#doc ock x reader x green goblin fluff
wtfhasmy-lifecometo · 2 years
Torn Between
Requested: @my-lady-greensleeves
This is the last part and I really do hope you like this all ❤️ thank you for your faith and patience in me xx
This was, not what you were expecting, Otto’s breath hitched in his throat, you didn’t know what to think anymore, your voice muffled by the soft sweater that Otto was wearing, this kept you from sobbing even harder yet you could feel it all washing down onto you, making you want to cry harder, but you couldn’t, not now.
There was a second of silence before you heard a sigh of relief, “oh my dear, that’s nothing to be so upset over, I’ve actually felt the same way for quite some time.” Your breath hitched, you couldn’t believe it, Otto felt the same?! Your happiness cut short when you realized you still had more to confess, you looked up to see Norman sitting close by, running his hand on your back, attempting to sooth you to a degree. “Well, I… that’s where this gets more hard and confusing for me, and this is- this is where it gets much more difficult and sc- scary” your hiccups now present, “I’m, I’m also in love with you… Norman.” His hand stopped for a split second, before returning to its place.
Both of them looked at each other, both taken aback, you could feel Otto bring you even closer, “my darling… I’m not too sure why you didn’t tell us sooner, this is absolutely nothing for you to be upset about, if you had noticed, you’d see that we both feel this way, but I understand your hesitancy on this subject, it’s perfectly normal.” Otto did most of the talking, Norman sat back at let it happen.
“Sweetheart, as Otto said, this is nothing to be this way about, and, he is correct, I feel the same way about you too.” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, you never thought this would happen, moreover this being a pathway to them also confessing. “I, I don’t know what to say, I, what do we do now?” You looked between the two of them, giving them quizzical gazes. “Weeellll, you could continue sitting here, upset and crying, ooorrrr you could make this situation become a real thing. It’s all up to you sweetheart.” Norman gave you a cheesy yet sweet grin, which in return, you gave him the same smile. “I guess I can say that I’d love to have you both as mine… as long as you would be alright with that, especially when it comes to sharing me.”
Your giggle causing a domino effect on them, as they had started giggling too, Otto was softly running his hand through your hair, you looked up at him to see his face contort into an expression, one of deep thought, “well, I’m not exactly one for sharing, neither is Norman, but I’m sure we can come to an agreement.” He looked down at you, giving you a toothy smile and a wink. Laughter erupting from your belly that you couldn’t help, you pulled yourself together and gave them both a kiss on the cheek, making them both blush like a madman. “Now that I’ve calmed quite a bit, what do you both say I make us some late night snacks, we fully talk this through, and you guys can stay the night since it’s going on 11 o clock at night.” And with that, your thoughts were no longer scathing ones, they were happy ones, you finally can breathe and be happy.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 11 months
Chrysanthemums, Dahlias, and Lavender - Peter B. Parker X GN Reader
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Title: Chrysanthemums, Dahlias, and Lavender
Peter B. Parker X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Uncle Ben (Mentioned), Aunt May (Mentioned), Peter's parents (Mentioned), Reader's parents (Mentioned), Flash (Mentioned), Doc Ock (Mentioned) Green Goblin (Mentioned), MJ (Mentioned), and Mayday (Mentioned)
WC: 2,872
Warnings: Angst, two main character deaths mentioned, peter's parents' death mentioned, Spider-Man canon violence mentioned, blood mentioned, wounds mentioned, confessions, teasing, banter, post Into the Spiderverse, pre Across the Spiderverse, and fluff
The warm summer breeze gently brushed against Peter's face, and the smell of Chrysanthemums, Dahlias, and Lavender filled his senses, making him smile; it reminded him of his childhood. Now, Peter's childhood was messy, that was the best word he used to describe it, but within that mess was you. Peter met you when he was very young. After his parents died in a plane crash, which led him to live with his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. He was deeply grateful to his Aunt and Uncle for taking him in and making sure he was fed, clothed, and well taken care of. The love they had for him made the pain of his parent's death a bit easier for him to bear. 
And when Peter met you, at the age of ten, he knew you and him were going to be fast friends. You felt the same. You had just been playing at the small park near your home when you saw another little boy your age, playing alone. And with that, you bounded over with a giant smile on your face, hands clasped behind your back as you asked the little boy if he wanted to play with you. His wide, surprised eyes quickly turned into those of delight, a bright smile appearing on his face as he agreed. From that day on, you two spent every moment you could together.
In the Springtime, you'd play at the same park, pretending to be pirates hunting for buried treasure, explorers looking for the missing Lynx, or  astronauts who had just landed on a new planet. In the Summertime, you both would continue to play in that park, running off to get ice cream from the nearby ice cream vendor, having small picnics Aunt May would help with, and even going swimming if the two of you could. In the Fall, you and Peter would play in the fallen leaves, play hide-and-seek behind orange trees, carve pumpkins on the porch of your house, and go trick-or-treating together. And as Winter slowly came around, you would both go out to play in the snow - even though there wasn't a lot of it - teaching Peter how to ice skate, and drinking Aunt May's famous hot chocolate while watching movies or sports with Uncle Ben. This continued for years. You were over at the Parker’s residence so often in fact that Aunt May knew your favorite food by heart, and made you it for your birthday.
As you both got older, going into middle school, Peter was glad to have you there with him. You made middle school easier to handle. You helped him when he never really thought he'd make any friends, and he helped you when you were stuck on something in your homework. It was a win-win. And though you both didn't have as much time to spend together, you both made the most of it, and that also went for high school as well. 
When you both entered Midtown High, Peter began to notice certain, small things about you. The way your nose wrinkled when you were concentrating on some hard math homework, how your eyes narrowed when you got to a really good part in your book. The way you smiled, teeth showing as you recalled something funny. The way you laughed, body shaking and shoulders jolting slightly as you did. The way you hugged him in the hallway after not seeing him for a couple of hours, whispering “hi, Pete,” into his ear. At the end of the day, you'd pull at his hand to drag him out of the school, ready to study together, or just hang out. You were also always there for when he needed you, either for when Flash was being a jerk, or when he just wanted you beside him. And how pretty you looked when you were just there… Existing... Peter loved all of these things about you. And it wasn't like he hadn't noticed these things before, he had, but this time he seemed overwhelmingly aware of them.
He was terrified at the revelation that he was crushing on you, and he didn't know what to do. Should he tell you? No, he didn't think he could survive that. Even though he could tell you anything and everything, his crush on you was not on that list. But, the more that he sat on the idea of confessing it, the less he liked it. What if he messed up and said something wrong or you rejected him? Or worse, what if you left him forever? No, he couldn't risk that. He needed to wait until he figured things out. So he continued to sit and ponder and think about it until his brain hurt. Which took a while, but he thought, in conclusion, he wouldn't say anything at all. Better to have you as a best friend and love you from afar.
His loss, since you felt the same. Of course you did, why wouldn't you? He was Peter Freaking Parker, your best friend since you were ten, and practically the love of your life; and had been since fifth grade. You were convinced that you were going to marry him when you were a kid. You remembered running up to your mother after a couple of meetings with Peter, jumping up and down as you told her that you were going to marry him. Your mother thought it was pretty cute, young love or whatever, but thinking back to it now, you felt a sense of second-hand embarrassment from it all. 
But that never stopped you from falling deeper and deeper in love with Peter. Again, how could you not fall in love with him? He had the sweetest personality. He was kind, and understanding, and always made you laugh to the point that you would hunch over crying. He was practically a genius, always getting full marks in all of his classes - you did help him with his history homework once, but that was neither here nor there. You loved how he would tilt his head to the side slightly like a puppy confused as he asked you to repeat something. You loved how he was so passionate and driven; he was always the one who pushed you to try harder or better yourself. And you loved how he cared. How he would always be there to cheer you up or comfort you when you were sad, or angry. And even when you both had a fight or disagreement, he was always there for you, no matter what. 
But, after Peter got bitten, everything changed. He got taller, he didn't need his glasses anymore, and for some reason... He could walk on walls? At the age of fifteen, he became Spider-Man. And you were the only one who had known. Peter needed someone to go to when this had all started, and you were the first person to pop right into his head, as you usually did most days. He was extremely worried and nervous about telling you, but after his Uncle Ben died, he had no one else to turn to. He couldn't tell Aunt May, Peter was sure that she would blame him for Uncle Ben's death, as he blamed himself.
He remembered that night. Climbing up the trellises on the side of your house, pushing himself up to your window. Knocking on it, he tried to control his breathing as he watched your soft, yellow curtains being pushed aside. Peter felt relieved to see you, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion before you noticed how upset he was. Peter's mind was foggy as you pulled him inside your room, sitting him on your bed as you held his hands in yours. He felt numb, his Uncle's death replaying over and over. He could still feel his Uncle's weight in his arms. He failed him...
Peter remembered snapping out of his dark mind and thoughts, his eyes met yours, noticing that you were talking to him; he couldn't make out your words. It was as if he was underwater, your words and voice sounded like they came from so far away. Peter blinked and focused on you, trying to hear you. When you spoke again, he realized that you were asking him something, but he didn't understand what. All he could focus on was the fact that he had lost his uncle. Tears fell down his cheeks, his hands gripping onto yours tightly. You stopped, your confusion and worry fell into sorrow, and you didn't hesitate to pull Peter into your arms. 
He told you about his Uncle, about the spider bite, about his growing powers... He told you everything as the tears fell rapidly down his face.
From that day on, Peter came to you whenever he was injured or wounded. Even without any wounds, Peter came over to see you after patrol. Peter would sit in your bathroom as you patched up whatever cut he had on him, holding a frozen bag of peas to the bruise on his cheek, or wrapping gauze around the bullet graze on his arm. Those quiet, almost unnoticeable touches between you would fill Peter with warmth, bringing light to his dark, messy world. They gave Peter hope that maybe someday, he could start to build a life with you, that he could stop worrying and just concentrate on doing everything in his power to keep you, and others in New York, safe. 
Peter would often look back on those nights, way past midnight, sitting in your bathroom on the closed toilet seat. You between his legs, wiping away the blood on his face from the cut on his forehead. You were so soft and gentle, taking care of him, apologizing when you cleaned the small cuts; hearing his little wince. You had felt terrible, seeing the pain in his eyes, and you hated seeing him in pain. You hated seeing him swing over to your room, either with a gash or a couple of bruises, always making you worry some night that he might not come back. But you were insanely proud of him, watching on the news when he'd take down bad guys... He was changing the world and making it a better place to live. 
Twenty Five Years Ago - June 4th, 1996 -
Digging around in the small first aid kit, you pulled out a stray bandaid in the plastic box, smiling at the design. You placed the Spider-Man bandaid over the cut, smoothing it over while trying not to add more pain than necessary. After finishing up with the bandaids, you grabbed the first aid kit, stashing it back under the sink. Leaning back against the said sink, you tilted your head slightly as you met Peter's gaze. 
