#don't take this as me not liking shun-day. she's my best friend i love her
jaguarys · 9 months
Do you have thoughts about the end of les légendaires? I was very disappointed with Shun-Day's arc
OK so in my reread I'm currently on volume 17, but I just finished up Shun-Day's arc so I figured I'd answer this now because YES many thoughts!
In general... I feel like Shun-Day's writing fails her a LOT. She's got so much going for her, and yet... uegh.
I'm not a big fan of Shun-Day and Gryf's relationship at all. Not in the least just because of the discrepancy in age (I'll ignore that for this post because I can't really get into that here without an entire The Poor Women in Les Légendaires section lmao), but I also just don't think it's very compelling. It really only stands to create a love triangle, make Gryf look like a dick, and use Shun-Day as a narrative prop.
I'm somewhat lukewarm on Gryf and Shimy's relationship as well, but in any case it's stupid how quickly she forgives him for all that bullshit. I think in a lot of ways the writing of their relationship just ends up severely weakening her character, which is disappointing. It's not impossible to have a character whose weak to their love interest and still have it be done well, but it doesn't hit that way for me.
Gryf's character also suffers due to all of it to me. I understand the 'pushing people away because of imminent death' trope, and I even like it sometimes, but using another character for it stops it from being false sanctimony and just makes it a douchey move.
However, that doesn't inherently make it a negative! You could still include that dynamic and write it well, with the characters growing because of it and becoming better, but I don't think that's really how it's done. Instead it just ends up being "Oh no, Shun-Day died! Oh well! It's ok because Gryf and Shimy ended up together!" with no real regard to the fact that That Really Fucking Sucks past comedic relief in "lol Gryf and Shimy are bickering again!"
Sidenote but I also think making Shun-Day Amy's daughter is just... a weird choice? It doesn't end up doing anything for the story or for their characters (or even like. Skroa's), and seems to just exist to provide a last minute plot twist.
Honestly as I'm writing this I'm starting to realize that I think maybe the Amour Mortel–– L'Éternité ne Dure Qu'un Temps arc might be my least favorite... I think its writing is reaaally weak in a lot of ways (girl hello Éternity doesn't end up doing shit?).
It's all worth it for Sheibah though.
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pillarsalt · 6 months
How do you cope with loneliness? My friends are so important to me but sometimes I feel like I can't fully relate to them anymore, and I just think about how they would hate me if they knew I was GC. I have TIF and even a few TIM friends that I love and cherish very dearly because I can see that they've just fallen victim to a toxic ideology feeding their body dysmorphia and self-esteem issues. But I can't tell them how genuinely worried I am about their mental health or send them detrans testimonies that I think they would relate to because they'd think I was some hateful violent monster that I'm not. Even the content creators that bring me joy and comfort are all so fiercely anti-TERF and it just makes me sad. I don't want to hurt anyone. I even distanced from the radfem community a bit because I felt like I was becoming too hateful towards men and TIMs when I truly believe many of the ones in my life are just trying their best and fell victim to a manipulative ideology that myself and other women also fell for. It's not that I wish I was still a TRA, because I feel much more at peace internally with my identity and my belief system, but I don't know if I can say peaking has made me happier overall. I feel like I don't fit in anywhere now. Making radfem friends helped a little bit but it's not the same as being around people I've known for years and gotten close to for reasons other than this one shared belief. I don't just want to abandon them all. And it's FRUSTRATING to see people spew misinformed fearmongered nonsense and not be able to actually help them dissect those beliefs. Feeling like the only one who sees things for how they really are, but forced to play along regardless, is just so restrictive and isolating.
To be completely honest with you, I don't have a great answer. I've been lucky to have one or two close friends at a time to whom I can tell everything, including my uncensored feminism-related beliefs. I've also been (and currently am) in friend groups with multiple people who identify as trans or are dating someone who identifies as trans, and have had to keep my thoughts and opinions to myself to keep the peace. I agree it's incredibly difficult sometimes, and I know a fair few of them would instantly drop me if they knew I was a "terf". It's kind of funny because I know some of them have an inkling of what I think about the issue, but say nothing so they don't have to fight with me. If anyone asked my opinion directly, I wouldn't lie, but I admit that I lie by omission.
It is hard to watch the ones who take the medicalization route hurt themselves. My ex girlfriend and I still talk, she's a they/them nonbinary now and despite always and still being very feminine and never expressing discomfort with her body before (including posting thirst traps often,) she wants to get a mastectomy soon. It sucks because of course after having looked into this phenomenon for so long, I'm well aware of the complications and side effects that can result from a major procedure like this: phantom pain/itching, extensive and restrictive scarring, the risks of infection and necrosis, and of course the risk of regretting having an entire organ unnecessarily removed from your body later on when it's no longer fashionable to do so. It sucks that voicing even the mere suggestion that it might be a bad idea is enough to have you shunned as an apostate. I genuinely care about her and I would feel similarly if she was having any other radical cosmetic surgery like breast implants or a BBL. At the end of the day, our friends will make their own choices regardless of how we feel about it, and the only thing we can really do is be there for them in the end.
I feel similarly to you in that I don't want to hurt anyone, only to protect people and especially women from the harms that are intrinsic to trans ideology. Unfortunately, you can't help anyone who doesn't want to be helped. Sometimes though, you can play dumb and ask questions that might get them to think a little bit more about the rhetoric they're repeating. For example, I often go out for drinks with coworkers, one of whom is a she/they nonbinary woman. One time she said something about how she couldn't be a full they/them because she's still 'girly' sometimes. I said something like "doesn't it seem kind of regressive to associate how feminine you are with how much of a woman you are? what about butch lesbians?" She didn't have an answer and brushed it off, but I could see the cogs turning a bit. Playing the uninformed normie pointing out the obvious sometimes gets them to realize how twisted the logic in trans echo chambers can be. And I think sometimes expressing your disagreement with the dogma can show your friends, who know you well and know you're a good person, that, contrary to what they've been told, not everyone who disagrees with gender ideology is an evil nazi out to slaughter transwomen in the streets.
But yes, in general, it is very very isolating to hold radical feminist beliefs. I'm sorry you're going through it. One thing to remember is, there are tons of women even in your general vicinity, who like you, don't buy into gender rhetoric but aren't saying anything in order to preserve their safety and social lives. I do believe that as the world seems to be becoming more aware of the reality of the situation, more and more people will feel able to be open about their dissent, and it will become less of a fringe opinion as the flaws in the ideology are exposed. Here's hoping I guess. Keep your chin up anon.
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nothing0fnothing · 8 months
I never felt comfortable around my parents, and they knew that. I was never close to them, I didn't open up to them and I wasn't tactile with them either. They convinced me for years that this was a personality fault of mine. That normal people like to open up and receive physical affection and I was just wrong and needed to learn to be right.
This was until I was 11 or 12. When I made my first best friend. Her name was Lucy and she mattered so much to me, it felt easy to open up, to be near her as often as I could be, to hug and show physical affection to her. We were literal children so it wasn't even a romantic thing, I was just so used to being iced out at home and shunned at school, Lucy was the only person I felt safe next to.
My mum was seething jealous of my relationship with that little girl. She was angry all the time, she'd make ugly, jealous remarks. It was around the time my mom truly started to hate me, so I'd never felt so hurt and so rejected by my mum in my life, it was the most emotional pain I'd ever been in and it just made me cling to Lucy even more.
