#dn writers
caramelarchive · 9 months
okay but rubbing noses with L. hhh.
just him walking up to you, slipping his arms around your waist and leaning forward to brush his somewhat pointy nose against your softer one.
you can smell his breath, the scent of cake and coffee and strawberries. he can smell yours, too, and he wouldn't care at all if it smelt like tuna or if it smelt like rainbows because when your lips part you're so beautiful. he just wants to kiss you.
but kissing doesn't feel as intimate as this.
so his nose stays there, against yours, and the greatest detective in the world is standing here with you as the sun sets outside the windows, breathing on you and soaking in your light and warmth as he stares into your wonderful eyes.
and then as quickly as he came,
he's gone,
the scent of vanilla frosting lingering where he stood.
I have moved to my main @lawlietscaramels please follow there for new content!
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diabolicdetective · 11 months
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serial apologizer
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lawlietscaramels · 9 months
Yandere ╾ L Lawliet
Because apparently I fell into a yandere stage and this is my tunnel out.
CW typical yandere stuff (stalking, obsession, overprotection, manipulative, worship, dependence, monopoly, killer)
Yandere L is interesting because I think yes, he could absolutely be a yandere
canonically too
BUT only if you defined a yandere by "do they have the traits?" as opposed to "what do they do?"
so first: what KIND of yandere is the detective? top five traits incoming.
Let's just get this one out of the way
He obviously to some degree "stalks" people just for his work, through cameras and policemen if not in person
he's a stalker guys. that's it.
so he wouldn't have a problem just turning up wherever someone who interested him was
and again
and again...
He's pretty hard not to notice because of his peculiar mannerisms, but he's also literally black and white enough to blend into the background.
So if he was careful (he is) it would take a while before you noticed you were seeing him everywhere you went. And by then you wouldn't be able to think of a time where he wasn't sitting quietly somewhere in the background.
L knows this.
he knows you're going to assume he just happens to live in the same area as you, or something like that.
I don't think he'd actually follow you into your home but he would go when you were out someday to set up cameras
and I think L would genuinely believe himself to be a good person
what if he goes away and you get in trouble? you don't always have a roommate, who would notice? well, now L will, and he is quite able to get you back to safety. but back to the stalkery.
oh man he's gone through your stuff. your closets your phone whatever. he wants to know about you
one day he might just arrange for a little... near accident somewhere you both frequent
and oh my oh gosh oh diddly darn
guess who just happens to be there to save the day
(L. it's L. notice him please?)
There are two things that L is canonically obsessed with: work and desserts
but if he found a romantic interest that list suddenly has a third item: YOU.
especially if you bake him cakes or help him in cases. because then he ties those things he loves to you.
and I'll just quickly mention these traits are always a little bit in his personality but the order I'm writing in is the order they come out more strongly around you.
Obsession is also tied with stalking.
Some days he watches you and dreams about you smiling at him the way you smile at the rain and the sun and the world.
he imagines how everything will work out. you're a distraction to his work: he would have to find a way to integrate you into his life in a way that allows him to be close to you and not distracted. he imagines he imagines
you'd find a way to fit into him while he was sitting, your body pressed up against his torso, legs pulled up, head on his shoulder.
he could play with your hair with one hand. you could feed him sweets.
L is for the first time not in control of his own thoughts. it's new and unpredictable so it's completely terrifying to him, and for a while he'll slink away into the darkest recesses of society and draw away from you.
but it doesn't stop. it gets worse.
he can't look outside without wondering if you're looking at the same skies. can't eat strawberries without wondering if you like them.
so then he does a full 180 and will devote all of his available attention (some must be spared for work) to you. if you don't already work together or if he hasn't made contact during the stalking at all, this is when he does it.
he reaches out to see if you'll take him.
and when you do (it's not a question of if, see manipulative) he will calm down a fair bit.
but he is still, quietly, obsessed
what can I say?
gosh he just wants to keep you safe.
