#do you have the jedi? or destroy them on your path to power?
dathomirdumpsterfire · 5 months
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okay hear me out...
fan made visual novel where the reader is the new chancellor of the republic after sidious dies under mysterious circumstances. (*coughitwasyoucough*) all the various jedi and sith are alive. the clone wars continue. multiple endings, morality system, dating options. 🤓
(art credit: photomanip of imperial throne and maul from comics, cleaned up and spliced together with a ui.)
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maidenvault · 1 year
RotJ makes a point of letting us know that Leia is Luke's sister, they've known this on some level for a long time, and he probably cares more about her than anyone in the world because this gives so much more weight to his conflict at the end of the movie, and I think this is a huge thing people overlook when they argue that him redeeming his father represents a rejection of the old Jedi ways of non-attachment. Because in the moment he has to let go of Leia and his friends to be able to actually save Anakin.
When Obi-Wan tries to convince Luke that he has to kill Vader and there's no other way, he doesn’t really discuss it as an issue of Luke having an attachment to him. I think he knows this isn't really the Jedi way but just like in the previous war, they don't seem to be faced with any good choices. Obi-Wan believes what Luke wants is truly impossible and, having failed to stop Vader when he could have before, of course he's trying to stop Luke from making the same mistake.
But it's significant that in the same conversation, Obi-Wan does warn him that his love for his sister could be made a liability if he's not careful. When Luke learns he has a twin and reveals how strong a connection he feels with Leia because he doesn't even have to be told who it is, Obi-Wan's response sets up how this will play into the climax of the film:
"Your insight serves you well. Bury your feelings deep down, Luke. They do you credit, but they could be made to serve the Emperor."
Then when Luke is brought to Sidious, he reveals to Luke that the Rebellion is walking right into a trap as a way to torment and provoke him. Luke gets angrier and angrier while helplessly watching the fleet get ambushed and finally does just what Sidious wants and tries to attack him. But it's Vader specifically threatening Leia that makes Luke totally lose control of his feelings and fight him in a rage.
Luke is basically facing the same kind of test he failed so badly in ESB by running off to help his friends. When Yoda is trying to make him see he's not ready to face Vader and keep him from going to Bespin, he says something that I think is such an underrated quote in its importance to Luke's whole journey:
"Decide you must how to serve them best. If you leave now, help them you could, but you would destroy all for which they have fought and suffered."
Luke is really lucky he doesn't get killed in Cloud City (or captured, which I think at this point could have resulted in him being turned). Yoda knows Luke is the one person with a chance of defeating the Emperor and Luke just about throws that away.
But at the end of RotJ when Luke cuts off Vader's hand, he surely is reminded of his failure at Bespin and sees the path he's starting down by succumbing to his fears like that again. He stops because he sees he's betraying his loved ones and everything he is. He can only throw away his weapon and confidently tell the Emperor to eat shit then because he's no longer afraid of dying or of those he loves dying. He's done what his father couldn't do and kept his soul intact, which is what Leia would want. Because real love isn't selfishly trying to save someone by betraying what they believe in like Anakin did with Padme. And it obviously has to be an incredibly powerful thing for Vader to see his own son able to do this, even comparing himself to the man he once was ("I am a Jedi, like my father before me").
We remember everything working out okay so it's easy sometimes to forget that Luke gives this triumphant speech when the rebel fleet is getting pulverized outside and things overall still look pretty hopeless. He probably expects he could die at this point. But like Obi-Wan in his own death scene, he knows nothing can destroy him now. And it's the love he feels for his family that gives him the strength to let go.
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twinsunstars · 20 days
What if the Imperials Were the Rebels?
So I was thinking about if Star Wars had a “What If?” series like Marvel does, and I starting thinking about how some characters part of the Empire would be the rebels in another universe. I found it pretty interesting (and Star Wars should really do a “What If?” series), so here are my own versions of what roles I think the Imperials would play if they were the ones fighting in the Rebellion (and Palpatine is still Palpatine). (I didn’t include Kallus because he did defect to be a rebel in canon, so in my AU he would possibly remain an Imperial, as this focuses more on people who never defected and stayed loyal in the canon universe.) I’ll discuss just a few characters below and my thoughts on them.
Feel free to let me know your own thoughts and ask about any Imperial characters I didn’t discuss!
Darth Vader: He would remain Anakin Skywalker in my AU, helping to lead the rebellion. Also being one of the Jedi part of the Rebellion, he helps to fight against the Inquisitors and lead the Rebellion towards the right path. The Empire had taken his master, padawan, son, and daughter away from him years ago and had assassinated the love of his life; he would do anything to bring them down. Is also one of the strongest pilot fighters the rebellion has.
Wilhuff Tarkin: I imagined Tarkin as like an individual similar to Commander Sato from Rebels and General Dodonna from the original trilogy/Rebels. He leads one of the main rebellion fleets and is highly respected as a commander. Was offered a position in the Empire but had immediately refused in its early days, not wishing to serve under this new regime. Has led many of the rebel attacks against the Empire with many success rates.
Thrawn: As a general and a pilot fighter in the rebellion, Thrawn leads one of the powerful squadrons in the rebellion. Often comes up with many of the attack strategies when preparing for an ambush, and is ready to command and attack when the Empire gets a level up on them. Often feuds with Hera Syndulla, one of the most powerful admirals and TIE fighter pilot in the Empire.
Orson Krennic: An engineer and a rebel commander, Krennic has helped design many of the weapons and starfighters the rebellion uses against the Empire. Has led many rebel fleet attacks while stationed in the base, helping to direct the fleet to their target.
Inquisitors: I viewed them as the Jedi of the Rebellion, as characters like Ezra, Kanan, Cal, Ahsoka, and other Jedi alive during this time would be the Inquisitors. They would be spread around in the galaxy, continuing to help keep up the fight against the Empire and protect young Force-sensitives from the hands of the Inquisitors. Have all met Anakin Skywalker and would follow him into battle any day.
Morgan Elsbeth: I felt like thinking about her and how she would potentially fit into this AU, as she did basically design those TIE fighters that Thrawn adores so much while she worked inside the Empire, as seen in Tales of the Empire. Morgan would be an engineer like Krennic, focusing her designs primarily on the starfighters for the rebellion to help them succeed. Has worked with Thrawn and designed the fighters for his squadron, watching the fight from the ground. The Republic was responsible for the execution of her native people, and now that it had become the tyrannical Empire, her only wish was to destroy it.
Edmon Rampart: I based this off some of the theories I would read about Rampart potentially becoming like Kallus and turning around to become a rebel, but we saw where that went lol. I see Rampart as one of the rebels part of the Alliance who had escaped the Empire after being caught by Hera Syndulla, conveying a lot of important information to the rebellion while remaining in an Imperial position. He has helped lead many rebel attacks and add successful strategies in the fight.
Royce Hemlock: You may be thinking, how does someone like Hemlock become a rebel? When I was thinking about this AU based off his skills and use to the Empire, I thought of him as being a lead medical doctor in the rebellion and partly an engineer, using his skills for healing and designing useful assets and weapons for the rebellion to take advantage of. Had not gotten expelled from the Republic Science Corps in this AU, but was forcefully kept in a secret facility for Palpatine’s wants after the fall of the Republic, and managed to escape. Not much of a direct fighter but knows how to handle a blaster, would rather stick to the base instead of being up with the pilots, but would do anything to make sure the Empire meets its demise.
Eli Vanto: A commander of another rebel fleet, and Thrawn’s partner in many of the rebel attacks and strategy meetings, Eli is respected for being the one to find out many of the Empire’s secrets through his spies scattered around the galaxy and his own aspirations to perform deep research into the Empire’s hidden goals. Used to only be a minor admiral in the rebellion until Thrawn took note of his skills and Tarkin found him worthy of promotion to do more for the rebellion’s military.
let me know your thoughts and hopefully you found this interesting!
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limnsaber · 9 months
Mandalorian Slash Fic Rec List - DinLuke Volume I: Big, Medium, Heartfelt and Solemn
Hello!! Welcome to the first volume of Mando Slash Fic Rec- Dinluke! This is a collection of Dinluke fics that have a notable wordcount and fics that have a more heartfelt/solemn tone, sorted under headings that make the most sense to me personally. For reference, 🔐 means a restricted work and 💜 means an personal favorite. Check out Mando Gen lists I, II, and III. Please enjoy and give love to our cherished fic authors who we owe so much to!! -Yours, Limn <3
Big and Long and Impressive
💜 The Wanderer and the Seer by @kevystel (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Ensemble Cast, Mandalorian Politics, Original Mandalorian Characters, Mandalorian Culture, Diaspora, Teen, one of my favorites!!, 98k)
Din Djarin is temporarily relieved of a single dad's responsibilities, only to be saddled with the much greater responsibilities of Mand'alor. Temporarily. Hopefully. This is not the story of a great man becoming king; it's the story of some dude finding his place in the galaxy, freedom, and personal happiness through having some goddamn decency and good manners. Also the power of love, or whatever.
finding the lost and losing the found (series) by deniigiq (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Ensemble Cast, Mandalorian Politics, Romance, Family Dynamics, Political Alliances, Teen, 35k)
“So you’re not stealing my ship?” Mando said. “What do I want with your ship?” Luke demanded. “I don’t know. I don’t usually ask,” Mando said. (Luke tries to help his student stay focused on his studies by helping his student's father. It's harder than it looks.)
A Near-Mythological Event by SybilStarnes (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Ensemble Cast, Force Sensitive Din Djarin, Mand'alor Din Djarin, Living Waters of Mandalore, The Mandalorian Darksaber, Explicit, 116k)
Desperate to rejoin The Tribe, Din Djarin (with Grogu) travels to Mandalore to seek the Living Waters. Once they're in the caverns below the destroyed mine, a cave-in cuts off their exit. Grogu calls for help, and the legendary Luke Skywalker responds.  Cleansed by the Living Waters, Din returns to his Tribe to reswear to the Creed. He discovers it has new members, attracted to a Child of the Watch bearing the Darksaber. Meanwhile, Luke has offered to help Din learn to use the weapon. The Mandalorian finds himself on a new path, one that draws him deeper into Mandalorian politics and closer to the Jedi.  With the help of several guest stars, including one fat and sassy Force ghost, Din struggles to free Mandalore from Imperial dominance.
All the pretty places that feel like home (series) by SunshineAndaLittleFlour (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Ensemble Cast, two dangerous warriors coparenting a tiny frog, Explicit, 73k)
“Would you be more comfortable if I called you something else?” Luke asked, and it should have been teasing, but it was genuine, the soft freedom to be who he wanted in this place. And that careful gift, that offer of being who he wanted, uncontrolled and unfettered, filled Din with a lot of hope and a little bit of terror. Who was he without the creed? His people? Who was Din Djarin, standing in the halls of someone who had once been his people’s greatest enemy? Din shook his head, hearing his own breathing echo inside his helmet. “No. You can,” he faltered briefly, then took a deep breath. “You can call me by my name.”
buy a big house where we could both live by @villanellve (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Ensemble Cast, Post-Canon Fix-It, Slow Burn, Mature, 73k)
Din trails behind them and reminds himself this is temporary. He’ll make sure they get to the temple safe, and once he’s sure that Luke agrees to continue training Grogu, he’ll leave them. Grogu reaches up with his hand to tug at the edge of Luke’s shirt, and Din’s fingers flex at his sides. This is the way, he tells himself.
🔐 Get Back Homeward by berryfunkedup (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, POV Alternating, Jedi Tradtion & Culture, Clones, Getting Together, Teen, 42k)
Luke is at a stalemate with the New Republic in the aftermath of everything he lost in the war and his inheritance of the Jedi’s legacy. Din seeks his tribe and takes bounties, living according to the Way. And Grogu and the Jedi are not part of the Way. But he is definitely not the new Mand’alor, no matter what Mandalorian tradition about the Darksaber says. After Moff Gideon is assassinated while held in New Republic custody, Din and Luke must work together to clear the Mandalorians from blame and uncover the real culprit. Along the way they encounter terrible politicians, fights over naps, old secrets, and just maybe, find their way forward.
Medium and Impressive
parry, parry, strike by @alchemyalice (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Leia Organa, Post-Season 2, Teen, 18k)
“Oh? What are you, their king?” the Senator says sarcastically, and then freezes at the same time Din does. “...No,” Din says. He does not sound convincing.
I have made this place around you by HeadOn_HelmetOff (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Dialogue Heavy, Early Relationship, Introspection, Teen, 25k)
“Do you know who you are, Din Djarin?” Survivor of Aq Vetina. Mandalorian. Bounty hunter. Apostate. Father. Mand’alor. “...No,” he uttered. Luke nodded sagely. “Then that’s what we’ll focus on first.”
💜 A different kind of blood by HeadOn_HelmetOff (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, The Armorer, Paz Vizsla, Good Parent Din Djarin, Good Teacher Luke Skywalker, Pre-Relationship, Mandalorian Culture, Jedi Culture & Tradition, The Mandalorian Darksaber, Teen, 25k)
A slight twist on events in Ch. 5 of The Book of Boba Fett: when Grogu is afflicted with visions of his father injured on Glavis, he and Luke make a decision that will greatly influence Din Djarin's journey toward redemption and reconciliation with the survivors of his covert.
where the spirit meets the bone by @ebonybow (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Developing Relationship, Intimacy, Canon Divergence, Explicit, 28k)
He dreams of his head feeling too-heavy on his shoulders, his helmet filling slowly with water. - Din navigates new feelings regarding his creed, himself, and a certain Jedi.
pluck a heartstring, duck for cover by owlerie (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Canon Divergence, Mand'alor Din Djarin, POV Alternating, Touch-Starved Din Djarin, Slow Burn, Sparring as Flirting, Mature, 28k)
“He's a bit of a sex icon, your Mandalorian," says Leia over breakfast the next morning, nose buried in a sea of taxation reports. Luke promptly inhales caf three inches up his airway and doubles over hacking gracelessly. “I— wait— he's not my Mandalorian," he chokes out, to which Leia raises a single dubious, well-groomed eyebrow.
