#do i have Jevin energy?????
rosenbergamot · 2 months
i like to think that theres just sometbing in the hermitcraft server code that transforms u into a hybrid. like. these were just regular ass humans before they started living there and by proximity the server has started to morph them into Something else. it started slowly at first in the earlier seasons and has only gotten more potent and effective as it goes on, almost as if its building and feeding off their energy.
and now doc is a. cyborg goat thing. rens a Dog. false and grian have bird wings. mumbo has shifted forms so many times that none of them can even tell if he was originally a human. cleo has become a FULL ON CORPSE. joe hills is a puppet now. like this is just normal for them. they just learn to live with it. these are permanent modifications made to their bodies and their minds and theyre all just like Yeah. Price i pay for being a hermit i guess XOXO
AND SOMETIMES IT CHANGES FROM SEASON TO SEASON (or from month to month, even) like joe wasnt a puppet last season but some force greater than him decided to yank his soul out of her body and now theyre a puppet. tango switched from blaze to Cold blaze and back to blaze between seasons. it FUCKED with him. imagine having ur core temperature shift so much like that. iskall rejoins and suddenly his bones are shifting all over again into a new form that the server has deemed is most appropriate for him this season. and its agonizing, sure, but its also like a 🙄🙄 eye roll moment bc we’ve been through this!!! god its like puberty all over again.
cub waking up one day and having to break the news to scar that hes no longer a vex . scar gets so sad he chews a hole through his base. jevin becoming less slimey and more solid and is so confused and uncertain about his entire life now because he cant fit in parts of his base when hes this solid. enderman mumbo who shifts and now no longer has a legitimate excuse to not make eye contact with people.
imagine being joel and skizz and talking to the past newcomers ab the weird stuff going on with ur body. skizz has noticed his shoulder blades have been aching recently, as if something underneath the skin is trying to pop out. joel has these weird growths on the top of his head. gem and pearl just laugh and go yeah man thats normal. shouldve been there when i became a weird alien thing last season lol.
theyre both just like ??? AND NOBODY WANTED TO TELL US ABOUT THIS???? to which all the other hermits shrug bc its such a widely accepted fact. its doing some cocomelon shit to their brain fr
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bipbopdepmop · 6 months
man I love hermitcraft. just. there's so much love in it, at the end of the day. its a conversation a connection a partnership between creators and creations. every block is planned and placed with thought and care. every build has a story. countless hours, days, weeks are poured into the planning and the gathering and the building and the recording and editing and releasing. if you follow the season from beginning to end, you watch the story get written and there's something so special about that.
just. take a moment. remember the stories.
see, scarland, years in the making, a dream made reality. a magical, whimsical place of colours and brimming with life! as grian put it, everything you make contains a part of your soul. and it's so full of light and goodness, vibrance and energy.
see, decked out two, dungeon of doom and terror. the ravagers and the wardens and the vex and even good ol one eyed willie. see the redstone, tangled and infinite and moving and changing. see the citadel itself, see the games they played. the final runs, the group stumbling after each other, laughing and dying and hunting and dying and laughing, laughing, laughing.
see the museums, standing tall and proud. light and dark, cluttered and open. king's reign, empires, the whole history of two years at your fingertips, meticulously gathered and collected. see the hidden secrets and stories all waiting for us to explore.
see the pinball machine, every block placed to scale. see the exterior, galaxies hand-picked by eye and a photo.
see the charity stream area, the minigames they played and the chairs they sat in. see how much money they raised, how many people they helped.
see the ugly as sin starter house, and remember.
see the minigames, bin-go and blood on the clocktower and false's elytra course and the blue river raceway and countless others that I'm sure I'm forgetting.
the bases. all the bases. bdubs and his amazing builds, straight out of a painting. doc and his massive perimeter, walls depicting ancient myths, telling ancient stories. grian and his rift, bringing us to other lands, other stories. scar and scarland, oh scarland, the stuff of hopes and dreams. cleo's atlantis and jevin's castle and xisuma's skull and impulse's dwarven forge and gem's elven palace and pearl's alien landscape and false's amazing castle and stress and iskall's western area and keralis's amazing city and zedaphs wacky zany zedvancements and so many more.
and a note on grian's signs of affirmation in his finale. see the care and respect the hermits have for each other. hermits helping hermits, both the group and the action.
the king storyline, the resistance assistance, the soup group! empires crossover, the pranks, the secret santa, all the events! decked out opening, again, the charity stream!!! friends of hermitcraft, skizz and martyn and even that one guy, hbomb, coming to play. make-a-wish visits. the buttercups vs. doc and the great filling of the perimeter. the button! alive to the end. the TCG!!! jevin's egg hunt. tango's astral library, and the nether tunnel system, more efficient than ever before!
hermitcraft is a love letter to art and creation, to friends (family). and above all it's a love letter to us. the viewers. without us it wouldn't be possible, at the scale it is today.
I love hermitcraft and I hope you do too. the hermits love hermitcraft. and they love you too.
this post came around again on my dash and it is a nice end bit to this: a message from scar.
