#displaced anger
I said I was going to turn this out and I did! Whoop whoop. Unfortunately, I have done barely any review on it so good luck folks. Will go back and make fixes soon. Feel free to call out anything glaring/jarring. @eedsknees gave me the idea to include (SPOILER) some nightmare content, so they are lowkey responsible for jump starting the writing process on this one.
Back & Forth: a the last of us fic
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post-episode 8 Silver Lake hurt/comfort
Ellie & Joel, both riding the struggle bus, canon compliant
Rating: Mature for dark themes, nothing more than the show
It was Joel who stumbled first. He had felt the strength seeping out of him with every step so viscerally it was like his body was a container with a slow leak. His gate would falter and his hand would slip further down her shoulder, power waning. He would cough in his throat and blink forcefully trying to reignite the spark of energy that had carried him to Ellie just hours ago, but it was all a losing battle. And eventually, he lost it. It was Ellie who moved first after that.
chp 1 | chp 2 | chp 3 | chp 4 | chp 5 | chp 6 | chp 7 | chp 8 / chp 8 |
chp 9 !!! YAY !!
read on Ao3 with the link above or below the cut, and remember comment where you can! <3
Chapter 9: (warning not proof read, will do that in the AM)
A lifetime ago, he was warned that raising a teenager - a teen girl at that - was going to be one of the hardest things he was going to live through. Joel had just started into the moody teenage years with Sarah before he lost her, they had their small arguments here and there, but really hadn’t quite hit that point where she was talking back, slamming doors, walking away, or giving him the silent treatment. Still, he had done all the mental preparation for the day his teenage girl would suddenly start putting him to the test, but he never thought in a million years that the teenage girl doing it was not going to be his Sarah. No, it was Ellie. 
Ellie, who had gone from pouting in silence on the couch to fitfully falling back asleep. From his spot a few feet away, Joel had first thought she was muttering under her breath, talking through something and trying to vent her frustrations, but then he noticed the way her body rose and sank rhythmically.  Still turned away from him, he couldn’t see her face to confirm, but after countless nights of looking over her while he took watch, he knew her breathing patterns like a parent knowing their child’s distinct cries. 
She was asleep, and deeply; unfortunately, it just wasn’t peacefully. 
For a long few minutes, Joel waited in the wingback chair, knee bouncing as he debated how long to let the restlessness go on before intervening. Hunched over with his arms on his knees, he wrung out his hands as he watched each one of her breaths and acutely listened in for what was slipping from her mouth, even turning his head so his good ear pointed more in her direction. 
Over the months together he had seen her have a few occasionally, but he had never woken her, and eventually, she did always settle. But now, this just felt different. She had been struggling in her waking hours, it seemed cruel to also let her suffer in her sleep.
“I’m not…don’t,” she softly muttered. The words were more distinct than much of the rest that had been coming from her, and the sense of desperation behind them was painfully evident.
Sighing, Joel stood up with a groan and silently moved closer to her. The blankets were still tightly wrapped around her, constricting her movements to small twitches of her body, clearly unable to manage anything more against the weighty fabric. Her hair splayed across the cushion and fell down her back, which just made Joel realize it now was fully out of its normal ponytail, elastic lost somewhere - maybe forever. In the soft light of the fire, her hair looked almost golden. However, it also meant its tangles and mats were highlighted, strands clumped and bunched in weird spots. 
“No….stop…no,” Ellie cried out again, still a soft and breathy slew of words, her body twitching again before settling. 
For a moment, it actually looked like she might be calming for good, heavy breaths petering out for a second; so Joel hesitated before making any further moves, hand lingering just above her shoulder. From above, he could now see more of her face. It was contorted with a tightness, brows pushed together and jaw clenched. It looked like she was trying to turn it more into the cushion, hide it away from something, but she could only push in so much into the fabric without smothering herself - even her unconscious body seemed to know that. 
Wherever she was, or whatever she was seeing, in her head, couldn’t be anything good. 
Suddenly, Ellie’s breathing hitched, a whimper escaping her lips, her eyes fluttering beneath her lids as she relived whatever terror she was experiencing. “Please…,” she whispered. 
The sounds tore at Joel's heart. 
Enough was enough. 
Taking a deep breath, he gently placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to shake her awake, “Hey…hey, Ellie. Wake up,” he murmured, voice thick with concern.
But his soft murmurs only seemed to increase her unease. Her breathing grew more rapid, each exhale punctuated by a soft whimper of distress. 
"Ellie.." Joel tried again, placing more pressure on her shoulder to tip her onto her back. Her body complied, and she was now supine, but that also only seemed to make things worse for her.  The whimpers started to get caught in her throat, her face screwing up like she was about to cry. 
"Kiddo, time to wake up," Joel said, a little more sternly as he brought a gentle hand to the top of her head in a small gesture of comfort. It was an old instinct, something he used to do for Sarah when she was too afraid to sleep- gently caressing the top of her head, brushing back her beautiful curls to lull her down. (He later learned she should be in a bonnet when she slept, hair tucked away, but oh well). 
