#doesn't make as much money as her and how our family benefits so much from her masters-degree managerial job
practically-an-x-man · 4 months
It's becoming abundantly clear that my mother doesn't see art as a real career path
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Dutch van der Linde, the current king of the land, very much Zeus coded, too loud, too proud, too egoistic, often refuses to sign contracts with surrounding countries if it doesn't benefit him more than them, but because of his speeches people love him, big rumour he killed his dad, the previous king? who knows, but he did make big changes when he finally arrived at the throne
Hosea Matthews, ah yes, the Matthews lineage, the counselors of kings and queen, every single monarch has their Matthew, very rich, but how did they get the money in the first place? who knows, talks and drinks with the people, is actually the one keeping the country working
Susan Grimshaw, the woman Dutch married and the fomal queen, but well know in their personal life, they are divorced, but no! they could not possibly say that publicly! it would be scandal, and the cheating of the king and the ignorance of the queen became the norm, no surprise they each have their palace wing, and no suprise she spends hours in the garden, but why does she stay? who knows, maybe it's some obligation to the country, to her people
Arthur Morgan, the son of Lord Morgan, a knight lineage, the first ones to put their neck out for the king, the silent but smart, the rumor has it he once had a son? who knows, always with the king and his counselor, always the first one to protect the ones from the palace, but also the first one to keep the prince out of trouble
John Marston, the prince whose side of family died, now raised by his cousin/uncle Dutch, but who cares for the complicated family tree, all we know he was gone for a while, where and why did he go? who knows, but he lately spends a lot of time in the maid chambers, a troublemaker, too young, how can he be the future king
Abigail Roberts, a maid who, like many others, got smitten by the posibility of being in love with a prince, and what a long year without him it has been, and now she has a son, but the public still asks, who is the father? and why is that child around so much? who knows
Molly O'Shea, what a blessing that a princess from so far has visited our country! and she must like it here very much, for she has no plans of leaving yet, one wonders why the queen avoids her and why the king is the exact opposite, she seems sad these days, I wonder why? who knows, she beautiful and graceful and gets letters everyday, from her father, asking her to come home
Mary Linton, another princess who came few times, her country is small but a prosperous one, and when she locked eyes with the knight, nothing stayed the same
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somberjoon · 3 months
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✩ pairing: wolf hybrid nj x cheetah hybrid reader (f) - eventual ot7 x reader
✩ genre: soul-searching , romance🔞 , found-family , healing , angst , happy ending
✩ word count: 6.3k
✩ chapter warnings: uncertainty in behavior and emotions , anxiety and crying , discussions of inadequacy and feelings
✩ summary: She doesn't know. There is so much about her and her cheetah that she hasn't had the privilege to understand. Unknown backgrounds and unknown emotions clash with feelings of want- hopes of being herself unapologetically. Namjoon seems to be someone that can help her- but can the rest of his pack truly be what she has wanted and needed?
✩ cover: me
ch.1 , ch.2 , ch.3 , ch.4 , ch.5
“Joonie! I’m so happy to finally catch you while I’m in the office. How are you?” 
Mila was always a rock in Namjoon’s life- one he didn’t know he’d need or find. When Mila found him, he was just another hybrid that needed help when the system was against him in multiple ways. Because he was too old to be “supported” by the shelter he was in, his choices were either to be kicked out with no resources or to end up with a mysterious fate because of the shelter’s shady practices. Now he knows what they do- trafficking, the selling of specific hybrids to different illegal industries, illegal euthanization- but back then, he was going to choose that route blindly, just so he wasn’t living on the streets. 
Mila found him when she was making her rounds at the shelters, using the organization’s funds to pay the little fees the ‘of-age’ hybrids were under. She helped him personally, as her position wasn’t what it is now- placing him in a temporary home, visiting him personally for readjustment with humans, and helping him find a job that was hybrid friendly. She’s someone that’s dear to him, as he is to her. 
“I’m doing great, how are you?”
“Eh, the new position is a lot more work, but I have more say in where our money goes so- I can’t be too mad.” She eyes the disengaged cheetah that seems to be lurking right outside her office. “Is this-? Taehyung?”
Mila never really had the time to meet Namjoon’s pack, and the rest of his pack never had the time or ability to come into the organization while she was in office- Taehyung and Mila have never met each other but know of each other. Namjoon wishes it didn’t have to be a random check-in that got her to meet his family but this is what it has come to.
“This is. Taehyung.” He turns and waves the nervous cheetah in, giving his waist a squeeze to keep him close and less anxious. 
Mila’s smile is enough to have Namjoon relaxing at the first meeting, but Taehyung isn’t one for first impressions- he values time and familiarity. 
“It’s very nice to meet you, I’m Mila.” She stretches out her arm to invite the cheetah in for a handshake. Taehyung doesn’t shy away from formal greetings so he gives in immediately. 
“Nice to meet you too.” Mila brightens at the response, letting his hand go to clasp both of hers together in front of her. 
“I’m gonna be honest, I think I know why you’re here but, I’d love to hear what you have to say.” Mila looks up at the two from her office chair. 
“It’s about the new case-”
“You can use her name here.”
“Y/N- I’m the only known hybrid that’s been in contact with her, and she definitely hasn’t met another like her. Taehyung also hasn’t met someone like him because of their rarity. I thought this would be a great opportunity for the two, but I didn’t share any information or specifics as I knew he’d need to be with the organization to help personally. I talked to them both and they both are up to having a time to meet up- is there a way we can make that possible?”
“Honestly, I think it would be great to see Y/N making these connections and having these relationships naturally. Through you and through Taehyung when he meets her- I think she would benefit greatly from creating these connections herself by her choice- without the help from the organization. I don’t mind them meeting, I don’t need him to be an official volunteer. If she consented to the meeting, then information can be shared between you and Taehyung- of course the most basic information out of decency, but you get it.” 
“Ah I guess I didn’t think about it that way. Nothing like this has come up before.” Namjoon looks over at Taehyung to gauge his reaction, reading a calmed expression that Namjoon knows is relief.
“No worries, it truly depends on the circumstance. But, I trust you and I trust your judgment. And I really like the idea.” Mila’s praise makes him blush a little, tail happily wagging at her confession.
“Thank you, I’ll make sure to make notes.”
“Let her know that the meeting can be out of volunteer hours if you both would like that as well. Notes aren’t a necessity all the time, especially if you guys are creating relationships outside of just a ‘volunteer’ stand-point.”
“Oh- uh, I’ll definitely talk to her about it.”
“Perfect. Is that all you need from me then?” 
“Professionally? Yes. Personally, I’d love for you to meet my pack members sometime, even if it’s just me and one other or a couple at a time whenever we can make it work. I’ve been wanting to but these last couple years-” 
“I understand, Namjoon, don’t worry. I understand pack dynamics and the adjustment period for the new members. Don’t worry at all. If anything I’d love to give you a paid position here- and then maybe we’d be able to figure something out sooner.”
Mila has been trying to push a paid position into Namjoon’s lap for almost a year now, but working offsite for a hybrid shelter feels more important at the moment. The shelter is still not up to par in his opinion, and the hybrids under his care know him personally. He couldn’t leave them with someone random, that’s the worst thing someone could do to them- connect, then leave them with little to no notice. Once you connect with them, you’re a strong tie to them emotionally. Though he doesn’t see them all the time, he does random check-ins weekly and everything is going okay. 
This is only the third shelter he has done monitoring at thanks to the organization helping him find a job in the ‘hybrid facility monitoring’ department of a local law firm. He is satisfied with his job, and he loves to do volunteering in his down time. He doesn’t want to change anything at the moment. 
“I’m really sorry, I enjoy how I have everything at the moment. But, I won’t just leave the organization randomly, maybe later on when I need to get out of the house more often I’ll get back to you.” He gets a sweet laugh out of Mila before turning to Taehyung to see he’s antsy being out in an unfamiliar environment for so long when it’s not needed. 
“I’ll try to catch you another day to make some plans, but I gotta get home to log in- I’ll see ya’.” He gives Taehyung’s waist a quick squeeze for reassurance. 
“Of course, of course. I’ll see you later- and goodluck with everything.” She gives him a familiar smile that he knows is something a little more than a kind farewell. He returns it with a nod before turning to leave. 
Her restless body wakes her far too early. She stares at her dark ceiling, too many thoughts rolling around in her head. 
Having relationships is odd to her, in a way that feels emotionally taxing. She’s to be mindful of how she presents herself, how she talks, how she reacts to their personality. It’s all so much to think about. With Maria she’s used to it, with Richard it’s getting easier, with Namjoon it feels like no work, but someone from Namjoon’s pack that she’s never met before? It’s scary thinking about how wrong it could go. 
Namjoon doesn’t even know enough about her to trust her with a pack member. She can’t help but think he’s being a little rash. She hasn’t told him anything. Nothing about how she survived on the streets, about who and why she distrusts so commonly, nothing about how she cowers under the attention of a man. She can’t do this- not without being a little honest with Namjoon. 
With her anxieties, Y/N ends up outside sitting in the divot of her favorite tree at the time that Namjoon shows up. 
“Ahhh, that’s where the spot is. Very nice.” 
She startles at the sudden disruption to her thoughts. Looking down at the comforting Namjoon that always quiets her mind, she mirrors the smile he’s giving her. Wasting no time, she scoots effortlessly to the edge of the divot and jumps down landing on her feet. She pats at her butt and the back of her legs to rid the fabric of any dirt or bark. 
“Here, you got leaves in your hair as well.” Namjoon doesn’t hesitate to help her pick a few of the green friends from her hair- always careful of her ears. Her attention is set on him and the attention he gives to her hair- until she spots the bag he’s holding. He clutches the plastic bag that clearly has two small containers of pre-cut watermelon in it. 
“Watermelon?” Is all she asks, hoping that he brought it for her again despite not being used to so much being bought for her. She’s okay with being spoiled a little if it’s out of her say- she’s never asked him to bring her the juicy fruit. She steps closer to give him a look she doesn’t clock as anything specific. 
(To Namjoon it is absolutely begging).
(Namjoon is a sucker.)
“No hug this time?” He asks her, pulling his arm with the plastic bag back around his back out of her reach. He stretches his other arm out for the hug, fake-hurt eyes looking down at her. 
She wants to relish in the feeling of his warmth- a constant heater- but she really would rather have the fruit as quickly as possible. She gives him a quick squeeze not even long enough for Namjoon to put his arm around her. All she can do is smile up at him and wait. 
Luckily he gives in, handing her the bag. 
“So, what should we do today?” Namjoon asks. 
She mentally smacks herself for forgetting everything so easily. 
“Actually- can we, maybe, go out today? Just to talk?” 
“Definitely. Do you have somewhere specifically you want to go?”
She thinks of all the places she’d be most comfortable at when having this conversation. Surprisingly- all that matters is that Namjoon is at that place with her. That’s where she’ll be most comfortable. 
“No, anywhere is fine.” 
It’s the same park where she was able to run freely in- the grass tall and breeze light, just as it was that day. He was the first person to ever open her up to the point he did that day as well. He was gentle, sweet. She has no idea how to act around Namjoon, but she wants to think they’re friends. Maybe this isn’t just a volunteer-case relationship. Or maybe this is just how hybrids treat each other and she never knew. With care and mindfulness that shows they’re all the same in some way. 
But, no matter how hard she tries- she can’t not think about him. About the way he holds himself, how perfect he is toward her. She didn’t have an ideal type before this, never once did she think that she’d be able to pick a person from a bunch and have these strange feelings. But he’s Namjoon- and she doesn’t want to lose him. 
She doesn’t let herself think too hard about it, this conversation will give her all the answers she needs. 
With both their windows down, Y/N watches as the park they ran in is slowly passed. She looks back at the large field, thinking of that day and why he didn’t stop to relive it. 
“Where are we going?” She turns to him. Never does she watch him as he drives them each time. She can’t put her finger on it just yet- but the sight of him and his muscles that she never pays attention to as he shifts the gear, turns the wheel, and rests his arm on the window makes her mad. Or irritated? Or- something. She just avoids seeing them as much as possible. 
“There’s this pretty look-out spot just up this hill, we’ll be able to see the park from there and the city in the horizon. I think you’ll like it.” 
The drive isn’t much longer but it’s definitely much more scary than usual. The steep sides of the hill that the road winds up to create is causing her to slink back into her seat so she doesn’t have to look at the drop. Namjoon maneuvers the twists well, but she can’t help but heave out a sigh when they finally reach the spot at the top that he parks into and cuts the ignition.
She forgets about the watermelon in her lap, immediately opening the bag to distract herself with something refreshing. Namjoon’s hand rests on her shoulder with a touch that’s barely even felt. 
“Are you okay? I’m sorry I should’ve warned you the drive was a bit much for the first time.” Her anxious nerves loosen up with the comforting touch, popping a piece into her mouth for further distraction. 
“It’s fine.” She looks out in the distance she wasn’t able to fully take in. The mid-day bustle of the city is quiet from here- silent and calling for appreciation. She didn’t realize how big it all was. “It’s pretty.” 
This is the first city she’s been in, two nearby towns and the surrounding areas were always small and harder to be unnoticeable in. She was in this city the longest after she realized she truly couldn’t take the stares and pitied looks any longer. In the city it’s a lot more common to be on the sidewalks, in alleys, under dried, old bridges. This was a place she could get used to living as she did- at the bottom of the food chain. Alone. It was the easiest way. 
“It is. Perfect for the good news I have.” Namjoon gives her a cheeky smile that lightens her mood unknowingly. “You can meet Taehyung whenever you’d like.”
“Taehyung?” She turns to him to show her attention. 
“Sorry I never let you know his name. I wasn’t sure how everything would go at the organization- and I didn’t know how to cross that line between us. Personal details and such.” Namjoon gives a little wave of his hands, nervous-looking for the first time. 
“But anyways, Taehyung would love to meet you this week, or even this weekend. He doesn’t need to be a volunteer to- I talked to him about it after we left the organization. He’d like to get to know you without any labels anyways. He wants something natural.” 
Her cheeks pink at the knowledge of Taehyung’s eager sounding wants when it comes to her. She didn’t think anyone would ever want to meet her. Let alone meeting her out of choice and wanting something more out of it all. This is a special case. Maybe he won’t like the way she acts, or the amount of emotional baggage she carries- maybe she’s not what he imagined- 
“Namjoon.” His name forces its way out before she can think more on it. 
“Are you sure that I should meet him?” Namjoon’s attention snaps to her gaze. 
“Of course I’m sure. Are you- do you not want to anymore? It’s okay if you-”
“No. No, I want to. I just-” Her throat closes at the sight of his attention. His scanning eyes are trying to read her. A raw feeling of something bitter and gross fills her mouth. Her past, the things she’s done, the desires she has- she pushed them all down when they found her under that bridge. She promised herself she’d never look back. She’d never tell anyone. She’d never have to be that person again. She has the chance to be someone new. And still these awful things want to be seen. 
“Y/N?” Namjoon’s warm hand is placed on her’s that she set on the middle console. Instead of the usual warmth he gives her, the wretched memories make her yank herself from underneath him- sticking both her hands underneath her seated bottom. She pushes down the tears threatening to silently release. 
“You don’t know anything about me.” She whispers, worried about what she’ll say otherwise. She’s already turned to look out at the horizon so she doesn’t have to see his reaction to anything. 
“What do you mean?” 
She swallows thickly at the sound of him. God, this is worse than she’d thought it’d be. 