"You doing alright?" You had asked softly.
Peter nodded, standing up to pull you close into him. Wrapping his arms around you, he buried his nose into your hair, inhaling your scent. "I'm fine," He had whispered, "Just a little banged up..."
He heard you chuckle lightly. Lifting your head, you leaned your forehead against his. "Good thing you're not heavily bleeding, don't want blood all over me." You tried to joke, your smile widening at the sight of his slight grin.
The two of you stood in that position for a moment or two longer, then Peter pulled back from you slightly, putting both of your hands on either side of your neck, his thumbs brushing your jawline, looking at you. "Thank you... For helping me today, I mean... Thank you for everything," He said gently. "I don't deserve you."
You shook your head, "You deserve the world, Pete. And of course, I would help you, you're my best friend." Peter felt his stomach twist into knots as he nodded. “Can’t just leave you here to suffer.” You then added.
Peter then let out a nervous breath, "Look, I've... I've been meaning to say something, it's just hard to get the courage up, y'know?" You nodded, encouraging him to continue, you knew he needed to talk to you about something, being best friends with him for so long, you could just tell that there was something on his mind. And you wanted him to feel comfortable doing so. Taking another deep breath, he looked away from you, his lips pressed together in a tight line. After a few moments, he sighed. "I don't know where to start," Peter mumbled, his shoulders drooping.
Biting your bottom lip, you tilted your head to the side, silently relishing in the warmth his hands gave you, "Do you... Is this something you could show me? Or do you want to write it down? I could get paper and a pen..?" You had then asked, and Peter took the opportunity, shutting his eyes tight to press his lips to your cheek quickly.
It was less than a second, just a peck, but Peter kept his eyes closed, in fear. If he opened them, he was worried that you would have some angry expression on your face or something... But when he heard nothing, he opened his eyes, seeing you staring at him curiously, eyes wide. "What- Pete..." Your voice had trailed off.
Peter gulped, dropping his hands from you and rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry... I-" He paused for a moment. "I - I shouldn’t have done that. I like - like you more than a best friend should." He blurted out. Peter watched as your eyes widened further. You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. His heart began to beat faster. Was this the wrong time? What was going to happen now? Did he ruin it..? Peter swallowed. "Well, I ruined everything, didn’t I?" You didn't say a word.
You had answered Peter’s question with a kiss.
Present Time - May 18th, 2019 -
As the years in high school continued, you and Peter's growing relationship continued. When you both were free, you would spend every minute together. Watching movies together, going on little dates, and sharing sweet kisses after patching him up after his Spidey adventures. You planned to move in together, and Peter planned to marry you. 
Peter never felt this kind of love before. It overwhelmed him in the best kind of way. Every time he saw you, butterflies erupted inside of him. You were his sunshine. The one who made him happy, even when things weren't going great, even when the darkness seemed to engulf him. You were different. In a good way. Everything about you was perfect, and Peter loved everything about you. From your beautiful eyes, which sparkled whenever you laughed, to your soft lips, which tasted just like your favorite ice cream flavor. From your personality, always there for him and never made him question his Spider-Man responsibilities - even when your dates were cut off and he was sent away to fight Doc Ock or Green Goblin - Peter adored everything about you. You were the love of his life.
"I'm sorry I was gone for so long... Got sucked into another dimension and had to help this kid out… He’s a great kid... Everything's fine now though. I’m fine." Peter muttered, presently sitting on a small picnic blanket, just like you both used to do as children, "I should've come right over after I got back, but I had to do something first. I just wanted you to know that I didn't forget you..." Peter didn't hear you reply, so he continued, "I never could forget you... You're my everything. You helped me so much over the years. So thank you." He couldn't bear to turn to look at you, as he felt the tears pool in the corners of his eyes, "I know a lot of things have changed over the years. I know that I sort of fell into an endless hole of depression for a bit as well... I wish you didn’t have to see me like that." Letting out a sigh, he shut his eyes, "I'm gonna be a dad..." He basically ripped off the bandaid, a small smile appearing on his face, "And you would love MJ, she's strong and independent, just like you." Still with no response, Peter turned to face you, "I hope I've made you proud."
Your gray gravestone stared right back at him - silent - with your name, and a small inscription that read; 'Here lies a dreamer, a lover, and a best friend. May your memory be the sunshine in the darkest of days.' He traced the edges of the engraving of your name with a trembling finger. As he did so, Peter could've sworn that the wind suddenly picked up a bit, but he decided to ignore it. Turning to his side, he grabbed his water bottle, uncapping it; watering the Chrysanthemums, Dahlias, and Lavender that were potted beside your grave, as he used to do every Saturday.
"I have to go now... But I'll come back soon, okay?" Peter promised you, his heart pounding in his chest as he gazed down at the green, grassy ground, his hand still resting on your tombstone. He wiped the tears away, sniffling quietly; he never got an answer.
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dearlawdimasimp · 3 years
okay so I finally finished the fic- now this is the first ever fanfic I've written and I will gladly accept constructive criticsm!
"Our darling"
Warnings: i think..none? but uhm..this does talk about depressing stuff- OH and there might be grammar errors, english isn't my first language lmao😭 AND this was not edited, beta'd whatever so im literally just posting this blindly kahdhs 💀
Summary: It was one of those days, where the bed was much more comfortable than anything else and you just feel numb and the two scientists, Norman and Otto, helps you feel better.
(god i suck at this 😭 and noo it aint smut)
Gifs are by @my-starfox
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having one of those days that you just feel nothing but..numb. You don't want to do anything. you just want to lay there, unmoving, undisturbed by all of the hustling and bustling of the world. staring at the wall or ceiling, head empty. 
but you have to eat, drink, take a bath, clean your room, do the laundry, pick the sock up from the floor, arrange your closet..and yet here you are..on the bed..wrapped like a cocoon by the sheets and staring unblinkingly at the space in front of you.
you hear hushed mumbling at the other side from the other side of the door of your room. familiar voices filling your ears. you panic. you don't want them to see you like this. a fucking mess. a broken vase. you don't want them to see you in such a pathetic state. 
hearing the small creak of the hinges of your door made you close your eyes. maybe if you feign sleeping, they'll leave you alone. 
a soft sigh fills the silent room. you also hear the clinking of..glass? metal? you have a slight clue of what those mean but you didn't ponder too much about it. a gentle thump of metal meeting wood behind you and a waft of something mouth watering confirms your suspicions. 
look at what you did. you made them do work. you made them worry. you should be ashamed of yourself-
your bed dipping behind you made your thoughts halt. two people making themselves known that they are sitting at the other side of your bed. 
"hey, honey.." the voice with a gentle rasp that you have gotten accustomed with ever since they have become your housemates called out to you. you kept your facade, even if you felt a warm tingle from hearing it. not that you hate their guts, it's just that you don't particularly want to bother them more. you don't want to put another burden on their shoulders seeing as they already are carrying too much.
"we know you're awake, darling.." a different voice spoke this time, still familiar though. one that always gives a warm chill down your spine. soft and also a little raspy. their age catching up on their physicality. 
"Norman cooked you your favorite soup." that's why you smelt something delicious when they came in. 
oh how bad you want to turn around, greet and thank them for their efforts and eat Norman's dish. but you're afraid. you're afraid to see tired and disappointed faces, like what you have always seen before. you're afraid that when you eat it your stomach will refuse it and make another mess and embarrass yourself further.
"If you don't want to, it's fine!..maybe just take a sip of water?" Norman suggests as he places his hand on your arm. "for us....please?" the former CEO pleads, a little crack in his voice. 
oh you could imagine the look he is giving to your back right now, that sad, puppy look face and slightly parted lips as his eyes gazes at you oh so softly. 
instead, you shifted and raised your knees to yourself, shoulders pushing inwards as you curled your body. trying to make yourself non-existent as the back of your throat let out a silent, hollow whine. "im fine.." a voice so hoarse and dry and ugly spoke. oh wait..that was yours...
"yet all evidence points towards the opposite of that, dear.." Otto sighs as he lets his fingers trace..shapes? equations? maybe just random squiggles on the broad of your back, the touch sending shivers to your body.
"a small sip of water...that's it. and maybe we could...i dont know....cuddle afterwards?"
it was silent as the proposition hangs in the air. 
you were reminiscing about the late night cuddle sessions you had with the two scientists the past weeks. Otto's warm pudgy bod and Norman's lean and also warm(but not as warm as the squishy scientist) on your sides. you want that feeling again. you really do. 
and so, driven by your last, draining will and...need for cuddles.. you finally turn and face the two men sitting on your bed. You slowly open your eyes as your negative thoughts come back and make you doubt yourself. but all you see are warm smiles and proud glinting from two sets of eyes. 
"there they are..." you felt a gentle squeeze on your leg, you wouldn't have noticed that Norman had placed his hand on your lower limb if he hadn't done that. Otto's hand have also shifted and placed on the crown of your head as he moves strands of your hair that have covered your face. he smiles down at you and kisses your forehead. you close your eyes at the warmth. Norman's gentle caressing on your leg adds to that. 
"c'mon, sit up a little.'' Otto says as he gently lifts you up, you were expecting to just sit up from your lying position on your bed, but it seems that dr. octavious has other plans as he instead settles you down on his lap. with a little help of his actuators you are now sitting sideways on Otto's lap. another whirring of his mechanical limbs made you avert your questioning look from his face to your front and you were met with an actuator holding a glass of water. you mumble a small thanks as you take the glass from the mechanical appendage and take a small sip. the liquid alleviates your sore throat. you drank a little more, now realizing how thirsty you actually were.
as you were drinking you felt their eyes on you, warmth creeping up to your cheeks and the tip of your ears. their attention makes you flustered. and without knowing it, you actually finish the whole glass. " look at you, doing such a fine job! how about a little sip from the soup, hm?" Norman asks as he stands up and walks over to your nightstand, where the tray of a warm-now turning cold- bowl of soup sat. the things on the small table were carefully set aside to make room for the thin rectangular metal.
you looked at the soup, currently being gently stirred by the former green goblin, contemplating whether you should or not. otto takes the glass from your hand as you worriedly gazed at the food. the thought of just barfing up and wasting good food gnaws at your brain. though your stomach had other plans as it rumbled loudly. the sound making you blush and their small chuckles made it intensify. you groan, covering your face in the process and hiding on Otto's chest. 
"you need to eat, sweetie.." you heard Otto speak, his chest rumbling and vibrating on your ear as he spoke. "i know.." was your meek reply. your hands were gently removed from your face and you did not resist, "but...i'm...i don't want to vomit." you voice your concern, keeping your gaze down. you see chubby fingers weave with your own and it makes you smile just a little bit. 
"is that why you're reluctant to eat?" asked Norman as he set down the spoon he used to stir and kneeled down to meet your eyes. you didn't look up to meet his gaze and just bobbed your head up once, you didn't see the silent talk the two scientists had. 
