#don’t like the ships tell me and I’ll remove or change it
crying-pan420 · 2 years
Part 14
Do i have to make 15 of these now?
Calypso: A mouse!
Diego, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Marjane, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Tanya, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Lucille, gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Sarah Marie: His name is Remi, dummy.
Calypso: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
Isabelle: So are you gonna explain how the hell you crashed my car?
Amira: Well we were driving and there was a deer in the road, so I said "Sarah Marie, deer!"
Isabelle: ...And what did Sarah Marie do?
Amira: ...They said "Yes, Honey?"
Marjane: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Cop: What are your names?
Lemon: Don't tell them, Robin.
Cop, writing: Robin...
Lemon: Crap.
Robin: Nice going, Lemon.
Robin: Uh oh.
Echo: Do you ever feel bugs on you when really there’s nothing there?
Jade: Those are the ghosts of the bugs you killed before.
Echo: *sobs*
Rowan: You fucking scared them, you idiot.
Amira: No, this is not a mess. You know what I consider a mess?
Lucille: Your life?
Amira: I- well yes, but-
Echo: Oh, here’s my award for the most rules broken!
Ronnie Quinn: That’s not an award, it’s an angry letter from our boss.
Echo, hanging it on their wall: Well, it has the word ‘most’ in it, so I’m calling it an award!
Rowan, in Juno’s window: I thought I’d find you here!
Ire, climbing past Rowan: WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR-
Alex: I told Lemon to grab snacks for everyone.
Echo, looking through the options: Why did you grab fruit snacks? Are you five? Who even likes Fruit Snacks?
*Alex, Lemon, and Tanya raise their hands*
Ronnie Quinn: Don't have a bookmark? Try ketchup instead!!
Leo: What makes you think I read?
Evi: Well, aren’t you all a rag-tag group of adventurers with unclear goals and good hearts! Oh, let me guess: you’re out to save the world!
Sarah Marie: Well, actually, that sounds like a pretty fair assessment.
Marcus: More or less, I guess...
Juno: That sounds awesome! Let’s do that!
Lucille: I’m new here, but I am open to the concept.
Rowan: I thought that’s what we were doing, guys, come on!
*Phillip and Conner are in a car teetering on the edge of a cliff*
Phillip: oh my god, Conner, backwards!
Conner: Really, Phillip? I thought I might go forwards into the river, I thought that would be a fun thing to do.
Edmund: I'm not a morning person. I'm barely even a person.
Isabella: What is wrong with you?
Marcus: Loaded question. Elaborate.
Julia: Here you go, Robin, a nice hot cup of coffee!
Robin: It's cold.
Julia: A nice cup of coffee.
Robin: It's horrible!
Julia: Cup of coffee.
Robin: I'm not sure if this even IS coffee.
Julia: C U P.
Carrie: I’m in love with you.
Conner: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.
Carrie: I know.
Conner: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Juno: *Gasp*
Edmund: wHAT??
Juno: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish?
Edmund: *inhales*
Jade, in another room with Levi: Why can I hear screeching?
*Everyone is giving advice to Lemon*
Levi: It's okay to ask for help.
Echo: You're not a burden.
Edmund: Murder is okay.
Robin: Your feelings matter.
Isaac: The best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. Deal with it.
Tanya: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
Arabella: What are you doing here?
Emmy: I could ask you the same question.
Arabella: I live here. This is my house.
Emmy: I should probably ask you a different question.
Conner: I'm yet to properly begin my history notes BUT!!!! I got 100% on a quiz about european countries so who's the REAL winner here.
Robin: What makes you think it's okay to watch Hannibal given its subject matter?
Marcus: Sometimes, I watch television shows for entertainment purposes.
Edmund: Because I condone murder and cannibalism.
*Casually in the Middle of a High Stakes/Dangerous Situation*
Lucille: How do you eat pickles?
Carrie: What do you mean?
Lucille: I mean, there's a whole process. It's not like you can grab them from the jar with your hand, because it's cold and the juice burns if you have a cut, plus, it's pretty unsanitary. And you can't use a spoon because you'll have to scoop it out, and it'll be way too difficult to grab more than three or four without taking 10 minutes along with half the brine in the jar, even if it's one with holes.
Carrie: Yeah, that's why you use a fork.
Lucille: Okay, sure, but what if you don't have one of the big ones clean? It's weird to use a small one. But there is always one of those smaller sharp knives clean.
Carrie: But the straight edge doesn't really fit the cylindrical shape, and you have to make sure you don' t break it, it's too much work.
Lucille: It makes me feel like I deserve the pickles though. Like, "Yeah, I did it. That's right. Good job me." It's empowering. But even after that, it's not like you can use a bowl.
Carrie: I get that, it's not ascetically pleasing.
Lucille: Exactly! And it looks weird if you don't entirely fill the bowl, but you also can't eat that many. My solution: Use a mug.
Carrie: *Nods in agreement*
Lucille: Jeez, okay.
Carrie: Quit yelling at us already.
Lucille: Then either Sonic is a god or could kill god, and I do not care if there is a difference.
Seymour : We’re all in this together. If one of us falls, we all fall. Nobody is expendable on this team.
Isaac: Sounds fake but ok.
Edmund: I sort of did something and I need some advice, but I don't want a lot of judgment and criticism.
Isabella: And you came to me?
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loadedcanons · 5 months
Pinned Post
Charles. He/Him, EST. Independent and Selective MULTIMUSE featuring tgirl/futa versions of canon characters
ALL MUSES ON THIS BLOG ARE EITHER TRANS OR FUTA, with trans being the primary mode. No, there is no option for them to not have a penis. That's the premise of the blog.
Rules | Muses | Memes
The most important rule of this blog: I am a smut blog, and have quite a few things that I like to do in my threads. None of them are more important than enjoying a good RP with a good partner. If I suggest something, and you don’t want to do it, tell me, and I’ll change and/or remove the idea.
Additionally, if we write together, I have lots of ideas about our characters. Please feel free to send in drabble prompts at any point to my inbox, descriptions of scenes you’d like to see between our characters. I’ll write them up, tag you, and you get extra content of our ships! Enjoy.
If you have ideas for muses you'd like to see on this blog, feel free to send them into my ask box. I'll answer every one.
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talktomegooseman · 1 year
Missed You Darlin
Ship: Jake Hangman Seresin x Fem! Reader Word Count: 1,095 Authors Note: For @roosterforme’s rocktober challenge! Features The Chair by George Strait. Jake is a George fan and y’all can pry that from me Trigger Warnings: Mention of pregnancy, minor swearing, mention of being sick/naueseous
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Jake watched the patrons of the Hard Deck like a hawk, waiting to see you walk in. He was getting restless, and it was starting to bug Javy. “Jake. She’ll be here. Don’t worry.” He says, clapping his friend on the shoulder, walking towards the bar to get another beer. Jake didn’t say a word, just kept staring at the door.
You had just pulled into the parking lot of the beloved bar, rifling through your bag for a mint to suck on to keep your nausea at bay. It was still early on in your pregnancy and you found out not long after Jake got on the carrier for the mission. When he came home just hours before, you felt a little sick, but told Jake it was just anxious excitement for him to be home, and that you had something to tell him after your shift at work was over.
You felt his ring sitting at the base of your throat on the chain that he gave you before he left, promising to keep it safe for him. You felt your ring, a light weight on your finger, and you smiled down at it, touching the ring on your throat with your free hand, smiling. You took a breath, and got out of the car, making your way to the entrance of the bar. You opened the doors, and were met with the sound of a jukebox, and endless chatter. 
Jake’s head whipped towards the door for the umpteenth time that night, and his eyes met yours. “Javy, change the song on the jukebox. You know the one.” He whispers to his friend, a grin on his face, heading towards you, as the rest of the squad groaned.
“Hangman. Don’t. She’s got a ring on her finger.”  Fanboy and Rooster say in unison. “Dumbass.” Phoenix says, putting her face in her hands. “Hangman, I know you’re stupid, but you ain’t dumb. What the everlasting hell are you doing?” Bob asks as he walks past him. “It’s fine y’all. You’ll see.” Jake says, making his way to where you sat.
“Well excuse me, but I think you’ve got my chair.” You hear a voice say behind you. “Is it taken?” You ask, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips. “No it’s not taken, I’ll be glad to share.” Jake says, sitting on the stool next to yours. “Hey sweetheart, is he bugging you?” Penny asks, a protective look in her eyes. “Pen. You and I both know I wouldn’t quote a George Strait song to just anyone. This is my wife, Y/N.” He says, as you give Penny a smile and a small wave.
Back at the pool table, the squad watches the interaction. “The hell is he doing?” Rooster asks, watching as he places a hand on your lower back while you both talk to Penny. Javy returns to the pool table, after getting the song ready to go. “Like he said, you’ll see.” He replies, leaning up against the side of the table. 
“Hey darlin. You got my ring?” “Oh yeah! Here.” You reply, taking the chain from your neck, giving it to Jake, as he removes the band from the chain, and slips it onto his finger. “Feels good to have this back on.” “Feels good to have you back home safe and sound.” You whisper, as your hand rests on his cheek. “Darlin, you have no idea how much I missed you. Let’s dance. I got Pen to get our song on vinyl and convinced Javy to put it on next.” He says, leading you to the pool table near the jukebox. “I’m glad this is our song. The Chair is what started it all.” He says, pulling you close, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Me too. And there’s more to come.” You say, feeling the beat of his heart.
“What do you mean by that sweets?” He asks, pulling away just enough to look at you. You bring a hand to your lower abdomen, tears in your eyes. “I’m pregnant Jake. Found out two days after you left.” He stares at you for a moment, and then breaks out in a smile. “Really darlin’? Are you really?” “Yeah I am. Now as much as I love you and Mr. Strait, can we sit down and you grab me a ginger ale? Morning sickness is kicking my ass this week.” “Of course sweets. Mind if I take you over to Javy and the rest of the gang?” He asks, as you nod. 
Javy can’t help but grin as you and Jake walk over, an arm slung around your shoulders. A chorus of questions starts to form, but Jake ignores them, nods to Javy and goes to get your drink. “Penny my dear. Could I get a round of beers for the squad and a ginger ale for Y/N?” “Comin right up Hangman.” Penny says, grabbing the drinks and giving them to Jake.
He heads back to the group, sitting next to you. “Ok, Ok, I know y’all have a million questions. This is my wife Y/N. We’ve been married for 2 years, and knew each other years before that. Javy was the best man at my wedding, and that little charade you saw earlier? That’s been planned since we got called back for the mission.” He says, wrapping an arm around you. You wave and smile at the group. “Hey guys. Everything Jake said is true. He’s told me a lot about you. It’s nice to meet you all finally.” You say, leaning into Jake’s embrace. “It’s nice to have some more ladies around. Being around all these men can be tiring sometimes.” Phoenix says, with a laugh and you nod. 
You stay and talk with the group until late into the night, and Penny tell the group to leave. You say your goodbyes, and head to the car. “Did you ride with Javy?” “Yeah, I’ll drive home.” Jake says, his hand out silently asking for the keys. You give them to him, and he opens your door, before getting in himself. The drive home is met with a comfortable silence. 
You and Jake head inside, kicking off shoes and stealing passionate kisses. “Missed you darlin. Now can we make up for that missed time?” “Missed you too baby. We can make up for that missed time, so long as nugget agrees.” You say breaking the kiss, squealing, as Jake lifts you over his shoulder and takes you to the bedroom. 
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livelaughlaw3 · 4 months
An absent Captain
TW : pain, panic attack, sadness, sickness, injuries, fluffy <3333
You are with Shanks in this story. (He has two arms because he's too smart to have lost his arm that way and Oda already said it was his editor who told him to tell that story.)
Several events have meant that he has already postponed his departure several times. At the beginning of the week, you landed on a new island. The crew naturally wanted to enjoy the landscape and the island women at the same time. Your Captain went out with them for a few hours and then was too bored without you who had stayed on the ship to take a nap. Opening the door to your room, he finds you on the floor. Kneeling and half lying on your side, you crossed your arms over your chest. “Y/N !!! Honey, what's going on ? Did you pass out ?”, you shake your head. You bite your lip as he places his hand between your shoulder blades. Without knowing it, he aggravated the pain to the point where it became unbearable. He is worried, kneeling too, stroking your head. “Don’t cry darling. Explain to me..”, you say with great difficulty that your back hurts. He removes his hand immediately and moves it up your arm gently. “Ohh.. sorry.. sorry.. I-I didn’t.. realize..”, he takes a breath. He asks you “What can I do to help you ? You can't stay on the ground already sweetheart.. Let me carry you..” You almost scream in tears that you're going to die if you move one millimeter. He answers you “So, in this position, is it better ?..” You shake your head, he looks at you attentively “Baby, then let me carry you.. If it’s going to hurt, you might as well be comfortable elsewhere.. ” You shake your head, he says to you “B-But.. and Hongo isn’t here.. I can’t.. leave you all alone.. to look for him.. Mhh come on, I’ll take you to the hospital..” You bite your lip, continuing to cry. “Did it come to you like that ? Did you move too fast or carry weight ?” You nod, he scolds you very gently “Y/N.. How many times should I tell you that you shouldn’t wear anything.”
You remain silent, he only hears your heavy breathing and your sniffles in response. He says to you “Okay, take a deep breath and then I’ll move you in one go.” You nod your head, anyway, you have no other solution. He brings you a towel, you bite it to avoid screaming. He places his hands on your waist, his thumbs holding your back, towards the small of your back. You breathe in, he says “Go.. 1, 2, 3.. Go.” He lifts you up, sitting you back up as he holds your forehead and your legs which he immediately folded towards your chest. Wow, the relief that gave you, this man is a God. “Are you feeling better, doll ?”, you nod. He presses his hand lightly on your forehead to rest your neck against his shoulder. You feel kisses peppering your neck, your jaw and your cheek. He then moves his hands down to your bent hips. He releases you as he runs to the infirmary to find some painkillers. Coming back with lots of medicine packs and a glass of water. You choose, while he holds your chin so as not to change position. You drink, he sits down on the ground, behind you. He waits almost an hour kissing your neck for the pill to finally work. He whispers to you “And now ? Has it diminished, treasure ?” You nod, he kisses you again. You add “At.. 50..%”, he sighs “It’s not there yet but I haven’t said my last word princess.” He gets up and runs again to get a belt, a heated bag and comes back. He sits down behind you again, lifts your t-shirt and places the pocket directly in the correct place. You breathe in relief, thanking him in every way you can.
“Ahaha.. You’re welcome, my lover..”, he pulls down your t-shirt. He tells you to take a deep breath as he buckles your belt, holding the pocket. He kisses you on the cheek and stays seated behind you. Oddly, you feel closer to him than usual. He tells you about the day to distract you and then after almost two hours, it gets better. He gets you up, holds your hands and lays you down very gently on his bed. Legs at the same time as the rest of the body to stay lying down. He covers you and sits next to your waist, as he wipes away your last tears. He caresses your cheek and says “There must be something wrong with my eyes..” Concerned, you answer him “Ah..?.. D-Don’t you see ?..” He smiles “YES. My eyes, I just can't tear them away from you. Don’t you have a solution, beauty ?” Before you can respond, he adds “I’m kidding my love, I don’t want a solution. I like to admire you. You're so pretty. Wooow you dazzle me, goddess.” You smile slightly at him, he chooses to talk about the chapter of his departure. “It’s just two days, really, maybe even a day and a half.” You nod, he continues “When I come back, we’ll catch up on everything, I promise.” You smile at him, he kisses you then caresses your cheek.
You hear the crew returning, he didn’t realize but the evening had started. You don't want to eat, so he lets you sleep and goes out after making sure you're really sleeping. He goes to eat, tells his doctor who tells him he did well.
He will sleep in your room so as not to move you and hurt you. He wakes up before you the next day, gets dressed and gets ready to leave. He can't wait much longer. Benn also got ready and is eating breakfast. Shanks still wants to wait until you wake up to say goodbye to you. He remained seated with his crew to whom he gave instructions. “Watch over her anyway… She is in no condition to defend herself today.” He gets up and Benn tells him that it's almost time. He opens your bedroom door to find you standing, pacing around in circles, shaking your hands. You seem so tormented. You didn't even realize he was there. You practically talk to yourself, trying to calm down. He walks cautiously towards you. You are pulled out of your anxiety attack by his deep but reassuring voice. “Hello love, is this your back again ?”, you shake your head. Tears roll down your cheeks, he hugs you gently. He kisses your neck and feels guilty for having to leave you in this state. He pulls back and sits on the bed. He gestures to you, holding out his hands to you, “Sweetheart, sit there.” You wipe your tears and sit with your back to him, against his chest, holding yourself on his lap. He touches your stomach and the other arm placed in front of your collarbone. “There you go beauty, breathe through your belly.” He leans your neck against his shoulder “Lie down, rest darling.” You get there, he asks you “Allow me ? Breathe until your chest touches the palm of my hand.” You succeed, he puts his hand near your breasts, you love that he asks your permission to touch you, even though you are together. Several minutes have passed. Your breathing stabilized, he smiled at you and said “I love you, you know that ?” You nod your head “M-Me… too..” He kisses your cheek, smiling, he whispers to you “You know when I first met you, I didn’t know yet how much, you would become too important to me. I'm strongly and sooo attached to you."