He's seen every bad thing about the world through his work, he knows bad things constantly happen to good people.
but. not. to. you.
L just won't let it happen. he can and will secret you away in a hotel room. never enough for you to become suspicious, to rattle at doors and windows. And you move with him, every couple of weeks, so it's just an adventure, dear.
also I think he'd use darling in a sweeter sense. dear or maybe doll is his yandere pet name for you.
He probably has several trackers somewhere on you. probably not IN you... probably...
also you know that nail polish they developed that changes colour when it comes into contact with common poisons in drinks? he makes you use stuff like that. for your safety.
hate hate hates that he can't be with you all the time. you tend to find yourself with reasons to stay at home when L's not around. once again see manipulative.
he does trust you, he really does. but he doesn't trust the world. men in particular are often disgusting. it's just true. he's seen it time and time again as a detective. who knows what scary things could be out in the world? and if they knew you were dating, that you had ANY relationship with the world's greatest detective? L's afraid he's putting you in danger. please just humour him and stay home for a week, dear. you can work on your baking.
if you started getting really rebellious, thought you were being chained up, whatever, L would let you go and do whatever you wish. He doesn't want you to feel like that! He loves you! he may or may not have organised for a brush with death for you so that you realise how right he is about the horrors of the world and want to stay home like he asks you so nicely to.
you're just so pure. so innocent.
there, there. he won't let them hurt you.
he'll even close all the blinds so the darkness of the world can't reach in to taint your beauty. isn't he the best?
I can't think of any particularly specific examples but he lies about everything. Whenever he throws out a number (5%) it means he suspects someone over 90%
so he has no issues bending the truth
sigh if L's manipulative side is triggered it's triggered ALL the way. one one hand he hates doing this to you
but on the other it's for your own good and you're being stupid.
He will do ANYTHING to make you believe him. he will manipulate you into thinking he's being manipulative so he can get upset at your lack of trust in him so he's able to manipulate you
did that make sense...
can cry on demand.
but it's not all about making himself the victim, he will also just.. isolate you if you're starting to drift away from him. Suddenly your friends find other interests, your family are renovating the house or your parents won a radio prize for a vacation.
and L is the only one left. and he himself is distant until you cry and plead and apologise
the isolation thing is actually a yan trait itself and the scenarios above are also kind of training. but they're only a part of the bigger trait.
he will also manipulate situations and other people, not just you.
L just wants what's best for everyone
(coincidentally this always aligns with what is best for L.)
he's so smart though. it's really really difficult to realise he's manipulating you unless he wants you to.
you're so pretty, the most perfect thing he's ever seen
you're an angel, really.
and people who don't respect you as such are going to get a subtle but clear message from L to STEP AWAY.
cold glares.
he will literally turn his head 180° like an owl to stare at them while he walks you away
they might end up fired. I mean someone who can't see what's right in front of their eyes doesn't deserve whatever job they have...
he just wants to spoil you sometimes and he has the resources to do it and more.
sometimes this gets a little suffocating but it's sweet. mostly.
it's nice to have time with your boyfriend instead of big, grand, empty rooms. L just doesn't have a lot of time. He does his job to protect you, protect you from everything in this world because it is all inferior to you.
I do not like to think about how he would react if you happened to meet Light...
I wasn't sure about whether or not to put this in the top five because I don't think he'd see himself as inferior. his IQ is big. but you could still jump from his ego down to his IQ and fall for hours. he thinks you're more good than he is but he's under no delusions about your relative intelligence or anything.
but yeah, I think he's a worshipper.
