#do not look at me do not PERCEIVE ME
glimeres · 4 months
2014 Disney Movie - Emily Blunt and James Corden perform It Takes Two from the musical Into The Woods
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sleeplessinspace · 2 years
never fade away - googleplier x afab!reader
heh, there's a lot going on here :D also, part 2 of consecration is still coming! i just really needed to get this fucker out of my drafts, it's been taunting me for two months. and what better time to enact my revenge against @echo-echo31 than now, with chains part 2 finished >:D
this takes place in an au of chains, where alpha has been captured by the human alliance and reader has been freed of the brand's control. aside from those two things, events have more or less occurred the same way.
warning(s): nsfw, usage of fem!pronouns, dubious consent, possessive behavior, implied manipulation, implied aphrodisiacs (the brand, used on reader), praise kink, daddy kink, dom/sub elements, brief description of violence (not directed at reader), orgasm denial + delay, oral (reader receiving), implied breeding kink, implied strength kink, spanking (brief, reader receiving)
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There's a slight tickle of awareness in your mind of where you are—a memory hidden within a dream, maybe? Or was it a dream pretending to be a memory?
You can never be sure of what's right and what's wrong when it comes to your thoughts of him.
"You really won't come swim with me?"
You're propped up on the edge of the pool within one of Alpha's bases—you'd stopped keeping track of where you were as long as you were with him—leaning on your arms as you look over at him seated in one of the lounge chairs with his tablet in hand. He didn't require it to do any of his work but used it for your benefit, knowing that you liked to have a visual of where his attention was. He wasn't dressed for the pool either, a pair of black jeans and a navy henley, but it didn't stop you from asking.
Alpha lifts a brow and looks up briefly, synthetic blue flickering. "I thought this was supposed to be time for you to take a break. Because you were tired," he drawls and the way he says the word makes your face hot, toes curling beneath the water.
You feel your core pulse as your mind flashes back to yesterday. He'd come home hungry, something that happened every so often—almost like he was suddenly struck with the knowledge that he had you, wholly and completely, and was free to use you as such—but you'd been in a defiant mood, eager to see what he'd do to you if you... disobeyed, if only for a little bit.
Nearly an hour under his mouth later, there was little fight left in you when he slid into your warmth with ease, dragging you through orgasm after orgasm until you were left dazed and whimpering, cum seeping out of you around his half-hardened cock keeping you nice and stuffed.
You pout, trying to keep your composure as the memory lingers in your mind, "If you won't come swim, can I at least get a kiss? Please?"
"I think I've spoiled you too much, pet," Alpha comments dryly, but he's getting to his feet with a slight quirk to his lips, and you beam up at him.
"You haven't spoiled me enough," you argue and match his smile into the kiss he gives you after crouching near the edge. Just before he pulls away, you snake your arms around his neck and yank, just barely catching him off guard so you can jerk him into the pool.
You're laughing when he pops out of the water, but not for long.
He takes a moment to push his hair out of his face and it's then you realize that you've made a mistake. Your eyes are immediately drawn to his chest, his dark shirt molded to his muscles from the water. Alpha fishes his tablet out of the water and tosses it out the patio and you wince a little.
"Sorry," you whisper, starting to shift backwards in the water, your hand flailing behind you as you slowly try and catch the edge of the pool. "I didn't mean to—"
"You're not tired anymore." Alpha announces with a growl and starts to move towards you, cutting through the water with ease.
You shriek, the sound mostly playful as you go to climb out of the pool and just as manage to pull yourself out of the water, Alpha's hand locks around your ankle and you're yanked back into his arms. The brand is warm, his feigned disapproval betrayed by the affection and arousal you feel coursing through you starting at the base of your neck. "Wait, wait, Alpha, I'm sorry—!"
"No, you're not."
He lifts you up into the air and you flail a bit before your legs go over his shoulders, the heat within you building as he nips at you.
"Alpha, I'm sorry, I'm still a little—" You hide your face, ashamed and he hums, carrying you easily to sit you on the edge of the pool. You try to pull him in, but he ignores your efforts, pinning you down with an arm across your legs, almost folding you in half.
"Shh, kitten," Alpha rips a hole into your swimsuit, and you cry out at the cool air brushing between your legs as he leans down to start biting softly at your thighs. "I had at least six hours of work on there. Having you come apart in my mouth three times and a few times on my cock sounds fair, hm? You ready to pay me back, pet?"
"No, wait, wait, it was an a-accident," you whine as he starts to lick up your folds, slowly working his way up to your swollen clit, sucking softly but you still tense, still so sensitive and your legs twitch under his iron grip. "Please, please, I don't—!"
