#don't worry there will be another part :)
egophiliac · 1 year
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(incoherent bird soldier screeching)
okay, I'm ready, I'm totally ready, I --
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(even more incoherent bird soldier screeching)
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nyankoizumi · 1 year
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Looking at each other with their autistic eldritch horrors eyes
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saphushia · 1 year
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|| part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 coming soon... ||
man sabo really thought he'd get away from ace that easy, huh? well tough shit buddy you just got the attention of one of the most stubborn men on the seas. i do wonder how this'll play out now that sabo's cornered... hehe >;3
textless versions below the cut for those who want to look at. pictures <3
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(skipped page 5 due to. y'know. it not having any dialogue)
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sleepinglionhearts · 3 months
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Kana may, in fact, be named Kana because it is a simple name but also I know where I started, I'm borrowing that name with great respect u___u
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aquanutart · 9 months
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Nyaha~! Caught in my electroweb! ♡
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kirby-the-gorb · 2 months
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osamusriceballs · 5 months
The Accident - Part XVII
Atsumu x fem reader
Warnings: Making out
Words: 1,5 k
About: Back to Onigiri Miya &lt;3
Part I II -> Next Part
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"Finally. Took ya long enough."
Osamu rolls his eyes when you both enter the shop. You apologetically smile and wave while uttering a greeting. "Hey, Osamu. Sorry for being late." Atsumu grins widely, simply ignoring Osamu's comment while you both move to the counter, where Osamu is working. You notice that he looks a bit tired after moving closer, the bags under his eyes proof that he probably only slept a few hours before he had to open up the shop again. Yet, he still professionally forms Onigiri with his hands, everything looking as flawless and clean as the last time you had been there.
Osamu finally looks up to you both when you reach him and suddenly raises his brows when he sees how tightly your hand is held by Atsumu's. His mouth opens slightly, as if to comment on it, but he closes it silently without saying anything before he diverts his attention back to the Onigiri in his hands, now with a small smile adorning his lips. Your face warms up and you mentally thank every deity for making Osamu the more tactful and considerate twin. You're quite certain that Atsumu would have commented on that, if he had been in Osamu's place. Such a tease.
You clear your throat and let go of Atsumu's hand, but his grip around yours is so tight that it doesn't make any visible difference. "Samu, I'm starvin'—could eat the whole menu today. Gimme that please." Atsumu points towards the filled plate in front of Osamu, who just groans as a response and rolls his eyes. "Yer only here for five seconds and I already wanna kick ya out."
You blink in surprise when Osamu simply pushes the plate towards Atsumu and then turns around to open the fridge. "I prepared somethin' for ya. Take it before I change my mind." He hands you another plate with dishes that you remember from the last time you had been there, and you hastily pull your hand out of Atsumu's death grip to take it. "That's—amazing! Thank you." Your stomach clenches at the sight of the food, and you become painfully aware of the fact that you haven't eaten anything since last night, and it's around 4 pm at this point.
"I'll make sure to tag ya in an Instagram post, Samu." Atsumu grins and places one hand at the small of your back to direct you towards a free table. "Here." He quickly places his plate on the table and moves back to the counter. "I'll get us something to drink." You smile and nod while you try to calm yourself down. Your heart starts beating faster when you think about what has just happened with him in his apartment. How he had kissed you and held you. How he was laying on top of you and grinding against you- so needily and desperate. How your hands had been buried into his hair, desperate for him to deepen the kiss—and he did.
But it all came to an end when you had moaned against his lips, the sound so breathless and lewd that your eyes shot open—and he pulled away with a curse. "God, y/n. I can't—we shouldn't—gosh, fuck. I want you so badly." You could see his clenched jaw, his flushed cheeks, and feel the hardness in his pants without a doubt. You knew he wants to go further- but the wetness between your legs was also evidence of how much you wanted him, and you were quite certain that he could feel your warmth and wetness through his pants at this point. But you knew it's not right. Not now, not so shortly after all that.
