#diabetic seizures
beatodiabtesapp · 2 years
A seizure can be quite serious and can be a scary experience for not just the person experiencing it but for the people around them. While seizures are caused due to many reasons, one of the prime reasons for a seizure to occur is when people have epilepsy. Among the different types of seizures, diabetic seizures can sometimes turn into an emergency quite quickly. Proven to be fatal in nature, a diabetic seizure is a serious medical condition that is caused due to extremely low levels of blood sugar.  Read more: https://www.beatoapp.com/blog/diabetic-seizures-what-are-they-symptoms-causes-treatments/
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horsetailcurlers2 · 1 year
this might be a niche pet peeve but i hate when i’m reading a fanfic and the author makes a character type one diabetic and you can tell that they’ve never had a conversation with a diabetic person. it’s giving that one julia roberts scene in steel magnolias but worse.
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mellaithwen · 27 days
boooo the new show I like is doing the old oh nOES a woMaN’s bloOd sUgAR is drOPPinG - sHE NeeDs iNSuLiN—
bitch she needs orange juice
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jimmy-wilson · 2 years
You know. I'm really starting to understand why they guess lupus in every fucking episode bc every single time some weird medical thing pops up i look it up and the cause is always Always Fucking Lupus
#personal#teddy talks#seriously tho its ridiculous#i literally have Symptom Disease#the weirdest thing i figured out is actually fucking mental (which. psychosis is also a symptom bc why tf not?)#but ive had hearing problems since i was a kid. ive also worn glasses for a good decade or so. both of those are because of lupus#and its super commonly misdiagnosed just bc its so vast#it has nearly all the same symptoms as diabetes but no blood sugar problems#also the same symptoms as narcolepsy including seizure activity#and pcos#and schizophrenia#and fibromyalgia#and aids#literally name a big scary disease and ill bet $100 that lupus can present with the same symptoms#this time im mad bc sometimes i get this thing where the roof of my mouth hurts too much to eat. wanna guess why?#also as im typing this im getting the fucking shakes bc....you guessed it! lupus.#thats probably the most and least realistic part of the show#most bc its could literally cause any problem on the face of the fucking earth practically#least bc its never diagnosed like ever. i only have a half hand-wavy 'probably' bc my moms entire side of the family has it or similar#autoimmune stuff and i have the rashes on my face and hands#but like. i camt get treated bc i cant get diagnosed bc it can only be diagnosed by one particular test#thats fucking stupid expensive and comes bqck inconclusive over 70% of the time unless youre dying or over 45#dont quote me on that stat thats just what my gp said years ago#which i barely remember bc lupus fucks w your memory#also! also. they say theres all these diseases that 'mimic' lupus right like sjorgens and hashimotos and rheumatoid arthritis but like#you know what also can appear as secondary disorders (might i say symptoms) with lupus?? sjorgens and hashimotos and rheumatoid arthritis#every single disease that 'mimics' lupus can also be ACTUAL SYMPTOMS OF LUPUS#theyre not even comorbid at this point theyre straight up symptoms#even other diseases that arent lupus ARE STILL LUPUS#edit: the stat is actually that it reports a whopping 30% chance of a false positive. but its also much more conclusive after 35 y/o
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blue-hat-graphics · 11 months
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faofinn · 2 years
Shaking Hands | Seizures | Silent Panic Attack
The last thing Harrison expected to see wasn’t Taidgh seizing on the floor, but it was close. 
Tai wasn’t meant to have seizures, this wasn’t meant to happen. Using his phone to call an ambulance, he swiped Tai’s against his arm. 
1.2. Fuck. 
That explained that. He grabbed the emergency kit from the coffee table, trying to protect Tai as he did so. 
“Ambulance, is the patient breathing?”
“Not properly.”
“Is the patient conscious?”
“No. he’s a diabetic, he’s having a seizure from a hypo. His BM is 1.2 and going down, about to give his glucagon.”
