#does kim have a tag on ao3 yet
colorblindmess · 30 days
my headmates are so sick and tired of me. sean has figured out i converted our mid 30's year old brother into a shadowmech fan and i dont think sean is ever going to forgive me for it. i hope he never finds out about the fact our brother actively has started reaching out to me randomly to go "can we watch the next episode of from the fog lifedrain". we don't ask our brother to watch it with us, he asks us to watch it with him 😭
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ncteez · 1 year
Oh no, he’s hot (k.m.g)
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The first time you drove your very trashed best friend home was because you had a crush on him. All the times you drove him home after that were because…well, his dad is sexy.
or the one where you have tension with your crush’s dad at four in the morning and maybe secretly fuck while said crush is asleep on the couch. 
ao3 | m.list | minors dni! | kindly leave feedback and reblog, i will kiss your forehead so fucking fast if you do. 
PAIRING― dilf!mingyu x afab reader 
CONTENT― there is no daddy kink nor is there sub/dom dynamics involved with this fic, bottom(ish) mingyu, top(ish) reader, desperate smutty stuff,  mingyu is in his 40s, reader is in her early 20s (in other words, age gaps be damned, you’re both adults.)
OTHER CHARACTERS― chan is his son and ur just gonna have to deal with that for the sake of having no unnamed characters 
WARNINGS― Mingyu has an internal war over wanting you because his son also wants you. Another thing,  this is entirely consenting, but mingyu does mention to stop and/or wait at one point while clearly acting against his own words. 
NOTE― So uh, this fic is kind of a push and pull between morality and fucking because you’re horny. There’s some backhanded stuff about Chan but ill make it up to him in a future fic, i swear. Anyway, behold, the unedited dilf mingyu fic.
smut tags under cut:: 
― part two here!
smut tags―his brain is between his legs in this fic, BIG DICK MINGYU, grinding(ish), masturbation, handjob, neck kissing/sucking, groping, pet names: babe & sweetheart, face riding, dirty talk, unprotected sex (just assume they’re protected somehow at this point), he’s technically the one doing the fucking but he’s very in tune with her pleasure, missionary, g-spot stimulation and deep penetration
The first time you met Kim Mingyu was an unfortunate event. One where his son was seeing three of you and four of his dad as you struggled to get him up the steps of the porch. It’s not that Chan purposely stayed out past curfew, and it’s definitely not that he forgot his gate code or his dorm keys, it’s just that he really needed a friend to get him to his dad’s house. It wasn’t out of the way, Chan promised you that, even as you drove a full ten minutes across the city line to get him to safety. At first, you didn’t mind and preferred to spend more time with him anyway, but then it was even more worth the drive. Especially after meeting his father and realizing that he’s, to put it bluntly, just as hot as Chan. If not, more. 
 The second, third, and fourth time you met Kim Mingyu was much the same on the outside. Internally though, each time you met him threw you further and further into a specific thought process. One that felt taboo. You’ve never felt anything towards the parent of a friend, better yet the parent of a crush. Until now, at least, especially with the way Mingyu looks at you when he thinks you don’t notice. 
  It’s not that you think Chan’s dad would consider you an option, the smallest possibility of that is definitely not the reason why you volunteer to take his rowdy ass home either. Before it was because you wanted to spend more time with the guy you possibly were trying to date. Now? You won’t admit the reasoning. If anything, it’s because the older man has a kind face and thanks you each time for bringing Chan home to him rather than leaving him on the lawn of some frat house. 
 The fact that all of this started because you had a crush on Chan was insane enough. Now look at you, going to frat parties with him, no longer to get closer per se, but so you can take him to his childhood home despite him not forgetting his dorm keys anymore. 
 It’s the latest you’ve ever brought him this time, nearing four in the morning as you drag his clumsy self up his front porch as he hums the tune to your favorite song at you.
 “I told you,” Chan slurs through his humming, stopping you from knocking on the door and leaning his weight on you even more. “I have my keys this time. Why are we at my dad’s house again?” 
             You shake your head at him, adjusting your body better to accommodate his dead weight on your right side. 
 “Curfew. Do you want to be written up for a noise complaint again?” You look at him, watching him tilt his head and remove himself from your side to stand in front of you in an immaculate show of how uncoordinated he can be. 
 “You take such good care of me,” He slurs again, smiling at you from under his messy fringe and struggling to adjust his eyes to meet yours properly. “Y’know, Soonyoung said you have a crush on me–”
             You cut him off, stepping forward and knocking against the door as loudly as you can to avoid the fact that you might’ve had a crush on him before, and perhaps you still do. It’s just– his dad, y’know? 
 “Why’re you ignoring me?” He smiles again, leaning lazily against the door frame as you knock.
             Honestly, on any other day, you’d probably be blushing. You’d be floored by Chan being so forward toward you, especially in his cute drunken state with his sparkling eyes and stupid messy hair. It’s no wonder you have–had– a crush on him. With a face like that, a voice like that, a body like that, a dad like that. 
 “I’d rather talk about this when you’re sober, Chan.” You deadpan, knocking again and wondering if it’s taking his dad a while to get out of bed because it’s too early in the morning to be handling a drunk son. 
             Chan looks at you for several seconds with his crooked and lazy smile, nodding to you and blinking out of sync. You do think he’s charming, even like this. It’s a shame, really, that you can hear the door unlocking because you probably would have grabbed his face and kissed him at that moment. Mingyu be damned. Even more of a shame that your variable crush on him fizzles out the second you see his father time and time again. 
             Mingyu stands there behind that thin layer of glass with his sweat pants sitting low on his hips, shirt nowhere to be seen, with a face of both disappointment in Chan and sleepy fondness towards you. On instinct, you remember the first time you saw him and every time after that. No matter the change of lighting, time of night, or the way he has his hair– he never looks to be old enough to be Chan’s father. To put it bluntly, Mingyu doesn’t appear to be any older than his mid-twenties. Still, any sane person would be chasing after his son, much like you were but, here you are, wanting nothing more than to chase after the forty-something-year-old father of a cute drunken idiot.  
             Chan watches you stare at his dad but isn’t quite sure if it means anything because his drunken brain is telling him that you’re just tired or something. Still, he leans from the frame and immediately clings to you, his state offering little to hide the feelings he’s grown towards you. It’s the first time you’ve ever felt his nose nuzzle against your neck, with his alcohol-scented breath blowing against the skin there. You struggle to not lean into him. 
             Mingyu opens the door upon seeing Chan acting like a fool in love, much like he would have done at his age in the same state of bliss with a pretty girl by his side. 
 “Chan is very drunk again,” You laugh apologetically, looking away from the Mingyu and feeling Chan’s hands grip your waist as he hugs you. You try not to think too hard about his hands gripping you too, mostly because he’s never actually been this forward or clingy towards you. Truly, if he had done this before meeting Mingyu, and without being absolutely trashed, you’d probably already have asked to be his girlfriend or gone down on him, at the very least. 
  “Should I lead him to the couch?”
             Mingyu nods, looking at you with a gentle smile, well aware of the fact that you bring Chan here for reasons other than giving his son a place to lay his head. He knows Chan keeps his keys on him now, and he’s known since the second time you dropped him off. Especially considering he scolds him every morning after a drunken party, and each time, Chan proves that his keys were with him. He also knows his son well enough to see when he takes a liking to a girl, the issue is that you make it very very obvious that you’re more interested in him rather than Chan. Which is flattering, incredibly cute, equally as dangerous, and such a fucking shame for his son. 
             Here’s the thing. Mingyu is a good person with a stable head on his shoulders. He’s a good father, a hard worker, and a gentle soul, but he gets horny  just like any other man. Unfortunately, when a woman who he finds attractive, even if he swears he isn’t interested, starts throwing signals his way– it’s hard to ignore them and even harder to control himself when he hasn’t so much as gone on a date with another woman in at least a year. Much like his son, maybe he’s taken the tiniest liking to you too. To make himself feel better though, he swears it’s because he’s proud of his son for finding such a pretty girl that puts up with him.
             After all, he would never sleep with a woman that his son is fond of. Even when you look at him the way you do, even when you bend over in front of him for a second too long, making it obvious that you like it when his eyes land on your ass. Mingyu’s got wisdom in terms of bedroom eyes, and he would be terribly mistaken if the way you look at him wasn’t exactly that. It started eating him up inside from the second time you stepped foot in his house, and shamefully– he’s maybe thought about you in ways that he shouldn’t. Not only does Chan seem to be around you a lot, but you’re the same age as his son. 
 Of course, he feels bad. He feels like a pervert and a creep when he finds himself warming up at the way you look at him. Then he thinks hard enough about it to wonder where things could lead if he were to be selfish for once. It’s hard to find you attractive, especially when you appear to make excuses to stare at him. When he’s in his head about it, usually for several hours after you’ve dropped Chan off, he thinks about how you’re both adults and you are not obligated to cater to Chan, nor are you obligated to cater to him. You are a whole person with your own interests, and if your interest happens to be him– and if he happens to take an interest in you too, wouldn’t that just be two consenting adults? The dilemma of Chan liking you is what fucks with his head. 
  Tonight, it’s even worse and it’s becoming more and more difficult to brush you off or avert his eyes. Again, he would not ever sleep with a woman that his son is interested in but, he happens to be a bit touch-starved and you happen to be flaunting yourself at him. So, he’s allowed to at least, like, think about it, right? 
 “Ah,” Mingyu scratches the back of his neck with one hand and takes a step to the side to let you in. His shirtless body warms up when your eyes continuously scan him. You appear more interested each time you come by, and he can’t help but think that this is already reaching dangerous territory. There’s a clear reason why you keep coming to his house, using his son as an excuse to play innocent. 
 “That should be comfortable enough,” he comments in a sleep-shrouded rasp, watching you plop his son down on the couch. He closes the front door and grabs a lap blanket from the back of the couch to throw over him to help get him situated. “More comfortable than the bed in his dorm, I'm sure.” 
 “Ah, his shoes.” You comment to yourself, pulling at Chan’s laces and slipping his shoes off of him before lifting back up and preparing to head to the door. The visit to look at Mingyu is always only five to ten minutes, but you enjoy the ogling session nonetheless. 
 “Hey,” Chan slurs out, reaching out and pulling at your arm. “It’s pretty late, just crash here with me…”
             You stumble a bit, losing your balance and landing against him, but you’re quick to pull yourself back up with a laugh. God, why does he have to be the one with a hot dad? Why couldn’t he have done all of this before? Why do you have to be single and ready to mingle with a man twice your age because of Chan?
             As you stand back to your feet, you look at him as his heavy eyes start to close despite the shenanigans he just pulled. He’s already falling asleep and surely he won’t remember this by morning, so you gently back away with a soft shake of your head before heading for the door and placing his shoes on the rack there.
 “He’s right.” Mingyu manages to say, stepping in front of the door and crossing his arms. He’s a bit unsure of why he’s offering this but ultimately plays it off. It’s not because he’s trying to play cupid and hook you up with his son either. Selfishly, it’s because he wouldn’t mind you staring at him for a bit longer. 
 “It’s already too late, and I’m aware that your campus is a bit of a drive…” He trails off, trying to not act exactly like Chan towards you.
             You pause, noting that you were about to immediately agree despite rejecting his son’s offer. Looking at Mingyu, with his broad shoulders and sharp jaw, you shake your head much like before, hoping that he offers again so you can pretend to not seem so excited. 
 “Maybe I shouldn’t, I still need to shower and I don’t have anything to change into–” You try to make excuses, but he shakes his head, putting his hands out in a defensive kind of way.
 “No, no. I insist. It’s not safe, I’m sure I’ve got something lying around that you can put on for the night, there are extra toothbrushes too.”
             Well, you’re not gonna fucking argue that.
 “Okay,” You offer a soft nod and a smile, stepping away from the door and looking to the floor. You feel elated right now. “Where’s the bathroom then?” 
             Mingyu, for some reason, is trembling as he suddenly feels entirely naked in front of you even with his thick sweatpants covering the bits. He smiles back at you, reaching out as if you should grab his hand. 
             In reality, it was just to be polite but you did grab his hand. He panics a little because your hands are so fucking soft and warm, and god it’s been way too long since he’s looked at a woman this way. Such a fucking shame that Chan likes you, he knows he can’t be thinking like this. 
             Mingyu reluctantly leads you down the hallway to the bathroom, softly and quietly pointing out the towels and extra tooth brushes before stepping out and immediately walking away. You didn’t get to inquire about said pajamas he was going to offer to you, and in all honesty, he definitely forgot the second he realized that he was thinking too hard right now.
             He stands against the closed door of his room until he hears the water in the bathroom start and the shower curtain closing. That’s when he realizes he forgot to get you those fucking pajamas and curses under his breath before rushing out of the room and towards the laundry room. He’s sure he has some of Chan’s clothes here that he’s always leaving behind. 
             Thankfully, he finds a pair of boxers and a ratty old t-shirt stretched out far past its original sizing. He’s sure this will do fine as he hastily grabs them and heads toward the bathroom again.
             He stands outside of the door frozen, unsure of if he should knock or just leave them at the door. His brain is running a mile a minute at how to navigate thinking intimate things about you behind that shower curtain. Naked. The fact that you’ll be putting on his son’s clothes, probably without panties because you appeared to have made a point that you needed to change out of tonight’s clothes– oh god. There it is. There’s the shameful arousal he’s been fighting since the second time you brought Chan home.
             The water turns off after several minutes of him standing there, and he can hear the shower curtain move as you step out and presumably dry off.
             The softest of knocks known to man can be heard on your side of the door and that’s when you, yourself, get pulled out of your thoughts of Mingyu stepping inside this bathroom and wrapping your legs around him. As you look around, you should probably ask about those pajamas, and surely that’s Mingyu on the other side of this door knocking like the most polite man in the universe. 
             It’s dangerous, really. For Mingyu to be feeling this desperate for the touch of an attractive woman, whoever it may be, and you on the other side of this door desperate to touch him. You wonder if he will reject your advances, or if he will at least pick up a hint or two. You wonder if you’re about to put his clothes on you and if you’ll be able to smell him on you when you intentionally go home in them tomorrow after you wake up. 
             You creak the door open, holding the towel loosely against you as you make eye contact with him. You’re confident enough to seduce a man, but seducing Mingyu is new ground for you. Will your usual antics work on an older man? Guess you’ll find out, because right now is a better time than any.
  He’s still shirtless, his sweatpants seem to be sitting lower on his hips now too. You can’t help it when you trail your eyes down, shamelessly taking in his image before meeting his eye again with a sly smile.
             That little smile kind of solidifies it for him. The look on your face is easily recognizable to him, considering he’s seen it time and time again back before he had an entire child with someone. So, he pushes the door open a bit more, smelling the soapy scent of what you used to wash with before immediately taking a step back as you take the clothes from him. It’s not that he wouldn’t step inside and make advances on you, but he’s really trying to control his urges right now. Simply because his son likes you. 
 “They’re Chan’s,” he comments shortly, his own eyes trailing down without intention and watching a water droplet fall from the dip of your shoulder to seep into the towel loosely hiding your chest. “That's all I could find.”
             You watch him stand there, despite having taken a step back from the doorway, he appears to be planted in place without hiding the way his eyes take you in more than they ever have. You’re purposely holding this towel against you in a revealing way for him. So, you’re feeling pretty good that it seems to be working, and he’s even picking up on your energy toward him. 
 “Oh,” you finally say, looking down at the clothes in your hands. “I thought you were going to give me something of yours to wear.”
             Mingyu swallows hard. He was almost going to ask if you’d prefer to wear his clothes, but he controls himself yet again. 
 “Ah, I didn’t want Chan to think anything.”
             You perk up at that comment, playing off of it. 
 “What do you mean?” You ask with a playful tone to your voice. “You’d just be helping me sleep comfortably like a good host.” You smile as you keep eye contact with him now.
 “Ah, well,” He laughs awkwardly with you, now imagining you in his clothes. The arousal only grows at the image of you in one of his old ratty shirts rather than his son’s. This is not okay though, he cannot be thinking these things while you’re less than a foot away from him with just that loose towel covering you.
 You notice his lack of words after that, so you trail your eyes down again to see if you’re truly the only one here considering things to do that Chan would find suspicious. He’s so broad, honestly, he’s big enough that he could trap you against the bathroom counter behind you and have his way with ease. 
 “Are you,” You pause for a moment, narrowing your eyes before glancing up at his eyes again, “turned on?” 
             Mingyu freezes only for a moment before putting his hands in front of himself and turning away from you while whispering a small apology. 
 “Sorry, it’s not intentional,” he goes to say, feeling his cheeks warm up at the fact that you so bluntly asked him such a thing. “I’m gonna–” he doesn’t even finish his sentence before he points to his room with his thumb, rushes down the hallway, and closes the door behind him.
             You’re left standing there in silence with Chan’s clothing in your hands. You slowly back yourself into the bathroom and get dressed with a mischievous smile on your face, opting to leave your clothes in his laundry just to try and be sneaky in order to have a reason to stop by on your own next time. 
             By the time you exit the bathroom after brushing your teeth, you’re left wondering if you should squeeze up against Chan and actually just crash here, or if you should go cause more tension with his dad, who is very clearly still awake in his bedroom because you can hear his television in there. Unsure of if you’ve crossed a line or not, your confidence is at an all time high after seeing him apologize for getting hard while looking at you. Clearly, you’re not tired, definitely not after that. He appears to be taking an interest and yes, you’re gonna see just how interested he is.
             Taking a deep breath, you pad down the hallway and knock gently at his bedroom door. You think up any excuse to give him when he creaks the door open, but thankfully you didn’t have to try too hard.
 “Where should I sleep?” You ask in mock-shyness, rubbing your thighs together and noting that he appears to be slightly out of breath. 
             Mingyu, mid-jerk off session, was not expecting you to actually keep approaching him. He is entirely too weak now, as if he wasn’t already. He still has precum against his palm when he opens his door, and you’re standing there staring up at him with damp skin and his son’s loose ass shirt hanging over your legs– jesus.
 “Um,” Mingyu clears his throat, looking down the hallway and listening for any sound that could indicate his son was awake, “Where ever you want?” He calms himself with the silence, wanting nothing more than to sink back into his bedsheets and release himself of these filthy thoughts of you. 
 “In here then.” You boldly state, pressing a palm against his door and staring directly at the wet spot against his hastily pulled-up sweatpants.
 “Wait, hold on,” Mingyu whispers as he stops you from opening his door any further. “What are you trying to do?” 
             He didn’t expect you to actually answer that question. 
 “I thought I made that obvious?” You admit, now feeling your confidence break a bit because you really thought he was also sending signals. 
 “You did, but I can’t just let this happen.” Mingyu follows up with his own admittance, noting the way your face falls, and instantly he feels fucking bad about it. A face so pretty shouldn’t be looking so defeated by a mere rejection out of pure moral stance, he really shouldn’t say anything more. 
             He watches as you slowly nod, accepting his rejection and preparing to turn around and probably get in your car to go home. Against his better judgment and allowing his weakness to take hold, he speaks up again. 
 “Wait, wait, it’s not that I wouldn’t,” You perk right back up as he talks. “I just– I can’t do that to him.”
 “Do what to him?” You tilt your head at him, lifting your palm back to his door to try and press it open again, shockingly, he lets you this time. “He and I aren’t dating, he’s never even tried anything with me when he’s sober.”
             Mingyu thinks hard about this now, stepping back from his door and knowing for a fact that the moment you step into his room it’s over for him. He didn’t expect you to be like this, but god it’s doing something for him. Are you this forward towards his son, or would you be this forward toward him if he actually made a sober move on you? No, no. He shouldn’t be thinking about that right now, with the way you’re clearly trying to come onto him.