"well, we could.. try? if you feel nauseous after one spoon then we'll find another way to at least fill your empty stomach...okay, honey?" the man in front of you waits patiently for your answer, and lays his hand on top of your's and Otto's. 
you hum in thought, in this situation the phrase 'it wouldn't hurt to try' could backfire pretty easily. things can go south in just a blink of an eye. 
god you hate this. 
you hate having a brain that constantly jumps to conclusions and make-up scenarios that may or may not be possible. these thoughts are what's keeping you to yourself. and you loathe it so much. it keeps you from enjoying and doing stuff. and right now, it is keeping you from eating Norman's delicious soup.
"i guess….yeah, we could..try.." you mumble loud enough for the two men to hear. doubts still clouding your brain, thoughts that disables you from meeting their eyes. 
you didn't see the relief that replaced their worry. it seemed that your lack of reply had them on the edge. "good, good! alright, here.." Norman took the bowl from the tray, once again stirred the food as he held it carefully with one hand and scooped a spoonful of the lukewarm dish. 
"say ahhh~" teases Norman, opening his mouth widely. an action one would do to a toddler. this made you giggle slightly and also earned a chuckle from Otto. you open your mouth and let the scientist feed you. the taste of your favorite soup coats your taste buds as you savor the lean scientist's cooking. it never ceases to amaze you. 
you swallow the glutinous nutrient and wait for your stomach to betray you. the scientists in your room are doing the same. 
but it never came. you felt the substance settle in your stomach instead. this made you a little teary-eyed. it did not come back up and lurch out from your mouth, like what you had expected. this earned praises from both men and softly cheered you on to continue eating. and you did, slowly eating the home cooked meal. if you weren't able to finish the food, it's alright! if you were able to finish the soup, then they would be very proud of you. they'll reward you with tons of kisses and praises for doing amazing! if you were not able to, it is completely fine! they are still proud of you and you're still rewarded by lots and lots of kisses and praises.
After you ate, Norman sets the bowl down back to the tray. Otto's actuator handed him a tissue and he wiped your mouth clean. "i got it, Otto. thank you..." you give him a grateful smile as you take the tissue from his hands. You finally gained the courage to look him in the eyes. they were as soft and caring as ever. the amount of love in his gaze made your heart swell more and you can't help but let a tear fall.
they have been so patient and gentle with you the whole time and it just made you cry in happiness. to have people like them in your life was something you never thought you would be able to have and yet here they are. 
Otto cups your face with his human hand and gently swipes his thumb on your cheek, wiping the tears that fell from your glossy eyes. you lean in to the warm touch of the scientist. "There, there, love." 
"Now, we did promise cuddles." Norman reminds you as he takes off his footwear and climbs on the bed with you two. chuckling, you joke, "and here i thought you'd forgotten about it." making a pouty face to add with your reply. the two laugh at this, "We may look like withering old men, darling, but our minds are as sharp as a blade." Otto comments as he settles you back down the bed and between him and Norman, "Nor is our strength any less weak than when we were young." the latter added with a hint of something suggestive in his tone as he pulls you to him, proving his point. 
blushing furiously, you hid your face on his chest, weakly hitting him in the process with a flustered, "shut up.."
you heard them chortle at your actions. you then feel the soft material of your sheets covering you, peeking out from Norman's chest you see the actuators and Norman pulling it over to cover you three. you then feel Otto snuggle behind you as he drapes his arm over you, Norman doing the same. you three shifted positions until all of you were comfortable. 
a content sigh left your lips as you snuggled between the two. "thank you, so much for this- for everything, Otto, Norman." you look up to them as you mention their name, "i owe you guys big time."
"you owe us absolutely nothing, dear." says Otto as he kisses the crown of your head. "this is the least that we could do for you, love. and know that we'll always be here for you. no matter what." Norman adds with a gentle squeeze on your side. 
"you're not alone, our darling." "we'll always be by your side." 
i really hope you guys enjoyed that kajsjsj like i've said, pls feel free to leave comments and suggestions!!😭🤲🤲 thank you for reading and have a nice day/night!!💞💞
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little-spicy · 3 years
Spiderverse Villains X Reader
( Otto x Reader mostly!)
Summary: Ever since Y/N has had the now reformed villains at her apartment it's been hard for her to go out. So when she gets stood up for a date, all the men decide to cheer Y/N up.
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Y/N WAS LOOKING AT HERSELF IN THE MIRROR as she got ready for her date. She hadn't dressed up like this in a while, it had been a few months since she had a proper date and she was ready.
She worked in the Avenger's tower as Tony Stark's old assistant, she now works with Pepper as she is the sole heir and knew she could trust Y/N with Stark industries.
And being Stark's assistant she was very close to Peter, thinking of him as a nephew or son and Peter felt the same way. Y/N and May were his family and he wouldn't have it any other way.
So when Peter had reformed villains from other dimensions needing a place to stay as they tried to get home, he knew you were person to call.
He had the other Peter Parker's with him and Happy and you let the villains stay in your apartment.
As the weeks past you grew fond of all of them, growing use to their quirks.
Norman was very smart along with Otto, both of them spending hours in your lab.
Max enjoyed testing out his electrical powers and sometimes blowing a fuse.
Dr.Connors was peculiar as he kept to himself but he indulged on hobbies that he learned, such as learning how to bake.
And Flint was usually introverted and watched Tv but he knew how to cook and would help with some of the dishes.
While being with them she had taken a break from herself and spent so much time taking care of them that she had forgotten about her own life.
So when she had gone into work, she was asked out by one of the workers named Simon. He was sweet and seems nice so she accepted and here she was.
She applied that last bit of makeup and looked at herself proudly in the mirror.
"Alright, not too bad." She said to herself and exited the bathroom and grabbed her bag from the bed.
As she left her room, she made sure to turn off the lights and went into the living room. All the guys were in the living room as they played monopoly and had beer and chips on the table.
"Hey Y/N- woah where are you going?" Max asked and Y/N blushed as they all stared at her in awe. They had only seen her in her work clothes or casual clothes, they had never seen her this dressed up.
"If you must know, I'm going on a date." Y/N said and grabbed her keys from the key stand.
"With who?" Otto asked with interest.
"This guy at work, so I'll be gone for a bit." Y/N said and took out a bit of money. "This is for food in case you guys want any pizza."
"If we are getting pizza this time let's just get something simple." Flint said. "I don't want anything complicated like pineapple."
Max threw one of the monopoly houses at Flint and Flint retaliated by throwing a piece of chip at Max.
"Thank you, Y/N." Norman said. "You look really great."
"Thank you Norman, so before I leave do you need anything?" Y/N asked and they all shook their head no.
"Alright, well, see you later!" Y/N said giddily and grabbed her coat and put it on, and left the apartment.
"Sorry Otto guess you aren't making your move anytime soon." Max said and Otto glared at Max.
"Shut up." Otto said and the men laughed.
"Sorry but your jealousy was not hard to see, but better luck next time." Curtis said and Otto shook his head.
"We are leaving one day, there's no point." Otto said and before one of them could say something he spoke again. "Now am I gonna beat you or not?"
"Try your best Otto, but you haven't seen my skills." Norman said and the men continued their fun with Monopoly.
Y/N came back to the apartment complex completely humiliated and upset. It would of been one thing if many things didn't go right but it was worse when you get stood up.
Y/N had arrived to the restaurant on time and sat at the table and waited, and waited.
Simon was a no show. She tried calling him but he didn't answer and when she would text him, he didn't even respond.
She had waited an hour and a half until she came to the conclusion that she was stood up. It was even more embarrassing when she had told the waiter that she would just eat by herself.
After eating, she tried not to cry as she left utterly embarrassed and just wanted to go home and lock herself in her room.
She knew she had to put on a brave face as she could hear the men laughing on the other side. She held it together and unlocked the door.
She saw them all stare at her as she walked in the door, and they all looked confused.
"Hey Y/N I thought you would be out longer?" Max asked and Y/N put on a fake smile and went into the kitchen and put the leftovers in the fridge.
"Nah, he was fine, but I don't think I'll be going out with him again." She said, trying to be strong. "I'm tired though, I'm gonna go into my room and take a shower and sleep."
They all were confused once more, knowing she was usually a night owl.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Curtis asked and Y/N began to walk toward her room and had her back facing them as she walked.
"No, I'm good." She said and began to walk quickly.
"You sure?" Flint asked and she turned to them with a smile, her eyes getting glossy with tears.
"Y-yeah, goodnight guys." Y/N said and she went into her room, she locked the door and immediately broke down.
She tried to cry as quietly as possible and went into her bathroom and started the shower. She stripped off her clothes and didn't care where they went. She went into the hot shower and continued to cry.
She didn't know what to do and as she continued to shower, the guys in the living room were still concerned.
"Should we talk to her?" Curtis asked.
"I don't know, maybe we should leave her be." Flint said. "I mean I don't know if she'll open up."
"There was definitely something wrong." Norman told them. "I mean she said she would be out late and she tried to get out of the living room like a bat out of hell."
"Here I'll go." Otto said and got up from the table and looked over to Max with a glare. "Don't you even dare stealing my money."
Max put his hands up.
"If you don't come back, then it's up for grabs." Max said with a smirk and Norman sighed.
"It'll still be here just go." Norman said and Otto nodded and walked or Y/N's room.
He stood in front of the door and could hear Y/N faintly. He pressed his ear to the door and could swear he could hear her crying.
He decided to knock.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Otto asked.
When Y/N heard Otto's voice on the other side of the door she jolted.
After getting out of the shower, she threw on her biggest t-shirt, and jumped right into bed and cried.
She sniffles and cleared her throat, trying not to give away that she was crying.
"Um- y-yeah." Y/N said and wiped her face of any tears. "Look d-don't worry about me, just enjoy your night with the guys- I'm fine."
"Let me hear that in person." Otto said and Y/N grew frustrated.
"I don't have to do anything!" Y/N shouted.
"Y/N if something is wrong, we just want to help." Otto said, trying not to grow angry.
"Leave me alone!" She shouted and Otto glared.
"I'll break down that door and you know I mean it!" Otto shouted back and Y/N knew he meant it.
She got up from the bed and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked awful, and she sniffled and wiped away tears and tried to look happy.
She went over to the door and opened it a little bit. She could see Otto looking down at her and she looked away.
"I'm fine, okay? Goodnight." Y/N said and tried to close the door but one of his tentacles came out and stopped the door from closing.
Otto opened the door more and as Y/N tried to get to the bathroom, Otto's tentacles grabbed her and she yelled at him.
"Put me down, Otto!" She yelled and Otto's tentacles brought her close to him and finally he saw her messy state.
"Y/N." He said sadly, looking at her puffy eyes and red nose.
She tried not to let the tears fall but as she looked at Otto's eyes and how they held concern, she broke down.