He brushed back some of Ellie’s hair too, trying not to get distracted by how utterly dirty it was,  bits sticking together by something, making it feel almost crunchy. 
“Ple….don’t….that’s…you’re hurting mmm….” 
She sounded like she was talking to someone now, and just being in proximity to it made Joel riddled with guilt as if he was the one it was directed at. With another soft sigh, Joel’s hand trailed down her head, past her shoulder, and onto her arm, giving it a squeeze. The move was a bad choice. 
Ellie's body immediately jerked away from him, eyes shooting open in terror, as her arm flung out in a wild, blind attempt to get the touch off her. 
Her hand connected solidly with the most vulnerable part of Joel- her loose fist hitting his barely stitched-together stab wound, dead center.
Ellie’s hand was tiny, but even so, it fucking hurt so bad. Time seemed to freeze, the sheer intensity of the pain anchoring Joel in agonizing stillness before the sensation hit him in full, like a tidal wave. He saw stars, the bright flecks dancing in front of his eyes as every nerve in his body screamed in agony. It felt like a thousand needles were being driven into his side, radiating outwards in a hot, searing wave of pinpricks that washed through his body from head to toe. 
He stumbled back with an unstable step, knocking into the edge of the coffee table before trying to catch himself, only for his legs to do the opposite and give out beneath him. He crumpled to the floor with a deep pained groan, voice ragged and raw, landing with a thump. 
For a very long moment, the world seemed distant, muffled, as if he was underwater as he sat still on the floor, hands not even able to clutch at the spot, just ghosting above it. For that same very long moment, Ellie’s eyes stayed fixed wide, now with a different form of terror as she came to terms with what she had just done. Both rattled by the sudden change of events, everything became eerily still between them as the room turned scarily quiet.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, played on repeat in Ellie’s head, until finally she was was scrambling to sit up, blankets tangling around her, restricting her movements. With a frustrated groan, she yanked and kicked them away, tossing them angrily aside as she popped off the couch, desperate to check on Joel. 
She almost tripped and fell down too, feet getting caught up in the pile of discarded fabric on the floor. The stumble became a somewhat coordinated descent, and she dropped to her knees at his side. 
”Oh God, Fuck, fuck, Joel?,” Ellie stammered, her voice laden with guilt. She knelt anxiously beside him, hands hovering, unsure of where to touch, or how to help. His eyes were squinted, brow furrowed, beads of sweat already forming on his forehead. He looked as he did when she first put him on that dingy mattress in the basement, just constipated with pain. It made her want to vomit knowing she was now the one to cause it this time. 
Still filled with lingering anxiety from her nightmares, Ellie’s body was cracking under all the emotion, tears pricking at her waterline. She fluttered her eyes quickly, trying to get it to stop, but the longer she stared down at Joel the more she felt the tears threaten to spill over. 
“Joel? Dude..what- tell me what I can do,” she stumbled out desperately. 
Joel could barely register her voice much less what she was saying. A ringing in his ears was now taking over making everything just seem a bit staticky. His eyes wandered around the ceiling for a second before screwing shut, trying to stave off an incoming wave of dizziness. 
He couldn’t understand why it hurt so bad, why a hit less than a punch had literally knocked him on his ass. 
God fuck if she was able to do this, how was he going to defend them against anything if something did happen?
He groaned then, but from the thought of his inability not the pain. The pain was on a level that far surpassed groans. 
“Okay..okay just,” Ellie began, taking his shaky hovering hands and moving them away, “let me look. I’m sorry.. sorry.. sorry,” she finished, biting at her lip as she slowly tried to raise his shirt to see the damage she had caused. 
But Joel wasn’t going to let her feel bad for this. Certainly wasn’t going to allow her to make it her responsibility to fix him again. Absolutely not.  
Despite the waves of pain that threatened to overwhelm him, Joel managed to open his eyes. Through the haze, he saw Ellie's panicked face, her deep brown eyes wide with fear. 
She had barely gotten his shirt up, it sticking to him with dried blood. "S'okay," he rasped, bringing a hand up to push down the fabric and stop her before she could get much further. "Don’t," slipped out, although he had been going for “don’t worry.” 
Ellie stopped moving, but didn’t release the grip on his shirt, worried now that anything she would do would just make it worse. “I- okay - just what - how? What do you need?” 
Realizing his poor attempt at speaking before had only made her more anxious, Joel didn’t rush into replying this time. He took a long breath in and out, controlled through his mouth. It made his stomach produce a deep pain when his diaphragm filled and released the air, chest cavity rising and deflating. He pushed his head further back into the cold ground, trying to focus on a different sort of feeling than something beside his side.
“Just gimme…a second.” He pushed out, words complete and mostly steady this time. 
Ellie bit her lip, regret evident in her eyes. Releasing his shirt, and with a deep exhale she sat back on her heels, giving Joel space but still close enough to assist him if he needed. 
She couldn’t believe she had fucking hurt him. He was still fucking fragile and she really could have done some damage - she knew it. It wasn’t like she had given him world-class first aid in the first place. 
“Did I get your stitches?” She asked with apprehension. They were probably so fucked.