 “That isn’t the point, I’m not that kind of person.” Mingyu tries to argue, eyes boring holes through you with lust that doesn’t match his argument at all.
             You don’t want to push him if he’s genuinely not wanting to do this with you, but god, you’ve imagined this far more than you’d like to admit. 
 “Would you though? If the circumstances were different?”
             Mingyu appears to be totally lost at this point, standing there as he watches you step through his doorway, looking so….touchable in his son’s clothes. 
 “Fuck, yeah.” He sighs out this time, blatantly staring you down before realizing what he just said, and he struggles to take back the words. 
             You watch as his sweatpants move along with the twitch of his length beneath, and you do little to sway his break of control. If anything, you make it harder by stepping closer to him. 
 “If I asked you to touch me right now, would you?” You ask him, closing the distance and practically feeling his warmth pull you in.
             If he wasn’t in the middle of pleasuring himself when you knocked, he would be able to turn you away, but he was so fucking close. And now you’re actually in this room with him, much like he was imagining. 
 “I shouldn’t,” He whispers in defeat, all while his hand reaches out to yours and trails it straight to his clothed cock. “This is not something I should want to do–”
             You feel him twitch under your palm, warm from his arousal. You wonder if he was in here thinking about you before you knocked. 
 “Were you jerking off to me?” You ask bluntly, squeezing him and watching the way he releases a sigh before his eyes fall back onto yours, darker than before. 
 “Close the door.” He says, ignoring your question and stepping past his own boundary line. 
             Even when you pull away from him with a wicked smirk, his hips chase your palm until it’s out of reach and you’re silently closing his door. You approach him quickly this time, reaching between his legs without a hint of fear as you squeeze around him to make him release a sigh similar to the one before. 
 “Were you?” You ask again, jerking your hand up a bit and feeling the thickness of him, rubbing your legs together once again. This is really happening this time, and it was almost too easy.
             Mingyu nods shamefully, reaching to grab your wrist and halt its movements.
 “Wait,” He warns, throwing his head back for a moment with a frustrated groan. He’s arguing with himself in his head, sending mixed signals of what he wants and then immediately pulling back. “I really shouldn’t be doing this.”
             You pause, looking at him and the way he rolls his head forward to look at you again. You say nothing and your hand remains halted against his length as he makes a mental list of the  pros and cons of this situation. It’s entirely silent, and you smile when he bucks his hips up against your palm, seemingly making a decision. 
 “Shit,” he groans with a breathy chuckle, rubbing himself against you. You can see his bicep flex as he holds your hand there, and you honestly expected him to be more in control of his body. Somehow, it’s far more sexy to see him fight himself over you. 
 “Let me,” you comment gently, trying to move your hand and feeling the way he relaxes under it with another low rumble of a moan. “I want to.” 
  He’s already crossed his moral line, and the guilt that could come from this is replaced with arousal. The thoughts he had of you from before all could come true at this moment, and possibly only happen just this once. 
 Mingyu’s eyes are drawn to your hand against him and he bucks his hips towards the warmth on instinct. It feels so good to be touched by someone other than himself. He’s going to let himself have you, just this once. Hopefully, Chan won’t find out, and hopefully, this won’t happen again. 
             Your hand moves so gently over his length that despite barely feeling it through the thick sweatpants, it somehow sends shivers down his spine. He can’t keep his hips from moving, and he can’t stop breathing out little sounds because it genuinely feels like he’s fucking melting at your touch. Sure, it would probably be this way if anyone were to touch him like this after so long of being alone, but the fact that it’s you… for some reason has his head spinning. Out of anyone on this planet that he should be doing this with, it’s you. 
             You switch between watching his face to watching his hips. A man so broad and intimidating in stature is acting much like an inexperienced man being touched for the first time, and it’s throwing you for a loop. Just a little bit. After imagining him pinning you down, tearing you apart, and talking down to you so many times– it’s a bit of a shock seeing him do everything but that. 
 The look in his eyes is reluctant but his hips move with purpose against your hand. It’s cute. Watching him somehow seem so composed but unraveling all at once over your hand alone is something you’ve never experienced, so you were more than happy to snake your hand under the waistband of his sweats and watch him shiver at the sensation. 
 When you feel the warmth between his legs and the slippery beads of precum dripping out of him, it was easy to grasp him and imagine the weight of his cock inside of you. That alone blew your pupils out as you stare up at him, learning the ways in which he prefers to get touched. 
             His hips don’t stop moving towards you, and even at this angle of simply standing in front of him, you can feel the desperate force behind his movements. It’s so insanely hot to be doing this with Mingyu at all that you think you’d accept just about anything from him at this point.
             It only took less than a minute of jerking him off beneath those sweats when he dips his head down. You can feel his breath against you, fanning against your chin until it’s replaced with his hand, skewing your head away so that he can attach his lips directly to your neck.
             God, it’s something he’s doing. Holding you there, breathing heavily as his tongue swipes your pulse point with little muffled sighs as your hand grips and squeezes him. You can feel his hips continue to speed up, fucking into the circle your fingers make around him. For a solid moment there, you thought you were dreaming, but his raspy voice pulls you from that idea, planting you back in reality. 
 “I’ve thought about this a few times,” he whispers, kissing his way to the other side of your neck. “Have you?”
             You nod, feeling more pre-cum drip from him. Your hand glides up and down his length perfectly as he moves his hips in sync, laying sloppy and breathy kisses just below your ear.
 “I’ve thought about this since the first day I saw you,” you admit, leaning your head back a bit to try and get him to look at you, “I didn’t imagine you being this big though, Mr.Kim.”
             Mingyu does pull back at the name, his lips slack and puffy as he looks at you with disapproval.
 “Mm, don’t call me that, sweetheart. Mingyu is fine,” he pauses as you nod to him, and winces a bit at the way your fingers tease the head of his cock so beautifully. He has to breathe through his nose to keep himself from shoving you to the floor and spreading you open on him. “I’m not turned on because of a power dynamic–” He admits with a sigh. 
 “Oh?” You question, pressing yourself up against him and gaining a new angle for your wrist to begin flicking around his length. “Why are you doing it then?” 
             You are curious as to why he’s found an interest in you, though you refuse to question it. If it’s like it is in porn, where it’s strictly the age gap or the idea of having the power of another, so be it. It appears though, that Mingyu has other reasons. 
 “Because I want to know how you sound when you’re drenching my cock and saying my name.”
             Oh, there’s the Mingyu you imagined so many times before. Saying filthy things already, making your legs feel like jelly at the sheer image of him letting you drench him. You felt those words hit you right in the core. Your entire body tenses out of pleasure. You’re fucking tingling, and instantly pressing him forward to see if he really meant what he said. 
             Mingyu isn’t used to talking dirty these days though, but he can see the way you react to those words. Being led to his own bed by you says enough about how that made you feel. 
             When he falls back on the bed, you see the way his darkened pupils overtake the fond smile on his lips, and when you pull your hand from his pants and try to crawl on top of him, it confuses you when he stops you. 
             You look down at him, tilting your head in question before he speaks.
 “Take his clothes off first, I want to see you,” he mumbles, his own hands rubbing down his abs and his fingers tucking under his own sweats. 
             You nod, backing yourself up and sliding Chan’s boxers down your legs. You watch the way Mingyu watches you, seemingly treating this like a show as he slips his hand under his sweats and resumes to himself what you had been doing for him before. The hidden movement under those sweats ignites a fire inside of you, the reality of Mingyu pleasuring himself to you taking off his son’s clothes hits you so fucking hard. You feel desired by a man that shouldn’t desire you, and it makes you feel so fucking sexy.
 He’s watching you hard and even lets a small and choked-out moan fall from his lips when you begin to lift the shirt off of you. 
 “Anyone would be lucky to have you,” he compliments, blatantly squeezing his palm around the base of his length and imagining that it’s you sinking down on him. “Come here.” 
             As he reaches his free hand out to invite you on top of it, the words he said make you buckle into a world of shyness. You almost want to hide your face from his fond and darkened eyes, especially as he continues to palm against himself even as if you sit on his thighs. 
             You watch the movements under his sweats until your eyes are torn from the act, his warm hand pressing you up further and then guiding your face down to his. There, you expect to share a kiss with him, but he just ghosts his lips over yours, eyes falling into a half-lidded look. Your own eyes flutter closed, parting your lips for him– but instead of feeling him kiss you, you only feel his words come out in sighed mumbles. 
 “How do you feel about feeling my tongue on you?” he whispers, flexing his arm at your side as he fucks into his own fist harder now that he has you on top of him.
             You open your eyes to look at him, noting his dazed smile, pupils blown under those half-closed lids. You’ve never ridden a man’s face before, despite having been eaten out several times. You’re a little nervous, but he nods an encouragement out to you as he attempts to guide you further up. 
 “Don’t be shy, babe. I want to taste you,” he pauses to look at your face, trying to show that you can say no, even with your pussy already nearing where he wants it to be. “Yeah?”
             You give him a shy nod, scooting up until you’re sitting on his chest and leaning back a bit. You’re trying to remain confident enough to do it yourself, but he continues to guide you, all the way until you’re propping yourself up with your knees on either side of his head. You can feel his eyelashes flutter against your thighs when you hover, and he starts kissing the flesh there, giving you no reason to feel embarrassed at all. It feels almost ticklish, and it makes your legs shake at the sensation. 
             As he continues to kiss against your thighs, you can feel his free hand move to grope your ass, spreading you open just a bit and rocking you just inches from his mouth. The pressure of waiting to feel his tongue on you is one thing, but feeling his big hand guide you to sit a little closer had you obeying instantly. 
             Still trying to remain confident, you look down between your legs and can only see the mess of hair fanned against his mattress, you kind of love the image. Knowing that it’s his face down there, and that’s his tongue working its way on your thigh and closer to your core. You jolt slightly when you feel the warm muscle tease at your folds, flicking gently before his hand begins to rock you against it, encouraging you to grind.
             You’re very reluctant at first, even upon feeling his tongue travel to your clit when he guides your hips back. It’s only when he leans his head up a bit to close any amount of space between his mouth and your pussy, that you release a shaky moan. His tongue circled your clit before sucking hard against it, and it really did make it difficult not to sit harder against him.
             Within seconds of that little sound, you hear the snap of his sweats against his abdomen and you feel both of his hands grasping at your ass. You’re seeing stars instantly when he presses you down all the way and instantly begins to part your pussy with his tongue, grinding you harshly against his mouth until he’s the one sending vibrations of moans through you.
             He lifts you up momentarily after a moment just to look at your pussy over him, and rolls his eyes back in an even filthier-sounding moan. 
 “Do you even know how wet you are?” He asks, staring directly at the way your pussy pulsates above him. “Had no idea you wanted me this bad.” 
             Mingyu doesn’t even let you answer, flattening his tongue before licking a long stripe up your slit and forcing you to sit against him again with those strong hands. He moans again through your sigh of a response, unable to speak as he guides your body on him. His tongue is working wonders on you, causing your head to spin at the way he flicks his tongue against your hole before swirling it all the way up to your clit over and over again. No part of your core feels neglected, and the sensations he’s giving you is something you want to cling to. 
             For him, he wants nothing more than for you to use this to your advantage. He wants nothing more than for you to grind against his tongue and force the taste of you on him until he never forgets the feeling of your pussy on his lips. But this. This is enough, especially compared to how bold you were being before. Feeling your legs shake around his head only drives him to keep going. He wants to hear you, taste you, feel you. He wants you to know what it’s like to have a real man pleasure you.
             He opts this time to grind your pussy forward until his nose is nuzzled against your clit and his tongue is teasing your entrance and he leaves you that way. Frantically moving his hand back to his cock and letting out a filthy groan against you as he finally gains his own friction again. You barely notice, feeling jolts of pleasure shoot through your body as you grind without intention this time, chasing the feeling in the same way he was guiding you. 
             When you do that, you feel him nod with a growl before slipping his tongue into you and tasting the way your walls clench even that. He sounds filthy and the fact that he seems to really enjoy that you’re doing this? It only drives you to actually ride his face, sliding back and forth, fucking yourself against his tongue until you slide all the way back just to see his face. 
 “Am I hurting you?” You ask, your pussy clenching at the image of him.
             He doesn’t respond and instead looks at you with a face driven by arousal, his tongue dipping back into his mouth to taste, then sticking it out again for you to continue your pleasure on. When you don’t, he shakes his head and clears his throat a bit, attempting to answer you. 
 “Fuck, no. You could go harder sweetheart, come on.” He urges you, moving his hand faster against himself when you shyly blink at him, hovering your core above him just enough for him to lift his head and do it himself at your reluctance.
 He frantically licks against you in a way that he’s never done before. Tongue slipping in and out of every crease and crevice to taste the entirety of you before fucking his tongue in once again when your weak grinds allow it. You watch his head move between your legs and you do your best to commit this image to your memory. You really get to sit on this man’s face, and he’s really just— fucking going insane for it like this? 
             Moaning out once again, you can feel your legs shake each time his nose bumps your clit, and you clench around his tongue each time he tries to essentially fuck you that way. It’s a lot, and god you’ve never been with a man who eats pussy like this. The way he moans through it, the way you can feel his arm jerking himself off, the way he occasionally tries to look up at you.
 “Mingyu, I–” you try to say, letting your legs buckle and sitting flush against his tongue again, resuming the weak grinds you had offered before. “You should stop, before I–”
             He taps your leg, causing you to lift a bit before he speaks out in an even raspier voice.
 “Do it. On my tongue.” He pleads without letting you answer, shoving you by your ass directly back onto his mouth and somehow, licking you with even more pressure. 
             You can feel him nod when you jerk your hips on him, his free hand guiding you back and forth in a harsher way. His tongue fucks into you a few more times before he’s holding you in place, attaching his lips to your clit, and sucking so hard against it that you feel that wave of pleasure hit you like a bag of bricks. 
             He made it happen so fast, legs squeezing around his head as you jolt and stutter against his tongue that flattens out and bumps your clit. You hold yourself there, swirling your hips and drenching his mouth entirely. You clench around nothing, orgasming solely from clit stimulation and it makes your ears pop and ring as you work through it. 
             And by the time you’re done, you panic. Is he okay? You’re sure you squeezed his head with your legs too tightly, you sat too hard, and you rutted against his tongue until he couldn’t breathe.
             Quickly, you slide off of his face, feeling embarrassed and quite frankly, apologetic that you did that but instead of finding a nearly choked out man, you see him lying there with a glistening face and a filthy fucking smile. 
 “You ride so well, sweetheart,” he compliments, quickly pulling his hand from his cock to prevent his own orgasm, “ you sounded so pretty like that.”
             He thinks hard about this, knowing that this is probably what his son wishes he can do for you, but at this point, he’s not even sorry. The way you choke out quiet sobs of pleasure, the way your legs were shaking around him, the way you fucking tasted against his tongue. No, he gets to be selfish. Fuck all else, he’s going to let you ruin him. 
 “Lie back, babe.” He says gently, waiting for you to adjust yourself comfortably against the bed before pulling his sweats off of him and shivering at the cold air that hits his pre-cum soaked length. He looks at you as you lay there, grabbing a pillow and adjusting it under your head with a soft smile before touching your face. 
 “Can I fuck you?” He asks, leaning to hover over you and running his hand down your waist. 
             Your eyes trail straight to the cock you hadn’t been able to actually see yet, seeing the way it glistens and twitches with the need to be touched. You want nothing more than for this man to plunge himself so deeply inside of you, that you can only say his name when you get fucked by anyone else. 
             His eyes watch yours as you stare between his legs and he easily slots himself between yours, fawning over the way your body heaves as you continue to catch your breath from that last orgasm. 
 “Yeah?” He asks for confirmation, yet again gripping himself and pumping against his own length as he waits for you to answer. 
             You nod, rolling your hips and bumping your warm, saliva-soaked, pussy against the knuckles of his hand as he pumps himself. He loves how your neediness matches his own, and he coos at the way you say nothing but communicates solely through grinding against nothing for him to fill you up. 
             The chuckle he lets out at you is another thing you had thought about time and time again. Being laughed at, degraded. Mingyu is everything and nothing like what you imagined him to be, but he’s also making you feel better than you imagined too. You blink up at him, trying to muster the words for him, wanting to see the fire in his eyes ignite further than it already has. 
 “I like it rough, deep.”
             Yeah, that did something for him, you can tell with the way he drops his head and immediately positions his length against you. 
 “How deep, sweetheart?” He asks, teasing your hole with the head of his cock and pressing in only slightly. 
             You roll your hips forward, enveloping his tip and smiling at him. You think he loses himself right then and there, pressing into you with one long and languid thrust, committing the feeling of your inner walls hugging his cock tightly to memory, pulsating around him until he bottoms out with a released sigh. 
 “So fucking deep,” he says more to himself then to you, holding himself above you and bracing one hand at the side of your head and the other on your waist. “Deeper.” He coos, angling himself slightly and pressing into you more somehow. 
             You can’t fucking breathe, feeling him, seeing him, smelling him. You’re actually fucking the Kim Mingyu right now. All of your wet dreams compiled into one fucking instance and it’s happening to you right now in the early morning hours while your recent crush is dozed off in the living room. 
             You clench, squeezing your eyes shut and trying to keep yourself from moaning as loud as you’d like to right now.
             He waits for you to adjust, twitching inside of you and working up a sweat as he attempts to control himself until you’re ready for the second half of your request. You wanna be fucked deep, and you wanna be fucked rough? Lucky him, because he’s about three seconds from ruining the both of you out of sheer desperation to feel your pretty hole squeeze him through orgasm.
 “And rough?” He whispers, leaning down and whispering against your ear. You can feel his grip on your waist tighten when he pulls his hips back, relieving the pressure inside of you before pressing in again.
             The moan he lets out against your neck is honestly the best thing you think you’ve ever heard, your nipples perk up at the sound of him fucking you, and you do everything you can to encourage him to do just that. 
             You nod with a broken moan, desperate enough to have him pulling back to look at you as he slides out again, and then plunges into you once, hard. The way your body shifts up as his hips meet your thighs is enough to have him doing it again, and again. A string of hard, deep, and pointed thrusts sending little yelps out of your throat each time his hips spread your legs a bit more for him.
             The hand on your waist moves up to your left nipple and he pinches it slightly before falling forward again, bracing himself on both arms at either side of your head. His rhythm sends him over the edge and makes him fuck into you even harder as he breathes out and rests his forehead against yours. 
 “Sweetheart?” he lets out between deep breaths, the sound of slapping echoing to the point that you hope it doesn’t wake up the sleeping boy in the other room, “hold onto me.” 
             You don’t know why that does it for you, but it fucking does. You didn’t even realize you needed something to hold on to until you released you were gripping the covers with tightened knuckles. Releasing the blankets, you throw your arms around his shoulders. 
 “Legs too,” he chuckles, licking against your bottom lip in a teasing kind of way.
             Your legs shoot around him too, squeezing his body and pushing him to thrust into you in a way that keeps his cock almost completely buried into you, thrusting tightly. Only an inch or two leaving you before the head of his cock bumps the deepest part of your inner walls. 
             Feeling that, knowing that Mingyu’s cock is reaching where no cock has gone before, you tilt your chin up and connect your lips with him. The first heated kiss sends shockwaves through your body and causes you to clench so tightly around him, that he fucking growls into it rather than moaning. 
             His pointed thrusts grow tighter, faster, and your arms continue to hug and squeeze against him as your tongue swirls around his. Teeth clinking, his sweat dripping a bit to the point of even tasting a bit of that salt fall past his lips and against yours.
