#disney+ lauch
kosegruppaa · 4 months
i have become so obsessed with disney dreamlight valley it's not even funny. barley been on tumblr, barley thought about gay pirates, cause i have been brainbroken by cozy gaming yet again.
it's like animal crossing new horizons all over again, but worse, cause they are going to continue updating this game for a long time still. and it has microtransactions. i don't have time for this.
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lamyaasfaraini · 7 months
The Last Beatles Song: Now and Then :')
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THE BEATLES BRODIIII!! Semenjak punya twitter aku udah follow official akun The Beatles karena ya ngefans lahhhh. Biasanya postingannya ya apalagi kalo bukan something nostalgic. And then suddenlyyyyy... Lauching lagu terakhir yg belom sempet "jadi", karena John keburu meninggal disusul George. Iya begitu klaimnya, mreka jg launching kemarin short movienya di Youtube sekitar 12 menit abistu baru semalam launching lagunya.. Update sekali infonya ih akutu yaiya kan follow akun beatles wkwk. Lsg dengerin bareng suami ditengah2 lg Netflix-an. Lagunya ttp easy listening khas beatles, cuma kaya bukan old beatles gt lebih modern. Merinding yaa suara John msh adaaa huhu, berkat teknologi jaman skrg jadi bisa gitu yaa. Tapi aku suka, pagi ini udah on repeat 10x huhu knp mengharukan dengerinnya yaaahh, sad and heartwarming at the same time..
Short filmnya yg cuma 12 menit. Waktu mreka ngerjain bertiga tanpa John (saat itu John belom mau gabung, lalu keburu meninggal.
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Tolong ini euphorianya dimana mana haaaa
Sepenggal liriknya :'). Siapa yg gatau meme iconic
Chandler. Skrg jd sedih lg :(
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Apakah aku seorang Beatlemania? Duh gatau jg, aku hanya menyukai tp ngga sampe menggilai.
Band legend kaya beatles mah pasti bapak2 kita jg tau, tp bapakku ngga sebegitunya sama beatles. Dulu tuh yg selalu masuk playlist bapak lagu "i'll follow the sun". Ya akupun jd hafal, setelah remaja ke dewasa baru deh tuh ngikutin beatles, lagu yg tenarnya mah udah tau lah dr kecil, smp, sma. Kaya "let it be", "yesterday", "i want to hold your hand", "obladi oblada", "twist and shout". Mulai dewasa, pas kuliah mulai explore aja tuh sama lagunya nya. Bukan hanya lagu2 ciptaan John & Paul (karena mreka berdua paling bnyk nyetak hits di lagu2 beatles). Dengerin jg lagu2nya George kaya "Something" (my favv), "while my guitar gently weeps". Ringgo juga! Paling suka "with little help from my friend", "yellow submarine" dan mreka berdua dikasih kesempatan jg jd lead vocalnya. Pokonya dari tiap album beatles dr thn 60an udah tau lah 4-5 lagu mah, banyak bgt lagunya dan enak2. Aku paling suka "strawberry fields forever", "in my life" dan masih banyak ituuuu pokonya.
Bahkan selain lagunya aku ikuti film2 yg berbau beatles atau cuma soundtracknya gt. Kaya, "i am sam", "nowhere boy", "across the universe", terakhir nonton "yesterday" ini ada di Netflix. Documentarynya jg, terakhir itu Get Back yg tayang di Disney+.
Dulu waktu masih seneng bola dan cheering for Liverpool FC gegara Xabi Alonso klubnya disana, iya ngefans bgt sm Xabi circa 2006 keatas deh hahaha bodor lah. Bermimpi kalo ke Inggris kudu bgt ke Liverpool, mau ke Anfield dan Museum The Beatles wkwkwk. Such a perfect combo, right!
Nah si sobi gigs ku mah beatlemania beneran dia krn bapaknya jg sama, dari mulai koleksian kaset, cd, piringan hitam dahlah the real beatlemania. Suatu wkt bapaknya dinas ke Inggris, sobiku si rajin lebih memilih kuliah drpd ikut bapaknya kan mayan atuh katanya bakalan ke museum the beatles, hih plis deh ngapa sih u!!. Balik2 bapake bawain oleh2 tas beatles dr enggres. "dah ini aja cukup buat gua mah".. Wkwkwk duh bestie! Oiya waktu resepsi kawinannya ada after party "beatles night". Sumpah seru pisan haha. Abis resepsi ngga ada capek2nya kita smua berjogedh dan bernyanyik.. Tepar tepar u ahhh..
