#do they still really use it these days 🧐
oceanbaby888 ¡ 2 years
Astro Observations with Claude ❤️🌻✨
-Hey y’all!
-Your local tarot lady/astrology student is back with some more astrology observations!! I love growing an learning this so you know how we do it over here!
- Retrogrades don’t necessarily mean the opposite of the planet’s effects. It can manifest that way, yet the point of retrograde astrologically means going within and reflecting before acting. 🧐🔎 That’s how you can think of rx planets whether in transit or in your natal chart! ✨ I’ve also noticed people with natal rx planets tend to be better problem solvers than natal direct people.
-I’ve noticed two things from Saturn dominants vs. Pluto dominants: Saturn prepares for the world externally 🌎. Pluto prepares for the world internally 😶‍🌫️. One prepares by establishing external order and enforcing discipline (whether to themselves or to the things around them). The other prepares by purging the remnants of one environment to morph with the next environment.
-Leo’s aren’t as shallow as y’all portray them. While yes they may hold onto their ego, they understand relationships are transactional (which they are). They understand that no one is going to make them feel less than. Nope! 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅
-To have a Moon-NN aspect (esp a harsher aspect like square, opposition, and even conjunction) means that in this lifetime you are supposed to understand the importance of your own emotions, comfort, and nurturing ❤️. I point out the harsher aspects because they give more challenges, and it may be harder to recognize that you need this. Also, in this lifetime you are meant to understand what home is like to you and where you feel safest. 🏠
-Don’t necessarily resonate with your natal chart and also don’t resonate with the transits going through your chart at the moment? Look at your progressed chart. It’s like the transits for your life in this moment in time. It actually helped me a lot 😂😂🧐.
-Mars in the water houses (4H, 8H, 12H) anger can be a lot more terrifying than other houses. That anger is coming from a deeper place. Esp if this Mars happens to aspect Pluto. Remember these houses all have one theme in common: the subconscious mind. These placements may not always be the first to be confrontational, but when they do don’t be surprised if you’re sliding down a wall for three days rethinking every decision you made up to that point. 🤣🤣💀.
-Knowing your chart ruler helps you understand your outlook on life, but also your dominant planet! This planet may also have alot of influence on your life and how you go about it. 🪐
-The Pluto in Sagittarius ♐️ generation (1995-2008) will not let you slide if you got fucked up beliefs! Jupiter (philosophy, belief systems) is very hard on the beliefs and morality. I think we’re also the generation that created cancel culture over what someone says. We do it because if you say certain goofy stuff it’s probably because you believe in said goofy stuff. Because why are you still putting that out in the ether? And that’s one of our powers (Pluto). We are gonna make you think twice before you say something crazy. 😂😂😂😂😂
-I’ve mentioned this on Twitter but I’ll mention it again here. I’ve noticed inconjunct pairings (Pisces x Leo; Cancer x Sagittarius; Aries x Virgo) get along well to my surprise! Inconjuncts usually are an aspect that speak of irritation, awkwardness, or just not having common ground. Yet, when these pairs get together and get to know each other, it’s a newfound adoration for each other. I really love it 🥰.
-If you have the ruler of your 11H in your 2H you may not only be able to make money well (11H: gains), but also save it for awhile. While 2H is famously known for how we make money, I’ve noticed it can also reveal how we are with saving money, as the 2H also talks about what brings us stability (it’s an Earth house after all). If your 11H and 2H aren’t afflicted in general or with one another, this is material gworl energy!! 💸💰🤑🤑
-I’ve noticed people with stelliums (esp if you have more than one stellium) in their chart can find it very difficult to focus their attention on more than one thing. For example if they start something, they may focus just on that project before they move on to the next one. Balance can also be an issue for them too, as a stellium is concentrated in one area of a chart. I feel y’all 🤣😭.
-Y’all when I tell y’all 8H or 12H folks don’t need to tell folks nothing if they are planning to do something!!!!! I’ve had a client say this to me (they had 8H placements) and this happens to me as well with my 12H placements! And other peers have come and said this with said placements. These two houses are synonymous in hidden forces. Because the minute we speak on something (before it’s set and stone) it goes awry. Just something I’ve observed and experienced time and time again 😅😂😂😩.
-That’s all for this one! Hope you enjoyed it!
-Tips made to: $DellyRelly
-See ya later!!
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slavghoul ¡ 2 years
Interview from Guitar DE 4/2022
This one focuses on the more technical side of Ghost’s recording process, very cool if you’re interested in what happens behind the scenes 🧐 
Tobias, the fans are finally holding the new Ghost album Impera in their hands. The assumption is that the album has been ready for a while, but the pandemic delayed the release...
Tobias Forge: That's right. It's a pity that we have to talk about the business side a lot these days, but hopefully I can make the fans understand what's going on with us and many others. On the one hand, this pandemic is of course enormously frightening for us as people, but on the other hand it is also extremely damaging for business. If you're currently trying to get an album pressed and you're planning a March release, you basically have to have the finished recordings in the press by September of the year before. It just takes so long to make the vinyl records because it feels like every musician, every band - dead or alive - is putting out either special editions or reissues of old albums. So we made our album and then we waited.
How long did the recordings take in total?
That depends a bit on when you start measuring, (laughs) I already started recording demos for the new songs in March 2020. And the way demos work these days, you're already in studio mode anyway. So what ends up on the finished album are at least partly tracks from these demos. But putting everything together into finished songs, re-recording the guitars, drums and so on - we started doing that in April 2021. At that point we went into a bigger, "real" studio and really got going. We were out again by the end of July, so about four months in total. Which honestly was still pretty ambitious of us, because we're fucking perfectionists. (laughs)
Do you record the guitar parts yourself when you are in the studio, or do the guitar ghouls do it?
On the demos I actually play every instrument myself. The way the drums come out is of course dictated by my style and my manageable skills. I'm a passable drummer, in theory I know how to play the drums. But as it is with any physical activity, you really need a lot of practice and routine. So we've always, for all the albums we've done, had a drummer in the studio and I've basically played everything else on most of the recordings. I want everything that happens to go over my "desk" once. I have a certain way of playing and I want it to sound the way I imagine it in the end.
I started playing guitar when I was seven years old, played an incredible amount in my teens, when I was around twenty I was probably at the top of my game. But at the latest since we've been touring so much with Ghost, I've only played guitar periodically - I come back from a tour, for example, and suddenly start playing again for five hours a day because I'm in the studio. That makes your fingers hurt quickly, and every time I think to myself: Wow, your hands have become even stiffer. Of course, after a few weeks it gets better, you loosen up and it works again.
I'm pretty good at tracking guitars, recording multiple tracks on top of each other and all that, but I'm really not a shredder. My solo style is very precise because I overdub everything, even the solos. All my solos have at least one or two overdubs, often in different octaves and gimmicks like that. But this time I thought: OK, I've refined my demos to the best of my ability, but what if instead of just being satisfied with it and leaving it like that I ask my buddy Fredrik (Åkesson, Opeth - author's note) to give me a hand? Fredrik is an absolute master who has been practising for five hours every day his whole life. He rips off the stuff on the guitar just like that. So since we wanted to re-record all the guitars anyway, which took a lot of time, we "hired" him to do it. That was very effective.
How did you go about the final guitar recordings to find a sound that works?
Firstly, I want the one sound that works for the whole album. I want the panning to be exactly the same everywhere, the same drum sound everywhere, the same bass sound ... The variety should come from the arrangements. That might not always work, some songs need a bit more "oomph" or a special sound to make a certain part really pop. I'm very tuned to drums and bass, on this album I also played the basses again. And I want to make the drums and bass very central in the mix - a bit like The Smiths, Guns N Roses or Rush. The drums and bass are the backbone of the music, the guitars play more of a supporting role. That alone took a lot of time and was not so easy to organise. Fredrik was in his own little room and re-recorded all the guitars, eight hours a day. And I was in another room with our drummer, tweaking the new drum tracks and playing bass. So basically we were in two studios at the same time. Klas (Åhlund, producer - author's note) and I were running back and forth all the time. But that was really necessary in order to be able to make the album at all, otherwise it would have taken eight months.
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(left: Lead guitar ghoul’s Strats / right: “You can never enough spare strings on tour with you!” - TF)
One song that really stands out is "Twenties". Can you tell us how this song came about?
Years ago I saw this Brazilian rapper on Swedish TV who played a kind of reggaeton hardcore hip-hop. His songs were incredibly aggressive and I just thought to myself, that's a really cool style, a special vibe. I remember saying to myself, 'I bet I can write a really cool metal song along those lines that captures that same aggressive energy, but with guitars going all the way through'. I had this idea for years, and when I came up with the lyrics to "Twenties", it fit like a glove. During the recording of that song I said to the others: Imagine this… Slayer covering Missy Elliot! (laughs).
With "Griftwood" you can hear completely different influences. The song sounds very eighties, Van Halen and the like.
Oh, we are definitely influenced by Van Halen, we always have been. And this song is clearly an ode to Los Angeles. The interesting thing about this song is that it changes very suddenly in the middle to a completely different part. That's something that probably no eighties band would have done. It felt to me like a good way to surprise the listeners and break out of the eighties blueprint a little bit. And having that part in the song allowed us to bring out the more stereotypical Sunset Strip vibe all the more.
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(left: the command center behind the scenes / right: Fender basses which Ghost have relied on for years)
What gear was used for the recordings? At your current live shows you see one of the Ghouls with a Stratocaster instead of the Hagstrom Fantomen you usually use. Is that also on the album?
Yeah, that's been the case on the last couple of albums as well, using a combination of different Gibson guitars and my Fender Strat, which I like a lot. I like the combination of those sounds, so the guitar tracks on our songs are usually four different guitars that have been run through at least four different amps. This time we recorded everything through a Kemper first and then re-amped it again. It was just more practical for us, because our studio here in Stockholm has this gigantic, high room - it's an old cinema, where ABBA also recorded a lot of their hits. Studio A is a really big hall, you have a lot of space, the acoustics are amazing and it smells like an old library - absolutely fantastic. In this room I was with the drummer, there we had the piano and everything for which you need these great acoustics. And Fredrik recorded the guitars in Studio B - a smaller room without a separate recording room. So we had to set up the amps in Studio A as well. Fredrik was busy all day with the Kemper recording the guitars in Studio B, and when we were done with our stuff in the evening, we took the guitar tracks and re-amped them in Studio A through the amps. So the last hours of our working day were just for the amps to replay the recorded guitars of the day. So we could listen to this gigantic symphony of guitar tracks just banging, (laughs) So we used the wonders of modern technology to emulate the sound we wanted and still ended up recording everything with real amps, mics and pedals.