You smile slightly as he continues his kisses down your neck. He hears his right arm calling him, he sighs. He tells you “It’s time baby but.. if you don’t want to, I’ll stay.” You shake your head, choosing the option of maturity and responsible adult. The truth is, he was always the only one to calm you down, even before when he was just your Captain. He kisses you lots of times then you get up to let him get up too. He hugs you, rather possessively. He bites your neck, leaving marks on you that he admires. “That way, you will always have me with you. I love you." You nod your head then he pulls back and kisses you, passionately. He feels the urge to make love to you like hell. But he holds back, telling himself that he will make up for it when he gets home. He says goodbye to you, coming back several times after he’s already opened the door to kiss you. He holds your face “Annnw, this is such a horrible chore, that I have to leave.. princess..” You smile and tell him that you will wait patiently for him and that you love him too.
He leaves, winking at you and closing the door. You sit on the bed again. You try to repeat his words in your head over and over to calm yourself down. You shower, get dressed, clean the room and try to eat. You ate a few bites of the breakfast cake and vomited it all up. You will quickly throw away the bag that fortunately you had time to open and close. You wash the dishes and go sit on the deck, looking out to sea. The crew notices you but they don't want to suffocate you so they go about their business but Hongo and Lucky remain sitting on the deck. You stand watching the waves for almost three hours and then Lime brings you your plate of lunch.
You thank him, making another attempt to swallow something. You eat and it’s very good so it goes away on its own then you drink the glass of water in one go. You get up and go do everyone's dishes, despite the objections of the crew who advise you to go take a nap.
Unfortunately, you're going to spend these two days polishing the ship, cleaning everything, making food and provisions. Your panic attacks are too strong and you realize how addicted you are to your man. You literally can't live without him. You find yourself trying to stop thinking about him. Mission impossible, which creates new panic attacks. Longer, more intense and uncontrollable. The crew realizes this but their attempts to help you are in vain. There were just a few hours left before your darling returned, and you slipped on the wet floor. With the oven door down, you seriously injure your knee. You bite your tongue to keep from screaming but Lucky comes in at that moment. Terrified at the amount of blood you're losing, he thinks it's really bad. He doesn't even think about the fact that their Captain will be angry, but just the danger that you will lose the use of your leg. He shouts for Hongo to come as he picks you up, making you sit down. He wets paper and wipes then contains the blood with another towel. You're so calm, it worries him a little more. “Y/N ? How are you ?? It is very painful ? Or are you holding on ?” You are pulled from your thoughts by the voice of your doctor. You nod, he helps you walk to the infirmary and sits you down on the bed. He cleans, disinfects and even sutures the wound after putting you under local anesthesia, at your request.
He then bandages your leg, from your thigh to halfway up your calf. "How are you ? Not too tight ?”, you shake your head. He makes you drink painkillers and makes you sleep on the bed. He pulls up a chair and sits down to watch you, planning to pull an all-nighter. You stay for about an hour staring at the ceiling and then you insist on going back to your room, feeling a cold sweat under your t-shirt. Hongo tries as hard as he can to convince you, it doesn't work so you let him carry you to your bed. He lays you down, measures your temperature, realizes that the fever is starting. He stops you from covering yourself and places a cold towel on your forehead. He quickly explains to you, you close your eyes to sleep. He still has to take your blood pressure and temperature, almost every 20 minutes.
Shanks and Benn return three hours later. Welcomed by the crew, your Captain frowns. Strange, he doesn't think so, he thought you would be the first to run towards him. He says “Where is she ?” Lucky explains to him “She’s sick.” Shanks feels his heart tighten in his chest “Huh ?! B-But.. I told her to stay calm and not move." Lucky continues “Her ankle bent for no reason, she scraped her knee and thigh on the oven, so hard she can no longer walk. Hongo said at least several weeks and she started having a fever.. So she sleeps in his bed because she didn't want to sweat in yours, in her words." Shanks sighs “And Hongo is with her, watching her ?” Lucky nods, he sighs then also asks “And besides that ?” Lucky shakes his head “Honestly, Cap. She was bad. She had like thirty seizures a day, sometimes spaced just a few minutes apart and it was impossible to calm her down. She remained curled up in her room.” Shanks knocks on your door, you sleep, a cold towel on your forehead.
Your hands are loose, you are perfused and your right leg is completely bandaged. Hongo explains the same thing to him and wishes his Captain a safe return. He goes to eat, leaving your man sitting on your bed. He looks at you and his eyes start to fill with tears. He should never have left, he should have stayed. No good reason was enough to leave you. He doesn’t even try to wipe his tears and grabs your burning hand in his. He ends up wiping his tears, kissing you several times, hissing with the heat shock between the two of you. He goes to get another towel and wipes your face and your arms, your stomach. He looks at your leg, puts his hands in his hair, scratching his head hard, trying to suppress his guilt. He eats what Lucky brings him and Benn comes to see you to get some news too. Shanks goes to shower then places a mattress on the floor. He falls asleep and keeps this routine until you wake up several days later. You narrow your eyes, he was already sitting there looking at you. He opens his eyes wide “Hello beauty. You left me all alone and unhappy without you.. I missed you. How are you ?" You are happy, your darling is home. You shake your head. He sighs, placing his hand on the cold towel on your forehead. “I imagine doll.. Do you want to eat ?”, you shake your head too. He has to carry you, clean you etc, putting your arm with an IV behind his shoulder to help you walk and pee. For the shower, he did it for you in your bed. He helps you eat, you don't speak much, you ask him while he looks at you, still worried about you. “I-I.. c-can.. go out ? Or.. to-go.. i-into.. y-your.. r-room?..” He smiles “Why did you leave my room huh in the first place ?? Without my permission sweetheart ?? Grrr !!” He smiles and tells you that to go out, you'll have to wait. You pout slightly, he laughs “Come on my empress, a little more patience.” You also ask him if he is angry, he answers “No princess, I will never ever be angry with you, I love you too much.” Hongo knocks and changes your bandage, it's the first time your Captain sees the injury. To make you laugh, he says, “That’s a pretty big pirate wound, tell me… Is it painful ?” You nod, Hongo leaves you after letting Shanks give you the next painkiller.
He sulks, like a child and tells you between two kisses “My bed is so lonely without you.. And sad.. And cold.. Me the same. I've become grumpy because I miss you so much, darling..” You smile and apologize, he sulks again “Yeah.. I forgive you because I shouldn't have left either. So we reset the counters.” You nod your head, he advises you to sleep. You listen to him, taking a nap. Your fever continues for two more days then ends, you can walk with a crutch that Hongo bought you. You go to the toilet, wash and dress then you join your Captain, you hear him talking on the bridge. He looks at you, smiling and stops. “Oh the best thing that ever happened to me was waking up !!!!”, Benn teases “A bit of a long nickname, don’t you think ?” He gets up to help you walk over to them as he scolds you about not getting up alone until you're healed. You ask him “Do you want to keep me in bed doing nothing ?” He smiled “Don’t tempt me, goddess. You won’t do anything but I’ll do a lot of things to you in bed.” His right arm throws the newspaper in his face. Shanks sulks as his right-hand man tells him his nicknames are too long. He replies “Help me find one that matches her then.” He sighs “His first name would be enough you know.”, “Baby, don’t you want me to give you nicknames anymore ?”, you shrug your shoulders “As you wish Captain..”, he smiles, asking you for a hug which of course, you grant him. The right arm adds “Uh Cap. If you're in love, it's supposed to be your muse. Nicknames should come naturally to you.” Shanks sulks again, you smile and kiss him several times. He thinks and gives you a list of nicknames. “Honey, my sweetheart, my angel, my goddess, the love of my life, my light, my star, my inspiration, my empress, my doll, my beauty, the woman of my life, my princess, my queen, my love, my ray of sunshine, my flower, my other half, my pirate, my sidekick, darling, my rose, my model, my moon, my pota-” His right arm interrupts, making you laugh “The last one was too much Cap.” Shanks kisses you again, happy to see you smile, replying “Nothing is too much for her, Beck.” You heal in several weeks and he takes great care of you.
Enjoy - Do not copy or repost anywhere. Republish of course if you like it. I made edits on Tiktok too if you want to check 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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liuhko · 1 year
JJK Characters With A Fashionista S/O
𝜗🤍 ݁ Only doing a few characters that I like. If this isn’t a bust I’ll do more (don’t ask me where this came from, I need to write).
Itadori Yuuji
Yuuji isn’t too big on fashion, he just wears what he thinks looks nice but he’ll compliment your outfits and even try to match with you once in while (with whatever clothes he has).
He finds it silly how expensive the fashion industry and fashion itself is. “They’re just clothes…” then Yuuji will direct you to websites like SHEIN, not knowing any better and being sucked in by the cheap prices and nice looking clothes.
Once you inform him of SHEIN’s lore he feels ashamed and doesn’t pay much attention to the expensive purchases.
Now one thing he likes about being with you is how up to date you are with everything fashion related. More specifically, the fashion shows.
He thoroughly enjoys the ridiculous, avant-garde shows the most.
Fushiguro Megumi
Megumi’s the most excited about your love for fashion cause he relates. You CANNOT tell me he isn’t a fashion nerd (projection but it’s also true :3). He thinks you’re UBER cool and is so glad he’s dating you.
He loves seeing your different outfits for the day, he’ll sprinkle compliments but sometimes he feels the usual “Your outfits looks nice.” doesn’t cut it, so he doesn’t compliment it directly.
What does he do? Be sneaky (obvious) with it. If you’re wearing Vivienne Westwood for example: “Vivienne Westwood’s a cool brand. I, personally, think that anyone who wears it has amazing taste in fashion…just saying.” Same goes for whatever else you may be wearing.
He’s SUCH a fashion nerd, oh my days. If you give him the chance he’ll bust out his big book of fashion and will romance/do his best to impress you with it. “I heard you talking about the fashion of the Edo period, so I did some research on it (nerd emoji).”
Gojo Satoru
This goon takes your love for fashion as an insult. “My closet’s better than yours, don’t play with me.” He’ll sneakily try to one up you, and if he fails he’ll be pissy about it.
I mean this seriously. He’ll take pics of your and his outfits, post them online with a poll, and wait patiently for the results.
Gojo is supportive though, fear not! He takes a stupid amount of pics of you and posts them everywhere. He posted you on a billboard once: “Do you like it? I asked for extra resolution so they could get all the detail in your shoes!” When he posts you on his socials for the outfit comparisons he blocks anyone who leaves even the SLIGHTEST negative comment about you.
He brags about you all the time.
Nanami Kento
A stylish man who knows a thing or two about the latest trends! Introducing Nanami to styles outside of his comfort zone isn’t too difficult. He’s usually really invested in the varying styles and if you’re convincing enough he’ll try them a few times.
He loves “Devil Wears Prada” and rewatches it all the time. That movie is like cocomelon is to kids for him; his eyes are GLUED onto the screen.
Remove the movie and he’ll toss you out.
If Nanami hears you talk about some new clothes you want expect them to be shipped the next day. He is not one to play when it comes to your appearance, especially since you care about it so much.
Being around you makes him wonder if he should change his closet (a bit).
𝜗🤍 ݁ gojo fans come to me plsplspls boost me plsplspls i need to take advantage of his popularity plsplspls >_<
TAGS @pekejs @peachop @hannibalistique @rizsu @rivbows @lucstarz @zorosq @m1lkenthusiast
137 notes · View notes
justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Beskar Doll - Ch. 19: Snake Pit
A high stakes job on Jakku puts you undercover and the Mandalorian out of reach. A continuation of Beskar Doll Ch. 1-18 found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Female Reader
Warnings: SMUT! Com link fuckery because ooo buddy. Canon typical violence. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only.
Length: 6.8K
“Think Imps have changed much in five years?” You asked as you, the child and the Mandalorian made your way into town. 
“No,” he said, a finality in his voice. “Ran into some not long before I found you again. Same as always.” 
“Well that’ll make things easier,” you sighed. “I’ve acted like an Imp before, I can do it again.” 
Your arm brushed his and you quickly crossed it over you, trying to ignore the spark that ran over you where you’d touched him. 
It had been like this since you’d woken up, naked and alone, in the Mandalorian’s bed. 
“Din?” You’d whispered into the darkness, wrapping yourself from the blankets you’d been tucked in as you got out of bed. There was no response. You said his name again, a bit louder. No luck. “I’m turning on a light,” you said, knowing there was no way he was in the room. It was small, you’d have bumped into him getting out of the bed if he were. You closed your eyes all the same, giving him a moment to protest. It was silent. You opened your eyes slowly anyway, squinting against the brightness and ready to snap them shut again just in case he was there, unmasked, and you somehow had missed him. But the room was empty. 
His armor and flight suit were gone, as were the clothes he’d helped you remove. Sitting beside the bed was a pair of pants and a shirt, like the ones you’d woken up in before, folded and waiting for you. You put them on, cuffing the pants so you wouldn’t trip, and you put the blankets you’d used to cover yourself back where they belonged on the bed before you went in search of the Mandalorian. 
You found him in the cockpit, the tell-tale sound of engines a hint for where to go. The kid was on his lap, happily eating some of the meat from the planet you’d just left. 
“Hey,” you said, even though you knew he’d have heard you come in. 
“Wanted to get an early start,” he said, not looking at you. 
“Sure,” you nodded. 
“I’ll fix the heaters in a bit,” he said. 
“If you need help, let me know,” you leaned against the wall of the cockpit, arms crossed. That got him to turn around. 
“You don’t know how to fix things,” you could almost hear him frowning. You shrugged. 
“I learned.” His silence was skeptical. “I had farm equipment to maintain. I’ve never worked on a starship but I can’t imagine the principles are all that different. You don’t want me running the show but I can help.” 
“Good to know.” 
You stood there awkwardly for a moment, trying to not think about your naked body against his while wishing you’d been with it enough to properly appreciate how much of his skin you’d gotten to touch instead of being too freezing and exhausted to think straight. 
“Are these clothes yours?” You asked after too much silence for you to really tolerate. He nodded once. “I’ve just never seen you wear them.” 
“I don’t around other people,” he said. 
You chewed the inside of your cheek. You wished you’d just kissed him. You doubted you’d ever have the chance again, so close without a helmet in the way, you should have just kissed him. At least asked to kiss him. You couldn’t let the silence hang there anymore and you just left, going back into the hold and putting some distance between you and the Mandalorian. 
He did ask for help when working on the heaters. Your size came as a plus, his shoulders too broad to properly reach the wires he needed. 
“Be careful,” he sounded stressed. “If you…” 
“It’s fine, Mando,” you said, torso inside the ship as you tested the wires. You found the issue, unplugging it from the panel and carefully slipping back into the hold. “Here’s your problem, it’s fried.” 
He took it from you, holding it up. 
“I don’t have any more of this,” he sighed. “Have to look for some on Jakku. At least the junk trade there is solid, finding pre-Empire compatible parts is getting harder and harder.” 
“There’s more like that in there,” you nodded to the wire, your arm propped up on your raised knee. “Anything going to be a fire hazard if it goes? I’ve made it this far in life, I’d rather not be taken out by equipment failure.” 
He sighed. 
“Can you reach it?” 
“I’ll need to climb all the way into the panel,” you shrugged. “But I think so. I won’t really know what I’m looking for, though, I’ll need you to describe it.” 
“It’s probably the whole heating system,” he said. “I’ve got auxiliary to keep us from freezing to death if we need to detach it all but it won’t be a fun trip.” 
“Better than dying in a fireball,” you said, turning and crawling into the panel, carefully working your way past wires without knocking them loose. 
“Don’t like you in there, Doll,” he said as you reached the part of the panel you needed. There was an access point here, so you were at least able to move a little easier. You rolled your eyes, moving along the heater panel, checking all the wires. 
“There’s a lot of wear and tear in here, Mando,” you frowned. “These wires look awfully close to the one I pulled. I think we might need to shut it off…” 
“That’s going to make for a cold flight,” he sighed. “Can you reroute power to the auxiliary while you’re in there? Hopefully boost it?” 
“Sure,” you replied, puzzling out the panels for a minute. “As soon as I figure out which one that is.” 
“Don’t like this…” he muttered again. You ignored him, finding what you thought was the power cable and pulling it. You heard something power down but weren’t quite sure what. 
“Didn’t just lose anything crucial did we?” You called. 
“No, that was the heat,” he sighed. You nodded. 
“Well at least it wasn’t life support,” you muttered, tracing your fingers along the panel until you found what you were pretty sure was the auxiliary system and attached it. “I think I have it, give it a go.” 
It was quiet for a moment and you shifted your weight from foot to foot, the crouch you were stuck in getting uncomfortable. 
“That was it,” he said. “Now get out of there before you electrocute yourself.” 
“Such little faith,” you muttered as you made your way back into the hold. He ignored your comment as you used him for balance to get out of the innards of his ship. You sighed, crossing your arms. Even though the heaters had only just switched over, you already felt colder. But you were pretty sure it was just your mind getting ahead of your body. 
“We should… I don’t know, swaddle him or something,” you nodded to the baby who was flicking through artwork on your data pad. “We need to keep him warm.” 
“We can hole up in the bunk,” Din sighed. “Keep the heat concentrated in the smallest space…” 
So that’s what you did. It was the first time there’d been any kind of physical intimacy between the two of you that one of you couldn’t just run away from, though you supposed it was different. It wasn’t like he’d had his fingers inside you or guided your hips over his until both of you came. He’d just held you to warm you up. While naked. Without the helmet. 