Heartfelt and Solemn
crystals in the current by @willowcrowned (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Romance, Family, Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple, The Force, Teen, 22k)
Luke gets the message from the child in the early evening. It’s spring on Yavin, and the wind smells like the glowing purple blossoms that cluster in the corners of old rooms and spring up through the pavement. The air is heavy with twilight, the orange-violet of the sky creeping its way down, filtering through the new-leafed boughs and down to where he’s sitting under a tree. or Luke takes Grogu, but the sundering on the lightcruiser isn't an ending; it's a beginning.
Timshel by skywalkers (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Force Visions, Hurt/Comfort, Order 66 (Star Wars), Hurt/Comfort, Getting Together, Teen, 5k)
“I think there’s something I can do to help him. A technique I could try.” Luke says. “I could use your help.” “What do you need?” Din says. Anything, he thinks. Anything. “I think he would be more open to the process if you do it as well.” Luke’s eyes, keen and ever-blue, that have the impossible ability to find Din’s own behind his mask every time, meet his own. He looks unsure. It’s not something Din ever thought he’d ascribe to Luke Skywalker. “But the process can be...intense. I understand if you don’t want to do it.” Din flips it over in his mind for a moment, considering. He’s not exactly sure what Luke is asking of him. But what kind of an example would he be if he asked Grogu to do something he refused to? And, looking at Luke, how could Din refuse him anything? Not that he could ever say that. Din nods. “‘Course. Show him there’s nothing to be afraid of.”
resonance by pixie_rings (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Kyber Crystals, Planet Ilum, Gen, 10k)
Rebuilding a dying Order is never easy. While exploring the ruined planet Ilum, Grogu gets a calling, and Din and Luke reflect on their son growing up - with and without them.
the unbearable loneliness of distant stars by Liathejedi (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Falling in Love, Teen, 10k)
Din wonders when the Jedi became Skywalker, and when Skywalker became Luke, or when the lines between stranger and friend had blurred and left him standing in an unfamiliar ship, folding bare hands around a man he barely knew and feeling like his breath had been lost to the stars. A Jedi and a Mandalorian face down the ashes of the Empire and learn what it means to rebuild a broken people.
Mand'alor, The by scheidswrites (Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Angst with a Happy Ending, Character Study, Grogu, Bo-Katan Kryze, Gen, 3.5k)
They called him Mand’alor the Reclaimer, Mand’alor the Unifier. Some have started to call him Mand’alor the Vanished. The rumors run rampant that he is dead.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 11 months
Crossing A Line
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Clan of Three: One-Shot
Plot: A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the jedi, and a teenager with similar powers and a heavy role to bear. High stakes can be the reason the innocence begins to crack.
Word Count: 4.8K
Pairing: Father Figure!Din Djarin x Platonic!Teen!Reader
Warnings: fighting/violence, injuries, heavy angst, heavy details of gore and murder (including children) slight ptsd, sad-but-sweet father-daughter moments
A/N: This takes place between the end of Season 2 and before the Book of Boba Fett- CONTAINS CLAN OF THREE SPOILERS. Read all of the Clan of Three Series here
"Me and the devil walkin' side by side"
The chill of the planet's atmosphere despite how close you were to the center of the galaxy. You’ve never been so close to the Core your entire life was the Outer Rim that was all you ever knew. Scars are still fresh and healing haunted memories branded onto your skin forever with you unable to escape them or have them escape you. Your eyes were glued onto the flowy cape that trailed off the bounty hunter, your protector, your savior. Things were tense given how much has occurred in little over a year. The empire, your adventures, you and the kid, Gi-
But the kid was safe. Grogu was with the Jedi getting the proper training but you didn’t though. It wasn’t safe, you needed to be with Din you couldn’t abandon him. Your gaze flickers to the new weapon resting on his hip that he’s used a bit on some quarries. It was yours by right. You fought and won it, the blood and sins of that weapon were passed onto you.
You would never touch that thing if it killed you.
The streets crawl with rodents and the pure scum of life. You thought being towards the Core on Corellia that it would be the height of luxury. How wrong you were, crime and death still clung to every planet no matter how much that planet lies claiming it’s peaceful and innocent. Din stops short in his path you coming to a halt almost running into him.
“We’ll rest for the night and continue at dawn,” His modulated voice speaks looking at the quickly setting daylight and you nod silently. You weren’t tired at all and if you weren’t in the picture he probably would have continued, but he didn’t want a young girl walking through this place so late into the night. It was an abandoned building Din had to help you crawl through an open window to move the barricaded items before the door. You wondered what the history of the building was with broken light fixtures, broken windows, destroyed furniture and anything of value already ransacked. Following up the long flights of stairs since the turbolift was out of commission reaching a floor that Din decided was adequate entered a room at the end of the hall. The room was barren with the windows cracked but luckily not broken a small balcony that showed an overview of the crime-ridden part of the capital, Coronet City.
“Get away from the window.” Din calls out and you sigh parting your gaze from the view and seeing him sprinkling broken glass on the floor in front of the door leading towards the main area then he passes you doing the same by the balcony. Taking in the inventory of the room finding some destroyed cushions taking them a beginning to dust them off before making makeshift beds on the ground. “Kid,” Din gets your attention before tossing a small ration in your direction which you catch.
“Thanks.” You respond quietly and you can sense his slight disappointment from the lack of conversation between you two since everything. It had only been a few months since…all that. While it was your choice to stay with the Mandalorian it had been a lot, wounds still fresh and time was slowly but barely healing. Without the Crest it was hard for Din to collect bounties to support the two of you if that meant rations or stolen food or sleeping in abandoned places instead of inns then so be it.
The stars and planets of faraway systems and galaxies look down being your source of light as you finish your meal and you hadn’t realize how tired you were until you were resting. Your back rested against the wall your head dipping every so often before you jerked awake. Din having situated his sleeping arrangement with a good view of both entry points notices you nodding off, “Get some rest,” He speaks and you nod sluggishly fixing yourself to be laying your bag resting beside your head your saber right beside it within your reach.
“You better wake me up to take the next shift.” You murmur and you see him nod slightly. You had a feeling he wasn’t going to, no matter how many times you assured him you could take the first watch or to wake you but then it would be morning and he would tell you it was alright. You needed the rest more than him, ‘You’re a growing kid,’ He would say, and he could still function even on a few hours of sleep or even none. Your lashes felt heavier and grew more in weight before darkness consumed you and you were quickly dragged under the peace of slumber.
The small moment of peace that were far between was interrupted by a frantic shaking jolting you awake. Your hand reaches for your weapon but you stop when you see Din hovering above you. You got to speak when he covers your mouth and you look at him with wide eyes. The sound of crushed glass alerts you and the multiple sounds of voices, “They’re on this floor check every room.” A voice comes through the walls and Din pulls you up to your feet throwing your bag over your shoulder and your saber is placed into your hands.
“What are you doing?” You whisper as he pushes you towards the balcony, “I’ll hold them off.” He responds and you shake your head, “No we do this together.” You say and you don’t get another word in as the footsteps grow closer and you’re outside. The windows don’t fully show the balcony as your back presses against the wall right beside the window listening in. It’s silent before you hear the entrance door enters and the slow crunch of glass, you hold your breath when the sudden blaster fire makes you jump and the sound of struggle grunts and groans before you hear a loud noise followed by Din making a sound of pain. Your hands shake clenching your saber wishing you could be there helping him.
Din struggles in the grasp of the bounty hunters and there was a multitude, he was able to take out a few before he was overwhelmed and forced to his knees restrained. Who he assumes was the leader steps forward a buffy man with scars visible on his body that wasn’t covered by his clothes or tattoos. “This was the Mandalorian we were supposed to be worried about?” He smirks and Din felt his blood boil but he needed to remain calm a single wall separating them from finding you.
“The Empire’s got a high bounty on your head but I’m more interested in a higher one,” He says looking over the beskar-covered man, “Where’s the girl?” Din didn’t even budge if looks could kill no one in this room would be standing right now. A sharp hit to him makes him groan though he stifles it.
“Just tell us where the girl is and we’ll let you go.” The man says leaning forward trying to offer up a deal Din slams forward the beskar cracking the bone of his nose and the leader pulls back clutching his bleeding nose as Din is taken down fully to the ground. The leader growls blood pours down his chin his teeth staining red, “Search the room, you find her…kill her.” Din’s heart lurches as he’s restrained as the others tear apart the room making sure no corner is left unchecked until all is left is the balcony. The man gives a sly bloody grin at the Mandalorian at the only hiding spot left before instructing a Rodian to check. Equipped with their weapon they head towards the balcony the crunch of glass under their boots as they open the door ready to deliver the killing blow to the young jedi. Din holds his breath waiting for the inevitable gunfire and the cry you would produce, you were going to die because of him, your blood would be on his hands. Why didn’t you go with the jedi you would be safe-
“She’s not here sir.” The Rodian announces the news and Din almost sags in relief while the leader curses, “She couldn’t have gone far, Hit the streets and start looking.” Most leave respecting their orders as the two restrainings Din bring up the Mandalorian.
“What do we do with him?” One of them asks and the leader sneers at Din, “Take him back to base…she’ll come after him.” Before Din could get any word in a needle injects through the fabric of his flightsuit and darkness quickly takes over.
The sound of the door slamming shut behind you as you release the air you were holding in. Hanging off the side of a balcony so high up in the air that the people on the streets looked like little bugs. Pulling yourself up and getting on solid ground you peek inside finding the room empty beside the dead bounty hunters that were after you. A tightness filled your chest Din was gone, you were on your own….they took him. They hurt him….they were going to kill him-you weren’t going to let them. You would make them feel the same pain if they laid another finger on him.
The streets were dark a storm brewing settling over the planet reflecting your emotions, you didn’t even know where to start who, or what you were looking for. You had some voices but that gave you nothing. Neon signs light your way through the rainy streets and alleys, despite how late into the night it was probably early morning the nightlife was active whether it would be to enjoy a night out or for more nefarious acts held so late. Gliding through busy streets crowds none paying attention to a young girl or empty alleys where creatures scamper to find their meal in the trash. It felt like hours trying to find where to even look for, who to go after, who could they even be on this planet. You weren’t a bounty hunter, you didn’t even know the first step in finding someone. It was sudden hands that wrapped around your waist the other covering your mouth muffling your screams as you’re dragged into an alley. Kicking your feet out your teeth dug into the flesh until metallic blood filled your mouth producing a cry from your assailant as another appears revealing a crude rusty blade. He looked around your age you could see the slight tremor in his grasp of the weapon.
“Just kill her already!” The man behind you yells as the other flinches before stalking closer. Kicking your leg out the blade flies into the air as your momentum slams the two of you back into a wall. The arms loosen around you and you slam his head into the wall he quickly knocks him unconscious the other scrambles to grab their blaster when they're flung into the wall opposite pinned there. The young boy quivers from his restrained position as the streetlights illuminate the young girl her hand held out. This was the power they had to be worried about, the reason a bounty was on her head. To bring the Jedi in alive or dead. Thrusting your hand forward and he too is shrouded in darkness.
When Din regained consciousness he was revealed to still have his armor on, despite his creed already broken he didn’t wish to break it twice. He was stripped of his weapons and his vambraces, leaving just the beskar armor to be his protection. Tugging at his restraints the heavy chain shakes around his wrists behind his back and from their place in the solid floor. The darkness that fills the room beside the dingy light above him allows him to see the true emptiness of the room. He curses lightly leaning his hand back against the wall, he wasn’t nervous for himself he could handle whatever torture or attempts at harm towards him. It was you he was fearful for, there was never a time where you needed to be looking for him. He felt foolish not at least preparing you for the event if the two of you were separated or if he was trouble. If the Crest still existed he would have least known you were safe but you were out on this planet alone trying to find him.
The door slides open revealing the scarred man as he stalks into the room the confidence that radiates off him. Like the deadly bounty hunter chained before him is something he shouldn’t be worried about. If he could wrap these chains around his throat and listen to the crack of his bones Din would be delighted.
“They are going to find her,” He speaks to Din as he remains silent his emotions masked by the beskar helmet, “You could have made it easy, she could have remained alive. But when my men find her they are going to rip her apart.” His grin was full of joy and malice trying to get on the bounty hunter’s nerves, “Maybe they have their way with her first? See how loud she screams before they slit her throat.” The chains were the only thing holding him back from throttling him. On his feet, his arms pulled behind him creating a strain, a growl ripped from his throat.
“You touch a single hair on her-” Din threatens just itching to tear him apart, “You’ll what kill me?” The scarred man laughs his head leaning back, “I’ll be sure you’ll get to see her corpse before we kill you too.” He pulls as curses in Basic and Mando’a are thrown at him before the door closes locking him in there. He couldn’t even feel like he was breathing, oh maker he felt sick he fell back to his knees. You were going to be okay, he would get out of here and kill anyone that dare to even look at you.
The sound of groans and fist meeting skin draws the young boy awake his vision adjusting he tries to move but he’s restrained his arms tied behind his back attached to some piping on the floor. No matter how hard he tugged and the pain in his wrist flared he couldn’t break free. Drawing his attention away from his restraint he focuses in on his superior restrained but in a chair, a wave of nauseous fills him at the amount of blood that was around the chair some speckled on the floor or in large puddles. A feminine grunt as he watches her fist make contact with his superior’s face the crack of bone and the sound of anguish emitting from who he thought was a hardened criminal.
The red liquid drips from your knuckles but it wasn’t yours as you swing your fist against another sharp cry admitting from the man and you pull back. The mess of the man the injuries all over him as he starts to slump over when you fist his hand yanking his head to look at you. “Where is the Mandalorian.” You hiss as blood dribbles from his face coughing globs his body quakes in pain.