You had taken a deep breath and then untangled your legs around his body. "It's probably for the best if we stop right now." You smiled a bit strained, your body wanting nothing more but to stay here forever and let him have his way with you, but your mind told you to slow down. You didn't want to ruin this by starting something like this too soon. He had simply nodded but still leaned down to press a longing kiss against your lips. You had melted into the feeling of his lips against yours and reached out for him, only to have him grab your wrists a little clumsily while he pulled back from the kiss and pinned your hands to the bed. Your eyes widened at your vulnerable position under him—and a throb of need rushed through your body.
His eyebrows shot up and his lips curled into a smug grin at your reaction. "Oh? Ya like that? Seems like we're in for a good time then." You swore you could have exploded any second, especially if he kept looking at you like that, and you simply released a shallow huff at his words. "Yer really testin' me here, wifey." He closed his eyes for a second and then pulled back. "Imma take a quick shower and then we can grab somethin' to eat at Samu's. Is that alright with ya?" You had simply nodded, too flustered to form words, and he pecked your cheek one last time before he headed to the bathroom.
After that, you wobbly made it to the other bathroom, quickly washing your face and getting dressed again, trying to distract yourself from the fact that you were this close to giving in and begging him to sleep with you. You have never felt like this with someone else; Atsumu just elicits feelings and actions from your body that you would never have thought were possible. He's a great kisser, and judging from the way he had been grinding his hips against yours, you were quite certain that he will be equally as good in bed. Your face had heated up again at the thought of sleeping with him, and you had quickly grabbed your stuff and go back to the bedroom. You both quickly took your things and made your way towards Onigiri Miya, but not without making out heavily in the elevator.
"Here ya go." Atsumu places two drinks on the table, and you get pulled out of your thoughts. You try to look calm and composed with a smile and thank him while he takes his seat, shortly admiring him in his simple, yet very attractive outfit. A white shirt and a pair of jeans—nothing special, but when Atsumu wears it, it just looks that appealing.
"Don't worry, these are alcohol-free. I'll stop drinking for a while for sure." He scratches the back of his head bashfully, and you laugh softly. "I figured so. But aren't you training like crazy now? Isn't it bad for you to drink anyway?"
A faint pink hue covers his cheeks at your words. "True that. I'm gonna stay away from alcohol for a long time." He shakes his head and then looks away. "Can't believe it's just a few more weeks till the Olympics. Time is running but- oh, let's start with the food already. Can't wait any longer, I'm sorry." He takes an Onigiri off his plate and eagerly digs in, and you're quick to join him, amused by his cute expression while he's chewing. He must have been starving for sure.
"I feel so much better already." He grins, and you nod while you eat a spoonful of your meal, enjoying the taste of fried rice. "Me too. I love Osamu's food." Atsumu nods and pretends to think for a second and then smugly grins. "Seems like yer fallin' for all the Miya's. We're a talented family after all."
"I'm not falling for all the Miyas!" You weakly protest, but the food could definitely make you consider Osamu as a possible partner. "Just kiddin'." He chuckles but suddenly yawns while he reaches for another Onigiri. "I'll drive ya home after that. I'm way too tired for anything more." He does look exhausted now. You don't know how he manages to even hold a proper conversation in his state, his eyes closing every few seconds before he almost violently pulls them open again.
"That's okay." You smile sympathetically and reach for your drink. He got your favorite, and you feel a sudden warmth running though your body at this realization. "I'm also exhausted after last night. But uhm..." You hesitantly fish for your phone and unlock it. "Do you maybe want to give me your new number?" You feel a faint blush creeping up your cheeks, but you're too afraid that you'll forget about it later- especially when he can barely keep his eyes open. "Oh? Sure." His eyes light up, and he quickly wipes his fingers on his tissue before he takes your phone. "Here ya go. I'll make sure to text ya every day."