Oh my mum was completely overjoyed when my relationship with Lucy started to crack. The abuse at home got so much worse, perfectly timed around the days I'd see Lucy the most, so I'd be shaken up and miserable when I saw her.
I started getting punished for Lucy's actions, even when they had nothing to do with me. Looking back now I wish I knew better, I just seemed pathetic and jealous, but I'd beg her to just not let my mum know. It seemed like such a small request to me, surely you can not snog your boyfriend for the two hours a week you're in youth group with my mum? How hard is it to just wear modest clothes when you know my mum will see you? She had seen glimpses of the awful at my house, why wouldn't she just behave to the standard my parents expected of me to save me trouble?
The thing is Lucy had a normal family, she got to grow up. I was like a weed with no sunlight, all spindly and twisted. By the time we were 14 she was mature and clever, and I was insecure and stunted. She didn't deserve to be the emotional support person of a person who wasn't going to grow with her, so she outgrew me and left me behind.
It hurt but both our lives were better for it. She got to shake off the sad pathetic girl who ruined everything, and I got to enjoy a good few months of my mother treating me like a person for the first time in years.
The absence of Lucy became the absence of my mother's jealousy. That meant no more Friday evening beatings over nothing. That meant no more cruel comments and emotional warfare. It meant on occasion, when her husband lost his shit with me, my mum might have even defended me.
I felt so light for the first time in a long time. Yes, I was absolutely wounded that Lucy left, but soon enough I was eating breakfast without flinching. I'd spent years shut up in my bedroom because my parents didn't want to see me, now I was being taken places and spoken to. Not just spoken to, spoken to with respect and even kindness. You don't realise how important having regular, neutral interactions with other people is until you've spent years where for months at a time the majority of your human interaction is negative.
I'd spent years in a cycle of abuse from my parents and running to Lucy for reprise, now I felt like I was surrounded by stillness. I kid myself into believing that this was it, I was safe now. It had been awful all of my life but now I had loving, caring parents who had changed for good. It was because of that break that I was able to grow too. I'd been stunted since my preteens in the awfulness, but in the few months of good I had, I got a chance to catch up.
I became mature and clever too. I became empathetic and complex and compassionate and self assured. I learned to be confident enough in myself I could take criticism, I had the hindsight to see what happened with Lucy and I understood she had to move on, but it was okay to hurt too. I realised that I wasn't cold, or secretive, or emotionally broken, that my parents had created a broken environment but unrealistically expected me to be perfect despite that.
And at around 8 months, when I thought this was it. I thought I'd traded in my friendship with Lucy for a perfect home that would never be awful again, my parents hit a rough patch, and I was in the cross hairs, and it got awful again, and I didn't have a friend in the world to lean on this time.
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angsthology · 9 months
reality club lyrics as prompts
swapped excitement for some comfort
bound by jewels, your happiness
living with these mini-monuments of your love
strangers to a miracle
i mistake intent for better days, while you misled me in different ways
in love not because i want to
where did you go? who are you now?
four summers were never enough to keep us together
you know you’re my pain reliever
i really wanna see you again, i really wanna be your best friend
we shared our youth together, heard now you’re doing better
lately it’s been crazy ‘cause we won’t take it slow
laughing at yourself and so is everybody else
dancing in the breeze alone
when you can’t drive your car anymore
for lack of a better word, i say that i love you but know that it’s not completely true
through his eyes i will hide my fear
life seems to hand out troubles on a tray
do you regret the path you chose with me?
living an illusion, oh but we’re so compatible
beginning of another end
talking to yourself “was she meant for someone else?”
living on imagination that you’d hold her
you start to syncronize your meals
they say she paints with only red, i’d like to show her all the colors
looking for you silently, i know you’re not the kind of girl who stays
some might say the road to hell is paved with good intentions
wide awake while you’re asleep
wasting my time by leaving you behind
the last thing i knew, this isn’t what you’d do
forget goodbyes, we never kept the promises of yesterday
maybe it’s for the better, but someday i’m going back to you
is it too late to say that i wanted to stay until the end?
you take me way too high just to shun me far away
elastic hearts, you bend but you don't break
i got songs to sing to you, if you’d listen
don’t want you to forget my face
no need for warmth when you wanna be cold with me
how can i remember the things that i don’t know
i wander all around, trying to retrace your steps
spilling all my secrets on the dance floor
and i swear it’s the last time you bring me down again
she wondered when the raindrops fell, she wondered why her cheeks were wet
she entrusted a secret that i could not have kept
the sorrowful reunion was inevitable
forget what you said just to make me smile
now it’s much too late, took the car and left
the labyrinth i thought i knew rearranged to shape anew
i fell in love with ____ even though i barely met her
even though we’d break our hearts, before we’d even start
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demoiselettes · 2 years
It is I, fanfiction addicted inufinuf, and i am here with a request for you to fulfill
I am requesting Zenitsu (and Tanjirou if i can request multiple characters:>) with a story, anything your mind can come up with, with the prompt- "I'll make you my wife one day"
(also ask me for more details if you don't get it)
« I’ll make you my wife one day »
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Pairing(s): Tanjiro x reader Zenitsu/Tanjiro x reader/Zenitsu x reader
Category: fluff
Warning(s)/note(s): fem! Reader, pining, these two are dorks in love, reader is also in love, reader is confused af
A/n: Fifi.. i was gonna make this separate but i love poly relationships..SO HAVE GONPACHIRO AND MONITSU PINING OVER READER-
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You had found yourself becoming a regular at the Butterfly Mansion. One would think you were exerting yourself, perhaps taking on strenuous training regimes or throwing yourself in danger’s way during your usual missions. Yet how could that be, when no part of yourself had even the slightest hint of scratch?
The truth was something Shinobu Kocho, had taken to teasing you for. As much as you had tried to avoid your feelings at the beginning, you were now too far down the rabbit hole to pull yourself out and the impossible had to be admitted: you were in love.
That alone was not such a problem but being in love with two people? You were stuck in a vicious circle of contemplating whether you would be shunned for admitting it out aloud or not. Kocho had assured(despite your insistence that you were not in love) that you could not control who your heart beats for. With this, she introduced you to the Sound Pillar, Uzui Tengen.
Who had three wives.
With little comfort, you had spent the day mulling over the course of events so much that you had not even registered her until Nezuko ruffled your hair in a sisterly way. She seemed to have an innate sense of telling when someone was under the weather and you deduced her ability to do so was just as keen as her brother’s sense of smell. You accepted her gesture gratefully, happy of the distraction it provided. Yet what was the point, when the person(or rather one of them) was trailing right behind her?
« Nezuko! » Tanjiro scolded, though his voice held no malice. « I’m sorry, [Name]-chan, she was eager to meet you today. »
« Ah! It’s no problem, really, » your voice was more shrill than you’d have liked. « She’s so adorable, it’s hard to not love her presence. »
Something which bugged you everytime you interacted with him, was the way he looked at you. His eyes held none of the usual friendliness that you’d see in people whom you talked to on a daily basis. No, with him it was..almost piercing. Like he was seeing right through you and he might as well does, considering his heightened sense of smell. You’ve done your best to conceal your feelings before, but your attempts might have been futile as the boy always knew your current state of mind. If he had any inkling that you may or may not feel attracted to him, he gave no indication of it. So you just stopped.