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fagidarity · 11 months
hi and welcome to a brief explanation of my slime hybrid headcanons that absolutely nobody asked for [featuring charlie, mike, and jevin for examples]
[under the cut because it is very long and also includes pictures lol]
all slime hybrids have poor eyesight! this is because slimes evolved to live and thrive in caves and since it’s so dark they don’t really need their eyes anyway, so sight has gradually gotten worse over time. think like olms/cave salamanders. they use their other sense to get around without glasses
they can change the colour/texture/shape of any part of themselves at will as long as it’s something they’ve encountered before. so they could give their skin the look/feel of metal [though it’s not as strong as actual metal] if they wanted
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[or, yk, they can use it to look like their partners ex for some passive aggressive torture]
some use that ^ to make it look like they have bones, since slimes don’t actually need bones to maintain their shape. this is usually done by hybrids that prefer to still look like slimes [like jevin] rather than ones that prefer to look more human-ish [like charlie or mike] for the aesthetic of it all, since they’re transparent. they do also sometimes just claim random dead bodies as their own, but that’s not common practice or technically considered ethical [plus actual bones dissolve over time]
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[jaw may or may not move how it’s supposed to lol]
on that note, slime hybrids don’t have to use their mouths to eat. they can just shove whatever they want to absorb into wherever they want on their bodies and it works fine. any that spend a lot of time around humans/non-slimes do use their mouths though, it’s only polite. also, does not have to be actual food, just something they can get energy or extra mass from [like when qslime spent all that time living on rotten flesh]
since they can shapeshift, slimes tend to have at least one “default” form that’s most comfortable for them to take/requires the least amount of energy to maintain. for some this is just a blob, but for others this could be more human-shaped, or even an animal. for example, charlie’s is humanoid but with some slime features showing through like patches of green skin/hair
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[small changes like hair length, height, chest size, etc. or basically anything that doesn’t entirely change their look/take too much extra energy is still considered their “default” form. since my gegg design includes changed skin colour, hairstyle, glasses/eyes, whatever else, it’s a seperate form even if he’s still at least kinda recognisable as charlie]
when tired/emotional they tend to lose shape or become more slime-like if they’re usually more human-looking, like melting or changing back to their natural colour
they don’t have a rigid concept of a gender binary, so they’re generally fine with whatever people want to see them as. when communicating between each other slimes just use names, but some that live around humans might pick pronouns for themselves. they just as often don’t, though
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okay this one’s a little silly but i think different colours have different flavours if you lick them. green is lime, blue is blue raspberry, pink is strawberry, yellow is piss lemon, etc.
also silly but they either hate being squished and stretched like actual slime or LOVE it it’s like stimming for them. put charlie in an industrial mixer with some biodegradable glitter he’s having the time of his life
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hmshermitcraft · 11 months
more hurt/comfort, this time polyhermits + a few others and research subject au. i continue my several years long tradition of being The Longpost Anon in whichever fandom i am in.
some of the hermits (zedaph, etho, impulse, xisuma, hypno, keralis, iskall, stress, beef, pixlriffs, lyarrah and TFC) are working at a research lab that has its own server. (there's a bunch of other staff too) the main focus of their research is the new species they're finding through various portals, which is like 33% biology 33% ethology and 33% anthropology because sometimes through the portals is a sapient species.
false and gem are security
cub and scar are high-ranking concorp executives who fund the place.
joe's a member of a poet's club and also a technician who mostly does fixing up arcade machines but occasionally gets called in to fix stuff in the lab
grian, pearl, scott, jimmy, welsknight, bdubs, ren, martyn, tango, jevin, doc, xb, cleo, joel, lizzie, and sloy are various kidnapped or otherwise entrapped nonhumans stuck in a different research facility with terrible conditions.
grian, pearl, and jimmy are the newest ones in - grian and pearl are watchers, and jimmy is a listener.
tango's a blaze-person (a firey techno-organic construct from the nether), joel is a hippogriff, scott's basically a living waystone, ren is a wolfman, xb's a guardian guy, cleo and sloy are obviously zombies, welsknight is a humanoid bird missing part of one wing, martyn is a pufferfish-person, bdubs is just a regular architect who found a plant symbiote, lizzie is a catwoman, doc is a creeper-guy with a little snow creeper in him, and jevin is obviously a slime.
the unethical lab has various ways of preventing escape attempts, mostly regular restraints and stuff but bdubs is kept chronically dehydrated and soil-deprived so he can't spread his plants around and control them to escape, scott isn't fed enough to safely use his energy-draining teleportation powers unless they're needed for the lab (whereupon he's forced to use them), joel jimmy and pearl have their wings clipped (grian is flightless anyways), cleo and sloy have healing potion dispensers set up around their cell, tango's hooked up to a generator and is powering a lot of the lab, and the watchers and jimmy are kept collared and shackled to dampen their powers and keep them from messing with their emotions.
unethical lab isn't sure how to get watchers or listeners to eat in captivity and is pretty sure their claims the collars are interfering are bunk
joe gets called in to fix something in the unethical lab, sees some of the terrible conditions, and goes to tell the hermits lab and also concorp. they manage to get everyone out of the unethical lab and into the hermits' lab.
they figure the rescued people would just stay for a few days or weeks while healing and having some low-pressure research conducted like "sunscreen for zombies: what's the most effective kind" and "what's going on medically with bdubs' plant symbiote, he's a little worried about that let's check" and "watcher and listener feeding behaviour, just, in general" and "since scott is teleporting around cautiously again, how does that work". except then some of them won't leave and the ones that do leave keep coming back.