Have you profiled these sounds and do you also use the Kemper on tour?
No, we use Fractals there. On tour, it's always about what's most practical. You already mentioned the Fantomen, and it's like that: The Fantomen are really cool guitars, but at the end of the day they're also just the tools that I give my musicians to do their job. And at some point the ghoul who plays most of the leads came up to me and said: I'm really struggling with the Fantomen. It's ergonomically problematic for me and I feel like I'm not playing as well as I could. So I asked him what he would rather play and he said Fender. Now we already have an endorsement with Fender because our bass player plays their basses. And I didn't want anyone to feel like they couldn't play their best, so we changed guitars. The other guitarist didn't have any problems with the Fantomen, so he stayed with it.
It's interesting to hear how much effort you put in to make everyone feel comfortable and then to see your new costumes, which I'm sure make playing live a lot more difficult.
Damn right! It's all part of the torture! Oh, so you want a new guitar all of a sudden? Here, have a helmet with tubes on it. See how well you can play now! (laughs) But seriously, here's how it works with the costumes: We work with a designer called Bea Åkerlund. We are good friends and have similar tastes when it comes to what we think is cool. However, she comes from the world of fashion tailoring and there are sometimes a few hurdles between what looks good in a photo shoot, for example, and what is comfortable to work with. She mainly has the role of designer and doesn't sit in the sewing room herself to make our costumes. What we wear on stage is a collaborative effort of many different people, where one makes the crosses, one makes the belts, one makes the trousers and so on. You work with a lot of people who all want to contribute creatively, and only when we have everything in one room can we think about whether something will work live. What you see as a visitor at our concerts, especially at the first concerts of a tour, is still the experimentation phase, during which we change things and discard ideas again. If you want something that's just practical, you should put on a jumpsuit and a pair of Chucks, but that's not our thing. But believe me, if I ever start another band, I'll go on stage in a fucking onesie.
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shotorozu ¡ 3 years
s/o’s first winter
character(s) : todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = YOUR NAME] gender neutral, quirk’s not mentioned (it’s just definitely not a snow quirk), reader grew up in a place that rarely/didn’t snow
headcanon type : fluff, crack-ish (x reader)
note(s) : so this is a christmas related post in a way?? i mainly thought about this, because i realized i haven’t seen snow in like,,, 7 years. so i thought “hey, what if i wrote that concept?”
i kind of hate my theme ☹️ might silently change it soon
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todoroki shouto
he doesn’t really feel excited about snow anymore 🗿
i mean, why should he? he already has a quirk related to snow— which he could personally use at any given, and appropriate time
so that’s why he’s pretty puzzled when he sees you jump into the air literally a foot higher from excitement, when you’re told that it snows in japan yearly
“really? it snows here? yearly? when? do you know when? is there an exact date?”
he’s seen classmates of his get excited for the first snowfall of the year, yeah— but this is completely different
you like, made a countdown for it 💀 and you’re constantly looking up in the sky for any sight of snowfall— even though shouto tells you that it just happens when it happens
he’s not necessarily weirded out by this, he’s just not used to excitement of this high degree— if anything, he’s a lot more used to people dreading snowfall (it’s totally not endeavor and bakugou) as there is a hassle in shoveling, and it takes ages to fully melt for spring.
so that’s why it makes sense when he finds out you grew up in a place that didn’t snow at all, and it’s constantly rain, shine, heat— or maybe something in between
feels a little bad for not connecting the dots a lot sooner. i mean— he still did connect the dots himself, but shouto thinks it could’ve happened quicker, as the two of you are together (and even if you guys weren’t, he’d still say the two of you are pretty close)
to compensate for this delayed realization, he decides to help make your first winter the best winter you’ve experienced
takes you out to shop for heavier winter clothes just in case you don’t have any— of course, the payment is all on him, since he suggested it
the weather app is his second most used app now, because he’s constantly checking that app for any updates for snow
oh, i also don’t think shouto’s a frequent viewer of the news— but he’ll definitely sit down on the common room couch when it’s time for the weather forecast (something the majority of his classmates don’t pay their full attention to)
i can just imagine him sitting down on the common room couch, realizing that there’s no reports of snow for the next day— and he just gets up from his spot on the couch, and leaves bc the news is useless to him now 🚪🚶‍♂️
everyone’s like 🧐🤨❓because when was the dude so invested in the weather forecast 🧐
if he sees the slightest bit of snow, you already know he’s gonna rush to your side— even if it’s like,, 2am
i can just imagine him being like 🧍‍♂️ “Y/N, it’s snowing. come look outside.” and you’re just questioning why he’s even awake 😃
i mean, you sorta wanted this 💀 he’s doing this for your happiness
speaking of waking you up at 2am because of snow— you know what i’m thinking about? dancing in the snow with shouto
the ground’s covered with a thin blanket of snow, as the two of you dance like it’s nobody’s business. you’re starting to feel a bit cold, but aren’t you just super lucky
the best thing about this entire experience, is that you have him as a personal heater, and air conditioner (just maybe not for this season 💀)
you sleep on his left during the winter, and on his right during the summer. you’ll get a proper conditioning/heating system, and he’ll be getting well,,, you, and your hugs.
it’s a win-win situation 🤩
generally doesn’t mind when people ask him for some extra heat or cool air— he just doesn’t really like the entire ‘clinging onto him’ bit
but for you, there’ll be an exception 😼#shoutosloverprivileges
does that thing where he wraps his scarf around you both— bundling you close to him in the process.
shouto saw that thing in a romance drama once, and thought it was super inconvenient because “they’re sharing one scarf? i don’t get it?? they look pretty restricted with their movements. it looks difficult.”
but now he understands the hype 😎 though he doesn’t really need warmer clothes because of his quirk— he does feel a lot warmer, now that you’re a lot more closer to him
in conclusion— shouto’s the perfect boyfriend for this kind of situation. he’ll make sure you enjoy yourself to the fullest, and that you’re as comfortable, and warm as you can be. oh to have someone like him ☹️
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bakugou katsuki
also isn’t very enthusiastic about snow either
wasn’t a fan of winter since the very beginning 💀 i feel like toddler katsuki saw snow, made that face, and thought “ew”
it’s also incredibly inconvenient for him, because it sort of hinders his quirk’s effects— since he needs to sweat a ton for massive explosions (i say sort of, because he still finds a way around it)
so simply put, it’s expected that he goes 🤨 at your overly enthusiastic interest at the first snowfall
“katsuki, does it snow here?”
“what? of course it does—”
“omg really? when? how much does it snow? do you know when?”
he just stops and goes 🤨 again “it’s unpredictable, nerd. calm your horses, it’s just snowfall.”
katsuki’s lowkey kind of annoyed (not at you of course) but at snow 💀 because it’s the bane of his quirk’s existence.
so, not only is it a pain in the ass for him (not exactly a big one, but still a pain)— but it also has you infatuated 🗿
it doesn’t exactly makes sense even to him— and it has him questioning his own sanity for a second, being jealous of snow and all
but then he remembers what you told him— about never experiencing a single winter in like,, ever, because of your environment
pieces things up pretty quickly, and then proceeds to act like he doesn’t give af about it even though he obviously does
the first thing he does is keep a constant eye on the news, and any changes of weather— but he hides the meaning behind his intentions a lot better compared to todoroki 💀
“oh bakugou— watching the weather forecast again? are you excited for the first snowfall?”
“hah! ‘course fucking not. snow’s a fucking pain in the ass, so i gotta prepare for it.”
“,,, whatever you say, bakugou!” and kirishima just knowingly nods 🗿
the second thing he’d do (though, he had to put aside his pride for it) is ask todoroki if he could make snow.
“oi icyhot— does your quirk extend to creating snow or what?”
“no, i can only create pure blocks of ice with my right—”
before todoroki could finish, bakugou’s already walking away without any regard— as he’s heard what he looking for 💀
when he feels like it’s going to snow soon (he usually relies on his accurate gut feeling for this), he starts bugging you about going shopping with him for some warmer clothes
“i’m going to shop for some clothes, and you’re coming with.”
you’re bamboozled. “this is a start— you, bugging me to go shopping with you?”
he’s just 👹 because it’s not like he loathes going shopping with you in fact, he quite likes it “oh, it’s just so strange that i need to buy clothes too, huh? now hurry your ass up! we’re gonna be late.”
you just follow his orders, completely unfazed by him💀
he definitely said that he was going shopping for some warmer clothes— which you’ve assumed was for himself
but you are pleasantly surprised— because he’s actually shopping for warmer clothes for you, knowing that you probably don’t have any for the cold
well, even if you did, he’s still gonna buy you more clothes— no way in hell he’s leaving the mall empty handed 🧎‍♂️
when it does finally snow, he’d probably ask you if you’re sure about being super enthusiastic to snowfall 💀
“are you sure you’re excited about snow? you might freeze your ass off, y’know”
“of course i am!”
