#disaster supplies
momlovesyoubest · 8 months
Midlife Family Meeting Aging Parent Disaster Plan
 MidLife Sibling Meeting Needed for Global Warming A midlife sibling meeting needs to be convened after the catastrophic global warming nightmare of Hurricane Dora unleashed on Maui, where 1000 people were missing, many probably older residents who could not get out quickly, creating a midlife sibling nightmare.  The identified dead are all elders. Scores more victims will be identified in the…
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arsenicflame · 1 year
stede is 'oh this place has something related to my interest i must go in immediately' autistic and izzy is 'if we deviate one inch from my plan for today i will murder someone' autistic
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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pigeonstab · 1 year
Work in progress, i'm making a mask! It's chief sans' mask, chief sans belongs to @hheisa !!
I love their art, they're one of my favorite artists ever so go check them out!
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It's made with a wire armature for the top of the mask and cardboard for the froked part?? (Idk what to call it) it's then covered with tape and paper mâché
The horns are the same, it's armature wire wrapped in cloth and then in tape
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peachcitt · 1 year
cracking open a new box of contacts is like cracking open a cold one with the boys except the cold one is the box and the boys are my eyes
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liberalsarecool · 2 years
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How does Larry Kudlow have a job? His punditry is always 100% wrong.
It's because [white male] conservatives can say anthing they want on FOX. There is no consequence because the viewers don't keep score.
Liz Truss' economic plan crushed the British economy. She resigned in 45 days.
No one at FOX will say. 'Gee, Larry, you were wrong. Your plan would be a disaster for America'.
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oreoambitions · 12 days
I don't want to completely stop reading the news because, I don't know, I feel like it's my responsibility as a citizen of the world to be somewhat up to date on current events, but wow I also don't know what to do with the grief
so I'm signing up to renew my trauma first aid cert and hitting the gym how are y'all dealing
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Could Joe Biden STOP draining our strategic fuel reserves in an attempt to cover up the damage his moronic green energy policies have done to consumers and our economy? President Idiot has already drained our Strategic Petroleum Reserve down to the dregs. Now he’s emptying our emergency gasoline supplies. Your re-election is not more important than our national security! In the event of a war that interrupts our oil purchases (which we now need because he has knee-capped our domestic drilling) we’re going to be in a world of hurt.
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I saw this guy on the bus that made me go, “Old!Remus? Old!Remus.”
Dude was in baggy camo pants, boots, dark hoodie, and a vibrant green mohawk. It was a great look, imo. :,D
Remus would totally never "outgrow" the punk/adjacent scene. And that lead to some more fun from the co-conspirator:
Remus (90 year old): "Back in my day we had Elvira, Mistress of the Dark"
Remus: "We loved her, we even considered being straight for her. But then it turned out she was totally gay and that was amazingly validating."
Remus:  "I totally made Roman dress up as her for multiple Halloweens, tits and all and he couldn't do anything because I had blackmail material on him.”
Remus: "Until he finally confessed to that dork Logan."
Logan, from another room: "WHAT?"
Logan, still in the other room calmly: "I could hear everything he was saying. But it was pretty damn obvious that Roman was gay for me. Every time I winked at him he dropped his books in a gay panic."
Roman, bolting upright from his nap: "I DID NOT DO THAT EVERY TIME!"
Logan: "This is true, you only did it when we actually made eye contact first so you knew I was in fact winking at you."
Roman: *Offended old man noises.*
The Grandkids (Virgil’s): "But grand-uncle Remus, we still haven't heard how you met your lover."
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momlovesyoubest · 10 months
Need a Midlife Family Meeting for Aging Parent Disaster Plan
 MidLife Sibling Meeting Needed for Global Warming A midlife sibling meeting needs to be convened after the catastrophic global warming nightmare of Hurricane Dora unleashed on Maui, where 1000 people missing many probably older residents who could not get out quickly creating a midlife sibling nightmare.  The identified dead are all elders. Scores more victims will be identified in the weeks and…
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beneathsilverstars · 2 days
i'm too tired to bother with the gif maker rn pretend i made a gif of isabeau telling me to clean the living room even though im tired
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alwaysbewoke · 3 months
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cryptiddeer · 3 months
People who pilot those big fuck-off Godzilla fighting Mechs have a tenuous and weird relationship with their humanity and independence + supernatural twins tropes + my brains complete inability to shut the fuck up about hoyoverse games = a brand new fucked up au for me to chew on
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sweetfirebird · 1 year
Thinking back to 2017 like, ah yes, the flood and beginning of all the horrible devastating fires year. When 2016 already sucked because Trump and Pulse, and then 2017 threw that at this entire area and didn't let up until... last year? Somewhere in there a plague happened. And anyway, it's all totally normal. We're all totally fine here. *nervous laughter*
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The Thinner Disaster must've really fucked up Wasteland's water supply.
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at this stage in my life, i don’t think i would commit suicide directly, it just feels like a waste. If i’m going to die by my own volition, i would just join the armed forces to do something helpful for a bit, then volunteer to be deployed and put myself in the most dangerous position possible to ensure my death.
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