#did a goofy thing to decompress lol
olessan-lokenosse · 10 months
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ready for a Flameforger's night out
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chickpea0 · 2 months
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Pet/animal regressing SAS trio moodboards inspired by @roseyposie-agere's headcanons which are here! I thought they were really cool and I just got a really vivid image in my head (which I tried to recreate lol) so here they are! I also have a few headcanons + bonus board myself which are under the cut :>
Growing up, they always played all kinds of games together. Hide and seek, pirates, tig and "animals" was just another activity they enjoyed. At least that's what they and everyone else assumed.
Eventually they outgrew many of their other games (though they still do remain healthily playful) they hadn't seemed to drop it like the others. It wasn't quite the same as it was before and there was a sort of break for a while
but I think one day, as preteens or young teens they were sitting around talking about whatever and suddenly one of them brought it up like hey, remeber when we did that? I don't want to forget about that. And there was a quiet understanding :) they're all pretty in tune with eachother.
Anyway, these days they love to use it not only to destress and decompress but as an act of a sort of rebellion!
Yeah they're gonna spend their free time in the woods together! Yeah they're gonna be themselves! And they're not gonna be quiet about it. Well, Abigail and Sam at least.
For Sebastian, he feels it more inwardly. When he regresses it feels more like a fuzzy warmth, like being indoors during a thunderstorm. His dream day while regressed would involve being cosy with his two favourite people, a nice sashimi dinner, a TV marathon running in the background and maybe a few head scritches or two. I feel like he's more open to touch while kitty. He's also less standoffish towards others outside his group but still reserved.
Abi loves to chew on things. I think. You can some times tell when she's feeling a bit wolfish when she starts nibbling the end of a pencil. Sam and Seb gifted her some chewelry once which she was really greatful for. Now she has a shoebox full of it along with some other "wolf-time" items. Has to constantly fight back the urge to playfully bite her friends lmao. I also feel like she might ocasionlly resonate with Springer Spaniels when she's feeling a bit lighter. She's also Very protective. Is even more head strong :)
Sam!! No specific breed and I feel like the "blond loveable character = golden retriver" is a bit tired but I think it quite suits him. Becomes even more goofy when he's regressed. I feel like Sam out of all 3 of them has less sepperation between him and doggy-him. While none of them really have to try hard to hide it, already being in their own world, they still generally like to avoid others, Sam fully embraces it. He even goes to work a bit puppy-ish. That's just Sam!
Regressing also helps them more grounded, and more connected with the natural world :)
They all have their own specific reasons as to why they turn to it. Abigail often feels quite detatched from her family, she enjoys having the stability of it as well as how tough (yet also valuable) it makes her feel. Seb as we all know deals with a heaviness with him; he's a child of divorce and struggles with keeping a healthy balance of things (smoking, distancing himself, being drawn to risky things like his motorbike) so he finds it easier to take care of himself and let others care about him. And Sam has a lot of anxiety with his father. I also believe they are some flavour of neurodivergent so. Projecting here but more "unique" coping methods form lol.
As for frequency I think it really fluctuates! They might go months or more without that familiar feeling or they might go through patches where it's every other day. Depends on each one of them and what they're going through at the time. Probably was more frequent when they were younger, but it was mixed with pet dreaming a lot as well back then.
I think regressing also helps keep them so close, partly. They're growing up and maturing and it is really easy to detatch from your friends and get so wrapped up with stuff on your own. They're able to be their own individuals and learn perfectly fine, but now they have something quite special that let's them be so open :)
Also! Also! I headcanon that they spent a lot of time on the abandoned farm before the farmer arrived! They loooved how out of the way it was and how the overgrown property was so fun to explore. They were actually kind of disapointed when they heard someone was moving in but lucky for them the farmer is quite quick to catch on, and they don't mind a patch of their land being used as a hangout. Afterall they already have so many animals around! What's a few more? Especially if they're willing to help out.
Sam LOVES helping around the farm, he's like a little herding dog. You can practically see his tail wagging. Seb and Abi prefer to watch most of the time though lol
Also. They have pushie version of each others animal!
So yeah! That's it! Brain dump finished! Phew...
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Tagging @theregressionlibrary to enter for Pet Takeover event!
[divider by saradika]
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double show! And thoughts...on "insufferable fans"
it must be exhausting performing one show a day, but 2? In another city. That's gotta be hard on the body and vocal chords. Nice to see that she's taking the time to relax and decompress. 😊😊 hope she's taking care of her voice too. 😊 that's a lot of singing and dancing!
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Sidenote: I can't believe how ridiculous and rude people are just bc he got a GF. They're actually celebrating his premiere not having many in attendance. They're mocking his social anxiety and have created elaborate irrational theories that he was being inappropriate, or there's tension with a co-star. To me it looked like stage position confusion and just being excited, nervous, and goofy bouncing around. Why even imagine things you just don't know, in an ALWAYS negative way? Or try to see negative things everywhere? Or Create elaborate irrational theories about his friends who all like his GF and why they like/follow her.
There's a difference between regular speculation, like "why did he wear that?" "What movie is he filming, who is he dating etc and harmful speculation, like calling him racist bc people don't see him with non-white friends very often or calling him a creeper bc he took a pic of his GF.
They even say "we all know Alex" has a thing for women with boyfriends. Like where did they reach into their imagination for this knowledge? Lol 😂😂😂😂 there's literally nothing like that at all out there information wise. That we as complete OUTSIDERS would know about based on the limited things we see? Not just someone's imaginings. I mean really attacking his reputation to make him seem bad? Why? Do you think if you spout enough lies about them both their fans will all disappear, his career will vanish, and he'll have learned his lesson? And she will disappear completely into thin air or hide. Even suggesting she'd self harm if they broke up. What lesson do you want him to learn? That he shouldn't have a GF? To not be HAPPY? You want to lie about him (and GF), and call him spineless, creepy, racist, stupid to hurt him socially and professionally? Online stuff can actually hurt his career. And again, I'm inclined to believe them when they say friends first and then lovers.
Seriously there's little doubt in my mind why he liked the comment about "insufferable fans".
Lol his GF can't even post a mild pic relaxing before 2 shows (a partial leg and foot does not a naked picture make unless we are in the Victorian era, and legs on chairs are covered up bc it's lewd) without being accused of a variety of things.
If she really wanted attention she'd do what most people do throw on a bikini and pose endlessly. Do any of these haters look at accounts not related to him? She doesn't even post that much outside of work, selfies/pics with BF every now and again but who doesn't? I do. A few times a week. Lol. A lot of people do. Most actresses do. Even actors do the same. Why is it "bad" only when she does it? Why was it cool for Malte's GF to do a bathtub photo, but not Johanne? Why is there a difference? BC she's moving in with her BF Alex Hogh Andersen. And she's an actress on tv and a huge musical, so it's not like it's not normal for her to post what she does. They have public profiles to maintain in today's world. I'm sure some of it is for fun bc it's her life and she can post what she wants. And to Anyone that wants to show off their body: Go for it! It's your body. Be proud of your body! That's great for those with body confidence. 😊 If she posts him they say she wants attention, even if it's his big night. Technically it's her night too, but she didn't mention that in her post dedicated to him. 😊 If she didn't post him at all they'd say she was mad at the attention being taken from her, or she only posts him if she is there bc she only wants a spotlight on her. They'd say she was unsupportive, selfish and etc. Or she's obsessed bc she posts pics of her own boyfriend and sometimes wears his clothes. They act like they have "evidence" when it's really their own negative imagination in hyperdrive. 😂😂😂😂
Lol They'll attack her no matter what, it's so irrational at this point you just have to laugh. 😂😂😂😂
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sasslett · 1 year
Get to know me!
tagged by @elveny, let's see if I can get this done before I have to get out of bed (someone play me the world's smallest violin)
Share your wallpaper: So my PC is set to cycle through my XIV screenshot folder as its wallpaper, so here's my Chromebook (where I do all my writing) and my phone (where I do all my blogging) wallpapers instead!
