#digital marketing for construction industry
analytss · 11 months
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anmolrawat12 · 1 year
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eibaqin · 7 months
umumnya fastener dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi dua tipe yang berdasarkan pada cara pengencangan dan bentuk kepalanya yaitu baut ( bolt ) dan sekrup ( screw ).
Di era ini kebutuhan konsumen akan banyaknya produktivitas fastener semakin melonjak, bahkan hampir seluruh bidang industri manufaktur,
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73itsolutions · 1 year
Workers Day
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seocompanyexperts2 · 2 years
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Looking for construction digital marketing agency? SEO Company Experts provides the best seo services for construction company. Call us today!
 Category:- Digital Marketing
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writers-potion · 5 months
I'm writing a sci-fi story about a space freight hauler with a heavy focus on the economy. Any tips for writing a complex fictional economy and all of it's intricacies and inner-workings?
Constructing a Fictional Economy
The economy is all about: How is the limited financial/natural/human resources distributed between various parties?
So, the most important question you should be able to answer are:
Who are the "have"s and "have-not"s?
What's "expensive" and what's "commonplace"?
What are the rules(laws, taxes, trade) of this game?
Building Blocks of the Economic System
Type of economic system. Even if your fictional economy is made up, it will need to be based on the existing systems: capitalism, socialism, mixed economies, feudalism, barter, etc.
Currency and monetary systems: the currency can be in various forms like gols, silver, digital, fiat, other commodity, etc. Estalish a central bank (or equivalent) responsible for monetary policy
Exchange rates
Domestic and International trade: Trade policies and treaties. Transportation, communication infrastructure
Labour and employment: labor force trends, employment opportunities, workers rights. Consider the role of education, training and skill development in the labour market
The government's role: Fiscal policy(tax rate?), market regulation, social welfare, pension plans, etc.
Impact of Technology: Examine the role of tech in productivity, automation and job displacement. How does the digital economy and e-commerce shape the world?
Economic history: what are some historical events (like The Great Depresion and the 2008 Housing Crisis) that left lasting impacts on the psychologial workings of your economy?
For a comprehensive economic system, you'll need to consider ideally all of the above. However, depending on the characteristics of your country, you will need to concentrate on some more than others. i.e. a country heavily dependent on exports will care a lot more about the exchange rate and how to keep it stable.
For Fantasy Economies:
Social status: The haves and have-nots in fantasy world will be much more clear-cut, often with little room for movement up and down the socioeconoic ladder.
Scaricity. What is a resource that is hard to come by?
Geographical Characteristics: The setting will play a huge role in deciding what your country has and doesn't. Mountains and seas will determine time and cost of trade. Climatic conditions will determine shelf life of food items.
Impact of Magic: Magic can determine the cost of obtaining certain commodities. How does teleportation magic impact trade?
For Sci-Fi Economies Related to Space Exploration
Thankfully, space exploitation is slowly becoming a reality, we can now identify the factors we'll need to consider:
Economics of space waste: How large is the space waste problem? Is it recycled or resold? Any regulations about disposing of space wste?
New Energy: Is there any new clean energy? Is energy scarce?
Investors: Who/which country are the giants of space travel?
Ownership: Who "owns" space? How do you draw the borders between territories in space?
New class of workers: How are people working in space treated? Skilled or unskilled?
Relationship between space and Earth: Are resources mined in space and brought back to Earth, or is there a plan to live in space permanently?
What are some new professional niches?
What's the military implication of space exploitation? What new weapons, networks and spying techniques?
Also, consider:
Impact of space travel on food security, gender equality, racial equality
Impact of space travel on education.
Impact of space travel on the entertainment industry. Perhaps shooting monters in space isn't just a virtual thing anymore?
What are some indsutries that decline due to space travel?
I suggest reading up the Economic Impact Report from NASA, and futuristic reports from business consultants like McKinsey.
