#does it count to call it jewelry if i work at a jewelry shop and made it?
solarflareanon · 2 years
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Soooo, i don’t usually post work related pictures but...
A customer came in with an unusual request about a month ago. He wanted a  two and a half inch tall silver replica of the Gayer-Anderson Cat (a statue dedicated to Bastet currently held in the british museum :P) for his wife for their anniversary. So, being the resident animal carving specialist of the shop, i was the one who ended up taking on the task. It was one of the cooler jobs i’ve gotten to do and the finished product ended up being something i’m actually very proud of.
The statue is hollowed out inside but still ended up being about four ounces of silver, with sapphires set in the eyes, a satin finish from the pin finisher and antiquing applied to the details so they’d stand out a little more.
Progress pics under the cut.
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started as a hunk of wax that i sawed out the general silhouette of the cat
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gradually carved out the contours of the back, shoulders, and legs and added the tail
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getting the shape of the face and ears right took the longest time and the most little adjustments to get it looking right. I spent many hours looking back and forth from my reference pictures to my microscope.
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the wax weighed too much to cast all together so i had to cut it into four parts and cast it over the course of several days. the red wax is called the sprue and is the channel the metal will flow through during casting. It has to create a clear path all the way to the finer details of the pieces.
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I cleaned up the castings separately before soldering them together. The bottom half in the above picture was three pieces reassembled and the top pieces are fresh from being cast.
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Once everything was put together i shined it up nice and bright and added the gold piercings.
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then put it in the pin finisher before putting the sapphires in the eyes because steel pins and sapphires don’t mix well
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And then the finishing touches. The antiquing was done by hand with a sharpened bamboo stick to draw the liver of sulfur along all the lines around the neck and face. and i spent about another hour just trying to put the eyes in so they wouldn’t look walleyed  or anything. from start to finish it probably took me anywhere from 20 to 30 hours? I lost track honestly after 15...
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months
Choose a Side
The Bradfords Series Masterlist (4/?)
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!wife!cop!reader
Summary: Lucy asks for your opinion on a date, not expecting you to take sides. You do choose a side, but not the one she thinks.
Warnings: fluff, banter, grumpy!Tim
Word Count: 1.3k+ words
A/N: There are two random references in this (an Eric Winter movie and a previous Tim fic). Which is completely irrelevant. Enjoy.
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The station is quiet when you walk through, but you know better than to get comfortable in the calm moment. It’s not superstition for you, just that you know the people you work with, and even if there aren’t many calls, it still won’t stay quiet for long.
“Hey!” Lucy calls behind you.
You smile at her interruption and stop walking so she can catch up to you. As she approaches, you notice that she’s looking over your shoulder.
“Is Tim with you?” she asks.
“No,” you answer, “he’s helping Angela with a case. Do you need him?”
“What I need is a second opinion and I do not want his.”
“Okay,” you drawl. “What’s up?”
“So, I’m going on a date tonight.”
“Please don’t say it’s with a cop,” you murmur.
“With a firefighter.” Lucy stops and tilts her head to ask, “Is it really that bad to be with another cop?”
You raise your hand to her arm and smile. “Lucy, I’m kidding. Tell me more.”
“His name is Alex. He’s been a firefighter for a few years since he got out of the Army. We actually met while playing tug-of-war and he was super flirty, but apparently he actually likes me!”
You ignore the odd way they met and choose to say, “Don’t sound so surprised he’s interested. When’s the date?”
“What date?”
You and Lucy look up together, wide-eyed at the sight of Tim approaching. He furrows his brows and keeps his eyes on you rather than looking at Lucy.
“I’m cheating on you?” you try.
“What date?” Tim repeats, completely ignoring your attempt to remove suspicion from Lucy.
“I have a date,” Lucy admits, “with a former soldier who is now a firefighter.”
“Killer turned arsonist. Way to pick them, Chen.”
“You were a soldier,” you point out.
Tim turns his chin toward you long enough to argue, “And you used to be nice to me.”
“Tim," you warn.
“Didn’t your last boyfriend leave you so heartbroken you bought jewelry from the evidence room?” Tim asks.
“I bought that because I like it,” Lucy defends, crossing her arms across her chest. “This is different.”
“Which station does he work at?” Tim inquires.
“Does that matter?”
“Yes,” you answer, with Tim. You frown as you add, “Sorry.”
“29,” Lucy says quietly. She raises her voice and glares at Tim to challenge, “Do you want his shoe size and social security number as well?”
“Lucy, some of the stations are known for having firefighters that are terrible people. Trust me, I’ve met more than my fair share on calls,” you explain. “Tim’s just trying to look out for you on that one.”
“Oh, so you’re taking his side. That’s great!”
“Lucy,” you reply with a laugh. “29 is a good station, right down the road, so we would know if it wasn’t. They’re good people.”
“As good as firefighters can be, you mean,” Tim adds. “What’s his last name?”
“Tim,” you chide. “That’s none of your business.”
“There can’t be that many guys named Alex at station 29.”
Tim pulls his phone from his pocket, and you snatch it out of his hand.
“If you call Nell to ask about him, I will take Kojo and Lucy to the station on my lunch break to hang out with firefighters.”
Tim shakes his head before he turns to face Lucy.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working instead of talking about date night outfits?” he asks.
“Oh, outfits!” Lucy exclaims. “We didn’t get that far!”
“Nope,” Tim interrupts. “Get to the shop, we’re going on patrol.”
“But I never got a second opinion.” Lucy pouts as she looks toward you, and you smile.
“Lucy, it sounds like you and Alex get along really well. You should go, have fun, and just see where the relationship may be able to go.”
“Thanks, Mom,” Lucy says, raising her arms to hug you.
“Boot,” Tim barks when the hug lasts for a second too long. “Shop.”
“He’s so grumpy today,” Lucy whispers in your ear as she pulls back.
Tim nods at you before he turns to follow Lucy to the garage. You look down at his phone in your hand and smile. He’ll realize before he leaves and come back for it, and this time, you will let him know that you really did pick a side.
“I need that,” Tim says as he returns.
You tuck his phone behind your back and use your other hand to grip the collar of Tim’s uniform and pull him closer. Face-to-face, you look into his eyes before you speak.
“Don’t look into him,” you demand.
Tim’s brows pinch before he asks, “What do you mean?”
“Tim Bradford, if you start a fire just to meet Lucy’s date, it will look like you care about her. A lot.”
Tim clears his throat softly, then nods once. “Can I go now?”
“Sure,” you agree, smiling as you release his collar and step back. “But she’ll tell me if you interrogate her in the car.”
“Why does it matter who my boot dates or when?” Tim inquires as he straightens his shirt.
“I don’t know, Tim. Why does it?”
Tim grumbles as he takes his phone from your hand.
“I love you,” you call after him.
“Not as much as Alex, apparently.”
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“This is by far the most illegal but sweet thing you’ve ever done,” you tell Tim. “Pretzels?”
“It’s not illegal,” Tim argues, extending his hand for a snack. “We’re just enjoying a date night. What’s wrong with that?”
“The fact that we’re not just enjoying a date night. Tim, you’re watching someone else’s date.”
“You can’t say you’re not interested.”
“I can,” you argue, lifting your phone. “I’m watching a cheesy romcom about a widower who owns a restaurant and coaches little league but falls in love with the woman who wants to buy him out.”
“Riveting,” Tim mumbles, turning back toward the restaurant. “Where’d she go?”
The back door behind you opens before Lucy slides into the car. You offer the bag of convenience store snacks over your shoulder, and she accepts it to look for her favorite candy. Which, of course, you bought for her. Uncomfortable with Lucy's presence, Tim shifts as you pause your movie and remove the earbud you’d been using to listen to it.
“How was the date?” Tim asks.
“You tell me, it seems like you saw just as much as I did,” Lucy responds.
“Sorry, Lucy,” you interject.
“It’s okay. I mean, if he was a serial killer or something, I’d be glad you’re here.”
“That’s what I said,” Tim defends.
“But he wasn’t.”
“Told you,” you tell Tim. “She can take care of herself. Besides, Alex is a sweetheart.”
“You’ve met him?!” Tim asks loudly.
You nod and take a bite of your snack before you explain, “On a call this afternoon. Nell attached me to it.”
“Oh, so I can’t call Nell, but you can?”
“I asked her to watch for an opportunity,” Lucy says.
Tim shakes his head and throws his hands up. “I give up. Lucy, do you want a ride home?”
“Your home or mine?”
“You’re not spending the night.”
You chuckle in the passenger seat at their bickering. Tim doesn’t look at you this time, too focused on the road as he pulls out.
“How was it?” you ask Lucy.
“It was really good. We’re going out again.”
“When?” Tim asks.
“Don’t answer that, Lucy,” you suggest. “We can talk tomorrow.”
“Right,” Tim scoffs. “And she was worried about you picking sides.”
“You know, you could just say it,” Lucy tells Tim, leaning toward his seat.
“Say what?”
“I love you. Trust me, you tell me once and you’d feel so free. I love you. That’s all it takes, Dad.”
“The guy in your movie didn’t have to deal with this,” Tim mumbles.
“He actually did have a kid,” you say as he approaches a stop sign.
“Wait, what movie?” Lucy asks excitedly.
As you begin explaining the plot to Lucy, Tim shakes his head. You know he cares, and when you get home and kiss him, maybe he’ll reconsider simply admitting it.
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Watching Him
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Warnings: 18+, smut, pure smut, fingering, slight praise kink, slight choking kink, begging, no use of Y/N, I think that’s it.
Summary: Eddie is getting ready for work but you don't wanna see him go.
Eddie x Original Female Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
“I know you were right. Believing for so long”
Eddie's voice gently pulled you from sleep, his melodic tones echoing off the bathroom walls as he imagined himself performing a solo concert. With no need to rush from bed, you nestled deeper into your sheets, basking in the beautiful serenade of your husband.
“Away from these long, lonely nights I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too Does the feeling seem oh so right And what would you say if I called on you now”
You had always believed Eddie had what it took to make it big, but when he came to you a few years ago, his heart on his sleeve and tears in his eyes as he admitted he couldn't do it anymore, you comforted him. He traded in his rockstar dream for the life of a business owner, and the sacrifice paid off. Now, Eddie owned one of the most popular record shops in Chicago.
He still played local shows occasionally, but he was content selling records and being his own boss. It may not have been the future that 19-year-old Eddie dreamed of, but he couldn’t have asked for anything more beautiful. Coming home to his gorgeous, smart, and sexy wife every night was the best part.
The sound of the shower shutting off made you shift in bed. Still naked from the night before, you lay on your stomach, the blanket draped just above your waist. Turning your head toward the bathroom door, you waited for Eddie to emerge, eager to see your stunning husband. Nearly ten years together, and you still got butterflies in your belly when you saw him naked. He always took your breath away, and you prayed that feeling never changed.
Eddie continued humming the Air Supply song as he exited the bathroom, the steam from the hot shower adding a dramatic flair to his entrance.
Your eyes silently followed him around the room. He scrubbed his wet hair with a blue bath towel as he walked to the closet. Leaning over, his perfectly toned backside was on display. He twisted his long hair into the towel before standing up straight to sift through his clothes.
As you both got older, Eddie had become more meticulous about his appearance. Not that he didn't care before, but now he put in noticeable effort. After a moment of consideration, he pulled out a couple of shirts, finally settling on an old tour tee from Dio's 1987 Dream Evil Tour, a green long-sleeved plaid shirt, a pair of blue jeans with a few worn rips, and a belt. He then made his way to the chest of drawers where his jewelry and cologne were neatly arranged beneath a mirror that was littered with photos from over the years.
You watched from your spot as he dressed. Boxers first, then jeans, a shirt tucked in, belt through the loops, and a plaid shirt tied around his waist. It wasn't until Eddie began sliding on his rings that you finally spoke.
"You're so beautiful."
Eddie's eyes snapped to yours in the mirror, a smile tugging at his lips.
"Have you been watching me this whole time?" he asked, turning to face you, leaning against the drawers.
You smiled and began to sing, "I'm all out of love. I'm so lost without you."
Eddie threw his head back in laughter, and you laughed with him, burying your face in the pillow to muffle the sound. The scent of Eddie surrounded you, you lingered in it for a moment, inhaling deeply. Then you felt the bed dip on Eddie's side. As you turned to face him, his lips brushed your shoulder, sending goosebumps cascading across your skin.
“I wish you didn’t have to work today,” you spoke softly. Eddie's lips lingered on your skin, planting a trail of kisses as his breath warmed your neck. “I know, baby,” he whispered between kisses, “but I’m down two employees,” kiss “and that new Alanis Morissette album releases today,” kiss “so we’re gonna be slammed.” His fingers slid through your hair, pulling it gently away from your face so he could capture your lips with his.
You pouted as he pulled back. “But do you have to leave so early?” you asked, turning over. The sheet slipped, barely covering your chest, but your pert nipples were unmistakably visible through the thin fabric. As you stretched, the sheet fell farther, revealing your breasts fully. “Isn’t there anyone else who can open the store?” you pleaded.
Eddie smirked, reaching for your breast. You gasped as his warm, calloused fingertips teased your nipple, giving it a playful pinch.
“Didn’t get enough last night?” he cooed. Your hand trailed down your body, but before it reached the valley between your breasts, Eddie caught it, pinning it above your head on the pillow.
“No, no, sweet girl. I can’t have you doing my job for me,” he tsked, his other hand continuing the journey down your body. His fingertips teased your skin, and your free hand began to move toward your center, but Eddie gave another warning tsk, and you clutched the sheets, anticipation building.
His fingers traced lazy circles around your belly button before skimming the soft flesh of your pelvis. He lingered briefly over the small patch of hair that hinted at your most intimate heat. Your hips lifted, trying to guide him to where you craved his touch most, but Eddie resisted, teasing you with his restraint. Instead, his hand found its way back to your breast, squeezing your nipple until it stood painfully erect. His lips soon followed, closing around the hardened bud and sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Next to the sensitive pearl of nerves at the apex of your thighs, your breasts were incredibly responsive. Eddie knew exactly how to drive you wild, having brought you to the brink with just his mouth before. When his teeth grazed your nipple, you couldn't help but arch into him, desperate for more. His mouth moved to your other breast, while his hand trailed over your collarbone, wrapping around your throat with a possessive squeeze. Leaning up, he captured your lips in a filthy, demanding kiss, his hunger palpable.
As he pulled away, his hand slid up your neck, his middle and ring fingers resting against your lips. You parted them eagerly, your tongue curling around his fingers as he pushed them into your mouth. You sucked them slowly, your eyes locked on his, feeling the electric connection between you intensify. When he withdrew his fingers, he didn't hesitate. In an instant, his hand moved to your pulsing clit, and the sudden, intense pleasure made you gasp.
Eddie's fingers moved with expert precision, circling and pressing against your most sensitive spot. Your body writhed beneath him, every nerve ending alight with desire. His mouth returned to your breast, his teeth grazing your nipple as his fingers worked your clit relentlessly. You could feel the tension building inside you, a tight coil ready to snap.
"Beg for it," he demanded against your skin, his voice a low, seductive growl.
"Please, Eddie," you gasped, your voice trembling with need. "I need you."
A wicked smile curved his lips as he increased the pressure, pushing you closer to the edge. "That's my girl," he whispered before claiming your mouth in another searing kiss.
Desperation clawed at you as Eddie's fingers worked you with unrelenting precision. Your hips bucked wildly, seeking more of his touch. Your grip on the sheets released and you instinctively grabbed hold of his arm, your nails digging into his flesh. It was your only anchor in the sea of pleasure he was drowning you in. Your hips bucked against his hand, desperate for more, for everything. His muscles flexed under your grip.
"Eddie, please," you whimpered, your voice raw with longing. "I can't…I need you…"
His eyes darkened with want as he watched you unravel beneath him. "You want it that bad?" he taunted, his fingers never slowing their torment.
"Hold on tight," he commanded, his voice husky and full of promise. He didn't ease up, his fingers relentless in their assault on your clit. Your grip on his arm tightened, your knuckles whitened as you tried to stay grounded. The coil inside you tightened further, your body tensing as you teetered on the brink.
Your body arched into him, your moans swallowed by his kiss. Eddie pulled back slightly, his breath hot against your lips as he watched you with dark, intense eyes. "You look so beautiful when you're desperate for me," he murmured, his voice sending shivers down your spine.
"Do you like this?" he asked, his thumb pressing harder against your clit as his fingers slid inside you, curling to hit that perfect spot. "Do you like being at my mercy?"
"Yes," you breathed, your voice barely more than a whisper. "I love it."
His fingers quickened their pace, the pressure against your clit building to an almost unbearable intensity. "Eddie, please," you begged again, your voice breaking. "I need to come."
His smirk widened as he dipped his head to take your nipple back into his mouth, his teeth scraping against the sensitive skin. The dual sensations were almost too much to bear. "Come for me, baby," he commanded, his voice muffled against your breast.
With a final, skilled flick of his fingers, Eddie sent you tumbling over the edge. A wave of ecstasy crashed over you, your body convulsing with pleasure. Your cries filled the room as he continued to work you through your orgasm, drawing out every last bit of bliss. You clung to his arm, your nails leaving crescent-shaped marks on his skin.
As you came down from the high, your body trembling and spent, Eddie leaned in close, his breath hot against your ear. "That's my good girl," he praised.
"You did so well for me."
He slowly withdrew his hand, his fingers glistening with your release. He brought them to his lips, his eyes never leaving yours as he tasted you, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. You were breathless, your body still buzzing from the intensity of your climax.