The tentacles let go of Y/N and she hugged Otto, he held her tight as she sobbed into his chest.
"What happened?" Otto asked, and Y/N sniffed and squeezed Otto close to her.
"S-Simon stood me up." Y/N hiccuped. "He didn't show, I- I just was really looking forward to putting myself out there why is it so hard to-"
Y/N was cut off by Otto's lips crashing down onto hers as she closed her eyes and melted into the kiss. Otto touched her face gently as they pulled away and Y/N stood there shocked as Otto looked completely nervous.
"Simon was a damn fool to do that, but I'm a bigger fool for letting that happen." Otto said to her.
"I would be lying if I said I haven't dreamed about this before, but I wouldn't have included me being a giant mess in front of you." Y/N said as she wiped another tear away.
"If you want, I could take you- on a date tomorrow?" Otto asked and Y/N hugged Otto.
"That would be nice." Y/N said and she let out a sad laugh.
"Do you want to join us? We've got pizza." Otto said. "Flint got pepperoni and then Max insisted on cheese with black olives and onions."
"Pizza sounds amazing." Y/N said and looked down at her clothes, her face turning red as she realized Otto is looking at her with no pants. "Let me at least put pants on."
"Oh- oh yes, of course." Otto said and kissed her cheek gently. "I'll let you change."
Otto left her room and Y/N let out a giddy laugh as she replayed the kiss in her mind.
For weeks she wished that dream became a reality, and it actually did. She did have small feelings for the doctor, who would bring her coffee or give up his seat.
He was always a gentleman but didn't know if it was because he was being nice or if he liked her.
She thought earlier that this night had been a disaster but after Otto coming into her room, this was the best night of her life.
Y/N had put a sweatshirt on and some pajama pants and went into the living room. And when she came into the living room her heart melted.
All the guys had brought up a chair for her, a place right in between Otto and Max. With a piece of pizza on a plate and a beer with it.
"Hey Y/N Otto gave us the summary." Max said and motioned for her to sit. "Don't worry we'll give Simon an ass whooping later, first I have to whoop Otto's ass in Monopoly."
"Nice try Dillon, but just because you have Pennsylvania and Pacific Avenue doesn't scare me one bit." Otto said.
"After this we can watch a movie." Norman told Y/N.
"And we did buy ice cream at the store yesterday." Flint added.
"We can do whatever you want." Curtis added and Y/N had never felt so touched.
"Just for now, I want to see how long it takes for Otto to choke out Max." Y/N said with a laugh, and all the men laughed.
"Won't take long." Norman said. "I bet twenty bucks that Otto is the first to lose all his money."
"I bet fifty for Otto too." Y/N said and Otto shoved her gently, making Max laugh.
"Your betting against me?" Otto asked and Y/N looked at him in guilt.
"Sorry but if you do lose, I'll pay for dinner tomorrow." Y/N said.
"Did Otto finally ask you out?" Curtis asked and Y/N nodded and Otto wrapped his arm around her.
"Pay up Flint." Max said and Flint begrudgingly took out ten bucks.
"You bet on us getting together?" Y/N asked and Max out his hands up.
"It was only a matter of time." Max said and Y/N shook her head.
"Okay, let's focus on the game now." Y/N said and took a bite of her pizza and looked at them all with a smile. "And thank you."
"For what?" Norman asked.
"For cheering me up." Y/N told them all. "I mean it."
"Your welcome." Otto said and kissed the top of her head.
All the men nodded in agreement and as Y/N watched Otto rage through the night, all she could think about, was how lucky she was to have such great roommates.
Hope you liked this! If you want to give me prompts or suggestions for another preference or one shot let me know! I do Marvel, Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter! ✨✨
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greengoblinswifey · 3 years
So this was originally posted on my wattpad(paulwalkerswidow22) but I decided to also post it here :)
Warnings: Threesome, Voyeurism, Anal(m+f)
You'd been working at Oscorp for a solid three years as the secretary and had been witness to your bosses Norman Osborn and Otto Octavius' competitive nature. This 'rivalry' blossomed even more when you began dating Norman a year ago. You never asked if they were this competitive before you began working at Oscorp but it sure was rampant with you there. Sometimes you felt as if you were coming between their friendship as you were the main thing they butted heads over but you brushed it off, lowkey liking the remarks Otto made referring to you. 
You walked to Otto's lab to give him your completed manuscripts for the day and as always he flirted with you.
"I bet I can make you scream so much louder than he can Y/N," he said frankly, "Do you get as wet for him as you do for me?"
You gave him a middle finger as your response as your boyfriend, Norman walked in.
He gave you a kiss and slapped your ass, an act that made Otto feral.
"Is he bothering you again darling?" Norman asked into the kiss.
"When is he not?" 
"I'm just saying, I can make her feel so much better than you ever could," Otto interjected.
It was like this almost everyday on the job, it was entertaining to say the least but you did get curious about his statements. There was a rumour going around that his dick was ten inches once, it was extreme but you did wonder about the legitimacy. 
You and Norman left, hand in hand and went about the rest of your day, laughing and arguing with Otto in between.
At around seven, Norman had sent everyone home and only you, him and Otto were left in the building. 
You sat in Norman's lap, your head leaned back against his chest as he typed away. "I think I have an idea princess," he said.
Before you could inquire, he flipped you around, wrapped your legs around him, cleared his desk but not before pressing a button on the telephone to indicate that Otto was needed in his office.
Norman laid you down and attached his lips to yours, tongues dancing together as you felt his bulge against your crotch.
He rode your dress up to your waist and tore your panties, throwing it aside and collected your juices on his fingers then used it as lubrication, inserting two fingers inside you. 
You forget all about Norman requesting Otto to come to his office until he cleared his throat at the door. You gasped and your eyes widened but Norman continued to finger fuck you infront of him.
Otto's jaw hung low as he watched the sight before him, the growing bulge painfully visible in his black pants.
You clenched around Norman as you looked over at Otto, licking your lips.
"You're free to take care of that little problem you have down there while you're here," Norman said, pointing at his friend's bulge. With that, he freed his painfully hard cock from his pants and spread the pre cum over it, pumping himself.
Your eyes widened at the size of him. He looked big. The rumour was definitely true. He seemed to be an inch bigger than Norman which was quite impressive in your eyes. 
Otto continued to pump himself as Norman's fingers went in and out of you rapidly. He rubbed circles on your hood which caused a moan to escape your lips.
"Sweet sounds she makes doesn't she?" Norman asked rhetorically.
Right when you were about to cum, he took his fingers from your soaking cunt. 
"Not so fast sweets," he said as he pulled you in for a hungry kiss.
"Hm, all that talk these past few months Otto, why don't you come and prove yourself? Norman sneered, "Fuck my girl, make her moan your name."
Otto made his way over to you as Norman stepped aside. He looked into your eyes as if to ask for consent and you smirked and nodded, curious to feel his largeness inside you.
He spat on your cunt and used his spit to rub it all over before slowly entering your folds. You let out a pornographic moan as he stretched you and picked up the pace.
"Guess I really can make Y/N moan," Otto said, causing your boyfriend to chuckle as he played with his balls.
You fingernails dug cresent moons into Otto's back as he brought himself out of you only to slam back in with full force. He looked down at your lower abdomen smirking as he saw his cock moving. 
The stretch was insane and you felt amazing, you couldn't get enough of it. He was hitting all the right spots and now you were desperate for a release.
"Gonna cum little slut?" Norman asked you, as that familiar look of pre orgasm came on your face.
You didn't respond as you were too engulfed with the feeling of the tip of Otto's cock touching your cervix over and over.
You knew this was a competition between your boyfriend and his friend and to push it further and push Norman's buttons, you moaned Otto's name.
"Oh fuck, fucking hell, I- I'm gonna cum Otto!" you cried.
And with that, you came all over Otto's cock, screaming his name and pulling him into an intimate hug. 
Coming down from your high, you pulled him into a kiss and explored his mouth with your tongue, loving the taste of him. Norman sat in his chair, watching as you sloppily made out and pumped his shaft. He threw his head back and tightened his hold on his cock as you swirled and sucked on Otto's tongue.
"Not so fast baby, I want you to cum in my mouth," you said to Norman, motioning for him to come towards you.
You got off Norman's desk and went on your knees as both him and Otto came to you with their cocks out. You couldn't possibly fit both of them in your mouth so you decided to blow them individually. 
You swirled your tongue over Norman's mushroom as you fondled Otto's balls then moved to his shaft, pumping it up and down slowly. Your boyfriend grabbed a fistful of your silk pressed hair and face fucked you, throwing his head back. You continued to pump Otto's cock, and took Norman out of your mouth, ready to now take Otto in. You began pumping Norman as your head bobbed on his friend's cock, savoring their sweet tastes on your tongue. You moaned which sent a vibration throughout Otto's whole body, causing him to also let out a moan. You hollowed your cheeks and continued to bob your head at a faster pace, desperate to make Otto cum in your mouth. He took hold of your hair and pushed himself into the back of your throat causing you to gag and tears roll down your brown cheeks. You just knew the next morning you were going to have a sore throat. Otto continued to face fuck you, moaning, until you felt his warm load shoot down your throat. You wasted no time in swallowing it all as he dragged you up from knees causing you to let go of Norman's cock and pull you in for a kiss. 
"Now I want you both to fill my holes at the same time," you said, pulling the men by their ties. 
Hearing this, they quickly rid themselves of their undergarments. Norman laid down on his desk, pulling you on top of him while Otto stood at the foot of the table. You arched your back to give Otto a good view and position of your ass and Norman a good position for your soaking pussy.
As if planned, they simultaneously entered your holes, causing you to let out a hybrid of a gasp and moan. You'd never felt this full in your entire life. 
They both went at a fast pace as Norman slammed into your pussy repeatedly, causing tears of pain and pleasure to roll down your cheeks. Otto slapped your ass cheek as he picked up the pace and slammed in and out your ass. 
"Fuuuck," you moaned.
"You like us fucking your tight little holes huh?" Norman asked, his hand on your throat while he ruthlessly thrusted upwards into you.
"Yes, I like your cocks in my holes," you moaned.
You were enjoying every minute of this.
"Your little ass is so tight for me Y/N, bet Norman couldn't fuck it like this," Otto said, slapping your ass cheek once more, causing you to moan.
They both picked up their pace even faster, and that familiar knot in your stomach began building up. You began clenching around their cocks which caused them to both hold on to you. Norman kissing your soft lips and Otto sucking on your neck as you convulsed and came all over them. 
None of them stopped however and they both continued thrusting into your holes until Norman's cock twitched and his warm cum coated your walls.
You threw your head back onto Otto's chest but he just pushed your neck into a kiss from Norman and continued thrusting in your ass. He let out a moan as he came inside your ass and collapsed in the chair. 
All that could be heard for a while were your pants and the cars passing by on the busy New York street. 
You sighed in contempt, looking down to see Otto and Norman's cum leaking out of your ass and pussy. You felt filthy and you loved it. 