"You don't have to text me every day." You snort but smile at the thought of always waking up to messages of Atsumu. "I will. Don't worry." Something about the way he says that makes you believe him, and break the intense eye contact when you take the phone with slightly shaky hands and look at the screen.
There it is, your new contact:
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shady-tavern · 1 year
WIP for the long short-story “Holding Curses with Gentle Hands”
Lune had been born a little different, two minutes before her twin brother Luc, into a world teeming with magic. She grew up like any other little girl, playing and roughhousing, splashing through mud with her brother. They learned how to climb trees up and down with all the fearlessness of someone who had not quite yet learned how painful falling could be.
She was bright and inquisitive and always pulled her brother along towards her next idea. Showing him snails and slugs and bugs and bees. He came up with stories of all kinds as they played, creating crafty trolls and sweet little fairies as they swung sticks around and made dolls out of grass and flowers. 
They came back home with skinned knees and rips in their clothes and grins so wide and bright they might just rival the sun. They were, indeed, very happy children.
It was only when school started that Lune and Luc learned that they were different. In a world where their neighbor grew a bucket of strawberries in the span of a week, where the grouchy mayor always looked sparkling and perfect and every child learned at least one or two cantrips as they grew up, they were very, very ordinary.
Not a single spark of magic was to be found in their veins.
At first their parents were very concerned, worried that something had happened to their beloved children. That someone might have cursed the babes out of jealousy. Their mother sought out everyone she might have accidentally insulted to apologize, while their father reached out to old friends he lost contact with, worried he might have offended them.
But when an expert came by, he told them the children were fine. They were just ordinary. As bland as old lettuce, he said.
"They're bright children," their neighbor said while bringing them a bowl of strawberries. "It doesn't matter if they have magic or not. At worst their lives will be a little boring."
"We'll adjust their classes," their kind and cheerful teacher promised. "Don't worry, we'll compensate for their lack of magic. They could become great, um, scribes!"
"They don't understand what they're lacking," the mayor said offhandedly during one of his rounds through their little town. "They were born without magic, they didn't lose it. That's a good thing, it will cause them less grief."
Lune and Luc heard their parents cry at night and they looked at each other, deciding that if they had no magic, at least they could be kind. They would make sure their parents wouldn't have to be so sad all the time.
They became some of the hardest working students their school had ever seen and the entire town had nothing but praise for the friendly twins willing to lend a helping hand. Their parents got used to their magic lacking children and while everyone in town knew and never failed to inform travelers and traders about the unfortunate twins, it bothered them less and less over the years.
When the time came that Lune and Luc were old enough to leave the house, their parents were incredibly reluctant to let them go.
"There are a lot of dangers in the world," their mother worried, wringing her hands. "You have no magic to defend yourselves with."
"We'll be careful," Lune promised. "And we'll stick together."
"How will you avoid bandits and rogue mages and magical beasts?" their father fretted, packing daggers into their bags.
"We'll stay on the road," Luc answered. "The queen's road is safe and regularly patrolled. We'll stick with other travelers and traders so we won't be alone."
Their words soothed their parents. While they were sad to see their children go, they gave the twins everything they could possibly need and sent them on their way.
For the first time, Lune and Luc left their hometown and soon they realized how freeing it was to meet people who had no idea who they were. What they were lacking.
They reached a big city after a couple of weeks, getting lost among winding streets and big, bustling crowds. They met mercenaries and adventurers and at one point, Luc started to write down stories inspired by their tales if they agreed to speak to him. He accumulated a big book full of daring tales, of dashing heroes and wicked foes and wondrous places. Of loss and love and what it meant to be brave.
They settled down in the city after a while. Luc learned to play the lute from an old bard and spent his nights in taverns, chatting up travelers and earning his keep by playing music and telling his tales. As well as fleecing drunkards at games of dice.
Lune found herself working at an antique store that doubled as a pawnbroker. Many of the adventurers came to get rid of the odd trinkets and pretty, shiny knickknacks they picked up during their travels and quests.
