#do your own gel nails
nerdie-faerie · 20 days
Currently unpacking all my shit into my new flat. And it's never more apparent that I have both, a shopping and hoarding problem, until I have to once again move and confront my problems
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angelicgirlmj · 30 days
an angels guide: before your first day back to school ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
hi angels! so for many of us it’s approaching back to school season. for lots of people this can be a bit of an anxiety inducing time, whether you are starting a new school year or kind of education there is alot to plan and prepare and get ready for - it can feel extremely overwhelming! here is my guide for having an organised and effective first day back at school to get you on track and motivated! enjoy and as always feel free to comment your own tips or advice.
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the week before ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
check through stationary and buy anything you need, check subject lists to see what is recommended as well. buy cute stationary in your favourite colours to motivate you!
sort through books, folders etc and organise notes, any loose pieces of paper and any important documents.
assign a folder to each subject, or if already have a folder check through and make sure it is organised and neat.
clear school emails etc, check through and organise into sections and respond to any. check for any information from your school regarding the upcoming year.
finish off any summer work and make sure it is all complete and ready to be handed in on the deadlines provided. check for any extra work if you have spare time, such as a book or article to read.
read up on the new syllabus/lesson plan for your subjects. familiarise yourself with how it looks, any new terms and any possible problem areas.
fix your sleep schedule! start going to bed earlier and waking up at the time you need to be up for school just to make it less of a shock to your system.
check your bag will fit everything and that any additionals such as a water bottle or lunch box are in good condition and to your tastes.
work on your morning/evening routines, plan when you will be doing work and make necessary changes.
figure out your fitness goals and routines - are they realistic for a full time student? time management is key.
if using apps such as notion, ensure it is set up for the new school year and neatly organised.
plan outfits, check through clothes in case in need of new underwear etc or wardrobe staples.
research healthy and nutritious lunch ideas (may make a post on this later!!), buy ingredients if needed.
do any ‘high maintenance’ things, get your nails done, lashes, eyebrows etc.
pack an emergency bag (pads/tampons, spare underwear, cash etc).
check any hygiene products and buy new ones/replace old ones if run out or in need of more!
do more self care, do a hair or face mask, do your own nails, watch your favourite films, have some you time before school starts again.
make a back to school playlist.
the night before ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
eat a healthy dinner.
do face mask (use one you have tried before in case a new one causes a bad reaction).
oil hair + hair mask.
dry brush before shower.
wash out oil + masks, shampoo twice.
apply conditioner and leave in.
exfoliate and clean body with soap before shaving.
wash out conditioner and apply bath gel.
finish shower, hair routine (mine is in-depth i have curly hair!), apply body oils.
blowdry, diffuse or air dry hair depending on type.
apply body lotion and perfume.
make tea and drink while doing some journaling (what is my plan for tomorrow, what do i want to achieve etc)
pack bag and organise clothes.
clean teeth, floss and mouthwash.
do gua sha routine and ice face.
do pm skincare routine.
do nail care routine and out hair up for bed.
watch comfort show or read comfort book.
set alarm.
have an early night!
the day of ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
wake up nice and early.
do some yoga/stretching.
tidy room.
eat a healthy breakfast.
pack or plan lunch.
fill up water bottle.
check bag is fully packed.
check school timetable, make note of rooms etc.
have a quick shower if time (shave, body gel etc).
clean teeth and do am skincare.
get dressed.
journal and plan day.
put on back to school playlist!
head to school.
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thank you for reading angels! hope this was so helpful and have a wonderful back to school season. all my love, m.
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ragingbookdragon · 9 months
I Do My Hair Toss, Paint My Nails
Bayverse Transformers x Reader Blurbs
Word Count: 1.7K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: I fucking wrote TF fanfiction omg. Enjoy! -Thorne
It’s only the fourth glance she takes out the window that has her nail tech snorting. “Are you worried someone is going to steal your boyfriend’s truck?”
She startles at his words, barely missing the drill bit going into her skin around her nail as she replies, “Huh?”
“You keep looking at the truck,” he says. “It’s your boyfriend’s, isn’t it?”
Her cheeks begin to warm as she swipes a fifth glance at the black GMC. “What makes you say it’s my boyfriend’s? It could be mine.”
“Please. You work in private security. And I know you drive a pink Porsche.” He takes his own look at the truck. “It’s a nice one. It is your boyfriend’s, right?”
“Something like that,” she replies as he dips the brush into the acrylic and begins to lay it over her nails.
He snorts again. “Okay, Miss Mysterious, keep it secret.”
She gives a smile as he continues to work on her nails and she admires them when they’re done, a sleek black stiletto. “Thank you, Ray.”
Giving a mock bow, he replies, “I do my best. Now off with you.”
Waving, she steps outside and nears the driver’s side of the truck, only to be caught off by a sports car slowing to a stop beside her.
“Hey baby,” the man greets, practically hanging outside of the window. “Where you headed?”
She blinks, offering a deadened stare and grips the door handle. “Nowhere you are. Have a nice day.”
“Now don’t be like that, sweetheart,” he replies with a smirk and starts to get out, but he stops when the truck rumbles with a violent noise. “What the fuck?”
“Easy, Ironhide,” she murmurs, and opens the driver’s door. “Have a lovely day.” Shutting and locking the door, she’s thankful that Ironhide’s windows are tinted and watches as the car pulls away in a hurry.
“You okay?” Ironhide asks. “I can always blast their tailpipe in.”
She laughs. “Thank you, but I think they got the message.”
“Hmm, I disagree, but I’ll take your word for it,” his voice hums through his speakers as he pulls off onto the street. “What did you do in there? You were gone for an hour and a half.”
“Oh, I got my nails painted!” she chirps and flashes her hands down. “See, I painted them black like your paint.”
This time, Ironhide rumbles but it’s with a subtle pride as he compliments, “As beautiful as my weapons, love.”
“Thank you,” she smiles and leans forward, pressing her lips to the center of the steering wheel. “How about we take a drive out of the city?”
“I think that’s a fantastic idea,” he replies and turns off to the main highway pointing out of the city.
“I do not understand the process of painting your nails,” Rachet comments as he watches her gently apply a mustard yellow to her nails.
“Which part don’t you understand, big guy?” she replies, not looking up, focusing intently.
“Perhaps it is more so I don’t understand why.”
He nods and gets closer, staring at her hands. “Why are you painting them?”
She looks up at him. “Why me specifically or why do humans paint nails?”
Rachet takes a moment to ponder her question. “Both.”
Sticking her hand under the small gel light, she answers, “Most people paint their nails as a form of self-expression. Others do so as it’s fashionable. Some just do manicures and pedicures to stay groomed. Think of it like you and the others maintaining your own bodies and staying in good condition.” She starts on the other hand when the first is cured. “Some cultures have historic context with painting nails or the length of nails and it’s symbolic to their people.”
“And what of you?” he asks.
“I guess mine is more so expression and maintenance. I work a lot so I can’t always have my nails maintained the way I want, y’know painted and with length. But I always try to keep them clean and nice looking.” She smiles as she paints a red line through them. “Sometimes I’m lucky enough that I get to paint them pretty.”
At that, Rachet tips his head a bit to see. “I’m no human but I do not think red and yellow are technically considered ‘pretty.’”
She gives him a fond look and pokes his nose with her cured pointer. “Really? Because I painted them to look like a similar Autobot I know. Or did you forget you’re red and yellow?”
He coughs slightly and looks away. “Well, now that you mention such a thing.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re flustered, Rachet.”
“Nonsense,” he retorts as he stands up straight, and she has to crane her neck to see him. “Autobots don’t get flustered.”
“I think you’re leaking oil, big guy,” she teases, and he turns hurriedly, patting himself down.
“What! Where!”
“I’m joking,” she says with a grin. “Still set on not being embarrassed?”
She sits at the station next to Bumblebee as he fumbles with the metal Rubik’s cube she had made for him. “What color should I paint my nails, Bee?” she asks, opening the case, and she really shouldn’t be painting her nails at work, but considering most of the higher ups are in meetings and the facility is a ghost town, she doesn’t have much to do.
Bumblebee looks down, optics zooming in on each color she lifts up for him to see.
“I’ve got blue…red…black…ooo, what about green?” she offers a deep evergreen up and he scowls and shakes his head. “No?”
He sticks a finger into the case and carefully digs around until he pulls out a tiny tube and hands it to her.
“This one?” she asks and looks at the bottle. “Sunrise Yellow,” she says and looks at him. “It matches you.”
This time he gives her a smile of pride and hands her the black bottle as well, gesturing to her middle and ring fingers.
“You want these ones painted black and the others yellow?”
“Yeah baby!” the line from a comedy movie comes over his voice and she snorts.
“Okay, Bee,” she answers and opens the bottles. “Nails that look like you coming up.” she watches as he grins to himself and dances slightly. “You keep it up, Bee, and everyone is going to know you like me.” She pauses and looks at her hands with a deadpan stare. “Actually, they’re going to think I like you.”
He bends down and gets face to face with her. “You do like me.” The words are easy enough to decipher in his rumbles and she looks away.
“Get outta heeya,” she mocks with warm cheeks, and he laughs at her. “Hey, you better stop laughing at me, or do you not remember how you practically tripped over yourself when I wore a dress the other day and you weren’t paying attention. Ran right into the high-beam and maintenance is still working on fixing it.”
At that, his battle visors come down and he hides his face as embarrassed rumbles escape him; she takes the opportunity to slide up onto his leg and sit with a smile as she paints her nails.
She greets the soldiers around her with a smile as she enters the facility and wanders back to her desk to set her things down. It’s only a few moments before Lennox finds his way to her desk and simply stands in front of it until she looks up. “Good morning, Will.”
“You’re late,” he retorts and crosses his arms over his chest. “We had training this morning. And you missed it.”
“And I think you forget I was transferred to private security.” She smiles amusedly. “I don’t work for the military anymore.”
He rolls his eyes. “Jesus, you get out and you turn into a completely different person.”
“I am not. Excuse me for enjoying not waking up at the ass-crack of dawn to go running.” She turns on her computer and sorts some paperwork on her desk. “I had an appointment if it appeases your annoyance, your royal eminence.”
“Oh, it’s not me that needs to be appeased. It’s a certain Autobot that was worried about your lateness,” he teases as she feels her cheeks heat up.
She gives him a surprised but pleasant look. “Optimus was worried about me?”
She knows she’s said too much when Lennox’s face splits into a smirk and he gloats, “I fuckin’ knew it was Optimus. Epps thought it was Sideswipe.” His grins grows as she throws her pen at him and he saunters off with, “Guys owe me fifty.”
A few minutes pass as the embarrassment begins to fade when a noise startles her and she lets out a groan and gripes, “William, go awa—Optimus!” she hides her files on her desk as if it will take away the fluster she feels. “I—I didn’t know you were there.”
The Autobot leader bends down to get level with her. “You weren’t at training this morning,” he notes, and she can’t help how her neck disappears into her shoulders.
“I was busy…I had an appointment.”
“Oh?” He blinks, blue optics watching her carefully. “Was it a medical appointment? Are you well?”
“I’m fine,” she replies. “I went to go get my nails done.”
He blinks again, this time almost confused as he asks, “Your…nails?”
She shows her hands, and he lowers his, gently taking both of hers in one; they only rest on one finger as he examines them. “In human culture, men and women paint their finger and toenails different colors. It’s called manicure and pedicure. I have acrylic nails. Made from acrylic glass and hardened with a liquid monomer. It creates a hardened surface that can be drilled and painted. Like mine.”
Optimus looks them over before he murmurs almost uncharacteristically quiet, “They are painted like my paint.”
Her cheeks warm and she looks away. “I…know we can’t exactly be open…people wouldn’t understand but…I just thought it would be a romantic gesture I guess.”
“I am honored,” he says with a smile. “They are painted beautifully…like you.”
“Optimus,” she replies with a warm smile. “Thank you.”
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cherriesformatt · 7 months
finding out || matt sturniolo part 1
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matt x fem!reader
summary: you have a pregnancy scare and you take few tests while your boyfriend is working completely clueless
warnings: angst, fluff, pregnancy, nearly panic attack, lots of emotions
word count: 966
a/n: thanks for reading! I was thinking if you like it maybe I could make another part :) also I only proofread it once so I hope there isn’t many mistakes!
