  /    words  of  affirmation  
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONGS.  damn  these  vampires  by  the  mountain  goats  /  broadripple  is  burning by  margot  &  the  nuclear  so  and  so’s  /  sorrow  by  the  national  /  the  curse  of  the  blackened  eye  by  orville  peck  / pursuit  of  happiness  by  lissie  /  drunk  drivers/killer  whales by  car  seat  headrest  / i’ll  die  anyway  by  girl  in  red  /  the  freshman by  the  verve  pipe  /  body  terror  song by  ajj  /  the  funeral by  band  of  horses  
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.  getting  high  ,  sketching  ,  video  games  ,  boxing  /  kickboxing  ,  running  ,  reading  ,  listening  to  music  ,  drinking  ,  painting  ,  researching  (  occult  )  ,  clubbing  ,  target  practice  (  guns  ,  arrows  ,  axes  ,  knives  )  ,   sex  ,  horror  movies ,  concerts  ,  fighting  ,  getting  dragged  shopping  by  caroline  ,  true  crime  ,  gambling  ,  killing  and  being  killed  ,  being  held  hostage
MENTAL ILLNESSES.  bipolar  disorder  ,  ptsd  ,  substance  abuse  ,  depersonalization  ,  panic  attacks  ,  suicidal  ideation  ,  self-harm  
PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.  frequent  migraines  (  illnesses  get  worse  with  age  -----  hunting  leaves  him  with  chronic  pain  from  broken  bones  that  weren’t  properly  healed  ;  unchecked  traumatic  brain  injuries  causing  memory  issues  ,  neuralgic  pain  ,  light  sensitivity  ,  attention  problems  ,  etc.  ;  nerve  damage  in  hands  causing  numbness,  and  more  )  
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  fluctuates  ;  generally  tends  towards  low  self-esteem  with  a  cocky  /  apathetic  veneer  ;  confident  in  his  use  as  a  weapon  /  hunter  more  than  most  other  things
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notxjustxstories · 2 years
Blood on Her Lips
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kinktober day 1: bloodplay 18+ only; minors dni
summary: without her humanity and well aware that everyone wants leverage over her, Hope takes precautions to protect what's hers.
ship: Di Saltzman (f!oc) x Hope Mikaelson (both assumed age 18)
wordcount: 341
tags/warnings: dubcon via compulsion, bondage, forced blood drinking, smut, oral (f/f), no humanity!hope mikaelson
kinktober 2022 masterlist | di saltzman tag | di/hope masterlist
Di's heart raced in her chest, and she was unable to stop herself from jerking against the chain that tied her wrists to the headboard. Her legs writhed, searching for purchase and finding none against her tormenter lover's mouth. She'd already tried siphoning enough energy from Hope to free herself, but evidently, Hope was three steps ahead of her.
"You're enjoying this," Di panted, glaring down at the tribrid.
Hope looked up, a smirk on her face. "And so are you."
A surge of pleasure ran through Di's body, so close to climax but not quite tipping her over. She moaned, her head falling back, and she didn't dare look down when she countered, "You know you didn't have to force that, right?"
A dark laugh escaped Hope, and she rubbed her thumb over Di's clit, keeping her on the precipice. "But what's the fun in being a tribrid if I don't take advantage of being able to compel witches?" she asked tauntingly. She turned back to her task, delving into Di's cunt with fervor, alternating between sucking on her clit and licking along her slit until a whine escaped her, hips thrusting up to meet her mouth and legs spasming around her head.
Hope held Di through her orgasm, enjoying her fill until Di's breathing evened out, the occasional twitch from the aftershocks wracking her body. Slowly, she pulled herself up, leveling her body with Di's, and she bit into her own wrist, drawing blood.
"Drink," Hope ordered. When Di turned her head away, it was all too easy for Hope to grab her jaw and force their eyes to meet. "Drink," she repeated.
This time, Di readily took Hope's wrist in her mouth, practically inhaling her blood. Hope knew she'd be lying if she said it didn't turn her on, watching her lover drink from her. She'd placed the order over and over again, so there was no fear in Hope's mind: even if someone tried to take Di from her, Di would ensure she'd belong to Hope forever.
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countrymusiclover · 6 months
50 - What Being Left Out Causes
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Part 51
Family is More than Blood
Missy’s pov
Grabbing a hold of the football when it hit my chest I smiled in the direction of Ethan and MG. We had gone out here after school since we all agreed we could be friends or date, not worrying about what Dr. Saltzman wanted us to do. "Dang you boys might be giving me trouble.” 
“Don’t worry, Missy. You would be running circles around us both in other situations.” Ethan chuckles standing by MG. 
I smiled, enjoying the feeling that had happened between the three of us. My phone started ringing in my jacket so I placed it up to my ear hearing my father’s name. “Melissa, I need you back at the school immediately!”
“Woah dad. Slow down. What are you yelling about?” I asked him, hearing the panic in his raised voice. 
MG vamped over to my side. “Everything okay?” 
“You’re sisters are bloody idiots for bringing Landon back. Your mother took her magic back but she hasn’t woken up. So I need you back at the school now!” Shrugging my shoulders to my vampire friend while my father declared to me. 
Running my freehand through my hair I attempted to reply the best I could. “I’ll be there as fast as I can. Well save her like always.” 
