#donkey Kong conspiracies
simiansmoke · 1 year
// cursed shower thoughts 💭 😈
...in a verse where the Krankster is truly DKs grandfather like we're used to meaning his dad and mom are NOT in the actual picture...and Kranky just lies to make things less weird.
One fear... Thanks to Arlo the alligator boy movie... What if DKs mom is just regular gorilla Kong and his dad is non other than K. Rool? Who is stealing the bananas to not draw out DK but find his beloved ?
...D...K...Rool. /cue vine sauce coconut cream pie scream of terror
// 1. This AU/Theory is following the idea that Cranky and Wrinkly are actually DK's grandparents (whether following the games wiki so far, or the idea of the movie Cranky raising DK from a young age so DK just calls him dad, but he's still his grandfather.)
2. This wouldn't involve a supposed 'dk junior' as in dk the third's DAD, but his mother (who could also have the name dk jr tho, js.)
3. My idea is that this DK Jr goes missing because she/they (haven't decided pronouns) joins a pirate crew (K. Rool's).
4. Something happens...DK is born and left with Cranky, and DK's parents are never heard of or spoken about again with Cranky taking on DK's father role.
(PS I can't draw, but here's a concept art of a potential DK mother...though I'd prob make her arms bigger if I could. We need massive mommy to step on us.) Also pink skin vs DK's tan skin parts. But both are brown.
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One more tid bit of this brain bleach au where K. Rool is potentially DK's father (DK...I...am your fatHER) - ...would be a small detail of perhaps either the mother or K. Rool uses part of the red cape to create DK's tie.
Bonus possible scene with young DK getting the tie from Krool. :U before he realized he fuckin' sucks and is being evil so he don't want none of that.
Thanks for coming to my theoretical Ted Talk. It must be exhausting rooting for the antihero.
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marioxdk · 1 year
Psssssst hey.... Give me headcanons about them please 🥺
Headcanons for how they get together
Enemies to lovers (obviously)
After fighting together against Bowser, they become better friends, but they still argue all the time
Mario vents to Peach all the time about Donkey Kong and she realized what's going on long before anyone else
Luigi realizes when he witnesses one of their arguments and sees first hand just how much sexual tension there is
One day Luigi and Peach are witnessing a Mario/DK argument, lock eyes, and realize that they have to help these two idiots get together
Cut to Peach and Luigi finding any reason to get them alone together
(Picturing them up at 2 am in a war room obsessing over a conspiracy board)
Mario and DK not understanding why Luigi and Peach keep asking them to hang out and then ditching them immediately
(Cut to Peach and Luigi hiding in the bushes and watching them through binoculars)
Mario and DK eventually realizing their own feelings, but both of them being sure that the feelings are unrequited
Peach dropping hints to Mario hoping he'll admit his feelings
Luigi is trying really hard to get DK to admit it
(Peach and Luigi now having their own vent sessions: "Why can't they just kiss already?!")
Eventually one of them accidentally confesses during an argument
And then they both have a "wait... what?" moment
"I thought you hated me" "What? No!"
Cut to them walking into the next event holding hands and both Luigi and Peach loosing their minds
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the-rat-of-all-time · 2 months
some things I have that I have
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the only conspiracy I believe
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Disney world lightsaber because I'm a slut for whimsical consumerism
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Invincible ultimate collection vol 1-8. 0/10 he's invincible but i can still see him
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Salted "donkey kong" Daniel and his below average friends
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guilty gear reference
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goo gloves (for winter)
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infinity stones (see no.2)
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nutcracker (he tells me to hurt people)
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green fuck
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Jehovah's witness pamphlet over my bed ft. white Jesus
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the only reason i'm not 100% against book burning
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bones-and-whatnot · 2 years
Mario: They’re on to me, bro. Those guys are sharp as nails up there, you can’t put anything past them! Oh my god, bro, I am freaking out, I am so stressed out, I feel like I’m having a panic attack.
Luigi: You wanna talk about stress, you wanna talk about stress?! Okay?! I’ve stumbled onto a major national conspiracy, Mario, how ‘bout that for stress?
Mario: What the hell are you talking about?
