#don’t if gorey stuff bothers you
hanighul · 2 years
Hello my love! Piercing infections are awful babes I am so sorry you're going through it!! Please take time to heal and just know we'll all be here when you feel better !!! <3
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Thank you!! I really appreciate your message, it means a lot 🥺🖤🖤
I reeeeally do hope it clears up soon. I’m just a bit worried since it’s the worst it’s ever been, and these infections have been occurring regularly for nearly 7 months now… might be time to consider taking it out. :(
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bokutosbiceps · 11 months
Could I have a match up please! And for (Demon Slayer, JJBA and Hunter x Hunter)
I’m a goth girl who has a bit of a sassy attitude, I can quite rude but a playful kinda rude if that makes sense. I also have a dark sense of humor. I also tend to keep to myself and only really open up to people I’ve gotten close too. And once you get to know me I’m pretty chill and sweet most of the time! uwu, I also have huge confidence since I have 13 tattoos across my body.
My zodiac sign is a libra uwu
My favorite hobbies are writing for fun, drawing, playing video games and I love collecting plushies! I love drawing horror type of stuff and I enjoy writing stuff for my favorite fandoms. And my favorite video games are fighting ones like mortal kombat for example.
I love// Goth Fashion, Art, Heavy Metal, Video Games, Horror Movies/Slashers, Cute adorable plushies, I also adore blankets, I enjoy spicy food and spicy ramen, I also have an obsession anything strawberry related. My favorite things are Tattoos, I love getting them (besides the horrible pain) and I love looking at them uwu
I dislike// I hate whenever people talk down on me for having tattoos and for my sense of dark goth fashion. I hate people who try touching my things without my permission, and I also hate centipedes because they are ugly and gross and I don’t understand why they need so many legs.
When I’m looking in for a partner I’m looking for someone who I can laugh and joke around, someone who wouldn’t mind my tattoos and goth fashion, I want someone who’ll love my sassy attitude and obsession of plushies uwu
My sexual preference is bisexual // I don’t mind uwu
I added this for a bonus // My appearance // I’m a 4’11 girl ,, who’s around 97 pounds. I have short hair, and freckles all over my body. I have 13 tattoos all over my body, my legs, thighs and arms, and one on my back and chest. I’m always wearing a small choker. But when I dress up I love wearing my huge chokers, black lipstick, black eyeshadow, and black clothes. With my huge platforms that give me an extra 6 inches. uwu
a/n: bruh i had suchhhh a hard time choosing bw kakyoin + josuke for you 🥺 also bw chrollo + shizuku. anyways, i hope you enjoy, love 💞
hunter x hunter
i match you with shizuku murasaki! as a goth girl herself, she would never ever judge you or bother you about your fashion. she’d actually identify with it quite a bit + sometimes you guys might even share clothes! she’s also a lover of both gorey + adorable things, so together you are buried underneath a mountain of soft, cute plushies while watching the latest slasher thriller. shizuku’s personality and humor can be described as a bit dry, but she thoroughly enjoys your dark sense of humor. to this day, the rest of the troupe swears you are the only one who can make shizuku laugh. you’re able to bring out the funny, almost humorous side of shizuku with your overall attitude + personality. you both feel really secure in your relationship because of your combined bluntness. if something isn’t right, there’s no drama, it’s solved almost immediately. shizuku also has a habit of bringing you back a choker from each one of her missions, since she looovvvessss seeing you wear them. 
(i'm so sorry for the fanservicey gif, it was the only decent one from 2011 hxh that i could find 😔)
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kimetsu no yaiba
i match you with douma! the way y’all would get along is terrifying. you’re like two peas in a pod, but he’s slightly creepier than you, but doesn’t ever let you see that side of him. if he could do one thing for the rest of his eternal life, it would be to sit + laugh with you. you can make each other laugh in a split second, + you guys share the same type of humor. others might be frightened by the jokes you make, but you guys get each other perfectly. douma also is absolutely infatuated with your fashion sense, especially your tattoos. he loves to have you sit in his lap or lay across his legs while he traces each + every one of your tattoos with his long nails. he also likes to feed your obsessions. would buy you every single fluffy plushie in the world if he could. he’s also super duper affectionate + loves to just pick you up + squeeze you since you’re tiny compared to him. he likes to say you’re his own personal plushie 🥺
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jojo’s bizarre adventure
i match with you kakyoin noriaki! this sassy, gamer boy bitch. as soon as he heard you like combat/fighter style games, he’s infatuated. you guys could stay up for hourssss playing video games with each other, but he’ll usually fall asleep first. you’ll be playing with him then all of a sudden his character stops fighting back + you turn to see him snoozing on your shoulder. he’s adorable. he absolutely loves to watch you draw + study your artwork. he’s somewhat of an artist himself + a perfect afternoon for him could be just y’all sitting against each other + drawing, stopping occasionally to show each other or ask for each other’s opinions. kakyoin is terrified of getting a tattoo since he has a lower pain tolerance but he’s always wanted one—he’s so jealous that you have so many cool tattoos. maybe one day you can convince him to start out with a small one, but he’ll only agree if you accompany him to hold his hand 🥺
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thenaiads · 1 year
Fandoms and Ships
Here is the link of the first post: LINK
and who ever will read this
I will said here to not bothering OP anymore.
......................... The point is that you CAN'T STOP THIS!!!
Boundaries or not you can't stop it, this thing happen everytimes.
When I was in the Undertale fandom I saw shit like you can't even imagine!!! Some creators in that fandom will create some cute or even dark AU and then people will totally vomit bullshit to them no matter what.
In the Gravity Falls and OTGW fandom, I and other people shipped Pinescone (WirtxDipper), and most of us will age them up but others Not!
And don't let me talk about the gore and porn stuff that some people draw (some of them are 16 years old) even when the original creator said no!
As I said I have been in a LOT of fandoms, and I keep seeing this war over and over again.
Many people took what Techno said as "NO, don't do that",  but for me was more "This is cringe and I don't wanna participate it. Please, keep it private".
And with Techno that NEVER really talked about it in a more specific way like Niki did. (I remember she said to "don't ship HER (real person), but that we were free to USE her Character for our fanworks").
We were left with a very lovely ship, but with some people that will come and say "delete that or else", even when we tagged and keep it between our friends on AO3.
I believe that the creators have no issue with us using their fictional characters, but if we wanna talk about boundaries then I wanna use an example: 
Imagine that you (creator/artist) make a doll (series/comic), and you give that doll to a person or kid (fandom), and maybe you give them some "rules" (boundaries) about how to play with this doll. Now the person starts playing by creating fictional stories and scenarios (AUs and headcannons) that don't have much to do with the original story (canon plot) of this doll. From there the person inevitably begins to give this doll (which has become a completely different character from the original story) "companies" who can be family, friends and love interests. The doll is now the Persona/Original character of the fandom.  At that point the fandom created something so similar and different from the original story and characters. And the original creator can't "take back" the doll, because it has become something totally new even though it's still part of the original series in a way.
This is what in a way happened in DreamSMP's roleplay, where the creators have given us a product, which we have with our imagination changed into something new. (Where this is going with the boundaries??? I’m going there)
This kind of behavior and creativity is the foundation of every single fandom, and you can't change it... Because that's what makes a fandom.
The moment the creators of the DreamSMP created the Server and its storyline, they knew that inevitably this sort of thing was going to happen!!!!
And yes some asked to avoid some things (like using their real persona, or to avoid writing or draw smut or horror/dark/gorey stuff), but even so they never said "DO NOT CREATE this particular topic at all" not really, what they tried to say was "Please, if you create this context keep it private and don't force it on me, because it make me uncomfortable”. That's what I really hear from every single creator and artist at the end of the day. And that's what we as fans are supposed to acknowledge and respect, but fail to do (towards the original creators and other fans).
Another example: Dream said that horror and gore make him sick, but that wasn’t an order to stop creating dark content for his character. (That Dream said something that made people angry, and then fans and haters bein assholes with him is something totally different and not new. If you some of you was on Twitter on that time you know exactly what happened and how 😓)
I've learned not to force my ideas on others when it comes to fandom, whether I'm right or wrong.
You can't tell people what to create and how, not when the fandom was originally created by fans for fans!!! To allow them to run wild with their imagination and creativity.
Don't you want your fandom to create some kind of stuff? Then don't create a fandom... or at least stay away from it.
I mean, Toby Fox the creator of Undertale has never interacted more than he should with his fans here on Tumblr (where the Undertale fandom was born. Even when the level of toxicity skyrocketed), and for a reason simple: there is no way to control people, you can only hope they are respectful enough to keep their shit to themselves and not make trouble for others.
If you go to my tags you will find some problematic ship (not DSMP) with themes like: incest, selfcest, R-18 (for the smut/lemon scene), and other that I don't remember.
These tags are all about fictional characters that I'm 100% sure the creators vomited blood after read them.
Still this hasn't stopped anyone from creating them and enjoy these kinds of themes.
If you wanna avoid to see the “Dreamnoblade” (or other ship names), you need to go on your Settings and use the Filtered Tags!!! And if you find a post DNB with any tag on it then you need to contact OP (the creator of the post) and ask them to use the tags that will help your filtres to work!!!!
In the past, I had a lot of people coming into my ask-box asking me to tag "in the correct way" my posts to avoid seeing things that they did not like. I had to create the “moth” tag, because some guy that followed me didn’t like the photos of moths that I LOVE to reblog!!! So I don’t understand why you can’t do the same 😑
So I Repeat:
1- You can’t control people and force them to be like you want.