“Alright, I’m arranging some help for you now, stay on the line for me and-”
Harrison zoned out slightly, occasionally humming a response. It was a struggle to hold his arm still, but he managed, apologising as he did so. He moved to Tai’s head, stroking his cheek as he waited for it to work. They’d never been this bad before, never been this low. His phone always lagged behind, too, so quickly checked manually. It was worse than he’d expected at 0.7, the lowest reading they’d had and the lowest Harrison had seen, even at work. 
“C’mon Tai, sort yourself out, pull this back, yeah?”
The shot seemed to finally be working, Tai’s seizure slowing and then stopping. Harrison rolled him more onto his side, trying to clear his airway now that he could. A quick swipe told him it was starting to raise, which was more than he’d expected. The ambulance was taking forever, they always felt like an eternity when you needed help. He kept murmuring to Tai, trying to reassure what little he was aware of.  
There was a knock on the door, and finally a shout. "Ambulance!"
"In here!" Harrison called back. "Just come through."
"Hi, can you tell us what's going on?"
"Uh, yeah. This is Tai, he's type one, normally well controlled. He was last seen half an hour ago, I came back fifteen minutes ago and he was seizing on the floor as you see him. His blood sugar was alarming on his phone, so he's obviously had a hypo - it was 1.2 when I swiped it. Gave the glucagon as I called you guys, and then checked manually too, it was 0.7."
"Sorry, zero seven?"
"Yeah." He let out a quiet laugh. "Zero. I've never seen it that low. Stopped seizing after the glucagon, about three minutes after? He's just starting to come round a bit. When he's been really low, he can get a bit aggressive, but he's just scared and confused."
They nodded. “Alright. I’m sure he’ll be more settled with you here, so you stick with him. You know him best.”
“He doesn’t mean it, he always feels shit for it when he comes round.” Harrsion kept talking, running his fingers through Tai’s hair. 
“Which is fair enough, really.”
“What’s his sugars at now?”
“1.3 now.” They said, after a quick moment to check.
“Oh, it’s coming up then.”
“It’s still not where I’d like it.”
“No, course not.” Harrison shook his head. “Least he’s easy enough to stick.”
“One of the better cannulas I’ve had today.”
“He’s got good veins.”
“Got one good thing going for him, then.” They joked, trying to put him at ease. “You work at George’s don’t you?”
“Yeah, was meant to be my day off, believe it or not.”
“Always the way.”
Taidgh gave a groan, uncoordinatedly trying to pull away from the hand holding his.
“Hey, Tai. You’re alright, just an idiot, eh?”
The paramedic smiled to themselves. “Alright, well done. It’s Tai, is it?”
Tai rolled onto his back, blinking at the paramedic. He had no clue what was happening, or who was talking to him, but he’d heard his name.
“Welcome back to the land of the living.” They said gently. 
Tai grunted, deciding to roll back onto his side, and trying to fall back asleep. He pulled his arm over his head, trying to hide himself from the light.
“Careful, Tai. You’re gonna pull your cannula.”
“Here, let’s have this arm.” The paramedic said gently. “Let me look after this, yeah?”
Harrison moved quicker than Tai did, gripping his arm to stop him swinging. “Gentle, Tai, they’re trying to help.”
“I’m sorry, Tai. I know it’s not nice.”
"How much of that glucose has he had?" Harrison twisted to look. "He's going to have to go in, right?"
“I’m afraid so. He’s responded really well to it, but given the seizure and how low he is, I’d like him to go in and get looked at properly.”
"Yeah, I thought so." He hummed, stroking Tai’s forehead. "He'll not be happy with that, bless him."
“Hopefully it won’t be for too long.”
"You're gonna be better off trying to move him sooner than later." He said, then looked up guiltily. "I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, not at all, I've just had to do this a few times with him. He's got less chance of refusing treatment if he's strapped in the ambulance."
They smiled. “You’re not telling us how to do our jobs. You’ve got the experience with him, he’s your partner. I’d much rather do it the easy way - he’s a big guy and I’d rather not get punched today, this is my first shift of four and it’s going to suck working the rest with a black eye.”
Harrison managed a laugh. "He's got one heck of a right hook."
“I’d rather not find out for myself, if it’s all the same to you. And I doubt he wants to hurt me either.”
"He's soft as shite really."