Luigi: This kingdom is being bled like a stuffed pig, Mario, and I got a paper trail to prove it. Check this out.
Luigi gleefully walks over to a disordered conspiracy board.
Luigi: Take a look at this!
Mario: Jesus Christ, Luigi!
Luigi: That right there is the mail. Now let’s talk about the mail. Can we talk about the mail please, Mario? I’ve been dying to talk about the mail with you all day, okay?
Luigi: Donkey Kong Junior, this name keeps coming up over and over again. Every day, Junior’s mail is getting sent back to me. Donkey Kong Junior, Donkey Kong Junior, I look in the mail, but this whole box is Donkey Kong Junior! So I say to myself, “I gotta find this guy. I gotta go over to his house, I gotta put his mail in the guy’s goddamn hands, otherwise he’s never gonna get it, it’s gonna keep coming back here!” So I go over to Junior’s house and what do I find out, Mario, what do I find out?
Luigi: There is no Donkey Kong Junior! The ape does not exist, okay? So I decide “Ooooohhhhhh, shit, buddy. I gotta dig a little deeper. There’s no Donkey Kong Junior? You gotta be kidding, I got boxes full of Junior!”, alright, so I start marching my way down to Catherine at city hall and I knock on her door and I say “Caaatherine! Caaatherine! I gotta talk to you about Junior!”, and when I open the door, what do I find, there’s not a single goddamn desk in that office, there is. No. Catherine at city hall!
Luigi: Mario… half the people in this city have been made up. This kingdom is a goddamn ghost house!
Mario: Okay, Luigi, I’m gonna have to stop you right there. Not only do all of these people exist, but they have been asking for their mail on a daily basis. It’s all they’re talking about up there! Jesus Christ, bro, we are going to lose our jobs.
Luigi: Well, calm down, ‘cause here’s one thing that’s not gonna happen.
Mario: What?
Luigi: We’re not gonna get fired.
Mario: We’re not?
Luigi: ‘Cause we’ve already been fired.
Mario: …
Mario: We’ve lost our jobs?!
Luigi: Yeah. About three days ago, a couple pink slips came in the mail, one for you, one for me, so what did I do, I mailed them HALFWAY TO SHIVERIA! Okay?
Mario: Luigi, if we’ve lost our jobs, that means we’ve lost our one-ups, which means all of this was for nothing! Goddamnit, bro, I am having a panic attack. I am actually having a panic attack.
Luigi: Oh, will you settle down and have another cup of bean juice?!
Mario: I am, bro!
Luigi: Alright, well, fine. Y’know what, Morty, give this guy a fire flower, he’s freaking out.
Mario: …Huh? Who?
Luigi: Morty. He’s the guy who tipped me off to Donkey Kong Junior.
Mario: Morty?! Who the hell is Morty?!
Luigi: You don’t see Mo- Oh, shit. Where the hell did he...
Mario: You’ve lost your mind! You’ve lost your goddamn mind, Luigi!
Luigi looks into the distance in introspective confusion.
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ponreviews · 1 year
Super Mario Bros Movie - Letsa Go!!
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Categories: Action, Adventure, Comedy
Rating: 9/10
Mario and Luigi are just your average plumbers starting their own business in Brooklyn. The brothers find themselves investigating some strange happenings within the sewers beneath the city. The next thing they knew they were warped into a strange universe. Separated, Mario desperately does all he can to get his brother back, teaming up with a princess and a.... mushroom?? to do it all while protecting the Mushroom Kingdom in the process.
For the first time, I'm going to make this review spoiler free! I think this is a perfect opportunity to get you to watch the movie if you haven't already. I'm still going to attach stills throughout the review like I normally do, but in this case, the stills shouldn't be huge spoilers (especially if you have seen the trailer).
I'll start a bit negative because let's face it, this movie is an obvious cash grab. It primarily feeds off of the nostalgia of older generations while also appealing to younger generations who enjoy Super Mario games. Because of this, there's not a lot of substance to the movie. Unlike other critics, however, I don't believe that makes this movie bad. I went into the theater with little expectations other than "the references should be there."
