#do you know how many fics i abandoned from my own writing bc of this
best-knightmare · 5 months
for the sake of the poll, this is already automatically chopping off the “cookie” part of their name
rb for reach please I am curious and like funny polls
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islandofsages · 8 months
Hey ! Can I ask for a male!reader that is a 4th or 3rd year at the NRC (in the dorm you want), and Yuu, Grim and Ortho after seeing him just decided to adopt him like their father ?
The reader is the definition of a good father, and Yuu, Grim and Ortho made him sign the adoption contract (give by Azul).
(Maybe the reader can be the boyfriend of Idia ?)
I just want a reverse adoption with Grim, Yuu and Ortho bc they need a good father.
characters: ortho, yuu and grim with fourth year male reader
tags: platonic, fluff, fic format
warnings: none
author's notes: sorry i didnt do the characters separately, i think they would have similar reactions. also reader isnt with idia bc im keeping this blog fairly romance-free :) thank you for giving me an excuse to write fourth year reader tho, the concept is so interesting and fun to explore!! and hes not in any specific dorm, wanted to keep it ambiguous hehe. honestly this whole thing was my own spin so word count: 974 words
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You haven't gone back to NRC in a while. Despite the absolute chaos that goes on way more than often in that school, you’ve grown to harbor fondness for that familiarity. Luckily, you're due for a report of the progress of your internship. Instead of merely sending an email to your professor, you’ll go meet up with him yourself and check up on your underclassmen (maybe even get to know the freshmen) in the meantime.
You are just one of the many seniors of NRC but you found that your dorm members are quite fond of you for whatever reason. So when you come back for that short time period, a few of them come to greet you and catch up with you. Apparently, the abandoned dorm is now occupied by not one but two new students. You didn't even know there was an abandoned dorm!
“One of them can't even use magic and came from a different universe or something? And one of them is literally a magical monster! The school totally got weirder when you left, (Y/N),” one of your dorm members explains. You try to imagine it in your head. Yeah, no, if nobody told you that’s exactly what happened, you wouldn’t have known. You only believe the dorm member because you trust them enough.
“Oh, and remember Idia? The one with the robot brother? He’s a housewarden now. And his brother's a student now. He's an actual freshman,” more gossip makes their way to you. Your eyes widen at the news. You feel like you may remember them, the Shroud brothers - you could tell Idia was trying really hard to stay on the down low so you did him a favor and left him alone for the most part.
You don’t stay at your dorm for very long - you did come to NRC for a reason - and that was to send in that report of yours. Though you already dropped it off before checking up on your underclassmen, you plan just walking around school and taking in the sights that were once so familiar to you. And you haven’t even really graduated yet.
You walk down the hallways and say hi to whoever you recognize, basking in that comfortable familiarity. Some friendlier students stop to chat with you and to be perfectly honest, you feel a little old compared to everyone. You don’t mind but what’s rubbing it in is how some of the students are calling you “Dad” to tease you. You know they’re being playful for the most part but you can’t help but feel a little awkward with the nickname.
Then you run into those three.
You recognize the younger Shroud brother - hard not to with his flames for hair - but you can only guess the other two are the new students occupying that abandoned dorm; one’s uniform seems foreign and the other is not even remotely humanoid. They're definitely eye-catching, especially together. And apparently, you're pretty eye-catching too, with the way they lay their eyes on you while you were talking to another student.
The younger Shroud brother leads the group as they make their way to you excitedly. You're already preparing yourself for what you assume is a normal conversation with these kids. Too bad normal is the wrong thing to expect from these three, you will come to know.
“(Y/N)! You’re back at school!” The younger Shroud - Ortho, that’s his name - exclaims as he flies slightly upwards, happy to see you again. The other two look at you curiously, head tilted to the side and all. You offer them a jolly laugh as you tell the other two who you are and update all of them of how your internship is going. They’re eerily silent when you’re relaying your story but you appreciate not being interrupted. ‘What polite freshmen,’ you thought.
Until they aren’t, because they interrupt you with-
“Can you adopt us?!”
Their eyes twinkle as they clasp their hands together and gaze at you with their best puppy-eye look. Oh, they’re being genuine. This is escalating way too quickly - the nickname was weird enough, you’re not sure what to feel about a bunch of age-ambiguous freshmen wanting a fellow (though presumably older) student to adopt them. You sigh and put on your best smile so as to not disappoint them.
Truth be told, it really isn’t as bad or weird as it sounds. People were already teasing you about it so might as well run along with it. But still. Legally adopting these freshmen would still be too much for you to handle. After all, you’re still going to be preoccupied with your internship. You won’t be present for most of their school years and the last thing you want to be is a father who forgot to bring the milk back home.
You tell them you will think about it, in case they were actually joking and you’re somehow dumb enough to not catch on. They agree to allow you to take your time… but then they start muttering about “getting a contract from Azul” and you immediately step in to stop them from taking any drastic measures.
After that whole ordeal, you leave school more exhausted than you thought you would be. After all, three freshmen literally asked you to become their father and adopt them and were about to get you to agree to some contract.  But then, you find out, they turn out to be the best children you’ve ever had. 
They can be a handful, sure - Ortho is way too curious for his own good sometimes, Grim can’t sit still and picks fights with people often, and Yuu is… Yuu. Being a single father is definitely not the easiest thing to do with them as your children.
Yet you wouldn’t trade them for the world.
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ahundredtimesover · 6 months
WOOWEEE i’m still processing the new chapter 🥹 i just wanna stress that there’s multiple realities, guys. jk wanting to respect oc by upholding her wishes to grow, but also feeling abandoned by her choices despite him baring his emotions and desire to have her close by. then you have oc feeling the burden of her family ties/debt with the jeon family and wanting to find out who she is away from her current role, but she’s emotionally attached to jk and it’s blurring with her own goals. not only that, we see jk’s codependency on oc and how that could make her feel more chained down. ultimately she’s always needed by someone, but when has she put her needs first?
as mentioned, this is all so deeply rooted. they need to spend time away from each other to grow. jk is probably going to retreat/relapse to his past behaviors or maybe he’ll also be working on himself so that he can be a better partner for oc … my guts say former because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i’m an angst enthusiast.