He spits harshly it landing on your face with flecks of blood and you step back wiping it off your face and staring back at the heavy glare directed towards you. The echo of the blaster bolt and his scream fill the empty building and you see the boy behind jolt from the loud noise. Smoke emits from the man’s kneecap as he hunches over trying to calm himself from the immense pain he’s experiencing, “Where’s the Mandalorian!” You shout and he flinches shaking his head before he gasps for air. You can feel the young boy watching in horror as the man begins thrashing in his seat trying to breathe but no air entering his body. Anger and hatred fuel you as your hand clenches more into a fist watching him turn blue from lack of air.
“Stop! I know where he is!” The young boy proclaims and you drop your hand as the older man sucks in the air he was praying for loud coughs rack through his body. “F-foolish…boy…shut..up.” The man croaks his voice strained as you pull away approaching the young man. He couldn’t have been old maybe fifteen or sixteen. Crouching down and he leans back to keep a distance as he feels your gaze take him in.
“It’s at the junkyard where they are disassembling imperial cruisers,” He says as the other man curses at him, “You’ll find him there, Rel he’s covered in scars he’ll have him.” You look over him and despite the clear fear you didn’t sense any distrust.
The older man thrashes in his seat curses hurled, “You traitorous bastard. They will skin you when they find out you ratte-” It was a blur one second you were in front of him and suddenly the howl of a saber as he’s cut apart his torso hits the ground blood pooling around the body. Terror in the boy's eyes as he looks at the orange saber and he can see in the lighting the person now over the destroyed body, smeared blood from the profile of her face, the hands coated in red as she now stands over him.
“Wait please, my family is there under their protection, just let me warn them so they won’t be in harm's way.” He pleads, darkness shields your eyes, and he can’t see what you’re thinking, “Would you tell the empire about where I am?” Your voice is cold and heaviness to it as he frantically shakes his head.
“I swear on the Maker, I won’t tell a soul.” Liar. Your hand tightens on the weapon and you turn from the dead criminal slowly prowling towards him and he shakes in his restraints tears in his eyes as pleads fall from his lips.
“We could trade with you guys. We could be friends. I didn’t know. I’m Jash. What’s your name?” He’s frantic pleading for mercy as the view light sources crack the fuse blowing out as darkness grows closer but also the orange saber. Your hands tighten on the weapon. You were doing this for Din, to keep the both of you safe, leave no loose ends. The heat of the blade is so close as you raise the weapon, “No, no, no, no! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please! You don’t have to! Please! No, no, no! We can just talk! Mom! Mom! Mom!”
It’s quick and painless. Silence fills the room beside the crackle of the orange plasma. You turn from the massacre heading back into the night the blade returning to the hilt the growing storm cleaning the blood of you and cleansing your sins. No one would hurt him. You wouldn’t allow it.
Din wallows in the darkness before the sound of footsteps returns and the door opens revealing the leader followed by another man a staff in hand. Neither of them speak until the man gestures to his subordinate and the staff crackles with electricity and it’s jammed between the plates of his armor. Din seizes groaning out in pain as it rushes through his body thousands of knives embed into his skin while also being on fire. The staff is pulled away and Din slumps over slightly trying to catch his breath, “You’re making this harder Mando. Just tell us where she is.” He says leaning against the doorframe and looking down at the bounty hunter. Silence fills the room and the leader nods once more and the staff returns to Din’s body. A harsher groan of pain is the intensity and duration that increases his limbs locking up but also twitching from the pain. A rapid stream of knocks at the door pauses the ministrations of torture.
“What?!” The man yells while gesturing to stop and Din wheezes trying to calm his rapid heart. The door opens revealing the same Rodian from earlier a frightened expression on his face twists his hands together, “What is it?!” He demands and the Rodian flinches.
“One of the groups hadn’t returned from their findings so we sent out a group to find them,” He reveals but there seems to be more, “They were massacred…” A tense chill fills the room with this news. A faint rumble that could be mistaken for their fidgeting until it returns a deeper one that shakes the walls, the lights flickering, one that felt in their bones.
“si-s-sir!” A bad connection through the comms as the leader raises his commlink attached to his wrist a hologram projector appears, the signal is bad breaking in and out and what looks like a battle occurring, “The mai-ain gates have been breached-ched! We-we’re taking h-heavy los-sses! We nee- concentrated for-” A loud crack fills the air as the hologram shows their neck contorting in an unnatural angle before the line goes dead. The sound of battle was far away from them but still they could hear it, whatever was going on was big. Another call comes in though it only lasts a few moments.
“It’s h-her! We can’t sto-” A bloodcurdling scream as it ends and the three enemies of the Mandalorian felt a moment of fear, that feeling you get knowing you were close to death. Even Din knew whatever you were doing was enough to strike fear in all of them. “Get every blaster, knife, and weapon out there now!” He yells and the Rodian scampers out as the man with the staff stays beside him, “What do we do with him?” He questions and Din glares at the two if looks could kill they would ash.
“Kill him.”
The metallic smell of blood and blaster fire residue fills the air, and a sheen of sweat, and different species’ ichor taints you for battle. Like a warrior with ceremonial paints, this coated you. A steady patter fills the hall, the drip from either the leaky pipes or gaping wounds as the life slow drains. You understood death, it surrounded you frequently, people you cared for, those you tried to save and failed, even yourself. It hovered over you waiting to take you as its latest target.
Now you were death.
Clean cuts ripped through the men the heat of blaster fire flying past you or blocked reflected. Their weapons were the cause of their demise. No mercy ripping the final breaths from your victims. Making your way through the massacre of corpses the lights flickering as lone criminals try to hold their ground the last thing witness is the plasma blade the color of the sunset. The only time they would get a glimpse of daylight again. Screams of mothers hovering over children with lifeless eyes and cold skin before they too join them. It muffled in your ears a hum and quietness settling over you. Your way of blocking out your trauma is by creating more, the blood wasn’t on your hands if you didn’t acknowledge it. A steady pump of your blood through your body lets you know you were fighting and living. Faint cuts of shrapnel or blast fire that nicked you but were irrelevant.
Huddled in a corner you catch round fearful eyes staring back at you. The fear only seemed to grow when they realized they were spotted, standing mere feet from the littered bodies surrounding them. The orange light highlights the tears welling up as they stare back at death. You gaze back your grip tightening as the young eyes just stare. A standstill waiting to see who would act first. A new presence enters one you were familiar with and unlike death, you spare those young eyes. They watch unmoving as you turn away from them continuing their path the others not spared, your face branded in their mind.
Those young eyes will always remember those cold eyes.
Din pants a wave of nauseous as he almost fails at controlling his stomach. There was so much blood. Turning corners with his blaster in hand with his regained weapons only to find a bloodbath. The lifeless eyes stare at him as he made his way through the halls, the mutilated bodies of men and women…his heart growing cold and fear at the children. He followed the path of destruction if he had been smarter, and gotten out faster, you wouldn’t have done this. When the order had been given to execute him and the scarred man had left he had been quick to defend himself killing his adversary before making his escape. A sharp squeal fills the air as if an animal was put to slaughter. Following the noises the sound of the raging storm outside competes with the one created inside. Roaring pelting rain and the darkness outside make it hard for the Mandalorian to see but it’s a crack of lightning and the flash of orange draws his attention to you. The blade pulls out from the body of Din’s captor it hit the ground with a horrendous squelch, red quickly mixing with the rain.
Your body jerks whether from the crashing adrenaline or the frigid rain that soaks you, the caked and drying blood growing wet once more. The orange saber should be red from the amount of blood that soaked it. The hilt was slippery from bodily fluids and the lives that were drained. Turning away from the man a flash of lightning paints the sky and you catch the gleam of beskar armor standing in the rain. You couldn’t read his emotions as he moves closer to you until mere feet separate the two of you. He was uncertain what to do with you, comfort you, scold or yell, but he just remained silent.
“Are you okay?” Your voice is raspy and hoarse which shocks you for a moment. You didn’t think you would lose your voice, you don’t even remember screaming—you don’t remember much, just feelings and flashes of moments. He nods stiffly taking in your appearance, you would need new clothes soaked from the rain and… other things. You looked tired a sort of lifelessness in your eyes that could compare to the others inside. He couldn’t help but ignore the twinge of fear he felt, he’s never seen this side of you. Maybe with Gideon but this was brutal this was heartless lacking any form of mercy. It was like someone took over your body and committed these acts.
“Are you…?” He speaks up filling the silence that consists of rain and thunder. He truly needed to know if you were going to be. It all seemed too soon with Gideon and losing Grogu and going through everything you went through. He didn’t want to blame you.
“I thought I lost you…” Your voice cracks and the rain conceals the tears that pour down your face but he could tell, “We were supposed to be in this together and then you were gone. I didn’t know where to look or what to do.” His heart aches to hear what you felt during their time apart. He knew your connection was strong and the idea of losing another person close to you would destroy you and time you over the edge.
“Then I felt it…they were going to kill you if I didn’t find you. I couldn’t let them,” You shake your head and he can see the tremor in your hands. Flashes of what you did, the man and the boy in the warehouse, those criminals, but the innocent people, fathers, and mothers with their children. They were under their protection but you didn’t care. They were all guilty.
“I killed them.” A coldness covers the two of you with your confession, “I killed them all…they're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men, but the women and the children, too.” There’s a wild look in your eyes as the realization of your actions begins to register. Din grabs you by the arms holding you to his chest as you cry in agony. “They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them!” You shout into his chest before dissolving in tears and sobs as he consoles you in the rain a tension of comfort and death that lingers in the air.
His arm stays wrapped around you as he leads you away from the massacre that was committed by you. He knew they couldn’t stay here long, who knew what other forces may have been alerted or the empire could be arriving soon for their supposed bounty. Din wasn’t sure where to go next after this but he needed to keep you protected, keep you safe, and you would never go through this again. You would get better at this low point, too much horrors and pain for such a young life. Watching your innocence chip away from those stained with evil, even himself chipping some away by involving you in this type of life. How long could it continue until nothing was left, what would be left of you then?
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skellymom · 8 months
"The Tale of the Dathomir Witch" 
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All Ages: Sadness, mentions of canon Star Wars Empire badness, crying, and some sweet revenge at the end of this tale (you will have to wait until Chapter 3)! (I did change some of Old Daka's canon lore to write this. She really doesn't have too much of a story, decided to give her some more.)
Word Count: 2K
Chapter 1
"Start a War" by Klergy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3fmyVL6CwU&list=PLTsJd3M7E5yeGJaZsh3pgYUAQdsnbgyBD&index=123
“Gather ‘round children on this charmed night. The veil between worlds is at its thinnest. I will tell you a tale of a determined old witch who set out to change the galaxy....” 
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Cries of young voices rang out in her head. Old Daka was roused from deep contemplation. She was plotting the planets and stars belonging to the wheel of the standard cycle. The cries immediately silenced, leaving her heart mourning the void it left behind. Many young lives were suddenly snuffed out. She was sure of it.  
So many lives left this galaxy of late. She felt them all. Victims of war, slavery, grabs for positions of power. The Empire rearing its head above the surface and devouring anything standing in its’ way. The dark dragon that constantly eats and is never sated. 
She foresaw it’s growing power, for years. Tried to warn anyone who would listen...but no one would sit long enough to hear the rantings of an old woman. She did her research, consulting the elements, listening to tidbits of news along the grapevine, divination, interpreting dreams, reading entrails of small animals, the whispers of Force ghosts in the wind. The path all led to one source: 
Emperor Palpatine...now Darth Sidious. 
Daka spat on the ground even thinking his name. He was a curse to the galaxy. She never considered herself a rebel or freedom fighter. She was just an ancient Night Sister whose eyes were wide open to the higher vibrations of The Force. Palpatine was such a wasteful cur, leaving so many bodies in his wake. Including all her Night Sisters. Old Daka had narrowly escaped and went into hiding. The Jedi and Clones helped him do so, unaware that he would destroy them in the end.  
Oh Palpy, as she won’t to call him, thought himself a proper Sith. He was sorely mistaken. He played Sith. Clueless man.  
Several days passed and word spread through the galaxy: The Jedi were dead, including the Younglings. The Jedi Temple was also destroyed. Daka was sick of the killing. She would reach out with the Force to see who she could align with. She would not rest.  
"The Witch Hammer" by Sacred Soundwave: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uv4lDkOym8Y&list=RDGMEMYH9CUrFO7CfLJpaD7UR85w&index=17 
Daka sat cross-legged on the floor of her room concentrating, humming, settling in on her sitting bones. As she relaxed, felt her essence leave her body and travel around the galaxy. Tasting star dust, riding on the tail of comets, listening to foreign songs of the planets. She was searching for someone in particular.  
She reached out to Master Yoda, his presence strong somewhere in the Outer Rim. But just as she thought she could sense his location, his presence immediately vanished. 
“Bah!” She was disgusted. He was blocking her attempt to find him. No matter, she had another option. And, she found him, still alive and hiding on a dusty planet among the Outer Rim. 
“Kenobi!” she screeched.  
He jumped and spun around, facing her Force Ghost. Obi-Wan looked older, tired, broken. “Old Daka, what brings you here to my cave???” He attempted the old Kenobi swagger but fell short. Those days were behind him. 
“Darth Sidious grows stronger. I seek your assistance to bring an end to him.” 
“You don’t waste any time with formality I see. We will bring him down, Daka. Vader’s son is hidden and safe. When he grows up...” 
“Save it, Kenobi! I have no patience for waiting years while many lives are lost in Sidious’ wake. The galaxy has no time for young Skywalker to grow up. We MUST act NOW!!!” 
“Your Sith blood is much too passionate and impulsive, Old Daka. In good time...” 
“BAH! Kenobi, I can smell your fear. You hide in this cave away from your failure with Anakin, unable to confront it!!!” 
“But Anakin...” 
“Can still be saved! He can raise his children even with the pitiful condition you left him in on Mustafar. Sidious must be taken out at the knees. With his absence the galaxy will pick up the pieces. Vader will die and Anakin reborn. His children will heal his heart. His children will know their father.” 
“Daka, listen to reason!” 