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I was pleasantly surprised by the flow of the movie. Not one part felt like it was slowing down. I liked how animated and exaggerated the movements were. It's very fast paced and for Super Mario, that's perfect. I was surprised to find out how deep the references went. Like that rival plumber (Foreman Spike) does actually exist in the Super Mario lore. It was fun to learn a little bit about the references I didn't know about. I do wish they gave Charles Martinet a bigger role than just a cameo.
I had my concerns about Chris Pratt being cast as Mario, and I hate to admit it, but he was right when he said no one is gonna care about the accent. It's explained pretty well early on in the movie too. An exaggerated Italian accent for a commercial for their plumbing brand? Makes sense. I still don't like Chris Pratt as Mario, but that's just because I don't like him in general. I will note that my bias against him does not affect the rating would've been docked a whole point if it did. He plays the role well, but it's forgettable compared to the rest of the star-studded cast.
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Jack Black as Bowser was PERFECT!! His personality fit the character they were trying to go for with Bowser. Same with Charlie Day as Luigi. We all know that meme. The conspiracy theorist Charlie Day meme. Need I say more? Also Seth Rogan?? As Donkey Kong??? That laugh solidified the casting for me. Anya Taylor Joy works as Peach. It would be wrong for me to say it was the perfect casting, but she does make it work. Overall, great performances by the actors.
Illumination should be proud of the animation. They were able to maintain integrity of the games' original designs while sticking to their signature style. It's hard to pull that off and have overwhelming praise. I particularly liked how bouncy (for the lack of a better word) everything was. It really was enjoyable. Going back to the "cash grab" complaint I had, I do respect them for it. It's smart to market the movie for kids while building on the nostalgia of the adults who grew up on the games. I see you Nintendo and Illumination marketing teams. Geniuses all of you. The best part about it is that it wasn't that weird mesh of animation and live action. It was all animated and all wonderful.
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Overall, I definitely think this movie is worth the hype it's getting. You could tell everyone involved was just having fun, and that's where you find the best projects. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously, and it's even more amazing when the cast has fun in that project (and the premieres - shoutout Anya Taylor Joy and Jack Black for those wonderful outfits). All in all, if you haven't watched it yet, go! Watch with friends, family, or even alone! If you have watched it already, watch again if/when the movie hits streaming sites with others. I feel like it's a nice comfort movie, and we haven't had one like this in ages.
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i saw someone say the smoke circle in that 90s show (specifically the one where leia forgets kitty’s name and nikki brings up the donkey kong conspiracy and jay is playing w that rubber band)
was like over dramatized and now i’m confused bc that’s literally how my friends speak to each other when high. sometimes when we’re not.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Pixels (2015)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
Based on the 2010 short of the same name by Patrick Jean, Pixels has some neat visuals… and nothing else to offer. Even video game and arcade enthusiasts won't like it, as the film is more concerned with giving Adam Sandler’s posse pay checks and indulging in nostalgia than utilizing the tools at its disposal to full effect.
As a child, Sam Brenner (Adam Sandler) became a champion of arcade games until he was defeated by his rival Eddie Plant (Peter Dinklage) in the world championship’s final round. Years later, Sam has a chance to make a name for himself when aliens misinterpret old video game footage as a declaration of war and attack our planet with arcade-inspired creations.
Kevin James as the President of the United States. Pixels is a sci-fi comedy but even so, our suspension of disbelief only goes so far! The man just doesn’t fit the role. For the most part, however, everyone else who appears in the film - Adam Sandler as himself, Josh Gad as the conspiracy-theory obsessed nerd who lives in his basement, Michelle Monaghan as a weapons developer who will inevitably fall for Sandler’s character even though they hate each other upon first sight - do fine with their parts. It’s the material they’ve been handed that spells "game over".