ALSO i see lots of ppl saying UGH JUST STAY AND DATE, and while yes … this is a fic, this is a slice of life too. yall realize it is super inappropriate to have a secret relationship with your boss? granted all of my bosses have been old balding dudes and not jk, still … it’s the principle 😭 oc and jk having this “separation” period is good (i’m sleeping on the highway) and needed for their character development. i’m sure theyre gunna meet again and the tension is gunna be so high and they will do the boom boom pow💥🤯😏 without feeling that guilt/weird power dynamic!! 🫶🏼
mimi, you’re so awesome and i love this fic so much. YOUR BRAIN IS SO BEAUTIFUL, MUAH!!!!!!! 💋 you did not disappoint with the make out scene … cuz man if they can get like that on their first kiss … WE ARE NOT READY (i am🤲🏼)!! pls take care of yourself as always and hope you have a lovely day
Hi, anon. I took a break from doing my readings bc this just... this just made me smile and it appeased me (as did a lot of other readers' asks and comments) 🥹🥹 especially considering the other asks claiming how the characters are so dumb and stupid, or that they can just date while OC's in the company or date after she resigns. I would like to copy-paste your first paragraph to everything now hahaha (bc oh god the immense joy of a writer when someone accurately says what I was trying to show is insane and that's what I'm feeling!) 😭😭
Like, you couldn't have said it any better. All those things you mentioned can co-exist, and part of the characters' respective stories is learning that those realities can indeed co-exist. Which is why they're as burdened by their choices as they are (and we'll see more of this in ch12). I'd like for you to park that second paragraph bc... I wrote this entire series with the plan for season 2 so whatever happens at the end of this season, know that more will happen and you kind of raised some points already. 👀👀
And with the boss/asst. thing - YES. The power dynamic goes beyond their roles bc their pasts are intertwined as well. Mr. Ri pointed it out to JK - did he want OC to feel indebted to him, too? There are just so many complications. It's always been about needing to feel free for OC. What that freedom means is something she has yet to explore. Even the question of happiness is something she's figuring out.
BUT THANK YOU, like, really. 🥹🥹 It's always tricky and draining to write super long stories like this bc I need to make sure that the characters and storylines are consistent, and knowing that what I intended comes across (most of the time) is truly worth all the stress of writing this one hahaha I hope you're well and I hope to hear from you and your wonderful mind again! 💕💕💕
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fourstarsoutofnine · 1 year
Psst hey..
*slides over request*
Four with a s/o who always manages to injure themselves.
Going for a walk? Scraped knee.
Hunting? Managed to stab self in the hand.
Now imagine an actual fight... Oh dear, what could go wrong?
A/n:this Ask had me cracking up fr—bc I’m like this. I always end up with random bruises, i fell the other day and got one of those carpet burns bc I was trying to scare my dad by hiding in a box and when I stood I fell onto the carpet😭 so I feel this one 100%. My dear anon, so much could go wrong…. I cranked this out in one go, this one was freaking awesome to write!😈 enjoy!
Four with a clumsy s/o!(hurt/comfort. Major angst.)
Warnings:mentions of injuries(scrapes, typical violence and wounds, hunting knife stab), depictions of the traveler removing a knife from your hand. You and four have a fight. Helicopter boyfriend Four.
First hurt/comfort/angst fic! Let’s see how this goes! It’s longer than usual; i got carried away and had a whole lot of fun writing it. Also the definition of the phrase “goose egg” is a bump on the head
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You’ve no doubt heard the term helicopter parent. Those parents who hover over their child’s every action, checking behind them to make sure something is either done right or done safely. That’s the smith, with you—only he’s your boyfriend, and you’re just incredibly clumsy, much to your own dismay. You do your best, you truly do, but despite being the charm on this chain of links—you’re not the lucky one. Not by a long shot.
You always manage to get yourself in the most peculiar of predicaments by doing even the slightest of things. Despite watching where you’re going as you all travel, you somehow manage to fall every single time. You scrape your knees, your elbows—heck, when you first joined, the chain was curious about if you were a Link yourself, or at least a hero of sorts with how many scars you have. You had to explain to them that no, you were just ordinary, but very, very clumsy.
When you and the smith began ‘courting,’ as he calls it, he wasn’t all too overprotective. Sure he worried about you, but he wasn’t overbearing. He just hated seeing you hurt. He’d help you with minor wounds, putting bandages on it and you had to insist that no, you didn’t need the traveler’s magic to heal you. You were fine. It was hard to convince him of that, but eventually he got it through.
Now, when you went hunting.. That was another story.
You and the champion went hunting for stags in his Hyrule, and it seemed he knew where every incredible spot to hunt was. As if he had a map of Hyrule memorized—he didn’t even have it marked on his slate. You were around upper Zora’s Domain, where it seemed tons of stags were. He shot one with a bow and nailed it, the both of you whooping and hollering with wide smiles. He shieldsurfed down and you ran after, yelling curses at him still with a smile, as you weren’t truly mad at all, just being playful. You got to the fallen stag and knelt by it.
“You know how to clean it, don’t you?” The champion asked.
“Yeah, yeah! You just—“ you went to begin but miss and hit your hand instead. You gasp, eyes filling with tears.
“Hylia!!” The Champion shouted and lifted you, completely abandoning the provisions. He’d come back for them later, you were top priority always. Oh by the three, the smith was gonna have his head on a stick… he took out his slate and teleported the both of you to the domain, where the others were waiting. He ran up the stairs and to the little inn, where sidon had taken to entertaining the chain with the story of how he helped the champion conquer Vah Ruta.
“Traveler!!” He shouted. Everyone looked up, the traveler’s head snatching up at his nickname. They saw him place you down. You were holding your hand carefully, blood dripping onto the wet floor of the domain, mixing with the natural water there. You were sobbing as quietly as you could. His eyes went wide and he ran up, the smith doing the same not even a millisecond after him.
“Y/n?! What happened?! How did—“ the smith started bombarding you with questions
“Smith i Need you To back up—“ the traveler put his arm out to keep him back as to not further overwhelm
“That’s my partner! I can’t back up!!”
“You will try.” He turned to him. “They are overwhelmed and in a large amount of pain. The last thing they need is for you to overwhelm them further by shouting questions in their face. I’m trying to heal them; it won’t take too long, now please step back and wait quietly.” He turned again and took your hand into his. The champion put his arms around you gently to support your weight in case your knees buckled during the removal of the knife. “Okay,” the traveler started. He turned his head and pointed. “I need that wooden spoon please.”
The vet got it for him, the traveler thanking him and turning to you again. “Bite this.” He said and held it out to you. You bit down and he let go.
“Im Going to count to three. This isn’t going to feel good at all, but as soon as it’s out, I’ll heal you and it’ll be over before you know it. Pain is only temporary… one… two… three.” He said and pulled the knife out of your hand. You bit down harder and cried. The smith couldn’t take it. He held his mouth, tears welling in his eyes, the color of them changed rapidly between blue, green, violet and red over and over. Not a single color knew how to handle this—but vio took over and took him away from the scene, over to the vet, who let the smith hug him tight. They both had seen countless unimaginable horrors, but this was hard to watch. However as the traveler said, it was over in a matter of seconds and his magic took hold of your hand, the muscle and tissue reforming and a scar in the shape of a slit was formed, brighter than the skin around it. Your sob slowed into small hics as you dropped the spoon from your mouth and looked over your hand, flipping it from the back to the palm. You pulled the traveler in and hugged him tight.