2- You can’t and should NOT trip guilt fans to throw away what made them happy, especially if they keep it privately (on Discord, AO3 or here on Tumblr), with NO intentions to show to the CC their PRIVATE WORK.
You CAN and SHOULD create boundaries with other fans asking them to be respectful towards CC and yourself, and to use tags correctly (like good neighbors do).
3- And when a person is a total piece of sh*t and doesn’t wanna find any agreements with you, then you: Unfollow them, you can even Report and Block them if you wish (like most of us do these days), and call it a day 😊.
This is how a fandom work and should always work!!! Period. And if you can’t do that, then you should not be in a fandom and interact with the people in it!
P.S: English is not my first language, if there are weird and confusing words and sentences I’m sorry, you can contact me and I will try to explain myself better. The word is Try.
Please don’t send hate or disprectful messages here or in my ask-box (if you do that I will totally report you to the Staff and then block you. Don’t test me)
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overlookedfile · 2 years
Otto octavious fluff please :) S/O in quedtion is into really gorey horror movies and they finally convinced otto to watch some 80s horror fic with them
This took an unacceptably long time to put together, but honestly, it’s because I’m not much of the horror-movie type. I watch them occassionally, but they’re not my prefered genre and I don’t usually write horror-anything, either. My apologies if this isn’t at all what you wanted. I guess we’ve now made clear one of my weak points. Sorry. 🥺
Warnings: mentions of blood/gore, gn!reader, suggestive content (no smut)
Note: This is pre-accident Otto.
Approx. Reading Time - 5 minutes (200 words/minute)
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
Even the skeptical looks your boyfriend kept throwing your way couldn't dampen your spirits. Otto had finally, after months of your cajoling and wheedling, agreed to watch a horror movie with you. You rubbed your hands together and willed the popcorn to pop faster. At last, you carried the butter-drenched bowl back to the couch and sank into the cushions next to him.
"You're sure this one isn't as gory as the others?" Otto asked. "I've caught glimpses of some of that stuff you watch, you know."
You balanced the bowl on his knee and kissed his shoulder. "It's as much camp as horror," you assured him, taking up the remote. "And it's got a cult following."
"That doesn't reassure me."
Despite his less than thrilled tone or choice of words, he wrapped his arm around your waist, snugging you against his side as you hit 'play'. On the screen, the title card shown for a moment before the camera began to jerkily pan over swamp water. You grinned and shoved a handful of salty snack food into your mouth.
"Solid as a rock," Otto mumbled, echoing the dialogue. He sighed as he looked at you. "They're all going to die, aren't they?"
"Not all of them," you drawled.
Your next handful of popcorn was redirected by his hand on your wrist. He stole the kernels with tongue and teeth, making you shiver. Oh, so that's how he was gonna play it, huh?
"You'd better pay attention," you teased. "There's going to be a test afterwards."
He hummed and took your fingers into his mouth, wrapping his tongue around each in turn until he'd devoured all traces of the popcorn. He caressed the inside of your wrist with his thumb as he pulled your hand away again, knowing exactly what he was doing to you. "I'll keep that in mind."
You tucked your feet under you, the friction of your thighs hardly addressing the issue, and leaned against him, adjusting your hands so that you could stroke his knuckles. "Movie first, dear." If the man didn't kill you with frustration before then, that was.
"Are you saying I'm not allowed to mix pleasure with-" He looked dubiously from you to the screen. "-entertainment?"
"Just this once, that's exactly what I'm saying. Humor me?"
He relented, his faux-innocence giving way to fondness. "If it's that important to you."
You both turned your attention to the movie after that. Well, he did. You split your attention between the screen and him. The 'scares' certainly didn't seem to bother him, but it was still early and the film hadn't found its stride, yet.
Then the woods came to life and his arm tightened around you as he grimaced. It was all you could do not to grin like a maniac; that was the turning point for most viewers, after all. As the zombie leapt up with the pencil, he startled, too, almost hard enough to push you off the couch. Your bark of laughter wasn't stifled quickly enough to go unnoticed and he scowled at you, although the look in his eyes was far from negative. With a smirk of his own, he moved the bowl and pulled you into his lap.
"Otto," you chided, unresisting.
"Just getting comfortable." He wrapped both arms around your waist, repositioning the popcorn to your lap, and pressed his lips to the back of your shoulder. "I'm still paying attention."
"To me or the movie?"
The more blood onscreen, the more his attention shifted to you, however. By the time the first zombie had been dismembered, he was nuzzling the back of your neck, his view of the screen completely obscured. You were tempted to take pity on him, except that the way he was playing with the buttons of your shirt was anything but fair.
"How many pieces?" you asked.
"How many pieces was the zombie in?"
He stopped moving for a couple seconds. You could practically feel him trying to deduce the answer through logic. "Six?" There was a pause and then a quiet groan of resignation. "Seven," he corrected.
Well, how about that? Maybe he was paying attention after all. At least, enough for it to count. "Good job."
Given the way he pressed his forehead against your shoulder, a blatant attempt to hide his eyes, you almost felt bad for making him sit through the rest of the film. But he didn't make any attempts to leave and you still wanted to see if he would make it through the whole thing for you. That didn't stop him from working at your resolve, however. At the sound of the chainsaw, he moved his hands to your thighs, kneading the muscles as his thumbs teased just shy of providing any kind of relief. You squirmed.
"Otto," you admonished again.
"You seemed tense," he replied sweetly. "I just thought I'd give you a massage."
"Uh huh."
You never thought you'd regret having a sexy, attentive boyfriend. Good thing you still didn't, although you weren't sure you'd ever be able to watch this movie again without a very awkward response. What a shame.
Finally the last scream faded, the popcorn long gone, and it was your turn to catch Otto by the wrist and redirect his hands. "You get one shot at this question," you announced. He took in a deep breath, preparing for the worst. "Where was the cabin located?"
You could almost hear how deeply furrowed his brow must be, based on the tone of his voice. "In the woods."
"Yes, but in the woods where?"
"They didn't say. Do you mean in the mountains? Wait." He pensively brushed his nose against your neck. "They said they'd just passed something. Tennessee, wasn't it?"
"Ding ding ding."
You turned, rising up on your knees and wrapping your arms around his neck. He leaned back, arms encircling your waist as he dragged you closer. The kiss was gentle and chaste, a far cry from representing the heat he'd stoked in your belly for the last hour and a half.
"Thank you for watching it with me," you murmured.
"You're welcome. Now I'd like to forget I ever saw it."
You quirked an eyebrow. "I suppose you have an idea how to go about that."
"Indeed, I do." He tangled a hand in your hair, pulling you in for a deeper kiss.
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
okay, i officially hate art contests.
you know how yesterday i was saying that ai has cheapened art on pretty much every level possible? well, art contests play a role in that, too. probably a bigger role, tbh, and ai is merely writing its obituary.
i just think of all the contests i’ve ever entered, starting with the science fair in elementary school where my dad and i built a trebuchet together and we all thought that was going to be a slam dunk. our catapult lost out to your stereotypical volcano eruption of cola and mentos. A CATAPULT!
then there was an art contest in middle school, when i entered a cartoon in—i don’t remember what it was exactly but i had drawn a picture full of people in my cartoon style, fresh off the press from the winter before. i lost to the crappiest drawing you’ve ever seen, and i knew there was some favoritism going on there.
then there was soundgarden’s fan art contest in 2016. i entered a drawing of soundgarden themselves into it and i had absolutely no hope for it just from my past experiences. get this: it actually won… but no one on my facebook cared. i think one person liked it, but that was it (this was 2016, too, way before ai came about and ruined everything). the other girl who won got support out the nose. i also hated the prize, too, so figure i distanced myself from the whole thing. what, we put our hard work into this shit and you can’t even be bothered to do better than vinyl records?
then there was chalk on the walk the year before and in 2018. i drew a koi pond in 2015. got bupkis, not even a “thank you”. i drew chris with my heavy metal flowers in 2018. got a bunch of people stopping and taking pictures and asking me questions, but i didn’t even get an honorable mention. i don’t even know who won either year, i don’t even remember them.
i entered my beatles drawings into the state fair in 2018, all four of which i spent hours on. got nothing: i lost to the shittiest drawing of edgar allen poe i had ever seen in my entire life, and i wish i took a picture to show you guys because it really was that godawful.
now here we are with mermay. did all my stuff this year by hand and i’m starting to wonder what the hell is even the point now when it’s obvious they like the clean, digital, disney-ish stuff better. the month isn’t even done yet and i’m starting to feel like a complete idiot for even bothering with it. really, i feel genuinely embarrassed for even attempting it in the first place. i’m just gonna post the remaining ones and then just be done with it, i’m not gonna give a shit about the winners (plus, i’ve been on ig four years now and you’d think, logically, my account has grown by now. fuck me, right?)
i’m thinking of participating in a fashion one for edward gorey’s foundation later this year just to try something different but… now that i write this out, i really, really don’t know and i’m starting to regret even considering it. i have the worst track record with these things and my so-called family and so-called friends wouldn’t give a shit if my life depended on it. i can just see their reactions towards it, too, like “oh, great, here we go again… another contest, another forgone conclusion… get a real job, sweetie”. the people who claim to care about me don’t care at this point. they didn’t care in 2016, and they really don’t care now.