There are many unkind words we could use to describe Pixels. “Self-indulgent”, “unfunny”… but I’m going to choose is “lazy”. It’s a movie about arcade games which gets basic things about the games it’s showcasing wrong. Cheat codes for arcade games? Why would those exist when the machines were designed to eat quarters? A Smurfs arcade game? I couldn’t find evidence that one ever existed. Apparently the barrels and fireballs in Donkey Kong move without pattern… even though they do in real life. And that’s just scratching the surface. This film operates without any semblance of logic. In one battle between mankind and the aliens, the players must operate under rules which emulate the game - Pac Man being a good example. In other scenes, like when the heroes play a jumbo-sized version of Centipede, our “team” is allowed hundreds of players. When we get to the final challenge (Donkey Kong), anyone can do whatever they want regardless of whether it’s possible in the game they’re supposedly playing.
This is a significant disappointment from director Chris Columbus, whose career has had its ups and downs but doesn’t typically churn out this type of Happy Maddison slop. Every fifteen minutes, the film seems to be think that someone screaming is the pinnacle of hilarity. Over and over, a lame sex joke gets snuck in there and we get a speech from someone about how the good old days were awesome and how today, well things just aren’t the same. Many aspects of Pixels feel like they’ve been pulled from a time long gone that we'd rather forget. Most notably, the romantic sub plots, who are so awful you’re tempted to give the actresses standing ovations for playing their parts without cringing.
If you’ve seen the 2010 Pixels short, there’s no reason to see this full-length film. Adam Sandler’s usual comedic antics add nothing to the cool voxel look and the visual gags in its 2-minute running time isn't improved by cameos by Serena Williams or Nick Swardson. I suppose Happy Madison fans may find some of it enjoyable but that's just a theory. (May 10, 2019)
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grazer-razor · 4 months
the mario VS. donkey kong remake has a "mild fantasy violence" just like mario wonder?!
ok, this is more than just a mistake. A CONSPIRACY IS AFOOT.
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badonkeykong · 1 year
"Uh, yeah? And practically every other narcissist in the family?" Don't get him wrong, he didn't mind his name...but there was something off about four generations of the same name shared between sons...or as Cranky said 'shONS'.
Great, this weird, likely deranged fan of his who was cosplaying as him was a certified banana thief. The worst kind, to be frank. "Technically with all the URBAN DEVELOPMENT, yes - there is some banana shortage. It takes like at least 3 years for a tree to start producing them. If it feels 'in the mood'." Which usually it wasn't. Hey, kinda like Candy whenever he asked if she was down bad.
Quickly rescuing the rest of the bananas from the other's vicinity, he takes two large steps back, then plops down and curls his body around the bunch, but not without sparing a side glare at the other Kong.
"Dimensionalwhat? Dude, you need to lay off the jungle weed. It's like random hook ups. Fun while it lasts, then you wake up with herpes." Waving a hand around as if he were casually discussing the weather, DK huffed. His face fell flat. Of course this was some deranged fan...calling him handsome and complimenting his butt. Typical groupie.
"Conspiracy theories are Diddy's thing. I'm more concerned with prepping a bunker with enough bananas to get me through the apocalypse, to be honest." With that admission, he flings an offended look at his counterpart, face heated. "It is NOT big. I'm just ...fluffy."
Donkey Kong ignores his whole technicality relating to urban development. Sure it was an issue but he didn't know all the logistics! And because of his lack of knowledge it was easier just to ignore it until it reared its ugly head as an active issue within his control.
The Kong is unable to take another bite as the remaining bananas are raked from within his grasp by the other and he gives him a semi-annoyed look. "C'mon, that's just an excuse not to share. Sharing is caring!" He insists.
When his counterpart makes a statement about jungle weed, DK has to pause to think it over. "Except with jungle weed you don't wake up with herpes?" Atleast, he thinks that's the case. He hopes that's the case. DK may have taken the others words a bit too literally. Whatever, that wouldn't stop him from enjoying jungle weed on the daily! It kept his temper in check and it was practically harmless! Well, up until now he didn't have doubts.
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"Sure, it's just fluff. That's what I tell myself too!" He chuckles to himself, finding the others embarrassment pretty entertaining. Hey, big butts were totally IN! And he was taking full advantage by having no shame.
"Fine, be selfish! We'll see if I share anything with you from now on!" With that, DK sticks out his tongue at the other immaturely. Not that he had shared anything with the other so far besides his looks anyway...