“You know nothing about me, Namjoon. Why would you trust me with him? Why would he want to meet me? Why-” She has to stop as a crack in her voice threatens to cause her wet eyes to spill over. “Why are you so nice to me when you know nothing?” It’s not how she wanted it to go. It’s not as simple as she wanted it to be. An impending feeling already takes hold. She’s doing this too soon. 
“Y/N.” Namjoon grabs her attention once again. Her attention is on him but she still doesn’t take her eyes away from the city. 
"Y/N." The assured voice draws her in more than she'd like to admit. Her eyes find his again. There's nothing malicious- only concern and interest.
"Can I ask why you are asking these questions? Just so I can understand better."
She tries to find disingenuous hints in his expression. The tightness of his features proves she can do this with him- he's being genuine. 
"No one knows anything about me except me. No one has ever shown me respect or care like Maria does, like- like you do. What- Why? Why would you? Why do all of this with nothing in return? Why waste your money and time with someone you have no reason to be around?" 
She somehow keeps her composure despite her voice being all over the place. 
“I’m trying to forget everything and just let it go but- but it’s obviously not working. And I’m confused as to why suddenly everyone is nice to me. After everything I’ve been through, now it’s like- it’s like nothing happened and everyone, including me, is ignoring it. I’m irritated, and I’m irritated that it’s my fault.” 
The tears fall helplessly now, silently and without any grand show of arrival. She can barely see his face through the blurry wetness- she wouldn’t want to see his reaction anyways. She’s embarrassed more than anything. 
“Y/N, I’m not here for no reason. I’m here for you.”
Her scoff is an audible, gross thing she can’t stop from coming out. 
“You want me to believe that?”
“Yes. Because I told you. Because you said I respect and care about you. Because I have a choice to be here, to spend my time and my money on you- and I choose to be here. With you.” His voice is even and gentle unlike hers- making her feel more wrong, more out of place and rancid next to someone like him. 
“Don’t do that.” Namjoon almost pleads. 
“Do what?” 
“I can tell when you’re thinking too much. Your eyes don’t meet mine and they go out of focus, your ears turn down like mine do when I’m overthinking, and your tail tightens around your waist. I can tell.”
She insecurely wraps her arms around her waist to cover her tail, feeling vulnerable. 
“We’re responsive and emotional- hybrids- we need emotional connection and likeness in something and someone. I’m here to be there for you when you need that.”
“I don’t want to be a case that someone has to tend to. I want a friend- I want-”
“What makes you think we’re not friends?” Namjoon cuts in when she can’t think of that specific thing she craves. 
“We know nothing about each other.” She mumbles, wiping the wetness from her face. 
“And we won’t know everything about each other for a long time. That doesn’t mean we’re not friends- that means we’re learning. It’s only been a couple weeks, Y/N, we aren’t just going to immediately tell each other everything. I know you wouldn’t want to- and I don’t want to just yet.” 
“Because you can’t trust me.”
“Because I want us to have something real. Something long-lasting and considerate. I don’t want us to trauma-dump and rely too greatly on each other. Of course no relationship is perfect, but that’s why we’ll learn. That’s why I’m glad we’re having this conversation.”
She composes herself enough with his response, relaxing just the slightest into the passenger seat. 
“Do you trust me?” He suddenly asks after not getting a response from a thinking Y/N. 
“Yes,” she confesses with a whisper, “that’s why I’m scared. Because I know nothing about anything and I still trust you.”
“I trust you too.”
“No you don’t.” 
“What’s the difference? Between your truth and my supposed lie?” 
“You’re perfect. You’ve got a family to think about and feelings you haven’t shared with me. You’re a hybrid- I barely am one, how would you trust someone like me?”
She watches as Namjoon’s eyes point out the changes in her comfort based on the slightest of movements. She just about scoffs again at the realization that she has no idea about any tells in hybrids. She knows nothing. 
“Our difference in backgrounds doesn’t change the feelings we have, or the responses we have to each other. Your choice to keep your past a secret is the same I have made. I haven’t always had a family and I haven’t always been the Namjoon you know. It doesn’t matter anyways, our past- not when we’re just trying to find people to comfort us and care for us.” Namjoon swivels his head to make sure Y/N is looking into her eyes when he finishes his response. 
“To trust blindly is the most vulnerable thing we could do- and that in itself is a lot more important- more meaningful than the pasts we are trying to hide.”
Y/N is speechless to say the least. Teary eyes watch Namjoon as his downturned eyes plead with her to understand. She doesn’t ever want to see him looking at her like this again- the ache in her chest and limbs clenches harder and harder with every passing second. 
“So- ask me again.”
“Ask me again why I trust you to meet Taehyung.”
At first she’s hesitant, closing her eyes to take a few deep breaths she desperately needs. Her lungs hurt but she breathes until they aren’t as tight. 
“Why would you trust me with him?” 
“Because I do. That should be enough, but since it’s not- I trust you because you’re a hybrid- because I know you both need this- because I met you and you’ve been nothing but gentle in our time together- because you are worried about who I bring around Taehyung, and that means more than you can imagine- because you’re you, Y/N. Because everything leading up to now has been nothing but pleasant and trusting.”
“Is that enough for you?” He asks with finality that she can feel in her bones. Because it is enough. It’s more than enough. It’s more than she could ever ask for and even-even more. Because she’d trust his judgment of hearself even if it wasn’t true. She’d shape herself into whatever he wanted.
“Yes. It is.” She swallows down a swirl of strange feelings, trying to grasp onto something to say, something to prove herself with. “You believe that I trust you?”
“I want you to trust me, with every piece of truth I can muster, I’d hope you feel that you can lean on me, trust that I’ll be there for you.”
This is turning into something she was nowhere near expecting. He’s putting far more into it than she thought he would. He’s crushing her down into a palm-sized thing for him to have and keep for whatever he’d need or want. 
“I’m scared to meet him.” She confesses. “I’m scared that I’ll be nothing he expected, nothing he’d care to meet again. I’m scared that it will mean everything to me but he’ll realize I’m broken and incomplete and he’ll never want anything to do with me.” She takes another deep breath, ready to seal her fate. “I’m scared that his distaste for me would lead to me never seeing you again.” 
The silence feels so suffocating, Namjoon just sits, waiting for something she can’t figure out. Until he’s opening his door and walking around to her’s, opening it and waving her out with no words. Blindly, she follows. Keeping her arms around herself to self-soothe. 
“Yell it. Yell out how you feel.” He stretches his arms out towards the horizon. 
“Why?” She asks, still stuffy-nosed and wet-eyed. 
“No matter our age, no matter the emotion that’s overwhelming us, we need to expel the pent up adrenaline that’s eating us alive. Yell it while no one but me can hear. Yell it to get it out of your bones and muscles- let it be between us.”
She looks at him skeptically but turns to the city, taking in the colors, the breeze, the obvious life that thrives there.  
“I’m scared.” 
“I’m scared.”
“Louder, put your whole body into it.”
Y/N uncrosses her arms, unwraps her tail, and tries again. Leaning forward, she tries to forget how stupid she looks. 
“I’m scared!” She screams with a crack.
“Of what?” 
“I’m scared! Of everything!”
The relief is almost instant. A weight releases from her that she didn’t realize was a constant companion. With the relief comes an audible choke that she can’t stop. The loud sob causes her to bend over and catch herself on her knees. Sobs and choked breaths rip from her- all those times she forced herself to be silent in her pain, this is how it repays her. This is how her body finds revenge. 
But this time she’s not alone. 
The urge to soothe, to comfort is too strong for him to just watch as she breaks down in front of him. This was his idea- even if he knew she needed it, the expulsion of her emotions is more than he can handle to just watch. 
He gently pulls her up by the shoulder, letting her decide if she wants the same thing when he turns her toward him. Thankfully, there’s no hesitation in her leaning into him, pressing her wet face into the front of his shoulder, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist and torso. He doesn’t have to think about holding onto her, rubbing her back in motions he hopes are soothing for her. 
He lets the breeze-filled silence fill their space, waiting until her sobs turn into minimal hiccups and shaky breaths. 
“It’s okay to be scared,” he starts with a sure but calm tone, “but you don’t need to be scared about this one thing at least. Taehyung and I were the first of our pack. I know my pack very well, but Taehyung and I have had a lot of time to get to know each other.” He can’t help but let a light laugh out at the remembrance of their past. “I know that this meeting means the world to him- it means more than anything I think. He’s very in touch with his cheetah, and he has no one to share that with. None of us are like him. You could hate him and vow silence towards him and he’d still try over and over again to change your mind. He’s minimalistic and puts his thoughtfulness into actions instead of words. He’s emotional but extremely shy- he’ll want to be around you just to have you near, just to make sure you're real and safe.” 
Namjoon tries to think of anything else to reassure her, anything he knows is true and would help to calm her nerves. 
“I’m not in touch with my cheetah.” Her voice is more of a hum into his shoulder than anything, making goosebumps prickle underneath his long-sleeve shirt. 
“He won’t mind it one bit. Honestly-” He pulls back a little, causing her to pull her face from his body and look up at him. Her puffy eyes and red features make his heart clench, his ears immediately drooping at the sight. “I think he could help you with that more than either of us realize.”
“Are you sure about this?” Taehyung asks for the third time since they were getting ready to leave the house. This time, Namjoon is pulling into the Caddel household’s driveway as Taehyung looks around the front of the house nervously. 
“Yes. I was sure this morning, and I’m sure now.” 
Taehyung gives him an eye roll that could kill and waits for Namjoon to start the adventure up the front door before he takes action right behind him. 
Namjoon was careful to instruct Taehyung on possible triggers for Y/N before they set out for the day. He’s extremely understanding, especially when he can relate to what can cause discomfort. He also made the effort to wear freshly cleaned clothes to limit scents and present his own scent upfront. 
Namjoon’s at the door before Taehyung can ask anymore questions, knowing that if he could sit and anxiously wait for hours he would. With two knocks he expects Y/N to answer the door, but this time it’s Maria. 
“Hi sweetie,” she gives a smile to Namjoon, herding the boys into the house to take off their shoes and put on guest slides. “You must be Taehyung, very nice to meet you.” She smiles at him but doesn’t make him give a proper greeting to keep it casual. 
“Nice to meet you too.” Taehyung responds back as he waits for Namjoon to kick his shoes off. “Thank you for allowing me to visit Y/N.”
“Oh, of course! I’m very glad she has you guys, I want to do more for her but this is really the best way I can do that. So, thank you as well. Speaking of Y/N, she’s in her tree again- got too nervous and has been up there for about an hour now.” Maria explains. 
“You’re doing a lot for her, Maria, I know she really appreciates you. And thank you for letting us know.” Namjoon makes sure to let her know.
“Thank you for letting me know, I’ll try my best not to disappoint. You guys can go right out, I’ll have lunch ready in an hour.” She gives them confident smiles before letting them go. 
Namjoon leads the way, head circling with the possible outcomes. What if he doesn’t know how Taehyung would react? What if he was wrong and Y/N hates him forever because of it. What if he breaks her trust with the hope he wasn’t even trying to hide. He pushes that down, putting the trust he has in Taehyung to the forefront of his worries. He knows him. He knows how much this means to him. 
Y/N perches in her usual spot, looking up instead of out over the fence. Taehyung waits a few steps behind to allow her to come down to him out of choice. Another detail Namjoon thought would be good to include. 
“There she is.” Namjoon smiles up at her as she startles again. Her fast growing hair is in a high ponytail today, a common style now that she has the means to take care of it properly. The strands are pulled back carefully to accommodate her ears. The fuzzy, little things search for an out of sight Taehyung once she realizes he’s here. He gives her a minute to figure out what she wants to do. With a nervous look at Namjoon, he gives her an assured nod. 
It seems to be all she needs as she moves and hops down with practiced ease. With a look at Taehyung he sees the same nervous expression, giving him a knowing look to show it’s going to be okay as well. 
She peaks around the trunk just as she did when meeting Namjoon, but this time she wastes no time showing herself. She side steps to get to Namjoon’s side, accepting a reassuring hand on her back. 
“Taehyung, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Taehyung.” 
She honestly didn’t know what to expect in terms of feelings upon meeting him. There is that anxiety she hates so much, and the impending feeling of doom that she seems to have so much lately- but, there’s something else there. 
He’s pretty, just like Namjoon- he looks nothing like Namjoon, but pretty just the same. His hair is lighter than both her’s and Namjoon’s, a wavy style that seems effortlessly perfect. His ears peak out the top of his light brown waves, camouflaging well into the strands. He’s in clothes that seem to match her’s. Plain, comfortable bottoms and a plain t-shirt under a plain zip-up. His tail catches her eye, swaying effortlessly, lifted and cared for with no thought behind it. She looks down at her own to see it still wrapped around her waist like always. 
She gives him a nervous glance before unraveling it from herself and letting it fall as it usually does. She isn’t used to keeping it up, her muscles ache after those unplanned times it seems to have a mind for itself and sway around with no direction. Even now, she lets it fall into the grass under her socked feet- but it takes tentative swishes around under the attention of Taehyung. 
As she avoids looking at his face to not have to see his reaction to her unsure instincts, she startles at a sound from him. A shocked sound of joy leaves the other cheetah, causing her to look at him and find a toothy grin that stuns her. She looks up at Namjoon who seems to have a very similar expression towards Taehyung. 
“Go ahead.” He gives her a light nudge on the back. 
It’s not disgust on Taehyung’s face. It’s an expression she can’t place, but at least it’s not disappointment. He’s smiling at her so earnestly, she doesn’t think twice about taking the tentative steps to stand in front of him. Despite his now content smile, she can see his details up close. The wetness in his eyes surprises her. 
“Taehyung?” She questions. 
“You’re real.” He says, sounding more like he’s convincing himself than stating it to her. “You-” He lifts his hand to roll a curl of her’s between his fingers, looking at her and watching her in awe. She tries her best not to shy away, letting him search for whatever he needs if it means he’s okay with her. 
“Hi.” She gives him in the silence, hoping she doesn’t sound awkward. Her smile is content under his attention despite not knowing him. With her greeting she takes in his scent, the warm, fresh scent seems to perfectly fit him. 
“Hi.” He responds back, his voice less stable than before. 
Her overthinking in how he feels blocks her instincts. An underlying feeling of want and yearn creeps their way into her muscles. Her own cheetah wants something she can’t quite figure out. Just like in times of pain, her cheetah is responding in a time of want. It’s a new warmth, a new feeling of being heard and understood. 
He’s being vulnerable for her, he’s emotional in front of a stranger when Namjoon said he was usually shy. He’s being sincere- she can try to find a way to do the same. 
Instead of blocking that scary feeling of unknown want, she tries to let it slip out, she tries to show him some part of her he can see as meaningful. To show them both that she’s trying. 
Despite Namjoon telling him that Y/N wasn’t familiar with her cheetah, he can feel it. He can feel a connection of familiarity that he’s yearned so long for. Her pretty ears and tail are just like his. Their patterns and colors so similar. And up close, she’s perfect. She’s nothing he could have imagined. She’s far better than anything he could’ve honestly dreamed up. 
She looks up at him with curiosity that melts him. He doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable but he needed to touch something, feel her in some way and make sure she was really in front of him. 
“Hi.” She says, her voice uncertain but light. Her uncertainty in it all makes his cheetah want to soothe, his heart hurting at whatever she could be going through. 
“Hi.” He responds, no knowing exactly what she needs in the moment. 
