#different vince moods
riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
i fucking LOVE that you can put frames' animations on different frames
like what other game lets you customize animation sets. c'mon.
i switch limbo from limbo's noble to harrow's noble from time to time but i'm shopping around for another one and there's been Several New Sets since i last checked and auhdfghhg i love them all
why gauss so jumpy. inaros' stances literally just switch between the two Modes of Mummy: still & upright in a casket & Zombie Mode. ivara's agile just dances around, as does zephyr harrier's agile
mirage oneiro. what's on my ceiling??
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jhdbfbh it's immediately followed by nekros. what's on my flOOR
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and nezha's out here just balancing on one leg like an absolute fuckin. legend. (i have incredibly bad balance on less than two legs and i am JEALOUS.)
honestly like. tag yourself. i'm octavia's agile set. my stance, sitting or standing, is Shrimp & dancy stimming. also hiding something behind my back at all times.
revenant is just stuck halfway through the YMCA verse?
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wait valkyr carnivex also thinks there's something on my ceiling, clearly
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need to get all of these frames to find out What Is Going On with their Heads for these animations to make sense because they look hyper goofy on limbo like this
there need to be better ways of previewing all the animations in a set on a given frame. i NEED to know what yareli's dance looks like on poor Vince. but am i willing to spend 50 plat on it? hmmmMMM
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haddonfieldwhore · 9 months
talk me down - vince dunn
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vince dunn x gender neutral! reader
summary: after a late game penalty and a frustrating shootout loss, vince is in a bad mood. good thing he has you to make him feel better
warnings: mentions of violence, langauge, angry vinny, a bit of angst but mostly fluff
word count: 1.2k
as the whistle blew with only a few minutes left in overtime, you ran a hand over your face in frustration as a penalty was called on your boyfriend, vince dunn, for deliberately whacking another player with his stick. while there should have been a call for the opponent holding and tripping vince, the way that vince had reacted was unnecessary. you’re making it worse, you thought, as he punched fiala in the face, nearly hitting him with his stick before the refs separated them. even in the stands you could hear dunn swearing his head off, and you were shocked he didn’t get more than a 2 minute penalty for what he’d done. thankfully los angeles wasn’t able to take advantage of the extra man on the ice and score a goal, but things went to the shootout and eventually the game ended in favour of the kings.
a cloud of disappointment hung heavy in the air of climate pledge arena as kraken fans filed out, without a win but still with a point as the players left the ice. you sighed as you stood up from your seat, the other players wives and girlfriends who had been at the game also getting up to go find their partners. they were talking about the game, and while you could have joined their conversation, you were more concerned with vince. you made your way to the back and waited impatiently for him to come out of the locker room.
after what felt like forever - the team surely having had a long talk with their coach about the events of the game - a familiar curly haired brunette emerged from the doorway, a scowl on his face.
“hey,” you said softly as you stood up, walking over and grabbing his hand gently. to your surprise he didn’t pull it away, but didn’t say anything, simply tilting his head in the direction of the exit. getting the message that he just wanted to go home, you nodded, walking with him out to your car and getting in the drivers seat, and the two of you began a silent drive home.
when you arrived home to his house, he went straight upstairs without a word, and you heard the sound of a door slamming upstairs as he disappeared into your shared bedroom. you grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen, your fingers anxiously tapping the granite counter tops as you sighed. you hated seeing him like this; beyond frustrated and tired. you knew he would never do anything to hurt you, you also understood that it was best to give him some space and time to cool down when he got like this. you took a seat on the sectional in the living room and scrolled through different apps on your phone, avoiding anything you saw about the game. about 15 minutes went by before you began to yawn, and decided to head upstairs to find vince.
as you walked into the bedroom, you saw him laying face down on the bed, his head at the wrong end. his one arm was hanging over the edge while the other was folded under his head like a pillow. he had discarded his clothes except for his sweatpants, and you admired the toned muscles of his back that were on display as he lay turned away from the door. it was clear he had just collapsed onto the bed, the blanket barely covering his legs and crumpled from being kicked aside. you quietly got changed into some shorts and one of vince’s t-shirts, before padding over to the bed and sitting down next to him.
“i’m sorry,” he mumbled, his voice muffled by his arm and the mattress. reaching towards him you brushed your fingers through his messy curls, shaking your head, though he couldn’t see you.
“you don’t have to apologize to me,” you assured him.
“i still am.”
“i know,” you replied, moving closer to him as you let your hands travel down to his shoulders, gently massaging the tense muscles. he shivered slightly at the feeling of your hands on the back of his neck, but then sighed softly as you worked at the knots in his back, trying to relieve some of the tension from the game. you spent about 10 minutes in silence, and you were honestly beginning to think vince had fallen asleep, until he spoke again.
“i’ll be lucky if i don’t get suspended or fined,” he said, groaning softly as you kneaded a particularly sore spot on his lower back.
“yeah,” you agreed cautiously. “i’m sorry, vinny; i really don’t know what to say.”
“now who’s apologizing?” he laughed dryly, and while it was bittersweet, it was the first hint of a smile you’d heard in his voice all night. “i fucked up, i have to deal with the consequences.”
“that’s true. but they should have called a penalty on the other guy.”
“yeah well i guess they thought otherwise. i didn’t exactly make the situation any better. i think i owe joey an apology for sending us to the shootout,” he gave another halfhearted laugh.
“i wouldn’t say it’s your fault it went to a shootout. give me your other arm,” you instructed, having finished massaging the arm you could reach. vince rolled over onto his back, looking up at you as he extended his right arm into your lap.
“i guess it doesn’t matter in the end,” he sighed, watching you as your hands ran up and down his bicep, soothing the tired aching beneath his skin.
“you guys still got a point,” you said optimistically, trying to look on the bright side of a shitty end to the night. vince smiled at you, the admiring gaze going unnoticed as you continued pampering him.
“yeah,” he mumbled, as you lifted his hand, playing with his fingers gently. “thank you.” you finally looked at him, his eyes tired but full of love as he stared back at you.
“anytime,” you smiled warmly, and giggling softly as vince opened his arms for you to crawl into. you laid down next to him, letting him pull you into his side as he stared up at the ceiling. you closely admired each freckle and detail of his face, and if life were a cartoon your eyes would have had hearts popping out of them.
“i love you,” you spoke quietly, placing a few kisses on his cheek. he turned his face toward you, your foreheads pressing together as he bumped his nose against yours softly.
“i love you,” he whispered. “i don’t know what i would do without you,” he admitted, kissing the tip of your nose, and then your forehead before pulling you closer, tucking your head under his chin.
“you’d have a stiffer back for one-“ you were interrupted by your own laugh as he tickled your side, and you smiled as you curled your body into him, inhaling the scent of his body wash that lingered on his skin from his post-game shower. “okay - okay i’m done.”
“goodnight baby,” he squeezed you tightly in his arms before reaching over and turning off the lamp next to the bed. a wave of tiredness washed over you as the darkness in the room enveloped you, and you quickly fell asleep.
vince laid awake for a little while, listening to the tiny snores that fell from your lips as you slept. whatever repercussions were to come from tonight, and whether they had lost the game or not, he had you, and that was a win in his mind.
disclaimer: all screenshots, events, and/or interactions depicted in this are a work of fiction. i have no association with any parties mentioned
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unknownperson246 · 3 months
Daddy Wants You Slut Chapter 4: To The Stage
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words: 906
warnings: *smut* *p in v* *fluff* *pregnancy* *cussing*
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It's been a couple of weeks since you and Nikki have been on tour. Your mood swings and nausea are just getting worse. Nikki is not always there to comfort you and it's hard on you now that you're having his baby. Nikki is drowning in his problems with sobriety he is all over the place with his mood swings but he puts on a different face on stage because he doesn't want people to know what is happening in his own life and now he has to take care of you and his unborn child. At the concerts, you're always in the front row of the crowd and cheering for the band. Currently, it's 6:00 am and you are up in the hotel in Nevada. You and the band decided to crash in a random hotel that looked like it was luxury. You are in the bathroom heaving all the food you ate yesterday night. 
“Nikki” you cry out in need of his help.
Nikki is already woken up with things rushing through his mind. Nikki hears you crying his name and he immediately gets up from bed and comes to you. He starts to rub your back gently while holding your hair up.
“Y/N you should get medication for your nausea it's just getting worse and worse It's not even morning sickness anymore. You're sick all the time.” Nikki says in a voice that sounds like he is complaining.
You're finally done puking. Your head rises from the toilet. Your hormones coursing their way into your veins. You are extremely pissed at the way Nikki spoke to you. You decide to not make things worse and to talk to him in a firm tone.
“Nikki don't use that tone with me,” You say to him firmly.
“I am not using a tone damn it im just telling you to get medication because it's getting in your way” He argues back. 
“Whatever” You scoff and you turn your back to Nikki. 
You start to walk back to your bed and Nikki follows. You get on your side of the bed and fall asleep with your back turned away from Nikki's back.
You wake up feeling sick again from the morning sickness. You rush to the bathroom and heave everything up. Nikki feels sorry for saying what he said last night in an annoyed tone.
“Y/N I’m sorry for what I said last night in an annoyed tone.” He says apologetically.
“It's okay” You reply dryly.
“Y/N I am sorry babe,” Nikki says softly.
“Fine” you cave in.
You give Nikki a small kiss and a hug. You go over to the mirror only in your panties and your bra and look at your belly that was still small. 
“Nikki, do you think the baby is getting bigger?” You ask him softly.
“Not right now but the baby will be growing big and strong soon” He smiles and chuckles as he is behind you and his hands are softly caressing your belly.
“Babe, how many weeks along are you?” He asks gently.
“Around 8 weeks which is two months” You give a small smile to Nikki.
You start to kiss Nikki on his lips as his arms are wrapped around his neck. 
“I love you, Nikki.” You try to say as you're kissing him
“I love you too Y/N,” Nikki says.
You pause mid-making out.
“Nikki I wouldn't mind us fucking right now,” you say.
“Y/N I don't think that's good for the baby,” He says softly.
“Please Nikki,” you whine with your puppy dog eyes.
“Are you sure?” He asks.
“Yes Nikki I want it now,” You say in a tone that sounds like your begging.
Nikki removes his pants and he removes your panties and places his cock at your entrance. He starts to slide into you and he starts to thrust. He keeps hitting your soft spot with his cock that was begging for your pussys attention. 
“Oh fuck” Nikki grunts
“Oh, Nikki fuck” you moan.
Suddenly Vince knocks on your guys’s hotel room. 
“Nikki we need to get to the Allegiant stadium” Vince yells through the other side of the door.
“Hold on” Nikki yells.
Nikki starts to thrust faster in your tight hole as he holds your hips. He grinds his cock against your core nimbly. You feel something wet and gooey fly up in you. You and Nikki are done within 5 minutes after Vince knocks on the hotel door. After you are done you clean your thighs up as there covered in his both of your guys come. You swiftly throw on your jeans and your white shirt. Nikki throws on the clothes he is going to be on stage with. Vince is outside waiting for you both. All three of you hop in Vince's car and drive up to the arena from the hotel. The tour bus is parked outside of the hotel.  
It's almost time for the concert and you're backstage with Nikki while he does his makeup and gets his hair ready for the concert.
“It's time to go on stage,” Tommy tells Nikki.
“Good luck babe” you whisper in Nikki's ear as he gives you a passionate kiss on your soft pink lips before he goes on stage.
“Thank you” Nikki gives you a dorky smile before he heads up on the stage to the audience screaming and yelling.
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myplace2fangirl · 1 year
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6 day countdown, brought to you by another fangirls theory/thoughts
If I had to guess, (& it’s possible I could be way off! Good thing blogs can be used for fictional crap 😙) Logan and Quinn might’ve become an “it” couple their senior year and didn’t give a shit about it because they’re busy loving each other.
I think, Zoey was the one parading around Chase only for it to somehow not work out. And Lola and Vince were likely short lived. That left Quinn being the roomie who entered all giddy and smiles…and that ain’t because of her quinnventing! (No pun intended lol)
So then there’s Logan. He’s a different man since dating Quinn and being open about it. He’s more approachable, in a better mood and has gotten better with his anger issues. Heck, he doesn’t scare Quinn if he does get angry…she’s been his muse through it and by now that’s just not his regular thing anymore. I’d like to say they both took on yoga (which Erin Sanders is an actual practitioner!) and bonded heavily over that. It kinda sucked for Lola because she once enjoyed it and now has to be annoyed by her 2 friends who are SO in love! ☺️
I’m not sure if Chase and Zoey were broken up yet but something says there was at least trouble in paradise more than expected. Zoey being Zoey comes in her room irritated af while Lola and Quinn are enjoying senior year and each others company. Maybe Quinn takes a sabbatical with her attention towards science (BRIEF!) to focus on this new real deal called “a relationship.” At least a few months…I mean she’s a genius and knows a lot already…that knowledge isn’t disappearing anytime soon. 😉
Btw, could you picture Chase and Michael totally making fun of Logan and his softening side? I know I could 😂 here’s my take:
Michael: grabs the small purple pillow sitting on Logan’s bed. “Well my goodness, wanna explain the new addition to your bed?”
Logan: grabs pillow from Michael and holds it to himself. “Dude, don’t touch my stuff!”
Michael: “you know I never would have taken you for the purple and white polka dot type!”
Logan: “yeah well…it’s Violet. And a gift. You can’t just be rude and hide a gift…you know?”
Michael laughs historically. “You got it bad! Alright none of my business, carry on with your “violet present.” Continues laughing as he walks out.
Logan sighs of relief and proceeds to fall back on his bed hugging the pillow tightly.
Chase walks in staring at a pillow hugging Logan. “Uh, hey man. Whatcha doing with uh Quinn’s pillow?”
Logan: throws pillow at chase and jumps out of bed. “Who says its Quinn’s? Wait, how do you know this stuff?”
Chase smiles and shakes his head. “My girlfriend and yours have roomed for like 2 years. I notice things man.”
Logan picks up the pillow and snares at Chase, resuming his snuggle with Quinn’s pillow. (“If only I could have the pillows owner in here rather than the pillow itself…nosy roommates 😠”) he thought to himself. Logan pauses and sits up as though he’s cleverly thought of an idea…wait…he did! “That’s it! There is!”
To think a week from today I’ll likely be watching Zoey 102 for the billionth time trying to process everything! Have a good weekend y’all 🥲
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
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Pairing: Vince Everett x reader
Word count: 6K
Summary: You and your boyfriend of two years decide to spice things up in the bedroom because it's raining and what else is there to do other than making a little intimate amateur video?
Warnings: modern!Vince, smut; oral (f. receiving), vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, choking, filming while being intimate, no use of sub/dom dynamics. vince spits in readers' mouth like once.
A/N: this had been sitting in my drafts for a hot minute but i finally decided to finish it, so enjoy mi luvs. <3
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“Y/N, you still here?”
Your boyfriend’s loud voice echoed through his apartment only thirty minutes after he left it. You were right where he left you – snuggled up in his bed, watching TV. You had traded your usual reality show for a horror movie, figuring you could take it seeing it was in the middle of the day but with the way Vince’s voice had startled you, it was obvious you couldn’t.
Your boyfriend did not wait for a response as he had already barged into the bedroom, knowing you’d still be there. He remembered you telling him that you didn’t have any classes or plans today, starting your weekend early.
Looking at the TV screen that was placed near the end of the bed, he chuckled as he saw the kind of movie you were watching and the position you were in; looking at him with wide eyes, hand over your heart. “You know you can’t handle those movies on your own,”
“I thought I’d risk it,” you sat up in the bed, watching Vince kick off his shoes and pull his shirt over his head. “What are you doing back so soon? I thought you’d be in the studio until late,”
“Me too,” he sighed, a strong hint of annoyance on his tongue. He unbuckled his belt, flicking open the button of his pants before pulling them down. “But I was the only one who bothered to show up. I don’t know what’s wrong with these fuckers. They just don’t give a damn, I’m the only one who actually cares about this band,”
You immediately welcomed your boyfriend into your arms as he crawled underneath the sheets with you. With a heavy sigh, he swung his arm over your waist and rested his head on your chest.
“I’m sorry, bub,” you whispered, running your fingers through his hair. You knew better than to tell him to find a different band, even though those exact words were burning on your tongue. It wasn’t just a band to him – they were his friends and he didn’t want anyone else but them. You could understand that, but you hated when they stood him up like this because they had been drinking too much the night before.