Nah jd akupun tak cukup beatlemania utk ngefans. Cuma menyenangi karya2nya sajalah yaaa. Dan kalo ada band kaya G-pluck (band specialis lagu2 beatles) manggung, mau dengan senang hati nontoninnya. Sempet nonton G-pluck di JRL dulu, salah 1 membernya itu, member band Sore.. Lupa aku namanya siapa hihi. Bahkan mreka dress up like beatles sampe pake wig jg hahaha ngakak tp kami enjoy nonton live nya..
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keykidpilipili · 10 months
Okay but if it's facinating how many promotion campaigns the chi duology had:
Bravely Default Brague,
Dragon quest Monster Parade,
Niconico town,
Several non playable as of kh3 disney movies,
World of Final fantasy dlc,
A twewy port i cant recall the name of,
Ducktales reboot,
Final Fantasy Record Keeper,
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius,
Kingdom hearts 0.2(oh promo Kairi medal who looked very meh on lauch I will never forget you)
Kingdom hearts 2.8
Kingdom Hearts Freaking Three several times
Kingdom Hearts Three Remind
Kingdom Hearts Melody of memory
Kingdom Hearts Dark Road
And probably more I forgot
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artemis-artblog · 2 years
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@lauch-for-everyone is partially responsible for this, due to the prompt ‘[character] as a disney prince’ (which yes was directed at Andromeda)
not sure abt the disney part, but I did make her a prince now? take this quick doodle of it, enjoy, thank you
Taglist: @mocha-bunbun @creaturre @lauch-for-everyone
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viscommblogs · 1 year
Feb 9th - More Campaign Research - Black Panther
Looking in a different direction I looked at what made Black Panthers Movie marketing campaign so successful. Their marketing released posters, merchandise (e.g. pop figures, hasbro etc), trailers, chat show appearances. Their collaborations during fashion week, magazines and Lexus. They used the name of Marvel and Disney to make sure they were known by audiences that were already into their films and to show it was an accredited and trustworthy investment for the audience.
They really reached out into any and all topics that they could do so to have the most attention. Not only this but releasing the campaign at the correct time during Black History Month.
If I were to release a campaign when would be the right time? After searching I thought the most appropriate and empowering way would be on International Womens Day that is on March 8th. I want to make a plan/ branding brief to base my work off of so I stay consistent throughout creating my campaign. Looking back on my CHS brief I am going to look at what exactly they specified when lauching the brand brief to see if I can flesh out what my main points, tone of voice and goal is but in a more cut-down way. This is because realistically an audience especially on Instagram will have a low attention spam and only main pointers will be presented.
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deblala · 2 years
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servinglemonade · 5 years
My first reaction to Disney +
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Hello... It’s been a while since I have posted here. I had exams, then summer vacation and then I finally started college! So now that I’ve settled in I thought it would be fun to give you my thoughts on Disney+! Yes, you read that right! Disney+ is here... in the Netherlands. Exclusively. Disney is having a free trial here which started on September 12th and goes on until launch day on November 12th!
So let’s dive into Disney+ 
Interface & Features
The interface is pretty standard. It looks like Netflix, but obviously with a nice Disney touch! The home page looks really great in my opinion. On top, there is a header that showcases one movie per category (Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars and National Geographic). You can browse per category as well. When you hover over the brand you get a little animation. Disney has a castle with fireworks, Pixar has the clouds, Marvel has their intro, Star Wars has stars and National Geographic a scenic mountain view. On the search page, you also have several collections like the Princess Collection (all princess movies and series) or Disneynature (all Disneynature movies). Hopefully, they’ll add some more soon. It’s a handy feature in my opinion. You can also create a watchlist. 
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I find the movie-watching experience great as well. It’s simple and sleek. You can choose from multiple languages for both audio and subtitles. It’s also really nice to have all the movies in HD. Some of them are even in 4K/HDR! These are mostly Marvel, Star Wars, Disney Live-Action movies and 2 animations (Ralph Breaks The Internet and Aladdin!). 