Matt, Chris and Nick were upstairs filming a new podcast episode. I was over at their house since Friday. That would make four days. I was feeling under the weather those past days and Matt told me to stay with them in case I would get sick and needed some help. The thing was I did not have a fever or sore throat. I was just feeling like crap and I was constantly annoyed.
Yesterday I snapped at Chris for basically nothing. He was just leaning on the counter opening his drink while I was making dinner for all of us. I yelled at him to start drinking water or else he would have kidney stones and told him to get out of my way.
"Bro are you on your period or what?" He asked putting his hands up for defense.
The thing was - I wasn't. That's what I relised after his comment.
Whole night I was stressing out and that was all I was thinking about. No period, feeling like crap, feeling sick and tired. I didn’t get any sleep that night.
The moment they told me they are going to film I knew I had like two hours to myself. I ordered door dash from CVS to the house and I impatiently waited for it to be delivered. I ruined my new gel nails by constantly picking on them from the stress and overthinking.
I got a notification from my phone that my order is here. I run downstairs to the front door to get it. I got my bag and closed the doors back. I went downstairs to Chris's bathroom to be as far from them as I could.
"Fuck" I said to myself putting four different pregnancy tests on the counter.
"Okay I can do this, right?" I looked at myself in the mirror.
I looked like a scare crow honestly. I didn't have any make up on, my hair wasn't fresh and I wore oversized set of fresh love that I found in Matt’s closet because I did not feel comfortable in my own clothes.
I released I forgot a cup so I ran back upstairs for a plastic cup and went back down.
I did what I had to do and put all of the tests into the cup and then I closed them and put them in one line back on the counter.
I cleaned up the cup and I realized I am shaking and tears are streaming down my face.
Because what are we going to do? Matt is not even 21 yet, making his dreams come true with his brothers and in peak of their career. I am constantly working and don't even always have great decisions for myself let alone to rise a decent human. I am great with kids, he is great with kids, but we do not even talked about this like ever. What the fuck, he is living here with his brothers, there is no place for a baby here.
"I can’t, I can’t do this" I stormed out of the bathroom and run upstairs.
Next thing I know is that everyone is staring at me while I froze on the top of the stairs in the middle of the podcast studio. I must have looked like a disaster because Nick stood up to hold my arm as I almost collapsed back down.
"wow wow... easy. Y/n what happend? What's wrong?" Nick holds me while I look into Matt's cancerned eyes as he stands up to take me from Nick’s arms.
"Matt..Matt I need you to come with me downstairs" I said.
My voice was shaky and my breath unsteady.
"Honey..." Matt stroked my back gently.
His brothers did not know what to say or do so they just gave us some space. I was glad this whole thing wasn't live out here because I knew I did put quite a show for the cameras.
He helped me walk down the stairs and while we were in the kitchen I pulled his arm to walk to the lower floor.
"What's wrong baby?" He asked me while we stopped by the bathroom doors.
I knew the tests were ready to look at and check. But I was too scared to look at them alone.
"Matt... just promised you won't be mad at me?" I looked at him and I do not even know why I asked him. I already knew he would not be mad at me. He was the best person I know.
"Whatever it is honey I would never be mad at you... I think I might know what is this about" He pushed my hair out of my face and kissed my temple. Of course he knew, he always does. He could read me like an open book.
"O-okay..." I took a deep breath, opened the door and pointed at the counter.
Matt bit his lip and took a deep breath as well.
"I just couldn't do it Matt... I need you to check them" I said and took a seat on the closed toilet.
Matt took all of them and just looked once but I already knew judging by his eyes. He put them back down and kneeled beside me.
"I want you to know that whatever you decide...I will be there y/n." He hugged me tight to his body.
"I love you so much... I am fucking scared shitless right now but as long as it is with you I know we can do this" He whispered in my neck.
I closed my eyes and just cried. I just wasn't ready of all of this. But in the same time I thought that this might be my missing piece.
In the world of boys he's a gentleman.
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carmenberzattosgf · 2 months
i loved the doing carmy’s skincare idea and idk if this is a me thing… but i’m really big on nail care and i love cuticle prep and cutting and filing down my own + other people’s nails. so doing it for carmy is sooooo <333333 like i guess you could call it a love language of mine lol. i can just imagine convincing carmy to let me give him a little clear gel manicure before work bc he’s works with his hands a lot and ofc we want his nails to be healthy!! this is a bit long sorry 🙃
No because at some point during your relationship with Carmy, you have to address his nails.
“Carm. Your nails are horrendous.”
“I work in a kitchen, sweetheart. I wash my hands over twenty times a day.” Carmy can see the cogs turning in your head while you listen to him talk. “I can’t exactly keep up with them.”
“Can I at least put some nail oil on for you. Pretty please?”
“You aren’t going to let me say no, are you?”
From then on you start small with the nail care. First it’s rubbing cuticle oil on his nail beds every night after work. He wont admit it, but he really enjoys the feelings of you practically massaging his fingertips. Soon the routine grows into filing his nails and trimming his cuticles. Eventually you work up the courage to ask about painting his nails.
“Carm, can I paint your nails? Just clear, no colors or anything. I have gel polish and a lamp so it’ll be safe to wear in the kitchen.”
“Really? I don’t even have to convince you?” You’re shocked he so easily said yes without any pushing.
“I like it when you take care of me like this. It’s nice. You can do whatever you want to, baby.” He smiles at how excited you get, jumping up from the bed to grab your nail polish.
I think at some point he lets you put flakey glitter top coat on his nails without even thinking about what Richie would say about it the next day. He honestly doesn’t care if Richie gives him shit though, because when he looks down at his hands he just thinks of you and smiles.
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samkerrworshipper · 10 months
nails | katie mccabe x reader
warnings: absolute smutty filth, cunnilingus, dildos, strap ons, fluffiness
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Katie clunked her way through the hallway, so incredibly desperate just to set her eyes on you. She had just gotten back from Ireland camp, and you were always the best part of returning. You made her feel at home, no matter where she was. The warmth of your smile, the way you made any room light up, the way your body felt against hers, the way you did absolutely everything to make Katie feel like she was as exceptional as you thought she was. She slung her bag down next to the front door, slipping her shoes off and toeing them onto the rack that you had put beside the door to try and organise Katie’s slightly excessive shoe collection.
You heard the front door closing behind her, and felt an overwhelming happiness wash over you. You waited patiently by the stove top, stirring the pot of Carbonara, one of Katie’s favourites, your dish almost done and ready for the two of you to sit down and eat. You always loved to welcome Katie home with a meal that reminded her of home, reminded her of family and memories with you. The carbonara was an old recipe of her mothers, that had been given to you when Katie had sustained an ankle injury and had been specifically yearning for her family and her mothers food. You’d tried your hardest to make the house as homey as possible, lighting candles all over your lounge room and kitchen, folklore playing faintly in the background, most of the lights turned down so that the house was nice and calm. It was always smartest to stimulate Katie as little as possible after camp, she was so tired, so overworked, so sore from the tireless work of captaining her team fearlessly, when she came home you tried to let her be as vulnerable with you as she needed.
You shivered a little bit when Katie’s arms wrapped around your waist, around one of her hoodies that she’d left you with as a reminder of her. She pressed her head into your neck, taking a deep breath of you, your scent, your warmth, your body, you. She could get drunk off of just your scent, off of your energy, you were absolutely everything to her, everything to her in every single universe.
“Smells good.”
Katie’s voice was a rumble against your neck, an almost silent murmur quietened by the skin her lips were pressed against. She pressed a litter of pecks across the skin, finding solace in the feeling of your golden skin.
“It’s almost done.”
Katie slipped her hands under her hoodie that you were wearing, there was nothing she loved more than seeing you in her clothes, you went from a 10 to an 11 when you chose to adorn one of her old Ireland hoodies or jerseys when you came to watch her play. She raked her hands up and down your hips, positively enraptured by the feeling of having you back in her arms. All of a sudden though, you pivoted on your heels, turning with wide eyes to look at Katie, one of your own hands dropping to grasp hers and drag it out from under the material, revealing something absolutely treacherous.
“What the fuck are these?”
Katie’s lip rose up into a smirk, the tips of her lips curving upwards as she studied the complete shock and horror that had washed over your face, your eyes searching her hands furiously as you took in Katie’s new addition.
“Whatcha talking about darl?”
You glared at Katie, pulling her hand up to her own face so she was forced to look at the monstrosities that were now attached to your girlfriend.
“Are you cheating on me?”
Katie’s face dropped at your accusation.
“Darling of course not, why would you ask that?”
Katie Irish drawl was heavy as she rushed to defend herself, you just glared back at her.
“Girlfriend code, we don’t do long nails, what the actual fuck are these?”
You glared at Katie’s bright green, glittery talons. They were quite pretty, you could admit that, but they were fucking long, and terrifyingly sharp looking, the square cut gel reflecting and staring back up at you like a wild animal about to attack.
“We all got them after the Albania game baby, to celebrate, what was I supposed to do?”
Your eyes widened in absolute shock and annoyance at your girl's puppy dog eyes.
“Say no, say that your girlfriend is going to make you sleep on the couch until you go and get them removed.”
Katie’s pout only grew bigger, her eyes positively shining as she bit her lip and frowned at you.
“Baby, are you scared that I can’t pleasure you without my hands?”
Your breath hitched in your throat as your eyes almost burst open with the implication from Katie’s words.
“If you think that I’m letting you anywhere near my pussy with those things as extremities than your fucking wrong McCabe, I’m serious about you sleeping on the couch until their removed from your body.”
Katie just rolled her eyes, wrapping her arms around your waist only for you to shake them off and turn back to the stove, returning to stirring the pasta and sauce mix in the pot.
“Baby, you are seriously doubting my abilities if you think that I rely on my fingers to make you happy.”
The sex when Katie got back from camp was incomparable, absolutely exquisite. The two of your bodies just connected, and when you’d been away from each other for extended periods of time re learning the feeling of each other's body was always unbeatable, there was a relaxed rhythm to it, something so incredibly beautiful and real about it. It was raw, sometimes there were tears, or sweet nothings whispered under the light of the stars and confessions of love. It was everything that the poets wrote about, everything that you heard about when your grandparents told you about falling in love with someone. That was why you felt so royally betrayed in this moment, you could never be mad at Katie for very long, even on the days she decided to be a complete dickhead, but right now you were pissed off and if Katie was smart she would have left you alone, but she decided to push it.
She entwined her hands around your waist, hanging them loosely below your hips and before you could protest, pressing her lips to your neck and beginning to suck on the skin. You froze at the complete shock from the sensation, there was nothing you wanted more than to give in, but the stubbornness in your veins wouldn’t allow you too. You shook Katie off of your body.
“The table is set, I’m about to plate up, go and sit down.”
Your verse was stern, almost mom-like, something that sent shivers down Katie’s spine and had her heading directly towards your dining table, in an uncharacteristically shy manner. She hated when she pissed you off, hated it even more when it was for particularly stupid reasons.
She wasn’t left by her lonesome for long, you followed her to the table fairly quickly, two bowls of pasta and garlic bread in your hands. You carried them like a waitress, a talent that Katie had never been sure how’d you’d acquired but she was grateful all the same. You placed her bowl down in front of her before taking your own seat, directly across from Katie.
“So, how was the flight?”
As much as you were ticked off with Katie, dinner was always a truce. It was the half an hour every night that the two of you had to yourselves, where you could talk about your day or the game or anything else that was going on. It was what you and Katie had agreed on when you’d gotten married, that no matter how hard either of your days had been, you would always sit down for dinner together.
“We had some turbulence, but it was fine.”
Katie was quick to tuck into her meal, she always was, you swore she was always hungry.
“How are you feeling, body, arm, head? I could have picked you up from the airport if you needed me too.”
You were constantly worried about Katie. As the Arsenal physio, and as her wife. You hated always being the worried wife on the sidelines, especially watching games like the Albania one were the conditions were anything but playable.