             Both of you are fucking gone, deep breaths and deep thrusts, his cock is pressing against that spot inside of you and all you can do is fucking– you let go.
             Your mouth falls slack against his own, and he continues to lick into your mouth until he realizes. Your pussy jolts around him and he pulls his head back, watching you fall into a state of bliss before he’s instantly shoving his hand between the tight space of your bodies and harshly rubbing your clit. 
 “Oh, baby,” he coos out in his own moan, the image of actually seeing you come sending him over the edge himself. “That’s it,” he moans again, chasing his own high and feeling dangerously close already, “So pretty, you’re so fucking pretty like this.”
             And there he goes too. You’re still riding out the last of your high when you feel him still his hips and press himself impossibly closer to you. He can feel your walls hug him, squeezing his come out of him in such a filthy way that he can’t help but whisper and babble out nonsense to you. Words of, you feel so good, i wanted this so badly, fuck yes–, fuck, fuck, just going to let me come in you like this?, fuck, oh, god. 
             It was a lot of nonsense, but to you and your dazed-out thoughts, it sounded like a mantra. 
             Even as the two of you laid there, fucked out and out of breath, neither of you felt any guilt. Why should you? Because you have (had) a crush on Chan? You’re not dating him, you’re an adult, and you can fuck whoever you want. Mingyu’s thought process is similar, though he’s sure the guilt will hit him later if anything were to happen. 
             The guilt did hit him later. He’d say around the time you stopped by three days after you spent the night to pick up your clothes. 
             Did he fuck you again? Yes. Right up against the washer in his tiny laundry room. Just as deep, but not as rough. 
 Is he only growing more weak towards you? Absolutely. Especially when you continue to find reasons to see him without Chan around. 
Unsure of what the future holds between the two of you, Mingyu tries not to think of you as anything more than someone he casually has sex with. If you and Chan start dating, that’ll be fucking awkward, but for some reason, he can’t bring himself to believe that will ever happen. Not when he’s already had you moaning his name, not when you wrap your arms around him the way you do.
― part two here!
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wandering-tides · 2 months
TNE Fandom where are you?
Sujin shippers where are you?
I have Fics to Rec
I don't really go out of my way to rec fics (and I dunno why I have never done this before on tumblr), but BY GOD, have these two fics taken a special place in my heart.
I ADORE everything about them.
They are both Suho x Hajin ships
But the ship aside, I am so incredibly grateful for the authors to have brought them to life and allowed us to read these absolute GEMS of a fic in this little, little fandom of The Novel's Extra.
Really, y'guys have no idea how giddy and excited I get at every update.
Now, the fic in question?
1. Flowers of Agápē by DescendedGaia (Not sure if the author has a tumblr or any other social media... but lemme know if you want me to tag you :) )
Kim Hajin is a failure. There's no two ways to look at that objective truth. It's a truth that resonates through how others look at and ridicule him. It's a truth that echoes infinitely inside his head, compounding and doubling down on his inadequacies. It's a truth, despite the unconditional love of two parents that soothe but cannot dispel those haunting doubts. Kim Suho is simply perfection. The desperate vessel and ideal of Hajin's "ifs" and wishes. Because Kim Suho, the protagonist of Hajin's novel, is everything Hajin wants to be for his parents and more. But, that same story falls apart at the seams the same way Hajin has lost faith in himself. Yet, as the common narrative dictates, everything begins anew with an innocuous email requesting to remake Hajin's novel, his desperation and desire incarnate.
*** Alternatively, the extremes of Korean culture break Kim Hajin into someone who feels much more acutely, and everything shifts to the left.
This is such a MASTERPIECE. Hajin's characterisation in here is just *chefs kiss*. For me, thats one of the biggest plus points in this fic. Hajin is so much more emotionally sensitive in here and feels far more acutely than in the orignal, as should have been.
This fic has been adressing almost all the points that made me frown at or dislike in the orignal novel and manhwa (and from what I can notice, almost every one too).
This fic is kinda a rewrite of the orignal novel, (tho the author follows the manhwa flow of the story) with added Suho interactions, and such good characterization of Hajin, I fell in love at first read LMAO.
So far, there aren't any major spoilers (unless you read the author end note, where they give their own tid-bits of the chap, which sometimes contain spoilers too, or go to the comment section which may sometimes give you spoilers to the novel lol) If you are caught up with the manhwa, or atleast the season 1 of manhwa, then so far there won't be any spoilers for you!
And I think i'll stop talking about it here cuz if I keep going, I think i'll end up giving in-fic spoilers Lmao
(Oh, btw, this updates every other thursday! So far, it's been consistent in its updates ^^)
So onto the next fic!
2. Mountain To No one by @thek1ngtalks (as k1ng0fn0b0dy on ao3)
There's a number on his smartwatch that leads to nowhere. Suho's gotten in the habit of texting it throughout his day. Today, it texted back.
_ Or, in a world missing Kim Hajin, everyone is worse off. Fixing this starts with (a lot of) text messages between a protagonist and his missing piece.
And Man.... where do I begin? I have SO MUCH to say about this fic but I think i'll end up spoiling the whole fic if I start lmao. It's just so good dammit. Just gonna say that this fic takes after the end of the novel, after the conclusion. Only couple few remembers Hajin in the orignl right? Well, in this fic, nobody does. But Suho is probably (???) Going to be the first to remember... I dunno tbh, the fic is only 2 chaps in (and yes, I really adore it already)
I love what the author did with Suhos character and how he is dealing with the aftermath of... everything. Same goes for Hajin, and I love where they seems to be taking this fic. How they characterizes these two main characters and everything.
Listen, I have a LOT to say but i'll just end up giving spoilers so really go read it for yourself. This is another MASTERPIECE of a fic and I am so grateful for its presence in this little TNE fandom TT
Really, thankyou for such amazing fics authors!!
And that's all from me!! Lol I was so excited while writing this XD (could you tell? Lol)
(I edited this post twice because of all the typos I ended up making in excitement LMAO)
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effortandmore · 2 months
caught looking: chapter 8 (knj x ksj)
summary: of course Seokjin has heard the rumors. most of them boil down to this: kim namjoon will get fired from the kiwoom heroes after this season is over. he’s the kbo’s youngest manager in history, one of korea’s darlings, always on every 30 under 30 list, and everyone is sure he’s about to tumble from the tower he’s built. or, namjoon is probably going to lose his job and seokjin is probably never going to make his dad proud, but they have a better shot at overcoming those two things together than they ever have alone.
pairing: seokjin x namjoon
rating: e for everyone for now but there is adult content in later chapters so no minors pls
genre: etl, fluff, eventual smut
au: baseball, specifically the kbo
warnings/tags: idk... swearing, drinking, and general sports things? some blackmail kind of and discussions of homophobia in sports. a drunk ex being drunk and pushy. kissing! eventual smut of the gay variety.
wc: chapter: ~4800
chapter summary: seokjin tries to get his lips to touch namjoon's lips, and for once, he succeeds.
hello! here are chapters one two three four five six and seven if you'd like them. or the whole thing is on ao3 here . thank you! for the like.. three of you who read this here and not on ao3, i'm taking next week off cos i'll be at an art show, but i'll be back in 2 weeks :)
Because life is inherently unfair, Seokjin and Namjoon aren’t able to make it work to get together that weekend.
On their off day, Seokjin’s mother makes a surprise appearance in Seoul, all but forcing him to go shopping with her and to lunch and then more shopping. It’s fine, really, he has a good time. He actually likes spending time with her and likes shopping with her (he even spots a soft, green, cashmere scarf and buys it for Namjoon remembering the first time they hung out, telling his eomma it’s for a friend—it’s not exactly a lie), but he’d gotten a chat message from Namjoon that morning, asking if they could see each other, and he hated having to say no. 
Then there were games all weekend, away games technically, but at Doosan, so there was no opportunity to be stuck together on a bus for hours and Seokjin didn’t even go. There was no benefit, he thought, to hanging around his former employer and thinking about how much less respect he got there than he does now. Add that to having to watch Namjoon manage a game without being able to talk to him or actually fucking kiss him already, it woudn’t have been worth it. So, instead, Seokjin holed up between his office and his apartment, plugging away on analyzing the last five seasons worth of player data ahead of the looming trade deadline. 
Lost in data, he can focus. It’s nice to feel like he’s got a reason to focus on work as they enter the second half of the season. The acquisitions they’ve made so far under his guidance are helping; all the available information tells him they have a shot at the playoffs. Nothing’s ever one hundred percent certain in statistics, but some things feel pretty close, he tells Namjoon one night as they chat during Namjoon’s commute. What’s even better than that, though, is that Yoongi and his father believe him when he says it to them, in the way that the executives at Doosan never did. 
So, he’s useful going into the trade deadline, and it feels good. If nothing else, it’s a welcome distraction from wanting to puke every time he sees Namjoon (even on TV), and it stops his thoughts from being all butterflies and rainbows and happily ever after. 
He hasn’t seen much of Hoseok, either. After he’d basically walked in on them, he didn’t emerge from his room before Seokjin fell asleep, and then he’d left for work at some ungodly hour of the morning that Seokjin prefers not to see unless he hasn’t been to sleep yet. Then Seokjin was out, and the cycle went on like that for a couple of days. 
Now, he’s sitting on their couch with his laptop open, and one of his gaming monitors on their coffee table. The aircon works better if they don’t hole themselves up in their rooms, letting it circulate freely, and it’s desperately hot in Seoul, so he’s trying out working from the living room to see how it goes. 
Slowly, is the answer, because the game at Jamsil just ended, and his phone is already lighting up with notifications from Namjoon, Jeongguk, and also their newly established group chat: “Yoongi & 6 kids who won’t leave him alone.” 
(He’s only mildly annoyed at being included in the “kids” even though he’s the oldest. Yoongi’s always been more responsible, or at least liked to think that he was.) 
Hoseok barrels through the apartment door just as Seokjin is trying to think of something to send back to Namjoon that is both flirty and not entirely inappropriate. 
“Why am I in your group chat?” Hoseok asks, before they even say hello to each other. 
“Why didn’t you tell me you’re sleeping with Jimin?” Seokjin asks at the same time. 
“It’s new.” 
“And you thought that not saying something when you knew I was having a complete crisis over Namjoon was helpful?” 
“I tried to tell you, hyung. I told you I didn’t think they were together.” 
Seokjin sighs. He’s not actually mad about it anyway, and who knows—he probably would have just assumed they had some sort of open relationship, anyway. He’s been… dense.
“Fine,” he says. “You’re forgiven.” 
Hoseok laughs and flops down next to him on the couch. “Now, this group chat…” 
“Jimin added you,” Seokjin shrugs. 
“I think he likes me.” 
“I think so, too.” 
“What about you and Namjoon? Anything you want to tell me?” He pokes Seokjin in the side, over and over like Jeongguk would, but not as hard. It just tickles. 
“I think he likes me, Hobi.”
Hoseok snorts. “Obviously.” 
“You’ve barely even seen us together!” Seokjin protests. 
“I’ve seen enough.” 
Seokjin rolls his eyes. “Anyway, no. Nothing’s happened. I think we were about to kiss when you came home the other night.” 
“You think?”
“Well, he said ‘this is me about to kiss you,’ and asked if that was okay. I thought that was a pretty good sign.” 
Hoseok cheers, in a way that’s quintessentially him, hollering and wiggling his whole body in excitement, slapping Seokjin as he goes. “And then what happened?” he asks excitedly. 
“And then you came home, startled the shit out of both of us, we knocked our heads together and I spilled whisky all over myself. The near-concussion I gave him may have killed the moment.” 
“Sorry, hyung.” But he’s barely able to stop himself from laughing, so Seokjin doesn’t think he’s actually very sorry. “Did you make plans to see him?” 
“No, not yet.” 
“Well, I know he’s coming to Jimin’s dance thing next week, so there’s always that. If you don’t just want to see him at work and wait for him to bend you ove—” 
Seokjin covers his ears and sings loudly, the most unsexy song he can think of, repeating the chorus of “Jopping” until Hoseok is doubled over laughing and definitely not talking anymore. Then he says, “I don’t want to talk about fucking at my job, Hobi.” 
“Fine, but I think you want him to—”
“Don’t make me unfold all your laundry.” 
“Fine, fine,” Hoseok puts his hands up in surrender and drops the subject finally, but not until Seokjin has pinky sworn to come to Jimin’s performance. It's not like it’s a bad idea, but Seokjin should probably not let himself think too hard about being with Namjoon in a dark theater, either. 
Unfortunately, the next time he sees Namjoon isn’t in a dark theater, it’s later that week in a conference room at Gocheok, where Yoongi, Namjoon, Seokjin, Minjun, and several other members of the front office and coaching staff are gathered to review all the trade deadline proposals that Seokjin and his team have put together. 
His presentation went relatively smoothly, even though he had to make a concerted effort not to notice Namjoon staring at him with a dopey grin on his face. Once, he made the mistake of looking in that direction, and he almost let himself return the look before he remembered that not only were they at work, but his dad was watching. 
“So,” Minjun interjects as Yoongi and one of the bullpen coaches bicker about a Wiz reliever. “You want us to focus on relief work and speed?” 
Seokjin nods. “I think that gives us the best shot at winning the championship, yes.” 
Namjoon speaks up for the first time. “I agree. If we can get Roh from Hanwha and Park Byungho from KT to fill out the infield, we’ll have the highest average on base percentage in the league. And they both have solid wins above replacement.”
“And you also want the short reliever from Hanwha?”
“I do,” Seokjin confirms. “Kyuyeon-ssi is talented, the players love him, and he doesn’t give up the long ball. There haven't been any home runs hit against him in two seasons.” 
“He pitches to contact.” Minjun sounds skeptical, Seokjin knows what that tone means because he’s been hearing it specifically directed at him since he was a preteen or before. 
“So?” Namjoon interrupts. “Jeongguk does, too, and Seokjin was right about him. And that’s without optimal defense at first and third.” 
“We may never hit a home run again,” one of the batting coaches complains. 
Namjoon counters, his jaw set tight. “I’d rather win games than innings, wouldn’t you?” 
Just when Seokjin thought Namjoon couldn’t be any hotter, he had to go and agree with him. It’s Seokjin’s achilles heel. 
Minjun scoots his chair back and stands. Someday, Seokjin will know how he gets his suits to stay perfectly wrinkle-free despite the fact that he’s pretty sure his dad just sits all day most days. It’s a miracle of tailoring, he decides. “I trust your judgment,” he says, gesturing vaguely between Namjoon and Seokjin. He turns to Yoongi and they murmur in low voices about the budget, Minjun giving him caps for every position and a player count he’s willing to give up. While they talk, Namjoon meets Seokjin’s eyes across the table and gives him a smile and a relatively discreet thumbs up. It’s so cute, Seokjin could cry.
This time, since they’re not traveling and trying to get deals done in a hurry, Yoongi handles the business end like he’s supposed to. He’s better at it than Seokjin, doesn’t seem to get as nervous to cold call other teams for trades. Although, this time of year, they’re all expecting it, at least. 
They file out of the conference room to leave Yoongi and his assistant to it, and Seokjin tries not to get excited when he realizes Namjoon is following him to his office. 
“That went well,” Namjoon says when they get to the small room. 
“Thank you,” Seokjin replies. He means it, too. It might be the first time his father has ever said he trusted words that came out of Seokjin’s mouth, and he suspects it might have something to do with Namjoon’s support. “Really, thank you for telling him you agreed with me.” 
Namjoon nods. “You don’t need to thank me. I do agree with you. You haven’t made a bad call yet, so I don’t have any reason not to trust you.” 
Seokjin feels seen, and in a way that only makes him a little bit uncomfortable. It’s what he wanted to hear for his whole career—the acknowledgement he was never going to get at Doosan, and at first didn’t think he would ever get from Namjoon, either. 
“Anyway,” Namjoon continues, clearing his throat, “I was wondering if you have plans tonight?” 
Another thing he wanted to hear and didn’t think he ever would. Everything’s coming up Kim Seokjin, he thinks. 
“No, I—”
He wonders if it’s possible for him and Namjoon to have a single conversation without being interrupted. 
“Hello, sir,” Namjoon says as Minjun approaches, giving a polite bow. 
“Seokjin, your mother wants us to have dinner together tonight. Are you free?” 
It has to be some kind of joke. He’s a nice person, he treats his dongsaengs and he calls his grandmother and he brushes his teeth twice a day, and still, the universe is conspiring to keep his lips off of Namjoon’s lips. 
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Seokjin-ssi,” Namjoon says, all politeness in front of Minjun. 
“Talk to you tomorrow Namjoon-ah.” He’s not sure if he sounds as disappointed as he feels, he’s not sure if it’s possible. 
Dinner goes as expected. According to his mother, Seokjin should find a nice boy to settle down with, he should think about getting his PhD, he should exercise more and stop playing those “silly children’s games.” It takes everything in him not to tell his parents that what they should do is mind their own business for a change. 
Over the next couple of days, he and Namjoon exchange messages, mostly mutual complaints about being cosmically separated since the team went for two at Samsung. Sometimes, Namjoon sends the occasional selca, too. They’re thirst traps with plausible deniability, mostly. They could just be thirst traps, or you could believe Namjoon when he claims to have no idea that his lips might do something to a person when they’re pushed out and pouty.
Finally, the Heroes are back in Seoul, Namjoon included, and it’s the night of Jimin’s dance performance. It’s very much not his scene, but Seokjin tries. He lets Hoseok dress him in tight jeans and a satin shirt, lets him brush Seokjin’s hair off his forehead, and even lets him pick out earrings for Seokjin to wear. There’s lip gloss involved. He feels awkward, but Hoseok tells him he looks good, and a brief glance in the mirror confirms it. 
“You seem nervous, hyung.” 
“It’s the first time I’m going to see him outside of work since we—”
“Almost became lovers,” Hoseok says. 
Seokjin swats his shoulder. “Shut up, you sound like Jimin. You’re spending too much time together.”
“Well,” Hoseok shrugs, “he sounds like Taehyung.”
“I don’t know how that’s any better.”
Hoseok considers that. “Actually, me either.” 
The theater looks small on the outside, in an artsy part of the city, between a bookstore and a record store, an art gallery above it. Inside, it’s much larger than Seokjin had thought, and everything is modern looking and far too cool for someone who prefers to spend his time at home, and in pajamas. 
And then he sees Namjoon, leaning against a table by the bar, looking painfully handsome in his dress clothes, and he thinks that maybe there’s something to be said for going out every once in a while. There’s a large bouquet of flowers laying on the table in front of him, and even though Seokjin knows they’re for Jimin and not for him, it all adds to the mental image of Namjoon being his gay teenage fantasy dream date. His adult one, too, if he’s being honest.  
“Hi, hyung,” Namjoon says as they approach him. “You look…” his eyes dart to Hoseok and then back to Seokjin. “Hot. You look hot. Is that okay?” 
Hoseok barely keeps his laughter in. 
“That’s okay.” It’s more than okay, it’s in the ballpark of things he’s wanted to hear come out of Namjoon’s mouth since almost the moment they met. 
(Not quite that moment, because Namjoon was being a massive jerk that night, but maybe by the second time they met when Seokjin saw him in the weight room, shirtless. Definitely that time even though he was still being a jerk.)
“See,” Hoseok says, “you should thank me.” 
His comment is directed at Seokjin, but Namjoon smiles and replies, “Did hyung really need any help to be the most handsome guy in the room?”
Seokjin squeaks and turns away. He knows he’s handsome, he’s confident, but he’s not used to people talking about him like he’s not there and having it be so complimentary.
“You two were bad before with your heart eyes and your stupidity, but now you’re going to be unbearable, aren’t you?”