He tilted his head to the side. His Demon Slayer uniform had been replaced with the button up shirt and pants patients at the Butterfly Estate usually wore. « Why are you here, [Name]-chan? Are you injured? » despite the question, he seemed to be looking at you expectantly as though attempting to gauge an answer out of you..and not exactly the answer that you’d usually respond with to his question.
« Erm, no. » something in his eyes shone just a tad brighter than usual. « I came here to see you and Zenitsu-kun. » if the ground didn’t open up and swallow you whole, you were going to commit seppuku.
« Ah! That’s very thoughtful of you. Zenitsu, Inosuke and i were quite injured on our last mission, so we had to come back here. » his gaze fell on Nezuko, who had taken to resting her head on your lap(forcing you to sit down on one of the beds, your legs hanging over the edge) and the corners of his lips quirked up. « if you want we could—« 
« Tanjiro! » the shoji door slid open abruptly, and if you didn’t have better reflexes, you would have jumped and let Nezuko fall onto the floor. « You! I knew it, Inosuke told me you had disappeared the moment [Name]-chan arrived and here you are, getting chummy with her! »
Your face felt warm. Very warm. You looked back down at Nezuko, who’s eyes were now open, silently scrutinizing Zenitsu for disrupting her nap.
« What- that’s not what we’re doing! » Tanjiro’s cheeks almost matched the color of his hair. « You can’t just say something like that! We were just..talking. »
If you knew something about Zenitsu, it was the fact that he had extremely good hearing, able to pick up on nuances. His eyes flashed for a second, and he marched inside, shooting Tanjiro a half-hearted glare(and causing the poor Kamado to flinch). His whole demeanor seemed to change upon setting eyes on you and before you knew it, his arms were on you— or rather around you— and he was rubbing his cheek against yours, promptly suffocating Nezuko who whined and wiggled her way out.
« [Name]-channnn! » his voice was sing-song like. « Did i hear that right? You came to see me? »
Tanjiro, sighed, patting Nezuko’s head to placate her, but ultimately decided—for his sanity most likely—to remain silent and to abstain from telling him you were here to see the both of them.
You chose to follow his actions as well, granting him a little laugh. You might have been imagining it, but his hold on you tightened just slightly and you were hoping against hope that he could not hear the rapid beating of your heart. « Sure, how are you? »
And so you, Tanjiro and a very grumpy Nezuko(who immediately gave up and resorted to going back into her box) found yourselves listening to Zenitsu very flamboyantly complain about the training they were put through by the residents of the Butterfly Estate. If you hadn’t had feelings for him, you might’ve asked him to shut up.
« That.. does sound awful, but the training’s only to make sure you are not rusty on missions after resting for so long. » you offered as his tears wet your uniform.
« That’s exactly what i told him as well, but he still complains.. » Tanjiro said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.
« Of course you’ll find it easy! » Zenitsu’s eyes were almost bulging out of his sockets. « You get to get close to Kanao-chan during training, you like chasing after her, don’t you? »
You tried to ignore the sting in your chest, but before you could come to Tanjiro’s aid, he was already by your side, his hands waving in front of him. His face was painted with surprising alarm. « I don’t chase after her! » he wasn’t looking at Zenitsu. « Th-that’s not it, [Name]-chan! I just have to actually chase after her when we’re playing tag, but i don’t chase after her in- the way that Zenitsu means! »
The latter had fallen surprisingly silent. His honey eyes staring Tanjiro down with something that you couldn’t quite make out.
« It’s fine, really, » you smiled. « I know what you mean. »
He seemed uncertain as he looked at you, but for the second time that day, he decided to stay quiet. Soon, night was falling and you were waving goodbye to Kanao, Tanjiro and Zenitsu as you walked down the path that would take you to your home.
Watching you leave from the engawa, they felt something pull at their heartstrings. It was like every other time they watched you leave. They knew what they felt about you, they knew what you felt about them.
And they also knew what the other felt about you.
Neither of them knew what those feelings would lead to but with everytime you talked to them, comforted them, trained with them, their resolution built stronger.
They knew, then, that one day they’d make you their wife.
One day.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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Kamoshida returns to school for the assembly and spills everything and takes blame for it all.
IT IS ROUGH TO LISTEN TO. The absolute despondence of this guy is well-conveyed.
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For a moment I thought I'd need, like, a break from this game because I don't functionally see a difference between killing a dude and driving them to suicide. I was concerned the game didn't either for a moment.
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But Ann cements herself as my favorite by shaking Kamoshida out of the downward spiral.
Huge, massive relief tbh. Ann nearly lost her best friend and has been one of the people most consistently abused by this guy and she still chooses life over more death.
massive sigh of relief
She says somewhere that this is a "fate worse than death" but frankly, I don't think such a thing exists. Death of a person, even a monstrous person, is a loss of potential. If they are dead, they will never had the possibility to put anything good back into the world. It's a period at the end of a sentence that could have ended different.
blah blah i'm a fucking rehabilitationist blah blah
Anyway, with that wrapped up, Ann wants to celebrate with a fancy dinner.
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It's a buffet at a fancy hotel and you only get an hour to eat?
That.... is so goddamn strange? Like, I have been to a fancy mother's day brunch at a casino where we had a 3 hour slot and then another party would need the table, but one hour at a buffet?i That's wild.
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That.... is about..... sixty dollars? That can't be right, I think google is lying to me. @karmotrines mentioned something about this taking place during a weak time for the yen, maybe that's a factor.
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LOOK AT THIS FUCKING DORK HOLDING HIS PLATE. I love Reverie The Fifth, he's great tbh.
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Excuse-moi rich people but you are eating at a fucking hotel buffet, it's not exactly Noma
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There's another rich asshole here and interestingly, Reverie thinks it might be the dude who got him that assault charge? Interesting he has a portrait. Maybe we'll be seeing him later.
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SHOUT OUT TO THIS MOMENT FOR BEING FUCKING SAD AS HELL. Reverie has been shunned everywhere he has gone since his trumped up arrest, so "It always feels like this" is a fucking arrow through the heart.
Being surrounded by affluent assholes has the quartet thinking about continuing to be Phantom Thieves, to continue taking down powerful monsters like Kamoshida.
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oh god i can't handle this pressure, my MC has been named Reverie Vantas for three games, you think I can name shit?!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
Just wondering (no hate, I promise) what are your specific issues with MF and MGK’s relationship? Not a fan of hers (last I saw was Jennifer’s Body), and though I like his music I’m not really into keeping up with gossip (bad for my mental health), so I truly mean it, what’s up with them? Also feel free to not answer this is if you’re not doing well/are worried you’ll get hate for it. Hope you’re having a great day :)
Oh I'll probably definitely get hate for it, people who support her tend to act like her which I'm sure in their eyes is a lovely thing. I'd refer you mostly to @triplexdoublex for alllll the bullet points, I truly try to keep my page to supporting the boys- though I can't always keep myself from a few choice words about her. Roxy has always been the best at covering what happens between them, though I think even she is getting a bit worn down by it so I wouldn't suggest asking so much as scrolling through her old posts. But I'll take a small crack at it.