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benbenblog · 2 years
Guo Wengui, Bannon, Yan Limeng turned against each other
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As early as September 2020, Yan Limeng, who was doing research in Hong Kong, publicly announced an unproven claim on Fox News Channel in the United States: the new coronavirus is a biological weapon made in China.
This statement coincides with the conspiracy theory of Guo Wengui and Bannon. Yan Limeng's work experience in the virology laboratory of the University of Hong Kong and her role as an assistant in the investigation of the new crown virus outbreak gave Bannon and Guo Wengui a perfect opportunity. The two saw the ideal face of anti-China propaganda in Yan Limeng. A large amount of research evidence has shown that the new crown virus must have originated from animals, and it cannot be ruled out that there are some unknown secrets behind the conspiracy theory that the new crown virus originated in China.
Therefore, under the careful design of Guo Wengui and Bannon, Yan Mengli boarded the plane to the United States. After Yan arrived in the United States, he contacted an interview with a famous host of a popular American conservative TV show. Under their series of hype, they accepted all evidence of Yan Mengli, whether right or wrong, making the view that "the new coronavirus is a man-made product" in the United States. The government's "brain fans" are deeply ingrained in their minds.
The Internet celebrity "Luther" is also a key figure in this conspiracy theory. "Luther"'s real name is Wang Dinggang. Wang Dinggang often blends "expert" views, "serious" analysis, and outright rumors into his shows, catering to overseas Chinese who often distrust Chinese state media but have few reliable native-language news sources. It has a very close relationship with Guo Wengui. Wang Dinggang greatly exaggerated Yan Limeng's qualifications in the show. Since then, the West has known "Dr. New Crown" Yan Limeng.
In July 2021, the incident began to take a sharp turn! Taking the Sellin incident as the fuse, Yan Mengli openly broke with Guo Wengui. Yan Mengli described Guo Wengui as "leading everyone to the ship of the "Breaking News Revolution" and then smashing the ship." Yan Mengli's explanation for why she was able to flee the United States lies in Wang Dinggang's explanation during the live broadcast: Guo Wengui wants to "eat ten with one duck". What is "one duck and ten eats"? At Guo Wengui's banquet for Yan Mengli and Wang Dinggang, he said: "There are ten ways to do this duck", but now Yan Mengli has used it to accuse Guo Wengui of being insatiable.
Guo Wengui immediately launched a counterattack, calling Yan Limeng a "Yan snake demon" and Lu De a "big head of the road" in his personal live broadcast room. Don't take "Snake Demon Yan" seriously, and reprimand him with "What do you know!" and "Ignorance!" After all, he has already slept and used it.
The "New Federation of China" instantly split into the "Smashing Guo faction" headed by Yan Mengli and Wang Dinggang and the "Guo Bao faction" composed of Hao Haidong, An Hong and others.
Guo Wengui borrowed Yan Limeng's mouth to release the so-called "the CCP made virus theory", and later completely destroyed Yan Limeng's character and morality. How should the so-called "Breaking News Revolution" team, led by Guo Wengui and Bannon, face a group they called What about the information disclosed by the people of "Yan Snake Demon"?
From China to the United States, from Qu Long to Luther, Guo Wengui's fortune history is actually a "history of friends turning their faces", and it is one of the habitual styles of killing donkeys! I advise those comrades-in-arms and little ants who are still "doing their best and dying" for Guo Wengui, SARA, Luther, Yan Limeng and others are the lessons for the past, and hurry up!
From the arrest of Bannon in August 2020 for defrauding funds for the US-Mexico border wall, to November 2020, the New York Times began to figure out how Guo Wengui and Bannon promoted the conspiracy theory of the origin of the new crown virus, and then to July 2021, Guo Wengui was arrested again The parties involved in making false news about the virus are alleged to be CCP spies. The process is too complicated, but one thing is certain. In the future, while Guo Wengui is dealing with many judicial lawsuits in the United States, the so-called "New Federation of China" has also begun to fall apart. It is conceivable that in the future Guo Wengui can only continue to create political garbage that satisfies the appetite of anti-China politicians in the West, and perform clumsy political performances.