"Mmm delicious," he moaned, leaning down to press a lingering kiss to your lips, sharing the taste of your desire. You moaned softly, your body still trembling in the aftermath.
You basked in the afterglow, your body sated yet still craving him. As your breathing steadied, he began to pull away. You reached for him, your hand finding the knot in the shirt around his waist. "Eddie," you whispered, your voice still breathless. "Let me…"
But Eddie caught your wrist, his grip firm but gentle. "Not right now," he said, shaking his head with a teasing glint in his eyes. His tone was commanding yet tender. "You've had some fun. Now, you wait."
"But, Eddie…" you protested weakly, your voice still heavy with lust. "I want to make you fee—" but Eddie silenced you with a lingering kiss, his tongue teasing yours. "I'll be back later," he promised, his voice a low, seductive purr.
A deep pout pulled at your lips.
He chuckled softly, his hand on your chin, his thumb pulling at that protruding lower lip. "Patience, Love," he murmured, his eyes locked on that lip as his thumb ran across it. You could almost see what he had planned for that mouth playing out behind his eyes. “And then, when I get home, I'll give you everything you want. But for now, you'll stay needy."
Your heart sank with disappointment, but the promise in his eyes stirred something deep within you. "But I'll be thinking about you all day," you whined, your voice a mix of longing and frustration.
"Good," Eddie replied, his tone wicked. "I want you to think about me. Think about what I'll do to you when I get home."
His words sent a fresh wave of heat through your body, reigniting the embers of your desire. He kissed you again, deeper this time, leaving you breathless and aching for more. When he finally pulled away, he stood up, adjusted his clothes, and looked down at you with a mischievous smile.
As he turned to walk back into the bathroom to wash his hands, he held your gaze. He brought his hand that had just been in you back up. "I shouldn’t be washing this off," he grinned, inhaling deeply, savoring the scent of you on his skin. "Should save it for a snack on my drive in."
You bit your lip, the thought of him savoring your taste even after he left making your need for him even more acute.
He finished getting ready, and you watched him, your body still tingling from his touch, feeling the emptiness where his warmth had been. He knelt on the bed one more time, a knowing smile on his lips.
"Don't touch yourself while I'm gone," he whispered against your lips, his voice soft but commanding. "Save it all for me."
Your breath hitched at his tone, and you nodded obediently, the promise of more to come later making your heart race. He pressed one last kiss to your forehead.
"Be a good girl for me," he whispered, his lips brushing your ear.
With that, he left, the door closing behind him with a soft click. You lay there, your body still tingling from his touch, every nerve ending alive with anticipation.
You lay back on the bed, your mind replaying every touch, every kiss, every command.
Tonight, when he came home, you would be ready for him. You could already picture it: yourself on your knees by the door, wearing nothing but lacy panties and a pair of black heels, your body trembling with longing. The anticipation would make the pleasure he had in store for you all the more intense. Every second of waiting built the fire inside you to an unbearable height. You smiled, already counting the hours until he would be back, ready to fulfill every desire he had stirred within you. The thought of his reaction, the way his eyes would darken with lust when he saw you waiting, sent a shiver down your spine.
You spent the day in a haze of anticipation, every minute stretching endlessly. But as evening approached, you prepared yourself, slipping into the delicate lace, stepping into the heel, and taking your place by the door. The minutes ticked by, each one bringing you closer to the moment he would walk through that door and claim you again. And when he did, you knew the pleasure would be worth every second of the wait.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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queen-of-the-avengers · 4 months
After So Long
Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.7k
Warnings: angst
Summary: You're forced to go back to the one place you tried to hard to get away from. You're forced to contront the memories you left behind.
Between Love and Hate Masterlist
Squares Filled: protection (2023) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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It seemed like wherever Bucky went, Steve and Sam followed. You thought it’d be nice to go shopping at your local mall with Bucky since he’d been so busy with work. You put on something cute to wear and did your hair only to feel like you’re being followed the whole time. You tried to ignore them but it was hard when you saw their black clothes in every corner.
“Does this look cute?” you asked and held up a shirt.
“On me or you?” Bucky joked.
“Ha-ha, very funny. Wait, it might look good on you.”
Bucky smiled and took the shirt while you moved to a different section of the store, the dresses. He didn’t mind holding the things you wanted to get. He’d do it forever if he knew this made you happy. It does. You liked shopping. Just not with grown men following you.
“Do they have to be here?” you sighed as you looked at the dresses.
“It’s a precaution, pisică.”
You liked the little nicknames he gave you, especially in his native tongue, Romanian.
“Because of your job?” Bucky nodded. “When are you gonna tell me what you do?”
“I’d rather stay in our little bubble a little while longer, if possible.”
“Fine, but you will have to tell me eventually.” Bucky didn’t respond to that. Once you were done with the dresses, you moved to the jewelry section. The prices in this store were outrageous and you turned to Bucky with a frown. “Are you sure we should keep shopping here? I’ve already spent enough of your money.”
“Pisică, I make more money in an hour than the one hundred grand you’re going to spend.”
“You’re spoiling me,” you grinned.
Bucky pulled you into him and placed his hands on your ass, not caring if anyone saw.
“You’re my girl. Of course, I will.”
He leaned down and kissed you and your heart swelled in happiness.
You always knew Bucky would find you but you didn’t know when or where it’d happen. He truly didn’t know where you were for the first six months you were gone. After you enrolled in college, he found you. In order to apply for it, you had to use your real name which Sam caught when he was looking for you online.
Despite what you may think of him, he really does love you. He just has a weird way of showing it.
Bucky has left his men behind where you crashed your car at while his driver takes you to one of his mansions. You’ve been to almost all of them because he used to take you all around the country for the hell of it. You have a room in every single one of them.
“Don’t call me that,” you snap and look at him.
“It took a long time to find you. I thought you had dropped off the face of the Earth.”
“Bite me.”
“Don’t tempt me,” he smirks. He loses it when he thinks about what to ask next. “Why did you run?”
You look at him with wide eyes and a parted mouth. “Did you really just ask me that? You’re a murderer.”
“Well, that depends on how to look at it.”
“There’s no looking at it differently. You kill people. That’s murder.”
Bucky decides to change the topic because he’s not gonna get far with you accusing him of things he’s done.
“Remember how we met?” It’s incredible how this man can jump from one topic to the next. “I do. I even remember the kiss we shared. Care to hear it from my perspective?”
“Not really?”
He tells you the story anyway as if you weren't there to begin with.
Bucky met up with several potential business partners that he thought would benefit him and his company. He’s one of the biggest mafia bosses this country has ever seen and having allies is much better than having enemies. He controls the weapons market, the communication sector, and most of the casinos across the country. These men would give him access to most of the drug trading posts if they’d only get their heads out of their asses and agree to his terms.
He doesn’t let the storm outside prevent him from doing business which is why he took this little meeting to one of the most expensive and high-end restaurants in town. The owner knows him and always gives him a good deal.
“Ma’am! You can’t just run in here!”
Bucky looks up and locks eyes with the most gorgeous woman he has ever seen before. Granted, she’s soaking wet from the rain outside. She looks fearful as if she’s running from someone. For some reason, Bucky would kill anyone who ever made her feel unsafe, and he doesn’t even know her.
She looks back outside and runs further into the restaurant, ignoring the calls from the hostess. She runs right over to him and interrupts the meeting he carefully set up without a care in the world. There’s panic in her eyes. She’s afraid. If only she knew who he was.
“I’m so sorry. Please play along.”
A man comes into the restaurant just as soaked as she is but Bucky doesn’t have time to react. She sits on his lap and kisses him desperately. He wraps an arm around her waist to keep her from falling off his lap and kisses her back. She is getting his nice suit wet but he doesn’t care. This kiss not only screams ‘I’m desperate’ but it screams ‘I need help’. The men Bucky is with chuckle but he tunes them out.
Bucky can only assume the man had left the restaurant. His mysterious lover tries to pull away from him but he pulls her in closer and continues to kiss her. Only when he is satisfied does he finally let her go. She turns to check that the man isn’t there anymore and visually relaxes.
“I am so sorry.”
“Yeah. He wouldn’t let me leave and I only managed to get away from him.” something comes over her face and she backs away in embarrassment. “God, that was so rude of me. I don’t know you. Thank you for that. Again, I’m really sorry I interrupted your dinner.”
She leaves the table and checks to make sure her ex isn’t outside looking for her. Once she feels she’s safe, she runs back outside into the pouring rain. Bucky clears his throat and takes out his phone so he can call one of his trusted men. He has Sam working on something in another state so Steve is who he calls.
“Did you see her run out?”
“Follow her. Find out about the boyfriend.”
“Yes, sir.”
Bucky gets off the phone and returns to his meeting like nothing happened.
“You came in there dripping wet. You came over to me and kissed me. Do you remember that kiss? How desperate you were for it?” During his storytelling, Bucky pulled you closer to him and slid his hand in your hair. His hand is so big that he can cup the side of your head and still run his thumb over your bottom lip. “Do you remember the taste of my lips on yours?”
“I will never kiss you again much less do anything more than that.”
You push him away and he smirks in amusement. He keeps his hands to himself for the rest of the ride. His mansion is like the one in New York just with more acres. He has the ultimate dream house fit with anything you can think of. Pools, spas, theaters, sports courts, and a ton more.
You dread coming back here not because it reminds you of Bucky but because it reminds you of the good times you had with him. The times from before you knew what he did for work.
You’re escorted inside his mansion and taken to a room with Steve. It’s like you’re being placed on time out because Steve stands by the door as if he isn’t allowed to let you leave.
“Ai grijă la ea, e foarte drăguță, dar e o fire plină de luptă. Ea nu iese din casă.”
Watch out for her, she’s real pretty but she’s a feisty one. She doesn’t leave the house.
Bucky keeps eye contact with you the whole time before leaving the room. Your blood boils.
“Ești un laș care se ascunde în spatele unei armate de oameni!”
You’re a coward who hides behind an army of men!
Bucky doesn’t bat an eye at your words. He’s the one who taught you Romanian, now you’re using it against him.
“I’m leaving,” you say to Steve and storm to the door.
Steve lets you out of the room knowing there are guards posted at every door to prevent you from leaving the mansion. Sam stands at the front door so he must be done cleaning the crash of your car. 
“Sorry, you can’t leave. Bosses’ order,” Sam says and stops you from leaving.
Instead of standing here arguing with him, you figured you get this over with. Your room hasn’t been touched since you left, and you can only assume your other rooms in the other mansions haven’t been touched either. This room is filled with so many good memories of you and Bucky. You hate that you’re looking at them now with such disdain.
Bucky was never one for pictures so the ones he did take were inappropriate to post anywhere. He thought it was funny to print them out and frame them for your room to always remind you who you belong to. Maybe you still do. Maybe you don’t. You’re not sure of how you feel anymore.
It hurts to look at them because you still love him. You’re so damn in love with him and it hurts because you thought you’d never love a murderer.
Bucky returns to the house hours later, well into the night. He finds you asleep in your own bed with dried tears on your cheeks. He looks at the pictures on the dresser and yanks his tie off angrily. He makes sure to be quiet as he walks over to you.
“I love you so much,” he whispers.
He kisses your forehead before leaving your room. God, he wishes things were different. He hates seeing you in pain.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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scar-lie · 5 months
Hellooo~ may I know if you will make a part 2 for your story 'Their First Love'?
Their First Love Pt. 2 [Natasha]
Summary : The talk Natasha has been looking for, to apologize and to finally talk to you
Pairing : Natasha Romanoff x Fem ! Reader
Warningv: Crying
Word Count : 2,876
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know
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It's been weeks since you two broke up—well, not actually since you two aren't a couple—let's just say “since she busted you,” and it still bothers you.
Did you accept her decision? Yes, and you respect it, but did you move on or stop wondering about things? No, definitely not. The thoughts and questions keep you awake every night and mostly distract you from your work.
You kept asking yourself why she chose him. Am I not enough? Or am I doing too much that drives her away? Is there something wrong with me? Or maybe I did something wrong?
The questions keep coming, but there's only one that's imprinted in your head, and it never leaves your mind since you realize it. It's her hair.
You once asked her, "Why do you keep your hair red? You're a spy; you should be undercover, not seen.” At that time, all she said to me was, “Because I wanted my loved ones to always locate me and remember me in the event that they did forget me or split up with me, as winter always follows autumn.
That's when you realize that you're not hers; Bucky is and will always be the winter that always follows Autumn, and you feel such a fool believing that you could replace or at least be enough to be at Bucky's level in her heart.
But at least you try and come close, or at least you thought, but the thing is, what matters is what makes her happy, and she is happy with him; that is what matters to you, right?
“Hey, hey, earth, to Y/N, are you there? ”You snap out of your thoughts when Jess taps your right check, so you look at her with a confused look.
“What? ....sorry what were you saying? ”You asked, gathering yourself and coughing to cover your embarrassment in front of Jess.
“I said, get back to her.” You frown at her, and she giggles, laying her upper body on the couch back while you're in your swivel chair and big table in your office.
“I don't get it,” you mumble, enough for her to hear, and she shakes her head and rolls her eyes with an amusing smile, then puts her iced coffee down.
“Oh my god, Y/N, you're so easy to read, or at least on my side... You're thinking, and I know it involves ‘Natasha’ so just pick up your phone, dial her number and call her, or text her,” Jess said, throwing you your phone. She's been playing some games. You thankfully catch it because if you didn't, hell, you're going to kill Jess if that happens.
“No, she chose him, Jess, not me, so I’m not going to call or text her like a puppy hot on her tail.” You put your phone in your pocket, standing up, seeing it's already 10 and the wedding will start in an hour, and you can't be late.
“Now shut up, and we need to go because we will be late,” she scoffs, rolling her eyes at you, but reciprocates and follows down the garage, getting in your own car, and so does she, and starts the 40-minute drive to the venue.
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On the other side, Natasha has been sulking in her bed for weeks now; she has no energy to do anything, and the only thing that keeps her away from bed is going to the bathroom, bar, or club. Other than that, she's locked up in her room; even Bucky can't even enter.
Since Natasha saw you that day, she can't help but stalk you. When you go to a cafe with her, when you go shopping with her, when you stroll with her, everywhere you go, she's there, getting jealous and feeling regret seeing you with her, and she wishes it was her who's by your side at those moments and not her until she saw you with her at the jewelry shop and decided to approach you or just eavesdrop.
But once she came close, she stopped dead in her tracks. Hearing those words coming out of your mouth, “This is perfect for a wedding band," she quickly turned around and left the mall. You're buying a wedding band with her; were you getting married with her that fast? She questions herself when she locks herself in her room, crying. 
And Bucky heard her crying, and since then, he's been worrying about Nat. As much as he wants to help her and be by her side, he knows forcing her to do something or just go against her will be no better for the both of them, so he constantly knocks on her door, asking if she's okay, even asking F.R.I.D.A.Y. about her, leaving food and a note in front of her door.
But today, he had enough, and he knows the only person who can help Natasha, so he's on his way to have a little talk with you.
And when he gets the information that you're on your way to the wedding, he quickly flies off, overspeeding, and goes to a different route to catch up with you, and when he does, he quickly drifts to block your car with his
But you almost hit him if you didn't hit the break quickly. You scoff and get out of the car when you see Bucky getting out of his car.
“Long time, no see, Mr. Barnes,” you sass at him, folding your arm in front of you and letting him approach you.
“You need to come with me,” he's in his stoic expression, and he proceeds to grab your arm, but you back away and swat his hand, and that's when Jess got to you, worried in her eyes.
“Oh my god, hey, watch where you're going; you can't just stop people like that,” Jess shouts at him, but you stop her with your hand when she's going to attack him.
“Get in your car and go to the venue; I’ll be there in a few.” She wanted to argue, but you glared at her, so she nodded.
“Be careful.” With that, she drives off, leaving you and Bucky alone on the side of the road, and thankfully, there's not much of a car passing by.
“What do you need, Barnes? ”You stand tall, seeing him searching for the right word.
“I—you need to come with me; I wanted to show you something,” he said calmly, but you raised your one eyebrow at him.
“And why would I need to come with you? I barely know you; I don't know your intention; you could kill me or something if I come with you.” Bucky sighs, closing his eyes, then looks back at you, and you see the desperation in his eyes.
“If you're that desperate for me to come with you, why not tell me the reason? Cause I have somewhere to be.” Bucky is annoyed, yes, but he stays calm for Natasha's sake.
“It's Nat; she needs you. I know it sounds crazy, but you're the one she wants, the one she loved and still loves. She needs you, Y/N.” You stay motionless and emotionless; you just scoff at him and roll your eyes at him.
“That's funny, Barnes; she doesn't need me; she has you; you're the one she loves, not me; she chose you. Remember? ”You unfold your arms and take a step towards him, and you give him a sarcastic smile.
“You won Barnes; she's all yours, so whatever shit what's happening to the both of you, I don't care, so don't drag me into your shits,” you said, and you turned around to your car so you could arrive at the wedding just in time, but before you could reach your car handle, he took your arm and turned you around.
“She really needs you, ok... Yes, maybe I’m the one she chose before, but that doesn't mean I still have her heart.” Bucky sighs, not wanting to be the one saying this to you, but he guesses he doesn't have any choice.