I don’t win contests. i never can, either, simply because of the whole unspoken act of favoritism. you put your heart and soul into a portrait of your dead friend or into four of the four lads from liverpool and you fucking lose to cheapness and amateurness in the worst way possible taken to its dumbest conclusion. they also shortchange artists, too, like the prizes for the chalk on the walk competitions were like gift cards. the soundgarden one had fucking vinyl, not meeting the guys or having a say in the art for the next album or anything awesome like that. just: “here. vinyl”. (worse, they didn’t even tell us what it was until after the fact, so yeah, figure i totally felt used and it left a bad taste in my mouth). because of this, they are very limiting. you can only get away with so much for the sake of the dumbest conclusion you can possibly think of.
art contests are complete bullshit. don’t bother with them if you respect yourself.
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gessshoku · 2 years
I fucking hate bugs. Not all but the ones in my dream- yeah.
⚠️Warning, mentions of Bugs, Force and Gore⚠️
I was in my room and I was texting with my friends and I was really happy. Happy despite the literal gorey dinner in front of us. There was salad, a head, some steaks of meat (human), and some bones on the ground. That didn’t really bother me. I didn’t eat anything, my friends did though, they tore into everything excitedly and left after they were done, thanking me for the meal.
Everything after that was going well, until I cut a string and tiny maggots started to crawl out of the strings and it was fucking disgusting. I wanted to kill them but I was really scared because they were growing into moths really really quickly, like seconds. I look behind me and on the wall is a HUGE moth, it was a pretty red and orange with black for the body and legs, it's wings looked like they were staring at me.
Then I look up and around the walls to see roaches crawling, black and brown as small as a fingernail and as big as my hand. I began to have a panic attack in my dream. l asked for help from my moms boyfriend who lives with us but when I showed him everything he said it was a big deal and I was being dramatic. He proceeded to grab me and force me to look at everything and even pushed me close to some maggots which made me scream bloody murder. I've never screamed like that and I never want to.
The best way I can describe it is it went from your classic horror movie scream, to an actual scream of someone getting murdered or desperately trying to find help. I remember in the dream, in that exact moment, thinking “moms going to hear me and she’ll come. She’ll help me.” “I don’t want to touch the bugs” “I don’t like this” “Let me go let me go let me go let me go” “if he doesn’t let go soon bugs will start to crawl on me.” Nobody came. He just left after he was done.
I called my mom to tell her what happened through awful tears, I couldn't stop crying. She said "well maybe if you cleaned up earlier this wouldn't have happened" in the sweetest voice she could which just meant it was all my fault. I tried asking for her help if she could get rid of them or kill them or do something and she just said “i have never heard you cry this much.” To which I responded “Because I don’t like it. I don’t like that kind of stuff.” After that she just hung up on me. I was alone. In my room. In the dark with bugs surrounding me and my phone being the only source of light.
This was by far the worst nightmare I have ever had. I've never had a strong panic attack, especially in my dreams. Waking up I feel drained. I didn’t go to school today because my body hurts too much for me to push through like yesterday, managed to convince mom for me to stay even though she didn’t want me to. So much for a break. This was fucking awful I know I cried in my sleep because I woke up with dried tears and I still felt like crying- I want to cry! But I’m more scared and paranoid than anything. I don’t cry unless I feel safe and right now I’m not feeling it.
Drawing my recent post for inktober must've triggered the dream, still, what the fuck. I don't want to do anything. I hate feeling like something is crawling on me. I hate being grabbed by force. Don't make me do anything. Don't force me. I don't like that.
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imaexplodenow · 1 year
Intro card cuz that’s important here (/pf):
About Me:
-Name: Imagine_It/Imagine
-Age: 18
Drawing (Digitally & Traditionally)
Video Games (Mainly Roblox)
Horror/Angst art
Making Videos (YT: Imagine_It, in case you wanna check that out /nf) lol
Cartoons >>>>>>>>>>
Extreme gore
Overly sexual stuff
Ships. /neg I don’t mind if you ship anyone, I just can’t handle them myself tbh (unless they’re cannon, I don’t mind those)
“Why should I bother with this blog?”/“Whats interesting about this blog?”
Fandoms on this blog (for the time being…) include:
Minecraft Story Mode
Captain Underpants
Roblox Story Games (Dw, this is an older/more dead fandom so if your confused, it’s basically played out as a Story that you go through. Most GOOD ones were horror related, now majority all kinda suck. ONLY EXCEPTION IS EGG KEVINS HOUSE PLZ ITS SO GOOd /nf :3)
The ones above are the ones I mainly draw/are into. I like to take requests as well, and if it’s a different fandom that isn’t on this list but you wanna request it, feel free. I don’t mind. Unless it’s a gross fandom (sexually gross/super gorey gross) or you yourself make the request weird, then I will not accept the request /srs. I don’t mind if you request things anonymously or not, a request is a request after all, lol ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
Also, AUs are loved here. Hell, I even got my own
Check ‘em out:
Diagraphephobia AU
GameChanger AU (Miitopia AU)
Minecraft Story Mode x Egg Kevin’s House
Aight, that’s all. See ya. (:
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rielzero · 2 years
I feel so disillusioned by Marvel’s Pop Culture Critics as of late.
Warning: May contain spoilers for several marvel movies / series. Do not engage with this post to try and debate my opinions. these are just genuine feelings, you don’t need to agree with me. I’m just sad. It’s a bit of a vent as well. --- There’s a lot of media out there, especially for the mcu. They are kind of pumping and not hitting the brakes, so cracks are showing of course. Sometimes they hire someone who isn’t as great at writing as you’d want them to be. Or the Vfx is way behind the other movies and shows.
There’s easy answers for that of course, the lack of competence, or- people are overworked. Quality drops. HOWEVER.
I still enjoy majority of what's coming out, while still viewing it under a critical lense. I worry that the stuff people are complaining about is clouding their judgement or their ability to enjoy something. As well- Not every title that drops is in taste for everyone. I have mixed feelings about the MS Marvel show myself, or the new Thor movie.
I also always add for myself: the mcu is not the comic universe. Changing stuff can be forgiven if it doesn’t fully wreck the character.
I don’t like Captain Marvel’s movie- but thats because I don’t like captain marvel as a character. I also don’t like marvel’s street fighters personally, but this does not mean the movies and shows are necessarily bad. They just are, objectively for me, not as enjoyable. And that's alright. I can still respect it. I don’t really feel like I need to complain about it. It actually makes me happy when I see people write about things I dislike- because they are enjoying themselves. I think that’s wonderful.
What mostly bothers me is that they use one mistake from a series to really hype up or hype down another show too much. Moon Knight was an universal hit- but Ms marvel wasn’t. Why?
Character’s were not properly explored in Ms Marvel, majority of the episodes focused on the lore changes, and made surface level villains, who are bad for the sake of being bad. The rest of the show? Had good scenes. I personally enjoyed seeing Kamala in her element- The episodes that include school, and nerd nerdy stuff, are the best. You get to meet her family, you really see where this character works and were it doesn’t.
As for Moon Knight- people mainly disliked some of the cgi and vfx, If I recall. But none of the characters were that flat. Even the minor characters that interact with Steven are interesting.
Multiverse of Madness- I think, really failed because it was overhyped. The movie was good as it was for me, it was fine, felt like it could have had a few more scenes here and there. But it wasn’t bad. What was bad is that- the entire fandom- theorized it would be infinity war level of cameos. Really- they went crazy on theories- and once you saw the movie, all you get is people complaining about America chavez and Dr strange’s character development. But in no way home- he did get development by the end, he didn’t remember peter parker- but he does know spider-man is a kid, and sacrificed something- he didn’t have to kill someone to do so. That stuck with Stephen- even if people don’t realize that- which is why he was so eager to save Chavez, and prove he’s a different kind of dr strange. The writing on majority of shows / movies have different feelings now than the core phase 1, 2, 3 do. Thor went into a comedy direction, which at times is a bit too much. My disappointment is mostly because I really liked the gorr the god butcher comic arc. It was very thrilling with beautiful art. But those comic scenes were left as stills, for very short lived scenes. And gorr- beyond his gorey teeth, while having a good actor- was a completely different character. You felt more empathy for him- but he’s not as intimidating as he was in the comics. His arc was shorter. Mighty Thor’s arc was also short lived in the movie- while in the war of the realms it was really long and emotional. I do appreciate the scene were Jane sees the hammer float next to her hospital bed. When reading that a while back- I fucking cried. I felt that again watching the movie. Knowing that she was going to die if she turned again. But the movie rushed every scene, made too many jokes, and while some scenes were very emotional- kinda fell flat on some places: It’s still not a bad movie.