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There is an awesome feature that I stumbled upon while I was doing my research for this post. You can change the way the subtitles, from the color to the font. Even the opacity of the background and the font size! I did see some people complaining about subtitles. I didn’t mind them, however, the fact that Disney is truly listening to the users and trying to fix all these issues is great! Two thumbs up for ya Disney! The last thing I want to touch on here is the extras for the movies. These extras mostly include deleted scenes and trailers. However, some of them have some really cool behind the scenes stuff. The making of Beauty and The Beast, Staging The Ball from the Cinderella Live-action and the making of Sleeping Beauty just to name a few! Really great that all of those are on Disney+ as well.
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Just a quick little thing I wanted to touch on before I go to the content. You can choose from a significant number of Disney characters for your profile picture. Ranging from Disney Classics to Marvel & Star Wars to villains and princesses and even Disney Channel!
There are so many to choose from! It’s overwhelming. Here are just a few
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Now it’s time for the most fun part: the content. All of the originals are not on the service yet, those will come out when Disney+ officially launches on November 12th.
What isn’t on this page?! The amount of content is so incredible. And not even everything is on it yet! Here you can find your classic Disney animations from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to Ralph Breaks The Internet. All in glorious HD or even 4K sometimes. They also have some true Mickey Mouse classics like Steamboat Willie. All the Live-action movies are included here as well. From the more recent remakes (even Dumbo is on here already! If you haven’t seen it yet, please do) to absolute classics like The Princess Diaries, Mary Poppins and all the Pirates of The Caribbean movies. If you grew up with Disney Channel, all your favorite movies and shows can be found on Disney+ now! Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverly Place, Camp Rock, The Cheetah Girls, That’s so Raven, Halloweentown, Descendants and so many more (all the seasons and sequels for everything). For the little ones, there’s some Disney Junior content, like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
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All the Pixar animated classics are here. From Toy Story to The Incredibles 2. Hopefully Toy Story will be streaming soon too. If you love the Pixar shorts, you’ll be happy to hear that these are all on Disney+! Like Piper, Bao, Knick Knack, For The Birds and more. There are even shorts with characters from some of your favorite Pixar movies like Monsters Inc, Ratatouille, Cars and Toy Story.
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I just want to thank Disney and Marvel for basically having all the MCU movies here on Disney+! From Iron Man to Captain Marvel. Most of them in 4K as well. And a surprise… Avengers Endgame will hit the service tomorrow!! I’m already preparing to cry my eyes out again. The only movies that are not on the service yet are The Incredible Hulk and Spider-Man Homecoming. I really hope Spidey will be on Disney+ as well. I need Far From Home in 4K. Besides MCU related content, you can also watch multiple Marvel animation shows. Like a lot of Spider-Man shows, Rocket and Groot, X-Men, Fantastic Four and many more. Some of the newer live-action Marvel shows are also on the service, like Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD.
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Star Wars
Now for Star Wars. I started watching the movies back in the summer. Disney+ was not being tested yet. So I was excited that all of the entire Star Wars saga can be found here! From Episode I The Phantom Menace all the way to Episode VIII The Last Jedi. It’s been really great to have 1 place to watch these movies.  You can find the spin-off movies Rogue One and Solo here too! You can also watch some animated shows like Star Wars The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels and lots of Lego Star Wars shorts.
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National Geographic
To be honest, I haven’t anything from Nat Geo yet. However, they do have a very exciting original coming tomorrow! However, they have Brain Games! I used to love that show, so I’ll definitely watch that. They have some amazing documentaries. Drain The Ocean, Titanic 20 years later and Free Solo just to name a few.
