#dog lovers unite!
firstclassrookie · 1 year
"Woah! Hey! Slow down!" Leon considers himself to be in pretty good shape-- has to be in his line of work. But that doesn't mean keeping up with a big dog like Bingo is easy. What's the point of keeping a dog on a leash if he can just pull it out of Leon's hand?
Bingo barrels straight into a young man a few feet away, wagging his tail as he inspects the man and his spiramon. When he finally catches up, Leon beckons Bingo back, his own spiramon, another "dog", trailing a few feet behind.
"Sorry, I think my dog saw yours and got excited. He's friendly, I promise." He puts a hand on the dog's head, sighing. "You keep bowling over strangers and eventually you're going to get me in a lot of trouble, you know that?"
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Leon shakes his head, glancing at the stranger.
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"You aren't hurt, right? I've been trying to teach him to quit jumping up like that..."
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anon-nee · 8 months
Puppy Gale
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Catering to me, myself and I with this one but if you thought of Gale Dekarios with dog ears too: you're welcome
Do not copy, steal, repost, distribute or edit.
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historicalvandal · 4 months
Saw someone who reblogged my ramblings on POTA last night or well this morning for me- To that person, your tags were fantabulous gave me a sense of joy lmaooo- I wanted to share my top Koba edit I have saved, mitski Koba edit included :PPP
this isn't my edit btw guys!
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countrymusiclover · 4 months
6 - Will's Offer
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Part 7
Dr. Redheaded Neighbor
Tag list - send an ask to be added @annieradcliff @watermeezer @zaidatorcuatomorgado ,
please comment thoughts or ideas below ❤️ Comments really appreciated
I felt something nudging my side where I began walking up. I giggled peaking one eye open seeing a familiar dog nose poking me. Maxon was standing on his back legs and his front paws were on the edge of the bed. I blinked my eyes finally clearing my vision to be able to see Will. He was sitting in one of the chairs he had taken from the lobby and was currently sleeping in it. “W-Will. Uh Will!”
“Huh – what Mal. Oh good you’re awake.” He quickly sat up in his chair hearing me call his name where he scooted closer to me.
I shifted upright against the pillows behind my head as best as I could manage. Maxon laid down on the ground but remained close enough to my bedside. “Will – what happened after I blacked out?”
“You’re stitches got torn when you were crawling through the vents to get outside. Nat helped fix them and I didn’t bother to leave your side. So, she’s checking up on te other people that were injured in the hostage situation.” He explained putting his hands in his lap never removing his gaze from me.
I slumped my shoulders looking at my bandaged leg. “I wish I could recall that last mission. To know what caused me to have to wear a brace for probably the rest of my life from the looks of it.” The brace velcro had clearly been fixed and it laid on the end of the bed, not attached to my leg probably until we knew I wouldn’t rip the stitch work again.
“Could you talk to the doctor that put the brace on?” He asked me.
Shaking my head no I doubted he would know anything. “He’s back in Afghanistan. It’s not easy to contact him. Let’s just hope the stitching holds.”
“Hey, I’ve got to check on another patient of mine. But I’ll be back in a little bit. If you need anything just press the red button and I found your phone. There’s a tv remote too. I’ll bring you food- “
I held up my hands in surrender laughing at how ridiculous he sounded. “Will, slow down. I will be fine. If I need anything I will find some way to let you or someone else know what I need. Go do your job.”
“I’m being too much aren’t I?” He asked nervously.
I sent him a weak smile. “Just a little. We survived a shooter so calm down.”
“Sorry, Mal. I’m - I was just really worried about you.” He admits rubbing the back of his neck slowly walking backwards out of the room and down the hallway. “I’ll see you later.”
Unlocking my phone, I scrolled through a few different apps on my phone knowing I could watch tv in a few hours afterwards. Maxon made a noise almost sounding like a snore where I peeked over the edge of the bed. “Hey Raegan, there’s something I need to tell you. But you have to promise that you won’t go over the top and freak out when I tell you.” I warned the familiar tall blonde best friend that I was still close with from high school.
“It depends on what news you have to tell me.” She responded waving hi to me when she turned on it on video call to make it more personal.