You bundled up the best you could, Din sitting on one end of the bunk and you on the other, the baby clambering over both of your legs as they sat beside each other, as though you were living obstacle courses there for his amusement. 
“Do you remember ever being that care free?” You asked, watching as the kid slipped a little on the Mandalorian’s beskar. 
“A bit,” he said, offering the child a steadying hand. “It feels very far away, though. Another lifetime. You?” 
“Yes and no,” you shrugged eventually. “I remember running and playing with my friends but those memories are so closely tied to bigger things. Like going to Alderaan as a girl. I got to see my friend and run in the woods and climb and do what children do but on the way there or home, I almost always had to deliver a message or retrieve one. Sometimes both. The joy was never had for joy’s sake.” 
The kid moved on to trying to climb up the Mandalorian’s chest plate, grunting at the effort. Din offered him a hand but he ignored it. So he put it below the child, where he couldn’t see it, giving him a foothold he didn’t know was help. You smiled. 
“I’d like that,” he said, looking up to you. “Joy for joy’s sake.” 
You smiled, leaning your head back against the wall of the bunk. 
“Me too.” 
You’d fallen asleep with the child snuggly between you, Din leaving his armor on the floor - though the flight suit and helmet and your clothes stayed on. But in your sleep, you could have sworn you felt his lips on your forehead. 
When you made it to Jakku, you were so cold you damn near sank into the sand, just happy to feel something warm. But now that you were there, you had a job to do. 
You’d made a list of things you’d need to get into where you thought you needed to be - a bar that was popular with the Imperial set. The General, according to Din’s friend, was shifty. If he was there, he would hardly show up nightly and would only go places he felt secure. That narrowed the hunting grounds a bit. 
Din had come to the opposite side of the planet from the outpost the Imperials reportedly collected at to gather supplies - both for you and the ship. You found some clothes that would help you blend in, a few days worth, and cartridges that would fit your blaster. 
“I’ll stick to outside the outpost, about 30 clicks or so,” the Mandalorian said as you walked down the dusty street. “Close enough to get you out fast, far enough that they shouldn’t know I’m there.” 
“So how am I getting to the outpost,” you frowned. You felt the kid’s eyes on you so you looked down to him, in his bag on Mando’s hip. Longing. You held out a finger and he took it, the kid immediately feeling happier. The Mandalorian looked your way and you could almost sense his expression, suddenly realizing what he was expecting. “No.” 
“It’s just you,” he replied. “I thought you said you were fine when it was just you.” 
“Don’t expect me to be racing out of there on a speeder,” you replied. “I won’t be making any dramatic escapes with it.” 
“You can sell it when you get to town if you really want,” he said soothingly. You sighed. 
“I can’t tell if you’re doing this to torture me or if this really is the best plan.” 
“It’s the best plan,” he replied. “The torture is a perk. Just need to find one for a decent price.” 
You sighed, glaring up at him.
“I have a better idea.” 
The three of you made your way to the bar in town. You sent the Mandalorian in a few minutes before you, trying to make it look like you didn’t know each other. You spotted him quickly, his armor glistening from the corner while the kid happily drank from a small cup as he stood on the table. 
You sat at the bar, ordering a weak cocktail and sipping it slowly, biding your time. If this planet had a fair few Imps, one would wander in eventually. You were right, not needing to wait long. 
A man came into the bar, not much older than you but he had the military look you’d come to know well. Short hair, utilitarian clothes, a chip on his shoulder that you could have seen from space. He took the bar stool a few seats down from you and tried to get the attention of the bar tender, who was busy with other things. You looked him over as he ground his teeth, getting frustrated. 
“Remember when we used to be treated well in places like this?” You smiled, tilting your body toward him. He looked you up and down, his eyes lingering on your chest. 
“Those were the days,” he said, not sounding as frustrated as he looked. “What happened?” 
You shrugged. 
“Little fear went a long way.” 
“Did it ever,” he changed seats, moving closer to you, watching your fingers as they trailed up your drink glass. 
“So I was right,” you tilted your head a little, smiling flirtatiously. “You served?” 
“Four years,” he said. “Sounds like you did, too, but you don’t look it.” 
“Officers never do, do we?” You smirked. 
“Where were you stationed?” He asked. He was facing you fully now, his whole body aligned with yours. You took a sip of your drink. 
“Naboo,” you smiled. “You?” 
“I was Naval,” he replied. “On the Executor.” 
“Lord Vader’s ship?” Your eyebrows raised. You were impressed, not even having to fake it. 
“Were you on Naboo for Cinder?” He asked. “Heard that was a bloodbath.” 
“It was rough,” you nodded. “Barely made it out… The Executor? I don’t think I’ve met anyone who served on that vessel. You seem awfully young…” 
“Well,” he smirked. “When you’re good at what you do, you rise through the ranks fast.” 
You leaned in closer to him. 
“Prove it,” you smiled. 
“Prove it?” He swallowed, hard. You nodded. “How?” 
You sat back, arching your back just so, his eyes almost snapping to your breasts. 
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” you quirked a brow at him. His eyes went back to yours. “Never seen an Executor service token before.” 
He all but dove his hand into his pocket, pulling out a large, silver coin and slapping it on the bar. You picked it up, turning it over in your fingers, the image of a Star Destroyer on one side and the seal of the Empire on the other. The name of the ship was stamped into the outside edge. You smiled. You couldn’t have asked for a better way to sell your story. 
“Impressive,” you smiled, downing the rest of your cocktail before tucking the token in your pocket and standing up. 
“Hey wait,” he said, standing up, too. 
“Well, aren’t you coming?” You asked over your shoulder as you headed for the door. He trailed behind you, his hand going to your lower back and sliding lower as you made your way outside. 
“Do you have a place near here?” He asked as you lead him down the nearest alley. 
“No,” you stopped and faced him, smiling. He looked confused. “I just needed your service token.” 
“Wait,” he sounded confused, too. “I didn’t give it to you, not like that…” 
“That’s true,” you nodded. “But I’m taking it. You can let me or you can try to take it back, but I wouldn’t recommend it.” 
He was slow enough that you could see him figuring it out, the anger slowly building in him before he lunged for you. You sidestepped him, grabbing his hand and folding it back, making him yelp in pain. 
“I was so hoping you’d choose this option,” you smirked, hooking your leg around his ankle and ripping it out from below him, watching as he crumpled to the ground. 
“You said you served on Naboo!” His eyes searched yours. 
“Never said for which side, you Imperial piece of shit,” you twisted his wrist until it snapped and you let it go. He pulled it into himself, staring at it in disbelief. You crouched down to his level, grabbing him by the hair and making him look at you. 
“Now did you really serve on the Executor?” You asked, searching his eyes. “Or did you steal or buy this off someone and you just wanted to talk a big game?” 
He looked terrified, like he wasn’t sure what the right answer was. 
“I served,” his voice shook. “But I was just an enlisted! I was on janitorial, I never even fired my weapon outside of training, I swear!” 
You caught a glimpse of beskar coming down the alley. 
“What do you think, Mando?” You said, not looking up at him and keeping your eyes on the man in front of you. “Says he never fired his weapon. Think that excuses him?” 
“He’s seen your face,” the Mandalorian replied, voice deathly calm. “He touched you. Should kill him.” 
“Please!” He cried, cradling his wrist to his chest. “I swear, I never hurt anyone, I promise!”
You looked up at the Mandalorian, his arms crossed over his metal covered chest. He met your gaze, you could feel the intensity of his eyes behind the helmet. You looked back to the man on his knees in front of you. 
“You ever going to tell anyone you saw me?” You asked him. 
“No, never, not a word!” He was almost sobbing. 
“You ever going to brag about being an Imp again?” 
“And why not?” You asked, still holding his hair. “Is propping up a fascist dictatorship that murdered billions something to be proud of?” 
“No, please!” 
You released him and he slumped to the ground. You stuck your hands in his pockets, finding a speeder key.
“Breathe a word of this and I’ll bleed you dry,” you said, stepping over him. “I’m keeping the coin and I’m taking the bike. Consider it reparations.” 
It didn’t take long to find his speeder bike in front of the bar and you handed the keys to the Mandalorian. 
“Now we don’t need to buy one,” you said. He climbed on the bike, setting the kid in front of him and leaning far enough forward for you to climb on the back. You wrapped your arms around his waist and put your head in the middle of his back. 
“Should have killed him,” he said. 
“He’s young,” you sighed. “Got sucked up in it. Who knows, maybe now he’ll do something good.” 
Mando moved the ship to outside the outpost that night, setting it down near some rocks that made for decent enough cover. You climbed to the top of them, using binocs to scout a bit. There wasn’t much to see, Jakku as barren as Tatooine, the grit of sand slipping between your fingers. You hauled blankets outside and set them on the rock, Mando watching you like you were crazy the whole time. 
“What?” You asked eventually, stretching out on one. 
“It’s rock,” he said. “The ship is more comfortable.” 
You shrugged. 
“I like being outside,” you jerked your chink up toward the stars. “I can take some uncomfortable sleep.” 
He sighed before stretching out beside you, the kid already asleep in his pod. You hesitated before rolling onto your side and wrapping around him, your head on his chest, arm draped over his stomach. He hesitated for a second before putting his arm around you, his fingers curling around your ribs, lightly brushing the bottom of your breast. You smiled, looking at the stars reflected on his beskar. 
“I’m…” he paused, like he was rethinking what he was going to say. “It’s going to be weird, you being gone again.” 
“Just for a few days,” you shrugged. “Maybe less, if our Imp shows his face sooner rather that later.” 
You were both silent. He pulled you a little snugger against him.
“I’m going to miss you, too,” you said. 
You may have been a natural at a number of things but flying a speeder was not one of them. Din did his best to not laugh as you took the controls to travel to the outpost, the kid watching with a concerned expression from his pod. 
“I can’t believe you’re this worried about driving a speeder,” he shook his head, arms crossed in front of him. 
“Some of us aren’t good at everything,” you muttered, your arms looking oddly stiff. 
“Doll,” he said, fighting to keep the amusement from his voice. You looked at him, glaring a little. “It’s just 30 clicks and there’s nothing between here and there but sand. It’s going to be OK. Do you think I’d try to talk you into something that wasn’t going to be OK.” 
“No,” you replied. “But I hate speeder bikes.” 
“You’re fine when you’re on them with me,” he shrugged. 
“Yeah, I trust you to drive them,” you snapped. “I’m another story.” 
“You jumped us away from Coruscant once,” he replied. “That’s a busy system, you didn’t crash us into anything. You can fly a speeder bike through the desert.” 
“Yeah yeah,” you muttered. You were wearing the clothes they’d gotten you the day before, you looking every inch like an Imp officer who’d been stuck on a backwater planet. The service token was in your pocket - your key into the Imperial gathering place - as was a com link and your knife. Your blaster was at your thigh and your bag was strapped to the back of the bike with enough to get you through at least a week of observing and feeding Din information. 
“If anything happens…” he started but you cut him off. 
“I’ll call.” 
“I’m serious,” he said, regretting this plan more and more the closer you got to leaving. “If you get into a bad spot, hide and tell me. I’ll get you out.” 
“Din,” you sat up straight, hands on your thighs. “It’s going to be fine. Just a bar full of old Imps, not a snake pit.” 
“Don’t try to take him in,” he ignored you. “Just locate him.” 
“I know what I’m doing.” 
He looked at you for a moment. You were watching him, patiently waiting for him to adjust to the lack of control he knew he was about to have. You hadn’t been this far away from him since he’d found you again. He knew it would have to happen eventually. That, before too long, you’d be much further for much longer. It didn’t make him feel any better. 
“Let me know when you get there,” he said. “And give me location information for wherever you find a room. I want to be able to get to you quickly.” 
“OK,” you smiled, almost condescendingly. 
“Be safe, Doll.” 
You just gave him a nod before leaning over the bike, starting it and taking a deep breath before shooting off. Din watched you go, eyes still on the horizon long after he couldn’t see you anymore. 
“C’mon kid,” he sighed, patting his little head. “We’ve got repairs to make.” 
You made it to the outpost without incident and you tried your damndest to not look shaky getting off the stupid bike. 
It wasn’t a huge place and it didn’t take you long to get the lay of the land. You parked your bike down the street from a bar that you suspected was the right one, watching people come and go for a bit. It looked like there was an inn on the upper floors, a stroke of luck you weren’t anticipating. You took a moment to center yourself, reminding yourself why you were there. 
It had been a while since you’d done something of this magnitude. You’d been surrounded by Imps before, sometimes for days, but you’d had more reliable cover. You didn’t have a fake chain code, no believable ID. If anyone questioned your story, the only thing you had to back yourself up - give you any clout - was the service token you’d stolen the night before. Blasting your way out of here would be hard. You just had to lie low enough that you didn’t draw unwanted attention but be noticeable enough that you could confirm the General’s identity. A delicate balance. 
You slung your bag over your arm and stalked into the bar, carrying yourself with the confidence of someone who belonged. Everyone in the bar had the feel you’d come to associate with Imperials. Entitled, uniform, the idea that no cost was too high for what they wanted. If they couldn’t buy it, they would take it. 
“Can I help you?” The bar tender met you at the end of the bar, looking you over. You tried to place her allegiance as quickly as you could. She seemed a bit different, probably just working here for a job and not because she supported the cause. You’d have to make sure that - if you did have to shoot your way out of here - that she wasn’t collateral damage. 
“New in town,” you said gruffly. “Heard this was a good place to find jobs from… like minded folk.” 
A few people in the bar looked your way and you squared your jaw, almost daring them to come challenge you. None did. 
“Do you have a room?” You asked, turning back to the young woman behind the bar. 
She took your credits and gave you a key and you made your way upstairs. You’d gotten lucky, she’d given you a corner room on the top floor, giving you more ways out and fewer ways for people on the inside to eavesdrop or break through. Plus, getting to the roof for a quick escape would be easy, just out the window and up. 
You set your bag down and did a quick search of the room, checking for potential recording devices or traps. Not that anyone knew you were coming but you wouldn’t put it past Imperials to tap every room in the place. They’d have no qualms about spying on their fellow Imps. Hell, that just might be a perk. 
But there was no sign of anything nefarious. You peeked out the window, high enough off the ground that you doubted anyone on the street below could see you. In another stroke of luck, the windows of the inn weren’t just open holes in the wall but had actual panes of glass, offering some quiet and privacy. Probably why Imps were so drawn to this place, you realized. Hard to do illegal business under the nose of the New Republic when someone could just stand under your window and hear everything you had to say. 
You fished out your com link.
“Mando?” You said, keeping your voice low. He responded almost immediately. 
“Doll,” he replied. “You make it?” 
“No, I’m dead in the desert.” 
“That’s not funny.” 
“I disagree,” you smiled to yourself before getting down to business. “I’m at the inn, it’s over the bar. Pretty easy to find.” 
“Which room?” 
“Northeast corner, top floor,” you replied. “Swept it for bugs already. We got lucky, there are real windows here, seems built for privacy.” 
“That is lucky,” he said. “What’s the place like?” 
“About what you’d expect,” you shrugged, even knowing he couldn’t see you. “Full of them, same as ever.” 
He was silent for a moment. 
“How’s the kid?” 
He didn’t answer for a moment. You were about to check the com when he spoke. 
“He misses you.” 
You smiled for a second, hoping that maybe he wasn’t just talking about the kid. 
“I miss him, too.” 
You were silent again, sitting on the bed in your room, feeling oddly alone. 
“I’m going to go see what I can learn,” you said eventually.
“Check in when you get back to your room,” Mando said. “If you don’t check in for longer than 12 hours, I’m coming to get you.” 
“You’re overbearing, you realize that?” 
“Don’t get yourself killed,” he said. “Talk to you soon.” 
You switched the com off and headed downstairs. You picked a corner table, small enough that you wouldn’t be a problem but large enough that someone wouldn’t mind joining you if they wanted to talk. 
You sat like an Imp, taking up as much space as you could, one leg stretched into the aisle alongside the table, the opposite arm laying across the back of the booth. You ordered a beer and sipped it slowly, watching as people came and went. One man came in who was in the age bracket of Shadrin but he sat close enough to you that you could eavesdrop with ease. No luck. 
The lack of puck made this difficult. You had no idea what the guy looked like, just that he was a human man in his 60s. 
“Heard you were looking for work,” a younger man from the bar came and stood next to you, beer bottle dangling from his hand. 
“What’s it to you?” You asked, keenly aware of the longer reach for your blaster. You watched him carefully, like a predator. 
“Haven’t seen you before,” he shrugged, taking the seat in the booth across from you. 
“New to the area,” you said, looking out to the bar. 
“You serve?” He asked. You looked at him, brows raised. He put his hands up in surrender. “It’s a valid question, we can’t just trust anybody who walks in here.” 
You glared at him for a second before reaching into your pocket and pulling out the service token, slapping it on the table. He picked it up, looking it over. 
“Executor?” He nodded, looking impressed before setting it back down. “Not many enlisted got that gig.” 
“The hell makes you think I was enlisted,” you snapped. 
“Seem a bit young to be an officer,” he replied. 
“Not when you can do what I can do,” you grabbed the token off the table and stuck it back in your pocket. “If you’re not hiring, move along and stop wasting my time.” 
“What kind of work you after?” He asked, looking you up and down. 
