mayskalih · 3 months
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suntails · 1 year
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a-sadclown · 1 month
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who sent this im serious
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spicybees · 1 year
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bird wedding bird marriage bird love
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thenatsdorf · 2 years
Olive wants breakfast (via)
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comixandco · 8 months
cleo sertori had a fear of swimming since she was a child and nobody considered for a second that getting stranded on a boat in the middle of the sea then falling into a cave system where she had to swim through subterranean water tunnels to the ocean where she had to tread water until a s&r team found them would be traumatic and exacerbate her fear into full aquaphobia
secretly becoming a mermaid helped her get over her fear but to everybody else her being cagey about the pool party and washing the dishes makes 100% sense when they stop for a moment and consider she’s probably terrified
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supperparty · 1 year
chef theres a polycule in my soup
the love is there for flavoring!
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loganslowdown4 · 4 months
*phone rings*
Roman: Sanders & Sanders twin mystery agency!
Remus: We solve any crime by dinnertime!
Roman: *covers phone* He says his wife’s been shot—
Remus: Hang up.
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sngsfos · 1 month
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buckevantommy · 1 month
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there are many things i love about this wide shot and one of them is the shot of the clock (i don’t know if we saw it in the episode? but) here we can see it says about 6:50 (i assume PM given they spent the whole day searching, so. adjust your fics accordingly).
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photozoi · 10 months
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When you ask a friend over for dinner and you are Wyatt, you offer a selection of food wafers that you have collected from around the tank.
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The selection made, you deliver it to your friend.
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And then you protect your Friend and his meal from the Guppy Gang who has crashed the party!
Wyatt is a very good Fish Friend.
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gunkbaby · 2 months
i love the photos/pinto short story bc what an opening
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pawsitivevibe · 3 months
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A tragedy.
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foodyideas · 3 months
ASMR Birria Grilled Cheese 🧀
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WIP Friday Because I Said So
Poor Astarion gets hard when feeding from Agi. Oh dear. NSFW.
He had to play it cool that first night.
She tasted magnificent. Better than anything I’ve ever had. I felt like I was walking on clouds. So light. So happy.
So incredibly hard.
He had not lied to Agnetha. No, no. Perish the thought. I did hunt.
After I had the best orgasm of my undead life. If that’s what her blood does to me, then what will other people’s blood do?
Astarion did not find out, sadly. None of the others were as willing as she was.
And besides when you’ve had the best…why settle for less?
She must’ve noticed by now, surely? Astarion thought as feedings became nightly. My crotch is practically on her stomach, so she must feel my cock, no? He continued to think as he drank. I’m so hard. So fucking hard. She must notice?!?!
If she did, however, she said nothing. He found out that she was usually at least half-awake during feedings, despite his best efforts. She moaned a little as her nails dug into his shirt slightly. Fucking hells, woman! You can’t just do that and not expect…
He groaned into her neck, blood spilling out of his mouth a little. I need to get away before I come in my pants. Again. Pulling back, he maneuvered to sit on his haunches and licked around his mouth. Perfect. Simply perfect. Every time. “Dinnertime’s over, my sweet. As always,” he brought the hand that was previously clawing his back to his lips. “Thank you so very much.”
“You’re welcome, Astarion…” she smiled tiredly. Her brown eyes fluttered and closed as she fell back asleep. This is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.
He got far enough away from camp to FINALLY unlace his trousers and pull out his aching member. “She…truly has no idea…what she does…to me…” Astarion pumped hard and fast, thinking about how he wished he could be feeding while spilling inside her. The thought is enough to…fuck… He spilled into his hand, hot spurts of seed escaping him. By the time he was finished, an enormous amount of seed had escaped him.
I wonder how she would look painted in it.
Or better yet, how would she look filled to bursting with it?
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goldkirk · 5 months
question: have any of you personally seen a dietician (not looking for experiences with nutritionists, only dieticians), and did you find it helpful or useful, and if you did see a dietician and you ALSO have seen a GI doctor, how did the experience compare for you in terms of helpfulness + how much you felt listened to and helped?
#i'm trying to figure out which doctor appointments I want to bother making and spending money about for potentially no return on investment#and right now i'm trying to figure out if I'd get way more practical help from a dietician or if I need to suck it up and find a#not-elderly not-male not-dismissive GI doctor first and THEN see a dietician#although I cannot afford a bunch of tests#so like???#trying to figure out if a dietician would be more helpful overall with me not HAVING any GI diagnoses or eating disorders#and just really struggling with food in both sensory ways and unpredictable digestion ways that don't correlate with food allergies#god i sometimes wish i had food allergies so i could have some predictability#but yeah. i'm leaning towards dietician but figured i should crowdsource experiences#since I know a lot of you have health issues you've also been trying to manage for years and probably have good advice#if it helps i'm also in a major city now and have a decent-but-not-great health insurance plan so I'm good on those two fronts#to do#health#I know a dietician can't diagnose anything but I'd love help figuring out how to get maximum nutrition even when i can barely eat anything#or when my body decides to start getting sick from or (tw emetophobia) puking up fiber or fatty foods#which thankfully isn't often#now that I do cannabis daily in microdosing I have so much less pain and bloating and nausea#but when it hits it HITS#and the last time I tried going without cannabis for a couple days and then eating a fiber muffin I was sick six times in one morning#and didn't get my normal eating ability back until dinnertime#luckily that's not normal for me#but my issues bounce up and down so much#and I lose weight so fast whenever my appetite goes from 'barely ever there' to 'negatively nonexistent'#and I had like. two months last year where I think i reached my body's natural healthy set weight#and i needed so much food but it felt so good energy wise and temperature wise#and i'd like to STAY THERE FFS#and I feel like a dietician would be helpful for making meal options for good#*good and hard and nuclear alert level eating difficulty times#anyway. crowdsourcing. yay!
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