“I hope so,” Namjoon says, still smirking at Seokjin. “Should we go find our seats?”
They do, after they grab drinks, and Seokjin finds himself about eight rows back sandwiched between Hoseok and Namjoon. They speak casually to each other over him, and Seokjin thinks it's nice that they’re finally having some time to get to know each other. Hoseok is one of the most important people in his life, and Namjoon… Well, Namjoon certainly has the potential to be that, too. 
He likes the easy way Namjoon gets along with people, and feels like he should be surprised by it given their initial interactions. But now, he gets the Namjoon he’s come to know since then: kind, a little silly, incredibly smart, and attentive. It makes sense now, Seokjin thinks, that he’s so well liked and respected around the KBO, and it makes sense that those qualities would be even more pronounced in his private life, around people he chooses to spend time with. 
They’re a good complement to each other, perhaps. Seokjin is also a little silly, but usually as a way to divert attention from himself. He’s an introvert to Namjoon’s extrovert, he’s more organized, and thinks a little more linearly. He lets himself picture a future where maybe he can help keep Namjoon grounded and Namjoon can help him come out of his shell sometimes. 
He doesn’t even realize he’s daydreaming when a hand slips over his. The theater has gone dark, the curtains are just about to rise, and Namjoon mouths, “Is this okay?” gesturing toward the arm rest. Seokjin nods as the music comes up and slides his fingers in between Namjoon’s. They fit well, just like in his daydream. 
Turns out, Jimin maybe undersold his dancing hobby. He’s incredible, the group he dances with is incredible. Seokjin doesn’t know too much about dancing, but he knows that there’s no chance he could ever move his body the way that they do, not even with years of training. 
The lights come up as the show comes to an end, and next to him, Hoseok looks like he’s had some sort of horny epiphany, and the flush on his cheeks makes both Namjoon and Seokjin snicker. 
“I knew he was flexible, at least,” Hoseok says in a quiet voice, probably to himself, but it manages to send Seokjin into a fit of laughter. 
“C’mon,” Namjoon says as he stands. “Let’s go congratulate Jimin—he told me where we could find him backstage.” He grabs the flowers that he’d stashed under his seat in one hand, and pulls Seokjin up with the other. When they’re both standing, he doesn’t let go, just slides their fingers back together and leads Seokjin down the theater aisle. 
“Cute,” Hoseok whispers behind him, pointing at their joined hands.
Seokjin only nods, feeling a little overwhelmed. 
Backstage, they find Jimin quickly—he’s with Taehyung and Jeongguk who explain sheepishly that they snuck in late because they’d been “held up” and it was “totally not sex-related because they work together.” 
Then Taehyung seems to clock the fact that Namjoon is (still) holding Seokjin’s hand, and quickly backtracks. “Nevermind, it was absolutely sex-related.” Jeongguk groans and Jimin just giggles, telling them it’s fine, and he’s just glad they came. Which makes Jeongguk groan again and look like he would rather evaporate than experience more vague (and not so vague) talk about his sex life. 
Namjoon untangles his hand from Seokjin’s and hands Jimin the large bouquet. Or, most of it anyway. What Seokjin hadn’t noticed earlier is that there were two bunches together. One large one of roses and some white frilly thing, and one small one: white daffodils and a spiky pink flower Seokjin thinks looks vaguely familiar. 
“These are for you,” Namjoon says softly, handing the small pink and white bouquet to Seokjin while everyone is distracted oohing and aahing over Jimin. 
“For me?” Seokjin takes them and peers at them. They’re perfect, but he has no idea why he deserved them. 
“They’re your birth flowers,” Namjoon explains. “Yoongi told me when it was, so this one,” he points to the pink flower, “is your Korean birth flower, and the daffodils are your western one.” 
“It’s beautiful,” Seokjin says, trying very hard not to look like he’s actually falling in love. 
“Glad you think so. It’s cheesy, maybe?” Namjoon looks so nervous, it’s cute. “I looked it up, and the daffodil is for new beginnings, and the other one is for affection.” 
Before Seokjin can say anything (which is fine, because he feels a little sputtery and speechless at the moment), Jimin interrupts. “Oh my god, this is the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to me.” 
“But it’s happening to hyung,” Jeongguk says, confused. 
“Shhh, Jeonggukie.” Taehyung puts his pointer finger against Jeongguk’s lips. “Don’t ruin the moment.” 
Seokjin is a little bewildered, and the moment definitely has passed thanks to his dongsaengs, but he tells Namjoon thank you anyway, and when he thinks everyone’s lost interest and their attention has been pulled elsewhere, he rises up on his toes and gives a barely there kiss to where Namjoon’s dimple appears. 
They don’t get caught, but the way Namjoon’s eyes pop open in surprise would have made it worth it even if they had. 
Eventually, Jimin shoos everyone out so he can get changed and promises to meet them at a restaurant a few blocks away for a late dinner.
Namjoon, unfortunately, makes apologies, saying he can’t stay because needs to follow up on some work. Sheepishly, he admits he could’ve done it earlier, but it took him visiting several flower shops to find dock for Seokjin, and he used up most of the day. He offers to walk with them to the restaurant at least, before he goes to the station. 
They walk together quietly, a few steps behind Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jimin, who are apparently using the opportunity to get to know each other. Seokjin says a little prayer that the younger two aren’t doing anything to scare Hoseok off. 
Finally, when they’re about a half a block from the restaurant, Namjoon speaks. “I really wish we could get some time together,” he says. “I’m sorry it hasn’t worked out.” 
God, Seokjin is sorry about that, too. All he’s been thinking about for the last several days is getting his lips on Namjoon’s lips and maybe more. But, standing on the sidewalk of a busy street in a busy neighborhood isn’t exactly the kind of atmosphere he’d been looking for. 
“You coming, hyungs?” Taehuyng calls from the door of the restaurant. 
“I’ll be there in a second. Grab a table and I’ll be right there.” 
“Have fun tonight,” Namjoon says to the group going inside. Then he brings his attention back to Seokjin. “I guess we finally have time together?” And like a mind reader, he adds, “It’s not how I pictured it.” 
Seokjin just laughs and pulls him off the main street, ducking into an alley. “Is this better?” he asks, once they’re tucked in against the wall of an over-full looking bookstore, just out of sight of a street vendor selling hottoek and other fried treats. 
“Actually, I take it back,” Namjoon says, tilting his head down to bring it closer to Seokjin’s. 
“You don’t want to be alone anymore?” 
Namjoon shakes his head and brings a hand up to Seokjin’s face, cradling his jaw. “No, not that, I just don’t care if it’s here or on the street or anywhere. I don’t want to wait anymore.” 
And the summer evening is already warm, humidity just starting to mellow after the sunset, but Seokjin feels like he’s burning. “So, kiss me,” he whispers, face so close to Namjoon’s that their lips are already almost brushing. 
It’s the sweetest thing when Namjoon finally does. He’s smiling into the kiss, and somehow that makes it more awkward and infinitely better. It’s soft and slow. Nothing demanding, no feeling that it’s a means to an end. They just kiss quietly under the streetlamp, surrounded by the smell of old books and sweet dough, and Seokjin thinks anywhere would be the perfect place to be kissed like this—like he’s something delicate. 
He’s feeling lost in it, trying both to live in the moment and also commit the entire thing to memory so he can play it back on an infinite loop. Namjoon hums, pleased, right before he breaks the kiss, looking as dizzy and all slow motion foggy as Seokjin feels when he pulls back. 
“I should go.” 
Seokjin isn’t sure how words work anymore. “Okay,” he says, a little stunned.
“See you at the press conference tomorrow?” 
“That’s the most romantic thing anyone’s ever said to me after a kiss like that,” he teases. 
Namjoon drops his head, shy, for a moment, and then he says. “So, you’ve been kissed like that before?” 
Seokjin laughs loudly enough to get the attention of people waiting in line for food. “No,” he eventually replies. “No one’s ever kissed me like that.” 
“Good.” Even smug looks good on Namjoon. It’s ridiculous. “I’ll see you tomorrow, hyung.” 
And he backs down the alley with a wave, laughing when Seokjin reminds him to watch where he’s going. But he does, turning around and throwing a little wave over his shoulder. Seokjin isn’t sure how he’s supposed to sit through dinner after that, but he’s starving, so he makes his way to the restaurant anyway. 
Jimin’s already there when he finds their table in the back. 
“Oh, there he is,” Jimin says. “I thought maybe you’d never stop making out in the alley.” 
Of course he saw them.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he answers. He tries his best to sound nonchalant. Obviously, if it were just him and Hoseok at dinner, he’d spill his guts, and Hoseok would probably end up telling Jimin anyway, but it’s different to sit at a dinner table with your co-workers and tell them you might be in love with their boss. More complicated than Seokjin’s kiss-clouded brain wants to deal with. 
“Sure, hyung. I must’ve been mistaken.” 
“Must have,” he shrugs.
Luckily, Taehyung and Jeongguk seem to have stopped paying attention, and have moved on to arguing over who gets to grill the meat. 
“Stop fighting. Hyung will do it,” Seokjin interjects, taking the scissors from Taehyung carefully. 
After the pork is cooked, the conversation moves away from the subject of Seokjin, which he’s grateful for. It allows him to let his thoughts drift a while, of course always coming back to Namjoon. Hoseok catches him staring at the flowers, now on the table next to his plate. 
“He really likes you,” Hoseok notes. 
“I think maybe he does,” Seokjin agrees, not able to help the grin on his face.
“No shit,” Jimin says. “He hasn’t been able to shut up about you since you put him in his place on your first day. Ever since then it’s been, ‘Jiminie, he’s so hot,’ and ‘You should have heard him tell me to fuck off, I think I might have a new kink’. It’s been awful.” 
Seokjin wants to melt into his seat—it’s mortifying and a little thrilling. Mortifying to again be the subject of Taehyung and Jeongguk’s giggles and thrilling to know that Namjoon has been feeling the same way as him this whole time. 
“Don’t be shy, hyung. It’s romantic,” Jeongguk assures him. “I think you both deserve to be happy.”
“Thank you, Jeonggukie. That’s why you’re my favorite,” he jokes. “More pork for you,” he adds as he drops a few more pieces of meat on Jeongguk’s plate.
It starts an argument over who’s actually the favorite, which lasts until they’re done with dinner and into the station to catch trains home. Hoseok and Seokjin ride home quietly, both texting and checking social media.
When they get home, Hoseok pulls Seokjin into an unexpected hug. His hugs are unmatched—they’re tight but not stifling, warm, and you can almost feel the love coming out of him and into you. Seokjin loves them. 
“What’s this for?” he asks into Hoseok’s shoulder. 
“Nothing. I’m just happy for you.” Hoseok pulls back. “You’ve been so much happier lately. At Kiwoom, with Namjoon, being around Yoongi again… It’s just nice to see you happy like you deserve.” 
There’s a reason Hoseok is his best friend. 
They don’t sleep right away, Seokjin is still reeling a little and Hoseok wants details. He gets them, and then the conversation evolves into talk about Jimin and how things are going between him and Hoseok (incredibly well, apparently), Hoseok’s job, and how Jimin has convinced him to join him for dance classes once a week if he can get the time off. For as much as Seokjin seems happier to the people around him, Hoseok does, too. 
Last year, they’d both hated their jobs, felt unlucky in love, and were sort of stuck. Now, things are turning around for both of them, and it just feels right. That this would happen for them together, at the same time. 
Hoseok hums a song Seokjin recognizes from Jimin’s performance. How many times had he watched Jimin practice? Seokjin realizes he’s been so busy between work and worrying about Namjoon that he doesn’t really know how much time Hoseok and Jimin are spending together lately. 
“Do you ever think about what might have happened if we’d gone to a different club that night, or if you hadn’t come with me?” Hoseok asks out of the blue. 
He does sometimes, actually. Even though, in general, he’s not really an overthinker, he does sometimes wonder how things move behind the scenes to get people where they need to be at any given moment. Is it fate, design, choice, multiverses? He has no idea, but it’s fun to consider on the occasions when he's feeling introspective. 
But tonight he’s just feeling content.
As he stands up, ready to head to bed, he gives the answer that he likes to think is the most truthful. “I think we all would have ended up exactly where we’re supposed to be no matter what,” he replies. 
Hoseok grins. “I like that, hyung.”
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
hello, congratulations my beautiful funny grandpa friend on your follower milestone! as discussed, i have a drabble request: namgi, a blowjob, and a happy ending. yours to do with what you will - as explicit or vague as you like and you don't have to use my favorite ao3 tag if u don't want. okie, love u - good job being awesome on tumblr and reminding me it exists
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yeah, hi, we're not gonna discuss how long this has been sitting in my ask box. we're gonna pretend that this showed up within the last two days.
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flow job
pairing: yoongi x namjoon genre: underground rap scene au, fwb au; pwp warnings: this is obviously gay mxm stuff, so please do not interact if that's not your thing. swearing, public sex, oral sex, unedited. rating: explicit. minors dni. wordcount: 1k listen to: cypher pt.3 by bts
it's bee's birthday! send me yoongi requests and/or fic recs!
There’s something about the way Yoongi raps.
It fucks Namjoon up a little. (A lot.) Has him standing far enough in the side-stage shadows to adjust his jeans. Has his fingers twitching at his sides, wanting nothing more than to reach out and touch, but he has to remember where they are. Who they’re around. Has to remember that this is part of the routine.
Because it’s not the first time.
Won’t be the last, either. Yoongi likes knowing Namjoon’s watching him, that he’s strung tight and a little desperate by the time Yoongi’s done. Likes feeling Namjoon’s heated gaze on him every time he wordplays some filthy line; every time his tongue darts out to swipe over his bottom lip. Likes taking the last slot of the night because it’s always the longest, and god knows Yoongi likes to draw it out, prolong the game.
The beat Yoongi’s rapping along to is dirty. Namjoon can feel the bass in his chest, but Yoongi rides it well. Better than anyone else in this grimy club. Looks better than anyone, too, but it’s the competence that does it for Namjoon. What had him approaching Yoongi to begin with, a little awestruck and inspired and a lot horny, and Yoongi had smirked out of the side of his mouth and that was the end of life as Namjoon had known it. Had him shoved in a disgusting bathroom stall with his pants pulled taut around his thighs, Yoongi on his knees in front of him.
Now it’s a thing.
Only ever here. Only in these seedy underground clubs where they’re known only by their stage names. Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi only exist here to one another.
Yoongi spits one more line right as the beat cuts out and he drops his microphone on the floor. There’s screaming, thunderous applause, but Namjoon hears none of it. All that exists to him is Yoongi and the way he finds him in the dark immediately, knows all his hiding places, and the hunger evident on his face.
Namjoon is a man that needs little instruction. Smart as hell but just as clumsy, yet always seems to know exactly what to do when it comes to Yoongi. Namjoon might call it intuition if the promise of Yoongi’s wet, hot mouth didn’t have his brain short-circuiting, but, well.
They’ve only played this club once before, but Namjoon has the layout memorized. Knows exactly where to go. Knows all the turns, how many steps. Hasn’t thought of much else since the last time he had Yoongi’s mouth on him. Two weeks, and he’s been fucked up and on fire ever since.
Sometimes Yoongi is gentle and teasing, but tonight he moves like he’s possessed. Slams a stall door open and pushes Namjoon inside of it with little regard for his well-being. No regard for anyone who might play witness to this, either, because he’s back on his knees before Namjoon can blink. Has his belt undone and his jeans pulled down while the crowd is still chanting his stage name.
“Hy-hyung,” Namjoon tries to choke out, but it comes out all breathy and stuttered. Tries to tangle his hands in Yoongi’s hair, too, but he swats his hands away.
“Shut up,” Yoongi replies, and it’s all heat but no disdain. “Fuck, I thought about this the entire time.”
Namjoon’s briefs get tucked beneath his balls and he braces himself for the feel of Yoongi’s mouth—sucks in one breath and then another, steadies himself against the stall door—but there’s… nothing. He cracks one eye open and looks down. Whimpers at the sight of Yoongi there, cheeks flushed, looking at Namjoon the same way Namjoon knows he looks at him.
“Are you gonna…”
It’s all gums when Yoongi smiles. Seems to laugh despite himself. “Suck your dick? Yeah, I’m working on it.”
“Doesn’t seem to be the case, hyung.”
“Give me a fucking second, Namjoon, I’m thinking.”
“Can you think later? My dick hurts and your knees are gonna bruise. Not to mention this club is probably the nastiest one we come to—”
Yoongi scoffs. Spits in his hand and pumps the length of Namjoon’s cock just to shut him up. It works. It really works, because Namjoon’s moaning and thrusting his hips into Yoongi’s hand like no one’s ever touched his dick before. Pathetic. Namjoon knows it is, but he can’t help himself. When just a look from Yoongi can have him unraveling, it’s unrealistic to expect him to be able to withstand this kind of assault.
“I was thinking,” Yoongi continues, replacing his hand with languid, slow licks from the base of Namjoon’s cock to the tip, “about how to—” Sucks hard at the tip just to laugh when Namjoon swears. “—ask you out.”
And because he’s a bastard, Yoongi doesn’t give him a chance to reply. Just swallows the entire length of Namjoon’s cock, and whatever sounds and words come out of Namjoon’s mouth are no longer his responsibility. Whatever he does with his hips isn’t, either, because he’s been keyed up since he first laid eyes on Yoongi hours ago. Has exhibited impressive restraint, so he figures he’s allowed to let go. He’s allowed to fuck Yoongi’s mouth in shallow strokes until he’s snug in his throat.
“Fuck, fuck,” he groans. The chase is mindless, now. Nothing exists beyond the feel of Yoongi’s mouth. “Hy-hyung, fuck, I’m gonna—”
Yoongi pulls off long enough to roll his eyes and say, “Jesus, already?” before Namjoon finally tangles his hands in his hair and feeds his cock back into his mouth. Then it’s just instinct.
Namjoon comes with a long, drawn-out moan. The kind of orgasm that has his legs trembling, no longer able to support his weight, and he wants to sink to the floor and ride it out but he refuses to put his bare ass on the grungy tile. “Oh my god,” he says, swallowing hard to try and catch his breath.
Yoongi is completely unbothered. Stands to dust off his knees. “Am I allowed to think now?”
“Sure,” Namjoon concedes, “but I can’t. I think you sucked me stupid.”
Yoongi scoffs, rolls his eyes again, but Namjoon can see the shy smile that’s threatening to break through. Can see the blush spreading across his cheeks. “You’d think you’d be used to it by now. You wanna go grab a drink with me?”
Namjoon falters. Isn’t sure he’s hearing correctly. Knows, logically, that Yoongi had mentioned it just minutes earlier but thought maybe he’d misheard, like some mirage in the horny desert that’s Namjoon’s brain. Gets distracted by Yoongi’s spit-slicked lips, the way the yellowed, fluorescent lights of the bathroom glint off his mouth, the way he swipes his tongue at the corner, and blurts out:
“Is this why your stage name is Gloss?”
Yoongi’s stunned. Just blinks owlishly. “You really think I’ve made a habit of blowing people in club bathrooms and named myself after it?”
“Well, I don’t know, your mouth just looks—”
“Just shut up, Kim Namjoon,” Yoongi says, and Namjoon decides it’s advice worth taking. “Do you want to go out with me or not? I’m not asking again.”
He nods.
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shubaka · 3 months
ahhh thanks for the tag @amidalleia <333
How many works do you have on AO3? 22!
What’s your total AO3 word count? 68,137 - i am not good at writing long fic hahaha
What fandoms do you write for? mainly Kinnporsche the Series... and I guess all the jeff multiverse jeffcest ridiculousness.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? The Wiked Lies We Live, It's Kim and Chay and Chay's Phi Jom, the height of romance, Nice Legs (omg old Teen Wolf fic haunting me lmao), these tulips were made for talking.