“Thank you, traveler…”
“Of course..” he hugged you back in tight, warm hug. He wore a sad smile. “I’m just relieved you’re alright now…”
The smith came up beside the two of you silently, tears in his eyes. You turned and yanked him into a hug. He sniffled and hugged you back. “Please be more careful, dove…” he cried with a wavering voice. “Please. You worry me more than anything in any universe. I don’t know what I’d do if something even worse happened to you. I’d be sick, and completely beside myself…”
“Im sorry, Link…” you replied quietly near his ear. “I just wanted to help the champion, but I guess I should’ve let him handle the knife as well and I—“
“It’s okay.. It’s okay… I’m just so glad you’re no longer hurt…” he pulled up the newly scarred hand and kissed both sides of your hand, right where the scars are. It melted you and you smiled, leaning down to kiss his forehead. It was a sweet sentiment, but that event sent him into overdrive. He became a helicopter—not that any of you really knew what that was. I suppose you could call him a backpack boyfriend if you wanted to fit the times more. Put simply, he hovered over you like every move you’d make would cause something, which was a drastic over exaggeration, even for you. He stuck by your side constantly, and in moments he couldn’t, he made the traveler watch over you, which he did with a quiet apology after seeing how upset you were at the notion. This went on for a while before you decided you’d had it. You were not some toddler that needed to be constantly monitored. Today, you’d lead him away and speak to him in private. At camp, you were braiding some vines together to make a little basket and the smith was sitting beside you, watching with interest.
“…Link…” you said quietly without tearing your eyes away from your work.
“Yes, my dove?” He leaned over on your shoulder, smiling softly as he watched you. You set your basket-in-progress down between your stretched out legs. “I need to talk to you about something.” You notice the other Links’ ears perk up and their heads turn slightly to try to inconspicuously eavesdrop. “..alone..” you said quietly and stood. He agreed with a concerned and confused look on his face as he followed you, pointing out every little branch and rock in your way. That was the final straw. “I am not a TODDLER, LINK!” You snapped and whipped around to him. “I don’t need a constant babysitter!!!”
He looked shocked. Shocked, frightened, and a bit hurt. “I—“
“I know I’m not the most careful person in the world, but am old enough to take care of myself!!! I have before! I was doing it before I met you lot!”
“I—I know, but—“
“Then stop sheltering me! I can’t live life in a bubble!” You stormed off.
“Y—y/n Wait—“
“Don’t follow me!!” You stomped into the woods, grumbling to yourself. You walked a while, ranting to yourself when you noticed it turning dark. You’d since cleared your head and of course were going to apologize to your boyfriend for yelling at him, and give this thing a nice, healthy talk…. If you could find your way back… you looked to the sky to try to find the smoke from the fire they built, but to your horror.. you saw a bright red moon rising… what was it that the champion said again about his Hyrule? ‘Every week a blood moon rises in my world, resurrecting the slain monsters to allow them to torment Hyrule once again.’
…Oh Sweet Hylia won’t you have mercy just this once..?
You climbed up a tree and saw the smoke signal, lighting up. You climb back down and take off running. However, unfortunately on brand for you, you trip and fall face first into the back of the scariest silver moblin to ever cross paths with you. You heard it’s mighty roar and scramble back, your own back meeting with an adjacent tree. Your only thought before the moblin hit you over the head was an apology to your precious, worried Link. You blacked out. Luckily for you, though, the chain heard the roar as well and came running to your rescue. The smith was freaking out. He scooped you up first without a second thought. His friends could hold their own as a team of eight.
“Smith! You and the traveler take them back to camp and get them well!! We don’t know how long they’ve been knocked out!!”
“Yes sir!!!” Team of seven. The smith and the traveler sprinted back as fast as they carefully could, laying you down and propping your head up on a backpack as the traveler examines your head. No bleeding that he can see, but a very large goose egg on your head. He once again used his magic to heal you as he often did, but he was able to get the swelling to go down. The two waited and waited for you to wake, the traveler saying you needed rest but it shouldn’t be all too long. It was around two hours later that you woke, the rest of the chain had returned and were laughing and telling stories around the fire. The smith stayed by you, his hands holding one of yours. You groaned and sat up.
“Y/n..!” He said quietly.
“Eugh, what happened..? Link..?” Tears welled in your eyes and you pulled him into a hug. “I’m so sorry..! I didn’t mean it—I just—get overwhelmed and snap at people and I’m so sorry! I love you so much—“
You heard him laugh and sniffle. “No.. y/n, I was in the wrong… of course you can take care of yourself. You being upset was warranted by my behavior. I’m not your shadow, I don’t need to always follow your every step just because I’m worried… I’ll back up… watch from behind…” he laughed again, nudging you.
That made you smile. “Thank you. I love you.”
“I love you too.” The two of you shared a kiss and the champion brought bowls over for you two to eat. You both accept them gratefully and sit together, eating. His head lays on your shoulder as he does so. He might be right up on you like your shadow, but in this context you don’t mind. And you certainly don’t mind the love he gives you with each kiss, nor do you mind each butterfly added to your stomach every time he says he loves you…
You were clumsy, but you did one thing right. And that was wind up with him..