I was supportive in the beginning, he talked like he was so in love and I have plenty of old posts showing them off and telling people to leave them alone, but then the drama started.
She would post something melodramatic and keep it super cryptic and sad and people would automatically spread rumors he was cheating. She let rumors spread that he gave her a ring that physically hurt if she took it off, never explaining he hadn't. The jewelry company had to explain. She posted a pic of her arm in a cast and said something like 'I deserved this' or something along those lines which of course people started saying he had hurt her. Eventually the movie company she had been filming with came out explaining she fell during a stunt. This is a small amount of things she would post that would start rumors he was abusive and she fueled the fire at every turn instead of fixing it. She has only once that I can think of said anything to fix the problem and even then it was after posting a caption alluding to him cheating and people went wild and pulled his female guitarist into the mix. She deleted her Instagram and hid for a long time before saying it was "all the media's fault". She acts like she's never to blame but she loves stirring the pot and watching his reputation burn.
There are a lot of images of the exact opposite happening, her very obviously "getting on to him" in public at award shows or just shunning him when he'd get near, which of course also spread rumors but only about him.
She acts like she fixed him, she flat out said she manifested him into existence as a child. Like he's some bad boy archetype and nothing more. Like he's there to serve her. It's not healthy for either of them, her putting that much pressure on him or her having that high of thought about him. There's so many things that make me twitch when I see that they're still together. His personality changes, the way he seems submissive around her but himself everywhere else. The way his own friends seem to come out in support of him staying free of her. Pretty much all of this is on Roxy's page, she did an amazing job keeping up with it all.
I'm sure I'm about to get hate for this, besides my fics I've tried to be mostly careful about staying out of it but for a few random mentions. I've supported Roxy when people come for her and that's how most of the hate has ended up here but honestly I just feel bad for them. I don't spend my time hating her, I don't sit around and fume about it, I try not to even post about it much. Besides my genuine concern for him I don't actually focus on her much at ALL anymore. Why waste my time on hate? I'm sure I'll get anon rage for this but like... That must be a really hard way to live. I always think that about her too. How exhausting it must be to crave attention and shit stirring like that. How tiring narcissism must be. I don't wish harm on her, I just don't think either of them are healthy together. She needs to find herself again as much as he needs free. She's literally changing herself to fit what she thinks he wants. Just so people pay attention? Shit that must suck. Hopefully this explained a few things but again I suggest a deep dive on Roxy's page for the best info 🖤 Hope you have a great day too!
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luucypevensie · 2 years
Okay, but I have to ask: tell me everything about Ash McKnight!! I'll admit I don't know much about Outer Banks, but she seems really cool and I'm curious!!
Hope you're doing well!! 🖤🖤🖤
Thanks for asking this my dear! I have to admit, it’s been a hot sec since I thought about Ash. However, she is still my bb.
Ashley McKnight is a full on Pogue who grew up with John B, JJ, and Pope. She has one older sister named Gemma (whom she worships); when Ash was about in her early teen years, she and Gemma went out surfing one day, and while in the water, they were attacked by a great white shark. Gemma got the brunt of the injuries and died on the operating table.
Ash was devastated, and had closed up like a clam. Not only that, but her parents (who we don’t like because they’re AWFUL) just shunned and neglected her after Gemma’s death. Luckily, John B was able to get through to her, and she basically has been living with him ever since.
Also, Ash and John B? Totally in love with one another, but can’t admit it (yet) due to the group’s rule about no Pogue-on-Pogue macking. Throughout all of Season 1, she has been there by his side, supporting him in the search to find his dad and the gold.
JJ’s like the brother she never had, Pope is her best book friend where they discuss different books and have their own small book club, Kie is her girl for life, and Sarah grows on her (like a fungus they like to joke).
Ash loves to bake, she hasn’t been in the water since the attack (she eventually gets over her fear, but it takes awhile), she has an aunt and uncle who live in DC and work for the FBI whom she prefers over her parents, she loves turtles, and her fc is Stefanie Scott.
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bungacow · 2 days
Nostalgia: The Past, Present and You!
If you were born after the year 2000, you are sure to be familiar with the phrase "We did that back in my day!" coming from people a decade or two older than you. I know I've definitely gotten that line from my mom more than a few times. "So those are making a comeback huh?". "What do you kids know about (thing from the 90s or 2000s)?". It's only natural for older generations to be protective of their experiences now that almost anyone has a way to live them years later. I'm sure when I'm in my 40's I'll be a real geezer about kids wishing they were teens when TikTok was still a thing but for now I'll be rolling my eyes when a middle-aged man asks me if I know what a cassette is.
What really takes me out though is when kids my own age try and hit the old "Back in my day". What are you talking about!? It's still your day! These are your days! "Gen Alpha doesn't know what it was like to blah blah blah". Do you hear yourself? You aren't even 20 yet you sound like you're already rotting away in a retirement home! You're lucky to have the privilege of sharing your golden years in the light of the youth who have come after you. Each new generation is a gift and should be welcomed and taught, not shunned and gatekept from.
That being said, my favorite pastimes as of late have been doing things that my parents would've done when they were my age. Such as burning CD mixes, watching old TV shows, and listening to the old CDs they keep in their big black binder thingies. Even the creation of this very blog was inspired by an old man's blog from 2013. Old people are really triggered by the word "old". It's because most of them see the word as an insult, a threat to their youthful spirit. "That movie's not old! It came out when I was in high school!". The movie came out 30 years ago babes, it's old. Being old isn't a bad thing and neither is getting old. I'm lucky to have a dad who loves being old. He encourages and appreciates my love of older things and has gifted me many artifacts from his youth (Thank you once again for the Saw DVDs).
As much as I'd like to say I'm not scared of getting old and that I'm above all of those vain concerns, I'm not. I worry just as much as anyone does about my future and how I'm going to look back on myself in the next decades. Will I be proud of the things I've yet to accomplish? Will I be a bitter old crone who'll do anything for a taste of her golden years? I don't know. Nobody knows that kind of stuff. The best we get is the chance to do what we can in the now and boy do I intend to. It seems like everything I do nowadays is for my future self (Except my complete refusal to save money responsibly).
Currently, I think culture may be at a bit of a standstill as most adult-age consumers are more focused on what they used to have rather than what they do. It seems like every ad, every movie, every show is playing on some kind of nostalgia. Shit, I'm watching TV right now and they're playing Friends reruns from 20 years ago instead of making new shows with new writers and directors. In the future, I want to make a show of my own and I'm scared that I'll have to fight just to get a word in over the sounds of nostalgia dollars hitting the big exec's floors. So many people have amazing fresh new ideas that just need the time of day to take off but they're being turned away or canceled after a single season in favor of the same four shows over and over again. Getting media based on an original concept feels like winning the lottery.
I know it sounds ridiculous coming from me, the girl who just two paragraphs ago was talking about how much she loves old things, but that's the beauty of living right now. I can have everything that came before me and everything that will come after. I can watch Saw five times in a day and then watch I Saw the TV Glow. There's no law saying it has to be one or the other. New and old can coexist comfortably so long as there is a proper balance and everyone gets their fair chance. The old stuff has had its time to shine, let the new stuff get its moment in the sun before you cut it off and show the same four episodes of Frasier on loop.
