#did we have to look for phantom? considering the other stuff we could do no but we did
pepperkettle · 5 months
thinks about the integrated strategies operators (ceobe, phantom, mizuki) and how the doctor's fondness for them adds to the tragedy of losing them. how the doctor strives to get them back safely despite them not being deeply important operators in the grand scope of the world. how each in their own way care for/love the doctor in return. thinks-
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artemismoorea03 · 10 months
DPxDC Prompt: Damian's Friend
I feel like this has been done before so if it has please let me know!
Damian is still learning to make friends. Sure, he has Superboy but according to his brothers and teachers he needed more friends. But why should he bother with new friends when one was already such a pain to keep up with? Social cues were hard to understand, jokes didn't make sense, and most civilians were far too squishy. He could end up hurting them accidentally and that would endanger his secret identity.
Though he quickly learned that meeting people as Robin made it considerably easier. That's how he ended up meeting Phantom, a 15-Year-Old boy who seemed rather lost. His only explanation for why he was in Gotham had been, "Listen, my mentor told me to come here and to stick with the birds and the bats. I don't know what that is or why I'm here but considering I don't seem to be able to go home yet I can only assume that I haven't found what I was looking for yet."
Phantom was strange, even for a meta. He didn't know what Gotham was, who Superman or Batman were, he had never heard of the Justice League, or even heard of 'metas' until Robin explained it to him. The kid seemed honest and he was staying out of the way of patrols and stuff which was more than most meta's did.
The only time he interfered with any fight was when Robin was cornered in a fight. In theory Robin would have been able to handle it but in the moment he had - admittedly - been a little in over his head. Phantom showed up and not only got Robin to safety but had managed to take down all of the enemies without killing anybody.
From that moment on Robin considered Phantom a friend and had given Phantom the number to one of the burner phones he kept on him during patrols. Phantom never called but would answer any time Robin checked in.
Which came in handy one day when the entirety of the team got trapped when a building came down, including one very frightened Superboy. The team was arguing loudly among themselves as they tried to figure out how to get out while Batman sat to one side with a headwound.
None of them were in good shape.
They were running out of air.
And the team were fighting and wasting even more air.
"We need more help." Nightwing said, "But I don't think Superman could hear us from here and nobody else in the city will be able to reach us before we run out of air."
"I could call my friend." Robin suggested, leaning against the wall.
"Uh..." Everybody looked at Superboy then each other.
"Your what?" Red Hood questioned.
"Is he saying friends?" Whispered Signal.
"Did you hit your head?" Spoiler asked, walking over as Robin stepped away from her.
"No, this is delirium. The air is too thin in here for him." Red Robin said.
"Robin, all your friends are right here." Superboy said.
Robin scoffed. "I have other friends. You guys told me I needed more friends, so I made friends. It was a task which I completed." He said, pulling out his phone as he silently muttered a 'please work' under his breath.
"Aw! I'm so proud of you!" Nightwing doted as Robin rolled his eyes and hit the call button.
"Yo, Robin, you see the collapse?" Phantom's voice said, sounding weirdly echoed on the line, not that it was unusual for Phantom's voice to do such a thing on calls.
"Bigger problems. I was inside the building during the collapse. Batman is down. Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Orphan, Signal, Spoiler, and Superboy are all in here with me. We need exfil."
"Oh shit, on my way. I can get all of you out at once but you guys will have to forget what personal space is for a minute." Phantom said as Robin ignored the looks from the others.
"Whatever it takes, but hurry we're running out of air."
"What floor are you on?"
"Got it, I'll be there in just a second." The call turned to static for a moment before Phantom phased through the ceiling and looked at them. "Wow, a party." Phantom said, ending the call and slipping the phone into a bag on his back.
"No time, get us out of here." Robin pushed.
Phantom nodded, "You and you put Batman between you." He ordered Nightwing and Red Hood who after a moment did as they were told, supporting Batman between them. "Now use your free hands and hug me. The rest of you guys hug them and no matter what do not let go of each other or me. If you do you'll die."
"Great, trust the weird glowing kid not to drop us and kill us or die here. This will only go well." Red Hood growled but didn't question it further as they all held onto Phantom.
Robin could feel the ground vanish from under them as they flew upwards through the building and then out into open air. Phantom then took then a safe distance from the building near where the police were and made sure they were all on the ground before he stopped flying.
"There you go. Thanks for riding Phantom-Air." Phantom said, sounding exhausted as he leaned against Robin who frowned up at the taller teen.
"You okay?"
"All good. Been a minute. You guys get checked out. See you around Robin." Phantom said, then flew away as Superboy grabbed Robin's arm.
"Are we going to talk about the fact that your new friend doesn't have a heartbeat?" He said anxiously.
"He... doesn't?" Robin tilted his head.
"No!" Superboy squeaked, "Where did you even meet that kid?!"
"He saved me from being shot. It's no big deal."
"Does B know he exists?" Red Robin asked.
"Then it's a big deal." The others sighed.
Nightwing shrugged. "Next time introduce us to him properly though, when we're not suffocating in a hole."
"I suppose I will consider it."
Orphan was quiet for a moment, "New brother?"
"NO!" They all said together as she chuckled.
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analexthatexists · 3 months
Jotting down my UTMV AU Ideas because of this guy
@idkhowtoread-ink you’ve inspired me now pay the price
No clue if ANY OF THESE can make canon sense but does it look like I care? Lemme have my fun.
The idea is simple. At least, I hoped it was. Rather than the artistic AUs, fanart, and creative writing side of the community, there was an Ink made for the musical side of the community, like the AMVs, themes, vocaloid covers and what not. I’m sure Ink probably looks over ALL of that junk already but let’s be honest when was the last time you saw him doing it? Yeah I didn’t think so. Ink could be an unfinished animation meme or a vocaloid AMV like that Spring Storm one and eventually find a way to leave it and probably protect YouTube or inspire creators or something, gaining access to all the other things and people on the platform. Error could even tag along as some sort of flawed copyrighting system using Error’s body as a means of moving around rather that being confined to STRINGS of text. (Don’t ask me how he does that I don’t know) He would recognize everything as copyrighted or plagiarism or something and try to destroy it without seeing the creativity and originality in the work. Their designs could be based off the AMVs or covers they came from with Ink being from whatever the hell and Error being from…idk, probably ECHO. I wonder if Inks outfit would depend on which videos and content he delves into almost like Hatsune Miku or other Vocaloid.
This one is just sad. A Dreamtale AU where, during a fight between Dream and Nightmare, Dream reaches out and gets a hold of Nightmare’s SOUL trying to uncorrupt it, sacrificing himself to be able to restore a part of the original Nightmare. Dream dies and the world is cast into absolute darkness, leaving Nightmare stranded in the cold world with nobody to seek comfort from, nobody to help him. Not anymore.
Random idea that I came up with after jokingly writing Nightmare getting drunk off of Ink’s vials. Would that actually work?What if the two got into such a dangerous fight that eventually Ink tried to teleport away but Nightmare lunges at him and two get their “goop” mixed together because Ink teleports via INK. And nightmare is made of a INK like substance. If Ink doesn’t instantly die from lead poisoning or something this mixing could mess up his brain while Nightmare just kind of shrugs it off and steals Ink’s vials. Ink would no longer need the vials and rely off Nightmare’s “blood” to feel real negative emotions, slowly craving the stuff more and more than his vials while Nightmare probably gets drunk off the vials or something and takes on Ink’s role. Error and Dream may have to team up to get them back to normal or at least try to.
So looking at this post made me consider something. What if Dream tried to eat the apples and yknow do what he did in the original AU, but due to the overwhelming and clashing natures of his apple and the dark ones he just…MELTED AND DIED IN FRONT OF NIGHTMARE. He doesn’t even corrupt or anything (well sort of) he just DISSOLVES ALIVE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Imagine trying to prove a point and failing THIS BADLY. Anyways, rather than Nightmare being haunted by his now corrupted brother, he’s just ACTUALLY HAUNTED. I was thinking this could be like Phantom Papyrus and Dust Sans and that this new “Dream” (going by Shattered) is just a horrible manifestation of this traumatic event. It’s design and personality wouldn’t be the EXACT same especially not the design (would look so much scarier) but it constantly make Nighty feel like garbage and all that. People like Swap and Ink would have to find and help Nightmare get past this trauma, where only then can he and his “brother” finally move on.
I know, we literally JUST went over an Evil Ink AU but hear me out. Wouldn’t he WANT a soul again? Idk if it’s possible for him to reabsorb and claim a soul, he probably can’t, but what if he COULD? He’d probably go nuts over Error’s or something. Just ANYTHING to fill that void other than his vials.
wow most of these ideas involve characters getting traumatized or turning evil. I ain’t sorry though!
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hypnoneghoul · 5 months
Christmas Ghouls 9/10
WC: 1005
Relationship: Swiss & Phantom
Tags: Fluff, gift giving
Notes: For Meghan <3
Read under the cut or on AO3.
Phantom woke up way earlier than he should’ve. No one could blame him, though, it was Christmas and it was his first one! He was up before anyone else. He took the gifts he had prepared for everyone to the common room—it took him two rounds, there was a lot—and carefully placed them all on the table. He grabbed a snack from the kitchen, sat by the table and waited. 
Some time had passed—he didn’t even know what time it was when he got up, just that it was early—and he was getting a bit bored sitting alone and bouncing his leg, but at the same time he was too excited to do anything else.
Usually it was either Dewdrop, Sunshine or Swiss (though the latter didn’t enjoy leaving his cozy nest too early, even if he was awake anyway) that would be up first, something about being fire, or part fire, ghouls that made them arise with the sun, and Phantom wondered who he’d have the chance to pounce on first. 