Tai gave a snore in response, grumbling sleepily to himself as he tried, and failed, to get comfortable. Harrison smiled sadly, hating hope small and vulnerable Tai looked. The other paramedic had disappeared off to grab the trolley, leaving the other to redo Tai's obs.
"Oh, that's better. 2.1." The paramedic hummed. "Definitely responding to the glucose there. We'll give him the last 100 there, and get him off to hospital. Hopefully he'll be more with it in a little while."
When the other paramedic returned with their trolley, they were quick to get Tai up and onto it before he fought them too much. It was nicer for everyone if they did it that way. Soon enough, he was in the ambulance, and they were able to get going. 
Just as Harrison had said, Tai started to become more aware in the ambulance, his grumbles growing more coherent. 
Harrison smiled, squeezing his hand. "Hey, love. You're alright."
"You had a bad hypo."
Tai hummed. That sort of explained that, but he had to admit he didn't really care.
“We’re going to get you looked at and feeling better.” The paramedic reassured. 
"'m better."
“Not quite better enough.”
"He's pretty sure he is." Harrison laughed.
"I am." Tai agreed, rubbing his face with his free arm. "My tongue hurts."
“Yeah, it will, you had a bit of a seizure.”
"That's Finn."
Harrison laughed again. “Not today.”
"Are you sure?"
“As sure as I can ever be.”
"Was I low?"
“Really low.”
"How low?"
Harrison didn’t want to scare him. “Uh, very low.”
"You're lying to me."
“I wish I was.”
"You won't tell me how low."
“At one point it was 0.7.” He admitted.
"Oh." That was low. His face screwed up as tears started to fall, and he pulled his hand from Harrison's to rub them away.
That was why Harrison hadn’t wanted to tell him. “It’s okay, it’s coming back up now.” He said gently, brushing his tears away.
"I feel rubbish. I didn't mean to."
“I know.”
"I tried."
“It’s not your fault, it happens. We’re looking after you.”
"I'm sorry."
“You don’t need to be sorry.”
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shuckstruck · 2 years
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this fucking dog just survived a panic of xylitol gum (insanely poisonous for dogs) several vitamin D pills (also poisonous) and a bunch of zoloft (JUST NOT GOOD TO EAT A LOT OF). how the poisoning happened is a convoluted story- he basically stuck his head in a stray purse.
But he’s miraculously okay! He’s home now, he’s responding well to the liver protecting medication, having seen him again today you truly wouldn’t guess that anything is wrong. he has vet appointments every day for the next week. but he’s alive!! and he’s okay!!! i really thought he was dead- im so grateful
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pvtjoker22 · 1 year
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I uh,....I didn’t know this one was a thing
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Well, I definitely had a few lows in this range when working retail, and let me tell ya that they put in the minimal effort when you were in medical distress - like, I understand it’s busy but like I’m not sure if people just didn’t understand how wildly dangerous diabetes can be. 
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Anyone else just sit down while alone in their house and just start violently sobbing, because god I'm so tired of being in pain. Just one day I want to wake up and not be in pain, or sick, or suffering. Just one. And like, I'm not ever gonna. Because I was born in a body that hates me. And I miss out on so many oppurtinies, and my friends get tired of the excuses, and I can barely take care of myself because of it. And my mom calls me asking me to take care of myself and my health, because I'm so young and I have a wonderful life to live ahead of me. And I have to explain to her, that I don't. I will never have a life without suffering. Even if I lost weight, and exercised and eat right, I will never have a life that doesn't suffer. And most days, it sucks, but I deal. And then there's days like today, where I wonder how I'm supposed to deal with this for the rest of my life. Just want to make sure I'm not alone 😞
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medicalmutts · 8 months
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Certified Service Dog Training | Medical Mutts
A certified service dog from Medical Mutts can help you on your journey. Professional training for service dogs to improve support and independence. With the help of our authorized service dog programs, transform lives. Today, unleash the power of collaboration.