What upsets me the most is the she-hulk discourse. Before the series even started- people are upset because its a woman. Wow. She was written by stan lee himself, but for some reason people don’t know that. People complain about ms marvel- because of her ethnicity. People complain about she-hulk because of her gender, people complain about captain marvel, because idk, they don’t like brie larson. And while some opinions and critiques are totally valid- sometimes.. It’s like. Shut the fuck up. I like she-hulk, I like ms marvel. They’re just different shows. VERY DIFFERENT SHOWS. But now that we are in phase 4, you’ll mostly notice: every movie and every show HAS A DIFFERENT VIBE. You can’t compare Moon Knight to Hawkeye. Hawkeye has a christmas family get to getter vibe, as well as a ‘’time to beat up street level crimes.’’ kinda feel. Moon Knight has a psychological ride- mystery, mythology, fucking egyptian stuff. Moon Knight doesn’t even mention the rest of the mcu for the entirety of its run. And I enjoyed both shows. Why? They’re different. Their aesthetic, vibe, their themes. And I think people have to get used to that. When I rewatch every one of the infinity saga phases, all of those movies and parts have a different feeling to them. Which is why people need to calm down with their extreme opinions and paranoia about stuff they’re not really sure about. You can complain about women’s issues in she-hulk- but this she-hulk might not be the exact same personality as she-hulk in the comics. AND! Idk, I kinda can understand were this she-hulk’s coming from? But thats the character’s perspective. Characters aren’t perfect- and they will complain or not understand what other characters are saying at times.  (aka the convo with bruce about anger issues.) My main worry is just that people need to get used to the idea that we’re threading strange waters in the mcu, but just like marvel comics is doing constantly with their series. Marvel has ALWAYS been woke, Marvel has always been diverse. Female superheroes exist. Get over it. Stop crying and just let people enjoy stuff- It’s very difficult to do so when your first impression is from someone who may not always fully vibe with the show or movie they’re watching. tldr: every critique is allowed to exist- a lot of them are valid, sometimes its just nitpicky, sometimes its unfair, and sometimes people just gotta sit down and see for themselves. Every show has people who enjoy watching it. Same for the movies. I’m just tired about seeing people complaining about very trivial and insignificant things which can be answered easily. Opinion, taste, writer, changes, theme, accuracy, all that stuff. Everything matters, sometimes it just doesn’t. And thats okay.
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erigold13261 · 8 months
Hello. This is I the deranged JJK anon back with more comic info. Feel free to delete this ask bc I am profusely sorry for taking up your time and I really enjoyed the last answer./srs ...speaking of getting into the anime/manga, I cannot recommend it now bc the anime is quite gorery/depressing and the manga has jumped the shark
Satoru and Suguru are best friends, and it is highly implied that their relationship has romantic undertones.
Satoru's canon theme song by the comic author is "Shame on Me" by Avicii, which has many romantic lyrics.
Suguru wears Gojo Kesa as an adult, or a Buddhist monk outfit just because it is a "Gojo" kesa.
Satoru is from a family of prolific, rich sorcerers (or just an influential, rich and powerful family in the NSR world) who would probably not want a "scandal" if their heir was some flavor of gay. (below is more NSR world main HCs)
This could explain why the Satoru Suguru Shoko gang ran a phony scheme in the NSR world, maybe to escape harsh reality.
Hobie hates Satoru and Suguru for some reason, probably because Satoru is a snobbish rich brat.
Miles (bc he is sunshine reincarnate), Peni (the only Arachnikid who can communicate with the JJK gang (what is their group name) in Japanese) and Yu(also sunshine) have to work together to make them GET. ALONG.
They eventually do get along, since Nueva York is pretty messed up too and they want out
Yu adores Peni bc kits reminds him of his sister back at home
Speaking of Yu... T-boy Yu HC?
And Satoru and Yu both using neopronouns too bc silly is cool (blue/blues Satoru? pup/pups Yu?)
Satoru likes blues eyes bc Suguru thinks they are the most beautiful thing in the universe, and tells blues that all the time
Satoru could have a combo of space/psychic powers, like DJ Sub to some extent
Nanami used to hide his 30 percent side with makeup and hair, like what Eve did. After coming to Nueva York, he has stopped hiding. (Also bc the rest of the gang encouraged him to do so)
Shoko used to be a heavy smoker as a highschooler in Japan, and sure wants to smoke again although they know it isn't good for their glass/plant body
Noir agrees, and they both wish to smoke after they both get out
AroAce "So Done With Your Shit Gojo" Nanami... Satoru(flamboyant gay) and Suguru(literature gay/bi/enby) eventually becoming the cringe/j gay couple...(their annoyingness is on par with GhostFlower(Miles/Gwen) and Pavitri(Pavitr/Gayatri), although those four are far nicer than SatoSugu(Satoru/Suguru)) "I am anything but cis and straight" Shoko... "I used to be a girl and now I am a boy who likes boys and girls" Yu...
... sorry again for the ask dump. I know it's messy and feel free to dump this too
I actually love gorey animes and movies so that’s not a bother to me! Don’t know how I feel about “jumped the shark” stories though because the only ones I know really are things like Family Guy or Simpsons that have that trope and I don’t watch those shows really anymore (and they are an entirely different feel from a continuous narrative story).
Anyway you can keep sending this stuff in! I like learning stuff second hand for some reason, it’s a lot of fun! (I know a LOT more about One Piece than I should thanks to tiktok and one movie I watched not realizing it was part of a series lol)
Gonna try and give feedback to ALL points because I realized I completely forgot to answer something on your last ask because I skipped a sentence when rereading (about Eve and Nanami).
-Satoru/Suguru relationship: Oh cool! What if they were in a QPR? That would be neat for some reason lol! Also, could only think of the lesbian version of “and they were best friends” hehehe. But good for them (maybe, unless they are doomed by the narrative).
-Satoru theme song: This song has a really good beat to it! Only Avicii song I knew before was “Hey Brother” so this was a complete shift in what I thought the beat of the song was gonna be. But it seems to fit well with what I know of the character (could seem to fit better if I knew the more intricate details lol).
-Suguru and Gojo Kesa: Okay that’s actually really funny lol. To me that’s like a guy named Gene wears only jean jackets hehe.
-Satoru family/gayness: I can see that being a thing unfortunately. It would also make sense for Satoru to be from a famous/influential or powerful family as his powers would probably be a family trait and that kind of power (of reality manipulation) would definitely make a family well known and rich.
-Escape reality: Having the three, who all probably have higher-up families because of their powers, does make sense that they grouped together to try and escape their family life. It would also make them less empathetic (sympathetic? idk) to the common people and allow their scheme to continue without really feeling bad about it (because logically it makes sense to them, we are healing you of something no one else could, so you have to give something no one else could, your power).
-Hobie’s hate: Yeah. There’s also the fact the two (3 with Shoko) took advantage of people in vulnerable states for their own selfish reasons. The rich brat personality is just another facet for Hobie to hate.
-Get along (2 of the points): Okay, for some reason I immediately thought of Satoru, Suguru and Shoko (don’t know what their group would be called) would try and get Peni to help them scheme as a technomancer could be really valuable, but kit obviously does not want to trick people and definitely wouldn’t want to do anything related to medical stuff at the moment considering kits pretty recent past.
Miles, Peni, and Yu are hanging out and talking as best as they can with Peni helping out because I can see the three having a lot in common (which allows Yu and Nanami become like unofficially apart of the Arachnikid friend group and probably be really good assets in the Power Revolution). 
But yeah, Peni helping bridge the gap is a nice thing to think about. Even if it is just letting Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko be friendly or at least cordial with the rest of the group. They would mainly be doing their own thing, while Yu and Nanami are actually trying to be friends with everyone.
-Yu and Peni: I love this idea. Especially the thought that Peni could get a kind of older brother figure because of how Yu sees her. Both being in pretty shitty situations (Peni having lost kits dad and Yu being away from all his family with just a single friend) would probably look for a type of familial bond without realizing it. (which also makes me think Yu and Noir would become pretty good friends once they work out the language barrier because of how close Noir and Peni are).
-T-boy Yu: Fuck yeah! (I don’t have much to add since I barely know him, but yeah! T-boy swag!)
-Neopronouns: Those are cool neopronouns! Will try to use them for the rest of this ask when I can! (I will be honest, I keep getting names mixed up because they are all new names to me and I don’t exactly have the names to faces memorized yet lol, so hopefully I don’t use blue for Suguru by accident)
-Eyes: Aw that’s sweet. I can see Satoru not liking blues eyes when blue was younger because… well it’s not common to have multiple eyes (not impossible, but not common) so maybe had some kind of resentment to blues eyes for a while until Suguru kept complimenting them, allowing Satoru to start loving blues eyes (also when I first read that I thought it meant blue as in color and was thinking how would Satoru like Purl’s eyes since they are a pretty blue color when not wearing their sunglasses).
-Space/psychic powers: It’s basically like a combination of Eve and DJSS’ powers which is such a dangerous and powerful combination to have. Which I feel like really fits blue a lot. I can see these powers not being super distinct from each other (like you can tell when Tatiana is using fire vs using time) and so they meld together making a seemingly single type of power instead of two distinct power types (I have no idea how to explain it better than this lol).
-Nanami 30%: OMG THIS! I forgot to address this in my other ask! I had something planned for it too! UGH!
Anyway, I was going to say I don’t think people would make fun of Nanami for his skin condition (I think that was how it was worded in the ask) but they do compare him to Eve, only because Eve is probably like the only person with this kind of condition that the people around Nanami know about. It would be like someone with vitiligo always being compared to Micheal Jackson because it isn’t a common skin condition that a lot of people would have heard of outside of a celebrity.
So yeah, I can definitely see Nanami being really annoyed with the constant comparisons and actively trying to hide his condition for a long while before coming to terms with it. It was more of an annoyance to hear and to hide the condition than anything else. 
Once he got to Nueva York, he might not have been ALLOWED to hide his condition. Maybe he had “bad behaviour” (it wasn’t actually bad, he just kept using his powers thinking it was fine but the counselors had to keep stopping him) and so he lost some privileges like hair dye and makeup. 