More time went by and Phantom was getting more and more restless. He was just about to leave and bother someone, anyone, into getting up and cheering with him ‘because it's Christmas!’ when he heard heavy footsteps from the corridor. He shot up and saw Swiss—hair disheveled, pants slipping down his hips, shirt on inside out and a huge yawn splitting his face.
The multi ghoul seemed too sleepy still, to register Phantom’s presence in the room. At least not before he threw himself at Swiss, all but screaming ‘Merry Christmas!’ into his ear, making him stumble back a few steps. “Oh, yeah, Merry Christmas, buggy.”
“I have a gift for you, do you wanna see? Come on!” Phantom grabbed his hand and dragged the poor—still half asleep—ghoul to the table. He sat down on one of the chairs and watched as Phantom rummaged through boxes and bags on the table. How many were there?
“Here!” He dropped a box onto Swiss’ lap, standing back with an expectant grin and bright eyes. “Go on!”
“Alright, alright.” The multi ghoul shook his head and started unwrapping the gift. Phantom was nearly vibrating, so Swiss sped up, lest the quintessence ghoul would drill a hole in the floor with his feet.
Finally, the box was opened and Swiss could take a look inside. He wasn’t really sure what to do about the contents, because it was… everything. And all of that everything was in various shades or browns, yellows and golds.
There were sweets, trinkets, little plushies, stickers and many more different things that were all piled together and impossible to make out inside the box. He’d take his time examining every little item and melting over Phantom’s cuteness later.
“It’s everything that made me think of you when I saw it,” Phantom said. “Stuff I thought you’d like or that I just… associate with you. I think.”
“Buggy, that’s… that’s amazing,” Swiss chuckled, looking up at the younger ghoul. “You are so cute, I love how your brain works.”
“You… you do? You like it?”
“Of course I do!” The multi ghoul put the box back onto the table and stood up to wrap Phantom up in his arms and hug him tightly. “You are such a smart and thoughtful little ghoul, buggy, I love you.”
Phantom only giggled, snuggling into Swiss’ chest with a happy trill. They stood like that for a few moments—Phantom with his face shoved into the other’s chest, purring quietly, and Swiss having his arms tightly wrapped around the younger ghoul.
An image of the same ghoul flashed through Swiss mind, from when he was summoned. The same, but so, so different, and the multi ghoul felt like he could burst with pride at how far Phantom had come.
“Alright, buggy,” Swiss said after a while, patting Phantom on the back. “If you let me go for a moment I’ll run and grab your gift.”
“Hmmm…” he did consider it for a moment, but– “we can just go together!”
“I– yeah, sure, we can. Let’s go.” Swiss only shook his head with a chuckle and let himself be dragged out of the common room and in the general direction of his own. The quintessence ghoul all but threw him inside, before jumping onto the other’s nest and sitting criss-cross, huge grin on his face.
“You are… so much, buggy,” Swiss whispered, meaning it in the most loving way possible. He turned to the windowsill over his desk and picked up a violet gift bag. He peeked inside, to make sure once more it was the right one, and walked over to the bed. “Here you go. Merry Christmas, Phantom.���
Phantom nearly shoved his entire head into the bag, enthusiastic as ever, and the string handle caught on one of his horns and– “OH MY– ah, wait… Swiss… help.”
The multi ghoul had to physically restrain himself from folding in half when he burst into laughter. He stared at Phantom looking like a deer in the headlights with the bag hanging off of his head. “Swiss… Come on, help me!”
“I– yeah– gimme–” he wheezed out but lost it again when the quintessence ghoul shook his head and the bag crinkled. Another minute, or two, went by, before Swiss finally did help to free Phantom.
“You are so silly, buggy,” he sighed, and watched as Phantom finally took his gifts out of the bag, giggling. At first the items looked like three weird plastic tubes with some prints on the outside but when he looked into it closer– “KALEIDOSCOPES!?”
Swiss chuckled, “They are.”
“That’s so exciting! Swiss, I love them!” Phantom beamed, taking the caps of the kaleidoscopes and looking inside each one, one by one. “Woah…”
The multi ghoul kept smiling fondly at the other’s excitement and happiness over something so simple. He was so damn cute, Swiss could barely believe it. He told Phantom as much, making them blush.
“I love you, buggy.”
“I love you, too, Swissy.”
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theglamorousferal · 10 months
The Halfa King and His Court
So this is a fic that I started at the beginning of the pandemic that I kinda just hit a block with. I really like it as a starting point, but I’m not sure what else to do with it. I had a sort of bullet point outline but it seemed more like I was just tossing in every different DP fic plot line all together so it wasn’t going to make much sense. I was going to have there be a field trip into the GZ where the Trio judge whether the a-listers and Val have changed enough to have them join in with Team Phantom, there was going to be a reveal to his parents of him and then later on after Plasmius had been helping out then Vlad as well. It was gonna be this whole thing, but anyway. I’m not sure if I will continue this, so feel free to add your own spin on it or take it for adoption, I’m not sure how to do that exactly.
“No.” Danny said, in a tone that rang with finality and a general sense of “I am so done with this whole situation.”
“Danny, I know this is hard to believe, but technically by the laws of the Ghost Zone Frostbite gave to you-” Sam started, only to get cut off by Danny's glare. She sighed. “Seriously Danny, it says right here in the text he gave you.” Sam shoved the scroll at Danny who scoffed and passed it off to Tucker.
“Oh man Danny, do you know what we could do with this? The new laws you could put in place?” Tucker laughed as he read what was written.
“The protections you could put in place for Amity and the Earth?” Sam hinted at poking Danny in the shoulder. Danny sighed.
“Guys, I get it, I could use this to my advantage, but there's so much more responsibility to go with it. I'd have to take over the general affairs from the Observants and Walker, though I guess Walker would have to do what I say wouldn't he.” Danny seemed to think about it.
“Let's say I did do this, what would I do? I don't have time to take care of the whole Ghost Zone! I'd need to pick advisers and establish some sort of method for figuring out small disputes, some way of checks and balances. Guys, you know I'm failing History and Government, and this is basically saying that I'd get complete control over the Ghost Zone and have to set-up an entirely new system!” He gripped his hair in frustration and panic. And it caused his friends to sit and think some solutions through.
“Well,” Sam began, “you could start with getting a few people you know that do know about this kind of stuff together and getting their opinion about it. Frostbite, Dora, Clockwork, Pandora, maybe Ghostwriter from what we know of his library and... maybe... Vlad?” she added the last person hesitantly. Danny shot a look at her of surprise and confusion, dropping his hands from his hair to his lap.
“Vlad? Why the hell would I ask him for anything?” He was honestly baffled as to why she would bring him up.
“Besides the fact that he has more knowledge of modern government compared to the others I listed, I think he would relish the idea of being able to mentor you at something.”She paused to consider something. “He seems to have calmed down a bit after his last scheme almost got your mom killed instead of your dad. He almost seems to realize now that your mom is completely dedicated to your dad and finds him a bit creepy. I mean, last time he was over, he actually asked Jazz some stuff right? Doesn't he usually ignore her completely?”
“Crazy-man acting less crazy?” Tucker snorted. “I'll believe it when I see it.”
Danny thought about it for a second and realized that Sam was right, he hadn't needed to fight the Fruit-loop since his last scheme put his mom in the hospital. She was fine, just had a concussion and a fractured leg, but it still had shaken him. In fact, Danny hadn't seen any sign of Vlad as either Masters or Plasmius since the incident except for when he visited when Mom first got out of the hospital.
“Yeah, maybe you're right, I should go and pay Uncle Vladdie a visit.” Danny stood and paused. “Should I bring the scroll with me to show him as proof? I doubt he'd believe me if I just told him.”
“Yeah, probably should. It's not anything that he can modify to fit his own needs anyway, just a list of laws.” Sam rolled it up and handed it to him. “Want either of us to come with?” She offered.
“Nah, I should be good to visit the cheese-head on my own. You guys mind covering for me until I get back?” They were supposed to be having a study-sleepover at Sam's.
“Sure thing, we’ll just cover our electives while you’re gone and tell my parents you went to get pizza.” Sam fished out some cash and handed it to Danny. “Actually, while you’re out can you grab some?”
“Sure, the usual?” Danny put the scroll and the money in his pocket.
“Yup, a large all veggie vegan cheese for me.”
“And a large extra meaty supreme for me!”
Danny laughed, “and a large extra cheese for me. I’ll place the order as I’m leaving Vlad’s. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” With that he transformed and took off through the ceiling.
Tucker turned to Sam. “Do you really think going to Mayor wack-job is a good idea?”
Sam sighed. “Tucker, you weren’t there that day, the look on his face when he saw Mrs. Fenton take the hit instead of Mr. Fenton…” Sam looked away thinking. “He looked devastated, and not just in the ‘the love of my life will never love me’ way but more in the ‘my actions are hurting those I love’ way. He looked like he realized that if he continued the way he was going that he might just accidentally kill either Mrs. Fenton or Danny and I think that would hurt him more than anything.”
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gligoo · 9 months
Could we please get general (sfw) relationship headcanons for Ann and Makoto?
note: thanks for the request, and sorry for the wait!
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ann and makoto general relationship hcs
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(mementos mission art by Rokuro Saito)
Ann is an absolute sweetheart as a friend and even sweeter as a lover.
She’s big on communication and physical contact, so she’ll always make a point to talk and make time for you.
Physical affection is also something she loves.
She’ll gladly hold hands and lean on you if you let her.
Kisses, too. You’d started pecking each other on the cheek as a greeting, and it eventually became a small little habit to kiss each other after some time apart.
Despite how much Ann likes physical affection, she’s found herself liking compliments beyond her appearance a lot more after her experiences.