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A lovely comm from thetictactician on Twitter on my Chromebook!
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and this amazing comm on my phone from Hollycircling on Twitter, I can't believe she indulged me and went this fucking hard but she did this. In a week.
The last song you listened to: Warrior by Beth Crowley (this is such a Jess song tbh)
Currently Reading:  Ok... so... I actually haven't read any sort of published novel since... 2011, with A Storm of Crows I think? So I used to read a shit ton, but it was 11th grade and my friends were like 'You're still reading kids books? Read something for grown ups instead' (I was rereading Percy Jackson at the time, my beloved). So I gave it a try with a 'grown up' fantasy series and... fuck GoT it was awful and I decided if that's what adult literature was like, I didn't want any part of it. So I quit reading entirely.
Last Movie: Bullet Train, months ago. I don't like watching movies - I'm huge into the behind the scenes stuff, cinematography, lighting, direction, costume design etc etc so it makes it hard to watch movies when my brain won't stop analyzing and criticizing everything (honestly modern cinema is so full of people just 'sending it' for the next big paycheck, the heart is just gone). But my husband insisted I watch this one and you know what? It was actually really well made, I was impressed.
Craving: More time. More time to finish these cosplays (Twelve have mercy the con is in a week and a half), more time to write, more time to decompress. Also craving a Chromebook/laptop/portable writing device that doesn't freeze when I type more than 5 letters in a row...
What are you wearing right now: My nightgown! (still in bed) It's got penguins on it and it's fucking adorable.
How tall are you: 5'5, idk what that is in the rest of the world. Americans, y'know.
Piercings: None, but I bought some super cute Ascian earrings last year and I've been really tempted to get my earlobes pierced.
Tattoos: None, not my thing but totally cool for everyone else!
Glasses? Contacts?: Lasik! Totally worth if you can do it.
Last drink: Choccy milk (I am an adult)
Last show: Last narrative-focused show? Uhhhhhh.... I watched the first season of The Walking Dead in 2012 and I legit can't think of anything more recent. I just don't enjoy watching things much, I'd rather be doing something, and I'm such a snob when it comes to screenwriting/characters that most things just don't appeal to me. Other than that the last non-scripted show I watched was Restaurant: Impossible.
Last thing you ate: An oatmeal chocolate chip cookie my sister made last night.
Favourite colour: Wine/burgundy! That deep, dark, blood red with just a hint of purple (in case you couldn't tell since it's the color my WoL wears in every outfit)
Current obsession: FFXIV lol
Unrelated Obsession: Unrelated? I'd say writing but that's kind of related... So, horses? I mean that's just always my obsession.
Any pets: Uh... yeah. I myself have two horses. And then... we have a shit ton of cats. So in 2020 strays kept showing up at our house and then they'd have babies, eventually we managed to catch them all and get them fixed and now some of them have chosen to move in. Shelters are full all across the state, rescues and fosters are full. So now we have... 10 cats that live inside (it's a large house) and then another six/seven that are still feral outside but fixed at least. Nothing much we can do about it, but keeping them inside keeps them safe and saves the wildlife outside, too.
Do you have a crush on anyone: An eternal crush on my husband. He's just amazing. Soft. Adorable. Handsome. Perfect. Goofy. Gorgeous. Smart. Creative. Loving. So many more words. 12 years together in May!
Favourite fictional character: Assuming player characters/WoLs don't count, Elena Fisher from Uncharted. She was the first female character I encountered who was just... normal. Not a token female, not sexualized eye candy, not walking boobs without a personality, she was... a real person, a real character in her own right, whose gender didn't change who she was. And I fell in love with that back in 2007 (I was in middle school then, so it was kind of a big deal for me). She only got better as the years went by, I still love her.
The last place you traveled: Depends on your definition of 'travel'. On a literal sense probably Portland, but since both that and Seattle are practically in my backyard I don't really count those. Other than that, Philadelphia I think, for a wedding.
TAGGING! Oh so many people should do this. Off the top of my head, if you'd like to... @ainyan, @mimble-sparklepudding, @boggleoflight, @tallbluelady, @humblemooncat, @dragoon-mid-jump, @otherworldseekers, @aethericfist and now I'm out of time and have to get ready for work so anyone else who sees this! Sorry I was tagging in a hurry, I know a lot of you are character/RP blogs so feel free to ignore.
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yellowsugarwords · 2 years
Since you did the Garcias, can you do the Ericsons kids dealing with a Drunk Clementine, I would love to see how Louis would deal with her.
oooo this is gonna be a fun one lol. obviously trigger warning for those who don’t want to engage with liquor/alcohol writings. I’ll keep the writing under the cut in case you don’t want to read :)
Marlon: Marlon often rejected drinking. Mainly, it was because he didn’t know how he’d react to it. Given how the other Ericson students reacted, he didn’t want to come across as a blubbering idiot. He needed to maintain some decorum. “Be careful, Clem.” He scoffed with a teasing smirk. “You are around a fire.” Of course, Louis was also egging her on - as he always did - to embrace her goofy drunk side. “Oh come onnnnn, Marlon.” She managed out, sticking a bottle out to him. “Loosen up!” “Pass.” He said plainly. Louis smirked, snagging it from her hands. “That means more for me.” Marlon rolled his eyes and chuckled. He really did feel like he was babysitting some days.
Louis: Louis loved drunk Clementine, but he also loved being drunk alongside her. He was more able to convince her to do dumb things with him. “Clem, quick, take your shoes off.” Clem scrunched her nose - it was adorable whenever she did that - and crossed her arms. “Why?” “Barefoot grass race.” Her eyes sparked up instantly. She was game. As they started, they both fumbled to the ground almost instantly, rolling around with drunken laughter in the grass. There were moments like these where Louis forgot the world was in shambles. His world, right then and right there, felt whole.
Violet: Violet loved their drinking nights. It was the one night she felt as though she could truly decompress. Plus, it was hilarious. Louis always became too energetic, Mitch became funny, and Clementine was the life of the party. Every time Violet and Clementine sat beside each other, they fell into stupid giggle fits, laughing about the dumbest things. The randomness of the moment, the way the others spoke when they were drunk, even when people stumbled or fell down. Sometimes, they laughed so hard they couldn’t breathe. Clem made everything fun, but especially on nights like that.
Mitch: Mitch loved drinking with Clementine. It was the one time when she was fully, unabashedly herself. “Bet I can drink a beer faster than you.” Clementine laughed at the prospect. “You’re on.” The two immediately cracked open their next bottles and swung them back. By the time they were done, Clementine fell into a burping fit, attempting to squeeze words out in between them. Eventually, she gave up, and collapsed onto the ground in giggles. The group burst into joy following her. Clem, as always, knew how to bring up everyone’s spirits.
Willy: Willy scrunched his nose when he spotted Clementine giggling and stumbling down Ericson’s front steps. Behind her, Louis and Marlon were smirking, arms crossed or in their pockets, leaning against the exterior of the building. “Is she sick?” Violet, stargazing on the grass, chuckled. “No, she’s very much not.” Clementine collapsed on the ground beside the blonde, chuckling and closing her eyes, feeling dizzy. Willy scrunched his nose even further. “Girls are weird.” With that, he trotted away, off to find Mitch.
Aasim: Aasim refused to drink, but drunk Clementine was a blast. She was far more carefree - infinitely less stressed - and it made him less stressed by proxy. She was always so loveable and giggly. “Aasim! What are you reading?” She always asked questions with such glee and genuine interest. He smiled. “Of Mice and Men.” “Do you like it?” Aasim always felt so understood by her. “Yeah,” Clementine beamed, sipping on more of her beer, fumbling into Violet sitting beside her. The two laughed in glee, and Aasim couldn’t help but chuckle along. Maybe he could put his book down. At least for the next little while.