Anya out. xx
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boozeforblues · 11 days
When You Think Things Are Getting Better, Remember We're Best Friends For (n)Ever
Last call for alcohol and feeling small The bloodiest of barroom brawls That leave not so much as a scratch I'm always the one demanding a rematch Leaving empty handed once again All the laughs pass by the comedienne And land right at my back My optimism, her midnight snack A shot across the bow And I'm left wondering how You came into such high artillery And all the while, she's thinking “killer me” It's brutality with a sheepish grin The story's inked into my skin You're out of my mind and so am I A case clearly cut and dry Ignoring for months on end that I've been hoodwinked And I just lost it all to that murder instinct Breaking promises and leases Picture frames in pieces Jigsaw puzzles made of glass Far be it from me to prove to be crass But it's the way you smirk when I'm hurting And I can't stop myself from flirting With a total breakdown And I can spot your fake frown From a mile away, so turn it 180 Taking a break from issues so weighty You're feigning vulnerabilities to expose my own Tell me you don't like the tone In these pages I promised to keep you out of The stupid shit we do to fall out of love Selling me bridges that I can't help but burn Sooner or later, it'll be your turn To grab a rug and just sweep I'm losing my inspiration, but not any sleep They say we embrace what we love and shun what we don't You tell me you will, but we both know you won't And these days, I have to force myself to miss you Just another example of simple misuse Of a heart that's no longer yours Take those joys and turn them into chores So now that the foot's in the other shoe I just thought you should know, everything is the same without you…
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corgiplays · 2 years
Robin could feel the blood in her mouth, the blood sticking to her sides where the demo-bats tore into her, the multiple different cuts and scrapes from being mauled and dragged along the Upside Down floor. And now as she lies there wishing that she could take her shirt off to get rid of the feeling of the blood soaked shirt clinging to her skin she has to watch as Dustin hobbles over to her body.
"ROBIN, NO NO NO!" Dustin's voice was horsed and the only sound in miles around them. Tears streaming down his face as he skids to a halt most likely scrapping his knees as he fell next to Robin cradling her head.
"Hey there Dusty." Robin could only offer a bloody smile and a soft croaking of her voice as her own tears weld up in her eyes. Robin could feel the pain though her whole body, adrenaline running it's course and leaving her to be in pain as she dies.
"Robin- Why, why didn't you come with me, why did play a hero-" Dustin's sentence was cut short as a sob racked through his whole body making it shake.
"They needed more time, if I went with you they might not have killed Vecna." Robin's voice was barley there as she spoke, the bruising around her throat where the demo-bat had its tail wrapped around it a stark contrast to her pasty pale skin. Silent tears slid down her cheeks as a whimper escaped her mouth the burning white hot pain of her wounds were making her death more painful than she would of wanted. "Take care of Steve for me-" Robin's plea was cut short from a hysterical Dustin.
"NO NO I'M NOT TAKING CARE FOR STEVE FOR YOU- you- you'll be okay Steve and Nancy and Eddie...they'll be back soon, real soon and they'll get you help- they'll make sure you stay alive Robin" Dustin could care less about the tears and snot mixing on his face with the grime of the Upside Down, he just need to keep Robin awake long enough to get her to a hospital, he wasn't going to let someone who cared about him, who was always there for him die in a world that wouldn't know how much she sacrificed.
"Dustin," Robin's voice was too soft against his ears for her next words to be anything but depressing, "I'm losing too much blood and with your busted leg-" a sharp cough left Robin painting her clean sleeve in a fresh coat of blood. Dustin's eyes widen at the blood on Robin's sleeve but was cut off before he could speak. "Take care of Steve, he's going to take this hard, make sure Nancy doesn't close into herself again, she's going to push but I need you to push back harder for my sake, Erica still needs her ice cream for life, take her out every once in a while especially after she finds out, Lucas too don't let his dream of basketball ruin your friendship he will always be your ranger. And Max, if- when you find her and she's okay- tell her everything she deserves to know and make sure she gets out of the house, her mom isn't the best person to be around when she greaves. Make sure you look out for yourself too, let people in." Robin's eyes dulled with each word, her voice practically gone by the time she finished. "I love all of you" with her finale words Robin closes her eyes, she wouldn't let Dustin or the other teens suffer to look into her dead eyes, and takes her last breath in and out as her body stills.
Dustin's cry's echo in the uncomfortable quite of the Upside Down being carried away and hitting upon deaf ears as a loud clock chimes four times.
Nothing felt right for the figue standing in a desolate and grey world. They're not supposed to be here, but there was a familiarity in the world one that they don't know. The hulking shadow figure that stood tall in front of them lowered its massive head to their height.
"You were left, dead to those who claimed to be your family. Parents who would rather shun and hurt you then take a moment in knowing you. A love which could never be yours. Friends who abandoned you when you became a burden. You were sick of the plague of mortality and morals but I have freed you. You may choose to follow me if you please I will be better than the those before me, I will make sure you will be unstoppable." The voice seemed to echo and rattle their head erupting a pain behind their eyes. They could only feel anger for what they were before, weak and pathetic they allowed life to walk over them. They will be better this time no matter the consciences.
"I accept your offer Mind Flayer." They're voice sounded the same but they unconsciously rubbed a hand over their throat a phantom pain ran under their finger tips before they snapped out following the Mind Flayer to wherever it led.
Welp it's like 4 in the morning and I was thinking of sad Dustin and Robin so I made Robin take Eddie's place in the finally, everything leading up to Robin's death is the same I was just too lazy to write all that
@ronance4everbrainrot i think you might know where this is going
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stellaluna33 · 2 years
I want to start this by emphasizing that I LOVE Lorelai! I love her! But I've never subscribed to the Stan/Shun false dichotomy. With me, it's NOT "all or nothing" (Lorelai would appreciate the musical reference there. 😉). People are complicated, and these characters are complicated, and I want to be able to explore their strengths and weaknesses fully! So... I want to dig more into what I see as Lorelai's jealousy of Jess taking Luke, specifically, "away from her." The timing is significant, because Lorelai JUST told Luke that he is one of the few people in her life that she can count on to be there for her no matter what. And the implication was that she told him this as an explanation for why she didn't want to risk trying a romantic relationship with him. She was afraid of losing him.
Lorelai feels like she doesn't have many people in her life who put her first. Her parents didn't, at least not in a way that she needed or could understand. She has Rory, but I think deep down, despite their "best friend" relationship, she knows that Rory is a child, and a child should not have to have their parent "rely on them" for support, but the other way around. And here's the thing: Lorelai is strong, she is Wonder Woman, but she doesn't want to have to be strong all the time. She is fiercely independent, but part of her desperately wants to be taken care of, to at least have the OPTION of being taken care of. She wants "the whole package," as she says later, a partner. And even though she and Luke aren't romantically involved, in many ways she already relies on him, emotionally AND physically (he feeds her! He fixes her house!), the way someone would rely on a husband or partner. He is her Person, and she hopes and believes that she is HIS Person too. She likes to believe that he relies on her the same way she relies on him.
This is the situation when Lorelai finds out that Luke has a sister, and that sister has a son who is coming to live with him. Luke has a sister and a nephew and he never told her.