Do you respond to comments? usually, yes! i did fall behind on WLWL... was hoping to catch up on comments in the next few days haha
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? oooh that is probably the Big/Porsche ficlet three kisses (that did, shouldn't have, and didn't happen)
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i have a few with cute/happy endings, but i'll go with It's Kim and Chay and Chay's Phi Jom.
Do you get hate on fics? no just requests to update faster (sorry my friends, but unless i come into a large amount of money, i don't think i can take the time to spend all of my time on writing)
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes. what does this mean what kind??? i'm still kind of "aksdjlfaw AHHH!" about it, but it feels more comfortable each time -- kind of like action scenes.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? if the mood strikes? hmm, i do have a Death Note Howl'sMovingCastle!AU fusion on my old LJ account but I don't think that really counts as a proper crossover. In Which Sunako is Sent to Ouran Academy to Become a Lady is the only crossover I've posted on ao3. It's a Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (Wallflower) and Ouran High School Host Club crossover from.... 2006. ohmygod.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that I'm aware of!
Have you ever had a fic translated? yes. hand wash with care has been translated into Russian
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i guess so. @snickerdoodlles and i were "yes and-ing" on tumblr with a drunken kimchay thing that accidentally went down the path of knife/blood play lmao. it's up on ao3 as drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart. also did a ridiculous "yes and-ing" survivor-idol-show kimchay thing with @subtextsays and @mightyyoiko you can read part 1 here and part 2 here.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? listen, if it takes me 10 years, it takes me 10 years. i'm not giving up on anything yet!!! hahahaha
What are your writing strengths? uuuhh. i don't know. maybe things on the sweet and silly side? i feel like i do my best writing when i'm having fun with it.
What are your writing weaknesses? writing consistently? i cannot for the life of me stick to a writing schedule. deadlines for fandom exchanges/events are fine. i'm great at meeting deadlines. but if it's me setting some arbitrary writing deadline for myself??? especially for multichapter fics?? HAHAHAHAHAH *disintegrates into nothing*
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? if it's necessary. sometimes there's cultural contexts to consider and sometimes the english equivalent just doesn't sound right.
First fandom you wrote for? gundam wing fic on some long gone yahoo group. good luck ever finding it.
Favorite fic you’ve written? ahhhhh how to choose?? i have a big soft spot for the height of romance because it got me back into writing fiction after over a decade hahaha. but also if you want an answer that will call me the fuck out, i'll say you are what you eat (they're twins) (the filmania!kim x boc!kim pwp) because i am way too invested in jeffcest. just tattoo that sickos image on my forehead *sobs*
okay snickerdoodlles, subtextsays, and mightyyoiko, i'm going to cheat and say you've all been tagged to do this (if you want) and of course if anyone else wants to do this, please do! i wanna read your answers :D
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redlegumes · 10 months
I Feel the Rush
Written for @eddiemunsonbingo
Square: Square C3 Cheap Motel
Title: I Feel the Rush
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,686
Ship(s): Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington, Steddie
Major Tags: Smut, Idiots in Love
Summary: Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson have been hooking up in secret. They've been going at it anywhere that was convenient. But after a tryst when their only option was a cheap motel, Steve feels he has to reveal his true feelings about their relationship.
"Steve's stupid heart thudded faster in his chest. Thinking about me all day? No. No, he was thinking about my cock. Though I'd take that little admission anyway. Steve was not immune to flattery, but he was wary of it. Eddie's flattery at first had confused him, bold and silly. Nowadays it just made him melt into a puddle. By the time Eddie crawled over Steve, lube in hand, he felt it in his core. More than desperation.
'Eddie, I need you.'
'Course you do handsome. That's why we're at the cheapest motel in twenty miles.'"
Link: AO3
I feel the rush
Addicted to your touch
Oh, I feel the rush
It's so good, it's so good
Pass your boy the heatwave, recreate the sun
Take me to the feeling, boy, you know the one
Kiss it when you're done, man, this shit is so much fun
"So you’re into little singing twinks now?"
Steve turned and angled his head away from his phone speaker. He had just finished pressing play, setting it on the nightstand. "What?"
"Troye Sivan?" Eddie crinkled his nose in what Steve recognized was the same expression he wore when he saw a jar of mayo: utter disgust.
Steve didn't question how, despite his disapproval, Eddie still knew who the artist was. Troye was a gay musician with a mainstream audience. Eddie kept an eye on that sort of thing. 'Keeping up with the culture,' he would offhandedly say as an excuse if questioned as to why he knew Kim Petras was from Germany or ABBA's top five hits.
"Dude, just-"
"You know the rules," Eddie interrupted, looking even crosser. "No ‘dude’ when I’m touching you."
"You aren't touching me yet. You're just being an ass, bro-" Steve barely got the word out before Eddie launched himself over the bed, pinning him to the wall.
It knocked the breath out of Steve; Eddie's tongue quickly filled his mouth in a hot kiss that left him no chance to regain it. Steve's senses reacted the way they always did when Eddie manhandled him. His body prickled with heat. The longer Eddie plunged his tongue into Steve's mouth the more he salivated. Their jaws loosened steadily, adding a desperate, sloppy edge to each kiss. Eddie's hand worked up under Steve's shirt over his scars. The skin there had taken so long to heal, and Eddie loved exploring the sections on Steve that were now deadened to any sensation versus the patches that had become hypersensitive to touch.
Steve liked the beat of the song in the background even if he couldn't make out the lyrics any longer. Even as the playlist shifted to the next track, he felt it'd been the right choice. It fit the mood that night. Eddie was a rush. Wild and good and sweet. Steve tried to move from Eddie’s lips to other areas that had been growing into more tantalizing prospects, but in doing so he hit his head hard against the wall behind him.
All of Eddie's ferocity vanished, leaving a doe-eyed, attentive man Steve longed to call ‘darling.’
"Steve! Shit, are you okay?" His hand went to the back of Steve's head, cradling it.
God. He's so perfect. Steve felt his knees go weak. Eddie knew Steve had a history of head injuries, and even when they got rough he was always mindful of Steve's head. Steve had hardly noticed, but he remembered now, that when Eddie pinned him to the wall, he'd thrown his hand behind Steve's skull as a quick cushion before moving it under his clothes.
"No, I'm fine," Steve panted lightly. He reached up to drag his thumb over Eddie's wet, reddened bottom lip. "Hungry though."
Eddie looked puzzled for a second, and Steve used the opportunity to sink down in front of him onto his knees. He loved the wicked energy that reentered Eddie's eyes. His hand stayed, softly resting on Steve's head as Steve fumbled with his belt buckle and jeans. Eddie's cock waited for him under a pair of plain white boxers. Steve wrapped his mouth over Eddie's hidden head, letting the cotton soak up his saliva but keeping that barrier between Eddie's hot cock and the entrance to Steve's throat. Eddie always liked it more when there was teasing, a bit of a challenge or game.
He whined above Steve who was deeply proud. That noise normally didn't come till later. He continued to warm and wet Eddie's cock through the boxers until Eddie moaned. "Come stand back up. Christ."
Steve looked up at Eddie from his knees and licked his lips, knowing the position had to look good. He'd seen Eddie in it often enough. He adopted a tone of fake innocence. "Is that what I should be doing?" He ran his lips over the now translucent fabric of Eddie's underwear. "You don't want me to stay down here?”
"Steve. You trying to get me to cream my pants?" Eddie began mumbling just a little. "…because it might be working. You know I can't last when you play slutty like that." Steve smirked and blew his hot breath over his work. Eddie groaned, and his free hand gently ran along the underside of Steve's jaw until he guided Steve to look up at him by his chin. "Do I have to ask again?"
"No. I'll stand back up." Steve waited till he rose, eye level with Eddie once again before punctuating his sentence. "Dude."
Eddie practically tackled him onto the bed. His hands were now intentionally working at Steve's shirt, and he wanted so badly to be wearing less but there were rules to hooking up in motels.
Steve protested against Eddie's exuberant kisses. He pulled back, giggly and bright. "What were you saying, bro?"
Steve rolled his eyes. Okay, so maybe it is the worst. "The coverlet," Steve grumbled, barely getting the complaint out.
Eddie paused, bouncing his eyebrows rapidly up and down. “Eager to get to the main event?”
Steve huffed. “Oh fuck you.”
“Manners Harrington. Say please?” Eddie ground down onto Steve’s lap sharply.
Steve tried to stifle a moan, but his time on his knees had got him just as hard. His hips jerked up in response to Eddie's press. Eddie stretched over top of him, gathering his hair into a high bun, securing it with an elastic as Steve watched him. The motions were fluid, practiced, simple but Steve adored it. He could watch that movement on a loop all day long. Eddie's messy tresses tucked up out of reach, his long limbs stretching. Steve caught the way his lithe muscles flexed under his shirt as he tied the hair above his head. Eddie's face flushed, and his eyes narrowed as he observed Steve’s study of him.
“What were you thinking for this rondevu?”
“I think you know exactly what you want to do,” Steve said, letting his hands run along the bottom edge of Eddie’s shirt. “And I am perfectly happy with that.”
“Yeah?” Eddie cocked his head, trying to remain aloof while failing to suppress a shit eating grin. He loved to be given control. No matter how they switched it up, no matter the positions or roles, Steve had yet to be disappointed when he let Eddie take the lead. Steve loved the impression he got of a mastermind tinkering away in Eddie's head as soon as he did get that control. The ‘dungeon master’ at work.
"Yes. You devil."
Eddie laughed at that. He wriggled up and off of Steve. “Okay. Alright do your little bedbug check.” Eddie grabbed his backpack, no doubt pulling out the lube while Steve stripped the covers and checked for anything unspeakable.
The most worrisome part of the bedding had been the coverlet, which Steve stripped completely off and then began to strip down himself. It was visually apparent that the brief break from hot and heavy foreplay didn't diminish either of their appetites. Steve reclined nude back onto the sheets. Eddie made a little show of taking off his shirt and then fully getting out of his pants. He winked and bent down, turning away from Steve.
“Eds. Oh my God.” Steve felt his entire face heat up. Eddie had a black butt plug inserted and was displaying it for him. He had it this whole time?
Steve remembered the call he'd received earlier that day. Eddie had been insistent on seeing him.
Steve's folks were in town, and it was Wayne's night off. Eddie wanted a bed so that nixed the car, and now Steve knew why. He prepped himself so nicely. It would’ve been an awful waste if we hadn’t worked something out. Their hook up plans were nearly dashed till Eddie mentioned the Days Inn the town over from Hawkins. It was used by travelers only as a last resort and it was their last resort too that night.
Though it wasn't the first time.
There'd been a few nights where Steve needed to be out of his house, away from them when they were home. He knew he needed to move out, but it was so easy to be lulled back into the ease of living in his house by himself when they left. It was only when his parents were around that he remembered how acute his need to sever ties with them was. And there were the odd days when Eddie was unable to host. Having Wayne discover them was something Eddie seemed desperate to avoid. Most of the time, Steve liked it best when Eddie was home with him. Often enough they'd hang out and cook or watch TV after or in between ‘antics.’ The house would actually feel like a home, and Steve could pretend for a little while that they were actually a couple.
Steve sat up and brushed his fingers lightly over Eddie's ass cheeks, pausing to tap the base of the plug. "You gorgeous freak," he murmured. He could feel his cock dripping onto his thigh just at the sight.
"You love it," Eddie said, sticking his tongue out.
"I do."
Steve had replied in an instant, quickly regretting it. He was sure his face was painted with the amorous truth. Luckily, Eddie was headed to the bathroom to finish his preparations.
Steve lazily tugged on his cock, trying to keep his anxieties at bay. I'm about to have amazing sex because he's amazing. I'm still good with this. Just because he's into casual friends-plus-certain-benefits… it doesn't mean he wants more. And that’s okay. I’m okay. He's never talked about past relationships… only encounters and fleeting partners. That's his style. This has been working. Right?
Eddie reentered, looking sort of triumphant. As his eyes wandered to Steve's cock, the gaze turned ravenous. "Ooo I am going to ride that big boy. You've no idea. I've been thinking about it all day."
Steve's stupid heart thudded faster in his chest. Thinking about me all day? No. No, he was thinking about my cock. Though I'd take that little admission anyway. Steve was not immune to flattery, but he was wary of it. Eddie's flattery at first had confused him, bold and silly. Nowadays it just made him melt into a puddle. By the time Eddie crawled over Steve, lube in hand, he felt it in his core. More than desperation.
"Eddie, I need you.'
"Course you do handsome. That's why we're at the cheapest motel in twenty miles." Eddie was nearly giddy as he sat atop Steve. His thighs flanking Steve's, their leg hair brushing against each other's skin, as Eddie adjusted in its own delightfully light friction.
Steve was already caught up in a swirl of anticipation as Eddie rose and then gripped his cock. Steve let out a noise that sounded something like a hybrid of a moan and a sigh of relief. Eddie chuckled and dripped a generous amount of lube over the tip of Steve's cock. He wet his lips, watching Steve shudder as the cool liquid dripped down his shaft. Eddie finally angled himself so his entrance ran over Steve's head. He felt how loose his ring was against his cock.
Steve moaned again. “Eddie, fuck. Need you,” he repeated, “need to feel you.”
Eddie shut his eyes and exhaled as he sat slowly down on Steve's cock. “Ah. You've already warmed that lube up. Love how hot your body gets for me.”
Steve's eyes were slitted against the agonizingly slow pressure, fighting the urge to give in and burst. He was so sensitive. Oh. He realized that Eddie hadn't put a condom on him. They were both tested and exclusive. Barebacking had been discussed, but it was still rare for them.
“You only say that…" Steve hissed as Eddie slipped lower. "Because you have poor circulation. You're always cool."
“I don't see anything wrong with my circulation.”
Steve tore his gaze from Eddie's pink cheeks, his contorting lips, to look at his cock hanging hard. As Eddie's body came closer to fully enveloping Steve's cock. Steve’s hands reached out on the bed, his fingers anchoring in the lumpy mattress. He couldn’t trust himself to let his hands wander to Eddie when he was topping from the bottom like that. He wanted Eddie to set the pace. His mind blanked a little when Eddie slid down the remainder of the way. He began to slowly grind, rolling his hips.
“Oh fuck," Steve cried as Eddie started to move up and down. The passes were slick and steady. The plug had done its job well.
Eddie threw back his head as he rode. The tip of his cock brushed against Steve's stomach, creating a wet spot on contact. “It feels so right in me angel, just right. Heavy and good. Want you to fill me up tonight. Can't stop dreaming about it.”
“Eddie, oh.” The words were eroding Steve's ability to hold back. The tension in him built, growing unbearable with each slide of Eddie’s body’s tight grip on his cock. Steve needed release. “Please, please,” he begged. “Can I please?”
“Already? Looks like I got you worked up so good angel,” Eddie panted.
“Please Eds," Steve choked out. Even his brain felt overheated now.
Eddie grunted and sat down hard. “Come on then. Grab me. Fill me big boy.”
Steve's hands flew to Eddie's hips, his thumbs against the scarred skin he adored because it matched his own. He thrust up, bouncing Eddie above him, and then Steve let go. His orgasm drained all the tension, and in its place a rush of good flooded through him. The feeling traveled up his spine as his hips jerked upward once more. Eddie cried out a little with the added movement. He gasped as he lifted off of Steve, sprawling backward on the bed.
Steve raised his head to see his cum drip from Eddie's ass. A bit loopy and almost dizzy from the natural high, Steve readjusted so he could crawl over Eddie's thighs. He zeroed directly in on Eddie’s twitching cock. He began to suck it at a dogged pace. He let it slip further and further into his mouth till he deep throated the pulsing member. Eddie cried again, this time, some sort of warning that did quite reach Steve's lust-addled brain. He felt Eddie’s thighs tense and backed his cock out just enough to easily swallow his climax coating his tongue. He was greedy, still sucking for more even when he could tell Eddie was spent.
They both lay back on the cheap sheets, regaining their breath. Steve felt an unwelcome, post-orgasmic, clarity seep into his mind. He didn't want to be there. It was understood, neither of them wanted to sleep in the motel, but Steve wanted more than just getting out of their current location. He wanted to be in a place where he could wrap his arms around Eddie, sleep and wake in a few hours for another round. Steve's heart panged from his longing to clean up with Eddie and lay back down in soft linens. He knew that what he really wanted was to stop worrying about the time or place he and Eddie could be together.
But we aren’t ‘together.’
Eddie moved off of the bed. He stood up, and Steve visually traced his scars as they stretched with the action. The grafted skin along Eddie’s hips was especially taut and shifted as he reached his arms over each other and twisted his waist. Steve wanted his hands to be there again against his skin. Eddie cracked his neck and turned back toward the bed, shaking his hair down from his bun. He looked gorgeous. Like sin and sex and sweetness. Eddie was everything Steve desired to hold. Hundreds of moments that he wanted to share with Eddie flashed through his mind.
I can’t do this anymore. Steve scooted over to the edge of the bed and sat up."Hey. Look, it's not that I don't… I don’t want this to stop. Okay?"
Eddie looked at him suspiciously. The expression slowly shifted into one of bewilderment before he replied, "okay?"
"I don’t… love the motel, the van, the alleyway that one time." Steve tried not to think too hard about letting the word love slip out. Truthfully, I don't love the secrecy.
"The quarry." Eddie chuckled, his eyes glazing briefly. "That time in your dad's office."
Steve had a viciously visceral flashback to a desktop digging into his thighs. "Fuck. Yeah, um, those times. I want more, but like… Eddie." Steve looked at Eddie through his lashes, trying to get the right words out. "I want… more."
"Babydoll, repeating the word is uh, not really helping me out here." Eddie brought some of his hair up to his lips and his shoulders pulled inward. "’Mm not sure what you’re getting at Steve."
"Can we…" Steve groaned. Come on. I can be honest with him. He’s one of my closest friends… that I’ve fallen for. I just have to say it. Steve agitatedly ran his hands through his hair and down his face.
Eddie observed Steve’s frustration with one eyebrow cocked, his face was a mix of amusement and confusion.
Steve met Eddie’s eyes, a warm chocolate brown, softening the longer they held each other's gaze. Steve swallowed. Start small. "Can I take you out?"
Eddie shrugged. "Sure?"
Steve stood up off the bed with surprise. That was too easy, right? He pushed down slight embarrassment, remembering they were still both butt ass naked. "Sure?"
"Sure. Definitely, but, uh…” His eyes darted around the dingy room. Eddie was circling his fingers, stretching out his hair tie between both hands. “Do you one better? Steve, do you... Do you like me? Like, for real like me?"
"Yeah." Steve nervously licked his lips, staring at Eddie's while he approached, already in his space. 'Like' isn't the half of it, Steve thought wretchedly. "I really do."
"Fuck. I was hoping so." Eddie beamed back at him. Then he slipped into a slightly cockier smile. "I just needed you to be brave and tell me sweetheart."
Steve's heart leapt in his chest. 'Sweetheart' was reserved for Eddie's guitar. Everytime Eddie called him pet names there was normally a tease involved but now… He swallowed. “Eds. Look, I’ve fucked around. I didn’t know if that’s what you wanted. What you expected… but I can’t pretend like it's what I like anymore.” Eddie’s eyes flashed, a sadness tinged them. “I want to be in a relationship, y’know? Work towards having.'' Steve bit his lip and looked away, speaking so quietly he worried that Eddie might not hear him. He wasn’t ashamed of how he felt, just scared. He was terrified that Eddie wouldn’t want the same thing. “A solid, loving relationship. I want that so…”
"Hey.” Eddie's hands slotted against Steve's face, holding it so he had to face him; Eddie's thumbs were against his jaw. It didn’t feel rough or hasty like their normal touches. It felt steady, safe. “I’ve been in love with you since I saw you pick up the kids the first time. You did this crazy handshake hug thing with Henderson… Took me a while to be honest with myself about it, but I was a goner from that moment on." Eddie sighed heavily. "I also have had my heart broken by guys trying stuff out with me, so I promised myself I wouldn’t confess. Just go with it. Have fun with what I could get."