“,,, don’t say i didn’t warn you.” he says, as he pulls back the curtains to reveal inches of fresh snow laying in the ground
is super amused when he sees you rush to put on your snow gear, so you could roll around in the snow— and he’s pretty quick with joining in on your fun
even if he just says it’s just to “make sure you don’t drown in the snow” 💀
for a moment, he just admires you in silence— happy that you’re enjoying yourself
but after he’s had his little staring moment, katsuki’s rolling up a ball of snow, and throwing it at you square in the face
it doesn’t matter that he’s literal in love with you— he’s just not going down without a fight 🗿
though he won’t be too competitive about this. even though katsuki won’t admit it, this is all for your sake, so you can enjoy your first experience with snow to the fullest
snowball fights with katsuki bakugou, am i right?
gets flashbacks from chainsaw man ifykyk
says he’s not gonna warm you up if you’re going to be cold later “even if you beg for it!” but that’s a complete lie
in fact, if you decide to ask todoroki for some heat, katsuki will go 🤬👹, because he’s right here, y’know? why are you asking icyhot for heat 🤬👹⁉️ he can literally give that to you ‼️
does that thing where he shoves your cold hand into his much warmer pocket, muttering how ‘you’ll freeze at this rate’ with a blush across his face
is it because of the cold? or is this your doing? it’s most likely because of you
your first winter with katsuki’s pretty fun. in the end, he wants you to enjoy your first winter, despite hating snow himself 💀
in short— he’d do a lot for you, and your happiness.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission :))
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TAGLIST (bold couldn’t be tagged😔) :
@baku6o @angelicsano @anactualfuckingnerd @kitsuji @tamewkii @astridismissing @sweethcnvy @why-couldnt-it-be @kioyoki @givingeraserhead @uxavity @snowymaltese @escapenightmare @taurus852 @han-the-fanboy @crack-squirrels @keisukeist @vdoesthings @gravity-gacha @blxck-hxney @electricpainterwobblergoop @nopenotallie @mhasimp666 @shelteredheart @lovingshoto @lxislxis @luluwiie @avengs @princ3rae @solaxena
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meowzfordayz ¡ 2 years
Hii,can I request for angst? Any is good. For kny fandom,f!reader X Kamaboko Squad and Hashiras(?)
Heyo! ☺️ To be completely transparent: I didn't write for the Kamaboko, nor all of the Hashira. I was inspired by the below mentioned song, and decided to write for whomever I felt certain lyrics suited best. Fulfilling your request would've taken ~much longer had I actually written for the Kamaboko AND all of the Hashira (mostly bc I didn't have ideas for everyone, so I would've been pulling teeth for ~a while 😆). W/ that communicated, I do hope you enjoy these angsty preferences. 🥺
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Author’s Note: okay fr fr gonna try and write something ~short. Update: ~1,300 words… does that count as ~short ?? 🧐🥳
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if this is goodbye, then…
Himejima Gyomei x Reader, Kocho Shinobu x Reader, Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader, Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~1,300
CW: canonical violence, explicit language, implied Reader death
Song Inspo: Want You Back by 5 Seconds of Summe
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‘Cause you know every morning I wake up, yeah I still reach for you
The lightness—the lack of you—gets easier to manage. He doesn’t listen for your smile as often anymore. Doesn’t tilt his head seeking the rhythm of your footsteps. Has almost forgotten the curve of your mouth, warm against the pad of his thumb. Time does heal all wounds. Just not all the way.
Because he still misses the vibrancy of your laughter — knows he’ll never hear such a sound again.
Because he still misses the reassurance of your arms flung around his waist — knows you’ll never squeeze his hips again.
Because he still reaches for you — waking up on his uncrowded futon.
Even though he knows.
You’ll never wake up again.
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Can’t help but wondering if this is the last time that I’ll see your face
She’s tired, exhausted—threadbare—after months spent saving you from death’s edge. You. Her lover. The center of her garden, her first sip of water every morning. Bleeding. Bleeding. We have to stop the bleeding. She’d almost lost you that night, alternating with Aoi, with anyone, to keep pressure on your wounds, to literally hold you together. Why didn’t you protect them? she’d lashed out at Sanemi, his ashen stare revealing his own melody of grief Look what you’ve left me with. He’d stayed that night, as though sacrificing his sleep could make up for your limp form.
“[y/n]?” she whispers as you stir.
Every day she’s waited for this. Every day she’s waited for you.
“[y/n],” her voice is so soft, so sweet, so hopeful.
So unfamiliar you frown slightly, eyes sensitive as her strange smile comes into focus.
“Who are you?”
Not Shinobu.
Not my love.
Not some sarcastic quip asking how long you’ve been asleep for.
Not even I’m thirsty or some cheeky, mundane request.
Who are you?
Shinobu goes to find Aoi. Your face. It’s too much. It’ll never be the same.
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No matter where I go, I’m always gonna want you back
It was careless, really. Stupid. He’d known you for what, less than a day? Arriving at dusk, leaving at dawn. And you’d captivated him. He was so used to captivating others — familiar with their blatant murmurings and delightful staring. Was it his hair? His haori? Probably the hair. And the eyes.
“Care to join me for sake?” you casually slip beside him, matching his pace as he strolls downtown.
He accommodates you readily, grateful for your boldness and company on a lonely evening—the calm before the storm. He’s there to slay a demon, after all.
“I do not often drink,” he smiles brightly, “But I would certainly drink with you!”
His gaze glimmers only with curiosity and eagerness. You are not prey.
Of course you aren’t prey. He is. You have no idea, mostly shocked and reeling that he actually accepted your—a mere passerby—invitation, but he takes to you instantly. Perhaps it’s his keen intuition, telling him it’s worth getting to know the stars in your eyes. Perhaps it’s fate. The overwhelming, abrupt sensation—as you talk about why udon is most definitely superior to ramen—that I could be happy with them. As you both begin yawning, you write your address for him on a scrap of washi. He swears to visit. Insists on treating you to a bowl of udon next time.
And watches, heart constricting, as the demon devours your washi.
It really is fate, so unsympathetic and humorless.
How was he to know the stars in your eyes were crossed?
Himself a faint pulse among many.
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You tell me I won’t ever change, so I just say nothing
“So that’s it?” you mutter, “No snarky comeback?”
He crosses his arms.
“I pour out my godforsaken soul, and you smirk at me,” you deadpan.
He doesn’t know how to convey the acid in his throat. The fear.
“You’re not unlovable, Sanemi,” you mumble.
He shifts his weight onto his other leg.
“You just don’t love anyone. You just don’t love me.”
He exhales frustratedly.
“Oh don’t give me that crap! I’m having a one sided conversation here. Don’t fucking act like you’re heartbroken.”
Heartbroken? He swallows nervously, and looks at you. Really, deeply, looks at you.
There it is.
The crack in your stare that wasn’t there before. I broke your heart? he flounders inwardly, panicked, anxious Let me fix this — an unyielding surface to anyone else observing him. To you.
“I’m tired, Sanemi,” your voice wobbles.
Let me fix this he strains, tries, fails to overcome the coiling in his gut.
“Tell me you love me,” you whimper, “Tell me you love me too.”
I love you he chokes as your eyes glisten wetly Let me fix this.
“Not even for me, huh,” you murmur, hoarse laughter vibrating cruelly, “You won’t ever change.”
You turn.
And walk away.
I love you he screams.
You pause. Glance at his shrinking figure.
I love you.
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Is it tears or just the pouring rain?
“You’re crying,” Giyuu reaches for your dripping hand as rain cascades from a stormy blanket of grey.
“Don’t,” your voice is soft, “Please, Giyuu.”
“This is pathetic,” he growls, water splattering as he shakes his head angrily.
“It can’t be helped,” you shrug simply, doing your best not to shiver.
You’re both soaked to the bone, without any touch to guide you. Without any warmth to share.
“But you feel as I feel?” he demands.
“Giyuu, can we not do this now? Here? It’s freezing.”
His haori settles itself over your shoulders in a heartbeat.
“You can’t keep doing that,” you mumble.
“Doing what?” he taunts you.
Making me love someone I shouldn’t.
“Nothing?” he steps closer to you, “I’m doing nothing?” his eyes narrow, glinting edges of sapphire, “You’re the only person I’d do anything for.”
A quiet sob fills the distance between you, “G-giyuu.”
“Why can’t we be together?” he’s fierce, persistent, adoring.
“I can be your friend.”
“I don’t want to be your friend,” he rasps, “I want to be your lover.”
You are my lover you tremble, tugging off his haori, holding it out toward him.
“I want to be your lover,” you confess in stolen breath, “I feel as you feel,” you blink rapidly, eyelashes heavy, clinging, “You know why we can’t be together.”
He knows why.
And he hates it.
Wishes he could hate you too.
He just.
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I remember the roses on your shirt, when you told me this would never work
“But they love you,” Tengen insists stubbornly, posture confident, strong, reassuring.
His eyes tell a different story.
Flickering, earnest—too earnest—dimming, narrowing as he realizes.
“How can they love me when they don’t even know me?” you retort, betrayed, misled, cold.
“They do know you!” he’s desperate now, hands clenching and unclenching, “Makio wants to go shopping with you, Suma always asks about how you’re doing, and, and Hina’s been cooking your favorite meals!”
You scoff, tone laden with something so bitter that you both flinch, “I’m glad you’ve been eating my favorite meals with your dirty little secrets.”
“That isn’t fai-”
“You know what isn’t fair?” you interrupt him, seething, “What isn’t fair is discovering you’re already in love. With three other women! Three other woman, who, apparently, are worth your honesty. So what does that make me? I’m not close minded, Tengen, but you lied to me. You’ve made your bed. I hope it never warms you.”
“I love you,” he whispers. Surrenders.
“You don’t love me,” you laugh wryly, “You don’t even trust me,” you begin closing your front door, your vision of his distraught expression growing slimmer and slimmer, “Goodbye, Tengen.”
You slump to the floor, knees huddled into your chest, tears escaping one by one by—all at once. I could’ve loved them too you shudder, grief wracking through your ribcage If you’d just told me, if you’d just loved me from the start.
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allisonlol ¡ 3 years
Um...i hope this is not a hard req but Yandere Teccho? I never found teccho as a Yandere so can you please?
a/n: it seems there's many others eagerly awaiting for this too...so yes of course!!
warnings: yandere, dark content, this is not a healthy relationship!!