She appreciates compliments on her beauty, but she really just wants someone to be different with, less attractive, less perfect, just… someone that she won’t feel like she has to be worried about disappointing if she isn’t as ‘beautiful’ as they expect.
She wanted to gouge into food with them and not worry about if she looked ‘good’ while doing it.
That being said, she loves to shower others with compliments, especially you.
Whether you respond to it shyly or with grace, she’ll always be happy to comment on how she likes your clothes, how focused you look when you give it your all, how you look nice… she loves it all.
She’s always overjoyed when you return the compliment. She enjoys your back and forths, whether it be compliments or harmless jokes.
The most reassured part of your relationship had to have been the moments where the two of you would simply bask in each other’s company. 
Her distrust is something you’re both aware of, so you’d often find the both of you simply talking it out while doing other random stuff.
Maybe while you’re out together, pointing at the fish in the aquarium, or simply walking around some places.
Either way, there is a joint effort from the both of you. Whether it be getting to know each other, accommodating each other, etc.
She was happy to introduce you to the Phantom Thieves, although with some worry seeing how stressful it is to actually do, but Ann knew that she wanted you all to get along.
Everyone there had affected her greatly, and she genuinely believes all her friends to be good people.
So obviously she was happy when you all got along. It was nice to know the people that accompanied Ann before and with you; those who helped her find bonds with other people.
Introducing you to Shiho was even more stressful, but Ann already had such a small circle that keeping you separate distressed her more than worrying about how you’d all get along.
She genuinely wanted you to be a part of her life, so this meant visiting Shiho with you and sighing in relief when no one said anything embarrassing about her.
Makoto is, infamously, a little bit rigid. 
She genuinely believed that a relationship would be difficult for her, considering how she has some difficulty making casual connections with peers, so a significant other would be even harder.
But you reassured her that you didn’t expect her to be following any sort of ‘protocol’ on the way she acted with you, and since then she’s been keeping this in mind.
A large part of your relationship was simply trying things together. Whether it be going somewhere new, trying out holding hands in public…
Although, she soon realized that she is not a fan of PDA. 
She is much more affectionate in private; happy to lean on you or kiss you when spending time together.
She definitely enjoys being in a ‘team’ with you.
Being your equal definitely relaxed her and made her feel like she didn’t have to worry about straightening her back or acting prim with you.
Another thing it did was make her experiment with her looks more.
She started to do a little more with her face; adding slightly deeper lip glosses or lipsticks when she felt like it, or even trying her hand at eyeliner and such.
It didn’t work out much, but she appreciated the compliments and comments a lot.
It was maybe the one thing that she didn’t feel ashamed of not getting perfect on the first try. 
Reassurance and such was something the two of you exchanged a lot, simply because it was something the two of you felt you needed.
In some spaces, the two of you would actually show some outward affection, like holding hands.
This resulted in some teasing from your Phantom Thief friends and such, much to Makoto’s embarrassment and your delight.
But this didn’t really stop the two of you from doing it.
It was a pleasant surprise when Makoto gave you a small kiss on the lips once.
Especially bold of her considering that it was in front of Sae. Despite how she had gotten closer to her sister as of late, Makoto was still her younger sister and had reservations on how to present herself in front of her. So the kiss was definitely a shock.
Luckily for you two, Sae was rather fond of you. 
Bonding together at the table was nice, seeing how the table would be a combination of both you and Sae’s favourite dishes.
And after the meal was complete, you’d always insist on helping clean up, resulting in the two of you standing side by side as you did the dishes.
It was a mundane task, and maybe Makoto thought that she was done with a silent life, but she was able to realize that it’s a lot nicer with people she cares about and who aren’t looking to force her into that.
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phantomram-b00 · 8 months
*clap hand and sigh* Look I should not be up at this hour (I was up at 5 am writing this) or posting since I don’t want to accidentally get myself shadowbanned or whatnot (I do have another good omens post coming up regarding metatron so stay tone for that). But I saw like some post regarding how Aziraphale doesn’t love Crowley as much/Azirpahale never did anything for Crowley. And it been wracking my brain because, did we not watch the same show? (I would say book but I’m still reading it)
Look before i continue, I do think we all have opinions, that’s valid. I just want to say my two cent since I can’t find myself agree with those claims.
But imma give Crowley his flowers because this soft demonic husband deserve it, yes, he done stuff for Aziraphale. Some that can risk him getting destroyed by hell such as saving the literal angel of eastern gate. He’s take him out for lunch, help him whenever Aziraphale ask him too. If there was a way to describe the love language “act of service” that’s Crowley to the absolute T. So I don’t think we can deny that fact about him, but Crowley would absolutely disagree with the fact that Azirpahale has done nothing for him consider the fact that there evidence and implication that Aziraphale done stuff for him.
In episode 3 of season 1, during the Shakespearean era segment, it was said that they do each other blessing and temptations since as Crowley stated “they don’t care how it done as long as they can cross it off the list” so who know how many temptation/blessing Crowley and Aziraphale did for each other, (lowkey I would love to see how Aziraphale does temptation, i miss this part as I’m rewatching GO for the metatron post coming up I don’t know how I missed that part but now that I discover this, make me think). The point is, this is one of many indication that Aziraphale does help Crowley.
Same episode, Holy Water, now this is the prime indication that I think we can all agree (or not, I’m just a phantom writing this blog). Now, before, can we see just how Aziraphale didn’t say “oh I can’t give this to you because I’ll get in trouble” no he said “it will destroy you”; that show just how he cares about Crowley, he doesn’t care about his job or that he was breaking the rules no no his main concern was Crowley. Sure he did after words when mention “fraternizing” (which honestly Crowley, me too I would be mad too if fraternize was used. But I can understand why Aziraphale said that as well.) but Crowley put Aziraphale in a difficult position, because while sure maybe Aziraphale could give him holy water but that would be not only breaking protocol but also giving him worry because given this happen after Elspeth episode, of course his mind will be concern of this whole thing. Especially with him saying “if anything goes pear-shaped”. And you know in 1967, he does give it to him overall, regardless of what he said. Because at least imo, he learn that he has to trust him. Just like how Crowley trusted him in 1941 with the magic show (remember this.) he trusting him here.
Okay now this is mostly all of season 1/2 before I mention what he’ve done for Crowley in season 2. The fact that Aziraphale help Crowley try to stop armageddon. Now you might be saying one or two things “Phantom, he back out in episode 3” or even “um, but it was mutual?” And you know you’re right on both those points. He did back out and it was mutual, but it still an example of doing something for Crowley. Why? Because they both love earth, they would do anything to preserve earth. Not only that, they can’t bare the idea of having to fight each other in this celestial war let alone the idea of one of them getting hurt. So they would not have gone through with this end of the world stick if it mean that they lost everything, now Crowley did agree with armageddon on general terms as God said in episode 1, season 1. BUT, actually doing it and going through with it is a different playing field and Crowley nor Aziraphale don’t want to lose everything they love (especially each other). Now it did take a lot of convincing, most because Azirpahale want to stop it more than Crowley but there one thing that is holding him back or make him scared to go against them: Heaven.
It kinda like an analogy where, say, you’re getting bullied or say that you’re dealing with an toxic family member, boss, whoever. And you yourself know they’re toxic, and you have people who can tell you “stand up to them” or “don’t let them get to you, tell them off”. And you can agree and try to build courage. But actually doing it is as the famous saying goes “easier said then done”, and Aziraphale would rather just put a fake smile and try to make everything look good so that he doesn’t get reprimanded by heaven, he doesn’t have Crowley’s confidence which I have this feeling most people forget about. Sure, Aziraphale have all rights to tell them off after the shit we the audience see or hear them do to him, or what Aziraphale had to allow happen, such as the flood for example or witnessing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ or even the fact that they almost killed him with hellfire, just because he wanted to save the universe. (Also the fact that it might have been implied that they drill into his head that if he ever does anything against God’s “plan”, he will fall like Lucifer or any of the other angels). But he can’t. Which is why he back out at first, because he was terrified that he would get in trouble or fall. (Which. Without saying much, I kinda would’ve done the same in fear.) and you can see it in his eyes, that he want more than anything to run away, yet, he still trying to push it down. Bottle it up if you will as his effort to try to back out. Now of course as we all saw how season one ended, he did ended up saving the world after all and I think Aziraphale and Crowley would do it again so they can be on their own side. So Aziraphale did hold his end of the bargain when it came to saving the world which is why I’m including this in my argument because yes this is mutual, Aziraphale still pull through with not just the help of Crowley but with Agnes Nutter’s book and Adam himself.
Now imma go with season 2, which is “season of love” as Rent would say.
Now, we love it, we cried about it, or we want to rip metatron a new asshole (which imma just say, I have never seen a fandom have this much togetherness of hating a character since GOT with Joffrey. But I’m all in, I hate him in season 1, season 2 just made me hate him more. But I will say, Derek Jacobi is doing a phenomenal as him and I can’t wait to see what season 3 will have with Metatron.) but I digress, let continue this rant.
Episode 2, season 2, is the episode that solidified many things for me. But let get to the point, Aziraphale could’ve stop Crowley from “killing everything job worked hard for” but he was gonna let him do it because Heaven said “oh yeah we decided to make this poor man lose everything because we wanted to win a bet with Satan.” But seeing how Crowley didn’t actually kill the goats, made Aziraphale happy, and in a sense began trusting Crowley’s process here. Even when Crowley set the house on fire and turn the kids into gecko, he still trusted him. And sure enough, everything work out at the end as Aziraphale help him through this plan on giving Job back his kids (even though heaven was gonna make job’s wife give birth to seven more kids. Which my crotch hurts from hearing that-). Sure Azirpahale had doubts and had a breakdown, but given as I mention earlier and how he’s the only angel (maybe besides Muriel) that have a conscience and broke a rule by giving away the sword, he have conflicting views but also is trying not to have a conscience to fit in with the angels and follow their lead despite he was never seen as an equal. But this still is example never the less as if Aziraphale didn’t do something thing would’ve ended different.