Steve gasped at the confession, and Eddie laughed at his response, kissing his lips. When he pulled back, Eddie seemed to tremble a little. Steve realized, if what he was saying was true, this was the first time Eddie was lowering that wall with him. Sex had been one thing; this was relationships, romance, love. Steve never wanted to see his wall go up again. He wanted that access, the genuine Eddie, all the time.
“Eddie, I’m sorry. I'm so sorry if I made you feel like I was toying with you.” Steve rested his hands on Eddie’s lower back, comforting himself with the contact. “I honestly… I thought this was all just what you wanted. You’re so flirty, joking all the time. I thought you hooking up with me was just… Hell,” he cursed. “I’m an idiot."
“It’s not a game for me Steve." Eddie's hands dropped down, one against Steve’s neck the other lay on his chest. Steve’s heartbeat quickened. “Not to say I don't like playing with you. But not with feelings. I’m starting to think we were both pretty big idiots here. Though the sex has been phenomenal."
Steve laughed and kissed Eddie’s cheeks and smiling mouth. "No more cheap motels?"
Steve could not think of a more endearing sight then Eddie Munson as he warmly agreed. "No more sneaking around sweetheart."
Steve's mouth went dry, and he managed to swallow before the words came tumbling out. "Move in with me?"
"Woah, what?"
"Let's get our own place.” Eddie looked at him slightly stunned, but Steve knew with absolute certainty. That's what I want. I want to be with him. “No sneaking around? Well, I’ve been in love with you since the boathouse. Eddie, I wanna come home to you."
Eddie's eyes grew a little unfocused, teary before he appeared to jolt back into himself. “Yeah. Yes."
"Hell yes. But before that.” Eddie’s wicked spark was back. “We gotta sit down and make our own sex playlist. No more shuffle."
"What? You weren’t feeling ‘the rush?”’ Steve grinned back, trying to contain the boundless joy he felt growing in his chest.
He stopped Eddie's protesting groan with a kiss.
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sugalaritae · 1 year
griddle's march reads
end of the month means 2 things - it's a new month soon and i've made a list of all the fics i've read!
this month was absolutely fucking insane and i don't know how i did it but i read over 30 fics. a lot of them were mxm (and new ships that i've never read before) but i also read several mxr!!
as always, please pay attention to all the tags in these fics as some of them were very very smutty and some of them were dark. (all summaries are from the authors)
and here we go!
touch: an intermission - anna (pineconepickers) ksj x knj - f2l, roommates Seokjin returns to Korea after a decade abroad and (temporarily!) moves in with his old university friend Namjoon. On paper, however, this seems like a poor decision: Seokjin is struggling to get back on his feet, while Namjoon has his hands full with his ten-week-old baby. When Seokjin thinks about it, the two of them were never that close either – living together is unlikely to turn out well. read on AO3
you and me. next level. - anna (pineconepickers) ksj x knj - idol, pwp Amidst comeback chaos, Namjoon goes to Seokjin’s apartment to hang out and ends up getting seduced. Welcome to PWP land. read on AO3
a breach of protocol - anna (pineconepickers) & tragicamente ksj x knj - bodyguard, seokjin is an actor Actor Kim Seokjin’s love life has always been the subject of wild rumours but he has never been caught in a scandal. Behind closed doors, however, he is going through a rough breakup. Namjoon, as the Head of Close Protection, does not expect to pick up the pieces, yet here he is: standing at Seokjin’s door at two in the morning, about to make the biggest mistake of his life. read on AO3
model behavior - @bangtanintotheroom kth x reader - idol, smut Helping with photoshoots brought you stress, excitement and a sense of validation. Today, you experience a new and unexpected emotion, thanks to the man at the center of it all. read on tumblr
verified amateurs [online now] - beebalm myg x knj - roommates When you're broke, camming is a totally valid way to pay the bills. So what if Namjoon is giving up all of his gay firsts to his best friend every Saturday and broadcasting it to the world? He's 99% sure that it's going to be chill. read on AO3
sweetest perfection - beebalm knj x jjk - idol, pwp Wow, thighs – the fic. read on AO3
the one you think about - beebalm myg x jhs x jjk - exes, pwp Yoongi runs into Jungkook at a party. He's as beautiful as ever, even on another man's arm. read on AO3
1+1=3 - beebalm myg x jhs x knj - idol, pwp Yoongi always knew he would end up with either Namjoon or Hoseok eventually, when he finally made up his mind. It never occurred to him they might get tired of waiting for him to decide. read on AO3
black and blue and pink all over - beebalm myg x jjk - idol, pwp Jungkook always has his hands on somebody’s ass. Yoongi doesn’t even think about it anymore. Not until those hands stop being gentle. read on AO3
bleeding love - beebalm myg x knj - idol, supernatural It's not that Namjoon is hurt Yoongi only ever wanted him for a one night stand. And he doesn't have a crush. He just wishes they didn't have to keep seeing each other all the time. read on AO3
brooks to rivers, feathers to wings - beebalm knj x jjk - single dads Yesterday, Namjoon was an anxious single parent whose kid had just started preschool. Today, on top of all that, he’s got a crush on one of the school dads. As if life wasn’t already complicated enough. read on AO3
in the dark - beebalm knj x kth - idol, pwp Namjoon never meant to touch himself with Tae sleeping in the same room. And he definitely never meant to get caught. But here they are anyway. read on AO3
lights too bright for you and i - beebalm myg x knj - idol, pwp Somewhere in Japan, on the tail end of a long tour, sadness catches up to Namjoon. Yoongi stays right next to him. read on AO3
full bloom - beebalm myg x knj - s2l Reasons why Kim Namjoon is spending his summer at Jin’s house in the mountains: 1. To finish his book 2. To get away from the routine of Seoul life Definitely NOT reasons why Kim Namjoon is spending his summer at Jin’s house in the mountains: 1. Because Jin claims the mountain is magic and grants wishes 2. To fall in love with Min Yoongi read on AO3
winter in busan - booooin myg x pjm - s2l, dystopia, mafia (?) This fic is about environmental imperialism and the struggles of decolonization. read on AO3
rain again tomorrow - cloudko myg x kth - s2l, roommates yoongi can't sleep. he's overworked yet still short on money, and can't seem to find a roommate. then taehyung (who must be from heaven) moves in, and yoongi finds that as he opens his heart to someone and starts to feel safe and cared for, sleep comes more easily. read on AO3
illegitimi non carborundum - @hesperantha kth x reader - idol, smut Everyone except you seems to be madly in love with your boyfriend’s new hairstyle. But really, just how many unspoken words can a few inches of hair hide in a relationship like yours? read on tumblr
constellate - justawordshaker ksj x myg - powers, fluff The world would say that Min Yoongi and Kim Seokjin are Gifted. When Yoongi writes music, people feel it. Sometimes, Seokjin will say something and it will come true. It's never felt much like a gift to either of them. Yoongi's music hurts the people he cares about most. So he runs away. Seokjin's words give him more knowledge than he ever wants to bear. He has no choice but to leave. This is how they find each other. read on AO3
summer bbq (3tan) - @kithtaehyung myg x reader - brothers best friend the summer cookout at your place is fun as hell despite the way you have to avoid yoongi looking like sin incarnate. but when he gets asked an unavoidable question, you suddenly feel exposed. and very, very cold.  read on tumblr
confessions of a dirty mind - @minisugakoobies bang chan x reader - roommates, smut The absolute last thing you want is for your roommate to find out just how much you want him. Right? read on tumblr
every kind of way - Oh_Hey_Tae knj x jjk - f2l, roommates Jungkook adores everything about Namjoon except that the man can't catch a clue. read on AO3
here is what i know - Oh_Hey_Tae knj x jjk - soulmates, uni There are flowers growing on Namjoon’s arm. read on AO3
oh darling - Oh_Hey_Tae myg x kth - s2l Yoongi works at a record store. Taehyung doesn't go there for the music. read on AO3
memories, like fingerprints - @reliablemittenmyg x reader - magic, f2l read on tumblr
silent running - Sharleena myg x pjm - dystopia, steampunk the inherent homoerotism of delivering encrypted info in a dystopian society by jumping from roof to roof. read on AO3
only breathing - Sharleena myg x pjm - drug lord yoongi x sex worker As a drug lord, Yoongi knows the rules: -you don't ask questions; -whatever the client wants, you sell it; -you don't do loans; -you don't fall in love with a customer's whore. Yoongi knows the rules. And because he knows them he also knows when he's about to break one. read on AO3
ghosts that we knew - sharpa ksj x myg, myg x knj/kth/jhs - time travel, immortality Or as they crash together across five turbulent centuries, Yoongi and Seokjin fight and bleed and eventually love read on AO3
slow rain - sharpa myg x knj - soulmates, magic It's been raining in Seoul for thirty-seven days. Namjoon and Yoongi are trying to learn how to love. read on AO3
and i fall - spudcity myg x kth - supernatural, magic, constantine movie Or, the Constantine AU no one asked for, where Yoongi is a bitter exorcist crushing on magic store-owner Taehyung, with no idea how to deal with his feelings. Plus demons. read on AO3
turn up your light - spudcity myg x pjm - fantasy Yoongi needs to secure a marriage to save his people. read on AO3
how to mend with gold - spudcity myg x kth - taehyung is a model Taehyung has a list of things to do to become a better person, and that's how he ends up volunteering at a queer youth centre. There’s only one problem – Yoongi works there. The same Yoongi who rejected him years ago and hasn’t given him the time of day since. read on AO3
a gilded world - smiles ksj x myg - arranged marriage, chaebol Jeon Seokjin has exactly four weeks to stop the impending engagement of his younger brother, doomed to a loveless marriage. The only way to stop it is to make a better match, more advantageous, more lucrative for the Jeon family. It's impossible. It's his only option. Min Yoongi does not want, will never want, will never ever even consider, marriage. It's not in the cards. He's stubborn enough to achieve the total ban on marriage talks. Except maybe his grandmother is a little more stubborn than he is, and maybe she's determined to see him march down the aisle. The chaebol arranged marriage au that exactly one and a half people asked for. read on AO3
soul on fire - @vyduanksj x reader - touch soulmates, idol What happens when you find your soulmate accidentally at a gala and he’s international superstar Kim Seokjin of BTS and you are both engaged to other people? Or the soulmate touch AU that no one asked for but I absolutely had to write.  read on tumblr
tell me what you want - @wwilloww myg x reader - f2l, smut Yoongi teaches you how to ask for what you want. read on tumblr
if any of the authors mentioned above do not want to be included on these lists please let me know or if there is anything you would like me to change please let me know 💖 
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thearvariblues · 2 years
Day 3: “Please, kiss me.” + angst
You can find the whole fic using this tag, or you can check it out on AO3. :)
*** Kim is prowling through the main family house. His mood is still shitty, has been since yesterday. How dared they do this to him? To tie him up? To keep him tied up while Vegas was having fun with the goons Kim knocked out and took captive?!
It was Kim’s right to be there and torture them! And they just left him out.
Him, Kim Theerapanyakul!
Seriously, who dares to push Wik away?
Except for Chay, obviously.
Kim snarls, walking faster. He can’t wait to get home, to his apartment and his beloved punching bag. He really needs it now. Kinn’s lucky he didn’t try to tie Kim up today. But then again, he can’t, not really, not when Vegas isn’t around to actually do the work.
Why did Kim have to come in, anyway? They told Vegas and Pete over the phone!
(They probably didn’t want to risk a repeat of yesterday when Vegas and Pete fucked right next to the bleeding Italian goon. Because they’re apparently both insane and constantly horny. Kim hates them so fucking much…)
“P’Kim!” a voice behind him calls out, making him stop dead in his tracks. He knows the voice, and besides, there’s only one person who calls him P’Kim…
He hears running footsteps coming closer and forces his body to turn around, to check whether he’s dreaming or not.
His gaze falls to where Chay’s eyes are supposed to be, where they always used to be, only to see a perfectly chiseled chin instead.
Kim gulps, his gaze traveling up… up… up…
Oh, fuck, he got taller. How did he get so much taller?!
Sweet little Chay is definitely not so little anymore. He’s basically towering over Kim now. And come on, Kim knew the kid had grown up during the past year, but he hasn’t had a chance to see Chay up close and truly realize just how much he’d really grown.
And it’s not just his height. He’s gained muscle. His shoulders are broader, his arms a bit bigger…
Well, fuck me. Literally, please.
“P’Kim!” Chay repeats, and his eyes are full of deep sorrow and impossible anxiety. “P’Kim, I’ve just heard! Is it true?!”
“Is… what true?” Kim blinks, because Porchay could be referring to quite a number of things and Kim doesn’t want to risk blurting out something he definitely shouldn’t say out loud.
“That you’re going on a mission with everyone! That you’re going to risk your life!”
“I don’t think it’s gonna be that dangerous, Chay,” he murmurs, still staring up. Did Chay get more handsome, too, or is it just Kim’s stupid lovestruck brain making things up?
“How could it not be that dangerous?!” Porchay snaps and pushes Kim against the wall of the corridor and oh, it does things to Kim… “There are going to be guns! And people who are not afraid to use them!”
Kim frowns as the cogwheels in his brain all fall into place with a satisfying click.
“Chay?” he says, fighting a tiny smile. “Are you worried about me?”
“Of course I’m worried about you, you idiot! You could die!” Chay yells. His eyes are glossy with unshed tears that almost break Kim’s heart.
“Oh,” he whispers. “Oh, Chay…”
Chay stops and contemplates for a second, then clearly changes his mind
“I mean, you could die and I wouldn’t care! Because I don’t care about you at all! I hate you!”
He tries to push Kim away, but the movement is unfortunately made impossible by the fact that Kim’s back is still pressed against the wall. So Chay does the next logical thing, which is taking a step back…
“No!” Kim’s lips blurt out before his brain can stop them. At the same time, his hands shoot up to grab Chay’s loose gray T-shirt.
Oh, come on, Kimhan, are you really that desperate? Pathetic.
Porchay stops. Apparently, it’s his turn to be confused as hell. Whatever. Kim doesn’t care. In over a year, this is the first time the boy – no, the young man – has come anywhere near him, and he’s almost as close as Kim’s wanted him to be ever since that terrible realization of how badly he fucked up, and Kim is not willing to let go, not yet, not when he knows Chay’s worried about him.
“What the fuck do you want, Kim?”
And oh, the use of just his name kinda stings.
“Me?” Kim snaps back out of reflex. “You’re the one who came running to me!”
“Because I… Uhm.”
Chay’s so close Kim can feel the slight tremble going through his body, making Kim’s heart speed up.
“Kiss me, Chay,” he whispers. “Please, kiss me…”
That seems to be the right choice of words. Chay looks down at Kim’s lips, then further down at his hands still clutching the gray T-shirt. Kim closes his eyes, waiting for the kiss he so desperately wants… Only to feel Chay abruptly take a step back.
Kim’s hands fall back to his sides.
“What, you need some more information?” Chay scoffs.
“Chay. It’s not…” Kim bites his lower lip hard to stop the tears that are currently trying to well up in his eyes.
“P’Kim?” Chay’s suddenly worried voice asks, and Kim realizes the tears have already spilled.
Oh, fuck it.
He opens his eyes.
“I don’t need any fucking information,” he hears himself say. “I just need you, for fuck’s sake!”
That actually causes Chay to take another step back and frown.
Awesome. Just awesome. Precisely what Kim needed today.
He opens his mouth to take the words back, then closes it again. He doesn’t want to take them back. All he wants right now is to curl up into a tiny ball and cry.
“When’s that mission of yours?” Chay suddenly asks.
“Friday,” Kim replies. “Was supposed to be tomorrow, but Kinn has this charity event to attend, meaning Porsche needs to go with him and Vegas needs to go and fuck it up a little, and Pete of course wants to go with Vegas to stop him from fucking it up too much, and…”
You’re babbling, his brain informs him.
He is. So he stops.
Porchay nods.
“Right,” he says. “Try… try not to get killed, okay?”
And then, before Kim’s brain has a chance to process what he said, Chay turns around and literally runs away.
“What?” Kim replies quite a few seconds after being left alone.
What the hell was that supposed to mean, eh?
Kim shuts his eyes and shakes his head to clear it. It doesn’t help. He can still see Chay’s eyes, feel his surprisingly muscular body against his own…
“Punching bag,” he murmurs, pushing himself away from the wall. “I need my fucking punching bag.”
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louisianaspell · 11 months
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August BTS Fic Recs
🔪 Dark fics: These fics/series contain scenes and plots that can be triggering! Please make sure you read all the warnings, tags, and authors note before reading!
🔥 Smut: These fics contain sexual situations, 18+up only!
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Crocodile Tears (ao3)
You christen Namjoon’s parents place with weed and dark fantasies. Certainly a night to remember…Or…Jimin decides to airdrop your smut stash of depraved fantasies to the rest of the guys in the house. (Series Warning: 🔥)
Lone Wolf (ao3)
In a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life
Sweet as Honey (ao3)
In a time where omegas are increasingly rare, others constantly question your resistance to find a mate. No one seemed to understand that you were content to stay in your comfort zone, focusing solely on your job. However, a series of unexpected events set your quiet world into motion, making you question your outlook on life and on mating bonds (Series Warning: 🔥)
Baby (You Complete Us)
Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches (Series Warning: Possible 🔥)
Sing-Along (ao3)
It was love at first hearing. From the first time they heard you singing, they couldn't get enough of your voice. Then they met you and realised they couldn't get enough of you as a whole (Series Warning: 🔥)
Before I Leave You
Someone always has to leave first; They just didn’t expect Yoongi to come back with a new omega (who’s clearly been through some shit) [Series Warning:🔥]
In All Lifetimes
You have loved them across all seven lifetimes, and in every lifetime, they loved you just as intense. Yet each lifetime their love became darker and darker, you finally stopped loving them in the eighth lifetime- only to wake up in the very first lifetime, before their love turned dark.
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Arduous (ao3)
You lost yourself. But Kim Namjoon helped you... find you again (Series Warning: 🔥)
Strings Attached (ao3)
You're unhappy with the current status of your relationship, or rather situationship, with Jungkook, but for some reason you can't seem to let him go. When things start to spiral out of control, which path will you choose? (Series Warning: 🔥, Jeon Jungkook x Reader)
Married life with Namjoon hasn’t been the same lately. he’s been cold and distant, always whispering on the phone. and you can’t help but notice… (Series Warning: 🔥)
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Cafe By The Sea (ao3)
Selkie AU where you have no idea you’ve gone and married yourself to Seokjin but- maybe it’s not quite as bad as you’re worried it might be.
Flower Boy
On valentine’s day, everyone seems to visit the little flower shop across the street from your café. and so do you.
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원샷! (One-shot!)
Yoongi's friendship with you is the one bright spot in his life. So when you tell him you're ready to have a baby, he thinks this will finally be his shot to take your friendship to the next level. Cue a few shots of soju, and one insemination party, and Yoongi suddenly has a huge problem on his hands
5 Times You Don’t Believe in Soulmates But Min Yoongi Does
You do not believe in soulmates, not in the way Min Yoongi does. You resent the idea of people knocking about their lives abbreviated, doomed to a half light in the small hours of the night, forever waiting in the grey until finally: the sun.