Sometimes, the items they tried to pawn off were magical and that always made her boss leery. He always refused them, sending them on their way.
"It just means shit's cursed," he would grumble into his majestic beard. "They would not come to us if they could sell magic items to mages instead. Don't touch those things, even the best mages can't always defend themselves against curses."
"Can't curses be broken?" She had heard enough of those tales from the stories Luc read her. He liked to read things he wrote out loud, getting her opinion on his wording and descriptions.
"Aye," the shop owner dusted one of the stained glass decorations he had been trying to sell for a while now. "But you can only remove the curse from the person, not from the item. That's what makes curse casters so much trouble, they fuck up perfectly good merchandise. The best you can do is destroy the item in question and hope that the curse let's go. Doesn't always work, but it's worth a try."
He made Lune promise to never accept magical items from anyone and already the next day she unwittingly broke that promise. She had no magic and therefore no sense for magic either. 
She accepted a plain gold necklace from a mercenary while her boss was in the backroom. The woman had handed the necklace over with gloved hands and a relieved look in her eyes.
Lune chalked that up to her having debts to pay off and startled when her boss returned only to start cussing.
"Stupid girl," he hissed, staring at the necklace in her hand while the woman bailed before she could be stopped. "That's magic, cursed magic! Do you have any idea what that will do to you?"
Startled, Lune dropped the necklace onto the counter and they both stared at it as though it was a life, poisonous snake.
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ask-richard-jackdaw · 8 months
[Just a general reminder for those who roleplay: make sure you don't dictate other characters' actions and feelings in your asks and replies ☺️ Nobody wants to have their autonomy taken away! If you really want to make your intent known, instead of writing "He hugs her" try "He makes a move to hug her", "He attempts to hug her", "You can see it in his eyes that he wants to hug her", and so on. That way the other character can change the narrative if they are uncomfortable 🫂. But even in that case they are not obligated to reply and you should respect that.
And if you think that nobody is interested in your blog — I guarantee it's not the case! Chances are, not that many people know about your OC/MC/character you play so try to put yourself out there! Engage with people! Send asks, write replies, do reblogs, DM if you have any questions or if it puts your mind at ease before plunging into rp! I know it's hard if you're a shy or reserved person. But nobody else can solve this for you 🫂 ]
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dykethevvitch · 2 years
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I imagine it was quite the adjustment
#the mechanisms#the mechanisms fanart#drumbot brian#art#digitial art#spent waaay too long trying to figure out how a robot body would move#bc humans are squishy! so much of how our movement works is based on the fact that our body parts can squish on top of each other#limb trying to move but the edge of the torso in the way? don't worry it'll just squish out of the way!#but brass doesn't squish!! i based him mostly off of ball jointed dolls#most obvious on his joints#but how his torso bends? man idk#also i had some ideas but god forbid i knew how to *draw* it#so his torso is in 3 sections (again: ball jointed doll) and then his rib section#has a back and front piece connected internally with hinges (which allows his sides to bend inwards for foward arm movement)#his shoulder blades as you can see are squares attached with hinges attached externally with hinges which allows his torso to bend back#which allows his arm a greater range of movement backwards without having 360 movable shoulder joints#1) bc carmilla probably tried to recreate human range of movements and idk who needs to hear this#but humans do not have 360 shoulder movement#2) relying on the ball joint for movement only is weak. for the strength of the attachment#2a) you have to pick between flexibility and strength when it comes to attaching 1 thing to another thing bc the more something moves-#-the less points of anchorage you have#2b) the brass of his upper arm and shoulder would constantly be rubbing against each other slowly wearing both away#which for an immortal brass maybe isn't the BIGGEST concern but i can't imagine it's very comfortable. so mitigate it#i might actually draw out a diagram of how i think Brian works. and it will be different from this drawing#bc tbh i did not put a ton of thought into it for this drawing. i would of torn my hair out#speaking of hair: brian's is made of copper wire. you ever part the hair on a doll and see bald head? yeah same situation with brian
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year
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this is a super messy edit, but here's a rough redesign of zinnia for my tower tycoon / older zinnia au! after zinnia's adventures in pasio & anabel's disappearance, she takes her place as hoenn's resident tower tycoon.