Ruby: Ruby didn’t want to drink - she was too nervous about embarrassing herself in front of Aasim or saying something dorky - but watching everyone else get drunk was joyous enough. Louis, Mitch, and especially Clementine were the stars of the evening. “Clem, are you sure you want another one?” Clementine was already cracking open another beer from Mitch, giggling at the prospect. “Come on, Ruby. Live a little!” Ruby gave a weary smile, watching as the group slowly fell into mindless games. Tic tac toe, two legged races, and hacky sack. Truly hilarious given how drunk all of them continued to become.
Omar: Omar had never been interested in drinking, only casually. An average night, he'd have one drink and relax, watching all the others engage in the fun. Really, his favorite thing to do was moderate any games. Especially the two-legged race. "Ready? Set? Go!" Every time, everyone fell instantly. It was always his favorite part of the night to help the drunken teens off of the ground.
Tenn: Tenn, reading a book in the study, glanced up when Clementine and Violet wandered in. “Okay,” Violet said, chuckling as she brought the teen to the couch. “I think it’s time for you to lie down.” Clem giggled, flopping herself down on the couch and sprawling out her legs. Tenn glanced between the two, confused and hesitant. Finally, he closed his book. “I’ll read in my room.” “No! You can stay!” Clementine assured. Tenn raised a brow and shook his head, saying nothing more as he scurried away, leaving a pouting Clementine behind.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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gamerezrathing · 2 months
Just a friendly reminder to be careful what you say in chat. You never know what that stranger has been through, or is currently going through. I'll admit that I got a bit emotional during this unfortunate interaction; I'm not ashamed to admit that I have human emotions.
I was already having a very rough day, and went to play a video game to decompress. Now, I know that Path of Titans official servers aren't always the best way to do so, but I've rarely had toxic encounters, and truly enjoy playing on official servers.
For those who'd rather read the screenshots, scroll to the end of the post. Just keep in mind that the summary clarifies some things that the screenshots don't.
This is a summary of what was said. No real names/usernames are mentioned in this post except for mine:
Green = EzraThing (me)
Pink = Pink1 and Pink2 (both were part of the group who unalived me)
Purple = Purple (the other member of the group who unalived me)
Red = Red (someone who had nothing to do with this, but still had to get their irrelevant words in)
Blue = Sweetheart (an innocent soul)
Orange = Random Bystander, Another Random Bystander, Antihero, and Translates To Daddy (pretty sure you can figure it out)
(Couldn't get a screenshot of this first message, but I vividly remember saying this)
Ezra: ggs to the gqint (I meant giant) carni pack that murdered an adol duck. It was a really goofy thing. Lol
You know, a light hearted, teasing joke. The whole thing made me laugh. From the sudden ambush, to the wild goose chase. But, they got me in the end, so I was saying my "ggs".
Pink1: Giant (correcting my mistake)
Pink1: Lol a sub thal and sub chicken
Pink1: And a sarco
I didn't see the "And a sarco" until after I already sent my next message. The keyboard takes up the majority of the screen whenever I go to type.
Ezra: Sarco did the most damage
Pink1: duh
Ezra: Yeah duh, What's your point?
Was getting a little frustrated at this point since I already said ggs in a light hearted way, and they were taking this into more toxic territory.
Pink1: Ur dumb for saying that lol
Pink1: 3 is a giant number guys watch out
Yeah, 3 is a giant number for a fresh adol duck that was suddenly ambushed, and murdered, by sub-adult and adult carnis. That, and I don't have very good vision in the first place.
Ezra: How is that dumb? I'm just trying to quest in peace, you guys won, I said "ggs", end of story
Pink1: Pvp is no peace
Pink1: Ggs go quest
Ezra: Okay, thanks. Bye
Accepted the permission I apparently needed from them to go back to what I was doing before, and not be bothered anymore. Apparently this group can't even manage that.
Purple: Ewww ezra you're on xbox... Now im glad i bit you - sarco
Ezra: Mind your business
Was trying to give the hint that I was already moved on and didn't want to continue their "game".
Purple: Someone is insecure
Ezra: Considering that I'm not the one holding onto this dead conversation, I highly doubt that. Lol
Purple: Ezra you seem to take this game to heart. (Didn't get the rest of this message in the screenshot) Something along the lines of "smoke something and chill".
Ezra: Literally can't smoke, but okay. Lol
What can I say? I've got fragile lungs that can barely handle me standing behind a running car. So smoking is an absolute no-go for me.
Purple: Ezra back down to 669... RIP
Okay, so? I'm an adolescent duck, how much did you think I was going to have in the first place? Move on with your life, bro.
Purple: Ezra it's okay
Bro acting like I'm the one harassing them. They didn't seem to want to leave me alone, so I decided to try to have some fun with it.
Ezra: Do you talk like this to everyone, or am I just special~
Pink2: Ezra,shut up. I'm tired of seeing your name in the chat
Ezra: Bruh, what???
Genuinely confused at wtf is going on now, and had to reread the chat a bit to make sure that I wasn't going crazy.
Ezra: I've hardly said anything, Pink2.
Purple: ezra you're very special...
Bro was just desperate for even a sliver of my attention.
Pink2: Ezra, you're ruining the peace of the server
Yeah, 'cause it's totally my fault that Pink1 and Purple, and now you, decided to harass me.
Ezra: How am I doing that?
Pink2: Existing
... Way to tell someone who has genuinely had problems with unaliving thoughts that merely existing is causing everyone problems...
This is why you don't talk to strangers this way; you never know what the other person has gone through, or is currently going through.
Red: XD
Red: Y'all savage asf XD
Way to support toxicity, Red...
Ezra: Mute me if you really don't want to hear from me anymore, Pink2.
Pink2: Too much work
Ezra: Logged on like 30 minutes ago, and I already want to kms. Exactly what I came for. Lol
Dark, sarcastic humor is my coping mechanism. I would never tell anyone to kys, but I tend to joke about kms when I experience another one of my rough depressive episode. It rarely happens anymore. It's a tough habit to break, but I'm working on it.
Random Bystander: Global Chats Wild and extra special today, huh? Lol
Ezra: Apparently
Just trying to move on at this point, and hopefully get some fun hours in the game.
Purple: Ezra shut up
Ezra: Just mute me Purple
Pink2: Ezra seek therapy
Do people not realize how expensive therapy can get? Besides, there is no fixing me; I'm broken beyond repair, bud.
Ezra: Too expensive
Red: Alcohol isn't that expensive
Way to support alcoholism, Red...
Antihero: All u shut up love of god you dirtball swine
My hero~
Another Random Bystander: whys everyone so whiney tonight
Me: No idea, Another Random Bystander
Red: It's past their bedtime XD
Way to finally say something okay to say, Red...
Purple: Antihero shut up you're on xbox
What does this person have against xboxs?
Pink2: My bad Antihero, Ezra is being disruptive
Yeah, 'cause I'm totally the one beating a dead horse until it's a fine, brown paste staining the ground...
Antihero: i have pc 2 scrub sit down
... Still my hero?
Purple: 200 is crazy
Did they forget that people spend their marks?
Antihero: thats what your pc is worth hu fat boy
I genuinely didn't see this comment until I was scrolling through the screenshots... No longer my hero. Lol
Purple: Ez report
Purple: Player Report Successful!
Purple is desperate enough for attention to grab the lowest hanging fruit possible.
Red: Xbox solid, I sold my ps5 for xbox
Way to finally say something positive, Red...
Ezra: I just wanted to come on and enjoy this game for a bit, but apparently everybody hates me
Ezra: And wants to report me for no reason (I didn't see Antihero's comment that Purple was actually responding to until after)
Red: If it makes u feel better i also hate u
Way to immediately dwell back into the toxicity, Red...
Sweetheart: (/whisper Ezra) test
They were seeing if the whisper command worked, I guess. Lol
Antihero: ill be your friend
You literally just called someone fat earlier, bud. But thanks, I guess. Lol
Translates To Daddy: I don't hate you
... Dad?