“Ellie.” Her name reverberated through the sparsely furnished room, the sound trailing out shakily from a  Joel. He might as well have just said, “shut up,” because somehow that’s what it sounded like to Ellie’s ears.  
Silence started and dragged on then for several moments as they both waited for Joel’s pain began to recede, neither moving much at all. Every so often there was a small sniffle as Ellie tried to bite back tears. 
Joel's voice, rough and filled with exhaustion, broke the monotony. 
“Already feeling better,” he offered, after the third sniffle. Ellie had been trying to hide being on the brink of crying, but there wasn’t much space between them for things to be going unheard. 
With a roll of her eyes and a huff, she wiped at them with the back of her hands.
“I don’t even know why I’m crying…I’m not a fricken crybaby,” she mumbled, clearly frustrated with herself. Joel hummed in agreement as he began to reposition himself, more focused on not causing himself any more pain than producing a reply to her. 
“Are you sure you’re okay? Cause you don’t look okay…” Ellie pushed anxiously, trying to get the focus back on him. 
“I’m fine. Just caught me off guard is all.”
They both knew that was a bit of an oversimplification and by the look on Ellie’s face, she wasn’t too happy with his attempt to brush this under the carpet.
"It wasn't your fault," Joel murmured, pushing himself to a sitting position with a wince. Every movement he made seemed to be a battle, a very annoying struggle against the pain that radiated from his side. "You were just reacting... to something else…. probably my fault anyhow.” 
Joel's eyes inadvertently flicked down to Ellie's bare thighs, the blue-black hues of bruises evident even in the dim light, as she knelt next to him. He had noticed them earlier, but the immediate crisis then had pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind. Now, they came flooding back, mind zoning out as his gaze lingered on the red flags that marred her body.
She had been reacting to something else. 
“I said don’t touch me motherfucker!”
Broken pants. 
“Don’t do it, please don’t do it.”
Scratches on her waistline. 
“you’re hurting-”
Begging, even in her sleep.
“Please don’t.”
"Quit staring," Ellie muttered with a hint of bitterness. Drawn from spiraling thoughts, Joel’s eye flicked back up to hers, filled with a genuine concern, and a bit of remorse. 
"I wasn’t—“ 
“You were," she cut him off, her voice filled turning to something else, a mix of exhaustion and defiance as she pulled down her sweatshirt the best she could to cover her thighs. It barely did a thing.  
”Let me see your side," she said, moving toward his shirt once more. He held out a hand, stopping her.
He wasn’t going to let her keep avoiding this. 
“Tit for tat - you wanna check on me, I wanna check on you,” Joel rasped, his voice carrying an edge of firmness, making it clear that this was really non-negotiable even if presenting it as such. 
Ellie’s jaw clenched. “I’m fine,” she said sternly. 
“You ain’t,” he countered, eyes again flicking down to her legs, purposefully this time, brows raised before he came back to meet her eyes. They were as terse as he’d ever seen. 
They darted away from his view as she muttered, "It's nothing,” her voice low, but Joel caught the slight tremor in it. 
“It ain’t 'nothing'," he pressed firmly. 
With an irritated exhale, Ellie rose as her eyes rolled. She stared down at him for a long moment before shooting her hand out for him to grab. 
Joel looked at it, and then at her, and then back to it. He hadn’t really anticipated getting up this soon, but he wasn’t going to deny the hand she was extending, metaphorical or physical. He hoped that despite the anger her face showed, the gesture was as much about reconciliation as it was assistance. 
Of course, he wouldn’t be so lucky. 
With more force than he thought she capable, Ellie helped him move to stand, pulling him vertically and giving him a tight grip to sink into it. She didn’t say a word about the heavy groan that ripped through his body during it all or the way his strong grasp made the cut on the side of her hand burn. She turned away her head from his as he made his way up, not wanting to meet his gaze, and not wanting him to see the way she was making her own body ache with the effort of supporting him. Head drooping toward the floor, she stayed by his side for a moment as he panted through the residual pain, bent at the waist just slightly his free hand on his hip. When he seemed steady enough, Ellie slipped her hand from his, giving it a little shake to rid the irritation in her fingers from his clenched hold. 
Marching back to the couch, she aggressively snatched the blankets off the ground and plopped herself onto the worn cushions with a glare and a huff, deliberately positioning the university quilts over her legs to hide it all away.  
“Fuck you,” she spat stoically as her body hunched down, arms crossing over her chest. 
It had flipped so easily inside her, the switch back to anger and frustration, that it was almost catching her own self off guard. Her stomach felt like it was hanging low, her muscles were all tense, her throat was aching to scream, and her body desperately just felt like picking up the closest thing and heaving it across the room. 
She bit the impulse back, stifled down the brewing aggression and frustration - but just barely. 
The last time she let herself get swept up in the same feelings a man’s head became sludge on the carpet. Ellie knew she wouldn’t do that to Joel - ever - but she also didn’t want to go anywhere near the emotions that she knew could fuel that sort of thing.