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Tecchou as a Yandere
literally has no clue that his obsession with you is abnormal 
all tecchou knows is that he feels like he has to “protect” you from the rest of the world
his obsessive behavior starts off really subtle??
since the two of you work together, he already has an excuse to be around you for most of the day
uses this to his advantage to always be by your side 
if anyone tries to hurt you, he’s not hesitating to cut them down
literally goes all:
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it’s scary asf !!
after a few months of this, he can’t take it anymore and just has to have you for himself
so he’ll start planning 🧐
a week later, the two of you were finished with a mission together when he knocks you unconscious and locks you up at his apartment
tells the rest of the hunting dogs that you were a casualty of the mission so they aren’t suspicious 
jouno’s all like “...well that’s a fcking lie” but won’t do anything about it because he couldn’t careless LMAO
meanwhile, back at tecchou’s place, he’s keeping you restrained in a spare storage room
unfortunately, he’s forced to really chain you up since you’re trained to escape most restraints
but honestly? having tecchou as a yandere isn’t all that bad 
^he’s probably one of the least harshest yanderes out there
really doesn’t want to hurt you :(
makes it clear how much he loves you (well...obviously) yet doesn’t expect you to love him back quite yet
is fully self aware that what he’s doing is wrong which causes a lot of inner conflict
even contemplates letting you go at some point...but never ends up actually doing that lol
punishments are practically nonexistent since he tries to understand your distress
instead of getting angry at you for crying or screaming at him, tecchou will pet your hair while gently shushing you
the only times he would punish you were if you tried to attack him or escape 
even then it still wouldn’t be that bad; would just drag you back inside by your hair and slap you around a bit
might threaten you with his saber but only if he was very angry 
can’t stand to see you look at him with fear so he’s super apologetic afterwards
a bit gas-lighty tho...🤨 insists he only threatened you because you “left him no other choice”
if you’re well behaved, he’ll let you live a practically normal life!! would leave you unrestrained and even go out with you on “dates”. to anyone else, the two of you look like a normal couple 
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theminecraftbox ¡ 2 years
For eldritch confessions (did i spell that right?):
First, how many days have they been in the cell? Have anyone of them sleept? Do they eat?
Then the question: do they think they have trauma from the prison? Or how do they think the prison have affected their mental health?
/rp /dsmp
(The new clock says it’s a few hours until dawn. It was midmorning two days ago when they were taken: they’re not so far from the 48 hours mark. Quackity and Sam are not exactly well-rested, but they’ve been sleeping in shifts. Dream’s slept for a bit over an hour, which was rudely interrupted. He is exhausted but very awake. Food-wise: Dream’s been hoarding. He’s fine. Sam and Quackity are not yet starving, but they’re out of good food and are down to mostly the raw potatoes Quackity requested, in an ironic twist of Sam’s metabolism fate. There’s a cauldron of water on Sam and Q’s side.)
Dream: (exhausted) What? Oh my god.
Quackity: (laughing) Yeah, draw us a fucking picture, Dream! 
Dream: (dryly, to XD) you—what, you want me to?
DreamXD: 🖍🎨👨‍🎨🖼 🤷
Dream: Or I could do a—an interpretive dance.
DreamXD: 💃🤣
Dream: …
Quackity: (sweetly) We’re waiting.
Dream: (flatly) I’m not going first.
Quackity: you want me to start us off, buddy? That’s fine, Dream! That’s fine. Obviously the prison was anything but traumatic. Really—cathartic, I’d say! I learned all sorts of things about power.
DreamXD: 🤨
Quackity: (incredulous) What, you don’t believe that? That’s true! That’s incredibly fucking true!
DreamXD: 🧐
Quackity: …You really want a downside? You really want me to come up with something, huh. You want me to say I regret it? I fucking don’t! You really think anything’s worse because I—you think I’m worse? Because I’m fucking not! Well!! It certainly hasn’t helped my fucking temper, it certainly hasn’t! But that isn’t exactly new, is it!! You smug motherfucking—
Sam: (warningly) Quackity.
Quackity: I’M CALM.
(A weighted silence. Neither Dream nor Sam seems to want to break it.)
Dream: …go ahead then, Sam. Let’s—I want to hear all about how I forced you to, like, get a dog sitter for while you listened to me scream. I bet it was really inconvenient.
Sam: (hurt) You did a lot more than that, Dream. And we all know it. I still have nightmares about…about what you did to Tommy.
Dream: You’re the one who put him in there with me. You’re the one who kept him in there.
Sam: Because of your protocol! And because YOU somehow got—Ranboo, and the TNT!
Dream: (mutters) Sure.
Sam: Everything I did, I had to do because of you, and it broke me, Dream. It did. Is that what you want to hear? That I’m never going to be the same? That I can’t sleep, that barely anyone will talk to me, that I can hardly even think straight?
Sam: Maybe that’s what you wanted to happen all along! You wanted Tommy in there, and you wanted me to… to become… to have to do all these things… you did this. To me. You did this. And you knew what you were doing. And then you did it again! You gave me cake and you manipulated me and you killed me, and my eye still hurts.
Dream: You’re such a loser. I hope—I hope it never stops hurting.
Sam: (low and chilling) And I hope you’re still hurting too. I hope you never heal.
(Dream scoffs, then rubs his hand over his face.)
Dream: (to XD) …Look. I’ll answer. I’ll answer well. But not for free. I need—I want another apple. Enchanted.
DreamXD: 😐
Quackity: what the FUCK!! No!
Dream: I’ve been opening up, right? Talking about my feelings? So I think I—I think I’ve earned it. Positive…um, positive reinforcement. Otherwise, why should I talk at all?
DreamXD: 🤔 Are you trying to blackmail me? ⚫️📫
Quackity: Yes!! Fucking duh!!
Dream: NO! I’m negotiating!
DreamXD: 😂 this isn’t a negotiation! This is therapy. 📋🥼
Dream: Yeah, well, usually therapy is voluntary. I’m just trying to stay alive!
DreamXD: 🚫💀🚫 I’ll keep you alive. ☺️
Dream: and safe!
DreamXD: What does safe even mean? If you think about it. 💭⚠️
Dream: Okay, just—just—wait. Look. Please. I want to cooperate! I just need to know you’re going to help me out.
DreamXD: 😑…maybe. Let’s hear your answer first!
Dream: (deep breath) …fine. Okay. So, like, yes, I have trauma, duh. I was tortured for months. So, yeah, I have nightmares, and I don’t—I don’t like shears. Or, I don’t know, little things. I don’t like potatoes. And my—I mean, my leg’s still healing. My hands are fucked up. I lose time. I get, like, I’m jumpy. Stuff like that. I don’t exactly see how, how this is, like, a revelation! Wow, torture is bad for your mental health, someone stop the presses! That enough?
DreamXD: …🤔
Quackity: I dunno, sounded pretty generic to me, Dream.
Dream: (furiously) look, DreamXD, what if I said that this was pretty traumatic! Being stuck here, with them, without an enchanted golden apple, on like no goddamn sleep!
Quackity: scared?
Dream: YES!!! I’m scared! I don’t want to be hurt! So give me my fucking apple!!
DreamXD: …😊🪄✨✨🍎✨✨🪄
Dream: Thank you. Thank you, seriously.
Quackity: Okay, look, asshole, I think me and Sam deserve something too!
DreamXD: 😒🙄🍎✨🍎✨
Sam: (quietly) Thanks.
DreamXD: SCORES: 47-49-54 (max 60) 🌩👋
Quackity: How you holding up, Dream? Thought you were going to start crying for a second there.
Dream: You wish.
Quackity: I do.
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isagisyoichi ¡ 3 years
i love your posts 😩😩 can u do a part 2 of the icks (srry if my english is bad)
SYNPOSIS: icks again
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, chigiri, kunigami, naruhaya, niko, rin, imamura, nanase, ryusei, tabito, yuki, eita, hiori
WARNINGS: swearing, also all in good fun, nothing is meant to be taken seriously!!!
A/N: these are always so fun to write LOL. keeping men humble is my favorite thing to do. also don't worry anon, your english was perfectly fine!!! no need to apologize <3 thank u for liking my work :,) also yes this is also me clearing my drafts
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isagi: when you came to one of his games for the first time, isagi told you “you’re my lucky charm!” and then he lost LMFAOOO. then isagi proceeded to tell you, “it was your fault, you made me nervous!” like bro what?! were you on the field with him?! once someone tried to dap isagi up but isagi shook their hand instead and it haunts him to this day 😭 thinks he's immune to being ashy so he doesn't use lotion, but you could literally light a match on that boy's legs.
bachira: has no sense of boundaries, uses the bathroom while you’re in the shower LIKE CAN YOU WAIT? drools when he sleeps (isn't this canon idk). genuine flat earther. has not read a book for outside of school since like he was 12. not technically an ick but i just know he used to steal from the book fair 💀
kunigami: i feel like he’s a momma’s boy and not in the good way idk that’s just the vibe i get 😭 is a ginger. glares at you in class if he hears you trying to cheat. always has chapped lips.
chigiri: one of those people who plans to come to school mad and then one of his friends makes him laugh. does not like children at all. the type to glare at babies in public 💀 also canon that he has mood swings, so take that as you will.
imamura: sends you shit like “listened to lil uzi vs the world today… i remember when it was you and me against the world. i was scott and i should’ve made you my ramona 😕 you don’t have to respond. i hope you’re doing good. tell your mom i said hi.” (i came up with that on the spot i’m a genius). says stuff like “but you’re too pretty too be depressed lol what?” and he's dead serious too 💀 snapchat is his main form of communication but he gets annoyed when you start saving the chats. what are you hiding HMMM 🧐
naruhaya: enters instagram giveaways BYE. stop tagging me in mr.beast’s posts, you are not getting that tesla. chews gum really loud. acts up when there’s a sub for some reason. has a playlist of tiktok songs. still has snapchat streaks and sends everyone in his friends list “new streaks🤪?” NO WE ARE GROWN 😒 wipes his hands on the decorative towels. follows those drama pages for his school 😭
nagi: is genuinely surprised when he finds girls that listen to artists like mf doom, kanye, cudi, and etc. says “you’re a little different from everyone ik lol,” he’s so embarrassing PLEASE. says “damn, that’s tough,” when people vent to him 😐 doesn’t have a backpack just a drawstring with like one pencil and a bunch of papers. canon that he thinks taking baths is “troublesome,” so do what you want with that information 🤗
raichi: one of those mfs that says “sheesh,” “caught you in 4k,” and “sus,” all the time because of tiktok SHUT HIM UP PLEASEEE. once tried to shoot a piece of paper across the room, said "kobe!" and everything and then missed. his teacher made him pick it up and throw away the paper while everyone in the class stared at him in silence. puts his back against the wall and slides down dramatically as he cries when he’s “heartbroken” 💀 smells so strongly of axe 😭
rin: thinks astrology is stupid. calls girls "females," (not in a misogynistic way, it’s just how he talks but still DKOSKDSOK). takes forever to text back. only writes in blue or black pen. also refuses to give you one if you need it because "you should have been prepared" 😑 every so often, rin will bring up how “emotionless” he is. go to therapy rin, please 🙏 knows how inflation works #nerd inflate my nuts
reo: does that stupid shit on instagram where he’s like “posting in 20 minutes” on his story. no one gives a fuck reo 😐 (that’s a lie many people do give a fuck that he posts but IT’S JUST STUPID). uses this 🥺 emoji all the time and he’s so serious with it, too. fell for a girl during hot girl summer after he insisted that he wouldn't catch feelings. his iphone does that annoying shit where it flashes whenever he gets a notification. also sucks literal ass at tipping BOOOOOOO!