a more detail explanation of the au's setup is under the cut. ⤵
zinnia ends up traveling to pasio around a year after the events of oras + the delta episode in search of a new purpose, becoming known as a mysterious trainer that's a fierce opponent in battle. after forming a sync pair with rayquaza and saving pasio from a meteor, word of her heroics and strength as a trainer began to spread far and wide. eventually, this information made its way back to scott, who was at a loss thanks to the disappearance of the battle tower's frontier brain. he quickly contacted noland and lucy, asking them to recruit zinnia for the position. the two were reluctant to go along with the idea at first, ( replacing anabel would be a tall order for anyone and they had heard the rumors surrounding zinnia's recent past in hoenn, ) but she decided to give it a shot. testing trainers' abilities in battle with rayquaza by her side did sound like a blast, returning home as a celebrated trainer didn't sound too bad either. so, once again, she awaits in one of hoenn's lofty towers — not awaiting for her destiny, but for any trainers who think they're able to best her in battle.
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Congrats to all of us for being so normal about super normal characters. Enjoy these out of context highlights from the form.
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I wanna finalize and post the bracket in the next ~24 hours so if you want your favourite ethically dubious intellectual on that bracket, it's your time to shine!!!: https://forms.gle/FvQ2MMEGagwo5tzg9
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ferretwhomst · 10 months
Do you have art of parallel dipper and mabel?. Also what is the dynamic between mabel and portal stan like?.
i think you got the answer to that first question lol ^^ still not too sure about their designs though. i want them to look recognizably dipper and mabelly but also just Slightly off from how they look in canon. which i haven't quite gotten down yet
also. GODDAMN i've been waiting for someone to ask about mabel and portal stan. she is so attached to him!!!!!!! in a similar manner to canon dipper and ford, but also not really. but also YES really because stan is a badass interdimensional criminal who knows how to have fun and does whatever he wants!! and mabel LOVES that!! (especially because, while he does have his Moments, parallel ford is a bit of a stickler for rules. and dipper tends to side with him on stuff like that. plus sometimes she feels a little left out around them anyway considering she's not so much into the Silly Nerd Stuff. the way mabel sees it is "dipper and grunkle ford can be sooo boring!! but YOU!! you're not afraid to get a little silly!!") she doesn't idolize him to an Unhealthy degree like dipper does with ford in canon, but she DOES get attached to him immediately and starts trying to spend time with him. and, of course, stan sees a little spark of his chaotic younger self in her too, so he quickly develops a soft spot for her (as much as he doesn't want to admit it, because he's Supposed to be back home, not here with these... strangers. but it doesn't take long for him to stop seeing mabel as a stranger.) tldr they're SO SO SILLY and they cause problems together and they take naps together and i love them dearly
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takiki16 · 5 months
A Fine Chain
UPDATE: Chapter 14/?
Fandom: Jupiter Ascending
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Beta: @gallifreyburning
Relationships: Jupiter Jones/Caine Wise
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Light Dom/sub, Power Imbalance, Royalty, Slavery, Collars, Leashes, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Don’t copy to another site, Dark
Summary: Caine Wise, disgraced ex-Skyjacker and convicted criminal, is suddenly inducted into the service of the enigmatic Queen Nea-Seraphi, mysterious new Recurrence and puzzle to the Entitled social circle. While figuring out the boundaries of his new station, worrying about his old commander, and nursing old wounds from his court martial, Caine finds himself slowly being drawn into the confidence of his royal employer. What could Her Majesty possibly want with a defective splice?
In which the queen is in peril, royal wardrobes are dismantled, and Caine experiences some tribulations.
The wonderful @zahnie has made a PLAYLIST for this fic!!!! Go check it out immediately!