“The kind that’ll make a difference,” you said. 
“What skills do you have?” 
“Keep asking me stupid questions and you’ll find out,” you snapped. He smirked. 
“Might know someone who’s looking for help,” he replied. “How long are you here for?” 
“Until I find the right job,” you replied. “What’s the job?” 
“I’ll let him tell you that,” he said. “Assuming you’re still here next time he comes in.” 
He took his beer and left your table. 
The first man was the closest thing you had to a lead that night. You stayed in your corner, drinking your way through 3 beers over the course of 8 hours - enough to not be suspicious but little enough that you stayed sober. A few others approached you, offering small work that you pretended was below you. One tried to pick you up and you pulled your knife on him, threatening to cut his balls off when he wouldn’t take a no and just kept talking. 
You were cautious as you made your way up to your room. You put your bag just on the other side of the door when you got in - not against it, where it wasn’t heavy enough to make a difference anyway but far enough in that it’d trip someone in the dark if they weren’t looking - and called Din. 
“Hey,” you said, waiting for a second. He answered quickly. 
“Still alive, I hear.” 
You laughed a little. 
“Nah,” you said. “Just haunting you.” 
“You would.” 
You rolled your eyes, falling back on your bed. 
“Any luck?” He asked. 
“Possible lead,” you replied. “Talked to a guy who sounded like he did advance work for someone higher up. Didn’t get a name or a schedule, he sounds cagey which is a good thing for us.” 
“Could be our guy,” Din agreed. 
You were quiet for a moment. 
“Your contact say why they’re so interested in him?” You asked. 
“Not in detail,” he replied. “She’s New Republic Special Forces, not sure she could say. Don’t think she was supposed to be asking me for help but…” 
“You’re good at what you do,” you said when he was quiet for a moment. 
“Sounds like he’s working on something,” he replied. “Otherwise I doubt she’d have called.” 
“Got the impression the guy here is looking for talent outside the norm,” you said. “So I tried to fit the bill.” 
“You’re good at what you do,” he said. You smiled a bit. “I’m sure you’ve got his attention.” 
You were quiet for a moment, looking around your stark room. You’d spent the last few nights beside Din and the last few weeks with him never that far away. You thought you were used to being alone but this felt lonely. 
“Get the ship fixed?” You asked, mostly for something to say. 
“Close,” he replied. “I can’t fit where you can, I’ve had to take some things apart. She’ll still fly fine, but there are more pieces in my hold than I really like.” 
“So particular.” 
“Yeah,” he laughed. “I like my ships in one piece, I’m picky that way.” 
You sighed after a moment.
“I’m not sure I can blast my way out of here if I need to,” you said, biting your lip. 
“Are you OK?” He asked quickly. 
“I’m fine,” you said, stretching your legs a bit, adjusting on the bed. “But I just thought you should know. There’s a fair bit of firepower here. They’ve got men and they’ve got blasters. I don’t think I’m in danger but if it comes down to it, you might just need to take the kid and go.” 
“Din…” you sighed. 
“No. That’s the end of it.” 
“If it’s me or the kid, you choose the kid,” you said. “And I don’t mean in a sure thing, either, because I know what you’d do then. I mean if it looks at all dicey, do not risk that boy. Understand?” 
He was silent. 
“I mean it, Din,” you said. “Do not risk it.” 
“I promise I won’t take any undue risks with the kid’s life,” he said after a moment. 
“That was oddly specific,” you replied. 
“It’s the answer you’re getting.” 
“You’re infuriating.” 
“And you’re frustrating,” he replied. “Same as always.” 
You rolled your eyes but found yourself wishing you could turn and look at him, touch him. When you slept beside each other, even if you started out feet apart you always ended up close, naturally gravitating toward each other, even when you weren’t conscious. 
Neither of you had said goodnight but it had been a few minutes since you’d said anything and you let your mind drift, staring at the ceiling. Without meaning to, you found yourself remembering the night by the fire, the night that he’d touched you. The way his hands - his bare, ungloved hands - had roamed over your skin, leaving trails of heat over your flesh. You’d felt the desire there, the need and the want that mirrored your own, you were sure it was there when he sank his fingers into you, his thumb working your clit, his other hand against your breast and then your mouth and then your hair… 
You slipped one hand below your shirt, cupping your breast, the other drifting into your pants, slipping over your lower lips, brushing your clit, finding the slick heat at your core. 
“Doll?” His voice on the com made you jump and you scrambled for it, answering it as quickly as you could. 
“Yeah?” You said, wincing at the sound of your voice. He paused. 
“What were you just doing?” 
“Doesn’t sound like nothing.” 
You were quiet, breathing heavy, cheeks hot. 
“Keep doing it,” he said, his voice dark. You swallowed, hard. 
“Doing what?” You asked. 
“You know what.” 
You were silent. 
“Where’s your hand, Doll.” He asked while not asking - he never could just ask. 
“None of your business,” you said, still a little breathless. 
“It’s my business,” he replied. “I want you to put your hand between your legs.” 
“You think I’m going to just do what you tell me?” You demanded even though you knew you were going to listen to him, you were already desperate. 
“Yes,” he said. “Put your hand between your legs. Tell me when you have.” 
“Only if you do it, too,” you said quickly. 
“Deal,” he said. “Put your hand between your legs, Doll.” 
You took a shaky breath and obeyed, putting your fingers back against yourself. 
“OK,” you said, trying to keep your voice from trembling. 
“Touch your clit,” he ordered. “Lightly, one finger, moving in a circle.” 
You closed your eyes and obeyed, the sound of his voice settling warm in your stomach, like the best liquor, getting you drunk on desire. A light moan slipped from your lips. 
“Good,” he said, his voice heavier. “Keep going, a little harder now, up and down.” 
“Are you…” you managed, but he cut you off. 
“Don’t worry about me,” he said. “Add another finger, a little harder, faster.” 
You obeyed. It was easy, pretending it was his hand touching you when his voice was so close, telling you what to do, making it so you didn’t need to think or worry. 
“Slide your fingers down,” he ordered. “Use your palm on your clit, get your fingers nice and wet for me, Doll.” 
“Din,” you whimpered as you obeyed. 
“I want you to push into yourself,” he almost moaned it, sounding almost as desperate as you felt. “Slowly. You’re tight, don’t go too hard…” 
“Fuck,” you moaned, opening yourself with your two fingers, slowly sinking into your sex. 
“Tell me when you’re all the way inside, Doll,” he was panting now. “I want to hear you.” 
Your walls clenched tight around your fingers, wetness seeping out onto your hand, until you were buried deep inside yourself. 
“I am,” you managed. 
“Good,” he said. “Curve your fingers up into yourself, you know where I mean.” 
You obeyed with a choked moan, pressing into the spot he’d found with his fingers. 
“Keep your fingers curved,” he said. “And slowly slide them down, almost out of you, keep your palm on your clit.” 
You did as you were told, moving excruciatingly slowly inside yourself, your body starting to tighten around you. 
“Doll?” He asked. His voice was needy. “Tell me what you need.” 
“You,” you whimpered. 
“Me what.” 
“You to make me cum,” you were ready to beg if he needed. “You to cum. You in me. Please…” 
“Push your fingers inside yourself again,” he said. “Harder, faster. Then pull them back. Do it again and again for me, harder and faster each time.” 
“Fuck,” you gasped it as you worked your hand against yourself, your body getting tighter and tighter. “Are you close?” 
“I’m not cumming until you’re at least on number two, Doll,” he said. “Let me hear you.” 
You moaned, pressing harder and faster into yourself, your fingers stretching your wet heat to the point of soreness but you didn’t care, breaths coming in keening pants. 
“Fuck, I’m about to cum,” you moaned. 
“Do it,” he commanded. “Cum for me.” 
You went over the edge at his words, your whole body throbbing with it, not able to see straight from it. 
“Din,” you moaned, breathless, your fingers stilled inside you. “Fuck…” 
“Did I tell you to stop?” He asked. 
“Then don’t stop,” he said. “I need you to cum one more time for me, I need to finish with you. Keep fucking yourself, hard, deep.” 
Your body was like a raw nerve, everything heightened, but you listened, thrusting your fingers in and out of yourself, letting yourself moan and pant so that he could hear you. He did the same, the sound of his pleasure rough and demanding. You couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like if it was you he was slamming into instead of his hand, how he’d stretch you, fill you. 
“Din,” it was like you were having an out of body experience, there was too much pleasure in you for your mind to process as your second orgasm built. You were watching yourself standing at the edge of a cliff, desperately wanting to shove yourself over the side. “I’m about to… Fuck, Din, please…” 
“Please what,” he swallowed, panting. 
“Please cum,” you begged. “I can’t hold back, please…” 
“Fuck, Cyare,” he moaned, his voice filling you as you came, hard, your body surrendering totally to it. He was breathless, gasping but satisfied. You went limp on the bed, your fingers still inside yourself, you didn’t have the energy to move them. 
You both lay there, coming back down from your shared high while miles apart. You caught your breath, happy to just listen to him exist on the other end of the comm. 
“Doll?” He said softly. 
You paused. What did you even say now? 
“Be safe.”
A/N: I'm SUPER excited about this chunk of story, I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Thanks for reading and enjoying Din and Doll! Love you all <3
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911 Spoilers Season 2: You’ve been warned. 😅
Episode 1
Okay so I wasn’t kidding when I said I was taking notes during my rewatch of season 2. I’ll show you the first page out of 15 pages I’ve written.
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My hand writing is atrocious, and my grammar is definitely all over the place, but if you find my hand writing difficult to read, I’ll have my notes transcribed below. With more of an analysis/summary.
Buddie ❤️
Season 2: Episode 1
• Buck meets Eddie (Shirtless). Buck is obviously intimidated and subconsciously finds him attractive.
Can we talk about the song choice the producers/editors went with for this scene. What do you mean “What a man” is playing in Buck’s head when he first sees Eddie.
• Eddie obviously not comfortable with team yet, wants to be impressive. Shows off Army skills. Buck is more jealous.
Eddie really just wants to be accepted and apart of the group, and just do a good job. And we have Buck over here being grumpy and realistically concerned over his own place in the team.
• Gym scene= Lots of peacocking. Eddie just wants to be helpful / impressive. Eddie obviously finds Buck attractive Buck is too jealous to actually notice that.
Why are they being so unnecessarily aggressive with each other. The tension in the room isn’t just a simple I don’t like this person vibe. It’s more of a lustful tension, that’s the best way to describe it. Keep in mind I thought the tension in this scene was weird when I first watched the episode, and before the idea of shipping them ever crossed my mind. Now rewatching it just solidifies my desire for them to end up together.
• Eddie & Buck remove a bomb and this near death experience squashes any bad blood between them and is the start of their friendship.
Possibly the shortest Enemies to Besties trope to ever exist. Not going to say Lovers yet, but the way they were looking at each other definitely suggests that possibility.
• Buck tries to come up w/ cute nicknames for Eddie. Eddie is enjoying the interaction. Both acknowledge the other is attractive when trying to figure out who won the calendar.
This scene. Eddie’s reactions. Bucks complete 180 behavioral change towards Eddie is the moment I acknowledged their mutual attraction towards each other. It’s still not the moment I shipped them, it was something I didn’t fully acknowledge until I watched more episodes. I just knew they were going to be really great friends.
* Lots of smoldering eyes from Eddie and lip biting. Eddie may not realize it, but his body language is screaming he finds Buck attractive.
Eddie doesn’t lip bite when looking at Chim, Bobbie or Hen. He only seems to do it when looking directly at Buck.
Transcribing my notes for the other episodes might take me a while. I plan to post my notes for episode 2 and 3 soon because they are short. I may even include episode 4. Idk, this little project is just to get me ready for Season 7 and possibly channel my obsession in some way other than reading fanfic.
Please feel free to tell me if I missed something or if you think I’m wrong about something I’m happy to discuss these episode break down.
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glacierruler · 1 year
Banding With You
Chapter 1
Ships: Eventual dukexiety, (idk if there will be any other ships yet)
AU: A band AU with a Soulmate twist!
Taglist: @hyperfixated-homo @cutebisexualmess @uhhh-hi-there-i-am-nervous (Please tell me if you'd like to be added/removed from the taglist!)
A big thank you to @simple-seranade for the idea!
CWs: none that I caught(please tell me if I missed anything)
Masterpost / Next Chapter
Words: 307
12/19/23 7:00 am
My name is Virgil, and you are my journal. Mom recently got me a new one to write in because I filled up the old one. To be very clear, you will mostly be used for song lyrics and venting. What I have to say isn’t always pretty. You’re also one of my birthday presents. One of three from my family members. I don’t really have any friends, except for Logan, who’s friends with Patton. Don’t get me wrong, Patton’s nice and all, but he doesn’t really like me, finds me scary. Idk how I feel about him. Oh, right, my presents. Mom got me a new binder, and dad got me a keyboard. I’ll have to play around with it. But it’s much more portable than a piano for sure. Oh right. Maybe I should introduce you to myself, journal. I already told you my name, but my gender and pronouns are a secret for you still, I guess. I always introduce myself in each new journal, I don’t know why. Just feels nice to actually introduce myself to something. I am way too socially awkward to introduce myself to someone else. Anyways, my gender is fluid, and my default pronouns are storm/storms. But I’ll try and update my pronouns in you each time they change. That way, I can get better at updating my pronouns to other random people, if I ever get the chance to. Anyways there’s this band competition in my town, but I need two other people in order to qualify. Maybe I’ll ask Logan and Patton. Don’t know what we’d do though. Well, Logan can play the guitar, just need to figure out what Patton can do. Anyways, goodbye for now journal. I’ll talk to you after dinner, well write to in you.
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mxstellatayte · 3 months
metal, nuts, bolts, and a hell of a lot of blaster residue (chapter 6.)
din djarin x female mechanic reader.
chapter 6 word count: 4.7k
warnings/tags: graphic depictions of violence, reader is a mechanic, found family, din djarin speaks mando'a, din and reader are both very touch starved, i don't know how fictional money works, din djarin is a bottom, smut written and proofread by an asexual, din and reader have ptsd, canon is dead and i killed it, no use of y/n
It was a quiet night, one spent on Sorgan laying low from Imperial and hunters’ ships alike. Your emotions had gotten the better of you, and you’d started an argument about a stupid topic. You’d tried to keep it from escalating, but he’d pressed, and it threw you off your rocker, unaccustomed to having someone care this deeply about you. You stormed out of the Crest, plopping yourself down on a blanket Mando had set out next to the fire and zipping your jacket up to somewhat protect you from the biting cold. Tears stream down your face silently as you watch the flames dance in the night, flowing along the dried wood and slowly using all of its fuel until it eventually dies. You aren’t sure just how long you sit outside, but it’s enough that you have to add more wood to the fire from the small pile next to you. You hear him approaching you from behind, his heavy steps on the ramp echoing throughout the small clearing, and you hastily wipe what’s left of your tears from your cheeks. It’s so late that Grogu is likely asleep at this point, and he sits down to your right. He’s changed out of his armor, but keeps a blaster on his hip and that damned helmet on his head. You refuse to look at him, to acknowledge his presence, but when he looks over at you, you can’t help but glance over. His visor, looking at you, seems inhuman, impersonal. But you know the man underneath it and trust him. At least, you think you trust him. You know you want to trust him. 
“I’m going to be okay, you know,” you mutter, hoping to get the point across with as little talking as possible to hide the cry-induced quiver in your voice. “I’m not some damsel in emotional distress that you need to swoop in and save. I’ll recover from a stupid argument over a stupid topic.”
“I know you will, but I want to make sure that you’re safe out here. Sorgan has some sketchy people.” His voice is deep and rich, crackling through the modulator in his helmet. You can’t tell if the waver in his voice is because he’s been crying or because his modulator needs repairs. Either way, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever find out. “Don’t want you getting jumped or anything.”
“I have a blaster, and you know damn well I can protect myself,” you spit out, slightly bitter he hasn’t come out to check on you after the argument. Your voice shakes slightly and you can feel tears welling rapidly, threatening to spill over with any second. You try to wipe them away with the sleeve of your shirt, but more fall, and you give up. 
“I also came out here…” Mando says, hesitating before continuing. You turn slightly, looking at him out of the corner of your eye. “I came out here to tell you that an argument like that won't matter in two weeks. We'll have a bonding experience, probably not unlike our many before…” He pauses, and you laugh lightly, knowing damn well what “bonding experiences” he's talking about- the many near-death moments the two of you have had together, moments with lots of screaming involved and quickly followed with breathless laughter with both of you either flat on the floor of the hull or staring through the window of the cockpit in shock. Those were some of your favorite moments- they were raw, personal, honest moments of unfiltered Mando that you rarely saw, and, if you were being true to yourself, moments you let your put-together, professional façade falter and let yourself remove your mask even if for just a moment. “And we'll get over it. I'll get over it. I let my ego get ahead of me today, and if it ever happens again, you have full permission to whack my helmet with a beskar hammer to knock some sense into me.” You're really laughing now, the last few tears squeaking their way out of your eyes. 