"Fuck Otto, you lived up to what you've been saying, that was amazing..both of you," you said, Norman stroking your hair. 
"That tight little ass belongs to me now," Otto replied.
"And that warm, tight pussy belongs to me," Norman interjected.
You smiled at the both of them, laying in comfortable silence on Norman's chest. 
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Not my gif!
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Request #3
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Otto Octavius x Female Reader.
AN: This was a request from a lovely anon who wanted a Fake Dating AU. Thank you for your request and I hope you enjoy the fic!
“What is this?” Otto asked as he held out a very familiar envelope.
“A wedding invitation that I asked Norman to use a pumpkin grenade on. When he said no because they are currently malfunctioning, I asked Curt if I could borrow a Bunsen burner to light the invitation on fire and he said that he needed them for his research. Flint is visiting his daughter and the reason that the envelope was in the metal rubbish bin was because I was planning to ask Max if he could destroy the invitation that way.”
“By electrocuting a bin?” Otto raised an eyebrow.
“It seems overkill but it isn’t. It’s going to be calm for a second and then when all my relatives see me, they’ll swarm me and when that finishes, John Walker will swagger over. He’s unfortunately a friend of the family and he thinks he’s Thor’s enhanced human counterpart. There’s only so many ways that I can say I’m not interested without insulting his intelligence, limited as that may be.”
“John Walker?” Otto mused as he eyed the wedding invitation shrewdly, “Wasn’t he supposed to be the replacement for Steve Rogers?”
“Yep.” You sighed, “That’s the one. The government should have gone with Sam as the new Captain America. He was chosen by the Captain after all.”
“Well then. There’s only one clear logical course of action in this situation.”
Your eyes narrowed as you frowned, “It may be clear to you, but it’s about as clear as mud for me.”
“Of course, it’s absolutely perfect.” Otto continued, “I’ll be your date to the wedding.”
“Whoa, no! No way!” Your exclamation caused a heartbroken look to cross Otto’s face and you hurried to continue speaking, “Thank you for being so kind and offering but this is a wedding for a family member that I don’t want to go to because I know how my family acts and there is no way that I’m going to let you willingly walk into that situation.”
The heartbroken look left Otto’s face as you spoke but there was still a twinge of sadness in his eyes as he bent down to your level, “If the situation is as bad as you say and you don’t want me to go to be exposed to that, why would I willingly let you go alone into that very same situation?”
There was nothing you could say to Otto’s argument and Otto shot you a triumphant look as he straightened up again.
“Glad that’s sorted.” He said and with a wink, he left you to process what had happened.
Time seemed to fly by and the day of the wedding dawned with clear blue skies and a slight breeze wafting through the trees. Once you were dressed and ready to go to the wedding, you made your way to the dining room and when you entered the room, everyone’s head swivelled to look at you. Your eyes drunk in the way Otto looked in his suit.
“Am I imagining it or is Otto tearing up a little? What if he decides it’s a bad idea and wants..”
Your thoughts were thankfully cut off as Otto walked over to you and showed you a beautiful rose with a pin that complimented your outfit perfectly.
“Is it alright with you if I put this on you before we go?” Otto asked.
Not trusting your voice, you nodded and with steady hands, Otto pinned the rose to your clothing. Then he offered you his arm and led you outside. His actuators unfurled and you greeted each one of them with pats and gentle touches.
“None of that,” Otto scolded and his actuators withdrew sadly. Larry even let out a sad hiss as Otto led you over to the car.
You were about to ask how he planned to keep the actuators hidden but Otto pre-empted that question by shrugging on a coat that he had hanging on one of the indoor car handles. Before you could even think of opening your door, Otto had opened it for you and it was only once you were seated that he climbed into the car himself.
Instead of starting the car like you thought he would, he turned to you, “During the course of the evening, is it okay if I hold your hand and kiss you on the cheek? If not, I completely understand and…”
Reaching over, you clasped Otto’s hand in yours and gave it a reassuring squeeze, “That is more than okay Otto. Thank you for doing this.”
Otto smiled and raised your hand to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss before slowly removing his hand from yours, “Off we go then.”
The drive seemed to speed by and in no time you were arriving at the church. Once again, Otto offered you his arm as you walked into the church and all of your family and friends’ heads swivelled to face you as you both entered. Unlike when you walked into the dining room, the gazes of your family made you want to hide in the nearest corner. The only thing grounding you was Otto’s steady presence.
There was no time for the guests to interrogate you as the priest started the ceremony shortly after you sat down. You couldn’t stop sneaking glances between Otto and the priest as they looked almost like identical twins.
The service was beautiful and you were genuinely happy for the couple as they left the church to meet you at the reception. As you predicted, the minute the service was over, you and Otto were swarmed by the other guests. They demanded to know who Otto was, how you’d met and why had you kept such a charming man a secret for so long?
Otto remained incredibly calm even as he answered the same questions over and over again. You caught him staring at you with complete adoration a couple of times as he responded to the questions.
“He is really committed to this.” You thought as you walked out of the church with Otto’s hand in yours.
Sadly the peace couldn’t last for too long as at the reception, John accosted you.
“Hey (Name). How’s it going?” He asked as he leant on the table holding the food in what he obviously thought was a flirtatious manner.
“It was better two minutes ago.” You replied and then became aware of Otto’s presence next to you. “And now it’s much better.” You stated, “John, this is Otto. He’s my date.”
Politely Otto held out his hand but John looked at it like Otto had just offered him a dead fish and Otto withdrew his hand after a few moments.
“How long have you…” John trailed off as he gestured between you and Otto. You bristled at his question but Otto took it in his stride.
“A long time. We live together.” Otto answered conveniently omitting the fact that you shared the house with other people.
John stiffened. “I know who you are. You’re Otto Octavius or as the public know you, Doc Ock.” He snarled, “(Name) what were you thinking bringing this villain,” he spat the word “villain” like it was the worst insult he could imagine, “to a wedding celebration? Showing him what he’ll never get to have?”
This time when the actuators hissed, you could feel their anger.
“That’s Doctor Otto Octavius to you.” You had no idea how Otto was remaining so calm on the outside, “I worked hard for my title. And as for and I quote, “showing him what he’ll never get to have,” I believe that statement applies to you. Out of the two of us, who has (Name) as a date and who is currently living with her? I’ll give you a hint so that you don’t need to strain yourself too much. It’s not you.”
You fought hard to conceal the smile that was threatening to erupt across your face at Otto’s words. Otto’s next action took you by surprise as he leant down and placed a quick kiss on your cheek. The warmth from his lips lingered as he spoke, “I think it’s time for us to go. I wouldn’t want to do anything villainous to ruin the couple’s special day.”
You quickly said your goodbyes before leaving with Otto and as he drove, he shot you frequent smiles which left you feeling incredibly confused and giddy at the same time.
“Why is he still acting? The evening’s over.” You wondered as Otto parked the car in front of the house you shared.
He opened your door for you and offered you his hand.
“Otto. What are you doing? The evening’s over.” You whispered.
Otto continued to surprise you as he didn’t withdraw his hand like you thought he would and he didn’t become upset at your words like you thought he would.
“I was hoping that you would view the wedding and reception as the catalyst for our own relationship.”
It took a few moments for Otto’s words to sink in, “You want to date me?”
“When you put it that simply, it loses its magic,” Otto teased “but essentially, yes.”
You stood up on slightly shaking legs and placed your hand in Otto’s, “I would really like to date you Otto.”
*Extended ending*
The crazed laughter of the Green Goblin from behind John was causing him to run at speeds that he didn’t even know were possible even with the serum.
“What does this maniac want?”
Just when John thought that he’d lost the Goblin, the overhead lights flickered before exploding and sand crept up the walls to surround John. And if that wasn’t enough, even without the serum, John could hear the footfalls of something heavy coming towards him.
Spinning around John came face to face with a huge lizard. In a surprisingly polite voice, the lizard spoke, “John Walker. We would like to have a chat about your behaviour at the wedding and your pursuit of (Name).”
“How do they know about that?”
There was a crazed shriek of laughter and a pumpkin bomb exploded metres away from the sand wall that John was being held in but still close enough that John could feel the heat and see the spray of acid.
“And I suggest you talk to me now. The Goblin is not as forgiving as I am.” The lizard opened his mouth and bared his teeth threateningly while smiling.
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shangchiswife · 3 years
otto/reader/norman- skating
I accidentally deleted this whoops my bad lol
summary: you take otto and norman skating since it's a big part of your life
warnings: none
word count: 928
"Come on it'll be alright," you coaxed Norman as he nervously stepped onto the ice.
"I'm not sure about this, Y/N," the man whispered as he held onto your arm tightly.
Otto stood behind glancing fondly at Norman's fearful reaction.
"Ice skating isn't that bad I promise," you giggled.
It was a cold winter day and you had decided to take Norman and Otto to the local ice skating rink. You used to have lessons in this same arena until you were a teenager and you became pretty good at ice skating.
Since skating was a big part of your life you wanted to introduce your two lovers to this activity.
Otto came from behind you onto the ice and almost stumbled into you.
"Careful there," you laughed as you allowed Otto to take your other hand and also hold onto you.
His cheeks flamed as he glanced over to Norman who had a similar expression on his face.
The two scientists weren't used to not knowing how to do something.
Now here you were taking charge.
"So I'm going to start moving so don't freak out," you held back a laugh as you looked back and forth between the two men whose eyes widened.
"But-but I'm not sure if this is a good idea, Y/N," Norman sputtered.
"I second that," Otto agreed as he held onto your hand tightly making a smirk form on your face. This was a side of the two men that you had never seen before and you were going to take full advantage of it.
"It won't be bad, I promise," you smiled sweetly at the two of them as they sighed.
Otto rubbed his temples lightly.
"Go slowly then,"
You beamed and then started skating at a slow pace startling the two men as they clung onto you.
Norman looked down at the ice nervously as if it was his enemy since he had never gone skating before while Otto looked like he was more afraid of falling rather than the ice itself.
"I should've never agreed to this," Norman muttered.
"Okay, guys I'm gonna let go of you," you taunted as you pulled your hand away from the two.
"Wait no!" Norman yelled as you skated faster and faster and did a stunning twirl that made his jaw drop.
The fear in the two men's systems vanished for a moment as they watched you do impressive tricks on the ice fearlessly.
Eager to follow in your footsteps, Otto accelerated and was starting to go too fast.
"Oh no!" he cried as he almost hit the wall.
He was saved by his four tentacles that stopped him in place.
A shriek was heard from behind you making you pause the axel jump you were about to kill.
The children that were initially skating were now scrambling to the exit due to the sight of Otto's tentacles.
"Guys it's alright..." you trailed off as all of the children and teachers had filed out of the arena promptly.
"Oh well," you rolled your eyes as you skated up to Otto.