Red: Im kidding XD
Ezra: Did you think that you didn't count as everyone?
(These were both sent at almost the same time, so it may not make the most sense) I meant it more like "Did you think that you didn't count when I said 'everyone'?" ADHD go brrrrrr-
Sweetheart: (/whisper Ezra) what is even happening right now?
Sweetheart: (/whisper Ezra) I am sorry they are being so mean
Honestly, thank you so much for reaching out to check on me. It truly does mean a lot.
Red: U cant say everyone, how can I hate (Didn't catch the end of this message, either) Something along the lines of "how can I hate someone that I don't know?"
I don't know, how can you? 'Cause you clearly do, somehow. How do you talk like this to a complete stranger?
Ezra: Well you clearly do
Ezra: (/whisper Sweetheart) Don't apologize for them; it's not your fault.
I apologize if I sounded a bit harsh. I was truly just ready to log off at this point.
Sweetheart: (/whisper Ezra) I know it isn't but the toxicity is hard to watch sometimes
(Didn't get a screenshot of my last message before logging off, but this is what it essentially was. I accidentally hit send about halfway through, so the actual chat message isn't exactly like this. Lol)
Ezra: Welp, I'm getting off for the night. Congrats Pink1, Purple, Pink2, and Red for making someone's already terrible day even worse.
I logged off before I saw any responses.
Now, for those who want to read the actual screenshots, here you go (first image is a guide on what order to read them):
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ambientdinostars · 3 years
ahhh @persnickett snick u tagged me and it took me so long also i loved reading about all your fics hullo i need to go and read your entire works like right now asap immediately.
Alright, fave fics, and the reason why. it's all tmr bc so far tmr seems like the only thing i want to write fic for. i keep waiting for other characters/fandoms to catch me but??? not yet i guess lol.
1. Top Pick: The island, (newtmas 9k T)
island was and will always hold a real special creepy-palm-tree shadow in my heart. i got the idea when i was walking in a tropical forest while on a vacation (remember those?) and Rothko Chapel 2, by Morton Feldman came on my headphones, and then directly after On the Nature of Daylight, by Max Ritcher, and boom, the whole thing was right there. i wrote pretty much all of island in one sitting on the flight back, it was by far the easiest thing i've ever written.
2. Fan favourite: death and all his friends (newtmas 25k E)
the fic, the myth, the legend, the thing that started it all. i'm judging fan-favorite off of kudos, and this magical-realism glittery-death'n ghost-caper is something i'll probably never fully let go of. I've got another sequel idea that i can't seem to shake, and a google doc keeps being opened and jotted in without acknowledgment, which usually means i'm on my way to writing it .
3. Most Me: Carousel (newtmas 80k M)
yeah. yeah. carousel is by far the most me. at least it's the most of myself that i let into my writing without changing it up a bit. i think this was the first time i actually sat down and like...decompressed what the realities of being a kid growing up in a tough spot was like. it was probably second easiest to write, it flowed in the way that most things don't, and carouselthomas+newt are just like....there are a few aspects of them that'll live in my lil cold heart forever. they're mine in a real wild way. at the end of the day i just remember breezes from bullet trains and baking concrete lots with overgrown weeds.
4. The Standout: In Search of a Hollow Tree (newtmas 111K M)
mf hollow tree is how long????? lol??? wild i just clocked that. okay so this was a standout bc i'm genuinely so gd Shook by the response to this fic, it's been unreal. never in a million years did i think my pandemic-coping mechanism playlist would like...become this. but, yeah. it's this. this is that. i love it, and i love them, and how they're all still figuring it out under the big aurora filled sky. pt2 is well under way, and it'll be a while, but i'm already so excited to give anyone that's read this the other half.
5. And last but not least:  up, up, and away (minewt 11k T)
by far my least popular fic but your honour i love them. just a really really goofy-fun superhero power AU, featuring all of the genres' greatest hits, such as billionaire playgirl philanthropists, morally-grey bad guys who have confusing tension with the Morally Good Leader of the Gang, and a super-secret-spy-director that runs it all and goes by their first name only, Cher style.
bfjkjsjadfjfusefas snickkkkkk this was so so much fun to do, thanks so much for tagging me, you continue to be the Greatest at Everything.
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gretavanfleetposts · 2 years
Hey! Could I get a ship please? I’m a 20 year old premed student. I am very passionate about medicine and being a doctor. Right now, I see myself working as a pediatrician in a small town. But I also really love working with the elderly, so I may do family medicine so I can take care of everyone lol. I really want to live in a small, rural town with lots of outdoorsy things to do. I want to build a cottage and live the cottage core dream with my four kids and farm animals;)
I have brown hair, central heterochromia, and fair skin. I look a bit like a young Jennifer Connelly/Claire Danes in Romeo and Juliet. I love the outdoors and want to visit all of the national parks. I’m southern, so I have excellent manners. I’m really good at making conversation with older people. I also really love to read, write, and listen to music. Traveling to all of the National Parks is my main bucket list task, and I want to travel in a camper van with my husband to all these places.
My MBTI is INFJ and enneagram is 4w3. I am shy at first, but very loud and goofy around people that I trust. I don’t really care if people think I’m weird. Ive been told I have a kind soul, and I love making people feel good about themselves. I do deal with some mental health issues, but I’ve been trying to work through those and I think having anxiety/depression has made me a kinder person overall.
Although medicine is my dream, the thing I want most in life is to be happily married with a bunch of kids.
Thank you!
Hello, my love!
❤: You are so inspiring! The way you care for people and just want to help others, that really is amazing! I think it takes such a special person to devote their life to others and you clearly are a special person. I also 100% support the cottage core life; that really is the dream, isn't it. You seem so adventurous too. I can tell you're just very sweet and fun to be around. Can we be friends?
Ship: Jake
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Because: Jake would be so enamored by you and your love for others. I definitely think that's something you share. And he would constantly be bragging to people about his partner who is going to be a doctor. He would be so supportive. And he'd love taking you out into nature when you need to decompress from the stress of your studies.
Whenever you had an upcoming break from classes, you and your boyfriend Jake would pick a national park at random and plan a trip
This break, the two of your were taking advantage of the warm weather and were going on a roadtrip to Yellowstone National Park
It one of the few spots left on your large canvas map that didn't have a red X drawn over it and a picture of you and Jake with a park sign in the background pinned next to it
You couldn't be more excited
Jake packed the car early in the morning and you gathered all the snacks for the drive
You set off, listening to a playlist the two of you had made together
Jake rolled the windows down to let the warm breeze blow through the car and through your hair
The sun was just coming up as you set out and it casted a fiery golden hue over the horizon
You sang and snacked, talked and held hands
The stress of school was left far behind you
You watched in wonder as magnificent nature passed you while you made your way to your destination
The sun glowing over the mountains was truly a sight
Turning to Jake, he caught your breath more than the view did
His hair was blowing back and his face and chest were lit with a golden light that just enhanced his features
He glowed
He was ethereal
You could hardly believe he was real. Real and yours
He caught you staring and gave you a warm smile before turning his eyes back to the road, using his right hand to rub circles into the skin of your thigh sticking out beneath your sundress
You leaned over to press a kiss to his cheek
There was nothing you loved more than these trips
I hope you liked it! Thank you for the request!
Ships are currently closed
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apassionateman · 5 years
Man Secrets for Women...
Here are a few tips...
1. There's a big difference between "toss" "throw" "pass" and "hand" us something. Pay attention, when we say "toss"... we mean "toss"!
2. Don't worry, we know how to pinch, grab, squeeze and knead your ass... and when to do each.
3. Speaking plainly gets you MORE points than "hinting". Use your words and articulate what you want. Playful flirting gives at least two thoughts to us... "Are you actually into me?" and "your personality just winked, what the hell?"