doc ends up working with iskall (who is Extremely Old in an immortal kind of way) to make a prosthetic eye and arm for himself, cleo hits it off with TFC talking about geology and joe in a sparring match, bdubs doesn't want to go back to renting and starts building a house Immediately Outside the lab and planting a very large amount of plants and mushrooms, grian is actually interested in being studied and is outright offended the unethical lab was so bad at it, scott's trying to teach everyone to cook, tango's determined to learn redstone, etc
this quickly turns into just about all of the rescued people being either live-in research subjects, employees, or both. there is a small amount of very awkward flirting and an increasingly out-of-control prank war, but very little of the flirting is going anywhere. watcher and birdperson flirtatious display looks really similar to threat displays especially when they're really nervous, none of the scientists want to pressure the rescued research subjects, there is cross-species and cross-cultural confusion, lizzie's attempt to flirt with scott in the ancient catperson tradition of cooking them fancy food is foiled by a. everyone is feeding scott anyway and b. scott doesnt swing that way, etc
some of them have gone a little weird - joel spends a month wearing a hippo mask and insisting his name is griff, lizzie keeps wearing a mask of a person's face and claiming to be human to any visitors, grian has become a hoarder, rendog got a paper crown and started calling himself king, and welsknight got extremely into metallurgy and wearing armour all the time
they end up having to hire a new technician, mumbo, because it turns out watchers and listeners can take a humanoid form and grian keeps using this for getting into the walls and making the jankiest redstone ever with jukeboxes in the walls.
aaaand then grian comes up with the idea to defuse the prank war into "we larp a war on the weekends". disstracks are made. welsknight, pearl, grian, and jimmy are all subconsciously reading "friendly disstrack" as "flirting?" and somehow this is what causes the actual communication about relationship status etc to occur. the larp war. not bdubs growing flowers and struggling to conceal when they bloom (a lot harder to conceal than some other signs of arousal), not wels or the watchers displaying their wing patterning at people, not scott's insistence on making sure everyone knows how to cook, not scar showing up shirtless for no reason or doc deciding to wear 3/4s of a labcoat and no other shirt when his job doesn't actually need a labcoat at all, the larp war.
(bonus worldbuilding notes: bdubs' plants can link into the fungal-and-plant-root network to communicate with and control regular plants, as well as providing him a supply of sugars, vitamins, and oxygen in exchange for water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen compounds his body wants to dispose of anyways; watcher and listener humanoid form is actually a feeding adaptation to make it easier to stir up strong emotions; doc's snow-creeper ancestry means he can't explode; listeners have venomous spikes like pufferfish-people and he and martyn are immune to each others venom)
It's not the outcome they expected when they planned to shut down the lab. They went about it the legal route, eventually, but they may have been a little illegal about how they rescued the subjects.
There wasn't much to shut down in the end.
Some of the subjects were already dating each other upon being rescued. Being in close captivity can do that, so the freedom to explore their relationships was nice.
Initially, all the staff that dealt directly with the subjects got trauma response training. It was an important part of rehabilitation, making sure the subjects were comfortable returning to their normal lives. Then they refused to only interact with the staff they were supposed, so now all of them are hands on staff. The amount of times Scott nearly caused an accident by watching people from dark corners or high ledges fills several pages.
A lot of the non-humans and hybrids are happy to help with the research once they're further along their recovery. Many of them didn't have a community to grow up in, so there's a lot they don't know about themselves. Sometimes they're even the ones who propose hypotheses to explore.
They're also a great asset in introducing new people to the lab. People are often scared and unsure coming in. Seeing people like them, being reassured and being able to ask questions helps a lot. Jimmy is particularly good at it, xB as well, but he's less of a people person. He's calmed his far share of rampages regardless.
They make sure their relationships don't interfere with their work as best as they can. After all, funding is still sort of important. With the variety of species here (many not even documented anywhere else) and amount of results they can produce, they're sitting pretty, though. They can mess around and have fun. Hey, dating even lets them document some new things!
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choco-bloop · 1 year
More Hermitcraft / ESMP members as quotes from friends or things I've seen people do: pt 3
*working on a shared document*
Joe: Hold up let me check the word count
Joe: *pastes in his poetry*
Joe: wait what tab am I on-
Joey: Ew, barking sounds
Pix: You would bark for Xornorth.
Scott: Not just my brother.
Scott: I have a whole list who he would bark for.
Gem: you know there was this one time where there could only be 3 people in each row. Katherine and Shelby were late but they didn't want to split up so Lizzie asked me to move in by one seat so all four of us were sitting at the back.
Gem: The first thing I thought was 'the amount of gay energy here is really high'
Grian: Therapy is just mental tuition
Xisuma: explain.
Grian: like it's just another authority finding out all my problems and then assigning me homework and to update them on how it went the next week kinda thing
Grian: and then they make it down on papers
-(alternatively Pix and E!False work for the one above too)
*picture of growing plants*
Jevin: my plants actually grew even thought I knocked it over
Cleo: Mine too!
Cleo: except I jammed them all into the pot
Joe: Well only 3 of mine grew
Joe: So you could say that I semi-succeeded in plant murder
Gem: I can smell cheese yum
Sausage: ok but like why would I go to sniff one block of cheese lol
Gem: You need to check your sense of smell
Fwhip: and I thought mine was shit-
Joel: Anyway, we are hanging out on [date]
Jimmy, whose bday is that day: YEAH I WONDER WHY.
Fwhip: Guess what's coming back next week!
Shelby: The Hermits? Jimmy's law?