“Natasha suffers enough; she gets confused when it comes to these feelings, making her go back and choose the things she’s familiar with, meaning getting back to me. She longs for the short times she has before, where our love gets ripped away by the organization we're in, making her choose the wrong decision.” It hurts him to admit that the love of his life doesn't love her anymore, but he knows that seeing her happy in your arms is better than seeing her forcing herself to be happy with him.
“She loves you so much, Y/N. She may have confused her emotions, but her love for you is already carved in her heart.” Then suddenly his phone vibrated, and seeing that it's an emergency mission, he smiled at you and reached for his back pocket.
“She’s you're Y/N; she always had been.” Then he took your hand and put the key in it.
"It's her key…..she really needs you.” He gives you a small, sad smile, then turns around and gets in his car, then drives off.
“You just roll your eyes and get in your car, hooking the key he gave you in the rearview mirror, and drive off.
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Natasha sighs and sits up on the bed, realizing that sulking, being lazy, and sleeping with strangers will get her nowhere, so she stands up and takes a shower, leaving the man still sleeping on her bed. He was supposed to leave hours ago, but Natasha doesn't know what happened to her when she let him sleep here on her bed. All she knows is that his hold feels like your arms, or maybe she just thought about it.
Showers were taken longer than they usually are, but she did have a decent shower and change into fresh, comfy clothes, a loose shirt, and sweatpants, putting on a little makeup so her face wasn't as pale as it looked, and that's when she heard a knock on her door, so she groans and goes out of the bathroom, seeing the man in her bed is already awake.
“Go get dressed and get outta here,” she said, emotionless, and another knock again.
“I’m ok, Bucky, you don't have.” She stopped when the person knocked, got in, and looked around until her eyes landed on Natasha and the man who's getting dressed.
And Natasha is shocked to see the one person she least expects to knock on her door and come in, but when she pinches her arm and it hurts, she knows it's real. It's you, standing in your white, above-the-knee-fitted formal dress.
Her heart fluttered, and the butterflies were dancing around her stomach. Her joy was on top of the mountain. She saw you again, and you're the one who came to her.
"Guess, I came here for nothing. Sorry for interrupting. Have a good day.” With that, you quickly shut the door shut, scoffing at yourself, thinking you shouldn't have listened to Bucky. 
On the other hand, Natasha was confused, but when she realized what was happening, she quickly looked at the man who's putting his pants on and looked at herself in the mirror, a hickey on her neck and wet hair.
“Shit shit shit,” she cursed and quickly ran behind you to explain.
"Y/N, wait, please, let me explain.” She then took your arm, stopping you and turning you around.
“Explain to me that you're doing fine and fucking other people because you and Bucky didn't work out? Don't worry, I get it. I shouldn't have listened to your ex. Now I have wasted my time. I should probably go so you two can continue and I can catch up to the wedding. Have a good day, okay? ”Natasha was confused, and she didn't catch up with what you said, and whatever was on her mind was only Bucky, listen, continue, and Wedding, ‘Were you marrying her today? ’
“Wait what? No, no, no, wait, hold on,” she said, then again stopped you and blocked your way to the elevator.
"First, what Bucky told you; second, that man meant nothing, I swear; and third, the wedding? At what wedding were you getting married? Now? With her? ”You roll your eyes at her, then the man gets out of her room and walks past you two, and he kisses her on the head, making Natasha cringe and try to pat off the kiss he gave her.
“Last night was amazing; maybe we could go out sometimes.” This makes Natasha feel disgusted, and of course you heard it, so you roll your eyes and go around Natasha.
“Get a room, for god sake,” you say, then stand tall, waiting for the elevator after you press down.
“You're just jealous,” he spat back, and Natasha slapped him hard.
“Trust me, I’m not, and please make sure your dick is properly placed in those pants, and please wear underwear for god sake.” Then Natasha pushed him to the stairs, just to get him out of here.
“Leave now or else,” she said with gritted teeth, motioning her thumb from her left neck to her right, and he gulped, knowing she's capable of killing him without hesitation, and that's when the elevator door opened with a ding.
"Well, nice seeing you.” You enter the elevator, and Natasha quickly stops the elevator door and gets in. She was supposed to drag you out so you two could properly talk, but the door closed before she could walk out with you.
“Ok, ok,” Natasha sighs, and she turns around to look at you, where she finds you looking down on your phone, texting someone.
"Hey,” she tried to get your attention, but you didn't budge, so she took your phone and turned it off.
“What! ”You sigh with annoyance, looking up at her.
“Can you listen to me, please? ”Natasha begs, and you pinch the bridge of your nose and press the open door button, but Natasha unpresses it and stops the elevator, putting it into emergency
“You listen whether you like it or not.” You then press your back against the wall. Not much of a choice, you just stayed silent, your hand inside your pocket. 
“Thank you,” Natasha then sighs, getting nervous, and this is not what she imagines getting nervous for the first time.
“Ok, first, I’ll tell the truth. Yes, we had sex last night, and yes, he slept the night in my room, and yes, I’ve slept with a couple strangers the past few days or weeks, but I swear it means nothing.” You then cross your arm in front and look at her in the eyes; that made her feel so small.
“It's a one-night stand, nothing else, and for Bucky, well, he broke up with me. Why? Well, he said that my heart doesn't belong to him anymore; it belongs to someone; that someone's you, and he's right.” Natasha wants to take your hand, but it's hidden, so she rests her right hand on your arm.
“When he left, that's when I realized that I want you, that I love you, that when I’m looking for the future, you're there, you're always on my plan, on my dreams in every single one of them, and I also realized that I was being unfair to you when I just dropped you out and to Bucky when I’m still clinging to my past, where I’m too familiar and afraid to enter something new again, something I’m not familiar with, something I’m not good at, and I’m sorry for that.” tears running down her cheeks while she bites her bottom lips to suppress her subs, then she kneels before you, clinging to your right leg.
“Please forgive me. I-I’m so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.” Natasha can't help but sob and cry on your thigh.
“Please believe me, I tried to contact you, or... or co-come see you... I tried.” Natasha keeps repeating the same word over and over again.
“Get up,” but Natasha didn't; her knees were weak.
"Romanoff, get the fuck up; you're making yourself look foolish.” You nudge her gently, but she shakes her head.
“Forgive me, please forgive me, please come back.” You sigh and palm your forehead, careful not to ruin your makeup.
“I don't know, Ok, I am moving forward, so, I don't know it, Romanoff, so get up and fix yourself; I need to go and catch up on a wedding.” Then you simply get away from her and pull off the emergency button and help Natasha on her feet, then wipe her tear with your handkerchief, making Natasha lean on your touch.
“I’ll contact you,” you whisper, and then the door opens, so you exit the elevator, go out to take your car, and drive to the venue.
As much as you want to be hard and cold to Natasha, there's always part of you that makes you weaker around her; she always makes your guard down and makes you vulnerable; you feel safe around her, the feeling you've been craving since you were little, and it took every willpower you have to be tough and cold-hearted towards her.
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berryhobii · 1 year
7 Different Sheets (BTS OT7 x Reader)
Pairing: NonIdol!BTS x black!female reader
Word Count: 3,897
Warnings: Smut(18+ but I don’t control what you consume), multiple partners, unprotected s*x(please be safe and speak with your partners before doing this), public s*x, spanking, oral(m and f receiving), doggy style, missionary, riding, mentions of a mating press, reader does a split on someone’s 🍆🫣, intimate s*x, car s*x, múltiple orgasms(m and f receiving), mentions of STD testing, mentions of being arrested, weed smoking(reader is alluded to have smoked but it’s not explicitly mentioned), overstimulation, praise, degradation, choking, gagging, panty in mouth stuffing, restraints(wrists), mentions of a break up, i also might have gotten the tiniest bit carried away with Namjoon’s part hehe, he definitely has me in a chokehold
A/N: Hi there! I’m here with my take on Seven by Jungkook ft Latto! I’m pretty sure someone requested something like this but now I can’t find the ask so hopefully they see this! I decided to include all of the boys in this. I absolutely love Latto and her verse in the song was just so good! And how could I not write gratuitous fuck buddy smut? I’m always open to criticism and please feel free to tell me what you think. Thanks so much. Stay safe💜
You had 7 fuck buddies.
Each of them were entirely different. Different jobs, different styles, different ways they liked to fuck you.
Just how did you fit all of them into your schedule?
Mondays were for Jimin.
You met him while out shopping with your friends. He worked at a luxury jewelry store. While your friends were busy staring at different charm bracelets, your eyes were focused on the rings on his hands—the way he twisted them whenever he was waiting for a customer to make a decision, how they glimmered under the bright lights, and especially how they’d look wrapped around your throat. Would they leave marks? Would he finger you with them on? Would your ass sting whenever he laid a harsh smack on it? So many thoughts yet so little answers.
“Does that feel good, my pretty slut?”
No words were in your head, your mouth stuffed with the panties he had ripped off of you. All you could get out were muffled moans and muffled calls of his name. Salvia soaked the material as much as your arousal did when you walked in his job, the fabric heavy on your tongue and slightly choking you which gave you a rush.
A sharp slap landed on your ass, his rings adding a pleasurable burn that made your juicy walls hug him impossibly tighter.
“Fuck.” He groaned out, eyes never leaving how your ass clapped back on him, cock coated in your creamy release. Sweat dripped down your back making your dark skin look like the most decadent chocolate, glistening like the gems displayed in the case below you. But not even those could compare to you when you were bent over like this.
Your hand slammed down on the display case, the sturdy counter shaking under the force.
Your walls spasmed around him, signaling your 5th orgasm since you came to visit him on his break.
His hand that wasn’t holding your hip moved to wrap around your throat, hauling your body up until you were arched. You felt unstable on your feet but Jimin was your rock, holding you up before your knees could give out of you.
He applied medium pressure to your throat, just barely pressing into your windpipe, stealing some of your already sparse oxygen from you. You felt dizzy like you were on a rollercoaster but one that never went down. Only up. And it was climbing and climbing until….
“This neck would look so pretty with a new necklace on it. Don’t you agree?” That low tone was enough to hurdle you right off the edge, eyes rolling back as you shook like a leaf in his hold.
And yes, your neck did look pretty in a new necklace.
Tuesdays were for Seokjin.
You met him at a wedding. Your “date” had gotten a little too friendly with the open bar which immediately turned you off. Not that you were that turned on to begin with. The man was nothing to write home about. Just someone who happened to approach you in a coffee shop.
After successfully detaching yourself from him, you were getting ready to leave before you caught the eye of Seokjin. He was tall and broad with a face you’d love to sit on. Respectfully, of course.
Conversation flowed easily between you two. He was a proper gentleman with a goofy laugh that made you smile. He was definitely the type of person your parents would love for you to bring home. Polite and respectful and not bad on the eyes either.
But that gentleman act went out of the window when he got you in his bed.
“Jin! I can’t take it!” You screamed, yanking at the restraints on your wrists that were keeping you stationary. You were surprised you hadn’t broken his headboard from how hard you were jerking. His neighbors were probably tired of the slamming against the wall by now, their own calls for you two to pipe down died down a while ago. Let them call the police. You’d be damned if they put you in cuffs before you got Seokjin’s cock inside of you.
He was nestled between your legs, holding your thighs back to have more access to your cunt. His tongue never stopped its assault on your clit, abusing the bud until your entire body was shaking. Your legs would jerk to try and close with every lick but one firm look from him quickly put you in your place.
His plush lips were soaked with your juices, dark eyes staring at you as if you had just personified from his dreams. You might as well have.
“Your pussy tastes so fucking good. I could eat it all day.” It sure felt like he has been. Your pussy felt both numb and electric at the same time. Sensitivity wanted to push him away but a desperate part of you was pushing you towards another orgasm. “You’ll be a good girl and give me another one, won’t you? You’re always my good girl.”
Fuck yes you were. Fat tears rolled down your face when he dove back in, sucking your clit in between his lips, his tongue flicking over it faster than before. Back arching, you screamed bloody murder as the strongest orgasm of the night engulfed your body.
Placing one more kiss on your throbbing bud, Seokjin backed up to let you breathe, stroking your thighs and whispering sweet nothings to you as you came down. Body still tingling from your release, you could barely blink through your blurry vision before you felt a shift on the bed.
A hand nestled in your sweaty hair, silk press gone to waste. You blinked through your tears, looking up to find Seokjin hovering over you, his knees on either side of your shoulders. His cock stiff and right in your face, the tip leaking precum.
He smirked down at you.
“Open wide, darling.”
Wednesdays were dedicated to Hoseok.
Honestly, you met Hoseok on a dating app. He was meant to be a quick one night stand since you were growing tired of your vibrator. After scrolling through a bunch of profiles and responding to a few messages, you came across him. He was a paralegal but apparently, he taught dance classes on the weekends which told you he definitely knew how to move. His photos were a sharp contrast to his job; bright and with him always smiling. He even had a picture of his dog on there which made you smile.
He was cute though and perhaps he’d be a fun night.
The pillow did barely anything to cover your screams, not when there was so much happening at once. You tossed it to the side, allowing your eyes to adjust to the glorious sight above you.
Hoseok’s head was tossed back in ecstasy, lip pulled between his teeth as he needlessly tried to keep quiet. You wanted to hear those noises, the way he cursed whenever you purposefully clenched around him.
“Hmpf, shit.” Just like that.
The pulses of the vibrator in your hand was making your arm numb but it was sending the most delicious vibes through your clit so whatever.
“Hobi…..”You called making him finally open his eyes and tilt his head forward to look down at you. You could have cum right there from how sexy he looked—sweat soaked hair sticking to his forehead, his chest littered in love bites you had obsessively sucked into his skin, and of course, the thin silver chain around his throat that bounced with every thrust. Take the wheel, Carrie Underwood.
He leaned forward, both of his hands moving from your thighs to place next to your head. His hips never faltered, keeping their languid pace rolling into you.
“Yes? What is it?”
“I…..I….can I cum?” Everything was moving so slowly. He had put the vibrator on its lowest setting so it wasn’t doing much for you and with this slow pace, he was prolonging your orgasm further than you wanted it to be. That was the thing about Hoseok. He liked it slow and intimate, going for hours until he brought both of you over the edge.
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, his chain tickling your nose.
“Not yet, my flower. Hold it a little longer for me.”
A particularly deep roll of his hips caused him to stroke slowly past your sweet spot, pulling a whimper from you.
Your bottom lip quivered, eyes tearing up from your waning orgasm. It kept building and falling but it wasn’t enough to push you over. And with everything that happened today, you think this is exactly what you needed.
A gentle touch.
He shushed you with a peck to your lips. “Just relax. I’ll take care of you.”
Thursday’s were for Namjoon.
You met him at the gym. Don’t get it twisted. You weren’t really there to work out. Those few squats you did every couple of months were enough. That wasn’t the reason you had signed up for a membership.
It was because of the buff and drop dead sexy man that you often saw lifting weights. What exactly was the point of that tank top? Modesty? It looked like it was only soaking up the sweat that dripped down his honey kissed skin but it was failing at that too. Your tongue could do a better job. You’d lick every inch of that man for free and cook him a meal afterwards.
The steam of the shower was making it hard to breathe but Namjoon’s cock was making it even harder. When people told you to breathe through your nose, they factored out the cock being an absolute monster. You thought your jaw was gonna snap off.
Your nails dug into his yummy thighs, feeling the muscles tightened with every push of his cock into your warm and inviting mouth. You were definitely riding these things once you got back to his place.
“Damn, relax your throat, love.”
You happily followed his instructions, swallowing before exhaling through your nose. That allowed him to slide all the way home, your nose tickling the trimmed hairs at the base of his cock. Your eyes watered from the welcomed intrusion.
“Look at me.” He commanded from above you, the low tone of his voice making your pussy clench. Damn. Being a housewife sounded incredibly good right now. Patriarchy be praised.
Your eyelashes fluttered, looking at him and the sight was absolutely glorious. If he didn’t fuck you right now, you’d probably implode.
He must have seen that through your gaze because a dopey smile stretched across his face, adorable dimples indenting his cheeks.
Pulling out of your throat, you coughed and sputtered, swallowing a few times to soothe your sore throat. You barely had time to really cover before he was grabbing your arm and hauling you up. Legs draped over his buff arms, your arms scrambled to wrap around his shoulders. Now this position was the reason why bitches pull up to your mother’s house looking for you. You could feel the head of his cock sliding against your sopping cunt, your walls clenching in delight of finally getting what you want.
“Ready, baby?” He whispered in your ear before sucking on your lobe.
And no, you didn’t renew your gym membership.
Fridays were for Taehyung.
Funny enough, you met Taehyung while he was sneaking out of your apartment building. He was leaving a one night stand’s place and bumped into you while you were on your way inside. Of course, you could smell sex a mile away and the walk of shame was heavy on his shoulders. He actually tried hitting on you when he saw you, his eyes never leaving your cleavage.
You thought he was incredibly handsome though—a pretty boy type which you definitely liked. So you stopped him, told him to come back to you with a clean STD test and then you’d talk.
Taehyung had to will himself not to cum when you did a full split on his cock. Your hands kept your leverage on his knees, your head lolled forward from how his long cock was kissing your cervix each time, your legs stretched all the way out to give him the best view of his life.
He’s already cum twice, third orgasm almost painful but he just couldn’t stop. He didn’t want you to stop either(as if you could). You’ve been horny all day and you were going to get your fill of his cock. He knew you needed morning sex to get through the day yet he decided to go in for a shift at work, leaving you sad and desperate. The moment he walked in the door, you grabbed him by the front of his shirt, pushing him on the rug in your living room. You didn’t even prep yourself and he was hard while driving to your place anyway so foreplay was unnecessary today. Maybe you’d ride his face later and you’d use that headband he was wearing as reigns.