Now imma get to the one that is probably another prime example of Aziraphale doing something for Crowley, is the magic show (or at last the minisode in episode 4). After Crowley saved Aziraphale, he had to go to deliver something for the black market, and seeing his item was destroyed (most likely from the bomb), he got reprimanded by Mrs Henderson. And on Crowley’s behalf, Aziraphale decided to volunteer as a magician. He even bought the gun to do a show stopping trick so that it can impress her and not reprimand Crowley any longer (but of course just an excuse to do magic, which me too. I love magic). Now Crowley did have his concerns especially with the gun and also that Aziraphale never done this in front of many people. But this episode, they both have to trust each other, Crowley with the magic trick and Aziraphale trusting Crowley with not just the gun but he trust that he would never hurt him.
Now I’m sure I’m forgetting more with season two (mostly because i still rewatching it starting from season 1, so let me know if you think there were other example of Azirpahale doing stuff for Crowley. Whether it was from season 1/2.)
But I think also the other thing is that, they actively protect each other from their side, they keep their friendship a secret. They swap bodies to not get burn by holy water/hellfire. And much more, so I dislike it when people think Aziraphale done nothing for Crowley when he ultimately have. Sure it seem Crowley does stuff more for aziraphale, but we can’t pretend like he didn’t do anything at all and I’m pretty sure he would done more for him if it wasn’t for heaven constantly being in the way.
As for the love point, imma say this, people show love differently. Why do you think we have so many ship dynamic and it usually two with either similar/opposite contrasting with the other love interest. Aziraphale show love in a different way, now I’ve seen people say that aziraphale love language would be physical touch, which, I think make sense considering he did held Crowley’s hand and we’ve all seen the amount of time he touched Crowley. However what if I told you his love language was Quality time? Because, Aziraphale usually talk about “oh why not have a picnic” or whenever Crowley offers lunch, he lights up. Or of course when Aziraphale tries to convince Crowley to use the Bentley he said “just like how that bookshop is technically mine but we get quite a use of it.” Or perhaps, whenever they’re with each other; Aziraphale have a smile. (Even when sometimes he tries to hide it, I love smiles). He can’t go a day without Crowley despite that they always been separate from each decade but I have my feelings that whenever they separate, Aziraphale feel a bit lost without him, not to say he doesn’t have other things but we all miss your best friend/crush/soulmate/etc, and Crowley most definitely does too. (Also who want to bet that most of the diary entry involve Crowley if not just an entire entry is like “dear diary, did you know Crowley’s yellow eyes are my favorite aspect and that’s why I love the color yellow-“ but I’m detailing here my bad.)
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But another thing is that, I feel people who say that, don’t understand what it like having to hide yourself but have someone or something drilling to your head and is constantly reminding you that “you can’t love them because xyz” or most noteworthy, don’t know how toxic environment expect an individual. Because Aziraphale does love him he would do anything to be with Crowley, but heaven is not only what is ultimately holding him back, it him himself. He got this promotion and he toke it, (with the mention that he didn’t want to go until Crowley was brought into the picture) and now he knows that the second coming is well. Coming. And now he has to try to save earth, just without Crowley this time. Now why I’m bringing this up? Well, because you can see him once again pushing away any part of him that is telling him to go to Crowley or be by his side, it the same thing as episode 3 when he did tried to back out because of heaven, it the same thing here only heaven really got to him, heaven showed an inch (and I mean an little inch) of kindness and a promising deal and he was on board. But that cause him to “lose” Crowley (and I’m saying lose in quotation because I don’t think he really lose or that this is a divorce, I just more or less think Crowley just can’t trust Aziraphale this time with this plan and pull his support of the table). So now he have to revert back to his old ways to try to make sure the world won’t end again for not just humanity but for Crowley as well, and this is probably another example of Aziraphale doing something for Crowley and show that he love him, even if this decision caused him Crowley ultimately. I’m sure he wishes whenever he read a Jane Austen or any love stories (with happy endings.) that that can be Crowley and him; no worries, no heaven and hell, nothing. Just them basking in their love and have no worries. But he know that might not be achievable. (Oh how cruel Cupid/God can be.)
I going to reiterate this again, everyone have their own valid opinion regarding this. I just needed to get my two cent since I hate when people think they’re toxic when they’re not. Both and yes I do mean Aziraphale and Crowley, do have their flaws that need mending but no way they’re toxic by any means. Truly if they were this toxic, why would Michael sheen be liking ineffable husband fanart, why would Neil Gaiman say it a love story between them, or better yet, why would these two be friends if they were toxic? Do they have flaws that need working on? yes of course no relationship is 100% perfect. Will Crowley forgive him so easily? No, I wouldn’t think so, I’m not saying Aziraphale is wrong with what he choose but the fact that he didn’t take him or the bookshop into consideration that gonna take some time to heal. (I promise I’ll make a Crowley post, I do love Crowley too, it just Azirpahale my all time favorite and I kin this character. But I promise someday I will give best boy his time to shine I just need to find a topic for him.)
Okay, i think that’s the post for today, OH! And also happy spooky season! It about to be Halloween! I love halloween! So I hope you all have a good October, and don’t worry more post will come I’m just trying to make sure I don’t accidentally shadowban myself or be annoying with my post lmao. But tell me what you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Let me know ^^ all your options,questions, and statements are valid ❤️
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to-be-a-dreamer · 2 months
Newsies JatP AU Drabble (Flying Solo)
I randomly wrote this instead of literally anything else that I needed to or wanted to but it's fun so we deal. This would be a part of the "Flying Solo" chapter of my Julie and the Phantoms AU (click the first tag for all related posts) and would be right after Jack tells Spot about the ghosts and decides to perform a song for him to prove it. There is no telling when or if the rest of this chapter will ever be written so I decided to just post it now. There are indeed references and callbacks to previous chapters that either Do Not Exist or Are Not Posted Yet and I just need everyone to politely ignore those.
Jack turned away from the bickering ghosts with an eye-roll and moved to take his seat at the keyboard when a too-familiar sight froze him in place. Race’s beloved guitar was shining like new, the year of dust wiped away like nothing, as if his brother had just finished cleaning it himself and would bounce through the door at any moment to show Jack the newest chord progression he’d dreamt up in history class. Jack’s heart raced faster and faster as his breath caught in his throat and a million different thoughts flew through his mind in a single moment. 
Someone cleaned Race’s guitar.
Someone touched Race’s guitar.
Race hadn’t done it.
Race was dead.
Ma and Charlie never came out here.
Jack hadn’t done it.
Race was dead. 
Someone touched Race’s guitar.
“Jack, you ready?” Davey’s voice was a mile away and deafening in his eardrums. The ghost followed his frozen eye line to the beautiful instrument that sat ready for a concert never to come. “Oh.”
Davey cleaned Race’s guitar.
It looked nice, Race would like it.
Race was dead.
“I’m sorry, I should have asked,” a quick, nervous apology came before Jack could finish spiraling. “We got so excited that we could move things but we didn’t want to keep touching stuff in your room so Albert suggested cleaning our mess up and we got carried away and started doing the whole room and the guitar just looked so well-loved I wanted to see what it looked like clean but I- I should have asked. I’m sorry.”
Jack said nothing, voice still stuck in his throat. He didn’t walk to his brother’s guitar so much as he did float towards it. His fingers ghosted over the freshly-changed strings and he tentatively plucked out a few perfectly-tuned notes. Jack shot Davey a questioning glance and the suddenly-awkward ghost offered a sheepish shrug, “Sorry.”
A deep breath.
“It’s okay,” Jack managed to choke out, hoping he didn’t sound as close to a breakdown as he felt. “You uh… you didn’t know. Just… I uh… yeah just ask next time.”
“I will,” There was a tone in Davey’s voice that Jack had never heard before. An odd thing to notice considering they had known each other for about 48 hours if he was being generous, but all the (false, Jack was almost certain) confidence was gone and replaced by soft apprehension. Different than the desperate pleading from before, more of a nervous prayer. No, a promise. A promise that went far beyond the surface vow being shared.
Race’s guitar stared at him expectantly and Jack couldn’t help but pick it up, the familiar instrument a weighted blanket on his soul. The first few chords of their old favorite song rang out clear as ever and one of the thorny vines wrapped around Jack’s chest finally began to loosen its death-grip.
“You play guitar too?” Albert joked cautiously. “Got any other hidden talents you wanna share with the class?”
“Nah, I mean. I know how to play but I don’t know how to play.”
Race knew how to play. Jack could strum the right notes and find a complimenting chord but Race knew his guitar better than he knew how to breathe. He could make the strings sing like any room was Carnegie Hall, he could give the instrument its very own soul with the simplest of melodies. It was a wonder he hadn’t figured out how to become a ghost himself just to wipe away the blasphemous layer of dust Jack had allowed to accumulate.
Something like a smile found its way to his lips as Jack imagined his terror of a little brother cracking the secrets of parting the veil between worlds just to dust off his guitar and whack Jack upside the head for being an idiot.
“It looks really good,” Jack found his voice easily this time as he set the guitar back on its stand. “Thanks.”
Davey nodded, still looking uncharacteristically nervous, “No problem.”