Just... a quiet worshipper. all his yan traits are kinda quiet tho haha
L wants to give you the world. he would sacrifice anything for you.
he would take a bullet for you
his work makes this a good possibility. he'd prefer not to get shot but he'd still do it for you.
probably the most harmless of his yandere traits. this one comes out when he decides this is it, you are it, forever.
really quickly a couple of the other traits L might have and express are:
dependence (mostly for manipulative purposes. he will cry if you ever fight. L is honestly quite dependent on you, he might die without you-- or more likely just force you back into his arms-- but he puts on a lot of an act, a puppet master pulling strings behind the stage. he wants to be seen as vulnerable, not just a stoic and brilliant detective. because which one is it easier to lose your heart to? and you must lose your heart. you stole his first.)
monopoly (when he has time, he needs you to have time for him and only him. he doesn't have a lot of time. will manipulate you into spending time with him but it's more of an occasional pest thing than anything. quite harmless. especially because he works a lot. you have plenty of time without him, which makes him sad, but he can't help it. and you wouldn't love him if he stopped you from seeing your family and friends...)
killer (yeah... not in the top five by any means but if someone tries to hurt you? god forbid, if they SUCCEED? you'll be stuck at home for a couple of weeks while L frets over you. and sometime in that couple of weeks.. well.. maybe that someone who hurt you finds themself in trouble with a gang. L's not doing the dirty work himself but he's behind it and you will never find out. if they only TRIED to hurt you L won't be able to justify killing them to himself, but they'll quickly find themselves in jail.)
so back to what I mentioned in the first part: L is a yandere, IF you're only basing the classification on the fact that he has these traits and the ability to act on them
but as anyone who's watched police or court drama knows, you need more than means and opportunity:
you need MOTIVE.
this is where I can't base my thoughts on canon so much anymore. the only people who we really see L caring about the death of (spoilers‼️) are: the FBI agents (though not on a personal level); Ukita (pretty sure that's his name); and Watari (though L himself dies too soon after for this last one to be useful)
so. Ukita.
L probably wouldn't care enough for the guy to go yandere for him LMFAO but we do see him refusing to rush in and take action without thinking, something which a yandere might be more inclined to do if they cared about someone.
HOWEVER we also see he's trembling. like he's a little in shock about the death and what it means, but also he wants to do something about it.
a yandere urge, brought out by something bad happening to someone he cares about.
My point being?
L has the traits of a yandere, and has the ability to act on any of them any time. he's smart, he's rich, and he has the trust of the entire world (or respect at least)
but he doesn't act unless triggered.
and ofc because he doesn't have a canonical love interest, we can't prove either way what he would do for/to them.
but I think he is more deredere (love) than yanderu (sick).
anyway, L is smart enough to realise that the yandere doesn't usually win the game of love, and that the things are not things you should be doing for/to someone who trusts you. not things you should be doing to someone you love.
but sometimes, when his emotions are high and so is the danger to you or your relationship,
his control just slips
and you might just find yourself locked in a hotel room while he works on the Kira case.
no. I'd say that he's a kuudere.
cold, cynical, sarcastic sense of humour, views feelings as a weakness but DOES have them and will open up over time.
but oh...
according to the dere wiki...,
"Due to the way a kuudere acts, a yandere can easily pretend to be a kuudere when not acting insane."
so, what do we think?
but hey that's just a theory... a DERE theory! aaand cut.
𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖙 ˏˋ⋆˖⁺˖⁀➷ 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖌 + 𝖋𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜
©lawlietscaramels. Do not repost on other sites, claim as your own work, edit, rewrite or “fix,” feed to AI or otherwise use unethically.
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pinelohearts · 4 months
uhhh 6 for light and another character if you like
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Lawlight, 584 words.
I sort of lost the angst in this one, because these two are both insane little freaks (affectionate). But the yaoi is toxic!!!
Light had lost.
He can still remember the day like yesterday. The breakdown he had when he had discovered that Misa was tailed—exposing them both as Kira.
L had immediately forced him onto the ground, and Light had screamed to any listener to try and manipulate them too. L locked his hands behind his back, and sent him away. 
His father’s face haunts him.
The prison cell is cold, and the bed is hard. It’s been like this for months. L had gotten him imprisoned with no trial. The circumstances of the Kira case were unique in that regard. How hypocritical.