He licks into you with a vicious care that has you writhing against his face as best as you can manage, pinned as you are. You sob, struggling to center yourself as he slows down just enough to start sliding in a finger alongside his tongue, another following it with ease given how wet you are, and he pulls back to nuzzle at your thigh. "Don't want to cum without Daddy's cock in you, is that it? Good girl, remembering the rules," he teases and you lift your hands to hide your face, pressing down on your warm cheeks. "But what if I try to make you anyway, hm? You know how much I love to watch you fight the pleasure I give you."
"You're b-being so fuckin' m-mean today!" You cry out, one hand shooting down to clutch at his hair, unknowingly pushing his mouth further against you and you shriek when he smirks, three fingers now sliding in and out of you with enough force and skill to make that special knot begin to build in your gut. "No, no, no, please, Daddy, please don't make me—want it to be on your cock, wanna cum with you filling me, please!"
Alpha smiles darkly, shifting so those fingers are pressed against that set of nerves that makes you shake, your frantic cries devolving into nonsense as you try to not to cum on his hand. "Make you? This is your fault, the consequences of your actions. Such a shame it's not about what you want, baby," he purrs and there's his palm, giving you the perfect position to grind against it and your hips are already moving to take advantage of the friction, tears starting to slip down your cheeks as you get closer and closer to the edge, the brand to inject that fiery arousal into your veins, extending the high you're almost finished chasing.
"Mmph, no, please, please just—" you cut yourself off, hand tightening in his hair hard enough to harm a human but he's unmoved as you try to tug his mouth away. "Y-you're just gonna punish me!"
"Come on, kitten—soak Daddy's tongue and maybe I'll let you warm my cock while I replace the work you made me lose. Shh, that's it, there we go, sweet girl—cum all over Daddy's face."
You wake up biting the edge of your pillow as the dream-memory feel of Alpha's tongue buried between your legs fades into nothing, leaving you aching and angry. It didn't feel right to still think about him, let alone dream about him—and oh, did you dream of him often.
Even more frustrating is how kind he seemed to be in your dreams—in your memories? the line between them keeps blurring and you hate it—always treating you sweeter than you would've thought him capable of.
In the beginning, when you'd first been freed from his control, you'd been so afraid and confused. Dreams so vivid they'd felt real, and it was almost like you were losing your mind until you finally broke down and went to one of the Alliance medics. It was a frustrating, long conversation where they explained what had been done to you—how Alpha had slowly but taken over your mind over months until you'd been firmly under his thumb.
There's my good little kitten...
You're on your feet before you realize, pacing the length of your room with an itch between your shoulder blades. The way your dreams always leave you—you hate it, always craving something that you knew you could no longer have.
You could have it whenever you want, sweetheart. You just have to let me back in.
The last thing you wanted was to let him back in, but your body didn’t know any better and you hate it. Such a loyal pet, even after everything that’s happened.
And yet.
Against your better judgement, you find yourself heading down to the lower levels of the Alliance base. Down to the cell—it would be much too kind to call the room anything other than a prison, designed to hold Alpha specifically. In attempt to combat his capabilities, twenty floors of the base above his “room” were isolated from any sort of networking and technology. It was kept on a very rudimentary power structure dedicated to keeping the space lit and connected to a lesser version of the base’s heating system, keeping Alpha sufficiently quarantined with nothing for him to interface with. On top of that, the entire floor his room was on was surrounded by something akin to an upgraded Faraday cage, keeping him from connecting to the many satellites the Alliance was still fighting to decrypt and take offline.
You hug your jacket tighter around yourself once you reach his floor. The room is cold and made entirely of stone, sparsely furnished with little more than a single chair propped off to the side of the main door. It wasn’t as if Alpha needed creature comforts; he couldn’t use them anyway. No, the once-feared—still feared, pet, careful now—android was carefully restrained, a mockery of the god he believed himself to be. One half of the room was sectioned off with impenetrable glass and steel and Alpha sat behind it, not unlike a tiger in a cage. On his knees, his arms bound behind him and essentially trapped against his back with industrial-strength magnetic locks. A collar sits around his neck as well, an EMP tied to his electromagnetic signature that could knock him unconscious at a moment’s notice. Powerful enough to take him offline for an extended period of time, though he hadn’t given the Alliance the chance to use it yet.
The muzzle was a recent addition—Janus had come to you explaining how Alpha had practically ripped a poor Gamma’s arm off when they were updating the restraints.