“Thank you, Mando. And I'm sorry, too. This week every year is always rough for me. It's around when my family…” you trail off, not needing to explain any further. You'd told him one night, both of you drunk six ways from Sunday on some shitty back alley moonshine you’d haggled down twenty credits from a street vendor on Tatooine, how your town had been taken by the Empire just weeks before your eighteenth name day, your mother and father massacred like every other adult unwilling to submit to the Empire. How your younger brother, barely fourteen, was ripped from your arms, kicking and screaming against the Stormtroopers pulling him away from you as you were dragged in the opposite direction. How the last words you'd told him were a promise to find him: “Look for the flowers.” How so far, in the past ten years, you’d failed at that promise, although you'd never stopped looking for the small drawings the two of you would leave each other inside of your lunch packs each day before school. A small drawing of a flower, one native to your planet before all nature had been obliterated and replaced with inorganic and geometric Empire bases, with your initials on one of the petals drawn on whatever paper you could find- napkins, notebook paper, business cards, even carved into desks at school if you could. You'd only found the ones you'd drawn so far, the occasional one carved into a dashboard in a ship or, in your last few days before defection, keyed into the fuel tank of some TIE fighters or interceptors sent to your bay for repairs. The two of you sit in silence again, time stretching as you watch the flames flicker, slowly diminishing into embers before Mando adds another log, the flames licking into the bark and catching the dry wood in its flames rapidly. You occasionally poke at it with the stick in your hands, boredom and awkwardness eating at you. “Anyway, it doesn't matter. I was dumb and started a stupid argument over nothing. I'm sorry about that.”
“Hey, I just told you it'll be okay. And I'm sorry I pressed. I didn't know it was around now that it had all happened.” You're looking at him fully, your shoulders turned slightly towards him. Something about him seems different, and he rubs the pads of his fingers against the heel of his hand. He seems tense, anxious, even. “We've had too many near death experiences to hate each other over one argument.” 
“You can say that again.”
He looks at you again, the sharp angles of his helmet and visor a striking contrast to the softness of his body beneath it- it makes him seem less of a menacing figure, something to be feared, and more… human. More real. A warm feeling floods your cheeks and the hairs on the back of your arms and neck stand on end, and you hope he can't tell that he's the cause of it. He breathes deeply, a heavy inhale and exhale flooding his body. “I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time, and frankly, I don't really know how to say it. And I could be wrong about what I think it is, but I'm pretty sure it's just… I think I might be acting the way I am because I might love you?”
The sudden confession strikes you like a ton of scrap metal, and you realize how bare the situation is. How pure. How vulnerable. You’re sitting in front of the fire on a forested planet in the middle of the Outer Rim, your guard down, and the Mandalorian sitting next to you is declaring his love for you. “Come again?”
“You're so easy to love,” he continues, and you’re suddenly struck by the juxtaposition of the Mandalorian, unleashing every raw emotion in his body yet keeping the helmet on as a sense of security rather than to keep his Creed. “The way your eyes light up whenever I ask you about anything relating in the slightest to weapons or mechanics, the way you act around the kid, the way you run off on Nevarro to go get that tea that, without fail, you make the same way every damned night, and bother everyone you know, the way you're so unafraid to be yourself… It's so easy to love you. And I don't know why I haven't told you sooner, why I've kept it bottled up for so long, but Maker, please don't hate me.”
You're, quite frankly, stunned. The fact that this tall, brooding, put-together, touch-me-and-you-die Mandalorian could love someone as chaotic, bouncing-off-the-walls unhinged as you is shocking. And you have to admit it, you're glad he mustered up the courage to tell you first because otherwise you wouldn't ever have been able to tell him. So, like any sensible person would do, you start laughing. Sure, it probably isn't the nicest thing to do being that he just gave you a whole speech about the reasons why he loves you, but it's the only response your body can come up with at the moment. 
“Shit,” you hear him mutter, and he begins to stand up before you grab his wrist in your hand and pull him back down to the blanket, incessant giggles still wracking your body. 
“Fuck, Mando, you're going to make me insane. And Maker almighty am I glad you told me first because otherwise I never would've been able to tell you that I love you, too.” You've calmed down, wiping the tears of laughter away from the corners of your eyes. “I've loved you since you saved my life on Nevarro. The first time,” you clarify, the first time being the explosion in your hangar and the second being the time the volcanic planet had unexpected seismic activity leading to a lot of ash and smoke in your lungs around two months later.
Mando laughs, full and real. You smile, resisting the urge to throw yourself into his arms and squeeze him like he’s a childhood friend that you hadn't seen in years. “So we've been pining after each other for, what? Three months?”
“Sounds like it,” you laugh, tears brimming your eyes once more. “We really are idiots, huh?”
“A couple of complete morons,” he agrees. “And it's about time I tell you my name. My given name. Not Mando, not Mand’alor. The name my parents gave me.” You wait with bated breath as he pauses, and you feel him take a deep breath before he speaks again. “My name is Din Djarin.”
Din. The name stirs butterflies in your stomach, and this time you can't help but throw yourself across the blanket with your arms flinging themselves around his annoyingly small waist. He falls backward with a laugh, letting your weight settle atop him like a human weighted blanket. His hands come to rest at your hips, holding you close, and your arms stay around his middle, your hands squished slightly under his back. “Well then, Din, I love you. And I won't stop loving you for a long, long time. And by a long, long time, I mean forever.” 
Mando- no, Din- laughs beneath you, his chest shaking your whole body and large hands resting on your hips. “I love you, too. And I would burn down the galaxy for you, cyare.” There it was, that word- cyare. What it meant, you'd never asked. But now, the moment so intimate, so personal, you can't help but ask the question digging at you. 
“What does that mean? Cyare? You've been saying it for a while and I never asked.” You weave your fingers together and rest them on Din’s chest, resting your chin atop your knuckles. 
Din stares up at the starry sky through his visor as he talks. “It's Mando’a for… beloved? Beloved or darling. It's a term of endearment. And cyar’ika means my beloved or my sweetheart.” You can't help but think back to every time he's called you those names, unknowing that every time he did, it was a little declaration of his love that only he understood. And every time he called you cyar’ika, he was calling you his. His and no one else's. The thought alone makes something stir deep inside you, something hungry and primal. You watch the expanse of skin you can see, albeit small, stirring up the courage to shift up, ever so slightly, and press a kiss to the small amount of olive skin you can see, just below his jaw. Your face is angled in just the right way so that the bridge of your nose bumps slightly against the Beskar of his helmet, making you both giggle like a pair of teenagers holding hands, running to someone’s car after sneaking out, hoping your parents don’t catch you. 
“So every time you called me cyare, it was your way of saying you loved me without saying it explicitly?”
“Yeah… yeah, I guess it was.” 
“I guess I should’ve brushed up on my Mando’a sooner, then, huh.” Your comment makes both of you laugh, and you move your arms down to wrap around his ribcage and rest your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. You aren’t sure how long you lay there, but you might be drifting off to sleep before you feel that Din’s hands are moving from your hips up, ghosting along your waist before you hear the quiet hissing of his helmet that you’ve learned to associate with averting your eyes purely out of respect for his Creed. 
“Din, don't. Don't abandon your Creed. I know how much it matters to you.” You hold his wrists in your hands, preventing him from pulling the helmet up any further. You battle internally, part of you so strongly wanting to see his face and another part of you wishing for him to keep his creed, the very thing he's sworn to for Maker knows how long. 
“You matter more to me than any creed I could ever take.” With that, his wrists pull free from your grip, and his helmet is sliding up, revealing inch by inch of his face. A scruffy beard, soft lips, an angular yet gentle nose, and the darkest, most beautiful brown eyes you've ever seen. The color reminds you of something familiar, something from your homeworld, but you can’t put your finger on it. Din’s barely fully removed his helmet before you're kissing him, your hands cupping the sides of his face and feeling the soft yet prickly scruff that dots his chin and upper lip. His lips are soft, warm, and inviting, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you impossibly closer, and when your hips grind against his, you gasp from the sudden and unexpected stimulation. “Fuck, cyare. You feel so good, taste so good.” Hearing his voice, his real, unmodulated voice, makes you whimper, pressing your face into the crook of his neck in embarrassment. He laughs, something whole and rich, a laugh unlike any you've heard before. Forget the small feeling you felt when he called you his, you're fully turned on now. 
“You can’t say shit like that, Din,” you whine, your voice slightly muffled by his shoulder. “You know what it does to me.”
“I guess we should remedy that, then, huh?” If you had thought your face couldn’t get any hotter before, you might as well be on fire now. You can feel the slick gathering between your folds, and you try to shift your hips slightly so that you can straddle one of Din’s thick thighs in search of the smallest modicum of friction. While you think you’re being subtle, you’re most definitely doing all but that. He picks up on what you’re trying to do and lifts his leg, throwing you forward and forcing you to catch yourself, your hands on either side of his head as your hair falls in front of your face.
“Yeah,” you pant. “Yeah, we probably should.” You lift your arm up and hold it above his face, following his eyeline as he sees your hair elastic around your wrist and immediately understands the unspoken instruction. He pulls the elastic off of your wrist and places it between his teeth as he pulls your hair back into the messiest ponytail known to the entire universe, tying it together at the base of your skull. As you lean back down to kiss Din with more fire and fervor than you’ve ever kissed anyone before, your cunt rubs in the most perfect way it possibly could against his crotch, and you realize that he’s just as turned on as you are. The pressure causes both of you to groan, your lips separating just barely, the air between you mixing with your ragged breaths. Din trembling ever so slightly under you. You grin wildly at the sound he makes when you rub yourself back down on him, the whine that pulls itself out of his throat blessing your ears more than any religious deity ever could.
“Please- nghh- need you so bad.” You look down at him as you continue to grind against him, and, if the light were better, you would see the tears forming in the corners of his eyes before they fall. “Feels so good. Jus’- jus’ need- agh- need you.”
“I knew you were a good boy,” you coo, and your words only further deteriorate Din’s current state. An open-mouthed kiss placed on his pulse point quickly turns into a hickey, and, paired with a particularly perfect grind down onto his clothed cock, he grips onto your shirt and he cums into his pants with a broken moan, the excess warmth seeping through his pants and your own. You smile against his neck, now satisfied with your work, and placing a gentle peck on the red spot where you’re sure a small bruise will be visible tomorrow. You wait a few moments for Din to return to his body and gently wipe away the tear tracks that have paved their way down his cheeks, looking at how absolutely beautiful he looks in his post-orgasmic mental haze and murmuring quiet praises as his breathing slows and the grip on your shirt loosens. “You okay there?”
“You…” Din breathes, his eyes still slightly foggy, “are a goddess.” You laugh, pressing a kiss to his cheek as your legs tighten slightly around his own, dropping down and hugging him tightly. Your cunt meets his softening dick and he cries out, a delicious sound that's a mixture of painful and pleasurable overstimulation. With the sounds he’s been making and the friction between your two bodies, though, you’re way too turned on to up and leave to your bed, so you pull back after a moment, a glint in your eye that Din identifies as the one that typically makes its appearances right before you were about to cause potentially illegal levels of mayhem. There’s something slightly different to this one, though- he can’t pinpoint quite what it is, but before he can think about it too much, you’re reaching down to unbutton your black jeans and unzip the fly, shoving them down your legs and off of your ankles with a practiced precision. “Oh, so you want me to return the favor?” He quirks an eyebrow playfully and you smirk, rolling your eyes.
“Oh, no, baby, you’re going to do so much more than that,” you purr, and suddenly, Din can identify that glint in your eyes that he saw: what else could it be besides lust? He’s fumbling at the button and fly on his own pants, the material nearly soaked through with cum at the front, kicking them down his legs and off his feet as fast as his post-nut clarity will allow. 
“Jus’ wanna be inside you,” he pants, his face flushed and dick already half-hard purely from the thought of finally, finally getting to fuck you properly. “‘Ve wanted to be inside you since I first saw you.”
“What, when Karga introduced us?” You watch his facial expressions contort as he wraps a hand around his dick, stroking himself as much as he can without crying out of sensitivity. 
“‘Fore that. A long time before that, cyare. I’d seen you at the tavern with your friend- ah- a few months before I needed your help.” His eyebrows knit together, his head thrown back onto the blanket, and you take a fistful of his hair and force him to look at you, eliciting a loud groan from the back of his throat. 
“You’d been looking at me for that long?” Your voice is so low it might just qualify as a growl, a dark look in your eyes that makes the breath in his lungs catch, the hand on his dick freeze, and his mouth hang open mid-moan. Without a second thought, you spit between his open lips, and you could swear you feel his dick twitch where it rests against your inner thigh. “Now’s your chance to fuck me. If I were you, I’d take advantage.” The cogs are turning in Din’s mind, and, with a wiggle of your hips, your slick smearing on the underside of his dick, you realize a plan has formed in his mind.
“Up, please,” he whimpers, his left hand pushing your hips up slightly so that he can align his tip with your entrance, and, as you slowly sink down, your hot cunt finally, finally surrounding him, any and all coherent thoughts he may have had fly from his brain. The only thing he knows and understands in the whole galaxy is you, you, you; your smell, the feeling of you on top of him, your thighs around his hips and your calves caging in his thighs, your nails digging into his chest, balancing perfectly between pain and pleasure- it’s the most overwhelming thing he’s ever experienced, and he’s not sure if he’ll ever be able to get enough of it. You, on the other hand, are no better off, your chest heaving and your quads burning as you slowly lower yourself down onto him as you get accustomed to the stretch. When his tip brushes past your g-spot, you moan high and long, your head falling onto your right shoulder. The feeling of your thighs finally settling onto his, though, is what makes both of you moan in unison, your clit brushing ever-so-slightly against his twitching ab muscles as you finally rest your weight on him. 
“Oh… my gods,” you sigh, and you can feel the sweat beading along your hairline and on the back of your neck, a combination of your racing heart and the dying fire next to you. An experimental shift of your weight pulls a groan that quickly turns into a moan from Din, the feeling of you around him being nearly enough to make him cum. He’s waited for this for so, so long, and there’s no way he’s going to let himself cum that fast the first time he fucks you properly. He looks down to where you’re straddling his hips, and, when you shift again, his eyes roll back into his head but not before he sees the bulge on your tummy caused by… him. His eyes trace back up your body, along your waist, your heaving chest, the arms that lead to the hands that rest on his chest, and your face, hair everywhere but the hair tie and cheeks flushed as you roll your hips again, relishing in the feeling of your clit rubbing against his happy trail with every rock of your weight. “Oh, fuck, Din-”
A moan, high and pitchy, of your name sends a tsunami of tingles down, down, straight down to the bottom of your stomach, and you could swear that the noise he made sent you light years closer to your orgasm. “Please. Please just let me fuck you. Please let me make you feel good- ah- ‘n return the favor.”
You want to be coy, sassy, and essentially just a little shit, but the haze of pure horniness and pleasure fogging your mind robs you of that ability. Instead, all you can do is look down at him, and fuck does he look gorgeous. His face is half-lit by the flames, his mouth hangs open, his eyes are half-lidded and the coffee-brown pupils blend perfectly into his irises in the limited light. All you can croak out is a pitiful “please do” before he’s flipping you over, burying his face in the crook of your neck, and wrapping his arms around your torso.
“‘M gonna fuck you so good you won’t even know your name by the end,” he says, his voice deep and rich in your ear. You can only gasp in response as his hips start fucking into you and quickly finds what makes you moan and writhe the most. His thrusts focus on depth more than speed, but when he reaches an arm down and finds your clit as you twitch against him and moan, that’s exactly what he goes for. Timing the circles around your clit with his hips, you can only wrap your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his absurdly small waist, pulling him down, closer to you.
“Din- s’ good. Please, please, just don’t stop- ngh- don’t fucking stop.” Pulling him closer somehow made his thrusts even more perfect, and your mouth hangs open over his shoulder, your eyes wide as you keen out a high-pitched moan. Your orgasm is so close, and your fingers tightening in his curls makes him understand that. Against your expectations (not like your brain could come up with any coherent thoughts, much less expectations about sex,) Din doesn’t speed up, instead focusing on depth and angling his hips just so that his entire cock runs against your g-spot, and his fingers on your clit work double time. “Oh my fuck, mi amor, ‘m cumming, oh gods-” He keeps fucking you through your orgasm, and your eyes squeeze shut as your back contracts, arching up into him and maintaining as much contact with his body as you possibly can. Your cunt tightening and twitching around him is almost what sends Din over the edge, but he’s somehow able to muster up one thought.
It’s a simple question, but it’s one you understand without any further elaboration. “Inside, baby. Inside.” The tail end of your orgasm is wearing off, and Din’s hips stutter through two final thrusts before you’re feeling the warmth of his cum mixing with yours. He croaks out a cracked, stuttered moan before his hips jerk erratically and when he catches his breath, you fall backwards onto the blanket, every single muscle in your body going limp. The post-orgasmic haze settles over the two of you comfortably, and he rests his head in the crook of your shoulder as his dick softens inside of you. 
You aren’t sure how long you lay there while the two of you rearrange your brain cells inside of your heads and lower your heart rates to something somewhat normal, and you don’t even feel yourself drifting off to sleep, but Din notices your breathing shift and the circles you’ve been tracing on his shoulder blade slow, and pulls out of you gently, untangling his limbs from yours as carefully as he can. He silently picks up your clothes, places them all on the blanket next to you, and kicks the fire out. You’re somewhere between being awake and falling asleep, so you aren’t sure if it’s entirely real when a pair of arms gently pick you up, carry you up a ramp, and set you in a warm bed. You are asleep, however, when Din returns with a washcloth, damp with warm water, and cleans your upper thighs and folds as best as he can without waking you, then tucks the covers up to your shoulders just the way you normally do, making sure there’s enough room around your neck so that you can breathe but still feel enclosed by the blankets. You are asleep when he places a kiss to your forehead and says, so quietly he’s not even sure the Maker heard it, a set of words unfamiliar to his tongue.