Light’s head aches. It’s been like that for months, ever since he was forced to take the Shinigami Eye Deal. That was the agreement L made with Ryuk: he took the Shinigami Eyes to give half his lifespan, and Ryuk doesn’t write his name until the end of his life.
He wears a blindfold to protect the safety of his guards. He’s only allowed to take it off in short intervals under intense security, just to reset his eyes. This is also when he takes a bathroom break, and he tries to stick thinking about how someone’s watching that to. Then it’s back to the infinite darkness.
Light’s not sure what happened to Misa. Perhaps Rem bargained for her life. Perhaps she committed suicide in some grandiose “romantic” move. He honestly doesn’t care.
His hands are raw from the handcuffs he’s locked in. It’s stupid rule: he’s already blindfolded, how would he be able to write? But, no. He’s chained up like a dog.
Light’s never been more bored in his life. He doesn’t leave the cell. It’s in the isolation block, that’s what he’s sure of. He can’t even leave to get meals. Food is brought to him and fed to him; it’s so demeaning that he wants to scream.
The loud bang of the isolation chamber’s doors opening takes Light out of his thoughts. He instinctively turns his gaze to the person who enters, despite not being able to tell who they are. Probably a guard.
Soft footsteps pad over, and he furrows his eyes. He knows those steps, they’re so familiar. But his family hasn’t visited in weeks, so who—?
No. No, no, no. Not him. Anyone but him.
“L,” his mouth acknowledges in a snarl, without permission.
Slender fingers brush against his cheek, before slowly tugging the blindfold off. Light forces himself to go still at the contact, to not react in the slightest.
He blinks as his eyes adjust to the light again, before his gaze locks on to the name above L’s head.
L Lawliet.
“Bastard,” Light snarls. “You absolute bastard.”
L’s expression cocks into a small smirk.
“Light-kun seems irritated.”
“You know why, you—” Light seethes. “It’s all your fault.”
L’s expression flattens immediately.
“I recommend Light-kun thinks about what he’s saying.”
“No, no. How dare you. You messed me up. You fucked me over and what—”
“How dare I? No, Light-kun, how dare you,” L replies, sharp and low. “You are no savior, no saint, and certainly you are no god. You’re just a monster.”
Light snarls again. “You—”
L’s hand brushes a strand of hair behind Light’s ear, and he stills.
“You’re a monster, just like me.”
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the960writers · 5 months
Here is the thread of all the evidence. Fredys Moon acted under ten eleven different personas to harass other writers (chasing DN Bryn off their socials and hurting their career), to land four agents under four different names, while pretending to be Latinx and accusing anyone speaking against her to be racist.
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nighttimeebony · 1 year
The original author, as well as every source I can find: L's last name is pronounced "low-light"
My stubborn ass: "Law-lee-ette"
Them: Why???? You know you're wrong!!!
Me: It's pretty.
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mr-mosquitoo · 2 months
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call me Mr, Mr mosquito, mosquito, Mr mosqui or mosqui!
This is my account away from home, literally never going to tell anyone I know irl about it because I'm gonna be cringe on here :)
im fifteen and audhd ^.^
im into soooooo many fandoms but my favorites rn are
Life is Strange (specifically before the storm)
Smiling Friends
JJK tbh even though I haven't watched a lot
Same for Death Note
DNI if you're racist
a proshipper
a pedophile
just like all the bad stuff yk?
art! I am an aspiring artist! (self taught)
oc lore and possibly fics including them
(maybe) fanfics
Overall, I want this blog to be a safe space for myself and others, so if you choose to follow me, I welcome you into the swarm.
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mapsareforbraindeads · 3 months
nothing can compare to looking at people who bookmarked your fics with a fave tag, checking what else they have saved under that fave tag, and seeing one of the best fics on the site there.