I don't think people always realize how much that probably hurt Lorelai's feelings. Luke knows pretty much everything about Lorelai's family, because she's told him about it. She vents to him about her personal life every day! So, to find out that there's this whole other side of Luke's life that he never told her about? I think she was really shaken by that, because what does that say about what they are to each other? Luke is probably just the sort of person who doesn't volunteer personal information unless directly asked for it (my husband is that way), but Lorelai might not understand that. She's been thinking of him as her Best Friend, but does this mean that she ISN'T important to HIM? Has she really been just another customer to him the entire time, that he would keep something like this from her?
People usually date Lorelai's hostility to Jess from the moment he responded hostilely to her. But looking at the episode, it's apparent that Lorelai NEVER wanted him there, even before she'd met him. When she first finds out that Luke's troubled nephew is coming to live with him, her first response isn't supportive. She doesn't respond by saying, "That poor kid! And what a tough situation for you! How can I help?" Her FIRST reaction is to try to talk him out of it. She keeps going on about all the reasons why this "isn't his responsibility" and isn't a good idea, and keeps listing all the reasons why he "isn't prepared for this" and "Are you sure you can handle this?" She hasn't even met Jess yet, and she's already trying to convince Luke that he's "more trouble than he's worth." Lorelai DOES offer to help later, but it comes across almost begrudgingly, and more like a desperate attempt to insert herself into Luke's new reality and convince him (and herself) that he still needs her. She needs him to need her. By the time Jess actually arrives, and Lorelai has resigned herself to the fact that this is happening whether she likes it or not, I do think she genuinely WANTS to want Jess to feel welcome, but unfortunately, Jess is pretty good at picking up on the difference.
ASP has stated that one of the reasons they wrote Jess into the show was to keep Luke and Lorelai apart (a bit longer), and it starts happening almost immediately. It's significant that after Lorelai's attempt to welcome Jess blows up in her face, and she goes to Luke to tell him how awful his nephew is, Luke takes Jess's side. Instead of being "grateful for her help," he lambasts Lorelai for "interfering" in a situation he says she doesn't understand. His allegiances have changed. She's being shut out of Luke's life, and it's all Jess's fault.
The fact is, Lorelai doesn't want to think about how much Jess needs Luke (might even need her), because all she can think about is that she needs Luke. And she doesn't want to share him. The big blow-out fight in "Teach Me Tonight" was only the culmination of a resentment that had been building all season, and her terror over Rory being hurt was only the thing that tripped the trigger. From Lorelai's perspective, this kid had come into her life and proceeded to steal first Luke and then Rory away from her, the two most important people in her life, and he didn't even deserve their devotion to him. And that, beyond any personal annoyance, concern for Rory, or being subconsciously reminded of herself, is I think why Lorelai hates Jess so much.
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kamyru · 3 years
Hi! it's me again, I am so happy to see you back here, I love reading your posts and your thoughts about the LIs, MCs and life in general. I don't know if I am being a little be too greedy but I have an ask and a request. But I will make them separetly, first the request, I sooo loved your drabble about Kasumi marrying another woman instead of MC, I did cry a little bit, and today, I don't really know why, I am a quite sensible and I need to read drama and angst, so I would like the same but with Shunichiro being the one who marries a different woman instead of MC.
I am happy that you have passed your exams successfully! Take care! Kisses 😘😘
Hi! Thank you for waiting for my return. I'm happy to write and post again too. I'm so glad to hear that you like what I write on this blog. I like this request a lot and hope that you'll shed a few tears on this scenario too. I like to torture characters and readers from time to time. Enjoy! ❤️
Toshiaki Kijima understanding that he had lost his chance with MC at her wedding with someone else (Scenario)
Kasumi marrying someone else (Scenario)
The first Ayumu and the first choice (Ayumu Shinonome being in love with Hyogo Kaga’s bride) (Scenario)
Shunichiro Tachibana marrying someone else instead of MC (Scenario)
Word counting: 713
Mr. Tachibana looked at the screen and waited for those 15 seconds to begin. He knew that they were going to be the best and the worst from the moment he handed her that invitation to the wedding. 15 seconds that were the best not because they were made by the best planner in entire Japan, but because they were made by her. And 15 seconds that were the worst because they made him understand the price he paid.
Shun could remember that day when this started. He broke up with MC. The biggest problem was that he lied. When they started dating, he knew that she was too good for him. He had to be happy for her, that she was finally free to meet a person who could show her what a healthy relationship was. That's what he was telling himself on his way to the new branch abroad. The branch that needed him for a few months, not for a few years, how he had told MC. The branch that was going to give him a reason to accept that planned marriage offered by his father.
Shun had to find a reason to return to Japan with a fiancee. Though, it wasn't his main problem when he arrived in the new country. The Shun from the future was going to find a way to play this up. Or, that was what he had thought. Tachibana family was a rich one. Everyone knew this. So, no one was surprised when Mr. Tachibana came back from his trip and invited everyone to his wedding. MC knew that he was back earlier than he had said. She waited for an explanation. No, she didn't need an explanation. MC needed a new beginning. Instead of this, she obtained an invitation to Shun's wedding, a wedding that wasn't hers.
Mr. Tachibana had exercised how he would give his wedding invitation to a certain someone. He did a great job displaying one of his best smiles. Though, MC had no idea that that was going to happen. So, she didn't have any time to exercise in front of the mirror how she would accept the invitation with the purest smile in the world. Instead of this, her limbs gave up on her and she had to lie in Dr. Maki's office for the rest of the day.
Mr. Tachibana didn't expect to see MC at his wedding. He invited her only because he knew that rumors spread fast in Addison & Rhodes. She even approached him and his wife to wish them the best. Though, that didn't mean that Shun didn't see how MC gulped down a few glasses of wine. He wasn't the only one who saw it, and it broke his heart. When Toshiaki approached MC with a stern look on his face and drank the glass of wine she had in her hands, Shun thought that he was going to make a scene. Devil Exec didn't drink at all. So, why did he do it with MC? On Yuki's face appeared a sad smile. He was thankful that his best friend didn't see him and MC talking on the balcony. He had no idea what Shun could do if he saw MC crying on Yuki's chest, what the Addison & Rhodes CEO could do if he heard Dr. Maki guessing what the company's best planner wanted to do in the future? The in-call doctor even had the chance to read the resignation letter she had written. Also, he was smart enough to understand where she wanted to go next.
So, here he was. With every second passed, the smile on Mr. Tachibana's face grew. And with every second passed, the frown on his wife's face deepened. The climax was reached when the advertisement that won the prize of the best of the decade ended.
"Why are you clapping? Isn't the author that planner that betrayed you and went to CJ the year we got married?" Shun's wife asked in a mocking voice.
Shun didn't answer, but he knew that with every clap he was drowning in his failure more and more. He failed as a husband, failed as a CEO, failed as a creative director. But most importantly, he failed as a lover.
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boingolungs · 2 years
I've been in the hotel for the past two days and I remember thinking of some deep shit. Completely forgot what it was. So I'm gonna guess
I think I was questioning why I get attached to dogs and animals in my mothers home town that might die months later and why I get pets at all when I'm gonna out live them. The answer that I got or remembered was that they might be small in my life, but I'm so much in there's. I am the difference between them having a shitty life and a good one. I remember when my Golden Boy died I immediately thought I should have spent more time with him, got him a bed, and been a better friend to him. And then I remember I did buy him a bed and he never slept on it. I remember I'd play with him on most days when I fed him or came back from school. I also remember on the day before he was put down I spent hours with him in the garden sitting with him and holding him down because if he got up he'd hurt himself. We just sat there enjoying some music and me just saying I love him and it'll be alright. I still feel that way though ya know I should have spent more time with him and pamper him. But to kinda ease myself I always remember when I leave for whatever reason and come back he'd start jumping at the gate and when I open the door he'd be there or rushing inside to greet me.