Until then, you were going to ride his dick until he gave out. Or until you got tired, whichever came first.
“I’m gonna cum again. Slow down. Please.” He whimpered, eyes stinging with unshed tears.
You whipped your hair behind you, the tips of your braids resting on his stomach. “Hmmm, give it to me, Tae. Fill me up again.” You leaned forward, bringing your hips all the way up to his tip before slamming back down. His cock was creamy with both of your releases, a wet smack sounding everytime you came down.
If this was how he died, put it on his tombstone.
“Oh shiiiiiiii….”His head thumped back against the floor, toes curling as you forced another orgasm out of him, the pulsing of his cock triggering your own.
You barely gave him time to calm down before you started your pace again.
He’d pick up another shift next Friday.
Saturdays were for Yoongi.
It was actually your favorite day of the week when you got to see the weed dealer. Not really because he let you smoke for free but because high sex was just another level. You met him when you were out one night. He catcalled you from his car and before you could even give whoever it was a piece of your mind, your voice got caught in your throat.
Your first thought was: man bun. Long hair in a man bun. Sexy ass drug dealer in a BMW with long hair in a man bun. Your parents always told you not to do drugs but how could you heed those warnings when temptation was served to you on a silver platter like that?
You gripped the headrest of the backseat, your breasts currently under attack by Yoongi’s expert tongue. The same tongue that had just ate you out like a champion a few minutes ago.
He pulled off your breast with a pop, delivering a smack to your ass with the hand that wasn’t holding his blunt. “Faster. I didn’t tell you to slow down.” His cat like eyes were hooded and glazed over from both the weed and the feeling of your tight walls hugging his cock. For a second, he didn’t even think he was high on weed—he was high on you. You were like an addiction; savory and hard to avoid, you were like a forbidden fruit. One he’d sink his teeth into everytime.
He brought his blunt back to his lips, inhaling a deep pull, holding the smoke in before blowing it back into your face. Just that action had you cumming on his cock, the feeling vibrating all the way to your toes. When he felt a splash against his pelvis, he dropped his head to look down at where you were connected. You were still bouncing on his cock, prolonging your orgasm and with each bounce, a small spray of liquid squirted from you.
He tossed his own head back, making sure to put his blunt in the ashtray on the door to prevent any burns to his upholstery before grabbing both of your ass cheeks in his hands and beginning to piston up into your spasming cunt.
“Bout to fill this pussy up. You want it?” He grunted against your collarbone, sinking his teeth into the skin there.
He had knocked all of your words loose so all you could manage was a frantic nod of your head and a drawn out, “yessssss yessssss pleaseeeeee”.
“This pussy is so fucking good.” He landed a slap on your ass, the sting sending shocks of pleasure up your back as another orgasm crashed into you.
You were so absorbed that you didn’t even hear the police sirens as they pulled up next to you.
Wow. You thought you were just imagining the car rocking. Guess not.
The end of the week meant only one thing.
You had deep cleaned your apartment, moving slowly since your body still ached a little from sleeping on that bench at the station. Good thing Yoongi had connections that could bail both of you out. Still, you’d probably risk it again if it meant getting fucked like that.
You had just lit a candle and you were about to sit down to have a glass of wine but you were interrupted by the sound of your doorbell ringing.
“Ughhhhhh.” You groaned, placing your wine glass on a coaster before hauling yourself up less than gracefully and shuffling to the door. You didn’t even look at the screen on your intercom, just opening it and immediately trying to close it back after seeing who was on the other side.
A foot jammed itself between the door, stopping you from shutting it completely.
“Baby, come on. I said I’m sorry.”
“Screw you, Jeon! I told you I don’t want to see you again.”
He managed to push the door enough to slip his upper body through. The sight of his face sent a weird rush through you but you didn’t know if it was good or bad. You didn’t like it.
His doe eyes pleaded at you. “Please talk to me. I can’t stand not being with you anymore. Please please. I’m sorry.” He sounded so genuine that it made you break, heartstrings effectively tugged on and strummed by the only man you truly loved.
You shouldn’t let him in. You really shouldn’t.
“Oh. My. God. J-Jungkook!”
His hand whizzed through the air, landing a hard smack on your bruised ass that has taken a lot of punishment tonight.
“Shut the fuck up. I don’t want to hear a word from you, you little whore.” He spit into your ear, hand coming up to cover your mouth while the other one held your hip to keep you in place as he delivered the deadliest back shots.
Your entire body was lit up in pain and pleasure, both mixing together in a beautiful cacophony that had you ready to propose to him.
Your moans were muffled by his large hand, his grip forcing your head back at an uncomfortable angle but he could give less of a damn about your comfort.
“How dare you let someone else fuck what’s mine?” He uncovered your mouth to slap your ass again in a tender spot causing you to jump, a high pitched scream coming from you as he pushed you into another orgasm. You had lost count a while ago, brain not keeping up with your body. Everything just felt endless.
You didn’t want him to know you were fucking other people. It wasn’t any of his business. You weren’t together anymore but am accidental slip up revealed what happened yesterday and in seconds, you were bent over the arm of your couch with Jungkook behind you.
He had made it to 21 before your knees were buckling, your eyes and mouth begging him to fuck you. To put you in your place and make you remember exactly who you belonged to.
He gripped at your hair, yanking your head back and making your body arch even more. Only your fingertips touched the bed below you, knees spread wide as you began throwing yourself back on his thick cock.
“I expect an answer when I ask you something, slut.” Contradictory since he told you to shut up earlier but logic was not necessary here. You were just a pliant little doll in service to the hunk of a man that was abusing your walls so good that your pussy should file a restraining order.
“N-no….I’m…ah! Fuck! S-sorry…..oh shit, I’m cumming!”
“That’s right. You come on my cock and my cock only. Do you fucking understand me?” He could feel his own orgasm building. He’s been holding back, a hard task with a pussy like yours but he managed. Denying all of your orgasms earlier made it easy enough for him. Then again, he did almost blow his load earlier when you put both of your feet behind your ears and held out your tongue for him to spit in your mouth.
He was an idiot for letting you go.
“I said, Do.” Smack! “You.” Smack. “Understand.” Smack. “Me?”
“YES!!! Oh shit!” Your walls clenched around him so tightly that it forced him out of your cunt, a long spray of liquid soaking the bedsheets beneath you. He brought his hand between your legs to rub furiously at your clit, splashing your juices everywhere. You’d definitely be upset later about your freshly washed sheets but he’d cross that bridge when he got there.
Your body jerked around as pure bliss and pleasure coursed through your veins, legs squirming all around as you both tried to chase and run away from Jungkook’s assault on your clit. He held your hip firmly, trying to keep you still while you rode out the waves of your orgasm.
When overstimulation began to get too painful, you turned over onto your side, pushing his hand away with your own. You twitched in the aftershocks, covering your cunt with your hands. Even the cool air was too much against your abused pussy. You’d probably have to take a break for the week just to recuperate.
When the haze began to clear a little, you slowly turned your head, peeking through your braids that covered your face to peek at Jungkook. Only to find him missing. You didn’t even hear him get out of the bed. Where did he go?
You waited a few moments, trying to catch your breath before Jungkook entered the room with a bottle of water. He was still fully naked, cock hard and angry looking, shiny with your juices.
He came over to the bed, placing a knee beside you to lean over your twitching body.
“Here. Drink some water. You need to be hydrated before I make you squirt again like that.”
Your eyes almost popped out of your head. Again? Was he trying to kill you?
His lips quirked up into his signature grin, nose scrunching cutely and it made you want to punch him in it and then kiss it better.
“You think that was it? We’re just getting started. This will teach you not to give out what’s mine.”
It didn’t teach you anything though. You’d have to learn your lesson again next week.
And he’d teach you faithfully every Sunday.
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mhahaikyuus · 4 months
mafia geto pt. 1
tags;: college reader, meet cute between geto x reader, fluff, geto is slightly yandere, fluff
word count;: 616
pt2: & pt3:
a/n: hope you guys enjoy, reblogs and likes appreciated
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You were working part time at this fancy jewelery store part time as a college student. It sucked but it paid okay, the customers were horrible. Working as a young girl with super rich older guys as customers was an...experience to say the least but a job is a job.
It was a regular day, bored out of your mind staring at the watches counter below you when a guy younger than the usual customer crowd, walked into the store. He was pushing over six feet, had a suit on with a loose black tie, dark circles under his eyes, and long dark hair pulled up in a bun.
You were distracted staring at the assortment of watches worth more than your salary for the year under the glass case. 
When Geto walked up to you on his phone and put it away to speak to you, not noticing how attractive you were until you were only separated by a counter. 
A shadow was over you causing you to look up. “Oh hi how can I help you?” You said using your designated customer service voice.
Geto was speechless. The mafia leader who was notorious for being the most terrifying person to walk the earth, was speechless. 
Both of you were stunned for a second at the instant chemistry but you held composure you couldn't drool at customers at your job. Swallowing back a gasp at how handsome he was.
You looked up at him waiting for his response. 
Your doe eyes were mesmerizing. 
“Do you need help?” You repeated after remembering to blink.
“Uh..yeah. Do you have watches?” He asked and internally face palmed at his stupid question.
His voice was really…deep and sexy.
You let out a small breath trying to not laugh right in his face. 
“Depends, on whether or not you have eyes” You joked
That was all it took for Geto to fall in love. 
He bought a watch totalling up to 30k like it was nothing. 
Geto tried to flirt with you but every time you made eye contact he froze. 
You rang him up and waved him goodbye, sort of bummed that you’ll never see him again when he was so cute. You couldn't even think of another time you had felt something like that with another person.
Geto had other plans. 
He walked back to his car with a smile and a shopping bag between his fingers, calling his guy to find out everything he possibly could about you from your birthday, your daily schedule, to your telephone provider. 
You noticed that the cute young guy with unlimited funds kept coming into the store. Once a week he would come in and make small talk with you until it was routine after two months of speaking to Geto. 
It was a nice break from the snooty older women and creepy older men with too much money and too little manners. 
Geto was making you laugh as you were reorganizing the counter when you asked a question that kept bothering you. 
“Suguru?” “Yes darling?” He said a nickname he always called you, leaning against the counter watching you. 
“Why do you keep coming in? I mean I know you just love watches and jewelry and my lovely company." You joked continuing to reorganize.
Geto froze for a second and cleared his throat, “I like spending time with you…and I want to ask you out.” 
You paused your movements and slowly turned to him, “Why didn’t you just ask me? I would say yes.” 
Geto’s face was flushed a light pink at your words. 
“So are you going to ask me?” You repeated and he stuttered. This was the first time you had ever seen him anything other than calm. 
“Y/n do you want to go out?” He asked scratching the back of his neck. 
You stood up “Pick me up at 6, I can text you my address.” Geto nodded before leaving the store to stop himself from embarrassing himself further. Walking back to his car he fell into the backseat with a relieved sigh telling his driver to “Get home as soon as possible.” to prepare for his date. 
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lunarw0rks · 1 year
Gift Giving | Task Force 141 Headcanons
Summary: How I headcanon they give their S/O gifts 𓆩♡𓆪
Warning(s): established relationship, mild-suggestive content w/ Soap's, domestic!fluff | Word Count: 553
꒦꒷ MAIN MASTERLIST ꒷꒦ TF 141 MASTERLIST ⋆ ⚘ 🕊 ˚✧ ₊˚ʚ have a request?
Simon Riley
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ He’s awful about giving physical gifts, so don’t expect a box with a pretty bow around it. When he does buy you something, it’s the little things. He sees no point in grandeur and never has. Often the physical gifts are placed somewhere you’ll find them long after he’s left for work, like on the kitchen counter or on your nightstand.
He gifts you things that can be kept within the walls of your house—a shirt you pointed at weeks before when you were window shopping or tickets to an event you’ve wanted to go to. God help you if you try to get him to come with you though, he’d rather stay in the car and wait for you.
When you bring up the gift or show your excitement about it, he’ll dismiss it at first, but behind the mask, he’s pleased with himself. ⋆·˚ ༘ *
Soap MacTavish
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ A vast difference between him and Simon. He won’t make things over the top, but he’s not afraid to be in public. He loves when the two of you can go out to dinner somewhere decent, although he’s not opposed to a bar.
He loves small gifts that aren’t explicitly romantic—a bracelet or piece of clothing he’d want you to wear when he’s away. But, if you’re into it, possibly some lingerie or perfume he wants you to wear next time you two are alone. ⋆·˚ ༘ *
John Price
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ He struggles with what to get you, especially if there’s a bit of an age gap.
Most likely he’d keep it old-fashioned with a piece of jewelry, or maybe set you up for a spa day or something. If he’s truly stumped, he’d probably hand you his card and let you buy something for yourself.
“Your card? Really, John?”
“It was either that or a box of cigars…” ⋆·˚ ༘ *
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ Being on the younger side of the others, he’s better at shopping for his S/O. Hoodies, jewelry, dinner at a new hotspot. When he’s away for long, he’d make sure to Facetime/call as often as he could, planning what you two want to do together when he’s back.
If he was really serious about pampering you, he’d rent an Airbnb for the week and enjoy being away from it all with you. ⋆·˚ ༘ *
Alejandro Vargas
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ His most common gift to you would be a night of relaxation. Not a foot set in the kitchen while he cooks, nor will you help him clean up after either. He doesn’t have a lot of time to go out with you, so if he can give you a special night at home, he’s satisfied with that.
You’ll probably be eating the best food you’ve ever tasted, and then watching a movie/show on the couch until you both slip into a food coma.
If it’s ever a physical item, he’d get something custom-made—like an engraved watch or necklace personalized for you. ⋆·˚ ༘ *
Kate Laswell
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ A true romantic at heart—quite formal with her gifting.
Wine tasting, visiting an art museum, or if you’d rather be outdoors, going sailing with you during her time away from work. Aside from destinations, she would definitely get you some sort of jewelry you could match with her, that way a piece of you is always with her when she’s away. ⋆·˚ ༘ *
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rfxiii · 10 months
I saw the winter prompts could you possibly do "You're the only gift I want to unwrap." For Franklin
Btw I love your work keep it up 💚
(Hii! Tysm for the request and the kind words! I hope I did your request justice! So sorry for the long wait 🙏)
All I Want For Christmas Is You
TW: smut
Word count: 2903
“Oh my god! This is hopeless!” you growl to yourself, flopping backwards onto the bed and glaring out the huge windows framing the large backyard at Franklin’s Vinewood home.
You’d spent the last three weeks agonizing over what to get him for Christmas. But unfortunately, Franklin was so damn easy to please that when you’d practically begged him to tell you what he wanted for his Christmas gift, he’d simply shrugged and said “I don’t need nothing. Seriously. Anything you get will be great.” But that wasn’t good enough for you. He was the perfect boyfriend, he was the perfect man. And there was no way you were going to get him some generic, boring present. He deserved the world.
You’d broken down last week and asked Lamar for help. But as close of friends as they were, that lanky goofball was little to no help. He’d suggested taking Frank to get a haircut, or maybe buying him some better clothes or a replacement for his “dusty, busted ass shoes.” But even that felt too basic for what he deserved. You’d even asked Michael for his opinion. But after they’d all received all of that cash from their Union Depository score, Michael had only shrugged and said “The kids got all the money in the world now. If he wanted it, wouldn’t he have it by now?”
You’re floundering for ideas now, but not deterred. There’s only one more day before Christmas, but you were not going to let this conundrum get the best of you. And with a new fire ignited inside you, you pull out your phone and call up Lamar yet again, “Lamar, listen! I’m dying here. I need help! Meet me at Rockford Plaza in twenty. Please! I still haven’t gotten Frank a gift, and I’m dying here!” you plead, pacing the bedroom in a growing panic.
“Ugh! Aight, aight! Damn, you really stressin’ about this. And we gotta go to the fancy ass mall?.. Fuck. Aight! I’ll meet yo’ ass there.” Lamar groans, and you hear shuffling in the background which thankfully signals him actually getting up to get ready to go.
“Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you, thank you! I owe you so big for this, Lamar! I’ll see you there!” you chirp, hanging up the phone and scrambling off to grab your jacket.
You’d planned on this shopping trip today, and had thankfully been able to wrangle Michael into your plan of helping get Franklin out of the house to avoid any suspicion. And now, with all your plans set carefully in place, you head off to meet Lamar for your last ditch effort in finding the perfect gift.
But unfortunately, this close to Christmas, your shopping trip proves to be anything but easy or relaxing.
You and Lamar hurry through the crowded plaza, your eyes darting from one shop to the next as you both try to contain your growing frustration. It's been almost an hour since you met at Rockford Plaza, and so far, all you've managed to find are a few mediocre presents that just don't seem quite right for Franklin. You can't help but feel like you're running out of time, and with each passing minute, the pressure to find the perfect gift for the man who wants nothing seems to intensify.
"I don't know, man," Lamar says, shaking his head as he studies a display of expensive colognes, "He's just so hard to shop for. I mean, what does he even like?"
You feel your brow twitching in irritation as you shoot him a look, “What do you mean, what does he like? You’re his best friend! How can you not-“ You stop your ranting and pull Lamar to a stop in front of a jewelry store, the glittering display of diamonds and precious gems catching your eye. "What about jewelry?" you suggest, feeling a pang of nervousness in your stomach. Jewelry like this is a big gesture, and you're not entirely sure if it's something that Franklin would even want. But as you look around, you can't help but feel drawn to the elegance and the beauty behind each piece.