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osamusriceballs · 7 months
The Accident Part VIII
Atsumu x fem reader
Warnings: None
Words: ~ 2k
About: You finally meet your good friend &lt;3
Part I II -> Next part
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"You know each other?!"
You stare at Atsumu with wide eyes, who just stares at the short blonde next to you and raises his eyebrows as if he just had an epiphany.
"Where have I—wait. Karasuno. Karasuno's manager! You're a friend of Shoyo-kun!" Atsumu's eyes shine when he talks about Karasuno, and you furrow your brows when you remember that it's the name of Yachi's old school. "Shoyo-kun? Like—Hinata Shoyo?" You ask, recalling a bright orange-haired man you've met a few times already when Yachi had invited you to drink with her and her friends. They had always been a lively bunch, definitely growing on you the more often you saw them.
"Hmm, we work together," Atsumu nods, and you blankly stare at him while you try to digest that piece of information. You know that Hinata is a professional volleyball player. Very professional. Olympics level professional. He offered you cards to his games quite a few times, and you had politely declined, not wanting to cause him trouble, but he had sent you tickets anyway for a game in a few weeks.
That probably means that Atsumu is a professional player too—or he might be some kind of manager, according to the vague statement that they are working together. His physique and his posture tell you that he potentially could be an athlete- you would believe that in a second.
"Working together like... playing volleyball too?" You ask for clarification, tilting your head curiously while you watch his reaction. His lips curl into a smug smile, and the confidence he's radiating now makes your legs turn into jelly.
"Yeah. I'm a professional, just like Shoyo-kun. He loves my sets, by the way. Always aces them with no problem."
His eyes capture yours and you hang on his every word, definitely surprised by the development. You're married to a probably very famous professional Olympia volleyball player. You're not even sure what to think about this; the new details just made the whole situation more absurd and unrealistic. The only good thing is that Yachi apparently knows him. You could maybe get more information out of Yachi about him later.
"I—wait. The marriage—you married ATSUMU MIYA?" Your attention shifts to Yachi, who turns almost worryingly red, and you quickly step closer to her and reach for her arm, trying to calm her down. "Yes, but it's okay. He's a good guy, okay?" You smile encouragingly, and Yachi takes a few hasty loud breaths before she nods.
Atsumu watches you both and awkwardly clears his throat, a faint blush covering his cheeks at your words, and rubs the back of his head. "I'll leave ya two alone then. I'll call ya, y/n."
The last thing you see is his smile before he turns around and walks away with his hands in his pockets now. His broad back is evident, especially when he's wearing the white dress shirt, and you can't help but admire the man for a second before Yachi enters your sight once again.
"Y/n! - what happened?!"
"I can't believe you're married to Atsumu Miya!" she exclaims, still sounding shocked as she repeats the same sentence for the third time after you managed to tell her the fully story during the car ride. Both of you sit on her comfortable plush couch, adorned with a few of her stylish designer blankets. You're glad to be in a familiar place finally, but you can't help but to think about Atsumu. Will he call or leave a message soon? You wouldn't mind him calling today already- just to make sure you have his number. Nothing else. Just to clear that whole marriage thing. And nothing else.
You nod with a mild smile an attempt to calm her slight panic. Atsumu has assured you that everything will be taken care of, and you find yourself actually trusting him. "It'll be okay. You mentioned he's a good guy, right? I mean, he's friends with Hinata."
Yachi deeply inhales and takes a sip of her tea and nods. "He's close to Hinata. They get along really well. But let me tell you, Atsumu Miya in high school is something else. His serves were powerful and terrifying- not as much as today, but still enough to keep us all on the edge. Even Nishinoya had a hard time receiving them. Atsumu-san and Osamu-san managed to copy Hinata's and Kageyama's special attack effortlessly. It was insane. Maybe we can find a recording of it."
