#dont even sweat its beautiful
the-acid-pear · 5 months
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I fucking love this movie because look at it look at IGNORE THE CENTIPEDE BTW DONT WORRY ABOUT IT but look at the color and the framing and the fucking Fog like i cannot stress enough just how cinematic the first movie is man. Kind of but not entirely lost in the sequels, where the settings were simply Ugly.
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darabeatha · 1 year
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/  team of #they butchered my guys and made them turbo dislikable for reasons that a lot of times dont make sense to their characters and its such a shame because they oftentimes have a lot of history behind them that could give a lot of interesting things to look out for and heck, even give more plausible reasons as of why someone would dislike them 
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animeshotsh · 8 months
Family meeting | Dad!Lucifer x Kid!Reader
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Summary: Lucifer wants you to meet Charlie, the only problem? He needs to go to the hotel.
PT2 Of This and a full one shot of this.
Warnings: Off Canon in terms of time | Mentions of past abuse | Cursing | Reader gets loved by everybody | Probably some OOC | SFW | Grammar mistakes |
Lucifer undertood, really, he knew Charlie was too worried about her Hotel to ever leave it alone. He also felt bad about asking her to just come home to meet you, after all he was not a present figure in her life.
"(Y/n) are you ready ?" Lucifer called you who went to him with a cancerberus plush on your hand and a backpack with some toys.
"Im!" You declared showing off your things, and letting out a smile. You were now dressed in the best quality clothes Lucifer could afford, he had to take a moment to snap a pic of you (again).
"Let not keep them waiting then" Lucifer said taking you and supporting you on his hip, his wings out.
"ARE WE GOING TO FLY THERE?" You screamed making the house shake, your hyped self could not be contained.
"Yes, what better way to travel?" Lucifer joked. The first time you two took a fly together Lucifer was distracted and ended up dropping you. His reaction time was fast so he was able to catch you, already making promises to never fly again with you but your laught stopped him, turns out you loved to fly and loved the adrenaline from falling. Lucifer found it strange but decided not to question it.
He later went to the internet to look for more information.
Once you two took fly everything felt at peace (and you two were in hell...). Demons and sinners could see their King, no one dared to mess with him. Some ignored him, others bowed and some even waved at you.
From the Sky, the city seemed beautiful in its own type of way. The fire from fights and the buildings falling apart...big neon adverstiments...
If you were honest you liked hell.
Lucifer felt your self become sleepy making him smile. This would usually happen, something about flying with him relaxed you. Maybe being with the king of hell and on top of that flying around the city made you feel Powerfull and protected, enough to make you dizzy. Closing your eyes you let the feel of the wind caress your skin as Lucifer's wings moved towards the Hotel.
Charlie was not nervous, not at all!!
That was a lie. Charlie was so stressed over his dad coming to the hotel and with you no less. When he had called her and asked to meet up she had said she had too much work (and it was true) then after listening to how he wanted her to meet you and how you have been asking about her.
Her heart could not take it so she accepted, saying she would make the hotel the safest place for you.
"Husk, put the alcohol away, OH! And be sure to remove any broken glass" Charlie exclaimed getting the most are you for real look from Husk.
Any sharp object had been locked down, weapons hided away and they even took extra care of things that could fall over you.
"Angel, try to...keep the sex jokes as...."
"As good as a good suck in a alley corner after some Drugs?" Angel asked getting an annoyed look from Vaggie. "Fine, I get it. Im not a monster you know" he responded offended going for a drink only to get some appel juice from Husk.
"Princess rules" he simple said.
Vaggie was behind Charlie as she went on checking everything. This was worse than one Lucifer had first come, this was Lucifer and you. The New kid, the new lil relative of Charlie.
"And- and did we get Alastor to go out?" Charlie asked Vaggie knowing how him and his dad were not at good terms.
"Now my dear, why would you want me away?" Alastor asked appearing besides her. "Its because your dad its coming today? Dont worry the hotel wont suffer any type of damage" he promised bowing "or maybe a bit"
The sound of the door being opened alerted everyone. Charlie was sweating as she saw her dad entering with a small kid on his arms. Puffy sheep skin and cat hears and tail could be seen but their face was pressed against Lucifer's chest.
"Charlie!! Its so good to see you again" Lucifer exclaimed getting closer. "Sorry, (Y/N) felt asleep when coming here" he explained looking down with a lovely father gaze at the kid.