Lamar shrugs, looking unsure. "I guess it won’t hurt nothin’ to look, right?" he says, following you into the store.
The saleswoman, a polished and professional woman with a knowing smile, approaches you both and inquires if she can be of assistance. You glance at Lamar, who seems to be growing more nervous by the second, and then back at the saleswoman, feeling a surge of determination. This is it. This has to be the one.
As you describe to the saleswoman the qualities that you admire about Franklin and the kind of person he is, you feel a warmth spreading through your chest. You're not just buying a present; you're expressing how you feel about him, how much he means to you. The woman shows you various pieces around the store, but when she shows you a stunning pair of black diamond earrings, you know immediately that this is it. This is the gift that gives everything you've been trying to say for the past three weeks.
You swallow hard, feeling a lump forming in your throat, and turn to Lamar, who is watching you with a mixture of anxiety at feeling out of place and hope that you’d finally found the right gift. "Lamar, I think I got it," you say, your voice trembling just a little. "What do you think?"
“Ya know what-..” Lamar mutters, gazing at the diamond studs inside the thick, glass case, “I think we got a winner.”
“Yeah?” you breathe hopefully, grinning up at him as you begin to imagine the surprise on Franklin’s face when he revived his gift.
“Yeah, homie.. Now, hurry up and let’s get the fuck outta here. I can’t put up with too much more a’ this shit.” Lamar snickers, his gaze darting around to the masses of people milling about frantically through the shops.
You grin at the saleswoman, pointing again to the earrings with a decisive nod, “These. We’ll take these, please!”
The price tag on the item nearly floors Lamar, and the expert wrapping skill of the sales associate has you gawking, as well. Finally, she places the perfectly wrapped box into an equally nice bag- decorated with shiny, black tissue paper. You give her your thanks and quickly lead Lamar back to where you’d left your vehicles.
“Aw, motherfucker!” Lamar growls, snatching the parking ticket off his vans windshield, “Double parked? Bullshit! This right here is a perfect park job!” He argues with absolutely no one.
You have the good grace not to mention his abysmal parking job. Instead, snatching the ticket from his hand and taking in the several hundred dollar fine he now owes, “Ya know what- Gimme this. I’ll pay for it as soon as the holiday is over. Like I said, I owe you so big, LD!”
“No shit? Aight, bet! Thanks a lot, homie!” Lamar chuckles in relieved disbelief. And as he watches you jog off to your car, he calls out to you with a big, cheeky grin, “An’ merry Christmas!”
“Yeah! Have a good Christmas, Lamar!” you shout back, feeling relief washing over you at finally having found the perfect gift.
You spend the rest of the day biting your tongue to keep from excitedly spilling your secret gift to Franklin. But the night is still nice together. Michael had taken him golfing, Trevor had joined them later on and gotten them kicked out, then they’d all been forced to go see one of Michael’s favorite, shitty, black and white films, before he’d come home and been happy for time to actually relax with you after trying to corral his two older friends all day. You’d had a nice dinner, spent time together watching tv, curled up together on the couch, before finally going to bed and leaving you struggling to sleep with your bubbling excitement.
The bright morning sunlight streams in through the window the next morning, casting a warm glow across the bed where you and Franklin lie. Your stomach rumbles, reminding you that it's been a while since you've eaten, and with a contented yawn, you roll over to nuzzle into his neck. He hums sleepily, one hand absently stroking your hair as he nestles deeper into the pillows. You grin, sitting up and swinging your legs over the side of the bed.
"Morning, sleepyhead," you murmur, leaning over to kiss him gently. "Think you can get up and help me make some breakfast?"
Franklin yawns, stretching his arms high above his head, before letting out a contented sigh. "I guess I could," he grins sleepily, sitting up and blinking blearily at the clock. "What are we having?"
As you watch him throw off the covers and pad over to the bathroom, you can't help but marvel at how comfortable you've become with him. It feels so natural to be here, sharing this space with him. Even as time passes, there's still an element of newness to it, a spark that keeps things exciting and alive. You know that this is where you're supposed to be, and that thought alone fills you with a warmth that spreads through your entire body.
While he's in the bathroom, you head into the kitchen and begin to rummage through the fridge. You pull out some eggs, bread, and some fruit, setting them all on the counter. The eggs sizzle in the pan as you chop up some avocado, thinking about how much he's going to love the surprise you have planned for him. You're so focused on your cooking that you don't notice him sneak up behind you until you feel his warm breath on your neck.
"Mmm, that smells amazing," he says, wrapping his arms around you from behind. You lean back into him, feeling the muscles in his chest and arms through his t-shirt.
"It's just a little something I threw together," you reply, glancing over your shoulder at him. "But I hope you like it."
He pulls you closer, nuzzling into your neck as he breathes in the scent of breakfast. "I'm sure I'll love whatever you make," he whispers, his lips brushing against your ear. "You're the best cook I know."
When the food is finally ready, you serve it up on two plates and carry them over to the living room, setting them down on the coffee table. You watch as he takes in the spread, his eyes widening in surprise.
"Wow, this is... amazing," he breathes, looking up at you. "Thank you, babe."
You grin, feeling a rush of pride and happiness. "You're welcome. I hope you like it."
He takes a bite of the egg and avocado sandwich, savoring the flavors before swallowing. "It's delicious," he says, looking up at you again. "You really outdid yourself."
You blush, feeling the warmth spread from your cheeks down to your stomach. "I'm glad you like it." You hesitate for a moment, then reach over to grab the small box that you'd hidden behind a throw pillow earlier. Handing it to him, you watch as his expression changes from surprise to delight.
"Merry Christmas." you urge, your heart racing. He takes the box carefully, his fingers tracing over the intricate pattern on the wrapping paper. With a gentle tug, he pulls it off to reveal the black diamond earrings you’d searched so hard to pick out.
“Babe,-.. Holy shit..” Franklin gasps out, his fingers almost cautiously tracing the gems of the earrings.
His reaction is muted and shocked, and you begin to fear that maybe this isn’t even remotely something that he enjoys. But before you can panic too thoroughly, he’s letting out a disbelieving gasp and shooting you the brightest smile you’d seen since you’d agreed to go out with him, “This is…amazing! Holy shit! How’d you pick these out?” he gasps, the smile on his cheeks unwavering.
“You..like’em? Really? Oh my god, I’m so glad! Lamar and I were out all day looking for something to give you, and he was no help, and I was afraid you wouldn’t like these! But I saw’em, and I thought they’d look really nice on you, and I’ve spent all month panicking over what to get you, and-“
“Babe!” Franklin chuckles, cupping your cheeks to silence your frantic rambling, “These are perfect.” he coos before leaning in closer, “But really-.. You're the only gift I want to unwrap.”
He leans in, stealing your breath away when his warm, soft lips press to yours in the softest, slow kiss that has your heart fluttering and head spinning.
“I love you.” you gasp against his lips- your fingers knotting in the front of his shirt to pull him close.
“I love you too, babe.” Franklin mutters with a grin softly twitching his lips.
As you sit there, wrapped up in each other and the glow of the Christmas tree, the room feels impossibly warm and cozy. You lean in, pressing your lips against his again, feeling the familiar heat of his mouth against yours. He pulls you closer, one hand slipping beneath your sweater to stroke your back, the other tangled in your hair.
Time seems to stand still as you lose yourself in the moment, the rest of the world fading away into the background. And in this perfect, fleeting moment, you realize that you are exactly where you're meant to be.
The kiss deepens, and your heart races as you feel his hand slip under your shirt, tracing lightly over your skin. His touch sends shivers down your spine, and you find yourself melting further into his embrace. You pull back slightly, just enough to look into his eyes, and you know that he can see the desire burning bright within them.
With a soft moan, he presses his lips to yours again, more urgently this time. You respond in kind, your hands fumbling with the buttons of his shirt as you try to get it open. He helps you, his fingers deftly working the buttons loose before throwing the shirt aside, revealing his toned chest and soft skin.
You reach up, brushing your fingers over his hair, marveling at the feel of it between your fingers. He shudders at the touch, and you can feel the hardness of his erection pressed against your thigh. You pull him closer, feeling the heat from his body sear into your own, wanting nothing more than to be as close to him as humanly possible.
"I love you," you sigh again, your voice barely more than a whisper as you gaze deeply into his eyes. And in that moment, you know without a doubt that it's true. He smiles, lips curving into a lazy grin as he responds, "I love you too."
As if the words themselves are a catalyst, your clothes seem to melt away, and you find yourself lying naked beneath him, bodies entwined. The air is heavy with the scent of the pine Christmas tree and desire, and the only noise that fills your ears is the rhythmic sound of your hearts beating in perfect unison.
With a soft groan, he presses the length of his erection against your entrance, and you feel the hot, thick head of him press into you. You gasp, arching your back as he slowly begins to push inside. He fills you slowly, inch by excruciatingly perfect inch, and when he's finally buried deep inside you, you feel complete.
His hips begin to move, and you throw your head back, moaning as he starts to thrust. The sensation of being so intimately connected to him is overwhelming, and you feel your orgasm building quickly.
"Franklin..." you breathe, your voice shaking with the effort to hold back the release. "Oh god, I'm going to..." Your words are cut off by a sharp cry as your body is wracked by an intense shock, your muscles tensing and your nails digging into his skin. He follows soon after, his thrusts growing frantic as he releases himself deep inside you.
As your breathing begins to steady, he rolls to the side, pulling you into his embrace. You feel his hot breath against your ear as he whispers, "I love you, baby. I love you so much." And in that moment, you know that this is real. This is forever.
Your heart feels lighter than air, and the warmth from his body seems to spread through your entire being. You lie there, content and at peace, feeling the rhythm of his heart against your chest. He nuzzles his face into your hair, kissing your neck and shoulders, and you feel a shiver run down your spine.
“So,-..” you sigh softly, looking up at him with the faintest hint of a teasing grin, “What’d you get me for Christmas?”
“Oh my god! You’re ridiculous. Hang on!” Franklin chuckles, pressing a kiss to your forehead and stumbling to pull up his pants before scurrying off to the bedroom.
And you can’t help but laugh as you watch the love of your life stumbling downstairs with his pants halfway off his hips.
This Christmas had been hectic, and more than agonizing in your endeavor to find the perfect gift. But seeing the smile and excitement on Franklin’s face had proved to be more perfect than any gift.
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garfield-milk · 10 months
pspspsps. transfem zuko headcanons? im all ears please tell me
you have no idea how much I've waited for the day someone asks me about this...
ok so I want to start about how I think her childhood was like. pretty much everything happened the same as in canon but!!! ursa realized that there was something going on with zuko (she was showing her feminity) she didn't know exactly what, but she neither wanted to dig too deep. she just went "oh wow my kid is a queer, I personally don't care but I don't want to see him get hurt" so she let zuko try some jewelry and do femenine things with her but letting her know that it was seen as something "bad". HC that zuko secretly loves (both in canon and in this au) when azula calls her zuzu bc it's not a masculine nickname. anyways stuff happen, zuko started hiding that part of herself and then Ursa leaves and the agni Kai happens and she had to cut her hair (ouch). she didn't let it grow back or have it united bc she felt ashamed about everything about her !!!!! (I know I'm making this up myself but IM GOING TO CRY UGHHHH). there's more under the cut, I just don't want to make this too long lmao
ok so 3 years go by she gets really depressed and angry and blah blah blah your average zuko angry but with more flavour. then she a iroh have to flee from de FN and she cuts her hair!!!!! and lets it grow longer (it grows really fast ok?) which feels great for her and when they get to BBS and trans stuff start to happen. I have this idea (idk if this works well with canon but idc) that, meanwhile in the FN lee is a masc name in the EK the only name similar is Li (a femenine name) so one time iroh is talking to a costumer and calls "lee" to help him and the consumer just says something like "oh I didn't know you had a daughter" and iroh doesn't correct them (old man suspects a few things) and neither does zuko so iroh looks at her with that knowing smile but let's it be hehehehehe.
also I have a feeling that in BBS they arent really lgbt friendly but they let queer people live their lifes freely bc they want everyone to be "happy", so there's a ton of LGBT paces. zuko just happens to stumble in one and there's a lot of queer people and when zuko tells them that her name is Li they share a look and go "li girl come here, let us give you a makeover" and they dress her and put make up and jewelry on her. zuko starts coming over and meets a bunch of trans people and realizes that there's nothing wrong with her (after this is by the time she catches that 'im becoming good' fever, because she's also redeeming herself). she doesn't tell iron but!! she start wearing a bit more femenine clothes and some jewelry and pretty much everyone in the tea shop calls her iroh's niece/daughter so...
oh!!!! and zuko and jet have a thing bc jet didn't realize that she was a firebender until after the ferry. so one time zuko takes the courage to tell him that she's a girl (first person she actually came out to) and jet is completely fine with it bc why wouldn't he?? and then he finds out she's a firebender and tries to kill her (jet is a dumbass, he doesn't die and 5 years later they find each other and jet sees her and is like wow I shouldn't have tried to kill her but Zuko doesn't want to know anything about jet bc #girl boss). also the blue spirit is believed to be a girl and when zuko first heard someone say "oh wow do you not know about the blue spirit? she's like the coolest folk hero ever..." she got really fucking happy but attached it to the fact that that way people wouldn't associate the blue spirit with her (lie).
and this is without going too much into what would happen after she joins the gang (not really sure when that would happen, if in the bbs catacombs or like in canon after going to the FN) but she and Katara would be absolutely besties after the firsts weeks and Katara would be GLAD, even if she tries to not show it, to finally have someone to be girls with (no, she insists that toph doesn't count because she's just as nasty, if not more, as the boys) and Katara would say stuff like omg im going to teach you how to be the perfect girl, and even though it might sound weird bc katara wtym perfect girl, but they are both excited asf and loving the concept so it doesn't matter (they are doing each others hair while shit talking about people)
i would love to know your opinions about what would she change her name to bc, yeah she prefers li over zuko but it's still very much a masculine name to her fire nation ears. so I have a few opinion but in not really sure witch one I like the best: suzume, sao, sakda or kuniko. but I'm open to hear any suggestions tho! and about head canons too, and pretty much anything related to transfem zuko!!!!!
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brighttears · 1 year
Breaking Glass
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Joel Miller x f!reader
No use of y/n, no physical description except for female sex organs and having hair
Summary: It takes a close call on a run outside of Boston for Joel to realize that he needs to finally tell you the truth—he’s in love with you.
Word count: 7.7k
Warnings: pining (Joel, resolved), violence, description of being cut (brief and metaphorical), smut (minors dni), unprotected PiV, cunnilingus, creampie, dirty talk, pet names (sweetheart, baby, darling, good girl)
A/n: WOOOO finally i wrote something. this took way longer than i thought it would. BIG THANKS to my lovely bestie @bejeweledblueberries for being my beta reader <<<<33333 (btw the smut is p much unedited) (also the cover photo is so lq but its such a pretty picture so)
“You ready?” You ask, grabbing your gun to tuck into your waistband, flipping your shirt over where it sits on your back to conceal it.
Joel does not like being in Boston, but he can’t say he’s ever excited to leave—leaving means danger, extra danger, more than what you’ll find within the QZ; infected, for one, but not only. And though he feels safe with you and your weaponry at his side, he does not like going outside the QZ with you. However, the two of you have agreed that him going out without you is just as acceptable as you going out without him, and there are things out there you can’t get anywhere else, and you need a generator. 
Joel looks you over while you rustle through your backpack and then slip it on. You’re so beautiful, he wants to say, but he won’t. 
From the moment you met, Joel felt something shift. Someone had introduced you to him as a solid resource, so you did a few deals, and then you became an asset. That was the word Joel stuck with for a while, but when you started going on runs together and sort of teamed up as traders, Joel found something more growing. Shoving it down worked adequately well, though, so Joel felt relatively safe. Nonetheless, the feelings have continued to simmer, but he’s been able to keep them contained.
If he had his way, right now he would take your bag off of you, lay your weapons down, scoop you up, take you into the bedroom, and lay down with you; nothing more, just lay and hold you safe with him. But he won’t.  
At his silence, you look at him and raise your eyebrows. 
“Oh, yeah.” Joel snaps back into it, stealing one last double take before grabbing his own gun to hide like yours and slinging on his pack. You start for the door first and Joel follows you down the noisy, dingy hallway. 
The afternoon sun is harsh outside and the streets are bustling, but you have a learned path that you follow to sneak out past the walls. 
Once out, the din of the QZ trails behind you for only a short time before being replaced by chirping birds, the rustling leaves of the green trees, and refreshing flora. A subtle peace falls over the two of you as you pull away, but a dismal tone intrudes as you venture out further into the ruins of the former world. Many things are left exactly as they were, but broken, dilapidated, decayed—visibly abandoned in the chaos of that final fateful day. Joel diverts his gaze when you pass an empty stroller, a faded pink blanket dirty and rumpled on the ground in front of it. 
The goal is a generator, and Joel turns his attention back to the search for any place you might be able to find one; there’s supposed to be a hardware store around here somewhere. You pass clothing stores, grocery stores and drugstores, a jewelry shop, and restaurants, all overcome by nature, with ivy snaking through broken windows to crawl onto ceilings, welcome mats covered with moss, any hanging plant holders a waterfall of colorful flowers with curly, verdure tails. Mother Earth has come back as queen decorator and with her new freedom has wasted no space.