4. Hugs are universal... we like them too.
5. So you think we "stare" at you... Did you know there's a spider on the wall behind you and we wonder if you'll feel it when it lands?
6. After a long night shift of my job years ago, I went over and worked on a girl's motorcycle once and when finished I was covered in oil and grease. She giggled and said I could shower and sleep over. I said "No thank you! I didn't have spare clothes and didn't want to get her white sheets all dirty." Somehow at the time, I think I missed the point of her offer.
7. Some guys lean on walls, chair backs, door frames... We just do off things at times for no apparent reason. Yeah, we're like that.
8. When we have a blank expression and you ask, what we are thinking... Why do you wonder if we are thinking anything... Sometimes we are cleaning out the cobwebs, don't underestimate our ability to NOT think about things at times.
9. Crying, now here's a subject of confusion... We are natural "doers" and "fixers" which is our first priority and inclination. Tell us you want to vent, scream have a listening ear or whatever the case may be BEFORE we misread and start trying to "fix" the situation.
10. Men like compliments too. These get you points and will stick with us for a long time. They don't have to be elaborate, simple ones do quite well... "You're kind" "You're a hard worker" Get MORE points when you can make us FEEL the value of your sincerity too. "I like when you...."
11. Each time I watch Avatar, I dream I'm Toruk Makto [rider of last shadow]... Last time I did this I also worked on my tractor and had a hot waitress wait on me at lunch that day... Talk about laughing out loud about dream mashing. What a wild ride. Lol.  Men really aren't mysterious - sometimes we just have a great adventure running through our mind.
12. Direct communication is far superior to beating around any bush. You want something from us. TELL US with details!
13. When you take a sincere interest of any quirky silly side of us... You've just scored MASSIVE points. We know you might like to go sit with one of your books, so when you take an active and sincere interest in our goofy side, it makes a big difference.
14. Many men have issues with depression, anxiety, body issues and yes even the aging issues. Please recognize these for what they are. We DESPISE living in a "Politically Correct" society where talking about a subject is socially unacceptable and sometimes forbidden for us to do so. [Some men voice their opinions quite well on some subjects while others struggle]  
15. When we say we like your tousled hair in the morning... We mean it! When we say we think one color dress looks better than another... We mean it! Many guys actually give sincere compliments on your appearance. Real men will overlook the physical attributes and talk to the girl of a woman hiding inside. We know our bodies aren't sculpted perfect like some bronzed god and photo-shopped to a stereotyped 6-pack toting image in your mind.
16. IMPORTANT... Men, sometimes really want to be alone as in nobody.  It doesn't mean we don't want to be with you... Sometimes it just means we need to be alone to decompress in our own maleness, nothing more.
17. ALSO important... Men also need to hang out with our buddies, just to hang out. Again, it doesn't mean we don't want to be with you... Sometimes it just means we need to be alone to decompress in our own maleness, nothing more.
18. When we accomplish a tedious goal of lashing, tying, netting and bungee cording which takes considerable effort, we like to pat ourselves on the back with a hearty... That's not going anywhere anytime soon! Knowing it will take us just as long untying as it did tying.
19. When we get home from work we all need some down time to escape the grueling routine. NO, the car ride home doesn't count as it often adds to the chaos in our mind. Give us 20 maybe 30 minutes before you unload on us. We want to know about your day, give us an opportunity to simply be still.
20. If you want something to happen between us... You need to make an effort to meet us halfway.  If you sense we're not making a move and there's interest... Guess what? We simply don't want to mess it up.
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parrishes-writes · 4 years
smutty alphabet: genevieve
Smutty alphabet for my main OC, Genevieve. @ocelotsflatass I had to do this because I was FILLED WITH A MIGHTY NEED
Answers under the cut! 
A - Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Depends on the kind of sex that was had. If it’s pretty... normal, for lack of a better word, she’ll probably just... rest or curl up next to you, or doze off lightly. If it’s... intense, she’ll clean you up, ask you what you need, and cuddle with you--she���ll bring you food, put on your favorite movie, show, read you your favorite book, whatever helps you decompress and unwind. If she’s the one who needs aftercare, it usually consists of cleaning her up, taking a nap with her, showering, and then some of her favorite food + something stupid to watch. 
B - Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) Viv is, on the whole, very pretty, but her favorite body part of her own are her eyes. They’re highly expressive and a very dark blue, which makes them stand out, because she’s overall pretty fair-skinned. 
As for her partner... it depends on the partner. Viv is bisexual and her preferences change depending on the person, so... for a woman, it’s primarily her face, but their whole body is appreciated, and Viv will make damn sure her female partner knows it. On a man, Viv likes good bone structure and height. Long hair and beards are not required, but are a definite bonus. Was into lumberjacks before they were cool. 
C - Cum (anything to do with cum) Not a huge fan of men finishing on her face or chest, especially if they don’t clear it with her beforehand, but doesn’t really mind them finishing inside her (protection will be used) or in her mouth. For women, if you squirt, she’ll be a) impressed, and b) turned on. Unless your relationship is legitimately serious, if you’re a dude, condom stays on, no exceptions. Viv will 100% ask you about your STD history, even if it kills the mood. 
As for Viv herself... she can squirt, but it’s rare, and it usually only happens when she’s purposefully being overstimulated. 
D - Dirty Secret Viv has a few kinks that she’s a little embarrassed by, not because they’re gross, but because they kind of go against the image she presents to the world, and she feels like she’d have to turn in some of her feminist street cred. 
E - Experienced (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Viv has had multiple partners over the course of her sexual history, and she made it her business to learn from each one. Although she considers the concept of being “good” or “bad” in bed to be somewhat arbitrary, and not the point of sexual intimacy... she’s good in bed, and knows what she’s doing. She’s very receptive to you and your wants and needs--sex is one of the few places where she’s good at taking directions from another person. 
F - Favorite Position Cowgirl, or any position where she’s on top, really. She can get a little iffy about missionary because it can quickly start to feel claustrophobic or smothering, but for the most part she just likes to be in charge, watching her partner as she rides them, uses her fingers...
Strangely enough, though, she actually quite likes getting it from behind, and it’s one of her deepest darkest secrets. There’s a part of her that likes to be at a... disadvantage, shall we say, but it does take a lot of trust for her to be able to get to this point with a partner. It’s also a position that feels good for her and hits all the right spots, but depending on the size of the dick/penetrating object, she might not prefer to start off this way. 
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.?)
Normally she’s pretty serious, because Viv only likes to play games when the right mood strikes her, and when that mood does hit it’s always to the... frustration... of her partner. It’s a sign of how far she’s progressed with a significant other that she can chuckle or laugh when they’re in the heat of the moment. 
H - Hot Spots (a place that drives them crazy when touched) Her butt and her hips are particularly sensitive, as is her lower back. Using your nails to scrape ever-so-lightly down her ass is a surefire way to get her to shiver. Her neck is also a go-to area. Nipping it is a good way to get her hot and bothered. 
I - Intimacy (how are they in the moment, romantically?) It depends on how emotionally intimate she is with the partner. Viv does not frequently engage in casual sex, but has done so in the past--those encounters were not what she would call romantic or intimate. Expect a lot of deep, slow kisses and lingering touches if she’s truly into you. 
J - Jack Off (masturbation headcanon) Doesn’t have a problem with doing so while single, but isn’t necessarily inclined to masturbate if she’s in a relationship with someone... unless it’s on purpose. Then it’s a whole other story. 
K - Kink (one or more of their kinks) She doesn’t like to go full dom/sub, but Viv is more than happy to either be in charge of you or, depending on the person, have you take charge of her--she does have a bit of a thing for being bossed around. If she really trusts you, she’d be willing to have you tie her up or blindfold her, and do the same to you. 
Some of her other kinks are edging/orgasm delay, overstimulation, hair pulling, biting, holding her in one position/controlling her movements, a little bit of voyeurism and exhibitionism... 