He lets Y/N watch him, search him for whatever she may need. Her ears and tail tell him she’s thinking, looking for what to do and how to act around him. He debates cutting in and trying to be vocal about his intentions, but it seems Y/N decides first. 
With Taehyung’s hand just out of reach of her face, Y/N leans towards him. Her cheek meets his fingers still holding her hair. He drops the strand, letting her move as she pleases. Her soft skin rubs against his fingers- he opens his hand to welcome her more. She takes the offer, fully resting her cheek in his palm, her eyes starting to water. 
Taehyung does his best to take it slow, rubbing his thumb into the top of her cheek with slow strokes. Once she’s okay with that motion, she turns her face into his palm, being able to smell him and now her scent mixed with his. 
“Taehyung.” She whispers, sounding like she’s in pain from whatever she’s thinking. 
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iamskadhi · 1 month
Story of a villain - Part 2
Hi, Dabi stans, here is the translation of the second part of my fanfiction (it isn't posted anywhere else, btw)
In case you haven't read or want to read the Part 1 of Story of a villan.
As I mentioned before, it is written from a male POV (Dabi's POV), it has a explicit smut parts, includes a little self-loathing, original characters (but the female lead doesn't have a name so you can pretend it's you)
I decided to use the word "part" instead of "chapter" because I actually merged a lot of small chapters I've written before, I'm trying to make it fit in 3 parts so this is the middle of the whole thing and I'm going to say that is so satisfying to write a love story this way, I've never done this before and I highly recomend it now.
The first part has +7000 words and this part has +8000 words, there are no big descriptions of places or time because I tried to write it as a light novel, feel free to send me messages to correct my gramar or if you have any comment about the times not making sense or anything else.
Anyway, I hope you like it.
Slowly, we became more than what we were already: a chosen family. Together we found an apartment – smaller than her former place, but nicely located – and for almost a month, I managed to kill most of my old habits, but it costed me, the old me was screaming in the back of my mind next to my thirteen-year-old corpse.
Some nights, we talked about the future before sleeping and I noticed the way she smoothed the ground, patiently helping me to feel safe and at home; she had no idea my home is wherever she is.
Then, I got a job under a fake name. I went from drug dealing in dark alleys to torturing people and now I was a security guard at a downtown club known as Beanie and One Day.
“You’re sketchy as fuck” said the manager, a mid-forty man named Tanaka Haru, “can you throw jerks out the door?”
“I’m not that strong”, I admitted.
He doubted, but I got the job. I got the name, the place, the girl; but it wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t satisfied at all; and only to make things worse, her mother came to our place one morning after my babe went to work, she looked around and tried to bribe me to leave her daughter alone.
“I love your daughter,” I told her clearly.
“You’re ruining her life!” she accused me. “I talked to her father and if you don’t get out of her life for good, he’ll remove her from the company”
I grinned and she looked at me as if I was crazy.
“You wouldn’t. You care too much about what other people thinks”
“Oh, believe me, we would and we will take her out of the country after that, so don’t get too comfortable in this dumpster you brought her to live with you. Take the money, you clearly need it if this is the best you can get” she disappeared ­— she had a teleportation quirk too.
I looked out the window, a black car that was park outside started up and fled immediately; that was probably hers. I wanted to burn the card and money she left, but I let it there, kept the card in my pocket.
When my babe came home, I noticed she was upset too.
“Wanna eat outside?” she asked me.
As we walked, she started to point out all of the benefits of the new place, it made me sad how hard she was trying to convince herself she was okay without all of her privileges.
I couldn’t keep it in anymore:
“Your mom visited” She stopped walking, so I stood there too, “Did you talked to your father today?”
“What did she say?”
Something horrible was going on inside her head, it was obvious, I showed her the card.
“She offered money to separate us”, I burned it “She said you were supposed to go to your parent’s house that night, but I guess you knew that already.”
“I finally got you” she said, “I got you, I can’t be the one who leaves. I started over, I’m adapting”
“No, you’re not”
“Yes, I am!” she looked at me, her gaze was reddish, irritated, I sighed.
“Did you cry today, baby?”
“Don’t treat me like a kid!” she ran her hands through her hair in exasperation.
“I’m not doing that, I see it in your eyes.”
She swore she was fine, but it wasn’t true. After eating, we took the long way home, as we walked in the building her mother’s words resonated in my mind: “you’re ruining her life”.
My babe smiled at me when we entered, put her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply, I closed the door behind us… and clothes started falling on the floor.
If she could smile like that and still embrace me as tenderly as she just did, how could I still believe that her mother was right? I totally screwed her and she was happy with it.
“You still haven’t got your period, you should get tested,” I suggested her when we were done.
“Are you worried?” she put on my shirt.
“I don’t wanna be like our parents”
“Me neither, but it’s too soon to know”
It was killing me and I wondered how she managed to keep it cool and if she even wanted to have kids. I never asked, we never talked about it, I assumed it was off the table.
My heart ached just thinking about it.
Doing a regular job was way boring than I thought it would be, but it helped get my mind distracted; at the end of the shift, the bartender –a mid-thirty man named Haruma— would serve some drinks and the manager  pointed out all the things that should be improved.
“You’re new” I heard a soft voice behind me, a girl’s voice, one of the girls that dance around the place to keep a fun mood sat next to me.
“Hey, Momo, I didn’t see you tonight” Haruma smiled at her, brought another glass for her.
“I kept sober tonight, there are less jerks lately,” she said looking at me.
“Thanks to the new guy!” the manager put his thumbs up for me.
“I suspected it”, she smiled “I’ve been watching you, you got a big reputation”
“He does?” Haruma asked. I tensed.
“Yeah, girl’s notice his cute face and whisper about his scars, how did you get them?”
She pissed me, but the bartender was paying attention.
“Did it myself”
“How?” she wanted to know.
“That’s none of your business”
“I heard you got a fire quirk, Miura” Haruma was too amicable for his own good.
“Really?” Momo giggled. I just nodded and she put her hand on my arm. “I got a water quirk”
I pulled my arm away and jump up the chair immediately; she literally watered me and soaked my jacket sleeve.
“The fuck’s wrong with you?!”
She laughed and grinned.
“I guess we’re not compatible”
I could see that she was insane and I shouldn’t even look at her but she annoyed me.
“Momo, are you okay?!” the manager yelled from the other side of the club.
“That was uncalled for, Momo” the bartender reprimanded her, “Don’t take it bad, Miura, she’s not good socializing, that’s all”
“Put a sign on her next time!” I exclaimed.
“Oh, I can’t wait for the next time” she giggled.
“Don’t be rude” Haruma reproached her again.
I just left. It was still dark; when I got home, my babe was sleeping. We spent little to no time together since I got this job; I took a shower before getting into bed with her and she opened her beautiful sparkly eyes as I laid next to her.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered “Didn’t mean to wake you up”
“How was your night?”
“It was fine”
“Good” she mumbled and closed her eyes again. I tucked her hair behind her ear and she sighed, “You smell nice”
I cuddled her and fell asleep in a minute.
The smell of something very delicious woke me up, I went to the kitchen and saw Hana.
“I’m sorry, were we being too loud?” my babe asked. I shook my head, still sleepy.
“It was the bacon, right? Come, sit” Hana was cooking. “I like your new apartment, it’s close to where I live so I thought I could come and eat breakfast together, I didn’t mean to disturb. It’s nice to see you’ve taken care of your skin” she walked to me and analyzed my face, “but I see a couple of dots near under your eyes, they don’t look like moles”
“It’s nothing,” I said and she left it.
I ate in silence and went back to bed, but I could still hear them talk:
“Did you tell him?” Hana asked.
“No, he won’t take it well”
“You should tell him, though”
I swallowed the bad feeling and slept, but I didn’t rest well.
“What could it be?” I thought before falling asleep, “Did she get tested?”
It clicked my mind: she was pregnant, it was obvious and expected —not “we wanted this” type of expected, but “it had to happen” type. I cooked dinner and waited for her.
Time passed slowly, I called her and she didn’t answer; it’s something that never happens.
“Where are you?” Sent.
A few minutes later, she was writing.
“With Hana” Read.
“At the hospital?” Sent.
“At her place” Read.
I had a bad feeling.
“You OK?” Sent.
“Of course, my love. See you later” Read.
I wasn’t gonna let it slide. I had Hana’s phone number; I just never sent her a text or called her before. No, I did when they were in high school— I thought and called her:
“Hi, hi” she answered.
“Hi, are you having dinner or something?” I asked.
“Who’s this?” she asked, “Oh, Dabi, hi, why do you ask me that?”
I swallowed my saliva as I realized.
“You’re not together”
“I feel like I missed something, I’m sorry, I’m at ER right now and you called me out of the blue…”
“What were you talking about this morning?” I wanted to know.
“This morning? You were there”
“When I left you two alone, that one thing I won’t take well”
There was a brief silence.
“I’m gonna tell you, but act like you don’t know, okay?”
“It’s not that bad. You know the way her parents are and she had to do this, believe me, she didn’t have a choice, well she did but the other choice was something totally irrational and…”
“Spill it, Hana”
“They set her a date with some wealthy prick, she already knows him from college and he’s an idiot, she had to go, trust me, trust her, she’ll just go to dinner with him tonight and it’s done, please don’t freak out”
“I don’t know” she mumbled, “I swear. She mentioned it but I’ve never been there, it’s new and stylish, the kind of place her mom adores; I just know it opened this week”
That was the only clue I needed.
“Do you know when they’re supposed to meet?”
“Please just let it slide, they must be there already, she’ll be home real soon”
“Thanks” I hung up. I had to see the wealthy prick.
If they met in college I had someone in mind, I hated thinking about it. Searched online for newly opened restaurants and went straight to the one that looked more stupidly pompous.
It had big fucking crystal doors but no windows, I had to go in; the host welcomed me with a fake smile:
“I’m sorry. We have a dress code, sir”
I ignored her and walked in, looking around, she followed me, heard some gasps and I saw them. I fucking saw the same asshole that used to stalk her back in college and felt the anger heating inside my chest.
A waiter addressed me: “I’m sorry, gentleman, but you have to respect…”
“Who’s manning that table?” I pointed them.
“I’m sorry again; I can’t give you that info…”
I walked to them, she hadn’t see me but I stopped when she stood up and spilled her wine on his face. He got up too, a waiter jumped in offering a napkin and I hurried to the table.
“You’re still the same immature little girl, I see” the prick said walking towards her, I reached him just in time, put my hand on his shoulder.
“Long time no see, fucking loser”
She widened her eyes surprised; she really didn’t noticed I was there until now.
“Who the fuck are you?” he looked at me confused; I grinned and let a little blue blaze out my hand on his shoulder.
“You forgot about me? That’s sad, I remember you perfectly, fucking asshole”
He squealed like a little bitch, I perfectly saw in his eyes when he remembered; she jumped in and pushed me back.
“Dabi, let’s go” she said while pushing me “Let’s go, let’s go”
I let go of his shoulder and stepped back, grinning like a devil, mad as fuck:
“Damn, you’re lucky we’re at a fancy place!”
“Please, let’s go!” she took my hand and pulled me, we rushed out of the restaurant, when we were outside I confronted her:
“Why did you do this?”
“Why did you do that?!” she reproached me.
“No, there’s no possible way you can turn this on me, what the fuck happened?”
She looked at me as if she was completely out of her mind before turning her back on me, and walked away.
“Where the fuck are you going?” I followed her.
“Home! I need to change!”
“You need to explain!”
“No! How did you find out?” she bawled, “Why are you here? Why…?”
I reached her hand and stopped her, people walked around but I had to see her face; she was turning red but she wasn’t crying.
“What would you have done if I hadn’t been there?” I asked calmly.
“I would’ve teleported out of there,” she said, but I know she wouldn’t have done that. “I would’ve go home, like I’m trying to do now” she hugged herself.
She was gorgeous; wearing a red dress and her hair up, she looked like a movie star or a model. I really wanted to fight for this, but I also wanted to take her home and make love to her fully dressed like that.
“You asked Hana, didn’t you?” she looked at me, still upset, and I nodded.
“Let’s go home,” I said, put my arm around her waist and walked with her.
“Yeah, I really wanna change” she mumbled.
“No, keep it” I said with a smirk and I saw her smiling too.
“Wanna take shortcuts?” she asked and pulled me to the first dark alley we saw.
Teleporting with her was like jumping, except you don’t feel the fall; she wrapped her arms around me. When I first met her she could teleport in a radio of fifty meters —she was awesome–, by now she can do over a kilometer, maybe two.
We’ve done this before and I trusted her, but it still made my legs wiggle, she kissed me with each jump, avoiding street lights, avoiding CCTVs, when we were near the building, she stopped and I felt my legs wiggling like jelly.
She mocked me but I didn’t mind; we ran to the apartment like kids running home after school, this was the kind of things that made me fall for her despite… everything. When I’m with her, the rest of the world vanishes.
We made out in the elevator and barely managed to open the door in-between all the kissing, laughing and touching. We were role-playing and she was being incredibly clumsy.
“Oh no, mister robber, please don’t hurt me with your giant… tool.”
We laughed. She was doing it on purpose, no matter how serious I tried to be, she was faking a voice, she had to be a dummy.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you but the only valuable thing in this place is me”
I gazed her body up and down. What a woman, I thought and I took my jacket off.
“So what would you do if I went to touch you now?” I aimed to touch her waist and she stepped back grinning, very professional. I bit my lip.
“Oh no, please, my husband will be back soon!” she exclaimed.
“Then I gotta hurry” I touched her arm and she teleported us to the bed, I wasn’t expecting it but kept it cool and took my shirt off, I felt her hands going up touching my abdomen, “Stay in character, honey”
“Shit, nooo, mister robber, what are you doing to me?” she said as I took her underwear down her legs.
“Enough is enough!” I couldn’t keep it together anymore, kissed her deeply, suck her tongue into my mouth while putting two fingers inside her, and massaged her clitoris with my thumb. The red dress was almost as soft as her skin.
She moaned and undid the button of my jeans. I wanted to scold her for being so bad at role-playing but it could wait ‘till morning. We had a rope in the nightstand for this kind of situations; I tied her wrists together and let my jeans fall down.
She looked at me with thirsty eyes as I put on a condom and let a sigh out when I dived deep inside her; I kept a hand down on her hips and covered her mouth with the other while licking and sucking her precious neck all the way from her collarbone to her ear.
Soon, I forgot about the role-play too, kissing her deeply while she clawed her fingers on my hips and pulled me in desperately as I pulled out; she already wanted to come. I pulled out and turned her on her stomach, she lift her ass and I dived into her again while playing with her clitoris.
She buried her face on the pillow and I left my weight fall a little on her, put my ear on her scapula and felt her taking long deep breaths. I felt her loose strength as she was coming done. I pulled out, still hard as fuck, to allow her to turn around.
“I think we ripped the dress” she sighed.
“Shit, I loved this dress”
“I could tell how much you loved it” she said when I untied her wrists and checked the hour. “If you’re getting late, let’s make it worth”
She gave me that smile she has when she’s expecting another round.
That night my pay was deducted a thirty percent, but I was so satisfied that it could’ve been completely deducted and I wouldn’t mind.
The next few days felt like a honeymoon, not only because the sex, everything was suddenly working out. I spent so many years thinking I would never fit into a normal lifestyle, obsessed about heroes and becoming the best of them... Or maybe I’m very printable, I thought.