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boxwinebaddie · 5 months
i'm sorry, this has nothing to do with sp or my fics, but i just need y'all to know that i accidentally liked too many posts about death note on here bc i was rewatching it and now my tumblr dash is all fucked up
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dwtdog · 6 months
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maysdecember · 5 months
still thinking about this actually in dans book theyre joking about how nates characters gay and hes instantly like "do i have game?" and then gets mad he wasnt a larger role...which could mean nothing
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I feel depressed again about how much work I have to do but I think I just need to dedicate some time tomorrow and Friday to digging myself out of the hole I’m currently in 😩 here’s the full list of drafts I need to leave feedback on, loosely in order of importance:
SD topic check (I found the energy to do this today YAY me)
JW long essay (just one paragraph)
NF long essay… poor NF I am just at a total loss for how to help this kid. I might need to tap in our coaching director for help sigh
NF activities list (just make sure it’s finalized)
EP Ross
EP additional info
TW long essay
MN topic check (??)
MN Stanford
MN long essay if he finishes it
okay…. I can do this. I’m feeling defeated by the list because I’m so tired tonight but it won’t take as long as I fear I just have to get myself started. I think tomorrow and Friday I might take my meds and see if that helps me power through.
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If L read explicit Kira x L rpf in front of Light, Light would be caught way sooner because he'd murder L (with his hands if he had to) on the spot. Memories or not it wouldn't matter.
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lawlietscaramels · 7 months
Since you mentioned L liking Pokémon in the Matsuda Interview, what do you think L's Pokémon team would look like if he were a trainer/gym leader? Also if the Death Note cast were gym leaders, what types do you think they would specialize in? I'm tempted to say L is Dark, Light is Dragon (Kira is Poison?), Misa is Fairy, and Matsuda is Normal, but idk.
Pokémon! ╾ Task Force
🎲 anon... ily/p. this took a while cause I wanted to draw them with their Pokémon. but good news is..
L 🍰
hate to say it because I want to give him one of my favourite types (dark, dragon, water, ice) but he's a fairy type. he's a fairy type all the way. he loves how pink and fluffy and sweet-like they are.
MAIN: Fairy
SUPPLEMENTAL: Psychic, Grass, Ghost
Gardevoir: Psychic / Fairy
Gardevoir form strong bonds with their Trainer and will do anything to protect them. L needs someone to look after him. In addition, Psychic types are generally known for their intelligence, and Gardevoir is a strong Pokémon. A good choice all around!
Mimikyu: Ghost / Fairy
It's kind of like an adorable toy! L is oddly fond of such things because they remind him of childhood, which he never really had. Also it likes the dark and wears a mask to hide from the world, so that's basically like L pftahhahjhahassja
Milcery: Fairy
This is a floating blob of cream! Can you imagine a more delicious wonderful Pokémon?! Milcery also brings good luck to bakeries, which L likes because he wants the places he likes to prosper. In addition, it evolves into Alcremie, which gives its Trainer sweets! L can't wait.
Shiinotic: Grass / Fairy
This Pokémon send people to sleep, which L is very grateful for as it helps override his insomnia. It also makes defeating other Pokémon easy, and L's lazy in ways like these. He likes to get fights over with quickly. I don't think he joins tournaments or anything.
Swirlix: Fairy
L wanted to catch this Pokémon because it smells and looks like cotton candy. Unfortunately, all it does is make him hungry, and Swirlix itself also likes eating lots of sweets... However, L forms strong bonds with all his Pokémon so he'd just buy more sweets lmao.
Clefairy: Fairy
Clefairy is the epitome of a Fairy type! Pink, cute and caring. It's also popular but hard to find, which makes L pretty proud of himself. But the real reason he caught it was because he was sick and thought it was an escaped Chansey...
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I thought Light's was easy, then I started thinking and I was tossing up between adding Dragon, Dark or Psychic. HAHSJHAHA your Poison note was my favourite, it suits. Some of these Pokémon are more Light-y, some are more Kira-y.