niko: one of those smart people who always falls for deez nuts jokes LMAO. it’s ‘cause it’s not his sense of humor so he doesn’t expect it, but you would think niko would learn after the first ten times. refuses to consume media that isn’t objectively of "good quality." good luck trying to have a movie night with him. refuses to share his homework with other people. has one of those phone cases that open and close like a book 😭😭
nanase: takes gen z discourse seriously. would definitely get scammed LMAOO. flexes he’s friends with upperclassmen all the time like anyone cares. would say he loves you in the talking stage. listens to today's top hits on spotify. seriously keeps up with tiktok drama.
hiori: gets sick really easily in the winter and so he always has like a little bit of snot in his nose during then. drinks REALLY loudly, like slurping noises and everything. sometimes he'll like, repeat jokes 'cause he thinks no one heard them and that's why no one laughed but it's actually because the joke itself wasn't funny 😭
ryusei: thinks calling you bad at imessage games counts as flirting. tried to make his own nickname, but absolutely NO ONE called him it LMFAOO 💀💀 was the absolute worst person to be around when “i like your cut g,” was popular 😭 is so annoying to have in class when he has an away game. “yeah, i’m not gonna do my work, i’m about to leave soon, so it doesn’t matter,” whole time it's only third period 💀
yukimiya: idk he gives me fake nice vibes sometimes 😭 like he indirects people on his finsta and when the person it’s about asks if it’s about them, he’s like “noooo lol dw its not u😂" even though it’s so obvious it is 💀 has so many of the “bff 🤩” “this isn't the caption i picked☹️” comments on his instagram from girls. i feel like if he wasn't a model and all, he'd be the type to put his snap in his instagram bio 😭
tabito: argues with teachers. deletes dms when girls don't respond back LMFAOOO💀 babe we already saw the notification, you're not slick. his favorite movie is the godfather. has a “saturdays are for the boys” flag. one of those mfs that’s always talking about how much they like milfs shaddup!!!! and they’re not even milfs half the time, it’s just some woman in her late twenties 😐
otoya: ghosts people all the time by "accident." you can decide if this an ick or not but, he really likes drain gang. considers himself to be a drainer 😭 refuses to watch “mainstream” anime but when you ask what his favorite is he says, “evangelion, idk if u’ll know it though" 😐
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skippyangel16 ¡ 3 years
A perspective from a newbie, started watching outlander feb this year…..never heard of any of the actors, books, author…
Watched the first half season one, like everyone else googled “ Are Sam and Cait a couple?” Told “no” she’s married and he dates other women, last one being MM. I look at the few pics with his “partners” and her “husband” (didn’t take long, lucky if there’s a total of 6) and I sigh internally ☹️. I carry on watching… ( a voice inside my head is screaming “they have to be together” as I watch each episode). What is wrong with me?
In drought lander I watch every interview and con since it started and now I am even more convinced they are a couple. I eventually find tumblr and fill in blanks and timeline, thanks to all those out there that have receipts 🧾 It was so good to read it all. Now it all made sense!
So we know Cait can “ act in love”
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With different actors
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And she can pull it off!
So why was it so difficult with?
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Why did we get this after marrying “the love of her life!”
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If privacy an issue even a hand shot of the rings would have been better than the goat? Even her child got a hand shot !
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……then we have Sams (pre) wedding IG/ tweet, ref black beauty and cait 🤣
Sams (post wedding) IG/tweet there was not even a congrats or bride 👰‍♀️ and groom 🤵‍♂️ emoji? ( that I can remember, can’t find it now ) As I remember it was just stating a remarkable day and plugging the suit? C’mon! I am supposed to believe this? Really?
If the narrative was to be believed they would have made it so…..
My perception, no facts -“The meeting” prior to IFH was sprung on them, they went in unprepared and without representation to a room full of power,money, TPTB and lawyers. Whatever happened on that day and in that room has silenced them. Until outlander is finished the narrative soap opera will continue and they will continue to do what they can with breadcrumbs. Once it’s over I don’t think we will get much more than they did it to protect their characters, but at least then we’ll see them out together freely at awards, premieres etc, and if they want to post a picture with the kids they can and if they don’t that’s fine to.
If you look at it from all angles the constant smoke and mirrors actually keeps ALL sides of fans interested, that’s what outlander wants…$ everybody’s and viewing figures, everybody’s. Those who think he’s gay, bi, single, womaniser, married to Cait all get something but no one gets anything concrete.
If you look at just TWO of the people that have congratulated Tony as the father they have ALSO implied Sam and Cait a couple over the years.
Graham, we all know what he’s declared over the years and John Gary Steele who hinted Tony was her Gore Vidal. (Added bonus her hairdresser who posts congrats then deletes?) It’s all beyond weird.
A large portion see Graham’s action as 💵, another view could be that he was helping his very close friend. If you were Sam and Cait and still stuck in a narrative that you have no or little control of because you cannot for whatever reason tell the truth. Who would you want saying congrats to Cait and Tony ? Well I read Graham’s message and didn’t believe it, no way ! Not after everything Graham has said and implied. Based on Graham and John’s congrats messages alone, I thought what a load of bull***! So if you want the narrative not to be believed use people that already have “outed” you as a couple that way the narrative is unbelievable!
My view 🧐…they are a couple since 2013/14, married 2015, with a family since 2016.😍 Congrats to both of them !🥂
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Post 6 Sept 2021
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randomshipperhere ¡ 2 years
Space with Markiplier Stream on MiltonTPike1’s twitch channel summary
I really thought the stream was gonna be Stan coming back when I heard the announcement yesterday 🥲🥲
Minor spoilers for part 2 will start with a ⚠️ and when I say minor, they really are minor. So much so it’s negligible info but it does give you a tiny bit more heads up
(most of them I wrote while watching, I just made it comprehensible enough)
Mark arrives somewhere in the 3 hour mark of the stream.
First topic. How to deal with burnout. Solid advice and discussion
Unus Annus and the meaning of it
Bitch I’m crying I miss that channel. RIP
Memento Mori
[Talking about the endings of ISWM PT.1] Yeah sure, Mark… there’s a lot of endings
No spoilers 🥺 awww come on Mark. Just a little pleaaaseee
Messing with your audience and how fun it is
[chat reaction] D:
I mean considering our relationship with Mark, we do love this back and forth.
Milton talking about Jerma’s Dollhouse </3
A few stories about the BTS
50-60 crew members a day. Holy shit.
In their busiest day there were 20 actors on set. Sheeesh.
Milton has a commercial story. I feel bad because man, even finishing a meal is hard. Having to eat the same thing for retakes sounds like hell.
Mark went over budget a lot during the filming. Interesting.
Last sound session happened last week.
⚠️“-last scene in the show” 🧐 minor spoiler? Kinda hard to tell if this means there’s only one ending or it’s like AHWM where there’s a true end.
Japanese Breakfast Club “Paprika”. I’ll give it a listen after. I’m not even sure if I spelt that right.
No F*p November 🤨 Mark??? Someone take his mouth away lol
Milton made a UFO 5 hour stream. Man
Mark and Amy loving video essays.
Habo Hotel…? huh???
Mark loves space but found that it really is expensive to make a space related production even when others already said so beforehand 😅
Industry calls write/director/actor people pompous douchebags. Good on you Mark lol
Isn’t that also Actor tho…
No one in the crew knew what the fuck was happening until the very end but trusted Mark enough. It also helped that a lot of them already understood Mark’s crazy process because they were in Heist before.
Space is the next thing for humanity
back to back movie night last night with Mark and Amy. Moonfall and After Earth.
Disonsphere??? hah?
UFO stuff
[chat reaction] Among us and Sus
ball lightning? red balls. Alien going wtf at nukes
Earth speed running any%
I seriously love the jokes in this part of the stream
Humans are just like the Orcs from Warhammer. You heard it here folks
I love the unga bunga human stories
Mark mentions Corridor Crew yet again
AI and the future
All I could think of was vocaloid
Mass Effect 3 mention
Milton has 5 space questions
[chat reaction] Wee Woo borpa spins
I knew about that gravity can create waves but wait black holes don’t succ??
Mark is very knowledgeable about space
He still loves kurzgesagt
Interstellar vs Inception
Mark likes Inception better (he still loves Interstellar tho)
I have not watched either movies (: I actually don’t watch a lot of movies you guys. Last I watched was Spider-Man: NWH
Mark would watch Ratatouille over a million times but How the Grinch stole Christmas (Jim Carrey) is his favorite movie
Any future plans?
Mark just wants to focus on youtube again 🥰 We miss you too
Once again the Pokemon smash or pass vid gets a mention but the backstory is much shorter here compared to the stream with Jack.
MEOW mocks him
jingle the keys in front of the audience m’dudes. Well… it worked on us
⚠️ Minor Spoilers. There’s a lot more stupidity in Part 2
YAAAY WE’RE WATCHING IT IN CHAT. With some commentary maybe?
OST being put out? 👀👀 Guess the answer is up to Schmoyoho. I’d love to actually listen to it. The bgm is so cool y’know.
Mark’s face watching ISWM 🥰🥰🥰 He’s so proud of it.
The design of the Invincible ship is based off of the Event Horizon movie
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I see the similarities
Burning Tractor gets another mention! He’s so proud of the VFX team. Corridor Crew mention again
Fun Fact: apparently the things on the ceilings are from Home Depot. Budget stuff
Mark basically saying how everyone’s reaction to the first video is “omg is that MatPat from Game Theory”
Champagne Glass scene. Mark had to drink 12 glasses of sparkling apple juice. RIP Mark’s throat after that shoot.