Shelby: LMAO
Grian: Putting the fun in Fungi b4 Scar puts the mush in mushrooms
*having a debate about how good mushrooms are*
Xisuma: I've never eaten them
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anony-mouse-writer · 2 years
okay so i havent been able to stop thinking about @sundewa 's empires extensions au, so here's a list of the hermits and their empires thats mostly sundewa's canon, but also my ideas for the hermits ae haven't gotten to yet
blue names are canon to either the au or empires lore, the rest are just my personal assignements
ethoslab: ice ninja who does theft legal business.
mumbo jumbo: i mean. have you seen him?? in charge of the count's deepslate redstone ore vaults
tangotek: have you seen him x2. would set up incredibly elaborate and dangerous games for the enemies of the grimlands and cackle maniaclly in the background as they played them
Crystal Cliffs
geminitay: lol
gtws: magic crystals go brrrr. also does crime totally legitimate business.
xisuma: this is one of two empires i can really see him fitting in. how else do you explain the constantly shifting species except magic
Lost Empire
docm77: ominous theatre villain vibes (also no shirt). also The Jungle
House Blossom
hypnotizd: bees and chill vibes
stress: flowers! collecting heads! what more do you want?
zedaph: chaotic sheep that definitely isnt responsible for the soot stains lol
Ocean Empire
ijevin: ngl part of this is just cuz i think it would be hilarious if he was part of the ocean empire's entourage and spends the entire time he's there getting on cleo's last nerve but theyre allies so they cant kill each other. also a slime in the water is funny to me. would he be a jellyfish or just a slime who Suffers?
impulse: s5 atlantis base, s7 water pyramid + guardian farm. also has the kind of playful 'mindin my business' energy i see in a lot friendly of sea creatures
xB: guardian farms, octodrop, assigned guardian hybrid by fandom
rendog: has the correct amount of drama to belong in mythland. can play the hero or the villain
beef: something blood sheep something. also i feel like if anyone was going to have elaborate map art decorations, it would be mythland
welsknight: this is literally a kingdom of knights, its perfect. probably in charge of the two armor stands guarding the docks.
Gilded Helenthia
false: nice and chill and will stab u real good
joehills: moved from pixandria, happy to work the fields and read poetry, would probably fight a dangerous threat for funsies
keralis: there's a post somewhere about how helenthia is the bread basket of the empires and therefore would probably be one of the richest and i think keralis would be in charge of a lot of that infrastructure. also would make tractors for the fields.
pearlescentmoon: lol
cubfan: moved from crystal cliffs where he learned a bit of vex magic. now he dresses as a wandering trader and causes problems on purpose. also does a lot of overseeing in the dripstone caves
bdubs: funny moss man go brrr
Kingdom of Mezalea
tfc: this man just wants to mine blocks and be left in peace
zombiecleo: moved from pixandria, goes on 'diplomatic visits' to the ocean empires and gets on jevin's last nerve. manages the joel clones
Cod Empire
grian: lol. also: cod face.
iskall: iskall took one look at the empire full of iskallium and never went back. the cod empire's redstone has never been better
xisuma: this is the other empire i can see xisuma fitting in. wet cat genuinely trying his best vibes. would be codsuma.
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eloquentornot · 1 year
Empires SMP season 2 world download! Yay! I know where I'm going first!
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I explore a bit. Everything I visit is just as I last saw it. Weapons abandoned in the hidden basement, "Sanctuary will always be there when you return", the room Jevin was killed in still needs cleaning... But what's that at the other end of the bridge? A hint of light blue, surely it's not-
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Well! I wasn't actually expecting to find anything new today! At least, I don't remember seeing this one in anyone's videos. Seeing it from above, maybe I noticed it briefly as someone flew overhead, or maybe I'm thinking of a different place?
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It ends here. I tried going in the direction it seems to point for a while, I tried seeing if there was anything interesting on the path ahead, I even went into spectator mode and went underneath the Fae plant, I found nothing else.
Did the plotter of the Fae storyline have something prepared for False that she never had the chance to see? Would there maybe have been allay noises and mysterious pieces of paper appearing here, if I only had whatever was enabling that on the server?
Well, in Sausage's final behind the scenes stream where he revealed he was behind the lore sign and Pumpkin Jack... he also said that in canon lore, False disappeared soon after the crossover...
In his canon that is, of course, and we're always encouraged to imagine whatever we want to have happened.
But seeing this, here... Something adds up.
The Fae. They seemed so nice, yet so ominous. But in the end, for most of the Empires, they really were benevolent, kind creatures, who really did just want to help people! But then, for Jimmy, who had been so adamantly on his villain arc... They remained a threat, and that threat escalated, to the point they took over his town and forced him and his bad influence mentor to flee!
So, a force for good, that's still alien and fae, and can be a terrifying, real threat to even an attempted bad guy?
And False, who spent so long killing and threatening others, who only recently chose to try to stop doing so...
What if they decided not to be so friendly to her?
Alternatively, an idea suggested to me by @mleemwyvern, what if Empires False was herself Fae? That could make her disappearance a return to her original home! A twin with even the same name as her sister, maybe indicates a fae who could have replaced the original False but was instead raised alongside her, and maybe hermit False's idea that there was some energy coming from the Rift that caused her sister to change was correct, maybe the Fae had even begun to invade Empires at that point, and their presence somehow messed with the Fae False's mind?
Whatever the case may be, however many new stories we can think of from this, I'm just so excited that I actually found something I didn't already know about! I'm looking forward to exploring the rest of the world download later!