But, that was much harder said than done. And right now, her mind and heart were at odds, unsure of which was actually in control, but either way, one was telling her to make Joel hurt. To make him sad and angry. To make him feel the way she was suddenly starting to again. 
“You took off my pants.” 
The regret was immediate as she spat the words out with venom, but there was also a sweet satisfaction that came afterward, when the words hung heavy in the air, when the look on his face told her she had it - that soft spot inside of him, that protector persona - easily crushed. 
She shouldn’t be doing this, not to him, none of this was his fault, but for some reason, she couldn’t make herself stop. 
“You wouldn’t’ve even known… I never said you could do that, ” she muttered, eyes narrowing.
The color drained from Joel’s face, and for a moment he looked as if he was about to topple over again.  He sucked in a long breath, a deep feeling of culpability settling in his heart. It was almost more painful than Ellie’s hand connecting with his wound just moments before - actually, he might prefer round two of that now, then this, or whatever this was shaping up to be. 
He knew what he did, knew it had been necessary, but it made him feel dirty all the same. She didn’t have to do much to bring out the guilt when he already felt ashamed. 
Slowly, Joel turned and eased himself into the wingback, taking up refuge in the same spot he had watched her battle through the nightmare earlier - a nightmare he was suddenly worried was somehow about him. 
Head low, forearms resting on his thighs, palms, and hands anxiously rubbing together, he ground his teeth back and forth, her screams echoing in his ears once again. 
A blip of his large hands encircling her tiny bruised wrists as he moved them away, came to mind, coming back to haunt him like he knew it would when had done it. He hummed at the thought, wondering for a second if perhaps he had done something wrong. 
Rushed through it, overstepped, and caused more harm than good. 
But then thought of how she was fading in and out, how she shaking - so badly - how her skin was like ice - might as well have been a dead body, cold like a corpse. 
Joel nodded his head up and down, convincing himself of what he already knew.
There were lots to feel guilty over, but this couldn’t be one of them. 
Anxiously, he raised his head and met hers, trying to read her face and not her words. Ellie’s expression was one filled with contempt, but her eyes held a completely different story - a kid broken and scared. 
She was hurting, and if the look in her eyes wasn’t enough, the bruises on her face and the blood splatter still staining her complexion were more than enough of a pointed reminder that Joel needed to tread lightly even if she was marching full steam ahead, raging at the world - at him.
She was doing this on purpose, pushing him, but he wouldn’t push her - couldn’t. 
He thought back to before, when he came rushing back into the living room fearing she had slipped away in the few moments he had taken to get the blankets. He remembered the small smile on her face when he made his way into her sights, and how she cracked open his heart with her candid confession:
“I’m always gonna come back.” 
“I like when you do.” 
Centering himself on that memory, and not her screams, Joel ran a hand down the length of his face before brushing it back and forth against the scruff of his beard. He let out a long sigh, a little worried he was about to say the wrong thing. 
 "I had to..." he began, his voice coming out more as a gravelly murmur than anything else. He stopped, swallowed hard, and tried again. "You were freezin’..." he said remorsefully, but pointedly, a statement of fact and an apology, side by side. 
Ellie nodded with a blank expression, purposefully trying to keep her face deadpan. She didn’t remember all that much, but she wasn’t stupid - logically, she knew that’s what happened. 
That hadn’t been the point of bringing it up. 
“You couldn’t do it yourself, so I had’ta.”
“I told you to stop,” she countered.
Truthfully, she still didn’t remember much of the whole ordeal, but bits were coming back slowly. There were some moments, vague, but there, she could use against him if she wanted - paint a certain image, true or not. All she could see was her arms and hands pushing against his, small fists banging against his forearms, yelling at him. 
Her gaze found the fire for a moment, landing on the red and orange licks of flames, just past his shoulder. 
Hands pushing against his, small fists banging against his forearms, red carpet, flames.  
“…I was yelling and you kept going…” she said, almost absently, head somewhere else for a twinkle of a second. 
She gulped down a growing lump in her throat as her eyes quickly flicked back to Joel, and with a few blinks cleared the images of him away. 
Joel opened his mouth to reply but shut it quickly, giving her a nod instead. She wasn’t wrong, but she wasn’t right either. 
In the very back of Ellie’s head, a small voice was screaming at her to not be an idiot. To stop whatever this was, now, before she took it too far. That he wasn’t him. That this is leftover aggression stuck inside, threatening to ruin something good. 
But she couldn’t. 
Her jaw clenched tighter as her eyes went hard and steely. Her head was really starting to throb again, and the hot feeling that had been in her gut was now starting to travel up her body, making her throat tight as it also ushered in a bit of nausea. 
She was seething so much that she was making herself sick from the intensity of it all. And for what?
She wiggled in her seat, hands going to grip the sides of the couch, knuckles going white, as she lowered her head to stare at the floor, wondering why he wasn’t getting mad like she thought he would.
“I know, you were..” Joel confirmed, hoping that not denying, or trying to belittle it would somehow make this better for her. 