“Missy, is everything okay?” Ethan walked over picking up the football off the turf that I had dropped focusing on my conversation with my father. 
I paused to find the best response. “My mom is in some trouble because of my sisters.” 
“Then let’s go help her.” Ethan piped up. 
Raising a hand I stopped him before he could say anything more and I knew that MG would agree with me on this. He may know the truth but he doesn’t know how to help my mom, especially when it comes to magic. “Ethan, I think I can handle this. You and MG can just hang out until I get back.”
“Okay, just be careful M & M.” Ethan hugged me and I hugged him. 
“Watch out for him, Milton.” I nodded and MG nodded in agreement watching me vamp off away from them. Skidding my feet on the front doorstep of the Salvatore School I pushed the door opened heading upstairs hearing yelling that could only belong to my father. 
“Do you have any idea of what you have done to your mother? She wasn’t taking her magic for a reason and she probably wouldn’t if you hadn’t been trying to get yourselves killed!” 
Hope began speaking towards him. “You would have done whatever it took to save mom. Screw the consequences for the others around you.”
“And Hope didn’t think it would go as bad. It was mom’s choice to step in.” Alina said behind her sister, even though the werewitch knew that it was mostly her older sister’s fault. 
Our father ran a hand harshly down his face. “You’re mother and I will always react when you kids are getting yourselves in trouble. Dark magic is very dangerous from my experience with your mother. You could’ve died.” 
“Josie and I stepped in so Lizzie and Hope wouldn’t die.” Alina snapped in defense. 
Dad growled. “You shouldn't have even been doing the spell in the first place.” 
“Mom didn't die, dad!” Hope raised her voice at him. 
Our father vamped in front of our sister pushing her into the wall. “She's not woken up! What do you call that, Hope? She is immortal and one of the most powerful creatures in the world but she hasn’t woken up yet!’ 
“Ug dad!” Hope winced under his harsh grip. 
Shifting my gaze around the room I finally landed my focus on our mother. She was laying on the large king size bed in the center of the bedroom.  “Mom! What did you guys do to her?” I gasped vamping over to her bedside. 
“We didn't make her take her magic back!” Hope snapped at my question. 
Alina glared at her sister with golden werewolf eyes. “Shut up Hope!” 
“They brought that Phoenix boy back from the prison world forgetting that it was filled with dark magic. But you’ve sister here refused to stop the spell when it started infecting them and the Saltzman twins. The magic is now inside of your mother including her own which she wasn't comfortable taking back yet.” Our father declared still holding Hope against the hardwood wall in the corner. 
She attempted to get out of his grasp. “Like I said we didn't tell her to come rescue us!” 
“Just be quiet, Hope.” 
She tried to say something back but I stopped her. “Missy, I-” 
“Silencio.” Snapping my fingers she shut her mouth and tried talking but the spell prevented her. “Dad, who do we call to help us?” 
He released his grip on my older sister turning to face me. “I don't know, sweetheart.” 
“Freya or Davina?” Alina questions. 
Whipping my head around I raised my index finger to the open bedroom door. “Yeah no shit Sherlock. You know what how about you and Hope just leave!” I wasn’t normally angry about things but I was getting pissed with them. 
“Missy, what have we done to you?” My twin asked me. 
Shoving my fangs out of my mouth I snarled at my siblings. Over the top infuriated them for doing this to our mother and also for not telling me. “You didn't tell me what you were up to and like dad said you forced mom to put herself in danger. So just get out of here. I don't want to see you two right now!” Alina and Hope looked at one another before they left the room together. 
Waving my hand the bedroom door slammed shut by my magic with my father lightly chuckling. “I must say I am impressed, Melissa. I knew you had anger in you somewhere.” 
“Thanks I guess. I'm just upset they left me out and now she's in trouble and we don't know how to help her.” 
Dad came over sitting across from me on the bed. “When you're sister was under a coma after fighting Josie she had difficulty facing the fact. It was a battle of the mind.” 
“So what does that mean for mom?” I raised a brow at my father. 
He lifted his gaze to meet mine, answering back. “It means I think we need to give your Uncle Elijah a call.” 
Unknown to either of them MG and Ethan were sitting out in his truck in the Mystic High School parking lot just talking. Ethan pulled out an old radio scanner looking at the vampire. “I found one of my moms old police scanners. I thought we could use this instead of just waiting around not knowing where something bad will happen.” 
“That’s cool, E. But you know we can just hang out.” MG shrugged his shoulders. 
The human sat the scanner box in his lap. “And we are. But we should be ready for when you face off against the ultimate bad guy or girl.” 
“You don’t have to worry about being ready, Ethan.” 
Ethan sighed heavily. “Yeah that's what Missy says…which means to basically sit on the sidelines.” 
“That isn't what I'm saying.” MG raised his hands out in front of him in surrender. “I just mean we can just hang out and be friends. Rather than spending all our time waiting for something serious to happen in Mystic Falls.” 
Ethan shifts in the driver's seat of his truck. “Speaking of Missy could you help me with something regarding her?” 
“Sure. What do you need help with, E?” The vampire perked up seeing the conversation take a different turn. 
Sadly the hops disappeared from his face when the human responded to his offer. “I was hoping you could help me convince her to turn me into a vampire.” MG had nothing to say for he had lost any idea of what to say back in response. He only could sit and think that Missy wouldn't care for the confrontation later on. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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