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majestic-ruiqing · 3 months
Hermits as Songs from the Mario Kart Wii OST
(yes specifically Wii, not mariokart 8. Their rendition of moo moo meadows is bad)
Bdubs- Maple Treeway (pretty song for the man with pretty builds. who am I kidding, all their builds are pretty lol. still think this one is vibey and suits him)
Beef- Moo Moo Meadows (yes, I think the chill vibes fit him, it's not just because there are cows. It's maybe a little bit just because there are cows)
Cleo- Luigi Circuit and Mario Circuit (first off, can't believe they used the same song for two courses. second off, nice song with interesting stuff going on throughout. she can have two courses, as a treat)
Cub- GBA Battle Course 3 (funky beat with higher energy and also just plain fun)
Doc- Grumble Volcano (spooky ominous song for the man who insists on playing a villain lol, but there's still more to it to make the song interesting)
Etho- N64 DK's Jungle Parkway (can't believe this man always builds in a jungle. same tune all the way through reflects his consistency in content [I mean this in a good way lol, his videos are great])
False- Rainbow Road (pretty song, gives me the sort of grand feeling that reminds me of her s9 base)
Grian- Chain Chomp Roulette (I don't know how to explain it but half the tune sounds like it's a satire of the funky chicken dance. Kinda baffling but still a good time)
Gem- Coconut Mall (a lot of fun but not overwhelmingly chaotic, iconic)
Hypno- SNES Battle Course 4 (look man idk, it's literally past midnight and this is what I'm doing. it fits his vibe I think)
Impulse- DS Delphino Square (good song with a lot going on, but balances it all very well)
Iskall- GCN Mario Circuit (great song with just the right amount of funk to it to keep things interesting)
Jevin- GBA Shy Guy Beach (got me boppin my head man, very pleasant tunes)
Joe- SNES Ghost Valley 2 (less a song and more like two minutes of spooky noises being strung together, which sounds like the kind of bit he'd commit to. Beetlejhost)
Joel- Moonview Highway (high energy, kinda crazy, lots of fun and great vibes)
Keralis- GCN Peach Beach (matches his tropical vibe this season)
Mumbo- Koopa Cape (kinda weird. kinda funky. half of it sounds like it's underwater, who comes up with this stuff)
Pearl- Mushroom Gorge (bouncy, lots of personality, lots of layers to the music and lots of layers to the detailing in her builds)
Ren- Aqua Resort (a banger, keeps things insteresting all the way through, a lot of fun)
Scar- GCN Cookie Land (not just because of the cookie shop lol. bouncy tune, a good time for Mr. Goodtimes)
Skizz- Finished Race [First Place] Results (not a course related song but still a banger, giving it to him because he deserves first place, and because I've only got good memories associated with it)
Stress- Daisy Circuit (pretty song, fairly chill with just a bit of a kick to it, reminds me of her brand of chaos)
Tango- Toads Factory (very industrial, fits his base this season. I was tempted to give it to Doc though)
TFC- Wario's Gold Mine (while a chiller track would probably fit him better, we're settling for the Mine One. Still a good song though)
Wels- N64 Mario Raceway (a bit calmer as far as some of these songs go, but no less interesting and fun for it)
xB- DK Snowboard Cross (calm. vibey. could have half his house blown up in demise and still be cool about it)
Xisuma- Block Plaza (fun, and the blocky noise reminds me of tech-related kinda stuff. not exactly reflective of his more naturey build style, but does relate a bit to his minecraft update videos or redstone work)
Zed- Dry Dry Ruins (much like this song randomly switching to a completely different song halfway through, I never know what he'll be doing next)
Playlist of the songs if anyone cares enough to listen to it and tell me why I'm wrong lol, but given I spent several hours on this and most people don't listen to the mario kart wii soundtrack for fun, I'm willing to assume I'm in safe waters
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mildlylesbian · 2 years
Hermitcraft Headcannons
Since I’m apperantly writing a fanfic now I figured I might as well list my headcannons for the hermitcraft members personas + Timmy. 
I have not had the time, energy, or attetion span to watch all of the hermits so quite a few of these are based solely off of other fan interpertations I have seen. There’s also some hermits I do not know what to do with who are excluded from this list.
This list starts out very Grian focused due to the fact he introduced me to the hermits as well as the fanfic I’m planning being centered around him and Timmy.
Timmy - Caridinal hybrid, was a listener but after Grians escape was taken to replace his brother. Related by blood to Grian, non-blood related to Pearl
Grian - Was born human before being taken in by the watchers and being forced to become one, after escaping he dyed/coded his wings to look like a parrots and claims to be a parrot hybrid. Related by blood to Timmy, non-blood related to Pearl.
Pearl - Moth hybrid, escaped evo alongside the others and spent a few years searching for her brothers before finding Grian in Hermitcraft and joining him, spends season 9 researching the watchers in hopes of getting Jimmy back. Adopted sister of Grian and Timmy.
Mumbo - Born a human, turned into a vampire at the beginning of season 8 and spent that season not killing in an attempt to deny his new hybrid-status. Is the person who orginally found Grian and brought him to hermitcraft.
Scar - Vex hybrid who likes to pretend they’re an elf, has unspecificed medical issues (I am not going to try and diagnose scar) that affects his walking abilities, often uses a cane or wheelchair to get around. Jellie is his emotional support animal.
Cub - Vex hybrid, big brother energy. He’s the second oldest hermit, however thanks to a de-aging experiment he’s physically one of the youngest. 
Iskall - Dwarf, lost an eye while doing redstone. Is often mistaken as Impulse’s brother.
Impulse - Dwarf, had difficultlies growing a beard so he’s super upset whenever it gets cut. Often mistaken as Iskall’s brother.
Gem - Deer-fey hybrid, has a deep connection to nature, hence her tendency to build naturey things, is able to manipulate plants. 
Bdubs - Everyone thinks he’s a fey, is actually just some random dude. Scared of the dark, hence the very strict sleep schedule, and wears moss because it’s very comfortable. Also for some reason everyone keeps letting him put people into positions of power.