“The Jedi can rise again. The Sith can come back. They will unite to become a sum greater than two factions. The galaxy will finally know balance. My Night Sisters can be restored..." 
“No Daka! I will not help you. Not now, not ever.” 
“Weak man!” She roared. “I am but an old woman that sees a better future and willing to give my life to attain it. Not hide away for years hoping for the sliver of a chance that might blow away like a fart in the wind!!!” 
Obi-Wan winced at her language. He turned his back to Old Daka, stonewalling her. 
“Goodbye Kenobi” and with that she broke the Force link between her world and his. She snapped back into her body back in her antiquated room. She was still in cross legged position, and stiff from the extended time in it. 
She was terribly disappointed in Obi-Wan Kenobi. No help whatsoever.  
Old Daka had one other option.  
With effort, she got to her feet, stretching out her stiff old legs. She walked over to the ceremonial brazier and lit a bundle of Star Sedge. Dropping it in, she wafted the smoke to her face and deeply inhaled, then held the smoke in her lungs. Daka exhaled and started chanting and dancing The Spiral pattern on the floor. She reached out with both hands to find holes in the aether. She closed her eyes and continued her steps, concentrating. Continuing in the spiral, hands signing sacred symbols, reaching out for a doorway. She kept this up for some time, heating up, sweat beading her brow. Old Daka’s joints ached with the effort. The beads of sweat ran down her face, neck, now dripping. Her voice resonates, calling out past her little existence on this planet. Dancing, spiraling, hands gesturing, a transcendent exploration. 
“What do you seek, Grandmother?” The ancient voice boomed in her ears. 
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Daka opened her eyes. The Bendu stood tall, dwarfing her. 
“I request assistance in the fall of Darth Sidious. The time is close to arrival. One chance to set the galaxy free of his dark reign. I cannot do it alone. If not acted upon days from now, the opportunity will be lost in Transit.” 
“The Bendu cannot interfere directly with connecting realities of The World Between Worlds. I can, however, speak the names of those who MAY help you on your journey. There is no guarantee they will help. I give this information freely and it’s use rests solely upon your shoulders.” 
“I am eternally grateful to you Guardian of Worlds” Daka bowed down to the Bendu. Her joints popped and crackled in the process. 
"The Dream Song" by Ministry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaM-j7pzWsg&list=PLTsJd3M7E5ycaENNZcno0g45BCxUk98Zv&index=32
The Havoc Marauder was dark and quiet, save for Wrecker’s snoring and the occasional stirring of Tech working on a project through the night. Everyone else had fallen asleep, except for Hunter. An overstimulation migraine kept him up. He was hoping for the strong pain meds and hot shower to finally award him some shut eye. Hunter emerged from the refresher, nodded goodnight to Tech, who nodded back and settled into his bunk.  
With a deep sigh, Hunter closed his eyes and slowly relaxed. He blissfully started to fall into a deep sleep, settling into the blankets. His cocooned body warmed up comfortably. The sounds of Wrecker and Tech faded away to a weighted silence.  
Hunter bolted upright from his covers and looked around. He was no longer on the Marauder. An inky blackness with billions of stars surrounded his bunk. A wizened old woman sat at the foot of it. She looked as though she was lit by moonlight. 
“Maker!” Hunter thought. “Switching my pain medication. This is so vivid!!!” 
The old woman cackled “I’m real. Real as moonbeams and rainbows, and the wind you cannot see.” 
Hunter looked skeptical. But he couldn’t deny the strange thrumming vibrations running through his body. 
“Hm...The Songs of the stars, planets, quasars, pulsars. The Fingerprints of the Universe. You feel them, Yes?” 
“Who are you??? A Force Ghost?” 
“The blessed few with a live body. I traversed the galaxy to speak with you. I am Old Daka.” 
“Why me?” 
“You were the only one of your brothers who would answer. I called out to Rex, Cody, Gregor, Wolffe, and those on the Marauder. Not one heard me. Omega, however, did. She and I spoke earlier.” 
“Omega? About what???” Hunter was worried that this being had unrestricted access to Omega...if what she said was true. 
“The Force is providing a narrow window of success in the defeat of Darth Sidious. A man you might know better by the name of Emperor Palpatine. The window will close and not open again for many years...until the son of Sidious’ main henchman is of age. By that time Sidious will be much stronger. The bloodshed in his wake will be more momentous. I refuse to wait and watch the waste of lives and resources. Refuse to watch the utter misery. I need your help.” 
“Asking again...why me?" 
“Because the Force chose you...and Omega. You both are 'sensitive' and understand a purpose higher than yourselves. If Echo were more man than machine, he would have heard The Call of The Force as well.” 
Hunter was aghast. This was bigger and more dangerous than trying to escape the destruction of Kamino or dodge bounty hunters. Their family could be ripped apart, or worse yet they all could die. 
“What’s in it for us?” 
“A galaxy without the fear of living. It is not enough to merely survive. Existence is meant for higher goals.” 
“Why should we trust you???” 
“Good question, Keen Man. But I wager my bargain is much better than the ones Cid springs on you. Or your brother working for the Empire offered.” 
Hunter winced at the mention of Crosshair.  
“Darthomir witch!” Hunter rumbled. 
“Yes. Not much different than a powerful Jedi, and yet you trusted them implicitly. The Jedi are gone for now. Not many allies left. Why not trust me?” 
Hunter sat in silence then replied. “What happens if we refuse to participate?” 
Old Daka brought her outstretched hand up in Hunter’s direction. She closed her eyes in concentration. “Let me show you the cost of Order 66.” Immediately vivid images filled Hunter’s head: The slaughter of the Younglings and all the Jedi, the duel between Kenobi and Anakin, the birth of Darth Vader, the death of Padme Amadala, the loss of the Republic Senate, the transfer of power to Palpatine, the final transition to Dark Sidious, the battle and death of the clones on Starship Tribunal. 
“Now...let me show you the future of The Empire.” More images: Fascist law across the galaxy, The Empire conscripting literal children into their growing army, then enslaving and killing thousands who refused to join them, The Death Star, the destruction of Alderaan...and so much more. Eventually the images faded, leaving a deep black void. 
Hunter held his head. His heart hurt mightily. 
“You have a day to think upon it and share this information with your siblings. I will physically meet you in the Marauder at Ord Mantell and discuss more details.”  
With that she faded away... 
...Hunter started awake bolting upright. Tech had lightly touched his shoulder and was standing by with a cup of caf.  
“I thought you would sleep in all morning. The medication must have been very effective.” He handed Hunter the cup. 
“It’s about time! Omega’s been going on all morning about a dream!!!” Echo groused. 
With that Omega ran into the room and jumped on Hunter’s bunk. “Did you talk to Gran-momma Daka??? She came to see me last night! We have a VERY IMPORTANT mission to go on!!!” 
“Oh KRIFF! It was all REAL!!!” Hunter groaned rubbing his face. 
“What’s real?” Wrecker was standing in the doorway. 
“Lads...and young lady...” Hunter trailed off. How to even being to explain it all??? “Have a HUGE mission ahead of us...if we choose to take it. We need to sit down and seriously discuss it today.” 
Everyone looked around at each other quizzically. 
“Just let me just have my cup of caf first.” Hunter sighed. 
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Chapter 2 :
In this next installment, the Batch has some SERIOUS decisions to make!!!
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classicanalyzer · 26 days
Tales of the Empire Thoughts and Reflection
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Morgan Elsbeth - The Vengeful Nightsister
The Path of Fear
"It appears your path is set, Morgan Elsebeth. I pity you, for I can see what is to come." Mountain Clan Matron
The origins of Morgan's darkness begin with a tragedy. Her Nightsister tribe (whether that be a part of the same group as Talzin's or another Nightsister group is unclear) is massacred including her mother Selena (Voiced by Morgan's actress, Diana Lee Inosanto, who also voices the older Morgan in the next two shorts). You can really feel Morgan's anxiety and fear kick into overdrive as she saw her people and her own mother die to the onslaught of the droids.
General Grievous is terrifying as hell here. This is the CIS General who strikes fear into the Republic, Jedi, and the unlucky souls who have to contend with him. Likewise, there is no humor from the usually humorous and affably evil Droid mooks as we see them ruthlessly carry out the genocide of the Nightsisters.
The Mountain Clan gives me the vibes that they're Light Side-aligned witches. On that note, it's great to see other Dathomir witch clans since in Legends there were more witch clans than just the Nightsisters. However on that note, when Morgan goes on a hunting trip with Nali, the Mountain Clan Matron's daughter, they hide from a patrolling droid gunship. She then incites fear into her about the patrolling droids, even asking her if she can stand to see he mother die.
Morgan did want to protect the Mountain Clan from the Droids perceiving their unwillingness to prepare for the worst as cowardice. However, in doing so, she with three witches (one of whom is the Matron's daughter) got caught by a patroling droid gunship. But instead of getting the untrained witches to safety, Morgan went straight to destroy the droids who killed her family while leaving the witches to be killed.
The ending of the short ends Morgan alone with the fires of her fear giving way to destruction. Fear can cause a person to do things that end up harming those around them, even if the fear is out of a genuine desire to protect others. I don't think she was fully lost yet, but she clearly let the fear consume her after that.
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger." Yoda
The Path of Anger
"Why do you seek Imperial favor?" Thrawn.
"Revenge. Years ago, my people were all but destroyed. Our culture, our beliefs, are fading into memory. Yes, I seek power to ensure my future, to destroy my enemies. My anger gives me strength, and it is that strength that I offer the Empire." Morgan Elsbeth
"Offer accepted."
We open on Coruscant with 4 Venators and an Imperial ISD. It is revealed that Morgan is the designer of the infamous TIE Defender which makes her indirectly responsible for the events of Rebels S3-S4. Of course, the Imperials, particularly Moff Isdain, she presented it to are more interested in Corvus' resources, Morgan's disappointment and worries are felt with her facial expressions... until a familiar Captain is curious about her project.
Captain Pellaeon is disappointed to hear Morgan's response is the standard "Glory to the Empire" statement. Mogan is forced to return to Corvus with an angry crowd of people who worked hard and made her Magistrate, surrendered their freedoms, and trusted her to bring work and prosperity to them. It didn't help when Morgan referred to them from a backwater world and negatively looked down on them.
As night falls, with the angry crowd, Morgan remarks how "ungrateful" they're being and how they're not her people. This shows how Morgan is projecting the loss of her people on the people of Coruvs. However, she didn't take the time to be with the community as she views herself outside of it. She doesn't have long to think about this as she's ambushed by Rukh. The townspeople including Wing who have no love of Morgon now don't even bother to send the guard to help. With some quick thinking and skills, she was able to disarm and hold the assassin at her mercy. Pellaeon then revealed himself and stated how this was a part of a larger test.
With that, Admiral Thrawn (it feels so weird not seeing him in his GA outfit) enters the scene with his theme playing. As Thrawn acts more like his novel counterpart by discussing the Empire's shortcomings by focusing on self-interest and petty infighting over the growing threat of the rebellion. With that, he asks Morgon why she wants to join the Empire. She reveals that she wants revenge for her people being wiped out. It gives me the feeling that she wants to burn down the galaxy at this point, a feeling which is more true in the next short. As Thrawn gives her three of his ISDs, Wind solemnly notes that the Imperial occupation is not good news.
The ending of the short reveals how Morgon wanted to be in a community but she can't bring herself to truly be a part of it. Which is why she ended up rejected as people can't see her as one of their own since she chooses not to be a part of the community.
"Anger leads to hate." Yoda
The Path of Hate
"Be brave. No matter how dark things get." Nadura
"I can't." Wing
"You can. Help will come...... but you must be ready to do your part. Even if it is small. You can make a difference." Nadura
The dawn of the NR has come as Nadura, a former laborer, came back to her home for Corvus to become a NR planet. However, she discovers the town has only gotten worse and more oppressed by Morgan. She assures Wing that people can change and perhaps Morgan too. However, the truth couldn't have been farther. As Morgan talks about a vision she has and rejects any offers by Nadura (even thinking she's an ungrateful laborer despite Nadura pointing out the harsh conditions and "fair wages"), at that point despite Wing and Nadura pleading for a peaceful resolution, Morgon chose violence.
Even after killing the NR guards and Nadura, she had her soldiers burn down the forest almost out of spite (Nadura had pleaded with her to not burn everything around her... only for us to get the chilling statement of how her world has been burning since Dathomir). However, a ray of hope arrives when Wing is assured help is on the way by Nadura and he needs to be ready to help whatever he can. This really got to me as I was invested in Wing's growth, especially when we see him in Mando S2 helping to free the prisoners and alerting Djarin about the droid. He was able to live up to Nadura's hopes.
In the end, the cycle repeats itself. It's depressing and tragic to see how the sympathetic victim becomes the victimizer monster. In Morgan's quest to see her destiny fulfilled, she became just like the cyborg General who killed her people. The short ends with a seemingly downer note as Morgan destroys the communicator (Bo-Katan on the other side). However, there was a brief moment of Ahsoka's leitmotif used, a sign of what's to come in Mandalorian S2 The Jedi, where Ahsoka overthrows Morga and Wing plays his part, even if it is small.
Reflecting upon Morgan's character, her arc, and character remind me a lot of FF16's Barnabas Tharmr, both wanted a sense of belonging and were willing to do anything, even die for that. Morgan's revenge seems to be her wanting to burn the galaxy for allowing the massacre to happen. While we don't have a suffering short, the Ahsoka finale is the suffering of one of Yoda's famous lines.
"Hate leads to suffering." Yoda
Barriss Offee - The Conflicted Jedi
"Brothers, sisters enter. Enter. Now it is time you meet your new Master. Long Live the Empire!" Grand Inquisitor
Operation Knightfall has come... and Barriss Offee can only witness the fires of the Jedi Temple in her prison cell. Even after betraying the Jedi, she didn't want to see them perish (her reason for her actions in the first place was to protest the Jedi's involvement in the war). Of course, it doesn't take long for the Inquisitorius to take an interest. As Barriss recognizes Lyn, she discovers the narrative that the Jedi tried to "assassinate" Palpatine. Under threat of being killed if she refuses, Barriss takes Lyn's offer of an opportunity.