I was obsessed with the hero’s path because my father was a hero himself. He is still a hero. Now I was living with someone that always lived a regular life and I could live like that only because of her.
“Did you ever think about becoming a hero?” I asked her. She looked at me, confused.
“We’ve had this talk before”
I remembered the first time that I saw her, she was training her quirk behind her parent’s back. She was too mad at them because her life was made since the day she was born, she didn’t have siblings like me because her mother hated being pregnant, therefore she had no voice in their house. Training her quirk at a crack house was her only rebellious phase.
That and dating me.
“How could you fall for me?” I asked.
She laughed.
“Remember that day I jumped off the roof and you screamed you loved me? You already knew I can teleport anywhere, anytime, but you were so desperate thinking I was trying to kill myself. We were messed up kids who taught ourselves how to live, how could we ever just be friends?”
That was an embarrassing memory, I really believed she was done with her life and her parent’s expectations and I ran upstairs to that roof. She jumped before my eyes and my hands couldn’t reach her, of course I was desperate and I screamed.
“You were so cute” she sipped her cup of coffee with an annoying grin.
“If you’re pregnant I’m telling that story someday”
She stared at me, blushing until her face turned all red.
“You manipulated me” I said and she laughed.
“Maybe I did” she admitted. “I liked you but I never thought you loved me”
On my day off, I went to the mall attempting to buy a coffeemaker like the one my babe had before, but of course, I couldn’t afford the exact same machine so I had to buy the next best option.
I was waiting in line to pay, when I notice the woman in front of me had white hair with red stripes. It’s not possible, I thought, chill – but I couldn’t resist myself and tried to look at her face. She noticed and looked back.
“I’m sorry” she said immediately when she made eye contact - took me by surprise, “are you in a hurry? My cart’s full, you can pass before me” she offered politely.
“I’m good” I said. That was definitely my sister.
“Okay” she said and she looked at me timidly, it made me wonder…
“What’s the matter?”
If maybe, she did recognize me.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to stare at you like that” she stuttered. “It’s just…” she looked at my black hair “that you look like someone that I miss”
She’s lying, I thought and swallowed my saliva nervously, stay calm, stay calm.
“What?” I asked.
Don’t fuck things up, do it for her.
“Someone that I knew, I meant someone that I knew,” she lied, “I’m sorry, I felt nostalgic for a moment, you can go before me, seriously,” she offered again.
“Fine” I said as I walked by her side, “thanks”
“You’re welcome” she smiled.
Not only my hair or my piercings, my voice is different, I thought, but she knows. I looked over my shoulder and she smiled.
Or maybe I’m losing my grip again. Forget it, forget them.
Back home, I questioned myself if I should place the coffeemaker as if it has always been here or if I should’ve wrapped it with a bow and all.
I called Hana and she laughed at me.
“I’m sorry, that’s so cute. I think you should place it there and count the minutes, we can make a bet about how long it will take her to notice”
“She’s a caffeine maniac, she’ll notice immediately”
“Na-uh, it’ll take her like ten minutes at least, pregnancy makes woman very absent-minded. I can see her using the French press and then…”
“What?” she shut the fuck up.
“That thing you said about pregnancy”
There was a brief silence and she said nervously:
“Oh no! A car crashed somewhere and I need to go, bye”
I stayed standing like an idiot for a couple of minutes, staring at the coffeemaker. It wasn’t like I didn’t suspected it or I didn’t know, but the fact that Hana knew her period was late and seemed to have confirmed she was pregnant didn’t sit well.
I felt betrayed.
Searched online everything about pregnancy symptoms, I also felt curious about what to do with a newborn, I read everything I found and it was so much to handle, I felt the urge to throw up.
“I can’t do this” I said to myself while scrolling down my phone’s screen. I remembered my father. “I won’t be like him”
Rage filled in. I tried to picture it: the baby, a real baby.
What if they have my quirk?
What if they have my weakness?
I felt the urge to leave.
If they don’t have a quirk, it’d be fine.
If they have my babe’s quirk, it’d be fine.
My mind was tricking me, asphyxiating me.
I put my phone on the table and left the apartment, walked around the building, then wandered further and faster; almost running.
I saw a couple of those stupid heroes on the other side of street.
What if they want to be a hero?
I couldn’t take it anymore. I stopped walking.
“My love?” I heard her voice, but couldn’t see her. “Dabi. What are you doing here?”
I looked around, everything was numb and she appeared before me. Perfectly normal, glowing eyes looking in mine, she took my hand and intertwined our fingers.
“What’s wrong?” she asked. “Tell me”
She was like gravity, bringing me back down to the cold hard ground.
I can’t fuck this up, I thought. I pulled her closer to me and whispered in her ear:
“I missed you”
“I’ve got something to tell you” she whispered back.
“I’ve got a gift for you”
She smiled.
On the way home, I told her about my little trip to the mall, she listened careful; she could be strange and mad, but she always understood when it comes to me – to my family’s mess. Even though we were raised in completely different types of asylums.
“Welcome home, cheater” I said when we were walking inside the apartment, she looked at me as if I was crazy.
“What?” she asked.
“Hana told me” I crossed my arms trying to look dead serious “Is she the father?”
She realized and burst out laughing.
“What’s so funny?” I asked her, she was holding her stomach and covering her mouth but couldn’t hold it in.
“I’m so-I’m sorry” she laughed and laughed, completely out of control, “I was gonna get so angry if you were accusing me for real of cheating. You can be so dramatic sometimes, I love you”
“When where you gonna tell me?” I wanted to know.
“Well, you know, I was gonna walk in with a baby one day and…” I stared at her, I was done with the jokes and she saw it in my face “My love, I just found out, I swear”
“Hana took the blood sample and she sent me a message with the results this morning, I promise you I was gonna tell you at dinner”
I gasped for air and pointed at the box in the kitchen.
“Oh my God, Dabi!” she covered her mouth and jumped in excitement like a kid, “thank you, thank you, thank you!” she hugged me before unpacking it.
She looked so happy. Then, I remember what I read about caffeine during pregnancy and tried to take it away.
“I’m returning it” I said.
“Caffeine isn’t good for the baby” I lifted the coffee machine when she tried to take it back from my hands, “You’re gonna settle with a cup per day from now on”
She turned into a demon in order to take over the coffeemaker again. What did I just get into?, I thought as I found myself losing a battle to her for the first time in forever. I sat out the door in the hallway during thirty minutes until she forgave me for trying to do things right.
A week passed but I felt frozen in time, she made an appointment for an echography and I knew I had to go, I said I would, but I missed it. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t showed me anything, as if it didn’t happen.
I could feel when I’d come back from work, every time I laid in bed next to her she’d wake up and stare at me. I felt the silent pressure of her gaze and for a fortnight, there we were acting indifferent to each other. No sex, no fights, no talking.
One night after work, I was with the bartender, killing time, when our boss joined us:
“So… ho-how are you?” he asked me directly.
“I’ve been thinking the same thing” Haruma said, “but he doesn’t open up no matter how much whiskey I put…”
“Whiskey?” Tanaka gave him a look, discontent, tired and sighed making a sign to pour a glass for him before turning back to me “Anyway, you’ve done a decent job but lately, you’re scaring the clients – real clients, not just your target clients, it’s not good for the business”
Maybe they can relate, I thought, maybe I should let a wall down.
Our boss was expecting me to say something and Haruma was really bad at pretending he wasn’t into the conversation.
“Do you… have children?” I asked in a very low tone.
“Fuck no” the manager puffed.
“No, no, no, no” Haruma shook his head frenetically, then he asked with a childish smile “Is your girlfriend pregnant?”
I didn’t answer.
“Kids are cool, I dated a single mom once,” he continued.
“Hey, don’t say weird things” Tanaka scolded him.
“But it’s true! She was older…” Haruma started a narrative but he was too into himself that he didn’t notice no one was paying attention.
“Now I understand” my boss seemed concerned, “How do you feel about it? Shock? Sad? Wanna go and buy cigarettes?”
I looked down, he was seeing right through me.
“I should give her a call” Haruma finished his story with a longing sigh. “Hey is it true woman turn lustful when they’re pregnant?”
I gave him a cold stare and he made a face, realizing he fucked up.
“I’ve seen you picking up girls almost every night, how come you haven’t gotten anyone pregnant?” I asked him and the manager scolded him again, attempting to hit him from across the table.
“I’ve told you to stop a fucking thousand times, that’s why they never come back! You fucking piece of shit!”
“Dabi, how could you?” Haruma avoided every hit like he was used to this.
“And ain’t you married?” I addressed Tanaka, he had a wedding ring on his finger.
“Yes, to a man” he said resolute.
“I’m sorry we can’t advise you, Dabi”
“You’re on your own, kid” the manager patted my shoulder while pouring some more whiskey for himself.
“But I’m curious about something” Haruma put his face on his hand, awkwardly close to mine. “Are you in love?”
His breath hit my nose; the manager sighed and I couldn’t shut up: “I am madly in love, I cannot breath when she’s not near, I love her”
“Aww that was sweet” Haruma smiled.
“You could’ve been a detective if you’d stayed at school” the manager said to Haruma.
“Yeah, but bartending is fun” Haruma said with a sly grin. I looked at him confused, and he explained immediately: “My quirk forces people to be brutally honest. One day I asked my father why he was mean to me and he said he hated me because I killed my mom during labor”
Our boss lighted a cigarette for himself.
“You know it’s not true”
“Well I didn’t kill her, it’s not possible, but she died and he blamed me my whole life. I dropped high school and left his house, I’ve been on my own since then”
“So you’re in love, that’s why Momo couldn’t pull you up” Tanaka smiled at me, “that’s a relief, she’s the reason I had to fire the guy before you”
“That and he was also a jerk” Haruma said.
“He was tall and strong…”
“I hated him!” Haruma insisted.
“He was perfect for the job until she messed with him!”
“Then why didn’t you fire her? He was an asshole, you just can’t admit it because he’s your type!”
They started and argument and I had to leave. It was early; the daylight was clearing the streets as I was walking home. If I was so in love and if I had pictured us as a family before, why was I so nervous? Why did I feel like I could go away on my own at any given minute?
I stayed in the living room for a moment, took a bath and went back to the couch; she came out of the room and looked at me.
“Are you okay?” she asked. My body moved by itself, walked towards her and hugged her, “Did something bad happen?”
“I never asked you how you feel about this. I never asked you if you want this. I assumed you were fine because I’m here but I have no idea what’s going on or what to do to make things right”
In other words, I was an idiot.
She hugged me back, her nose snorted and I felt her crying on me as she ranted:
“I had no idea how to talk about this, I feel like a mess! I’m not doing good at my job and I can’t handle a household even when this is a smaller place. The other day I said ‘hi’ to a baby in the street and he cried! Then I cried and his mom was so nice, she comforted me when the baby stopped crying!”
She started to say unintelligible things and I just nodded and patted her back as she continued:
“What, when and how am I supposed to tell my parents? My mom is gonna bully me so hard if I cry when my own baby cries!”
She cried long and loud for good thirty minutes before getting ready for work, she used a couple of cold spoons to deflate her puffy eyes.
I was tired but I could barely sleep. I felt curious about Haruma’s quirk and how much information he could get out of anybody.
“I learned the hard way that pushing people’s boundaries is a double edge sword,” he told me. I thought it was because of his father, but he continued: “One time I took a girl home, I used to ask them what kind of stuff they like…“
He kept talking, he reminded me of Hana and despite I liked them both, I would never put them in the same room together.
“So, who is it?” he asked, “Your girlfriend?” I didn’t say anything and he smiled, “bring her one night, I’ll make some alcohol-free cocktails just for her and I’ll ask her whatever you wanna know, but… don’t resent me later”
Our boss appeared behind him and hit the back of his head.
“Don’t listen to a word he says, whatever you’re planning don’t do it” he warned us.
“Tanaka!” Haruma bawled, rubbing where he was hit.
“I heard ‘bring her’ and I don’t care who you’re talking about, you better don’t bring anyone to meet this slut man”
“Tanaka, that’s rude!” Haruma cried louder.
“Don’t be like this, Tanakun, let him bring her” Momo sat next to me, “I’m curious about the type of girl this idiot likes” She gave me a shiver “how many girlfriends did you say you’ve had?”
“I didn’t say” I said as I stood up to leave.
“See you tomorrow, Dabi!”
Haruma and our boss said goodbye, but as soon as I was walking out, I felt somebody following me. She didn’t even hide.
“Stop the stalking” I told her when she approached me.
“It’s not stalking, I’m just walking in the same direction that you are” she defended herself, but this wasn’t the first time she tried to follow me.
“Okay, walk then” I made a sign with my hand to let her pass in front of me and she smiled.
“Are you going to walk behind me? Do you like that kind of stuff, Dabi, chasing pretty girls on lonely streets?”
“There are no pretty girls in this street, just go your own way” I said as I walked back to the club, but she didn’t left me alone.
“You’ve never had another girlfriend, have you?” she asked, “Maybe you should sleep with other girls so you could see that sex isn’t a fucking big deal, you don’t have to run away from me all the time!”
I arrived and saw Haruma and Tanaka closing the door.
“Did you forget something?” Tanaka asked, but I shook my head.
“Where you going? Wanna share a taxi?” Haruma asked.
They lived in the opposite direction, but I nodded. Haruma complained a lot in the back of the taxi, he was saying it’s my fault that he had to share a taxi with Tanaka; I fell asleep.
I woke up when we arrived at Tanaka’s house. Haruma was there:
“I thought I’d have to carry you” he sighed in relief.
I tried to leave, but they didn’t let me.
“I know where you live” Tanaka said, “You’re running away from something. What is it? You forgot to collect laundry?”
Haruma laughed: “Married people are a different breed”
“We’re not married,” I said.
“Yet” Haruma said. “Oh! Tanaka, your husband”
A mutant came out of a room, a big, tall man with two pairs of arms and eyes. I tried not to stare.
“We didn’t mean to wake you up, Beanie, sorry” Tanaka said, but his husband said it was fine, they went to the kitchen and I noticed he was staring at me.
I smirked when I realized why the club’s name is Beanie and One Day.
“Do you know each other?” Haruma asked me and I denied it.
I started to receive a couple of messages from my babe.
“Don’t worry. See you at home soon” Sent.
“That’s not right” Haruma said, looking at my messages before taking over my phone, “Give me that!” he wrote something really fast and sent it, then took a picture and sent it. “Now we’re good”
My phone ringed a couple of times, Haruma read the messages and smiled pleased with himself.
Tanaka and his husband put a few plates and juice for us – his husband was drinking coffee.
“It’s good to see a new face, this never happens” his husband said politely. “What brought you here?”
“Momo” I said.
Tanaka jumped in his seat and his husband grinned.
“I told you that girl means troubles, nothing stops her ever, I knew it since she tried to mess with my nephew”
“We’ve had a long list of security guards,” Haruma told me.
“And why haven’t you fire her?” I asked Tanaka.
“Look, she’s harmless, she dances well, and she…”
“She’s an orphan” his husband interrupted, “and this guy over here has a terrible savior’s complex. Momo’s an orphan, Haruma was neglected and I suppose you…”
I nodded; he was kinda right. Tanaka exhaled:
“I’m gonna talk to her again, just give her time”
“Time for what?” Haruma asked him, “If she keeps trying to follow him she’s gonna do something stupid, you know her”
“Well, if I fire her she will come back as a client”
“Why she doesn’t cause you any trouble?” I asked Haruma.