L - Location (favorite place to do the do) Genevieve isn’t picky. She’ll get it on with you wherever, as long as you’re not interrupted, because she does hate it when that happens. Viv will absolutely start riding you on the sofa, stretch out on the bed, or go along with you if you want to bend her over the kitchen table. She’s down. 
M - Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going?) Letting you be you is usually enough for her, but watching you do something you’re good at or passionate about can get her up and running. Seeing you get really into something is a turn-on, especially if you’re kind of mad, or want to fight (somebody else, not her). For Viv herself, being stressed or anxious can make her instigate a sexual encounter--pounding the bad feelings out of her usually works for a bit. 
N - No (something they won’t do, turn offs) Keep your excrement far, far away from her. She’s not a fan of rape fantasies or roleplays, and will not do them under any circumstances, even dubcon. Viv doesn’t like being hit during sex aside from maybe some light and/or brief spanking and, unless agreed upon prior, she will not consent to being hit with an implement. Lactation kinks are a hard no. Also, don’t ask her to do dd/lg stuff, because it’s gross. Professor/student, however, is on the table, so to speak. 
General turn offs? Rudeness, derogatory language that is out of line or out of place for the situation, switching things up without asking or telling her. She’s usually pretty okay with most stuff a partner might ask, but don’t just flip her over and start calling her a whore, or talking about her holes (yuck), because it won’t fly. Try to at least be present with her, because she hates to feel like she’s just being fucked. Sex should involve mutuality. 
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) Viv will gladly give you oral, and will absolutely delight in making you delirious with pleasure, but she does have a slight preference for receiving oral from her partner. 
It doesn’t mean that she won’t return the favor to the best of her considerable skill, but something about the sight of your head between her thighs, especially if she’s on her back, just makes her ache and melt. If you’re using your mouth to edge her or overstimulate her, you can bet she’s going to go off like a rocket when you finally let her come.
If she’s giving you oral, pull her hair close to the scalp. Don’t yank, but definitely tug it, run your fingers through it. She loves that. Run your finger over her lips. She loves that too. 
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?) She’ll do either; it depends on the round at hand. She can lean towards fast, though not necessarily rough, because she can get needy and impatient. Viv recognizes the perks of a measured pace, but it’ll be up to her partner to enforce it because Viv will just go for it, if she’s not making a deliberate point out of the slowness in order to tease her partner. 
Q - Quickie (their opinion on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc) Not necessarily opposed, but she would prefer to be able to take her time. Quickies have their uses, but... overall, meh. 
R - Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks, etc?)  For Viv, the only risks that she won’t take are ones that could seriously jeopardize either her job or her sense of security--sex at work, for example, is not happening, even though the risk is what makes it fun. Certain roleplays are off limits because they make her nervous or she finds them gross, even if trust is a key component of them; they’re still not happening. She’s pretty open to try new things, but it takes a while to get to that point, because she has to really trust that a partner will respect her limits and boundaries. 
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)  Viv can go for quite a few rounds, but her stamina is that of a normal human’s compared to, say, Dante’s. She comes quickly, but also recovers quickly, which are the primary two reasons why edging and overstimulation are two of her kinks--forcing her to hold off an orgasm or forcing her to come three or four (or more) times in a row sort of equalizes things. 
T - Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or on themselves?) Overall she prefers to use her own body, but she does own toys because sometimes fingers and mouths can’t quite do it all, especially on a same-sex partner. She doesn’t own many, though, and the ones she does own are extremely discreet. 
Viv would absolutely be willing to, and did, use toys on a partner. Her partner also used them on her--she has a preference for vibrators that can stimulate both the clit and the g-spot, and for ones where the partner can control the setting remotely. She’ll sometimes like a plug in her rear, but rarely. 
U - Unfair (how much do they like to tease?) Oh god, she’s the worst. She loves it. She’ll tease you in ways you never even dreamed possible, both in the buildup and the foreplay and the acts themselves, and even when she’s giving you what you want she’s still teasing you. Viv is literally the worst when it comes to teasing, but give her a taste of her own medicine; she’ll love it. She’ll bitch, but she’ll love it. 
V - Volume (how loud are they? what sounds do they make?) For the most part Viv is pretty quiet--Dante, for example, can turn it into a game where the goal is to get her to let loose and moan or scream or cry out with abandon. The quietness is mostly just out of habit, but some partners have taken it as a indicator that she wasn’t enjoying herself, which wasn’t the case at all. 
Viv isn’t a big talker during sex, aside from curses and dirty talk, and doesn’t really like a lot of talking from her partners either--but if she’s really into you she won’t necessarily mind you telling her you love her, or something similar though. Don’t be sappy, though. Calling her “my love” is a surefire to piss her off. 
W - Wild Card  Viv is secretly a little embarrassed because some of her particular likes make her feel like she needs to turn in some of her feminist cred. She has a Type with men--long hair, beard, way larger than her (Dante, coincidentally, hits all those buttons), a bit older--and has a desire that she has consciously chosen not to articulate to be somewhat dominated by a man of said type. She’s bossy and likes to be in charge, but that doesn’t change the fact that she secretly kind of wants her male partner to be in control some of the time. 
X - X-Ray (what’s going on underneath those clothes) A slender, rather petite frame, but still adequately curvy. Viv actively tries to keep herself in shape and exercises, even though just running around during the day tires her out; she makes it a point to eat well. She doesn’t have a huge chest, but chest size is relative to frame, and her boobs can stick out a bit. Her butt is also quite nice. She doesn’t have a huge ass, but it’s appropriately perky, and looks amazing in high-waisted jeans. 
Viv’s a little insecure about her hips and thighs, because she thinks she has violin hips (she does, a little bit) and that she has thick thighs compared to the rest of her (not really, her inner thighs are just very soft). But overall she’s beautiful, and any insecurities are just that--insecurities. No one would ever look at her and think she has any reason to feel self-conscious. 
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)  Average to a bit higher than average--there are times during her cycle where she’s particularly prone to feeling horny, but sometimes she’s just Horny.  
Z - Zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)  Depends on how intense the sex was and how many times she came. The more intense and/or the more orgasms, the more likely she is to fall asleep, but it isn’t unheard of for her to take a quick nap after milder or softer activities. She’ll also sleep if you sleep--sex is a good way to get her to fall asleep, actually. Viv has insomnia? Go down on her. 
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mooleche · 5 years
Hi hello can I have the latest OTP list for Piotr and Nina? The whole thing? Pretty please?
RIP to anyone on mobile I’ll tag it for y’all I’M SORRY BUT ALSO THANK
1. Acts like they’re dying when they have a cold. Colossus fjkdsks. For all the caretaking he does for others you'd think he'd be okay when catching a cold himself, but he's the biggest dramatic baby when he gets ill. Nina will come in dressed to the nines in protective gear (oven mitts, face mask, looking goofy as hell) to take care of him and inevitably get roped into staying in bed with him so he's not lonely, but he doesn't want her to get sick herself, so it's a constant argument of 'What do you WANT from me?!'.