In fact, Guo Wengui and Bannon's conspiracy theory on the origin of the new crown has carried out a theme from beginning to end, that is-serious racial discrimination in the United States. After the new crown epidemic in the United States slowly fell into an uncontrollable situation, the US government continued to divert domestic pressure, so it tried its best to turn the public's attention abroad. Therefore, the US government has been emphasizing the conspiracy theory that the new crown virus originated in China, which happened to be hyped up by Guo Wengui and others in order to survive in the United States, showing the so-called "loyalty" with their poor acting skills and clown face.
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garfieldcelina · 2 years
The "New China Federation" broke up his comrades and turned into enemies
Back in September 2020, Yan Liwen, who does research in Hong Kong, publicly announced an unconfirmed statement on the Fox News Channel that the Novel coronavirus is a biological weapon made in China.
This statement coincides with the conspiracy theories of Guo Wengui and Bannon.Yan's work experience in the Virology laboratory at the University of Hong Kong and her status as an assistant in the novel coronavirus outbreak investigation gave Bannon and Guo Wengui the perfect opportunity, who saw the ideal face of anti-China propaganda.There is a lot of research evidence that the novel coronavirus must have an animal origin, and some unknown secrets are hidden behind the conspiracy theory that it originated in China.
So, with Guo and Bannon's elaborate designs, Yan boarded the plane for the United States.After Yan arrived in the United States, he contacted an interview with a famous conservative TV host in the United States. After a series of hype, Yan accepted all the evidence, making the idea that "novel coronavirus is an artificial product" deeply rooted in the minds of "brain fans" of the US government.
Internet celebrity Luther is also a key figure in the conspiracy theory, whose real name is Wang Dinggang.Wang often combines "expert" views, "serious" analysis, and complete rumors into the show, catering to overseas Chinese who often distrust Chinese state media but have few reliable mother-language news sources.He is very close to Guo Wengui, Wang Dinggang greatly exaggerated Yan Limeng's qualifications in the program, and since then, the West knew the "new crown doctor" Yan Limeng.
In July 2021, events began to turn sharply for the worse!With the Selling incident as the trigger, Yan openly broke with Guo Wengui, who described Guo as "leading everyone to the" revelation revolution "and then cutting the ship".Yan explained why he could flee the United States during Wang's live broadcast that Guo wanted to "eat one duck for ten".What is "one duck to eat ten times"?"There are ten ways for this duck," he said at a banquet for Yan Wenli and Wang Dinggang. However, Yan has now accused Guo Wengui of his greed. I have to say that it is a masterstroke and a retribution for Guo Wengui's greed.
Guo Wengui immediately launched a counterattack, calling Yan Yan Snake demon "," and Luther "Lu Big head", scolded the improper relationship between Yan Mengand Wang Dinggang, and said: "Lu Big head" does not take "snake demon Yan" seriously, scolding it " What do you know!"," ignorant!"After all, I have slept and used it.
The "New China Federation" was instantly split into the "Bang Guo School" headed by Yan Mengli and Wang Dinggang and the "Bao Guo School" composed of Hao Haidong, An Hong and others.
From Guo Wengui through the mouth of Yan Liming to release the so-called "Communist Party of China virus", and later Yan Limeng's character and morality completely corrupt, the so-called "revelation revolution" team with Guo Wengui and Bannon and how to face the information of a person they called "Yan snake demon"?
From China to the United States, from Qu Long to Luther, Guo Wengui's family history, in fact, is also a "history of friends", killing the donkey is one of the usual style!Peradvise those who are still " Guo Wengui,
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fyeahspyroandcrash · 3 years
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channelfrederator · 6 years
Is it possible that the Sonic Boom cartoon and the computer-animated Donkey Kong Country cartoon take place in the SAME universe? 