I paused before answering her. “It’s something with me and Will.”
“You’re talking about your Dr. Redheaded Neighbor!” She squealed through the phone. “Tell me, tell me, tell me!”
I put a finger up to my mouth shooshing her. “Be quiet. In case you didn’t realize I’m in the ED and not entirely by myself.”
“Just tell me Mal.” She begged me with curious eyes.
Throwing my head back against the pillows I debated on how to start telling her what had happened. I had barely had time to process it properly for myself before telling her. The best way to start was just get it out. “I kissed him – I kissed Will. There was this teen girl that came and her ex-boyfriend who was a teenage too came in with a gun. He – he nearly shot me till Will pushed me and Maxon out of the way. Does a best friend do something like that?”
“Woah slow down. First off did you Freaking Kiss Will Halstead!” Raegan squealed throwing her hands up in the air cheering like she had just gotten her favorite toy.
I glared back at her. “Did you hear the part of my rambling where I almost got shot or was that the only thing you heard!”
“Yes, I heard that. But the important parts are you kissed him, and I can definitely tell you best friends that are dudes definitely don’t put their life in front of a bullet for just anyone.”
I nervously played with a strand of my hair between my fingers. “So, you think that he might have feelings for me?”
“Duh. Hell yes!” Raegan smacked herself on the forehead thinking that was the dumbest thing I had ever said to her in our whole lives.
I rolled my eyes replaying the moment over in my head. I was so concerned for Maxon during that moment that I didn’t care what really happened to me and whether or not I got shot. Next thing I knew my body was thrown into the desk and I didn’t have a clear view until Will had already been shot. “If you were me, what would you do, Raegan? I mean we’ve been friends for years. But I - I don’t want to ruin what we have if he doesn’t feel the same way.”
“I get what you’re saying, Mal. But don’t wait or never tell him otherwise someone else might beat you to the punch.” She warned me.
I explained to her simply. “He made a rule not to date coworkers.”
“Doesn’t mean someone else won’t ask him out. He’s quite a catch, Mallory. You’d be a fool if you didn’t tell him how you feel.” My best friend gave me a hopeful smile.
I nodded nervously chucking. “You aren’t just saying that because you want to be my maid of honor.”
“How dare you say such a thing!” Raegan put a hand over her heart pretending to be offended by my words. “I care about your happiness. Yet I won’t lie and say that I am not hoping you two get married otherwise I might never get to be your maid of honor.”
The curtain began to move causing me to shove my phone still on video call underneath one of my pillows seconds before I saw Will coming into the room walking with a crutch under one arm. “What’s this about a Maid of Honor. Are you getting married, and I haven’t met the guy?”
“Trust me the day I decide to get married you’ll be the first to know.” I smirked at him playfully, eyeing his foot that he hurt. He seemed to be walking fine but I was still concerned. “I meant to ask earlier how’s your foot?”
Will come to sit down in the bedside chair like earlier. “Dr. Rhodes had to remove a small bullet. I got lucky that it didn’t hurt me too bad. It’s just sore and I’m gonna have to manage keeping tons of pressure on it.”
“If that’s the case, why are you still working. You should be back at your place resting like he told you.” I shifted sitting more upright and not putting so much weight on the pillows.
Will clicked his tongue giving me a half smile. “I wasn’t gonna leave you here alone.”
“Oh, I would’ve been okay. I have Maxon.”
He nodded with a reply. “I know. I still wanted to be here with you.”
“He likes you!” Raegan screams through the pillow where I shoved it over my mouth to muffle her voice.
“What was that?”
I lied hoping she wouldn’t try that again. “Uh nothing.”
“Hey so I – um was thinking of this idea, and you can decline if you don’t want to but – would you want to come stay at my place since we both might need some help moving around till, we heal from our injuries.” Will clasped his hands together in his lap, avoiding my gaze and watching Maxon who was still passed out on the floor.
I tilted my head touched by the offer. “Are you asking me to move in with you, Halstead?”
“It wouldn’t have to be a permanent thing – unless you wanted it too. It’s just an offer so you’re not alone.” He said finally looking up at me.
I smiled tucking hair behind my ear. “It won’t be so bad to live with you for a little while.”