He was able to see her demeanor going colder and colder with every moment she sat on the couch, coming to slow a boil like a pot on a stove.  Part of him did want to defend himself and go toe to toe with her - it was only natural - but a bigger part of him just wanted to gather her up in another hug and just never let go. Make her emotions quell, stop the roiling. 
"I know what your doin'..." he said, shaking his head, "I know you don't mean what you're sayin’."
"I - ah ..," Ellie stuttered, not expecting to be called out. ”Asshole," she said, trying to recover, albeit not strongly, before tumbling along, words spilling from her mouth.  “You’re an asshole, and you - if you gave a shit about me then, you wouldn’t have -“
“- Hey now…“ Joel interjected quickly, a grovel in his voice clearly revealing that his calm exterior was cracking away, her words now hitting him with a certain potency.  Ellie’s voice trailed off at the sound of his, focus going to watching the change in his body language, his shoulders tensing, eyes moving away, hand rubbing at his thigh. 
Of course, he gave a shit about her. After everything? 
She really wasn’t making this easy, and now the underlying guilt that still coursed in his veins - that was practically a part of him now - even though he knew it was misplaced - was turning to frustration, and frustration into precarious anger. 
And Ellie knew it too, and now she couldn’t hold back. She wanted to pry that spark of anger from behind his eyes and ignite it. Light it on fire like that fucking restaurant. 
“Would you have done that to Sa-“
“Enough.” Joel spat, jaw tight, eyes hard. 
It was a low blow, even for Ellie.  
His heart was thumping in his chest, whooshing in his ears. He knew where the sentence was going the minute, it was coming out of her, and he couldn’t let it stand. He had sidestepped what she had been insulting the entire time - the dark impropriety of it all - because it was just so far from the truth that it wasn’t even worth playing into. But now, bring up something like that, almost accusing him, with his daughter…no. It crossed a line. 
With a deep inhale, Joel pushed himself off the chair the pain of it all buried monetarily under his own indignation, only a small wince escaping. The old wood creaked under him, the sound echoing the tension in the room. With a slow-paced stride, his leather boots thudded against the floor, the rhythmic sound resonating through the still air, each deliberate step echoing ominously. His fists were balled tightly as he sad and his face stern. 
Ellie watched as he got closer, content that she had finally pushed him over the edge. 
She hated herself, but not just for this. 
Coming to a still directly in front of her, he lowly began, “You don’t-,” he dragged in a long breath, “you don’t bring her anywhere in this….that ain’t right, and you know it.” 
His intention wasn’t to be intimidating - just firm, but standing above her as he was, was a little bit menacing.  Ellie gave him a slow nod, eyes looking forward, not up towards him. Her quickening pulse was echoing in her ears, mouth getting a little watery with apprehension.
Joel looked anywhere but down towards her, not wanting to show her any more anger than he already had let slip out. His fingers ran against his palms, still tightly screwed together, as his eyes wandered around the area behind the couch, scanning the kitchen, hoping to use it mundanity as a means to steady himself. 
Exhaling through his nose, Joel took a long step back, and then another away, turning his back toward Ellie. 
God, bringing his Sarah up like that, now. What was she thinkin’?
Drawing his head up to the ceiling, he called back to that feeling in his gut when he woke up alone in the basement. That feeling in his chest, when he thought he was about to find her body a the end of a trail of blood. That feeling in his heart, when she fell into his arm, scared as all hell. 
He shook his head. Ellie was his too. 
An oppressive silence stretched between them, the weight of unsaid words becoming almost palpable as Joel swayed back and forth on the balls of his feet, debating what to say, how to carry on. It was clear she was just lashing out, generally, but he couldn't let it all slide. Not that easily.
"Trauma ain't a hall pass" - Tommy told him that once. 
Sucking in a final long breath, hands going to his hips, Joel turned to face Ellie. 
“I know I wasn’t there. But I got to eyes. And I know somethin’ happened to you. And if this is  - was? - you tryin’ to make sense about that then, fine. Spit whatever you want at me, okay? Hit me, yell at me, I don’t care…I’ll take it.. I deserve that…cause that’s on me for leaving you alone.”  His voice was eerily steady, low, and coarse like how Ellie knew it when he was barking orders at her, way back at the beginning of their journey together. The tenderness that he had exhibited since coming back together seemed to be gone, even though his words painted a different picture. For better of worse, this was the Joel she knew. 
“But listen to me. I’m serious Ellie - Listen here.” Joel waited for Ellie to look up and meet his eyes. When she did so, he continued.  “Sarah stays far out of it.” 
Ellie didn’t make a move, a little stunned by the way he seemed to have his emotions under control, especially after she had expected so much more.  
He was going to end it at that, but a nagging voice in the back of his head told him he might as well dot all his ‘I’s and cross his ’T’s too. 
“And to be clear, I didn’t do anythin’, would never, do anythin’ to you- like what you were getting at.. makes me sick just thinking about it,” his tone was serious, yet his words danced around the hard topic like he wasn’t confident using the real words for it. His mouth turned down as the thought of it stayed in his brain, festering for a moment before fading out. 
The look in his eyes had Ellie swallowing back some guilt, tears even beginning to prick at her waterline again. 