You had no idea what the reason for their absence was today, but you figured it was probably something stupid like always.
“’S not your fault,” he mumbled as he hid his face in your neck, pressing a kiss against your skin. “I know they’ll be there for the show tomorrow night,”
You nodded, agreeing with him. The band usually had small gigs in pubs and bars and even though the other guys hated rehearsals and getting prepared for said shows, they were always right there on stage with Vince on the actual night. You knew Vince hated this more than anything, but to you it didn’t seem like he was doing much about it. You decided to change the topic, because you knew talking about the band would only get him in a mood which caused him to take his frustrations out on you and you really weren’t in the mood for a screaming match with your fiery boyfriend.
You preferred the warmth of the sheets over the dramatics of storming out of the apartment.
“Now that I have you here,” you grinned, playfully tickling the back of his neck with your nails which made him lift his head and look at you. “Why don’t we do something fun today? Maybe go see a movie,”
He thought about your suggestion for a little bit, eyes drifting to the dark clouds that lingered in the sky outside. Rain wasn’t predicted for today, but as you turned to look outside, you noticed raindrops softly hitting against the glass of the window. You wouldn’t mind to go outside in this weather – umbrella’s existed for a reason, right? – but there was no way you could get Vince out of bed and onto the streets.
“Let’s just watch a movie here,” he said, grabbing the remote you placed on his pillow. You shrugged, not having much choice but to agree and watched him exit out of the current movie you were trying to watch and search for another one. Playing with his hair, you let him do his thing until he suddenly took his focus away from the TV and turned his head to look at you.
You should’ve known that he was up to something with the way he was smirking at you like that and with the way his eyes lit up at this idea that was forming and coming together in his head.
“Or… we could make our own movie?” Although the words came out slightly questioning, you could see by the way his eyebrow rose with confidence that he was set on this idea. He just wanted to make sure you were okay with it as well.
You snorted, pressing your lips in a straight line to keep in a laugh. “Baby, I’m sure the boys will show up tomorrow, you don’t have to turn to porn. The industry is cut-throat,”
He could hear by the giggle that managed to escape from your throat that you weren’t serious, but he threw the remote to the end of the bed and shifted his body weight on top of you, tickling you.
“Oh yeah? How do you know, hm? Got any experience in it?”
You laughed, swatting his hands away from your sides which he allowed. Even though he was sure his girlfriend wasn’t living a secretive double life as a college student and a pornstar, he was curious if you had ever done something like this. You and Vince had been in a relationship for two years and he’d like to think he knew everything about you, but still, people kept secrets.
You were quick to ease his heart, though. “I don’t,” you laughed, wrapping your fingers around his wrists as he cupped your face. “But something tells me you’re gonna give me that experience,”
He chuckled, a sense of relief washing over him but he did his best not to show it. Instead, he pecked your lips and caressed a strand of hair out of your face. “Well, you don’t have to if you don’t want to ofcourse, but we never done anything like that so I thought it’d be… I don’t know, fun. Something new,”
You feigned a gasp, looking at him as if he had said the most offensive thing he could’ve ever said to you. “Something new? Are you.. are you implying that we are.. boring?”
He sighed deeply, his facial expressions hardening a little as he glared at you. It only made you laugh harder and he shook his head, moving his hands down to your throat. He didn’t add any pressure as he lightly and playfully choked you, laughing softly.
“You’re already a great actress; this might be your calling,”
Never in your life had you thought about making a sex tape. Not with Vince, or anyone else. You wouldn’t say you were boring or vanilla in the bedroom, especially not with the man you were currently in a relationship with, but you were a private person.
You didn’t want to share the details of your sexual activities with anyone other than the person you were doing them with. You barely gave your girlfriends the juicy stories they wanted, let alone complete strangers on the internet. But Vince could be very persuasive and even though he would drop the subject if you told him you really did not want to do this, he could see you were curious about it and he was right. There was something exciting about filming yourself while being intimate – you did tell him you wanted to see the finishing product yourself first before he’d throw it on the internet.
You also told him you wanted to do some research first, hence the reason why you were currently sitting at Vince’s desk, looking at amateur porn videos as if they were a cinematic masterpiece.
But the thing was, if you were going to be on the internet, you didn’t want to embarras yourself.
You wanted to see what other people did and what worked for them and what could work for you and Vince – every couple was different, though. Some made a real home movie out of it, some showed their faces and some didn’t, and some only showed foreplay. You realised there were no rules to this and Vince was happy when you finally clicked out of Pornhub and swiveled his desk chair around to face him.
“Okay, I’m ready,” you told him, watching him place his phone in a tripod. Getting up from the bed, he placed it somewhere next to the chair, making sure the bed was in full view. The smile on his face disappeared as you spoke again. “A few rules, though-“
“Babe, please. Let’s just.. do it and I can edit it later… please?”
You sighed deeply, looking at your boyfriend standing there; hands folded together, lips pouted while only clothed in a pair of boxershorts. Ones that had gotten tighter the moment this idea popped up in his head.
“Alright, fine,” you agreed, squinting your eyes at him in playful suspicion. A smile returned to his face and he grabbed your face, pecking your lips before pressing the record button on his phone camera. You two were far from professional, but some of the amateur video’s you had seen seemed like they were filmed with a brick so you figured an iPhone wasn’t so bad.
“I have to change first!” you told him, getting up from the chair and running toward his wardrobe; you two didn’t live together but there was enough of your things in the apartment that made it look like you did. Vince left the camera on, laying on the bed as he waited for you to trade one of his shirts you were wearing into one of your cute little lingerie sets.
It wasn’t completely over the top and maybe a bit more basic than what you had seen other girls wearing in those videos, but it was one of Vince’s favorites. A white bra and thongs with little sunflowers on them, along with some lace details.
Cute, but sexy.
Vince propped himself up on his elbows, his eyes glued to your frame as you walked over to the bed and smiled at him. He reached out a hand to you and you took it, moving onto the bed to straddle him as he sat up against the pillows. He let go of your hand as you placed both of your hands on his shoulders and his ran down your sides, resting on your hips.
“You look sexy,” he whispered, not caring if it would be audible in the video or not. He seemed more relaxed than you, not bothered by his phone pointing your way at all but he could feel you were a little tense. He leaned in to you and you took the hint, leaning down to kiss him; didn’t take him long to move to your neck, inhaling some of your perfume as he kissed up to your ear.
“Just relax, baby. Pretend there’s no phone, just us lovin’ each other,” his voice whispering right in your ear made you wrap your arms around his shoulders a little tighter, tangling your fingers in his thick locks. He was right; after all, this was no competition. Just something fun you were doing with your boyfriend. It didn’t have to be perfect.
You slowly nodded and focused on Vince and his touches. He moved his hands up and down your arms, fingertips creeping underneath the straps of your bra to slowly slip them down your shoulders. His hands didn’t stay there long though, moving down to your hips and your ass, squeezing the flesh softly in his palms. Because of the fabric of the bra being a little more loose now, he kissed his way from your neck to your collarbones and your cleavage, sucking and biting gently on your soft skin.
Pushing the thought of being recorded right now to the back of your mind as best as you could, you moaned and grinded yourself down onto him. You were steadily growing more aroused and so was he, thrusting his hips up a little as a small groan rolled off his tongue. He pulled his head back in his neck a little and looked at you, a smirk gracing his features. You bit your lip, grinding onto him a little faster as you placed your hands on his shoulders to keep yourself steady; his hands rested on your hips to guide your movements.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he complimented with a soft grunt, slipping his hands underneath the fabric of your panties to squeeze your ass and make you grind onto him a little firmer. “Wanna eat you out on the chair,” he whispered as he kissed your jawline, grinning against your skin.
You chuckled softly and nodded, not saying no to that. Getting up, you walked over to the swivel chair and sat down, watching him turn the tripod into your direction, making sure the camera was aimed mostly down and recording from the side a little so his actions would be visible.
“See, told you I had to edit,” he grinned, leaning down to wave at the camera. You laughed and poked his side with your toe, amusedly shaking your head at him. He grinned and pecked your lips before getting down on his knees; he looked at the camera that was filming his face slightly from the side one more time and even though you didn’t expect anything else from him, you laughed softly when he smirked at the damn thing. Rolling your eyes and chuckling softly, you watched him as he started kissing up and down your calves – a soft moan escaped you as he lapped his tongue at your ankle teasingly, looking up at you with a grin before kissing every single one of your toes. It was light and cute and even though it tickled a little, your heart swelled at the sight.
The iPhone barely bothered you anymore as he spread your legs a little, stroking his fingertips over the small wet spot staining your panties. He leaned down to place kisses on your inner thighs, making you lean back against the cold leather of the chair as you grabbed the arm rests, goosebumps licking at your skin. You could barely keep yourself quiet; Vince was making the task impossible, especially when he hooked his fingers underneath your panties and slowly pulled the fabric down and you found yourself not caring or worrying about how you’d sound on video anymore when he kissed your folds.
And when he suddenly swept his wet muscle through your folds, tongue flicking at your clit once, your whimpering and moaning got a little louder.
Vince wasn’t much of a talker during oral, which you were eternally grateful for and you were happy he wasn’t amping up his cockiness for the camera either. You placed one foot on his shoulder, the other one swung over one of the arm rests you had removed your hand from, giving the camera a better view. Your boyfriend moved one arm around your thigh, his other hand accompanying his mouth as he slipped in a finger, his lips around your clit to suck on it softly. He was looking up at you with a small grin, making your toes curl and your moans a little more high pitched, your hand finding its home in his hair once more. He was quick to add another finger, pushing both of them knuckle deep inside of you before curling his fingers; you gasped and pushed his face firmer against you, making him grunt softly but he didn’t do anything to pull away.
You had taken his breath away on several different occasions and he never complained.
“The phone,” you whispered, biting your lip as your eyes met his. He frowned a little, pulling back as your grip on his hair loosened – he looked at the phone in the tripod, which was still there and still recording. “Give it to me,” you told him with a small exciting smile. He was beginning to think you were having second thoughts but as he saw that look in your eyes, he knew you were too turned on to stop now.
Pulling his fingers out of you, he shamelessly licked them clean and took his phone out of the tripod, handing it to you. You flipped it around, noticing the phone was still recording and he chuckled softly as you pointed the camera at his face, your legs still spread in front of him.
“Go on then,” you grinned teasingly and he was pleasantly surprised by your words, not hesitating to do what you told him to. He gave you a wink as he licked his lips and your heart skipped a beat, watching him through the camera as he grabbed onto the back of your thighs, keeping you in your place before he leaned in closer and went back to eating you out. He started slow, making you whimper and moan softly, making sure it sounded extra sensual. Your confidence was growing now that you had the phone in your hand, but so was his. Vince wasn’t the type of person to shy away from a camera and your sounds were stroking hid ego greatly, but he wanted more.
Didn’t take him long to go all in; the slurping sounds that were created because of his mouth and your arousal were sinful. With the way you were moaning out his name and a string of rambled curse words and the way he was looking up at the camera, it was enough to make porn addicts cum undone in the matter of seconds.
It was enough for you to come undone.
Your fingers clenched around the phone, careful not to cut off the recording. You were looking at him from underneath the phone, because the real life version was so much better.
“S-Shit.. Vince,” you breathed out, your voice shifting into a moan as one of your hands moved back into his hair. Your boyfriend was a bit of an actor too, rolling his eyes into the back of his head as he got you to your breaking point but you were too out of your mind to laugh at him. You could barely keep your body still, the chair creaking and shiveling a little underneath your weight and half of Vince’s weight as he had his arms pressed on the edge of it.
Once you were trying to close your thighs and tugging at his hair a little, he knew you had reached your high and were getting sensitive. He slowly pulled back and licked your arousal from his lips, leaning up to gently take the phone out of your hand; you let him do what he wanted, switching to the front camera and recording the both of you in a sensual make out session.
You tasted yourself on his tongue, which only made you more needy for him and you didn’t even care about your faces being on full display. He opened his eyes, looking in the camera as you bit his lower lip, sucking on it softly afterward; as you turned your head a little and noticed the position of you and your boyfriend in the camera, you giggled softly and turned his face back to you, kissing him again.
It was obvious that being on camera was doing something to the both of you, mostly your ego’s. He was sucking on your tongue, nipping at your lips and moaning into your mouth. It was turning you on to no end and you stole the phone out of his hand, stopping the recording.
“Lay on the bed and film me,” you told him as you handed him the phone, gently shoving him to the bed. He laughed and got on the bed, pressing record again after you fixed your hair a little. You giggled as you wiggled your hips a little, running your hands through your hair before pulling your bra strips further down than they already were. He bit his lip, moving his free hand down to cup himself through his boxershorts.
“Take it off,” he told you with a soft exciting laugh, watching you turn your back to him as your hands found the clasp of your bra. You easily flicked it open and took the fabric off your body, hiding your bare breasts with your arm as you turned back around and threw the piece of underwear at him. He laughed again, putting it beside him on the bed as he watched you through the camera when you slowly removed your arm and softly squeezed your breasts, smiling at him.
“Fuck,” he whispered, squeezing himself a little harder. “Come here, baby. Wanna see you on my cock,”
You grinned and made your way closer to the bed, making sure to sway your hips in a flattering way. He silently signed for you to turn around as he tugged his boxershorts down and you quickly grabbed the fabric to throw it to the floor, doing what he wanted; hovering above him with your ass on full display, he wrapped his hand around his cock and gathered some of your arousal on his tip, the both of you moaning in unison at the skin on skin contact. You looked over your shoulder to the best of your abilities and wiggled your hips a little, desperate for him to fill you up. He grinned, making sure the camera was capturing the moment of him aligning himself at your entrance and you slowly sinking down onto him.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he groaned as he was completely inside of you, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your ass. He didn’t know if it was to sooth himself or you; he had been inside of you countless of times before, but the feeling could transport him to a different universe every time. “My baby girl’s so tight,”
You moaned softly at his words and placed your hands on the bed in between his legs, keeping yourself up but leaned forward a little so the view of him disappearing inside of you every time you came down was perfectly visible to the camera.
“I love your cock, baby, feels so good,” you moaned as you bit your lip while looking at him over your shoulder, fucking yourself onto him slowly. He cursed softly under his breath, knowing your words were for the camera, but he sure as hell wasn’t complaining. Dirty talk wasn’t foreign for you and him, but you were usually a little more reserved with it. Seemed like the camera brought out another side of you, one that he was excited to explore more.
“Yeah? You love it, huh? Show me how much,” the way his voice dropped a few octaves made you slip even further into your newfound role and when he landed a slap on your ass, you moaned pornographically as you picked up your pace. He grinned to himself as he felt you placing your hands on his ankles, helping to keep yourself steady as your ass jiggled onto his lower abdomen every time you came down.
“Look at that ass,” he hummed, making you slow down a little as he squeezed your ass, his large palm kneading the flesh hungrily. Unfortunately for him, the position didn’t allow him to sink his teeth into it, otherwise he would. “Fuckin’ sexy,”
You giggled softly as you slowly twirled your hips around a little while looking at him over your shoulder, wanting to see his reaction. His eyes met yours as he moaned deeply, his hand running up your spine and twirling your hair around his wrist before grabbing onto it. You moaned as you sat up a little more, picking up your pace as you chased your second high of the day; he quickly flipped the phone to selfie mode as he put it on the bedside table, moving his now free hand forward and in between your legs. Your moans grew louder as his fingertips found your clit, rubbing at it skilfully fast. Your position naturally shifted as you pulled your feet from out underneath you and placed them flat on the bed.
He released your hair as you quickly lifted your hips, making him slip out of you. You were planning on riding him while facing him but he seemed to have other ideas as he grabbed your hips and playfully threw you on the bed. You laid in his spot as he got in between your thighs, laughing softly as he reached his arm to the phone to fix its position a little; making sure it was filming your bodies and half of your face.
“You better edit the hell out of that video,” you whispered to him in a giggle and he chuckled, nodding as he pushed himself inside of you. He leaned down to kiss you, swallowing your moans. He didn’t give you time to get used to the change of position, thrusting into you at a steady pace as he pulled back and grabbed your ankles, keeping your legs spread and up in the air a little.