“Great! I’ll start seeing if we can’t start the paperwork to let you out of here.” He got to his feet grinning brightly and closing the curtain behind him. I waited until I heard his voice far down the hall before yanking my phone out from under the pillow.
“What do I do now?” I asked my best friend clutching the phone in my hands.
She smirked at me proudly. “Find a way to make him your boyfriend and keep me updated, Mallory.” I finally hit end call and throw my hand over my mouth thinking a mile a minute about what I was about to get myself into.
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Snoopy appreciation post for @mayalovestay13 !!!
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ARTIST: Unlabeled
ALBUM: Old Dogs, New Tricks
(Pic courtesy of amazon)
Unlabeled is described as "a fast and melodic punk band from Nanaimo, British Columbia," according to ReverbNation.
I've been able to find some of their older music, since they formed in 2003, but they released Old Dogs, New Tricks in 2022 and I fell in love which was how I was introduced to them.
Firstly, I discovered them more by accident; I learned that the lead singer of former band Kill Matilda and current band Dusty Pines, Dusty Chipura, did a song with Unlabeled as a feature. And since I love everything that Dusty Chipura does, I listened to the song, called Bones.
Which was released on Unlabeled's youtube channel. So, I naturally listened to all of their other songs and became obsessed. As one does.
All of the songs from their album are amazing, that I will never tire of listening to it on repeat, but two other songs from the album that equally hold the top spot on my favorites list are:
Firstly, Quit My Job
Which is great to blast on the way to work when you don't wanna go.
And second: Left My Weed In Ukee (The Ballad of Eli Slim)
I just absolutely love them. And since learning they've been around since 2003, how cool it would've been to see them then.
AVAILABLE ON: youtube, spotify, amazon (CD purchase)
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degenerateshinji · 1 year
Tfw you've extensively planned for world domination but then your perfect plan gets interrupted because a 12 year old girl steals your 500+ year old vampire guy weapon who technically did aid in the destruction of the world, but also just wants to sleep all the time, so much so that he doesn't bother to not let the aspiring martial artist pre-teen take him with her.
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dockaspbrak · 2 years
Frasier discord!!!! We’re mostly LGBTs who love Frasier!! Come join us if you like 8^))))
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escapadeist · 2 years
do you have pets? let me see them if so 🖐🏻🐈👊🏻 *snatch*
Very very unfortunately no. I don't. 🥺😭
I love both cats and dogs, bht have neither. Will get one soon tho.
Here's a random one I encountered in the wild tho, literally...
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He was so adorably sleepy the whole time. This was just before the world went hush hush too... February 2020.
P.S. please share yours and their name.
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featured-design · 2 years
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hexa-decimal · 2 months
A poem to the Sushest Sushi dog to ever have Sushed a Sush:
She's a nether fox, a swan gnu, an elongated fluff mouse, a fire salamander, a fuzzy thestral; she's also a little princess, and the best girl in the world. She gets to demand the tummy rubs for she is a fantasy, and she is royalty, and the fact that she even exists sometimes makes me think this world is not real. How can a dog be this perfect? This beautiful, this smart, this loving? How can anything alive be so close to the perfection that we've always deemed impossible? She is unreal, and I am beyond lucky to have her.
ID: A black an white dog getting belly rubs. She's squinting because she can't handle how nice it feels. When the belly rubs stop, she paws at her human, demanding more. Her eyes are hypnotizing, and she looks like a fae.
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mikuyuuss · 3 months
Why does this site love to shit on dog lovers? I'm a dog lover myself but I think cats are cute too. People say dogs lovers act as if a cat killed their mom or something but I've seen some cat lovers say the same thing about dogs too.
Maybe I'm just not in the wrong crowd, but I don't see many dog lovers who go out of their way to shit on cats (or at least the ones that I do watch) so I don't like this generalization :/
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countrymusiclover · 4 months
5 - Code Red pt 2
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Part 6
Dr. Redheaded Neighbor
Tag list - send an ask to be added @annieradcliff @watermeezer @zaidatorcuatomorgado please comment thoughts or ideas below ❤️
I remained laying on the tile floor almost frozen at the sight before my very eyes. I couldn’t entirely believe what had just happened. I was somewhat prepared to get shot by the David kid. And then Maxon jumped in front of me, so I was somewhat prepared for that outcome. Yet the one I couldn’t wrap my head around was the fact that Will had pushed us both away and taken the hit in the end. What did it mean – best friends don’t do something so reckless do they?