After walking for a while, you pause in front of an upscale restaurant, and Joel slows to a stop, coming to your side to look in with you. The inside is open to view from the large wooden frames missing their glass. The wood interiors are rich but mostly wrecked by water damage. Every table is still set up with plates, silverware, folded cloth napkins, and large wine glasses, though all dirty and dusty. Liquor bottles sparkle in the sunlight on the back wall’s bar. 
After a moment, Joel looks at you and asks, “Watchu thinkin’ about?” 
You hum a sigh, then turn to him with a wishful smile, “I just bet their food was sooooo good,” you laugh. Joel smirks and then gives into a smile as he watches yours. Inevitably, his mind wanders to taking you out there, you in a tight dress, he with cufflinks in, clinking glasses with a red rose on the table—
Suddenly, a booming voice calls out, “Hey there, friends, haven’t seen you around these parts!”
You both whip around and, far but still too close, four men are walking towards you. Their clothes are dirty and ripped but their faces are unconventionally cheerful. 
The man speaking shows off two broken teeth, gapping his smile. “Oh, look, a gentleman and a lady!”
The hair on the back of Joel’s neck stands. Quietly, he states “Foe.” and raises his gun, but you beat him at the punch, shooting twice and then yelling “Go!”. 
Joel instinctively bolts into the restaurant and hears a gruff “Fuck!” as he sprints to the bar at the end of the room. He throws himself around it, quickly pulling out his revolver to cock in his hand on the concrete floor as his back hits hard against the cabinets. 
Glass shatters and he ducks his head as the cups from atop the bar blast over his head. At the top of his vision, dozens of shelved liquor bottles burst, pouring reds and golds. Clear vodka drips onto the toe of his shoe at the end of his outstretched leg. It runs cool into his sock as it trails down his boot.
Joel shoots out an exhale and then whips around, throwing his arms over the bar to return fire, but his bullets only batter the wooden tables flipped on their sides, shielding the men set behind them. Joel ducks back and lands just in time for another powerful succession of bullets. A half broken bottle falls and crashes onto the floor and he shuts his eyes and swivels his head, feeling the liquor spray his cheek. 
He whirls back over the bar but after only a few shots hears a loathsome clicking. When he crouches down to check the cylinder, he finds it empty. 
“Fuck.” Joel grits through his teeth. 
Thoughts churn and froth in adrenaline as he slaps over empty pockets, and when a hand lands on his belt, where his knife should be, he looks down at it and realizes he must have forgotten it. 
Running the day back through his head, he remembers looking at you right before you left; he must have been too distracted and left it, probably on the table right next to his gun. Joel closes his eyes and hits his head back on the bar. “God damn it.”
Then his eyes shoot back open—where the fuck are you? His heart stops. Where the fuck are you?
Joel shuts his eyes again and realization of his true failure floods through him.
He loves you, but he’s never said a word. Never has a breath of it ever left his lips. Why? The fear that has kept it sealed away seems like complete bullshit compared to the electrocution of fear that shot through him when he realized he’s out of bullets. He had been afraid of living. He sees that now. 
Behind his eyes, he sees you. 
The first image that flows into his mind is your smile—something hard to find in the Boston QZ, something that took a long time to see, and something that knocked the breath out of him the first time he saw it. He had watched your lips broaden in slow motion, revealing teeth in a perfect curve. He’d made you laugh. He tried making jokes a lot more often after that, and started becoming familiar with your dazzling smile in return.
He remembers the first time you went on a run together; you had snuck out early in the morning to split through between guard’s shifts when the sun was still rising, gold in the divine forestry of the world beyond gray walls. There was a moment where the sun perfectly framed your profile, highlighting the curve of your nose, your lips, your brow, your lashes; the image is etched in his memory. 
One day, out in the streets, some Firefly approached him when he was really not in the fucking mood for it, and right when he took a step forward, tensing to throw a punch, you had grabbed his hand. It was the first time you’d touched, and it brought him down immediately. It didn’t calm him, distracted him more like it, but he let you drag him away. One look from you told him to quit it and he followed obediently behind you while you led him back to his apartment. Mesmerized, he watched the swish of your hips the whole way back. In front of his building you told him, “You need to learn how to pick your battles, Joel. He wasn’t worth your punch.” He objected, you returned, “Figure out what’s important and put that zeal of yours into that.” 
He thought on that for a long time, it was the precursor to his realization that he’s in love with you. He barely slept the night he did. When you showed up at his door the next morning, he was tongue tied. You asked him what was wrong, he told you he’d barely slept. When you asked why, he admitted he’d just been thinking about what you said, about figuring out what’s important, but when you asked him what conclusion he had come to, he lied. He felt completely unable to tell you then. 
After that day, Joel debated almost habitually if he’d ever tell you. That’s when the fantasies started. Torture came with it, too—he was so very torn, so full of longing; it was like he’d been cut, his love for you was like a wound, in such deprived circumstances. He was too afraid of losing his only friend, and to be left behind with a gash of unreciprocated love. The longing deepened quickly, but he grew to tolerate it; he needed you around, whether it was exactly how he wanted it or not. No matter what, he just didn’t want to lose you, and that fear kept the lips of his heart sewn shut. 
Once there was a time when you had arranged to meet up and you opened your door to meet him with a black eye, split lip, and a bent posture. A protective hand hovered over the side of your ribs while you stepped aside for him to enter your apartment. Joel stumbled over “Are you okay?” and “Who did this to you?”, pulled both further into your apartment and back out to beat the fucker’s ass, but you sat him down and kept him locked there when you begged him to stay—“Just stay here, okay? Please don’t go out there to start a fucking brawl in the street, that’d be stupid—you’d get teamed up on or busted by some FEDRA guard, I don’t want to get you lookin’ like me or locked in a cell or whatever the fuck—it’s just not worth it, okay? Just, please stay here.”
So he did, all day, and you let him clean you up better than you had yourself. He focused his gaze more than he has even when shooting a gun when you lifted your shirt up so he could check the damage to your ribs. It wasn’t all that difficult with that bruise though, black and blue with flecks of red, threatening tears in his eyes. He almost told you that day.
Still too scared. He needed this moment now, because now he might really lose you. 
The raspy voice of one of the men trapping Joel takes him out of his head, “Haven't heard any shots outta you in awhile, you outta bullets, fuck face?” He cackles, shrill and ruthless, “You’re fucked now, huh?” He cackles again, ugly and evil. The laugh itself sounds like that of a killer. 
“Come on out, we’ll spare ya!” Another shouts.
“Yeah, don’t worry, we’re real gentlemen, we don’t shoot unarmed men!” A third adds and they all laugh. 
“Gotta come out sometime!”
He’s right. Panicked, Joel glances around, looking for something to use. All there is is broken glass—useless from this position. 
This quick run outside the walls, where he foolishly guessed he’d only need one gun, has turned into a shootout, and he’s lost track of you. The possibility of you having been killed ties Joel’s chest up tight as a noose. 
Then, three shots but no breaking glass, a man’s agonized scream, another shot, and quiet. Joel’s breathing does not calm and he remains flustered until your voice breaks the silence.
Immediately, he shoots up to see you standing in the doorway of the restaurant, gun still raised, pointed off to the side at a slumped body. Your chest heaves and your hair is disheveled. 
“Are you okay?” You call out as he’s already holstering his gun and swinging around the bar. He basically charges at you, flooded with relief just at the sight of you. Then you collide, and Joel wraps his arms around you impulsively, his lips almost touching your shoulder with his nose on your neck. Joel closes his eyes, breathing in deeply with his cheek firmly against your skin and letting his arms squeeze you. Enveloped in you, his surroundings fall away, and all he wants is to hold you. 
A near death experience is often something that knocks some sense into people and Joel just hopes to god he can keep this fresh courage long enough to get home to finally tell you that he loves you, because there will come another time when he is fucked, doomed, out of bullets, and you may not be there, and he will die with a mouth full of regret. He doesn’t let go of you. 
“Joel, are you okay? Hey, hey, are you ok?” You put your hands on his shoulders, lightly pushing him away, but he doesn’t release you, nor does he open his eyes, wanting to just feel you and listen to you breathe.
“Yeah, I’m ok.” He murmurs against you.
“Joel,” you say softly, then move your hands from his shoulders to instead wrap them around him, resting your chin on his shoulder and brushing your hands up and down his back slowly. Joel feels your chest expand and contract with a deep breath. After a few moments, you whisper, “We have to go. It’s not safe here.” 
Joel takes one more inhale of your scent before reluctantly loosening his grip. He pulls back slowly, letting his hands shift down, stilling on your forearms to hold you before him. He looks over your face, idling, a dreamy haze over his mind, almost dizzy from the adrenaline rush wearing off and the sleepiness of love.   
Your lashes flutter and a smile tugs at the corners of your lips. Your thumbs circle over where they rest on his biceps. “Hey.”
“We really should go.”
Joel doesn’t answer. You’re right, but he’s afraid to move, afraid that if he lets go, of you and of this moment, his fervor for truth will stay here, and he’ll leave it behind and stay silent. But should he risk staying here and Infected showing up, having heard all the gunfire, or if the recently deceased have friends not far behind?
Finally, he nods. As you turn and start toward the door, Joel’s hands, still not ready to let go of you, trail down your arms. One slips down into your hand and you look back at him, grow a smile and curl your finger to hook in his, tugging lightly to pull him behind you. 
And then you’re off. There’s no real room for conversation as you leerily duck and weave your way back to the QZ, but Joel forces the prior moments to run through his mind like a film. He is determined to grip this chance, thinking again and again of how he almost left you behind in this world without you knowing the truth about his feelings for you. 
When you reach the QZ, only barely making it before curfew when the guards will begin rolling through with their bright flashlights and loaded guns, you slip quietly through the streets before finally making it to the apartment you share. 
Only recently had you began living together, decidedly mostly out of convenience, since you go on runs together so frequently and have the same goal of leaving Boston—Joel has a brother out there somewhere, and you would simply like to get the fuck out of this cesspool that used to be Boston. Also because you get along so well, and well, he loves you, and he likes to be around you as much as possible. 
Decorating isn’t really something that exists in the QZ; belongings typically consist of necessities and maybe a few little personal indulgences, such as the butterfly window hanging that Joel couldn’t help himself from getting for the place. You arrived with your life in two bags. Nevertheless, your mark has trailed into his apartment, and somehow, the air feels a little cleaner with you there. 
Because you came to him, your bed is technically the pullout couch, but since his is much bigger, whenever you arrive home after him at night, he’s already on the pullout, forcing you into the more comfortable, actual bed. 
Every morning that Joel’s up first, or if he wakes in the night, he takes a moment, or a few, to lean in the doorframe to watch you sleep. He adores how you look when you’re unwound. If it’s in the middle of the night, he is often tempted—no, he aches to crawl in, even just to lay next to you. More frequently though, he fantasizes about moving closer, taking you into his arms, feeling your body against his, your hair in his face, to fill his lungs with your scent, even if it’s just sweat and ash. He imagines the little sound you’d make or the breath you’d let out once you feel him there, your fingers intertwining with his when he closes his hand over yours, you snuggling closer… sometimes he has to pull himself away for a quick dick pulling in the other room. Regardless of how it makes him feel—horny, smitten, quaking with yearning, or just some kind of tangled melancholy, he treasures these quiet moments and tries to memorize the relaxation on your face. 
These are not the only times he likes to watch you—sometimes, he’ll just be sitting at the table and you’ll be in the kitchen making coffee or in the living room tinkering with something or other, and he’ll play with ideas of a domestic life. Very secretly, he’ll roll around in the sound of your first name with his last name, or, unfrequently and especially confidently, a wedding.
Joel simply likes seeing you, being near you, and no matter what you’re doing, he adores spending time with you. The only way he can get a splash of contentment is when he��s with you—there’s nothing else here that could do that for him here. Only you, only you, runs through his head often. 
Tonight, you’re visibly exhausted as you walk into the apartment before him, dropping your bag on the table—right next to his knife, exactly where he had guessed it was—and rub your hands over your face. They slide down your neck, pausing briefly before falling to your sides. Then you turn to him and ask, “Are you ok?”
He nods, “I’m alright. Are you?”
“I am now, yeah,” you chuckle, “now that we’re back and I know you’re ok. What happened back there?”
Joel shrugs, “Ran outta bullets.” He chuckles sheepishly. 
“Oh.” you laugh. “Shit, yeah, you were three on one. I was around the corner fighting off one of those fucks. It was a knife fight though, usually takes a little longer.” Suddenly, you throw your hands to your head, “Fuck, I’m–I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner, I mean, you needed backup and I… took so long to fucking—”
“No, no,” He puts his hand out to stop you, his brow pinching up, “no, don’t worry about it sw—” he pauses, clearing his throat to pull back in ‘sweetheart’—maybe he’d been thinking about his feelings too much on the way back—“don’t go blamin’ yourself. You didn’t do anythin’ wrong. We got ambushed, that’s jus’ how it goes. I’m jus’ glad you’re alright—” Joel then paces over to you, scanning your face and body, “you sure you’re alright? Did’n’ get nicked or somethin’? Don’t hide that shit from me, you know,” 
“No, I’m fine. Maybe a couple scratches and bruises, but that’s it.” As he turns you, leaning in to check your back, you chuckle, “I’m fine, Joel.”
“You sure?” He asks again, quietly when he returns in front of you, turning your face from side to side with his fingers lightly along your jaw. 
“Yeah, I’m okay.” 
As he looks over your face, he gets caught in your eyes, almost doelike with a sweet smile. He swallows hard, suddenly realizing your proximity. 
“Okay.” He almost whispers. 
Your lips twitch, you blink, and he swallows hard again, then lets go of you and steps back. 
You blow out an exhale, looking around. “There’s a box of bullets in my bag you can grab, I gotta wash this off,” you tell him as you walk backwards into the kitchen, then take your blade out of its sheath and turn to the sink. Joel moves to the table, slowly unzipping your bag, pulling out the box, and reloading his gun. His heart rate has picked up because he feels that now is the time and fuck, here it is, and he has to do this, it’s what he’d been promising himself he’d do the whole way back. His anxiety reassures him that this is his one chance; that damning fear is close to overtaking him again, and he can’t let it this time.
Joel plods over to lean against the counter next to the sink. 
As you run your knife under the water, you glance at him with a light smile. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He copies nervously. 
You glance at him again, then shut the water off, wipe the blade on your shirt, and resheath it on your hip. Leaning your hands over the edge of the sink, you shift your weight to one hip and turn your head to him. “What’s up?”
Joel meets your gaze and takes a deep breath. The broken sink continues to drip, clinking into the drain. “Well I,” he starts, “well, thank you, for… y’know.”
“You don’t need to thank me.” You chuckle. 
“No, I mean, I know, I just… wanna thank you anyway. But, that’s not….” Joel takes another deep breath, stalling. “Uhm… well, I just… that was… that was a close call.” You nod, looking down. “And I’m… really glad… well… ok, listen.” You look back up at him but then he has to look back to the floor to gather his thoughts. “That was a close call.” He begins again. “I’ve had a few, but haven’t had one like that in awhile. You…” saved me. Not just then, you’ve been saving me for a long time. Joel clears his throat and takes another finalizing exhale, forcing the truth out with it, “You know what they say about… near death experiences I guess, where people get uh, moment of clarity, when they see everythin’ they regret doin’? Well, I think that could count as a near death experience, cause I was thinkin’... I mean, y’know, I got a lotta things I regret, but the one that was on my mind, just for a second, before you came in and saved my dumbass,” Joel looks up at you to smirks and you return one. “Well…” Joel’s smirk fades and as his eyes travel over your face his heart swells. Confidence and fear mix like water and oil within it, but the persistence he’d been cultivating surfaces and urges him to continue. “Well, I was thinkin’ about you.” Your head tilts slightly and your eyes soften, the corner of your lip pulled up slightly. “I was thinkin’ about how… I never told you that uh,” Joel looks down and nervously scratches his eyebrow. “I–I’m… in love with you.” He puts his hand on his hip, the other leaning on the counter, keeping his eyes down. Your hands clench the edge of the sink. His heart flees with pattering beats. The faucet drips its endless drip. 
At least you know. At least you know, he thinks to himself. He hadn’t built any expectations of what you might say, he can’t say he’s ready if you reject him, and he hasn’t thought far enough ahead to what he’d do if you do. He just needs you to know. 
Joel watches your fingernails turn white pressed against the silver of the sink and feels his heartbeat punching in his chest. This is his moment of truth. He knows that one way or another, nothing will be the same now; if this is the end between the two of you, he will never let himself share a truth like this ever again. He will leave Boston tomorrow and never look back. 
Finally, he looks up at you for some kind of tell, his lips parted, brow anxiously knitting together, but your eyes are locked unrevealingly on the drain. “Do you—could you—I mean, i–is that ok?” 
“This is something you planned on taking to the grave?” You ask, finally turning to him with still unrevealing eyes. 
Joel rubs his hand on his forehead, closing his eyes, shamefaced. “…I did. I jus’… I don’t wanna ruin everythin’.” He shakes his head. “Look, y’know, I really like you, I mean I lo–I love you, but, but, I jus’, y’know… like bein’ around you. I like everythin’ about you, I like talkin’ to you, I mean I feel like I can talk t’you. An’ I mean, we work pretty well together,” glancing at you, he adds, “don’t’y’ think?” He moves his hand to rub the back of his neck. “I think you’re so,” Joel looks back to the floor, finishing quietly and awkwardly, “beautiful… and I jus’… don’t wanna lose you. An’ back there… I thought I was gonna. I mean, I was gonna lose eveyrthin’, I was gonna lose my life, an’ I felt so… jus’… full of regret. That I never told you. I hope I show it, that’s the import’n thing. But I jus’ thought it was import’n that… you knew that I love you. An’ you’re worth lovin’. An’ I jus’ felt like you should know.” He concludes. 