“I didn’t want to bother you, the tricep is sore and I have to go get scans tomorrow just to check that it hasn’t worsened any more.”
You nodded, you already knew that, you were Katie’s physio, you were consulted on all of her medical things but it comforted you somehow hearing anything come out of Katie’s mouth, you could spend hours just listening to her voice filling a room.
“You’d never bother me, better than you catching an uber or whatever.”
Communication with Katie was an ongoing work in progress, even years into your relationship she still struggled to voice her needs sometimes. She was just the kind of girl who always worried about everyone but herself, she was always obsessed with putting your needs above her own, and it drove you insane sometimes.
“It was fine, Lucy dropped me home. How have the pups been?”
You and Katie fell into comfortable conversation whilst you ate, talking about your work with the acl crew and Katie’s work with the Irish team, it was a comfortable lull, just pure interest between the two of you.
“I’ve set up a movie and snacks on the couch.”
The topic arose when the both of you had finished with dinner, Katie had tried to pick up the dishes but you refused, it was her night to relax and you were happy to deal with the dishes for one night.
Katie padded off to the lounge room and you rushed into the kitchen, rising off the dishes and sliding them into the dishwasher as quickly as humanly possible before jogging through to the living room to join Katie on the couch.
She welcomed you with open arms, draping the blankets over your body before clicking play on Happy Gilmore. You let Katie take the lead on wrapping her arms around you, her long strong arms enveloping you and making you seem like a dwarf in her arms.
You didn’t even make it through the starting credits before Katie’s hands started to roam, her nails travelling down from your hips, to your sweatpant covered thighs, then back up to your covered hips and ribs, slowly raking up and down. It was so slow that it was almost unnoticeable, especially underneath the fluffy blanket that the two of you were enjoying, but you felt it. You tried to ignore it, didn’t allow your body to react to Katie’s clear want, but when her hands made it to the inside of your thighs you couldn’t help but pivot from off of your ass, up onto your knees and straddling Katie’s hips.
“I told you no until those talons aren’t a part of you.”
You tried to keep your face as stern as possible, the voice you used with the girls on the team when you were working them through their pt plans in the gym.
“Baby, you can’t be serious, do you really think that I can’t please you without using my hands?”
You kept your face stern, even with the slightly taboo topic that Katie was broaching, that would normally have you breaking out into a fit of giggles or smiles.
“Katie, those things are fucking terrifying, what are they, one, two inches?”
You pulled her hands up again, measuring the lengths of her nails besides your own fingers, the extra extensions on her fingers almost being as long as the distance between your first knuckle and second one. It was terrifying, the kind of nails that drag queens wore. Katie and you had never had this issue, the both of you worked in professions that meant you couldn’t have long nails. Yours was personal preference, considering the amount of massages you gave every day it was just easier to keep your nails short, and normally Katie’s nails were short for football, so this problem had never arose, but now it was and it was horrific.
“Baby, there are things in our drawer that are far bigger, I never would have seen you as being scared of a little size, especially considering our dildo collection.”
You flushed at Katie’s cocky words, it was true, you weren’t exactly a stranger to bigger sized… toys, but her nails were hardly toys, they were fucking weapons.
“Katie I am not joking.”
She smirked from her position below you, a big broad grin that you so desperately wanted to kiss off of her face, but you kept your self restraint.
“But baby, I got you a new one whilst I was away, Ireland green like my nails.”
You shivered directly from your core, straight up to your spine, the trembles crossing across every bone and nerve in your body.
“Katie, go to your room.”
She rolled her eyes at your attempt at chastising her, she knew that you were on your last thread, so close to being tipped over the edge, she was so good at doing that, compromising you when you least wanted to.
“But baby, don’t you want to show me how good you can ride my dick?”
As soon as the words left her mouth you were a goner, and she knew it, she was so fucking cocky like that.
Your words came out as a whine, something that Katie was slightly satisfied with but also took as her cue.
“What do you call me, baby? Don’t whine at me, you want me to show you how good I am without my hands? Then let me baby, let me treat your pussy so well and prove to you that I definitely don’t need my hands to please my wifey.”
Katie’s thick Irish accent was laid on so deep, just the way that made you drip from your core and everywhere.
This time you were rewarded by being silenced with her lips, her hips reaching upwards to meet your own, so she had the leverage to kiss you. It was a dominating kiss, one that Katie very quickly took control of, her tongue slipping into your mouth and brushing against the back of your mouth as she roughened the kiss and started to find rhythm in the movements against your lips. It was then, when you were at your very weakest that Katie’s hand reached up under your shirt, swiftly un-clipping your bra and her hands going directly to your nipples, toying with the metal bar almost immediately. It had been Katie’s idea for you to get them, and you happily agreed once you realised just how much it would please her. The process had been painful, and the recovery had been hell, but once they had healed they had easily become Katie’s favourite part of you. She loved every part of you, but absolutely no part of your body would compare to your boobs. One tug at the cold metal had you moaning openly into her mouth, it was almost embarrassing, the amount of control Katie had over you even from below you, but right now you weren’t really bothered, just completely obsessed with the feeling of having Katie’s undivided attention on you.
“Get up baby, let me get on my knees for you and show you exactly what this mouth can do.”
Katie removed her lips from your mouth pushing you up off of her hips so you were flung down onto the couch, Katie slipping off of the pillows and down onto the floor, directly onto her knees and not minding very much about the fact that her body seemed to ache a little bit more from her position. She didn’t waste any time thinking about her achy muscles though, instead getting straight to work and pulling your legs apart so she could sit in between your legs.
She reached for the hem of your sweatpants, finding absolutely zero pushback from you as you lifted up our hips to allow her to slip the pants and your thong out from under you. She was remwarded with the positively dripping sight of your pussy, your desire glistening all over your lips and the trimmed bush that covered your mound.
“So wet baby, and I haven’t even touched you, going to show you just how much I can do without these fingers.”
Katie’s hand snaked its way back up your stomach, finding it’s way back up to your boob and fondling it gently with her fingers and blunt nails. The sensation was amazing, something that you would never even dream of feeling.
“Katie please- just fucking do something.”
Katie’s eyes darted up to you, her head cocking at you.
“Baby, I know that you haven’t seen me in a few weeks, but that’s no way to ask me to help you out, you can either do it the nice way, and beg like a good girl, or you’ll get nothing at all.”
Katie’s spare hand fell to your thigh, kneading the skin gently with her thumb, looking up at you with patient eyes and a cocked eyebrow.
“Please daddy, please, please use your tongue on me and show me how good you can make me feel, please.”
Normally, when Katie was feeling like being a little bit tougher, when she was being calculated and cunning about riling you up she’d asked for more, but neither of you had the energy or patience for that, tonight just wasn’t one of the nights where you would do laps of teasing, tonight was about you having your brains fucked out by a very horny Katie.
“Such a good girl when you use your words, hmm?”
The feeling of Katie’s breath on your dripping warmth was incredible, but it was nothing compared to the feeling of her tongue connecting with your lips. Just because she didn’t feel like riling you up verbally didn’t mean that she wasn’t up to riling you up with her tongue, and she did just that. She started with the outside of your lips, her tongue flattening out to cover as much skin as possible, which should have been amazing, but it was nowhere near enough stimulation for you, and you told her as much with your hand securing on the roots of her ponytail and trying to direct her to the part of you that yearned for her the most.
Katie didn’t budge though, she was stubborn and didn’t let anyone boss her around in the bedroom, especially you. She pulsated her tongue against your skin, leaving you desperatw for more, and just when she began to feel your thighs clenching, seeking more, she finally met your pool of wetness.
You cried out in ecstasy, the sound of your moans filling your living room as your hands found whatever part of Katie, clutching onto her and holding on for dear life, enjoying the ride that was your pleasure high.
Katie’s tongue moved back and forth from your hole and sensitive bud, her intensity and approach changing between the two spots as she towed you closer to the edge, your moans and clenching hole a clear sign of the ecstasy cloud that you were approaching. Just as your moans started to get breathier, and your legs started to tighten around Katie’s head, did she remove her mouth. It was absolute agony for you, and you let her know with the annoyed cry that left your lips as soon as she lost contact with you.
“Fuck, Katie, fuck, not fair, was so close, fuck me.”
Katie smirked up at you, she knew that you wouldn’t love her for leaving you on the edge, but she also knew the two of you were far too tired to go for multiple rounds, and she wanted to rock your world in multiple ways before the both of you collapsed for the night, and if that meant depriving you of your orgasm once, then she wasn’t completely opposed.
“Go to the bedroom, strip on the bed, I think it’s about time I introduce you to our new friend.”
Even though you felt slightly legless on your fucked out body, you rushed off towards the master bedroom, terrified that if you took too long you would be robbed of whatever it was that Katie had planned for you. You flung her hoodie off and onto the floor of your bedroom, not really bothered whatsoever about the uncleanliness of your actions and more concerned with the wetness that was now dripping down your legs, a mixture of Katie’s slobber and your own arousal.
Just as you had climbed onto the bed, Katie sauntered in, and you swore that your eyes almost popped out of your head at the sight that you were gifted with, it was truly a picture worthy of being hung in the Louvre.
Your wife, standing butt ass naked in front of you, besides the deep Ireland green glittery dildo that was hanging from between her legs. You almost came just from the sight, a big lump developing in your throat as Katie strutted towards you. There was a lot to take in, the fact that she’d seemingly coordinated her nails with the dildo, or vice versa. The fact that it looked about two inches longer than anything you’d ever taken, and at least an inch wider, and the image that was Katie walking like a model on a runway directly to you. She had the cheshire grin plastered to her face, it only grew the closer she got to your bedside.
“Move, I want you to ride me, you can use the head board as support.”
You just nodded at her, like a complete goldfish as you shifted away from the pillows to allow her to take a seat against the head board, the dildo jutting up shamelessly from the spot between her legs.
“C’mon cowgirl, don’t make me wait.”
You jumped into action, climbing into Katie’s lap and hovering on top of the dildo, securing one of your hands on the edge of the headboard and one on Katie’s shoulder. It was then that she began to push you down onto the silicone dick, slowly impaling you on the bright green toy.
“Ngnh, fuck Daddy, so good, fill me up please.”
Katie could never say no to you, especially when you asked so politely, so she continued to ease you down onto the dick, allowing you to feel every single ridge and bump across the shaft and feel the stretch that your pussy was very quick to adjust to and accommodate.
It didn’t take much force from Katie to get you to take the whole dick, the centre of gravity doing most of the work to get you down and sat directly onto Katie. Once your pussy did suck in the whole thing, Katie allowed you to adjust for as long as you needed, her lips meeting your own in a bruising kiss that left both of your lips kiss swollen when you broke a part to begin moving.
Katie’s favourite position was having you ride her, there was something so personal about it, and she loved the reaction that it got from you.
Your knuckles turned ghost white as you began to slide up and down the length of Katie’s dildo, moans that were more sinful then the devil flowing freely from your mouth as you started to ride her and grind down against her hips. Katie just watched in awe and complete appreciation, the sight of you, an absolute sexual goddess of her dreams sliding up and down a glittery green dildo was something that she never would have even thought up in her wildest dreams. Your head thrown back in ecstasy, your long blonde locks flying in every which way as you began to ride out the high that you’d been so desperate for.
“Fuck-fuck, daddy can I cum? Please fuck, please can I cum all over your dick?”
Katie figured that she’d edged you once, and whilst she knew you could withstand far more than that, it wasn’t what either of you needed tonight, you needed tender kisses, sweet nothings, soft gestures that the two of you always shared after a little bit too long apart.
“Cum baby, I’ve got you.”
If your knuckles hadn’t already been white against the headboard then they whitened even further, complete overwhelming white that seemed to cloud your vision and put stars across your eyes as you shuddered in Katie’s arms, the overwhelming feeling of your orgasm washing over you and leaving you completely limp in her arms. Once you’d come down and the aftershocks had rid themself of your body Katie very gently lifted you up off of the toy and placed your boneless body down on the comforter beside her, slipping the harness of her hips quickly and then wrapping her arms directly around you, allowing you to waken from your haze in the warmth of her muscles and body.