“Kar’taylir darasuum gar, cyare.”
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crapmagak · 3 months
Fe4 Remake Predictions
Alright, yet again, a nintendo direct is around the corner. And yet again, we might get the Genealogy of the Holy War remake revealed. Personally, my guess is probably not, but it’s a soft probably not.
That all being said, every time a direct arrives, I tell myself I’ll post my predictions for what the Fe4 remake will look like, but never get around to finishing it. So fuck it, Imma post my predictions today before it’s too late.
Prediction 1: The map design will remain mostly untouched. Fe Echoes had a lot of respect and reverence for the old game, and those maps arguably need much more touching up than Genealogy’s. 
Prediction 2: Presentation wise, however, I think these maps will be stylized visually in some way. After all, most maps in Fe4 are the size of entire countries. Maybe the overworld units will be sprites again. Maybe the maps will do some fancy HD2D shit. Can’t say it will be either of those for sure, but some kind of visual abstraction will be employed to make the maps work.
Prediction 3: There will be slight adjustments to the trading system. Characters can still only do it with their spouses, but there’d be slight quality of life changes like getting to choose exactly how much money is given. Still gotta due pawn shop shenanigans to give weapons to non spouses, however.
Prediction 4: The love system will be fully replaced with a simple support system. Pretty much everyone is expecting this, though.
Prediction 5: Only the Castle Towns you start a chapter in will have free roaming segments where you can talk to characters, give them gifts, order food, ect. Since usually there’s a bit of a time skip between chapters and all. The castle towns you visit mid chapter will be more like the towns in echoes.
Prediction 6: There will be an avatar character. I know, I know, it’d be for the best that there wasn’t. However, the main reason an avatar wasn’t included in echoes was because of the story structure. It’d be a lot easier to introduce an avatar character in Fe4. And of course, this is the entry in the series that introduced romance. Story wise they’ll be a tactician for house Chalphy. I also think they’ll make the avatar another manakete who never actually transforms, mostly so they don’t visibly age during the second generation (So it’s less weird when they let you romance those characters as well). You will also get your own child unit/ an apprentice character if you haven’t S supported anyone yet. There will also probably be a lot of “I’m sad my S/O died” angst.
Again, this is not the timeline I desire, merely that which I believe will most likely come to fruition.
Prediction 7: There will be a small handful of new playable characters in the game. Most likely there to round out the cast balance wise, so probably a new ax unit for each generation, and maybe a new mage or wyvern knight. Maybe we’ll even get a token good dark mage.
Prediction 8: The replacement gen 2 characters will still be in the game. They’ll probably get their own unique supports as well. 
Prediction 9: The child characters will probably be rebalanced a little, most so the players can sail their favorite ships without crippling the usefulness of their children. 
Prediction 10: Most of the cousin incest will be removed in the english version. This will mostly come in the form of every potential second generation cousin pair having their S support be written more platonically, and if they actually are cousins, they’ll become “companions” instead of married. Think Owain and any of his potential cousins in Awakening. However, some pairs will slip through the cracks. Like a Lissa sired Morgan with a Chrom sired Inigo/ Brady in Awakening. Arvis and Deirdre’s situation will remain uncensored since it’s both plot important and not exactly a good thing. 
Prediction 11: There will be references to Thracia 776, but mostly in Lief’s support. A whole lotta “You remind me of an old comrade of mine” and “Hey Nana, this reminds me of…”.
Prediction 12: The DLC will be some kind of non canon alternate timeline thing where you get to control both the first and second generations, and you get a lot of interactions between them.
Can’t wait to see how wrong I end up being.
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Unattainable Part IX (Eddie X Theater Girl)
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A/N: I genuinely took my time with this one. Not that I don't with the other stuff I write but lol I think I read and reread this a billion and one times.
Warnings: *holds up hands dramatically* TIS TIME! Loss of Virginity for my beautiful theater girl. Eddie is sweet and adorable (as always). Some scenes of her past memories, slight trauma triggers but nothing too dramatic.
Word Count: 3900
“Eddie! Oh my god. You should just ask for more fries!” I giggle as he reaches over to steal a fry for the second time from my basket of food. 
I had been staying at the Munson residence for a couple of days now. My dad never tried to call back and my mother never came looking for me. Wayne asked if I would feel comfortable with him driving to my house to explain to her that I was safe. 
“Pfft”, Eddie scoffs. “You’d be wasting your breath.”
“I wasn’t asking you, Eddie.”
I told him it was fine and when I saw him again he said that she appreciated him telling her. 
“Is…is she okay?” I ask as quietly as possible so Eddie wouldn’t hear from the bedroom. Wayne removed his cap and rubbed the top of his head.
“Physically she seems to be. I can’t imagine anyone who smells like bar floor is really ok.” I look away guiltily. “Hey. Um, I think you two being away from each other is good for her. Maybe she’ll realize she needs to shape up; be a better mom.”
I respond with a tiny half smile. He’s way more optimistic about that then I’ll ever be. 
Eddie insisted we still get out of the Hawkins for the day so we got in his van and made our way up north. We stopped for lunch at this diner called “Oasis” and got two baskets of burgers and fries. After inhaling his meal, he was now trying to pick at mine. 
“But your fries are so much better. Ow!” He jumps as I lightly kick him under the table with my shoe. “Well shit. I’m not taking you to the arcade then.”
My eyes narrow in his direction as I reach for a fry and hold it in his direction. As he leans in to take it, I pull it away at the last second and take a bite. He sticks his tongue out me and I bunch up my nose to mock him. 
A few miles up from the diner is a huge arcade with wall-to-wall games to play. When we step inside it is packed with kids ranging from elementary to about our age. In the back corner there are pool tables under clouds of smoke from the patrons that were playing. There was a bar in the middle of the room where some people were sitting and watching a football game.
“I’m going to get some change. Go find a game.” He kisses my temple before he disappears. I walk along the wall looking at the selection. I stop when I see a game I used to be familiar with; Galaga. 
“Okay, baby girl, sit right here.” My dad picks me up and places me on a stool near the side of the machine. “Now watch and learn. These were the moves that got your mom to marry me.”
My mom smiles as she rolls her eyes at him. “Calm down, Danny.” She leans down near my ear and whispers loud enough so my dad can hear. “I took pity on him because he was so terrible at it.”
“Abby, stop telling our child lies.” They both laugh as he leans across me to give her a quick peck on the lips. 
 “Oh! Good choice.” Eddie comes up next to me, shaking his cup of quarters. “You want to go first?”
“Sure.” I plaster a smile on my face. He kneels, puts a few coins in, and hops onto the stool next to me. The music starts to play as the game comes to life. I try to focus on the ship as it targets the little alien bugs above it but I feel my brain start to wonder.
My dad glances over, catching my mother adjusting the watch on her wrist. 
“Got a hot date?”
“No”, my mother replies with an edge. “I was just checking the time.”
“Why? We don’t have anywhere to be.” His eyes stay on the monitor as his fingers repeatedly smash the button on the consol. 
“I do tomorrow morning. Some of us still have to work.”
Dad doesn’t say anything, choosing to focus on the task in front of him. 
“You know what? I’ll go wait by the car. Come out when you’re done.” She sighs and stomps her way out the front door. There’s the faint sound of an explosion coming from the game. My dad doesn’t move. I see his head hang for few seconds before he finally turns to me with a big grin on his face. 
“Come on, little one. Let’s go home.”
“Sweetheart?” I turn my head to the left to see Eddie is no longer sitting but hovering over me. “You okay?”
I furrow my eyebrows, sighing. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit rusty I guess.” I push at the game with my sneaker as I smile up at him. “You should go next. Show me how it’s done.” 
As I start to step aside, I feel his arms wrap around me from behind. He gently nudges me forward with his hips, taking my hands, and placing them back on the controls. He lets go only long enough to put some more money in and move my hair to one side as he rest his chin on my shoulder. The screen in front of us lights up as the level begins. With his hands guiding mine, we start to play. 
Safe. I am safe. 
“I wish you would tell me where you go.” Eddie’s voice is low in my ear. 
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.” I joke trying to distract him but I can see in the reflection of the screen in front of me that he’s not falling for it. I feel his breath heat up my skin as he sighs. The next level begins to start.
“I can’t.”
The game makes a congratulatory sound as a small cut scene plays.
Tell him. Let him know what he’s in for. Go ahead! Geez, you’re so pathetic! How do you expect to—
“My parents used to hang out at arcades when they were younger. They would sit me on a stool like this or another machine and I would just watch them play. After a while it was just me and dad going. Then it was just me.”
The ship crashes into a bug and explodes. Eddie pulls my hands off the controls and wraps my arms around my chest cocooning me against him. I turn my head to look at him. “I’m just happy to be able to create new memories here with you.”
He smiles down at me, placing a kiss on my forehead. “That is the grossest thing I’ve ever heard. Why are you so obsessed with me?” He rolls his eyes playfully as I lightly elbow him. Eddie pretends to fall letting go of one of my arms as he twists the other one making me twirl in a circle. “Come on, Sweetheart. Let’s go make some memories.”
After spending a few more hours at the arcade, it was time to head home. Halfway through our drive it had started pouring rain. When we got back to the trailer, we had to make a mad dash to the door. 
“Jesus! It’s really coming down!” Eddie shakes his hands through his hair.
“I-I-I-I am regret-t-t-ting wearing shorts-s-s-s.” I say as my teeth begin to chatter. His head whips around and notices I’m completely soaked. 
“Oh my god.” Eddie tries to control the smile that begins creeping across his face at my words. 
“D-D-Don’t laugh, you jerk!” I hug my arms around myself and head towards his room. Eddie makes a quick detour into the bathroom and grabs a towel. As I sit down on the bed, he flops down beside me and runs the towel over my arms trying to warm me up. 
“Better?” he asks. 
“Y-Y-Yes. Thank you.” Eddie keeps chuckling at me. “Stoooop! Dork. I’m going to go shower really quick.”
As soon as I step out of the shower, there’s a loud crack of thunder followed by the lights going out. 
“Whoa! Ok, babe. One second!” Eddie shouts from his room. I hear his feet shuffle around and then a light knock on the door before he opens it just enough to push his hand through. He’s holding a lit candle in his hand. I thank him as I grab it and he closes the door. Now that I can see I search the bathroom for my bag so I can put on my pajamas. 
Uh oh. I do three circles before I realize I forgot it in Eddie’s room. As I reach for the doorknob so I can ask him to bring it to me something makes me freeze. I turn and look at myself in the mirror. 
You are beautiful. You love him. You trust him. Go for it.
No, I’m not. I’m not!  I am safe. HE��is safe with me.
With the towel wrapped around me, I grab the candle and open the door making my way to Eddie’s room. His back is to me as he lights a couple more candles and I place the one I’m holding on his dresser. He had changed while I was in the shower, putting on a simple black shirt and sweatpants. 
“Hey, so I don’t think we are going to get any food delivered in this. Do you want me to try and find something or—” His sentence is cut short as he finally turns around. His jaw falls slightly open as he tries to keep forming words. 
I move forward slowly towards him. “I was thinking we could try something.”
Thunder shakes the trailer causing Eddie to jump, juggling the lighter in his hands before it falls to the floor with his failed attempt to catch it. We both laugh but his comes out slightly more nervous. 
“Wow. Did I just cause thee Eddie Munson to become speechless?” I cock my head to the side as the grin on my face grows. 
“Yeah, well, um”, his hand flies up to rub the back of his neck. “It happens when I’m thrown off.”
“Thrown off in a good way or a bad way?” I ask trying to sound as confident as possible. Maybe this was a bad idea. 
“Definitely a good way, my lady.” His eyes shift between me and the floor as if he’s unsure of where to look. “I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was a little nervous.”
I’m now directly in front of him, standing so close my hair shifts with the wind of his breath near my face. “Why?”
“Well, I mean, I’m a guy. Guys get nervous and”, his eyes meet mine, “I don’t want you to be disappointed.”
I reach up, placing a hand on his cheek. “You could never disappoint me.” I open my hand that’s holding the towel around me and it falls to the floor around my feet. “I trust you.”
He leans forward with his hands pulling my lips to his. As we kiss, Eddie slowly guides us back towards his bed. The back of my legs touches the cold metal of the bedframe and I let go of him to climb on the mattress. On my knees I left myself up so we’re face to face. I reach below him to take off his shirt and he raises his arms to left it over his head, tossing it casually to the floor. My hands move down his chest, brushing over every tattoo and beauty mark on his skin. My lips land on his shoulder as they make their way towards his neck. I feel his chest pressed against me exhale in as a small mewl escapes from his throat. His fingers become entangled in my hair holding me to him. 
Eddie tilts his head down so he can capture my lips with his. Tilting my palm downward, I glide it down into his sweats. He whimpers slightly when my hand wraps around his already hard cock. I lean my head back so I can look at him. His eyes are closed with his mouth hung open. I watch him as he runs his tongue over his bottom lip and hums in pleasure. It’s weird for me to be able to have this effect on someone especially Eddie. 
He always seemed so confident and strong. On the outside he looked like he didn’t care about anything and had everything all together. To see him come undone like this; it was wonderful.
“You look really good like this.” I whisper.
He opens his eyes to look at me. Eddie hadn’t realized I was watching his face. “Like what?”
As I scoot my body closer to his, I reach over and pull the waist band of his pants low enough to pull his cock free. Without the constriction of his sweats, I can move my hand a bit faster. His eyes start to close again as he leans his head forward to rest on my shoulder. 
I press my lips to his ear. “Like this.” 
“Oh my god” Eddie’s arms wrap around my waist as he abruptly pushes me flat against the bed. He lets me go and shoves his pants off the rest of the way leaving him completely naked. He starts to crawl up the length of my body stopping at my stomach. I watch him as he runs his tongue from my belly button up to my chest between my breasts. With his right hand he reaches up to run his fingers of my nipple causing a small whimper to fall from my lips. I run my hand through his wavy mane as he takes my other nipple into his mouth sucking on it delicately.
His soft lips gradually make their way up to my neck. He pulls back to look down at me affectionately as his hand comes up to caress my cheek. 
“Have you done this before?” Eddie asks, his voice laced with nothing but compassion and care. 
“This exactly, no.” My voice comes out a bit shakier than I wanted it to. “Have you?” I’m not sure why I asked. I already knew the answer and he confirms it with a nod.
“Does that bother you?”
“No. Makes me feel a little better, like you know what to do. I just, um, I may not be any good at first.” Eddie tilts his head to the side with an amused smile as his hand slides down to my tummy. “I just mean *I* don’t know what I’m doing.” His smile turns into a big grin as I feel my face flush with embarrassment. He grips my leg closest to him and pulls it over his hip as he runs his hand along my calf up to my thigh. “I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m nervous to.”
I swallow down a moan at the familiar feeling of his fingers opening my folds as he rubs his middle finger between them. His mouth gradually leans down to meet mine quickly before making their way down my jawline. 
“I got you, ok?” I feel his finger invade my entrance causing me to groan and turn my head into his voice. I wanted, needed to hear more of him. “I’m going to take care of you. You don’t have to be nervous or scared. You’re safe with me.” He turns his head slightly and leans up on his elbow to look at me again. His eyes meet mine as he slides a second finger into me pumping them in and out at a slow pace. 
“Eddie” I moan as I claw at the sheets trying to control that need to grab his wrist. He notices and smiles to himself. My leg drops from around him as he moves down the bed, situating his upper body between my legs. He pulls both my legs up over his shoulders and then reaches on either side of me to grab my hands and places them in his hair. He gives me a wink before his face disappears and I feel his tongue flick at my clit. 
I gasp out his name excitedly as I tug at his hair. Crafty bastard. He knew I could grab and claw at his head and hair and it only push him further into me. He definitely didn’t mind it either. With every light pull of his hair he hummed against me making me squirm. Eddie inserted his two fingers back inside of me while his tongue continued its assault. The coil in my belly snapped and his hand flew up quickly to hold my hips as he licked and suckled me through it. 
“Eddie…I…stop…need a minute.” I said between pants trying to catch my breath. I felt him get up and watch him through hooded eyes as he rummages through his dresser drawer, coming back with a condom. He tore the foil with his teeth and tossed it on the floor causing me to let out a breathy giggle. 
“What?” he asked as he looked down at me from the side of the bed. 
“Nothing. It’s just”, I point near his bed side table, “there’s a trashcan right there.”
He lazily reaches his hand towards it before dropping it back to his side shaking his head. “Eh. Too far.”
I laugh at him then and continue to watch his slide on the condom in his hand. He gently hops back on the bed and lays down on top of me. His head bends down to kiss the edge of my nose. 
“I love your laugh. It’s so beautiful.”
I reach up with my hand and brush the crazy strands of hair that fell out of his face. “I love you.”
Eddie reaches his hand down to grab his cock and guide it toward my pussy. My stomach starts doing little nervous slips and I, a bit too quickly, wrap my hands around his shoulders. He places a delicate kiss on my lips before he whispers “I love you to. Are you ok?”
I let out a timid chuckle. “You know you ask me that a lot.”
A gigantic smile spread across his face. “You’re right. I should stop caring.” He slowly pushes himself into me. 