Jack’s fingers remained loosely curled around the neck of the guitar, the gentlest sparks of reassurance reaching him through time. Davey’s grip tightened around his own instrument, so subtly he might’ve imagined it. The gaze lingered longer than was probably necessary but Jack couldn’t help but be drawn into the puzzle that was David Jacobs. The smooth, easy confidence that crumbled to insecurity in less than a second. The deliberately carefree attitude until music came into the picture and suddenly he became a wild tornado of passion and near-mania. Jack wondered why he had noticed so much in so little time.
A few agitated thumps of the bass drum pulled the room’s attention to Sarah restlessly twirling a drumstick from her stool, “If I remember correctly, Jack, you’re the one who burst in here saying we have thirty minutes to turn this poem of yours into a song so mind-blowingly epic your bestie doesn’t immediately call the psych ward on you for claiming to see ghosts.”
“Please don’t call him my bestie, he will beat you up,” Jack groaned.
“He can certainly try but one of us learned how to throw things today and it was not him.”
Send an ask if you have questions and/or drabble requests! I may write 500 words, I may write 50, I may write 5,000 who even knows but I will do my best. I have a deadline and thus my brain is ready to do anything other than the fic with the deadline.
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phantomtgm · 1 year
Phantom - Chapter Eight
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Phantom’s P.O.V 
I paced back and forth while the others were preoccupied with the radio. Maverick took Hangman, Rooster, Payback and Fanboy out today meanwhile the rest of us had to sit back in this room. I didn’t know if we would get to fly today considering the others were flying a simulated route and honestly it pissed me off. 
Why were we held back the first time flying that route? Shouldn’t we all be up there attempting it?
“Something’s got you in a twist. Is it because of what happened yesterday?” Phoenix’s voice came out of nowhere and I twisted to see her giving me an odd look. I didn’t want to answer that question but I know everyone knows what happened yesterday. Hell, they even walked in as Maverick was finishing yelling at me. 
I sighed and walked over to her.  
“You know….I don’t get him.” I said while fidgeting. 
She furrowed her brows. “Who? Maverick?”
“Yeah. It’s perfectly fine for him to do some crazy maneuver up there but the second I or anyone else does it, we get reprimanded for it.” I crossed my arms and just stared at the wall. A moment of silence had passed before Phoenix spoke. 
“You might not like what I have to say next but honestly it seems like he is only getting onto you for doing stuff like that. He hasn’t even gotten on to anyone else.”
“Are you serious? Because I’ve seen Hangman do some shady shittt.”  She giggled and agreed with me.
“Yeah I don’t know. It seems like he has a thing for you or something.” A pause then “Doesn’t he know your dad?” She asked and I froze for a second, contemplating on whether I should answer that question.
Pretty much everyone except Hangman knew who my father was and I did not need him finding that out because he definitely wouldn’t stop harassing me. 
I nodded then I leaned forward so she could hear me better over all the yelling from my other teammates. “He is a family friend but…he hasn’t really been around in several years so I don’t see why he would even want to…act that way over me.” I was very very confused. 
That was the truth. Why would he act that way over me when he hasn’t even seen me or my dad in 15 years?
Phoenix leaned back in her chair and had a pensive look on her face then she started to smirk and I narrowed my eyes.
“What?” I asked, apprehensive. 
“It could be because he has a thing for you? Are you catching my drift?” I opened my mouth then closed it. My mind was already all over the place after the other day at the bar but there was no way he did have a thing for me?
A little voice in the back of my head said otherwise. If he didn’t have a thing for you then why would he choose to kiss you to get that man to go away? There were plenty of other things that he could have done. Frustration spread throughout my entire body and I just wanted to rip my hair out. 
“Hey…you zoned out there for a minute. You okay?” Phoenix’s soft voice interrupted my deep thinking. 
I blinked and just looked at her. Whatever was written on my face apparently hinted at a lot  because she shot up ramrod straight and said “Did something happen between you two that you are not telling me?” She was getting way too excited and I started to scoot myself back.
I clenched my fists because having to explain what happened between us at the bar was quite daunting. 
She suddenly jumped forward, causing my heart rate to spike. “Something DID happen. You have to tell me! I promise I won’t say a word to anyone.” Her eagerness to know caused even more trepidation.  
I looked away from her and thought for a second. If I told her, there was a slight chance that it might get around and I couldn’t have that. It could get Maverick in trouble and I didn’t want that but on the other hand…I was dying to speak about it because I certainly couldn’t tell Maverick how I felt about it.
“Oh come on Ava!” Using my actual name, I looked back at her. 
She looked like she was going to bounce off the walls if I didn’t tell her which caused me to laugh a bit. 
“Fine.” I gave in and twisted my body towards her. 
I whispered so the others wouldn’t hear. “You seriously can’t tell anyone okay?”
“You can trust me, I swear.” 
I inhaled deeply and started to speak. “The other day at the bar, some weird guy was giving me the creeps and just wouldn’t stop staring at me. Maverick showed up and noticed he was looking so he…” It felt like something was stuck in my throat so I forced myself to swallow.
“So he kissed me.” I looked back to Phoenix after saying that and I could feel my cheeks heat up and I clenched my fists while Phoenix didn’t have any shock written on her face.
A second later, a smirk appeared on her face. 
“What?” I said, concerned.
She didn’t say anything but started laughing so I said “Phoenix what is it? Why do you not look surprised by that?”
“Because I’m not Ava!” I narrowed my eyes and she went on to elaborate.
“I mean come on, the man looks at you with puppy dog eyes. Why are you shocked?” At that comment, it felt as if I had been slapped in the face. There was no way that he looked at me like that.
“That’s not possible Natasha! I’ve never seen him look at me like that!” I crossed my arms like a child and sat back. Childish, I know but I couldn’t help it. A blush crept over my body and all I wanted to do was escape from this room. 
Phoenix interrupted my panicking and said “You don’t notice because he only does it when you aren’t looking.” My mind was extremely boggled at the moment and Phoenix only kept laughing.
“It’s not funny.” I huffed and she said “Oh what’s funny is your reaction. You like him!” She teased me like a kindergartener and I playfully shoved her. 
My face felt like it was on fire and I wanted to crawl out of my skin but I stayed strong. I was too distracted because I did not hear the door to the classroom open, all I heard was Phoenix in my ear.
“Speaking of a certain someone….” Phoenix nudged me and I looked over to see Maverick walk in with Rooster. 
My breathing hitched and I was stunned into silence. I couldn’t say anything as his eyes roamed around the room and landed on me. The intensity of his gaze had me pinned in place. I couldn’t move. I didn’t want to move. 
Finally after that intense eye contact, Maverick spoke, calling mine and Phoenix’s name to go train. 
I don’t know how but I put one leg in front of the other and walked swiftly by the man who had a hold on my heart. His cologne had completely intoxicated me, leaving me to wonder how I was ever going to get through this to be able to fly this mission.
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yuurei20 · 10 months
Ortho Info Compilation part 12: Idia (pt3)
Even before Book 6 there were hints that Idia is living with the guilt of what he did to original Ortho as a child, asking in a vignette what he was trying to accomplish by equipping Ortho with so many different functions. “Installing the latest medical tools in you now can’t change the past…”
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But Ortho insists that he likes how handy his body is. “I can do lots of stuff regular people can’t!”
Ortho can be protective of Idia: our first introduction to Ortho in the main story is instigated by Ortho crossing a room to scold Cater and Grim for gossiping about Idia, saying, “He’s not desperately lonely or anything, okay?”
He accepts Cater’s apology with, “I just don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about Idia.”
When Ace wonders aloud if Idia does not have any friends who would be willing to help him out during Phantom Bride Ortho responds, “Can we PLEASE focus on the mission and stop dissecting my brother’s lifestyle?”
After explaining to Kalim that Idia canceled plans to play outside after ranking lower than expected in a video game Kalim responds, “Spending quality time with your sibling is way more important than some game.”
Ortho immediately defends Idia, saying, “Don’t diss my big bro! Idia’s nice and smart and the best brother ever. He’s just…kind of an oddball.”
Ortho is concerned about looking for the missing students during Spectral Soiree alone, but says, “I’ll do whatever it takes to get Idia back!”
When Idia goes missing during Vargas Camp, Ortho abandons his responsibilities to search for him.
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Idia refusing to spend time with Ortho (despite previous plans or promises) is not unusual.
Ortho has a voice line about inviting Idia outside to play Spelldrive for some exercise, “but he said no…again.” We also see Ortho invite Idia to spend time together on a Saturday where Idia refuses in favor of plans with Muscle Red, and Idia being very tempted to refuse to join in the Spectral Soiree Halloween party, but “…considering everything you did for me today, it’s hard to say no…”
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Despite his role in trying to get Idia to interact with others (re: tricking him into going to Epel’s hometown alone and leaving him to his own devices during Vargas Camp 2) Ortho seems to have issues with forcing Idia to do things against his will, and he is very much aware of it.
Despite his eagerness for Wish Upon a Star Ortho says he doesn’t want to force Idia to perform if he really doesn’t want to despite his desperation to create new memories.
Ortho says, “If another ceremony comes up, could you drag my brother here, even if he’s kicking and screaming? I’d probably cave in and relent…”
Ortho also makes sure Idia fulfills his punishment during Vargas Camp 2.