Thankfully the people around him didn’t care all that much. There were definitely comments comparing him to Eve (especially from Pav who explained how he is related to Eve) that annoyed Nanami, but he explained his feelings and the group apologizes because they didn’t know (maybe him and Pav’s relationship starts off a bit rocky because of this connection and Nanami having a hard time dissociating his feelings for his condition and Eve from Pav).
After Nanami gets hair dye and makeup privileges back, I do think the gang would encourage him to not hide it again and so he doesn’t (still has to grow out his hair though to get the 30% to outgrow the dye)
-Smoko Shoko (and Noir, 2 points): Oh her plant parts are absolutely hating the smoke she puts into her body, but I don’t think the glass part would be as affected as something more organic (the glass is organic as well but to a lesser degree like Tatiana’s rock body or Matvey’s metallic body). I wonder if her healing powers could help reduce any problems she might have with being a heavy smoker, that would be a neat thing to be able to do!
Her and Noir, when given access to go out for good behaviour, go and have a smoke together. They can’t really communicate without Peni or without their phones to translate stuff, but they just sit down at a park or beach and watch the sunset together silently as they smoke (they definitely are not allowed to smoke on Nueva York premises so they get a lot of their smoking done in this small time frame).
-Queering it up HCs: 
Love AroAce headcanons, good job Nanami!
SatoSugu and GhostFlower (didn’t know that was their ship name, cute!) being happy and annoying while Pav is sad and alone in Nueva York missing Gaya (you better believe they become the most annoying when reunited because of the time they were forced apart).
Trans Shoko? Nice :3 (also for some reason like the idea of her being a part of SatoSugu but in a queer platonic way. Like they are also dating her but in an emotional sense while SatoSugu are also just super gay for each other).
And then Yu is an icon with t-boy swag hehe
So yeah! That’s all I got for each of your points! Don’t worry about sending in these asks, I do like learning about media second hand, it’s fun! So these asks are pretty fun to do! I’m just sad I can’t add a lot more ideas like I could for a media I know a lot about, but you seem to be having fun talking about this stuff (like I have fun talking about shit which is why I make long answers to asks lol) so that’s good!
Glad you are able to enjoy my ideas even when they might not all be correct with the source material in how people act or relationships with other characters! But hey, that’s the fun part lol. Sometimes a little mischaractization is fun hehehe
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guardianakumu · 9 months
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I’m a bit nervous sharing this since I don’t normally share gorey stuff but I’m really proud of this.. >:3c
“You will keep that name out of your filthy mouth.”Akumu spoke, almost sounding snarlingly. Silver stared at everything went from purple to deep red color, almost like blood. Her voice felt so powerful that even echoed across the realm itself. Silver reeeeaallly wanted to run since her eyes was… fear inducing. The Corruption he inflicted on her was fading away as if it never bothered her in the first place but the wound is still there. Akumu wasn’t bothered by it at all and was obviously out of energy to use. But wherever she managed to pull energy from was nothing like he ever felt. It felt different, more darker than his energy.
Ever since the corruption was inflicted on her left side, her body had a hard time trying to heal what was lost/damaged. So, she kinda suffered for about two months until a Red Zone entity came to her and had a interesting chat with her.
My comms are open, btw.. :)c
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content-paparazzi · 10 months
if you give a mouse a cookie...
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hello gang this is my separate blog for some fandom and shitposting stuff as to not clog my other ones <3
i go by many names, some of them older than others—over here though, you can just call us mouse. “us” and “i” are used interchangeably for plurality reasons, and we use they/it/sprout pronouns collectively. i follow from @nyny-vyriss, and may reblog from here.
it’d be way too long to list every fandom i’m in, but i’ll try to tag as often as i can.
i don’t have a specific dni, but there will be occasional suggestive or gorey/scary content, and we don’t take too kindly to people that interact with incest, pedo/zoophilia, and non-con stuff.
if none of these things have bothered you so far, then i hope you enjoy your stay here 🐁
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obeiii-mee · 3 years
Hey! Sorry to bother you with a second ask but i thought this one would be cool. Fluffy headcanons of the demon brothers watching scary movies with MC??? Somewhere MC gets scared, and some where they don't? Thanks again!! :)
It’s no bother!! I love getting requests from you guys! The more, the merrier. I sort of hc that the brothers and MC do have movie night every week or so and with them being demons, they tend to levitate towards the horror genre. Thank you for sending this, this is really cute :)))
Without further ado—-
The Brothers watching Scary movies with MC:
-Haha mf already knows how this is going to end
-He warned you, he really did
-The horror movies DevilDom has to offer are nothing, and I mean nothing, like the ones from the human world
-I’m not going to go into detail but imagine Two Girls One Cup, in a less kinky and more gorey way (then times that by 10)
-But you were adamant into giving it a go and he literally could not deny you in that moment
-Because you were giving him the puppy eyes
-That’s like, the finishing blow you use every time to get your way with him and as far as you know it’s the only one that works so-
-He expected your reaction to the last second
-You were traumatised for lack of a better word and you were basically watching the whole film through the cracks between your fingers
-Seeing you in that state was like a punch in the gut but he couldn’t stop himself from throwing in a subtle ‘I told you so’
-“I told you watching something like this before bed is a bad idea, MC.”
-He might be a bit condescending and judgemental at first, but he’s probably going to baby you a bit for the rest of the night
-Because he feels bad he allowed you to watch it in the first place
-He will start muttering words of comfort to you later because he’s certain you’re going to have trouble sleeping
-Because of that one time, he’s very hesitant to let you watch another horror film anytime soon
-But he will relent eventually (especially if you want to watch a human horror film as those are technically less extreme)
-If it makes you happy, he will go through with it, even if he has to let you cling onto him for the rest of the day
-Besides, the way you cuddle into him while you’re watching a horror film is very cute and endearing to him
-Ah yes, the most effective method of waking up the entire House of Lamentation at 3:00 am
-Mammon screaming his own vocal cords out in his room as he tries to get through his human’s favourite horror movie without dying of a heart attack
-It was his idea because he’s definitely the type to go: “Yeah let’s do this, it will be fun. Don’t get too scared alright MC? The Great Mammon will be here to protect ya.”
-And then ten minutes in, he’s basically in your lap
-Half an hour in, he turned himself into a demon burrito with his blankets
-You were enjoying the movie, laughing at the stupid sound effects and poor quality while Mammon next to you has wrapped himself in like two dozen blankets and pillows
-“Mammon you’re going to overheat.”
-“Don’t be silly human, I’m a demon who lives in hell. I can take high temperatures the same way I can take this damn movie!”
-He doesn’t take either of them well
-Mammon and the horror genre don’t mix well together to begin with
-So even if you might enjoy horror, he doesn’t react well to it at all
-And he’ll be low-key relieved if you tell him you guys don’t have to watch any sort of horror film for your date night
-“Well I guess if you don’t want to, then we don’t have to. Can’t make my human do something they’re uncomfortable with eh?”
-But if you do watch a scary movie with him, be sure to show any sort of physical affection to him as often as possible
-You don’t have to say anything, just hold his hand or let him put his head in your lap or something
-It might stop him from screeching like a female sloth in heat
-The last time that happened, his brothers weren’t too pleased with him
-They about to recreate the horror film scenes onto him, bring the popcorn have fun
-For some reason, I feel like he doesn’t get scared easily while watching stuff
-I mean, after decades of obsessively watching animes with brutal character deaths (like Attack on Titan style) and grotesque horror games that are pretty nasty even to demons, let alone humans;
-A horror film, from the human world or even DevilDom, doesn’t do much for him
-It will have to have very good psychological horror in it if you want the hairs on his arms to stand up in anticipation
-Tension is a big deal for him and he will immediately shut off the TV if there are any cheap jump scares
-But, if you manage to find just the right thing for him?
-You’ll both be hiding under the bed in no time under the bathtub more like
-Hell, if the film you’re watching is that good, he might even be holding onto you for dear life without realising it and getting flustered about it
-For weeks afterwards, any sound that is remotely similar to one from that movie will probably send both of you into panic
-You came to his room one night because you’ve had a nightmare about the stupid film and legitimately thought there was a fucking demon serial killer in your room
-So you wanted to stay in his
-“But what if there is a serial killer in your room and now you just led it to me MC????”
-It’s all jokes, there’s no question he would lock both of you in his room and then stay there with you wide awake until dawn
-You’re his best friend after all, he would have to be completely heartless to leave you on your own! (Besides Levi is terrifying when he wants to be)
-One time you were sleeping over and the sound of fumbling woke you tf up
-And Levi immediately turned into his demon form, like he was ready to throw hands with this fictional murderer that supposedly sneaked into his room
-“Ah never mind, it’s just Mammon breaking into your room again to steal your Ruri-Cham figurines and sell them on Akuzon.”
-“Oh OK.”
-I’m playing Minecraft
-Believe it or not, Satan doesn’t care much about horror movies
-Don’t get me wrong, he loves watching his brothers shit their pants out of fear in the middle of one while he silently smirks to himself because watching other people suffer brings him euphoria
-Especially if someone actually manages to find a film that is excellent enough to spook Lucifer, because then he will be cackLING
-But, overall, he watches a lot of shows revolved around drama and crime
-That’s his thing
-However, he won’t turn you down if you’re up to watching a scary movie with him
-Any time spent with you is valuable time seeing as it won’t be long before his brothers start hogging you again like the cockblockers they are
-He is honestly surprised to find out you seem to be rather amused by those sort of movies
-So, even if it’s not inherently something he does on the regular, he would definitely watch a scary film with you if you enjoy them that much
-But in exchange, he makes you promise to read with him until bedtime rolls around (imagine Lucifer having a fucking curfew for his brothers and you lmao)
-So for the rest of night you guys just read together, ya know, like sappy romantics
-Tbh, this man will do almost anything with you as long as both of you are having fun
-He knows it’s not likely, but he insists on sleeping in the same room that night just in case you have nightmares and he needs to comfort you
- :)
-Satan is a gentleman. Idk how many people that don’t play OM expected to hear this
-Why would you want to watch a movie when you could be watching him???