“Oh, she likes tough guys and I’m a cinnamon roll”
Beanie laughed, squeezed Haruma’s cheek and said:
“It’s not just that, she likes to break her favorite toys”
“Here we go again” Tanaka rolled his eyes.
“I hate to say ‘I told you so’, but you know I’m right” He finished his breakfast, “Listen, she doesn’t just wants to hook around, she likes breaking hearts, she likes to make guys obsessed with her and dump them like trash”
Haruma put his arm around my shoulders and pointed at my face.
“The thing with this guy is that he’s already obsessed with someone”
“Oh, a challenge, she hasn’t have to deal with someone in love before” Tanaka’s husband analyzed me, looking somewhat pleased.
“You should go to work, honey,” Tanaka said.
“Sure, I’m leaving, but I wanna know something first” he said and looked at me, “what’s your girlfriend like?”
Haruma smiled and asked too:
“Yeah, what is she like, Dabi?”
It hit me again; I recognized it this time, I immediately bursted out a ton of cheesy compliments about her image — like her captivating sparkly eyes, contagious laugh— and personality —how kind she is and tough at the same time. I felt exhausted when I was done and had to take a deep breath.
Beanie and Haruma seemed extremely satisfied. Tanaka looked at me worried. For myself, I think I fainted after that.
Suddenly, I was at my birth house.
I heard mom humming in the kitchen, Fuyumi was helping her to make dinner, I could smell it; Natsu crossed the front door and greeted me.
“When did you get here?” Natsu patted my back when he walked by.
“Touya, help us set the table” Fuyumi told me from the kitchen’s door. Mom smiled at me, behind her:
“Touya! Welcome home!”
I tried to reach them, I really tried, but the room stretched as Natsu, Fuyumi and mom stared at me from afar.
“Did you go to Sekoto Peak again, Touya?”
That man, my father, was by my side wearing a frown and the house disappeared and turned to the forest.
The forest was on fire, my blue fire, and my babe was standing there. I called her name but nothing came out of my mouth so I screamed – still nothing - and the flames embraced her but she didn’t move.
A bucket of cold water hit me and woke me up; Tanaka and Haruma were standing in front of me.
“What the fuck were you dreaming?!” Tanaka asked.
“Dude, your face!” Haruma looked at me terrified.
I touched my face, it was hot, and I used my phone’s camera to see the damage: a mark of burnt skin appeared around my collarbone. It wasn’t that bad.
“You seem to be used to burning yourself, it doesn’t hurt?”
“I am used to this, a friend fixed my face a couple of months ago” I sighed when I realized Hana was gonna kick me.
“A couple of months, then your girlfriend has seen you like this,” Tanaka mumbled.
“So we don’t have to worry about her getting back at us” Hamura sighed in relief, Tanaka looked at him in disapproval.
“Watch your words”
“It’s fine” I said, “Thank you… for everything”
“Thank you for not burning yourself to death”
“Tanaka, don’t say that!”
“I’ve done worse. I need to go home” I said.
Tanaka invited me to eat first and brought a burn cream for me; after that Haruma and I left, we were walking side by said when he started talking:
“Hey, about your thing with Momo…”
“I don’t have a thing…”
“My bad! It was a poor choice of words, but I wanted to let you know, she’s not like that. That thing Tanaka’s lovey dovey said before... Momo likes to make guys fall for her, but she’s scared of commitment.”
“So what?”
“I thought you could trick Momo into thinking you’d dump your girlfriend for her, you don’t have to go all the way with her. Just pretend she caught your eye, take her to the movies…”
“Well, it’s respectable. See you later!”
In the subway, I thought about inviting an iced coffee to my babe, so I took my phone to send a message and read all the stupid messages Haruma sent her.
“Hi hi, this is Haruma, a friend from work your fluffy-haired boyfriend made, he’s with me and our boss right now, we’re having a little reunion but don’t worry, we’ll return him later, safe and sound - pinky promise” Sent. Right after my last text.
“If he’s not friendly, why friendly shaped?” Sent, with a blurred picture.
“Hello, Haruma, thank you for taking care of him.” Read.
“Have fun” Read.
“Sorry, we broke him.” Sent with a picture of me sleeping on the couch.
“LOL, send me another please” Read.
[PIC][PIC][PIC][+7 PICs] Sent.
“TYSM♡” Read.
It’s like they’re speaking another language, I thought.
Then I remembered what I dreamed and tried to take it off my mind, but I couldn’t. I was just entering our neighborhood when she called me, except she wasn’t the person on the other side of the line.
A police officer introduced himself and explained a fucked up situation:
She was at the police station. There was an illegal use of her quirk. She caused a public disturbance. She had a verbal fight with a hero.
Each sentence the officer said was more ridiculous than the previous one, then he mentioned a car accident and I lost it.
At that moment, I wish I could teleport like her, but the only thing I could do was take a taxi. When I arrived, she was sitting in front of an officer’s desk, he was yelling something at her and she was quiet, just taking it.
“If she was in an accident why are you yelling at her?!” I yelled at the officer, she looked at me and jumped up, there were no visible injuries or scratches; the officer stood up too and a couple more hurried as if we were gonna fight.
“Is this your husband?” he yelled at her again, as if I wasn’t there.
“You bet I am!” I walked furious towards them.
“What the fuck did you tell him?” she asked him upset.
“What happened?” I wanted to hear it from her, but the officer didn’t let her talk.
“She caused a public disturbance when she verbally fought with a hero that was about to save a kid…”
“I already told you that is not what happened!” she exclaimed, absolutely mad, “that dickhead hero caused the car accident right after I saved the kid, check the goddamn CCTVs!”
“What hero?” I asked.
“Nobody important” she said calmly and turned back to the officer, “there were eyewitnesses and you, the goddamn police! Just took the hero’s word for granted! Fucking inefficient!”
He wrote something while shaking his head, I felt the urge to burn everything down but I looked at her, she was mad but she looked fine.
“Should I take you to the hospital?” I asked her but she refused.
“You can’t go anywhere until you pay the bail,” said the officer and pissed me off, I wanted to burn him to ashes.
“You should’ve start there” she reproached him with fire in her eyes, pulling her wallet out of her purse.
“And you still owe an apology to Beast Arms”
“He’s the one who should be apologizing!” she complained, “that fucking beast almost killed somebody”
She was distressed; it was all over her face. When we walked out of the police station, I hugged her and she cuddled, her scent filled my nose and I patted her back.
“I fucking hate heroes” she complained, “this was all his fault”
“Today was a long day for the both of us” I whispered. She touched my collarbone.
“I noticed,” she whispered back.
“What happened?” I still wanted to hear it from her.
“I was walking home and I saw a kid running, he crossed the street at a red light and I just teleported to get him and teleported back to the sidewalk with him. Out of nowhere, that dumbass hero jumped at the same time we appeared back in the sidewalk, and he didn’t just stopped the car, he crashed it! Can you believe it?! And it wasn’t just that car, the one behind it and another crashed too! It was madness! And the idiot looked around and saw me with the kid crying and addressed me as if I did something wrong, he jumped in too hard he could’ve smashed the poor kid!”
“Why was the kid crying?”
“He was trying to catch his puppy, that’s the worst part! I didn’t see the puppy, I just took the kid back to the sidewalk and the hero was yelling at me and I saw the poor thing lying dead in the middle of the street, so I yelled back at that stupid piece of shit! He’s supposed to be trained, he’s supposed to see the whole situation before jumping in to action, he could’ve save the puppy, but noooo!”
She kept ranting and moving her hands in the air and I was so enchanted by how much she depreciated that hero that I wished it was Endeavor the one that stood in her way. I would’ve killed to see the old man being reprehended by her in front of a crowd.
She was so into it that she didn’t notice I was taking her to the hospital to make sure she and the baby were fine. That night I saw for the first time an echography, the doctor said everything was normal but I felt like an idiot because I saw nothing on the screen.
They both laughed at me.
“It’s always hard for new parents, especially the dads” the doctor said, she was really nice, “I’m gonna show you something cool”
Suddenly Hana came in.
“Hi there! Whatchu doin?” She saluted playful as usual, but her eyes looked tired.
“Hana, shh” the doctor shushed her and my babe waved her hand.
A sound filled the room, it started as a numb beat and then it cleared… my babe closed her eyes and the doctor smiled. Hana covered her mouth with one hand and put the other on my arm while jumping in excitement.
“That’s your baby’s heartbeats,” she whispered but she probably wanted to scream.
I felt something warm in my chest, something I wasn’t able to put in words but it compared to the day I made blue flames, it filled me with joy somehow. I wished it would last forever.
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oxpogues4lifexo · 2 months
Full Kook - JJ/Rafe Fic
Part 1/? - Bella Brooks
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Summary: Part 1 is an introduction to the OC told by JJ Maybank. The lead up to my story. Overall this fic is about a troubled Pogue who finds comfort in people she least expects whilst dealing with many turns of events. A/N: This isn't planned out in any way shape or form. No reliability on the release of any parts I'm just writing this because I enjoy writing if it's not for you please move on. Warnings: Mentions of sex, alcohol, drugs, violence, abuse (mental and physical) Anything I missed lmk. Word count: 800
(Not proof read)
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JJ's Pov:
Bella Elizabeth Brooks
My best friend since before I can remember. 
Most commonly known as the 'Princess of Kildare Island'; With the face of an angel and a heart of gold. The girl everyone wants to either be, or be with.
I'm pretty sure she'd give it up to anyone if she could... 
She's the perfect girl: a sweet persona, gorgeous appearance, kindest soul to exist. Who wouldn't want to be friends with her?
The answer.. everyone.
She has a close-knit group of friends, only through her dad. Me, because our dads used to be close friends, Sarah because him and Ward are disgustingly inseparable, and then Topper and Kelce because.. well.. Rafe. 
Swiftly moving on..
Bella's the type of person that people don't particularly see as a friend, but more of someone they can go to if they need something. She thinks it's a compliment; that people go to her when in desperate need of help. 
But no just.. no.
She's a toy.. pretty much sums it up; an easy target. 
It makes me sick thinking about it. 
People take advantage of her empathy, her soft attitude, the fact she can't say no. They see her as someone who can get away with anything and use that to their own benefit. 
She puts everyone first, doesn't want there to be any bad in the world, likes to make everyone happy anyway she can. Even if it means breaking herself in the process.
So my duty as her best friend is to keep her safe from the world. Keep her away from the bad. 
It physically hurts to know about the way people see her, and so I feel as if it's my job to protect her from ever dealing with it again. Dealing with the pain and the hurt she puts herself through for others who deserve nothing but a stick up their ass. 
She's my priority. And I will let nothing get in the way of me taking care of her and treating her how she deserves. 
Except for one tiny problem..
Thomas Brooks. - The man who created the Island's untouchable sweetheart.
Let's just say he's got a bad reputation.. but having Ward on his side gives him MAJOR  advantages. 
Don't get me wrong, the Brooks family is THE MOST respected family on the Island but just.. for the wrong reasons. 
And sadly it's not my place to say. Sorry, not sorry. I hate talking about it. 
Anyways, Bella is my everything and before you say ANYTHING, it's purely platonic. 
Well, to her. 
But, with everything she's been put through with all the fucking leeches in the OBX, I don't blame her and I wouldn't ask for it any other way. 
She's my rock, my girl. And no one will EVER take her from me. At least, they can try but it won't end well. Speaking from experience.
Enough about Bella.. but more about Bella..
She lives on the Cut, with me. Well no actually I live with her but, same thing. 
She has never once moaned about the little amounts of money her dad earns, and never once made a single comment about where she lives. 
It's this run down shack-like house. Imagine the Chateau but just.. worse. 
The walls are boarded up from the masses of storms that have destroyed what used to be there causing the remains to become rotten. The windows are cracked and the furniture is far from usable. 
The only healthy-ish part of the house? Bella's room.
It's a huge contrast from the rest of the building, almost like it was placed there separately. The wall's a bright white colour, her soft bedding and her drawers overflowing with colourful clothing puts the rest of the place to shame. A large window overlooks her room, filling it with more light than the whole house sees combined. 
The reason behind this is because her dad isn't the greatest dad. But in his defence he's aware. And so he spends the only bit of money he has on her - Always. Without any slight slither of guilt. He would give her the world if he could and she knows that, which is why she excuses his actions. 
She holds a pretty smile to cover the hurt she feels beneath. Her vibrant choice in her room reflects the young girl inside of her. 
She hasn't got an easy life and if it wasn't for me living with her, I wouldn't understand.
If the island really knew why she's the way she is.. they wouldn't want to be her. 
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Please let me know what you think x
Thank you for reading 🌹❤️
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neonscandal · 4 months
Something I realized is that gege akutami doesn't create many punishments for ''bad'' characters other than death. I think an interesting punishment for the geto character was to create a binding vow in which he was obliged to save humans and never harm them I would have liked to have seen him save those he hates and abhors most.
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⚠️ Implied spoiler warning for season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen.
I think Jujutsu Kaisen has such an incredible unbalance between the lives of the "good guys" and the "bad guys" to the point of being hilarious.
The show is from the perspective of the good guys of which there are never enough. They're also never quite strong enough. They are frequently shown fighting for their lives even when its a 2 or 3 on 1. They are struggling and suffering casualties and even Megumi vocalizes that losing a partner is not uncommon. Even innocuous missions like the one that introduces us to Megumi could end horrendously and it was not looking good for him before Yuji ate that finger which effectively leveled the playing field.
When I think of shows like Tokyo Ghoul or My Hero Academia, the "villains" are working in the shadows and condemned to move in secret. Not in Jujutsu Kaisen. The main antagonists are living their best life playing soccer on the beach, playing video games, relaxing while they lay in wait for their plan to come together. The quality of life compared to sorcerers is absolutely laughable and this sense of comfort stems from the fact that they are so numerous compared to that of the sorcerers.
If I thought about it, I'd assume that Gege Akutami is essentially using this imbalance to perpetuate the idea that there is no benefit or glory in being good. Empirically, anyone we've seen with earnest intentions has been killed or driven to their literal breaking point. Good guys who operate in a shade of grey or, as Gojo put it, are a little crazy, seem to fare slightly better. A perfect example is Nanami who left his salaryman job because the money wasn't worth how soul crushing it was to return to jujutsu society to stringently enforce the protection of children. Inversely, Mei Mei, his foil, is essentially a mercenary, gratuitously extorting others before she'll consider taking on a mission and comfortable with insider trading and being wildly inappropriate with her brother. Only one of these characters makes it to a vacation in Malaysia.
Mei Mei is just one example. We see that, even within the ranks of the jujutsu caste system, not only are some of the Big Three families unscrupulous as hell, but, even the elders handing out death sentences appear to be somewhat corrupt if Gakuganji and his off the books mission to kill Yuji is any indication. It's hard to stay good and sincere when the payment of trying to help people or do the right thing seems to just be... suffering. ✨ What do you think this persisting theme means for the possible ending?
Like, I know he "hated monkeys" but it was informed by the difficult position he found himself in. In his mind, he appointed himself a savior of the weak when jujutsu society just asked him to exorcise curses. Work not necessarily befitting a child, mind you, but he internalized so much pressure to give it meaning that it was always going to backfire because how much self-flagellation can on take before they begin to question the point of their suffering?
Lowkey, I think Geto was already going through it with his course of action. To our knowledge, his current kill count includes: the people in the village, his parents, the man who ordered the hit on Riko Amanai, and that one guy who accosted him when he was still haunted by curses after no longer contributing financially to Geto's group.