MAIN: Fire
SUPPLEMENTAL: Poison, Steel, Fighting
Salazzle: Poison / Fire
This uses poisonous gas to manipulate people into being its slaves... Replace poisonous gas with poisonous words and that sounds familiar. Plus, Light probably liked the look in its eyes HDHAHDHDH
Arcanine: Fire
A strong, loyal and all around awesome fire Pokémon. Arcanine is also often used by Officer Jenny as a police dog, and I think Light would subconsciously align himself with the law by doing this, because he sees himself as law and justice.
Combusken: Fire / Fighting
Light got this guy as a Torchic, for his starter Pokémon, and is actually fond of it. It's his family. I think he'd really like chickens for some reason, maybe cause of the chicken and egg thing... Anyway, he likes how it uses its legs to fight (maybe he's associating it with someone...).
Iron Moth: Fire / Poison
Even though it's more space and UFO-ish, there's something about it matching records in an old book and observing humanity that reminds me of a Shinigami. So I thought this Pokémon would be oddly fitting for Light, thought I can't imagine how he caught it considering “no records exist of this species being caught”...
Heatran: Fire / Steel
IT LIVES IN A VOLCANO!! Light was definitely super into volcanoes as a kid (couldn't be me lol) so he'd probably make it his personal mission to catch and befriend one of these guys. They're magma and can climb on ceilings and walls.. pretty cool hehe
Sneasler: Fighting / Poison
It's kind of like an evil-looking Meowth, huh? It's poisonous and strong and likes to live alone. Light can respect that (but at the same time went to capture one... not very Loner of him). He would also like mountains.
I got lazy and only did flats, but there's a small art thing for the other characters at the end
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Fairy would have worked, but I think Misa would go with the basic cute Pokémon, plus a couple of dark ones. like in canon: she's not goth (I believe that's the style) but sometimes dresses like it.
MAIN: Normal
SUPPLEMENTAL: Electric, Flying, Dark
Furret: Normal
I think one of Misa's main criteria when catching a Pokémon is cuteness. They have Pokémon fashion shows, iirc, which would be Misa's thing. Anyway, this is a cute, nimble Pokémon and it can move through small spaces, which is surprisingly useful for Misa.
Oricorio (Pom-Pom): Electric / Flying
I have an Oricorio card and it's surprisingly strong!! It looks cute and has like 60HP but can deal 100 damage which seems Misa-ish. She also loves that this type's feathers match her hair. And the bird thing matches with Light's chicken thing.
Eevee: Normal
do I need to explain this...
brain says yes I do. she's a little bit basic when it comes to liking cute Pokémon, so Eevee was a must! She hopes it evolves into a Sylveon, but it's probably gonna become a Jolteon lmao
Ditto: Normal
It's cute and versatile! Though it has a really bad sense of humour and laughs at lots of things.. I think Misa would default to having it as a Stufful. I was going to give her a Stufful actually but it was the wrong type djjdjf.
Morpeko: Electric / Dark
Misa thinks this thing is adorable and appreciates that it has a darker side. She also finds it super cute when it's eating, which is lucky, considering its reaction to hunger. That said, she kind of loves how troublesome it is when it's hungry...
Bombirdier: Flying / Dark
Misa thinks this is a very elegant Pokémon, and caught it expecting refinement. However, it just drops things everywhere... Things that make loud noises... Misa jumps every time.
His was a little funny to figure out. Oddly enough, I really don't think he'd be normal, so I went full nature version. Water and earth and all. Honestly he probably catches Pokémon regardless of type, just tends to hang out in these types' habitats more.
MAIN: Water
SUPPLEMENTAL: Grass, Rock, Bug
Wartortle: Water
Because of course he picked Squirtle for his starter Pokémon (affectionately). Matsu loves this fella and appreciates its much-needed wisdom. Apparently Wartortle's very old. I don't know how Pokémon time works, but I feel like Matsu would love old things, animals, people...