You can’t help the way your eyes trace absently over the slight tension in his body, recalling how on more than one occasion Alpha held you aloft with ease in his arms, pinning you to the nearest wall or the window of his office, trapped on his cock as he made you scream his name, the brand burning in sheer ecstasy—
You lift a hand to the back of your neck where that same brand sits, now completely unresponsive.
Mostly. You think you… feel things sometimes and it worries you. Scares you because of how easy it would be to slide back into old, terrible habits.
“Hello, kitten.”
“Alpha.” You keep your eyes on the hollow of his throat, where his bare cybernetics lay, the LEDs soft with inactivity.
You don’t dare look him in the eye.
Despite the brand’s programming effectively flushed from your system, you remember the early days when he had a hold over you without it, getting you to easily sway to his every whim with a few looks and even fewer words.
As if sensing your rude thoughts—which everyone swore up and down could not happen any longer, he was separated wholly from you—you see his lips twitch into a smile through the duraplastic covering on his jaw. Sharp.
“Four months, twenty days, thirteen hours, and twenty-four minutes have passed since I last had you in my arms,” he tilts his head to the side, the chain connecting the muzzle to the bonds on his back clinking softly with the movement. You don’t dare shift your gaze, you don’t miss his eyes, you don’t. “I missed you so much, sweetheart.”
“The only thing you missed was having your stupid little pet at your beck and call,” you can’t help but snap and drop your hand from where you had been unconsciously rubbing at the brand. “You missed making me play your twisted games, missed taking every part of me and replacing it with what you wanted.”
That smile vanishes and the LED nodes on his throat flicker from blue to dim red. “Baby, you are very, very mistaken if you think what I felt for you—what I still feel for you—is anything other than love,” he hisses, and you take a step back instinctively as he starts to pull at the restraints for the first time since he’d been placed in them. “You’re speaking as if you didn’t invite me to play those games you speak so poorly of. You always begged me to continue, kitten, so don’t pretend like you don’t remember.”
“How could I trust anything I remember from then? For all I know, you tricked me, warped my memories!”
Alpha barks out a laugh and you’ve never heard that sound from him, at least not directed at you, and you find yourself looking up to meet his gaze.
“Tricked you? Oh, sweet girl… I suppose quite a lot has happened since that day, but I never tricked you into anything you weren’t already thinking about. Didn’t you ever wonder where my impulses came from?”
“Faulty processes, some kind of virus in that fucked up code of yours, I don’t know! It doesn’t matter, everyone knows you’re fucking corrupted—”
“You said you wanted all of me and I gave you exactly that,” Alpha says, his voice harsh enough to stun you into silence. In that quiet you hear the sound of metal straining under the force of him trying to stand and you freeze.
“You’re not you’re supposed to be able to move,” you whisper to yourself and throw a frantic glance at the security cameras in the corners of the room, making Alpha laugh again.
The metal bending under his strength is getting louder now.
He's slowly rising from his kneeling position when you look back and you panic, trying to pull out your phone to call for help when his eyes flicker pure white and your phone lets out a whine as the screen flashes bright blue—his blue—and you drop it before it sparks violently. “Alpha, stop! They'll kill you if you break out, you need to stop!”
There’s an impressive shriek of titanium-reinforced steel as he flexes just enough to get the bonds around his arms to shatter, reaching up to yank the rest of it away and throw it to the side. He bends down to snap the chains around his legs and steps free of the mess of his bonds, the only pieces left now being the muzzle and the EMP collar. “You’ve missed me, haven’t you, baby?”
It’s almost like he’s ignoring you, but the way his eyes never leave your form says otherwise.
“I didn’t fucking miss you, now please just—please don’t make me use this. I'll do what I can to keep you safe, but I can't do that if you don’t stop.”
Alpha narrows his eyes at the detonator in your hand, coming to stand in front of the glass, the last barrier keeping him locked away. The two of you stare at each other for a long moment, your eyes locked on the way his fingers are pressing against the glass hard enough for cracks to spiderweb out around each digit.
“Still so distracting, aren’t you, pretty baby?” he says after a moment and you’re just a half second too late pressing the detonator—Alpha rips the collar from his neck and the muzzle follows a second later, the metal of the two popping loudly as sparks fly from the ruined technology. “Daddy's feeling a little merciful tonight.”
You fist your hand around the now-useless detonator, backing up to the door to the room. “You don’t know the meaning of mercy,” you mutter, angry with yourself for trying to help him, still trying to save him because despite everything you didn’t want him harmed or dead.
You just…
You don’t know what you want?
“If you really want to run—if you really want to leave me and everything we share, everything I did for you behind—I'll let you go.”