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Disney+ originals at launch
Here is a list + some thoughts:
Star Wars: The Mandalorian (series) (trailers looked very good, so I’m excited for this) Lady and The Tramp (movie) (again trailers looked amazing, great cast as well! Really excited for this!) High School Musical The Musical The Series (series) (yes, that is the actual title, not sure about this one as a massive HSM fan, however, I will check it out) Encore! (series) (not really interested in this one, might watch it one day) The World According to Jeff Goldblum (series) (this is the nat geo original I was telling you about. Such a great idea, who doesn’t love Jeff?! Will watch this 100%) Noelle (movie) (a Christmas movie?! Yes please, I’m in full Christmas mode already so bring it on) Marvel Hero Project (series) (might watch at some point after I have watched all the other things I want to see first) The Imagineering Story (series) (as a huge Disney Parks fan, I might be most excited about this, so that will be the first thing I will watch tomorrow) Pixar In Real Life (series) (I didn’t even know about this until a week ago, looks like a lot of fun, so I will watch this for sure)
The Disney+ app
The app has been pretty solid. It basically works the same as the web version, it’s just on your phone or tablet. The app also has a download feature. Which means you can download anything on the service and watch it offline. How handy is that!  If you have a chrome cast, the app is a must. You can cast all of the movies and shows on your TV, which is great because you won’t have to look on your small screen.
Some issues
This was obviously a test version of the final product so it wasn’t perfect from the get-go. The app struggled in the beginning with the continue watching feature. When you were watching a show, it didn’t let you watch the next episode from your continue watching. However, this has been fixed and now works like you would expect.  The other big issue was the chrome cast compatibility. When I had just subscribed for the trial it would start normal, however, after a while, it would freeze and the image would get all distorted. So that was pretty annoying. Lots of people were having this issue and by magic, it was fixed a couple weeks later and now works as expected!
Is it worth it?
Now if you either love Disney, Pixar, Marvel or Star Wars or you love everything, yes it is worth it. Even if you just love Marvel and/or Star Wars, I feel like it’s worth it. You have The Mandalorian coming at launch and so many more in the years to come. Like Falcon and The Winter Soldier, WandaVision, Loki, an Obi-Wan show, and so much more. So maybe if you’re waiting for that, you can get it when those shows will be on Disney+. Plus for the price, it’s a pretty sweet deal. Just €6.99 per month or €69.99 per year (which if you calculate it, can save you €13.89 per year). I love everything so for me it can’t get any better than this. Lots of the movies I watched on Netflix were mostly Disney or Marvel movies, so for me, this service is perfect.
Wow, this was a long one. If you have read it all the way through, thank you so much! I hope it was informative.
So how excited are you for Disney+? Will you be getting it at launch or will you wait? Plus if you are getting it, what will you watch first?
Have a magical day!
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thealicemadteaparty · 6 years
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Alice in Wonderland (1939 film)
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fearlessinger · 6 years
slashfilm is independently confirming the news and i’m still sitting here like
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Patreon Membership Drive: Turbo Championship Hyper Fighting Edition!
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Hello all you happy people! For those wondering “who the hell is this.” I”m Jake Mattingly. I review animation and comics here on this tumblr 5 times a week, and love doing so. I do so by recapping an episode of an animated show or a volume of a comic piece by piece, how detailed depends on the work and how condensed it needs to be, analyzing the episode and sometimes throwing in some jokes because i’m a silly weirdo and tis my nature. 
 So far i’ve been able to scrape by with the help of my patreon’s kev and emma, with Kev suplimenting that iwth various comissions (I.e. paying me to review a specific episode of a show much like someone would comissoin). But I don’t want to place my entire finacial future in the hands of two people so last month I lauched my patreon membership, trying to get people to join my patreon to releive some of the pressure on them. And not a person signed on during the first month. 
But I realize a large part of that is I simply didn’t advertise propertly, not really explaning what it is I do, what they get, or throwing in any extra incentives for signing up apart from “If so many people pledge to my patreon i’ll do X review” Which is still the main thrust of my campaign but I realized I need MORE than that to give you all proper money for your buck, especailly with Tumblr trying to monteize in the most half assed way possible making people presumibly more wary of spending money on me. 
So for this promo i’m going into what it is I review exactly, how to sign up for my patreon and how any of that works, what you get out of it, and various juicy stretch goals i’m hoping ya’ll can help me reach so
As I mentioned above I review animation and comics, more animation than comics. My meat and potatoes are Disney Duck works, primarily the 2017 reboot and the Don Rosa and Carl Barks comics. For the former i’ve done retrospectives on Lena’s arc, the Della storyline from season 2 and ALL the Season 2 storylines, the last one currently in progress. I intend to review the entire series, the lackluster tie in comics, and the this duckburg life podcast, though the last one has some strings attached we’ll get to under my goals.  I”ve also been reviewing various Carl Barks first apperances and most importantly doing a complete retrospective on Don Rosa’s masterwork the Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. 