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I love having to explain to people exactly how obsessed with SIX I was
like my friends will point out when it’s coming to my city and I’m like “yes honey I’ve known, I’ve known since 8 months ago and I have tickets don’t worry” and then when I mentioned six fanfiction and my friend was like “wait people write fanfiction about it?” “Yes and I’ve read so so many that I had to read wattpads fics FUCKING WATTPAD, if you read the six the musical fics on there you would know….I also know like every ship of the six and probably have read a diff of it” “PEOPLE SHIP THEM?!?!? Aren’t they like cousins?” “Yes but luckily the fandom is small enough no one ships the incest ✌️😜”
then he went on to tell me I was the person that drew Miku binder Tomas Jefferson 😭😭😭
and then when someone sends u a six meme and u have to pretend you’ve seen it for the first time (so that they keep talking abt ur intrest)
one time I was in a little six the musical thingy and the director was asking everyone abt a “little” background about the queens and one person from each group would answer, (I was in the Boylens, but like ofc bc I literally am Anne Boylen and the main character soooo) AND A KID FROM MY GROUP SHOT UP HER HAND AND THE TEACHER CALLED ON HER AND THE SHIT SHE SAID WAS “she uh grew up in France and then married the king and then flirted with 3 guys and then got beheaded” LIKE NO BITCH SHE DID NOT DONT RAISE UR HAND IF UR GUNNA LIE TO US DHFHJFJDIDISKSJSJWHUEUEUE SO THEN I RAISED MY HAND TO HELP HER PUT THERE 😭😭😭✌️😭
another time I was doing Karoke and me & my friend wanted to sing SIX and she’s like “so which song” and I’m like “I know the lines to like all of them so we can do any one”
one time my friends said “her forehead is so big it could be Library full of SIX facts” 💪
also I had(ve) no friends that were this intensely or at all obsessed with it so I would literally be fucking texting myself links to videos and stuff
Also like one time I got jumpscared bc out of the corner of my eye I saw Santa Claus and thought it was H*nry VIII
Also I have seen almost every single one of Art E’s (person who made six the kids) tumblr posts + may or may not have also gotten a virus (no fr I’m not sure) from tumblr when scrolling through six posts
whenever I couldn’t sleep or was home alone yes I would perform six and yes I would know most of the lines
the biggest album on my phone is six photos + I have separate albums for every queen and their kids
also I have seen pretty much every incorrect SIX quote and they are pretty much inside jokes with myself
when I would get really anxious I would imagine my life if I was an actor on tour playing Boylen and my friendship which each of the other random actors and also I would imagine my favorite six six (the last song) animatic
there were times where I could hardly do anything without thinking “OMG THIS IS SO JANE SEYMOUR LIKE I,AGINE IF THE QUEENS WERE HERE AND JEHFJDJWKWKWMMA” (to myself in my head I’m not annoying like that….well to anyone but G)
I wanted to make a Anne Boylen cosplay SOOOO BAD despite having no cosplay skills one time I tried to make one for a belle doll I bought at goodwill speicifically for that purpose and also one out of cardboard
I have an album with all of the bootlegs I could find that aren’t just a black screen and can send it to u
and yet although I’ve been obsessed for 2-3 years I have hardly made any art for it and just have like 50 million unfinished sketches and may or may not have unfinished fanfics and so so many mental ideas of animatics (idk how to animate) that I abandoned after a day and I own 4 pieces of merch that I didn’t make myself (7 if u include the stuff I made) ✌️😭 ✌️😖
when I was bored instead of watching a Netiflix show or listening to music like a normal person, oh no, I would rewatch H*nry VIII oversimplified I’ve seen it like 10 times honestly a banger
Also if you know these 3 songs you are SUCH a real one and I love you;
-divorced behead and died 🗣️🔥💯‼️ divorced beheaded survived 🗣️🔥💯‼️ IM H*NRY VIII IVE HAD 6 SORRY WIVES YOU COULD SAY I RUINEDTHEIR LIVES 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯‼️‼️‼️
Also yes I censor H*nry and not fuck bc it’s funny and I like that it’s like a little with us six fans 💪 as well as Henrat
also I did a history project on Elizabeth I
also at another preppy little thing I did was think which of my friends are each of the queens bc I’m Boylen therefore we all have to be besties
And I could write something probably longer than this post abt my head canons of what I think their personality would be like au’s how I think their friendships are to each other what they would like and dislike, basically a really advanced sim and yes I have made them in the sims but sims 3 won’t let me have more than 8 so Edward had to go also Eddy is an iPad kid bc I deicided like come on Jane would so give him and iPad and be like “oh yes ofc I will pay 20 dollars so u can have new robux 😇”
also I have every single one of the queens and their kids deathdays on my calendar (Mae is not included) as well as their birthdays
also it has been 2 years and I still remeber the time and date I saw six for the first time (cried 6 times 3 when it started 3 when it ended) 💪💪💪
being a SIX fan is having no clue what to say when someone asks how many wars H*nry fought but knowing the amount of miscarriages Lina had
fun fact: Henry killed thousands more ppl than Mary ✌️😜
One time I got in like a 30 minute argument with my friends Snapchat ai about whether or not H*nry deserves decent human respect BITCH JUST BCZ IT WAS A “DIFFRENT TIME” DOESNT KAKE IT OKAY” 😤😤😤
Also fun fact Elizabeth signed everything Elizabeth R because R means Regina which means queen in Latin or something and Elisabeth could speak SOOO MANY diffrent Languages.
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Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Thank you so much to @kitkatt0430 for tagging me <3
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Well, I got back into Coldflash in a big way a couple years ago, and kind of got frustrated not really seeing anything new in the tag, lol. Desperation is usually my biggest motivator to do anything. If I had unlimited new Coldflash fics coming out, I probably would never have written my own tbh.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Just the one. I used to do translations for a different fandom, though, so maybe two depending on if translating counts.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
My own? Only a year and a half. Translating, maybe roughly ten years.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I probably write more now, but you wouldn’t know it because I’m such a slow writer!
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
Oh, I feel like my English has definitely gotten better since I started writing regularly. I always felt obligated to put a little disclaimer at the bottom, like please be nice to me, this isn’t my first language, lol. I feel a little bit more confident about it now (although I still obsessively google every sentence and word).
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I mean, thanks to Chapter 4 of What Happens in Vegas I know now way more than I ever needed to know about tornado sirens, considering we don’t have them in my country, lol. I also ended up doing extensive (and totally pointless) research about the ancient Sumerian city-state of Ur (located in the South of what is now modern-day Iraq), which is where Len/Cold was supposed to be from in my AU where he was a genie. For those who are unaware, Ur fell in about 2000 BC and had a very famous poem written about it. Here is the cheery opening of 11 stanzas of misery:
For the gods have abandoned us
like migrating birds they have gone
Ur is destroyed, bitter is its lament
The country's blood now fills its holes like hot bronze in a mould
Bodies dissolve like fat in the sun. Our temple is destroyed
Smoke lies on our city like a shroud.
blood flows as the river does
the lamenting of men and women
sadness abounds
Ur is no more
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
I always appreciate when people point out the parts they liked. But honestly I’m happy for people to comment at all, especially on older fics :)
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I don’t know that anything I’ve written can be considered fringe, lol. I do have a Lisa/Iris WIP, which I assume would be more of a rarepair, but I only have one scene written for it so who knows if I’ll ever finish it. I guess the Genie AU was kind of strange.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Longfics ;-; God, I’ve gained so much respect for people who can do that consistently for 60+ chapters, or over multiple fics in a series. My longfic isn’t even that long, comparatively, and I still feel like I will never get it done.
10. What is the easiest type?
One-shots, my beloved.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
On my laptop. I just use Word and I prefer to write in the morning, which isn’t super ideal because it only leaves me the weekend to really get into it.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I’m too nervous to start more longfics at the moment because I feel like two is my absolute limit but I’d love to be able to write both the TATBILB-inspired fic I had in mind and the Future Fic that I sometimes play around with. I’d have to finish at least one of my longer projects first, or maybe try to get the whole thing written before posting it but I’m usually too impatient to do that!
13. What made you choose your username?
My username is captainicecube and I picked it because it’s roughly how Captain Cold was translated in the French dub. They translated it as Captain Glaçons (Captain Icecubes), which always makes me laugh whenever I think about it because it’s so stupid XD
Tagging @crestfallercanyon @joanthangroff @tiger-in-the-flightdeck @softboydepot and @moriavis
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fluxweeed · 1 year
Fandom creators self rec game! Choose five favourites from your own creations (and tell me why, if you like!), then pass on to at least five other people. I'd love to hear what you're proudest of.