Joel's hand came to his neck, rubbing away the much-accumulated tension, while looking around the room to search for something else to focus on. His eyes landed on her again - how could they not - and he paused. Blood, bruises, brewing with anger. He could fix some of that.
His eyes went to the pot of water still resting on the coffee table after all this time and then over toward the hallway.
He cleared his throat. “Now, I’m gonna go see if there ain’t something around here to clean you up with.”
It’s said with genuine care, but it's not hard to read that perhaps it’s also a distraction - a misdirection- to take away from the fraught way the conversation had come to a close.
Joel scooted past the couch with a slight limp, heading toward the hallway and out the room, leaving Ellie sitting alone.
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mzminola · 3 months
Every time I see news of crowds agitating against Israel outside a synagogue, or museum, or Jewish day school full of children, or restaurant, or educational event, and so on in the US, every time my thought is why the fuck aren't you holding this 'protest' at city hall? Or your state legislature? Or your federal reps' offices?
A random Jewish institution in the United States has absolutely zero power to affect the decisions made by Israel's parliament or military. You're not "raising awareness" or "drawing attention to the issue" because the general public of the US is already at least somewhat aware thanks to the news, and Jewish people are in fact one of the groups in the US to be the most fucking aware of what's going on.
If you are upset by US military aid going to Israel, you need to convince your federal representatives to change that. Those reps do not base US military foreign aid policy on random US citizens harassing other US citizens.
If you want the US to provide more civilian relief in the form of food, medicine, or helping refugees come here, you need to convince reps at every level. Can your city partner with a refugee organization to arrange housing? Can your governor arrange scholarships or exchange programs to state universities? Can the feds channel more funds to Doctors Without Borders?
Do a write and call-in campaign. Hold your protest at legislatures. File a petition. Do something to directly express your desires to the elected officials who have a direct say in policy.
We've held protests at city halls and state legislatures and federal buildings for centuries. Why aren't you doing so for this issue?
Why are you macing people attending synagogue? They have no more power over elected officials' choices than you do.
Why are you screaming at schoolchildren? They have less power over elected officials' choices than you do.
Why are you blocking entrance to a museum? Hold a fundraiser to build your own, if you want to educate people so badly!
I know the antisemites don't actually care about US military & foreign aid policy. I know the racists are simply reveling in an excuse to whip up a mob to attack Jews. It's obvious.
But if you really, truly want to help the people of Gaza, you need to stop being part of that hateful mob, and organize your own, real political actions that directly engages with your elected representatives.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Archery Nemesis.
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akashaalchemy · 2 years
The Gifts of Anger
A general overview of my anger issue story. I hope it gives you some guidance and a different perspective.
I used to be a very angry person. In fact, it got me in trouble with the law and I was court-ordered 4 times to attend anger management classes or counseling. People today always say they can’t imagine me being angry at all but this is a true story. I would make a scene anywhere in public, cuss out people on the phone (I had zero patience for those kind of 800 phone calls you have to make as an…
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dementedspeedster · 4 months
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I think one thing people don't take into account with Thad, especially when it comes to his post-Impulse appearances, is anger.
Specifically, how it is such a strong motivator and how it is not always rational. How he still goes after Bart in his post-Impulse comic appearances makes sense when you look at it from the perspective of anger and how Thad is such a prideful individual.
His actions can easily be chalked up to displaced anger towards Bart because 1.) He can't exactly go after President Thawne because he views him as a father/his creator (I assume standing up to him would be incredibly difficult because he views him in such a way but also Pres. Thawne's also proven himself to be manipulative and controlling) and 2.) because Bart had a part in essentially ruining his life or at least the perception of life being good. Bart played a part in shattering the truths of Thad's life. Thad thought his life was fine, that he was going to make his family proud of him, that he had a part in it, that he was family to the Thawnes, but instead he learned that he was being used, manipulated, and that he was unloved.
If you, a prideful individual had your perception of reality shattered by someone would you take a helping hand from the person who shattered your reality? I think not. So instead he goes after Bart. He's someone that Thad can actually hurt. Someone he can take his emotions out on. It's misguided and maybe not rational to the readers who understand his situation better than he does, but Thad is a misguided character.
I think his anger towards Bart is what prominently drives him post-Impulse actions and that it should be taken into account more.
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ichooseyoupikajew · 4 months
Re: the last post I reblogged -
I can't help but cynically wonder if some of the intense antisemitism that has come from the LGBTQ+ community over the past few years or so comes down to resentment.
I've seen multiple people on Twitter/X insist that Jews are "white people who want to be oppressed so bad" and are "constantly playing the victim" - and I can't help but wonder if a great deal of the white LGBTQ+ community has internalized that kind of hatred about themselves and project their anxiety onto Jews.
To Jews, a Jew is a Jew. But I've seen multiple queer people express anxiety over their fear of "not being queer enough" or "not doing enough for the queer community" which sounds...exhausting. On Tumblr alone, there's so much bickering and gatekeeping on who gets to 'count' as a member of the LGBTQ+, who gets to identify as what, what spaces you can and can't walk into. Sometimes it feels like a new version of Catholicism.