“What did I say, I’m a woman of great talents even when my hands aren’t in use.”
Katie’s joke fell on almost deaf ears, your body to blissed out to even truly begin to acknowledge what she was saying to you.
“Shove it McCabe, unless you don’t want round two in the morning before you go to the nail salon then I’d move to cuddling your wife and telling her just how much you missed her and just what was going through your mind when you were buying that dildo.”
Katie’s face lit up, her arms lifting the cuvet over your bodies as she began to whisper all of rhe deep fantasies that had been playing through her mind in the time that you’d spent apart, fantasies that you were sure would be reenacted in the morning or tomorrow night after some much needed tlc.
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ghostlywhiskey · 11 months
Girl dad!Price is giving me so many thoughts today!! How did he react when he found out #4 was a girl? Would he have kept going for a girl if she were a boy? She’s definitely a daddy’s girl and has him wrapped around her little fingers 🥹
god i love discussing dad!price. so very much. he is my favorite and i love him and he's everything to me!!
wanting to be completely sure there was no mistaking the gender during the ultrasound, you waited until your monthly check up at the fifth month mark. your head tilted to the side to watch the screen, the transducer gliding around your gel coated stomach. the skin around your nails gnawed at while you anxiously wait for the doctor to say something. after three boys you had an idea of what the ultrasound would look like, and considering you felt different this time around, part of you couldn't help but let your mind wander at the possibility it could a girl.
"i've seen you with three boys and i know you well enough to guess, but," your doctor looks at you, a smile on her face. "are we letting it be a surprise or is your husband expecting you to report back."
"report back." you simply reply, waiting for her to confirm what you think you already know.
and when you're on facetime later that night with john after bringing him to say goodnight to each of the boys in their beds, you finally have the chance to lay down on your bed. without thinking, your body gravitating to his side of the bed as you cuddle under the sheets on your side.
"how's my favorite girl?" the question making you smile not for usual reasons, but because you knew you'd share the title in a few short months.
"mhm," you hum, a small yawn escaping your lips as you quickly tap through your phone to locate the ultrasound photo. sending it, you wait for the word 'delivered' to appear under your message before responding. "she's doing well. doctor said she's smaller than her brothers were at this point, but isn't worried."
"smaller than.." his words trailing as you watch his facial expression change, indicating he opened your messages. "i'll be fuckin' damned." the smile on price's face tugging up all the way, lines forming by his eyes. "my girl is havin' a girl." he chuckles softly, you notice tears forming as he holds the phone close to his face, getting a better look at the ultrasound as he zooms in.
and when she's a few months old, it's price who she clings to and cries for when she can't be soothed. the newborn hysterical in your tired arms as you beg for her to calm down, soft kisses against the side of her head. price's feet trot down the hallway when you are taking longer than normal, giving you a kiss on the cheek as he takes her from your hold. "get some rest," he murmurs, the newborn latching to him like a magnet. "i got her."
that's when you learned quickly she was going to be a daddy's girl. the two of them the next morning on the couch, the little girl laying face down with her check pressed against his chest and pacifier on the verge of falling out. one of price's hands on her back while the other rests on her diaper covered bum to keep her secured in place. his own snores filling the living room, making you wonder how the poor child is even able to sleep, but nonetheless, just glad she managed to sleep through the night after he took her.
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queenofwands89 · 2 months
A Heartbeat Away
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Summary: Y/n, and Negan are expecting their first child and are attending their first ultrasound together.
Characters: Negan x reader (OC, Third Person)
Warnings: 18+ Smut, Creampie, Unprotected Sex, Oral Sex, Pregnancy, Doctor's Office, Fluff.
Word count: 1,060
AO3 Link
Notes: Hello, This is my first time writing smut, so sorry if it's bad lol. Another short Negan fic because he's daddy AF. Enjoy byeee
Negan couldn’t help but admire his wife’s sleeping figure. The sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over her naked body. Her perky breasts rose and fell with each breath she took, and Negan felt his cock stir in his boxers.
Y/n stirred, opening her eyes to meet Negan’s gaze. She smiled lazily and stretched her arms above her head, causing her breasts to jiggle slightly. Negan felt his cock grow harder at the sight.
Without a word, Negan climbed onto the bed, positioning himself between Y/n’s legs. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her inner thigh, causing her to giggle. Negan smirked and began to trail kisses up her leg, inching closer and closer to her pussy.
Y/n’s breath hitched as Negan’s lips met her clit. He began to tease her, licking and sucking gently, causing her to moan softly. Negan’s cock throbbed in his boxers as he tasted her sweetness.
Y/n reached down and began to stroke Negan’s cock through his boxers. He growled and grabbed her hand, pulling it away. “Not yet, darling,” he said, his voice husky with desire.
Negan continued to tease Y/n, his tongue darting in and out of her pussy. She writhed beneath him, her moans growing louder. Negan could feel her getting closer and closer to climax. Just as Y/n was about to cum, Negan pulled away. She looked at him, confused and a little disappointed. Negan smirked and climbed up her body, positioning himself above her.
“What are you doing?” Y/n asked, her voice breathless.
Negan leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I need to be inside you baby. I’m going to fill your pussy with my cum.”
Y/n’s breath hitched at his words. She wrapped her legs around Negan’s waist, pulling him closer. Negan positioned his cock at her entrance and pushed inside her, filling her up completely. They both moaned as Negan began to thrust in and out of her. He grabbed her breasts, kneading them roughly as he fucked her. Y/n’s nails dug into Negan’s back as she met him thrust for thrust. “Fuck, you feel so good. You’re so fucking beautiful” Negan growled, his thrusts becoming more desperate.
“Yes, Negan, fuck me harder,” Y/n begged, her voice barely above a whisper. Negan complied, pounding into her with all his strength. Y/n’s moans grew louder as she felt herself getting closer and closer to climax. Negan could feel his own orgasm building. He grunted as he thrust into Y/n one last time, filling her up with his cum. Y/n cried out as she came, her pussy clenching around Negan’s cock. Negan collapsed on top of Y/n, both of them panting heavily. “Fuck, that was good,” Negan said, his voice hoarse.
Y/n smiled and wrapped her arms around Negan’s neck. “Yeah, it was,” she agreed.
Negan rolled off of Y/n, pulling her with him. They cuddled together, their bodies still slick with sweat. Negan placed a gentle kiss on Y/n’s forehead.
“I love you, Negan,” Y/n whispered, her voice sleepy.
“I love you too. So fucking much baby,” Negan replied, his voice just as sleepy.
In the quiet hush of the ultrasound room, Y/n lay on the examination bed, a flutter of nervous excitement in her heart. Negan, her ever-charming and affectionate husband, stood by her side, his wisecracking demeanor softened by the significance of the moment. The love between them was palpable, a tangible force that filled the room with warmth. As the ultrasound tech squirted the cool gel onto Y/n's belly, Negan squeezed her hand gently, his touch both comforting and grounding. Y/n turned to look at him, her eyes brimming with emotion.
"Ready to see our little kicker?" Negan asked with a grin, his voice a mix of excitement and an underlying note of awe.
Y/n laughed, the sound tinged with nervousness. "More ready than I've ever been for anything," she replied, her wit shining through her vulnerability. The screen flickered to life, and the couple's eyes were immediately drawn to it. There, in fuzzy black and white, was the first glimpse of their child. A tiny heartbeat flickered on the monitor like a distant star pulsing in a vast sky, and Y/n's breath caught in her throat.
"Would you look at that..." Negan whispered. His usual cocky edge was replaced by a genuine wonder, his eyes never leaving the screen.
The technician smiled, pointing to the screen. "Right here. That's your baby's heartbeat. Strong and clear."
Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as the rhythmic thumping filled the room, an anthem of the new life they had created. "Negan, that's ours, that's our baby," she said, her voice thick with emotion.
Negan, who always had a joke at the ready, found himself without words. Instead, he leaned down and kissed Y/n's forehead, the playful glint in his eye giving way to something deeper and more tender. "I love you, y/n," he said, his voice soft but resonant. "And I already love this little one so damn much."
Y/n squeezed Negan's hand, her heart swelling with love not just for the man who had been her rock but for the father he was becoming. "We're really doing this, aren't we? We're going to be parents."
Negan chuckled, a touch of his customary swagger returning. "Hell yeah, we are. We're going to be the coolest parents this kid could ever ask for."
The technician handed them a printout of the ultrasound, a snapshot of the moment their lives changed forever. As they left the clinic, holding the image of their child between them, they stepped into their future together with laughter, bittersweet tears, and uncontainable happiness.
"What do you say, babe, should we start thinking about baby names or just call them 'Little Ass-Kicker' for now?" Negan joked, the twinkle back in his eye.
Y/n shook her head, smiling through her tears. "Let's stick with names for now, love. But knowing you, 'Little Ass-Kicker' might just end up being their nickname."
As they walked hand in hand, they knew that whatever the future held, they would face it together—with love, humor, and the undying support that made them perfect for each other.
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chvnnie · 11 months
No cause now I'm thinking about dad Chan who loves his two little girls so much but is sooooo excited when he finds out they're finally having a boy 🫠
sigh. i fucking love dad chan sm.
His girls are his world. For years he’s worn the Girl Dad hat (metaphorically and literally, it’s his favorite cap to wear) proudly. From painting nails to braiding hair, tea parties to makeovers, there’s nothing he would ever want more in his life.
In his opinion, Chan has the best life. Two perfect girls, a wonderful partner, a job that fulfills him. It doesn’t get better than this.
Head on your lap, his eyes flutter shut as your fingers work through his curls. Softly massaging them after a long day of work and recitals and dance practice. He’s leaning into his comfort, head turning just a bit to the side to kiss your swelling belly.
“I wonder what she’ll be like.” He mumbles against your skin. “There’s such a gap between her and her sisters.”
You laugh softly. “Chan, we don’t know if it’s a girl or not.”
His eyes open, widely blinking at you. Really, he never considered the possibility of a boy. Girl Dad. That’s what his title has always been. “Right, but it probably will be.”
You shrug, hands softly moving down to cup his cheeks. “Maybe. But I have a different feeling than I did with the girls.”
That makes him sit up, head almost a little dizzy. The idea of having a son — it isn’t a bad feeling. He’s watch Changbin with his twins, Jeongin with his baby. They love their boys more than anything. Chan has always wondered what it feels like. Having more than just girls.
But then there’s Jisung, who is so obsessed with his daughter that he hardly leaves the house without her strapped to his chest. And Minho, who has literally threatened to kill all of them if they even so much as think of giving her a snack that wasn’t approved by him.
And Felix, who decided two kids was plenty. Who has his girl with freckles that mirror his own and his boy with a smile that’s brighter than the sun.
What’s it like, to have both?
“A boy.” Chan mumbles, mostly to himself. Hands spreading across your belly, tracing the stretch marks gently. You need lotion before bed. He’s got to be sure he remembers that. “How do you think the girls would feel?”
You grab your husband’s hands, squeezing them tight. Worries always fade at your touch.
“I think they’d love him more than we could ever understand.”
You always look so uncomfortable during an ultrasound. Head rolled against the exam table, eyes shut and face furrowed as the doctor squeezes the cool gel on your stomach. Without looking, your hand finds Chan’s. Squeezing it tightly.
“What have we decided?” The doctor makes light conversation, her hands working the gel across the lower part of your belly. “Do we want to know?”
This is when you look at Chan, blinking softly. You do. You don’t want to be surprised. He was the one who couldn’t decide, convinced the new baby was going to be a girl.
Girl Dad. Like he’s always been.
“Yeah.” The conversation from a few days ago is in the front of his mind. “Yeah, we want to know.”
Chan brings your hand to his lips, kissing it softly.
It’s quiet as the doctor works, the sound of the heartbeat filling the tiny room. She hums to herself, a smile spreading when she finds the tiny baby. “Looks like they’re doing alright. Developing nicely.”
Relief washes over you, shoulders relaxing on the uncomfortable table. “That’s good.”
“What are you wanting?” The doctor asks, curiously looking at the two of you.
You answer quickly. “It doesn’t matter, really. But I’d like a boy.”