2. Gets mad at the TV and throws the remote. Neither of them really have a throw the remote reaction. They both moreso get angry and walk off to avoid doing anything drastic, though if Nina is angry enough she'll definitely punch through the tv.3. Gets the worst road rage.Nina. Colossus is usually too big to be behind the wheel so he's shoved in the passenger seat having to calm her down when they're stuck in traffic or behind a slow driver. Have a horn honked at her one too many times though and she WILL get out of the car and tell them where she'll be shoving her foot if they keep it up.4. Spends too much time in the bathroom on their phone. Nina. Colossus isn't one to waste time in places like the restroom and very rarely uses a cellphone in general because he's old fashioned as hell. Nina however will stay in there for as long as she can whether it be to avoid her classmates or to look at memes with Venom for long periods.5. Packs the whole closet for an overnight trip. Colossus. Ya boi like preparing for any and every situation that could possibly happen along with any essentials that Nina might (and does) forget on their trip. You need sunscreen? He's got it. Bandaids? Step aside Momma Bear Colossus came packed and ready with a whole med kit for this exact situation.6. Hates the in-laws. Nina. Colossus loves Ninas parents like they were his own, as the majority of his own family isn't alive anymore. But Nina? She has serious beef with Illyana after being abandoned in Limbo by her for essentially 4 years after getting into a tiff with her. They eventually make up but their relationship is strained because of the incident.7. Hits the snooze button…11 times. Nina. She's a BIG nightowl and often spends nights fighting crime and the only reason she goes to bed at even a remotely decent hour is because of Colossus and how much of an early bird he is. After around the 8th snooze he usually comes in with coffee and forces her out of bed sgksfdjkg8. Makes the other late for work. They both have their own ways of making each other late. Nina because she wants just a little more morning cuddle time or some good morning sex. Colossus because he wants Nina to have a good breakfast for the day ahead or to remind her that she needs to do xyz before leaving ("Did you take your medicine?" "Did you get your chocolate?" "Did you-" 'YES DAD')9. Uses the television as a babysitter. Colossus kjfafkaHe usually only does this method when he needs to distract the teens in the mansion while he needs to talk to someone, but if it works it works!10. Takes in the stray dog. Both of them, hands down. Colossus would probably be more open about it, get the dog groomed and taken to the vet before presenting it to Nina, but Nina being the more clumsy of the two would definitely try (and fail) to hide the dog before Colossus walked in on her trying to give it a pep talk on how it needs to be more sneaky LOL11. Suggests a 3am trip to McDonald’s. Venom kdjkfkaHe wants those fresh 3am hashbrowns!!12. Leaves their shoes out for the other to trip over. Nina. Not on purpose, but just is kind of absentminded with this type of thing and when she gets home she's just concerned about getting her outerwear off and laying on the floor. Colossus is the unfortnate victim of tripping over both her shoes, bag, or even her if it's one of those types of days.13. Can’t make up their mind when it comes to dinner. Nina, mostly because of Venom who's first response is always usually 'TATER TOTS, CHOCOLATE, LIVER!' despite Nina always saying that they can't live off just those three things (ESPECIALLY not the last one).14. Needs to be reminded of all their appointments. Nina. If her head wasn't attached she'd forget where she put it, so Colossus leaves lots of sticky notes and texts for her to remember upcoming appointments (and little cute notes along with them) and on the rare occasion Wade or Fury if it involves 'business' business.15. Bribes the other into doing chores, getting out of the house…and taking a shower. Colossus gjskgjsg Nina can be a bit of a shut-in due to her depression and working on her school work for long periods, so Colossus often tries to bribe her with little things like sweets or even some snoosnoo if it means she'll get up and take a walk outside with him.16. Picks the movies. Colossus usually. Nina was banned after telling him that 'Us' was a romantic comedy.17. Takes the safety steps when building a pillow fort. Colossus, he's a momma hen at heart and wants to make sure the fort is extra fortified for any rough and tumbling they might do inside wink wonk18. Kisses the other’s injuries better. Both. Seeing that they always come back at least a little battered and bruised after their missions they always take a little time to pay extra attention to the injured spots with lots of kisses and shares stories between one another about how they got them before drifting off to sleep.19. Is addicted to angry birds, game of war, candy crush, temple run, or flappy bird. Colossus. He doesn't like to admit it but those games often take his attention and would probably be the only reason he would be stuck in the bathroom on his phone (from the earlier question). The house eventually has an intervention for him when he can't focus on anything else but getting an extra life in Candy Crush djgksgs20. Kills the spiders. Venom eats them before Nina can freak out too bad over them LOL21. Hogs the blankets. Colossus. Since he's so big its not hard for him to tug some of the blanket and end up with the entire thing. This results in Nina forcing him to be the big spoon so even if that happens she still gets to be warm ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ22. Takes pranks too far. Nina for sure. She usually teams up with Bobby (Iceman) or Kurt (Nightcrawler) to pull some silly prank on Cyclops because he's always so uptight about everything that end up going too far which results in her getting scolded quite a bit by both Colossus and Xavier. This doesn’t stop her from continuing to do stupid stuff like making sticky hands to harass her peers from afar.23. Makes the dirty jokes. Nina, though Colossus is known to fire back some dirty jokes of his own at rare moments which often catches her off guard. They even go as far as teaching each other their native languages so that they can do this easier in public places (it really doesn't work though because they both still get super embarrassed when it happens)24. Keeps a piggy bank. Colossus. He usually keeps one as a curse jar and likes putting money in whenever anyone else curses too. Needless to say when Wade was living in the mansion that piggy got very full. He later uses the money to help mutants in need and eventually when he starts dating Nina, to use for what he hopes will later be a nice date or a trip to Paris for them to visit her family.25. Has no problem having ice cream for breakfast. Nina. Especially after a long night of fighting crime, she has no qualms with plopping down in bed with a big bowl of chocolate ice cream for her and Venom to feast on while Colossus looks at them in horror.26. Gets a tattoo when they’re drunk. Colossus. He's lucky they can't aren't permanent because of his metal skin because when he really lets loose he ends up waking up with some really silly tattoos, usually big and gaudy and of a 'mom' heart or his current beau. With Nina being able to control ink though some of the tattoos can only leave if she permits it, which leaves her to be very devious sometimes.27. Trips over their own feet. Nina. She's a mega clutz and often ends up tripping over herself as a result. Luckily she's goofy and can laugh at herself when these things happen, despite wanting to die inside skgjsgs28. Makes the other go for a walk. Both. Be it because of a tiff they had or just to unwind from a long day they usually end up taking long walks at night to decompress and talk about what's on their mind. Despite not being big on PDA Colossus always ends up either holding Ninas hand and/or pulling her in close when they walk because he enjoys being close to her.29. Whines until they get what they want.Nina. She doesn't do it often but when a chocolate hankering kicks in or there's something new she wants to try with Colossus she will pull out all the stops, including latching onto him with her powers until he's too tired to argue gsjgskgs30. Tries to act tough but really isn’t. Colossus. He's got a lot of bark but hates using his bite and will only use it when push comes to shove. Overall he just uses his size to lecture his students when they've done something wrong.
31. Talks the most, says the least. Nina. She can let her words wander quite a bit when she's not focusing on the conversation at hand, but she gets her point across when needed.32. Talks the least, says the most.Colossus. He doesn't talk as much as Nina, but when he does speak his words are short and to the point.
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babiewonho · 6 years
thoughts on shownu nd wonho
[audio of calebcity’s anime villain laugh bass boosted plays] WOW….amira u truly want me dead askfjaskfj wow…Hyung Line…i’ll start with mister wonho bc that’s where my brain is takin me   Buckle up!! [this is 2k words when will i die]
my favorite fake maknae…mister babie..something i find very unique abt him is even tho he was supposed to be the leader   he also has a lot of youthful naive charm that matches more of a Follower type of personality. like while we saw him be a leader in no mercy, and he did an excellent job esp with gun being covered up for his lack of dancing skill, i think that is a very unnatural state of being for him, and he exerts an unfortunate amount of energy trying to lead others. he has the skills necessary but i think he overextends himself to employ them. his natural state of being is more of a follower in that that’s where he’s more comfortable. he stresses too much about keeping everybody happy at once and takes too much responsibility. he’s naturally a workaholic and sacrifices his health for the sake of work. 
so honestly i’m really glad he didnt end up being the leader and i’ll get more into leder shownu later :D but i take it as a blessing that he’s allowed to take more of a backseat and speak up when he wants to rather than always being in charge. tbh wonho is kinda Out Of It all the time and while i think if he was a leader he’d fight to stay in the moment i think he needs that time in his head to decompress. tbh it’s really funny that he cld have been the leader to me in no malicious way just bc he’s never There askfjasf like when minhyuk said he always needs to go looking for him bc he just wanders off and he’s getting coffee and he’s like what :D and he needs extra explanations and stuff all the time and minhyuk n the others need to direct him in what he’s doing all the time. 