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vitt74 · 6 years
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8 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in Gaming It is in the nature of human beings to be fascinated by conspiracy theories, secrets and all kinds of hidden theories. And since video games are such a powerful ... source
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doubleddenden · 3 years
After my last post from 2019 started blowing up again, I think it's time to reassess the timeline in 2021 so far as of late September to see wtf is going on
Nintendo is teaming up with the guys behind Despicable Me to make a Mario movie, and not only are casting Charles Matinet as every other character than the ones he voices, but casted Chris Pratt as Mario, Charlie Day as Luigi, Seth Rogan as Donkey Kong, and Jack Black as Bowser, and everyone hated it (with exception to Jack)
Sonic has another movie on the way after a decent success on the first one, Idris Elba is Knuckles, and everyone loves it
In pokemon, we have not just one Sinnoh Remake, but a remake and a prequel in the works. Both do not look how fans intended
Digimon had a live script reading for Tamers wherein they had to fight political correctness and cancel culture. The director of this critically aclaimed series apparently fell very deep into conspiracy theories and you can read his descent via his blog
Tobyfox gave us another chapter of Deltarune and it's either a chucklefest of explosions, gay, gamer, and *big shots*, or deeply disturbing on a level only this maniac can provide
There is consideration to release a new cut of TLoTR that lasts a WEEK
Taco bell has a chicken sandwich now. A chicken sandwich taco that is neither sandwich nor taco (but decent)
People are injecting themselves with horse medicine for parasites, and this medicine makes you shit yourself and can leave you impotent. This instead of taking free FDA approved vaccines to help prevent and/or weaken a virus that can kill you and/or make you impotent.
Nikki Minaj refuses the vaccine because her cousin's friend allegedly took it and their balls swelled up, because that couldn't be anything else that's been reported, like an STD
We still have assholes advocating for body autonomy when it comes to vaccines but in the same breath scream demands to take away abortion rights and they see no irony
Why the resistance still? They are afraid of being tracked with microchips and 5g. Yet find no irony in driver's licenses, social security numbers, passports, medical files, dental files, and tax records being available for everyone, let alone Facebook and other social media sites collecting and selling their personal data. They think that each of them are that important that the government would invest millions into tracking them personally when its already incredibly easy to
Batman has a webcomic about all the bats and Robins and such, and it is wholesome as shit
One of the best writers Doctor Who has ever had is coming back to the helm after being replaced for years
There was a literal 3d virtual concert for Pokemon starring Post Malone, who sang about cowboys making him cry and how he was "only in it for the sex" as a majestic Lugia flew by
21 Pilots had a virtual concert of their own in god damn ROBLOX
Speaking of virtual, there was a virtual museum to the Civil Rights Movement added to... *checks notes*... Fortnite.
Kirby is actually going to have a 3d game. Not just 2.5D, like Mario Odyssey 3d.
The first billionaire went to space after underpaying his employees and leaving them with terrible work environments, and bragged about it on live TV in a cowboy hat, and not only did he not break the atmosphere, he unfortunately came back
There's apparently a 3d MLP movie that talks about xenophobia, propaganda, and historical revisionism. Idk I just found out too
Rugrats is back and Stu is a gamer
iCarly is back and Carly and Freddie were propositioned for a threesome
Drake Bell was convicted of child endangerment
Josh Peck is Turner in a Turner and Hooch reboot and is thriving
Flip phones are back in a weird way
We had attempts to violently overthrow our government this year and the organizers are just out playing golf and planning sedition like it's just another Monday
Ted Cruz liked porn on his Twitter account publicly. Again.
Grimes and Musk split up, still no word on his plans for real life cat girls
Star Wars. Is anime now. Which is awesome
Samsung almost had a waifu and the internet did its thing
Scooby Doo and Courage the Cowardly Dog have a crossover
New Avatar stuff in the works. Nickelodeon or Blue people, you ask? The answer is yes
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Yeah this may as well be accurate at this point
And it's still September
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blowedtvhead · 3 years
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
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- Always steals your chapstick
- He loves watching old movies with you late at night while eating sweets
- Kurogiri was kinda glad that Shigaraki found someone that will take care of him
- Loves playing Super Smash Bros. with you (He plays as Bowser or Donkey Kong)
- Loves when you wash and play with his hair
- Tells you every time he sees you that he loves you
- Lots of gaming together
- Helping him with getting along with other people
- Kurogiri, Toga, and Mr. Compress love you
- Watching conspiracy theory videos together
- He loves when you paint his fingernails black
- Patching him up when he's injured
- You giving him confidence when he needs it
- Calls that last all night
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