She nods before looking at your husband. “And you, dad?”
Girl Dad. What he always has been, and probably always will be.
“I—“ He looks down at you. You, who always seems to have a love filled gaze when you look at him. You, the best mother for his children that he could ever ask for. You, who makes the idea of not being exclusively a Girl Dad not so intimidating. “I’m not sure.”
His ears are ringing. Skin feels tight. The longer the doctor takes, the more nervous he’s getting. Chan doesn’t think it’s a bad nervous. A nervous that makes him want to throw up, or cry, or scream.
A nervous that fills his heart. A nervous that is welcomed.
“Congratulations.” The doctor turns the screen, letting you both take a peek. “Your first boy.”
It’s a boy.
A boy.
Chan’s eyes widen, steadily filling with tears. Bottom lip trembling. On the screen is a little bitty bean, floating around in your stomach. A tiny little bean, who isn’t the girl he was expecting. The girl he was waiting on.
God, his heart feels like it could explode it’s beating so fast. “A boy?” It comes out as a horse whisper.
You look up at Chan, tears already falling down tour face. “A boy.”
He loves his girls. They’re his world, his everything. Nothing could ever compare to the unwavering, earth shattering love he feels for them.
And now. Now he has this boy, who stops time. Who he knows nothing about, but is dying to see what he’s like. His son, his little tiny, perfect son.
A boy. He sinks to his knees next to you, lips quickly finding yours. Wet cheeks pressed against each other, emotions intertwined. The love that’s in this room is overwhelming, thick.
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dr3amfyr-e · 2 months
modern!jace thoughts ( wc. 600-ish )
i have a jace parasite living in my brain <3 i’m cooking up a part two ( i cooked it up )
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jacaerys who studies literature and linguistics at university — on the pre-law track. he’s such a diligent student, a frequenter of libraries and study rooms. ( but he doesn’t really have to try that hard, it comes easy, it’s aggravating )
he lives in the nicest dorm on campus, probably private housing.
jacaerys who wears glasses :3 but only when he must, makes an effort to put contacts in every day. but some days are just glasses days. ( they’re the sliver squoval wire framed ones )
jacaerys who prioritizes hygiene, he’s so clean. (i’m a jon girl at heart, i can acknowledge that he is not squeaky clean. jace is squeaky clean) jace has a skincare routine and a haircare routine. he’s using olaplex and cerave and that super expensive moisturizer. he knows how to defuse and gel cast his curls, he’ll happily do yours too! i firmly believe he uses an electric toothbrush AND HE TAKES CARE OF HIS NAILS
jacaerys who attended a private school until university, and started playing competitive football ( ⚽️ ) at age 10. he plays in college too, but he’s not as serious about it.
lucerys attends the same private school and plays for the same team, so jace practices with him ( it usually ends with a physical altercation, think the sword fight scene ‘what. was. THAT?’ )
jacaerys who likes animals, and LOVES his dog. vermax lives at home while he is off at school, but when jace gets a place of his own the dog will come with. he walks him every morning and evening and takes him for runs most days over the summer. vermax sleeps in jace’s bed, and he takes up a good portion.
jacaerys who is SO oldest daughter coded. he’s driving his siblings around. taking joffrey to pediatrician appointments and picking him up from school. going to all of luke’s football games and rhaena’s violin concerts.
chronic over achiever, he has to be his mothers favorite daughter- what, who said that?
mama’s boy jacaerys who looks up to her more than anyone. he’s bragging her up to anyone who will listen: in his gender and women’s studies class like, “my mom is a ceo! 🙋” “my mom is married to a woman! 🙋”
he would defend his mother’s name with his life. he’s getting into fist fights at social events, ryan atwood style. ( no he’s not, but he really wants to )
jacaerys who can be mean. he doesn’t mean to be, he doesn’t want to be — he hates it. but the world he grew up in was exclusive, and cliquey, and competitive.
he’s good at controlling it, thinking before he speaks. because he’s not a mean person. he’s good, and kind, and gentle. but, it comes to the surface when he goes into defense mode.
he made luke cry once, and started journaling to channel his emotions.
english/history person jacaerys. he’s hopeless at helping his brothers with their math homework.
when his mother married his late grandfather’s former wife he started reading lesbian theory to cope. and he liked it! he borrows baela’s feminist theory books, they bookclub.
jacaerys who, unfortunately, does participate in performative reading. omg nooo don’t come talk to me while i’m reading didion and wearing pearls and mewing 🧏
jacaerys who has a really expensive digital camera and also a really expensive film camera. he likes to post his pictures on his instagram ( no one cares )
all of his social media accounts are private because he doesn’t want to be the internet’s next eligible bachelor.
jacaerys who cries when he’s frustrated.
jacaerys who tolerates his step-brothers, but not very well or with much enjoyment. he has way more in common with alicent than he’d like to admit ( quintessential horrifying step-child experience of being mistaken for your step-parents biological child ) he likes helaena, though! they’re kind of bestie
he separates puzzle pieces by colour for her and looks at all of her art and knows all of her favorite bugs. ( he’s always wanted a sister )
jacaerys who is a fantastic boyfriend ( i’ll get into this later ) (( i got into this ))
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
Beauty routines - theirs (if you can call it that) and how they react to yours
Law, Sanji, Zoro and Smoker are fascinated by your daily habits and share their own
Fluffy relationship headcanons.
So sfw you can show them to your parents
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His beauty routine is bathing once a week
That's it. He cannot stand more.
He likes yours though! When your shared room is filled with the delicious scent of your shower gel or when your skin smells like vanilla
Is very invested in your moisturising regime after learning that it makes your skin super soft. He needs to feel your softness.
When no one's looking he tries your stuff. It was a great day for everyone but him when he took the glitter shower soap
No one knows...but his skin is so sensitive, he only uses unscented products with natural ink. Anything else and he gets red pimples
He makes a lot of his products himself, he is a doctor after all
His beard is important to him, you can watch him shave and trim almost every day
He meticulously applies lotion to his Tattoos to keep them fresh and brilliant
He is very interested in the ingredients of your products- he points out any harmful substances with annoying persistence
He is very happy to help you moisturise your body. With lots of lotion and a massage
Is so thrilled that you wear sunscreen!
He is the master of beauty routines. His face regime has 10 steps. You can try his stuff.
He has more utensils for his beard than you have make up. He is a perfectionist. And it shows!
He is ashamed of his body hair though. He cannot reign it in and his skin is not taking kindly to shaving all the time
He does your nails now, they look great! And your eyebrows, too! He is also proficient at styling your hair. He cannot keep himself from praising you whenever he gets to take care of your body
He loves lipstick. When you apply it he cannot wait to kiss it off your lips again
A marine soldier should always look tidy - Smoker tries to stick to that. Every morning, he carefully styles his hair to look proper and shaves with precision
Openly adores your routines and habits. He likes the diligence with which you take care of your body
Especially when you brush your hair he's staring with open interest. Whenever you do your hair or make up, you see him in the mirror behind you
Is thrilled when he can help you, like zipping up your dress or applying lotion to your body
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riptidekissesblog · 12 days
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓhey girlies, ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓv
as promised, here are 15 things that helped me seriously level up. I'm so sick of seeing the same things on every blog post and it's just like stay hydrated!!
try new hobbies until you find ones that bring you the most fufillment!! (examples to try: art, crochet, writing, making music, photography, gardening, cooking)
find YOUR exercise, whether it's yoga, pilates, sports, weight training, dance. I can't stress this enough.
I know meditation seems cliche, but it really can help clear your mind and bring balance. a tip that helps me is to visualize your tongue relaxing, almost like it's floating. that will help silence your mind so you can fully surrender.
pay attention to your diet. so much of what we eat is processed junk food. try to eat 80% Whole Foods and 20% processed foods. meal prepping really helped me also not buying junk food at all. this step seems difficult but i promise there is a healthy alternative to most of your favortite foods. remember, you are what you eat ;)
when it comes to beauty, the simpler the better (its also cheaper!!) some things I would invest in would be coconut and castor oil because they can be used on everything. also a gel nail kit and a good electric razor for your face. the more you obess on every detail the more it will consume you. you are enough and don't need a million beauty hacks. (also sun-in works nice for natural highlights)
no company is better than bad company, don't accept low-vibe behavior from ANYONE
make an it girl playlist with upbeat songs from rihanna, lady gaga, katy perry, marina, and other 2000s hits. I don't know what it is but those songs will bring out the inner goddess in you.
don't compare yourself to anyone!!!! everyone is on their own journey, focus on yours. everyone has their own energetic signature. be yourself. stop wanting to impress others.
listen to binaural beats if you have blocked chakras or want to attract wealth, love, luck etc). they're also super relaxing.
give up all your limiting beliefs, anything is possible if you want it bad enough. it's gotta be someone, why couldn't it be you?
go with the flow, things happen for a reason. if you find yourself regretting a decision, remind youself that the other choice may have been worse, how do you know??
take ownership for your problems, the only one to blame is yourself. i am a firm believer that you can change anything you don't like about your reality. you deserve happiness.
live in the moment. ask yourself are you enjoying the moment, if not, what can you change. if you can't change anything, LEAVE. protect your peace girl!
stop insecurity from the root. you don't love yourself becuase you haven't worked on yourself. you are a garden that needs watering. i promise, once you complete this list you will love the person you become.
surround youself with love. do every task out of love. speak every word from a loving place. love everyone. we are all human.
i really hope this helps. this list came from YEARS of self-work. i created this blog so girls can learn how to become their most healed beautiful selves.
love you girlies!! ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
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hotchfiles · 9 months
Hello! 15 and/or 17 from prompt list + Isaac please 🥺
send me one of my boys + a prompt
isaac + reader ⋆ finding someone flirting with your crush, but all they have is eyes for you, and on you + almost kissing. but somebody walks in. "HOLY FUCK, ABOUT TIME THIS HAPPENS! I'M SO SORRY, PLEASE CONTINUE—"
parties are fun. everyone loves parties. every high schooler loves a good fucking party. you get to drink, maybe even get a little high if you know the right people. listen to good music, dance with your friends. always a good time.
well not for you.
for you it meant drinking, yes, which meant a goddamn headache the next day, dancing, having fun, yes, all of that, and on top of that, it meant watching the boy of your dreams being, for lack of a better word, chased around, by girls your age. and younger. and older. sometimes it was amusing, you could see the panic in his eyes. sometimes the girl was so gorgeous you couldn't help but look away, go somewhere else. get some fresh air, so you wouldn't have to watch anything hurtful.
you were in lov—interested in isaac for... a while, ever since he officially joined the pack, you've been playing it cool, maintaining his glance when he looked at you for a few seconds before turning away so it wouldn't be obvious, making your best not to smell his beautiful curly hair every time he hugged you... but you were only human, and he wasn't. you couldn't always control your heartbeat, so you were sure he knew it. he had to. he just wasn't interested. hurtful, but you'd live. eventually.
by 1am you're more than tipsy, and apparently so is the stunningly beautiful girl who very much on purpose tripped in front of isaac, forcing him to hold her by the waist so she wouldn't fall face first. she's charming thanking him, flirty, you know the routine by now, it's time to turn around and get some air, and you would have if stiles didn't appear out of nowhere in front of you talking about one hundred words per second. he really shouldn't drink.
while stiles asks you if his clothes are okay, if there's too much gel in his hair, if he smells nice and if he's annoying (right now he is) because every girl he tried to flirt with ignored him, you were—ignoring him. because you were forced to stay and you couldn't not look at isaac.
and his piercing blue eyes were looking right back at you, it didn't matter how many times the beautiful girl touched his arms, or laughed at him, his eyes were still on you. you selfishly wonder if the girl was just too much of a bore or... if he did that when you weren't looking, like you did when he wasn't looking. the thought makes your heart beat twice as fast, your cheeks flush and isaac notices it, obviously, smirking at you in a mischievous way you had never seen before.
that literally took your breath away, you had to leave. you finished your drink in one mouthful, handing your red cup to the still talking boy in front of you, "sure stiles, you're totally right." he looks confused, but you don't care. you turn in a rush to find the nearest unlocked door.
a room. not a good decision for whoever this house belonged to (you had no idea anymore), but you were so glad. you closed the door behind you in a swift motion and immediately start pacing around, your hands going to your face, through your hair and to your face again as you tried to take a deep breath but could only achieve a few not so deep ones.