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whelpimnauthuman · 8 months
There's a special kind of love between a person suffering from a kidney stone and the cat worriedly following them to and from the bathroom
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beatodiabtesapp · 2 years
A diabetic should consume fewer calories than a non-diabetic person. The majority of medical professionals believe that the average Indian diet is high in sugar and carbohydrates. The major foods of India, wheat, and rice, are abundant in carbs and have a high glycemic index, which means they break down quickly and raise blood sugar levels. Read more: https://www.beatoapp.com/blog/best-alternatives-for-wheat-and-rice-for-people-with-diabetes/
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wosoamazing · 3 months
Sick Days
Blurt/One-Shot | Diabetes & Love Warnings: Sickness (vomiting), Sever low blood sugar, passing out, mentions of seizures, hospitals, ambulances. This is probably crap but yeah.... wrote it and decide just to post it...
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You were flopped against your Mum’s body as she held you whilst also trying to carry everything else, she stopped at the door to the gym, knocking before sticking her head in, 
“Hey Leah, I’m so sorry, I know we were meant to spend the night hanging out and I was taking you home but she is really sick and so I think it's best I take her home, hopefully then no one else will get it either,” Leah saw the way you looked slightly green and decided your Mum was going to need help, this was the first time you had been sick since your diagnosis and it looked like it wasn’t going to be pretty.
“I’ll still come if you want, help you with y/n and keep you entertained while you’re cooped up in the house,” Leah offered.
“Yeah okay. I’ll meet you in the car?” your Mum said, gaining a nod from Leah.
“You’re going with Russo right?” Viv asked as Leah entered the locker room.
“Yeah,” Leah said as she started frantically packing her things.
“Good, we were worried, y/n looks really sick,” Katie said “Keep us updated?” The Irish woman was pretty sure Leah sent her a nod of confirmation.
“Leah if either of you guys need anything just call, and I’ll be straight over,”
“Will do, thank you all, sorry for leaving so abruptly,” Leah told everyone as she walked out the room.
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It had been a few hours since you got home and you kept vomiting, Alessia was getting worried and Leah was nervous that she would soon need another set of hands to help her, so she called kim. Your Mum was looking more green by the minute and seemed to be sweating a lot more than she should have. Leah was also pretty sure she heard your Mum coughing one of the times she went to the bathroom.
“Leah, can you call an ambulance?” Alessia asked just as Kim arrived at the front door.
“Okay, so it is bad, Leah you good calling the ambulance?” The older of the pair nodded at their captain as she was already dialling 111, “What do you need Alessia?” “Can you put some towels down beside her, she’s most likely going to vomit once I do this,” your Mum asked and Kim nodded before quickly running off and returning with some towels. She placed them in front of you and your Mum quickly gave you the glucagon injection, causing you to cry, before suddenly you had thrown up again, but you barely had the energy to do that, your cries were so weak and everyone in that room hoped the paramedics would be there soon. Your Mum was rubbing your back, trying her hardest not to cry yet, she didn’t want to scare you.
“I know bubba, I’m sorry, the ambulance should be here to help soon, I’m so sorry, I love you so much.”
Just as the paramedics walked into the kitchen, you were throwing up again and your Mum and Kim quickly stood up letting them get to work, Leah having told them everything they needed to know already.
You Mum stood up and immediately was pulled into Leah’s arms, where she just started sobbing violently, and Leah had to hold her tightly to make sure she didn’t collapse.
“We’re going to take her to Watford, they may then want to transfer her to one of the bigger paediatric centres, but it's best we get her stabilised first, unfortunately only two of you can travel with us, and they most likely will only let two of you in with her anyway at any one time,” The paramedics told the three women but mainly it was aimed at Leah and Kim, with your Mum being so out of it now.
“I’ll stay here and clean up, you go with them, Leah, just keep me updated,” Kim told Leah who nodded.
“You can sit in the back with them both if you want,” One of the paramedics told Leah who nodded before grabbing your Mum’s phone, and her keys before grabbing her own phone, and going to sit next to Alessia in the ambulance, who held onto Leah's hand like a lifeline.
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You were wheeled ahead as your Mum and Leah, well more Leah were left to do some paperwork, Alessia felt a panic surge through her body when she saw your body start seizing, immediately you were surrounded by doctors, she started swaying slightly, accidentally bumping into Leah as her feet became unsteady, “Less, you okay? Less” Leah said just before Alessia passed out, “Shit, Less,” Leah dropped the clipboard and pen to catch her before lowering her on the ground, positioning her on her side.