White guilt often leads to anger and resentment. On the right, this resentment is amplified and, instead of unpacking their privilege and addressing the past, they use their identity as a shield and project onto Jews as being the cause of their woes ("Jews will not replace us"). After 10/7, I see that a similar feeling exists amongst the left as well.
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
So Xie Lian’s telling in Chapt. 141 of how Feng Xin’s lady problems may be partially his fault is interesting in that Xie Lian is assigning himself responsibility, still, in a friendship that should have been equal, but also he is trying to hide from Hua Cheng exactly how down bad he was during that time.
“It’s shameful to say, I made him sell it for money to keep for himself not just out of guilt but fear too.”
But why did that fear exist then when it hadn’t before? Because Mu Qing had just abandoned them because they could no longer compensate him for his work, which meant that their friendship also was forfeit, something neither Feng Xin nor Xie Lian had considered before (because who thinks that their close friends are only friends with them for money???).
Xie Lian spoke slowly, “Through so many years, I never knew if Feng Xin liked anyone. I never asked, and I never took notice.”
Xie Lian was supposed to notice that Feng Xin, who before had never been afraid to speak his mind but also acts like women are the plague, so much so that his greatest fear is a woman’s bathhouse, had a girlfriend? Xie Lian, being tortured for months by White No-Face, was supposed to notice that Feng Xin had a girlfriend? On top of all that, Xie Lian did notice that Feng Xin was acting dodgy! Feng Xin started asking him for more things!!! Meanwhile, Feng Xin, caught up in his terrible love affair, brushes off Xie Lian being hunted by a nightmare demon as “poverty is just making him lose his mind.” Unfortunately for both parties involved, Feng Xin didn’t confide in Xie Lian why he suddenly needed money after fending off Xie Lian offering him compensation before, and Xie Lian is too afraid to ask because he doesn’t want to believe that Feng Xin could be another Mu Qing. And Xie Lian blames himself for this.
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chicohungers24-7 · 6 months
I love Nine so much I love how angry he is. He's just like me fr
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starlightomatic · 1 year
Why are you jumblr assholes so fucking obsessed with atheists? My guess is you found a group of people more despised than you and decided to join in on the atheist bashing. And you can hate on with impunity because no one else cares about us. And you have this build in defense where if anyone calls you on your bullshit you can just cry “antisemitism” and shut down the discussion. Because no matter what you’re always the victims. And then you wonder why we hate you!
the last time i participated in this discourse was in february and yet you sent this on may 23
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calamitoustide · 29 days
okay! so the character dynamics are not always the same obviously it's pretty impossible but Jesse would be Kingsley 100%
I'll go through all of the characters and the basic plot because I'm obsessed with this idea and will probably never be able to write it :/
Ellie = James Dina = Reg Joel = Monty Jesse = Kingsley Tommy = Sirius Maria = Remus WLFs
Abby = Evan Jerry = Pandora Owen = Barty Mel = Narcissa Nora = Bellatrix Manny = Benjy?
Okay so this one actually twists up the game plot a lot I have one with Reg as Ellie and that pretty much sticks with the game, but this one.
James isn't immune, he was never the immune one. He grew up moving around a lot, his Dad needed to, but then settled in Jackson when he was about fourteen and hasn't moved since. Everything is okay, for apocalypse standards, until a random group comes in and kills Monty in cold blood. It's the same as the game with James and Reg being together while Sirius and Monty were on patrol together.
It follows the plot from there pretty much, Sirius goes ahead to kill Monty, and James follows. Reg goes with him. They go through their three days in Seattle at the same pace. They kill whoever Jordan is I'm honestly not sure who he would be, and find Leah. From there they find Polaroids and Regulus realizes fuck he knows those people. Evan and Barty were his friends back when he was living in one of the QZs. He keeps this information until they get to the Theater and instead of the Dina pregnancy confession, it's that confession instead.
While fighting through the subway Regulus twisted his ankle and can't walk so he's out of commission and James goes alone to go find Sirius who they think is in Hillcrest. He finds Kingsley instead and takes him back to Reg. After James goes to the hospital and tortures kills Bellatrix for Evan's whereabouts. Reg is in excruciating pain and they both agree they need to take him back, but James can't leave Sirius behind so they go out to get him. They part ways as James goes after Evan and Kingsley goes after Sirius. James kills Barty and Narcissa and realizes Narcissa is pregnant after, which leads to him having a panic attack and Sirius runs in to soothe him and take him back.
Following the game that night they agree to go back but Evan comes in, knocks Sirius down and shoots Kingsley dead.
We switch to Evan's POV, and we learn Pandora was the immune one. She was taken to the hospital against Evan's word and Pandora's permission. Evan can't get to her in time to save her. Monty was the doctor. He killed Pandora and it didn't even bring him a cure.
From Evan's side of things a lot is different. Barty and Narcissa obviously aren't together, but we do have Evan meeting two siblings, but they're twins this time. And he goes through his three days. Everything is pretty much the same, expect Barty doesn't get cold feet killing an elderly "Muggle" he gets cold feet killing a young one, a girl who couldn't be older than seventeen. She looked exactly like Pandora. Also the boy twin is the one who gets compartment syndrome and the girl twin travels with Evan.