We both let moan but mine comes out a little sharper. He starts making slow forward and back motions with his hips inching his way further in. During one particular movement, my brows furrow together as I let out hiss. Eddie immediately stops moving, eyes flying up to meet mine with concern. 
“It’s ok. I’m ok. It just hurt a little bit. Please don’t stop.” I crane my neck to reach his lips as he resumes his original pace. 
“Oh wow”, I exhale when I feel him fully sheathed inside of me. Eddie’s forehead had been leaning against my own. His eyes were squeezed shut trying to control his body as best he could. 
“Good wow or bad wow?” he breathed out, wetting his lips. 
“Good wow. I think”, I roll my hips slightly causing Eddie to growl. “I think you can move a little faster.”
With that his own hips start to thrust at a confident pace. I felt my eyes roll back as I whimpered his name. His head lulled forward and I could feel him breathing heavily into my neck. I positioned my arms around his neck pulling him as close to me as I could. Eddie reached down to grab my leg and wrap it around his waist. 
“Hey.” I whispered in his ear. “Babe.” He grunted in response. “Look at me, Eddie.” His head lifted, his eyes meeting mine. “I know you like watching me cum.” I smiled up at him. His pace slowed as he thrust into me harder. I watched him as he brought his fingers to his mouth, licking them, before reaching down to rub fast circles on my clit. My pussy started clenching around him and we both exclaimed at the same time.
“Fucking hell!”
My back arched as I felt that familiar coil snap. Eddie started groaning above me as his hips began to sputter. I opened my eyes as he closed his and with a few more aggressive thrusts he came into the condom.
His hair had fallen around his face slightly blocking my view of him. His gorgeous brown eyes met mine as I moved his ruffled fluff out of his face. 
“I wasn’t lying you know. You really do look good like this.” He smirked at me as he carefully pulled himself out of me, taking off the condom, and throwing it in the trash. I let out a fake gasp. “Did you just throw something in the trash?”
He glared at me playfully as rolled back over on his side to face me. I slid closer to him as he slung his arm over my waist. We laid like that for a while with Eddie’s hand rubbing up and down my back and arm. As peaceful as it was, his silence made me a little nervous. 
“You okay?”
He tries to contain his smile as he mimics my voice. “You ask me that a lot.” Giggling at his impression, I lightly push at his shoulder. “Yeah. I’m good. Better than I’ve been in a while.” He props himself up on his elbow. “I know this was a big step for you. I, um, not many people trust me. Usually they see this mean, scary dude and…” Eddie’s voice starts to trail off. “What I’m trying to say is thank you for trusting a freak like me.” 
I prop up on my own elbow as I reach over with my other hand to lift his chin. “I don’t think you’re a freak. I never have.”
As Eddie leans in to give me a kiss, the lights in the trailer spring on. “Well, shit.” He dramatically rolls off the bed onto the floor making me laugh. “I know I had pants at one point.” He starts sifting through the pile on the floor. I lean over the bed where I knew he had left his boxers and throw them at his chest. “Oof. Why thank you, my Lady.” He saunters into the kitchen and I hear him shuffle around before he comes back, flicking off switches along his path. He casually tosses a pizza box on the bed and walks towards the bed side table, setting some drinks. He looks around the floor again and bends down to grab one of his shirts before tossing it at me. 
I beam at him as I shove it over my head. “Thank you, my knight in shining armor.”
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thelesbstrosity · 1 year
So ofc spoilers
Good Omens 2
Episode 1:
- Crowley is so proud of his universe and nebulas
- the reverse wing cover in comparison to season 1
- maggie is a gay disaster
- gabriel walking naked through town to the bookshop had me cry laughing
- crowley living in his car? the plants in the back seat
- myself vs ourselves 😩
- the husbands™️ are fighting 😭
- the apology dance
- them treating Gabriel like a pet you’re hiding from your parents
Episode 2
- Gabriel’s hair in the past 😂
- Heaven takes part in the bystander effect fr fr
- Crowley sleeping in his Bentley
- Greetings “I’m Jim”
- Plan “Get the lesbians together”
- my head can’t hold all that
- “Bildad the shuhite” “sure”
- “i know you” “You don’t know me”
- Ennon’s a little fruity
- “I’m a demon. I lied”
- “He has a permit”
- shoemaking and obstetrics
- “our car/ our bookshop”
- “I’m a demon. I lied” pt 2 😭😭
Episode 3:
- Jim’s mug”
- I love her 🫶🏻😭
- “For like 200 years”
- David getting to be really Scottish but like pretending to be bad at it
- Crowley can feel his Bentley
- them fighting over the car/ Book selling threat
- gravity
- he gets drunk on poison skshsksj
- “stunning view”
- crowley tossing books
- “we probably don’t have what you’re looking for and we wouldn’t sell it to you if we did”
- “you have no idea”
- Shax must be invited in
Episode 4
- “I’m fu -*piano*”
- that’s what…friends…do
- “Wow me with your miracles”
- the way crowley supports his little magic act
- “someone you can really trust” *immediately looks to crowley*
- Same legion 😂
- “you said trust me” “and you did”
- Crowley’s pet
Episode 5
- Good omens is Anti-HOA
- okay shax we see your war fit
- the french
- Muriel is so pure i love her istg
- you’re weird
- a seamstress
- the dancing
- him lining them up with the buddy system
- nina and maggie staying
- Arrest me
- ah shit here we go
Episode 6
- Badass Azira has entered the chat
- Crowley’s fit change and little run
- Shax really said “leave and i’ll smite you”
- They never change their passwords
- gabriel was on trial
- That’s why he showed up naked..holy shit
- the awkward elevator
- “No one’s ever given me anything before” 😭😭
- “You. Thank you”
- Crowley putting the bookshop back together
- Nina saying she’d hope Maggie will be there when she’s ready
- “YOURE NOT HELPING, ANGEL” Nina pls the parallel
- “Nothing lasts forever” 😭😭😭😭
- him crying as he puts on his glasses
- “I forgive you” “don’t bother”
- Muriel getting the bookshop
- they’re both so clearly unhappy and heartbroken
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ternfic · 19 hours
Chapter Three
Rex was unnervingly silent the entire flight to the Rexcelsior. Emmet wondered if maybe he was feeling nervous, with Bad Cop keeping such a close eye on him. He wondered if Rex even could feel nervousness. Even with all they’d been through together, even though Rex had once been him, Emmet realized he didn’t actually know his counterpart all that well. How much of Rex’s bravado had been real, and how much had been a front to hide his true self? How much of him was still like Emmet, and how much was someone new, someone different? He’d have to find out soon.
Bad Cop seemed impressed with the sheer size of Rex’s ship, even if he did snort at it being fist-shaped.
Rex pulled Emmet aside as soon as they were on board, muttering some excuse to Bad Cop as they disappeared. The officer said nothing in response, simply lifting one dark brow over his sunglasses as he watched them go. “I don’t like this,” Rex said the moment the cops were out of hearing range. “Things are too different this time.”
“…You don’t think Bad Cop would have come to help anyway if we’d waited just a bit longer?”
Rex shook his head. “No. If I hadn’t interrupted, they still would have gotten there right as you were finishing up. That was one of the first ideas I’d tested after getting off of Undar. They never came before. No one did.” Emmet wilted.
“Oh.” He perked up again. “Maybe it being different this time is a good thing?”
“I wouldn’t hold my breath.”
“Geez, Rex, I never would have guessed you to be so pessimistic.”
“Not pessimistic Em, cautious. Yeah it could be a good thing, but I don’t want to place too much hope in that. Could be devastating, later on. Better to expect the worst. Less setback that way.”
“Sounds like one of your ‘hard-learned life lessons’,” Emmet murmured.
“Quit mumbling, kid, I know I told you I can’t hear so well anymore.”
“And whose fault is that?” He gave Rex a sweet smile when the other huffed at him.
“I’m serious, though. Keep your wits about you. If this much has changed already, then there’s no telling what we might be up against.”
“So what’s the plan?” Bad Cop asked the moment the two ‘brothers’ reappeared.
“Still working on that,” Emmet admitted. “Obviously we need to figure out a way into the system without immediately being picked out as ‘outsiders’. Bad Cop, you’re, uh… probably going to have to leave that jacket here.” The officer nodded, already unzipping the jacket to shed it. He turned to Rex after. “Would they recognize your colors?”
“Yeah,” Rex huffed. “Had a few too many run-ins with that General, she’d spot me comin’ from a mile away.”
“Has she seen your face, though?”
Rex thought for a moment, and then grinned. “No, she hasn’t. I was always wearing my helmet. I might have something that doesn’t have my logo all over it, I’ll be right back.” Emmet nodded. He glanced down at himself, then unzipped his work vest, shrugging it off. He couldn’t do much about the worn-off safety tape on his pants, but at least without the vest he stood out a little less. Beside him, Bad Cop had finished removing his belt pouches and knee pads, and even the helmet had come off.
Emmet blinked at him. “Huh. So that’s what it looks like.”
“Your hair.” Emmet smiled at him. “I think this is the first time I’ve seen you without that helmet.”
Bad Cop frowned and ran his fingers through his dark brown locks. “Does it look bad…?”
Emmet tilted his head in consideration. “It looks a little mushed down from the helmet, but not terrible.” He lifted a hand. “May I?” Bad Cop gave him a single stiff nod, trying not to tense as Emmet reached up to fluff and comb his hair a little. Emmet finished his task fairly quickly, then took a step back to admire his work. “There, that’s better!”
Rex returned a minute later. Emmet gave him a surprised look at his choice of attire- blue jeans, black high top sneakers, and an orange plaid button-up over a t-shirt with some graphic Emmet wasn’t familiar with, but at least it wasn’t his bright green ‘R’. Rex smirked back at him. “They’re kind of old, but the outfit works, right?” He glanced Bad Cop over. “Man, I hardly even recognize you.”
“I believe that’s the point.”
Rex frowned at Emmet’s pants, and sighed. “I guess this is as good as we’re going to get. Ripley and Cobra are on stand-by. We’ll start in Suburbia.”
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angryshortstacks · 1 year
Back on my willow shit after mourning the removal of the show (and forcing my friend to watch it). So here’s my Tanthamore playlist with explanations for each song
- Crimson and Clover by the Pom Pom squad: this one’s obvious
- I’m on fire by Soccar Mommy: also just because it’s in the show but the lyrics about bad desire feels very repressed queer love so it’s a tanthamore song now. I don’t make the rules.
-Bags by Clairo: the lyrics are very kit running away in episode 1 plus Clairos vibes are just so tathamore.
- Ceilings by Lizzy McAlphine: this songs lyrics gives me Jade’s internal monologue after the kiss in episode 1.
- I am yours by Churchill: this goes on every ship playlist I make because it’s so cute and it’s just about being devoted to someone else and thinking about it with them makes me FERAL!
- Cherry Wine by Hozier: the soft guitar feels very fantasy to me, plus the lyrics feel Jade talking about kit.
- Trees by The Oh Hellos: this is a childhood friends to lovers song and it makes me think of them as little kids not knowing their in love with each other 🥺
- Dear Arkansas Daughter by Lady Lamb: I blame edits. It’s Jades pov from episode 5 when she’s a little mad at kit in the wildwood. “you with the dark curls, you with the water colour eyes, you who bares all your teeth with every smile.” Like cmon that’s so kit.
- Like or Like Like by Minature Tigers: again it’s a childhood friends to lovers song but like more current. The sort of will they won’t they from episode 1-5.
- Another Story by The Head and the Heart: this one is mostly vibes but I feel like it gives the way home from the quest and moving forward together. It’s them choosing each other in the end.
- Without You by Oh Wonder: it’s a PINING song okay so therefore it’s a jade song.
- Softly by Clairo: this song is a Kit song about falling for jade. And I’ll say it once I’ll say it again. Clairo has tanthamore vibes.
- Dear Wormwood by the Oh Hellos: the title sounds so close to wildwood and the vibes are super fantasy esc. It’s very much jade’s arch learning who she truly is and what she wants and how that change was sprung by the wildwood.
- Home by Edward sharp and the magnetic zeroes: this song is a classic and it’s just so cute. It’s them acknowledging their each others home 🥺
- Gemini by Tash Sultana: this is also a kit song and her admiring her feelings for jade.
- Fight or Flight: pretty sure I got this song from an edit and went yes I agree. It’s a kit song and her dealing with her weird feelings for Jade. “I’d rather lie they tell you I’m in love with you” like that’s so wildwood truth plums.
- Heavy Feet by Local Natives: this is them both being unable to admit their feelings contrasted with when they finally say what they needs to and their “left in the sun, shivering”
- Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos: there is no band with more fantasy vibes then the oh hellos. Kit is the soldier, Jade is the Poet and Elora is the King. I will not debate, I could write an essay proving this.
- Two Birds by Regina Spektor: I saw one edit and it went on the playlist. Kit is the one that says “cmon” and Jade says “I’m tired” need I say more?
- Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez: the EDITS. The lyrics are just so bloody romantic it will go on every ship playlist imaginable but it hits particularity hard for them. “Never let you go again” so makes me think of end of episode 6 beginning of 7 when Jade almost looses kit.
- Bloom by the Paper Kites: again just so totally, completely, desperately romantic. it had to go on the playlist the gods demanded it.
- Will We Talk? By Sam Fender: again just the idea of them finally saying what they haven’t. I can also see an au where they meet as a one night stand (which is what the song is about).
- Would That I by Hozier: the edits Plus the image of a willow tree in the first verse made me associate it. Also so bloody romantic.
- Sleep on the Floor by the Lumineers: the idea of running away together feels very Kit trying to convince Jade to go with her in episode 1.
- Pretty Firl by Clairo: you thought I was done with the Clairo songs? Think again. It’s Jade willing to wear a dress and become a “pretty girl” to support Kit.
- Croses by José González: this is a kit song. Her talking about her trauma and the “well cast sunlight and you’ll be alright” is Jade.
- the colour violet by Tory Lanez: this one is vibes alone and because there were so many edits of this song.
- Start a Riot by Banners: this song is just what they’d both to for each other very much the sentiment of “when you love someone you jump off the edge of the world to get to them” and it FITS SO WELL.
- Gajendra by Willow and Jahnavi Harrison: again the Willow association felt right. And the vibes of “I depend on you alone” is so tanthamore.
- Bad Idea by Girl in Red: it’s so sapphic panic and “oh fuck we have feelings we need to address” because of this it goes on every playlist.
- Sound and Colour by Alabama Shakes: the song gives me jade vibes and it’s honestly vibes alone but I don’t care.
- I’ll Call You Mine by Girl in Red: it’s so GAY and so ROMANTIC and it’s one of the first songs I thought of when I made this playlist and then I saw an edit immediately after and I just about died.
- Cosmic Love By Florence and the Machine: Florence only writes character songs so this is my obligatory contribution to this playlist. Song has fantasy vibes and has the same dramatic vibes as the banners song.
- Morning Dove by Genevieve Stokes: this one’s all vibes and because the dove had a vague association but it’s a good ass song.
- Like Real People Do by Hozier: cmon this is probably the most romantic song ever written. It’s very kit finally kissing Jade to me because “I will not ask you where you came from.. just put your sweet lips on my lips, we should just kiss like real people do.”
- Homecoming Heroes by the Head and the Heart: this is so Kit and jade imaging having adventures in the world together. It’s such a cute image.
- Love Ain’t Enough by the Barr Brothers: this is so Kit at the end admitting love is the most powerful thing in the universe (specifically her love for jade).
- Falming Hot Cheetos by Clairo: “I wanna be the one you think about at night, I wanna be the one that you would put up a fight for” LIKE THAT IS SO JADE!! I can’t even it fits so good.