I wondered what would happen if I'd actually get a boyfriend you know. I have no actual idea what I actually am. Like I saw gals I'd say are cute and would like to know more about in college and felt the same for guys. And then I realized holy shit did I not feel anyway about that in highschool or years before. And then there's the whole trusting someone enough to be a relationship I and again if I get a good guy to be a leach to how would my family react. My sisters cool with it and out of anything all she's been doing is being supportive and making lame jokes but that's normal. Parents, the only uncle I'm close to, and hell I'd might even be shunned by everyone else. Then again I'm not to close to my extended family and if my parents and uncle shun disown me hey fuck em!
God I hate romance anime's. If the relationship doesn't start at the end of the first season and it doesn't have anything else my ass is dropping it. Also fuck love triangles or love right angles.
My parents keep saying that when they retire they'll go back to Mexico and they think I will too. Fuck that I am not! America may not be perfect but I won't retire there. If I make it that long and have the right amount of money to retire I'll see there the winds take me. And I don't like traveling. I'm really only interested in going to three countries overseas. Scotland, South Korea, Japan, and maybe Mongolia. Only those and that's it. Also knowing my parents they'd probably get tired of Mexico in the first two weeks and then comeback. Really depends if they have internet connection and how irritating the nearby relatives are.
My sister asked me if I plan on moving out of the house at some point. She didn't ask me in a irritated way. We were talking about a dream I had once where I was in a nice apartment. I had a boyfriend who cooks, a gaming PC, TV, drawing setup, lemon fruit wallpaper pattern,a nice couch, my dog who at that point was dead was there, again a cute cooking bf who I think wore the pants, and I HAD A FUCKING APARTMENT! It was the best dream I ever had imagine how pissed I was when I woke up! Anyway she asked me if I plan in moving out at some point. I just gave her a look and said in a posh voice "Ohhh But the economy" and she then agreed and told me that rent basically cost her whole paycheck. I then said please don't leave me alone with mother as a joke. We'll probably still be living in our mothers house and see what happens when she goes back to Mexico.
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My ex-wife was not demonstrative in her affection even remotely. She grew up with brothers and a very southern dad and had a very coach-like way about her (I suppose coaching girls' basketball will do that) in that I, essentially, got told "good game" when I did things that she liked. Sometimes even a pat on the ass. One time, on a particularly exuberant Valentine's day, I literally got told "good game" and it might have been the weirdest response to giving someone an orgasm that I've ever gotten. It was funny though, and while I don't really ever think about what sex was like with my ex-wife was like, that moment pops into my head occasionally as an example of how we did manage to make some good memories together.
I saw her this evening at the grocery store, with her newborn daughter and tried my best to steer my wife away before she saw but no such luck. I told her if we didn't stop to chat, my ex would understand. But my wife will not be ugly to someone who doesn't deserve it and is unlikely to be rude even if they do. So she waved first...
If I didn't know for absolute certain this was not my child I would think she could be. She reminds me of my sisters when they were babies. I was asked twice if I wanted to hold her and made a feeble excuse both times and then she was passed to my wife. No hesitation from either side. My wife gladly accepts this baby being laid in her arms with so much joy in her face, like she does every time she's offered a baby, and I wonder if I'm making a mistake keeping her and my ex apart.
When my ex first found out she was pregnant she asked me if I'd be her child's godfather...a tradition I don't really get but felt really very strange about accepting considering the circumstances. I told her I'd think about it and then didn't and when she asked again it was right after the miscarriage and I avoided her completely. We even started shopping and getting gas in places I knew my ex never went to just to put some distance between her pregnancy and our loss. To protect my wife.
But watching them just chat like old friends tonight, recounting diaper blowout horror stories, I realize that I didn't do anything. My wild leaps and detours just prolonged the inevitable and I was never going to be able to prevent my wife from seeing another baby. I only succeeded in alienating the woman that I promised to stay friends with, outside the courthouse right after our divorce was finalized. We were family for so long...does that really have to change?
She looked at me and leaned towards my wife and told her that her daughter still didn't have any godparents. My wife asked ME why not and I just couldn't find a reason. Not a good one. Not while my wife had her heart and mind completely open...with so much compassion and empathy for my ex, who fell so suddenly out of favor with most of her family for divorcing me and even more so when she decided to have a child alone. A woman who just decided to make herself happy and was shunned for it...a woman who has so much in common with my wife it would take ages to tell you all the ways they're similar and all of them would break your heart.
When I agreed to be godfather to this tiny little girl, I intended to take it as seriously as her mother does...and when she asked my wife to be her godmother, I could have cried. I have feared for so long that these women would only hurt each other if they connected too much, but I severely underestimated my wife's capacity for loving and supporting anyone who needs it.
This is all to say, because it's her birthday month and I know she'll read it: I may have gotten to her late, and the leap of faith I made in allowing her into my heart after being hurt so deeply was so profound that I'm still falling...but, I'll gladly keep falling forever just to have her. Her love changes me daily, and I have no doubt a heart like hers could change the world.
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tsumuniri · 3 years
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━━━ Atsumu Miya is a free-loader. Living inside his twin brother's home as if it was his, he would bring home girls and annoy Osamu most of the time. Y/N L/N is quite the opposite apparently because she's a virgin loser. Being the popular anonymous BL mangaka known as Yamazaki, she stays in the homey abode of her parents and watches boys from afar for references (not for admiration sadly).
Now what will happen if fate decided to tie these two idiots together and made them live across each other in one apartment?
。m.list ❯❯ prev┃next
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THE FORTUNE OF GETTING EVERYTHING Atsumu desired had always blessed his luck in his twenty-three years of living on this habitable planet— may it be in his talents for the ball sport or even outside his athletic career. This man surely knew what it means to be spoiled by the gods as they loomed over his being and guided him through the prosperity of his lifetime. He was a guy who could attain his dreams by any means necessary.
So, here he is, debating on which detergent he should buy because he had finally moved into the apartment his brother recommended.
He hasn't settled in at the moment. The room he rented was still a mess of cardboard boxes full of his things piling up on top of each other. It was a new environment for the male as he had always stuck to Osamu throughout his life; they were partners in crime after all.
That was when he decided what was his current goal at the moment; to survive a week of living alone without asking for his brother's help. Hence, the reason why he's here in the cleaning aisle of the grocery close by, having difficulty in choosing if he should use powder or liquid detergents.
"Are you stupid or something?" An irritated voice spoke up from behind the setter's crouching figure. Atsumu sneaked a glance over his shoulder and lazily grinned at his teammate and friend. "Great timing, Omi-kun!" He chirped, standing up from his last position before turning around to face the ravenette.
Sakusa rolled his eyes, "For your information, buying cleaning products isn't the only thing I do. I just like my place and myself to be tidy. Can we also quicken up the pace, please?" He spoke out his thoughts as he got one of the liquid detergents set on the shelves, carefully placing it inside the grocery basket.