that’s why i said the fake maknae thing bc in many ways he has a really youthful kind of innocence to him like just a silly child. like when ck took the glass away from him at the awards show so he wouldnt break it kasfjsa and then the bottle   like a big brother would do  and wonho was like :/ okay…and wiping his tears. we rly see a shift from him as a Hyung to someone who the others end up taking care of in a very natural way. there’s a big reverse dynamic there, in particular with him and changkyun. which is rly interesting! changkyun kind of steps up to be more mature in situations with him. it’s really cute…
when i think of wonho in the position of a hyung, i think it’s in a non traditional way. when i think of him i think of light blue and him being a Healer. he is a big reminder to stay in touch with your emotions and feel them. at the taiwan concert…i believe at least! that it was that one…when everyone was holding back their tears wonho was like just cry!! to hw in particular he said that there were a ton of people there to hug him and support him when he cried so he should just do it so he didn’t regret it later, and he has a very nurturing heart. he makes this one face…it’s like a mix of a pout n a sad smile?? when he pities another member…it’s a very gentle and empathic facial expression…i’m not used to seeing men make that face. 
so i think he DOES offer a form of guidance/wisdom as an older member but it’s not in a structural way if that makes sense like minhyuk saying “walk over here” or ordering them around it’s like a Healing presence..a calm spirit to offer Peace and Serenity. being in touch with his emotions i feel also creates an openness within the group where they feel better about expressing themselves, at the very least bc they cld use him as a scapegoat, which i dont think he’d mind. like wonho cried first!!!
part of his openness with his emotions is what makes him seem childish not in an unlikable way but rather…like he never got that Hard adult shell that makes people fear expressing themselves and their true thoughts. when he is happy he is brightly adorably happy he’s literally :DD just delighted and that brings out protective instincts in those who are around him which is another part of why he’s a fake maknae 2 me…he gets teased like everyone else but i dont think anybody cld have the heart 2 be mean to him his eyes are just too sparklie…also his LAUGH…is so loud and genuine and beautiful and it makes me feel such joy and it makes the others happy too  nothing is really funny to me until wonho laughs that’s like the official comedy stamp his :D smile n HAHAHAHA laugh  n his wheeze
he’s also really stubborn like a child which i find endearing but i know cld be frustrating sometimes but i find it funny askfjas he’s a baby…he asks for opinions n then doesnt care bc he already made his mind LMAO
he is also!! just so so full of LOVE. his heart is so big…he loves his family and monbebes and his members and he’s so transparent about it and it’s absolutely precious. he radiates love and puts a very beautiful calming blue energy into the world and everything about him is very gentle like body language wise. he speaks very softly even though he’s Loud sometimes the words come out soft if that makes sense. the way they are pronounced in spite of volume. he doesn’t spit out words and i think that’s kind of why he stutters so much they’re so soft n undefined they blend into each other. they need more shape…but he also holds things gently and doesn’t exert a lot of pressure in his fingertips. he’s very cautious and not aggressive and is not prone to anger, though he can get frustrated.
i really thank him for his honesty with fans abt how he’s feeling etc bc i think it creates a very nice friend like relationship. he rly cares abt keeping up updated and it’s so precious i feel genuinely cared for lmao…i literally take care of myself sometimes bc of his tweets like dont forget to eat etc and that’s so special
there’s more things i cant think of right now but u know…i cld happily do this forever but MISTER SHOWNU…ur time to shine (forever…)
NOW…shownu is the official leader which is also unique because nothing about shownu besides perhaps his powerful body commands Leadership our eyes are drawn to him because of this quiet power he exudes but he doesn’t have that dominant personality type in fact i find him a very passive person he’s not fussy at all and seems to value group harmony over his own personal feelings
i think sometimes being a leader is burdensome to him for the reason that he has more of a quiet let things happen personality but that’s what’s interesting. the members don’t respect him because he Commands their attention. they follow him instead rather bc they just respect him and Know he’s the leader. 
even though leadership doesn’t come naturally to him in the traditional sense and minhyuk often assists or does more tradition leader things and has to remind him to speak, he has a whole different form of leadership where he’s quiet but when he Does say something everyone just respects it and doesn’t question it. i feel ppl follow him out of respect and affection rather than anything like intimidation if that makes sense. they just look up to him and admire him and respect his wishes. 
he was a leader during no mercy and ppl followed him without question mostly. he’s really good at having a friendly personality but still making sure people focus during dance practice. ppl might think this form of passive leadership is bad but i think there’s no need for him to interject generally bc mx flows very well with their dynamic and doesn’t need to get adjusted much. he also imo has kihyun and minhyuk as co-leaders which happened naturally and not out of his inability to lead efficiently, so i think if he’s lacking in any way, they’re there to cover that up and i think this also helps remove stress from him.
shownu is also just so likable!! on running man they said when ppl dont talk much, strangely you want to pay more attention to them and i think that’s happened to shownu his whole life. people are watching him without knowing and then when he speaks they’re so pleasantly surprised because he’s so funny and most of it is said in such a flat way, like deadpan humor. he’s a comedy genius because what he says is so unexpected most of the time but also so powerful. if shownu said like…”legs” i’d pee myself laughing bc something abt him is so fucking funny and endearing and goofy and HIS laugh itself makes me laugh too like …he invented comedy lmfao he’s absolutely not boring that’s a misunderstanding of his personality  he definitely needs to get comfortable somewhere before his real personality is revealed but he’s gotten a lot better at that which is why he’s been advancing through variety and im so proud of him for that and impressed
also adding to him being so endearing the members just genuinely adore him and i think when he went to law of the jungle a taxi took him to the location and ck said to the cab driver “take care of him/drive safely” which is very sweet and just shows like the Depth of their affection for him. everything he does the members just find so cool and funny and endearing and he brings them a lot of happiness
he’s also such a good fit for the group because he’s so CHILL like minhyuk cld be gnawing jooheon’s leg off while wonho fights changkyun over a piece of shrimp and hyungwon is getting dusted by kihyun and shownu’s like :) i love my family and HE LOVES THEM SO MUCH LMAO like he genuinely adores his members and you can feel that too like not even just things like him giving up lines (hw in beautiful) or splitting his commercial earnings among his team which he didnt even want kh to say but he imagines himself doing things with them in the future like going on trips and he really sees them as his friends/family rather than coworkers and it’s so lovely and beautiful he’s just so goddamn fond of them lol
also hyung line with each OTHER is so precious bc wonho is rly like a little happy kid around shownu n shownu is so calm n chill and wonho is like :DD hello!!! n shownu pretends he doesnt care asjfsafj  it’s so funny wonho is just going around hoping for shownu’s love like he said in that fansign note n shownu ignores him n teases him asfkjasf it’s so cute when shownu teases it’s so funny it rly shows just how fond he is and shownu always laughs when wonho laughs and humors him?? and by humors him i mean wonho babbles a lot n makes little silly side comments and if shownu is within hearing distance he always tries to reply to those and he makes wonho giggle and it’s precious and he listens and shownu just really Understands the member’s personalities like when he said he likes when mh talks a lot etc he understands them and just doesn’t want them to change bc he loves the way they are like i kno that sounds fake deep but it’s true…
wonho is just so cute…n youthful around shownu i love the dynamic it’s amazing how similar they are in age like a year apart n yet wonho seems so young around him and shownu just teases him n theyve known each other for a long time n are so comfortable with each other n they work out together like…we love strong muscle men with hearts of gold …also this is just random but wonho pronounces “shownu” so cute n also i love hearing shownu say hoseokie like it’s just adorable shownu always calls the memebrs by their real names n fogets to say the stage ones like   who is even calling changkyun “I.M.” at this point   who is that….
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