Your eyes rolled in the back of your head as he kissed your ankle and the side of your foot, teasingly sinking his teeth in your big toe. Your hands were in your hair before they moved down to your breasts, squeezing them and pinching at your nipples softly. Vince didn’t try and keep himself quiet anymore either, and while he wasn’t quiet in the bedroom in general, you could hear he was amping it up a little for the camera.
Still, he sounded fucking hot, and it only added fuel to the fire of your own nearly feral state.
“Look at you,” he grunted, gently letting go of your ankles and lowering your legs as he ran his hands down your thighs, squeezing at your hips. He moved one hand up your tummy and in between your breasts, hand wrapping casually around your throat. “Taking my cock so well and looking fuckin’ gorgeous while doing so,”
He added a little pressure to your throat, making you grab onto his arm and at first, he thought it was because you were in pain. He realised that was most definitely not the case when your eyes rolled into the back of your head, moaning as you stuck out your tongue. He smirked as he collected a bit of saliva on his own tongue and leaned down to you, keeping his hips still as he dribbled a string of spit onto your tongue.
Your eyes fluttered open, looking at him as you swallowed his spit and he cursed softly. That was something you hadn’t done before, and he’d be damned if this was the last time you’d ever do it.
A new fire seemed to light inside of him as he grabbed onto your left thigh, pushing it backwards and moving it to the side so your legs were pressed together and side ways. With his hand still around your throat and his other hand now squeezing your ass, landing a firm slap against your skin now and then, he fucked you roughly into the mattress. You were a moaning mess underneath him, holding onto his arm tightly to keep his hand around your throat as you kept your eyes on him the entire time.
He was so damn gorgeous with his messy hair, eyebrows pinched together in concetration as he watched his own cock being covered in your arousal every time he pulled his hips backwards and his plumb lips parted, moans and curses flying off his tongue.
It was a sight you never wanted to forget and as you remembered the phone still recording on the bedside table, you realised you never had to.
Vince Everett truly was a sight for sore eyes and with his balls slapping against your skin with every thrust, you wouldn’t mind to share it with the rest of the world through a computer or phone screen.
Due to your thighs pressed together, Vince was struggling to postpone his orgasm any longer. The position caused you to be even more tight than you already were and he was slowly but surely losing his mind, his hand that was around your throat moving to your thigh to keep your legs in place. He never wanted the moment to end, but the feeling of your warmth surrounding his cock so firmly made it impossible for him to slow down or change the position.
“’M so close, baby girl, so close,” he grunted as he looked down at you through half lidded eyes, his hands squeezing at your thigh and ass as if you were some kind of stress ball that would release pent up tension. In a way, you kind of were in this moment.
You were sure you’d be bruised up in a few hours, but you did not care for one second.
You didn’t have the strength, nor were you in the right mind, to answer him with words so you moaned instead, giving him a little nod. He chased his orgasm, thrusting hard and fast for a few times until he suddenly pulled out and wrapped his hand around his cock. You took the hint and spread your legs in front of him again, propping yourself up on your elbows a little as you watched your boyfriend jerk himself off for a few seconds before he released himself all over your stomach and a little bit on your breasts.
His head hung back in his neck as his hips stuttered forward in his fist, his chest heaving up and down frantically as he moaned out a few incoherent curse words that you were pretty sure wouldn’t be picked up on camera.
As he rolled his head back to look at you, he grinned as you swooped up some of his sperm from your tummy, sucking it off your finger. He licked his lips and leaned down, placing his hands on the pillow on either side of your head as he kissed your lips.
“My dirty little movie star,” he whispered against your lips with a smirk and you laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck. You kissed his neck before softly and teasingly biting his earlobe, giggling.
“You’re definitely cutting that out,”
Vince had sitting at his desk for the rest of the day, working on the sinful video you created a few hours ago. He was motivated, wanting your first “official” sex tape to be flawless. He wanted it to seem like you and him had done this before and even though it was still going to look like an amateur porn because that was what it was, he wanted to make sure it looked better than some other videos that were out there.
He also worked so hard on it because you told him you wanted to see the finished product first before you’d decide if you wanted it to be out there on the internet for everyone to see or not.
You had changed the sheets and after dinner, you made yourself comfortable in his bed and watched TV. You had eventually drifted off to sleep, but your boyfriend startled you awake at around 1 in the morning.
“It’s finished!” he announced loud and proud, smiling brightly as he turned the chair around to face you. “Come see, princess,”
He wasn’t too bothered about the fact he woke you up; this was more important. You sighed softly and got out of the bed, sitting down on his lap as you watched him set up the video.
“Here we go,” you chuckled with an amused shake of your head as you leaned back against his chest, as Vince pressed play.
You felt a little awkward watching yourself and your boyfriend being intimate in a video like this, but you had to admit, his editing was really good. The awkward change of some positions were cut out and he got rid off the moments that felt a little too slow as well. It looked good; like a video from one of those verified couples.
Your faces were in most shots and that’s what you doubtful about uploading it to the public. You were still in college and Vince was doing gigs and whatnot; what if people recognized you? Strangers were one thing, but family and friends were something else entirely.
You had a teenage brother, and you were pretty sure porn wasn’t foreign to him.
“Vince, I don’t know.. maybe we should’ve been more careful with showing our faces. Can’t you cut it out of the frame?”
“Baby, I tried but it ruins the whole video,” he sighed softly, leaning his chin on your shoulder as you were leaning with your elbows on the desk now, looking at the computer screen. “There’s one other option, though,”
You turned your head a little to look at him and he raised his head, shrugging his shoulders a little. “We can put it behind a paywall,” he suggested, quickly continuing before you’d have the chance to stop him. “A lot of couples do that. They don’t upload their full videos for free, only snippets of it or short foreplay videos. Let’s be honest, most people are too stingy to pay for amateur porn unless they’re full on addicts. Chances of people we know being porn addicts are slim to none,”
His words made sense. You had come across a lot of those teaser videos or foreplay videos where you didn’t see anyone’s face, having to pay for a subscription if you wanted to see the full video with face. You were still a little nervous about it, but it meant you’d get paid for it; maybe you wouldn’t be able to shop until you dropped but having some extra money on the side would be nice.
You were a poor student and Vince was the lead singer in a still mostly unknown band. You both could use the money.
“Okay, okay, let’s just do it,” you said, nodding as you turned back to the computer. Vince smiled brightly, slipping one arm around your waist as you watched him create a faceless teaser video out of the full video. You created an account on Pornhub and OnlyFans, watching excitedly but nervously as the teaser was uploaded.
“You’re gonna be famous, baby,” he said jokingly, sending you a wink as you turned around on his lap a little to face him with a soft laugh.
Slipping your arms around his shoulders, you pecked his lips and smiled. “I can’t wait,” you grinned jokingly, your eyes lighting up a little as you grabbed your phone from the desk and opened the Notes app. “We have to come up with ideas. We can’t always do it on the bed or even in your room, that’s boring,” you told him as you already started typing away, listing a few ideas for videos.
Vince raised his eyebrows, blowing a raspberry before letting out a laugh. “I’ve created a monster,”
You ignored his words, smiling as you leaned back against his chest and continued cooking up ideas for your and your boyfriend’s newfound hobby.
Vince didn’t care if he created a monster or not or about the fact that you seemed to be more excited about this all than he was in the moment. Even though the thought of strange people watching the videos stroked his ego and made his confidence grow a little more, it also made him feel even closer to you than he already was.
Because despite putting the videos online for people to see, he felt like creating them was something intense and beautiful that he only shared with you. Not only would it give him something to look at if you weren’t by his side – which was rare because the both of you were together nearly every day – it was also a way of making memories.
Sinful, delicious memories he couldn’t imagine himself creating with anyone else.
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oskea93 · 7 months
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Keep it to Yourself (3 - Part one)
✶ DouglasBooth!Nikki Sixx x OC ✶
Warning: Cursing, physical violence A/N: Hey guys! So, this is kind of just a filler chapter that goes along with the last chapter. I promise things are gonna kick up soon and you'll get to see how everything goes down once Bryant is with Nikki 24/7. I just want to also say thank you to everyone that has been reading! You guys are amazing and I appreciate the love so much!!
Taglist: @fancywasmyname1, @kaitieskidmore1, @xxisxxisxxis, @sparxx27,  @cruecifymesixx, @tempt-ress, @a-sia-san, @x-xinenas, @casualcomputerarbiter-blog​, @makaelahdelvalle
“Okay, well thanks for checking.”
I watched as Doc hung up the phone, his hand moving down his face in exhaustion. That was the fourth person he had called and there was still no sign of Nikki. “Haven’t seen him.” He muttered as he started to pace. “I don’t know who else to call or even know where to look. He could be halfway out of California right now for all I know.”
The party quickly died out after Nikki and I’s explosive reunion. Nobody was really in the mood to party anymore after having to dodge glass bottles and whatever else Nikki could get his hands on.
“I doubt he went very far –“ I started. “He’s high off his ass, Doc. He probably went back to his house to get even more loaded.” Doc shook his head. “You knew this was going to happen – You and I both knew he wouldn’t react well to seeing me.”
“Well, I thought he would have a change of heart.” He rushed. “The bastard hasn’t seen you in a few years – he was fucking infatuated with you – he fucking loved you.”
“She left his ass standing on the stoop outside of his house, Doc.” Vince interjected. “Would you be happy to see the woman that left you the way she left him? He was a fucking wreck because of Bryant – You think this time is going to be any different?”
I turned to look at the blonde, “Everyone forgets the fact that he’d been cheating for months.” Our eyes locked. “But yet I’m the asshole because I stood up for myself and left. I guess I should’ve been like the whores you get with that’ll stay no matter how many women you’re fucking.”
He puckered his lips, earning a laugh from the bimbo attached to his side.
Vince and I never had the type of friendship that I had with Mick and Tommy. We tolerated each other and that was it. I was there the day he showed up to Nikki’s apartment.  His girlfriend led the way into the living room – the arrogance flowing from her like a cheap perfume. She was your typical rich girl from the Valley, who was basically just with Vince to piss off her parents. She bought that son of a bitch anything he wanted – spending thousands of her parent’s money on the man. I guess the coke they spent so much time snorting damaged not only her brain cells but also her judgement.
I rolled my eyes in disgust before removing myself from the couch. Doc had retreated to the backyard, a portable phone pressed against his ear as he walked along the pools edge. I decided that this was my que to leave – taking matters into my own hands. I knew of some places that Nikki frequented when we were together. If he wasn’t at his house, then I would try those places. Unlucky for Doc, he was notorious for leaving his car keys in the ignition – easy access for anyone that wanted to take it. I threw my purse into the passenger seat before climbing in and starting the engine. I tore out of Vince’s driveway – speeding onto the freeway as the warm, night air whipped through my hair.
“You think this is okay – You look like you’re ten seconds away from the fucking grim reaper coming for your ass!” He rolled his eyes as he paced the kitchen – his fists balled up at his sides. “Doc called me and ask-“
“You fucking called her?” His eyes wild as he stared Doc down. “You fucking called her!”
“I had no other choice, Nikki.” Doc was terrified. “You’re getting worse every day and you won’t listen to anyone at this point. I had no other person to turn too - She’s your wife, Nikki.”
“Ex-wife.” Nikki and I spoke at the same time.
Doc let out a sigh, “Wife, ex-wife – It’s all the fucking same. You two were married – you were madly in love with each other. Yeah, it ended badly but I know for a fucking fact that Bryant still cares enough about you to not want to see you like this.”
I kept my eyes on Nikki, “If he wants to kill himself with a needle then that’s his fucking choice.”
“What!?” I winced as Doc grabbed onto my arm. “What’re you saying, Bryant?”
Nikki and I stared at each other – he was still fucked up, but I could see the hatred and emotion coursing through his green eyes. “Nikki’s a grown man, Doc. A grown man that’s acting like a little bitch because of all the trauma that’s fucked up his life. He thinks that a needle filled with a feel-good drug is gonna help his pathetic ass – then let him think that. Who am I to say anything – It’s not like I wasn’t there when the real creative juices were flowing – when Motley was at the top of their game. Nikki’s choice is to be a junky – a fucking junky who’s never gonna reach the top – just the bottom of a 6-foot hole and his name added to the overdose roster..."
I parked behind one of the cars that was here earlier – quickly getting out and running towards the stairs. The door was still unlocked, and the house was still a disaster. I didn’t bother calling out of for him – choosing to run up the stairs and into the bedroom. It was a shock to see the once bright room was now painted a dark red – Tiffany lamps with scarves over them casted a low light across the room. The state of the room matched that of downstairs – the only difference being the random dime bags and needles scattered around. The TV that sat in the corner displayed a shattered screen – looking as if a bullet had gone right through it. Doc had mentioned that Nikki would hallucinate, the drugs telling him that his house was being invaded.
“Where are you?” I whispered as I moved towards the notorious closet.
This was his spot – his safe space to do dangerous things. I took a deep breath before slowly pushing the wooden door – the sight causing my stomach to drop. A collection of used syringes and a revolver laid on the burnt carpet. Bullet holes that matched the one that was put in his TV were displayed on the walls around the small area. This was the room that possessed Nikki – lured him in like a siren out in the ocean. The closet was like a mistress – their relationship buried behind the heavy cathedral doors.
 My head shot up at the sound of the shrill voice. The female’s heavy heels slapped against the marble floor as she continued to scream his name out. I removed myself from the closet, walking out of his room as I looked over the banister. She was petite blonde girl – late teens – possibly early 20s. Her clothing was typical of those that hung out on the strip – black leather, short skirts, and tits out for the world to see.
“Nikki, please baby –“She wined as she searched. “I need you right now, baby.”
“He’s not here.”  
She stopped dead in here tracks, her eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets. It was evident that she was one of his junky whores. She not only got to fuck around with Nikki – but she also got to indulge in the glamorous drugs that his fame brought in.  
Her face twisted into disgust, “Who the fuck are you?” Typical valley girl. “And how the fuck did you get in my boyfriend’s house?”
I couldn’t help but smirk as her feathers ruffled. It was cute that she thought Nikki cared about her. I pushed myself from the frame, slowly walking down the stairs. I kept my eyes on her as I took each step – her body twitching as the last of the drugs wore off.
My slightly taller frame stood over her, “I think the better questions is who are you?”
She shifted away – her mind trying to tell her to act normal but her body betraying her. “I’m Colette – Nikki’s girlfriend.” She spoke so surely. “Now – “ She cocked her hip to the side. “Tell me who the fuck you are and why are you in my fucking boyfriend’s house.”
I took a second, just looking at her and thinking what a shame it was that she was in the position she was in. Colette was a very pretty girl – probably came from a good family – actually graduated from high school and had a bright future ahead before she met Satan on the strip.
“How old are you?” I dodged her question.
She looked confused for a second, “19.”
Nikki – you fucking bastard.
“Why are you hanging around a 27-year-old man who’s addicted to ever drug known to man? You should be hanging out with your friends – going to college – not sleazing around on the strip looking for a fuck and a bump.”
“Nikki loves me-“
I let out a laugh, “You honestly think Nikki Sixx – big rockstar for Motley Crue – loves and cares about some little chick he met at a bar? Honey-“ I stepped closer. “The only thing that man loves right now is melted and injected into whatever vein he can find. You’re just a piece of ass to him – an easy fuck that he’s just gonna forget about when the drugs start to wear off. You and I both know you deserve way better than that – Don’t be one of those girls that are just hanging around and getting fucked up just to brag that you bagged Nikki Sixx.”
Maybe telling someone the cold truth wasn’t best when they’re coming down from drugs. Colette instantly broke down in tears – literally falling onto the floor as loud sobs left her body. I couldn’t help but just stand there for a second – to stunned to even do anything right away. I wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction – I was honestly waiting for her to start throwing punches or to cuss me out.
“Oh my God –“ I muttered as I pulled her off the floor. “I didn’t say those things to make you cry.” Mascara streaked down her face. “I was just trying to get you to understand that Nikki isn’t all he’s cracked up to be.” She was still crying – her eyes puffy and lipstick smeared as she wiped away the tears.
“Why do you even care?” Her voice cracking.
I took a deep breath, “ I was married to Nikki.” Her eyes connecting with mine. “We got together way before he formed Motley – back when things were less hazy. I was in your shoes at one point. I was that little girl that hung around the strip, and I let Nikki talk me into a lot of things that I should’ve never done, but he sucks you in with those green eyes and that smile.” Colette stayed silent as I spoke. “I guess what I’m trying to say is just stay away from Nikki or any guy with long hair on the strip for that matter. You’re too pretty to get strung out and have your life ruined by these guys.”