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“Why didn’t you tell us you weren’t feeling well,” Leah asked your Mum sternly who was now sat in a hospital bed.
“I ah-” “Is that what you were doing every time you went to the bathroom? Throwing up?”
“I’m sorry,” Alessia mumbled before beginning to cry, causing Leah to climb into the bed next to her, pulling her into her chest.
“We’re all here for you Less, you just need to let us be there for you,” “I just, I didn’t want to feel like a burden, and I just, I’m a single Mum, it’s just me,” “But it’s not just you Less, we are all here for you, her diagnosis has changed nothing, we will look after both of you, just like we always have. Would it make you feel better if I made everyone do a professional diabetes class rather than just going off what you have taught us? I mean I already have but I would be happy to sit through another one and force everyone else to do one too, I'm sure they would all be just as happy to learn so they could help out though. Does that sound good?” Leah felt Alessia nod into her shoulder before they both started to doze off.
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yelenasdiary · 3 months
I saw your requests say open, but I know you're struggling with motivation to get content out so absolutely no pressure for you to do this.
I'd really love a Wanda x diabetic!reader shot where reader isn't looking after themselves very well and isn't checking their blood sugar. They've been feeling bad the last couple of days and keep trying to sleep it off. They end up having a seizure due to their bloods being so low and Wanda gives a stern but needed talking to.
Again, no pressure for you to write this but it'd be strongly appreciated. Thank you :)
Feeling Low
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Diabetic! Avenger! Reader (Platonic)
Summary: After having a seizure due to ignoring your low blood sugar, Wanda gives you a much needed talking to. 
Angst, Comfort.
Warnings: Mentions of Low Blood levels, Reader has a Seizure| 0.8K
AC: Thank you for sending this, please note that I am not diabetic, so I only write this based off research. If I have said anything wrong, please don’t hesitate to let me know so I can come back and fix it. I hope you enjoy this x 
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Since the last mission was a bust, you swore to better yourself for the team. You worked harder in the gym, harder in training, longer making sure that mission reports had every single detail you could remember. On top of all of that, you’ve had little to no time for yourself. If you weren’t working on yourself, you were helping the young avengers with training and any other things they asked for. 
All this overworking yourself caught the eye of everybody in the team but especially Wanda. She’s your closest friend, how could she not notice the signs before anybody else? She has always kept an eye on you because you have always been there for her when nobody else was and being an Avenger has its risks. 
During the week, you started to feel unwell. You thought it was just all the extra work you’d been giving your body but the more you tried to sleep it off, you never felt better. You made your way downstairs to get yourself a bottle of water when it hit you. Your seizure took over and you fell to the cold floor. Your body moved uncontrollably, Wanda rushed to your aid, yelling out for help as she gently moved you, so you were laying on your side. Natasha called for medical who wasted no time rushing to help. 
Your eyes fluttered open slowly, you were tired, and your body ached. Wanda was sitting beside your bed in the medical bay reading a book you could barely read the title of. “What happened?” You asked in a soft mutter, your mouth felt dry. Wanda looked up at you, placing her book down after placing her bookmark on her current page. 
“You had a diabetic seizure” she replied. 
“W-what? No, I couldn’t have” you frowned, “I always check my levels” you added. 
“It seems like you haven’t been checking them for the last few days” Wanda lent forward, placing her hand on top of yours, “you’ve been working yourself to the ground to prove yourself when you don’t need too” she added. 
You shook your head, wanting nothing more than to avoid the conversation, “I must have just gotten busy and forgot” you argued, beating yourself up on the inside for letting this to happen. Wanda sensed that you weren’t in the mood to talk about your health right now and she didn’t want to push you. “Get some rest, you need it” she smiled softly reminding you just how tired you were. 
The next day, after you were discharged from the medical bay, you found Wanda waiting by your room. “Is everything okay?” You asked, opening the door to your room.
“We need to talk” Wanda replied, following after you and closing your door behind her. “Wands, you don’t need to give me the talk” you sighed. 