Doc - Born a creeper hybrid, was experimented on causing him to be a spliced creeper-goat-cyborg hybrid. Wears a lab coat because it makes him feel in control of what happened to him, and despite apperance is the sweetest person you will ever meet.
Ren - Wolf hybrid, has a very large family made up of different characters he has played (renbob, the red king, etc), due to his wolf hybrid status he has seperation anxiety
Etho - Enderman hybrid, has always hid his face due to his anxiety (same) but after recieving a scar that covers 2/3 of his face he’s even less willing to remove his mask.
False - Eagle hybrid, is super sweet but will nto hesitate to fight you if you so much as look at a hermit the wrong way. 
Stress - Flower fey, resident healer and grower of plants, is terrible at taking care of herself. 
Cleo - Born human, became a zombie hybrid after a funky respawn that healed her bit failed to revive her. Is sensitive to the sun, though is able to stand in it for short periods of time, survives off of raw meat, is the go to for new clothes and surgerys thanks to her mastery of stitching.
Joe - Human, no one is convinced. Isn’t great at being social, but loves hanging out with cleo because he feels as though she gets him.
Jevin - Slime hybrid, is naturally green but uses dye to make himself blue in an attempt to differ himself from the hostile mob. Without the human skeleton that resides within him he is unable to maintain his shape.
Keralis - Resident eldritch horror, sweetest man alive, will trap anyone who hurts his friends in the void.
X - Voidwalker, needs his armor to breath the overworld air, really good at over working himself, does not have a shadow.
Ex - Shadow-voidwalker, used to be X’s shadow, isn’t nesscerily evil but has people issues due to be cast out by the person he used to be bound to. 
Zed - Sheep hybrid, always wants to know more about the world around him
Tango - Blaze hybrid, cannot get wet, cannot withstand cold weather, cannot be burnt, his hair is made out of fire and grows or dwindles based on his current emotions, a terrible liar
Not included in list; XB, Wels, Beef, and Hypno. Tfc also isn’t included, as I’m unsure how I feel about alluding to him in fanfics following his passing, so out of respect I won’t pretend he doesn’t exist but I also won’t be including him in headcannons or fanfics. May he rest in peace. 
Based on this list alone guess which hermits I have and haven’t watched. If this gains any traction I’ll follow up with my headcannons on hermitcraft as a server, as well as the fanfic idea I have at the moment - it is in the very early stages of development, but I live off of validation and feedback so I’ll probably post ideas for it regardless.
If you have questions about headcannons or wanna share some of your own, please do! I’m always excited to see what other people think about these funky lil block people.
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aroaceacacia · 1 year
wolfeei posted hypothetical exclusively hermitcraft + lifesteal block wars teams and i thought "wow that's a great idea I should do that ive been invested in both of those servers".
note: the combined rosters of HC and LS are over 40, which is the block wars player limit, so a bunch of people ended up excluded. this is also not an entirely realistic list and mostly just I'd like to see. anyway
SCARLET: falsesymmetry, goodtimeswithscar, pangi, reddoons, rendog
return of renfalse in events! im remembering something red said the other day about his morale/confidence in events being very influenced by his teammates' attitudes & i think ren's inspirational speeches and scar's nonchalant attitude would be a big help with that.
ORANGE: docm77, ijevin, mapicc, poafa, roshambogames
i just think jevin would match the mapicc and roshamenergy. poafa is here bc i think poafa and mapicc in an event together would be fun. doc on thsi team because i was running out of options he wouldnt get scared off if mapicc was mean
GOLDEN: baconnwaffles0, bdoubleo100, geminitay, planetlord, princezam
i really want bdubs + zam (bc of like. twitter), and then i realized planet and bacon would be really fun here, and i think gem would ALSO have fun. so
LIME: cubfan135, ethoslab, mrcube6, rekrap2, vintagebeef
i once watched a minecraft among us stream that fundy showed up to ENTIRELY because etho would be there and he wanted to meet etho. so I propose mrcube, lifesteal's redstoner, with etho, the father of MCYT redstone. cubfan was teamed with cube during the ESPN x games event and they worked well together, so I included him as well. rek was on that team also & is friends w cube so he makes sense. beef is here to have fun and hang out w etho
TEAL: ashswag, joe hills, xisuma, yeahjaron, zombiecleo
the 3 hermits were a little HHH trio for a long time and they were a lot of fun; I think jaron would match their energy well. ash is here because i think hes interested in politics to some level and might be able to match some of that energy. they would NOT win but they would be a lto of fun
BLUE: impulsesv, mumbo jumbo, parrot, pearlescentmoon, spokeishere
spoke being 1 million and mumbo jumbo in the same call would be really funny to me idk what to tell you. 3/5 hc8 boatem + parrot and spoke is an entertaining concept
PURPLE: hypnotizd, itzsubz, vitalasy, woogiex, xbcrafted
vitalasy and subz together bc there would be no way subz would ever participate in block wars otherwise. i think these guys could gel in a call together
FUCHSIA: iskall85, leow0ok, midmysticx, spepticle, stressmonster101
i miss iskall and stress ok! i think mid and stress would get along, and spepticle would be silly and add a bit of extra fun (or confusion). i think iskall and leo would do a lot of the heavy lifting on this team but itd be enjoyable to watch
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kuruasu · 2 months
Ok so I'm working on an au where one of the hermits (haven't decided which one yet) accidentally angers a spirit or something and end result is all the other hermits getting turned into pokemon and thrown into the pokemon world, and they have to find all of them in order for everyone to get turned back to normal and go home.