I'm not saying Geto is a good guy. But I also don't think he was radicalized so much as to not feel the weight of what he'd done, the original transgression. He had to give it a reason for it to sit right in his mind, had to vehemently commit by killing his parents to cement the idea of this conviction even though he knew it was unrealistic and impossible to achieve. I concede that I might be over humanizing the antagonist because, at the end of the day, if Geto could trick his mind and heart into believing his mission was pointing due North, perhaps he could do as needed without continued angst or questioning.
Especially since, after everything was said and done, homeboy looked like this. 👇🏾
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Come up in the spot lookin extra fly-head ass.
Imagine how disgusted he'd feign, pushing off grateful people after they've been save and just spraying deodorizer spray like -
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Let's take your idea and add a sprinkle of this comic by @keniaku as recommended by another anon to really turn up the silly.
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redbuddi · 10 months
How will you handle the characterization of characters like Sam and Tucker? Danni?
What are some of the biggest changes to the overall story you are looking forward to exploring?
*cracks knuckles* alright here we go!
Sam and Tucker are extremely important to the series, more important than I think people tend to give them credit for, and that importance would be retained in Redux.
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Tucker would be more or less the same as the OG Tuck, he's still a big tech geek, still loves meat, is still simultaneously the comic relief and the voice of reason depending on the situation, etc. I mostly plan on just making a few subtle tweaks to his character to flesh him out a bit more than the show was willing to.
Now is the time to mention that Redux will take place the same year the OG show came out, 2004. So the tech that Tucker salivates over will be tech that's dated by our standards, he still uses a PDA like a cell-phone, and carries around a lot of big chunky gadgets like portable CD players and such. While he is mostly a programming guy, he will build and invent things, and will help Danny do the same. He invented Danny's goggles and co-invented the Thermos with Danny.
Tucker is the most emotionally available of the trio, he doesn't always have solutions but he's willing to hear people out, and with his weak constitution he is the least fond of fighting, tho not purely pacifistic. He is the most outgoing of the group as well, but doesn't desire popularity, he's pretty satisfied with his lot in life. He's just a pretty amicable guy and likes to talk a lot. Like in the show, he's been friends with Danny for the longest, and knows him the best.
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"Time to hack the mainframe..."
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*swats away computer*
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"Hello! This is the front desk, right? Sorry, I'm new and no one's told me the company password yet..."
I'd also take out his more wannabe-casanova traits, cause it's just kind of uncomfortable. I see him as more of a jughead-type, commenting on the drama and romance from the sidelines while never himself being too interested in it. He'll still joke about ladies loving him, but it'd be more tongue-in-cheek and self-aware.
Overall he tends to try to outsmart or talk his way out of situations, which can be a huge help, but also sometimes makes things worse. His smooth-talking has a 50/50 success rate.
He has a pretty good relationship with his parents, but can be kind of distant with his Dad, who is pretty overbearing and really wants Tucker to follow in his footsteps as the Mayor. It would be a running joke that Tucker is so disinterested in being the Mayor that he often times doesn't even justify his dad with a response. He will literally just leave if he can tell that that's where a conversation is going.
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Sam is probably the character that would be overhauled the most. The OG Sam isn't terrible, but is very obviously an attempt at a counter-cultural character by people who know nothing about counter-culture.
The biggest change I'd make is that she no longer comes from old money. I get what the OG show was trying to do, but even as a little kid I couldn't really buy it or her whole rebellious thing. Not when she still greatly benefited from her family's money.
Instead, she comes from a well-off upper middle-class house, and she hates her parents. Not just because they don't understand her, but because her parents are actually horrible. Her Dad is a lawyer who is always looking for loopholes to get the rich out of trouble, and her Mom runs an MLM selling cheap clothes to desperate housewives (Think LuLaRoe). Her parents don't not love her, but they are deeply terrible people who, at the end of the day, only really care about themselves. Sam has sworn to do everything in her power to not be like them. The only reason she hasn't run away is because they're not home often enough for her to have to deal with them too much.
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Danny: "Ow! Watch where you're poking!"
She tries to do as much on her own as she can, up to and including making basically everything she wears out of discount clothes and thrift shop purchases. While she does get an allowance, she doesn't spend any of it, she's saving her money so that she can leave home the moment she turns 18 and never look back. She is more interested in fashion than she often lets on, and dreams of running an eco-friendly fair trade boutique. After destroying capitalism, of course. She designed and made the alterations to Danny's jumpsuit, with the help of spectral thread that Danny had invented for her birthday.
In this series, Sam isn't just a holier-than-thou goth girl, she's a full-on anarchist punk-rock bitch, and she's proud of it. She will always speak her mind when she feels an injustice is taking place, and unlike in the OG series, Danny and Tucker will usually be there to back her up. That said, there's plenty that she gets up to on her own, she has had her brushes with the law, she's gotten into fights, she does not protest peacefully, and she usually doesn't involve Danny or Tucker because she doesn't want them to feel obligated to help her and then get hurt because of it.
She is strongly antisocial, and generally pretty closed off. She is the type of person who will listen to everyone's problems but won't speak about her own unless pushed. She is deeply loyal to and protective of her friends, sometimes to the point of being a little overbearing.
As for Danni, I certainly have thoughts, but I haven't settled completely on how she would fit in to the overall story. I do want her to be in the series, I just need to figure out what her deal would be.
EDIT! Completely forgot to answer the second part of the question!
The biggest change I'm looking forward to is giving Valerie more screen time, haha.
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itsmaferart · 2 years
Every comedy stems from fear. Part 1
After the last chapter of the Spy x Family manga, a rare stir started the fandom. Where it is suggested that Eno strategically uses the comedy and love of a false family as a kind of convenient illusion to attract the audience, as a deceiver attracts a naive to fall into his trap.
Are we really so blind not to see everything that history throws at us? Or is comedy so hilarious that it makes us forget the tragedy that happens in the context of history?
From the beginning of the story we are given a brief introduction to the universe where we meet: After a war between two neighboring countries, the "apparent" peace came, however there are agents of evil working from the shadow with the desire that the war continue for their personal benefits.
This is the engine that leads Twilight, our protagonist to be assigned by WISE (the agency) to have a family.
From then on, we can see that each person is a byproduct of war in one way or another. They are the result of side effects:
Twilight lost his family, his friends, he became filled with hatred for anyone who came from the other side. Then, he understood by evil, he suffered a second loss to understand that "war and ignorance" are sins that drag many people. Twilight has had a lot of "life experience." But this has only been lived under the "I'm a spy" filter. The trauma that carries on his shoulders, added to a job whose success is achieved "not involving his emotions" have made all his bonds a farce. Twilight doesn't really know it's "family love," or "being genuinely in love." He only understands these emotions as an easy vehicle to manipulate others. (Since that's what a spy does) And they've made him unable to recognize his (obvious) feelings to his family. Therefore, in unknown situations he feels so confused and trapped. Since in such circumstances, being a spy is not "the solution." And that's when his real "me" usually comes momentarily. It's too late to notice, though.
Yor, for her part, lost her parents (In causes we still do not know, but we assume it is because of the war). The only thing left with her was her younger brother, maybe she ran with more luck in this regard. But he had to sacrifice herself completely in order to give him a happy future in the midst of a world full of dirt. We don't know how it happened yet, but Yor makes it clear to us the vulnerable situation she was in. The reason I took that job was to "keep her brother," to see that he rewarded her with enough money to meet their needs and to give little gifts of happiness to Yuri in her childhood (such as books or sweets). That is why the real reason for being a murderer was to "protect the peaceful life of your brother." Yor clearly received indoctrination from "garden" and his philosophy of work. "Cleansing the world," though, we do not yet know how true this is and what its true ends are. The way his first instinct is to "murder," and his social ineptitude are clear signs that Yor could never experience a normal life of a girl or teenager, be able to have fun and think about developing in other aspects of life. Clearly, she is very corrupted despite her noble and sweet nature.
Anya is the product of an experiment. Surely caused by war, perhaps in order to create weapons (Background history of which we do not know much yet). A child in search of love from a family. Therefore, she is so affected by the mere possibility that her parents will distance themselves or that the mission will end and Twilight will end up abandoning them. And she must experience abandonment again.
Despite having three such tragic pasts, the product of unfortunate circumstances. The series shows us that these three characters can have salvation. The love of a family "is not perfect," often you cannot premeditate, or control the actions around you, your family may be strange and peculiar. But love can accept us, with our flaws and encourage us to be better.
The union of Twilight, Yor and Anya is so perfect because the three of them accept each other (hiding their identities, of course). But at the same time they can see their virtues and their flaws, they can be themselves.
Ania knows her parents' profession: She knows how cold, calculating and hard her father can be with his high expectations in his missions. Thus, as Yor's crude mind can see with horrendous fantasies. But she loves them and accepts them like that. Because she knows that apart from that, her two parents are amazing, they are people full of love, willing to protect her and guide her along the way always.
In the same way as Yor and Twilight are an incredible couple. Both support, encourage, appreciate, recognize their strengths and understand their weaknesses. It doesn't matter if they are the best in their areas, they always manifest their insecurities in one way or another, and the other is always to listen to it and to say "you make it unbelievable, in your own way."
Unknowingly both have the same purpose, and the same desires. A world where others do not have to suffer what they suffered. And they are willing to fight for it
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kariachi · 9 months
Okay, who wants some Rad headcanons?
As we know 'Rad Profit Danger Trouble Dudesman is his real name, but it is also the one his mother gave him
Well, mostly. His first and middle names are direct translation as a result of her using actual proper 'in use' words, his last name was treated similarly despite this not being the case. It's a pretty good translation into English though. Originally, way back in the olden days, it denoted somebody who was a farmhand by trade and as a result is fairly common within his culture. Sort've their equivalent of having the last name 'Smith'
He's the only child of a single mother, which is very much a particular cultural choice, not a bad one but a specific one
Rad grew up on an old, rather rundown station orbiting his species' homeworld that wasn't exactly considered a great place to raise a family, but wasn't so bad you could point to it and go 'well of course he turned out how he did, look at all that'. Bad neighborhood, but not 'he turned to mercenary work to survive' levels
Really he grew up rather middle of the road for the area as far as circumstances- not especially poor, not especially well-off, wasn't part of any gangs or anything but had himself a record, mom's work was all above board... Very middleground for the station. He wasn't pushed into going into the blackmarket-and-violence business
Though his mother would have preferred he not go into that business in the first place (he could've been a mechanic, he could've been a freight driver, he could've been tester for a weapons manufacturer, but no, he needed adventure in his life) she is very proud of his accomplishments. About as soon as he hit sixteen her baby grabbed up the money she'd saved to maybe get him some extra schooling, bought a rundown ship, and became the best mercenary in their chunk of the galaxy. She brags about him at work
They're very close, actually, and he makes sure to both visit her and call regularly, alongside sending presents
He's always been more of a loner type, didn't have many friends as a child and as an adult still has primarily associates, something not helped by his temper and aggressive tendencies. He prefers to work alone, and is easily burned out by 'coworkers'
All of that also has not helped his love life over the years, though he's not especially fussed about it
The Lovely Duck is not his first ship, it is his third. Pyxi, though, originally came with his second ship. He stripped her out when he upgraded, having gotten attached and very used to having her.
First ship was purchased then sold as scrap, second ship was... commandeered while on a job before selling the now unneeded first ship, the Lovely Duck was purchased on a whim because he liked the bow, with the earnings from his most famous job.
That job also resulted in Rad gaining his rank. Our not-duck, while not the only mercenary- both lone wolf and as part of companies- hired as extra muscle, was the premiere player in a civil war in which he personally took out the opposing 'ruler' and their court with extreme prejudice, alongside their security detail, while having the sense to ensure they would still be readily identifiable. The new king was very grateful, and granted him a high rank in his army as a 'please don't take another job in this system' bonus. Rad was 19 at the time
Technically he could still go out there and push for the benefits that come with said rank, but he's not fool enough to push his luck and also really just doesn't care. He got to destroy some shit, paid, and a title his mom can flaunt to her coworkers, that's enough for him
Passenger accommodations on the Lovely Duck are relatively bare bones (helps to keep people from wanting to hang around) but Rad's own quarters are relatively comfortable. Not particularly large in and of themselves, but better than what other folks get. Fucker lives there, he's gonna be comfy
And he does live in his ship, the vast majority of the time even when staying in a location long-term he prefers to sleep onboard if at all possible. There are few exceptions to this rule, including when he goes home for visits, in which case he prefers to sleep in his old bedroom
He's received many awards for marksmanship over the years, and a few actual medals for his involvement in conflicts. All of these have been sent back to his mother, who had no space to display them in her tiny apartment and so sent them on to her mother, who has the medals in a box and the awards hung up with pictures of her other grandchildren and great-grandchildren
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roosterforme · 4 months
This has been floating in my mind for a while about Meredith. And it doesn’t excuse her horrific actions at all so this referring to before Meredith was a complete and utter cunt. Do you think she had Post-Partum Depression and Anxiety and that attributed to her lack of desire to bond with Noah?
Because Meredith has always struck me as more than a self-serving money obsessed woman. Like if she did suffer from PPD she’s the type of person that would not only refuse to ask for help but also refuse to consider she had PPD. She would view that as a weakness and think she was broken. And when you don’t try to get better the issues fester and develop.
At some point Meredith loved Bradley. And we know that Bradley loves with every atom of himself and sees the good in people (let’s not mention how that man can barely see the good in himself because that’s a whole other post). There was good in Meredith at some point, maybe not a lot but it was there. So I can’t but wonder if PPD contributed to how much of a terrible person Meredith ended of being.
Caitsy, I'm go happy you brought this up. I think I hinted at it, especially in the last chapter, but this is a definite possibility. I think part of the issue is that she struggled through the end of the pregnancy and the first few months after Noah was born while trying to figure out who to blame. (TW: mention abortion)
She'd obviously toyed with the idea of an abortion as evidenced by what she told Bradley when he visisted her about the bank funds. Meredith is a highly motivated individual. She is a hard worker and very smart and cunning. Some of those attributes make it more difficult to recognize that it may be time to ask for or seek out help. All she saw was the way Bradley bonded with baby Noah immediately, and all she felt was resentment. She didn't bond with her own son, and meanwhile Bradley made parenting look effortless on top of working full time. They had very different expectations and experiences, and not all of that was her fault.
I do think she would have been happier now if she made different decisions before. But I also think Meredith wanted to have all of the benefits of being witn Bradley and Noah without actually having to be with them. And her career took a massive hit as well, and we know how much her work meant to her. (DO NOT get me started on the fact that our society fucking hates successful women and does everything it can to prevent women from re-entering the workforce after having a family. None of that shit is as hard for men.)
She lost out on her career for a life that she wasn't sure she wanted from the beginning, so I think it's a definite possibility that Meredith suffered from anxiety and post partum depression. Remember, she would call every year around Noah's birthday for information about him. She loved Bradley once upon a time, too, or they wouldn't have been together for so long. And Bradley admitted he'd never really considered marrying her, but that doesn't mean there wasn't good in her. He wouldn't have loved her otherwise. And of course she could see the good in him, because she could even acknowldge that he is a good parent to Noah even though she tried to discredit him in court previously.
It can be hard to recognize when it's time to ask for help, so it's important to have a partner or friends or family around that you can talk to. When you keep fighting invasive thoughts and feelings every day, they start to feel like a normal part of your thinking. If something feels off, it's definitely work looking into and having a conversation about.