At Nur (I prefer Fallen Order's Nur over Kenobi's Nur but this show made Kenobi Nur look good), Barriss reunites with two Jedi, Ahmar (HE'S VOICED BY HUNTER?!) and Dante (VOICED BY ROWAN FREEMAKER?!), as we get the Grand Inquisitor (Jason Issacs is back!) recapping them of the galaxy's changes (Republic to Empire) and encourages them to prove themselves to join their ranks... discouraging them of trying to leave. Interestingly, Barriss acts the most Jedi-like (meditating while waiting) while Dante (is too scared of leaving) and Ahmar (who correctly sees that the Empire is no better than the Jedi) act un-Jedi-like. As Barriss tries to dissuade Ahmar from leaving, he scoffs (he notably asked why she wasn't in prison when they first reunited) why they should listen to her as it implies he might've been disgusted by what she did.
As Dante's opinions are validated with Ahmar's bloodied gem tossed, Barriss is taken to be tested by the Grand Inquisitor. What's really ironic is that the Grand Inquisitor became disillusioned by the Order because of Barriss' speech, and now he's giving her a crash course in truly embracing the Dark Side. You can see Barriss slow reluctance to give in to her anger but as the "fight" goes on, she becomes more aggressive and gives in to the Dark Side. With the Grand Inquisitor casually dodging her moves and encouraging her to stop "fighting like a Jedi", this results in Barriss hitting his shoulder armor... but he was still able to disarm her. As the blood drips from Barriss nose, she finally uses the Force to attack the Grand Inquisitor and with blood dripping from him, he regards her as ready for the final test.
The final test is of course... a fight to the death or else both will die. Even despite tapping into the Dark Side, Barriss doesn't want to fight... but Dante consumed by his fear decides to go for the kill. Barriss fights defensively throughout until she decides to save her life by Force-Chocking Dante. This of course is how she framed Ahsoka for murder and you can tell how shocked of what she just did as she's given her own Inqusistiro mask and greeted as a sister by Lyn.
The final scene shows Barriss, Lyn, Marrok, and even the Inquisitor from TotJ's episode Resolve meeting their new master: Darth Vader. The irony does not need to be stated. As Barriss puts on the helmet, truly accepting her role as a Jedi hunting Inquisitor. Her devotion is now with the Inquisitorius. We see the journey of someone who went from accusing the Order of promoting violence and warmongering to now joining an order of hunters who will reap violence (which she will discover).
Side Note: The Clone Shock Troopers and the proto-Purge Troopers are some of the most asshole Clones I've seen.
"Long Live the Empire." Barriss Offee
"The Jedi are a threat to be eradicated wherever they are found." Lyn Rakish
"Then you have one Jedi left to deal with." Barriss Offee
Barriss and Lyn are sent on a mission to deal with a Jedi supposedly located there. Barriss rightfully questions how they can trust the intel with Lyn's blindly believing she shouldn't question orders from the Grand Inquisitor. Throughout the entire episode, we see Barriss truly believe in the Imperial propaganda that they were bringing peace and prosperity to the galaxy. However, she sees the shantytown and ruins of a world where a rebel cell operated, and she's shocked about why the Empire would allow this to happen. Lyn coldly gives no empathy to the people as they rebelled against the Empire.
Eventually, they reach the town square where we see a major difference between the two former Jedi. Lyn aggressively threatens the townsfolk about revealing the Jedi and spews out Imperial propaganda about the Jedi which only gets her nothing from their elder. However, Barriss notices a child who seem to know where the Jedi is. Barriss' approach is calmly approaching the child, even taking off her helmet to nicely ask. Unsurprisingly, Barriss' approach worked out as the child gave the Jedi's location. This shows how despite being an Inquisitor, Barriss believes the Inquisitorius is a better version of the Order. However because the Governor lied about no Jedi being there, Lyn killed all of the people in the square. I think this might be one of the most violent moments in SW animation as we see several civilians killed on-screen. Thankfully, Barriss was able to spare the child as she encouraged them to not look back... that child is going to have so many trust issues when they grow up.
We get to know more about Lyn's thought process as it's clear she believes fear will bring a projection of strength (something which comes back to haunt her in the next short). It doesn't take long for the two to find the Jedi. The Jedi managed to knock out Lyn and we get a really cool duel between Barriss and the Jedi. Barriss tries to sympathize with the Jedi about being abandoned and left alone to join a new community. This convinces the Jedi to surrender after sympathizing with being alone and tired of running. However, Lyn then nearly kills the Jedi despite them surrendering. This was the last straw as Lyn dismissed Barriss' point of their surrender and that was when Barriss finally returned to the Light, as she Force pushed her former friend off the cliff. Symbolically, Barriss then drops her Inquisitor helmet off the cliff. She then begins to heal the Jedi as she proclaims they're not alone.
Side Note: The Jedi (They/them pronouns) is also voiced by a Queer VA, Ry Chase (goes by any all pronouns) which is amazing representation to see. I'm also so happy they aren't killed.
"I won't let you die. You're not alone." Barriss Offee
The Way Out
"I forgive you." Barriss Offee
"I don't want your forgiveness. I want you to show me the way out." Lyn Rakish
"You know the way out. You just have to accept it, Lyn."
"Stop calling me that."
"But that is who you are."
"There is no way out, is there?"
"That's what the Empire wants you to think."
"I am gonna get you out of here."
As a family with their Force-sensitive child makes their way to find help, they can meet with The Healer, otherwise known as Barriss. She has once again reconnected with her Jedi roots and embraced it. It's even highly implied she reconciled with Ahsoka which is the most heartwarming thing to know happened. However, Lyn has found them all (ironically she wasn't even searching for Barriss).
As Lyn is now sunken low to hunt children, Barriss notes how fear has become Lyn's master and not her ally as Barriss like the Grand Inquisitor dodged every strike.
In many ways, Lyn getting lost in the cave reflects how fear consumes and blinds you. As you let fear dictate your life, you cannot find the way out. But when you let go of fear, the way out is quite clear, the family and the attendants were able to easily get out of the cave as a result.
As Lyn becomes more afraid and fearful when her trapped state is apparent. We see the true Lyn, someone scared of failure, and the organization she serves. Lyn's mental breakdown reflects how just like in the first episode, fear can let you hurt people you weren't intending to hurt... as she stabs Barriss in her blind rage. However, Barriss's compassion despite everything she did was enough to finally break through to Lyn's heart, and like Reva, she abandoned her weapon to hopefully help Barriss. However, whatever Barriss lives or dies isn't important what is important is she helps her friend find the light.
Upon reflection, the Lyn represents Barriss' idealism being twisted by the Inquisitorius. Barriss and Lyn thought this new order would be better than the Jedi. However, while Barriss sticks to her Jedi's beliefs (she ended up in jail for protesting the Jedi's involvement in the war but still believed in its values), Lyn for a long time embraced the violence and heartlessness of the Inquisitorius. It's little wonder why Barriss wanted to do everything she could to help her.
Despite the darkness in these two shorts, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Happy May the Fourth!
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writerbuddha · 9 months
Based on your recent asks, do you think any other Jedi (like Yoda, Obi Wan, Mace, etc) would've reacted the same way Padmé had?
In Episode III
In Episode III, Obi-Wan's reaction isn't that different from Padmé's. Obi-Wan's first reaction to seeing a security recording about Anakin killing younglings and being Darth Sidious apprentice is "It can't be." Padmé says when he tells her about it, "I don't believe you. I can't." She runs after Anakin, so he can reassure her, it's not true, although you can see that at some level, she feels it to be true. She realizes, "Obi-Wan was right. You've changed." And "I don't know you anymore." She indicates, she cannot follow Anakin the path he is going down, because of what he have done and what he plans to do, and she begs him, "Stop. Stop now! Come back! I love you!" Obi-Wan says, "You have allowed this dark lord to twist your mind, until now- until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy" but he also tries to reason him during their duel, desperately telling him, "Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil!"
What sets Padmé and Obi-Wan apart from Yoda, and possibly from Mace is that the wisest Jedi Knights are able to tell when they have to stop fighting for the one consumed by the dark side and start fighting for those who must be protected from them. It is always possible for someone to turn back to the light side, as one is not either this or that, but there is a point where we cannot wait for that to happen, because they would cause too much harm and suffering to others while they're on the dark side. So, they must be stopped. Yoda is just better at recognizing and accepting that point.
In Episode II
Wiping out the village is shown to be Anakin Skywalker’s first step toward becoming evil, and it's defined by Lucas himself as “terrible” and “completely inappropriate,” the narrative strongly emphasizes the severe reprehensibility of his actions, it's clear on that regardless how Shmi died, regardless who the Tuskens are, this is something that one must not do. And Padmé reacts accordingly: she is shocked. However, the massacre is markedly committed before Anakin turns to the dark side, as opposed to the slaughter of the younglings at the Jedi Temple, which is his first deed done as Darth Vader, signifying his fall. The Tusken massacre is a powerful warning against allowing fear of loss, stemming from attachment, to turn into anger over loss, resulting in horrible acts that we terribly regret later and, obviously, feeding into hate. And once Anakin's anger wears off, he is horrified of what he had done while he was under its sway, he is full of regret and shame, he is beating himself up for falling under the sway of his dark side. Padmé consoles him by telling him, "to be angry is to be human", which is also a warning to the audience: good people can do terrible things when they're overwhelmed by anger. "I am a Jedi" Anakin tells her, broken, "I know I'm better than this."
Many tend to interpret the Tusken massacre as an act that pollutes Anakin with evil in some way, or reveals an inherent evilness within him, but these ideas are profoundly rejected by George Lucas' Star Wars. Evil is something that you do under the sway of fear, anger, hate, aggression and selfishness and greed, and not something what you are. Anakin does evil under the sway of his anger, but once that anger wears off, he sees his action as evil. Whereas in Episode III, he is consumed by his dark side, he is not seeing his actions as evil, he rationalizes them, and refuses to admit that he is on the wrong. This is the profound difference between Anakin and Darth Vader.
So, Yoda, Obi-Wan and Mace and the others would have reacted the same way as Padmé did - they should've condemn his actions, but they wouldn't declare him evil. The Tusken massacre was the result of Anakin being unable to control his anger over losing his mother, turning into revenge. Some people assert - and because of this, they smear the Jedi for starting to train children as early as possible - that being good is a choice between doing good and doing bad, whereas genuine goodness must be cultivated: it's the ability to keep your dark parts under check. If you slip and fall, you shouldn't feel guilty. You should feel regret; you should resolve to try your best not to repeat the harmful action or mistake; you should reaffirm the positive direction you try to put in your life; and whenever it's possible, correct or counter the harm you made. So, Yoda and Mace and the others would focus on training Anakin, helping him to practice, practice, practice and practice.
This is signaled by the narrative as well: In the Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie, Anakin is visibly distraught when he has to return to Tatooine, with Ahsoka casually quoting Master Yoda: “old sins cast a long shadow”, unwittingly addressing his issues. Anakin tells her, it means, “your past can ruin your future if you allow it.” In the Mortis Arc of the Clone Wars TV show, Anakin encounters with the likeness of Shmi, who asks him, “Tell me, where is your pain, so I might take it away?” Anakin recounts his regrets: “I was too late to save you. I failed as a Jedi and I failed you”, because, as he says, “I tasted only vengeance when I slaughtered so many to avenge your death.” The likeness of Shmi responds, "It is time you realize that your guilt does not define you. You define your guilt."
Should Anakin be in Jail for Massacring the Tusken?
It should be noted that in George Lucas' narrative, the Tusken Raiders are functioning as "violent savages". We can see that they're violent, beast-like, non-human marauder creatures who roam the deserts driven by instinct, who abducted Shmi Skywalker, one of the most compassionate, selfless characters in Lucas' story, and tortured her to death, just out of cruel whim, butchering or mutilating those who tried to rescue her. Her husband tells Anakin, “Those Tuskens walk like men, but they’re vicious, mindless monsters.” Lucas said, that scene was meant to establish the Tusken Raiders as "not completely human", they're "disliked" and "treacherous" and "deadly."
This story element has its origins in representing indigenous peoples and "the other" as stereotypes of violence and savagery, and it can be spotted in horror stories about the Assassins of the Middle-East and the Ancient Greek myths of man-killing virgin Amazons, and in the traditional Westerns, where Native Americans are portrayed very much like the Tusken Raiders in Episode II and IV. However, it should be noted that the figure of the Tusken Raider embodies the story element, and not serving as the Star Wars counterparts of the indigenous peoples who inspired the story element - nor it's a commentary on indigenous peoples. Today, it become popular to "fill in" the unknown past of Tatooine with the history of European colonialism, thus re-imagining the Tusken Raiders as demonized indigenous people rather than demonic indigenous creatures, but the legitimacy and merits of this fan-practice must be re-examined. Whether we agree with it or not, in Lucas' universe, the Tusken Raiders are violent creatures who may appear to be human-like, they're closer to the baboons of Disney's Tarzan. Indigenous peoples in his story are represented by the Talz and the Ewoks, not by Tuskens. Some would insist that if the Tuskens are really animalistic, vicious beings, Anakin massacring them wouldn't be an issue, so, they must be something more, Legends and Disney's stories are sort of catering this idea, but this confusion reveals that some failed to understand the core message of Star Wars.
The Tusken Raiders are meant to be human enough to register their massacre as something that is completely inappropriate and a terrible, but in the same time, they're non-human enough to keep Anakin the good person he was until Episode III, and not to send the message that one can murder human children and women (or children and women who are human in every way, except their form) and still be considered a hero until he turns into Darth Vader.
Lucas would says, “Anakin was a good kid, and even though he was a petulant, whiny teen – which I can say from experience seems to be the way it works; even I was one of those once – he was still a good person. Anakin has been struggling with some issues, especially about his mother, but also with Padmé and [deciding between] doing his job and his own, personal thing. And even in [Revenge of the Sith], the first third of it, he is fine. He’s a good pal to Obi-Wan and doing a great job.”