Swadloon: Bug / Grass
This is in my opinion one of the funniest and cutest looking Pokémon ever and something about it was so Matsuda-ish. He would also love that it helps the ecosystem, and though he felt bad about taming it he really wanted to be friends!!
Magikarp: Water
Matsuda caught one of these guys because L always said they reminded him of Matsuda. He's a little sad that L sees him as “the most pathetic useless Pokémon ever” but at least it's pretty darn cute and has lots of potential (evolution wise), right?
Omanyte: Rock / Water
It's been restored from an ancient species, and Matsuda probably has an interest in archaeology or something so he finds that cool. Plus, they're being released into the wild too much and becoming a problem. He thinks they're kinda like cute squids.
Shuckle: Bug / Rock
SHUCKLE!!! There's something inexplicable about this Pokémon. All it really does is protect itself and hide under a rock, but there's a je ne sais quoi about it. Matsuda is a big fan. It also likes berries and looks a little like a dinosaur.
Lombre: Water / Grass
A nocturnal Pokémon that sleeps on river grass. To be honest, Matsuda probably caught it by accident (if anyone can do that, Matsuda can) one day and just shrugged, said "new friend!" and moved right on.
mwahaha or something.
I kept changing her types because the first batch the Pokémon didn't fit and the second batch were too similar to L and Misa. I kept Psychic and Dragon the whole way through, which is why the first four only have one type.
MAIN: Psychic
SUPPLEMENTAL: Dragon, Ice, Bug
Dragonair: Dragon
An angelic and peaceful Pokémon that can change the weather! Plus, Dragonair seems very majestic and beautiful. Rie caught it as a Dratini and this is the Pokémon that has been with her the longest, apart from her starter Pokémon of course.
Espeon: Psychic
Rie loves Espeon a lot and was surprised when her Eevee didn't evolve to Sylveon! She probably prefers Espeon for its intelligence and ability to predict other Pokémon. Rie calls it a Poké-Pyschologist even though it deduces actions by physical matters, not psychological.
Goodra: Dragon
It loves the rain and tbh who doesn't? Rie is more the type to sit inside with a warm drink and look out the windows than stand in the rain, though. She also finds Goodra cute and calm, though it does go to 100% when angry... Huh, kinda Rie-ish.
Alakazam: Psychic
Intelligence is a quality Rie needs in her life, or she gets incredibly bored. So of course a Pokémon that remembers everything is on her wavelength. Plus, it looks like it knows magic tricks. (It doesn't. It's close to hitting Rie the next time she asks how to cheat better at cards.)
Snom: Ice / Bug
I discovered this Pokémon while scrolling through the Pokédex for this project and it's my favourite now, so I had to give it to my favourite OC. Rie loves the snow and ice, more than the rain, and this cute little blue porcupine-y thing is “just so perfect.”
Rabsca: Bug / Psychic
She doesn't talk about it because it makes working in a male-dominated field harder, but Rie really wants to be a mother. And canonically, this Pokémon is always caring for an infant! Rie also likes how colourful (poisonous even) and dignified it looks.
(bonus) Kyurem: Dragon / Ice
It's a bonus because Rie wouldn't have it on her team, but if she were to catch a legendary it'd be this guy. Fits with her types and is waiting for a Trainer to fill it with “truth and ideals,” according to the official Pokédex.
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foeofcolor · 9 months
The thing about writing death note fanfic is that light refuses to fucking shut up and I hate most of my writing so it just leads to me writing purple prose and fucking loathing it.
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arsenicpanda · 1 year
I think it's a shame Misa and Light never broke up in canon because I just know Misa would be the meanest, pettiest ex if she felt wronged. And she'd be good at it too, a master of bitchcraft. Literally everything she knows about that man, every single thing his mother and sister undoubtedly told her that she never teased him about because she loved him—she's weaponizing all of them, they are in the air, tactical missiles sent to destroy his ego and reputation.
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