It's a trap, a trick, another one of his fucked up games. He’d come too far, done too much to let you go.
Alpha's gaze softens for a moment as he looks at you, almost as if he’s taking you in one last time. Then his expression shutters and whatever warmth was in that bright blue gaze is now lost beneath steady, cool calculation.
“I’ll give you five floors to get away. If you succeed, you’re free for good. I won’t come after you and I'll leave the resistance alone… for a little while, granted they don’t infringe on my territories,” Alpha explains and you almost don’t want to believe him but this is the same way he negotiates with anyone stupid enough willing to make deals with him. You’re speaking with the tactician now, the negotiator who felled the world in less than two months.
You lick your lips, mouth suddenly dry at the prospect of never seeing him again. You don’t know why your chest feels oddly tight at the thought. “What about the security? They'll see me running, they’ll know you did something.” you ask and he smirks, managing to look down on you from across the room.
“The camera’s been looping a feed of me alone since I first saw you on the other side of the door, baby. No one has a clue you’re even down here. It’s just you and me… Just the way Daddy knows you prefer.”
“What happens if you catch me?”
His lights flicker, almost in warning and you kick back into the door on accident, surprised. “Better for you to focus on your escape. Now, get going before I lose what little mercy I have left, little kitten. Daddy needs to finish getting out of this pathetic prison.”
You’re out the door and flying down the long hallway before you have a chance to second guess yourself, before that odd rebellious part of you still tethered to Alpha has a chance to make you do something stupid. You almost stumble into the doors leading to the flight of stairs, a loud shattering echoing behind you but you keep your balance and you keep moving.
One foot in front of the other, breathing almost panicked but you keep your eyes on the next set of doors, making it up three levels with ease.
The door leading up to the fifth level, however—
It’s fucking locked.
“No, no, no, no!” You slam your fist against the door, trying to yank it open with no success and then there’s the scuff of footsteps behind you, the only warning you get before strong, cybernetic arms wrap around your waist and yank you over his shoulder. “You fucking cheater, you cheated, I was going to get away, I was going to be free of your possessive—you piece of shit, I hate you—!”
Alpha ignores the way you’re trying to pull out of his grip, pinning your legs down so you can’t kick him and turns back down the hall. Legs restrained, you punch at his back and end up stopping sooner than you’d like, the plating beneath his skin starting to hurt your hands.
The room he takes you into seems to be one of the unused conference rooms, shutting the door behind him before he lets you down onto your feet, watching with amused eyes as you immediately dash to the other side of the table, to keep something between the two of you.
Alpha locks the door.
“Let me out.”
“No. You had your chance and you failed, sweetheart,” his grin is just on the other side of cruel as he turns back to face you and reaches down to undo his belt, the buckle clinking loudly in the silence of the room. He slowly wraps a section of it around his fist and gives you a look. “Are you going to make me come over there or are you going to be a good pet and accept your loss with pride?”
A dusty notebook flying by his head is his answer and he sighs, almost amused and the sight of his hands tightening around the leather does funny things to your stomach, things you swear you don’t like.
“You cheated,” you hiss again, circling the table slowly as he does the same. “I was going to win and you couldn’t let that happen, could you?”
“It’s not cheating if you never had a chance in the first place. You’re just a little upset Daddy likes to play to win.”
You make a misstep, stumbling over a discarded power cord and always one to take advantage, Alpha is there. Too quickly, you’re pinned beneath him and your hands are suddenly restrained by his belt.
Part of you is glad he didn’t use it like you expected, while the other part of you is thinking of why he didn’t.
“Mm, there we go,” he growls, low and happy and you whimper at the feel of his hips pressing you into the table. “You always did look perfect beneath me, kitten. I know how hard it’s been for you lately, forced to make all these big decisions without me there to guide you.”
“I don’t need your guidance and I don’t need you!”
Alpha keeps your chest pinned down with one hand while the other traces over your brand, an almost electric feeling racing up your spine.
“You don’t know what you need. But it’s fine—I can fix that.”
You get a brief millisecond, an instant where it feels like time freezes and you feel the scrape of Alpha’s teeth—sharp, sharper than they had any right to be—against the nape of your neck before they sink into your brand and you scream.
It doesn’t hurt.
God, you almost wish it did—no, instead all you feel is pure, thrilling heat, shooting through your veins fast enough to make your head spin. You choke, nails digging into the table and moan alongside Alpha, feeling the full force of all of his feelings crash into you for the first time in months, not unlike a wave breaking against the shore. All of his anger, the hints of fear, that never-ending desire—that fucking obsession with keeping you in his arms and by his side, you get all of it and more, those feelings intertwining easily with the ones you thought you buried.