I only have half of them nailed down, what do y'all think?
Bdubs - burmy or wormadam (little bush with big ol' eyes)
Cub - helioptile, or maybe klang or murkrow? (Mostly based on vibes, though I am So Very Tempted to say teddiursa purely for the pun)
Doc - gogoat (he is the GOAT)
Etho - greninja (ninja man needs ninja mon, though wishiwashi just for the meme would be HILARIOUS)
False - braviary or pidgeot, or maybe morpeko (she be birb, but also symmetry)
Gem - sawsbuck (ye I know she's a pirate now but she will always be a deer in my heart)
Grian - fletchling (look I know just how much lore this man has and how much everyone loves watcher eldritch madness and stuff, but like. The sheer comedy potential of him being just a Random Tiny Bird is too good)
Hypno - hypno (need I say more?)
Impulse - noivern? steelix? Maybe impidimp for the pun? (Yeahhhhhh idk)
Iskall - electrike (lbr, mostly chosen on the basis of electric type + green, like it'll work but idk)
Jevin - grimer/alolan grimer or ditto (goopy slimy liquid dude)
Joe - whimsicott, dreepy, or mime jr (based purely on 'he's just a little guy' vibes)
Keralis - omanyte, maybe kabuto (big eyes and inexplicable eldritch vibes)
Mumbo - blipbug (dapper, smart little dude, but also silly wet cat energy)
Pearl - venomoth or masquerain, maybe lunatone (she be moth, she be pretty, she be moon)
Ren - lycanroc midday form (big ol' fluffy dog)
Scar - espurr, jigglypuff, decidueye, salandit, maybe sableye (silly dude but also HoT GuY but also capitalist conman, the vibes are all over the place)
Skizz - chesnaught or rillaboom, maybe machoke (big guy always ready for a hug dad vibes)
Joel - mudsdale (part bc mud = swamp = shrek, part bc turning the guy who kills horses into a horse is hilarious)
Stress - skitty, bellossum or steenee, maybe ribombee (SILLY PINK CAT but also happy flower lady and fairy vibes)
Tango - quilava or charmander, maybe flareon (blazey burny fire man, though I did consider litwick bc blue fire)
Beef - tauros (beef become beef)
Wells - armarouge (armor man needs armor mon)
XB - gyarados (he be fish)
Xisuma - golurk, golisopod, armaldo, maybe mimikyu (big ol' armor dudes, but also playing dress up all the time)
Zedaph - wooloo (silly rolly sheepy man)
Cleo - mandibuzz (rotting flesh girlboss)
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froggymarsh · 1 year
“I’m really sorry about this,” Impulse says, “are you sure you’ll be okay with Mumbo? I’ll try not to take too long.”
Wels stretches out on the couch, face down, wings spread. He has water and Valour within arms reach, and sure, he’s tired, but better now that he’s clean. He’s got enough energy to be kind to a child at the very least.
“We’ll be alright,” he answers, shifting his wings and looking up, “right Mumbo?”
To be honest Mumbo looks a little bit terrified, but he puts on a brave face and nods.
“Good, good,” Impulse waves, readying his rockets, “Stay safe! I’ll be back!”
A flurry of fireworks, and he’s gone, leaving Wels with Mumbo.
“Well,” says Wels. “Welcome to my house.”
Mumbo twists his hands together, “it’s pretty.”
Wels preens at that, “thank you.”
Silence then. Talking is hard.
“What do you want to do?”
Mumbo shrugs.
“I don’t have many kid toys,” Wels says, bringing up one hand to stroke at his little dragon’s snout. “Just Valour.”
Mumbo nods again.
“Did you bring anything in that backpack of yours?”
Another nod.
“Let’s see it.”
Mumbo comes to sit by him, taking off his backpack and filtering through its contents. There’s coloring books, crayons, spare clothes, snacks, redstone themed pull-ups, fidget toys, a plush orca-
“How bottomless is that bag?”
Mumbo frowns. “It’s- s’jus big.”
“Very big,” Wels smiles, and picks up a loose trinket, “what’s this?”
“Preening brush,” Mumbo answers, “G’ian always forge’s his so I have it ins’ead.”
“You know how to preen wings?”
Mumbo nods again, gingerly plucking the brush from Wels’ hold and moves until he’s positioned behind Wels’ wings.
“Oh, you don’t ha-”
“Can I?” Mumbo asks.
Wels shifts his wings, and drapes Valour over the back of his neck. “Yeah, you can.”
Tiny, tiny hands land on his wings. He’s gentle, apologizes for pulling feathers and carefully balls up any loose fluff. Wels tracks the pattern of his hands, a rhythm that soon has his eyes drifting shut.
“Oh, hey Mumbo!” calls the voice of someone who is achingly comforting, “you’re pint sized!”
The hands on his wings disappear. There’s quiet footsteps. Wels opens his eyes, wondering when he fell asleep.
“Oh hey, no need to hide,” Jevin calls, slightly panicked, “we’re cool! I’m here for Wels.”
“Jev’s safe,” Wels agrees, and Mumbo pokes his head out from behind the other end of the couch.
“Scary,” Mumbo whispers.
“Yeah, being small around someone new is pretty scary,” Wels agrees, “but Jev’s super nice, I promise.”
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Is Grian like a villain main character in this?
Also, what powers do him and the other hermits have?