Between the Lines
Yoongi is what you would classify as your ‘every day working class’ single father, raising a rambunctious eight year old with an animated imagination. his life is hardly out of the ordinary; he works a full time job he doesn’t hate, he rents a decently sized two-bedroom apartment downtown, he has his own car and he gets to spend every night with his daughter. but when nara decides to share a little white lie with the film industry’s most beloved new actress... yoongi’s quiet life goes completely off script (Series Warning: 🔥)
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Not Today, Satan
If you had known the demon tasked with reaping your soul would be a total #daddy you would have gone to Hell sooner (Warning: 🔥ish)
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Leave Me Lonely
You decide to end things with your fwb (Warning: 🔥)
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Free Use (ao3)
What happens when your long term crush Taehyung agrees to be your dom? (Series Warning: 🔥)
Learned to Love
Taehyung thought you were meant to stay in his life forever, but maybe you were just a lesson he needed to learn
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We Weren’t Just Friends
you know exactly how it's gonna go; your friends will invite you out. you'll run into him and he'll smile and tell you how pretty you look, how much he's missed you while he's been away. you'll smile back and tell him you've been fine and lie about all the things you've been up to. you'll tell yourself that you're not gonna sleep with him and then you'll wake up in his bed feeling like an idiot. he'll leave first, or you will, this part doesn't matter, but either way you'll go awhile without seeing him. you'll spend time with your friends and one night they'll invite you out. you rinse and repeat (Series Warning: 🔥)
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complete-in-ix · 1 year
In the Melody of Dawn, I'll Find You
Rated: T Warning(s): Depression
Description: Everything in nature has a spirit, whether it is something as small as a budding flower or as big as the sun itself. Each spirit has a purpose to fulfill in their life, and they are to continue fulfilling it until they fade away along with their host. To most spirits, they are content with just this purpose. This purpose gives them the energy to continue on. There are a rare few who find this purpose draining, however, and they see no other reason for it other than to make their lives dull and stagnant. This is the story of a certain special ten who feel this way, and how they find another purpose that makes their lives worth living.
(Read on Ao3)
NOTE: This first chapter was written in 2018, long before WayV was formed and before The Everything that happened with a character in the ao3 tags who had yet to appear in this work besides in the introduction. This work itself is currently being revised, and this version is only still up for archival purposes
Park Jisung, the Moon spirit. His purpose is to keep the world alive while the sun sleeps. Loneliness is all he’s known, despite having the sea, the sunset, and the brightest star in the sky at his side. He doesn’t feel wanted by his friends, despite how much he really means to them. To him, he’s just there to help them with their problems, and he’ll leave when they are resolved. If he could just find someone to hold him down, to make him see just how much he affects the lives of others, maybe then he’ll find a reason to stay and keep shining as bright as he should.
Lee Jeno, a Star spirit. His purpose is to light the way for the other spirits at night on the nights where the moon cannot. His light puts every other star to shame, yet he still harbors a hidden darkness deep inside. His heart belongs to the ocean and the sunset, yet he only lets the beautiful parts of him shine. If he could just let himself be vulnerable and admit his faults without fear of being rejected, then he can realize that he would still be truly accepted, no matter what.
Na Jaemin, the Ocean spirit. His purpose is to help maintain the life that the sun and moon have created on earth. He spends his days watching the sun and clouds chase each other in a game of cat and mouse with their hearts, and he spends his nights pining after the sunset and a certain bright star. His heart has already been broken once, and he’ll be damned if he lets these two break it again, despite the fact that they would never dream of doing that. If only he could just realize that he will never see how they feel about him if he keeps holding his head high above them like he does, and he has to look down and see just how far they would be willing to go for him if he would just let them.
Huang Renjun, the Dusk spirit. His purpose is to help put the sun to sleep and wake up the moon every night. Every night he wakes up happily anticipating the sight of the two who have stolen his heart: the ocean and a blindingly bright star. But when the darkness falls, he goes to sleep frustrated at how they both evade his love, but he never tells just how much it tears him apart to have to say goodbye every night. If he could just find it in himself to let them know how he truly feels, then he could see just how much he means to the both of them.
Kim Jungwoo, the Earth spirit. His purpose is to provide the basis for the life that the sun and moon conjure up in this world. All his life, his only true company has been the forest. He envies the ocean, who has the moon, the sunset, and the brightest star in the sky at his side. He envies the sun and the clouds that seem to love each other by hating each other. Oh, how he wishes he could have something like that, if only he wasn’t so shy. If he could just find someone to break him out of his little shell, maybe then he could know what it feels like to truly live and be happy.
Qian Kun, a Forest spirit. His purpose is to provide a home and shelter to the animals that reside by the beach where this story takes place. He has the earth to keep him company, but he wishes they could both be welcomed in the company of the other spirits. One of the disadvantages of being unable to leave the cover of the trees, he guesses. If he could just see what he has inside what he considers a prison, then he could see that the life that stays inside his little bubble isn’t so bad after all, and he really isn’t missing out on true happiness.
Zhong Chenle, the Dawn spirit. His purpose is to put the moon to sleep and wake up the sun every morning. His laughter brightens the entire world, yet some days he feels that it isn’t genuine. Perhaps he is jealous of the fact that the sun has a cloud that spends almost every day with him or the fact that he wakes up to the sound of the moon and ocean laughing with each other, yet there is no moon to be found. Either way, he can feel himself losing his happy glow by the day, and it scares him more than he would like to admit. He wants to only feel the happiness that he brings to others, but he has to come to terms with the sadness in life before he can really be free and happy.
Lee Donghyuck, the Sun spirit. His purpose is to bring the flame that lights up an otherwise cold and dead universe. His light and warmth are supposed to bring both life and death to the world, yet he refuses to embrace the part of him that brings destruction. He is slowly starting to suffocate under his repressed destructive energy, and one day he will pay the price. But if he accepts both sides of himself before then, he will know what it is truly like to free and happy like he says he is.
            Mark Lee, a Cloud spirit. His purpose is to protect the world from the sun on the days where his heat gets too overbearing. He cares deeply for the sun and would spend every day by his side, but some days he feels as if he is no longer wanted. They have been fighting more often, and on some days their fights bring on a rage from him that even the earth and ocean cower from in fear. If he could just see why his dear Sun is lashing out like this and bring himself down to help him, he wouldn’t have to fight so hard to keep his heart from being broken.  
             Wong Yukhei, a Wind spirit. His purpose is to breathe life into the world that the sun and moon have created. So far, he has been content with just going with the flow, never settling down for anything and just coming and going as he pleases. But deep down, he is getting tired of that free feeling. He wants someone to tie him down, to make him rethink his decisions if he ever leaves. Perhaps he will find it here, on this island the spirits reside on.  
            It is spring, the season of new beginnings. Unbeknownst to these ten, this will be the start of a story that will forever change their entire lives.
            Jisung blinks awake from a dreamless sleep to Renjun roughly shaking him, almost shaking him out of the bed entirely. He bites back a curse as he opens his eyes and twists out of Renjun’s grasp. Right, the seasons are changing yet again. That meant he had to sacrifice more of his waking hours to try and get three lovestruck idiots together. Great. Absolutely wonderful.  “Good evening hyung. Thanks for that oh-so-polite awakening,” he grumbles as he sits up and rubs the sleep out of his eyes.
            “You’re very welcome Jisungie. Now come on, you need to get up,” Renjun replies in a sweet, almost motherly tone. Jisung rolls his eyes and tosses the blankets aside onto his friend, who squawked in protest. The red light emanating from Renjun’s hair disappears under the sheets; and the walls of Jisung’s room go back to a soothing indigo, a welcome change from Renjun’s burning red.
            “And you need to screw off,” Jisung grumbles, flicking the blankets back over Renjun’s head right as he untangled himself. The disgruntled moon spirit pushes himself up out of bed and grabbed a hairbrush from his bedside table, halfheartedly running it through his deep blue hair that started to glow softly as it becomes untangled. He stares blankly into a mirror on the wall beside his bed as he tried to make himself look presentable. He looks as if he is blending into the shadows in the room, the only thing giving away his presence being Renjun’s red light creating a silhouette for him. On nights of the new moon when he looked like this, barely visible if it weren’t for the light of his friends; Jisung wished he could just sleep in the whole night. Sure he still had his job to do, but there really isn’t any point if no one would notice him doing it, right? It’s funny, he’d only ever really been admired or appreciated during the full moon. Those are the nights where his bright silver hair outshines even Jeno’s, and the night crowds around him to watch him dance. Even though the attention could get a little suffocating at times, he would still prefer all that rather than be practically invisible. Renjun must have caught sight of his wistful expression, as his soft voice suddenly cut through Jisung’s melancholy thoughts.
            “Jisungie, are you alright?” Renjun asks, placing a gentle hand on Jisung’s shoulder. The concern is apparent in his voice and expression, and the red glow of his hair dimmed down to the point where it was almost nonexistent.
            “I’m fine. Just the normal New Moon mood swings,” Jisung sighed, brushing off his friend’s worries with a reassuring smile. That’s what Jisung had always told everyone, and it was true to some extent. The New Moon did make him feel a little less than appreciated at times, but sometimes he would feel even worse even if the moon was at its fullest. He had never known why he almost always felt so listless and tired, and he told himself that it’ll go away if he just sticks to what he’s supposed to do.
            “I wish I could say I relate so I can help,” Renjun murmurs, giving Jisung a sympathetic smile, “But it’ll all be okay soon, the moon will come back and you can shine brightly again. And remember that I’m here to talk if you want me to, okay?”
            “Yeah, I know. Seriously, don’t worry about it okay? This is normal for me,” Jisung reassured, giving Renjun his brightest smile and hoping it didn’t look too forced. He knew Renjun had good intentions, and he was truly grateful for it, but at the same time, he’d rather have his friend not care about him at all. It would make him feel less guilty if he left like he wanted to. Renjun already had his own problems with Jeno and Jaemin, and Jisung can’t imagine how he woke up to Mark and Donghyuck fighting almost every day. Perhaps it would be easier if he just stayed invisible. No one would notice if he faded away anyway.
            Renjun just gave him another worried stare, but he lets the topic slide.
            “Anyway, want to go meet Jeno and Jaemin? I’m sure they’ve been waiting to see you,” Jisung suggested, quickly changing the subject before it can get awkward. He knew that trying to help those three again tonight would only exhaust him more, but he did it anyway since he had nothing better to do.
            Renjun’s smile (and hair) light up the room instantly, and Jisung doesn’t need to hear Renjun’s response to know the answer.
            Fifteen minutes later, Renjun and Jisung make their way down to the beach, the glow of Renjun’s hair illuminating the path ahead of them.             “Hyung, your hair makes it look like we’re setting the forest on fire,” Jisung jokes, his previous sadness temporarily forgotten.
            “It’s burning with my love for them,” Renjun sighs in reply, his eyes dancing with whatever daydream he’s having about the two.  
             Jisung rolls his eyes. Those three were all so whipped for each other, it was ridiculous. He stops when he sees a familiar figure standing at the beach, the water lapping up around their ankles.
            “Jisungie! Renjun-hyung!” The figure calls, waving furiously to the two of them.
            “Jaemin!” Renjun exclaims, running over to envelop the Ocean spirit in a hug, nearly bowling the two of them over. Jisung hears their joyous laughter from the edge of the forest where he stands, and he pushes back a wave of jealousy as he watched the two playfully wrestle in the tideline. Jaemin used to look at Jisung the same way he looked at Jeno and Renjun, and although that relationship had slowly burned out and ended with no hard feelings on either end, Jisung wishes he could still have a bond like that. Maybe it would help him feel less lonely.
            “Jaemin-hyung! How have you been?” Jisung called as Renjun and Jaemin eventually separate, hoping that the exhaustion in his voice isn’t too evident. He makes his way down the sand towards the two, stopping a safe distance away from them in case they still weren’t done with each other.  
            “I’ve missed you.” Jaemin murmurs as he stands up to face Jisung, warmth spreading into his voice. “You don’t come around as often as you used to.” The Ocean spirit opens his arms for a hug, flashing the Moon spirit a dazzling smile. Jisung hesitates, dropping his gaze to hide his tired eyes. ‘If only you knew why...’ He thought to himself.
 “Come on Jisungie, for old time’s sake~?” Jaemin pleads, and Jisung is unable to resist despite his exhausted reluctance. He rushes forward and all but collapses into his friend’s arms, ignoring the cold water splashing up around his feet.  
“Sorry I haven’t been able to come to see you lately. I’ve had... Other issues,” he muttered, his embrace going slack as Jaemin hugged him tighter. He silently curses himself for making his feelings so obvious. Jaemin had been the first to know about the creeping melancholy that had slowly taken hold in Jisung’s life, and it makes Jisung want nothing more than to just leave.
             “Jisungie, you’ve got to tell me when you’re feeling like this. I still do love you, you know. I don’t want you to be unhappy.” Jaemin subtly motions behind Jisung’s back for Renjun to join them as he spoke. “Tell me what’s been on your mind, Renjun and I will listen,” he urges.
            “I-it’s nothing, really. I just...” Jisung bit his lip to hold back his tears as Renjun hugged him from behind. He hesitated for a long while trying to find the right words to express himself without making the atmosphere too depressive. He hated it when his friends find out about his hidden sadness; it always made everything after feel so heavy, and he wound up making them help him instead of the other way around like it should be. “I... It’s been feeling a little cold lately,” he finally chokes out, silver tears slipping down his face.  
            Renjun knew full well what he meant, and he hugged Jisung tighter in response. “I’m sorry you feel that way,” he murmurs.
            “We’ll always be here for you Jisung. Even if you feel like there is no one on your side, we’ll be here for you,” Jaemin adds, holding Jisung close to his chest as he starts to cry.
            Silver drops fall and mix with the water as Jisung’s pent-up emotions finally come spilling out, and he is thankful that Jaemin’s tight grip keeps him upright. He stays there in his friend’s embrace for what feels like hours, and when he finally calms down, he notices that Jeno has joined their embrace as well.
            “Hi, Jisung. Are you alright? I came to meet you all just like you said but then I came and saw you crying, so I-“ Jeno is cut off by Jisung, who waves him off.
            “It’s fine, really. You three can go on without me, I’m going to rest.” Jisung murmurs, ignoring Jaemin’s concerned protest. He gently pushes him away towards Jeno and Renjun, urging him to talk to the other two as he leaves. “Seriously, I’m fine. You guys just stay with each other, I’ll be back. I promise.” He insists, walking off before any of the three can say anything. He turns around when he reaches just beyond the treeline, and he can see that the three of them have followed his advice and are now talking to each other. ‘Better for them to be with each other than be worrying about me.’ He thinks to himself as he continues down the path through the forest.
            His emotional outburst had left him drained, and he wants nothing but to just go home and sleep. It wouldn’t matter if he slept before the Dawn spirit came to put him to bed anyway since he had always passed out before they even arrived for as long as he can remember. He knows it isn’t good, but no one seemed to notice, so he’d keep doing it until someone noticed and stopped him. His steps take him deep into the forest past his house tonight, and despite how contradictory it sounds, he feels welcomed by the sense of loneliness that settles over him.
            ‘Maybe tonight I’ll just let the forest swallow me up... Surely no one would care if I disappeared, right?’ He thinks to himself, although he quickly shakes that thought away. ‘No, I can’t think like that. Jeno, Renjun, and Jaemin still need me... Heaven knows they’ll die before they confess without my help...’ Despite how much he loves his friends, he still wishes he didn’t feel so used by them. He knows they all love him dearly, but there’s always a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that tells him that he isn’t really needed by them, and once they have their issues solved, they’ll just leave him.
            He tips his head back and heaves a long sigh, staring up at the starry sky. He can hear the faint laughter of the other star spirits as they dance, and the soft voice of the Sky spirit singing along as they light up their stage. On another night, he might join them up there on that stage, but not tonight. The moon is hidden behind a dark mask tonight, so he’d never be noticed among all those shining lights. He is thankful for the shorter nights of the changing seasons this time. Normally he’d hate how he has less time to dance and show off to everyone, but now he’s a little happy that he has less time to be awake to deal with his and his friend’s problems.
            ‘Jaemin would probably have been willing to dance with me... At least, before Jeno and Renjun...’ He thinks to himself. He instantly regrets that thought though, as all the happy memories from their past love come flooding back into his mind, and he wants nothing more than to just close his eyes and forget them all. Don’t get him wrong, he isn’t bitter in any sense about their relationship ending. He had been starting to lose his feelings for Jaemin a while into their relatively casual relationship, and the creeping sadness inside his heart had gradually made it harder and harder to keep loving him while still loving himself. Jaemin had been completely understanding when Jisung had approached him about ending their relationship, and he promised to stay beside his side platonically until Jisung found someone else to make him happy and keep the darkness out of his heart.
            But still, Jisung still wishes to have that connection with someone. It really doesn’t matter who at this point, he guesses. He just wants someone to take the pain away. Although, that would be even worse for him in the long run.
            He is jolted out of his thoughts when he missteps and falls down a short cliff onto another beach. ‘Since when did I-‘ His train of thought is stopped completely when he looks up and finds himself in a completely unfamiliar area. ‘Did I just... Cross this entire island!?’ He thinks to himself, scanning the area for anything that he might recognize. He sees nothing familiar, and he freezes in fear. He really shouldn’t be scared though, since Jaemin would always be able to find him even all the way out here, but still. He can see the sky getting lighter in the distance, and it isn’t Renjun’s fiery red. Dawn is coming.
            He feels even more nervous when he’s faced with the fact that he managed to cross the entire island in one night, and now he’s stayed up long enough to meet the one person that he still hasn’t met, despite their inherent need to be connected. He highly doubts that the Dawn spirit will be happy with him avoiding them for as long as he can remember. It’s not like he could really help falling asleep before they get the chance to put him to bed like they should, but he doubts that they will listen if he tells them.
            His fears are confirmed when he hears faint singing coming from somewhere in the distance, and he frantically looks around for a place to hide. He had long forgotten the route he had taken to get here, and he wasn’t in the mood to try and call Jaemin over to save him now. He spots a cave a short distance away, and sprints across the sand to avoid the oncoming Dawn.
            As soon as he enters the mouth of the cave, he nearly breaks his legs stumbling over the rocks at the entrance (If it were even possible to break his legs in the first place). For once, he curses the darkness that surrounds him for hindering his way as he runs further and further in. He would find his way out later, now he just cares about hiding and possibly never coming out.
He finally stops after about five minutes of running blindly through the darkness, crashing to a halt at a sudden opening in the cave tunnels. He looks up to see a small opening in the roof, just big enough to hold the image of the full moon if it had been shining tonight. The faint glow of the stars above illuminates the surprisingly clean cavern, which has a perfectly circular spring of clear water in the dead center underneath the opening in the roof. He approaches the spring with caution, noticing that there is a sort of path leading towards it. Nothing too obvious, but he can tell by how worn the stone is that someone has been coming here for a long time. A quick glance behind him tells that whoever it is hasn’t arrived tonight, and he turns back to the spring and is surprised by how still the water is. Despite the opening in the roof and his rough entrance that surely jostled the entire cave system, the water hasn’t moved at all. He can see small crystals forming intricate patterns at the bottom and the sides of the spring, and if he focuses, his reflection stares back up at him in the water.