-I mean, you would rather watch all that gory stuff on the TV than his beautiful face?
-He may get salty over a fucking movie tbh
-Horror films aren’t something he generally looks for while trying to pick a movie to watch
-He can definitely handle them better than Mammon but it’s not something he takes great pleasure in watching
-But the first time he ever sits down with you to watch one, he’s very intrigued to see your reactions
-You started feeling the sensation of absolute dread creep in at the very beginning and you were trying your best to act like you weren’t getting affected by what you saw on the screen
-But you were
-You went from “I’m grown ass adult, I can watch a fucking horror movie, no problem.”
-To “Welp, not enough of a grown ass adult for this-“
-And Asmo thought the way you tried to hide your nervousness was very mesmerising in a way
-He was planning on flirting with you during the movie anyway, but now that you were pressing himself against him?
-Oh boy, Oh boy
-“Darling if you wanted to touch me, you could’ve just said so. Making the excuse of watching a movie is unnecessary.”
-Nightmares? What nightmares? You won’t have time to have nightmares ;)
-haHAHA funny inappropriate joke
-It’s Asmo, it’s mandatory to have at least one of those added in here
-Beel will show up if there’s food and that’s that
-He doesn’t care what type of movie is playing on the TV as long as he has a bucket of popcorn next to him at all times
-Horror films aren’t something he can’t handle, he’s a demon like the rest of his brothers and he is used to...violent deaths and such
-He doesn’t get scared but there are times where he gets attached to the characters
-Especially movies with actual good and not cringeworthy dialogue
-Therefore, when they die, he gets sad even if they’re just fictional and their death had no real impact
-He also thinks that the way you can watch these things without flinching is impressive
-I mean, he can watch it and so can his brothers because they are demons
-They’ve done worse things than the things you see in horror films
-But you’re a human! So it’s weird to see you watch a person get repeatedly slammed against a wall until their neck snaps without batting an eyelid
-Overall, he does not have an opinion on scary movies
-He gets a bit emotional when a character he really liked dies
-But other than that, he’s just focused on eating
-And occasionally patting your head affectionately
-He doesn’t really like horror films because there’s a lot of screaming and tense music and he’s just trying to nap in your lap (rhyme)
-He doesn’t really need sound effects like that in the background while he’s trying to sleep
-But one day he was like “Hey, what if I show my favourite human this particular scary film?”
-And he did
-And he’s internally dying and feeling guilty and yet so flustered because of you
-It’s like you suddenly turn into this very fidgety and anxious mess and he thinks you just look....cute
-At some point you were getting overwhelmed and sprung up on your feet to turn the lights on
-And he just grabbbed your wrists, pulled you down next to him and let you press your head against his chest
-As mentioned, he’s a little shit and will tease you for being such a scaredy cat
-“That was the most predictable jumpscare and you still flinched, wth is wrong with you lmao.”
-But at the same time....
-“Relax. It’s just a horror movie. You’ll be fine. Besides, I’m here. Like I would let something bad happen to you.”
-That’s sweet, even if the tone of voice may not imply it because he’s such a brat-
-He actually really likes holding you for once, because usually he’s the little spoon
-He’s still a bit of a sadist so I imagine him sitting there and watching this while giggling to himself
-Isn’t he the cutest, laughing at other people’s misery and their never ending suffering?🥺🥺🥺 UwU
-Ah well, at least he has the decency to spoil with affection afterwards and make sure you have no nightmares that night
-You know, as payback for the horrific shit he made you watch with no warning
OK, I think I made a decent job of this even though it took longer than it actually was meant to. Thank you for reading though. I’ve got so many requests to go through and I’ve been feeling motivated lately so yeah!
See you soon
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Thank you for asking people to back off on the op of that vivisection post, but I think it needs to be more visible than in the tags. I get that the phandom is a friendly bunch, but it seems no one has actually read deeper than the notes on the post (as most people on tumblr are wont to do) and seen that the op on their blog has stated they don't like the constant "this is what DP is about!" and "sorry for ruining your innocence/you had to find out about the phandom/angst/gore this way" responses when they are (1) a fan of ACTUAL non-DP-related gore and therefore not "innocent" (and that they're a bit freaked out by the constant implication that they are/the phandom acts as if they invented gorey fics) and (2) did not ask for anyone to tell them why they should watch it (and has in fact said they are NOT interested in DP). Like, I get that the phandom is super enthusiastic and wants to share their love of the show/fandom with others, but at this point it's like unsolicited advice from a stranger--unwanted, unasked for, probably irrelevant to their own interests, and annoying. All the unsolicited badgering only seems to make them more adverse to getting into DP, it's not like a best friend saying they're ok with listening to you ramble about your hyperfixation. I feel bad for OP. The phandom IS one of the friendliest and well-behaved people though, and you're really well-articulated (unlike me, look at me I'm rambling), so can you maybe help come up with a way to curb this kind of thing in the future? Maybe encourage people to pick up the behavior of not only checking the notes but checking the blog to see if the OP already got answers or even wants them? Making sure others know to do that too?
you know what, I'm glad you sent me this because that post really bothered me too
I actually added those tags as a direct response to the op telling people to stop
yeah like this stuff really doesn't happen to us very often so it is really funny and exciting to see 'outsiders' react to our weird shit, but it got very excessive very quickly, and a big part of that is something that bothers me about MOST of the internet tbh and that is
people don't check the comments before commenting
what that means, is that you get fifty people commenting the exact same thing, and that is not fun, in fact that can be very frustrating, especially for someone who isn't actually interested in the topic to begin with, op's activity would be drowning in this content they don't actually want to see
the first couple of responses to that post were VERY funny, and even op was playing along! but seeing them be dogpiled like that was really upsetting and I hate to admit, kind of embarrassing to watch
our fun shouldn't come at the expense of other people, I love this phandom to death (ha) but we do tend to get overexcited about things and that can lead to people being unintentionally inconsiderate, this is one of those times
also? some of those comments were just kind of... hm, 'not like other fandoms'-ish? which personally does not sit very well with me, it's a somewhat toxic mindset, yes our phandom is remarkably discourse light, it's a very friendly and cohesive place to be and I LOVE it here like no other fandom, but we shouldn't be acting like we're... special, we're no more special and important than any other fandom
just, no shame to anyone to be clear, this so rarely happens to us and was clearly a matter of people getting VERY overexcited and just lapsing in judgement, but I would ask people to be considerate of this in future, this would have left a really bad impression of us and that's something none of us want
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trashforhockeyguys · 3 years
Don’t Hold Me -18- Carter Hart
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As always, all previous parts are linked in my master list!
A/N: Sooo we get to see a little bit from both Kora and Carter in this chapter, which I think is important. But honestly still just a bunch of feelings and a little bit of fluff from Carter. So enjoy!
Your nails bit into the skin of your palms as you walked through campus. He was gone, the last away game of the season was tonight. He was away from Philly, which meant Zachary couldn’t touch him. But that didn’t change the fact that Zachary was still in Philly, and was just waiting. 
You almost couldn’t make it into your dorm fast enough. You wanted to be out of sight and back in your little room. It felt safe there.
“How did your final go today?” Kora asked once you finally got into the room and sat in front of the TV. 
Shrugging, you took a handful of popcorn from the bowl between you two, “Fine I guess?”
“I think Professor Martin tried to kill all of us with his final today,” Kora stated, “God I can’t wait for summer. None of this bullshit. Plus, Ethan said he’d come visit.”
You couldn’t help but let out a little laugh. Never did you expect that your roommate and brother would become a thing, but at the same time you were almost happy that it was them. They worked so well together. 
“Just as long as I don’t have to listen to all of the gorey details,” You joked.
She smiled and nudged you with her shoulder, “Do you know what you’re going to do this summer?” 
That feeling set back in again. Your shoulders seemed to sag with the weight that was now baring down on them. So much could happen between now and the time that the season would really end. Even if they didn’t make it through the first round, and the season ended in a week. You didn’t know where you’d stand when it was all over...or if you’d even be standing at all. 
You wondered when Zachary would show himself again. When he would come back to tell you exactly what he wanted you to do. How he wanted you to play. Or maybe the proper way of putting it would be how he wanted to use you for his game. You knew he was watching, waiting for the right moment. 
You weren’t sure you’d be able to find a way out of it this time. You were out of moves, out of ideas. There would be no more escaping. In so many ways, he already won. He had you exactly where he wanted you, and there was nothing else to be done. All you could do was play along.
“I don’t know yet,” You told her, “I’ll figure it out somehow.”
She glanced over at you. She wondered if you knew how truly awful you looked. The circles under your eyes were nearly black. Sure you always seemed to have them, but she’d never seen them this bad before. You jumped at every little sound. Deep down, Kora knew this was how you were right after everything happened. This was how you were when she’d first met you. She remembered the way you practically hid behind Travis, who’d come just to make sure everything went smoothly. 