OH MY tacky i really really appreciate u sending this my way but do u know how much of a challenge this was 😭 i could give you my most hated soooo much easier!!! but after literally a week of deliberation (so sorry!!!) here is my answer!! i think "favourite" and "proudest of" are two different categories for me – i went with "favourite" here bc i think a proper answer for "proudest of" would need at least 3 hours and input from a licensed therapist
Still the pine-woods scent the moon – 15.5k, E, remus/harry
this was sooo different to anything i’d done before – both in terms of pairing (remus/harry), style (2nd person, slightly higher register) and attitude (really tried to be chill about the process instead of hating every second lmao). there are still many things i think could have been done much better, but i think this is the closest i’ve come to liking one of my fics 😖
The Taste of Țuică – 15k, E, ron/harry/draco
this was actually another attempt to make myself enjoy writing – i remembered that when i was younger, i found 1st person easiest to write, so i figured i’d give that a go and see what happened. i was also trying to get better at actually describing locations (a goal i think i immediately abandoned after this fic lmao whoops) so i spent a lot of time coming up with the stupid Rich Person details of draco’s bedroom – it was a fun challenge to try to improve one of my weaker areas!!
For Lack of Wanting – 8.5k, E, drarry
i’d had the image of draco acting like his old self and harry being into it in my head for ages, but i never really imagined it to turn out as angsty as this ended up being – but it was fun to try to capture a different mood than i usually go for! was still really trying to not be so grumpy about writing with this one – there’s a loooot of stuff in this that’s pretty clumsy, but i decided not to care on purpose bc i wanted to focus on the sexy sadness of it all instead 😅
Fresh Eyes – 250, M, drarry
idk man i’m usually such a fucking rambler (last month i posted a stupid PWP that takes place in a single morning and it was a whole 17k words) that i’m lowkey pleased i managed to do anything coherent with 250 words. also i love doing the thing where something is different on a second read.
Thirst – 4.5k, E, drarry
this is quite old and i don’t think it’s particularly good in any sense but there’s a soft spot in my heart for it anyway. i think maybe i’m just into vampires ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@tackytigerfic i really really loved reading your thoughts about your five faves! it always makes me so happy to see you talk about modern love in particular – having a fic that is the one you always wanted to write, was easy to do and evokes fondness years on is such a dream!! my heart warms every time you talk about it!!! + thank u again for tagging (does this count as a tag?) me in this!
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tortoisebore · 6 months
heyyy! not to put any pressure of u at ALL, I was just wondering if u know when the last chap is coming out?? love ur work 💘
hello! i’ve gotten a fair few of these asks lately so i’m popping back in rq to let u know what’s up!
first i want to emphasize that my fic is not abandoned and it will be completed soon.
i’ve taken a break from posting here while i finish up these last 1.5 chapters bc while i very much enjoy being able to talk with everyone, i unfortunately found myself thinking more about how quickly i could offer you more snippets or excerpts or updates rather than the quality of the story and my own enjoyment writing it. to be entirely transparent i’ve also been experiencing some stage fright—it’s a bit daunting to wrap this thing up with the knowledge that so many people have read it and are following it.
tbh i “finished” the last 1.5 chapters in february, but i got to the end and it just didn’t feel right. closing out a story that i’ve spent a year and a half of my life writing is a big deal to me, & the ending i wrote felt lackluster and like it didn’t do justice to the rest of the story, so i’ve spent the last few weeks taking a step back to reevaluate and rewrite it without the ‘my audience is peering over my shoulder’ feeling that i sometimes get when i’m telling you every little thing that’s happening in my writing process.
at the end of the day this is just a fun little self indulgent project, but i care very much about the story and the characters and my number one priority rn is that i feel good about how it ends. i’m a slow writer in general and i don’t do deadlines, so i can’t offer you an estimated timeframe for an update other than “sometime in the near future.” the final 1.5 chapters are a work in progress and will continue to be until i feel like they’re ready, but i’m having a very good time writing them, and ultimately i think you’ll really enjoy the way this part of their story comes to a close 🫶
(and thank you to this anon and everyone who has sent me asks/messages asking about updates—i really do appreciate you and i really hope im not coming across like an asshole 🫶 i’m very grateful for your care and support for this story 💕)
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19calicos · 21 days
fic authors self rec! ♡ when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. let’s spread the self-love ♡
hi wyr & @mollyrolls !! you both sent me this so i’ll answer u both here :-) thank you for the ask btw !!!
so technically i dont have 5 fics out LFMAOO so i’ll plug everything i’ve published so far + my favorite ikwtl chapters!
when the sun sets, it rises again (osamu oneshot)
this is the most self indulgent thing i’ve ever published ….. i wrote this when i was barely starting to come out of a really bad headspace, and it ended up kind of helping me out of it more. i really love osamu and i’ve been wanting to write more for him but im glad i put him in this one :-) and i think that all of the things i’ve written, i genuinely don’t care how many notes this one gets LOL idk how to describe it but it’s just so close to my heart
street style (oikawa smau)
HELP im gonna have so much fun writing this ITS SO EASY TO BE FUNNY FOR THIS FIC 😭😭 oikawa fuckass bermuda shorts pic u do Not know how iconic u are to me !!!!! i think i’ll also post a style guide for this one since fashion is a part of it !
tea for two (kiyoko smau)
a fic that im very very excited to write ‼️ plus kiyoko deserves more love and the more i plan for this/look at my notes the more im like Wait….. Theres literally no way i actually considered a man for this fic 😭😭 im very excited to do my best in characterizing kiyoko and the support this fic has alr garnered just from the masterlist blows me away <33 i really love the image of crescent teahouse that im creating and how it and yn march to their own beat :-)
i know where to look (kuroo smau)
definitely my pride and joy and very self indulgent 🙂‍↕️ im proud of how far i went with it and i will be finishing it soon one way or another! it still blows my mind that this was my first fic and it kind of blew up very soon after i started publishing chapters. i appreciate all the love it’s received and i think about some of the tags in the reblogs very often, esp when all i want to do is abandon this blog 😭😭
ikwtl chapter 6: clocked and chapter 12: who wont slime
6 & 12 are the funniest chapters i’ve written out of the entire series 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ i rmbr reading peoples’ reactions and laughing my ass off when i was writing the tweets 😭 like bokuto choking bc he was too drunk to remember to chew & noya selling slime to akaashi i rlly make myself laugh ! i am very glad my very dumb humor has also made other ppl laugh too !!