"Are you okay?" you questioned as he whipped his head towards you, anger glowing in his eyes.
"Get me off of this ice I don't want to die here!" he howled as you threw your head back in laughter at his response.
"I'm glad that you think that my misery is funny," Otto crossed his arms and his eyes narrowed.
"It is pretty funny, but not as funny as Norman over there looking indecisive," you pointed to Norman who had his arms wrapped around his figure as he stared at you and Otto wanting to join the two of you.
Otto laughed at the sight.
"Come on over here, Norman," your eyes glinted mischievously.
"I can't!" he replied as he frantically ran a hand through his hair.
"I believe in you, Norman, you can do this," you encouraged as Otto put a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"As do I now come and join us," he smiled as he lifted his sunglasses up for a moment so that Norman could see his soft brown eyes.
The older man grumbled as he started towards you slowly but then started going faster as he saw you drawing near.
"Norman go slower!" you yelled but it was too late as he went crashing into you and your head hit the ice hard and Norman fell on top of you.
"Oww," you moaned as you rubbed your head from the side. It was throbbing
"Y/N!" Otto gasped as he used one of his tentacles to lift Norman up so that he was on his feet and then used two of his tentacles to carry you bridal style so that you were in front of your two lovers.
He used his hand to stroke your cheek gently.
"That hurt a lot, Norman," you groaned.
"I'm sorry," Norman said softly as he planted a sweet kiss onto your forehead making your irritation instantly disappear.
"You know how about we get off the ice then," Otto smiled down at you.
"That would probably be a good idea," you nodded.
"I'll get you something to make up for the pain I just caused," Norman's voice dripped with worry as he stared down at your relaxed form.
"I'm fine!" you giggled as you reached up to place your hand on his cheek which instantly comforted him.
"Let's just get home, I'm eager to see what you get me," you smirked.
"Same old Y/N," your two lovers exchanged a look with one another.
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wtfhasmy-lifecometo · 2 years
Torn Between
Requested: @my-lady-greensleeves
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a knock on your door, it’s 10:30pm, who would be here right now??
Opening the door your tired expression dropped and changed to a soft smile, you saw them both standing there, with worried looks on their faces. “Otto! Norman! Uh, what’s- what’s goin on? It’s 10:30 at night, shouldn’t you guys be home?”
They both gave each other a side glance before looking at you again, “Well, you weren’t at the apartment today to visit like you normally do, so automatically we thought something was up, is everything okay?”
Otto gave you a concerned look while Norman started making his way into your apartment, Otto stayed still in his spot, giving you an apologetic gaze for Normans unapproved barge in. “Oh! Yeah, uhm, just a tedious day I guess, lots of cleaning ya know?” “Y/n dear… there’s nothing for you to clean, there’s never any time for anything to become dirty… now what’s going on?” You were fucked, you couldn’t think of an excuse to tell them why you couldn’t be there today.
You could just tell them… no, too risky. “Well, you got me there, ha. Just having a rough day, needed some time to myself.” Otto at this point had stepped in and made himself comfortable at the bar island you had, “would you guys like anything to eat or drink? Water? Anything?” They both shook their heads and the three of you sat in silence for a while before you spoke up, “so… what were you boys up to today? Anything new?” Norman spoke up this time, “Not necessarily, same old stuff just a new day. We were hoping you’d be there today, we came up with a nice surprise for you but you didn’t show up, so we decided to come to you and see what was going on.” “Not only that, we did notice that you have been quite distant from everyone lately, and as you know, that is not quite normal for you.” Otto’s voice gentle yet still troubled, he couldn’t stand to see you distant and not yourself, it made him run through each thought in his mind and he didn’t like that.
“Well… I-“ you couldn’t find the right words, that annoying lump in your throat creating a whole new trouble, mouth dry, how can this be so difficult? It’s not that hard to tell them about your feelings, they’re two of few people that you trust most! Surely they’d understand right? “Y/N, you know you can tell us, we won’t say a word, pinky swear…” Norman held out his pinky which made you giggle a little bit, causing the lump in your throat to lessen. “Well… I, I don’t necessarily know how to put this, I’ve been rationalizing each thought that came up about the situation I’m in, yes, I’ve put myself in this position, but Id rather accept it rather than hide it away and push it down and lock it up. I-“ trying to think of how to tell them, the silence cut through the air like a knife, both of them sat there, calmly and patiently waiting for you to continue, which you were definitely grateful for.
“I, now I’m just telling you this because I feel it’s right, you don’t have to respond the same way whatsoever. I promise I won’t be upset about it…” lie, it tore you to pieces, you were petrified of the reaction they’d have, hence the nervousness rushing through your body. The overwhelming sensation kicking in, the lighted room started blurring, you saw little rainbow shapes from the tears forming, ‘god damnit Y/N, don’t cry now’ the little voice in your head, screaming and harassing you, why now? Why? Your fingers twitched and you could feel your legs slowly give. Falling to your knees, you didn’t care about the pain it caused to them, you were too worried about what was going to happen next, your body trembled, shook, that’s when you felt a comforting hand on your back, “Oh dear, what’s got you all shaken up like this? Don’t cry my dear, whatever it is, it’ll be okay.” Otto’s voice rang through your ears, only somewhat calming you. “I- I- I’m in love with you…”
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dearlawdimasimp · 3 years
Hey hey heyyyy!! Here was the fluff fic i mentioned in this post that was supposed to be short but guesss what? its 3.4k words/8 pages long! 😃 istfg jaghshs anyways..enjoy!!
Doc Green..Ock??
Warnings: few cusses, grammar, use of "dude" once but mostly gender neutral, no use of y/n..i think
Pairings: Sinister Five x gn!reader(platonic); Octogoblin x gn!reader(implied romantic but can also be close platonic)
Summary: A small spark of creativity could make a flame of..interesting events..
Special thanks to @aviary-co for the GIF 🥰
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You were tinkering away at the built-in lab in your house, having a close relationship with Tony Stark has really many pros than cons and this being one of them. 
The house that you are currently living in alongside the former 'sinister five' is included in that list. It's a very nice, simple modern two-story house that was able to accommodate 5-6 people. It is fenced and has both front and backyard, patches of grasses and bushes placed neatly and accordingly. (the design and layout of the house and lot is up to your imagination)
Now, back to you tinkering. You were happily making some little adjustments to Peter's suit. The boy trusted you enough to allow you to add a few modifications. Though you wouldn't call yourself some kind of mechanic, or any of that but you were knowledgeable enough that you could probably make an animatronic come to life. (the modification is up to you since i could not come up with anything at the moment 😁)
While adding a few touch ups on the suit, your eyes glanced at the goggles sitting at the table on your right. It was Norman's green goblin goggles that you decided to keep. The man was insistent on throwing it away, and you couldn't blame him for doing so, but you don't want to waste such a fine accessory! Let's just say you're something of a collector yourself. You also changed a little bit of its design, giving it steampunk vibes, just so the former villain could rest easy. And it worked!
You gently put down Peter's spiderman suit and pushed yourself away from the table you were working on, letting your swivel chair roll against the floor and bring you to the table where the eye accessory sat. Taking it from the table, you bring it close to your face. The memory of making a model and 3d printing the added design on the goggles made you smile. Norman's reaction seeing it made you smile wider, he said it didn't even dawn at him that it was the goggles he used to use, his face contorting from amusement to what you can think was wonder..although you weren't sure at that part since you were rambling off about resting your case on keeping the accessory. 
You chuckle as the memory keeps playing in your head, leaning back to your chair and bringing the goggles with you as you prop your feet up on the table where the goggles were previously placed. Otto's face was also of amusement as his eyes kept switching back and forth from you and the goggles, at least that's what you remembered seeing while being a rambling mess in front of the two scientists. 
Speaking of..
You wonder where they are, you stopped replaying the memory as you try to remember what happened before you decide to hyperfixate on the kid's suit. 
It took you a minute, maybe more, to realize that they were all in the living room. Doing whatever men do when they're not busy. You could probably guess Norman is probably in the kitchen preparing dinner with Otto helping him, Max probably playing video games, while Flint and Curtis..maybe playing chess? You've seen them play chess against each other from time to time so the idea is not impossible. 
Or you know, you could've just got up from your chair and see what they were doing but no. You're still on the chair..because an idea was sparking in your brain. It was a very random, yet mischievous and maybe inching towards the "stupid" side, idea that it made you take your feet off the table and sit up. 
What if you take off the recently added designs on the goggles, it was detachable, and wear it WITH Otto's coat..? 
The thought makes you all giddy and grin mischievously, wondering what the two's reactions will be. And without further ado you carefully detached the gold-painted designs, flee your lab and go to Otto's room. 
You did not waste any second as you quite literally sprinted to the stairs and up to Otto's room while putting on the goggles on your head. You heard them call out to you and you replied with a quick, "Everything's fine, it's just...IDEA!!!!" This situation, you being all giddy and excited and stuff and running around, may or may have not happened quite a few times before that they have decided to leave you to your own devices when it occurs.
You reached Otto's door and swiftly opened it, you took a second to scan the room if it was empty or were you disrupting something, finding nothing you also decided to glance at the stairs to see if any of your..targets.. followed you. Relieved on seeing none you entered the room and quietly shut the door. 
Otto's room was as simple and neat as the man himself. Everything was well-organised and not a speck of anything out of place in the room. You have admired the way he had made himself at home countless times before as this wasn't the first you entered his quarters and it just makes you..maybe a little warm inside. Seeing the physical resemblance of his comfort, which took awhile but you couldn't blame the man, brings a little joy to you. 
Oh right. The idea. Nearly throwing yourself to the closet as you sprinted across the room, you hastily opened it. You did a small double-take at your actions though, checking if you did not accidentally rip the closet door from its hinges. Seeing as you did not, you carefully dug through the clothes the doctor had bought for himself a month ago, trying to find the coat he wore when he first arrived in this universe as quickly as you could. 
Where the hell- OH.
You quickly snatched the piece of clothing and swiftly put the coat on. The smell that just screams Otto Octavios, along with the warmth the coat is giving, drowns your senses. It's just so comfortable and-and–
Right. Right. RIGHT. Focus! You then hold the lenses of the goggles that were sitting on top of your head and you bring it down to your eyes. Adjusting it a little making sure it was sitting comfortably on your face while trying to find a mirror. Once you catch your reflection you can't help but laugh. Otto's coat was so fucking big on your frame that it almost made you look like a small child wearing an adult's clothing. The shoulder part was hanging off your shoulder, the sleeves are big and long that your hands are nowhere to be seen, and the coat has pooled on your feet, giving a little bit of cloak vibes to you. 
You rolled up the sleeves a little just so you could at least see your hand, patting the coat and off you go. 
You opened the door and peeked to the hallway, seeing the coast was clear you closed the door behind you and walked to the stairs. You took a small breath in and out and prepped yourself, quickly making an impromptu introduction in your head as you made your way down.