I mean, I like the taste of sparkling drinks but holy shit 12 of those bad boys…
smh everytime Mark finishes a project he says he doesn’t want to do 1st person ever again
Mark tells he used to do Biomedical engineering. He did civil engineering before that. He dropped 2 sems before graduating .
⚠️“Most is 3 at the moment” AYO MORE MINOR SPOILERS. You telling me my dumbass post about a 4 option path happening is possible
Mark: Recovery is for the weak
Proceeds to say that he’s been focusing on Elden Ring and gettin’ some oreo lol
4:33:55 is the time when he left
Thanks for the existential crisis in the middle of the talk you guys. This is why I just shut my brain off for space stuff. There’s some info that’s repeated but it was really cool to just see these two nerd out about space.
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lollypopsx ¡ 3 years
This is sort of a continuation of these two: I’m sick of you - Sneaking Around
Drabble Request
Drabble Masterlist
Warnings: Talks of childhood trauma
"This is hopeless Niall!" Charleigh groans in frustration, hitting her hands against the piano keys.
Niall was sat at the sofa, picking chords on his guitar, with his notebook in front of him and finishing off a song he wrote a few days ago. “Hey now, c’mon. Ya need to dig in deep Char” He chuckles softly. 
“Every song tells it’s own story...you just need to work out what you want the story to say”
“I don’t have a story...” She mumbles, staring at the blank notebook in front of her.
“Everyone had a story. Whether it’s good or bad. And every story has it’s own morals” Niall let out a gentle sigh and places his guitar back on the stand before puling a chair up beside Charleigh.
“What do you mean? What are morals?” Charleigh quizzed, confusion in her eyes.
“A moral is like...the lesson you learnt. Like the boy who cried wolf, he lied all t’time, then when he was really in trouble, no one believed him. The moral there is; If you tell lies, people won't believe you when you do tell the truth.”
“What lessons have you learnt Char?” He questions.
She sat deep in her thoughts for a moment. “Giving second chances doesn’t mean someone has changed...but Dad always say’s it’s ok to make mistakes sometimes...”
“And how did you feel about that Chez?” Niall pushes the question softly.
“I don’t really know...I never understood when I was younger. I didn’t understand why she wasn’t around when everyone else had their Mum’s...then when she was released from the Hospital all those years later...and Dad had told me what she did and how she had left me alone as a baby and set fire to the house, I was angry, Mum’s don’t do that. But when the courts contacted us and said she wanted to have contact with me and she...she said she had changed. Said she was all better, I...I felt bad. And Dad told me he wouldn’t stop me having contact if I wanted to...” She mumbled softly, sitting on the painful memories in her chest.
“Then I was mad at myself because I tried so hard to get to know her...and I thought I could trust her, but then she left again. I mean...I thought leaving me as a baby and trying to set the house on fire was bad enough...but then she left me at home on my own when I was 7 so she could get drunk. And I think that made me more angry, because I remember it...I got out of the burning building with no scars on my body...but I still have the scar from when I was 7″
“You still have it?” Niall questioned in surprise. Charleigh nodded and pulled her sleeve up, faint scars permanently embedded into her skin. “Considering she  she came home drunk at 2am, jumped because she saw me still awake and accidentally dropped a wine bottle on the kitchen side and it shattered over my arm..it doesn’t look too bad. The incident never hurt as much as the memories do...”
“I begged Dad to let me spend the night at her house...he only let me because you guys needed to finish the album...” She mumbled, chuckling to herself.
“Your Dad never forgave himself for that you know...” Niall admitted.
“I know...” She whispers, she still felt guilty. “Maybe if I hadn’t of begged him, everything would be so different now...But I know he never wanted me to resent him for not letting me see her.” She rambled quietly.
“Charleigh...there’s only one person who’s in the wrong here. And that’s her.” Niall frowns firmly. “Not you, not your Dad. Just her. Your Dad loved her...you loved her...she was his fiancée and your mum, you two didn’t do anything wrong. You trust the people you love until they give you a reason not to trust them” Niall rested his arm around Charleigh.
“Dad always said the day he stopped loving her was the day he ran in to get me from the burning house...thank god he never got hurt” She whispers. 
The conversation was interrupted with the ring of Niall’s phone. “I need to take this...get writing trouble” He smiles, tapping the notebook and taking the phone call outside of the room.
Charleigh picked the pen up, spilling words upon words onto the pages. Filling them with potential lyrics, and ideas. When Niall came back, Charleigh was already scribbling away with piano chords and lyrics.
The day had flown by, they had pieced together Charleigh’s perfect song, with help from Niall, she had a stripped down, piano recording of them singing it together in his home studio.
Towards the end of the week, Charleigh felt so much more relaxed after spending the week in LA, catching up with friends and having time for herself. She had the week to take a break from travelling with her Dad, being on the go 24/7 and mainly, just a little time away from her Dad.
They had really been getting on top of each other lately, and Niall could see a huge difference in Charleigh. She seemed well rested and happier, calmness filling her body.
Friday had rolled around and she was eating a crispy chicken salad outside in the garden for lunch while finishing up some work.
“Hello Cherry” A voice sounded as a tall, curly brunette man appeared, coming out of the French doors.
“Dad?! What are you doing here?!” Charleigh grins, placing her food on the table and rushing over to him. His arms instantly wrapped around her tightly.
“Came to see my girl...missed you” He smiles, embracing her tightly. Charleigh cuddled into his chest tightly, the familiar scent of his Tom Ford aftershave that she had definitely missed, hit her happily.
“I missed you too...” She whispers. “Are you busy? Can we have a talk?” Harry asked softly. Charleigh gave him a nod and headed over to where she was sitting before, tucking back into her salad. “What’s up?”
“Well...I just wanted to talk to you and see what you wanted to do and...how you were feeling now compared to last week.” Harry says softly.
“I feel better. I really needed this, I was just getting tired with travelling so much and I know we’ve been doing it for a long time, but it’s different when you’re older” She explained, pushing her food around with her fork.
“I’m really glad I came here, we we’re driving each other stir crazy and I think we just needed a few days out of each other’s hair” Charleigh admitted truthfully. “Because I realised that I missed you”
Harry smiles with a chuckle. “I agree...I missed you too you know. Although it was great to not have our tour bus a total tip and full of all of your stuff” Harry teases with a smile. “Hey! You have just as much stuff!” Charleigh pouts.
“Yes but I’m tidy Char. So...what do you want to do from here?” He asked seriously.
“I‘m ready to come back on tour” Charleigh smiles widely.
“Are you sure? You know we can sort something if you really don’t want to...I just...I’m not ready for you to be staying on your own yet..”
“I don’t want to be on my own either Dad. I feel safe with you guys” She sighs softly.
“Well...welcome back baby!” Harry chuckles, happily pulling her into another hug. “So, what did you get up to this week?”
“...We wrote and recorded a song” Charleigh gives him a small smile.
“You did?...Can I hear it?” Harry held a surprised grin as Charleigh nods.
*Moral Of The Story (Ashe ft Niall Horan - Original) Moral Of The Story (Ashe ft Niall Horan - Acoustic Version)*
“So I never really knew you God, I really tried to Blindsided, she’s addicted Thought we could really do this But really I was foolish Hindsight, it's obvious Talking with my father I said, "Why’d she have to leave?" He said, "Young people fall in love With the wrong people sometimes" Some mistakes get made That's alright, that's okay You can think that you're in love When you're really just in pain Some mistakes get made That's alright, that's okay In the end, it's better for me That's the moral of the story, babe It's funny how my memories Come back in my bad dreams When running wild, turned volatile It's not funny how it changes Now we’ve ended up like strangers 'Cause you burnt down our paper house Listening to my father He said “you’ll always be mine, Even if some people fall in love With the wrong people sometimes” Some mistakes get made That's alright, that's okay You can think that you're in love When you're really just in pain Some mistakes get made That's alright, that's okay In the end, it's better for me That's the moral of the story, baby They say it's better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all That could be a load of shit But I just need to tell you all Some mistakes get made That's alright, that's okay He thought he was in love But he was really just engaged Some mistakes get made That's alright, that's okay In the end, it's better for me That's the moral of my story
Some mistakes get made That's alright, that's okay You can think that you're in love When you're really just in pain Some mistakes get made That's alright, that's okay In the end, it's better for us That's the moral of our story, babe”
Tag List: @harryhoney-bee - @sunandherflores -  @beachwood-cafe - @damnasstyles - @awesomebooklover17 - @hazgoldenstyles - @evanjh - @harrysbracelet - @nerdypartytrashpsychic - @harryssweatcreaturee - @hibaiqbal12 - @ayeshathestyles - @michelleficrecs
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enigmaticxbee ¡ 2 years
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✖️✖️ 10x02 Founder’s Mutation
The one where... a doctor’s experiments on kids with genetic mutations, including his own, make Mulder and Scully think about William.
Best: Mulder: You’re never “just” anything to me, Scully.
Worst: WHY doesn’t Scully have her name on the door - WHERE IS HER DESK?!! This makes me FURIOUS. Ughyfcggbhjjhb!!!!
✔️ Flashlights
❌ Woods/Desert
❌ Slideshow
✔️ Autopsy
✔️ Evidence Disappears
❌ Scully Misses It
❌ Mulder Ditch
❌ Sunflower Seeds
❌ Voiceover
✔️ Catch Phrase: (TTIOT)
✔️ Scully is a (Medical) Doctor
❌ Mulder is Spooky
❌ Scuuullllaaaaayy! Muullllderrrr!