“I’m sorry – I – I didn’t mean to shoot him.” David’s nervous voice drew me away from Will who was holding his injured foot. He had managed to scoot his body up against the nearest wall for some support.
I glared at the kid holding Maxon up against my chest. “So you did plan to shoot me. Great plan.”
“Hey watch your tone. I have the gun here.” David snapped at me.
I rolled my shoulders doing my best like I was taught to show I wasn’t afraid of the teenage father with a gun. All he was being was an idiot for shooting people and then demanding the doctors to help his ex girlfriend. “You can make threats at me all you want. But you forget that if you keep injuring more people that just means more work for the doctors and they might turn their attention away from your girl and your baby.”
“I won’t let that happen.” He told me.
I sniped shrugging my shoulders. “I don’t know trigger happy people don’t usually have good outcomes. But you do you man.”
“If you don’t stop talking I will shoot you.” David gripped the gun in his right hand.
Will croaked out in a worried tone, knowing this guy was unpredictable. “Mallory be quiet. You’ll only make him more upset.”
“I’m not afraid of him. Listen here David you shot my best friend and given that information I don’t care if you have that weapon pointed at me or not.” I snapped at him while Maxon growled under his breath with his ears pointing downward showing how fierce he could be and if I let him go, he could likely rip into his skin.
“Ahhh!” Whipping my head around I saw the pregnant girl cry out in pain where she lifted up her shirt seeing the baby shift inside of her stomach.
Natalie rubbed her hands over her belly. “You're completely dilated. We've have to deliver the baby.”
Lily the young girl shook her head no. “No, I don't want to push it out.”
“I know this isn't how you wanted it to happen but we cannot wait any longer.” She explained.
David asked rushing over to her room . “Can't you just do the c-section?”
“It's not safe to do it here. I’m sorry, Lily, but I need you to deliver this baby.” She told the girl.
I crawled forward seeing a handgun from the other officer hiding it underneath my shirt before he could get another firearm in his hands. Maxon got up helping me sneak back into the room. Will had managed to make his way in their so I rushed to his side. “Will, what were you thinking taking a bullet like that!”
“I couldn’t let him shoot you or Maxon.” He dropped his hands at his sides.
Smacking a hand over my face I groaned. “Will! That doesn’t answer my question.”
“Look it doesn’t matter why. You two need to just stay in here and we’ll get him out of here before he hurts more people.”
“Will, I’ve got to get out of here and get help. I saw SWAT outside before the windows were covered. I can help them.” I snapped at him with Maxon standing sternly at my hip.
Will paused trying to think of some way out till he lifted his gaze up seeing an air vent. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Give me a boost, Halstead.” I nodded climbing up onto the bed taking the vent cover off and laying it on the bed.
Will put his palms together underneath my feet hoisting me up inside the dupt. “Be careful you two.” He lifted Maxon up till he could jump up inside and he put the vent cover in my hands.
“You be careful too, Will.”
I heard Will’s voice as he exited the room. “Dr. Manning is gonna need another set of hands to deliver your child.”
“Okay, yeah. Help her, help her, help her, help her, help her.” David demanded him.
Will was at the girls side holding her hand. “You've got this, Lily. Keep breathing.”
“I just couldn't let him take our baby like that, Lily. I could... I couldn't do it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.” David apologized standing in the doorway of her room seeing her start pushing the baby to come out.
‘Yeah, you're doing great, Lily. Just keep looking at me, okay? Breathe. Breathe with me, Lily.” Will reassured her before I lifted up the vent cover and put it back in it’s place so he wouldn’t see we were gone.
I began crawling on my elbows and knees following Maxon’s tail that was in front of my face. We went through four or five different turns before we came upon a vent that showed the outside parking lot lights. “Bust through Maxon.” I instructed him figuring we didn’t have long.