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sighonaraa · 1 year
i know ur knee deep in ask games rn but i neeeeeed to know ur take on the shandy storyline and how it relates to keeley’s storyline in s3 (and how that might play into the long s3 fix it! if you would like to talk about that!)
so the thing about me is i LOVE being annoying about the media i consume and the fics i write about the media i consume and i ALSO love being sent asks like these. tl;dr: i would very much like to talk about this bc. i have So Many Thoughts.
re: keeley's s3 storyline. it was. Disappointing. to say the least. and i turned it upside down and shook it, and two things fell out that really struck me: 1) keeley's established fear of abandonment (played for laughs in season 1 but Very Important To Me Personally) and, 2) the fact that, as much as i dearly love her so much, keeley is all about accountability but rarely is given or takes the opportunity to take accountability for her own actions. one change i'm making for keeley's storyline in the fix it is, i'm going to have her and roy's break-up be mutual -- but mutual in the sense that the breaking up is mutual, while the reasons for each of them wanting to initiate the break up are quite. different.
now to shandy! personally, i was SO EXCITED for shandy when she was introduced. she was fun! she and keeley had fantastic banter! she genuinely was very smart and had good ideas, until they... yeah. y'know. mark me down as angry AND disappointed. the only woman of color in the show aside from dr. sharon (whose role in this season is a whole other... issue. BUT THAT'S ANOTHER POST) and THAT'S what you do with her?? bad and icky. baaaaaad and icky.
essentially, i've come to the conclusion that what i wanted from keeley and shandy's storyline, specifically, was a parallel of keeley and rebecca's storyline from season 1 -- but slightly to the left. because when i look at it, what i see is two women who both came from working class childhoods, got into modeling, dated footballers, and on the surface are more or less a stereotype of that sort of character. but with keeley, we got a subversion of that! and i want to dig into that subversion with shandy's character too! i think it would be really interesting to approach their storyline from the perspective of, like. keeley "got out". she "escaped" the narrative of this character archetype. and in doing so, she "abandoned" her past, and along with it, the people in her past. people like shandy.
so there's going to be a lot of butting heads between the two of them, and eventually keeley's going to be forced to take a step back and reflect on her own behaviors, not only regarding shandy but also regarding the mistakes she herself made in her relationship with roy. and in doing THIS, she'll ALSO be forced to reconcile herself with her own fears of abandonment. plus! i'm going to have that whole "starfuckr" thing (which was. another Choice the season made) actually play into the leaked sex tape storyline, and examine issues of public image and perception, having agency in what sorts of things are online re: you and your body, modeling as a profession that commodifies bodies, etc., etc. i want keeley to actually approach shandy and be like. hey. we've learned to view our bodies as Things, but we shouldn't have had to. and this sort of app isn't okay. and to have both of them be able to, like. talk to each other about the toxic environment of modeling and how that's played into their own senses of self-worth and self-esteem.
ALSO! my last point and then i'll be quiet lmao. but keeley and shandy and barbara will all be FRIENDS. and they will be wonderful and support each other. this is very important to me.
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nachtwaechterin · 11 months
20 questions for fanfic writers tagged by @kittyphoenix12-xx. Thanks for the tag!!!
How many works do you have on AO3?
22 across four pseudonyms!
What's your total AO3 word count?
251,426 as of November 3rd, 2023
What fandoms do you write for?
Across my fandoms, there are fics for BotW, A:tLA, BBC Merlin and now the MCU. I'm currently only writing MCU fic tho!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Spider on the Web (1,077 kudos, MCU, Parkner)
The Scientific Method (246 kudos, MCU, Parkner)
Spidery Thoughts (136 kudos, MCU, Parkner)
How To Train Your Dragon Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (120 kudos, MCU)
Druids and Destinies (117 kudos, BBC Merlin)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! Because comments make me happy and I wanna engage with my readers (which is also why I have a Discord server for my fics)
If I don't respond, it's probably because it's a longer thread in which I've replied before and I simply don't know what to say.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't do angsty endings. Or, well, I do at the end of a work but usually those have sequels with happier endings. The worst I'm gonna do is bittersweet. But if we allow angsty endings with sequels that have happy endings, The Way of the Sword (A:tLA) will fit best!
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them tbh!!! Or so many of them. I will say Coffee and Chamomile (MCU, Parkner) though because the overall vibe is also very fluffy.
Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet!
Do you write smut?
I do! Mostly as an exploration of my own sexuality since I did struggle to accept my cupiosexuality for years. There's It Turns Out Asexuals CAN Want Sex (MCU, Parkner), and the rewrite of The Scientific Method will get a smut one-shot. I might also write some for Glowing in the Dark (MCU, Parkner) tbh.
Do you write crossovers?
I had ideas but nope! Idk, it's difficult for me to write for me in more than one fandom at a time, and this just ties into it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Do my own abandoned translations count? If so, then yes.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I tried but I feel like co-writing is kinda difficult for me because of the increased pressure. A one-shot or short story is probably fine but anything more than that is just. Idk. My brain does Not Like It.
What's your all-time favorite ship to write for?
Tbh that changes depending on the fandom im in currently! It's Harley Keener/Peter Parker aka Parkner (MCU).
What's A WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All of the ones in the fandoms I fell out of tbh.
What are your writing strengths?
I think writing emotions!!! I'm just projecting my own experiences and trauma and I think that gives them a lot of depth and makes them pretty realistic!
What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't keep anything short. I just ramble on and on and on and on and on and—
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I italicize and use a tooltip workskin so that if you hover over it you can see the translation! (or click on it, if you're using mobile)
For sign language, I haven't figured that one out. I probably won't use ASL grammar bc I simply do not know ASL (tho I do aspire to learn sign language from the country I live) and also bc I heard that can make it harder to read. I might put in italics, might not, idk. I'll see when I'll have to use it!
First fandom you wrote for?
Prinzessin Lillifee (a German book series/magazine about a fairy, often featuring her unicorn and animal friends. I used to spend so much money on the magazines and I'm pretty sure I had an audiobook! Prinzessin Lillifee fanfic was actually what got me into writing, and ironically I wrote one-shots for it.
Favorite fic you've written?
That is so difficult to answer. Probably A Spider on the Web and It Turns Out Asexuals CAN Want Sex. And Glowing in the Dark (MCU, Parkner).
I'm tagging @the-writing-merlin, @chaosisorderao3, @pbpsbff, @graham-cracker-guillotine, and whoever else wants!
List of questions under the cut for ease of copy-pasting.
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Do you get hate on fics?
Do you write smut?
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What's your all-time favorite ship to write for?
What's A WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
What are your writing strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
First fandom you wrote for?
Favorite fic you've written?
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
As a fic writer, how do you stay positive and not stress yourself out with constantly comparing?