❌ Fox/Dana
✔️ Inappropriate Touching (that I am here for)
✔️ Casual Scully
✔️ Casual Mulder
❌ Trench Coats
❌ Bad Tie Watch
✔️ Glasses Watch 😎
✔️ Taking! It! Personally!: Mulder & Scully
50 States: DC x102 (44/50)
Investigate: Together & Apart
Solve Rate: 50%
✔️ Bechdel Test
MSR: 🐝🐝🐝
Goriness: 👽👽👽👽
Creepiness: 👽👽👽
Humor: 👽👽
Rewatch Thoughts:
William check-in: The incubator conversation outside the hospital is SO clunky…. My baby, Scully? And it’s not like the idea that William was the result of experimentation is new - it’s threaded throughout seasons 8 and 9, Scully should not be shocked about this line of investigation. So much exposition needed to get revival viewers up to speed on William 🙄
Break-up check-in: It makes me sad that even in their dreams (or nightmares) Mulder and Scully imagine themselves to be raising William alone. They can’t share their grief over the loss of their son, or even imagine themselves as a family. But there doesn’t seem to be any tension or issues working together… Why bother with this breakup if they weren’t going to do anything with it?? They didn’t have to be split up for William to be a fissure within their relationship.
I believe this was originally the 5th episode in the production schedule, which I guess is why their return to the X-Files feels so low key here. Guess Skinner just made them Special Agents again!
Mulder: How do you know that? Scully: I’m old school, Mulder - pre-google. Lol poking fun at how much random knowledge they needed to have in the original run to keep the plot flowing. (Never mind Scully GOOGLING HOW TO DO BRAIN SURGERY in IWTB - no, I will never let it go)
GaY pAniC
Scully’s back in the autopsy bay 🥰
It feels weird to see Mulder and Scully in these big SUVs instead of their FBI rental sedans…
Skinner playing both sides as usual, but he brought them back to dig things up, not to play by the rules. It still just doesn’t feel plausible to me that they would rejoin the FBI after everything that happened. Wouldn’t it have been more fun if they were trying to investigate from outside the system and going to Skinner for help and insider access? (See This from next season, I wanted more of that!)
Scully’s worked at Our Lady of Sorrows hospital for 7 years? 🤔 But IWTB was 8 years before this 🧐 Who knows how time works in txf universe.
Oh hey Doug Savant! I don’t think I’ve seen him in anything since Desperate Housewives.
I know some of the genetic disorders the kids have are real disorders - are all of them?
The plot of this episode really bounces all over the place - especially with the detours to remind us about William. Lotsa leaps in logic needed to get to the janitor being the founder’s son.
Why is Mulder the only one who hears the sound? Is Kyle trying to send specifically him a message? Why him?
Bad things happen when the birds gather. Lolololol
I do love me some hurt/comfort and protective!Scully though
Why is the little girl blond in the flashback and has black hair in present day 🧐
I’ve always been into stories about super kids escaping from evil captors who want to exploit their powers - Escape to Witch Mountain was a favorite of mine.
Mulder imaging what it would be like to raise his son really gets me 🥺 - given the way he lost his whole family there’s so much to explore in his hopes and fears… I wish we got more but I do appreciate that we get this little bit.
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batwngs-archive ¡ 3 years
hello honey! if you're still looking for boredom stompers, which batfam member do you think gives the best hugs if they are feeling so inclined 🧐 for science obviously 🧐🧐🧐
dick without a doubt gives the best hugs (at least imo). he's very comforting, and consistently so, and he definitely knows how to use that skill to show his love to those he cares about. I think he would also be very gentle with his hugs too, with one hand holding your neck to ease you into the hug, and having that hand travel to just hold you and rub small circles into you back. even after a hug is done, it's not entirely over because dick tries to hold on to you for a bit longer, maybe with his hands moving to hold your arms and keep them warm from whatever aches you, or he locks his arms around you to keep you close to him just a bit longer, the feeling of your joy (even the smallest kinds) breaks a smile on his face. his hugs just have a way of saying "im here for you, I won't let you handle this on your own" or that "I'm happy for you and I want you to stay this way"-- his own silent way of saying I love you and I want you to be well.
however, I also think duke gives the best playful hugs, the over the shoulder/half-hug pats are his go-to. there's just something familiar and comforting about his hug, like he's known you his entire life and he hasn't seen you in a day or two. especially since he would do a gentle shoulder squeeze; I think really grounds the moment for the both of you :)
I also think bruce's hugs are probably world changing. I think his hugs are very comforting especially if you're going through a lot of emotions right in front of him. bruce is terrible with emotions-- his own and ofc with others-- so he may react with a sudden hug in times of great distress. he probably sees him hugging you in such highly emotional moments as a way to shield you from everything that's causing you to feel that way-- kind of like he's trying protect you from the world and its emotions. other than that, I think his hugs would generally be a bit awkward
send me questions or headcanons bc im bored <3
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personasintro ¡ 2 years
i'm kidding 😆 just poking fun at those asks who always send that the day after u update haha
ahh i loved 51 a ton <3 i am glad jk got to talk to hobi, he really needed to. the whole situation is shocking for him no doubt but i think he's healing the way he needs to... now lets talk about yn 😳
the way she kept mentioning the "butterflies" and "weird feeling" in her stomach... miss ma'am are u feeling what i think u are 🧐 i never know with ur stories mimi, you always surprise us. but her comments abt it, especially the ones she made at her job...rather sus and well, i have hope that they will be endgame (little hope but it's there 🤡)
honestly, i respect her. if i were in her shoes i would fall so damn hard for jk, best friend or not 😭 i'd probably fall fast and fall HARD. like THE FLIRTING? AND THE PRINCESS, BABY, BABE NAMES?? she's such a trooper idk how she controls her feelings
now for this long ask conclusion (i am so sorry 😭), i am rlly excited for ch.52 and am really anticipating jk bringing up the yn desire thing again. whether they do eventually go raw or not, i'm dying to see where it leads after what he told her. i am also really looking forward to all u have planned! the camping trip, maya's wedding, visiting jk's parents, the overseas vacation the group wanted to go on, and everything we don't know of yet!
cheering for you!! 💖🙌 good luck with your new job and make sure to rest a lot and take care of yourself :) this anon will be here whenever you get around to updating amongst your crazy life
hahaha not like there’s to spoil anything anyway 🫣🥲
yeah, he’s in his healing process and sometimes we don’t know if it’s the right one, sometimes we feel like it’s not and you’re not 100% sure like “yeah this is it” but we can see his own journey in this 🥺
haha but maybe it’s not that deep at all, maybe she just realizes she’s attracted to him too much 🫢 like she said, he ruined her for all her future partners 🥶 but I’m not surprised, who’d be able to move on from a man like him? 🫣😮‍💨
thank you so much! there is still a bunch of fun stuff about to happen until we reach the end (don’t mind me 🥲 I hate mentioning the end but I have to because it’s gonna happen 🥹) and I can’t wait for you to read it! the chapters will be amazing (I hope!) but some of them are my most favorite!! 🫶💕
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h0rnyshakespeare ¡ 2 years
Ok bc we all know Katsuki’s the class’s resident relationship advisor
Skkfhhjsjx I saw this idea somewhere (on tumblr I think) and it’s just so good
It all started when Todoroki went to Bakugou to ask him something about Midoriya when they were newly dating
Idk WHY homeboy thought asking Bakugou was a good idea💀
Maybe it made sense to him bc Bakugou’s known Midoriya since childhood
And Todoroki probably figured, “We’re friends, right? We’ve been close since retaking the hero license exam together…”
(Ok that was kind of a joke but IMAGINE IF HE REALLY THOUGHT THAT😭BABY NUU)
So whatever the reason, Todoroki pulled Bakugou aside; the conversation went a little like this:
“What the hell do you want, Half-and-Half?”
“Does Midoriya like flowers 🧐❓❓”
“Does he?”
“Bakugou, it was just a question🧍‍♂️.” (I’m sorry this gives me “Bakugou, they’re just kids,” vibes-“
Anyway, Bakugou sighed and grumbled that the ‘damn nerd’ was into ‘that kinda cheesy, romantic shit,’ (izukuuu🥺) then cursed at Todoroki some more before walking away.
He’s a little… special :3
A few days after Todoroki gifted Midoriya flowers (“Ah, uh, Todoroki-kun, you didn’t have to 0///0” “Do you not like them?” “oH NO I LOVE THEM THANK YOU SO MUCH😭😭”), everyone was chilling in the common room when Mina made a remark on how she’d never thought Todoroki did romantic gestures, to which he responded, “Bakugou told me Midoriya liked romantic gestures, though.”
“He gave you relationship advice👀❓❓”
“Ohohohoho… interesting. All that romance manga should’ve put something useful in his brain😏”
“…Bakugou reads romance manga?😶”
“He does.”
“I should ask him to lend me and Sero some…”
And like the big gossip she is, Mina told everyone in and out of their class💀
So now, anyone who doesn’t have a death wish (*cough* Denki *cough*) goes up to him for all their romantic problems
“Heyyy Kacchan🌚~”
“The hell do you want, Pikachu?🤨”
“So like,,, I can’t decide between Jirou and Shinsou….”
“You know, I never really thought of that. 0-0”
Insert very loud and dramatic sigh by Bakugou here💀
He soon finds out who exposed him, he’s not stupid.
There were only two people (one of them being Kirishima- the only person who’s been in his dorm) who knew about his collection anyway.
“Why, hello to you too, Bakugou.”
“You fricking told everyone, you little shit? Hah?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about😗😗✋”
It only takes him threatening to finish all of Mina’s expensive shampoo (that she grudgingly shares with the rest of the Bakusquad) to get her to confess
“Okay fineee, but our classmates desperately need it.”
“But Bakugouuuuu! Counseling isn’t freeeee🥺”
And thus, Bakugou’s peaceful life at U.A. had come to an end.
Until he started threatening to blow anyone up if they didn’t leave him alone
But then again
He does that all the time sooooo
Ig everything’s back to normal🤡❓❓
(Not with Todoroki tho, he still gets advice from Bakugou or tries to)
(The two of them have started sharing romance manga too :3)
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riyawriteshermind ¡ 2 years
Tu khwaab sa mila Kyun khwaab todh doon
Bucky Barnes x reader
Genre: angst, revenge
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: She was an angel before she was turned into the devil. He was hooked. Why was seperation too hard. You were nothing. All He See Is RED.
Words: 1.5K
Warning⚠⚠: mentions of death, murder, cheating, bit of cursing, dark...
A/N: Reblog and leave a comment. I would really like to hear your opinions.
📍Masterlist pinned in my profile📍
DO NOT STEAL MY WORK (also includes my posters for each story) !! I’LL HUNT YOU DOWN AND KICK YOUR ASS. 