Kora knew you wouldn’t tell her what was going on. You wouldn’t tell anyone. If she didn’t know any better she would’ve swore you had a martyr complex. But this time it seemed to be destroying you, whatever it was. 
“Well...not that I would make the top of the list,” Kora stated, “But, my place is always open. You know, if you want to get away from all of the meathead hockey players for a bit.”
“Thank you.”
Your voice was so small as you watched the boys take the ice. Travis and Nolan were laughing at one another, across the ice Carter was stretching before going into the net. Your chest squeezed again. Would you be able to watch him in person again? Would he even want you anywhere near him once all of this was over?
“I don’t know what’s going on...but we can help you,” Kora stated, “Me, Travis, Nolan, Ethan...and Carter. We can help, you just have to tell us.”
You forced down the lump in your throat. All you could hear was Zachary’s threat against Kora. You knew he wasn’t bluffing. You knew he would do anything he could, even if that meant hurting innocent people to get to you. If Kora was in his way, he would deal with her. He’d deal with anyone. 
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m okay,” You swore, “Just haven’t had a lot of time to sleep.”
“The game is starting.”
Reluctantly, Kora settled back into the bed and didn’t say another word. She knew you wouldn’t talk now that the game started and you could use it as an excuse. Kora always gave you space, she knew you needed it. But this time she was almost too afraid to give it to you. Had you let the boys see how bad you were? Or were you somehow finding a way to hide it from them too?
You tried to put up a better front after that. You took special care to put on concealer to make yourself look better before Kora woke up. Anything you could do to convince her that you were just fine, you did. All you could think about was keeping her safe from Zachary...keeping all of them safe from him.
Around Carter, you tried to act normal. You tried to make it seem like nothing changed, like you were still just as carelessly in love with him as you had been just weeks ago. Every time you closed your eyes you could almost see all of the things you wished you could have with him. The future that you knew you wouldn’t get was almost clear as day. It hurt. 
The pencil in your hand flew across the page again as you tried to get the shading on Carter’s face right. He always felt some sort of pride when you asked if you could draw him, but he didn’t know that this time was to make sure you could remember him how no one else got to see him. 
His hair was a little extra fluffy, his eyes were brighter as he smiled at you. He had on a sweatshirt that he’d thrown on just minutes beforehand, because you joked that you weren’t going to use him as a nude model. You loved how at ease he seemed. You wished people got to see this side of him more, rather than the side that the media saw during interviews. 
He could be so quiet, so shy and reserved, but he could also be the loudest one in the room. He could be the one who would tell jokes that would make everyone laugh for hours. Or just be the one. You knew that you would never meet another person quite like him. There would only ever be one Carter. 
“You’re cute when you chew on your lip like that,” He stated, “All focused and shit.”
You fought back a blush, “Shut up. You’re meant to be staying still.”
“I am still,” He countered, “I’m just trying to compliment my gorgeous girlfriend while she paints me like one of those french girls.”
“We aren’t doing a nude session. Therefore, you are not one of the french girls.”
He laughed, so loudly and beautifully. You wondered if you’d feel the pain in your chest long after he was gone. How long would you still look back on days like this and wish things could’ve been different? Would he remember you as fondly as you knew you’d remember him?
“I’m thinking after this next game, you and I should do something,” He told you, “Go get some takeout, rent a movie, maybe drink some cheap wine. Just be regular twentysomethings.”
You smiled softly at the thought of it. You wished for nothing more than things like that. You wanted a whole life of simple nights with him. But you would settle for one of two more. 
“You’re gonna make me drink cheap wine when you can buy the good stuff?” You joked. 
“Baby, you like Barefoot. You stick your nose up at the good stuff.”
You rolled your eyes and tried not to laugh. He was right of course. In true broke college student fashion, you would drink box wine and the cheapest stuff you could find and were quite happy with it too. 
It wasn’t unusual that you and Kora would have a couple of bottles on the weekend. Especially mid season when the guys were on a road trip. Carter secretly liked how cuddly wine made you. After a couple of glasses all you wanted to do was snuggle up next to him with a big blanket. You would always pout when he tried to get up.
“I love you,” He said softly, not taking his eyes away from you. 
You had that feeling in your chest again. The tightness seemed to take over once more, “I love you too.”
If only you could tell him just how much you loved him. How much you were willing to do to keep him and everyone else out of the line of fire. How much you were going to give up so that he could have everything he deserved in life. 
“Kora said you killed your exams so far.”
You shrugged, “I guess?”
“C’mon, that’s something worth celebrating, Y/N.”
You felt the need to crawl up into a ball and hide. Because you weren’t worth celebrating. You didn’t feel like doing anything special. Not while Zachary was just one text away from probably ruining everything. How could you celebrate when that was hanging over your head. 
“You look exhausted. Are you sure you’re sleeping?” Carter asked. 
“It’s finals week, you don’t sleep during finals week,” You told him, “Not that you would know about that, Mr. All-Star.”
“I’m not an All-Star yet babe.”
You knew he was a little disappointed that he didn’t make it this season, but also enjoyed the short break that he was able to get. You spent all of it with him, locked in the apartment together. Both of you enjoyed that time more than you’d expected. You remembered him saying he wished that it could always be like that. 
“Soon,” You promised him, “Before too long they won’t be able to keep you away.”
He smiled, knowing you fully believed it. You didn’t seem as bad today. To Carter, you seemed a little lighter. He tried asking Travis if this was normal around finals, if you’d always been quite this bad, but even Travis was at a loss. You were pulling away whenever one of them tried to talk to you about it. So Carter tried not to let it bother him too much. You were still here with him, that had to mean something. 
So until you told him that you didn’t want him around anymore, Carter was planning on holding you as closely as he could. He was almost afraid of what would happen, like you might just slip away into nothing.
Carter hadn’t felt this deeply for someone before. He was pretty sure that it scared him just as much as it scared you. But one thing Carter knew for certain was that you managed to make his life better by being in it. You opened his eyes to a different side of life. He didn’t always have to be all about hockey. There were some things that were just more important in life. Not to mention the fact that life was too short to not appreciate them. 
“Y/N?” He questioned, looking down at you.
You hummed, somehow already half asleep in his arms. Carter smiled, knowing that you somehow always felt safe enough to fall asleep with him. He wished she could always feel that safe. Not just with her small circle of friends, but with anyone. 
“I love you,” He whispered softly, “So much.”
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thunder-at-dawn · 3 years
Serial Squeals
Word Count: 1,370
Summary: Tommy and Wilbur need a way to settle a debate, and apparently the best way to settle a debate is to...watch a slasher flick??
i know i said i was writing an eternal duo fic, but i started this a while ago and decided to finish it up since i’ve been on the writing grind. you may have some sbi content...as a treat
warning: this is a sfw tickle fic! don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable :]
don’t tag as ship or else yeek yock ur getting blocked
“...What’s going on here?”
Phil was very curious to see what was the meaning behind he had walked in upon. Tommy and Wilbur were both sitting on the couch, rather close to each other, actually. Techno had pulled up a dining chair to sit in, and was holding a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other.
Techno turned around in the chair, seeing that Philza had entered the room. “Well, you see, Phil. Tommy and Wilbur were having a debate over who has to pay the next time we order food. So, naturally, they decided to settle it in the only proper way...by watching a horror movie. Whoever gets the most scared has to pay.”
“Really?” Phil raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
“Yup, and they’re making me keep score.” Techno leaned over to show Phil the clipboard. Wilbur had two tally marks under his name, while Tommy had six.
The winged man chuckled at the silliness of the situation, then looked at the tv. “What movie are you guys watching?” He asked.
“It’s about this group of people in the woods getting hunted down by a serial killer.” Tommy shrugged.
“They’re all staying in this cabin because this one guy’s sisters died or whatever. It’s pretty boring, I’m just waiting for it to get to the good stuff.” Wilbur added. “Tommy, on the other hand, keeps getting scared by the smallest things.”
“This movie isn’t even scary, Techno is just adding tally marks so I have to pay.” Tommy huffed.
“Look, I don’t care who wins, I’m not paying either way.” Techno shrugged. Suddenly, as the characters of the movie were creeping around in the basement, a shadow quickly danced across the screen.
“AH- shit.” Wilbur groaned after jumping in place, to Tommy’s amusement.
“Well then, that’s six to three.” Techno wrote another tally mark next to Wilbur’s name.
Philza laughed softly. “Well, you guys have fun with that. I have to go run out to the store real quick.” He said before leaving the room.
“Bye Dad!” Wilbur called after him. As the three of them heard the door close, they continued to watch the movie. Not much gorey stuff had happened yet, only two people had died, and they were offscreen deaths at the very beginning of the movie. Wilbur and Tommy felt like they spent more time complaining about how bad the movie was than actually getting scared by it.
However, after complaining for a while, the two of them were greeted by a jumpscare. Tommy let out a shriek, his hands instinctively clutching into Wilbur’s torso. To his surprise, the older boy let out a yell too.
“Alright, that’s seven to four.” Techno smirked, clicking his pen and making tallies.
“What?! That’s unfair, I got scared by Tommy grabbing onto me, not by the movie!” Wilbur complained.
“A scream is a scream, Wilbur.” The pigman shrugged, not seemingly bothered. Tommy caught attention to what Techno had just said.
“A scream is a scream.”