Just like a typical addict, her demeanor instantly changed and the girl that I first met reared back around. She pushed away from me, smoothing out her leather outfit as she rolled her eyes. “You’re a fucking liar.” She sniffed back the remaining tears. “You’re probably some psycho stalker that’s in love with Nikki and you’re just trying to push me away. I love Nikki and he loves me, and I won’t let you or anyone else for that matter get in my way, you stupid bitch!”
Before I had time to reply or react for that matter, her ring clad fist connected with my nose. Searing pain and the sound of bones crunching rang through my brain as I stumbled back. Not giving me the chance to recover, she lurched towards me once again, my red hair balled in her fist as she brought me to the ground. I’m usually scrappy, but the bitch was still high, making her have the strength that she typically would never have. If I didn’t think fast there was a chance that she could cause more damage or even kill me. Before she could send another blow to my face, I brought my knee up, practically stabbing it into her stomach, causing her to fall beside me on the ground. She moaned out in pain, giving me the chance to bring her equal payback...
I never liked fighting, but I could never stop once I started. I would go into another world – blacking everything out as my fist did the damage.
Colette was a bruised, bloody mess by the time Doc arrived, pulling me off her scrawny body. I didn’t even know it was him until his voice finally broke through the fog I was in. Pretty sure I hit him to as I flailed around as he tried to get me under control.
“God dammit, Bryant!” Doc yelled as he threw me onto the couch.
I heard another voice as I crashed back to reality – the site of jet-black hair kneeling beside Colette catching my eye. Nikki carefully picked up the young girl, carrying her bridal style up the staircase to his heroin den.
“She did a number on you, didn’t she?” Doc muttered as he started cleaning my face.
“Fuck you.” I spat as I stormed off the couch. My face was pounding – blood still falling onto my shirt as I walked out the front door. I knew my nose was broken – her rings wreaking havoc on my face with each punch but how fucking dare Nikki tend to her first! I could feel tears welling up as I paced the yard.
“Bryant, you need to get back in the house.” Doc spoke from the stairs.
“Fuck you!” I yelled. “Fuck you! Fuck Nikki! And fuck that stupid fucking cunt, Colette!”
Good thing Nikki didn’t have neighbors or else they would be getting a free show right now.
Doc trudged down the staircase, grabbing my arm off guard, dragging me back into the home Nikki and I once shared. “Sit your ass down.” He firmly placed me into the dining room chair, placing a rag full of ice on the bridge of my nose.
“Fuck me.” I winced as the weight and coldness of the ice balanced on my face.
Doc let out a sigh, “I was going to kick your ass myself for stealing my car, but I’ll give you a break this time.” I rolled my eyes. “Now, you gonna tell me what happened between you two?” 
I glanced up at him, “Isn’t it obvious.”
“It’s obvious you let her get the first punch in.” He smirked. “But I wanna know why it all started?”
“Well, he’s 6’1 and a fucking asshole.”
Doc looked towards the ceiling, “You’re fighting a fucking groupie over Nikki? I thought we got past that point back in 1982?”
“I told her that she doesn’t need to be hanging around a guy like Nikki. She’s too young to be strung out and hanging on the streets of Hollywood trying to get the attention of junky rockstars.”
“Brya-“The sounds of sires caught our attention as the cars pulled behind Nikki’s corvette. I walked closely behind Doc as he walked back to the front door, the officers halfway up the stairs. “Evening officers –“He was sweating. “What seems to be the problem?”
The officer looked over Doc’s shoulder, his eyes connecting with mine. “Got a call about an assault on a young woman.” He placed his hands on his belt. “Are you Bryant Mitchell?”
Doc spoke up first, “Listen officer, this is all just a misunderstanding.”
The officer wasn’t having it, “Doesn’t sound like a misunderstanding, sir.” His hands going for the handcuffs. “Now, are you Bryant Mitchell?”
He let her call the fucking cops on me. “Yes, sir.” My voice low.
The man nodded his head, pushing Doc out of the way as he reached moved behind me, grabbing onto my arms as he placed the cuffs around my wrists. “Bryant Mitchell, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say could be used against you in the court of law…”
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bellysoupset · 1 year
Sicily - Part 7
Finally it's Vin's turn! This one gets mildly nsfw towards the end :)
"Hydrate," Vince bossed, passing Leo the gatorade bottle and the other man rolled his eyes.
"You're not the boss of me," he scoffed, but took a large gulp regardless.
Vince's birthday had been yesterday and they had originally planned to sing him happy birthday with his whole giant family, the italian part too. However those plans had been delayed by a day since Leo had gotten so horribly sick no one felt in the mood to celebrate until he was back on his feet.
That meant the cakes, yes plural, Wendy had ordered and all the snacks were still in the fridge and by god was Vince salivating over them. He didn't mind the actual date getting changed, after all the whole week had been basically one big celebration of his birthday, but dammit did he mind not eating the cake.
Vince watched Leo finish drinking and then raise his eyebrows, all attitude as he said, "see? I'm fine. I've been fine since yesterday evening, chill out."
"I'm chill," Vin shrugged and indeed he felt that compared to Jonah and Luke, he was very very chill. Jonah was watching Leo like a hawk and Lucas had been distraught when him and Bella had come home the day before yesterday and found Leo bedridden with a fever and a bucket next to his head.
"You're all the opposite of chill," Leo sighed, rubbing his face, "so how should I dress for tonight? Should I break out the singular button up I brought?"
Vince couldn't help but chuckle. He nodded, "yeah and shave, sexy homeless man isn't exactly your look."
"Says you," Leo showed him his tongue like a kid, "Jonah says the stubble is hot."
"Jonah has horrible taste," Vince teased back, then let out a oof when Wendy sped in the room and threw herself on top of him, "jesus, Wen, don't do that!" he cried out, fixing her legs and rubbing the sore spot on his side where her elbows had hit him.
"Sorry, sorry," she said, distracted, sounding excited "you two have to look at this."
She was holding a magazine and she unrolled it. It was a 90s gossip magazine and Vince frowned, glancing at Leo, who looked equally confused.
"The fuck is that?" Leo asked and Wendy shushed him, pointing the cover.
It was a black model in her 30s, with extremely voluminous chocolate hair and striking green eyes, dressed in an emeralds dress that was clearly being blown back by a fashion fan. Vince squinted.
"Is that... Is that Jon's mom?"
Leo immediately perked up, scooting closer and studying her face, "Oh it totally is Jackie!"
Wendy nodded, opening the magazine, "wait for it," she said, flipping quickly through the pages and then opening in the article. There was another editorial picture of Jackie and Wendy flipped another page, then tapped it, grinning like a mad woman, "look at him!"
Little Jonah was sitting in his mom's lap, he couldn't be older than one. He had the cutest little afro and his eyes were more green than the current hazel they were. He was clad in a little shirt and social pants.
"OH MY GOD," Leo squealed, snatching the magazine, "he was the cutest fucking thing."
"Let me see," Vince grabbed the back of Leo's shirt, pulling him closer and opened a wide grin, "can we steal this magazine? Make copies?"
"It gets better," Wendy giggled, turning the pages again. She quickly passed by two different articles and one "what is your season?" quiz. Then reached the gossip column and slowed down, passing over familiar faces that Vince had seen before but couldn't name, until Wendy stopped in one and then pointed at it, "tell me this isn't the best thing ever!"
Leo leaned in to look and then started laughing, "oh my god, I need this to be my laptop's wallpaper."
Little Jonah, in a different outfit, was sitting in a little picnic tablecloth and next to him there was a different little boy. One Vince recognized far too quickly, because Lucas, unlike Jonah, still had a lot of his baby features.
Little Lucas had a mop of brown wavy hair and his eyes were lighter too and he was fighting Jon for his stuffed plushie. Around them Vince recognized Jackie, Luke's mom, two women he had never seen before and he assumed were nannies and a man an extremely sharp outfit and the tackiest blow out hairdo Vin had ever seen.
"Is that my dad?" Jon said, startling all three of them as he walked behind the couch, "what the fuck are you- Give me that."
"That's your dad?" Leo sat on his knees on the couch, trying to snatch the magazine back, but Jon slammed it shut. His cheeks turned darker with a blush.
"You three have no business digging through this old stuff."
"You and little Luke were so cute," Wendy teased him, "what happened with all that cuteness?"
Jonah looked like he wanted for the ground to open up and swallow him, "this is getting shredded" he said darkly and then glared at them, "where did you find this?"
Wendy blushed, "uh... I was just looking around the house...Found this in an office upstairs..."
"My dad's office?" Lucas said, jumping off the last step of the stairs, "the one with the albums on the wall?"
"Yeah, that one..." Wendy's face was red at being caught snooping, "I'm sorry, I was just bored-"
"No, it's fine," Lucas shrugged, while Vince frowned.
"Uhm... Are we not gonna talk about the fact there's a magazine on Jon's sexy mom in your dad's office or...?"
"Shut the fuck up about my mum!" Jonah exclaimed, holding the magazine protectively to his chest, while Wendy gasped and Lucas rolled his eyes,
"Shut up, Vince."
"I'm not saying anything!" He laughed, looking between the two of them, "just that your dad was a serial cheater and Jonah had green eyes as a baby, just like you."
"SHUT UP!" Jonah exclaimed, while Leo let out a wheeze, falling on his back while laughing and exclaiming.
It was the fact that Lucas looked absolutely unbothered by the joke that had Vince's laughter dying in his throat. He widened his eyes, ready to exclaim wait, really?! But Livia interrupted him, running in the room and throwing herself on Jon.
"Why aren't you dressed!" she exclaimed, hugging him by the middle "we're going to Vinny's party!"
"Yeah," Jonah smiled to her, then glared at the rest of them, "go get fucking dressed and stop saying Luke's stupid father boned my mum, thanks."
Livia gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck as he picked her up, still holding the magazine.
"Bad word!"
"Oh I'm so sorry, darling, but they're morons, they deserve it," Jonah's voice trailed off as he carried Livia down the hallway with him.
Leo let out a wheezing breath, "oh man, that was too funny," he sighed, wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes and rubbing his side, "my stomach hurts from laughing."
Vince glared at Lucas, "please say that's not possible."
"I don't know and I don't wanna know," Luke shrugged, not looking even a little bit as amused as they were, "he's right, we should start getting dressed if we don't wanna be late to your grandma's house, Vin."
He got up too and Leo gladly took the hand Luke stretched out, both of them going back upstairs. Wendy let out a giggle, falling against Vince's side.
"So, you and I agree they're totally half brothers, right?" she whispered, causing Vince to snort.
"Absolutely," he agreed, grabbing her legs and throwing Wendy up in his arms, getting up too while she let out a squeal, wrapping her arms around his neck and continued to laugh.
Nonna Monacelli's place was fifty minutes away from Luke's summer house, in a tiny town. It wasn't big or fancy like the house they were staying at, but Vince immediately felt like crying the minute he crossed the threshold, his family and friends right behind him.
He remembered every corner of that place. He remembered sleeping over at his nonna so many times that he had his own room - that once used to be his father's. It was his father's side that was from Sicily, his mother's people were from Rome and they didn't talk much.
His nonna was well into her eighties, almost ninety, but she was still very active. She lit up as they entered the house and quickly ushered them to backyard.
Vince hadn't been to a real italian party in so long, but he immediately felt at ease. He watched, with a smile, as his grandmother made a face to the cakes they were carrying.
"I made cake!" she exclaimed in italian, offended, "you don't need store bought!"
Wendy frowned, "what is she saying...?" she asked and Vince grinned.
"I think she's declaring you her mortal nemesis, honey."
"Oh shut up," she scoffed.
It was funny to smack his friends right in the middle of his family that only spoke italian, but Vince needn't have worried. Lucas and Jon both knew enough not to die and his parents were engaged into translating.
Besides, certain things didn't need translation.
None of them needed translation to know the music was for dancing and none of them needed translation to know when to sing happy birthday, in the weirdest chorus Vince had ever heard, of english and italian mixing together.
His grandma, Ludovica, tugged on his earlobe 24 times and then pulled him into a hug, letting out a yell when he pulled her off her feet.
Vince grinned, planting her down and then pointing Wendy, "nonna, this is my grilfriend, Wendy" he said in italian, before quickly translating it in english.
"Tell her she's beautiful," nonna said, studying Wendy, "and to let her hair grow."
"I will-"
"And say thank you for bringing my grandson home."
"And that if she ever orders another cake in my house she'll be kicked out."
Vince laughed, translating the entire thing and Wendy blushed, touching her hair in a self conscious manner, "I'm sorry nonna!"
"She sounds very american," Nonna scoffed, "tell her she needs to learn italian."
"I'm not telling her that," Vince rolled his eyes, kissing his grandma's temple, then flashed Wendy a smile as he said, "I promise I'll eat your cake too, nonna."
"You better," his grandmother huffed, before moving away.
Wendy pouted, looking at him, "So? What did she say?"
"She just told me to eat her cake," Vince translated partially, pulling Wendy by her hand as the music slowed down. He twirled her around. She was wearing a peach drapey dress and it created a circle as she twirled.
Wendy smiled, her hand small and dainty in his and she threw her weight partially back so she could get a good look of his face, "oh no," she pouted in an amused way, "whatever will you do, big guy? You know you can't touc-"
"Well, obviously, I'm gonna eat it," Vince shrugged, snaking an arm around her waist and pulling her closer. Wendy rolled her eyes, still smiling.
"Amore mio," she dragged the words, "you can't even glance that cake's way. It's all milk. That's why I bought a second one."
"And risk breaking my nonna's heart? No chance," he twirled her again and this time Wendy's back pressed against his chest, so he leaned in to whisper in her ear as they swayed from side to side, "besides, my girlfriend is into tummy aches, so I don't think she'd mind."
Wendy's face turned beet red as if he had just whispered her the filthiest thing and she scoffed, looking ahead, "doesn't mean I want you to get one purposefully-"
"No?" Vince said in a quizzical manner, enjoying the fact no one was paying them much mind and nibbling on her earlobe, "what if I kinda enjoy it too?"
"But you don't," Wendy said, forcefully pulling back so she could glare at him, "you can't lie to-"
"I'm not lying," Vince shrugged, "just a little tummy ache is not the end of the world, I want my grandma's cake. It's my birthday goddammit... And belly rubs do sound like an added bonus."
Her pupils were blown in her eyes and he could tell she was struggling to string together a coherent thought. It made his chest ache with pride. That was the kind of distraught, lustful eye contact he only got in the bedroom, it made him terribly smug that he could get her this worked up over only a few words.
"Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?"
She scowled at him, cheek red and then glanced at the cake table, then back at him, "...You can't eat it now," Wendy decided, voice all breathy.
Vince nodded, pulling her closer again and she pressed against him. If he pressed a little closer, he could feel she had the start of a boner, trapped by the shapewear. He smiled, cheek meeting her temple.
"Alright, honey. When can I eat it?"
"When we're almost going home," she whispered, breath hot against his neck, "so you're all mine when it hits."
"Okay," he continued to sway them, "just one slice, I don't want to puke."
"Uhm..." she hummed and he wasn't sure if she wanted him to be sick or not, but Vince decided to call the shots in this one. He didn't want to spend his birthday night praying to the porcelain god.
He glanced over her head, letting out a sigh as Wendy rested her forehead to his shoulder, enjoying the music. He could see Luke and Bell and Leo and Jonah dancing too. Leo looked beyond surprised that Jonah could slow dance like a pro and Bella and Lucas were in their own little world, foreheads pressed together, eyes closed. His father was trying to convince ma to join him in the dancefloor.
"Thank you," Vince whispered in Wendy's ear, "for all this. It's the best gift I ever got."
She let out a huff, turning her face in order to kiss his cheek, "you deserve this, my love."
The party went on for a while still, stretched into the night aided by all the wine.
Vince chuckled as he watched his dad drunkenly intermediate a conversation between Bella and his uncle, flipflopping between english and italian and failing miserably.
"Happy birthday, man," Lucas jumped on his back, squeezing him into a big hug and planting a kiss to his cheek. Vince let out a choked out noise at the sudden weight and they nearly fell, but he managed to hold the man after some stumbling, Lucas giggling the entire time.