You halted before your feet could be seen and peeked from the small railings of the handle of the stairs, the lively living room clear from your spot. They were all talking amongst themselves and you guessed right about where each of them would be, your targets busy, the other two also busy..wait where's Max?
"The hell are yo-" 
Your brain ran billion miles per hour as you connected the dots and was able to quietly shush Max, possibly flailing your arms with the long sleeves of the coat looking like you had amputated your arms in the air while silently shushing the man. The electricity wielding human was able to shut himself up on time that he didn't gain any attention from the people on the other side of the room.
"Just gooo and act like you didn't see me!"
You yelled in a whispering manner while shooing him away. He looked like he was about to ask something but you quickly shut him down with a look. He obeyed but with a disbelieving laugh and shaking his head, walking back to the couch he was sitting on previously. Flint and Curtis asked him why he was laughing but he kept silent and shrugged. Although Max was eyeing you as he continued playing. 
That was fucking clooose.
With a last huff of determination and a small smirk of mischief, you finally made yourself known. 
You let out the evilest cackle you could make and stomped your unmatched socked feet on the stairs, "Can the Sinister Five come out and plaaay?" you spoke loudly and may have made your voice sound like you have gone insane, maybe singing Beetlejuice's part in the musical is paying off a little at this moment. Your expression,  of course, you did not forget. A wicked grin and scrunched brows were plastered on your face, resembling a manic person's expression as you turned towards your audience. 
Max was trying not to laugh, Flint was confused, Curtis was amused at the performace while your targets, Otto and Norman, had little smiles on their faces but still confused about the situation.
Oh come on! I'm supposed to be fucking scary.
You whined in your head, their reaction annoying you a little. Although you did look a little ridiculous with the large coat and goggles and all. You didn't hide your annoyance though, you used it to continue and fuel your performance, "Oh, is this amusing you?" You sneered with a smooth tilt of your head, dropping the grin and replacing it with a deep frown. 
"We don't..talk like that, dear.." Otto's small pause was clearly an indication that he was trying not to laugh at the performance you were freely giving. "We could-" Norman's thought was cut off as the lights flickered. 
Max's joyous expression dropped into something serious at the flicker, the former sandman and lizard glancing at him accusingly made him yell, "what?! Just because I can control electricity y'all can look at me like that."
While all of them bickered you laughed, evil-ly, cutting their conversation. "You're all reeeaally underestimating me..aren't you?" You tilted your head to the other side while you prolonged the word, your wicked grin back to your face.
The lights continue to flicker, their expression now is much more serious than before, thinking that this is an actual foe and not the friend they have all known and began to love, moreso for the two scientists in the adjacent kitchen about the latter. 
Max was confused though, he just talked to you not long ago before you started this whole thing. Actually, everyone is confused. They all had just spoken to you, even if briefly, and they are met with this….?
The expressions they're wearing satisfied you that you stopped messing with lights and started to laugh, genuinely and hysterically, not the evil one. You were bent over while clutching your stomach, laughing loudly, "Your faces!! HA!" You wheeze as you take off the goggles to wipe the tears from the corners of your eyes. 
The previous tension that slowly filled the room dissipates into small chuckles as the group collectively relaxes. "This kid..I swear.." You heard Curtis mumble loud enough for the other people in the room to hear, making you double your laughter to the point that you were laying down on the cold floor. 
"I- hehAHA- I- " wheeze "- I got you though!!" You snicker as you try to tone down your laughing but instead you laugh harder. 
"That you did, you little minx. That you did.." Norman says with a little sigh. You could hear his feigned disappointment and a little bit of sarcasm through your laughing, "Though Otto's previous remark stands true. We don't talk like that, honey.." 
You have finally calmed yourself down and are now only a giggling mess on the ground. "Yeah, yeah, suuure.." Chortling in between sentences as you sit up, crossing your legs as you look up to them from your spot. Max has his hand on his face while chuckling to himself, rubs his face before resuming his game, Flint and Curtis have also gone back to playing their chess, and Norman and Otto had delighted smirks etched on their face as one has leaned on the counter with both hands and the latter has his arms crossed on his chest while looking at you, his mechanical appendages floating behind him and chittering amongst themselves. Maybe they held a little bit of pride in their eyes but it was mostly joy and amusement. 
You smirk as you twirl the goggles on your hands, having to roll up the sleeves of the giant man's coat beforehand, "So..I had a little thought.." you started but before you could continue you hear Flint humorously grumble, "here we go again.." earning small chuckles from the men in the room and a small laugh from you. "It's not like what you saw before noo! no, no.. it's just a thought really…just a thought." You reassure them with an eased grin and small flick of your other hand, "What would've been my villain name with this get up? I was thinking…Doc..Green..Ock…?? Wait- wait no that-" 
All of the scientists look at you in bewilderment, "Doc Green Ock- what???" the perplexed Dr. Connors looks at your direction, now distracted from his game. 
The dark skinned villain on the other chair not far from him was laughing hysterically, unable to pause his game making him lose, "Aww, damn it!!" 
Flint rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, leaning back to his chair, "It's not like you did not name yourself just "Lizard" before, Connors.." "This is a completely different case!!" 
"- jUst - wait. Wait let me come up with something better-" You try to control the humiliating situation that you're in, standing up and walking closer to the group as you try to think of a much better name, but before you could you accidentally slipped on the ridiculously large coat you were wearing. "Oh fu-" You swear you saw your life flash before your eyes. You braced yourself for the impact,
"Woah-" "Hey!" "Dude!" You heard multiple of them cry out to you-
But someone..or something wrapped itself around your figure and caught you before you landed harshly on the ground.
"Careful!" But Otto's voice boomed louder than the rest of them, worryingly, as his top right actuator that had curled itself around your frame gently lifted you and put you back on your feet. Small relieved sighs fill the room. You shyly glanced at them, Norman had left his previous place and is now on the door of the kitchen and Otto now had his human arms on his sides. You pat the mechanical limb, like a small thank you to the both of them, "Sorry, sorry, but as I was saying- how about Doc Goblin!!" You proudly stated as the actuator slowly unraveled from your body, its claws softly snapping at you as if giving you a gentle scolding, you sheepishly grinned at the AI and at the people in the room as you wore the goggles again, "Ehhh?"
"Hmm..not bad…" Flint comments while swiftly changing some of the pieces on the chessboard, grabbing the chance to cheat while his foe was distracted. Said foe is looking at you incredulously while glancing at the former villains that are currently being ridiculed by their significant other, whose faces are nothing but pure adoration but also baffledness. 
Max saw what Flint did and was about to snitch when the former sandman gave him a 'don't you dare look'. In which the electric charged fella retaliated with something of a 'not my fault you kept on losing, idiot' look before rolling his eyes and going back to playing. 
Of course you saw that too but you decided to say nothing, "See! Flint agrees!! Doc Goblin.." you say in wonder.
"It certainly has a nice ring to it." When Otto gave his comment, the blonde scientist gave a 'meh' look and turned to Flint, who was acting as cool and collected as he could with his pointer finger rubbing his chin in thought while his eyes were trained on the board. It only took Curtis a second before giving a low and dangerous, "You changed it didn't you?" "What are you talking about?" was Flint's "confused" reply.
Otto rolled his eyes at the two bickering, slowly arguing, men then looked at you, who's prideful grin did not falter. He glances at the blue-eyed scientist, who is now approaching you, soft expression ever present on his face, "I thought you redesigned it..?" Norman asks curiously as he reaches out to touch the rim of the goggles, you saw a little flash of grief in his eyes but it was gone not long after.
"It was detachable. I wanted to preserve its old design- it has a good rim!" You tell him as you gently pried his hand from your face and hold it, giving it a gentle squeeze since you did not miss the brief flash of sadness.
He hums and kisses the back of your hand, changing the course of the conversation. "Looks good on you, love. Don't even get me started on the coat!" He comments with a chuckle, and carefully twirled you around. The comment also made the owner of the coat chortle.
You giggle as you let him spin you, the coat fluttering a little as you did.
"But I'm afraid I'll have to take it before you successfully hurt yourself." The large scientist says as he approaches the both of you. 
You look at him as you stop twirling, a small pout on your face, "Oh c'mon! I literally just wore it!" "And you nearly hurt yourself not a moment after." His tone and expression not leaving any space for arguments, but you matched his look with a stubborn huff. "Darling…." he warns, the claws of the actuators matching his energy as it chittered and clicked in warning. 
Norman on the other hand was not saying anything of the matter, his silence piques your curiosity and you glance at him, you also need his support at the moment. You were expecting to see him having the same expression Otto was wearing but instead..you saw a small mischievous smirk tugging the corner of his lips. 
You both stared at each other for a moment, although your eyes were blocked by the dark lenses of the goggles a silent agreement was made. 
"Don't make me say it again, dear.." 
When Otto started to move closer to you, you immediately jumped on Norman's arms and he was quick to catch you before sprinting away from the other scientist. 
This clearly surprised Otto as it took him a moment to catch up to you two. 
You and Norman were giggling like teenagers as you ran ahead from your "persuer", carrying you to the backyard. The whirring of a Norman's glider distracted you from laughing at Otto, who was catching up quickly to the both of you with the help of his actuators. You were not able to register the next events but you heard Norman grunt in force as he leapt on his glider, not breaking a single sweat and flew away from the ground. 
A small yelp escaped your lips as you held onto the older man tightly, seeing as you were floating a few feet away from the ground, Norman doing the same thing. You trust him with your life though so you did not worry too much about it. A laugh slips from your lips as the glider turns to face Otto, seeing his "not amused" face making you laugh more with Norman joining you.
"You two are going to be the death of me.." he lightly commented with a squint. 
You playfully stuck out your tongue, "You love us though!" "I clearly do.." was his last reply before using his actuators to reach both of you. Norman, clearly not letting this game end quickly, flew much higher and farther from him, away from the reach of the mechanical limbs.
"Norman!!" Otto frustratedly yelled while you just laughed, enjoying the free ride. "Giving up already, honey?" Taunted Norman. "Who ever said I was?" former Doc Ock quickly replied and continued to chase you both. 
"Gosh I love you both.." You uttered, this made them halt from their shenanigans for a moment, "Love you too, dear." "And I you, love."
And the chaos resumes.
Thank you everyone for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed it!! leave comments and suggestions in the comment section or my ask box! its always open for anything, requests and stuffs etc! Have a good day/night!!!💞💞
@desnaa @ambermation
(i tagged the peeps who commented at the linked post above! ^-^)
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shangchiswife · 3 years
I'm happy to hear that <:')
Anyways how about Norman O and Otto Octavius with an S/o reader who is in Peter 1's world was a saved experiment from the same people Bucky worlked for in the past?
Like when he was winter soldier.
The S/o was a successful experiment (they can produce tentacles from their back no matter the size, and their very fast) but they were saved by shield?
Maybe just some HC's of what their like.