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forcesung · 1 month
Master Unduli had smiled and said, "The dark side is always at hand, Padawan. It is no farther away than a heartbeat, an eye-blink, side by side with the bright side of the Force, separated by no more than a hair. It waits to snare the unwary, wearing a thousand disguises." Barriss had heard that before, many times, and she believed what her teacher said, but she had never really felt or understood exactly what it meant. She had not been tempted by the dark side, as far as she knew. She said as much, as they moved to a quiet spot where the grasses had been engineered to grow short and soft, like a living carpet. "We’ll do the Salutation here," her Master said. Barriss nodded. She moved to one side a bit to give her Master space.
"To answer your question, let me offer this: every conscious move you make, from the smallest to the largest, requires choice. There is always a branch in the path, and you must decide upon which turning you will tread. Do you recall the testings of your ability to sense a remote while wearing blinders?" "Of course." This was among the most basic of Jedi skills. A remote was a small levitating droid about the size of a goldfruit that could be programmed to zip about and fire mild electric bolts at a student. With a blast helmet on and the blinders down, the only way to know the position of the orb was to use the Force. As a student progressed in the use of his or her lightsaber, blocking the remote’s bolts became a standard exercise. Since you couldn’t use your eyes or ears to track the device, the only way to avoid being shocked was to let the Force guide your hands. Her Master continued: "And were there not instances when your use of the Force was less than perfect and the training bolts got past your lightsabor?" "Far too many of those instances," Barriss said ruefully. She shook her head. "At times, I felt like a needle cushion!" "And did you ever feel during those times like destroying the remote? Reaching out with the Force and crushing it like a wad of scrap flimsi?" As she spoke, Master Unduli began the Salutation to the Force, a combination exercise and meditative posture that started with a body arch upward, followed by a deep squat and leg-extended stretch to the rear.
Barriss copied her Master’s pose. "I confess there were occasions when I had little love for the training device, yes." "And did you have sufficient skill in use of the Force to have destroyed it, had you chosen to do so?" Master Unduli stood and repeated the pose, ending on the other leg. Again, Barriss copied her. "Yes. Easily." "Why didn’t you? If the goal was to protect yourself from being shocked, would that not have been justifiable?" Barriss frowned. "But that was not the goal. The goal was to learn how to attune my lightsaber with the Force so that I could stop the bolts from striking me. The shocks were painful, but without any lasting damage. In a real fight, with a full-charge blaster bolt coming at me, if I could not block that, I might not have the power to stop a shooter fifty or a hundred meters away from pulling the trigger." "Precisely. But did you know that one student in eight does eventually reach out to destroy a remote? That they usually justify it by saying it is more efficient to stop the source of the damaging bolts than to endlessly deflect them? Laser Pose, please." Her Master lay upon the soft grass, rolled up onto her neck and shoulders, and extended her body skyward, her hands on the ground at her sides.
Barriss also assumed the Laser Pose. "I can certainly understand how they might feel that way. And it makes a certain logical sense, especially given the premise in our hand-to-hand combat training that says pure defense is inferior to a combination of defense and offense." "Indeed. Arch Pose." Hands and feet on the ground, Master Unduli pushed upward and formed her body into a high, rounded arch. "I hear a ’but,’" Barriss said as she followed suit. "And I see that yours could be higher from the ground." Barriss smiled and pushed herself into a more acute arch. Her Master continued: "Many of the exercises Jedi in training must learn-and Jedi are always in training, be they Padawan, Knight, or Master-involve determining what the true goal of the exercise is. You will recall the levitation drill and the bakery."
"As if I could forget that one." "To destroy the remote is, in itself, not necessarily a wrong choice. If you have developed sufficient skill to block the training bolts and you arrive at the decision through logic and with a calm mind, then you can justify using the Force to stop the attack at its source. Some of the more gifted students do just that. But if you do it out of anger, or pain, or fear, or any emotion that you have allowed to control you, then you reach for the dark side. If you offer that the end justifies the means without mindful thought to determine that it indeed does, you have succumbed to the insidious energy. If you remember nothing else from this talk, Barriss, remember this: Power wants to be used. It must be kept under constant vigil, else it will seduce and corrupt you. One moment you’re swatting an annoying training toy; the next you’re paralyzing an offending being’s lungs and choking him to death. You do it because you can. It becomes an end in itself. As a Jedi, you live always on this edge. A single misstep, and you can fall to the dark side. It has happened to many, and it is always a tragedy. As with an addictive drug, it’s too easy to say, ’I’ll do it just this once.’ That’s not how it works. The only thing that stands be-tween you and the dark side is your own will and discipline. Give in to your anger or your fear, your jealousy or your hate, and the dark side claims you for its own. If that happens," Master Unduli said, "you will become an enemy to all that the Jedi stand for-and an enemy of all Jedi who hold to the path of right. Rocker Pose, please." Barriss moved to assume the pose. She said, "And have you ever given in to the dark side, Master?" For a few seconds, there was silence. Then: "Yes. In a moment of weakness and pain, I did. It allowed me to survive when I might have perished otherwise, but that one taste was enough for me to realize I could never do it again. There may come a time when you experience this, Barriss. I hope not, but if ever it happens, you must recognize and resist it." "It will feel evil?" Master Unduli paused in her stretch. She regarded Barriss with what seemed to be great sadness in her eyes. "Oh, no. It will feel better than anything you have ever experienced, better than you would have thought anything could feel. It will feel empowering, fulfilling, satisfying. Worst of all, it will feel right. And therein lies the real danger."
—Medstar I: Battle Surgeons, Michael Reaves
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Why Tori Meadows is a sith lord
You know... I was thinking about doing some shitpost “proving” that Tori is unironically a god tier duelist that was paid to hold back for the entirety of Zexal and could actually obliterate any duellist foolish enough to stand in her way.
But the thing is... that’s not really a joke to me. I honestly truly believe Tori would be capable of great viciousness as a duellist if just given the chance. Just look at Duel Links:
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That is a girl who is out for blood, a war machine in the making, a kid who decided to get serious about duelling to the point of being able to “beat everyone in a snap” (the game’s exact words) just out of rage and spite alone. That is iconic and legitimately deserves more attention in the fandom.
So now for my real arguement: I think Tori Meadows is a sith lord.
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Yes, Samuel L. Jackson. This seemingly innocent 13 year old girl is a sith lord, one more powerful than either Darth Sidious or Darth Vader could have ever hoped to be.
Now for people who aren’t familiar with the beloved wonderful six film Star Wars saga, the villains, aka the sith lords, gain power from anger. Fear and anger and hate are a surefire path to fall to the dark side. It’s what did Anakin in and turned him into Darth Vader. Tori in Duel Links fought and destroyed the fools that got in her way with her anger and hate, Astral even confirms this is what gives her power:
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Tori duels with anger, she duels with hatred of Yuma’s sheer stupidity, she uses them all to her advantage but unlike every other sith lord in the series, she isn’t destroyed by them. Only one other has managed to accomplish this feat, the most powerful force user in the galaxy: Luke Skywalker. See, he’s the most powerful force user because as of the final chronological film in the saga, Return of the Jedi, he’s the only one left, so he’s the most powerful by default.
Also, more relevantly, he also defeated Darth Vader in a duel with his anger yet didn’t fall to the dark side, throwing his lightsaber aside and refusing to turn to the dark side even after feeling its power firsthand. Tori has managed to do the same within Duel Links, harnessing her anger to give her strength, to give her focus, so she could hunt down Yuma and once she accomplished her goal, was able to let go of her anger, rather than letting it be her undoing like other foolish siths. Tori has done something no other sith before her has managed to do: went down the exact fear, anger, hate pathway without ending up at the final step: suffering.
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“But wait!” You cry. “How could Tori possibly be a sith lord if she can’t even use the force?!”
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Foolish padawan. A wise sith lord doesn’t reveal their force abilities to the masses, they keep it under wraps until the perfect moment. Palpatine for example. He didn’t use his force abilities to save himself from the Zillo beast in Clone Wars, he kept it secret until perfect moment: the chance to murder four jedi, gain a new apprentice, and take over the entire galaxy.
Tori never had to reveal her abilities because no one was a true threat to her power. Besides, what need would she have to display such abilities in a world where card games seemingly reign supreme? I say seemingly because they do not. The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. It is more powerful than your card games could ever hope to be.
Still not convinced? Take a look at Tori’s eyes compared to Anakin’s dark side eyes:
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I think I’ve said enough to convince you :)
I end this obvious shitpost with a warning: the moment Palpatine decided to reveal his sith abilities was the day he committed genocide and took over the galaxy. The day Tori chooses to reveal herself will likely be an even more universe shattering event...
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lightsaberisms · 1 year
Family Reunion - and Farewell
I want you to know, everything I've done and will do began with you.
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Family Reunion might not be the best Rebels episode but it's the series finale. An ending of sorts, the completion of certain characters' paths and a beginning of things to come.
At first, everything goes well. The Ghost crew lead a strike on the Empire's base, a move not supported by the Rebellion. It's them and the few allies they've met along the way. They seize the base and enact their plan to evacuate Imperial forces before Thrawn arrives in full force.
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Screams are heard and buildings crumble as Thrawn begins his bombardment of the capital city. Slowly tearing away at Ezra's home until he has no choice but to surrender.
Hera is the first to protest his choice. She's grown to love Ezra as an ally, as a friend. Maybe even a son. And she knows how much the Ghost crew means to him, she, Sabine, Zeb and Chopper are all he has left. More importantly, she's had enough of sacrifice tearing their family apart. Hera can't lose Ezra like she lost Kanan.
But out of all of them, Sabine is the one who understands. Of course she does, she's a Mandalorian. Sacrificing yourself for your family, your clan is what you do so they can keep fighting. So she casts one final look at Ezra and lets him confront his own fate.
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Ezra using the vents to leave is a perfect link to his character arc. When he was living on the streets of Lothal, stealing to survive, he always used vent networks as a means to escape the Empire. In his early days of being a rebel he used them as well but he outgrew them because they represented his old days on Lothal when he had other ways to help protect the Ghost crew. Ezra climbing into the vents one last time literally symbolises him going back to the Empire, resorting to old ways to help his friends.
On board Thrawn's ship and the remnants of the Jedi temple, Ezra is confronted by Palpatine masquerading as a former, unscarred version of himself. A fake image that he presents to the galaxy to maintain popularity. To Ezra, he takes on the form of a wise, kind old man and he promises to restore the one thing Ezra has been wanting his whole life, his parents.
Even though Ezra has found a new family and made peace with his parents' death, he still misses them. Wonders what life would've been like if they had managed to evade the Empire or simply not have stood up to them at all.
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Ezra has been feeling guilt, pressure, anger and grief throughout the entire show. From his hatred of the Empire, pressure to advance as a Padawan and work with the Rebellion, and the tragedy of losing Kanan. It would be so simple to let it all go …
And then the illusion shatters. With a burst of power Ezra destroys the remnants of the Force temple. The hologram of Palpatine begins to change back and forth between the Chancellor and the Sith Emperor. He reaches for Ezra one last time but Ezra needs to find the others again. He needs finish what he set out to do. He needs to see things through to the end.
As Thrawn unsuccessfully continues his bombardment of the city and the purrgil arrive to tear his fleet apart, Ezra is faced with the reality that whatever happens next will happen to both of them. And he knows that.
He keeps up a humorous front for Sabine as she contacts him. The music swells as he keeps back every last stormtrooper, keeps fighting, even as Thrawn shoots him in an attempt to escape. Ezra is seeing things through to the end. Just like his parents, just like Kanan.
And Ezra's sacrifice perfectly parallels Kanan's. As Rebels has constantly repeated throughout its run, it takes a master and an apprentice. It takes Kanan and Ezra to make things right.
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Zeb and Chopper look on in horror and wonder while Sabine and Hera plead with him to get out, to save himself while he can, but he won't. Despite Ezra's sacrifice and absence, the Force will be with them. Always.
As the music swells and the purrgils jump to hyperspace, we are thrown into silence as everyone tries to register what has happened. Ezra is gone, but so is the Empire. Now is the Ghost crew's chance to finish what they started.
So Sabine finishes the story. The people of Lothal are liberated and the rest of the galaxy follows soon after. Zeb and Kallus heal old wounds and resolve their guilt, Hera continues to fight. For her, for Kanan and for Jacen.
But Sabine sets off to find Ezra with the mural of their family solidified behind her. She knows he's out there somewhere and it's only a matter of time until they see each other again. It doesn't matter how, Ezra will be brought home.
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beecastle · 2 years
Pinky Promise
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Co-written with the one and only @littlemisspascal​
Pairings: kid!Din and kid F!Reader
Summary: There’s something odd about the new girl in the village and Din accidentally discovers the reason for it
Word count: 600
Rating: teen
Warnings: force-sensitive!Reader
A/N: Wrote this with Rae while playing frantic fanfic, there was some minor editing after that but otherwise it stayed the same as it was written, enjoy!
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Everywhere Din goes he stumbles across the village’s new girl as if their paths are meant to cross. Still, during the two months she has been living there, the boy hasn't gathered the courage to talk to her. There is something different about the girl, but he can't quite pinpoint what it is. Not until on one of his forest hikes he finds her sitting on top of a rock, eyes closed, surrounded by smaller floating rocks.
As soon as he sees her it's like she senses him too, all the rocks fall to the floor instantly, except one that flies towards his face and stops only an inch from his temple. The girl approaches him, a fierce expression on her face. 
"What do you want?" With every word, the rock creeps closer forcing Din to step back until his back hits a tree. "You keep following me everywhere so what do you want? Are you with them?"
Din put his hands up, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. "You're a Jedi."
At Din’s amazement, the expression on the girl's face softens. "You can't tell anyone."
"Okay." At Din's answer, the girl drops the rock to the floor and the boy puts his hands down.