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whereeammii · 2 years
okay so ive been thinking about this all night and has spirit tracks actually happened in linked universe yet?
i recently reread all of LU and I’ve been wondering why there’s no mention of anything spirit tracks related.
now, pls pls correct me if I’m wrong or if I’ve missed something, but LU wind seems VERY phantom hourglass and wind waker oriented. there’s barely any mentions of anything in or about spirit tracks at all.
in the latest update i believe wind was thinking about bellum—not malladus. he mentions ganon all the time and even wields the phantom sword. i know jojo has stated that wind = spirit tracks link and it’s very likely that the lack of spirit tracks references are simply because jojo has a strong preference for phantom hourglass (as detailed here) but what if it’s not?
i looked through a lot of stuff but not everything. im far too tired for that atm. but I even looked through old q&a posts. there’s not even any ST references in wind’s design.
also keep in mind, the bokoblins wind recognizes are from the great sea. whenever he talks of his home, it’s always of islands or his time on the water. it sounds like they’re still sailing and looking for land. and i believe the general consensus is that wind and tetra don’t even discover new hyrule until they’re adults or at least in their late teens considering they set up the monarchy in new hyrule. idk about anyone else but I wouldn’t want my leading authority to be a fourteen year old.
as I said before, I admit there’s a high probability that jojo just….doesn’t care much for the game. last I recall, she said she’d give the game another chance after getting used to phantom hourglass’ mechanics. but do we know if she actually finished it?
the only evidence i have to refute this theory is a few handful of things.
likely the biggest proof against this theory (unless I’m missing, not understanding, or forgetting something) is wind’s current shield.
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i believe as far as these three games are concerned, it only shows up in spirit tracks. it could also be argued that wind was referring to chancellor cole or ST zelda in the latest update when expressing his concerns about twilight getting corrupted but chancellor cole was never really corrupted? from the start, he was a demon who merely pretended to be a normal hylian and byrne did everything of his own volition in an attempt to become more powerful. i suppose it could still be about zelda (especially when you really think about the puppeteer line) but I wouldn’t describe ST zelda as having been corrupted and certainly not in the way wind is worried twilight could be. her body was used as a vessel but not when her spirit or consciousness was in it and it wasn’t because of any practice she participated in or item she used.
jojo did upload a video at one point and one of the time stamps shows she talked about spirit tracks zelda. unfortunately, I’ve never seen this video and am currently still unable to access it so I have no idea what was spoken about in this video.
furthermore, while this may be trying to find a needle in a haystack, one could look at this comic and find it suspicious that wind knows and understands cuccos and their dangers very well despite them not being present in the wind waker. while cuccos are in spirit tracks, they are also very much present in phantom hourglass.
anyway, long story short—im probably overthinking. but wind speaks of the great sea as though it’s still very much present in his current time which leads me to believe spirit tracks hasn’t happened yet among other things. you could always just argue that wind found his shield somewhere in the great sea or on an island post-phantom hourglass and it was merely kept around until the events of spirit tracks.
i really don’t mind this lack of reference though! for those members of the fandom like me who love to make wind and spirit two separate people, it helps that wind hardly (if ever) alludes to any spirit tracks adventures. and if you like meshing all three games together, it’s interesting to think of spirit tracks as an adventure wind has yet to begin!
pls lmk if I’ve gotten anything wrong or missed something! i’ll be very embarrassed but i’ll live!! also, if you happen to know what was said about ST zelda and want to lmk, I’d be happy to hear that too!
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narwhalandchill · 1 month
(4.7 TCG leaks but Big Lore Implications? Maybe)
Well. This is (was) certainly an interesting Moment.
See. narwhal coming in TCG right? i obviously lost it we are all aware. so i was checking that shit out Instantly the second it was uploaded onto hakushin to see the kind of playstyle theyd given my beloved
but there was something else. see. tldr the narwhal starts at only 5hp but it basically eats all your discarded cards to increase its own max hp and dmg dealt (also takes into account the dice cost of the discarded cards). which i Love its so on brand and lore accurate. but anyway. its ult is to summon the electro dude whose dmg and duration is also affected by the cards eaten and their dice cost. such a cool kit right?
But then i saw what they Call the knight summon guy in the first uploaded version of the card kit in ENG
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and like. okay. okay. thats pretty fucking insane this is why i was looking so forward to the narwhal getting a card bc . sometimes tidbits like these just. Happen thru TCG. just casually like that (like parsifals Curiously Familiar Appearance for another relevant one).
bc like. an ancient nemesis huh. on one hand could reference surtalogi since the descriptor for the phantom in 4.2 patch previews in several languages (not sure what the in game stuff says these days) did have some similar wording to surtalogis CN title. also obviously fuels my personal foil hat agenda of surtalogis whole "keeping this very much sentient cosmic being as a Pet TM" being something that from the narwhals POV is very much like. a demeaning act of imprisonment and being used against its will as a pawn (im such a surtalogi hater dude. i Dont trust him). so like thats one option for the. whos the nemesis whose shadow is summoned. its surtalogi. but also ancient is a funny wording for when the guy is very well around to this day so
then theres the other option. bc the narwhal 4.6 namecard speaks of ajax intent on challenging the narwhal again and references hunting for the same whale the "third time" which like. most simple route u could just be seen as. okay despite just freezing up during their 1st encounter at 14 and doing jack shit to "challenge" it he still considered that the "first" hunt, fontaine was 2nd and next is 3rd.
but theres also the. what if the first hunt was the historical ajax of the myth? whose reincarnation our ajax may be? bc if His destiny was also to oppose the narwhal back then in celestias grand plan and possibly had the same constellation tying him to it too. would THAT be the ancient nemesis the knight in the narwhals stomach is the afterimage and shadow of? hmmmmm.
like dude i was. Actually losing my fucking mind bc this might be THE closest thing to a direct confirmation that If ajax has reincarnated over the samsara/cycles whatever . if That is the case. then this "ancient nemesis" being og ajax would then Very Much Imply that both his and Our Ajax' destiny in all incarnations has Always been tied to the narwhal in some way and that his "role" and "duty" in celestias decreed fate is to be its counterpart and opponent (read: tragic soulmate) . of Some sort. like yes inconclusive still but this couldve been such a massive fucking deal dude
Anyway .
then they removed that descriptor in the next update to the beta info on the new TCG cards 😭😭😭😭
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so now its just called a dark shadow whatever 😔😔 this is So Sad. but. i have Witnessed the original so its not getting out of my head. what does it meannnnn
why would the narwhal be emulating its nemesis as the force that protects the source of its power that lies within it (like. we Had to be eaten in order to get close to that source in the AQ fight)??? did it eat that doomed soulmate nemesis (og ajax moment Surely) in the past and is now carrying its remnants and constructed shadowy afterimage within itself?? or does it represent some sort of control/power source surtalogi (if hes the nemesis) has inflicted upon the narwhal in order to keep it weakened and/or sufficiently subservient to be kept as a "pet"???? MANNN
obviously. since this was a clearly incomplete beta version text (like the narwhals kit was unfinished in ENG during this part) that was Very swiftly deleted (whacking myself over the head for not checking what CN said while this version was still up) its not like. something that can be referenced as legit confirmed canon lore for the narwhal since its not making it to live. but im just. Curious. like. even if its outdated text that was removed. Surely there HAS to be a Reason that description was originally written to describe the dark shadow summon.
so is this a case of. its no longer meant to represent an ancient nemesis, that was old ass lore for the phantom knight dude thats never going to happen and thats why they cut it. like fair enough it happens. old pre launch beta genshin stuff was directly a honkai sequel/spinoff but they changed that. it could always just be that
ORRRRR then. hear me out. that its STILL true but that the writers simply realized they dont want to reveal their cards (ha ha) on the subject just yet??? they dont want to leak this potentially Massive lore drop through a random TCG update?????? we arent meant to know the meaning behind the shadow just yet????????? 🤨🤨🤨 Surely
anyway. forever mourning shadow of the ancient nemesis as a descriptor . but i Have to post it here so that yall can at least know. this existed. this WAS a thing. so whats it mean...
(also if this turns out to be all legitimate and og ajax Was the ancient nemesis. Possibly the funniest way my original "who the fuck even thought the purple dude in the whales stomach was going to be childe" take from way back could be Technically proven wrong JSJAISJSJSISKD . if it was ajax. but just not. this one)
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kaytrawrites · 1 year
Love knows no binds
Summary In which Tommy thinks about the past
Notes So, this started as something about oRanboo and became this. Hope I got the characterizations right! XD Also, bless demonadelem for doing like 87% of the heavy lifting on the 'backstory' of Wilbur's Phantom status in his Origins’ Origins comic. (Seriously go read it here. It’s very good :D )
Tommy pushed up the edge of his floppy hat as he watched Ranboo traipse across the bridge toward the ladder up to the Pub.
He narrowed his eyes at her improbably pristine attire. Practical knee high boots, a lacy button down, an embroidered silk vest and flounced silk knee length skirt that emphasized the Enderian slender build. And of course her cozy deep purple cloak.
And somehow she always managed to stay a perfect temperature. Unlike Mr Tommy Innit who never left his home without a binder. Yeah, half the time his father was running around without his, but that was Phil's choice.
As for Wilbur; Tommy grimaced, remembering the last living moments he had spent with his brother.
Hetta pushed her head through the gap between Tommy's elbow and the side of his chest. He cuddled his eldest daughter, his attention turning back to the lanky Enderian 'princess' that was teleporting between the islands up to the Pub.
Her newfound confidence in her skin was a recent development. Probably ever since she had taken the step to start wearing more skirts? Or it might have been a bit further back to when Niki, Shubble and Trixtin had gotten a hold of Ranboo and tried some cosmetics on her?
Or it might have even been before that… A time after Tommy had met her. He couldn't pin down when. Just that it had happened, and that she was happier now.
It kinda hurt a little bit to see one of his good friends so comfortable in her own body when he wasn't entirely satisfied with his own. But blah-de-blah cultural pressures to present a certain way and all that.
Tommy gently stroked Hetta's red hair. She was getting pretty big now. He would need to dig out some of his old clothes for her soon. Maybe check with Beau if she had some old stuff that Hetta would like.