"we don't have the money to pay for new floors if you drill a hole on these, gorgeous." your feet freeze on the spot as you hear his voice, sweet, humorous, flirty? you didn't even need to look at him to know he had that grin stamped on his lips.
"isa... what're you doing here?" your lips might as well be gone by how much you're nibbling on them, your hands gripping so hard on your own waist your nails might cut flash any time soon.
"chasing after you, obviously." god, could he not be so straight to the point for once? you nod your head countless times after he shrugs that reply out at you.
"sure... sure sure sure sure... why?" and he's grinning again, getting closer to you.
"well, this is the first time it actually looked like you wanted me and not to die." you keep nodding, and you feel like you're sweating more than normal, "so we're gonna make out, and hopefully i'm right about this." your eyes widen but you don’t move as he moves your arms from your waist to his, his hands holding your neck and he’s so close now you’re the one hearing his heartbeat. just as fast as yours.
so maybe when he looked at you there was reason to it, and maybe his hugs did linger and it wasn’t you holding on too long. maybe the times he told you to wear one of his jerseys to lacrosse matches were because he wanted to see you in his clothes, cheering for him, and not because he was friendly.
"i—i kinda wanted to die—i thought you didn't even look at me." you confessed in a murmur, he chuckled, leaning in, lips terribly close, virtually touching yours—but the door opened abruptly and the noise from the party flooded the otherwise quiet room.
"HOLY FUCK, ABOUT TIME THIS HAPPENS! I'M SO SORRY, PLEASE CONTINUE—" he doesn't have to say twice, you were still stunned by his interruption when isaac pulled you completely to him, kissing you passionately, hoping stiles would get a clue and leave (he did).
his hands were firm, but oh so gentle as he deepened the kiss, it sends shivers down your spine, it was intense, maybe it was the alcohol, or the fact he had wanted to do that for a really long time now.
every brush of his lips to yours was like putting more fire to a flame and you gripped to his shirt with both your hands as you moved together in perfect rhythm. it felt like a second and an eternity at the same time, you could feel isaac's body heat mixed to yours, having to part to breathe was torture.
isaac looked at you and his eyes shared the same hunger as yours, he quickly took one of your hands to his, leaving the room in quick steps as he pulled you behind with him, "so i was right, and we're leaving the party, is that okay?" he looks at you, still walking, and you can only nod, after all, parties are fun, and one with him alone is definitely more your taste.
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
Thin Ice (modern!HOTD)
pairing: Aegon x Reader & Cregan Stark x Reader
summary: Aegon and you attend the annual hockey awards. The spring semester comes to a close and you and Aegon plan to say goodbye for the summer.
rating: Mature/Explicit/18+ (detailed warning below the cut)
series masterlist
previous chapter ~ Ch. 11: Worth It
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warnings: language, explicit p in v, oral (fem receiving), titty slapping, finger sucking, car spicy times, mentions of recovery
word count: 3.6k
note: SUPRISE!!! hope you enjoy this finale! thank you so much for reading my story about this lovable goofball 🥹
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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As long as you’d been in college, you’d always felt the spring semester went by faster than the fall semester. This year was no exception. January melted into spring and hockey season came to its inevitable end. Sara, though saddened at first, was overjoyed when she realized she could spend more time with Jace.
“No more practice to get in the way of date night,” she said triumphantly, “You and I have to double date.”
“Of course,” you’d assured her. 
Everything was going great. Classes were easier this semester with philosophy out of the way, the Knights had won their championship game. A celebration banquet was held for the team, along with an awards ceremony. Though, you were missing the majority of the awards as you were currently otherwise occupied. 
“Aegon,” you moan, right leg draped over his shoulder. 
Look, you hadn’t meant to miss the first part of the ceremony, but Aegon was insistent. You’d joined Aegon and the rest of the team for the fancy dinner, held in the ballroom of The Golden Lion Hotel which, coincidentally enough, was owned by Jason Lannister’s family. 
Suddenly, before you could find your seats, Aegon was dragging you down the hallway and into a supply closet, kneeling before you and removing your panties; throwing them to a forgotten corner. Aegon swore it wasn’t his fault, you just looked so tempting in your dress and heels.
Aegon’s head is currently buried between your plush thighs, tongue lapping your folds like your pussy is ambrosia. He murmurs a soft command “Keep quiet bunny, c’mon you can do it, that’s my good girl,” and you’re suddenly raking your nails against his scalp, soaking his mouth with your release. 
Aegon rises from his knees, his hands trailing a path up your thighs to rest on your waist. He looks too damn good in his black tux, with his forest green tie that matches the silk dress you’re wearing. His shaggy silver hair is slicked back with gel, he runs his palm over the side to make sure he didn’t mess it up too much with his antics. 
“I love it when you’re noisy,” he murmurs, kissing you passionately, beginning to grope your ass while grinding against you.
Your eyes roll back into your skull as he trailed kisses down your neck. He’s so hard, you can feel him pressing against your legs-
“We have to go, they’ll be looking for you-” your concerns are silenced by another kiss.
“I’ll be quick,” Aegon promises, kissing your lips gently.
“You’re never quick-”
“And you love it every time-”
“Seriously,” you tell him, fisting his hair and pulling his face away from you, “Don’t give me those puppy dog eyes! I’m doing you a favor, Mr. Player of the Year.”
“You don’t know that,” he mumbles, a blush blooming on the apples of his cheeks, “I’m not that good-”
“Stop it,” you tell him, “You are. You’re going to win. C’mon.”
You adjust your dress back over your ass, smoothing the silk fabric over your thighs. As you exit the closet Aegon smacks your ass with the palm of his hand- the very reason you’d ended up in there in the first place. 
You glance back at him, a playful disapproving smile on your face. His eyes are glued to your ass, as he takes his lower lip between his teeth.
“How’d I get so lucky?” he murmurs, reaching for you again.
You move away, just out of reach of his grabbing hands, ushering him down the hallway and back into the ballroom. It’s been decorated for the occasion, with lots of streamers and centerpieces in the colors of KLU. You catch Cregan’s eye, he’s sitting next to Jace, and flashes him a small smile.
He returns it, smiling politely before turning to say something to Aly Blackwood. You’d heard through the grapevine they’d reconnected recently at Riverrun Cafe. Judging by Aly’s smile, it was going well between them. You can’t help but feel a warm feeling spreading in your chest as you watch them. Cregan deserves to be happy, he’s a great guy. 
You slide into the seat next to Sara. She raises her eyebrows at you and Aegon before mouthing ‘quickie?’ You quickly shake your head no, but Aegon nods, a smug smile plastered on his face. Sara lets out a snort and you jab Aegon in the ribs with your elbow. Jace turns to Sara, frowning at the lack of context as to why his girlfriend is in stitches. 
“Alright, listen up,” Coach Mormont says, clearing his throat, “Next is player of the year.”
You notice Aegon shift in his seat, his goofy attitude switching to one more anxious. He begins picking at his cuticles and you reach for him, taking his hand in yours to distract him.
“This player is integral to our team. He’s a fighter, always has been, but always shows up when the team needs him. I’m proud of how far he’s come, how he’s handled challenges on and off the ice,” Coach Mormont pauses, “And I’m proud to announce that the Player of the Year is our center, Aegon Targaryen!”
The hall erupts in cheers, even Cregan is clapping and nodding in agreement as Aegon rises on shaky legs to accept his award. You can’t stop the tears that blur your vision as you clap for him. Sara squeezes your shoulder, a smile plastered on her face.
Aegon makes his way to the podium, hugging Coach Mormont and taking the trophy before standing in front of the mic.
“Shit I-sorry I shouldn’t swear but…..shit,” he says with a breathless laugh. Aegon pauses for a moment, just gazing down at the trophy in his hands.
He looks up, meeting your eyes across the room and smiling.
“I really didn’t think this would happen,” Aegon begins, “My freshman year was pretty rough. I couldn’t have gotten the help I needed without the guys on this team.”
Aegon pauses, voice cracking with emotion.
“I’m proud to say I’m almost two years sober, and hockey…it means everything to me,” he says, wiping his eyes, “And I want to thank my siblings, the guys again of course, and my girlfriend.”
Your heart stops. 
“I couldn’t have made it through this year without her. I wouldn’t be right here, without her. So, thank you. Thank you so much,” he says smiling.
The crowd erupts into cheers as Aegon leaves the stage. You stand to greet him, wrapping your arms around him in a fierce hug. 
“Holy shit,” Aegon says, holding the trophy in his hands. 
He hasn’t stopped grinning since accepting it onstage. The dinner had long ended and you’d been seated in his car for the past few minutes. Jace and Sara had driven separately and had already headed back to the hockey house for the celebratory after-party. 
“I’m so proud of you, Egg,” you tell him, for the millionth time. You’ll probably never stop reminding him. 
“I just…” he trails off for a moment, eyes becoming glassy with tears, “I don’t know. I was never the make mom and dad proud kid, you know?”
Your expression softens, and you can feel your throat begin to constrict, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. 
“But I’ve been really trying, you know? It’s nice…for someone to notice,” he finishes, with a sniffle.
You reach for his free hand and he looks up at you, watery violet eyes meeting yours. 
“You are amazing, Aegon Targaryen,” you tell him, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” he says, a tear falling down his cheek, “I should probably put this down before driving, huh?”
You release a breathy chuckle.
“Yeah I think that’s wise,” you tell him, “We can buckle it in the back seat, like a child?”
“Our child,” Aegon says, his tone teasing, “What a beautiful baby.”
You laugh, opening the passenger side and getting out. Aegon slips out of the driver’s seat and opens the back door of his car. He glances at you from across the seat, smiling suggestively.
“On second thought…” he says, placing the award on the driver’s seat and slipping in the back, “Get in, bunny.”
Your eyes widen, sensing where this is going.
“Egg, no way-”
“C’mon we’ll be quick,” he says pouting, “It’s a celebration!”
“What if someone sees?” you whisper, but slip into the backseat all the same. You close the door behind you and Aegon grins, looping an arm around your waist.
“Everyone’s gone,” he murmurs, kissing your lips softly, “No one left but us.”
You melt into him, as you always do. He seems to have that effect. Aegon keeps one arm around your waist, the other wraps itself around your neck, his thumb smoothing the outline of your jaw. Your tongue seeks out his metal tongue ring as you kiss, and you arch your back to push yourself closer to him. 
“I fucking love you,” he groans, breaking away from kissing you for just a moment.
“Egg, I love you so much,” you whine, “Please, please.”
“What do you need, pretty girl?” he asks, whimpering as you tug harshly on his silver locks. 
“Just you, always you,” you tell him, burying your face in the crook between his neck and shoulder. 
Aegon quickly unfastens his belt, freeing his hardened cock. He strokes himself with his hand, pausing to swipe his thumb over the tip, wiping away a bead of precum. You get on your knees, preparing to straddle him when he stops you. You frown, confused, which causes Aegon to chuckle.
“Backwards, baby, c’mere,” he says, motioning so you straddle him, facing away from him.
Aegon’s hands move to push your dress up your thighs and he chuckles, feeling the wetness there. He playfully frowns at you, his lower lip jutting out in a dramatic pout.
“What happened to your panties?” he questions, sliding a finger through your dripping folds.
“Probably still in that closet,” you admit, breathing heavily with anticipation as you hover over his cock. 
You were in such a rush to get back to the table, you’d forgotten to put them back on. You can feel the head of Aegon’s thick cock prodding at your entrance and you sink down on top of him. The angle is new, and you feel every inch deep in your abdomen as he bottoms out. Your mouth falls open, a moan spilling from your lips.
“Fuck,” Aegon murmurs, lifting his hips to thrust into you, “Gods this fucking pussy, feels so good wrapped around my cock baby.”
“Oh fuck,” you whimper, lifting your hips and bringing them back down, matching Aegon’s thrusts, “Gods you’re so big.”