She grabs the remote to turn on the TV, and you lean forward eagerly at the thought of seeing more of Atsumu. "I wonder what Atsumu looked like in high school," you muse, taking a sip of your tea, its slight bitterness complementing the rich flavor. "He basically still looks the same. His hair got a bit brighter, and I think he grew a bit. And gained mass," Yachi responds, finding what she's looking for with an excited squeal. "Here!"
You both watch how a much younger Atsumu raises his arm and much to your surprise the whole crowd falls silent. "What- that's not normal, is it?" You turn to Yachi who seems slightly pale, probably because she remembers the moment vividly. "That's normal for Atsumu Miya. He was so good and popular that he got that special treatment. It helps him to focus. Oh, and watch his steps! You can tell what kind of serve he's going to make by the number of his steps."
You diligently nod and watch him serve again, taking six steps this time. The camera angle is a tad bit closer this time, and you don't fail to see his yellow-ish hair that definitely looks different compared to his looks today. He was very fit, even back then, but he is definitely more buff today.
You watch some more of Atsumu's powerful serves, his form screaming utmost perfection, and memories of the very same strong, muscular arms wrapped around you make heat rush to your cheeks. Yachi continues to share insights about his playing style, and you quickly try to focus on her words.
"...their combined attacks are difficult to anticipate. But look at how Kei blocks it!" You nod enthusiastically while you observe Tsukishima's impressive block. The video then shifts to another game, showcasing Atsumu in a black uniform adorned with yellow claw prints on his sleeves.
"Oh, that's from the MSBY game! You should have seen him; there's this amazing set—" Yachi's words trail off as the camera cuts to an unusual angle, revealing Atsumu's impressive thighs in full glory as he sets the ball with a ridiculously seductive smile. Your jaw drops at the unexpected sight- you know for sure you would have fainted if you saw that scene in live. How dare he look so good while setting the ball?? "Look, Hinata easily managed to hit that! And there's Bokuto-san!" You recognize the orange-haired spiker, sharing a smile and high-five with Bokuto. "I can't believe that they all actually know each other."
"Yeah," Yachi smiles and nods. "Hinata always talks about Atsumu-san. And Bokuto-san is close with Osamu-san, I think. I've seen him post a few pictures with Akaashi-san at Onigiri-Miya."
"Is that the name of his restaurant? Atsumu said he would take me there someday." Yachi gives you a side-eye, and reaches for her phone. "You've gotten pretty close, haven't you? You seemed really flustered when-" You quickly interrupt her, "No! I—I don't even know him. I don't even have his number. He was just being nice, we're not really close."
Yachi nods with a small grin, and hands you her phone. "Here. That's his Instagram. He's also often at Onigiri Miya. It seems like he's very proud of his brother's success. I though you might want to have a look at his life."
"Thank you." Yachi is truly a great friend, and you feel once again fond of being close to her. As you scroll through Atsumu's Instagram, you find a mix of game snapshots, some pictures with Osamu, in which he always has a plate full of food in front of him, and you can't help but zoom into the plates, impressed by the neatly arranged dishes. As you keep on scrolling, you almost gasp loudly when you find a very surprising collaboration with Calvin Klein, featuring a shirtless Atsumu from a very close perspective. At first, you keep on scrolling, too flustered at the sudden revealing picture, but curiosity makes you go back after a few moments, and you look at the picture again.
He looks good. His muscles are well-defined and he grins seductively for the camera while he poses, clad in only a ripped pair of jeans. It's almost unfair how ridiculously attractive he looks, but you still think that he looks even better when he's just woken up, just like he did this morning. You exhale loudly and curiously click on the comments.
"I would pay real money to have him like this in my bed." "Christmas came early this year- and so did I." "Bless the Miya genes. I'd gladly help to spread them." "Thank you Calvin Klein. I'll make sure to get a pair of these pants." "*FAINTS* HE'S SO HOT, I CAN'T-"
You're startled when you notice how the comments get even more unhinged and shameless as you keep on scrolling. "He... has a lot of fans," you remark, scrolling back to the top and handing Yachi her phone back, to which she nods heavily. "He had his own fan club in high school, and ever since the Japanese team won the Olympics, the whole team has been very popular. Especially Atsumu-san and Sakusa-san."