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(If you want to use my posters then you’ll have to contact me through Tumblr or through DMs.)
Edit: I'm a lazy bitch... I should have written this part.. Sorry for making it confusing...
There was nothing in his mind. Yet the thought of you was filling up his mind like poison. Why was he dreading it? That wasn't necessary. He was happy. Even though it wasn't the case for the people around him. You were his past. He needn't live with guilt every day. The guilt of gradually falling in love with you. A thing that was a blessing for you was a fault in his plans.
This was his plan from the beginning. Get to know Nora through you, because he knew she wasn't vulnerable and easy to trap as you were. He was cautious, even though he didn't need to be. He could see it in your eyes that you were utterly, obliviously in love with him. But there was a problem. Nora was dating at the time. It was an unknown fact to all that Bucky and Nora knew each other outside of the avengers. Lingering stares, seductive gestures from her during parties were his signs of confirmation. So that’s what he worked with.
The phone on the nightstand lit up. As she looked over to respond. Her face contorted into a confused one. She glanced over to the other side of the room. Her victim was still in the shower. As instructed, she walked out of the motel room crushing the soft metal under her red heels. 
* * * * 
Bucky let out a sigh of satisfraction and contentment as he wiped his upper body- fresh out of the shower. “Damn it!” he cursed, accidentally stepping on something hard. Suddenly his lungs were devoid of oxygen. Nostrils flared, ocean blue eyes drowning in the depths of hell, hands shaking. He had never worn his clothes faster in his life. Grabbing his cellphone, he made a beeline for the entrance of the motel. 
He knew the earth’s Mightiest Heroes wouldn’t rest until they avenge what one of their beings has lost. They were called the Avengers afterall.
The woman in his bed was no longer there. She was a few minutes ago. His hands were wrapped around the tracking device that was installed into her bracelet, now in pieces. Luckily he didn’t find the necklace anywhere, so he decided to follow its directions. But all his confirmation about where Nora could be, was down the drain when he saw the red dot he was following reached a place he never thought of seeing again. It wasn't his friends. But enemies. 
Not just A Hydra base. The same hydra base that produced the winter soldier.
Dripping of water droplets and the ruins of the blown up building crunching under the weight of his boots were the only sounds audible even to his enhanced hearing abilities. Gulping down the dreading, nightmare inducing thoughts flooding his mind, he walked further into the dark hallways. Scanning through each room, he took each step with extreme precision walking out of each corridor. Until he heard a cry, it made him stiff in his path. Walking faster he reached a room that could be easily referred to as the devil’s workspace. It was one of the rooms he was held in. Calloused fingers brushed the opaque turned glass,wiping down years of dust and debris. Adjusting to the dim light in the room he squinted to see what’s inside. A grunt of frustration left his lips as he recoiled to wipe down the three inch circle one more time. 
But this time, before he could process what was going on life flashed before his eyes. He saw a glimpse of himself tied up to the devil’s machine. He stumbled hitting his back on the opposite wall. Heaving and panting he clutched his chest, moisture consuming his vision. His mind was playing tricks on him. He quickly took his phone to call Steve out of muscle memory, only to realise that he couldn't do that anymore. 
This never happened. Steve was always there for him. Clearly he didn’t think this through. He was so caught up in the ecstasy of his plan working out so smoothly that he didn’t think twice that if all of this was worth the woman he was doing all this for. Cursing, he snapped out of his trance. 
He was angry with how much power you had over him. Why did just another ordinary girl like you make it hard for him to betray. Though the fact that irritated him the most was that you were oblivious to the power you held. He remembers the time when Civil war happened, you stuck with him rather than siding with your own brother.  Another muffled scream, made him jump out of his skin. 
Quickly jumping back into position, he kicked the door open only to witness the unthinkable. In the middle of the room, nothing but a bed with a RED mattress and sheets. Nora and another man, both naked and tangled in the bed sheets. With a screech Nora bunched up the bed sheet to cover herself, with apologies and excuses falling from her crimson lips. But the only thing Bucky could see was RED. Pointing the gun towards the man he pulled the trigger as he ducked. Everything happened in a flash for the next few moments. There was some kind of mist coming from the vents. It did not take more than 2 secs to fill the whole room. He saw the silhouette of the man running away and without skipping a beat he shot him.
Or what he thought was him.
Bucky felt his soul leave his body when he heard the blood curdling screams of his beloved lover. Searching through the mist, he felt emotions that he had never felt before bubbling in his veins. He fell back in horror as he stepped on something. It wasn’t something, it was the dead body of Nora. 
That was almost 5 years ago. Her death was ruled a homicide but charges couldn't be placed and the police weren't able to arrest him as all evidence was erased. And Fury transferred Bucky to the SHIELD headquarters in Wyoming. Nobody except for THE AVENGERS knew about this. 
You learned how to hide the pain, how to look normal. You understand why some go cold inside to escape the pain of isolation, why they let their empathy wither and die: numbness over feeling, mental anesthesia. You refuse. The thing is, regardless of the pain, you believe that living with an incomplete soul is a form of death, and you'd rather be a humane human in pain than a zombie needing to bite others to feed. 
It was hard for you to accept at first. But with the help of your loved ones you pushed through. 
When the pain is processed, when the thoughts are done, when the ghosts are gone, there is a sense of tranquility vengeance. It is a sense that the calm turbulent mind can work wonders. That it is not anchored to anything other than itself, yet it is so vast that it is stable.
He was numb. 
People can grow strong enough to whisper at the iron bars that hold them and see them bend out of their way, like the most crazy magic. That's what love can do: fix souls, fix brains, cure us all. I wish I could have mastered that way, but it's hard when you've been starving for so long. You can sit and call for help. You can act like there is no cage, wear a mask of coping and normality. You can rage against the bars. Yet what love makes simple, no other thing can solve. There is another escape route, yet it is one into another great pain. It is possible to be so emotionally starved that you slip through the bars, no longer bound but with your soul crumbling. That was his way out. What followed was endless emotional marathons on bleeding knees. 
"You deserve something you don’t have to question. You deserve someone who is sure of you" Your brother's voice rang in your head. 
Now that she had nothing to lose, she was free.
Reminiscent thoughts brought tears to his eyes as he held the wedding invitation in his hands. You were getting married. 
The joy of being close to you was tremendous. He learned to appreciate the little things in life as he had no more to. 
Songs sung on sleepless nights were your favorite. He assumed they were your husband's favorite too. He skimmed the crowd for the bride and groom. Then he saw it. You, standing beside your husband……… 
A face he will NEVER forget. A face he searches for each time he's in a crowd. The man responsible for his fate. The man that ruined his life. He never knew anything about him. Yet he yearned to find him. 
Fishing out the wedding invitation from his pocket he frantically searches for his name. 
Matt Murdock weds Y/n Stark.                          It read. 
That name cleared The void. The void that blocked his vision all these years was now an open door. Through it he could see the past. He stood in complete horror as he read the card again and again. Turning it to the 2nd page, he saw it… written in RED. 
He glanced up to lock eyes with you whose lips twisted into a sinister smile. And bucky thought…… 
Were your eyes always RED? 
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A/n: HEYYYYY! @turbolisedcomet this was so much fun! Congratulations on 500 🥳 you deserve it soo much! This challenge was really interesting... Very interesting topics too.. I really needed this... Some sort of a push to resume my writing.. 😁
Tagging a few angels: @zemosimp05 , @jobean12-blog , @barnestuff , @sj-ficrecs , @mysticunicorn7 , @handmaiden-of-mischief , @lovelybarnes , @lovelokiqueen , @high-functioning-lokipath , @blanketbarnes , @immersed-in-mischief , @buckysbabygorl @donaweasley , @jurassicbarnes-writes , @pellucid-constellations , @kinanabinks , @sebs-oceaneyes , @lil-stark , @lil-nas-z , @babyboibucky , @mentallyunstabletheorist , @itsberrydreemurstuff . I'm sorry if I've missed some😊. Hope you enjoy...
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dribs-and-drabbles ¡ 2 years
When PatPran first fight at the bins in ep1, Pat's kicking the red bin and Pran's kicking the yellow one until the red falls. I kind of assumed this was about ep6 and Pran running away from his feelings/their love and Pat following him all the way to the architecture camp.
But could this be a hint to the rest of the eps as well?? That the architecture faculty's going to be the bigger obstacle that they're going to have to push against?
Either way, it's also really strange that there's absolutely no blue in that frame
Omg, yes, Anon!
You know, there are some scenes I keep looking at thinking there must be something significant about them and not being able to formulate what...and this is one of them. Why a yellow and a red bin? On one hand, I wonder if they might just be in common use in this part of Thailand (is it Bangkok?) because at the bus stop there's also a yellow and a red bin...BUT if we ignore the 'real world' and think about the world of BB then there can be some more interesting interpretations... 🧐
It's definitely interesting that it's Pat's family that has the red bin - why not Pran's since they are supposed to be the 'red' family (because of the architecture colour)? But I do like that Pran's family does have bit of red too, with the mail box on the wall...but it's true - there's no blue. 👀
I do love the idea that the yellow could still signify Pat and Pran's love and happiness, therefore it's symbolic here that Pran kicks and tries to push that bin away - since he spends a long time trying to repress and push away his feelings for Pat. I also love the potential reason for the red bin falling is that it represents the possibility that the architecture side will be the biggest obstacle to Pat and Pran - especially Pran's mum.
BUT I think it could also illustrate how it's Pran that will feel things deeper and be affected more - therefore will metaphorically 'fall' - and that Pat will be there to pick him up as he does in this scene and as Pran tells him to. Their love and happiness will always be between them, though.
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Going back to the absence of blue again - later, at the bus stop, the two bins have been defaced by graffiti...blue graffiti to be exact. So the lack of blue in the earlier scene could signify how up until that day Pat and Pran have been estranged from each other...and then the presence of blue later could show how they've already intrinsically become united again even just after a few days.
Side-by-side, the red of Pran, the yellow of their love and happiness, and both covered in the blue of Pat ❤️💛💙 Almost paralleling their faculty jackets - one blue, one red, and both with a circle of yellow on their hearts.
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