"You're killing me!"
"Oh deal with it," Lucas squeezed him again, but let go, in time for Leo to tackle him in a hug.
Vince couldn't help but laugh, all air escaping him as the blonde squeezed him by the middle, Jonah getting dragged by Bella by his wrist as they piled him in a big group hug.
He wheezed for air, "okay okay, let me go!"
"No," Leo mumbled, voice muffled by his shirt and Vince laughed, losing his balance and causing all five of them to fall in the middle of the grass in a pile of limbs.
"You're crushing my arm!" Lucas cried out, giggling still and Vince tried to roll away, only for Leo to cry out at the movement and Bella scream "Jonah you're pulling my hair- Stop-"
"It got caught in my cufflink!"
"What are you doing?" Wendy laughed, walking over and crouching down in order to free Bella's hair from the tangle around Jonah's wrist, only for Lucas to grab her arm and pull her to them.
She fell on top of Leo and Vince with a yell and Jonah cackled, while Bella slapped Wendy's bum since it was right up her face and caused the other girl to let out a squeal and giggle.
Finally they managed to straighten up, still all shaking with wine fueled giggles. Sophia let out a scoff as she passed them by.
"Seems like you're turning four, not twenty four," she said, causing Vince to flip her off, his chest hurting with how happy he was.
"Okay guys, I think my nonna is gonna kick us out any minute now, we should go," Vince said, an hour later, as it was almost 2 AM. Bella nodded, getting up from her seat.
"I drive," she declared, which was wise, seeing as she was the most sober from all of them.
"We're staying," his mother said, waving him off when Vince circled the table to tell them they were leaving.
"Buona notte, mamma," He nodded in understanding, kissing the top of her head and smiling when his father hugged him again. Vince messed Sophia's hair as he passed her by, causing the teenager to hiss and slap his hand away.
"Where should I put her?" Jonah whispered and Vince let out a snort. Livia was completely passed out in his arms, drooling on his shoulder.
"I never pegged you for such a softie," Vince grinned, guiding him back inside the house, "put her in my old room, it's the last door in the hallway."
"You're not leaving without taking cake," nonna scoffed, "you're so skinny, you poor thing. Don't they have food in America?"
She filled a plastic tupperware with all sorts of snacks and another one with cake, out of pettiness not even touching the two beautiful cakes sitting on her table, that already had some slices missing.
They had come in two different cars, but since they had left one for his parents, now they were all squeezed in one. Leo was giggling, sitting up front on the passenger's seat, on Jon's lap, while Wendy was squeezed between Luke and Vince in the backseat, Bella driving.
"C'mere," Vince grabbed Wendy's waist, pulling her to sit across his lap, while Lucas reached in the space between the two front seats in order to grab some of the snacks in the tupperware that Leo was holding.
Wendy uncovered the tupperware with cake, breaking off a piece and holding it up to his mouth and Vince grinned, biting it off. It was what used to be his favorite: dulce de leche and chocolate, squished between two layers of a spongy vanilla batter.
He nibbled at her fingertips, letting out a moan when the flavor exploded in his mouth and eagerly finishing up the slice in four more bites. Wendy bit into the next one herself, nodding with a groan, "yeah, this is really good."
"Let me taste," Lucas said, grabbing his own slice and letting out a hum, licking off his fingers, "Bell did you try the cake?"
Vince was salivating for more, but he firmly dug his metaphorical heels. He didn't want to suffer too much, he just wanted the cuddles and tummy rubs and for Wendy to have that look in her eyes as if she was about to explode in flames.
"Wow," Leo grumbled as the car finally came to a stop and he jumped out, "I didn't realize I was so drunk until now."
Jonah laughed, wrapping an arm around his neck, "c'mere, baby. Let's get you to bed."
Bella was leaning heavily on the car as she undid the straps of her heels and Wendy winked at her, tugging on Vince's hand to pull him inside the house.
She was almost vibrating out of her skin as they entered the bedroom and Vince sat down with a groan, falling flat on his back against the pillows and chuckling, tipsy.
"My face is on fire," Wendy whispered, locking the door and walking to him, "I feel high."
"You kinky deviant," Vin chuckled, but his voice was less breathy. He grabbed her hand, planting it over his stomach, "it's bubbling here."
She could feel it. His stomach was packed full with two slices of the non-lactose cake and other foods, wine mixing everything together. Wendy danced her fingers over his skin, "hurts?"
"Not yet," he struggled with the buttons of his shirt, "I'm all yours."
Wendy let out a little huff as she patted his thigh, "lie against the pillows," she bossed, removing her own heels while he did so and then crawling on the bed. She sat on his lap, undoing his belt and pants and Vince let out a little relieved sigh.
She had seen him more stuffed before, straight up looking pregnant, but today he was looking good enough to eat. His belly was rounding out nicely, poking over his boxers and pushing gently against the buttons of his shirt. Wendy busied herself undoing the buttons one by one, leaning in to plant a kiss at every little inch of exposed skin.
He cupped the back of her head, fingers curling on the wavy hair and Vince combed his fingers through them, guiding her kisses to where his stomach was churning the most, "I can feel it right here."
"Here?" Wendy planted her lips over his skin, then Vince let out a surprised chuckle as she bit him. Teasing and light, not enough to leave a mark, but enough to send a jolt of desire down his body. Vince nodded, his mouth drying up.
As if wanting to join the party, he could feel his tummy finally making sense it had been fed its mortal enemy The Milk, because suddenly there was a loud whine from his midsection, loud enough that Wendy pulled back with a chuckle.
"Oh no, we upset it," she said, her voice deeper.
Vince let out a groan, one he wasn't playing up for her. Suddenly everything didn't feel as good in his belly and he shifted uncomfortably in the bed, "okay, I was promised tummy rubs, honey."
"I know, I know," Wendy nodded, planting both her hands on his stomach, fingers drumming his belly. The lightly bloat was getting worse, not enough that she could see anything, but enough they'd soon take notice of it.
Wendy rubbed her thumbs on each side of his stomach, in deep circular motions and then dragged them up, towards his navel. Vince let out a grunt, squirming and Wendy tried not to show just how much every little noise was turning her on.
"Here," Vin grabbed her hand, wincing and planting it over his belly button, "right there."
She pressed her palm flat in, in a half circle motion, in and out, and Vince pressed a fist to his mouth, letting out a sick belch, "ugh, I shouldn't have done this with my favorite cake," he scoffed at his own silliness and leaned his head back, "keep rubbing."
"It's so gurgly," Wendy whispered, leaning in so she could hear the noises better, licking her lips when there was yet another loud whine from his tummy, "it's amazing this is all from one slice."
"Uhm, amazing," Vin said sarcastically, pushing his own hand against his left side and letting out another airy, weak burp, "it hurts here."
"It's where you had those stitches," Wendy noted, gently rubbing her hand over the area and working up another delicate burp from him, "you're so dainty tonight, Vince."
"I know, right? A gentleman," he grimaced as she moved on his lap and caused the cake to splash in his throat, "ugh, wait, don't squirm so much, you're giving me reflux."
Wendy let out a sigh under her breath, heartbeat in her ears as she nodded and continued to stroke and rub his upset tummy, forcing up a gentle burp here and there.
"I can feel just how turned on you are by this," Vince mumbled a couple minutes later, relaxing a little bit. Wendy blushed.
"It's not like I can control it-" she started to defend herself, only for Vin to pull at the front of her dress and bring her mouth in for a kiss. She let out a little surprised noise, before kissing him back, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He smiled against the kiss, rolling them on the bed and Wendy let out another moan as she felt his stomach press against hers, "you're gonna make it worse," she whispered against his ear, locking her legs around his torso.
Vince let out a scoff, starting to kiss her neck, "as if you mind," he mumbled, pushing the straps of her dress and letting out a little groan as his belly immediately took his words as a challenge. He leaned in, pressing a little sick burp against her chest, while Wendy stroked his hair back.
"You said you don't wanna be sick," she scoffed, pushing his shoulders, "I'm not gonna make you sick. Lie back down."
"Uhm, changed my mind," Vince teased, but he allowed her to push him on his back again and sighed in relief when the movement reduced the nausea, "it was one little slice, this is ridiculous."
"It's fucking hot, that's what it is," Wendy teased, sliding down on the bed so she could press her cheek to his chest, hand resting on his belly, "close your eyes."
"I wanted to fuck," Vince whined and she let out a loud cackle, turning her face to muffle it against his skin.
"You absolute dweeb," she shook with giggles, "you can't even make out without feeling queasy. Hush."
"This is the most convoluted kink ever, honey," Vin sighed, closing his eyes as he felt his stomach churn in a queasy manner, Wendy pressing little kisses over it and still rubbing.
"We just need to get a hang at this, that's all," she whispered, voice thick with lust and then leaned in, kissing him again, "happy birthday, love."
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When the juice hits you I would LOVE more Jameson and Vincent at Nat’s house content! I love them so much :,)
CW: Chronic pain, discussion of stalking and attempted murder, mentions of dead people, everyone is in a bad mood hooray
"Go back to fucking bed." Jameson grunts the words more than speaks them, squinting down into a coffee mug while rubbing one hand over his throbbing left knee. Not that the right one doesn't hurt, too. But he picks one and sticks with it until the pain pills kick in and he can fucking stand up again. "It's five in the fucking morning."
"Yeah, and I've been up since four, so... Don't know what you want from me." Vincent Shield doesn't look like a movie star these days. Just like Kauri's shaggy older brother who needs a haircut and a three-week nap. His bruising is all gone, everywhere but the look in his blue eyes.
All the wounds are there, now.
Jameson watches him pour himself a cup of coffee. In just a hoodie and jeans, you'd never recognize him when compared with the heroes he plays on big screens. Or used to.
"I want you to fuck off," Jameson replies, but there's no real anger in his rasping voice. Vince just smiles at him. Jameson finds himself cataloging the differences between he and Kauri, the biggest being the way Kauri smiles like he could fix everything if he just burned bright enough. Vince smiles, when he isn't posing for photos, like everything will shatter if anyone sees it.
"Landlady seems to like me, so I guess you're out of luck." Vince adds sugar and milk, too much of both. Pauses. Stares down into his mug. "I used to add Irish cream and some whiskey into my coffee every day when I wasn't working. Sometimes when I was. Probably... Probably a lot of the time when I was."
"Huh." Jameson digs his thumb into a spot on his knee. It flares bright with pain, so stark he nearly bites his tongue against a scream. Then something feels like it gives way, and the pain drops from a roar to a more manageable hum. "You're a sad drunk, too."
Vince actually laughs at that. "I really am, aren't I?"
"Based on how much of a sad fuck you are sober, I can only figure it gets worse when you're not."
Vince sits down across from him at the table, watching him. He doesn't even look mad, or hurt. Just... tired. "You think I'm an ungrateful asshole, huh?"
Jameson, still rubbing at his leg, pauses and looks up. "What?"
"Because I'm rich. Millionaire movie star in his giant house sitting around drinking himself to death on two-hundred dollar whiskey. People tell me they love me everywhere I go, if I let them know who I am. People write me letters. I had a stalker, for a while." He runs fingers back through his hair, growing out a little. Looks more like Kauri's now. "I wonder if that was just Owen, too."
"Maybe. To the stalker thing, not the rest of that bullshit." Jameson's fingers ache, trying to stay bent and curled, and he has to fight to straighten them enough to count off as he speaks. "Millionaire movie star whose only friend is a woman he writes fucking checks to, giant house you sit around in alone, two hundred dollar whiskey you don't even share with anybody but your fucked up liver, nobody who says they love you even fucking knows you, those letters are creepy as hell, and having a stalker isn't a fucking good thing, dumbass."
Vince snorts, but a smile plays around his lips. "Owen said he loved me."
"I'm so fucking sick of that asshole. He's dead and still the center of half your conversations. He didn't know you, either."
"We'd been friends since we were kids-"
Jameson is in too much pain to deal with Vincent being a mopey little shit. He hurts in places that don't even have nerve endings. His bones fucking throb. The pills aren't kicking in yet, or maybe he needs to take more. Maybe they don't work anymore. Either way, he groans and leans back in his chair. "Will you just fucking stop? The taste of your voice is making me want to throw up lately you talk so much."
Vince pauses. "The... what of my what now-"
"I don't give a fuck about Owen goddamn Grant and you shouldn't either. You're too old keep that shit up."
Vince takes a long drink of coffee, then makes a face when it scalds his tongue. Jameson tries not to smile. "I-... I just, my whole adult life I've been trying to get away from him-"
"Yeah, and you did. You got. You got about as far away from someone as you can get. Dead men don't come back and they can't hurt you again."
It hurts. Everything hurts. His heart joins the party, twisting hard inside his chest. Grief feels worse than any of the other pains. Ghosts that find him in his sleep, whispering accusations or endearments, shoving him away or holding him close. But gone when he wakes up.
Always gone.
"Dead men don't come back," Jameson repeats, more firmly. "You slit his throat-"
Vince flinches.
"-and saved someone from him. Probably a lot of someones. Guys like that don't stop at the first dead body. Bunch of dead hot guys with black hair and blue eyes, after a while, probably. He had the look."
"The... look?"
"In his eyes. Somebody figuring out they liked the idea of being the last thing someone was afraid of. Would've been Kauri, and then you, and then that wouldn't fix it and he'd keep trying. Keep finding men like you. Keep killing them and then realizing he had to try again, because nobody would ever be enough. There aren't ever enough dead bodies for somebody like that. They run out of places to hide them."
Vince has slipped into silence, watching Jameson talk with a look of faint surprise. And concern, which pisses Jameson off.
"Don't look at me like that."
"I kept a knife in my bed," Vince says slowly. "Everywhere I went. Even hotels, even in my trailer on set. I always had a knife. Just in case. And I-... I still have one. Upstairs, between the mattress and box springs. Is that weird?"
Jameson shrugs. "No. Maybe for other people. But not for people like us."
"Yeah, numbnuts. Us. People who fucking killed someone just to not die." Jameson fixes him with a glare, then grabs at his crutches to pull himself to his feet. Once his arms are braced for support, he sighs. It takes the work away from his knees, and they seem to soothe a little.
Or maybe that's just the pills.
"Listen, Shield. Save your unburdening of the soul shit for therapy, okay? I got my own problems. And I can't help you with yours. Mine wake me up at night."
Vince looks up at him, head tipped to one side. "Yeah. Mine do, too. I wake up wanting a drink so goddamn badly I can barely breathe. I used to drink until I fell back asleep. Now I just... lay there until I give up and get coffee."
"Yeah. I wake up wanting, too."
Jameson wakes up burning for Nanda to lay a hand on his back and whisper in his ear. He wakes up praying that next time the ghosts will find someone else to haunt. He can't be the only one. He wakes up trying not to cry from the pain. And he hears Vince pacing down the hall every single fucking time.
"It gets better, though, right? The... craving, and just... If I could just have the one thing... That gets better?"
"Fuck if I know." Jameson turns away, jaw set as he works to get to the living room. He can't do the stairs, not yet. His body needs to remember how to cooperate first. Weird how it's gotten worse the longer he hasn't been terrified of being caught again. Therapist says he feels safe, and so his body feels safe to show everything because he doesn't have to fight so hard to survive.
She's probably right.
Jameson pauses, then looks over his shoulder. "Look. Sorry. I feel like shit today."
"Yeah." Vince runs a finger around the edge of the mug sitting in front of him. "Me, too."
"Just. Okay. Listen. Some days, I don't think about him at all, yeah? And that didn't used to happen. So... I guess it gets better."
Until he feels so goddamn guilty for forgetting that it feels even worse. He turns away so Vince won't see the pain on his face.
"Also, I really don't care that you're a millionaire or whatever the fuck. Nanda was a millionaire, too, and it didn't save him. Him being rich didn't save me, either. Just made it worse when I didn't have him anymore."
"... Jameson-"
"Never mind. Just fuck off until I'm too high to be mad at you, okay?"
He collapses onto the couch, closing his eyes and drifting on a sea of pain. There's one more pill in his pocket. He digs it out and swallows it dry.
Please, please, please stop hurting. Inside or out. He doesn't care which. But he can't keep this up if it's both.
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elvenbeard · 11 months
Today's modding shenanigans!