If space exploitation is a relatiely new technology that not everyone has access to, the workings of the economy will be skewed to benefit large investors and tech giants. As more regulations appear and prices go down, it will be further be integrated into the various industries, eventually becoming a new style of living.
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mariacallous · 27 days
If you’ve rented an apartment in the US in the past several years, you may have had the sense that the game was rigged: Prices creep up not only at your building but at others throughout the city, seemingly in lockstep. A new civil lawsuit brought by the US Department of Justice today alleges that in many cases it’s not just in your head—and that a single company’s algorithm is to blame.
That company is RealPage, a Texas-based firm that provides commercial revenue management software for landlords. In other words, it helps set the prices of apartments. But it does so, the DOJ alleges in its lawsuit, by effectively helping its clients cheat; landlords feed rental rate and lease terms into the system, and the RealPage algorithm in turn spits out a suggested price that enables coordination and hinders competition.
“By feeding sensitive data into a sophisticated algorithm powered by artificial intelligence, RealPage has found a modern way to violate a century-old law through systematic coordination of rental housing prices,” deputy attorney general Lisa Monaco said in a statement.
RealPage’s reach is broad. It controls 80 percent of the market for software of its kind, which in turn is used to set prices of around 3 million units across the country, according to the DOJ. It already faces multiple lawsuits, including one from the state of Arizona and another in Washington, DC, where RealPage software is allegedly used to price more than 90 percent of units in large apartment buildings. RealPage’s algorithmic pricing first gained broader attention when a 2022 ProPublica investigation detailed how the company’s YieldStar software works.
The DOJ civil lawsuit, which was joined by the attorneys general of eight states, is a significant escalation in legal action against the company. It’s also a first for the DOJ, according to officials speaking on background during a call to discuss the complaint. While the government had previously filed criminal charges against an Amazon seller for algorithm-enabled price-fixing, this is the first civil action in which the algorithm itself, the Justice Department official says, was effectively the means of the violation.
The complaint itself quotes RealPage executives allegedly acknowledging anticompetitive aspects of its product. “There is greater good in everybody succeeding versus essentially trying to compete against one another in a way that actually keeps the entire industry down,” one RealPage executive allegedly wrote.
RealPage has repeatedly denied any allegations of antitrust violations, going so far as to publish a six-page digital pamphlet that claims to tell “the Real Story” about its products, along with an extensive FAQ page on a dedicated public policy website. The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment. “Attacks on the industry’s revenue management are based on demonstrably false information,” one section of that site reads. “RealPage revenue management software benefits both housing providers and residents.”
“We are disappointed that, after multiple years of education and cooperation on the antitrust matters concerning RealPage, the DOJ has chosen this moment to pursue a lawsuit that seeks to scapegoat pro-competitive technology that has been used responsibly for years,” said Jennifer Bowcock, senior vice president of communications and creative at RealPage, in an emailed statement. “RealPage’s revenue management software is purposely built to be legally compliant, and we have a long history of working constructively with the DOJ to show that."
The DOJ disagrees. “Algorithms don’t exist in a law-free zone,” said Monaco in a press conference to discuss the case. “Training a machine to break the law is still breaking the law.”
In this case, the complaint alleges that those algorithms consistently drove rental prices upward. “RealPage’s software tends to maximize price increases, minimize price decreases, and maximize landlords’ pricing power,” said the DOJ in a press release. RealPage also doesn’t just recommend prices; in many cases, it actively sets them.
“RealPage actively polices landlords’ compliance with those recommendations,” said US attorney general Merrick Garland in today’s press conference. “A large number of landlords effectively agree to outsource their pricing decisions to RealPage by using an ‘auto-accept’ setting that effectively permits RealPage to determine the price a renter will pay.”
The DOJ also claims RealPage has created a “self-reinforcing feedback loop” with its data intake and pricing recommendations structure that also gives it an alleged monopoly in the apartment revenue management software industry. Any competitor who plays by the rules, the DOJ claims, is at a distinct disadvantage.