I've been really struggling with that. I start spiraling when a certain chapter doesn't get as many comments as usual, comparing my hit counts and kudo counts to other fics, and it's really not healthy but I'm struggling with knowing how to stop, how to just be happy and proud of the response I've gotten. Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.
honestly? i know this might seem counterintuitive but my best advice in that situation is probably to stop posting for a while
like. for me the thing that helped most/still helps most when i find myself falling into the trap of comparison was taking a step back and reevaluating why i wanted to write and what i got out of writing in the first place. like, for me, the core reason i write is for the joy of creating something, and getting to share it with others is all just a bonus. but i haven't always felt that way, and it definitely took a lot of reflection and having to unlearn a lot of social messaging to get there.
i think we are all very much blasted with the message that the most important metric for how worthy art is = how big the audience looking at it is. and i think, because of the way capitalism conditions us to interact w art, it's really really easy to feel like your art is only meaningful if people are seeing it and telling you it's good. like, the focus turns to outside affirmation rather than an interior sense of worth.
but the act of creating art has merit in and of itself. art is worth something because the act of creation is beautiful and joyful, regardless of who sees or doesn't see the final product.
writing fanfiction has helped me find the joy in writing again by removing it from the sort of profit economy that conditions me to think art is only worth something if it can be sold. before i got into writing fic, i felt this sense that creative writing wasn't worth anything unless it was something that i could one day publish which really just stifled me, and it wasn't til i went "fuck it i'm just gonna write something for the fun of it with no plans to ever try and get other people to read it" that i started to really enjoy writing again. and i think that's why i tend to be really wary of anything that starts to treat fic like books or pull fanfic back into this pseudo-profit economy where worth is measured by online popularity/tiktok virality--bc for me, fanfiction is an escape from that sort of mentality.
now, i try to be really vigilant about when i'm starting to fall back into the habit of feeling like my writing is more or less valuable based on whether it gets more or less hits/kudos/comments etc. i think this winter i finally reached a point where writing fic was starting to feel too much like a job w the pressure i was putting on myself to write a certain amount of words or meet certain deadlines, so now i've just been writing without posting anything for like 2ish months and i've found it really helpful! it's good to remember that writing is fun and rewarding even if nobody is seeing it in the moment and there's not that constant feedback loop of affirmation.
and if getting that outside affirmation is a driving factor in why you're writing, and it's draining because it's driving you to constantly compare, then i think it's worth taking a step back and evaluating why you want to write and whether it's like....emotionally sustainable. there's nothing wrong with wanting affirmation and wanting people to see your work, but at least for me anytime i've prioritized outside affirmation it's weakened my own interior sense of worth and made me much more likely to burn out or abandon writing projects. it's difficult bc like i said we are all very much conditioned to prioritize outside affirmation when it comes to art, but for me reframing the way i think about what makes art worth creating in the first place has literally made my writing experience a million times better. so, the most concrete advice i have for giving yourself space to do that is just--stop posting for a bit. stop seeking an audience in any way shape or form. give yourself some time to write by yourself and for yourself, to figure out what about writing brings you joy when there is no outside affirmation and make that the centerpoint of your creative endeavors.
i think there might also be a skin on ao3 that hides kudos and hits and comment numbers, so it might be a good idea to look into that if you're really struggling to stop comparing! also, i highly recommend cj the x's video essays the kronk effect and 7 deadly art sins, as well as jamie berrout's essays against publishing if ur looking to challenge/reframe/expand/adjust the way you think about art + literature :•)
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racingliners · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers - Was totally, definitely tagged by @monacotrophywife
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
23, some of them are long abandoned wips but I very much struggle with deleting things.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
533,586. I just have a lot to say.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
F1 and Star Trek
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the og rpf version of Life In The Fast Lane, The Rules of Strategy, Sister, This Must Be a Mistake (a prompt which I brushed up and posted on ao3 for prosperity) and I'll Be Okay, Someday (a very self-indulgent Charles leaves Ferrari fic with some sebchal if you really squint)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try to respond to comments as best I can, mainly just to show appreciation for getting a comment in the first place (I don't get comments on my works that much so I get stupidly delighted with every one) and also because I just absolutely love chatting about my works and my thought processes or events that happened in a fic/chapter.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
As someone who has autistic over-empathy and is very conflict averse I really struggle to write angst so if I ever do some it's always resolved asap.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is hard bc for the reasons listed above I love happy endings. My initial thought was Night Life which is more of a hopeful ending than happy. I also loved writing the end scene for I Don't Feel So Good (another prompt request I initially posted here)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I am not a religious woman but I thank God every day that I don't because I'm pretty sure it would make me stop writing
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
The thought of writing smut has always terrified me bc that shit is hard (pun semi-intended). I also have not had any irl smutty experiences so I wouldn't really know what I'd be writing about. So I'll always do the whole "fade to black with heavying implications that they got laid" shtick. Smut writers of the world are braver than any US Marine and they all have my respect 🫡
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes! I wouldn't describe my two crossover fics as crazy, but I absolutely adore them both (and hilariously they're my two top kudosed Trek fics!)
There's Sister which is my take on Kelvin Timeline Michael Burnham and Spock, and One Admiral and His Beagle which is a canon filler here's how Kirk met Porthos fic.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully, not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but I would be so honoured if anyone wanted any of my works translated!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope, an opportunity has never arose but I'd be so down for it.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Trip and T'Pol from Star Trek Enterprise, teenage Seanagh imprinted on them like a baby chick when I watched ENT for the first time and I still got feral for them to this day.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
No word of a lie I'm terrified that I won't finish my re-write of Life In The Fast Lane bc I started it in late-2022 and I'm still on the 2023 season but I am stubborn and determined to see it through to the end so I can start the Change In Colour re-write
16. What are your writing strengths?
Definitely world building, I think it's because I'm so detailed orientated that my brain instantly goes to the little things and honestly I find it so much fun even if it takes forever.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue, specifically making sure each character has their own voice. The "he would not fucking say that" post lives in a corner of my brain at all times and fills me with The Dread every time I write a dialog heavy scene and I hate it 😭
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
For me personally I'll only do short sentences because autism brain demands that I must be accurate and I can only speak and understand a tiny bit of French
19. First fandom you wrote for?
F1 actually! I posted the first version of LITFL way back in 2014.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
It's a tie between Sister, The Rules of Strategy and the second version of LITFL, I'm having such a ball writing the latter two even though each chapter takes way longer than I'd like, they're very much my babies and I love them equally.
tagging my writing besties @hungriestheidi, @kaossbells and anyone who would like to do it because I love hearing about how other writers do/view things.
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abcd-em · 7 months
Talk Shop Tuesday: because you are a marketing girlie, eye would love your thoughts on the idea of fanfic marketability as it relates to popularity/traction. It’s one of those things that’s rarely ever gets put into words (except to be derogatory) and is undersold as a part of what makes a fic “take off” I’ve known plenty of fantastically written fics that never get their time to shine just as I’ve know abjectly terribly written things become the most kudos and recommended fic ever.
How much of marketing are /you/ thinking of, if you’re thinking of it at all, when it comes to publishing a fic?
(And bonus: what’s the reason you think your underrated WIPs aren’t doing as well as the others?)
Tumblr media
As the second person to ask me that, of course I can!!!!!
Fandom, as with any other community on the Internet, goes through trends of what they like to see and how they like to read. I'd argue that it's impossible to truly predict when a fic will 'take off' bc of this but there's definitely things you can assume.
The marketability of a fic rarely stops me from writing what i want (obviously there are exceptions), but its something i keep in mind when planning to ensure theres little hooks here or there. There's things that I know in the back of my mind, that I know almost for certain (for my writing and what's I've observed at least):
- kid fics will do well (or more low stakes, domestic fics)
- fast paced [blank] to lovers will do well vs. A slower burn (I could say this has smt to do with fear of fic abandonment and maybe attention span)
- MCD will not (at least in mcu petermj)
- platonic or character driven stuff can be a mixed bag
- etc.