You don’t even realize you’re begging him, overloaded on your shared senses and when he pulls away, you follow, lifting yourself up as best as you can beneath his touch keeping you pressed against the surface of the table.
“Ah, please… Alpha…”
He flips you over and you moan weakly at the sight of him, eyes glowing brighter than you’ve ever seen them, his tongue licking carefully over one of his fangs. Relishing the taste of his mark on you.
“There she is,” Alpha coos, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips and it doesn’t last long enough in your opinion. “There’s my perfect pet. I missed the taste of you so much, sweetheart. Will you give me more?”
You’re already nodding before he finishes the question, hands flexing in the belt keeping your hands restrained. “Yes, Alpha, please! I want to touch, why can’t I touch?” you whine, trying to squirm free and he shushes you, dropping to his knees and making quick work of your pants. “I’ll be good, I'll be good, please, please, let me touch you!”
“Shh, in a little bit, baby. Keep your hands above your head.”
You’re not happy about it but you bite your lip and obey, trying not to move so much as he removes your underwear, face heating now that you’re bare in front of him. There’s little fight in you as he shifts you around until he’s got you perfectly positioned—ready and open for him to get a taste.
You feel like you’re seeing stars by the time he starts fucking you on his tongue, long enough to press against that precious bundle of nerves that makes you shiver in his grip, hands clenching each other because he told you to stay where he put you, grinding against his face as you get closer to that peak, that glorious goddamn high—
Alpha pulls his tongue out of you with a snarl, pinning your legs down after you tried to tighten them on his head. He shoves two fingers into your sopping cunt with terrible ease, pressing his thumb against your clit in harsh circles that make you cry out, his name, for God and that—
“I'm your God, pet, you scream for me.”
When you blink your tear-sticky eyes open, panting and still shuddering, Alpha is yanking his shirt over his head. His shirt, darkened with fluid at the bottom and you’re too tired to care that you’ve ruined it, you prefer seeing his bare skin and cybernetics anyway and tell him such.
He smirks, reaching down to stroke a hand over your head and you give him a sleepy smile. “Alpha…”
“You forgot my rule, didn’t you?”
You frown a little, all fucked-out and confused. “Rule…? Alpha, I don’t—”
From now on, if you want to cum it’ll be on my cock and with my permission.
You freeze, the memory of his instructions echoing in your mind so loudly you know with certainty he’s thinking the same thing. His cruel smile gets even bigger as you start to stutter, tears of frustration and shame beginning to sting at the corners of your eyes.
“Wh-wait, no, you made me, you didn’t tell me that I couldn’t—! Alpha, I'm sorry!”
He leans down to kiss your nose and you sob, apologies spilling out of you as he turns you over, tugging you back until your feet touch the floor and you’re properly bent before him.
Alpha hikes the back of your shirt up, smoothing his hands over your back and down until they’re cupping your ass, deceptively gentle. You flinch a little at the feel of his nose pressed against your ear and the rumble of his voice does little to calm you.
You broke his rule, you broke his rule, you broke—
“I shouldn’t have to remind you, baby. Four months isn’t anywhere near long enough for that pretty little head of yours to forget one simple rule.” You hate how soft his words are, how his touch is even softer. “Fifteen and then we'll try again, see how good your memory is. Count for me, sweetheart.”
You hiccup, “Y-yes, Alpha.”
The first swat of his hand doesn’t hurt so much as it stings and it only gets worse from there, the sting escalating into a throb that leaves your cunt aching, dripping all over the table as you start to squirm once the two of you hit the double digits. An odd sensation sweeps over you by the fifteenth strike, a dizzy feeling, almost like you’re swimming underwater but Alpha is keeping you tethered to the shore.
“Such a good pet, you did such a good job, kitten. I was going to go for thirty if you failed, but my pretty prize doesn’t make mistakes twice now does she?” You shake your head, your tongue oddly heavy in your mouth as you’re shifted to your side, Alpha lifting one of your legs to hook over his shoulder.
A thick heat presses between your legs and you moan happily, hands flexing restlessly. “Yes, yes, yes, Alpha, please!”
He hisses, the hand on your leg tightening hard enough to bruise—should be covered in my marks, always, let them look, make them see who you belong to—as his cock sinks into your wet warmth.