“Well… I’m glad you told me.” This makes Joel look up and is met with a light smile. This time, your eyes are soft. You pull your lips in briefly before continuing, “I really like you too. I mean, I really like living with you and… I really like spending time with you and talking to you. You’re the first friend I’ve had in awhile,” you chuckle, “and… I feel safe around you.” Joel breathes deeply. You feel safe around him, one of his deepest desires come true. I’ll keep you safe forever. Just stay with me forever, and I’ll keep you safe forever. I’ll love you forever. “And… I just really like you, and I’m… I love you too.” You breathe out, “I love you Joel,” and your eyes are on his lips and you turn to him, fall into him and you kiss. 
You taste sweet and you’re in his arms again and your fingers tangle in his hair and you grip his shirt. Joel’s hand holds your bicep and then the back of your neck and his arm wraps around your waist. “I love you,” Joel mumbles into your lips and pulls you closer until his body is flush with yours. 
“I love you,” you return, and sling your arms around his shoulders, both hands in his hair as his slides over your face, holding his thumb in your cheek, his eyes squeeze shut. 
How long he’s been waiting to have you like this. 
You’re both sweaty and grimey and there’s a tinge of copper in your scent but Joel appreciates it with the rest of it. He smooths his hand over your tangled hair, bunching it in his hand to keep your face in place for him as he slips his greedy tongue through your teeth. You twist your tongue with his, them becoming their own snaking dance while you pull yourselves desperately closer to each other. Joel takes your face in his hands and, like a dam breaking, tells you again, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” in between kisses. In response, you hum into his mouth and wrap your arms tight around him, dragging over his back and into his hair, pressing your bodies even closer together. 
You pull back with hot, heavy breaths, still sliding your hands all over him, and say, “I’ve wanted you like this for so long,” and punctuate with a slow sloppy kiss. Joel’s chest swarms and then he hoists you up, your legs automatically wrapping around his waist. Feeling your weight fills him with satisfaction he didn’t know he longed for and hums into your mouth, starting for his bedroom with you in his arms. 
The passion develops, as natural and guaranteed as changing weather. The novelty creates a storm that Joel is unprepared for but embraces with awe. The storm develops quick when he drops you onto the bed and you reach up to pull him on top of you by the lapels of his flannel, taking him back to your mouth like you’re starving for it. Joel’s entire body is hot as his hips weigh down over yours. Electricity buzzes over the area of contact and Joel feels himself getting hard, the storm now a hurricane of lust that pushes his hand up your shirt. When you moan, it vibrates through his lips and all the way down to his cock. He comes up to sit on his knees and when he lifts his shirt you follow, eager to see the parts of each other never before revealed. 
“Fuck,” Joel mumbles and returns back down on your body. His hand slides lazily over your torso and he moans into your lips when you reach down for his belt.
“I want you,” you say, and Joel moans again.
“I’m yours, baby.”
You slip his belt open and don’t bother with his buttons or zipper before slipping your hand in to slide over his length. Joel pulls back for only a moment to breathe, then goes back to attacking your lips. His hand reaches down to grip your wrist in a frenzied move, overwhelmed by the feeling of your hand on his hardening cock. 
“You like that?” You ask into his mouth.
“Yes,” is all he can get out, then moans when your hand closes over his base. 
“God, you’re big.”
“You want it?” He slurs. 
At that, Joel slides his own hand down your pants, palm on your clit while he curves his fingers to feel the wetness already soaking through your underwear. He moans, once again overwhelmed by the want he feels from you. “Yeah, I know you do.”
You remove your hand from him, instead wrapping your legs around him to pull him down, squeezing his hand in, allowing him to feel the details under it. He hums and bites your lip. 
Joel raises up again, using one hand to unbutton and unzip your pants with the other working on his own. Breathing out deeply as you watch him, your hands slide over sides up to over your face and into your hair, reaching up to squeeze the pillows your head rests on. 
A lamp mistakenly left on allows for light for him to view you under. Admiring you, Joel shakes his head and speaks his mind, “Beautiful ain’t enough to describe it.” 
You chuckle and sigh, looking down to watch him tug down your underwear and jeans. You widen your legs for him to tug them down, bending one knee to remove a leg and then the other for him to pull free. Joel doesn't bother with his own, only pulling his down enough to make room for his cock, which bounces out of his lowered boxers. When your eyes flick from it back to his, your body lifts and falls with a deep sigh. Seeing the lust in your eyes, he finds himself unable to take any time with it, and he comes back down on you, slipping his hand to his member, now rock hard, to guide it to your entrance. 
“Yes,” you breath out, once again opening your legs for him. 
Joel kisses your lips lightly before pulling away to look through the window of his body above you to the dark mess of curls between your thighs, the muscles of his groin tensing as he enters you. 
“Fuck. you’re tight.”
“You’re big.”
“Too big?”
You shake your head. 
“Good.” And with that, the entirety of his shaft enters you and you both moan.
“Fuck me, Joel,” you whisper.
Joel groans deeply at your response, then repositions, taking his hand away to set his forearm over the bed, his other hand dragging over your face, resting his thumb on your lip. He watches your face as he starts with long, slow strokes. After a few, he can’t get himself to pull so far back out of you, needing to be inside you and unable to help himself from starting to snap his hips into a fast pace. The force of his full length has you bouncing and you close your eyes, eyebrows furrowed up with your mouth opened wide, pouring out moans. 
“Yeah?” Joel says breathily, “You like that, sweetheart?”
“I wanna make you cum, baby,” he says, then messily kisses the corner of your mouth. 
“I want you to cum inside me,” 
“Yeah? You want me to fill you up with my cum?” He says, then bites your lip.
It flips up from between his teeth when you reply, “Yes.”
“I wanna make you cum first.” To punctuate, Joel’s pace quickens, loading his full length into you over and over again.
“Joel, feels so good,” you squeeze the words out, eyes still closed and brow pinched up, fingers raking through his hair. 
The feeling of your hands holding his face close to yours and your tight walls around him fulfills Joel’s long lived need to unite your bodies like this and his chest is filled with all the feelings of every moment he’s fantasized about this exact scenario. 
“God, please, fuck me,”
He hums, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.”
Finally, your eyes snap open, locking on his as you careers his face, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,”
Joel reattaches your mouths messily, sliding his tongue around your lips before it finds its way back in, and your nails scratch over his cheeks as you pull him closer. Your moans break the hold in brief intervals, singing them to each other as you fuck. Joel moves a hand down to grip your ass, holding you steady as he ruts into you. 
Pleasure builds inside of him warm and tight and Joel suddenly pulls out, “Shit, I’m gonna cum.” Without pause, he moves back on the bed and settles his mouth between your legs, sliding his hands up your thighs, and as he starts his tongue along your slit, your hands go back to pull at his hair. 
“Oh shit Joel,” he hears you, muffled with your thighs over his ears, and groans into you as he continues to slip his tongue up and down. His head is clamped tighter between your thigh when he sucks your clit and he feels your moans vibrating through you, your fingernails scratching his scalp. He uses the tip of his tongue on the underside of your clit with his lips suctioned around it, and in no time, you’re trembling around him, bobbing your crotch into his mouth. He feels you crying out more than he hears it and only pulls away when you tug him away by his hair. When he looks up, all he sees is your jaw, your head laid back, breasts on display with your back arched up. He pushes himself up, admiring how your toes curl at the end of your spread legs. Joel smiles as your quivering subsides. Crawling back on top of you, he presses his hand over your now soaking wet pussy, carrying out your orgasm with a few more spasms. As soon as he comes to your face, Joel grabs your lips with his again, kissing you sluggishly with your deep exhales tickling his face. 
“Oh my fucking god, Joel,” you say, pulling his face away. 
“Yeah?” He smiles.
“Yeah,” you chuckle, then bring your mouths back together. Then you take yourself away again, fingertips grazing over his cheeks when you say, “I want you inside me again, I want you to cum inside me,”
Eagerly, Joel is already reaching back down for his dick, slicking it over your pussy. “Yeah? You starvin’ for it, ain’t ya?”
“Mhm,” You nod, your eyes dragging up from his lips back to meet his gaze, circling your thumbs over his cheeks. Sweet desperation paints your face with your brow furrowed and lips swollen. You lick into his mouth, bobbing your hips up to tease his tip inside of you. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” Joel says as he guides his cock once again into you, “I’ll give you what you want. Just tell me, an’ it’s yours.”
“I want you,” you reply, bucking your hips up to bring him further in. 
“I’m yours.” He whispers, lips brushing yours as he speaks, before finally filling you with his cock. 
“Yeah, more,” you whine as he begins to fuck you again. “Harder,” is music to his ears, and your body jolts on the bed as he obeys. “Like that, like that,” you breath out, eyes closing briefly before opening back up to his, hands still cupping his face. Though you’re not kissing, your hot and heavy breaths create a link between your mouths and you use the remaining space to keep locked on each other's eyes. 
“You feel so good, baby,” Joel tells you, his voice jumping with his pace “I wanna feel you cum again, can’y cum for me again, sweetheart?”
You simply nod, starting to lay out short moans as you tie your legs around him. “You’re so big,” you mewl, and Joel can’t help but lick into your sounds. You whine again, clamping your legs around him tighter. Open mouthed moans part your lips connection, but Joel appreciates the view, watching your eyes squeeze shut and then open again, lips wet with his spit and your own cum. 
Joel groans in appreciation of it all, your sweaty bodies gripping each other’s in every way, him providing for you, making you feel good, making you cum, and from his lips slips again, “I love you.”
Your response is in the hand thrown back to clutch the pillow, eyes screwed shut again with your lips in an O, and Joel replies with harder thrusts, your groins meeting as he bottoms out. Needing to stabilize himself on the rocking bed, Joel’s hand lands on the wall. 
“Gonna cum for me? Such a good girl, doin’ what I ask. Yeah, I can feel you comin’ close baby. Cum for me, darlin’. Cum for me, and then I’ll cum inside you, js’ like you asked. Go on, baby. Ah, fuck.” 
You cry out, gripping Joel’s hair as your head flips back again, legs still keeping Joel locked deep inside of you. As he feels your pussy contract around him, Joel starts to breathe heavier, letting out grunts, groans, and moans as his thrusts get messier, bumping into your harder to a needy, unsteady beat.
“Ah, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” is his turn to cry out, and, looking down at you, and in the same loud voice, he says, “cum for me baby, cum with me, cum with me.”
Your free hand grabs his wrists as he holds your side, chest jolting with lustful breaths, and then you’re shuddering again, and Joel raises up to grip your sides with both hands. Your orgasms are drawn out as Joel pulls you onto him with deep thrusts, pausing inside of you while he pumps his cum into your tight, quivering sheath. 
When your climaxes subside, you’re left staring at each other, breathing heavily. Joel smiles, then gently lowers himself down to kiss you tenderly. He waits until he’s empty of cum to pull out, cock softening as it rests in the V of your hips. 
“That was fucking amazing,” you say between breathes. 
“You feel better than I ever coulda fuckin’ dreamed.” Joel chuckles, then kisses you one more time before rolling off of you to lie at your side, turning his head to meet you looking back at him.
“You dreamt about that?” You smile.
“Fuck yeah I did.” Joel admits shamelessly. You laugh. “Did you?” 
“Once or twice.” You shrug, chuckling with a toothy smile. Joel chuckles back, then looks up with a heavy sigh. He smiles to himself, then feels your finger on the edge of his lips. He closes his eyes. This is something he’s never felt before, and truly never dreamed. It really is better than anything he ever could have imagined, laying next to you like this, his body still warm, your touch on his lip. Nothing outside of this room exists, nothing over than this bed with you in it. He hums another sigh, then turns his face back to you. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He murmurs. 
“You’re so beautiful.” You say with a smile. 
Joel takes your wrist with his hand, feeling the muscles move as you continue to pet his face with your finger.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
His hand falls away from your wrist and he rests it on his stomach, stars in his eyes as he gazes back into yours. 
There's a few minutes of silence, but it’s filled with an air between you like a rosy haze of sweet smelling smoke, lit up under golden light. 
Joel supports his head with his hand under his pillow, allowing a better view to stay with your eyes. As he stargazes, he takes a deep breath through his nose and decides to admit, “…I almost said this before,” his mouth pauses open before he continues, “you saved me today, out there… but you saved me before then. You saved me a long time ago. For a… long, long time, I didn’t really know what I was doin’. I know I had to go get Tommy, I just needed to get a car.” He shifts his head to look up, “I still need to get a car.” Then he looks back at you, “We still need to get a car, you know I’m not goin’ without you. But… I was lost. I felt… empty.” Joel swallows, looking over your face, “But then I had you. N’ then I felt like… I was alive again. Not just survivin’. You made me feel… real. I forgot what smilin’ felt like,” Joel chuckles, “until you. All I wanted was to leave. I mean, I still wanna leave here, Bostn’, but then, all I really wanted to be was with you. Anywhere, with you.”
You smile, and then roll to your side, sliding your hand over his chest and kiss him. He closes his eyes but keeps still. Heaven sounds in a cloud passing over him as your sweetness once again blesses his lips. 
“You know, it’s funny how much of that I’ve always felt, too.” You start, still over him, and start to trace over his features with a featherlight touch. “I didn’t have a brother. I just wanted to get out. I was happy to meet you because you were a way out. But… you weren’t just a way out of Boston, you were a way out of… everything. Only for moments at a time, but,  you were. It’s like… I just can’t believe I found you. In the mess of everything, you were there… and I’m just so… grateful, I guess. That’s not the right word… Just… Thank god for you. I kind of think god is dead, after all the… you know, everything, but thank god for you.”
Your words bring tears to his eyes. He allows them to bead in the corners, and you touch them away with your fingertip. “I love you.” He whispers.
“I love you so much, Joel.’
Joel was something without you, but not much. A knife, a gun, a severed brother, a fractured father, a frightened soul staggering around a broken city. With you, he’s carried back to love, and he can feel softness finding its way back into his veins from a heart inlaid with velvet. 
He may not believe in fate, but Joel likes the idea that he was destined to find you, and you him, and he thanks whatever was responsible for granting him the courage that grabbed him the moment it did so that he could finally tell you what you mean to him, because he knows the fearful man in his core couldn’t do it alone. 
Love, bona fide, is a deep pool in his center that never dried up, but was fortified with pieces of his dark desperation, broken down himself into spikes he assembled around it. But now with you, he surrenders, and, bodies held close, he dips with you into the warmth of his pure waters. 
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
Hey boo! My birthday is this Saturday, May 6th, and I was wondering if you could possibly write some birthday smexy time with Ricky Starks for me...?
Birthday Girl (Ricky Starks X Fem!Reader):
Word Count: 750
Summary: How Ricky Starks would treat you on your special day
Supreme Speaks: i love ricky starks with his nice handsome ass self. I don't typically write smut or suggestive things but here you go, I hope I did some justice to your imagination. My inbox and requests are open to everyone! P.S.: you are loved and greatly appreciated.
Warnings: Fluff and NSFW (+song recommendation), this author doesn't write smut so please go gentle (that's what she said)
Taglist: @wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @hooks-martin @hookerforhook
I, again, don’t write smut so please take it easy on me
Somewhat SFW:
Will definitely wake you up to some sort of surprise
Breakfast in bed, him cooking breakfast in the kitchen
He definitely has an apron that says “Kiss the Cook/Daddy”
Ricky has bouquets (not just one) of roses for you
Has to flex on Instagram so he posts pictures of your evolution or ya’lls relationship
Def will caption it “Happy Birthday to my beautiful girlfriend aka Stroke Mommy! I love you! Love, Stroke Daddy. P.S: There’s a lot in store for tonight ;)”
Now…I have this canon that Ricky will spoil you endlessly so….
After you eat, he will give you more presents and jewelry galore
I mean we talking 2K-5K of bands
“You will use that entire stack today, and if you don’t there will be consequences”
“Consequences or rewards? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)”
“-_-Get out of my sight”
He’ll tell you to go out with the girls, get your nails and hair done, shop at the Chanel and buy two of everything
Ricky is also a man of fashion so he picked out your outfits already
You’re dressed to the 9 for the entire day
And when the evening comes, after you did all your shopping
He’ll make you model everything (everything) you bought
Making those bedroom eyes at you with lust taking over his eyes
After about an hour of trying everything on and giving feedback, Ricky made you put on the final outfit that he had planned for you
He then proceeded to take you out to dinner with your friends and family
You walked into that restaurant with another gigantic bouquet of roses in one arm and your man on the other with a bright ass smile
The dinner went very smoothly and nothing short of a great time
But the night wasn’t over yet, not when Ricky Starks is your boyfriend
As stated above, the man spoils you already
Tonight you aint do no work; so just sit back miss pillow princess
Obvi, Ricky’s a giver
Loves to receive, but he really receives pleasure when he makes you happy
I am also confident that while eating you *out* he’s spelling happy birthday with his tongue
Also loves to hear you scream, never be silent with this man (it boosts his ego)
“Tsk Tsk. Lemme hear you. That’s it baby.”