I'm rushing because I've been yapping so long not because I don't love Abby's section of the game. Evan's part is basically just him accepting Pandora's death and breaking free from his anger. It's finding another reason to fight for or the "light" if you wanna go full tlou.
The boy twin ends up dying on the island after the girl twin runs off. Evan comes back to find Barty and Narcissa dead. He goes after James.
The end of the game is the exact same minus JJ. James can't forget about Evan and Regulus just wants to move on. Sirius and Remus take some "time away from each other." Sirius comes over angry that James can have a good life and he can't. He's too hurt to go and guilts James into going instead.
At the end of the fic after going after Evan again James ends up saving him instead of killing him. He comes back home and has nothing left. Regulus is gone, and the only glimpse of happiness is gone too.
i yapped so much I apologize
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pcktknife · 2 years
Back on that damn zoroark wiki page
#sigh. anways#h!zoros are said to have come back to life after death from a harsh environment which for some👏🏾reason👏🏾 i didnt register as a#u!zoro dying and coming back different (probably bc time n history why would the ancestor derive from the descendant) but its not an#ancestor its just a zoroark thats fucked up bc the region its in#additionally i didnt understand why it hated people AND pokemon (and still didnt rlly understand the ppl thing fully) but its cause they#were banished to the icelands by ppl and the pokemon there did not make it any easier so they died and came back from being so fucking Mad#and thats fucked up bc they are chill dogs!!!! so i get it id b mad too displaced by ppl u actively try to avoid and then u die in the only#place ur kinda allowed to be Plus the animals there are being jerks also ?? baneful fox is right#i feel like zoros still have a stigma abt them so i bet under the right conditions a modern zoro w the typing and nature of a hisuian one#is possible and i also wonder where the hisuian ones went cause i assume that ghost types dont die 2x and something w so much anger towards#everything its given the title of spiteful and baneful wouldnt just....go away that is a restless spirit lmao i cant imagine theyd just#move on so i like to think they r maybe just fuckin around in the mountains mostly unseen away from everything and maybe they r killin#things as just an unseen force idk i dont live in the sinnohan mountains#exhale Thats All!!!! known/common knowledge and assumed information but idc cause i wanted to talk anyways!!!#kae.txt
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scariercnidaria · 1 year
oh my god 1 year of brainworms and i never connected the dots before but. do you think izzy calls lucius a seductress because he cant say it to stede.
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gideonisms · 1 year
I just finished some desperate glory the other day and I'm literally wondering the same thing. on the one hand there was that one offhand line about kyr thinking about yiso in the context of, like, finding people attractive--but then also didn't yiso say in a different part that they were possibly twelve or fifteen or twenty bc they didn't know how to do the math for another solar system?? like... if they are the love interest it is Weird to sprinkle in the possibility that they could be twelve, yk? also, unrelated, I kind of feel like the ending would've been more satisfying if they'd both actually died. it was such whiplash in the last couple of pages and the resolution felt cheap to me. the audiobook narrator was great though.
See I took that to mean they were 12 in their own years but 15 or 20 in Kyr's. Kyr is 18 at the beginning and the weird hand kissing doesn't happen until they've both aged by several years. To me based on the rest of the novel it's also pretty clear yiso is not intended to be a young child. But that whole character relationship did confuse me and the awkward wording in some instances did not help!
anyway you're probably right about the ending but tbh? by the middle I'd already decided it was better to turn my brain off and hope the plot twists kept me entertained and in that respect the ending fully lived up to my expectations
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raeygina-george · 1 year
So sorry to all of my mutuals who have to listen to me whine about drawing every goddamn day of my life
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demonsfate · 9 months
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Good question! I feel like it's probably been a long time since he last cried? Obviously, he cried at the ""death"" of his mother. But I feel he's cried a few times since then, too. I'd say the last time he cried was probably sometime during the fifth tournament. With the Devil being successful in breaking him down, Jin's mental (and even physical) health was not well at all back then. And going through intense nightmares, as well as feeling completely alone, I think that was enough to get him to cry.
It seems like he would cry after everything that's happened now, and you know... the state the world is in - especially knowing he's apparently the ""cause"" of it being in this ruination and death. But actually, he hasn't cried about that yet. Mostly because he's been so busy. If it wasn't fleeing from the UN, then it's being in a coma for several months, and now he has to focus on training and the whole Kazuya ordeal. I feel that once Jin stops focusing on the whole Saving The World, and just takes a moment to properly breathe... yeah, everything that's happened will really just come out.
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chamerionwrites · 2 years
Anger can be a healing emotion and there are times that I wish I could experience it, but. When I can see exactly how someone's family/community/society fucked them up, how it lied to them about what love is supposed to look like, how it kept them clinging desperately to the lowest rungs of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and expending all their time and energy on survival rather than sustaining loving relationships, I just. Find it fundamentally difficult to muster any, except at systemic injustice
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