#doctor thirteen
wanderingmind867 · 2 months
DC has so many obscure characters. One of these now obscure character is Dr. Terrence Thirteen, the Ghost-Breaker! A man whose ancestors were persecuted for being magical (when in reality they were merely more progressive and scientifically inventive than the people around them, according to wikipedia), Doctor Thirteen now travels the world with his wife Marie as they debunk the supernatural and save naive, superstitious innocents from getting swindled by con-artists hiding behind the "supernatural". Doctor Thirteen is now seen as a joke character. He's the man who refuses to believe in the supernatural, even when it looks him in the eyes. But that was never true!
Terrence Thirteen is not a bigot, he's actually the opposite! He's an honourable man concerned about the dangers of hoaxes! Sure, the man used to think the Phantom Stranger was wasn't really a Phantom! But that's because he thought he was a con-artist preying on people! Personally, i think Doctor Thirteen and The Phantom Stranger are probably decent friends now that they've both worked together on cases. That's my personal headcanon, at least. But really: put more respect on the name of Terrence Thirteen! He's an interesting character!
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kekwcomics · 2 years
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Art: Neal Adams.
I like the texture / graininess on this.
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the-mind-of-a-geek · 1 year
I’ve been catching up on Doctor Who and… I can’t believe they did it.
They ACTUALLY made Thasmin canon.
Not only is this The Doctor’s first canon queer romantic feelings confirmed in the moment (The Master absolutely counts but was confirmed after the fact) but personally Yaz is the first main character to be confirmed as queer in Doctor Who since, I, a woman, came out as bi.
Before that I saw all the Thasmin posts and thought it was great but would never happen in the show. Didn’t even educate the possibility.
And it HAPPENED. And it was PERFECT and MUTUAL but with nothing being furthered and it was both perfectly in-keeping with Thirteen’s personality (and, tbh, doesn’t warrant another age gap discussion) and it was REAL.
Representation at this level solidifies why I and so many other queer people love Doctor Who so much. The universe it explores isn’t just about privileged stuffy white cisallohet men; it’s ALWAYS explored a universe that has included EVERYONE. Doctor Who continues to be at the forefront of representation which will keep us coming back to it.
And to me, this makes Doctor Who feel like home. Because it sees me, struggling with my identity and tentatively accepting and expressing who I am, and puts my experiences in their story. Into Yaz. Into The Doctor themself. I loved Doctor Who and it loved me back.
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momachan · 7 months
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"Now, he doesn't believe in magic. And he's right. Magic doesn't exist, for him. You have to choose it, you see. That's what we're offering you: the choice. If you don't want magic, you'll never see it again. You'll live in a rational world, in which everything can be explained. But if you choose it-- Well, it's like stepping off the sidewalk into the street. The world still looks the same, on the surface, but you can be hit by a truck at any second. That's magic."
The Books of Magic. Book II. "The Shadow World."
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nitpickrider · 1 year
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Doctor Thirteen, ladies and gents. King of the flat-earth atheists. Having lived in a superhero adjacent position in the DC Universe for his entire adult life, he is unwilling to accept that magic actually exist. Instead defining it as "some unknown science" which, by the way, if this "unknown science" functions as, by the laws of, and to the uses of magic. Then that unknown science is called Magic
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tzigone · 4 months
Multi-named characters
I started thinking about characters that had/were called by more than one name as their "real" name. So, I am listing a few, and would like others to chime in with ones they know. I'm trying to stick to characters that were fairly prominent already when they got their "second" name, instead of like Ray Palmer's parents (who appeared twice years apart, and were called different names each time).
Wally West - there is a silver age story where his name is established as Walter. Of course, later he's Wallace.
Barry Allen - originally Barry, then called "Barrence" once, then later said to be named Bartholomew.
Ted Kord - called Theodore and then in one BoP (I think it was BoP), Barbara says his name was Edward.
Doctor Thirteen - in the 70s series, he's named Terrence and flips his shit over Phantom Stranger calling him "Terry" but back when introduced, his father says he gave deliberately gave him a name with 13 letters, so his name is actually "Terry", not "Terrence".
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blanddcheadcanons · 2 years
Nobody knows why Dr. Thirteen is like that but he is
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circleturk · 1 year
Honestly I’m a simple creature whom only wants for three things
Universal Basic Income
Universal healthcare
A monthly Doctor Thirteen DC comic that goes into the hundreds
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yesokayiknow · 4 months
thirteen, refusing to acknowledge that she has a single negative emotion and refusing to tell her friends anything about her: god i'm so fucking healthy
fourteen, after a shit ton of therapy: ohhhh i see that was actually incredibly unhealthy i get it now
fifteen, traumadumping on ruby so rapidly that she doesn't get a chance to ask deeper questions and he doesn't get a chance to process the enormity of everything: god i'm so fucking healthy
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oswinian · 9 months
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#eleven got reckless with others so twelve chose his face as a reminder to save others #thirteen got reckless with herself so fourteen chose his face as a reminder to save himself #but both faces were chosen because of donna
+ the realization:
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months
DC has too many characters. Like, all their books in the 40s and 50s and 60s were books with multiple features, so there's like 50 million obscure characters we could bring back from the dead. For what it's worth, i thought of a way to use three of these characters. Dr. Terrence Thirteen, Mark Merlin and Roy Raymond. Besides the excessive alliteration here, they're all detectives who deal in busting hoaxes and investigating the supernatural. You could probably give these three a detective agency together, and it might actually make for compelling reading. Someone should do something with these three men.
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starryeyedgazer · 3 months
I really wish they leaned more into the inventor aspect of 13. Imagine her Macgyvering her way out of situations. Making little robot friends. Having a new sonic case every now and then. Being nervous or excited, needing something to do with her hands, and creating. Just… being good at tech.
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expectiations · 4 months
Alex: “Do you want me to whisper what your name is?”
Jodie: “Yes!”
Interviewer: “Was it a good one?”
Jodie: “YES!”
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momachan · 6 months
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"I am a skeptical rationalist, not a ghost-breaker, sir. Sir! I do not shift blame. I examine and evaluate every situation before me with the utmost rationalism. I have dedicated my life to aggressively searching out the truth and exposing all pretense and deception! I am the sanest man alive!"
Vertigo Visions - Dr. Thirteen (1998) #1. "Do AIs Dream Of Electric Sleep."
Why does his words remind me of Hugo Strange's crazy phrase of: "I am a model of mental health!" 😆
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froof-of-the-loof · 4 months
Chris Chibnall: Okay we're gonna make the doctor gay but we've gotta be quiet about it. Subtle. Stolen glances. Quiet sapphic undertones.
RTD: 🌈❤️👬🧡🥰💛💏💚it says "your hot"💋💙🏳️‍🌈💜🫶💅👯‍♂️👨‍❤️‍👨
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tzigone · 5 months
Built Terry Thirteen's family tree back to 1770s just to decide violent deaths of ancestors
For my headcanon reboot.
Yep, I'm a geek. While I only built his line all the way down, I included the siblings of each of his decedents. I had some die violent deaths (murdered by a jealous colleague to steal his work, murdered by a jealous lover, murdered by a mugger, killed in WWII) I also had numerous ones live to old age.
Also, I decided Terry was illegitimate - his parents split before mom even knew she was pregnant. See she was coming to meet her boyfriend's parents when they were on the cusp of engagement, but then everyone in town was talking about the family being cursed and her boyfriend's dad died a violent death and she decided she didn't want to marry a Thirteen. Dad took custody and that's another reason for his dislike of belief in superstitions. Terry never met the women, nor cared too.
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