Aegon brings his hand to your neck, wrapping it lightly around your throat, squeezing just enough for there to be a pleasurable lack of oxygen. Your head is spinning as he continues sliding his cock in and out, the wet sounds of your soaked pussy filling the car. Through your lashes, you can see steam begin to cloud the windows.
Aegon takes his free hand to your chest, freeing your breasts from the top of your dress. It didn’t make sense to wear a bra, the back was too revealing. You thrash against him as he removes his hand from your neck, pressing his fingers against your lips. 
“Open up,” he murmurs, placing a hot kiss against your neck.
You do as he says, allowing him to push three fingers into your eager mouth. You suck the digits greedily, the cool metal of his rings kissing your lips as you do so. Aegon palms your breast with his other hand, tweaking your pebbled nipples before lightly slapping them. You whimper against his fingers, but they keep you quiet.
“So pretty like this baby,” he coos as you swirl your hips around him.
It’s perfect, his cock pulsating inside of you, rubbing against your sweet spot with every swivel of your hips. Not enough to get you off, just leave you on the edge of pleasure, your sanity slipping with every slap he delivers to your heaving breasts. 
You gaze at him with pleading eyes, and Aegon grins wolfishly. He pulls his fingers from your mouth, trailing them between the valley of your breasts, and down your stomach; knowing exactly what you need. 
His hand comes in contact with your clit, and with his well-lubricated fingers, he begins rubbing circles around the sensitive little button. Pleasure courses through your veins, prickling your nerves like lightning and he squeezes your breast harshly. 
“Aegon, oh fuck Aegon,” you moan, head dropping back onto his shoulder as your legs begin to shake.
“Just like that bunny, that’s a good girl,” Aegon encourages as you desperately ride his cock, chasing your release. 
It builds and builds before you finish with a cry, walls fluttering around his thick cock. Aegon moans as you cum, bringing both hands to squeeze your breasts as he finds his own release, deep within your pussy. 
You take a moment to regain your breathing and Aegon reaches out drawing a smiling face on the fogged window. 
“Girlfriend,” he says, phrasing it like a question, “I hope you don’t mind that I called you that during my speech.”
You rise from his softening cock, reaching over his lap to write on the window. 
“Of course, I didn’t,” you murmur, “I want you to be my boyfriend, Egg.” You finish your drawing. 
Another smiley face, right next to his. 
Aegon presses a kiss to your cheek, and you make yourself presentable before driving to meet your friends. 
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Finals are a blur, and to your dismay, Aegon finishes his before you finish yours. 
“It should be illegal for this to happen,” you argue, as Aegon finishes putting his things in Criston Cole’s car. 
Cole has yet to return from helping Helaena with her luggage. Aegon likes to joke that she’s a princess and has 7 bags. Finals take place on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday. Aegon had his last final this morning, along with Helaena and Aemond. 
Thus, the siblings were being packed up and shipped back to their hometown, while you were stuck here until Monday. At least Sara, Baela, and Rhaena were in the same boat, but still. You were not ready to say goodbye to your boyfriend. 
“Bunny,” Egg says, pulling you towards him, wrapping you in a warm hug, and placing a kiss on top of your head.
“You really have to leave now?” you murmur against his chest as you bring your hands around his back.
Maybe if you hold on tight enough, he won’t go. You can feel his chest shake as he chuckles. 
“You know how my mom is,” Aegon says with a sigh, “But, she was pretty cool about you coming on the Summer Isles trip.”
“I can’t wait,” you tell him, honestly.
“Two weeks,” Aegon says, pursing his lips and nodding, “We can survive two weeks.”
You grab his cheeks, connecting your lips once more.
“Gross!” Helaena calls, appearing from the direction of her dorm carrying a duffle bag. 
You pull away from Aegon, but Helaena only smirks.
“Is this going to happen the entire time in the Summer Isles?” Helaena teases. 
Aemond walks up beside her, taking her bag.
“Gods I hope not,” he grumbles, taking Hel’s bag to the car. 
Criston appears a moment later, pushing a luggage cart full of Helaena’s suitcases. 
“That’s everything,” he assures and you quickly count 9 bags on the cart. 
Helaena embraces you, pulling you against her tightly.
“Good luck on your finals,” she says, “You’ll do amazing. And I’ll see you soon.”
“I’ll miss you Hel,” you tell her, squeezing her close.
“2 weeks, no biggie,” Helaena says, pulling away, “Love you.”
“Love you too,” you tell her, “Drive safe!”
“Criston will!” she confirms, sliding into the back of the car. 
You turn back to Aegon once more, your heart heavy. Goodbyes are never easy, no matter what.
“I love you,” you tell him, trying to fight the tears that form in your eyes. 
“I love you too,” he says, giving you a final kiss.
You wave to Aegon and Helaena, watching as their car disappears. 
“Okay enough of that!” Sara’s voice says before you feel her arms on your shoulders, dragging you away, “I’m starving, and besides! What about me? What am I supposed to do without you?”
Sara links her arms through yours, starting to walk to the main dining hall. You wave, spotting Baela and Rhaena headed toward you from the opposite side of the main quad. The sun is setting, casting a golden haze over campus. The flowers are in full bloom and the air has a lovely chill to it this late in the day. 
“Wither and die?” you sarcastically suggest.
“So not funny,” she says, shaking her head, “And you are so visiting Winterfell this year, I’m not driving all the way south for your ass-”
“Okay, you drove one-time last summer-”
“I haven’t recovered,” she interrupts, “Plus, I need to show you my hometown! And we’re going to Facetime every-”
“Night,” Baela says, joining you, with Rhaena beside her, “At 7 pm sharp, but you know Rhaena’s gonna hang up promptly at 9 for her mandatory 8 hours.”
“Some people care about their routines, and don’t want to waste their summer!” Rhaena interjects.
“I’m not wasting anything! I have an internship,” Baela insists.
“How long is this one going to last?” Sara snickers.
“Shut up,” Baela scowls, “Are you going to visit Jace at all?”
“Of course, I can’t survive without his big co-”
“Sara!” the three of you scold in unison causing her to snicker.
“We’ve become too comfortable here,” you say laughing as you enter the main campus dining hall.
It’s relatively quiet, some students cramming in some last-minute studying while scarfing down various fried food options. It makes you momentarily reminisce about when you met your best friends freshman year. You don’t know what you would have done without them.
“One more year,” Rhaena says, her expression wistful.
“One more year of KLU,” Baela says with a sigh, “I can’t believe we’re seniors now.”
“Don’t remind me,” you tell them. You can’t imagine college ending. 
Sara smiles knowingly.
“One more hockey season,” she says with a smirk.
Your cheeks flush at the thought of spending your senior year with Aegon. At his games, at the hockey house, in the library. No scheming this year, just you and him. You can’t think of anything better. 
“Dude guess what?” Sara says suddenly with a gasp, “I have to take Intro to Philosophy.”
“I thought you got out of that?” Baela asked with a frown.
“Nope, you’ll tutor me, right Y/N?” Sara says, pouting, “Please please please!”
“We’ll see,” you tell her with a chuckle, “I don’t know if I’m the best tutor.”
“Egg passed!”
“That was special circumstances!” you argue, grabbing a table. 
Sara slumps into the seat across from you, Baela sits beside you and Rhaena squeezes behind Sara. 
“I’ll ask you again in the fall,” Sara says with a smirk, “You’ll be with Egg all loved up and will have to say yes.”
Just as she mentions his name, your phone buzzes. You glance at it, seeing Aegon calling you. You rise from your seat. 
“One sec,” you tell your friends and they roll their eyes. 
You can tell they don’t mean it though, they’re only teasing you. They were beyond happy for you and Aegon. You walk out of the dining hall before answering. 
“Hey you,” you say, unable to stop your smile, “You miss me already?”
You push through the glass door, the warm spring evening air washing over you. 
“You could say that,” Aegon says, and you can practically hear his grin through the phone.
You laugh, before glancing up and meeting a pair of violet eyes. 
It’s Aegon. 
You’re still holding your phone against your ear as Aegon hangs up, sliding his own phone into his pocket. And even though it’s been maybe 20 minutes since you’d last seen him, you throw yourself into his arms, kissing him ferociously. 
Aegon chuckles, lifting you off the ground and spinning in a circle.
“What are you doing here?” you manage through a giggle as he plants you back on the ground, “Your mom, you said-”
“I told her I had a final Monday,” Aegon says, grinning ear to ear, “My car’s still here, I’m driving down after.” 
He holds your hands in his, his thumbs caressing yours. 
“I was thinking maybe, you could come home with me? You know Helaena misses you and Daeron seemed to like you and Aemond is-” You cut him off with a kiss.
Aegon came back for you. He’s staying, for you.
From the beginning, Aegon’s always made it clear. Even when you didn’t understand. Even when you weren’t ready to admit it. Even when you were scared.
It’s always been you.
You pull away from him, smiling ear to ear. In the light of the setting sun, he’s so beautiful. And he’s all yours. And you’re his. 
“C’mon,” you tell him, grabbing his hand, “Sara is taking philosophy next term and needs pointers.”
Aegon groans, but a smile plays on his lips as you drag him back towards the dining hall. You all sit together in the dining hall, staying long after you finish eating; laughing, nearly crying, and just talking the entire time. The smile never leaves Aegon’s face.
He can’t help it, it’s the happiest he’s been in what feels like forever.
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note: and that's a WRAP! thank you so so much for supporting me through this series! I love each and every one of you, and will miss my KLU babies!! Until next time, ilysm ~ Jo
Thin Ice Tag List:
@padfooteyes, @nina2697, @julieeba, @darkenchantress, @heavenly1927, @fan-goddess, @possiblyafangirl, @n4tforlife, @serving-targaryen-realness, @bubblyabs, @cicaspair418, @jamespotterismydaddy, @tssf-imagines, @platonichug, @tosiaf, @skikikikiikhhjuuh, @rwdkarla, @partypoison00 @moira-strangle-me-please @clairacassidy, @sh4dowrav3n, @okfashionista, @kravitzwhore, @queenofshinigamis, @misspendragon, @marytargaryen, @dope-trope-105, @imarimon, @whoisalexa, @oneeyedvisenya, @valeskafics, @aemondsmoon, @doublesparrows, @namelesslosers, @fidelias @imarimon @trifoliumviridi, @bellstwd @elle4404 @schmexie @sahvlren @clairepotter, @m1ndbrand @shessthunderstoms
bold means I could not tag for some reason!
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veneerslipstick · 9 months
˚୨୧⋆yes, & i love you。˚ ⋆— pt 2
velvet x FEM!reader
• one shot
• fluff
• light angst
after an overwhelming confession between your “situation-ship” with velvet, both of you take a break from being close. in the midst of your healing, velvet begins to come to a realization that — absolutely nothing is the same without you. frustrated and still deeply in love, in advance of deranged texts from a velvet that hates admitting her feelings, you as always attend a performance of hers that goes terribly wrong.
the girls heart seems to ease by your awaited attention — and yours seems to tense by the threat of trust. will she make up, or live by her same fears?