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vacantgodling · 9 months
Another ask!! 🌚🌚 For the white shirts and the Virgin of Mt. Heredosa?
i was HOPING someone would ask about the white shirts cuz that’s the story i really wanted to just talk about lmao because honestly idk when i’ll ever commit to writing it but i have so many thoughts about it (cuz ive had this wip since an abandoned roleplay in middle school LMAOOOO)
so tw for Heavy spoilers of 2 of my wips and death, ambiguous and or slightly dubious (perhaps) relationships, sex, aaannnnnd manipulation or.. is it? 👀
so, to fully explain the white shirts—it takes place at the tail end of an apocalyptic mega event (removed by a few decades). prosper and jane morning (twins) were born during this time and live in a small town in what was once middle-america where fires are frequent and the HQ of their “village” is out of a gutted old fire department building from the before times. jane is more of an optimist while prosper is more of a pessimist but they care for each other fiercely; they’re attached at the hip. all of this changes when the titular White Shirts (dubbed this by jane) come to their town in sleek black lincoln town cars (from the old days), white button downs, shades, and slacks. they also have machine guns and uHHHHH unfortunately slaughter everyone in the town. prop and jane manage to escape this random violent act, however, they are pursued because no one was supposed to make it out alive and tbh they don’t even know why they’re being hunted. when they manage to make it to one of the abandoned “old days” cities, they run into someone else who’s alive: a boy named marin. and i want to specify ages now, prop & jane are 16 and marin is 19 — and that “slight” age gap is important tm. anyway prop doesn’t trust marin immediately but jane is softened by the fact that marin is injured AND he knows that they’re running from the white shirts because he is too. it turns out marin came from what was once california and has been running from the white shirts ever since because he Also wasn’t supposed to escape. he calls them something else but quickly adopts the name white shirts like jane. prop doesn’t want him traveling with them but they’re forced to worry about that later when the white shirts descend upon them and they have to flee again, marin’s smarts proving to be very useful (since prop and jane were p sheltered. well, sheltered for an apocalypse anyway). marin tells them that his goal is to head to the east coast to get on a ship that goes to the rest of the world to try and escape the white shirts and with no other plan, prop and jane decide to follow him. during this time, the three become close. ish. jane is definitely the glue that holds them together but prop and marin definitely have TENSION, which ends with them making out at one point while jane is off … idk somewhere. she volunteered to find supplies or something bc it’s possible prop is also injured by this point whatever. it’s fucked tho bc while they’re making out and jane is off, she’s captured by white shirts and long story short she ends up being killed which nearly breaks prop. but marin keeps pushing him and them to make it to the coast bc he’s like listen jane wouldn’t want you to stop she would want us to escape, and prop is all she would’ve wanted me to save her it’s a mess. marin uses the newly established physical nature of their relationship to distract prop and keep him from the deepest throes of grief and they keep pushing to make it to the coast, managing to hop on a still working train line heading there. the train is hijacked by white shirts and more pandemonium ensues, which ends up with prop deciding he’s going to blow up the train and he pushes marin into the main engine after kissing him a final time, saying he’s going to see jane. it’s clearly implied he dies in the explosion, and marin continues on, making it to the east coast. when there, he sees how much more advanced it is than the west coast and middle america and he’s able to gain passage to a ship to europe. the book would end with some line referencing prop’s name (prosper) and would end ambiguously cuz you dk what happens fully to marin.
so, there’s a lot of STUFF going on with this story, and a lot of things that i know will make people FEEL some type of way and part of that's the point. there's a reason that marin is purposefully older than prop and jane: i want him to feel ambiguous and i want the reader to be more on the side of prop who are somewhat suspicious of him. none of marin's actions FULLY make it so that he's a bad guy; like he still goes out of his way to help prop and jane and he genuinely grows to care about the two of them, but i want it to still be left ambiguous at the end if he decided to travel with prop and jane so that he could use them as meat shields to get to the coast? type energy yknow. the fact that he and prop have a physical relationship as well with somewhat dubcon vibes after jane's death is also a thing bc prop is consenting to the stuff that they do but he's also completely grief-stricken. and while 16 adn 19 is only three years i KNOW people are going to argue that its a problematic age gap and tbh i want that bc it adds credibility to marin being an enigma of a character. i want people to not know what to think of him because all we know about him (aside from his actions) are all based on what he tells us. we never get flashbacks to his backstory, and maybe some of the things he said are a bit contradictory and that's part of it. its also the fact that we end the story with marin. the guy we know nothing really about after watching the twins go through it and inadvertedly save his life time after time even since they first met, yet it seems like he almost dragged them into this.
but at the same time you remember that prop and jane were being hunted anyway. that marin in the beginning offers to go his own way, and refuses jane's help but she insists. that jane insists to go foraging on her own because she doesn't want to be a burden on the two of them that are already injured. that prop clings to marin, even if he pulls away because he's crying while their kissing because he wants to feel something. so imo you can argue that marin is also just a guy who is also stuck in a shitty situation just the same as them and unfortunately even though he tried to save them by bringing him with them, they weren't meant to live. obviously i am (as the author) a bit more sympathetic to marin BUT i really do like the ambiguity, just as i like the ambiguity of the white shirts in general. i'm never going to go into detail about what they want or why they're trying to hunt and kill them, that's not important. what's important is the relationship between these three characters, survivor's guilt, and how to power through grief, or let it consume you. yknow?
i also didn't realize it until now but its also definitely got some parallels to slavery and the black struggle bc all of the characters (prop, marin and jane) are black, meanwhile the white shirts along with wearing white shirts are also. well. yknow. its almost like a reverse underground railroad situation going from deep in america to the east coast to lands beyond on a boat. that was unintentional but it exists and sure you can look at it from that angle.
there's probably more i could ramble about because i have a lot of Thoughts about this wip i just unfortunately don't have the brain power to sit down and try to write it lol. maybe one day though!!
this wip is a take on the "age old" question: if you were being sacrificed to a deity because you were a virgin, could you nullify your eligibility by no longer being a virgin?
nyoka is a xenabi, this universe's word for foreigner and came to this particular city (that is not named LMAO) when they were just a child because their parents were traveling merchants. unfortunately, their parents passed away during a plague at the time, and orphan nyoka was taken in by the sanctuary (or the religious body of the city). it seems like a kind gesture at first, but in actuality the caveat for them taking nyoka in is that they will be eventually sacrificed to the city's deities and so they have to adhere to a vegetarian diet and "keep pure" until its decided that its their time. unlike some of the other people who were "rescued" by the sanctuary, nyoka never adheres or converts to the religion in question and has been trying to find ways to escape being a sacrifice and they constantly get in trouble for sneaking out. one day in another attempt, they are stopped, caught, and then called before the council of elders where they learn that the next full moon, which is like a short amount of time (either 3-5 days or smthn) away, they're going to be thrown into the volcano as a sacrifice.
nyoka is freaking out. eating meat won't buy them time, they realize what they have to do is become not a virgin. after they learn this they are able to successfully sneak out the next day and during the daytime they meet a handsome spice merchant who is also a foreigner in this land. the two of them hit it off, though nyoka doesn't tell him of their predicament and the spice merchant offers them food. as the sun sets nyoka realizes they have to go to start their plan to become not a virgin and so they hurry off to the red light district. there, they manage to hide the fact that they're a sacrifice (all sacrifices are branded with magic so that people will know they are to be sacrificed) and sell themselves to a brothel for the night and they are quickly purchased when its discovered they're a virgin. when they're taken to a back room, the patron quickly discovers they're a sacrifice and flees, making a huge ruckus and nyoka is thrown out of the brothel (because people are terrified that if they taint a sacrifice that the gods will come for them). the sanctuary is called and nyoka is dragged back and locked in solitary confinement until they're supposed to die.
however, they manage to sneak out again despite the added restrictions but even still are late for their planned meeting with the spice merchant, the sun is nearly set. when they do meet, nyoka ends up breaking down and explaining everything that happened and how they're probably going to die tomorrow and the spice merchant offers to take nyoka back to his home since they "have nothing to live for". instead of going back into the city, the spice merchant leads them deep into the jungle until they are standing before a giant seemingly dilapidated mansion, however inside is warm and inviting. they talk and nyoka learns the spice merchant's name, verin. if they paid attention to the religion this would have perhaps tipped them off sooner because verin is the name of the god of destruction who was cast off of the volcano by the other gods in this city's religion. verin flirts openly with nyoka who doesn't seem to understand what he's hinting at, until finally, he laughs and asks them if they're too shy to ask for his help. nyoka doesn't understand and verin explains that if they no longer wish to be a virgin, he'd be happy to help them with that "problem" to save their life.
then they fuck PFFFF and while this happens, verin changes from a beautiful dark skinned man into a larger 4-armed, blue skinned deity and nyoka FINALLY puts together that he's not human LMAO. hashtag this is monster-fucker territory. but as they're yknow, nyoka's sacrifice mark disappears.
the next morning when they wake up, verin is still in his deity form and he does tell them that they're free the mark is gone, what will they do. nyoka isn't sure, but then decides that they want to travel with verin, and thus they head back into the city to get supplies for their trip. while there, they run into those from the sanctuary who have been looking for nyoka all night and when they try to grab them, nyoka informs them that they're no longer a virgin and thus can't be sacrificed. when its discovered their mark is gone, this enrages the head mother and she tries to kill nyoka, but verin steps in and stops her, burning the woman with acid. this is very reminiscent of stuff from their deity lore and the other nuns (or whatever) realize that he's verin the destroyer and thinks nyoka has been bewitched. nyoka shuts that shit down, says they love him, and throws their shoe at them until verin drags them away, laughing for how sweet it is for them to try and defend his honor. later that evening they've finished packing for their journey and then head off into the night to explore the rest of the world that nyoka has never seen.
this story is definitely a short story and technically i've started writing it. i may try to finish it soon cuz i get excited for it whenever i think about it BUT i dont wanna put too much pressure on myself to. its also supposed to feel folk-tale like! i love nyoka and verin they're so sweet and so good for each other <3
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buggy-samaaa · 11 months
S/I Part 7
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
The next morning, breakfast was tense. Tense because I knew that Buggy was going to try and ask me out, and tense because he didn’t know that I knew that already and I didn’t want him to know that I knew. You know?
Both of us awkwardly eat our food.
Buggy: Weather.
Me: Huh?
Buggy: Weather is. Good. It’s a good weather today.
Me: Y-Yeah… *eats*
Buggy: *curses under his breath, eats some more*
Me: Food is nice.
Buggy: Huh?
Me: This food. It’s decent food. *picks up slop in my spoon*
Buggy: Oh, y…yeah. *eats*
Me: *has an idea to make this less weird, perks up a bit* You know, with the… weather… it may be a good day to do another trade?
Buggy: *perks up too* Another trade? For… for a drawing, right?
Me: Mhm. We could do something fun today. And I’ll draw you something later to make up for it.
Buggy: Yeah… Yeah! Okay! Uh… I, well. I have something in mind already. B-Because I had thought of trading again, too. I didn’t just want to spend time with you or anything. *looks away*
Me: *smiles*
I quickly finished my daily duties in order to get ready for the “not-date” which was actually a date in disguise. Since it’s a not-not-date, I decide to dress more nicely than I had before. I put on a fitted sweater and a pencil skirt with lace-up boots. I wear a little bit of makeup, too. It’s much more femme than I usually dress, so I hope he sees it as me putting in effort to be fancy.
I leave the room to meet Buggy near the mast for our outing. He’s wearing a button-down shirt printed with large polka dots. The sleeves are rolled up and it’s untucked. He’s wearing capris with long socks and boots. We are definitely dressed for different activities.
Buggy: Why are you all fancy?
Me: *miffed because here I thought he’d find it attractive* Well you never told me what we’re doing, so it’s your fault!
Buggy: MY fault?! Nuh-uh! You should have asked what to wear!
Me: What, and have you dress me??
Buggy: N-No! *exaggerated disgust* Bleck! Yuck! I wouldn’t want that!
Me: *sighs* Should I go change, then?
Buggy: Yes, at least get out of the skirt, it’s too tight, anyway.
Me: >:( *starts to remove my skirt*
Buggy: GAH!!! STOP DOING THAT!! *turns away*
Me: I know, I just wanted to mess with you ‘cause you’RE PISSING ME OFF
Me: YES, DAMNIT!! … ‘Kay, be right back.
Buggy: ‘Kay
I change my skirt into some cute shorts and come back out.
Me: Better?
Buggy: Yeah. Okay, follow me!
That’s when I notice Buggy has a package of sorts with him. He picks it up and lugs it as we walk off the ship to the dock.
Me: Do you want help carrying that?
Buggy: *struggling* No
Me: C’mon, just let me help. Its handle is big enough for both of us to hold.
Buggy: It’s not heavy! It’s just … it’s unwieldy
Me: It’d be more wieldy if I helped.
Buggy: NO
Me: *grabs the handle*
Buggy: *yanks it away, almost dropping it*
Me: Be careful! What’s in there, anyway?
Buggy: It’s a surprise so stOP TOUCHING IT!
Me: Okay, damn.
Buggy: *huffs* … Alright this is actually really heavy can you help
Me: *chuckles and holds it with him*
We get to a certain spot on the island, on the beach. Near the water is a little alcove framed by some palm trees.
Me: Hey, wow, this is neat. *we sit down on the sand*
Buggy: Right? It’s like a tiny bit of paradise. There are even coconuts on the palm trees! 
He makes a hand float up to the coconut and pops it off the palm. He brings it back down and smacks it with a knife to split off the top, making a cup. He hands it to me, then does the same to a second coconut.
Buggy: Don’t drink it yet. I brought some booze to mix with the coconut milk.
He turns to the package and lifts open the top, pulling out some rum, which he pours into the coconuts.
Me: Aw hell yeah! *mixes it around and drinks it* Yum, thank you!
Buggy: *swirls his own and drinks it* No problem. *sips some more, a bit awkwardly*
Me: *notices his awkwardness, which makes me feel awkward, too*
Buggy: Um, so… I was thinking we could walk around on the beach… look for sand dollars… and then eat some food. *he points to the package* It’s picnic food.
Me: That sounds like fun to me!
Buggy: *was worried I’d find it lame* Really?
Me: Yeah! :D
Buggy: :D! … >_> Tch, well. I knew it would… *pulls out two little buckets from the package* I brought these to carry our sand dollars in.
Me: *thinking: so fucking cute omg*
Buggy: *grins* Shall we?
Me: Yes, let’s!
We finish our drinks and start walking along the beach, combing for sand dollars. Buggy is trying to psych himself up to hold my hand, but he keeps chickening out. I’m too nervous to initiate, so I just hope that he’ll do it himself. We’re hopeless.
Me: What do you want me to draw you later?
Buggy: I, um… well, I was thinking a caricature of both of us, together?
Me: *blushes a bit, because usually those are done of couples* *does he want it as just friends? or more?*
Buggy: Sorry, that’s weird. *rubs his arm and looks away*
Me: It’s not weird. I think it’s nice. *still blushing*
Buggy: *smiles a bit, still looking away* Oh, a sand dollar! *he picks it up and puts it in his bucket* I got the first one! Ha!
Me: Haha! Everything is a contest with you. Hey, I have an idea. Whoever finds the biggest sand dollar wins.
Buggy: Okay! What am I gonna win?
Me: Don’t assume you’ll win!! Um… I don’t know. How about a favor? To be redeemed at any time.
Buggy: That’s a good idea. Yeah! Let’s do it. *we shake hands*
We’ve been walking for about 10 minutes and each of us have found decent-sized sand dollars. One extra rule is, if it’s broken it doesn’t count anymore, so of course Buggy keeps trying to detach his hands and put them into my bucket to snap mine. I end up having to hide my bucket under my sweater so he doesn’t reach in anymore, which he finds grossly unfair. I argue that he’s the one being unfair, which makes him pout because I’m right. Another 10 minutes of walking and we decide to turn around and head back, as we are getting hungry.
When we get back to the picnic basket, each of us dump out our sand dollars because Buggy is so insistent on checking the sizes right away. And, lo and behold, Buggy actually did find the biggest sand dollar. He has a shit-eating grin.
Me: Don’t look so damn proud… just tell me the favor so I can get it over with.
Buggy: Ah-ah-ah, you said “to be redeemed at any time.” I’ll tell you when I’m good and ready.
Me: I’m gonna regret this, aren’t I?
Buggy: Hey, I can be a nice guy! Is it so hard to believe that the favor may be mutually beneficial?
Me: When is a favor ever mutual?? It wouldn’t be a favor, otherwise! It’d be a compromise!
Buggy: *realizes I have a point* Can I redeem a compromise instead?
Me: No! Then there’d be no reason to win in the first place!
Buggy: *realizes I have a point again* Let’s just eat…
We take out the food Buggy packed and sit on the sand to eat.
Me: These sandwiches look great. Did Yoya make them?
Buggy: No. *bites into sandwich*
Me: Huh? Well… where’d you get them?
Buggy: *I* made them, duh
Me: What! You made these yourself??
Buggy: Th-They’re just sandwiches! Don’t sound so impressed!
Me: And you cut all the fruit, too?
Buggy: *flustered* Who cares??
Me: Wow… thank you, this is so nice. Seriously.
Me: Mmm, it’s the best sandwich I’ve ever had~
Buggy: *very flustered* SHUT UP ALREADY
We finish eating and just look out at the ocean.
Me: …Can I ask you something?
Buggy: *sighs* Is it about the ocean?
Me: Yeah
Buggy: I miss it sometimes. Swimming in the sea. And I miss being able to walk along the shore with the waves hitting my feet. I can still go in a lake or a swimming pool, but it’s just not the same. *gives me a half-smile*
Me: … I’m sorry.
Buggy: *hugs his knees to his chest* I’m used to it by now.
Me: *looks him over, then back to the ocean*
Buggy: If you’re trying to think of a way to get me to touch the water, just know, it’s not gonna happen.
Me: I-I’m not… …Okay, yeah, I was thinking that.
Buggy: *small chuckle*
Me: We should go swimming sometime.
Buggy: Heh. I don’t even own a swimsuit.
Me: Skinny-dip.
Buggy: WHAT—
Me: Hehe, kidding. Buy a suit, then. I want to swim with you.
Buggy: Hmph… Don’t scare me like that! *puts his chin on his knees as he thinks* … *smiles at me* Alright.
Me: :D! Awesome! Next time we come across one, we’ll swim. *I put out my pinky*
Buggy: Seriously? A pinky promise?
Me: Yeah, why not?
Buggy: I’m a man! I’m not making a pinky promise!
Me: Pinky promises are macho as hell.
Buggy: Says who?!
Me: Says me!
Buggy: FINE! *pinky promises* THERE
Me: Now you gotta seal it.
Buggy: Oh, my God NO
Me: It’s even manlier if you seal it. *kisses my thumb*
Buggy: Rrrr… *kisses his thumb* *we put our thumbs together as our pinkies are hooked* Sealed.
Me: And now we do a funny dance
Buggy: Okay you’re making shit up now.
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