I hope this makes sense and do take your time! <:))
sorry i did this so late i've been taking a little break but i'm back!! i hope this is what you wanted and i hope you enjoy <3
summary: you tell norman and otto about your past trauma and they offer you love and care
norman osborn x gn!reader x otto octavius
warnings: none
word count: 483
Whenever you meet Otto and Norman, you don’t tell them about your trauma because you’re worried their perception of you will change
But after you get into a relationship with them and become more comfortable with them everything just spills out
These two men will listen to everything you have to say
You told them how much your entire body ached from being experimented on constantly
You then told them about how grateful you were that S.H.I.E.L.D saved you from that monstrosity, but they ended up turning you into some sort of a weapon
You were ordered to kill people…so many people
At this point, tears were about to come from your eyes so Otto and Norman both went next to you and wrapped their arms around you
Your racking sobs filled the air as you put your head on Otto’s shoulder and he and Norman held you closer
Norman kissed you on the head
“I’m sorry, this is so stupid both of you have much bigger problems than this,”
“Y/N, your problems are just as important to us and this isn’t stupid at all,” Norman whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead
A few moments of comfortable silence passed by and you swiped at your tears and stood up
“I want to show you both something,” you looked at them as they exchanged a glance with one another and then nodded.
You squeezed your eyes shut and felt the blood rush through your entire body
Suddenly you heard gasps and you opened your eyes.
You looked to see your four long black slithery tentacles glide around the living room and examine your two boyfriends
The two looked shocked as they stared at you in awe which made a sense of fear rise in your system
“Y/N, you’re just like me!” Otto stood up and examined the tentacles with curiosity
“Can I touch one?” Norman asked softly as he looked to you for approval
Your gaze softened and you nodded as Norman pet one of them that immediately curled up to him
“Anthony likes you,” a soft chuckle escaped from your lips as Norman looked up at you
“Anthony?” Otto questioned as two of your tentacles started interacting with his metallic ones
“That’s one of their names,” you smiled as Otto quirked an eyebrow and turned his attention onto the auburn-haired man beside him
“See I’m not the only one who likes to name their tentacles,” he crossed his arms as Norman rolled his eyes
“Whatever Octavius.”
Expect them crossing their arms and giving each other good ol' glares
Suddenly you rushed into their arms making the two yelp in surprise but after a second embrace you back
“Thank you guys,” you whispered
“We love you Y/N and we always want to support you and care for you when you need it,”
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shangchiswife · 3 years
Could ya write about a widow single mom falling for Otto or Norman?
so i kinda changed this around a little bit but it still fits for what you asked for. i hope you like it!
summary: you sneak your daughter into oscorp since her babysitter bailed last minute and she was sobbing. you get caught by otto and norman.
otto x fem!reader x norman
warnings: none
word count: 1728
Being a big time scientist while also being a single mother was a hassle for you.
Going to work at Oscorp Industries for nine hours a day and then going back home to deal with your four year old daughter was starting to become difficult.
It was just the other day when you came home from a particularly long and tedious day and came home to your daughter having a tantrum while the babysitter beside her looked frightened as she tried to feed the girl.
Right when you got to her she immediately calmed down and she smiled as if she got a new toy.
“I only want you to feed me, Mama, not Nancy,” your daughter pouted, her bottom lip sticking out as she glowered at the babysitter who had an offended look on her face.
“Go home, Nancy, I’m sorry for the way she’s acting,” you said, putting a hand on her shoulder as she grabbed her tote bag and exited your house with the slam of the front door.
“Sweetie you have to stop being mean, when you’re mean people get sad,” your voice was gentle as you spoon fed your daughter the chicken noodle soup you had prepared the night before.
“Okay Mama but only if you promise to play dollies with me,” her big eyes looked at you eagerly, which made your heart swell.
“Of course, baby,” you ruffled her hair which resulted in a giggle from her.
As you washed the dishes, she climbed on top of the counter to watch you.
“Mama I wish you were here with me more. I wanna play with you,” your daughter said sadly as she kicked her foot out in front of her.
Your heart crumbled.
You honestly wished that you could be with her all the time.
She was growing up so fast and you wanted to be with her for all of these stages.
You wished that you could take some time off of work but you knew that Mr. Osborn would probably never let you. You never met him but you only assumed based on others’ comments about him.
And you were a huge scientist at Oscorp so they couldn’t afford to lose you.
When you woke up the next day and were about to leave for work, your daughter had the worst tantrum you’d ever seen.
Her face was scrunched up with tears streaming down her cheeks. She was banging her fists on the floor begging you not to leave and to stay with her.
In addition to that, Nancy had told you that she was going to be late at the last minute which meant that the only option was to take your daughter to work.
You had quickly dressed your daughter into reasonable attire while she continued to sob.
“Stop crying baby, today you and Mama are going to be hanging out,” you coaxed, stroking her short hair when the biggest smile emerged on her face.
You texted Nancy, giving her the day off and then picked up your daughter who squealed happily and wrapped her arms around you.
“Today we’re going to be going on an adventure, baby,” you smiled, kissing her cheeks.
“Ooh yay adventure!” she squealed in delight as you tossed her up in the air and caught her.
“And we’re going to start by going into Mama’s car,” you exited the house and then placed your daughter in her carseat while she kicked her feet up excitedly.
Once you arrived at Oscorp, you noticed your daughter from the mirror staring in awe at the large building.
“That’s a big building, Mama,” her eyes sparkled with marvel as you stopped the car.
“This is where Mama works,” you said, lifting her into your arms and then placing her down.
You both walked over to the large doors to the establishment and then immediately started towards the elevator, hoping that you wouldn’t get noticed by security.
Children were supposed to be off limits from Oscorp so you were definitely breaking a rule.
“Mama, why are we going so fast?” your daughter panted while beads of sweat formed on her brow, her little tongue sticking out.
“Well remember how Mommy said that this was going to be an adventure? Well this is part of it,” you explained.
Right as the elevator doors were about to shut, a tentacle stopped it making your heart drop.
Dr. Octavius entered the elevator with a polite smile.
“Y/N,” he stared at you, his chocolate eyes full of mirth.
“Otto, it’s nice to see you,” you nodded your head.
“Woah what’s that?” your daughter’s voice was loud making Otto’s eyes dart down to where your daughter stood.
Sometimes you hated how boisterous she was, especially in situations like this.
Her eyes were fixed on the tentacles that surrounded Otto.
“Hello little one,” Otto bent down to smile at her.
“Hi, what are those things?” she asked, pointing at the metallic actuators coming from his back.
“That’s a very good question-they are tentacles, they are something I worked on,” the older man tried to explain in simpler terms.
This answer seemed to appease your daughter who nodded and then offered Otto a toothy grin before standing behind you shyly.
Now she had to be shy. She couldn’t have been shy before?
“So is this your little sister?” Otto stood up, his eyes trained on you curiously.
“Daughter actually,” you corrected bracing yourself for the judgmental stare.
A moment of silence passed until Otto spoke up again.
“Wow I didn’t expect you to have a child as young as you are. She looks just like you…she has your beautiful eyes,” Otto complimented which made your heart warm.
At that moment the elevator dinged and it opened to a brown-haired man in a dark suit with piercing blue eyes.
Norman Osborn.
All the warmth in your heart disappeared and was replaced with fear.
Your daughter seemed to sense your fear and held your hand comfortingly while you shielded her body.
“Mr. Osborn,” you and Otto said in unison, nodding to your superior.
“Octavius,” Norman acknowledged the other man in the elevator.
“And…” his gaze moved to you, his beautiful eyes staring into your soul.
“Y/N, Y/N L/N sir,” you gave him a tight-lipped smile as Norman’s mouth formed into an o shape.
“Ah Y/N, now I remember, your work on Octavius’ actuators was very impressive. And so was the rest of your work,” Norman complimented, a smirk playing at his lips.
“Thank you, sir,” you felt your cheeks grow warm from the compliment.
Right as your floor was about to come, your daughter sneezed.
Everyone’s eyes fixated on her.
“Who is this?”
You felt your blood run cold and you were tongue tied at that moment.
Otto seemed to notice your fear and cleared his throat.
“Norman, this is Y/N’s daughter,”
Norman’s eyebrows knitted in confusion.
“Why is she here?” his eyes turned to you expectantly.
“I’m sorry, sir I really am. She was crying because I was leaving and her babysitter was running late so I had no choice but to bring her here. And there’s no one else to take care of her since her father left,” your voice wavered as you explained.
You felt tears blur your vision.
Your daughter tugged on your arm gently.
Otto felt his heart shatter.
He cared for you a lot and it hurt him to see you breaking down like this. Being a single mother was extremely difficult.
“Mama don’t cry,” her voice was concerned.
Norman’s expression softened.
He noticed your purple-rimmed eyes and your chapped lips and immediately felt the tiredness you were feeling.
He could not deny that being a single mother was difficult and it was definitely beating you up.
“Y/N, there is no reason to apologize…look I understand that it’s hard for you so whenever you need time off please let me know,” Norman reassured you.
“Mama can stay home more!” your daughter squealed excitedly.
Norman smiled down at her.
“Whenever you want your mother, she can come home. Right now she can go back home and be with you,” Norman ruffled her hair affectionately, making her giggle.
“Thank you, Mr. Osborn, seriously,” you said, shaking his hand and then without thinking kissed him on the cheek.
Norman had a smug grin on his face.
“Ew!” your daughter stuck out her tongue with disgust.
“And you know if you need any help with any of your projects please let me know,” Otto added, also wanting a kiss for himself.
“You know if you wanted a kiss yourself you could’ve asked, Octavius,” a choked laugh came from you as you planted a gentle kiss on his cheek
Otto’s face turned beet red.
The elevator dinged making everyone look expectantly at the doors.
“Well Y/N, it was very nice to meet you, and I hope to see you and your daughter more often,” Norman offered you a smile and then brought your hand up to his lips.
After he left, Otto smiled at you.
“I also have to leave unfortunately but it was very nice to meet you, dear,” Otto bent down at your daughter’s level and brought one of the tentacles near her.
It spun, making her jump with glee.
Then your daughter jumped into his arms, making a deep chuckle emerge from him as he wrapped his arms around her.
This scene that played out in front of you was so beautiful.
“It was nice to see you, little one,” Otto put her down gently and pat her head fondly.
“It was nice to see you as well, Y/N I too hope to see your daughter around more. She’s a very sweet thing. And I also hope to see you too of course,” Otto blushed furiously which made you laugh.
“It was nice to see you too, Otto, see you soon!” you waved as he exited the elevator.
Right when he left and you pushed the button to go back down to your car, you kissed your daughter on her cheeks.
“You know what, I think you deserve a treat,” you smirked knowing that she’d be excited.
“Treat ooh!” she smiled, her two front teeth sticking out.
“Let’s get McDonald’s!” you yelled which was followed by a few excited screams from your daughter.
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