I also review certain shows week to week, almost entirely Disney as aside from the True Colors Debacle they have the most reliable schedule and announce release dates farther in advance than Cartoon Network and Nick which just sorta pop up announce things. I covered all of season 3 of Ducktales and season 2 of amphibia (With season 3 coverage coming in october) and i’m currently reviewing Owl House every week till that hiatus hits. 
Finally i’m currently looking at all the Tom Luictor episodes of star vs the forces of evil tracking both Tom’s character arc and the show’s steady decline straight into the dumps. 
Comics wise i’m more sporadic but in addition to duck comics stuff, I’ve also been doing a retrospective on the Scott Pilgrim franchise: all 6 volumes of the comic, those reviews avaliable now and in two weeks from this post, just in time for  the video game and movie anniversaries to finish things up. I recently started another one for the comic book Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye, I intend to finish one I did for New X-Men, and I have a few in my mind’s eye I want to do soon on John Ostrandre’s Suicide Squad run, Justice League International, and Mega Man that i’m going to do pilots for to see if anyone’s interested. 
Finally recently i’ve started doing quick thoughts, quick reviews on recent stuff from trailers to full on movies I don’t have to cover normally. 
So What Is Your Patreon?
Patreon is a site where creators can get paid for work and can put up exclusive content and what not. You pledge anywhere from a dollar a month, and become one of my patrons and help me do this blog for a living. I genuinely love writing about media, analyzing it and making weird jokes, and this lets me do that as my job and my passion. I simply don’t want to put finacing that on the backs of only two people. 
So What’s In It For Me?
Unlike Tumblr itself I feel my supporters deserve to get the most bang for their buck. As such Patreon Membership starts at JUST ONE DOLLAR. That’s right for a dollar a month, 12 bucks a year so the price of a movie, you get access to my occasoinal exclusive reviews, exclusive poles once I get more than two members so that’s actually sensical to do to vote on reviews, and to pick a theatrical short when i review a bunch of them for character birthdays or holidays or just cause. 
In addition to these though i’ve decided to sweeten the pot. ON SIGN UP ANY PATREON OF ANY TIER GETS ONE FREE REVIEW OF ANY SINGLE EPISODE OF TELEVISION OR ISSUE OF A COMIC BOOK. That’s right for just one buck, you get a review of your choice. Whatever you want. You want to force me to watch something you hate so someone else can bitch about it for you? Go on about an episode yo ulove? shine a light on something obscure? Well i’m your man and for ONE BUCK A MONTH, you can get that. Whatever you want put on my schedule as soon as I have room and your payment’s gone through. 
And if you want me to review stuff on a more regular basis, five bucks a month gets you a review a month, same permaiters as above along with said free review. I will PERSONALLY make sure there’s a space on the schedule every month for your patreon review and review whatever you want no matter how good, bad or stuppid. 
But that’s not ALL. 
To explain these better than what I did next time: My stretch goals are goals on my patreon: if I hit a certain number of Patreons I will review (Insert Thing Here) And these are meaty projects too: full season reviews, retrospectives and what have you and something’s unlocked with each person who signs up, adjusted from orignally basing it on price. So your dollar a month not only gets you your own review, but also will get my solemn vow to review a bunch of other thigns, and the more people who sign up the more thigns I’ll add to my plate. Not only that but just for this pledge drive i’m adding a bunch of super neat drive exclusvie stretch goals that will VANISH AT THE END OF AUGUST. dosen’t mean I won’t EVER do these reviews, but it does mean i’ll probably sit on them a bit. 
TLDR: You singing up gets me to guarantee to review some extra stuff. 
I”m glad you asked. Each one is based on a person joining, so 
One goal for each new patreon so
1 New Patreon: Starting off light but still juicy, I will review the complete season one of Amphibia across two posts. I’ve already rewatched the season recently, so all someone has to do is sign up and i’ll get on it in septmeber in time for season 3! And that’s not the only show as i’ll also review BOTH seasons of the birdtastic show after my own heart Tuca and Bertie! 