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。. ・.
four months.
it had been four months since the incident between
me and her. was i counting? i didn’t know, i just
knew. the time that passed was slow, very utterly
slow, and each performance that came and went
i mourned knowing that there would be no smiles or
mutual shrieks of excitement backstage. and really, i
genuinely tried not to think of it — to think of her. the
more i pondered about her , the further i felt guilt and
vomit creep up my throat , and it didn’t matter what i
was doing in the moment.
i couldn’t act this this. i shouldn’t blame this on
myself, guilt and uncertainty can’t be the first thing
on my mind or something anyone could read off my
face. pretending to not care is my best bet, only
seeing her as a stylist and maybe a planner would
keep my career safe and drama-free.
my hands wrapped around a cup of orange pekoe
tea, my heart seemed to twist to the pit of my
oh, but how the thought of her voice and hands had
me in a trance. oh, how it hurt.
nails gritting on the mug, my fingertips burned and i
jerked them away, spilling a small amount of the hot
fluid on my white vanity. grimacing, i scurried to find
a cloth.
the door to the dressing room then opened, and
there stood y/n, watching as i was searching. i looked
to her for a moment , only a moment, because god
forbid any longer i would start saying shit i’m not
supposed to.
clipboard in hand, she walked over to the vanity and
pulled a tissue from her pocket, beginning to wipe up
the spilt tea that would’ve started to stain if left any
longer. i watched her as she didn’t say a word, just
cleaning with a straight face. oh, don’t stare, velvet.
don’t feel.
she threw the tissue in the garbage can and looked to
me. straightening my posture, i brushed my hair out
of my face. “thank you.” i mumbled, beginning to
take clips and bobby pins out of my hair. the tension
and every physical shift of our bodies was
unbearable, like we were made of rust trying not to
make any sound. it was gross and unnerving and a
lump formed in my throat. sitting at the vanity chair
once more, the routine began.
y/n took my hair apart, running her fingers gently
through the curls and dried gel. she took micellar
water to my face delicately with cotton pads i closed
my eyes as this proceeded, though every cell in my
body told me to open them and begin a
conversation. but that wasn’t right.
everything felt out of place. shit. why? why couldn’t
things be normal? why was this a big deal?
not even realizing my discomfort , i let out a
strangled sound in my throat which caused her to
stop and look at me in the mirror. “you alright?”
am i alright no i’m not alright god i just want to apologize and hold your hand and be okay and be with you and be girls god god help me i’m sorry don’t hate me do i talk too much oh oh could you sm —
“yes.” i blurted and stood up quickly , grabbing
everything and attempting to keep my composure. i
didn’t look at her twice before darting straight out of
the room and stumbling down the stairs. the tears
were hot and flowing , cursing to myself silently for
being so pathetic.
i was my own worst enemy.
you were aggravated by velvets behaviour. was she
ignoring you or trying to get your attention? being
smart or clueless? definitely not clueless. she was
smarter than that. you hated how you couldn’t tell
with her sometimes. but that’s exactly what drew you
to her — you could never guess. but of course you
didn’t let yourself get too wound up, it had been
almost 5 months since then, and you were so close
to being completely over it. over her.
or, well, that’s what you were trying to get yourself to
you arrived home around midnight after the
performance, in every way exhausted. once through
your door and in the kitchen, you went to pour
yourself a glass of red wine. you didn’t drink, at all
really, the bottle had been a gift , but right now you
needed something. after a long swig, you stared out
the living room window for a moment. then your
phone buzzed. multiple times.
picking it up, the bright light making you squint in
the darkness of your kitchen, you seen velvets name.
your heart skipped a beat as desperate messages
popped up;
“i miss yiu y/n.”
“everythimg hurrs without you”
“i can’t llook at f/c wiyhout feeling sick”
“i don’t know i hate feekings”
“thid sucks”
“will you tajk to me i’m sorry”
“i wqs wtong please don’t hate me”
her typos seemed to pull at your heart strings, you
opened the messages to look at them, but put your
phone down. you poured another glass. honestly,
what did she want you to say? oh, it’s no problem vel,
it’s not like you tore my veins out and tied them in a
bow then proceeded to wish i was someone different
then steal my oxygen with a kiss. nope. not at all.
a few minutes passed, and your phone began to ring.
now slightly panicked, you saw velvets name and
contact photo pop up. it was a picture paparazzi had
taken of you two that floated around on the internet,
which was you two smiling and laughing at a public
park that — you remembered, — you had dragged
her to so she could connect with something other
than a camera and makeup. she hated the photo
because she was in her “disguise clothing”, but she
looked as pure as ever.
you shook the memory from your thoughts and
picked up the phone after letting it ring a little and
brought the phone to your ear. you said nothing, only
waiting for her.
“don’t. don’t do that.” you heard a broken voice at the
other end of the call. you paused before answering.
she was definitely crying.
“do what?” you asked monotonously.
“not… answering me. as my — stylist, you should
almost always answer wh —“
“cut the shit velvet.” you snapped but didn’t raise
your voice. you bit your lip and you heard her
whimper quietly.
“i’m really trying.” she whispers that seemed to dart
straight to your heart. “y-you know that i am. this
shit is just — ugh,” she was talking about her
feelings. you felt that same pain in your heart from all
those months ago.
“velvet,” you started, leaning against your fridge and
deeply breathing. “i don’t want to hear this over a
phone. what you did hurt, i don’t know what i can
and can’t believe.” you choked slightly at the end of
your sentence. she was silent, but you heard her
sniffle. your voice lowering right above a whisper,
“if you really want this velvet; say it to my face. look
me in my eye and tell me what you want.” you
you heard nothing but distant shaky breathing for a
moment. “goodnight, y/n. we’ll talk tomorrow.” the
like clicked.
you stood there a little while, gazing in the distance.
maybe that was the closure you needed.
the next day…
and so the routine began again. getting ready in the
morning, drive to work, getting velvet and veneer
ready for todays performance… nothing new. and
shockingly, seeing velvet didn’t hurt as much as you
thought it would. you felt good about that. now
putting their makeup away , veneer and velvet were
“vel, are you sure you’ll be okay? you look exhausted.
maybe you should sit just this one out…” veneer said
“no, ven, im fine.” she claimed , lazily putting her
boots on.
“okay, but, you did tell me one time to always prevent
you from performing if you seemed unwell even if
you refused , so —“
“veneer can you just shut the fuck up? i - just - god
please. please.“ she growled , her voice softening
near the end of her sentence. both you and veneer
jumped slightly, and he looked shocked and
slightly hurt. he said nothing, and velvet got up and
left the room. you looked to him who continued to
linger his gaze out the door. he looked at you.
“can you figure something out with her? it sort of
feels like, i lost her.” he said in a concerned tone. you
said nothing, only slightly nodding to try and ease
his mind. sighing, he walked out the door as well. you
followed after a moment of pondering and headed
towards the entrance of the pit.
awaiting for the siblings near the left center crowd,
you started to wonder if velvet would actually be
okay during the performance. you obviously knew
why she was off, but there’s no way she would let
that affect her image. you hoped.
then it was showtime, and you watched as they
presented flawlessly as always. but there was
still something wrong with her. she wasn’t as
smiley and proud like she usually was in front of
her fans, she was smiling, but she almost looked sick.
you bit your lip and didn’t take your eyes off of that
stage. not even half way through the song, that
terrible fear commenced.
“shit.” you said out loud.
velvet seemed to lose balance as she followed the
choreography and her words mashed up. veneer
glanced at her with an obvious worried expression as
he tried to continue , but she was so off that it was
nearly impossible. she seemed to choke on her words
and she just completely stopped dancing, making
eye contact with you. the audience began to turn to
whispered and audible gasps. you could tell she
felt the eyes on her at how she looked around like
she commuted a crime, and before you knew it she
ran backstage. some people began yelling or booing,
veneer trying to speak through his mic to reassure
them that they just needed to take five.
you bolted to that backstage.
security guards and producers were gathered around
a certain spot, where you could make out velvet on
the ground , crying and yelling about something.
pushing through them, she spotted you through her
tears and swatted away people’s hands that tried to
help her.
“no, go, go ! “ she stood up taking in sharp, deep
breaths. looking to you, she tried to yell at the
security guards that wouldn’t lay off. “no! i want —
y/n, y/n take me .. home, i can’t —“
you were nearly instantly by her side, wrapping an
arm around her and taking her through the back exit
— at the same time yelling at producers to call off the
show. once you two were out, she had calmed down
a little as you let her lean against the wall. no words
were spoken as you removed your jacket and
wrapped it around her shoulders , and eventually led
her to your car. her in your passenger seat and you in
the drivers, you looked to her.
“was that about last night?” you asked, your voice
breaking the threatening silence. she looked down at
her lap. “that was about … everything.” she spoke
softly , almost too soft for you to hear. looking
forward, you started the car and left the premises.
the clock read 9:53 PM as you hit the highway.
“am i taking your way or the rest of the highway to
your house?” you asked. she looked to you.
“your place.” she answered. heart fluttering, you
glanced at her. “mine?”
“yeah. we should.. talk.”
and when you did arrive to your house, you both got
out of the car and headed inside, holding open the
door for her in silence. she kept your jacket on, and
you made your way to the kitchen, preparing her tea
that you bought specifically for her. out of nowhere,
you felt something on your shoulder blade and a
hand wrapped around your arm. velvet stood there
with you, more silence, as you made her tea.
quiet was important with her, you found. she was
very voluble and it was hard to have a gentle moment
with her, but recently you noticed she allowed
things to be silent. you didn’t complain.
you turned around to face her and she stepped back
from you, taking the tea you offered, but she just
put it on the counter. you didn’t care, all you cared
about was looking into her eyes. you began;
“what did you want to talk about?”
velvet gulped and shook her head. “y/n. honestly,
everything is so.. terrible. terrible without you. and
god i hate to admit that i’m struggling to live
without someone but it’s so true and — this is so
unfamiliar. it’s almost angering but it’s also sweet
but sickening and … and —“ she looked up at you
with wet eyes, her hands extended towards you.
“that kiss.. that kiss was real. and i know i said that
stupid idiotic comment that was very untrue because
i was scared and i was scared of our l-love but now
it’s…” she trailed off, looking to the side. “oh it’s just
so.. you’re so..” she looked back at you, hands
reverting back to near her chest. “it’s just..can
we..?” her head slowly nodding, you didn’t waste
another second to back her up against your counter
and kiss her firmly.
you took her hands that bundled near her heart and
brought them to your face, letting her ease her
palms on your red cheeks. your own hands
held her waist gently as your lips basically
locked on one another, a smooth rhythm comme-
ncing between you two. you felt her tears fall
and hit your cheeks again, and the connection
was reborn. this is what you needed — what she
needed. her hands traveled up to your hair as she
tangled them in it, yours pulling her closer to you.
smiling against her lips, she let out a quiet sob
inside her throat.
pulling away, you planted a few more kisses to her
jaw and neck, running your hands up her back.
her breathing steadied after a minute and you
both looked at each other.
“i don’t want to leave,” she whispered, her glossy
she’s peering up at you.
“don’t.” you replied, wiping her tears with your
thumb. “stay the night, let us love eachother. veneer
will understand.”
she nodded and smiled a smile you haven’t seen in
awhile; which automatically triggered another gentle
kiss. a brief moment passed and you broke it.
“we’re girls, and that’s okay.” you reminded her.
strands of her beautiful green locks stuck to her
wet face. velvet nodded and took your hands,
cupping them on her face.
“the hell was i thinking, i don’t want a man. who
wants a man?” she joked, having you both laugh.
“hm, your brother.” you responded and she snickered
loudly, dropping her head.
“god i love you, y/n.” she said , looking back up. your
stomach churned.
“and i love you, velvet.”
not another word was spoken as you both rested in
your bed, holding each other and sharing long,
intimate kisses as if trying to makeup for the time
you lost.
it was definitely worth the wait.
✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧ ✧⋄⋆⋅⋆
a/n: AHH CHRISTMAS !!! merry chrysler and happy holidays to my beloved fellow mutuals 💋 i had fun writing this whilst listening to waiting room on repeat ..!!! anyway MWAH ily guys eat up
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celestialprincesse · 5 months
I absolutely LOVE your writing! But i know you want ideas for Simon fluff and lately I’ve been thinking about how Simon would react if I got new nail kit set and I use his hands as practice
He definitely tries to avoid this scenario at all costs. Like literally does not understand why you'd want to do your own nails when he can literally pay for you to get them done at the fancy nail salon in town, the one which provides lemon and cucumber water for all its clients and doesn't charge extra for art or charms because the sets themselves are so extortionate. This is the same Simon who refuses to call someone in to get the boiler fixed because he knows he can do it himself (and with a little help from YouTube)
The thought of you with sharp objects and chemicals also raises concern. He's heard quite enough horror stories from Johnny about binding agents and whatnot. Absolutely zero chance he's letting you experiment with that stuff without the appropriate PPE.
Eventually, he gives a little and reluctantly orders a beginners gel nail set, but the minute the clear gel (which he let you put on ONE finger to make sure it's safe) heat spikes under the nail lamp, he calls time and BEGS for you to just let a professional do it.
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