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Today I wanted to test out ACM a bit :D I think I'd most enjoy using it as an additional tool for making custom outfits and seeing how different item appearances work together, less as my primary tool to creating custom outfits as such (also, it is a bit buggy for me and I can't seem to export appearances reliably for some reason).
Since you can alter custom appearances with it too, though, you could definitely mod one "base outfit" and then change the colors spontaneously for a different vibe (for example, I could make an apperance for Kerry wearing one t-shirt and then change the shirt decal or color on the fly in game without cluttering his .app file with a dozen different appearances that are virtually the same just different colors!). Wondering though if there exists a resource that lists every item's appearance names (cause some are super specific and hard to guess, like... instead of "black" or "smiley-face" you have appearances like "6th street" or "black_capsules") for this purpose... and if not, I'll probably make one just because I would find it useful to have xD
Also, ACM is really neat for taking off Kerry's jewelry on the fly for certain pics XD Or changing nail colors and things like that! In all these regards this is a super useful resource as is already, but I'm excited where the mod makers will take it :D (also... random sidenote, but can we talk about Dante for a moment? I'm a little bit in love, and I need his shirt not only for Kerry but also for Vince XD).
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Then some silly behind the scenes stuff xDD @netcess said that Reed really needs a party outfit with a cool hat, so I put something quick and simple together for her and... I wanted to take a pic and as I went into Photomode, Vince spawned straight across from Reed and looked so disappointed at him partying without him when so many pressing issues are at hand XD Just really fun little moment I wanted to capture, intensified by facepalm XD
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Honestly he rocks it XD Might make a recolor to fit his suit when the mood strikes xD
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And finally: who wore it better? XD
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(giggling and kicking my feet at how his hair and beard match now :3)
No but I actually tried my hand at editing this hair mesh for Kerry, cause it was clipping a bit here and there! This is done super quick and dirty like... In theory I know I could export his headmesh and then fit it exactly to that, but for now this aint so bad already actually! :D No more clipping into the side of his head and the hairline in the front looks better. I left out Johnny's hair cap and all that because I wanted to go for a really really short, very freshly shaved look for this like...
Something he would've done at the end of his tour right before coming back to Night City. Keeping the long hair consistent for all concerts. And as I said, I 100% get why he has that look, like... It has old, seasoned rocker vibes, it's so much less clean and more himself than his 2077-appearance like... natural hair color, not styled at all, embracing himself again with the whole "I'm gonna name my next album "Kerry Eurodyne" and go back to my roots thing, he looks like he just came off stage, sweaty and tousled, so... yes!! I do love it for all those reasons, but idk... I feel like, it's also at the same time something low maintenance that he doesn't have to pay a lot of mind to, escaping into his music and career after apparently losing V. And I think with the tour over and with getting V back so unexpectedly, he'd change things up a bit again. It's a concert/tour look for me. And this style is also low maintenance, while still Kerry, still rebellious, but a little more cleaned-up, in control of his life, if that makes sense?
@pinkyjulien sorry for stealing your tags from my other post, but you put it into words so well, on point!!
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Especially your last point, cutting/shaving your hair to mark a new beginning is 100% such a thing he'd do!! So yeah, I think I'll stick with this for his two-years-plus-four-months-later look xD
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sadkidwithocs · 7 months
I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart 💕🌸💐🌷🌻
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Big Fanart of Faren, my 2019oc and his wrestling friend, Adrian Adonis🌸💐I drew maybe 1 month ago but take long time for writing their stories in English😂😂
Ok I post about Faren’s information already. And this post I’ll mention about one of his wrestling friends, Start with no.1 Adrian Adonis, a good friend/ big brother whose known him since they both was brown hair YoungLion..before go to WWF
*these pics below are low quality, high quality pics are following in Faren’s story end credit*
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[Faren’s part]
My lovely brothers, Keith Adonis Franke a.k.a Adrian Adonis. He’s one of Raymond and my close friends since before we go to WWF, but reason why I still close with him because we are all obsessed with “Biker lifestyle”/ very long-winded, never stop talking😎 (different from Raymond whose more polite and taciturn / we love dressing as biker but Adonis’ style is better than me lol he spend so much money for this!
Adonis is older than me 7 years, chubby but good-looking/ nice hairstyle/ sassy man and big-mouth…and seems he doesn’t care about his weight that much. In the past we often go everywhere by our big bike/ ride in the same car, but when we both are in WWF we have different role, Adonis is heel but I’m babyface, have different locker room/ everybody has his own friends whose have the same role& same personalities and similar in age.. now we shouldn’t acting like close friend when go outside.
Adonis is funny person/ tough and good worker for someone…and sometimes he’s sassy man and like to act cocky for someone too, and one of these people are Lanny Poffo, one of my the first friends in WWF and Danny Spivey, one of dumbass Mike’s close friend.
I don’t know it can calls “luckily” or not that I’m one of persons whose don’t have any problem with him.. maybe just because we don’t have match to fight together eventhough we have similar style (or gimmick) that about biker. We never have any problem about comparing who is better or who should be owner of biker gimmick, we have many difference in their own way.
The fact that we have different role, we must act in different personality traits sometimes, and because we’re famous wrestlers to some extent , when we go outside we often see some fangirls excited to us and stop to say hi😅
Babyface like me must wave and say hi back to her even though that time I’m in a bad mood/ tired/ hungry or bored😐
But for Adonis when he notices some fangirl say hi,
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He just act cold and said “get back in da house! ” . that’s why sometimes I jealous to some heel wrestlers that can be honest with their feelings🫤but at the same time Vince and Pat Patterson doesn’t allow me to have heel role too!
Look at this👇🏻. It’s funny that we both dye our hair to blonde following some “backstage person” ‘s advice (Vince? Pat Patterson? or some bookers? I’m not sure who the hell is owner of these idea)
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(Umm🫤idk I can call it’s just “advice” or not !?… I think I should use this word instead, “wanting” 🤔 I mean.. if some wrestlers don’t abide by the plans of boss’ idea , We can‘t know about our fate (wrestling role) in the future. They make you shine but they can ruined you also. Me/ Adonis and Dino Bravo are one of the people who agreed to dye our hair to blonde following their advise inevitably
Adonis must dye his hair bc he has gay gimmick of flower shop. Man.. he gain so much weight! Nobody can stop him! Ok I know that this guy is reckless, my I just can’t believe he can be reckless in this way too! 💀
I must dye my hair bc some backstage guy told me to “being more American”. Everyone knew I was the son of famous Hawaiian wrestlers “Ailani Kamealoha”, I have brown hair like my dad , but someone tried to change my identity, make wrestling fans forget everything whose son I am and where did I come from. Now I have become an American biker from Texas USA not Honolulu..I only talk about the biker lifestyle, dressing fashionably, Do not mention anything related to Hawaii or mention to my father who was a Hawaiian warrior.
Moreover, sometimes I have to act flirty, even though in fact I’m like my dad…clumsy and not good at flirting at all , I am not allowed to say that I have 3 children too🤥(yeah I’m jealous a little bit when my senior, Tito bring his 3sons and wife to WWF show)
Ok, back to Adonis. I want to share one of He has ever buy Pepsi for me during we are fixing a big bike(he often go out and back with some snacks).. but that time I keep that Pepsi can in my bag before bring it to hometown in Texas together and forget it in my house, and I wasn’t go back to my house for a few year after that. And not many months later, Adonis left WWF and goes to AWA and I’ve never saw him again.
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Believe or not.. until this day in 2024 I still keep that can in my shelf that full of 80-90s stuffs. Seiji, my son doesn’t know anything often ask me to throw it in garbage because it’s expire food but I stop him😑
ok I accept the truth that I have some “old man habits” whose like to collect little nonsense things not only about biker stuffs. But I can’t help it! 🤷🏻this is the last stuff that my close friend gave it to me.
Stories between me and Adonis are just a short part of my whole career story, he passed away from car accident in 1988. Eventough we’re not close that much after we’re in WWF because we have their own friends/ own roles but I can’t refuse that Adonis is good brother for me and my fond memories include Adrian as one of them. He’s gone too fast, that’s the reason why I feel like…I still have unresolved issues and still not used to accept that he’s gone to somewhere. I still imagine if we both are 60 years old men, have white hair, sit together, drink some beer and share crazy journey of our wrestling career. I love you my brother, tell wrestling friends up there I said hi
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dirtywrestling · 5 months
No Strings Attached - Randy Orton (18+)
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Commission: @thesimonkshow
Pairing: Randy Orton x Simon
Summary: Things get a little heated between Simon and Randy after the little visit from Rachel, Randy’s wife.
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Cursing, Smut, Cheating/Affairs, Minors DNI
Word Count: 4,765
Parts: One / Two
Follow My Backup Blog!: @dirtywresling102
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Nothing was more awkward than laying wide awake that night on the couch staring at the ceiling and listening to Randy’s wife, Rachel trying to start something.
“Come on, I’m sure he’s asleep.” She whispered, more like talking softly since the room was quiet as it was.
“Rachel, no. Just go to bed.” Randy argued. I heard him rolling over as she huffed. 
“What’s going on? You use to fuck me and hard.” The tone in her voice slightly got higher, annoyingly higher.
“Shh, okay, okay, fine.” Randy snapped. I froze in my spot on the couch that was mere feet away from the bed, hearing suffling. There was no way Randy was going to fuck his wife in front of me. So I thought, it wasn’t until that first moan Rachel released that made me cringe.
That night hasn’t left my head, her cringy moans still echoed in my head as Randy pounded her into the mattress. She eventually left that morning and I did too. I haven’t spoken to Randy since that night. It crushed me, my heart ached and I didn’t know what to do. I knew eventually something was going to happen but him having sex with his wife right in front of me and an hour after having sex with me, I felt used. 
While I worked backstage and saw Randy, I’d immediately worked at a different station so I could avoid him. “Hey Simon.” Looking up in the direction my name was being called, it was Mark. “Hey man, could you restalk the buffet for the wrestlers?” 
“Isn’t that the intern’s job?” I questioned, eyebrows furrowed. I wasn’t in the mood to do something an intern was supposed to be doing.
“He called in today, it’s a quick job please before the wrestlers get hangry.” 
Huffing, I left my job position. I was working on making sure each lens for the cameras were cleaned and not cracked, so I made my way towards the table full of food. Ripping open a plastic holder full of water bottles I started to stalk the cooler with them and diet sodas along with other warm beverages that needed to be cold. “They got you on bitch boy duty, huh?” 
I groaned as I knew that voice. “Leave me alone, I’m working.” I opened up a box of sodas, shoving the warm cans into the cool ice chest. 
“Simon, please. I’ve said I’m sorry. I’m sorry!” Randy exclaimed a little too loudly, making everyone look over at us. Looking back at the people who were staring I gave them a weak smile only to grab Randy by the wrist and drag him away from the catering table. 
“What Randy? What could you possibly fucking want?” I shoved him against the nearest wall a little too roughly as Randy’s back hit up against it, surprised by my actions.
“Simon, please. I didn’t mean for that night to end up like that. I didn’t even know she was coming to visit.” Randy defended himself.
“You fucked her in front of me!” I said through my gritted teeth.
“She was suspecting something, Simon.” Randy explained. “I had to, she wouldn’t stop or worse she would have found out about us.” 
“You hurt me.” I frowned, slouching my shoulders. “You hurt me Randy and you lied to her about me being a wrestler.”
“And look where you’re at, you’re working part time as a crew member and you’re training to be a wrestler!” Randy exclaimed with a proud smile.
“Because you lied! You even lied to Vince about me wanting to be a wrestler and now look where I’m at!” I extended my arms, forcing him to look at my tired eyes with dark circles under them. “I’m tired! This isn’t the life for me, Randy.” 
“Shh, shh.” Randy hushed me, looking around as workers walked back and forth like busy beez getting the show ready for tonight. “Listen, we debut tonight. I need you on  your A game, okay?” Randy cupped his large hand against my cheek. “I’m so proud of you.” He whispered. “Months and months of training and soon you’ll be a full time wrestler. No more dealing with the wires or being forced to stalk the catering table. It’ll just be me and you, okay?”  His voice was softer now and that’s all I wanted to focus on, his sweet voice that was full of promises.
The pad of Randy’s thumb traced over my pouty lips. “I want you to forget backstage for now, I want you to focus on getting ready for tonight.” 
Looking away from Randy’s baby blue eyes I sighed. “Okay.” I mumbled. 
“Great.” Randy perked up, scanning the area real quick before planting a kiss on my lips. 
“I’m still mad at you.” I wiped my lips with the back of my hand, making Randy frown.
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As the night went on my anxiety spiked. The closer we got to call time for our match the more my palms became sweaty. I looked at myself in the large body mirror one last time at the gorilla. Randy was in new attire, white, red and gold trunks while I was in the same color but in stretchy pants so I had more ability to move in the ring. I wasn’t built like Randy, so I couldn’t pull off the trunks but I was close.
“I don’t think I can do this.” I was about to walk away, my heart hammering in my chest as my throat was tightening up, it was getting harder to breath and it felt like I was about to puke.
Randy grabbed my bicep as I walked past him to run away. “Hey, hey, hey.” Randy gripped my chin, forcing me to look at him. “You’re fine, you’re alright. Just breathe.” He said calmly, a little too calm. 
“How are you so calm?” I frowned, tears nearly escaping from my eyes. I didn’t want to keep this lie up anymore just to be hidden in the shadows from his wife and us in the closet. 
“I’ve been doing this for years, Simon. I still get nervous.” He grabbed my wrist, placing my hand against his bare chest. I felt his heart thumping fast just like mine was.
“You’re nervous?” I whispered, surprised. The Viper, The Legend Killer, thee Randy Orton still gets nervous?
“Of course I still get nervous..” He tossed his head back in laughter. “It’s another show in a different city.” Randy played with my fingers. “All these months you’ve been training, you’ve been growing.” Randy’s eyes wandered over me. “You look amazing by the way.” His voice was low so no one around us could hear. 
Biting my lip to hide my smile, I looked down at the ground. We even had matching colored shoes on. He wore boots where I wore more athletic running shoes. 
“Simon, Randy. You’re about to go on.” One of the producers said, clipboard in hand with a black headset over his ears. 
Thanking the producer, I exhaled a breath. “Breathe, just breathe. You’re going to do great.” Randy smiled. He let go of my hand as his music blared through the speakers, making me flinch at the loudness. “Come on, you’ll love it.”
Randy was right, I did love it. I thought being behind the camera was my place, but having the camera, lights and crowd focused on me made my anxiety disappear and adrenaline appear in my veins. My heart hammered as Xavier Woods and I were doing a spot in the ring while Randy and Kofi were throwing shots at each other on the outside of the ring, keeping each other busy.
Hitting the ropes, I bounced off and ran towards Xavier, jumping in the air slightly. I connected a cross body to him. Xavier fell with me on top of him, still having a hold of his body. I stood up, pulling him close into a German suplex but not letting him go. Arching my back and digging my toes deep into the mat I pinned him with a bridge. The ref slid next to us and slammed his hand onto the white surface of the mat three times. I was expecting Xavier to kick out and to do a comeback where it made Randy and I lose. 
Shooting up from the pin, Xavier’s tired body laid limp on the mat where I looked around in pure shock. “We won?” I asked the ref as he grabbed onto my wrist, making me stand up on my two feet and raised my hand in victory. Randy ran towards the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and rushed towards me. 
“You won! You pinned him!” Randy smiled, giving me a hug. He wrapped his sweaty large arms around my slender body. I couldn’t help but to lean into his chest, smelling his scent. “Come on, we gotta go so they can start up the next match.” Randy said, helping me out of the ring. “You know what this means right?” Randy asked as we shook and high fived fans while making our way up the ramp. 
“No, what?” I was confused as I collided with a younger fan’s hand. 
Stopping at the top of the ramp Randy looked at the large Summerslam sign that was lit up. “This means we’re the number one contenders for the tag team championships.” Randy smiled as he raised his arm up and pointed at the sign.
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It was that night Randy and I really had our first fight, face to face. My mouth was stuffed full with his cock as it choked me while I sucked him off. We were finally getting back into the groove after what happened with him and his wife months ago. “Fuck, I missed your mouth on me.” Randy hummed, resting his head back on the couch as he ran his fingers through my hair. “Feel so good.” He murmured. I looked up at him the best I could while suckling him. He felt twice as thicker and tastier than the last time. 