"Oh...thats...thats fine!! We have made everything kids safe for the time (Y/N) is here" Charlie responded still stressed, however now seeing you in the flesh and not only by photos her dad would send her, her heart softened at your sleepy form.
"Well, not everything..." Lucifer let out a groul seeing the Radio Demon who stood with his usual smile.
"Greetings your majesty, I never expected to be seeing you again so soon, maybe grow a few inches instead of getting kids from the streets on your free time"
"Hahaha, oh at least kids like me" Lucifer responded going towards Alastor.
"Hahaha only because you are their size"
"Hahaha, or because I dont have that broken record voice"
"Hahaha, fuck you"
The small beef between them was enough to wake you up, looking up you first saw Lucifer's face. A very angry look then the look of another Demon, a redish one that looked like a deer.
"...are these your ears or hair?" You asked half sleep getting everyones attention.
"Oh ignore him, we are here to meet with by daugther!!" Lucifer quickly turned around making you face Charlie. He carefully let you down on the ground and saw how you went to her.
Charlie went to your eye level, her heart beating fast. "Hello! Im Charlie, and welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!!" She cringed at her introduction, laughts from Angel and Husk could be hear at the back.
"Im (Y/N)! Are you my older sister?" You asked moving your head to the side taking her appearence, no doubt she was Lucifer's child, she had a different aura, something cheerful and good, something your insticts told you to reach for.
Charlie's mouth went dry, her eyes having now tears as she remember the story her father told her about you, about how you ended in hell. How unfair it was and how Heaven would not listen.
"Y-yes Im" she responded trying to content her tears then almost getting knocked off when you hugged her. Your soft hair rubbing against her cheeck.
"I always wanted a sister"
Vaggie had to look away to keep her emotions in check. She undertood the malice from heaven and was thankul you had ended in Lucifer's way. Her heart broke a bit seeing your small form hugging her gilfriend.
Heaven its damed she tought to herself.
"And this is Angel Dust!" Charlie presented you the spider Demon who was looking down as he was thinking about someone else.
"Hello Kiddo" he ruffled your hair getting a laught from you.
"You have four arms?" You asked looking at Angel who showed them then picked you up
"You bet!! And do you know what form arms can do?"
Everyone was holding their breaths now.
"Lots of ticklets!!" He finally responded tickling you. Your laught and smile resonated in the hotel. Your cat hears moving from side to side as Angel tickled you with a small smile of his own.
You pulled Angel around the hotel, telling different tales you have been reading from Lucifer's private collection. Angel just nodded at you, he took note of how your eyes would light up when you were talking about a favorite character or a special part of a story.
It melted his heart.
"I want juice" You suddendly said stopping and making Angel almost fall over you. Luckly he was able to catch his balance.
Juice? Angel thought then smirked looking at a very sober and pissed Husk.
"Here, this one makes the best drinks and im sure he has some juices for you" Angel said taking you towars Husk who was giving Angel a very do not dare look.
"Uhhh, he seems scary" you said softly looking at Husk while Angel seated you carefully.
"Scary? Pff he is just sober" Angel said getting a confused look from you.
"I mean-"
"What would you like kid?" Husk asked keeping his voice with no emotion. He had hear you said he looked scary and honestly, that was funny. By the fact that you had touched Alastor's hair and ears earlier and you got the radio Demon to almost break his cool.
Yeah not scared over the radio Demon but scared of him? You were something.
He passed you a juice with appels. You were quick to forget your fear as you sipped the drink looking at Husk. "I liken your wings"
Husk looked a bit suprised but soon relaxed giving you a easy smile.
"I like your horns...what are you?" He finally asked getting an annoyed look from Angel.
"Well...im not sure?" You responded now feeling shy.
"You are a sinner my Dear!" The voice of Alastor echoed as one of his shadows picked you up keeping you from touching his hair again.
"And who are you?" You asked back macking Alastor glitch, static forming around him but then going away.
"Im Alastor, the Radio Demon! I have a show, maybe you ever listen to it or you prefer these boxes..."
"You mean tvs?" Alastor nodded "I used to watch a bit during mornings but...my father hated when we did it he would scream at me and-" your voice broke making everyone look towards you Lucifer almost going for the Demon's neck.
"Oh you poor thing" Alastor said deep down (very deep) feeling bad. Memories of his own life coming to haunt him. "Then here!" He made a move and a old fashined radio appear "this radio hosts only my shows, and no one will be angry at you because you listen to it" He said smiling at you, his shadow still holding you and playing with your horns as Alastor watched Lucifer for a reaction.