You hesitate before asking the next question, uncertain of what the answer might bring. "Is there a reason why he's single? He seems like a decent guy, looks good, and he's probably rich. Isn't he the perfect catch?"
Yachi furrows her brows, thinking. "I don't know, actually. It's probably the same as with Hinata and Kageyama. They focus a lot on their careers; they simply don't have time for dating. I also found out that most volleyball boys can be a bit... intense. It's probably hard to find a partner that understands their passion. They prioritize training over anything else. I've never seen Hinata skip a day of training, no matter what happens. Their partners must accept that they put a lot of their energy and time into their jobs."
"Ah," you simply nod, slightly surprised by the revelation. You would have assumed that they have a very lively dating life, but it seems like they just live for work. Sounds a bit lonely.
"I also think that some fans are a bit obsessed with their private lives. There was an incident before with Atsumu-san and one of their fans- but things have calmed down lately, so you should be fine." Yachi reassures you, reaching for a cookie on the couch table.
"I think that—" she is interrupted by the sudden sound of a ringing phone, and both of you exchange confused glances before realizing it's your phone. Yachi's eyes light up, and she squeals, "Maybe it's him—I mean, I could have gotten his number through Hinata, but maybe he's got some news—"
You fumble with the phone, the unknown number undoubtedly belonging to Atsumu. Taking a deep breath, you nod at her and hold the phone to your ear, answering the call with a simple,
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SAME ANON FROM THE CHILDHOOD READER WANTING TO PROTECT AJAX AAAH!! MY HEART… I LOVE THAT SO MUCH!! Foul Legacy getting love and comfort makes my heart go Q__Q <3 <3 I love the idea of FL falling for reader once he returns hELP PLEASE??? Imagine they would ruffle or pet Ajax' hair when they were young after the abyss and Legacy is just <3 <3 just little small things for him (that they'll definitely do with FL now, free affection <3)
Ajax may be strong and dangerous, same goes with big mothman, but that is not gonna stop reader from protecting them. owo (I hope it's okay to send another rambling aah! I live for childhood AUs so much and I love the scenarios you make!! ;v ;)
you being a source of genuine affection for Ajax... when he returns from the Abyss, he's clearly changed, and no one but his family wants to be near him. no one but his family- and you. all the other children your age fear his newfound violent tendencies and stay as far away as possible, but you have no shame in jumping on him in a hug, swinging your hands back and forth together, or ruffling his hair, your innocent childhood combined with your protective nature. and Ajax, oh, he craves the small things you do for him, the wonderfully casual way you spend time with him instead of walking on eggshells like everyone else. whenever you squeeze him or playfully pat his head, he feels safe, like his fall into the Abyss never happened, and he can almost believe it if it wasn't for the creature chittering ecstatically in his mind- Foul Legacy's not used to even the slightest bit of affection, and it overwhelms him at first as he falls for you as much as Ajax has
when Ajax gets sent to the Fatui, he eventually grows accustomed to the lack of contact, the way his coworkers either regard him with fear or distaste. when he returns to you and experiences your affections again, now wholeheartedly love, he feels like he's melting into your arms and nearly cries. Foul Legacy's not used to being protected- in the Abyss, life is ruthless and cold- and furthermore he doesn't really need to be protected, but when you look up at him with a slight frown and tell him that he's worth being protected, no matter what, he almost breaks right then and there. the sensation of you holding him, an Abyssal monster who only escaped by latching himself to a mortal, like he's something precious makes him tremble with emotion- so many emotions he's never felt before- and he allows himself to indulge and lean into your touch, the same soft pets you give Ajax. eventually Foul Legacy lapses into slumber and vanishes, leaving a tired, teary Ajax in your arms, who pulls you close into a tight hug, begging for just a moment longer
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