It felt like a fever dream, I was back where I belonged. In between Randy’s legs, his throbbing cock down my throat with him telling me how much of a good boy I’ve been. My eyes snapped open as I heard his phone ringing. Randy let out an annoying sigh, picking up the newest model iPhone he had. “I have to take this.” He said after looking at the caller ID. With that he pushed me off, letting his hard cock slide out of my mouth. “Hey baby.” He answered. 
“Hey baby?” I said back in a softer tone with confusion laced in. I sat back on my knees as I watched Randy talk to the woman he’s been cheating on with a smile on his lips. 
“Yeah, you watch the match? Oh you like me in those colors?” He purred, his hand wrapping around his cock that I made hard. I furrowed my eyebrows as he blew me off to talk to her and Randy soon noticed. “Uh, listen baby. I’m in the middle of something. I’ll let you go. I love you.” He then hung up.
“I love you?” I repeated what he said. “You have never said ‘I love you’ to that woman since we’ve started this.” My blood started to boil.
“Simon, look she’s still my wife.” 
“That you cheat on.” I spat back.
“I still have to show I have feelings for her.” Randy furrowed his eyebrows. 
“I have feelings for you, Randy!” I yelled. “Me! I love you, I’m the one spending time with you, not her! I’m the one letting you fuck me whenever you need it! I don’t see her pleasing you!” Tears started to swell up in the corner of my eyes.
“You love me?” Randy arched his eyebrow. “Simon,” Randy scoffed. “I’m a married man, this was more so experimenting.” He confessed. “You really thought I had feelings for you?” He cracked a smile as I stayed silent only to follow up with a laugh. 
Standing up, I hovered over Randy as he was still seated on the sofa, cackling. Balling up my fist, I pulled it back and threw it towards him, connecting to his cheek bone. The tattooed male hissed in pain. “Ouch, Simon! What the fuck!” Randy held his cheek as it already started to swell from the harsh force.
“Fuck you, Randy!” Tears finally spilled down my cheeks. Gathering my things, I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder.
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Summerslam was finally upon us. The biggest night for the wrestling company during the summer. “Are you going to talk to me?” A male’s voice asked behind me as I wrapped tape around my wrist. 
“I have nothing to say to you.” I kept focusing on the white tape, wrapping it around and around again until there wasn’t any left on the roll. 
“Look, Simon.” Randy began but the music for us hit. 
“See you out there.” I stepped behind the curtain. As I appeared at the top of the ramp I looked over the sea of people that cheered loudly as I started to walk towards the ring. My heart hammered in my chest as I tried to steady my legs that felt like jelly. Getting inside the ring, I nodded towards the ref and made my way to our side of the corner. Hearing Randy’s theme I looked up towards the entrance. Seeing him walk out confidently taking long strides made me break out in goosebumps. Why did this man have to be so good looking? I shook my head, remembering that I was still mad at him.
The first ten minutes of the match was already feeling like Hell for me. My body ached, my head was split open to where blood was dripping down my face. Whenever we took a small break, all of us laying on the ground after a large spot, Randy would try to see if I was okay. “I’m fine!” I hissed, which made me quickly get up to start the next spot with Aj. 
As I breathed heavily, my stomach hurt with each inhale I took. Being in the middle of the ring, I crawled towards Randy who had his hand stretched out trying to tag himself in. “Come on baby, come on!” Randy chanted.
Omos quickly ran from his corner all the way towards Randy, kicking him in the face. “Randy!” I yelled as he fell from the ring side and a loud thud as he collided with the floor. 
Slowly standing up I looked over at the ref who was checking on Randy. Seeing Omos laughing at me I kicked him in between his legs, knowing he would be too big for me to go one on one with. Omos cried out in pain as he cupped himself through his pants. Hearing Aj behind me, I snapped my head in his direction and gave him an RKO. The ref looked inside the ring to see what all the commotion was and quickly left Randy to slide in as he counted. As the bell rang, I immediately rolled out of the ring, not caring about raising my hand in victory or the titles. Rushing to Randy who was still laying on the outside of the ring. 
“Randy, Randy. Are you okay?” I looked over his face to see if there was any boot print but there was nothing. 
Randy smirked looking up at my worried face. “You care about me.” He teased me. “Did you finish him with a RKO?” He laughed lightly.
Scoffing, I helped him up to his feet. “You scared me.”
“Me scare you? Look at you. Your face is covered in blood.” He frowned. 
Blinking, I brought my hand to my face, wiping away the red liquid that now coats my hand. “It appears so.”
“Come on, let’s get you backstage.” Randy held me close just in case I lost consciousness from the blood loss. “Oh wait. One more thing.” He looked back at the ring and grabbed our red and silver tag team titles. “Now we can go backstage.” As Randy helped me walk up the ramp I waved to my friends and family members that were sitting in the front row. 
“Way to go Simon!” I heard them cheer. A small smile formed on my lips with a blush of embarrassment as we kept moving. 
“Friends seem nice.” Randy pointed out.
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I squinted as the trainer flashed a light in my eye. “You have a concussion.” He said as he took off his gloves. “Just make sure you don’t sleep for a few hours, get something to eat. Occupy yourself so you won’t fall asleep. Keep those stitches clean too.” He said tossing his gloves into the trash that was piled up with bloody gauzes from when they cleaned up my busted head. 
“Thanks.” I mumbled, now feeling the aftermath of the stitches. My head was starting to pound and the bright lights weren’t helping my eyes. Standing up Randy was already by my side, matter of fact he didn’t leave the room when I received my stitches. 
“I was thinking we can go out and eat to celebrate?” He suggested as we both walked out of the trainer’s room and down the hall to our locker room. 
“No.” I said, pushing past the door into our locker room, I went straight to my bag and started to unlace my boots. 
“What do you mean ‘no’?” Randy frowned. “Simon, come on. I said I was sorry, we’re a tag team now with the gold.” 
“I mean no, as in no.” I straightened up and furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him. “I have friends and family here supporting me tonight, I’m celebrating with them.” 
“Simon, please.” Randy’s voice sounded sincere. “That night, the way I acted towards you was uncalled for.” 
“Yeah, you think?” I huffed as I kicked off one boot and started with the other. “You hurt my feelings, Randy. I love you- I loved you.” I corrected myself. 
“And I love you!” Randy shouted, making it echo off the white locker room walls and into my ears. There was a pause, swallowing. I finally turned around, looking at him. 
“You love me?” I repeated, not too sure if I heard him correctly.
“Jesus, Simon of course I love you.” Randy said a bit softer this time. “Rachel, that woman, I don’t like who I’ve become when I’m with her.” Randy confessed. “My time with you, nearly two years of us and just us. This has been the most fun I’ve had and people like me now because you’ve made me into a better person.”
“Would explain your mood swings.” I mumbled, recalling a few times Randy had picked up his rudeness again. 
“She’s not the one I want to be with.” Randy stepped forward, grabbing my hand into his larger ones. “I want to be with you, Simon. It’s always been you.” His blue eyes were becoming red and puffy with the lack of sleep and tears now forming in his eyes. 
“You swear?” I whispered, this couldn’t be real. Was this some sort of trick?
“I swear to you. I can barely sleep when you’re not by my side.” The tip of his finger traced over my palm.
“Oh Randy.” I sighed out, throwing myself against him, I wrapped my arms around his neck where he wrapped around my waist, holding me tight. “I love you so much, Randy.” I mumbled against the crook of his neck, nuzzling deeper. 
“I love you too.” Randy sighed happily, his fingers lazily trailing along my hips. “How about we celebrate the proper way?” He purred, his fingers dipping into the hem of my pants. 
“You mean it?” My eyes shined as I looked up at him, it’s been awhile since he’s fully focused on me and only me.
“Yeah, I mean it.” He hummed, pushing my pants down. I kicked off my last boot to the side and helped him get the sticky pants off me. “Look at you, you’re already hard.” Randy chuckled as he grabbed onto my cock and gave it a squeeze. A half breath left my throat as I swallowed my moans. “Nuh- huh. I want to hear you, I crave to hear you.” Randy slowly started to stroke my cock. 
“Please, Randy faster.” I begged as I buckled my hips against his touch. 
“Such a sweet boy, always begging.” Randy applied a tighter grip as he started to pump my cock faster. As my legs wobbled, I leaned forward, resting my forehead against Randy’s shoulder. “Easy.” He laughed at how I became limp from his touch. Randy pulled his hand away from my cock making me whimper. “Shh, sit down.” Randy ordered. 
Sitting my bare ass on the cool wooden bench, Randy knelt down in front of me, eyeing my throbbing erection and heavy balls. “Randy, please.” I squirmed in my seat as I waited for him to touch me. 
“Such a needy thing.” Randy chuckled, as he grabbed my ankles and placed them over his shoulders, exposing me. “Hold on to something.” Randy planted his hands on my waist as he dipped his head in between my legs, he licked softly against my hole. A shuttering moan escaped my lips from the feeling of his wet tongue teasing me. 
“Oh, Randy.” I arched my back, pushing my waist against his face as one of his hands left my waist and spread my cheeks to get a better taste. His tongue lapped small circles around my muscle. Grabbing the back of his head, I pushed him further in between my cheeks. “Randy, please. Fuck me with your tongue.”
A low growl rumbled through Randy’s chest as he dipped the tip of his tongue inside of me, swirling it around inch by inch he forced his tongue a little further. Slurping sounds from the way Randy flicked his tongue made me even harder than before. Feeling Randy’s hot mouth pull away from me, I cursed under my breath only to suck in another, feeling the warm tip of his finger pressing against my hole. “Yes, yes please.” Pushing my hips towards Randy, I tried to get his finger inside of me and skip the teasing but he paused when his phone started to ring.
We both looked where his phone was, resting on top of his duffle bag, the photo of Rachel flashed on his screen, making me frown. Randy looked back at me only to look back at his phone and reach for it. Sitting up, I was about to get up and start packing only to my surprise Randy clicked the decline button, making the ringtone stop and forcing her to voicemail. “I’m all yours tonight, baby.” Randy smiled. “I want my cock buried in your sweet ass.” 
Randy pushed my upper half down onto the bench, forcing me to lay down again. Pushing his trunks down, he stepped out of them and threw one leg over the bench to where the bench was now in between his legs. Randy scooted me closer to him where his large cock rested against my hole. “Fuck, you look so hot.” Randy grabbed his cock and started to stroke it. “My champion.” He purred.
“Wait Randy.” My eyes looked over at the unlock door. My family and friends were somewhere backstage looking for me. “My friends they’re expecting me- oh fuck Randy!” I cried out as Randy pushed his large mushroom tip into my tight ring. 
“Yeah, you want your friends to walk in and find you so stuffed with my cock?” He chuckled, pushing his cock deeper into me. “You better stay quiet or else.” Randy demanded as he pulled his hips back only to slam back into me. My jaw dropped at the intimate feeling we shared. It’s been so long since Randy has been inside of me that it nearly makes me want to come. “Show your friends how much of a cock slut you really are.”
My bottom lip was pinned in between my teeth, biting down harshly so my screams wouldn’t escape. Randy’s thrusts became short and hard with each movement. “Fuck I miss you, I missed this tight ass.” Randy’s fingers dug into the flesh of my ass as his cock pounded faster into me. My body jolted forward slightly with each thrust, the wood nipping at my back from the fast friction being created. My stiff cock jumped with each movement Randy did. 
Wrapping my hand around my cock, I started to stroke it. “Good boy, such a good boy. Play with your cock, you deserve it baby.” Randy praised as he grabbed my legs, tossing them over his shoulders, he tilted his head, kissing my calf. 
“I’m so close.” I moaned, arching my back as I pumped my cock faster, squeezing it tighter. My stomach clenched as my balls ached, growing closer to my orgasm. 
“Come for me baby, don’t hold back. Come for daddy.” Randy’s hips snapped forward in quick movements, not missing a beat. “Come for me baby boy.” Randy encouraged me as his cock swelled inside of me. “I’m right behind you.” His voice gravely with every word. 
Fluttering my eyes shut, I squeezed the tip of my cock and jerked downward, coming back up I squeezed the tip once more and fucked my hips into the tight grip. Stars exploded behind my eyes as I climaxed all over my chest and hand. “Oh god, fuck.” I cried out loudly. 
Randy’s thrusts never stopped as he watched himself disappear and reappear with each movement. “So hot.” He mumbled to himself. The sight of Randy fucking into me must have done it for him because with a harsh snap of his hips, he was deeply inside of me, emptying his spunk. “Fuck, you feel so good.” He moaned. “I can feel your walls spazzing around my cock.” His legs shook as he rode out his high. “Fuck, oh my god.” He gasped for air as he slowly slipped out of me. His creamy ooz pouring out of my fucked hole.
“I need a fucking shower.” I panted as my body went limp on the hard uncomfortable surface of the small bench. 
“Well, let me clean you up.” Randy hummed, kneeling down once again he wrapped his lips around my sticky come covered cock, cleaning me. 
“Oh fuck, oh fuck.” I breathed out, trying to push Randy off of my over sensitive cock. “Randy, fuck my cock.” I whined as he swirled his tongue over my twitching tip. He nearly started to make me hard again if it wasn’t for the loud slam of the door opening making myself and Randy jump.
“R- Randy?” A female voice spoke.
I swallowed hard to see Randy’s wife standing in the doorway, wearing his shirt in support of him during this big night.
“Fuck.” Randy whispered as he quickly grabbed the nearest thing to cover him which was his ring gear. “Rachel, wait listen to me.” He got in front of me to shield my naked body. 
“God! I can’t even look at you!” Tears appeared in her eyes as she left the doorway and down the hall.
“Randy?” I whispered to see him frozen in his spot. “Lets get cleaned up, come on Randy.” I said, going towards the door I shut it and locked it so no one else could come stumbling in. “Come on baby, let’s shower.” 
All these times Randy took care of me, now it was my job to take care of him.
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Randy Orton's Masterlist
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magnoliacharmed · 2 years
Say What You Feel Inside
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(not my gif!)
Bret Hart x McMahon sister reader (one shot)
[Also available of Archive of Our Own!]
Word count: ~1.2k
Tags: Public displays of affection, fluff, arguing, misunderstandings, flirting, declarations of love, family fluff
As the oldest McMahon sister, your relationship with Bret Hart is fun, frustrating, and surprisingly sweet.
(Thank you for the request, anon!)
S. McMahon, the oldest McMahon sibling
You generally keep a cool, aloof disposition. You're dissimilar to your dad and siblings in that way
When you’re public facing you don’t tend to smile often or participate in a lot of fun and jokes
You stay behind the scenes for the most part. Vince let you be in charge of the women's makeup/hair/costuming. You enjoy it and denied the multiple promotions he tried to give you
After rejecting him so often, Vince stopped including you in major business decisions. He's hurt by your supposed lack of interest no matter how many times you try to tell him you like what you do and you do it well. He'll still will run ideas by you before he finalizes them, valuing your opinion even when he acts like he doesn't
When you first met Bret, you diffused arguments between him and Vince more often than you expected to
One day, Bret absentmindedly says "You're a lot different than your siblings." It feels nice to be acknowledged for your reserved nature instead of it being looked at as a negative
After he pushes your father to the mat on an episode of Monday Night Raw, you say "You're kind of an asshole Bret -- I like it." when he returns backstage.
He realizes that you're the one who even convinced Vince to let himself get pushed. (or at least, egged your father on. "C'mon Dad, the ratings will be so good!")
The first time you give him a compliment (about how you liked how fluffy his hair got by the end of a match), Bret's face gets really really red. He's so embarrassed about it he brushed it off and walked away, leaving you laughing. As soon as heard your laugh he realized he’d never heard you laugh before. He wanted to make you laugh like that again forever.
The next time he sees you he manages to awkwardly ask you out to dinner. You say yes in the most nonchalant voice you can manage but feel butterflies inside. He feels the same way too, the invitation short and with little fanfare to keep him from tripping over his words.
By the third date you end up spending the night together
When you get up to sneak out of the hotel room (you're not someone who likes to stick around… too much opportunity to fall head over heels), he grabs at your waist in his sleep
Bret mumbles sleepily to ask where you're going.
You realize that you could just lie and say you're using the bathroom, then slip out quietly. Instead you stay, hiding in the bathroom for a few minutes before returning to bed
Bret immediately wraps his huge arms around you and you fall asleep shortly after.