Wow, I'm really sorry this is so long.
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tamtam-go92 · 4 months
Rafferty Family
Our next family in Emerald Heights lives on the rich and lush mountain, far from the problems of normal people - it's Mayor Rafferty's family.
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The Raffertys have lived in Emerald Heights since it was just a little village. Now, thanks to Caesar Rafferty's work and single-minded focus, it's a big and busy city, and no one has prospered more than the Rafferty family. Caesar has been mayor for so long that no one even bothers holding elections anymore. The newspapers tout him as the most popular and influential mayor to exist in all of sim history, but how has he held on to power this long? Will Caesar's wild son Sebastian cause problems for his ambitious father?
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Life should be perfect for Caesar. After all, he's the mayor of a prominent city, and he has unlimited power, with the ability to make or break others with a single word to the right person. His connections - both legal and less so - ensure that the money keeps flowing in and the Rafferty bank account gets more and more full. But lately there's been unrest among some of his citizens, and in his own home. Why can't his son understand that you have to do everything necessary to be the very best, or risk getting trampled by others? Well, Caesar pulled some strings and got him that cushy executive job - maybe now Sebastian will fall in line.
Caesar Rafferty: male, elder, Sim Fortune/Popularity (Become Business Tycoon) Aries (10/9/6/0/0) Politics Career, OTH: Science Traits: Proper, Animal Hater, Paranoid, Ambitious, Insider
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Judith fell in love with Caesar when they were young, and he was full of visions of a city that they would lead into prosperity. Now, Judith realizes that Caesar never intended to help anyone but himself. Trapped in a miserable marriage, Judith pretends to be a model politician's wife so that Caesar won't use his influence to shut down the research lab she founded, where every day she looks for scientific means of protecting the citizens of Emerald Heights. Lately, Judith has been talking to a detective, telling her anything she can about Caesar. Maybe that woman will be able to take him down.
Judith Rafferty: female, elder, Sim Knowledge/Pleasure (Become Chief of Staff) Virgo (8/2/5/2/8) Science Career, OTH: Science Traits: Neat, Good, Bot Fan, Supernatural Fan, Unstable
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Seb is so disgusted by his father, with his endless obsessions with family appearances and maintaining power. His mother isn't much better, with her fake smiles, always turning to her books when she doesn't think anyone is watching. Why isn't anyone else in this mansion actually living? His father should be happy Seb is even bothering to go into that new job his father dropped in his lap. Though acting like the big-shot businessman does have its benefits for picking up the ladies. Really, Seb could care less what his parents do as long as they keep making the big bucks. Somebody's gotta spend all that money.
Sebastian Rafferty: male, adult, Sim Romance/Popularity (Become Hall of Famer) Leo (0/10/4/9/2) Business Career, OTH: Nature Traits: Self Assured, Slob, Green Thumb, Non Committal, Bro
Challenges rolled for: - round: Regular Day: No special events - season: Regular Season: Nothing Major Happens - week: Regular Week: Nothing Major Happens
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Why do people kept saying how Tommy and Grace is in the honeymoon stage that is why with more time he would have treated Grace the same way as he did with Lizzie?
Did they forget that Tommy and Grace had been together for like 2 years pre marriage and still Tommy treated her like a gem while with Lizzie, he treated her like dirt pre and post marriage?? 🤔
Hi, anon!
I started answering your question and just couldn't stop writing. So I apologize for using this answer as a platform to express some of my feelings. It got long so take a deep breath.
First of all, I sincerely do not understand how there could be the same situation between Tommy and Grace when the whole thing is different. Tommy around Grace is different from Tommy around anyone Lizzie. Both relationships have different starts, circumstances, dynamic, motivation and different problems. And it's just fucking impossible for Tommy to treat Grace badly. It would be so ooc.
I think we should take a step aside from the shitty writing (which I'm pointlessly analyzing now, whoa!) and remind ourselves that Grace never was that humble, obedient and without-her-own-opinion-about-everything woman as we were shown in s3 and go on with this thought. Tommy and Grace have their own problems and rows. In reality their relationship wouldn't have been so idealised, no doubt, and there would definitely have been few big disagreements between them (if their marriage lasted more than 2 episodes) because they're both so alpha. But they have much more in common with each other than with anyone else and understand each other perfectly and implicitly (it's canon in case if anyone wants to argue). So every disagreement would make them even more stronger as a couple. Also there is one thing that made their bond so unbreakable, it's love. Selfless, sincere, without a wish to fulfill their own ambitions. They were together just because they couldn't not be. With or without child, with or without money. So of course they would work on their relationship if they had that chance. Yes, 2 years together, with a baby and the stress of being parents for the first time, with problems (Clive's suicide, disapproval from both of their families, pregnancy - imho Grace had really tough times), but they are still so in love and still so devoted to each other. And why? Right, because, again, love.
With Lizzie it was different as I said it above. We should keep in mind that Tommy has never ever wanted to be close emotionally to someone else after Grace's death. Because it did hurt him like hell. He's afraid of any attachment and any feelings. So he obviously doesn't want the same marriage as he had with Grace. Therefore his marriage to Lizzie is different and it's based not on feelings but on mutual benefit. Lizzie as much as Tommy had her own motivation to get married. Yes, she had a crush on him and she was expecting a baby. But I never thought it was her only motivation to marry him. I do believe she genuinely wanted their marriage to work. But it never had a strong foundation to succeed in this task. So every problem, every disagreement that they'd had together made them feel even more distant from each other and more lonely than they were at the beginning. Maybe if Tommy wanted this marriage to last longer then it would have happened. So when one of the partners shuts the door on their feelings not only to others but to themselves too there's no chance to build something true and good and such relationship will always have a limit. To sum it up: a chain fails at its weakest link. Soo...
Second of all, I think there's no need to attack something if it's not as much of a threat. Grace is dead. What else does everybody need? Why do they try to belittle TxG's relationship? Why do they still keep saying bad things about Grace? For what? I really don't understand it. GraceTeam always had hard times. And reminiscing Tommy's bond with her is the only thing we have left to do. Because our ship is dead. There will never be any dynamic between them again. *sobs into pillow* So if those people keep diminishing Grace's role and significance then I suppose they have a certain purpose to do so. What purpose? Dunno. But honestly I'd wish them to find something more interesting to do with their free time.
p.s. and btw, if SK had wanted to show us the same problem in marriage he wouldn't have killed Grace off and simply would have shown it through her interaction with Tommy.
thank you xx
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flamingpen18 · 1 year
Just About To Give Up
It's been 15 months since we lost our home. During that time, I have put in a multitude of applications to various low-income housing developments and a slew of public housing sites in 6 different states.
I applied for Delaware Public Housing Authority almost 2 years ago. I have not heard a thing since other than three sites that contacted me to make sure I was still interested in housing. Each of those three sites was out of state.
I have contacted the Salvation Army, Welfare, Social Services, Delaware 2-1-1, Hope Center, Hope House, Lutheran Ministries, Catholic Social Services, Neighborhood House, Children & Families First, First State Community Action Center, etc. The list is long.
Welfare put us up in a cheap motel (roaches included) for a month. This fell under the Covid benefits. Unfortunately, those benefits ended which left us where we started, living in the van.
The other places all gave me relatively the same answer. They don't help with finding housing for people or they cannot financially help. The Salvation Army did say that they would help pay back rent but that doesn't do us any good since we would need to have an apartment to rent to get back on the rent. They also said that they may help with security deposits if we found a place.
We reached out to every homeless shelter in the area and were told the same things by each of them. Since I am physically disabled, they cannot allow me to go into their shelters. They do not have the zoning for that and I am an insurance risk. I even told my family to go stay in the shelter and that I would stay in the van. They refused.
During all of this, I have been paying for 2 storage units that contain all of our belongings including furniture, clothing, appliance, and everything from our house. The two units are very expensive and I am on a fixed income due to my disability.
Now, due to the fact that the storage facility changed owners, the rent is higher, and I cannot afford it. We are now behind and are in danger of losing what we have left.
But that's not the worst of it. Our van is breaking down. The power steering is going. Brakes, motor mount, shocks/struts, water pump, etc. The list continues to grow. Dave was a mechanic for years and could do the work as long as someone helps him. It's cheaper than putting the van in the shop. The problem is that we just don't have the money to buy the parts needed.
Our daughter's 16th birthday is in just 16 days, and we have no money to do anything special for her. This is a big milestone for her. She is in driver's ed and will be going for her license soon. I cannot even celebrate her special day and spoil her. This makes me feel like a failure. I sent her to stay with a family so she wouldn't have to deal with being homeless, but she is still affected by it.
We keep getting hit while we are down, and I don't know how much more we can take. I have a Go Fund Me set up to help mitigate costs but it takes so long for the money to go through. I also have Cash App, Venmo, and PayPal which are quicker.
Please donate and share. Our backs are against the wall. The van is barely hanging on and we desperately need it.
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✂️ for Maya please! <333
A/N: Hello, Sam! I'm sorry for the late response. This post got really long, plus I wanted this to show a dark side as much as possible so yeah haha. YOU ARE ALL WARNED!
✂️ SCISSORS - what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
Actually, Maya doesn't have a lot of close friends to begin with (except for precious Yui) since she doesn't get attached that much, so she has no qualms ignoring ppl who dislike her. However, the only people she knows she had really cut off from her life would be her own family.
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If you have read Maya's background post (link here) and the fourth chapter of the vampire doll series (link here), you would know that Maya came from a family of five and that they were poor. Like literally poor.
I didn't elaborate that much on what kind of family she had or who her parents and siblings were since first, Maya is a type of person who makes herself forget people, especially those who had something to do with her pain. And the only people who had inflicted her pain aside from the people from the brothel was her own family.
Plus I didn't know the importance of writing her background in detail until this ask was sent hahaha so my bad!
(I never wrote exactly why she hated her family in the fics or prompts, so Imma write this as well.)
So as mentioned Maya's family is so poor and her parents suddenly thought "our daughter is so pretty maybe we should make sacrifices this time." Like seriously the only train of thought they had is to sell Maya to the brothel bcos her mother will not be a best-seller there since she's kind of old and had 3 children already.
So when Maya was brought there, she was freakin clueless because she's only a child, probably around 6 or 7 years old, and she was fearing for her life cause lecherous men would be like "hmm that's a beautiful face, it turns me on" 😭💀
And so Maya lived her days in the brothel, internally cursing her parents and also trying to survive in that shithole. You know what's worse? Half of the money the brothel receives for selling Maya goes to her family. Like can you imagine making your daughter suffer while you survive from her pain? That's one shtty parenting right there.
And even tho Maya knows her siblings are hurt by their parents' decision, they benefitted from the money. Hence Maya decided to forget abt them and wait for the day when someone finally buys her, w/c doesn't come bcos the brothel owners would not sell her off. After all, she's their best-selling product.
When Karlheinz was making his vampire doll plan, he instantly knew Maya would fit the role. So when Maya tried to damage her face (cause the brothel owners said her face is the reason the customers keep coming back), Karlheinz stopped her and said he would take her far away from that town.
But since Maya wasn't for sale, Karlheinz just decided to screw it all and burn the whole town into ashes to make sure no one would stand in the way of his plans. Maya knew he was behind the arson and she begged for her life like "Please don't kill me. I'll do anything!"
And that's how Maya got his offer of being the first human doll to exist that would ensure no creatures from the demon world would wreak havoc in the human world.
Afterward, Maya decided to abandon a bit of her humanity. Like she doesn't go by her given birth name anymore. Everyone just calls her by her pseudonym "Maya." Like plain Maya with no surname. After all, dolls have no family so why would she have one?
She still remembers her real name, and Kanato even makes sure to remind her at times who she really is, so she won't forget the human girl who "died" because of betrayal.
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doycema · 1 year
Blue Amity
"What are you doing in this school?!"
"You don't have any magic! So how come you've passed the examination?!"
"Maybe she bribed the Dean!"
"Ugh! Cheater!"
"Hey, remember she's just a daughter of a poor baron. Definitely she don't have any money to bribe the Dean."
"Yeah right HAHAHAHAHA."
"Still a cheater!"
"You don't deserve to be here!"
"You don't belong here!"
"Just leave!"
Nothing new. Always the same people and always the same lines. Would they be happy if I didn't set foot here in the first place? Almost everyone in this university thinks I'm a cheater. Nevertheless, it didn't stop me to always do my best to prove that I'm really worthy to be in this university and that I worked hard just to enter here. But they always see what I lack off, and that is magic.
The school I entered is a university that can be found on the center of the deepest forest in our town, where it is unreachable of any light from the sun. The only thing that lights up this place is through the luminescence of the moon. Unlike the usual magic universities you know that has a very lively, bright, and sparkly appearance and allure on it, this university is totally the opposite of it. The moment you stand in front of its enormous and slightly rusty gate, you will already feel the dark and gloomy aura enveloping the place. Once you enter, you will first noticed the Gargoyles and Greek-like sculptures that are evidently old and has a dusky-like appearance surrounding the foggy school grounds. You will also noticed that all the walls, pillars, and doors are all covered with coffee, black, and gray paints. The doors and windows are all tremendously tall and large that it could actually fit two average-height people stack-up together. In short, this university is massively huge and quite eerie for anyone's liking.
But despite of its not-so-alluring atmosphere, still it is one of the very well known universities in our town, the Nexus Academy of Magic. The only way to enter this university is for you to pass the examination and also for you to have the most important thing, magic. Even though the improvement of the students' magic abilities and skills are the main goals and priorities in this university, having a wealthy background or coming from a well known family are one of the perks a student can use to make his/her university life much easier. Social equality aren't much prioritized here for they only care for the improvement of the students' magic abilities and its benefits and contributions to our growing society of magic. The professors and staffs only favors students that has wealthy and high social class backgrounds, and also the students that has good and excellent magic abilities. So as for me that is only a daughter of a poor baron and someone who doesn't have magic, I always have a hard time getting access on the university's facilities and also of the recognition of my professors. Even though I top first on our class and even in the whole university, still the recognition and appreciation I was expecting didn't see the light of day.
Due to this situation I'm in, I always experience being bullied and receiving a lot of hate and criticisms. Be it my classmates or schoolmates, almost everyone in this university has cause me affliction and agony in some way.
Speaking of bullies, there comes Ionia Aux Amspoker walking down the dusky hallway along with her three "minions", looking dashing on her fitted sexy black collared-dress matched with a pair of black high knee boots. She is a daughter of a count so it's not bewildering that she's one of the favored students of almost every professors of this university. She also have the face, the wealth, and the magic ability that could capture anyone's attention that therefore results for her to gain the title of "The Nexus Sorceress".
Tsk! Here she comes.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the magic less Aven Mintz.", Ionia mockingly said.
"Yeah! Pathetic, right? HAHAHAHAHA.", commented by one of her minions. While the others laugh at me insultingly.
"Ms. Ionia, why don't you slap her so she could finally wake up and realize that she doesn't belong here no matter how hard she tries HAHAHAHAHAHA.", suggested by her other minion which I think named Aisha.
"Shut up! All of you! I don't need any of your opinions coming from your filthy mouths! Speak and you'll all turn to ashes! Understood?!", Ionia angrily spewed on her minions.
One thing that is really a red flag on her is that she's so hot-headed, an abuser and also an airhead. Tss. That's what you call pathetic and not me. So as expected, her minions did shut their mouths afraid of becoming an ash all their life.