2 New Patrons: This one’s a big lighter but you still get some neat things: for my scottaholics in the audience I will review the rest of Brian Lee O’Malley’s works so far: Lost at Sea (his first graphic novel) Seconds (his first post scott work) and Snotgirl (his first ongoing and first work he didn’t draw himself), which follow a girl trying to reclaim her soul/cat, an immature restrauntieur who discovers reality changing muschrooms, and an influencer who might of done a murder. For those who don’t really like Scott Pilgrim i’ll review a buch of paramount plus shows first seasons: Kamp Korral, the rugrats rugboot and iCarly. So if any of that sounds good get on the bus won’t you?
3 New Patrons: My juicest one and one that stands alone: I will review the complete first season of the Owl House across two posts. Every episode, every bit of lumity progressoin, every bit of foreshadowing in hindsight, all for you, all if three people join my patron. So if you want more bisexual magic, step up. 
4 New Patrons: Duck Goals Woo-Ooo! This one unlocks a review from Duck Master Carl Barks EVERY MONTH. Not only that I will be taking suggestoins from my patrons , meaning you can help decide which ones I do! And while tha’ts plenty i’m jucing this one up as getting me this far also nets a review of This Duckburg Like, the interquel podcast that’s given us our last ducktales content for what will likely be an eternity. 
5 New Patrons: Gravity Falls Retrospective! I”m not only talking both season of Alex Hirsch’s era defining masterpice, but also the side materials I have acess to: the shorts, Journal #3, and the lost legends tie in comic. I”d throw legend of the gnome gemulets in there two if I had a working 2ds or 3ds bu tas it stands this is what I got. 
6 New Patrons: Avatarverse Retrospective. No not James Cameron the Bravest Pioneer’s movie he wants to turn into a franchise despite NO ONE wanting this please stop James, we’re begging you. Of course i’m talking about Avatar the Last Airbender, the epic franchise that’s blowing up in size. This will include all three books of Avatar: The Last Airbender, All Four Books of the Legend of Korra, and all the juicy side stuff I can cover: the sequel comics for both series, the kioshi novels and the eye gougingly bad M Night Shamlyn Movie. Yes I really will   myself to that. I have not till now i’m happy that way but I will sufer for you. Speaking of suffering:
7 New Patrons: It’s a crapstravaganza!  If i’ve made it this far I clearly have enough fan support that I can fly into the eye of the crapstorm so i’m going to review some of the worst things I can think of:  * Chuck Austen’s X-Men the run that dared to ask the tough questions your coke addleed uncle you don’t let see your kids would like “What if Angel could cure AIDS with his blood and had sex with a minor while her parents watched?” “What if a rouge relgious sect tried to make Nightcrawler pope and then desingrate people with commuiion wafers in a scheme that makes no sense?” and “What if an x-man made a plant horny?”  * America: The comic that has the infamous and oft used by me line to compare it to other bad lines “What in the holy menstration are you doing here”. And it’s still not the most bonkers thing int his somehow 12 ISSUE SERIES tha twastes one of marvels best creations.  * The Prince: Aka that series HBO what farted out onto the service with no intention of renewal after realizing “Holy shit we greenlit this what is wrong with us” which is basically family guy but with the royal family. I’d say it was a somehow worse family guy but Famiily Guy once had an episode that was about 22 minutes of transphobic punchlines so as long as there isn’t an episode of that your good.  * Mordecai is a Bastard Man: Aka that arc of Regular Show that took a ship I really liked, Mordecai and CJ, and then destoryed it with cheating, attempted murder and saxophone.  *Star Vs Final Arc: Aka a look at how a once great show descended into a mess with unfinished plot lines, wasted characters and a finale so terrible it’s only topped by “Kids this is the story of how I really want you to say it’s okay to bang aunt robin” 8 New Patrons: Infinity Train, all four books and any finale movie if it happens. (Please let it happen) All aboard! 9 New Patrons: Two juicy disney retrospectives! The Incredibles (both movies and both comics series) and Darkwing Duck (Both the Boom! and Joe Books runs) Let’s get incredibly dangerous! 10 New Patrons: My highest tier for now and i’ts anothe rdouble feature and two big projects. If you get me this far, you’ve earned em: A She Ra and the Pricesses of Power Retrospective and a Bojack Horseman retrospective. The two greatest things Netflix has made back to back for life. 