Hetta sighed happily. "Dad." She started, turning and looking up at her father. "Why does Grandfather Philza sometimes have boobs and sometimes doesn't?"
Tommy snerked, caught off guard by the question. "Wot? Now where did that question come from?" He exclaimed.
Hetta shrugged. "Just curious about Grandfather Philza's Phiddies." Her last words drew a snort of amusement from her father.
Tommy took a breath. "Well, your Grandfather sometimes wears what is called a 'Binder'. We Elyrians and Avians use them to smooth out our flight muscles."
"A binder…" Hetta spoke slowly. "Why?"
"Ah." Tommy paused, thinking back to when he himself asked his father and older brother that question. "Well, some use it to put pressure on the flight muscles to prevent tears. Some use it because they like the way it looks. And long ago…"
He trailed off, remembering the history he had been taught about it.
"Long ago Elytrians wore it to help other species to differentiate between males and females." He finished. It wasn't the whole story. Just the beginning. And Tommy didn't want to tell Hetta. Yet.
Not today.
She will learn someday. But till then, Tommy was determined to let her see the world as a good place for at least one more day.
"What about Uncle Wil?" Hetta asked.
Tommy smiled at the thought of the expressions that Wilbur would make at being called 'uncle'. "Well. Your Uncle Wil can't use his wings to fly anymore like your grandpapa can. So he doesn't use a binder."
"Ohh." Hetta nodded, her expression as somber as a smiley little Avian could make it. "Why did he stop flying like Grandfather Philza?" She asked.
"Ah." Tommy paused, considering how to answer. "Well. A while back when your papa was about your age."
"So, a loo~ong time ago!" Hetta exclaimed.
Tommy gently booped his daughter on the nose. "Not that long ago, chickling." He smiled, but it quickly dropped as he kept talking. "When I was about your age, your Uncle Wil got really sick. He had been hurt. Really badly."
"But he got better!" Hetta nodded. "Cause he's here now!"
Tommy shook his head. "No chickling. He didn't. He got a lot worse. Your grandpapa and grandmama scoured the land and seas searching for what is referred to as an Enchanted Golden Apple. It was supposed to have incredible healing properties."
"Did they find it?" Hetta asked. "They must have!"
"They did." Tommy nodded. "But it was too late. When they arrived home. It was too late for its power to work fully."
Hetta cocked her head, looking up at her father with her large blue eyes.
"For a moment, your Uncle Wilbur was gone. Then he began Changing. He Changed from an Avian into the Phantom uncle you know and love." Tommy gently ran his talons through Hetta's hair.
"Now. Enough with the sad backstory!" Tommy scooped up his eldest daughter. "How about we go see if we can 'scam' a few ice creams out of someone for all of us."
Hetta giggled as Tommy hefted her onto his shoulder. Her little hand rested on the top of his head and her slight talons lightly massaged his scalp. "Onward!" She declared.
The two managed to commander a few ice creams for the family and were heading home past Wilbur's little cottage.
The sound of something heavy falling over followed by angry expletives made the pair pause. "You al'right there Wil?" Tommy called out.
"Yes!" The silence hung there for a moment while Tommy took a lick of his ice cream. "No." Came the much quieter correction.
Tommy looked down at Hetta. "Well? Shall we go help Uncle Wil?" He asked his daughter who was currently trying to lick mostly melted ice cream off her nose.
Hetta nodded excitedly and nearly pulled her father over as she took off toward the ajar door to Wilbur's basement.
Wilbur was sprawled inelegantly over a toppled low stool, sans shirt. An old familiar article of clothing was on his torso, obviously too small for the lanky phantom to the point where it obviously wouldn't fasten. But it seemed that Wilbur had been trying anyway.
Tommy and Hetta stared down at Wilbur, who let out a defeated sigh. "I can feel your judgment from here…" He grumbled into the floor.
Tommy burst into laughter, needing to basically fold in half. "Wil you look absolutely ridiculous!"
"I know that Tommy!" Wilbur snapped back. He half sank into the floor, righting himself in his floating state. "Help me get this off."
Tommy wiped a tear from his eye and started to help his older brother get the old binder off. When they were done, Wilbur tossed the offending bit of cloth across the room. "Fuck that." He grumbled, his words contrary to the slight smirk on his face.
Tommy took a step back and stared at his brother. He had changed. Slightly.
"Your flight muscles are coming back?" Tommy said, each word sticking on his tongue.
Wilbur nodded, turning away to look for his sweater. "Dad has been helping me relearn how to fly. Watch this!" He paused and slowly extended his right arm. His right wing smoothly followed the motion, rather than the slow jerky movement that had been ever present since Wilbur's Change.
And for a moment, Tommy saw Wilbur's old golden-brown feathers overlaid over the blued skin of Wilbur's skeletal wing.
"Uncle Wil! Does this mean you'll be able to fly with Dad and Grandfather Philza?" Hetta looked up at Wilbur.
Wilbur smiled and scooped up his little niece. "Soon. And if you keep calling me 'Uncle' I will cry." He gently booped Hetta's nose. Wilbur glanced over at his little brother, who was rubbing at his eyes. "Well? Come on then!" Wilbur said, holding his free arm open for Tommy.
Tommy gladly took the invitation and thumped into Wilbur's chest, drawing an "oof" from his older brother. "Wil, if you cry, I'm gonna cry…" He mumbled.
Wilbur patted Tommy's head. "I missed flying with dad, and I promised that I would fly with you someday."
Tommy nodded slowly. "Yeah. Yeah you did."
End Notes Speaking of binders, don't forget to take a break from yours! I know that it makes you feel much gender, but it's still a tight article of clothing, and your body could use a break sometimes.
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briarruler · 2 years
Masterpost for all of my Danny Phantom related posts.
Thoughts and Comments
For the Ghosts: why Danny keeps his secret.
Danny turning up at Sam's in the early morning.
Decided I don't like Memory Blank.
Do the students of Casper High know that Spectra was a ghost?
I shall call him 'Plasmius Phantom'.
Ghosts consider a day to be from one Sunset to the next?
Micro Management's Mouse.
King Tuck's eyeliner.
I don't think Freakshow knew Danny Phantom was half-human.
Amorpho did not know Phantom was a Halfa.
Students at camp during Claw of the Wild.
Tucker's reason Danny should keep his powers is logical.
Human to ghost and retaining hair.
Danielle is not 12.
Alternate Universes
Halfa Trio AUs
Halfa Trio AU ideas where their transformations are linked.
The Portal Kawoosh as an explanation for a Halfa Trio.
Ideas for Halfa Trio AUs with Identical Ghost Form.
Three for the Portal AU
Three for the Portal: Half-Ghost Trio Fusing via Overshadowing.
Three for the Portal: Names.
Description of the Trio's ghost-forms.
Ecto-Acne Trigger AU
Ecto-Acne Triggered Ghostification AU.
Other Trio AUs
Halfa Sam and Tucker, Human Danny AU
AU Idea: Half-Ghosts Sam and Tucker.
Lemures and Poltergeist.
Ghost Sam AUs
The Human, The Ghost and The Liminal.
AU where Sam died in the Portal.
Ghost Trio
My Dead Trio AU Masterpost.
Other AUs
Danny actually hides his transformation.
Star Mythology empowered Danny AU.
Sam with the Ring and Tucker with the Crown.
Full Ghost AU but the divergence happening during Memory Blank.
Fenton Crammer AU
Fenton Crammer used to imprison enemies.
Who Danny could uses the Fenton Crammer on.
Thoughts and Questions
Have we ever seen the Fenton Thermos not capture a ghost?
Fenton Thermos and humans?
Overshadowing and the Fenton Thermos?
Request for Overshadowing Theories/Analysis.
Why does Danny get shipped with Dash more often then Tucker?
What would the Fenton Peeler do to Danny?
Bad Chibi Avatars: Danny Fenton-Phantom.
Bad Chibi Avatars: Ghostly Tucker Foley.
Bad Chibi Avatars: Ghostly Sam Manson.
Bad Chibi Avatars: Everyday Human and Colour Inverted Ghost forms.
Crossover Related
A pokemon team for Danny.
Masterpost for my Danny Phantom Pokemon fusion idea.
Pariah Dark's voice just gave me sudden Nene flashbacks.
The Box Ghost goes looking for the world of Blue Dragon.
Everyone goes ghost crossover beginning.
Amity Park unaffected in during Young Justice: Misplaced.
Ghost King Danny 'gifted' John Constantine's soul.
A Better World triggered discovery of Amity Park.
Sam Manson and the Justice Lords.
Justice Lords mentoring Team Phantom.
Santa vs Darkseid as the Origin of the Christmas Truce.
Team Phantom's side gig as minor supervillains.
Team Phantom moves to England and Phantom meets Constantine.
Amity Park unaffected by outside nonsense.
Superheroes were taken out by ghostly team up in TUE timeline.
Why Batman shouldn't try to adopt Danny.
Scarab Sceptre Museum Heist Crossover continuation.
Other Stuff
The problem with Sam's plan in Memory Blank.
Reason I don't use the Fandom's Ghost Obsession headcanon.
Straight up colour inverted ghost forms.
Disproven Penelope Spectra Theory.
Draft of a dates given in show-canon canon.
An Ask.
Would Half-Ghost Sam commit crimes?
For Humanity or for Love?
Secret Identity Fight: Ghosts are dead vs Danny's lack of subtly.
A possible limit on Clockwork.
Duplication vs all the other powers Danny could be trying to learn.
The less you know, the more likely to connect Phantom to Fenton.
Tucker is the Team Phantom member with lands in the Ghost Zone.
Dani is useful to a Team Phantom trying to hide.
The Fenton Ghost Portal causes a Ghost Zone population boom.
What does canon gives us about ghosts and food?