Grian is a villain! (And the protagonist lol) And I haven’t got all the hermits in there yet, but here are the ones so far: (copy pasting this from the planning thing lmao)
•Grian (Volare- flight in Latin) (Villain) (flight and bird control)
•Mumbo (Civilian) (No powers, part of the 10% of the population born with no powers) (Grian and Scar’s roommate)
•Jevin (Pituita- Slime in Latin) (Hero) (can shapeshift and stick people in place with slime) :]
•BDubs (Momentary) (Villain) (can freeze time)
•Gem (Chloro) (Villain) (plant control)
•Scar (Hotguy) (Hero) (he has no powers but he has a hell of a lot of gadgets and weapons) (Grian and Mumbo’s roommate)
•False (Titanium) (Hero) (metal bending)
•Xisuma (Civilian) (Works at the Hero Agency, secretly a villain informant) (doesn’t want direct involvement with villainy) (can control people’s emotions to a certain extent)
•Pearl (Sense) (Villain) (Can sense the emotions of others, also she can hypnotise people)
•Impulse (Drain) (Villain) (can drain the energy of others, as well as gaining bits of their power)
•Tango (Ignis) (Villain) (he’s fireproof and can control fire)
•Etho (Seize) (Hero) (he can temporarily take others’ powers) (it took so much self restraint not to name himself Snatch)
•Ren (Canis) (Hero) (dog hybrid with heightened senses :]) (he’s basically moral support ngl)
And that’s everyone as of right now! If anyone has any suggestions, lmk lol
Feel free to send asks, anyone :]
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linxkly · 2 years
Grians upload!!
my little liveblog for myself I’ve never done this before but it looks fun
- rip the audio quality but it’s not too terrible, I have a feeling I know what happened to the pesky webcam tho,,,
- Maui!! we love cat cameos
-omg the compasses grumbot is spitting out — for the other hermits??
- I am totally normal about this
- you might travel to another universe AND HES WORRIED ABOUT HIS FLOOR???
- that is,,, so many pumpkins my goodness
- look at my buildy boi, whizzing about in his spiffy timelapse
I’ve seen the kings vault challenge alr, so I’ll only really cover over bits concerning grian, also heads up his room is optional
- the silence in response to rens initial announcement is DEAFENING, and the cheering after he says he’s going to step down is amazing
- him missing the slime block and punching pearl off is peak sibling energy
- sorry ik he was dare to but jevin starting red light green light before the game even started is so funny
- grian not even doing the game in the first bit, opting to watch everyone else fail is me
- bdubs just gives up on his elaborate speech
- grian popping off on scars parkour?? we stan a king
- scar looks like a glorious porcupine
- BETRAYAL MOMENT will they choose to do grians room??
-they don’t wanna do it
-grian trying to explain his whole resistance assistance semantics to the group and they’re all like “mhmm sure traitor, but no”
- they’ve resorted to doing his room, which results in a very grian “YAY!”
- grians room!
- jevin doc and etho answering wrong on what is grians name for the example question rip
- vaflaphobia,,, what a word
- we love when false etho and gem are the big brain team they stay winning
- ethos’ “what’s third life” SIR-
- grian straight up making sure his side is stacked woweee
-the sheer chaos of the final fights cannot be described in words to fully exemplify their mayhem, you’d have to watch it to fully take it in
- you and me both g idk who is who they’re all in blue
- THE KING IS DEAD (rip rentheking)
- everyone’s just flicking the levers screw complicated red stone
- uh oh the diamonds are gone, where did they go?
- (im secretly hoping mumbo stole them)
- grian insisting ren will pay all them back
-ren just being so pathetically sad (in a lovable way) that they’re all like “noooo come back”
- ooh it’s nearly 8pm bst
- the hermits are trickling in slowly but surely
- ah yes. my favorite flavor of jam. Nifty.
anyways this was my little live-blogging experience, idk if anyone will read this but I had fun making it :)
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fruitwanderer · 1 year
hi hi sammy ! :D
[Ask Game]
💖 What made you start writing?
Okay this is kinda funny, but when I was like 10 or something, I made my first OC and fic. Neither are anywhere online, from what I remember, because I deleted them. I then took several years off writing, picking it up every few years and mostly writing OCs until in the last about three years I started writing 'proper' fanfiction that wasn't just OC stuff.
Bonus Fun Fact: During 2019-2020 I used to play Warrior Cats roleplay games on Roblox (specifically Mountain Territories and Lake Territories, I don't remember the specific names tho) which reminded me how much I used to love writing. My edgelord Warrior Cats OCs is what lead me to writing gays being in love and soft, but also how I figured out my very not straight, allo, or cis identity XD
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
I have several fics that are pretty much completely scrapped or have a scrapped version of it where I erased everything and restarted cus I just didn't like it. Though specifically one Tangdubs thing from November 2022 that I just stare at and cry over cus I don't have enough ideas to finish. ALSO one with Jevin and Tiny Tom. Plus more, but those two are the ones I'm mainly sad I ended up scrapping because I just no longer had energy to write them.
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
I'm a bit weak for writing sweeter fics so I thought this would be hard to answer, but then I remembered the one where Impulse is basically just an oversized and oddly shaped cat and how fucking cute I thought that was. Because just boibfa HIMB happy and with husband and aaaaa. Link to the specific fic btw cus I love it so much
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shadeswift99 · 4 years
Shade you just asked us to assign you kin?? I dub thee jevin
Aksjhdhsnksks ???????
My dude, I must confess that I have heard about six sentences of iJevin Content ™ in my life and about half of those were your mom jokes, I have no idea where this is coming from 😂
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