The Justice Department has spent the past several years staffing up with technologists and data scientists, better enabling them to “interrogate the code,” as multiple officials described the investigative process. While this is the first major algorithmic collusion case, DOJ officials suggested it would be far from the last.
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These claims of an extinction-level threat come from the very same groups creating the technology, and their warning cries about future dangers is drowning out stories on the harms already occurring. There is an abundance of research documenting how AI systems are being used to steal art, control workers, expand private surveillance, and seek greater profits by replacing workforces with algorithms and underpaid workers in the Global South.
The sleight-of-hand trick shifting the debate to existential threats is a marketing strategy, as Los Angeles Times technology columnist Brian Merchant has pointed out. This is an attempt to generate interest in certain products, dictate the terms of regulation, and protect incumbents as they develop more products or further integrate AI into existing ones. After all, if AI is really so dangerous, then why did Altman threaten to pull OpenAI out of the European Union if it moved ahead with regulation? And why, in the same breath, did Altman propose a system that just so happens to protect incumbents: Only tech firms with enough resources to invest in AI safety should be allowed to develop AI.
First, the industry represents the culmination of various lines of thought that are deeply hostile to democracy. Silicon Valley owes its existence to state intervention and subsidy, at different times working to capture various institutions or wither their ability to interfere with private control of computation. Firms like Facebook, for example, have argued that they are not only too large or complex to break up but that their size must actually be protected and integrated into a geopolitical rivalry with China.
Second, that hostility to democracy, more than a singular product like AI, is amplified by profit-seeking behavior that constructs increasingly larger threats to humanity. It’s Silicon Valley and its emulators worldwide, not AI, that create and finance harmful technologies aimed at surveilling, controlling, exploiting, and killing human beings with little to no room for the public to object. The search for profits and excessive returns, with state subsidy and intervention clearing the way of competition, has and will create a litany of immoral business models and empower brutal regimes alongside “existential” threats. At home, this may look like the surveillance firm and government contractor Palantir creating a deportation machine that terrorizes migrants. Abroad, this may look like the Israeli apartheid state exporting spyware and weapons it has tested on Palestinians.
Third, this combination of a deeply antidemocratic ethos and a desire to seek profits while externalizing costs can’t simply be regulated out of Silicon Valley. These are fundamental attributes of the industry that trace back to the beginning of computation. These origins in optimizing plantations and crushing worker uprisings prefigure the obsession with surveillance and social control that shape what we are told technological innovations are for.
Taken altogether, why should we worry about some far-flung threat of a superintelligent AI when its creators—an insular network of libertarians building digital plantations, surveillance platforms, and killing machines—exist here and now? Their Smaugian hoards, their fundamentalist beliefs about markets and states and democracy, and their track record should be impossible to ignore.
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msrover · 19 days
Beyond the Hype: A Critical Look at K-Pop Culture
The phenomenon of parasocial relationships with K-pop idols underscores the complex interplay between the artist, the audience, and the broader cultural and economic forces at play. While fans may develop deep emotional connections with their favorite celebrities, it is crucial to approach these relationships with a nuanced understanding.
The entertainment industry plays a pivotal role in constructing and maintaining the idealized images of K-pop idols. Through carefully curated content, strategic marketing campaigns, and controlled public appearances, agencies aim to cultivate a sense of intimacy and relatability. However, this carefully crafted persona often masks the complexities and contradictions of the individual behind the public facade.
Moreover, the commercial nature of the entertainment industry necessitates a focus on audience engagement and revenue generation. While artists may address social issues or embody desirable traits, these actions should be considered within the broader context of their professional roles and the strategic objectives of their agencies. It is essential to avoid conflating the public persona with the private individual, as the motivations behind such actions may be multifaceted and influenced by factors beyond personal conviction.