By the time Maxon busted his head into the air vent and it fell o out allowing him to jump down towards the ground. Sliding down the wall I landed on my feet seeing multiple SWAT vehicles had surrounded the building. One of the guys came over to me. “Are you hurt ma’am?”
“Don’t worry about me. We need to stop the kid inside.”
“We’re handing it.” The lead guy spoke.
I raised a hand and Maxon batked harshly up at him. “Give me a rifle and let me take the shot. You will not do anything else but that.” He ran off in that direction before he gave me the weapon.
Looking through the shot hole I could somewhat hear what was happening. “No, listen, all we gotta do is get to the neighborhood, all right? Because I know people who'll help us get out. I promise, it's gonna be okay. All right?”
Lilly coughed barely staying awake after the delivery. “No. It's over, David. It's over.”
“If you change your mind, when you do, call my mom. She'll tell you to get in contact with me and the baby.” David turns around on his feet seeing the boss holding his kid. “Give me my son.”
“I can't do that, David” She said to him.
David aims the gun at the group in the room. “Get back. Get back. Everyone back against the wall now. Miss Goodwin, hand him over.”
She began walking backwards from him. “I said I'd help you, David, and I meant that. But I'm not giving you this baby.”
“I'm not leaving here without my son.” He growled.
She held the baby closer to her. “You don't have a choice.”
“No, you don't have a choice. I will kill everyone in this hospital before I leave my son.” David moves forward and I kept my finger on the trigger.
Will’s boss said stepping out of the way of the shot I needed to take and the kid walked in. “Then you're gonna have to start with me.”
One of the SWAT officers scolded me since I hadn’t taken the shot yet. “If you don’t take the opening. We’ll lose our chance.”
“I know what I’m doing!” I snapped at the guy, not removing my attention through the scope on the automatic rifle.
David stepped towards Will’s boss about to shoot her until I pulled the trigger shooting him in the back of the head. “Give me my son.”
His ex girlfriend cried watching his body collapse to the floor with blood pouring out. “David! No!”
“In case it wasn’t clear. I’m a former army vet.” I lowered the rifle glaring st the guy and the rest of the SWAT team bursts into the building.
The SWAT guy quickly avoided my gaze. “I’m sorry ma’am.”
By the time SWAT had gotten in I busted my way through the crowd of men frantically searching for Will. Maxon ran on my heels until I came in contact with the familiar auburn hair. “Will!” I called his name where he barely got the chance to turn around before I flung my arms around his neck.
“Offf! Mal, Mallory. I’m okay, I’m okay.” He caught my body wrapping his arms around my body hearing me cry into his shirt. “Look, there’s something I need to tell you-“
I cut him off not giving him the chance to finish his sentence after I held his face in my hands crashing my lips up onto mine. I felt him gasp and he slightly kissed back for a minute until I broke the kiss feeling light headed. “I um – shouldn’t have done that – umm Will.”
“Mal – Mal – Mallory!” He called my name quickly picking up my body seeing my leg was bleeding again, meaning we had a serious problem on our hands.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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troythecatfish · 9 months
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homeproduct · 10 months
Unleash Freshness: The Pawsitively Essential Guide to Dog Food Storage!
Hey Tumblr Pet Pals! 🐾🌈
Your furry friend's health and happiness start with what's in their bowl, and that means having the best dog food storage on the block! 🍲✨ In our latest post, we're diving into the world of kibble-keeping with the "12 Best Dog Food Storage Bins: Keep Your Pet's Food Fresh."
From airtight wonders to chic containers, we've fetched the top picks that combine functionality and flair. 🏡💖 But it's not just about style – discover why proper storage is crucial for preserving nutrients, preventing staleness, and even saving you some bones in the long run!
Curious about the best way to keep your pup's kibble fresh and fabulous? Click the link below and let's embark on a journey to paw-some mealtime moments! 🐶🍽️
#BestDogFoodStorage #PetParents #TumblrPets #HealthyPups #DogFoodie 🐾🌟
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designforyiu · 10 months
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(via "I'm Not Going If My Maltipoo Can't Go With Me" T-shirt " Classic T-Shirt for Sale by Storeoualid)
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