Can the Fenton Ghost Catcher create a Halfa?
A reason for Walker's ban of human world objects?
The Ghost King as an anti-mind control role.
Scarab Sceptre museum Heist.
The Infinite Realms declare war on America.
Summoning Circle Duplicates.
Will be updated via editing as needed.
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remy2fang · 5 months
More indications for F.A.N.G’s possibility to return playable for Street Fighter 6
In other words, let me spew my thoughts like every other hopeful fan…and also a lot of things I said in the past end up becoming true one way or another. Let me try my luck even further lol.
I made posts about this topic, which can be read HERE. I have more that I wrote back in December 2023:
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That third emoji.
When I saw that before any of the SF6 stuff being promoted, I thought it was supposed to depict the illustration where F.A.N.G and Phantom were walking away in the city.
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Now that we know A.K.I.’s character, this emoji could be interpreted on how she feels about F.A.N.G lol.
But after thinking about it, maybe the emoji that was used for the 3rd chapter of Toxicity was supposed to portray F.A.N.G and A.K.I. as complementary characters. Like, not only do they both essentially work as a duo team in their medicine work, but it’s kinda shown with the way they’re played in the SFV (FANG) and SF6 (AKI). AKI excels over FANG when it comes to offense, walk speed, cool set ups, awesome unique new moves, and no charge (lmao), but she does have major weaknesses like slow normals and startups and hurtboxes bigger than they should be. Whereas it’s the opposite for FANG for almost all of them (low damage output, slow walk and jump, but lightning speed normals with good poking range). Also, FANG’s slides are better, his coward crouch is spammable lol, and Ryobenda is better than Orchid imo. I know it’s all just wishful thinking here, but I think it’s possible for FANG to comeback playable in the same game with AKI because both their play styles are foils to each other. They just gotta spice up FANG’s kit for SF6, like how they did for all returning characters. That double-headed emoji had me thinking for a long time, and it looks like Capcom wanted to have 2 poison characters in the game, considering how different FANG and AKI play from each other.
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Another clue is F.A.N.G’s Nguuhao dagger. In Toxicity, the importance of his dagger was frequently mentioned. It holds the secrets of the poison hand and FANG used it to kill his friends as his first assigned job. AKI saw the dagger’s power when she first met FANG and decided to join him. Oddly enough during AKI’s World Tour story, she made no mention about the dagger. In WT when she described the time when she first met FANG, she said she was very interested in learning everything about FANG. But nothing about the dagger. I’m wondering if the dagger will just stay in the Toxicity story? But perhaps Capcom is saving the dagger for later in SF6…maybe for a FANG story to tell. If FANG were to be playable, it would be cool if he utilizes his dagger for his kit. I mean, look at his new design. He lost the sleeves and have a more tight look to him. He has the design that could whip a knife out. It’s even described that he could move quickly and effortlessly in Toxicity. I’d like to see this FANG in action.
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I know FANG is hated in the vast majority of the fandom and that only the truest people of culture appreciated him, but I could tell that Capcom wanted to turn him into a more appealing character for the wider fighting game audience. Why else would they give FANG his own 3-part story that showed a nuance perspective on him, have him alluded in AKI’s Battle Pass, have AKI be loving, supporting, and doing a lot of PR work for him, has a cool new look and personality, and his own story goal to revive Shadaloo? I think they want to make FANG likable in preparation to make him playable again. To some extent, I can see the parallels with how both he and Luke are handled. When Luke came out for SFV, he was HATED by the community. The only people that liked him were people who mained him, the very few fangirls at the time, and myself (I thought his backstory was interesting). People didn’t like how Capcom “pushed” him to become the new face for Street Fighter and made him top tier. Only after SF6 came out and the amount of social media posts Aleks Le made, Luke is not hated anymore from what I’ve seen. In fact, a lot of female players enjoy him along with Jamie haha. I see the same thing for FANG, but on a much smaller scale.
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Those are my thoughts. Whether F.A.N.G becomes playable or not, time will tell. I just know we’ll see more of him in later dlc because of unused audio files and where the SF6 plot is going.
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theevilthatismokke · 1 year
/chapter 101 spoilers/
What an interesting chapter…!
Gotta say, I didn’t expect the new chapter to give us a Yugi twins flashback right from the start.
And, honestly, there’s quite a bit to unpack here…
First, I guess we can add clockmaker (or… tinkerer..? in this case) to the myriad of Amane’s nerdy abilities, heh. Very curious as to why HE specifically had to fix the clock before the school festival was over.
A few things to note:
a) The mysterious hand/ghost mentioned an accident, all but outright stating it had to do with the school play;
b) The Yugi shinju is heavily implied to have happened during summer, due to the twins uniforms;
c) It’s very likely that the conditions presented to Amane (so he would fix the clock) have to do with Tsukasa. Otherwise, I doubt Amane would do it.
I think it’s very probable that he felt, or knew, that they’re going to be separated again. The clock, the power to (literally and figuratively) control time, Amane could make sure that he could either fix or prevent whatever was coming to separate them again.
But Amane failed. Or he didn’t get the answers or results he wanted. Or Tsukasa decided for both of them to disappear again (like he callously tells Amane, urging him to decide whether he wants Tsukasa to stay or disappear).
After that… Amane probably decides to take drastic measures and kills his brother (so they won’t be separated again), committing suicide immediately after.
All I’m unsure about is whether the timeline. They are in their first year here. Meaning they are 12, while they died when they were 13. Sooo, there’s a gap of nearly a year, maybe, between this scene and the shinjuu. Did he kill Tsukasa during another school festival? Or was it unrelated?
Also, I know we’ll likely learn it soon, but… what the heck is the deal with the Clock Keepers?
Do they really need so much help with their clock that they constantly need to threaten teenagers with their beloved’s lives to get the work done? Are there literally no clockmakers in the After Shore? Because…
That’s genuinely hilarious. Good job, AidaIro lol
Now, onto the other stuff…
I was not expecting Wizard of Oz as the play??
Did AidaIro get interested in Lloyd Webber’s other works after the Phantom of the Opera Musical?
It’s a very interesting choice, to say the least. An adventure about a lonely and misunderstood girl who craves more from life, a story about people yearning for things they think they don’t have and could only attain through magical means- only to discover they didn’t really need such changes, as they were capable of it all along… A Wizard without any real powers, from the same world as the protagonist… Dreams and wishes… hm…
Also!! Also!!
Both Tsukasa and Nene being interested in theater!! Musicals at that!!
Small note, but, yes, The Wizard of Oz was the play that Tsukasa’s class did back in the day! It’s not just that Hanako somehow knows it after Nene recites a few lines…
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But I’m pretty sure that’s “Over the Rainbow” they’re singing!! The notes match!
I’ll be expecting the Tsunene Wizard of Oz fanarts/animatics/fics. Don’t disappoint me fandom!!
Tsukasa is even singing along here!! And considering that Hanako knew the lines of the play, 50 years after, makes me think that Tsukasa may have been quite excited about the play!! Did he know all the lines?? How much did he help?? I wanna know!!
And speaking of theaters, accidents and Lloyd Webber musicals…
Is there going to be a “Phantom of the Opera” situation here? Was there one 50 years ago??
I mean, look at this auditorium:
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It’s begging for something to happen!! Pleeeeeaaase, AidaIro!! I wanna see some chandeliers drop!! Get Nene the main role lol
Not to be that person, but. Nene’s class has absolutely no taste.
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Look at her!! Looook at heeeer!! She’s so cute! So charming! Where you gonna get a more passionate actress, huh?!? Huh?!
Honestly, though, I love how AidaIro really hammers how Nene’s an artistic, romantic girl at heart. This is very cute too:
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Awwww. Can’t wait for Hanako to drop those chandeliers and get scolded by his girlfriend again
Wasn’t expecting for Akane and Aoi to retain their firework party looks. But I guess this is it!! They’ve changed, and so do their looks! It’s a really nice, simple way to signify their character development, I love it.
Akane isn’t going to lie (to Aoi, at least) anymore, nor is he going back to pretending he doesn’t see Aoi for who she is, even her flaws, so, he’s ditched his glasses.
Aoi isn’t going to wear her mask all the time (to Akane, at least), or worry she isn’t loved by anyone (aka Akane) anymore. She can relax a bit, she has someone she doesn’t need to wear her mask of saccharine perfection for, she’s literally letting her hair down, heh.
EDIT: it has come to my attention that maybe Aoi can’t tie her hair well anymore because of her hand. And of course, she’s not ready to talk about it with Nene yet. In this case, the hair down can also signify a distraction. Just because she’s not going to wear her mask around Akane, that doesn’t mean she’ll do it for anyone else.
How lovely for them. I can’t wait to see the shenanigans that’ll make them do crazy shit for each other again!
Finally the two funniest scenes of the entire chapter (plus a comparison):
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How dare…! You leave miette?? Out of fun?? Jail for daikon!! Ten thousand years jail for daikon!!
And the final scene:
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Look, I’m sorry. Honestly, AidaIro do make him get across as very shady and menacing here, it’s a wonderful cliffhanger!
I can only imagine Akane going “who the fuck are you” immediately after ( insert old most popular girls meme)
Like, in the very same chapter, Nene goes:
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She’s forgotten!! She has Natsuhiko’s number and she’s forgotten!!
He’s shady, and he has an agenda, and he can look menacing and creepy and he’s air!!
He’s air!! (Also the probable reason he can do as likes. But still. So funny.)
Also, lol at AidaIro flexing their knowledge. Is that a warning? Should I be prepared for more Alice in Wonderland parallels/nods?
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All in all, really enjoyable and cute chapter! Can’t wait for the horrors and heartbreak that await us in the future!
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