“I do” Wanda said sternly, “I need you to understand how important this is. This isn’t just another seizure or a mistake, Y/n” she added. You could hear the concern and worry in her tone as you turned to face her. 
“You’re my closest friend. I can’t lose you, okay? I’ve seen a lot of things but seeing you like that and there was nothing I could do? It broke me. I know you have this need to prove to us that you didn’t mean for that mission to go bust but ignoring your health and blood levels isn’t going to do that. We all love you; we know that what happened wasn’t your fault. Nobody is beating you up about it but yourself and I won’t allow you to do this to yourself. 
I will help you with whatever you need, you know I will. But I need you to promise me that you’ll take better care of your health. I don’t mind if you need me to remind you to check your levels or take your insulin, damn I will even follow you around with a stash of bananas if I need too” she added. 
You couldn’t help but chuckle at her last comment, your smile also bringing a smile to her lips. “I’m sorry I worried you” you replied, “I guess you’re right. I got carried away with work that I didn’t stop to think about myself, and I promise from now on I won’t let my levels get so low again” you added before embracing Wanda into a tight hug. You she needed it just as much as you did, she hugged you back just as tight. 
“I love you, please don’t forget that either” she said softly. 
“You literally just threatened to follow me around with a stash of banana’s, how could I not love you?” You replied as you both pulled away, causing you both to chuckle. “Have you checked your levels today?” She asked. 
“Yep! Wasn’t allowed to leave medical unless I had” you smiled. 
“Good, so they did listen to me” Wanda smirked.
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Taglist:  @boredandneedfanfics | @music-4ever | @karmasgxrl | @milkeeteaa | @marvelwomen-simp | @swaqcenix | @mostlymarvelsstuff | @scarlettbitchx | @mallyka-blog | @itsalwaysskorpioszn | @caporal-nino | @natashamaximoff-69 | @evilcr0ne | @boredandneedfanfics | @teganmiller | @ihavezeroclue13 | @tobiaslut | @anonwhowrites | @itsmelulu | @koinsss | @cigarsandscotchallday | @nuianced-tck-enby | @springsheep | @prentgarcialuvr | @stayevildarling | @mommysgoodlittlebrat | 
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littlestpersimmon · 1 year
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Saving my mom's eyesight.
Hi guys- so. Gofundme doesn't work in the Philippines, so I had to arrange this on fundrazr, where PayPal works! No account needed- it's where I also fundraised surgery for my dad.
It would mean everything if you guys could please, please, once more spare me a reblog.. would much appreciate it.
I had some funds saved via commissions back in March, but they have been depleted because I did not account for her care after surgery- and because it kept getting delayed because they kept needing additional lab tests from her. Mom has preexisting conditions, like her kidneys are very weak, she is prone to seizures due to a brain injury from a sudden sepsis attack a few years ago, and she has diabetes.
Im sincerely n humbly asking for mutual aid.
I'm a disabled trans guy from the global south. Don't have a car, and I have been taking care of my family ever since I was a teenager all by myself- I have three jobs at the moment, but none of them are stable incomes, and because out of all four of us, I am the only one who works, I've been living paycheck to paycheck due to both my parents medical and day to day needs. I've put all the info I have on the fundrazr post.. and for additional info.. this is the most recent prescription/ note from the doctor.
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I guess this is all. I'm so very sorry for having to write another one of these posts, but have been having an extremely difficult time, and prayers, donations, shares and even just a kind word would mean the whole world to me. Thank you so so much.
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 year
When I was in middle school for a while me and the other kids with asthma had a class to learn about asthma during lunch and that experience made me think that there should be a class dedicated to teaching people about common diseases.
Because even though I grew up in an area with a lot of asthmatics because of the pollution I still came across people who thought it was contagious for some reason.
Also I didn’t know what to do when someone has a seizure until I became friends with a person with epilepsy and did research on my own about it.
There’s also the issue of people giving full sugar soda to diabetics when they asked for diet because they’re mad about how skinny they are or something and putting that persons life in danger.
Like there’s so many common things going on around us all the time that we just don’t have full understanding of.
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