Furthermore, the limitations of mediated communication must be acknowledged. While social media and digital platforms offer opportunities for interaction, they cannot fully capture the nuances of interpersonal relationships. The absence of physical presence and the potential for misinterpretation can contribute to the formation of distorted perceptions.
In conclusion, parasocial relationships with K-pop idols can be a source of enjoyment and inspiration. However, it is essential to approach these connections with a critical eye, recognizing the constructed nature of public personas, the commercial interests at play, and the limitations of mediated communication. By cultivating a nuanced understanding, fans can appreciate the artistry and talent of their favorite idols while maintaining a healthy balance between admiration and critical engagement.
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pwlanier · 21 days
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PIXAR, 1986
Serial No. 8642A00176
Of monolithic construction, with two panels, one which opens to reveal sockets for circuit boards, together with 3 boards, one installed and two loose
The groundbreaking graphics workstation designed for rendering high-resolution images and animations.
Developed by the graphics division of Lucasfilm then Pixar, the Pixar Image Computer, introduced in 1986 was a high-performance graphics workstation designed for imaging professionals. The signification of the machine lies within its pioneering role in the development of high-resolution image processing and computer graphics. At a time when digital imaging technology was still in its nascent stages, this computer offered unprecedented capabilities for rendering complex images with remarkable detail and accuracy; specifically engineered to handle the demanding computational tasks required for medical imaging, meteorology, scientific visualization, and, most notably, animation.
Technologically, the Pixar Image Computer was a marvel. It was built around the capabilities of multiple powerful processors that worked in parallel, enabling it to perform rapid calculations and manage large data sets efficiently. The computer's architecture was optimized for handling graphical data, making it an ideal tool for industries that required high-fidelity image processing. The system included specialized hardware for rasterizing images and supported a range of advanced graphical functions, such as anti-aliasing and shading, which were critical for producing smooth, realistic images.
Indeed, applicable for such essential fields such as medical imaging, where the processors capability to render detailed images quickly made is an invaluable asset for visualising complex anatomical structures, the Pixar computer marked a revolution in image software that affected beyond its famous employment in the field of entertainment. However, it was in the realm of animation that the Pixar Image Computer made its most enduring mark. The computer played a crucial role in developing some of the earliest computer-generated imagery (CGI) used in film and television, including the short film "Luxo Jr.," which was nominated for an Academy Award. This short film demonstrated the potential of computer-generated animation to produce lifelike movements and expressions, setting the stage for the future of animated films.
Despite its advanced capabilities, the Pixar Image Computer faced significant challenges in the market. Its high cost and the specialized nature of its applications limited its adoption to niche markets. However, whilst it was not widely adopted, its influence is evident in the subsequent development of CGI technology and its profound impact on the entertainment industry. Indeed, the Pixar Image Computer’s legacy is a testament to the early vision and technological ingenuity that would eventually lead to the transformation of animation and digital imaging.
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eibaqin · 8 months
Dibangun di Portsmouth selama hampir enam tahun, pabrik mesin ini memproduksi lebih dari 130.000 blok baru setiap tahun.
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lunacreativeacademy · 7 months
I offer each potential client a free 30 minute session over Zoom – No Obligation/No Strings Attached.
This will give you the chance to ask me questions related to the craft, the industry or your current project.
Each session is relaxed, confidential and informal. You can discuss your writing in a safe and supportive environment.
My aim is to be both constructive and helpful.
I look forward to helping you.
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73itsolutions · 2 years
Contact Greenlight Electricals Today For Your Indistrial Electric Accessories +263781017393
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exist-krti-hu · 10 months
Embracing the Digital Horizon: Advantages of Social Media for Teenagers and Future Prospects
In an era dominated by technology, social media has become an integral part of the daily lives of teenagers. While concerns about its impact often make headlines, it's crucial to recognize the numerous advantages that social media brings to this demographic. From fostering communication to offering educational opportunities, social media plays a pivotal role in shaping the future prospects of teenagers.