And THAT’S NOT ALL... as I said I have some special stretch goals JUST FOR THIS PLEDGE DRIVE. 
These are a simple five extra projects for hitting the goals within the rest of the drive FROM AUGUST 1ST TO AUGUST 31ST. I will not add these to the regular goals for a full year if you do not reach them, so one buck helps you unlock projects that otherwise might not happen for YEARS. Like the other goals their measured by patrons but ONLY for this month sooooo
1 New Patron: Quack Pack series review! the most hated Disney Afternoon show in one big two part review. God help me. 2 New Patrons: Rise of the TMNT Retrospective: Both seasons, a movie and regular coverage on the offchance a third season hopefully gets greenlit.  3 New Patrons: Peanuts and Garfield Specials retrospective!: Retrospectives for the technicolor years long world of Peanuts specials and the shorte rlived but still neat garfield specails. All the specials plus all the animated movies for both!  4 New Patrons: Craig of the Creek-AThon: Rewatching season one and watching BOTH seasons i’ve missed since then with full reviews as well as reviews of each bomb of episodes as their released on teh app from here on out!  5 New Patrons: Steven Universe Retrospective! All 5 seasons, The Movie, Future, the comics, graphic novels and games. EVERY. THING. 
So if ANY of this sounds enticing 
And even if you can’t support it feedback on the goals, reblogs to get the word out and general words of encouragment are appricated so join me as I try to get at least one extra dollar a month in the span of this month. PITTER PATTER, let’s get at er!
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disneycritical · 4 years
I don’t have Disney+ & I’m never going to. But I’m cringing on the fact that they made a documentary about Howard Ashman. Mostly on the fact that they won’t even acknowledge that he’s gay
Howard was actually first released in 2018, and released for the public on Disney+ just now. And they do mention Howard’s partner, Bill Lauch, yes.
I like Howard Ashman having a documentary. He was a great man and a great artist and I think it’s a nice tribute.
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disneytva · 5 years
Time to get a little + and animated! Disney+ Arrives in 7 Days! 
 *Not Every Clip Showed Here Will Make It At Lauch* 
 Launch Titles List Via Attractions Magazine & D23
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mrd-gvf · 4 years
I know D*sney is the big bad but two movies changed for me (in a good way) when I found out that Howard Ashman, the creator of songs in the little mermaid and helped create Beauty and the Beast was gay, and the Beast's human form was based on his partner Bill Lauch, who picked up his award after he died and his version of part of your world gives the song a new meaning.
Disney as a whole is terrible but there individual movies that are fantastic
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Ben “Good Boy sweater” Solo runs so goddamn fast into that fucking temple in nothing but some socks, his pajamas, and a fucking gun and fucighkn. LAUCHES himself thru the floor and doesn’t give 2 shits about any fucking thing because he’s just like MOVE YOUR BITCHASS I GOTTA REDEEM MYSELF AND HELP MY WIFEY BEAT THE BOSS LEVEL like..,.,,,dude...,, you are in Disney love with her you idiot dumb bitch you coulda gotten yourself killed before even getting to her at all witcho goofyass feet sliding all over that smoothass concrete bruh like it is OBVIOUS this doofus had no fuckin plan at all he just learned to forgive himself yeeted his only fucking weapon then put those love goggles on and there he go! now this is star wars!!! this! is what i came for!!!!! han solo’s kid just going fuckign buckwild breaking thru brick walls to save his babygirl!! what star wars is all about babey!!!!!!!!! YES
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Disney LGBTQ History! We all know the great modern Disney Classics. But what you may not know is the people behind the genius. Howard Ashman started out as a little known playwright. But he was known for being an amazing lyricist and artist. Also, he was gay, but the only people who knew were those close to him. After his popular production wasn't able to launch on Broadway, he got a call from Disney. He booked a one way ticket to Los Angeles, and was surprised to find Disney's animation department in an expected predicament. Disney hadn't released a successful animated film in years. The entire department had been moved miles off campus to warehouses and trailers. Howard would then be tasked with the most difficult and expensive project of his entire career. Reviving Disney's animation department. After negotiating with the producers through the rigorous creative process, together they came out with the iconic classic, "The Little Mermaid". Its success was so profound that Disney was looking forward to inviting Howard on another project. But before they could go back to the drawing board, Howard had to share another secret with the producers. His health was beginning to fade, and he didn't know how much longer he would