"Good. Now, where are we? Oh, yeah! You.", she pointed at me.
"I have an idea. Why don't we do something fun? Maybe a game or something HAHAHAHAHA." Ionia's laugh really creeps me out. Brr! It sounds so evil and quite disturbing, or maybe it's just me?
"Wait! On second thought, Aisha's idea is not that bad. We could actually do it now. We're just going to level it up a little. What do you think, huh? A-ven?". She put emphasis on my name and said it in a much more threatening way that made me a little worried for my safety.
"Hold her up!", she commanded on her minions. They quickly surrounded me. I didn't have the time to react so they caught me before I could even run. Two of them tightly held both of my arms on both sides, while the other one positioned behind me and locked me from behind by circling her arms around my shoulders. They really did a good job on trapping me. Tsk! How am I supposed to get out of this mess?
"Hey, Aven. Look.", said by Ionia. I saw her both palms scorching with hot flames while looking at me with a sinister smile on her face. My eyes widened and sweat begins to drip down my face when I realized what she's planning to do. I quickly roamed my eyes around the hallway searching for anyone to help me. But no one dared to even step a single foot to stop Ionia from harming me.
I painfully smiled from the thought that I was really alone and no one ever understood and cared for my well-being in this university. Ever since I stepped foot here, my life became a living hell. Sure! I'm just a daughter of a poor baron that was born with no magic. So what?! I'm here in this university because I'm still hoping that somehow I would still get my magic. That maybe I'm just a late comer that's why until now my magic still doesn't appear. Why do I have to experience this every single day? I had enough. If only someone out there could lend me a hand. Just one person is enough. Just one.
"Here's your makeover, Aven! HAHAHAHAHA!!". I closed my eyes and prepared for the pain I'll experience from Ionia's hands. I waited for Ionia's heated palms touch my cheek but nothing came. I slowly opened my eyes and there I saw a girl facing her back towards me. I got teary-eyed from the thought that someone did save me from the agony I will soon faced. The girl's fingers are wrapped tightly around Ionia's arm forcefully stopping her from what she's about to do. Shocked and disbelief was evident on Ionia's face, and it took a while before she was able to retrieve her arm from the girl's grasp.
She pointed at the girl and angrily said, "Who do you think you are to stop me?! Do you even know who you're facing at, huh?!". The girl didn't gave attention on to what Ionia has to say and turn her back on her. She walked towards me and I just realized that the "minions" who's holding me earlier are all laying unconscious on the wooden floor. She offers her right hand to help me get up from the cold floor I didn't notice I was sitting onto. I gladly accepts her hand and stood up.
"Arghh!! You'll pay for this witch! And you, Aven! We're not done yet!", Ionia frustratingly screamed. She walked passed by in front of us and gave us a death glare before leaving with her minions. After the drama between me and Ionia has finally come to an end, all the students that have witnessed the incident gradually flee and went on their afternoon classes. I bet this will be a talk in the whole university tomorrow, again. Ugh!
"Are you okay?", the girl asked me. I was a bit startled by her voice as I haven't much recovered from the dispute between me and Ionia a while ago. She probably noticed my worried face so she just smiled at me and said, "Hi! I'm Amethyst Campbell. Pleasure to meet you!"
I didn't reply back and just stared at her face. She has an innocent beauty and a kind look on her face. Her smile looks so soothing that it actually calmed me down a little. Maybe I could trust her? She helped me escaped from Ionia, but what if she's like the other students?
"Hey! Hey! Can you hear me?". I was once again drove out of my thoughts with Amethyst's loud and chirpy voice.
"Huh?", I mindlessly asked.
"I'm asking for your name?", she questioningly asked.
"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about something. I'm Aven Mintz. A pleasure to meet you", I introduced with a smile.
"Oh, Aven! Nice name! Based from what I know, Aven came from the Irish origin which means sorrow, but it can also mean pleasant and beautiful. Am I right?".
"Yes, you're right. How did you know?", I amazingly asked.
"I just know it HAHAHA.", she laughed. "Oh, wait! Before I forgot, I want to ask a favor from you. Would you please tour me around the university to familiarize myself with the places around here?", Amethyst requested.
"Sure. No problem. We can actually start now.", I suggested.
"Yes! Thank you so much, Aven!", she thankfully said.
After that incident, an unexpected friendship grew between Amethyst and I. We became the best of friends. We eat together, study together; we almost do things with the both of us having and supporting each other.
Ever since then, my university life came a lot better. No one dared to abuse and harm me in any way, be it verbally or physically. My professors began to approached and acknowledged my achievements. The university's staffs also began to pay respect on me, and even cleans my locker for me. These all happened ever since I met Amethyst. She changed my life and also my perspective towards privileged people, that somehow there are still some people out there that are genuinely kind and honest.
It's already 12 o' clock in the afternoon when Amethyst asked me to go with her in the practice room of our university. She said she's going to practice her magic ability. She want me to be there so I could guide her since based on her, I'm the most intelligent student in the university. HAHAHA, what a joker! I then agreed on her offer and we went straight to the practice room.
When we entered the practice room, you would first noticed the mirrors pasted on the walls. It is similar to a dance room but more wider. The ceiling is also highly elevated, which is purposely constructed by the university so that students with air and wind magic could adapt and practice their magic abilities more effectively.
As we entered, Amethyst quickly released her magic and made tons of rock-like structures on the floor. While she practices, I sat on the side and watched her. Mindlessly, my thoughts began to wonder around. There, I imagined myself having a magic of crystallization. Of all the magic I knew, the crystallization magic is what I think best suits me. If only I have magic...
My thoughts were cut off when I felt something growing on my palms. I looked at my palms and noticed that it's releasing crystal-like spikes on it. I was terrified from what I saw that I didn't notice that I released it. The spikes bounced on every corner of the room until it reached towards where Amethyst is standing. I tried to shout to warn her but my head began to spin and felt myself slumping on the floor, enveloping by the dark abyss afterwards.
I woke up finding myself laying on a bed. I look to the window on my right and noticed that it's already dark outside. I look around the room and realized that I was in the infirmary of the university. Four wide black walls surrounded me with only one window on my side, and a side table beside me with a flower vase sitting on top of it. The only thing that gives light inside the room are the torches placed on the walls and the rays of light passing through the window panes.
I tried to stand up but failed due to the sudden pain and dizziness I felt pang on my head. I decided to just lay on the bed when suddenly someone knock on the door followed by a familiar voice.
"Aven? May I come in?". Amethyst is here!
"Yes, yes. Come in.", I tiredly said.
"Oh, my! Are you okay?", Amethyst worriedly asked. She rapidly pave her way towards me and held my hand.
"I'm fine, Amethyst. Don't worry." I smiled to reassure her that I'm really okay.
"Can you walk? Let's get you in our dormitory. It's much brighter there, unlike this place. You're held like a prisoner here.", she worriedly and annoyingly said.
"Fine, fine. So you could stop your whining. Help me get up." She helped me stand and we pave our way to my dormitory. While we walked, I asked her, "Amethyst, do you remember what happened before I lost my consciousness?".
"Ahm.. I was practicing building rock golems when I saw you laying on the ground unconscious." It made me even more confused from what she stated. Based from what I remember, I was able to create crystal-like spikes on my palms, then I accidentally release it towards Amethyst's direction. But she looks fine to me right now. Maybe... it was just an illusion?
Weeks have passed and I noticed something weird on my classmates and schoolmates. They always looked at me like I'm a ghost or I'm with a ghost. Some are running away whenever they see me, while others looked at me with worry plastered on their faces. Somehow, Amethyst isn't bothered with how our schoolmates looked at us. She always has a smile on her face and even greets people she meets. By that, it helped me not to be bothered on my surroundings and how the students in the university treats us. I just shove it off of my shoulders like nothing happened and this is all thanks to Amethyst, again.
It's already 10 o' clock in the evening when I decided to take a rest. I laid on my bed in our dormitory and pulled up my blanket up to my chin. I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.
I'm in the practice room of our university with Amethyst. She's practicing her magic, while I sat around the corner watching her. To entertain myself, I imagined I have the magic of crystallization. When suddenly, I felt something growing on my palms. I looked at my palms and noticed that it's releasing crystal-like spikes on it. I was terrified from what I saw that I accidentally released the spikes. The spikes bounced across the room until it reached Amethyst's direction. I tried to shout to warn her but it was too late. She was directly stabbed by the spikes on her chest. Blood starts coming out of her mouth and blood stains turned her beautiful lavender dress to a crimson red hue. She knelt and smiled at me for the last time.
"Thank you, Aven. Sayonara." ("Goodbye")
I suddenly woke up and noticed tears dripping down my face. Impossible. My dream... It's not true, right? I killed her. I killed Amethyst. But I'm just with her yesterday. How's that possible? No, it can't be. No, no, no. NO!! I didn't kill her. I.. I totally didn't. But... I did. I saw it. I was the one. I... really... did... killed her. I killed my best friend.
Ionia's POV
I'm sitting with my "minions" on a special table that is only reserved for me, which is placed right in the corner of the university's cafeteria. Remember, I'm "The Nexus Sorceress" so I'm getting a special treatment, which I think I truly deserves. The cafeteria isn't that wide for me. Actually, my bedroom is more wider than this place, ugh! The university need to change their old wooden floors and instead replace it with tiled floors. The creeks of the floor scares me. I might get a scar if ever it breaks in no time. Ugh! Definitely, I do not want that to happen. They also need to renovate their windows and make it even more wider to make this place more cooler. It's too hot in here, ugh! I should have entered on a better university than risk my beauty burned here. I don't know why my idiot father made his one and only beautiful daughter enter a university this vile and ugly. Ugh!!
While I sip my favorite tropical drink, I noticed that I haven't seen Aven around the university since morning. This is the first time she skipped her morning classes and also the first time that she's absent, if ever she will not attend her afternoon classes. That girl is a nerd and she never missed any of her classes. Weird.
Hmp! Never mind. Maybe she realized that she don't belong here and left on her own accord. HAHAHAHAHA! You chose the right decision, Aven. Good decision. I then smiled with that thought and continued to sip on my drink.
Aven's POV
I went where Amethyst was said to be buried, the Nexus Cemetery. As I entered, I slowly breathe to ready myself from what I'm about to see. I walk and roam my eyes around the cemetery until I saw I name that is familiar to me. I walk towards a grave and there I saw her.
R. I. P
In memory of
Amethyst Campbell
Oct. 7, 3120 - Jan. 29, 3137
I look at her grave and tears started to fall on my face. I still can't accept the fact that my one and only genuine best friend is now gone, and that she died on my hands.
"So-rry, so-rry. I'm so-rry... I'm so so-rry, Amethyst. I-It's my fault you're down there. I'm rea-lly so-rry. I-I hope you would for-give me for what I-I did. I-I should have been the one dead and not you. It should've been me! Me! ME!".
I knelt down and poured all of my regrets, self-blame, and longing on her grave. I cried so hard that it became harder for me to breathe and to even speak. I cried and screamed all of my agony and pain until I didn't I realized I fell asleep.
I woke up feeling my eye bags heavy and felt my voice became hoarse from all the crying I did. I stood up from the earthy grass I didn't know I laid onto, and once again look at Amethyst's grave. I felt my eyes water and I felt crying again. But I evitable my tears from falling because I know that Amethyst doesn't want me to see looking like this. Before leaving, I smiled at her grave for the last time then bid my good bye.
"Goodbye, Amethyst. I know you don't want me seeing miserable so I will try my best to move on and accept the fact that you're really gone. I just hope that to our next life, the same accident wouldn't happen again and that we will be always together for eternity. But for now, I guess it's only me from now on. So long, Amethyst. Sayonara (Goodbye)."
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limetameta · 1 year
Kimblee: Dr Morsels will ask you if you ever considered a different career path - you're obviously going to tell her yes - because nobody actually dreams of being a soldier. I wanted to be a world famous piano player when I was six. People change. That's normal and a part of the human experience. *waves his finger* How-ev-er! You still need to be able to sell that your dream job when you were six does in no way impact your will and desire to do your job properly now. Now let's hear your dream careers. Except for Mustang, we all know he wants to be Fuhrer one day when he grows up.
Fuery: I wanted to be a radio host show. :D
Kimblee: But?
Fuery: I managed to incorporate my love for radio with my telecommunication expertise and further help the military benefit from it. It was a great jumping off point that piqued my interest when I was a kid!
Kimblee: Excellent! Great job, Fuery.
Fuery: :D
Havoc: I almost wound up in the family business with our Havoc general store, but I wanted bigger things for myself and I liked the Military Academy. Lots of girls love a military man. I'm happy with where I am right now. Feel like I can do more good in the military than in a general store.
Kimblee: *proud thumbs up* Breda?
Breda: I joined for the money.
Kimblee, nodding: The most valid reason. She'll respect the honesty.
Armstrong: I joined because it's just what my family does.
Kimblee: This is not a good answer, Armstrong. She'll pick you apart and come to a realisation that the only reason why you're in the military is because you're scared of who you'd be without the status it brings you. Say something else. Okay, Hughes!
Hughes: My dad wanted me to be a lawyer, I didn't want to be a lawyer but I wanted a steady job with benefits so I became a soldier. Plus, to piggyback off of what Havoc said: girls love a military man! And I found my sweet Gracia this way! Then I show like ten photographs of Gracia and Elicia?
Kimblee: I love the photograph lead in, but keep it to four at most. Morsels doesn't care about our private lives and we can't overwhelm her with details. Mustang - wow us!
Mustang: *clears throat* Ahem, so, when I was but a wee little boy *a story that sounds so profound and heart wrenching it makes most of the military men cry*
Kimblee, one of the few people not driven to tears: Did you really lift this from a Dikins novel like we wouldn't be able to tell?
Mustang: You told me to make things up.
Kimblee: Not this much! Tone it down. *turns to Hawkeye* You're up next.
Hawkeye: I've actually been thinking the entire time what I wanted to be as a kid, or if I had any other career paths in front of me and...I didn't.
Kimblee: You didn't want to be an alchemist when you grew up? Or a hunter? Nothing your mom ever did inspired you?
Hawkeye: I just remember this memory from my childhood when I was six where I just wanted to go into the forest and not come out until I died. I realised my presence was just a burden for others and that I'd be better off gone.
Kimblee, blinking: I may need to spend a little more time coaching you. Riza, you can't say these things to a psychological evaluator. You'll be discharged. This is basically suicidal-ideation at age six. A preescholer shouldn't have the capacity for such thoughts. *looking at the only parent there* Right, Hughes?
Hughes: Elicia's two and she wants to be a pumpkin when she grows up! TT-TT Hawkeye, this is alarming!
Mustang: Lieutenant, I had no idea you felt like this?
Hawkeye, crossing her arms, frowning: It doesn't affect my ability to shoot people and do my job correctly. So it shouldn't affect anything. There's nothing to be concerned about.
Kimblee: I'd like to live in the world you live in, but unfortunately we live in a world where people like us need to be actors to get by. So, when she asks you about potential career paths - you tell her you wanted to be a -
Hawkeye: Writer.
Kimblee: Excellent. It fits you perfectly, you're withdrawn enough for it to sell and yet intelligent enough for someone to buy it.
Team Mustang: Can we unpack the bit about Hawkeye wanting to kill herself at age six, please?
Kimblee and Hawkeye: No.
Kimblee: We don't have enough time.
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