“I should go slow for you, shouldn’t I? It’s been so long since I've had you like this, had you where you fucking belong,” Alpha growls, slowly pressing in until he's buried to the hilt, his cock a heavy but pleasant—addictive, you’ve missed this, you craved this, and you’ll never go without it again—pressure within you. “All those hours spent listening to those Alliance dogs argue and discuss what to do with me, all those weeks I watched you fight with yourself over coming down to see me—I stayed focused on you. Focused on the thought of this tight little cunt locked around me while I waited for the perfect moment.”
He's not quite thrusting yet, focused on drawing out the sensation with slow rocks of his hips and his pace forces you to feel and to listen—listen to the wet noise of you clutched around him as he presses deep enough to make that tight knot within you sing. You get so lost in the sweet feel of him inside you that you haven’t realized that he’s stopped.
“Alpha, wh-what…?”
He taps your cheek firmly, just enough pressure to make you open your eyes and look up at him. “I hope you didn’t expect me to do all the work after you made me fucking wait, pet. You want to cum again? Use Daddy’s cock.”
It’s hard, even after he takes a bit of pity on you and moves your leg down off of his shoulder so you can wrap it around his waist. Flat against the conference table like this, you have little to no leverage and he knows it, watching you make little grumbles of frustration as you struggle to move. You’re crying by the time you attempt to sit up, maybe he’ll let you hook your bound arms around his neck so you can hump against him, at least, but every time you go to try and pull yourself up, he shoves you back down, hand pressed to your chest not unkindly.
“Alpha, please, I need you to—I-I can’t do it!”
There’s a sly smile on his face, one that confuses you because he wouldn’t make you do something he couldn’t do, would he?
Daddy always plays to win, pet. Even when it seems like there is no game.
“Don’t want to cum after all then, hm? Did you get it all out of your system when you made a mess all over my shirt earlier?”
That’s not—
“N-no, wait, Alpha, I just needed—”
He clicks his tongue, cutting you off sharply and pulls out a slow slide that leaves you empty, shoving your legs down when you try to hook him back in. You try and fail to keep your eyes off of his cock, off the slight sheen of slick. “You don’t know what you need,” he murmurs and reaches up to finally untie your hands and you make a happy noise that makes him soften, if only slightly.
Alpha lets you knot your fingers in his hair and pull him down into a kiss, feeling every inch of his possession swim through you as he reaches up to cradle your face in his hands, thumbs stroking over the dried tears on your cheeks. He pulls away slowly, kissing your palm when you whine and try to pull him back down.
“I was going to be mean, fuck that tight throat of yours until all you could taste was me,” Alpha says lowly, letting his hand wrap slowly around your neck, but the force in his grip isn’t there, so you stay calm and breathe, gazing lovingly up into his eyes. “But I’ve denied myself for too long. I want to see you fall apart on my cock; I want you to watch as I fuck my cum into you.”
You’re mumbling again, whispering agreements as he urges you to hook your legs around his hips and your head lolls to the side on the table, catching sight of your blurred reflection in the darkened windows. Something tickles at the edges of your mind—this isn’t home, you’re not safe, not yet—at the sight of them and you make a little worried noise.
Alpha plants a hand beside your head, blocking your view and turns your focus back to him with a whisper of intention, that slight static in the back of your mind. You meet his eyes again and fall into that captivating electric sea as his other hand moves to press at your brand, at his name.
“Mm, we’ll be home again soon, pet, and you’ll be safe. No one is ever going to take you from me again. Let Daddy worry about it. You just focus on savoring the feel of my cum in you when I pump you full, understand?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
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theworldlookswhite · 1 year
i need the drugs the persona 4 writers were on when they made yosuke hanamura
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aliosne · 2 months
Saw a post about working class butches in physical labour jobs and wanted to make my own, so: I love you butches who do childcare or early education. I love you butch nurses. I love you butch house cleaners and janitorial staff. I love you service industry butches. I love you butches who do sex work. I love you working class butches who do “feminine” jobs you are cool as hell
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deviouz · 2 months
i know we’re all into gruff and mostly-silent jason, but have we considered that this man just might be a whiner or a whimperer during sex?
i cannot stop thinking about a touchstarved jason getting reduced to little whimpers when it becomes too much.
he’d hold your hips, eyebrows knitted together and head thrown back as you grind against his lap, lips kiss swollen and cheeks flushed a pretty pink.
“give me a second, ‘s too much, fuck, you’re so good—”
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gordonsicedcoffee · 6 months
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Leigh Whannell on Recovery (1999)
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me when I fckn GET u
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catfayssoux · 15 days
Me: *follows someone bc good content*
Them: *follows me back*
Me: *sweats*
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ratislatis · 4 months
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I'll find you. Wait for me.