He apologizes for the display of affection the next morning. "Been a while since I spent the night with a woman I really like-- I mean, I know we've only been on a few dates--")
You rib him about it all, from the grabbing to his stuttering about it ("Your accent is so strong when you're sleepy!") and remind him in a quiet voice that you stayed with him.
Vince is upset at first when he learns you're dating Bret, then realizes he can use you to his advantage to spy on him.
You don't want to do that and stick to Bret's side. It causes a huge argument between you and Vince.
Vince respects you for that decision in the end even though it annoys him
Stephanie doesn't like the relationship (you roll your eyes at that) but Shane thinks it's funny how pissed off Vince is about it and supports it
Owen tells Bret he approves - "If you're gonna date a McMahon, she's the best choice... even if she is kind of a hard ass. You are too though, so it's a match made in heaven!"
When you get in one of your type-A controlling moods Bret mutters: "Just like a McMahon." just to piss you off. You scoff at him and calm down, appreciating being brought back down to earth from the one person you'd let say that to you
Even when Bret gets irritated at your "suggestions" (about his hair, his ring gear, his promos, or pretty much anything involving him) he tends to follow them
You get in arguments, real screaming matches occasionally. He’s the only man who’s ever gotten you so upset to the point you’re raising your voice, let alone yelling!
You make it up to each other without ever actually saying sorry (usually whoever was in the wrong gives the other person a kiss on the cheek)
You decide to tell Bret you love him live on TV in a rare appearance. "I came on the show to tell Bret Hart one thing. Bret-- I love you."
He's in complete shock as the show ends before he can respond
Backstage after you go off the air, Bret is pissed. "Is this all for an angle, McMahon? Trying to get me caught up on tv? You sure know how to cut a good promo."
Bret is more angry at himself for falling into your trap. He knew the relationship was too good to be true, you were just using him.
You shake your head "no", equally as mad as he is. He knows how you like to keep a low profile so doing something huge like publicly declaring your love on television was a big deal! How could he think you were trying to trick him? Or maybe he was upset that you were even telling anyone that you two were together. No one knew about the relationship besides your families.
"Bret, I love you so much I came out from behind the shadows to scream it to the world. That's how serious I am about you, about us. I'm sorry if you didn't want anyone to know--"
He walks away from you and you don't see him again until next week's show.
Stephanie tells you that you'll be on again just for a few minutes, barely containing a smile on her face. Your nervousness doesn’t allow you any time to wonder why she’s acting so strange
At the start of the show you're left standing in the middle of the ring alone
"Now I know you all are wondering what was going through my mind last week when I said--"
Bret is suddenly walking up to the ring, a look of determination on his face
Your heart aches at seeing him but you keep your expression neutral
He climbs in the ring and time feels like it's slowing down as he pulls you into him, giving you a kiss in front of everyone that makes your knees weak. The flashbulbs light up like crazy around you
The crowd screams when his voice pipes in with conviction to say "S. McMahon, I love you too."
After the show, Vince tells you that he told Bret you didn't have any ulterior motives and that the stunt you pulled the week before was all your idea. ("If it makes you feel better I was upset she even went out there and did it.")
Bret put his pride aside to ask Stephanie to convince you to go back out so he could kiss you. Stephanie, as much as she didn't like him, did it because she wanted to see you happy
Bret apologizes for his behavior and the ambush of making you go back into the ring.
You playfully slap his chest and kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck
“Don't expect me to show up on TV with you again any time soon. I've never felt so exposed!"
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A little fic that I wrote under the cut, I'm strictly posting this to prove to myself that not everything has to be perfect when it comes to my writing. Vince/Mick implied (kinda) and cursing warning.
“Dude, what the hell happened to your hair?”
Mick is broken from his restful state by the grating voice of Vince Neil.
He'd been minding his own business after their first show together in years. The red, white and crue tour looked like it was going to do well if the sold out venues suggested anything and he was feeling pretty good about everything they've accomplished thus far so he decided that a bit of a victory nap (read: pass out) on the couch of the dressing room would be fine, so he nodded off a bit.
He then processes what Vince said.
“What?” He replies dumbly, confused.
“What is going on with your hair?” Vince repeats while pointing his finger towards his own hairline to imply to Mick to look at his own hairline there.
“What do you mean?” Mick raises a brow, reaching for his hat only to realise that his hat wasn't on his head anymore. 
He scans the floor frantically to find it laying strewn on the ground about seven inches away.
Vince laughs, amused by Mick's panic. 
“Um, do you mind getting my hat for me?” Mick asks, too embarrassed to remember to be grumpy about being woken.
Vince picks it up but holds the top hat hostage with the advantage of standing and not having a crippling bone disease.
“Not until you tell me what's up with your hair, you try something different and it didn't work?” Vince chuckles, holding the hat close to his chest playfully.
Mick sighs wearily, looks like he wouldn't be getting that victory nap after all.
“What the hell are you talking about Neil?” Mick asks,annoyed that this conversation wasn't getting him any closer to going back to sleep.
“The colour man”
“What colour?” Mick is genuinely confused as to what his singer is on about, he's starting to think that Vince is asking him something completely different in reality but because of just waking up his tired brain was just interpreting this conversation very weirdly.
“The ginger”
Mick pulls a face before realisation sets in.
Fuck, his roots were starting to grow out.
He guesses that he just hadn't noticed because he's always wearing hat's…and he's not really a fan of looking at himself in the mirror.
“Oh yeah, I'm due a touch up, my roots are probably just growing out is all” Mick says holding his hand out expectantly for Vince to hand over his hat.
Vince doesn't budge.
“No fucking way dude, there is no way that you've been a ginger this whole time and I didn't know.” 
“Well believe it” Mick leans forward making grabbing motions towards his hat. Instead of Vince giving him his hat he sits down next to Mick on the couch, still keeping the hat from Mick's reach.
“Abso-fucking-lutely not, there is no way.” Vince says unconvinced and obviously in the mood to bust Mick's balls, which Mick doesn't appreciate.
He should have expected this kind of behaviour from the blond, he'd known him for over twenty years so he knew something minerly inconvenient like this would happen, it's always something with not just Vince but with all the guys.
No matter how sober or ‘good’ they got their innate need for chaos would never truly disappear, but that's one of the reasons Mick loved the band so much.
It was never boring.
What he didn't expect Vince to do was reach a free hand out and thread his fingers though the thin faded hair on his scalp.
Mick's first instinct is to tense, a sudden violent flashback of when Nikki had ripped out a chunk of his hair flashes in his mind. And he knows it's irrational and a completely different decade at this point and a whole different person to Nikki (and hell even Nikki himself was quite pleasant as of late) so he tries to play off the illogical spasm as surprise.
He's not quick enough apparently as Vince takes notice almost immediately.Vince is the  master of body language after all.
“Sorry man” the playful edge wanes a bit, as his movements become subtly more gentle. When his hand is comfortably seated he starts scratching.
And Mick is absolute putty in his hands, the gentle unintentional scalp massage he's getting while Vince playfully checks if his hair is real makes his brain short circuit for a moment. He's not used to somebody touching his hair like this.
Embarrassingly enough Mick finds himself nodding off again, his exhaustion from the show, his nap being interrupted and now the intentional scalp massage all elements to why he suddenly thought that falling asleep sounded great.
He leans back to how he was lying down  (sitting down) before and for a second he's almost gone again.
Then he hears a snort and a chuckle that snaps him out of it.
“Ya like that Mickey~” Vince teases and pulls his hand away. Mick feels his face turn bright red.
“Fuck off Neil, go bother one of the other guys.” Mick says,trying to hide embarrassment with anger.
Vince gets up but not before winking at him. 
“Ya know what I think I will, Nikki owes me twenty bucks.”
“How come?” Mick asks embarrassment, momentarily forgotten.
Vince answers while making his way to the door out of the dressing room. “I bet him about twenty years ago that you were soulless and now that I know your a ginger, my theories fucking confirmed”
Mick gives Vince a deadpan look, too end all deadpan looks, and if looks could kill, Vince would be dead where he stood.
Vince just laughs and he's out the door without another word.
It's only when Mick is comfortably settled again that he realises that Vince took his hat with him.
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bullet-prooflove · 7 months
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A quick round up of updates on the blog including new characters added to the ASK LIST and a list of fics that went out last week:
Characters Added to ASK LIST:
Mitch Ripley (Chicago Med)
Bode Leone (Fire Country)
Manny Perez (Fire Country)
Vince Leone (Fire Country)
Arlo Turk (NCIS: LA)
Chicago Fire:
Exs - You catch Jeff and Lisa arguing outside the firehouse.
Chicago Med:
S.A.D - You notice a decline in Mitch's mood.
What It Feels Like - Mitch knows what it feels like to be alone.
Fire Country:
The God Damn World - Bode wishes he could give you the god damn world.
All of It (NSFW) - Manny wants it all with you.
Silk (NSFW) - Vince loves you in silk.
Law & Order:
Do It Right - Vince wants to do it right with you.
Benito - Things get complicated when your ex husband Benito comes to town.
Inevitable - Bottles finds a letter on your kitchen table.
Galindo Series - Part One: Weakness - Miguel returns to Nestor's life.
LA!Series - Part Three: Legacy - Manny learns your story.
Soundtrack - McGee notices your relationship with Alden has a soundtrack.
Five Years (NSFW) - It's been five years since Arlo last laid eyes on you.
Beachside - Arlo spends a morning on the water considering about what you've told him.
For You - Arlo confirms his feelings for you.
Hourglass - You remember the moment you fell in love with Harm.
What You Need - You take care of Harm when he needs it.
Night Calls - You and Harm wake up to a call in the middle of the night.
Strong Women - Harm has always had an attraction to strong women.
Danny's Song - The first song that Nik ever sung to you.
NCIS New Orleans:
Rain - Dwayne thinks of you everytime it rains.
The Rookie:
Vest - You're there for John when he's shot in the chest.
The Rookie: Feds:
Distraction - Brendon needs a distraction from a hideous day.
Will Trent:
Part Five: Different - Will compares the differences between you and Angie.
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
fic request- do you write harkbreak stuff? if so maybe one of them after a match and bret tells shawn he looks pretty in his gear 🤯
My main thing is hbtaker. I have written hartbreak before but its always a tough one for me because ik everyone thinks they'd be all lovely and stuff but 90s hartbreak is 100% pure pain and toxicity. Present hartbreak is probably fluffy though.
I'll give it my best shot though. If I write bret wrong I completely apologise lol
HartBreak- Pretty little thing.
Shawn was having a tough week. Vince was on his back more than usual. The boys were being extra rough with him. Even the kliq was getting on his nerves, oh and an extra bit of spice! He wanted to cry anytime he looked in the mirror. And this all started because Owen and davey decided to tease him at the wrong time in the wrong place.
Bret instantly knew. He always did, shawn would tease him calling it his old man power. But bret knew he didn't have to be magical to sense shawns mood. Anyone could sense it.
Bret watches Shawn's match. He sells like normal, he fights like normal, the only difference is that sid is not pulling any punches.
Shawn winces as he kneels in the middle of the ring. He brings his hand up to his jaw. That's all he needs. A bruise to add to his ugly mood. God Shawn doesn't even know what he did to the boys this week. Probably smiled too much. Shawn sighs and adjusts his red tights. He liked these tights. The little texas flags. The boys tease him about them, but he likes them. He wished they liked them, but if that was possible he'd wish a lot more.
His mood was instantly sour and now he just wanted to get this match done and then into the showers. So that's what he does. He throws his punches a lot harder. And he feels good when sid receives a bruising sweet chin music.
Bret smiles slightly, knowing Shawn will probably feel slightly better after a win. He still prepares for a storm when Shawn returns.
Shawn walks into the lockeroom and doesn't even say anything or slam anything. He just makes his way towards the shower. "Shawn?" Bret calls. Shawn stops dead in his tracks. "You looked pretty out there tonight" bret states. Shawn snaps in half. He lowers his head before turning and looking at bret with the biggest, saddest eyes he's ever seen. "Really?" Shawn whispers. Bret smiles and nods. "Mhm. I love those tights on you aswell. You look really beautiful right now baby" bret tells him. Shawn moves until he's stood infront of the older. He nods slightly. "I needed that..thank you" shawn whispers.
Bret pulls him into his lap, wrapping his arms around the slim waist. "Never forget how beautiful you are. No matter what your head tells you" bret whispers, planting a kiss on shawns temple. Shawn just melts, resting his head on brets shoulder. Damn. He really did need this. "I know it's been a tough week. But it'll all be okay from now on. I promise." Bret whispers. Shawn sits quietly for a few minutes. "Bret?" He asks quietly, lifting his head. "Yeah kid?" Bret hums. "I love you." Shawn states. "I love you too pretty boy" bret smiles. Shawn smiles.
"I like it when you call me pretty" Shawn admits, he's cheeks flushed. "I know. I like telling you the truth" bret nods. "Yeah?" Shawn asks. "Yeah, you are just the prettiest little thing" bret smiles before kissing Shawn.
"Mmm yes I am"
Okay that was low-key fun
But as I said, I don't normally write bret so I might be in taker mode still for all I know.
But I tried.
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mushroomheadgirl · 23 days
Draco's friends' reactions to her coming out. (all part of the same au that now lives in my head)
Pansy: I talked about this briefly before, but Pansy was the first friend Draco came out to. At first, Pansy didn't get it. But to be fair, even Draco struggled with understanding all she was feeling. She didn't even have a word yet for her desire to be a woman. So Pansy thought Draco just liked wearing women's clothes. It took a while to explain to Pansy that no, it wasn't just the clothes, she wanted to be a woman fully. Pansy ended up being very supportive, but she's the one who kind of got it into Draco's head that she had to somehow biologically transform to fully actualize her womanhood. Now, Draco already had plenty of hangups of her own, but Pansy definitely helped by obsessing over ways to turn Draco into a "real girl."
Blaise: Blaise got a weird about it. Out of all of her friends, he's the one with the most connections to the Muggle world. He's the one who helps her find the doctor that gives her hormone therapy, but also, the majority of his knowledge on transgender people comes from fetish magazines and movie houses. He views her transition through a sexual lens. When she starts looking more outwardly feminine, his crude jokes start sounding a lot more like sexual passes. Draco snaps back at him for being a pervert, but mostly puts up with it despite her discomfort. When she and Harry start dating, Harry gets angry the first time he hears Blaise make one of his "jokes" and demands he apologize. This turns into a fight that ends with Draco and Blaise not speaking for months. Eventually, Blaise apologizes and promises to lay off. Draco accepts him back into her life easily, though Harry always remains wary of him.
Theo: This was a hard one for Draco. Theo was her first love. They had a short but intense relationship during seventh year, when they were wrapped up in a war and terrified and clung to each other. They remained friends after, but it was never the same. He was always the quiet type, and just kept nodding while Draco filled in the silence until she ran out of steam. After a while he said, "I suppose we could technically get married now like we used to talk about." Draco starts tearing up and almost suggests running to the courthouse right there. Instead she says, "It would never work. You don't like women." Theo shrugs and says, "You're not really though, right? You'll still have all the parts." Draco almost cries then, for a much different reason. Ever since that conversation, she wonders if Theo sees her as faking it. She never gains the courage to ask.
Greg: He's the most publicly supportive of her. When they're out together after she reenters society, he starts acting like her attack dog again, glaring at anyone who looks at Draco funny and sometimes starting fights like they're back on the schoolyard. He sometimes slips up with Draco's pronouns, but he gets better at it as time goes on. He's always overly apologetic about it when he catches himself and that grates on Draco more than the slip-up in the first place. One day Draco blows up on him to "Correct yourself and move on without the theatrics. You're a big boy, I know you can do it." When she cools down, she feels a bit guilty, but her barbed words have never bothered Greg, and he's moved on before she can get an apology out.
Vince: Draco visits his empty grave every year on the anniversary of the Battle. She doesn't usually talk—there's nothing there but a headstone—but this time she feels the need to. She's already started hormones by the time she visits him, and her mood swings have her all over the place so she's already sobbing before she gets any words out. She eventually does, but she hardly spends any time on her transition. Mostly she tells him how much she misses him and how she wishes he were with her through this. She, Greg, and Vince had been friends since they were babies. It always felt wrong after his death, so much so that she pulled away from Greg for a while too, but now going through such a major life change without him when they shared every other change together feels indescribably wrong.
More trans femme Draco headcanons
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