Your fandom, your tropes, the bare bones of your fic (not the actual words just the vibes/direction) can definitely have an impact on reach and inevitable audience size - not forgetting that HOW ur fandom interacts with content should be considered. Example:
My Insomniac fics didn't get many hits bc it's a smaller audience (though i tend to find more of those hits also equal comments). From that, My Peter/Harry centric fic got more engagement and interaction VS. My peter/MJ centric fic - I knew this would happen when I was writing it BECAUSE the main thing talked about after the release of the second game was Parksborn. (Understandable I was also consumed by the brainrot)
Not to get SEO about it but tags and summary are also going to impact these things. Themes and tropes all have their own popularity innit. Your tags are there to give an overview (AND WARNING!!!) about the contents of your fic. Boiling all your plans down to the right tags will help it appear to the right people that WANT that kind of story, and exclude it from others. Your summary will also help with that (and from my experience main characters & romantic hook/tease is what gets most attention). This is probably where I consider marketability the most tbh and why I struggle so much with summaries bc why am I thinking of work when I'm writing fic???
But tags and summary definitely impacted Forever: there's a big tilt towards 'sadder' tags bc I want to be transparent about the topic. And the summary is very focused on Peter and Gwen (which is why I added the little line about MJ and Peter at the end).
The focus on Peter and Gwen also impacted the divorce AU. I didn't anticipate that fic getting as much traction as it did, but It wasn't until chapter 8 or something that it really began to take off.
Also. As with anything on the Internet. There's the 'right time, right place' effect where something just CLICKS, the perfect storm of a few small things that gets swept up to huge numbers and its difficult to pinpoint a single one.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: creating content for the sole purpose of marketability will make it less fun and kill your joy
Talk shop tuesday
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6, 7, 29 😊
(ask game) ty!!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
in the fervour of the end of uni i really fell off the fic rereading train, but i'm hopping back on now - many many fics by @flightspathfic but especially Fall Back (obvo) and Mouth Open (1-2-3), which inspired me to start writing smut, every fic in @kelliealtogether's Meet Me On Your Mat Universe, both of the fic's in this collection of @behindtheatlantic's, and silly little love notes by @jackwolfes, among obviously everything else they've ever written. also this one, by an completely unrelated author obviously.
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
many!!!!!! well it's exactly 14 on my fic list rn, but i'm sure there are more floating around that i've forgotten to write down.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
ooh okay. i'm always hesitant to say i'll never post an abandoned idea bc who knows, you know? but i abandoned this one pretty quickly - it's about adam mourning persephone post BLLB, and i like what i've got but just couldn't do anything else with it.
Persephone has been dead three days. Not long enough for anything to have happened, no funeral, nothing; an awful quiet had been drawn over everything. It feels to Adam like a week before school starts again, like he’s forgotten to do something, or is anticipating his own forgetfulness. But this morning things had started moving again, somehow, without him being informed, and when he’d gone to Fox Way, on Blue’s request, he’d been given a box of things - Persephone’s tarot cards, some candles and crystals no one else had wanted, and the absolute worst scarf Adam had ever seen. Purple and orange, stitched together from what feels to Adam like cut-up old t-shirts. He’d tried it on in his tiny bathroom, peering at himself in his dirty mirror, and decided he looked too much like an animated scarecrow from an old kid’s movie to ever wear it outside. But it feels like a disservice to her to just put it away, so it’s slung over the back of his desk chair, causing visual clutter and a confusing metaphysical vibe.
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abyssalaerlocke · 9 months
honestly you're so real for the Halsin/Tara post. I'm too scared to like it and I'm paranoid enough that I turned on my VPN to send this ask bc I live in fear of antis. But Tara passes the Harkness Test: Intelligent, able to communicate, and mature for her species. I'm half tempted to write a short anonymous fic because ugh I'm kind of obsessed. Imagine this:
Tara is in heat and the camp is going insane. She's yowling at all hours, nobody can sleep, and Gale is getting worried about her wandering off and mating with a random stray tomcat (act 3)(i don't know if tressym can have kittens with regular cats but whatever).
Seeing everyone get increasingly grumpy, bickering over nothing, and even performing badly in their battles, Halsin realises he is uniquely equipped to take care of the situation. And he is nothing if not resourceful.
He's not sure of etiquette on this, but he decides it's best to approach Gale for permission, so as not to find himself on the receiving end of a fireball when he finds out.
Gale, in his typical fashion, is incredulous, flustered, and altogether out of his depth. He eventually concedes it's for the best, acknowledging her capacity to consent.
He approaches Tara in his elf form, scritching her while they have a brief chat about it - she accepts his offer without hesitation. He wildshapes into a cat, and... well. The rest is perhaps best saved for...... not here.
Anyway thank you for this delightful little brainworm. my ADHD meds kicked in while I was rotating them in my brain so I had to get some word vomit out there!
Honestly between everyone being on board with bards bangin' dragons (in dragon form), the bear scene, countless fics of werewolves in wolf form and ones with just-dogs, with the feline displacer beast, and catgirl/boy phenomenon — I think the defining issue that separates this from all of that is size. The fact that neither partner can be in humanoid form for it to work, crosses a line for most people.
Same goes for me — not as a squick, just generally disinterest. I'm on board with that being an aspect of their relationship, but personally more interested in thinking about Tara curled up on the back of Halsin's big, fluffy, bear form.
But hey, when the muse hits ya ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ fiction is a good outlet, that like all the violent video games and media, lets us address things in a medium that isn't hurting anyone.
I think the biggest issue for me is consent during heat — it's something that generally turns me away from a lot of omegaverse and sex pollen fics these days. If inclined, you could make tressyms' heat less severe, or Tara's interest in Halsin discussed beforehand. He would have smiled, comfortable with the naturalness of it and flattered, without really considering indulging her at the time.
I know the mentioned WIP was Tara transforming into a human, instead of the other way around, and I'd probably go for Tabaxi or one of the other feline humanoids in DnD.
I have a brainworm of Cazador not doing the black mass, but Gale "prodigy archwizard, chosen of Mystra" Dekarios of Waterdeep is regarded by many as "the man who'll become a god". Cazador hears how Gale talks about his beloved tressym, and to earn his favour and hopefully aid one day, custom breeds some tabaxi/owlin or something — basically humanoid tressyms. And so Astarion and his siblings are basically a litter of these, and Astarion gets gifted to Gale — who was entranced, but mostly just accepted to get him out of Cazador's hands.
They pursue a relationship on their own prerogative, but Tara is very cross Gale abandoned the other poor tressym-adjacent victims of Cazador. So they go on an adventure, tracking down Astarion's siblings, who have been sold off, escaped, rescued... They find them in varying dynamics with other characters from canon. Dalyria helps Halsin as an apprentice healer in the grove, Leon is an employee for Grand Duke Wyll Ravengard, Aurelia's with Karlach, etc.
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