1. Social Connectivity and Communication:
Social media platforms are virtual meeting places, allowing teenagers to connect with friends and family irrespective of physical distances. This connectivity strengthens relationships, enhances communication skills, and fosters a sense of community. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat enable teenagers to share their experiences, milestones, and thoughts in real-time, contributing to the development of interpersonal skills crucial for future social and professional interactions.
2. Educational Resources and Learning Opportunities:
Social media serves as a vast repository of educational content and resources. Platforms like YouTube and TikTok offer tutorials, educational channels, and quick informational videos that cater to diverse learning styles. Teenagers can explore subjects beyond the confines of traditional education, nurturing a passion for lifelong learning. Social media acts as a supplement to formal education, providing a platform for self-directed learning and skill development.
3. Cultural Awareness and Global Perspectives:
Through social media, teenagers gain exposure to diverse cultures, lifestyles, and perspectives from around the world. Platforms like Twitter and Instagram serve as windows to global events, allowing teenagers to stay informed and cultivate a broader worldview. This cultural awareness contributes to empathy, tolerance, and a nuanced understanding of societal issues, preparing them for a future where cross-cultural communication is increasingly valuable.
4. Creative Expression and Skill Development:
Social media platforms provide teenagers with outlets for creative expression. Whether it's sharing artwork on Instagram, creating content on YouTube, or participating in challenges on TikTok, these platforms empower teenagers to showcase their talents. This not only boosts self-esteem but also nurtures creativity, digital literacy, and skills relevant to future careers in media, arts, and technology.
5. Networking and Professional Development:
LinkedIn, a platform designed for professional networking, is increasingly becoming a valuable resource for teenagers. It offers insights into various industries, connects them with mentors, and provides a platform to showcase achievements and ambitions. Early exposure to professional networking on social media can help teenagers make informed decisions about their future careers and educational pursuits.
6. Entrepreneurial Opportunities:
Social media has democratised entrepreneurship, allowing teenagers to explore and establish their own ventures. Platforms like Instagram and Etsy provide avenues for selling handmade crafts, art, or digital products. Teenagers can develop entrepreneurial skills, understand market dynamics, and gain practical experience in running a business – valuable lessons that can shape their future endeavours.
In conclusion, social media, when used responsibly, offers a myriad of advantages for teenagers, shaping not only their present but also their future prospects. From enhancing communication skills to providing educational resources and fostering creativity, social media acts as a catalyst for personal and professional growth. As teenagers navigate the digital landscape, it's essential to guide them towards leveraging these advantages to build a positive and constructive online presence that will benefit them in the years to come.
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squip-news · 10 months
The True Creator Behind SQUiPs
The speculation of SQUiP origins has long been debated. Of course names like SQUiPSoft or MicroSQUiP frequently pop up, as well as others like HRTech. Some even go to theorize it may be a well-known company that covertly funds a small group, or possibly a government organization seeking to gain control. But who really created these powerful little pills that impact our daily lives? And is it safe to trust them?
That’s what we’re here to find out.
Some base information we know is that of the history of SQUiPSoft and MicroSQUiP. Both companies may still linger around, although we only get the rare updates occasionally heard from them like SQUiPSoft’s recall from earlier this year. They supposedly even merged back in 2005, although it is unknown what company formed from it or if it’s still functioning. But based on their names, the famous computer company Microsoft may possibly be behind SQUiPs. Or maybe they chose a more reasonable and SQUiP-related name. Or kept one of the original two. We can’t say for certain. Even still, the creation of SQUiPs isn’t set in stone, so while these two companies are likely candidates, other companies may have taken to developing SQUiPs too.
Besides that, we know SQUiPs originate from Japan, but what does that really mean? Is the company itself based in Japan or is one of its founders? This is the explanation HRTech gives, as R. Hashimoto himself developed them in Japan. If you’re curious about finding out more information about HRTech, who claim to be the inventors of SQUiPs, feel free to check out Hashimoto’s blog here, Ayano Ryuunosuke’s blog here, or Unit 2282’s blog here. Although, take note that HRTech is a private company, and it seems like they’re picky with new applicants.