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bunnysnared · 7 days
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irt my last post, i did manage to finish ghost's art after all! i am doing a very small test batch of the pins in a pr3order here, right now. if theyre successful and im pleased with how they turn out [will make tweaks if needed] then i will finish the rest of T141 & relist more ghost's for sale, likely in late july/early august  ദ്ദി ·ᴗ·)♡ thank you guys for the interest so far!!
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crystalflygeo · 1 year
Sweet torture ft. Zhongli + fem!reader
cw/tags: bondage/shibari, muzzle, oral sex (m!receiver), dom/sub dynamics, reader doms in this one ayyy, sub!zhongli, TEASING lots of it, masturbation, sex toy, improper use of geo (lmao).
notes: What did I just write?? We just don't know. I am sorry I saw one (1) fanart of Zhongli wearing a muzzle and went b a l l i s c t i c. Also.... dom!reader hella. This is so filthy and I'm so sleepy.....
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It was torture. You were torturing him.
Zhongli groans, muscles tense as he feels your fingers gently stroking his member. The sudden touch makes him jerk, but the intricate ropework laced around his arms holds him nicely to prevent any more movements and instead keeping them tied at his back.
He couldn't touch you, kiss you, hold you...
A sweet yet deliciously devilish laughter comes out of your lips.
And then you lean down and start giving small kitten licks to his dripping cockhead before your hot, wet mouth starts slowly enveloping him, bobbing your head with lewd wet noises and purposefully drooling all over him. Messy. Obscene. Painfully driving him mad with lust.
“Darling, please.” He moans hoarsely.
You pull back with a smirk “Hmm? Are you about to break your own contract? My dearest Zhongli?”
He huffs and growls, shaking his head.
As easily as he could break out of these ‘restrains’ he had made a deal with you, so all he could do was toss his head back and endure.
And oh… you could definitely see the appeal of being the one in control.
The lord of Geo. The mighty Prime of the Adepti. Bound and muzzled like a feral beast. Squirming under your touch.
You kiss down along the side of his impressive cock, lightly tracing a vein with your tongue and making it twitch. “Hmmm… seems like you’re all ready for me.” Zhongli gasps as your fingers follow the fine trail of hair from his bellybutton down, teasingly. “It’s my turn.”
For a moment he thinks the torture is over and you’re satisfied with your small game. You’ll release his arms, or at least take off the horrible muzzle (“no biting tonight, dearest.”) and allow him to eat you out to his heart’s content.
How wrong he was.
Zhongli’s eyes widen then he scowls and jerks into his restrains again, shuffling on the bed when he sees you pull out one of your toys. He glares at you. You wouldn’t.
You smirk in response. Watch me.
“Relax…” You smile, sickly sweet. Leaning back onto a pillow and spreading your legs. “Just enjoy the show, darling.”
You start by teasing your entrance, gently, slowly. Caressing and pinching at your clit and slowly easing the oiled tip of the object into you. A rather special geo construct of Zhongli’s own creation. Sweet irony.
He snarls, glaring at the offending object as you slowly feed the fake cock into your pussy, inch by inch stuffing you as you let out a quiet moan. He knows you wouldn’t be satisfied with such a… crude and lacking replacement, no. He knows you ached for him, his warmth and thickness that could fill you so much more, satisfy you so much better.
You bite your lip and whine as it bottoms out.
“This one is… hah… rather accurate huh? … hng!” You mewl, squeezing your eyes shut as you start pulling it out only to push back in. “A-ah- fu-!”
He tries to keep calm. By Celestia, he tries. But the sight of you, naked and sweaty, presenting yourself so freely and displaying your pleasure, makes it excruciatingly difficult. You rock your hips and moan his name, high-pitched. Getting more and more used to the intrusion and thus increasing the speed.
“Z-Zhongli, baobei” You keen. “Wouldn’t you be a dear and apply a bit of resonance?”
A growl. “I would rather have you myself, my love.”
You let out a breathless chuckle. “Of course. But don’t you want to see me come undone first? We do have a contract and for now you have to do as I sa-a-y Ah! Oh fuck-!”
You bite your lip, whining, eyes rolling back and hips moving on their own when the geo construct indeed starts buzzing low on your hand and inside your pussy. The sensation drives you up to the edge of that high, delicious simmering heat all over your body and pooling at your navel. Feel so good, so good-
“Zhongli, Zhongli, Zhongli-”   
You come with a cry of his name as your body arches away from the mattress, high-strung with pleasure, free hand clawing at the sheets. For a few seconds you lie there basking in the afterglow, chest falling and rising rapidly until you sit up and slowly pull the toy out, shuddering at the wet squelch.