‘Have I always looked this tired?’ He thinks to himself, reaching out a slightly trembling hand to touch his reflected self in the cold water. He’s surprised he hadn’t noticed how drained he looks sooner. He feels bad for Jaemin, Jeno, and Renjun for having to see this exhausted version of him every night. He always tends to look a little tired during the waning moon, when his body can’t take any more of his exhausting performances every night, but this is different. Worse. There are dark circles under his sunken eyes, and there are silver streaks tracing down his face from his earlier tears. His hair is dull and messy despite his attempts to keep it neat, and his cheeks are pale and hollow. He can barely recognize himself reflected in the clear water, and he can’t help but sigh at how far he’s fallen from grace.
“Pretty, isn’t it? I was really amazed when I first saw it too.”
An unknown voice breaks through his thoughts from the entrance of the cavern, and Jisung nearly jumps out of his skin.
            He whips around to see no one other than the Dawn spirit smiling cheerfully down at him.
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First lines
Post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to AO3. (Sort by date posted.) If you have less than 10 fics posted, post what you have!
Tagged by @raksh-writes thank you! 💗 
1. “Big loved his job.”
-> I don’t love you (punish me) a Big/Chan oneshot of these two finding the most intrincate ritual to be with each other without actually confessing their feelings.
2. “Pete considered himself quite lucky to not have been in the minor family house when the Italians attacked.” 
-> of sinners and devotion a VegasPete longfic that literally came to me in a dream and which kick-startarted my brainrot for KinnPorsche. In few words, Pete becomes Vegas’ new bodyguard, and then they both proceed to pretend that they are not undyingly devoted to the other. It was described once as “Mutual pining: the fic” and I think that’s a better summary than anything else I can come up with. 
I don’t have anything else written yet, but here’s a tiny sneak peak into some wips I have!
3. “I hate him. I fucking hate him so much.” Porsche muttered in between teeth. “I swear, every day I think I can’t hate Kinn Capulet more than what I already hate him, and yet- ouch!” 
-> A Romeo and Juliet AU longfic (heavily inspired by the 1996 movie) where Vegas Montague falls in love with Pete, the Montague most trusted bodyguard, at the same time his own most trusted bodyguard and best friend, Porsche, falls in love with his sworn enemy Kinn Capulet. I will post it soon... or, as soon as I can figure out how to connect the start and the ending, that is.
4. Kim was soo over Porchay.
-> A Kim/Chay oneshot meant to get me out of writer’s block. Kim is over Porchay, so he definitely doesn’t mind that he has a new boyfriend. At all. He does mind that the idiot doesn’t know how to properly treat Porchay, so he decides to step in and do the dirty work. He writes songs for Porchay, signing with the boyfriend’s name... and things quickly spiral out of control. 
I don’t know who to tag, since I’m quite new here and most of the people I was going to tag have already done this game so... @ttwisted-angel and @ourladyoflazarus but absolutely no pressure! 
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imsorryithurts · 2 years
im torn between writing essays on what the symbolism on disco elysium means to me and writing fics in which i shake the shit out of those middle aged men in a jar until they threw up. i can not choose both im swamped with work and other junk 😭
anyway, glad to see another DE whump enjoyers, if you had any fic recs please please please tell me (esp if its kim centric, i really like the caretaking reversal trope)
I FEEL YOU. DE is such a deep and beautiful game but also. I want Kim's picture framed on my wall like that one person in the news.
I remember thinking "I'm not going to fandom-fy this. I will enjoy this like a normal adult person". Which is pretty good, but then you have the writers posting stuff like "yeah, I think Jean and Harry fucked", and fan artists posting the characters as c.alico critters, and fanfiction writers writing literal novels as fan sequels, how can I resist??
But then someone comes and does a deep analysis of themes, characters and motifs and I'm like "damn. should I be poor meow meowing these men?"
Anyway, I guess the conclusion I came to was:
Tumblr media
DE is such an amazing game and it leaves space for both brain rot and intellectual reading. It's not often I get this involved with media that tackles complex and real issues and criticisms, with characters that are not really great people but they are so incredibly charismatic you forget, and at the same time makes silly jokes, has an idle animation of them cracking each other's backs and makes you want to pet these greasy/balding middle aged men. So I'm managing to balance both Fandom Brain and Enjoyer of the Actual Game and it's Brilliance Brain so far. I guess what I'm trying to say is that most fandoms I'm in I don't take the media so seriously, but I absolutely would submerge myself in a pool of DE source material and be serious about it.
I don't know. I'm not rusty with words. All I know is DE good, and I want to see them hurt.
I'll rec some fics under the cut so this doesn't get too long!
So, you might have already filtered AO3 by "whump" and "hurt/comfort" and found these. But here are some I really enjoyed and have saved:
Tenth of a Second by SupposedtobeWriting
AU where Kim gets shot after the tribunal and Harry is the one that takes care of him. One of the first fics I came across when I first searched the fandom tag. One of my favorites, I remember having to pace myself while reading it to make it last longer!
Small Light in a Dark City by SupposedToBeWriting
Kim has a nightmare after the case. More psychological whump.
An Impression of Smoke by nicpic
I'm just going to copy the tags: kim is sick, jean is soft, That's it, that's the fic
Also really like this one :) The Day After comes before in the series, and it's also fun, just short and lighter on the whump.
nicpic also has Blood on Snow, it's a bit more heavy on the hurt, and Jean is the hurt one. Plus, they seem to have some really cool fics I havent gotten around to reading yet.
In sync by DistressPlop
Tribunal aftermath, Harry whump, with some Kim psychological whump. I remember reading this, but I must have read it in bed before sleeping because I don't remember much about it lol. Guess I'll get to enjoy it fresh one more time.
sans sommeil by narramin
Kim, who was undercover until then, shows up hurt at Jean's door. Now that I think about it, this one might have been one of the first fics I read. I was finishing up this list and my brain went "wait what about that undercover Kim one?" and I had to search for it, because I read it before making my ao3 account. I don't remember much about it, except that I really liked the whump in it.
Ace's (All-Time) Low by new_career_in_business
Kim shows up hurt at Harry's door. TW for homophobia
I believe Ace's (All-Time) Low was the last one I read before deciding to not pick up new ones because I really need to focus on studying for the admittance test of the master's program I want to get in. So now I only have a bunch marked for later, both whump and non-whump. Maybe I'll do an updated list in the future, I'd like to have a neat little list so I can revisit them easily :).
Happy reading, and feel free to rec back! Here's to more DE whump in our lives! *raises glass*
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ao3feed-ateez · 14 hours
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CGFpc21 by Chihari Sometimes secrets are so devastating they will either tear you away from the person you love or tether you together. Being the son of Horizon’s ruler, Hyunjin has a lot to hide from the world. Meanwhile Yunho is from the slums, yet does his best for those around him. When the two meet, will their deception rip them apart, or do they prove they have the capability to topple an empire? Or Hyunjin has everything yet is detached from the world, and a trip to the slums proves fateful as he meets Yunho. Words: 9736, Chapters: 1/11, Language: English Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band), Stray Kids (Band), TOMORROW X TOGETHER | TXT (Korea Band) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Hwang Hyunjin, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Park Seonghwa, Kim Hongjoong, Bang Chan (Stray Kids), Seo Changbin, Kim Seungmin (Stray Kids), Kang Yeosang, Lee Felix (Stray Kids), Choi San (ATEEZ), Yang Jeongin | I.N, Choi Jongho (ATEEZ), Han Jisung | Han, Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Lee Minho | Lee Know, Song Mingi (ATEEZ) Relationships: Hwang Hyunjin/Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Future, Bandits & Outlaws, Humanoids, Alternate Universe - Robots & Androids, Body Modification, Crossover Pairings, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Smut, Violence, Deception, First Time, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Dacryphilia, Enemies to Lovers, Torture, Parental Abuse, Jeong Yunho is Whipped (ATEEZ), Hwang Hyunjin is Whipped read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/CGFpc21
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thirstygirlhours · 2 years
Reviews and Recommendations
After finding a distinct lack in recommendations lately I’ve decided to lay out a list of some BTS fics that I’ve read recently with quick summaries, trigger tags, and a little review. All of these fics are 18+. A lot of these are novel length or longer. 
For some reason any single fics I have ever read have escaped my brain so these are mostly OT7 right now.
OT7 with Y/N
The Little Fox - @purpleyoonn (Complete)
Hybrid/poly BTS fic. TW: sexual assault, kidnapping, abuse.
Y/N escapes from a house built to use hybrids for their bodies after a dangerous client tries to lay his claim, abusing her until she can’t take it anymore. She is found cold, alone, and hurt by a mysterious human and his hybrid. Will she be able to live happily ever after with these men? Or will her past come back to haunt her?
I really enjoyed reading this. It has quite a lot of dark aspects to it and will not be for everyone please read with caution.
A Thousand Springs - @whitesparrows97 (Complete)
Immortal BTS/Soulmate AU. TW: Mentions of suicide, violence.
An attractive man approaches Y/N at the bar, flirting like mad. But a sudden wave of emotion tells her to run, to get as far from this man as possible. She tries to escape but finds the familiar stranger blocking her path. Will anyone come to her rescue? 
This was a really fun fic, it does have a miscommunication-esk complication in the middle, but a classic is a classic. It does get quite violent. While not technically a mafia fic it does have similar vibes.
The Return of an Empress - @you-are-my-joy (Complete)
Royalty AU. TW: Violence, attempted murder.
Y/N finds herself trapped within the world of her favourite novel as the main protagonist. This would be amazing if it weren’t right before the characters assassination. Can Y/N avoid the doom flags and ultimately her death?
I always get excited when this fic shows up in my AO3 box. You can read it there or here. It’s such an interesting idea. I read a similar book when I was younger about a girl who fell in love with the protagonist and he escaped the book, so this was a cool reverse. I can’t wait to see where this goes!
Playmates - @scribblemetae (Incomplete)
Sex Worker AU. TW: None yet?
After a horrible blow in your life that left you homeless without anybody to turn to. You find yourself turning to a job you never thought you’d stumble upon. The role of a playmate was easy.
Another one that can go a long time without an update but always worth the wait. I can’t remember if this is on hiatus right now or not but I thoroughly recommend going to read what's already done. 
Sh. - @wwilloww (Incomplete)
After 6 months of quarantine, you jump at the chance to escape to the country with your 7 best friends. But when you get there you remember just how many things had gone left unsaid before you were forced apart.
This story has just reached the apex of OT7, although there has been plenty of smut in the meantime. Absolutely worth it for a slow burn with some and quick flame with others. Truly the best of both worlds.
OT7 without YN
A Packs Price - EmpatheticShipper (Complete)
ABO. TW: Attempted murder, sexual assault, pregnancy towards the end.
Kim Seokjin is an omega that was casted out of his pack after bringing home the scent of alpha's belonging to another pack. Wounded and alone, he meets two omegas who eagerly take him back to their den. Can he escape the past to start again?
I don’t even know what made me read this fic but I dis really like reading it. I think I was just trying to find book length fics and I stumbled into this. It’s a long and sometimes angsty read but I think it’s worth it.
You Said We’ll Be the Flare -  preciousbirdie (Incomplete)
Dom/Sub hierarchy. TW: Misuse of bdsm dynamics. 
Uprooted from his small hometown, Jungkook is given as a submissive to the wealthy Kim family in the place of his dreadful cousin. Not only must he try to pretend to be someone he is not, he must try not to fall in love with six men who seem hesitant to get to know him better.
I will preface this by saying there are always long waits between chapters and it kills me every time that I have to wait. I love the dynamics of this fic between the boys. We are now on chapter 13 and are only just getting to the peak point.
The Bodyguard - @rmnamjoons (Complete)
Political AU? TW: Violence.
You’re the daughter of the ambassador to a small country in Western Europe, working as a diplomat to help your mother with her endless meetings and politics. After a kidnapping attempt gone wrong, you and your protective bodyguard Namjoon are on the run across Europe.
Fantastically written slow burn fic. I would recommend finding it on A03 as then it’s split into chapters, but as I read the whole chunk in one sitting here on tumblr that really is up to you. rmnamjoons has some other great fics you should definitely check out too.
A Dangerous Game - @chaoticpuff17 (Book 1 Complete)
Mafia AU. TW: Yandere, sexual assault, violence, kidnapping
After agreeing to help catch an infamous Korean crime lord, you find yourself as the object of his latest obsession. 
Not for the faint of heart. This is a really good take on a possessive Namjoon and a hopeless situation. If you’re into it, there is a whole extended universe.
Leveled up
You have no idea what you're doing when you log in to a new video game with your brother's beta code. But what you do know is that you want to see more of the dazzling virtual reality game he showed you despite the fact that you're not much of a gamer. And though you quickly realize you're out of your depth in this world, it gets even worse when you're pulled into a raid with a group of players who know exactly what they're doing – and have very little time for your amateur antics.
This is fun, and broaches the topic of different first languages while solving the issue creatively.
All I Want For Christmas Is You - @ladyartemesia (Complete)
Enemies to Lovers. TW: none?
When Park Jimin is unable to escort his precious sister through the gauntlet of corporate holiday galas, he blackmails his best friend Taehyung into being her chaperone. After all, who better to safeguard his headstrong sibling than a man who would never want her for himself?
Who doesn’t love an enemies to lovers? You don’t need to worry about it being too xmas focused either. This was a really good read from start to finish. It’s bee a while since I read it though so I can’t remember any specifics other than I enjoyed it.
A Human Touch - @snackhobi (Complete)
Robot AU. TW: androids treated as subhuman.
Everyone knows that androids don’t have their own emotions, so after a 2 hour session just talking with a sex bot your friends paid for, the last thing you expect is for V to turn up at your door.
Really makes you think about that robot uprising thats gonna come in like 20 years. But anyway... this fic has a lot of emotion and is really cute in some places.
Thank you, Baby @scribblemetae (Incomplete?)
Stalker AU. TW: Readers kinda stupid, Non/Con, yandere
Turns out the boy who's been stalking you for years has decided its about time he shows his face in the form of a picture, and decides its time to talk to you for real, in the form of a phone call.
Needy, whiny, stalker JK. Nothing more I want in life honestly... although it might be nice if he weren’t a psycho
The Ten Series @deepdarkdelights (Complete?)
Kidnapping AU. TW: Kidnapping, abuse, assault. 
You wake up in an unfamiliar bed, completely terrified. You remember the man that had taken you. Tall and built, there was no way you could escape, and that's what he was banking on.
Every little snippet of this couples story adds so much depth, it makes you want to keep reading on.
Airplane Pt 2 @xjoonchildx (Complete)
Bounty Hunter AU. TW none?
jungkook jeon stole six million dollars. it’s your job to bring him home.  but finding him – and keeping him in one place is not that simple. then shit gets weird.
This was really fun. Cheeky Jungkook trying to escape Y/N. She just can’t seem to refuse his offer.
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twokinkybeans · 3 years
Touch Me, Please [Starker Fic]
Summary: Tony Stark has never told anyone that he's still a virgin. He doesn't want to sleep with people who only want him because of his outward persona. So instead, he hires an escort. Things get a little more heated than either of them had expected. Tags/Warnings: Escort!Peter, Virgin!Tony, nff, nsfw, sexual tension, teasing, Peter is 22, Tony is 53. Notes: I have no clue why but this idea came to me this morning and I HAD TO GET IT OUT. There will be three chapters total, of which two and three contain the actual smut. I haven't written those yet, so that's why other tags will be added to the story as it moves forward. Enjoy! -Kim
Let me know if you want to be added to a taglist for this!
Read here on AO3
Tony fidgets with the pair of glasses in his hand nervously. He should’ve never done this. Why had he figured this a good idea last night? 
Because you’re 53 and you’re still a goddamn virgin.
Tony sighs. He’s had plenty of opportunities. People have always been interested in him. Wanting him. Yet… Tony had never felt comfortable accepting either one of those offers. He didn’t want to sleep and have his first time with someone who only wants him for his outward persona.
So instead, you hired an escort. Go you.
He tries to ignore the sarcastic voice in his mind. The escort bureau seemed solid enough. Sure, Tony had to invest quite some money for the boy he’d chosen, but he hopes it’s going to be worth it.
When the lift doors open, Tony is no longer able to speak. The boy is… Stunning. Gorgeous. Messy brown curls rain down from the crown of his head. His friendly brown eyes sparkle with the reflection of the LEDs. He’s not tall, but taller than Tony had imagined. Slender body, yet clearly muscled and strong.  “H-Hi,” he chokes out. The boy grins widely and steps into the living room. “Good afternoon, Mr. Stark. Or do you want me to call you by your first name?” “Tony’s fine,” Tony says, his voice so tense that Tony hopes the boy doesn’t judge him for it. If he does, the boy doesn’t show it. He takes off his coat and looks around. With an innocent smile, he turns back to Tony.
“Where do I leave this?” “Oh,” Tony rushes out and he mentally curses at himself at how awkward he is right now. He walks towards the escort and takes the coat from him to hang it at a hanger in the destined area.  “You’re new to this, aren’t you?” The boy asks. Tony lets out a shaky breath and nods. “I’m sorry.” “No, it’s alright! It’s very normal to be nervous, Tony. I’m Peter, by the way. Do you want to sit down somewhere?”
Not soon after, both of them are seated in the living area. Peter sips from his coffee and lets out a satisfied hum at the taste. The sight has Tony’s lips curl into a faint smile. He’s still a bit anxious for what’s about to happen tonight, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy Peter’s warm and serene presence. Tony has to admit that Peter makes him feel more at ease than he’d thought possible.
“Peter, I… I should tell you that I really don’t… I…,” he pauses. “I’m a virgin.” “Oh?” Peter sounds surprised and his eyes search Tony’s face for a good second. Tony sighs in defeat. “I know about my reputation. Heck, I don’t even know how it came to be in the first place. But when it started I couldn’t stop it so instead, I decided to play along. But now… People want to have sex with me, but I’m fucking terrified. I’d have no clue what to do.” “But you want it? Sex, I mean?” Peter whispers, a hint of worry crossing his face. Tony nods quickly. “Yeah, I do. I… Really do. I’m just too scared.” “So that’s why I’m here, then?” “Yes. Well, if you are okay with it. I can imagine you’d rather spend your time with someone more experienced. If you want to go that’s alright, and I will still pay your full rate of course.” “Tony-” “I don’t want you to think you have to do this and-” “Tony.” Peter interrupts him. Tony looks up warily and realizes he’s been rambling. A blush stains his cheeks and he stops talking, waiting for Peter to continue.
“I don’t mind,” Peter whispers. He licks his lips and puts his coffee mug back down on the table. He turns to Tony with a gentle smile. “I would love to teach you.” “You do?” “Yes. You’re kind, and not gonna lie, you’re absolutely my type. You’re hot as fuck.” Tony blushes and he can feel the tension rise between them. The atmosphere changes. Where’d it’d been calm and a tad awkward before, it’s different now. Anticipation. A promise. Excitement. 
“Now,” Peter slowly continues and he smirks widely. Tony’s heart skips a beat at the mischievous glimmer he finds in the boy’s gaze. “What do you want to learn first?” Peter crawls closer on the couch. Tony’s lips part. Good God. “Have you ever been kissed?” Peter asks, now slowly hovering over Tony’s body. The man nods breathlessly. “Y-Yeah.” “Did someone ever kiss your neck?” Peter whispers as he straddles Tony’s thighs. To his surprise, Tony can see the outline of a hard-on in Peter’s pants. He’s aroused as well, just as Tony is. A tiny moan escapes his throat and he shakes his head. “No. Never.” “Do you want me to kiss you, Tony?” Peter leans in, placing his hands on Tony’s chest. The simple touch sends a series of shivers down his spine and the burning pit of arousal in his stomach only grows stronger and stronger. Hesitantly, he reaches out and places his hands on the boy’s hips. Peter grins and slowly rolls his hips forward. Tony can only let out another moan.
Read Chapter 2 here
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