"I'm serious,” there’s a fear in her voice he had never heard from another kid, “they'll find me and take me away."
Din blinks, not sure what to say. He's heard stories of the Jedi, of their laser swords and daring battles. But in the stories, they'd all been adults, not kids. Especially not kids with untied shoelaces and trembling hands and powers they never asked for. 
"I'll keep your secret," Din tells her, holding out his pinky finger. "I promise."
She hesitates for a second, nose scrunching skeptically, but kids of all ages know the seriousness of a pinky promise, so she wraps hers around his, squeezing it tightly. 
Time seems to stop, briefly. The leaves of the trees above going still. And neither of them knows it then, but a bond is struck in that moment. One that will last the duration of their lifetimes, despite the distance and time spent apart. 
"Thanks. I owe you one," she says at last.
"Be my friend?" Din asks.
"Sure," she shrugs trying not to give it too much importance but the shy smile that appears on her face betrays her intentions. "Wanna see something cool?"
Before Din can answer, his feet leave the ground causing his stomach to churn and a small yelp to escape his lips. The girl's concentration goes away as she giggles at his reaction, causing the boy to land back on the floor. 
"What else can you do?" The girl's eyes light up at the question, happy to finally have someone she can be herself with. The rest of the afternoon is spent with them running around in the forest, the girl showing him her powers, the boy showing her his favorite hiding spots. 
Just as the first star appears in the sky, the two kids sit on an old log, sweat covering their temples and big smiles on their faces. They have a whole summer to enjoy ahead of them, to play hide and seek and swim in the river, to swap secrets and stories, three months that will be filled with happiness. After that, the girl's location will be discovered and the people looking for her will destroy the boy’s village in the process.
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winter-tospring · 1 year
They all did Anakin dirty, I hate them 😭😭😭😭😭 I hate Yoda the most, what a fucking bitch, from the beginning he just ruined this poor kid's life, and then kept going over and over, like give him a fucking break, my god, so all these movies he says he should just obey them and not fear, nor hate, not feel anything "negative" but suddenly when it's convenient for him "please search your feelings" BITCH YOU TAUGHT HIM, FORCED JIM,IN ORDER FOR HIM TO BE SEEN AS A TRUE JEDI, THAT HE SHOULD REPRESS ALL HIS FEELINGS, AND NOW YOU EXPECT TO BE ABLE TO DIG IN EASILY AND WITHOUT CONFUSION????? that's not guidance, that's making him suspicious and WHY WOULDN'T HE BE, he SHOULD be suspicious, because YOU, YODA FUCKER, ARE AN ASSHOLE AND THE WORST, and he's right to not trust you and to feel resentment. All the feelings he expresses throughout his arc are valid and he does the best job at expressing himself and reflecting honestly, which is honestly impressive, and I personally resent that fckin council for dismissing it and treating him as a nothing who can't participate in Grown Up Conversations Because He's Not Experienced ™. The true child young adult experience. Being super skilled but put to the side by elders cause they can't stand that you're more talented than them. Like hello, he could've done the job Obi Wan was sent for and it would have given him a confidence boost to see the council trust him. He deserved that. He deserved to be recognized and not feared. The Jedi who claim that fear is the enemy are also the ones terrified of Anakin and his potential, hypocrites. And they do want to maintain their power. That's the thing, Palpatine isn't completely wrong about them, and that only further destroys Anakin's trust in the Jedi. The Jedi who take him away from his mom, telling him to never look back, then never recognize him, only fear him, instead of guiding, supporting, being a hand, and friends he can rely on in his life.
It's all so terribly horrible. All of it. All the things that happen to him. He's manipulated, and alone, and holding on to the one thing that's vulnerable with him, and of course he doesn't want to lose it. He has no one!!!! I didn't resent Obi-Wan as much in this movie, he did grow a bit, after being by Anakin's side for longer and him rubbing off on him. He's more relaxed with Anakin, but too naive about the Jedi. Anakin questions things and he is tragically naive, which is a dangerous combination for someone as powerful as him.
It's so terrible that he had to see the prophecies in his head. It's so terrible that Palpatine used him heartlessly. It's so terrible that Obi-Wan doesn't think a bit longer about what happened and why Anakin is like this, and then leaves him there, without saying a bad word about the Jedi.
You can so much see how much Anakin hates himself for turning to the dark side. The hood over his head feels like him hiding. The shame, and the necessity of this path, in his mind. It's so tragic, how used he was. It's heartwrenching to see him kneel to Palpatine, and accept his given name, and act for the abuser's side with tears in his eyes. It's too late, it's horrible. He needed lots of hugs 😭💔
Him being soft towards Luke later on makes all the sense. He does not want to be on this side. It was simply the inevitable side he had to be on, for the promise he was given. I can't fucking believe they even make him think HE killed Padmé. Maybe it contributed, what he did, but the RAGE in me about Palpatine telling him this. But anyway, the softness towards Luke, yes. Luke is so so similar to his dad, and freaking Yoda is freaking useless making Luke think his dad was horrible. Anakin was so much like Luke. Freaking Yoda keeping it to himself that he ruined his dad's life with his damn religion and restraining him instead of being a true friend. Luke would've loved his dad. And Anakin would be so proud of his son. And I'm so glad the last thing Anakin does is a proof of love that is not corrupted, but true to who he was before, and who he is, deep down, buried under the years of self loathing and manipulation. I'm so glad he met Luke, and that in the end, he was seen as himself, that it was recognized, at last, that he did have good in him. That his son, like Padmé, saw it, and believed in it, and fought for it. I'm so glad Anakin can even admit it to himself, after having Luke insist so much. How powerful that is. I'm also so glad he met Luke cause he just...should,you know? Anakin deserved that much.
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june-girl-86 · 1 year
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Chapter 53
Ahsoka's healing
Pairing: Din Djarin x OC Female!
ReaderRating: Mature/Explicit (+18)
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence / Love / Action&Adventure / Blood&Violence / Drama & Romance / Slow Burn / Fluff&Smut
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The night was lit up by the glow of the fire. Blood-red glowed the dark sky, no starlight to give hope. On the ground it ate away, so powerful, hateful. A figure tried to run away from it, leaping over rocks whose surface was boiling hot; fallen trees, the roots dead; stumbling through streams that had bubbled a short time ago and were now dried up by the heat. Her lungs burned, the smoke trying to suffocate her. She tried to run even faster despite everything, but the roller of fire kept coming closer, swallowing everything and taking her too.
Ahsoka's eyes snapped open, she was shaking all over and gasping for air, which she was not denied. Irritated, she looked around, realised where she was and stared at her hands, looking for injuries, but it had only been a dream, once again. She felt that trepidation and jumped out of her bed, she had to get out, get some fresh air. Ahsoka glanced at the sleeping Morai in her bed of straw. The Convor lady was feeling a little better, but her feathers were still pale. Ahsoka kept the curtains closed so as not to wake Morai and quietly left her room and the building. It was early morning, the sun was just rising, the birds were chirping happily, but Ahsoka barely noticed. The cheerfulness could not infect her. The images in her head depressed her too much.
"Up so early?"
Startled, Ahsoka jumped to the side as Luke stepped out from between bushes. In his hand was a basket of picked berries. The Togruta lowered her head dejectedly and Luke touched her on the back. He led her to a stone circle, took a seat and waited until Ahsoka sat down too.
"Tell me about your dreams!"
Ahsoka looked at him in surprise.
"I hear your pleas when dreams plague you!"
His counterpart shook his head and he held the basket out to her. She took one of the dark berries and ate it. The sweetish taste did her good and she tasted a few more. Then she sighed.
"I see fire eating the inside of a mountain, destroying it. I see it burning the trees, even the souls have no chance. The wind spreads the blood and as soon as it touches the ground the flames overpower it. The sky is devastated and no life is possible!"
Ahsoka noticed the dismayed look on Luke's face.
"You must find a way to take up the fire, to kindle your extinguished flame so that your spirit can be brightened!"
The Togruta raised her arms and lowered them in resignation.
Luke rose to his feet.
"Take your time!"
With those words, he left her and Ahsoka gazed after the young man thoughtfully.
Take your time... Ahsoka decided to use it and not just sit around doing nothing. She wasn't as powerless as she had been a few days ago and packed her bag of provisions. Morai squealed and Ahsoka crouched down. She held out her arm to Morai and the convor lady umped on it. She made herself comfortable on Ahsoka's shoulder and left the shared quarters with her.
The Togruta walked past the bamboo grove, left the pond on her left and headed down an unknown path. Morai was curious to see where it would lead, the convor lady nestled against Ahsoka's cheek, feeling no connection other than skin-to-skin contact, and once again sadness befell her. Morai hoped that they would soon find each other again and that Ahsoka would regain her inner contentment. She had witnessed every nightmare, every escape from her quarters and had seen Ahsoka's despair. Now, however, the Jedi seemed a little more relaxed, as if going for a walk would do her good. Morai let her gaze wander, watching as they walked across the grass, crested a hill and entered the forest that followed. The trees let in the sunlight, but the temperature dropped a little.
Morai shivered, she saw that Ahsoka was getting goosebumps too. And yet they kept walking until Ahsoka stopped. The sun's rays broke through the branches, dust danced up and down in them. Small swarms of mosquitoes buzzed on the spot and threads of loose spider webs moved gracefully upwards with each breath of air, only to slowly float back down. Ashoka breathed deeply, inhaling the smell of the forest. Morai sniffed, smelling the different aromas. Wildflowers had squeezed through the moss, the red and yellow blossoms wide open, giving off their scent. Butterflies had taken up residence on some of them, pausing like the walker and her companion. They stood still for a while, then Ahsoka went on.
The forest cleared, but before they got to the edge, sheltered by bushes, Ahsoka stopped. Morai looked ahead, then at her. Her gaze seemed focused, she was listening. Morai followed suit and sure enough, she heard a rustling and soft sounds that sounded like someone smacking their lips. Slowly Ahsoka started moving again, but ducked the closer she got to the thicket. There she crouched down, pushed aside a few branches and was able to pinpoint the source of the sounds. In a meadow, the tall grass lush green, a group of kybucks moved about with their young. While the adults ate, the young ones jumped back and forth and played with each other. Morai noticed a change in Ahsoka, her expression alternating between amazement, happiness and sadness, in the end the smile won. Ahsoka swallowed as she watched the animals and she felt warm. She remembered a time when she was still at home and she felt that love again. Her mother had often taken her for walks, shown her the nature of her home. She could remember when she had just walked off by herself without telling her parents. She had strayed into a meadow where she met a lone Kybuck cub.
Both of them had hesitated, the young one whimpering, trying to find his parents. Ahsoka had walked slowly towards him, he had approached her too and then looked at her in wonder as he heard her words in his mind. The boy lowered his head and Ahsoka stroked it reassuringly until they heard several sounds. On one side a humming, on the other voices. The Kybuck boy had run in the direction of his, Ahsoka had watched him for a while longer, then she answered her mother's calls. She didn't scold, though, she just pulled her daughter into her arms and was glad to have her with her, knowing that Ahsoka wouldn't be with them much longer.
A few days later, Luke watched as Ahsoka set off again in the direction of the forest. She had told him about her sighting and Luke sensed that the animals had triggered something positive in the Togruta. 
Ahsoka took a different path this time, penetrating other areas of the forest. A small stream meandered through, dragonflies hovering above with their translucent wings. Morai on her shoulder watching her friend's every step. Watched her take care not to step on the blue mushrooms on which the morning dew still sparkled. And then they arrived back at the clearing, the Kybucks had gathered there again as well. As they did, Ahsoka noticed something. She pointed out Morai, the pregnant Kybuck grazing at the edge of the clearing, the cover of the thicket behind her. She had a much lighter coat than the others.
When she looked up, she was staring in Ahsoka's direction and she had the feeling that she was being seen by her. Only slowly did the Kybuck lower her head and retreat into the bushes. They stayed for a while, then the two of them made their way back. Morai carefully picked the red berries she had collected from Ashoka's hand and slowly became full. The Togruta suddenly stopped and pointed to a fallen tree. Many mushrooms had accumulated on its trunk, orange, with white spots. Ahsoka frowned for a moment, crouched down in front of it. She smelled them, ran her thumb along the surface, then nodded with a smile before she began to collect them. She noticed Morai's questioning look: "On Shili, these grew too and were delicious!"
When Luke returned from his meditation, Grogu, who had been with him, was no longer present. He did not find him in the building, so he went outside to search. A delicious scent wafted to him and he followed the trail. Smiling, he stopped after a while. Grogu sat next to Morai, both tilting their heads curiously, watching Ahsoka cook. A pot hung over a campfire, the smell emanating from it. A homemade fishing rod lay nearby. The Togruta nodded to Luke and offered to eat with them. He noticed the plates she had brought.
"There's fish in a mushroom herb sauce!" explained Ahsoka and that this meal reminded her of her childhood. She poured some into a bowl for Morai to taste. Grogu she also put down a plate, handed the boy a spoon. Luke took a seat next to Ahsoka and started eating with her. It tasted delicious and he could understand Grogu asking for seconds several times. Luke let his gaze slide over Ahsoka, who smiled as she watched Morai regain her strength with the food as well. Perhaps, Luke thought, Ahsoka was also smiling because of the first two splashes of green that had found their way back into Morai's feathers.
Time passed, the nights got better, Ahsoka woke up less and less from nightmares and as they walked through the forest, she heard a very soft whisper. Nature was speaking to her. She also slowly sensed Morai's thoughts again. 