Your gaze sets on the man in front of you, looking absolutely pent-up with sexual frustration. Cock pressed up hard against his abs and smearing tacky precum everywhere.
You scoot up to him with a playful smile, eyes half-lidded as you sit upon his lap. You brush your hand down before bringing it back to run a slick-covered finger over the muzzle, the metal turning shiny and no doubt getting impregnated with the scent of your arousal. You see him open his mouth and pant slightly, sharp fangs on display, nostrils flared, eyes half-lidded and pupils brown wide as he chases the path your finger makes.
Oh, he is absolutely drunk on you.
You place your hands at his shoulders for leverage and this time (finally!) slowly envelop his cock with your warm pussy.
 “Now’s your turn…”
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medi-bee · 1 year
more dragon!iterator sketches in varying levels of quality
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pierrotgnome · 10 months
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hi :o)
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deviouz · 5 months
can you imagine how mean sebastian would be once he notices you have a thing for his hands?
he starts becoming more meticulous about his manicures, nails always coated in an inky black and cuticles pushed back. he had donned rings every now and then prior to his realization, but they become much more frequent once he noticed your squirming at the saloon. he’ll settle a hand on your thigh, fingers dancing along the hemming of the pretty little sundress you wore to escape the summer heat. while abigail and sam had missed the flustered expression etched into your features, sebastian definitely hadn’t. when he’s walking you home, hand curled around your waist because “it’s what a good friend would do” as he ignores the way you sneak glances in his direction. you’re not sure how, but the night somehow leads you pressed against the blossoming apple tree with a hand nestled between your thighs, skilled fingers dancing across your folds expertly enough to have you gasping his name in between kisses. he’ll make you beg for more, have you all teary eyed and desperate pleas as his fingers curl just right.
“‘s the matter, sweetheart? all you have to do is tell me what you want.”
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heardchef · 2 years
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jeremy allen white + fault magazine
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codacheetah · 3 months
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usercee · 2 years
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“gyu and his wife are trying for another kid, did you know?”
the joy in your voice makes him glance up at your briefly, momentarily distracted by the faint giggles hidden behind your phone. you’ve been tucked in a corner of the couch while he worked for the past hour or so, and conversation ebbed and flowed whenever an thought crossed either of your minds.
“cute,” he mumbles absentmindedly, brow raised before signing a document with a flourish. “miya must be very excited.”
your hum is all the confirmation he needs, and he sinks back into the cushions for a brief break as your voice washes over him in waves.
kids weren’t something he’d given much thought to at first, preferring to leave it to you if you wanted any knowing he would willingly provide for any member added to your little family. but lately, as you’ve been bringing up mingyu’s addition to his family, he can’t help but observe the way your smile softens at baby talk. the way you’d swoon over their three year old, nari, a bright girl with his friend’s eyes.
he’d be lying if he said he hasn’t had… thoughts of you with a little one of your own, maybe with his eyes and your pretty smile, and seeing you bounce nari on your hip as you share soft giggles often made him hot in places it shouldn’t.
“—and we went shopping and saw the cutest little black booties! miya and i almost burst into tear—hannie?”
he snaps to and suddenly you’re under him, work on the other side of the couch and your phone discarded somewhere. you blink owlishly at him, lips parted in surprise, and you both look down slowly to see the growing tent in his pants.
you at least have the decency to stifle your laughter. he closes his eyes and groans inwardly.
“all that baby talk must have you so… interested,” you tease, and you part your thighs for him to let him get closer. his hips shift against yours and he grunts softly. “what are you thinking about?”
“you,” he sighs, shifting back to sit up so he can pull you into his lap. you sit directly on his growing erection and he shoots you a dirty glare. “round with my kids so you have something else to talk about other than someone else’s.”
your thighs squeeze around his waist at the thought, teeth sinking into your lower lip. rocking back and forth mindlessly, you shiver as his hands come to rest just shy over your ass.
“been thinking about it for a while,” he admits, muttered into your neck as his lips brush over the skin. “want to give you everything,”
“we don’t have to talk about it now,” he groans as you shiver, nails digging into his shoulder. slowly, he moves to drag your clothed core against him to attempt to stave off his growing arousal. “but i’m up for it if you are. i mean. i love having sex, love seeing you beg for my cum,”
jeonghan angles his hips upwards and you yelp as you’re thrust forward, whimpering softly as he nips at your neck.
“but you think i don’t hear you when you’re fucked out and mumbling about wanting me to put a baby in you?”
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