SQUiP creation would also likely need huge funding. SQUiPs can go for anywhere from $400 at your local mall backroom to $600 from resellers. These prices are an absolute steal for a piece of one of the most advanced technologies on the market. Meaning, whoever is creating SQUiPs must be well funded. Billionaires like Elon Musk have already proposed similar concepts of neural implants with his investment, Neuralink. SQUiPs might be an early test run of this technology.
Speaking of other things Musk has taken credit for, Detroit, Michigan is known for their car industry. Despite this, maybe Detroit’s future is one of tech.
The up and coming Detroit-based company, Cyberlife, who’s main focus is on the construction of life-like androids could be our answer. Who’s to say our modern day SQUiP couldn’t be one of Kamski’s– the mind behind Cyberlife– original prototypes before he moved on to a less digital format?
Although, Hashimoto seems to not be a fan, calling Kamski “a ‘huge bitch’” so it’s clear Cyberlife and HRTech are at least not working together.
Known for their Severance procedure, Lumon is also in the wheelhouse for pushing the limits of the human mind. This procedure essentially separates the work and life memories through a small, pill-shaped device implanted in your brain! Sound familiar? Lumon fits the criteria perfectly to design the technology capable to function alongside humans just like SQUiPs.
Another tech industry company, Gamefuna could also be behind it with their life-like games and advanced AI endeavors. Rumors tell of their game’s characters acknowledging the player and displaying sentient traits. This behavior resembles the intelligence of SQUiPs.
Hatchetfield, also in Michigan, may be a particular spot of interest. Well known for their mysterious disappearances and rumors of cryptids like the Hatchetfield Ape-man and the Axe Man, an often neglected part of the town lore is that of its budding tech company, CCRP. 
Rumors circulate around the company– fully known as Coven Communications, Research, and Power– with their main office right in the middle of the tiny town’s downtown. Some speculate they may be experimenting with cloning, android creation, or even time travel!
While most of these rumors seem false at a first glance, there may be some truth. Back before 2017, some people documented donating a detailed copy of their DNA to the company as a way to make a quick buck. Is this their start to experiment with making clones? Or will it be used as a base for android copies? Or maybe is it just as their name entails– genetic research.
Either way, no one can say for sure. And, the company has a well-known tech branch. With all of these rumors, who’s to say this company didn’t invent SQUiPs too? It’s all in the realm of possibility.
Speaking of which, the government organization, PEIP, often associated with Hatchetfield may also play a part in it. While mostly kept secret, and little is known about them, PEIP could be the shady specializers in SQUiP technology. Their full name standing for Paranormal, Extraterrestrial, Interdimensional Phenomena may not fit perfectly, but SQUiPs are known for their interdimensional nature, as they’re able to analyze all potential outcomes, and thus universes and dimensions with their quantum processors.
Although, this is more of a stretch, as not much can be found about them. But still, SQUiPs themselves are similarly undocumented.
But beware. There are plenty of other organizations who may be involved in illegal SQUiP creation. A few companies come to mind. AceTech, the mysterious company responsible for 00111111, and a couple others. Modders, human and SQUiP, may also be responsible for bootlegged SQUiPs.
There’s also companies not to be confused with SQUiP creation, but their introduction of SQUiP-compatible sister technology. Think SQTechnolgies’s Squissistant and InterSQUiP‘s virus prevention efforts. Not to mention SQUiPWorks and SQUiPusa as well.
In reality, it’s equally as possible SQUiPs were created from all of these places. Thanks to their quantum nature, many SQUiPs are able to interact or potentially come from all timelines.
Got any other suggestions as to where SQUiPs could possibly come from? Share with us in the tags, with a reblog, or through a SQUiPTip!
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