I cannot see him staying silent in bed, the man will moan and borderline whimper in your ear
Will also say the dirtiest shit in your ear
“Such a good birthday girl. Such a good girl”
Very handsy, touchy-feely, ya’lls hands are never leaving each other
Loves to leave grip marks, bite marks, scratches, and handprints on your body
Im talking about the shoulders, back, hips (that definitely still ache from him pounding you), ass, etc.
Will make you realize why they call him Stroke Daddy (trademarked)
Hard thrusts that would knock the headboard loose
You would try to give some type of repayment but he would cut you off and just continue to thrust harder
If you’re asking me to sum it up, just listen to Nasty (Extended) by Russ
“Good god, look at you. You’re doing such a good job, taking me like this.”
Man isn’t gonna stop until you are literally begging him to stop or until you squirted (I have a great hypothesis about this)
“That’s my birthday girl. Can you give me another one?” 
Constantly gives you kisses on your face
Runs you a bath with the works (bubbles, candles lit, etc.)
Does not allow you to do any work and carries you to the tub
Brings you your favorite beverage while you’re sitting in the tub and then he gets in it too
You guys take your time in the tub just telling each other how much ya’ll love each other and what a great it has been (really romantic)
Ricky gives you a kiss before telling you: “For my birthday, you’re gonna have to step it up to top me.”
“Oh I’m gonna top you alright.”
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breannasfluff · 2 years
Jewelry Shopping
Wild fairly preens, like Hyrule is a treasure he discovered and is now presenting. ‘This is Hyrule,’ he signs. ‘We came to look at jewelry.’
“Don’t tell me this vai loves jewels as much as you,” Isha teases gently. “Or maybe she does and I’ll make lots of sales.”
She leans closer to Hyrule and whispers, “Link’s cleaned me out of jewelry more times than I can count. Honestly, she’s got more earrings than she can ever wear.”
Link grumbles softly, but doesn’t dissuade the overheard statement.
Isha gestures to the shop. “Jewelry is important, both to look pretty and keep you safe. I also make custom pieces, if you have enough time…?”
She trails off as Wild regretfully shakes his head. “No matter, I’ve fully stocked up since you've been gone for a bit. Feel free to browse!” With that, Isha steps back behind the counter to keep working and give them some space.
Wild sidles closer to sign. ‘I can correct her if you aren’t comfortable.’
‘Correct…Isha?’ Hyrule signs back.
‘She called you a vai. Because of your clothes, but Riju permitted you to be here so there's no need to hide. Do you want me to say something?’
Read the rest here!
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rebornologist · 8 months
Hello babe! I love you so so much and your fungus + fish pictures ;)) Can't wait to see you again and go crazy for girlie night kekekeke 🤪 Anyway time to indulge in my toxic trait 👁👄👁 Can I have an imagine for 🔧 where he has a fight with their s.o. over him always working and never making time/canceling last minute on date nights 😭but you know instead of the typically they both say some hurtful shit and cool off and apologize and makeup, I WANT IT DRAMATIC, MY TOXIC TRAIT! I WANT S.O. TO LEAVE WITHOUT A WORD LIKE 🔧 SAYS SOME SHIT LIKE I ENJOY WORKING THAN GOING ON THESE STUPID DATES AND LEAVES TO HIS WORKSHOP AND S.O. IS JUST SHOCKED PACK THEIR BAGS AND LEAVES NO NOTE NO NOTHING. eh you can decide to end it however you want whether he finds s.o. and makeup or he ain't see them ever again 🤡 love you bby gurl my best stem major girlie 💓 💗 💖 💕 😘
hiii baefie ♡♡ I didn't adhere completely to the prompt and ngl I just lost steam at the few hundred words pt, but I hope this is some juicy drama for you :') xx
♡ SPANNER/READER silly date night drama˚₊⁺˳✧ warnings: ngl reader just stonewalls him, I don't condone this behaviour count: 1035 words
༚✧⁺˳₊˚‿︵‿︵‿୨୧ · ˳ · ♡ · ˳ · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿˚₊˳⁺✧༚
It wouldn’t happen again.
You told yourself that you wouldn’t let it happen again, and he promised you the same.
So you sit there, scrolling on your phone, checking your texts with him, wondering why it seemed to be happening again.
‘bb?’ you shoot him a message, chewing on your bottom lip as you try to suppress your dreadful thoughts. He doesn’t even read the message for a while, and you spend a few minutes fixing up your jewelry and makeup before nervously checking the phone again. Nothing.
You decide to call him.
He doesn’t pick up, and that’s when you feel that familiar frustration light up inside of you, like a match was struck.
Your phone pings with a new text.
‘srry working.’
You scoff when you read it, and call again.
“Hey, babe—” he mumbles, speaking with the same lazy tone and muffled by the lollipop in his mouth. He’s working.
“Hi, how much longer are you working for?” You nearly spit out, trying and failing to put a cap on your mounting annoyance.
He doesn’t reply for a moment, and you just hear rustling as he puts his phone on speaker and sets it down to return to the task at hand. You raise an eyebrow, and he finally clears his throat.
“I’ll be in the shop overnight, one of the—”
“So no date night??” At this point, you’re unable to mask the disappointment in your voice.
More rustling and shuffling sounds, the quiet clang of metal against metal. “Huh..? Oh, tonight? I can’t.”
Your response was delayed as well, but for other reasons. You look at the little gift that you had so thoughtfully put together for him. You weren’t sure how it happened, but next thing you know, there were warm tears streaming down your face, as your mind swirled with thoughts of him having the audacity to sound like he was brushing you aside yet again. And you were probably screaming, but your ears felt clogged and he sounded even more muffled over the phone.
“You never can! Maybe you might as well build a robot partner for yourself, because you clearly cannot respect the needs of a human one!”
“[Y/n], when did I ever.. say anything about dis..respecting you?” he groans, biting down on the stick between his teeth.
“You don’t respect my time, Spanner! Over and over again, you keep canceling on me, completely abandoning our plans, leaving me waiting. I don’t want all of our time spent together to be in your musty workshop. We’ve been wanting to go out for so long!”
That seemed to strike a nerve with him. He whips his head over to face his phone this time, quickly pulling the lollipop out and clearing his throat.
“Maybe I enjoy spending my time in my fucking workshop?!”
He’s met with silence. You swallow your sobs quietly, and end the call.
He goes back to work, but not before quickly sending you a text: ‘will talk to yuo tmrw’.
He does not get to talk to you tomorrow. You decide it yourself. You pack your essentials, realizing that you don’t even want to be here when he comes back to your shared living space. You pull up to Colonello and Lal’s place, spending the weekend in their guest room and talking through some of your feelings with them over take out and a bottle of wine.
When Spanner returns the next day to find all of your key belongings missing, he completely just bluescreens and his brain is scrambled. He sends a string of confused texts, calls a few times, gets left on delivered and sent to voicemail, and finally he reaches out to ask Irie what the fuck happened. He panics for a solid day, checking his phone every few hours, turning over pillows for any hidden notes, biting every lollipop stick down to just pulpy paper sludge before spitting it out bitterly.
What makes it worse is that he finds the wrapped gift on the dining table, the one thing that slipped your mind when you left. You also left your key behind; it may have also just slipped your mind, but it signaled to him that you did not intend to return.
Now, depending on whether and how you decide to get him back in the loop of what you were thinking, feeling, and doing, the situation could resolve itself fairly amicably or very unfortunately.
If you contact him later on, explaining yourself and actually discussing why you felt the need to up and leave, he would.. do his best to understand, and express that he would rather you not do that again and leave him in the dark like that, but the experience might actually light a fire under his ass to commit to the time he promises to spend with you. Unfortunately, I think that also means that he makes less date plans with you just so he can be realistic about fulfilling them, especially when it’s crunch time for him. You get your fill of quality time by spending it with him in his musty (it's really clean, actually) workshop in addition to the very sweet dates he takes you on every once in a long while.
If you just go on ghosting him, it would take him a good week to come to the conclusion that you.. don’t want to see him ever again. He opened the gift box in case there was a note from you in it, and there was. It was a really sweet little message encouraging him to cut himself some slack and take some time off for rest between working on his machines, and that you’re here for him when he needs to turn his brain off and just bask in your affection… clearly, you’re not always here for him. That note and the little gift you had included makes his head hurt every time he looks at it, so he sets it aside in a corner of his shop with the intention of leaving it untouched until you come back to him. He’s sooo avoidant rip. SpannerY/n, y’all had a good run.
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Marvel characters as customers at my coffeeshop:
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Basically been on my mind and so here are my thoughts. Obviously note these are my opinions. Typing this on my phone so excuse any mistakes.
Steve and Bucky: they both get drip coffee with cream and sugar. Since cream and sugar were rationed when they grew up its a treat that they get to have every morning. They tip and it took a while for them to figure out the whole credit card thing. They always say good morning and thank you. Overall a good customer and welcome regulars.
Sam: this man is the perfect customer. He likes to get the special or whatever the barista recommends. However if it's busy he will get a drip coffee since it takes less work. He always tips. Always calls you by your name. Asks how your day is going. Compliments your music or outfit. Best customer out there and favorite regular by far. Oh he also always offers to pay for his friends. He might even pay for the person behind him. Literally makes your day as soon as he enters the shop.
Natasha: never gets the same thing since she's a spy and is trained not to have a routine. Knew your name the first day without asking for it. It took you a moment to realize this. Cash only. Will tip and once stole the wallet of a man who refused to tip. A mysterious 100$ appeared in the tip jar.
Clint: like natasha he doesn't have a regular. Will use your name and asks how you are. The creepy guy who hit on you never showed up after you informed Clint it in passing once. Sometimes orders pastries to bring home.
Tony: a busy man who gets the largest cold brew. Doesn't really talk. It's more of a nod, you ring him up, he pays, and leaves. He's usually on his phone. Would be annoying but he tips well and if someone new is there he introduces himself and what he orders. He's a regular you can count on to be polite and simple.
Bruce: shows up Monday morning at opening for a cup of coffee and to order a bag of beans. He makes himself coffee at home for the rest of the week. Super polite and honestly a great first customer for the start of the shift. However if you're a minute late he will mention it.
Thor: so excited to try everything and also wants to learn about it. Asks the difference between espresso and drip. Has tried everything and keeps note of what he likes and doesn't like. Also likes to order for his friends. A lively customer who is a great tester for your new specials. Sometimes too much energy for when you are having a bad day. But he often noticedls this and buys you a pastry in hopes it makes you feel better.
Loki: the type to order a pourover and peer over the counter to make sure you get it right. Will have you remake a drink if it does not satisfy him. Great taste but terrible customer. Oh also offended at how little money baristas are paid and makes a point to tip really well. He mentions how even the servents of asgard get paid more and better benefits. Also has stolen from customers who don't tip. The only reason he's not banned from the shop is because the tip jar is filled each time he comes in. Sometimes even with random things like jewelry or magical objects.
Peter Parker: doesn't take too much caffeine. Gets a tea or lemonade. Sometimes food. Usually comes after school with friends to study. Apologizes about being too rowdy but honestly they aren't too bad. Aks you a bunch of questions and shares cool facts. Always cleans up and tucks in the chairs afterwards. Personally I would love him and would sneak him a bunch of treats and discounts.
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kookieswan · 2 years
Of Blooms & Bounties - Charmer
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Pirate!Jungkook x Explorer!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Genre: Pirate!AU, Magic!AU, Semi-Historical!AU, slightly fluffy, very silly.
Warnings: Stealing…? Just a reminder that many of the characters in this series are morally gray!
Summary: You want that rare black silk, and you’ll pout until you get it. Pout and scheme and giggle.
Notes: Idk tbh, a call back to an ask about Jimin and MC tag teaming to distract merchants lmao. I hope you all enjoy!
This is from the Of Blooms & Bounties Series. Find it here!
Jimin looks toward you and nods quietly, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. You smile back, giddy to be wearing such pretty clothing out and about. Jimin looks like a vision himself, all pretty silks and striking jewelry. You feel absolutely beautiful standing next to him, it almost reminds you of the old days…
Following his lead, you walk up to the merchant from around the corner with a swing in your hip, face purposely kept soft as you smile up at the bald man. He looks between the two of you with a careful smile; not worried at first, but more so uneasy when he spots Jimin beside you. Time to pull out your charm to get what you want.
“What can I do for the two of you? I can see you both enjoy the finer things, your garments are very beautiful!” It almost makes you feel bad. Almost. He seems like a lovely man but a birdie told you that he has beautiful rare black silk and you want it. You want it so bad that you pulled out the big guns on Blossom, pouting at the crew till they all crumbled under your gaze. And now…
“Oh wow, you’re sooooo muscular! That’ll work out perfectly.” Once a charmer, always a charmer. Reaching for his arm, you gently squeeze the muscle there. Your aren’t lying to him, Mr. Muscle man has quite the physique, you dare say he’s even bigger then Namjoon. You watch giddily as he flushes, as Jimin wanders closer in and pokes and prods with you.
“We-well thank you little lady! I do try my best to keep in shape.” Giggling a bit at his words, you try your best not to full on laugh as Jimin practically curls up to him like a snake. He places a hand on the other man’s bare chest, long fingernails scraping against the skin slightly.
“So big and buff, I bet you could lift us both up at the same time, hm? You see, we need someone to carry back all the fabrics we wish to buy from you…” It comes out low and sultry, Jimin smiling like he knows he’s already won. Mr. Muscle swallows visibly, hand coming up to pick at his collar as you sway back and forth, the silk of your dress shining prettily in the wind.
“We-well, I, uh. Maybe I could…? Yeah, I bet I could!” He nods to himself, almost like a pep talk as you and Minnie glance at each other. Phase one a go then, now it’s time for the ultimate distraction.
“Let’s test you out then! I would love a piggyback ride. Could I have one mister? I know you could handle our purchases then!” He nods silently and turns around with a large grin at the prospect of a big sale, and within seconds, you’re flinging yourself onto his back. There’s a slight ‘oof’ as you do so, and he tries very hard not to touch your ass as he adjusts you. What a tried and true gentleman.
Turning your head back as you make a ruckus, you see Jimin pull the second signal for the day, watching as Jungkook and Hoseok slip by you quickly and into the shop. Kookie flashes you a cute smile, giving an okay to indicate that everything’s running smoothly. So far, you think everything’s going pretty good then. Lovely silk, an intense adventure, and even a fun little ride. Jimin signals for both of your attentions with a few claps, pointing toward the ships.
“Bring my pretty companion out this way, she loves the view of the sea just as much as I do.” And so he does, trailing after the witch as the smaller man strides ahead. You don’t call out Mr. Muscle when his gaze trails downward; you can’t blame him. Minnie has quite the silhouette. You finally reach the docks after a bit, ignoring how people stare at first at your hiked up dress, but quickly slapping your hand on the bald man’s head when he tries to turn back.
“WHOOPS let’s not go that way, I want to go towards the sea! The sky’s so pretty!” You bet Tae would love it; hell, you bet Tae is drawing it from the ship right now. Maybe Joon and is off at shore while Jin and Yoongi fish… shaking your head, you don’t want Mr, Muscle to get bored and leave because who knows what he likes, so you slip your hands over his eyes and giggle cutely. Cute always wins.
“Let’s play a game of Helvadio Krensal! Try to find my friend Mr. Muscle.” Surprisingly, he goes along with it, shouting Helvadio as loudly as he can. You pat his head gently whenever he gets closer to Minnie, secretly liking the sound, but of course, Minnie never lets him get close enough.
“Krensal~~~~~~~” Jimin dances around the man with ease, actually laughing as he runs around with you on his back. After a long while, he finally allows the man to catch him, lips twitching as Mr. Muscle apologize profusely for touching his chest blindly. To be honest, you don’t think Jimin minds very much at all.
“No worries. Now, let us return to your stall, shall we? I think you’ve proven your worth.” Mr. Muscle is clearly tiring from carrying you, but he doesn’t say a word as he teeter totters back to your destination. You know Hosoek and Jungkook have made it out at this point. You’d given them at least twenty minutes to rummage through the shop, and black silk can’t be that hard to spot...
Except for the fact that it must be, because everything stops as Mr. Muscle spots the two men ‘sneaking’ out of his shop. More like tumbling as Jungkook practically falls on his face, Hobi just barely catching him in time and causing half of the awning to fall. Both of their eyes are wide, blinking owlishly as you and Jimin blink back. Shit.
Without warning, you’re practically tossed off the man’s back as he chases your crew mates down the road, yelling and screeching at the top of his lungs like a demon from the depths of the sea. Jimin catches you, cackling at just how much the tables have turned. Things can never go smoothly for this bunch, can it…? Dusting yourself off, you right yourself as Jimin continues to giggle to himself, flicking a finger as the awning rises back up.
You wander over to the poor merchants stall with Jimin in hand after the shouting disappears into the distance for a closer look. It’s easy enough to spot a lovely bolt of lace, a pair of scissors, and some packaging. It doesn’t take much convincing to step behind the stall a snip a few yards for yourself. Jimin glares at everyone who walks by, effectively keeping them all away as you do your work.
Your crew mate watches with a slowly raising brow as you pull a few coins out of your pocket, enough to pay for at least double of what you took, and put them on the counter. What can you say, you feel a little bad for the lovely bald man, it’s clear he’s actually quite kind... Only a little though, because now you have rare silk, lovely lace, and blackmail for the future. Turning back to Jimin, you boop his nose and he playfully bites your finger.
“Help me wrap this up Minnie.”
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