The wheels started to turn in Tommy’s head, and just like that, he had an idea.
Leaning over slightly, Tommy waited until the mood was right. He kept switching his view between the musician and the movie, making sure that this idea wouldn’t go to waste. When he saw the serial killer ready to take his next victim, he ignored the fear in his own heart and clutched his hands around Wilbur once again.
“AH!” Wilbur jumped in place, glaring daggers at Tommy, who looked up at him innocently.
“That’s seven to five now.” Techno mumbled to himself, adding another tally to Wilbur’s name.
Even though Tommy found it difficult himself to not scream himself, his plan commenced the exact way he wanted it to. Clutching around Wilbur’s body, Techno added a sixth tally to Wilbur’s name. A seventh tally. An eighth tally. Tommy failed to hide his scream once, getting an eighth tally added to his name as well. It wasn’t until Wilbur had a ninth tally added when he realized what was happening.
“Oh, you piece of shit.” He glared at Tommy. “You know exactly what you’re doing.”
“Oh really? What am I doing, Will?” Tommy once again looked up innocently.
“You’re grabbing onto me at scary parts to surprise me. I’m not getting scared by the movie, I keep getting scared by you!” Wilbur explained, annoyed by the other. “That’s so fucking unfair! You’re cheating!”
“Wha- cheating?! No, Wilbur, I am most definitely not cheating.” Tommy retaliated. “I am simply abiding by the Blade’s rules. According to him, a scream is a scream.” Without warning, he dug his fingers into Wilbur’s ribs.
“ShIHIHIT!” A stream of surprised giggles spewed out of Wilbur’s mouth. “You prihihick!”
“Wilbur, why are you laughing? This is a horror movie, not a comedy! Laughing at this is quite peculiar if you ask me.” Tommy shrugged, an evil smirk on his face as he switched to squeezing at Wilbur’s sides. The older man let out a high pitched, giggle-filled yell as he started to squirm around.
“THAT’S TEN! THAT’S TEN! Add a tally mark, Techno!” Tommy yelled excitedly, prodding around Wilbur’s sensitive torso.
“YOHOHOU’REHE CHEHEHEAHATIHING, YOHOU FUHUHUHUCK!!” Wilbur cackled, squirming around to escape Tommy’s quickly moving hands.
“Cheating?! Wilbur! I would never do such a thing!” The blonde let out a fake, astonished gasp. “Y’know, I should punish you just for accusing me of such a dastardly deed.” Quickly pushing up Wilbur’s sweater and inhaling a large breath of air, he leaned down and blew the largest raspberry he could onto Wilbur’s stomach. The older of the two shrieked, laughing as Tommy peppered smaller ones all over his stomach.
“That’s eleven for Wilbur.” Techno grinned, adding another tally next to Wilbur’s name.
“Oh my god, was that a snort?” Techno looked up from the clipboard.
“It was! Holy shit, you just snorted! Do it again!” Tommy was quick to give Wilbur another raspberry, sending him into hysterics.
“TOHOHO- *snort* TOHOHOMMY! *snort* TOHOMMY, PLEHEHEAHASE!!” Wilbur cackled.
“I’m going to add a tally for every time he snorts. So...that should be three more tallies.” Techno clicked his pen.
“Fifteen to eight. If Wilbur keeps getting scared by the movie, then he’s gonna be the one paying.” Techno chuckled, acting oblivious to Wilbur’s pleas.
Tommy and Wilbur no longer payed attention to the movie. Techno had attempted to pay attention to it, but he found himself constantly having to grab the remote and turn up the volume, unable to hear over Wilbur’s loud laughter. He still kept track of anytime Wilbur shrieked, snorted, or squealed. By the time the movie had finished, the total score was twenty nine to eight.
“Hah! I win!” Tommy said proudly, finally giving Wilbur time to rest.
“Yohou chehahatehed, yohou dihick.” Wilbur said, still giggling a bit.
“Ok? And? I won. That’s what’s important.” Tommy crossed his arms proudly, looking up when he heard the click of the door open.
“Hey boys!” Phil entered the room with a bag of groceries. “How was the movie?”
“Wilbur was terrified. He was screaming throughout the whole thing!” Tommy said excitedly.
“Really?” Phil asked. His eyes widened when he saw Techno’s clipboard. “Holy shit! I’ll have to join you guys next time!” He laughed.
“Don’t listen to them, Phil. Tommy che-”
“And now, Wilbur has to pay the next time we order! Because he’s a big baby and screamed through the whole movie.” Tommy smirked.
“Well then, I guess that’s the case. Not tonight though, I’m making pasta for dinner.” Phil nodded, turning back around to the kitchen to start preparing the meal.
“You’ll definitely have to watch something with us next time, Philza Minecraft!” Tommy said, still smirking.
“Stop lying, Tommy!” Wilbur groaned. “Phil, he’s lying, he chEHEHEAHAHATED!! SHIHIT!!”
“Sorry, what was that?” Phil asked as he looked at the instructions on the box of pasta.
“It was nothing, just ignore him!” Tommy yelled back as he skittered his fingers all over Wilbur’s stomach, sending the other back into a cackley mess.
Phil simply rolled his eyes with a grin. He was glad the boys were having fun...however the hell they were doing it.
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cobycobsy2k · 2 years
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Chapter 5 part 1 of 2: "Anonymous".
The club guide was worried about Castor, who had not arrived.
Guide (Concerned as he looked at the table): And where is that boy now!? His father will kill me!
At that moment Jimmy approaches, who was accompanied by Justin Perkins and Dirk Dreamer.
Jimmy: I need to find Tiffany as soon as possible...it seems weird that she's not with the others.
Guide (Approaching Jimmy): Excuse me! Could you do me a favor?
Jimmy: Sure, with pleasure.
Guide: Could you go to the outskirts of the club to see if Castor Nova is around?
Jimmy: Okay...
Meanwhile with Allegra Gorey, Jane Stacks and Martin Ruben.
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Martin (Nervous): Please, Allegra! Don't try to do that Anonymous!
Allegra (While looking everywhere): I remind you that being the director's daughter has its benefits, I can talk shit about others and I will never suffer the consequences!
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Jane (As she got up from her seat): Okay... We won't bother you with that again, we just ask you not to speak ill of us.
Meanwhile with Jimmy.
The boy was walking in search of Castor Nova, who had disappeared.
Jimmy (Walking down the street): And where will Castor be?
The boy was walking confused until he saw Castor.
Jimmy (Scared): Castor!? Are you okay!?
Castor (in pain and trying to get up): Call an ambulance....
Jimmy: I can't! This could be on the news!
At the hotel.
Lindsay, Lilith, Nicole and Rose were talking and Walking.
Rose (As she finished telling something): And that's why I never hang out with Heather, Tiffany and Brittany...
Lindsay: Good thing you got out of that place!
At that moment, Jimmy runs in with Castor on a stretcher, which surprises the girls, especially Allegra, who was looking maliciously at the scene.
The next morning, all the boys were at one of the restaurants in the area.
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Brittany (Concerned): Girls... I haven't seen Castor all afternoon yesterday... I don't want to think that he left with another girl...
Tiffany (As she handed a piece of paper to the blonde): Don't say that Brit, by the way, Heather I did this to you... Read it ALONE!.
Heather (Getting up with the paper in her hand).
The blonde was reading the letter that her friend had written to her.
Heather (Reading): "Our friendship is the most important thing, it is more powerful than the energy of a thousand suns or of Sixam, Nobody and nothing can destroy it"... OMG!, What nice words from Tiff!, She deserves much more I know, I'll give you access to the Top Secret collection!
In the restaurant.
Everyone was shocked by what they saw, there was an anonymous newspaper with very juicy things about some. Just then Heather arrived.
Heather (Confused): What happened? Why is everyone shocked?
Brittany (Concerned): Heather, you won't believe what happened!! We found this!
Tiffany (Almost crying): Heather, you're a  damn fake friend!!.
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Heather: What happened Tiff?.
Tiffany (As she stuffs a ball of paper into the blonde's mouth): Swallow your disgusting lies!!.
Heather (While spitting the ball of paper and grabbing a newspaper): Can you explain to me what the hell happened?, "Hot News: During our hot vacations we have witnessed the poison that is hidden by the students of the high society, did you know that Cástor Nova, the Mayor's son, is paying a sentence with community work?" Seriously?... "And don't even mention the most popular girls: The Var-Var-Var girls. What will unite them? Will it be their great friendship?... But this speaks highly of us!
Brittany (Disgusted): Heather... Keep reading.
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Heather (Reading): "Or the poison that unites them?, During yesterday, Heather and Brittany were talking very badly about Tiffany, they said that Tiffany was just a dumb idiot who didn't know where she was standing... BE CAREFUL!". Who was the one who invented this!?
In the distance Lindsay laughed at the stupidity of the newspaper.
Lilith: I can't believe they hate each other... I thought they were close friends.
Lindsay (Laughing): Friends, but Lies!!, HAHAHA, this is more fun than a weekend at the zoo that I have as home!!.
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Nicole (Embarrassed): Poor Tiffany, she must feel very bad... Girls, we must do something for Tiffany!.
Rose (While she got up): Oh Sweetie of my heart, I wish everything was like in the movies!, but we better not get into that matter.
At that moment Castor arrives, who is received by Brittany.
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Brittany (Greeting Castor with great emotion): Caster!!, Luckily you're fine!!.
Castor: Yeah hehe, I'm just a little sore...
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