be alive before AIDS would ultimately end his life. He was too sick to travel so the producers had to fly to his home in upstate New York when they needed his assistance. Together they all worked on his final project, "Beauty and the Beast". Which would go down as one of the most successful and beloved Disney classics of all time. He died before he could see it all come together. But, his genius gave the Disney animation department a template to build on for future classics. Nearly 3 decades later, Disney is still following his template which has continued to allow Disney to thrive. You almost wonder what Disney would have look like, and the stories we could have had if he had lived. If you wanna know more about his life and legacy, a documentary was released this year on Disney+ told by his family, friends, everyone who worked with him, and his partner Bill Lauch. RIP Howard, thank you for gifting us with your talent. ❤ https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-xkdQnfx2e2NUBC69MCfZjexGxB0yr3GP3nY0/?igshid=odlrdwi8jquv
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bomb343 · 4 years
Thoughts on MCParks
(I apologize in advance for the length)
              Soooo....I’ve been a bit of a “Negative Nancy” in regards to the gaming industry as of late. It just seems like companies want to do everything in there power to make me angry. From Spider-man being a PS4/PS5 exclusive, to xCloud possibly not being on IOS because Apple’s being a brat, the gaming world is filled with negativity right now. So, let’s talk about something positive for a change, shall we?
              MCParks is currently my favorite thing on Minecraft right now. The people behind this server have created 1:1 scale replicas of 4 different theme parks; Disney World, Disneyland, Universal Studios Florida and Busch Gardens Tampa. They’ve done a really good job at making these parks as accurate as possible. However, the best part of this server is, of course, the rides.
              Every ride is fully functional and ride-able. You can ride the “wildest ride in the wilderness”, Big Thunder Mountain, fight the Sinister Six (or at least a version of the Sinister Six) on The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man, or receive a lesson on the history of communication on Space Ship Earth. Not only are there rides, but also shows like Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln and the Happily Ever After fireworks show. Each ride/show also has audio. However, I’m not the person to go to when talking about the audio as I’ve never used it. It’s a bit of a process to get the audio to work and I don’t have the patience for it.
              Completing each ride/show earns you park points (you get extra if you ride more then once, or ride with multiple people). These points can be spent at certain stores. You can buy food like hot dogs and popcorn (though you don’t have to as you can’t die on this server), or save up your points to buy merchandise like Mickey hats, Mjolnir or a Lightsaber. I myself am trying to buy a full set of First Order Stormtrooper Armor that you can get at Star Wars Lauch Bay at Hollywood Studios. It really does give you an incentive to ride all the rides over and over (you know besides the fact that it’s fun). That said, it does lead to one of the biggest problems with this server.
              Just because this server is awsome, doesn’t make it perfect. There are a couple of problems, the biggest being that the parks are incomplete. Yeah, the parks are still being worked on. As such a lot of rides are closed either because they aren’t built yet, or they are being “refurbished”. You might not be able to ride your favorite ride and you may find yourself riding the same rides over and over again. Also, let’s not forget that this is a Minecraft server. There is a lot of lag and you may find yourself dropped every now and then. I recommend getting the “Optifine” mod. After I downloaded it, my performance did feel smoother. Plus, it allows you to see extra details you wouldn’t see if you didn’t have the mod (the Iron man armor you can buy at Islands of Adventure is a great example of this). The people behind this server also recommend playing on version 1.12.1 for the best experience. However, when I tried to do this, I kept getting dropped while the resource pack was installing. Version 1.16.1 works fine for me.
              Overall, this is a fantastic server, despite some of the problems. As a Canadian who doesn’t exactly have the means to visit...well...all of these parks, this is a nice compromise. My favorite part is going on a ride with a group. It just feels right and it’s a lot of fun. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone who is currently missing the theme parks thanks to the pandemic. Honestly, I have a lot more to say about this, but this post is long enough as it is. Just go to https://mcparks.us/ to get the server address and give it a try yourself. You won’t be disappointed.
(Shout out to @Jack_AH and Achievement Hunter for introducing me to this).
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