No matter which way they took, they always came back to the clearing with the Kybucks. This time, too, they were on their way there. But something was different about this day. The clouds had not let the sun through and a fresh wind made the treetops sway back and forth. It was quieter in the forest, hardly a bird to be heard, let alone seen. The whisper of the trees mingled with the rush of the wind. Morai heard the sound first, listened several times and became uneasy on Ashoka's shoulder. She paused and looked questioningly at the convordame, but before she could react, Ahsoka heard it too. The painful moan echoed to them and Ahsoka felt the fear emanating from it. She started to run, it wasn't far and she could see the pregnant Kybuck lying among the bushes. Her sounds of pain increased. But before Ahsoka simply dashed into the clearing, she drew her vibrating blade and made her way through the bushes. The Kybuck saw her and began bleating loudly, but her strength quickly waned. Her light fur was bloody and she had a deep bite wound on her right side. As Ahsoka approached her, she noticed the black body of a wolf-like animal. This one was no longer moving, as you could see it had taken many kicks, had died from its injuries. The Kybuck had fought for her life and won the first fight. But now her strength was failing. Again she wailed, but quieter now. Ahsoka knelt in front of her, touched her to her stomach and closed her eyes. She hadn't really expected anything, and yet there was this feeling that ran through her body. The excited pounding of the little creature's heart and its plea to survive. As if she had burned her hands, she let go of the Kybuck. Ahsoka swallowed, then looked at the Morai.
"Can you make it to Luke?"
Morai cooed several times and pushed off from the shoulder to float into the forest.
Ahsoka quietly entered the hut where Morai had been some time ago when Luke had nursed her. Now the injured Kybuck lay sleeping on the straw. Ahsoka slowly crouched down, touched the sleeping woman on her shoulder joint and she opened her eyes a little. You could see the exhaustion in them. Ahsoka knelt in front of her, removed the bandage and checked the wound. It finally looked better. The Togruta opened a tin, inside was an ointment which she spread generously on the wound. She had made this herself after discovering the coral-shaped, golden-yellow flowers of the witch hazel in the forest. In addition to the Bacta that Luke had on hand, it helped heal the wound.
She also kept instilling the injured woman with a tea made from the golden root to help her regain her strength. All of her energy was going to her unborn child to keep it alive. Ahsoka felt it even now as she placed her hands on the Kybuck's belly. In the last few days, the calls of the herd had also been heard, searching for her, but the Kybuck had been too weak to respond. Ahsoka hoped she would be able to return soon. 
More days had passed, each one progress in healing, not just from the Kybuck. Luke sensed Ahsoka coming back, she wasn't really aware of it herself yet.
Ahsoka awoke in the middle of the night, but no nightmare had startled her. A feeling of warmth had come over her, touching her skin, soft and gentle. A whisper came through the open window, she heard the happiness within. She left the building without putting on her shoes, walked barefoot to the hut and could see the open gate from afar. When she got there, she spotted Luke inside. He pointed to the straw, stained with a little blood and slime, otherwise the room was empty. The Togruta turned away, ran off, into the forest. She was aware of the whispering that led her through the dark forest. Ran faster, ignoring when she stepped on sharp little stones, scratched herself on thorns and tripped over roots. And then she reached the clearing, the moonlight shining on it. The Kybucks had taken their old and new member protectively into their midst. She could feel the joy, the love that the herd felt. The many pairs of eyes stared at Ahsoka, watching as she tried to steady her breathing. Ahsoka stared back, finding the small creature standing behind its mother, still a little wobbly on its feet. The mother bowed her head, bleating several times. Her conspecifics joined her before turning and disappearing into the thicket together. Gratitude accompanied Ahsoka back.
A few stars could be seen through the cloudy night sky. It was quiet at the pond, only the crackling of wood could be heard. The campfire was reflected on the smooth surface of the water. Ahsoka sat in front of the fire, not far from her Morai, whose green feathers shone in the firelight. She watched her friend, who had not moved for hours. She sensed a restlessness, but didn't know if it was hers or Ahsoka's. Morai cooed softly. The Togruta opened her eyes, staring into the flames. Fire... The last few nights she had dreamed of fire again, of anguished screams, the voice of Anakin. After so long, she felt things she had repressed. The battle at the Neti, the ambush of Bo-Katan... But there was another fire in her past. Her eyes fixed on the flame as it fought the others, clinging along the wood to get enough oxygen and subdue her sisters. The flame whispered, whispered, it sounded like it was saying her name. The red of the flame reminded her of her fight, against the Inquisitor. She had felt safe on Thabeska, but the temptation of reward and the fear of the Empire had betrayed her. She had had no anger, probably would have acted the same. The Inquisitor's appearance was terrible, his viciousness too. And this had been his fault, because his arrogance was damaging him. She thought of the moment after she had defeated him, the relief of the crystals in his lightsabers.
Ahsoka had not only freed the farmers from evil, but the crystals as well. She had given them back their purity. A breeze brushed across her skin, she heard that whisper again. Her arms began to tingle, something was moving in the grass somewhere. Before Ahsoka had opened her eyes, she had already jumped up. Grogu backed away, startled, as the lightsabers were pointed at him. He grumbled, had he hungrily made his way to the lake, hoping to find a frog.
"I thought Luke showed you how to approach without being noticed!" smiled Ahsoka, hearing an excited coo. She looked to Morai who was jumping around the fire agitated and approaching her. Ahsoka blinked. The whisper of flames had joined, with a familiar hum. Her gaze drifted down to her hands, there she held, as if naturally, her two lightsabers. Her fingers tightly gripped the hilts. As if she were seeing the white blades for the first time... The light gave her hope and a tear ran down her cheek.
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tiredassmage · 1 year
hello the randomizer has picked these 5 questions for Rhystyl 🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem? 💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around? ⚾ BASEBALL - can they play sports? what is their best position if they play a team sport? what's their strong suit (speed, power etc.)? 💡 LIGHTBULB - is your oc a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it? 👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
"I'm sure some of these won't be too long" she said, like a complete fool. As if I haven't been dealing with Tyr's bullshit for like a year, why would I expect any of my children to be different? Also I have so much Rhyst lore that lives solely in my head so far, so thank you for finally giving me a bit of a release valve for some of it, lol.
[Emoji OC Asks!]
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🚆 TRAIN - what is their answer to the trolley problem?
In essence, he has to face a trolley problem equivalent on Belsavis. Of course, Rhyst would have loved to avoid ever having to make such a choice and he’d honestly probably loathe the thing posed solely as a thought experiment because there’s no version of this in which he doesn’t feel some level of guilt and he deals with plenty enough of it as it is without adding ‘theoretical guilt’ onto the pile.
He’s not proud to say Scourge at his shoulder rather consistently reminding him that Krannus was abusing his nature as a Jedi to lay traps and delays in his path got to him, but when the good doctor explains that a reactor failure on Belsavis would decimate the entire system and not only the planet, the weight is finally enough to sway Rhyst’s heavy heart. He’s but one Jedi trying to take on multiple failsafe plots to destroy an entire planet and fuel one of the most evil and powerful entities in the galaxy and training teaches them that attachment to one life over the good of the many is wrong. It’s on that reasoning that he leaves the doctor behind with an apology in the deep prison sector. If Krannus gained any more ground on them and he failed in his mission, well… There’s little use in saying he’d never be able to live with the guilt because none of them would’ve had the opportunity. Instead, he’ll have to live with the doctor’s uncertain fate weighing on top of the damage he did to Republic forces and interests while under the Emperor’s influence.
As an aside, I imagine he tried to pull a favor out of Special Forces and send someone looking for the doctor, but with how widespread the riots and troubles are on Belsavis, Republic forces are already spread thin. Rhyst doesn’t have the heart to protest too heavily when the rebuke comes that it’s unfortunate, but it’s resources the Republic is unlikely to have available to spare. Scourge remains sharp at his shoulder to remind him their fight against the Emperor will not wait. They must make their leave while they can.
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
First, to establish some info about his relationships in the first place! Kira and Rhyst finish their training together and get Knighted around the same time; Maltaf shoulders finishing Kira’s training in tandem with Rhyst’s to accommodate Master Kiwiik’s assignment and her eventual recovery from Tatooine. It’s a somewhat unusual arrangement, but the pressures of such large-scale threats have affected the pacing and proctoring of training before and they are all certain it will do so again.
That established, him and Kira do start to experiment together. Kira taps into Rhyst’s lighter side and helps pull his head out of the every-growing weight of their responsibilities. She’s an incredibly important link in his support network. They share the struggle of figuring out who they are as both people and Jedi. He’s not always as certain as her about exactly where their relationship is going, but, in the end, he does know he values her as a friend and the world’s a lighter, somewhat brighter place when she hits him with a smile and a “tough guy” quip.
He tends to be a bit more reserved whenever she’s not at his side, but they’re more than capable of operating independently and Rhyst tries to for a time after everything that transpires on the Fortress and his time under the Emperor’s influence. He pushes her away for a time, struggling to wrangle with a tangled mess of guilt, fear, and renewed doubts about his place in the Order and the kind of responsibilities the Council seemed to almost carelessly entrust to him because he’s not quite sure he’s ready to share that vulnerability and in no way does he want to destabilize her again, either. Eventually, however, she pulls him back, gently tracing the new scar across his cheek from his duel with Master Maltaf to reassure him he’s not alone, that she doesn’t hold him alone responsible for the fall. He believed in her, after all. Now she’s going to return the favor.
Furthermore, I believe they do benefit from time apart when Zakuul invades, even if it is difficult. They both benefit from the space to face their inner uncertainties separately and reaffirm their own identities before they become more seriously involved. Their relationship during the class stories has its tender moments for sure, but they are young lovers and it’s reflected in the nature of their relationship. Rhyst doesn’t turn her away, but given the burdens they weather, he’s not in the right place to give her or ask for something more until they’ve got a bit more growth and experience under their belts.
Still, their returns from time apart on separate missions is usually met in a playful kiss and Kira scooped up into his arms. And usually plenty of light jesting on Kira’s part.
⚾ BASEBALL - can they play sports? what is their best position if they play a team sport? what's their strong suit (speed, power etc.)?
It’s not his favorite hobby, but he wouldn’t mind casually playing with some friends. His favored role would likely be in some sort of support position where he can rally teammates and watch their backs.
While Maltaf was key to teaching him the tactics and philosophies of the Jedi Shadows, Satia was his primary teacher on saber techniques and imparted her coordination and efficiency with a dual-bladed saber upon him. In short, he’s got good footwork and he’s a cooperative sort, which makes playing on a team a far smoother endeavor.
💡 LIGHTBULB - is your oc a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it?
Not particularly. While somewhat inquisitive, he’s not a deep-diver when it comes to planning or researching. Maltaf taught him to trust in his feelings, explore them, and ultimately follow his heart. I wouldn’t put him too strongly on either end of the spectrum; he’s not as detail-heavy as Satia, nor is he quite as impulsive as Kira can be. Rhyst likes to know what is expected of him, but he doesn’t want to be so mired in minute details that it’s difficult to finally act.
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
While Maltaf became his primary master, Master Orgus Din still played a role in his training and it is partly his influence after his fall that allows Maltaf and Satia the opening they need to free him from the Emperor’s influence. Rhyst’s skill with the Force is fairly moderate, allowing him occasional visions of what may come to pass and aiding his perception during combat, allowing for betting dodging and acrobatic strikes. The concept of the Force and the universe having a greater will is certainly a large one for him to wrangle, but he doesn’t doubt that it certainly seems it does, sometimes. It’d seem a bit ridiculous if he didn’t considering what he owes Orgus and Satia for breaking through the Emperor’s Darkness or even seeing what eventually becomes of Revan with his own eyes.
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foundfamilynonsense · 2 years
Alright anti jedi people who say “the Jedi shouldn’t have joined a war bc they are becoming hypocritical and against what they believe” look me in the eye. In the eye. And tell me you’d like the Jedi if they didn’t enter the war.
Picture, if you will: Count Dooku, a former Jedi who we now know is a Sith Lord (y’know, the people who want to destroy democracy and are against everything the Jedi stand for) has just MURDERED a SENATOR for no other reason (that they know of) than to please the trade federation, a group that had overthrown a whole planet before.
He then appears on planets with a whole ass army of droids that he has been making in secret for years now and goes “ok my planet now” and he makes the droids kill any civilians who fight back and enslave the others. Since we see the separatists constantly trying to take planets and widen their reach, we have no reason to assume they’ll stop. So they keep doing this, meeting no resistance except of the attempts at the native people of each planet they conquer.
Obviously the Jedi can’t let a known Sith Lord just walk around the Galaxy killing people and taking what he wants until he reaches the senate and crowns himself emperor. So when do they stand up against him? Is your argument really never? Yes, palpatine’s plan involved them joining the war. But do y’all really think he’d be upset if they didn’t? “Oh the Jedi are just going to let me take over and let my apprentice cut a bloody path through the galaxy before crowning me emperor? Sweet!”
Or the senate goes to war Without the Jedi. And the Jedi just… sit back in coruscant, fight crime rings in the outer rim, and let the clones fight a Sith Lord by themselves? Is that what anti-Jedi folks want? Bc they also complain the Jedi are too privileged sitting in their ancestral home on coruscant soooooo.
So perhaps the real complaint is not “the Jedi should have stayed out of the war entirely” and is actually “the Jedi joined the war too quickly and shouldn’t have been generals” and like. Nope still a weird take.
Dave Felony tries to say that the jedi were too hasty to join the conflict in Rebels but like.
Ok. Please give me a list of planets the jedi should have allowed the sith to colonize and enslave before fighting back. The jedi saw a droid army. They knew what dooku planned to do with it. How long should they have waited before it was morally okay to stand up against dooku?
As for them not being generals: A) why do we assume they wanted those positions in the first place or got to choose said positions and B) ok who would you prefer to be generals? Bc like. Not people like tarken who join the empire afterwards, I’m sure. Clone commanders? Like heck yeah I’m totally on board for certain clones being made generals.
But like. Jedi have sensy powers that kinda help? They have life long tactical training? We see in tcw they’re very good at being generals? So like… why? And don’t get me started on the idea any Jedi would sit back and let a clone take point in dangerous missions. We only ever see jedi fighting up front leading clones and protecting them. Except for jedi who have fallen, like krell.
What I’m trying to say is that if the Jedi stayed back and watched others die without doing anything they wouldn’t be jedi. Saying “they could have just not joined the war” suggests they would be better people if they just sat back and watched. I will never understand
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