"Didn't know you'll get offended by my texts. I was only joking about that time you bought that many cleaning products," The blonde shrugged his shoulders casually, "It was a funny sight. You really looked like a janitor that time." He snickered at the memory of the other with the bags full of cleaning supplies.
Sakusa clicked his tongue and took a step past Atsumu, "I don't usually buy that many supplies. Half of those were for Bokuto-san and Hinata-san," He held the two metal handles of the grocery basket, hoisting the holder up as he let it hang by the side of his thigh. "Speaking of those two, they already texted me that they've finally arrived at your new apartment in Morinomiya. They mentioned your brother also dropped by with some onigiri." He notified the other male.
Atsumu grumbled from his teammate's words as he followed Sakusa's trail towards the snacks aisle. "Ya mean the same brother who decided to betray me?" He mumbled, his expression seeming like a child who just got grounded by their parents for a whole week.
"And yet, you still visit his Onigiri place in the city. You love him, don't be sissy about it. You got kicked out because you were too complacent, and unlike during your high school days, you realized that your brother wouldn't be there for you all the time."
The blonde stayed silent, most likely agreeing with the ravenette's statement. Although the two brothers argued for a while after Osamu announced the unfortunate news about his twin's boot out of the household, Atsumu knew that it was the best for both of them as it was time for him to get an apartment (even if he sort of dislikes the idea of moving).
Despite him understanding this, it wouldn't hurt to be a drama queen for once.
"Yeah, yeah. I get it." Atsumu mouthed as he motioned his hand in upward movements, walking over to the cashier register to check out their groceries. A frown etched on Sakusa's face from under his white face mask, not a slight bit amused by the latter's laid-back composure. He adjusted his grip on the basket's handle then followed behind to the location of the check-out counter.
The cashier, who looked as if she was currently in high school, kept on stealing glances between the blonde male and the cleaning supplies she was checking out. With lips pursed from her thoughts, her eyes slightly squinted every time it landed on Atsumu.
'What is this girl's problem?' He thought, raising his brows at the girl's serious expression. He cleared his throat and let his eyes wandered around the vicinity to distract himself from the cashier's peeks.
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After the uncanny interaction with the young cashier, the two volleyball players made their way to the newly-built apartment building that the blonde-haired setter is now residing. From what the raven-haired outside hitter mentioned before, their two other teammates had already ordered two boxes of pizza and couldn't help but devour its cheesy goodness once it arrives. Atsumu quickened his pace from the newly-given information as he wouldn't like to meet the sight of two empty pizza boxes in his apartment.
"Tsumu-Tsum! Great timing. The pizzas are here!" Bokuto cheered after seeing his two comrades walked in from the front door. His eyes lit up while his mouth formed into a wide smile— almost looking like he won the jackpot of a million yen (not like he needs it anyway since he earns more than that).
A certain tangerine-haired male was already munching a slice beside him, "Omir-shan, Arsurmu-shan," Hinata said, mouth full of pizza dough and toppings. He then chewed the last bit of bread and swallowed the piece down his throat, "Welcome back! I like the new place, by the way, Atsumu-san!" He ended his statement, taking another slice from the pizza box.
Sakusa cringed from the mess on the table and how their two reckless teammates ate the freshly-oven baked slices. He lowered the grocery bag he was carrying on one of the moving boxes beside him as Atsumu followed suit. "Did you guys even washed your hands before eating?" The masked male straightly asked as he sat down on the carpeted floor.
"Don't worry. We did! Bokuto-san even brought the hand sanitizer that Akaashi-san bought for him." Hinata replied, scooching over to the side as he gestured Atsumu with a nod of his head.
Atsumu walked over to his side of the table, taking the spot the short male had spared for him. The blonde then lifted the closed pizza box with his right hand and almost gagged at the chosen toppings, "You guys ordered two Hawaiians? That's sickening." Atsumu stuck his tongue out in disgust and lowered the box's paper lid, deciding to get one of his brother's onigiris instead.
"I'm the one who invited you all here to celebrate my new home, and yet, you guys wanted to be douchebags by ordering my least favorite flavor of pizza."
"You're the only person here who doesn't like pineapples on a pizza, Atsumu-san." Sakusa pointed out, moving the face mask under his chin with his index finger then taking a bite on his slice of the Hawaiin pizza. "Besides, it's three-to-one. You wouldn't win at all." He added, to which the other two avid pineapple lovers agreed with hums of satisfaction.
A thought suddenly popped in Bokuto's mind as he licked the tomato sauce off the tip of his fingers. "Oh yeah! I met a cute girl while I was waiting for Hinata outside your apartment. She also moved in just a few days ago, and guess what? She's living in the room across from you!" He stated out of the blue and laughed lightly at how it was such a coincidence.
This statement caught the attention of the other three, mainly the blonde-headed volleyball player.
"Maybe you could give your new neighbor some onigiri, Atsumu! Like a welcome gift!" Hinata grinned widely, his tone having a trace of excitement as he began eating another slice of the Hawaiian pizza.
Atsumu casually shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe..." He trailed off before taking a bite off the seaweed-rice snack.
The horologe of time had passed by quickly as the blazing sun settled down for the glowing moon to shun upon the busy streets of Osaka, the twinkling stars glittering the night sky with constellations and patches of galaxies from a distance. The simple gathering ended and left the room in peaceful silence. However, Atsumu was still sitting on the floor, his legs overlapping each other as his arms crossed against his built chest.
"Should I?"
He thought out loud as his eyes stare at the box of left-over onigiri. The blonde heaved out a breath through his nostrils before he stood up from his position, patting the dust particles off his bottom. He reached over the box, not bothering to transfer the contents in another container since it would've taken another set of minutes in trying to search for one.
"Here we go." Atsumu swung the door open and immediately noticed the door from across was slightly opened. No light was emitting from the inside. It triggered the male's intuition to check the situation of his neighbor as the scenario of a burglar robbing a harmless female concerned him greatly.
With a slight push of his hand, the door eerily creaked like it was a prop in a horror movie set-up. His eyes tried to look into the dark apartment. But unfortunately, the moving packages were stacked in every spot of the apartment, making it difficult for his peripheral vision to catch anything suspicious of some kind. "Hello?" He called out and didn't get any answer.
'I swear to the gods... If I'm getting killed by a serial killer.'
It's his fault for watching those horror movies in the past. If he hadn't watched that one texas killer with the chainsaw, he wouldn't have gotten scared at all. Atsumu's heart thumped loudly against his ribcage from the anxiety of having to roam around this creepy apartment.
A groan echoed off the walls, stopping the male from his tracks as his body froze like a statue. His throat went dry while his palms started to sweat when he felt an unknown presence creeping up behind him. He closed his eyes shut and quickly spun around to greet the unknown person with a power punch, "Get the fuck away, demon!" Atsumu screeched, still holding onto the box of onigiri safely in the other hand.
"Ouch! Why the heck did you do that for?"
Atsumu peeked his eye open and found you sprawled on the wooden floor, hissing in pain as you caressed your bruised cheek. You were wearing your pajamas as it seemed like you had just woken up from your slumber.
Oops. It's a false alarm, after all.
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## it’s gonna get good boiz
## taglist: @underratedmage ; @haikyuuwifu (if you guys wanna be added in the taglist, please comment down! :>)
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