"Uh...thank you Mister" You finally said getting a lick from the shadow itself.
"No problems Dear and if you ever need a New dad you know for who to look" He smirked at Lucifer.
"But Lucifer its my dad..." you responded, radio in your tiny hands "...could you be my uncle?" You asked innocently ignoring who you were talking to, one of the most powerfull Overlords in the circle.
Alastor moved his head his shadow getting you closer to him, he took a moment to examine your soul. So pure and so...so unlike him.
Alastor could be chained to someone, but right now the only one who could hold a leash on him was you.
"Of course Dear" he finally responded taking you from his shadow and to his arms.
"And can I play with your hair?"
"Hahaha, absolutly not"
Lucifer was being hold in the back by Charlie and Vaggie sending daggers to the Demon.
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redr0sewrites · 11 months
Hashiras Reacting to Reader Calling Them Pretty Hcs
Demon slayer hashiras reactions to you praising them/calling them pretty!
🥀Characters: All of the Hashiras (minus Muichiro) x reader (seperate)
🥀CW: none, just fluff!
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Giyuu is sooo easy to fluster with praise
he lacks praise and compliments a lot, hes pretty socially inept and isn't great at interacting with others so the second you praise him or compliment him his brain short circuits!
giyuu realizes how happy your praise makes him, and starts trying to praise you in return, its really cute seeing him stumble over himself attempting to compliment you
he is completely unaware of how pretty he is, and when you tell him hes pretty he doesnt believe you at first
after you call him pretty for the first time, he just kinda blinks at you
it takes time for him to adjust to it tbh, and he'll flush a pretty pink anytime you whisper to him how pretty he is, and what a good, pretty boy he is
i honestly feel like giyuu is more insecure than even he acknowledges, and whenever you call him pretty or compliment him in general he truly takes it to heart, and over time he ever so slowly begins to like himself more<3
"Youre so pretty Giyuu!" Your words ring in his ears as he stands there, completely frozen in surprise. His ocean eyes bear into yours, and for a second your scared that you made him uncomfortable. Giyuu blinks, and a pretty pink flushes the tips of his ears and cheeks. "You.. really think so?" His voice is soft, yet he forces himself to maintain eye contact with you. Now its your turn to blush. "Of course I do! Giyuu, your the prettiest person I know!" Giyuu swears his heart skips a beat, and a rare smile forms on his face. "I... thank you. I think you are very pretty as well." You cant stop the smile that blooms on your face, and you rush to practically tackle Giyuu in a hug.
Listen, this egotistical mf KNOWS hes gorgeous
however, when you call him pretty Tengen takes it to heart much more than anyone else
He truly cares what you think of him, and while he knows hes attractive, whenever you say it he swears his heart soars
Tengen will scoop you up in his arms, pressing kisses to your face and making you laugh as he practically begs you to say it again
He will tease you about it as well, Tengen loves seeing you flustered about how attracted you are to him
Overall, he showers you in compliments as well
You and all of his wives dont go a day without hearing how gorgeous and strong you all are, and when the tables are turned Tengen truly does enjoy the praise
"Fuck, Tengen, you're so pretty.." Tengen stopped his training, turning towards you with a cocky grin on his face. "What'd you say, doll?" You flushed, turning away to hide your red face as your lover approached you. He was coated in a sheen of sweat, and he had foregone his shirt due to the summer heat. "Nothing! I didn't say anything," you grumbled. He laughed, eyes shining as he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. "Oh, I think you did say something! Its very un-flamboyant of you to lie baby~ now, are you gonna tell me or not?" He smirked, leaning down to be face to face with you so your lips were only inches apart. "Its nothing really..." you meet his eyes, swallowing softly from the tension of being so close together. "I just said that youre pretty.." Tengen barked out a laugh, still smiling as he scooped you up in his arms. You screeched, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. "Say it again~"
Like Tengen, shinobu is aware of her beauty, but perhaps not as egotistical as him
She is subconsciously aware that she's attractive, but looks never really mattered to her anyway so she never really bothered to care about her appearance
Now though, with you in her life, whenever you compliment her looks she feels a strange fuzzy feeling inside
Shinobu adores your praises, and finds herself wanting to be pretty for you. She'll model an outfit for you, getting dressed up for no real reason other than to hear the sweet words that spill from your mouth
whenever you call her pretty, she truly, genuinely believes you and it honestly shocks her how much she trusts you
Shinobu is better at expressing her feelings through actions rather than emotions, and while she may not compliment you as often, she still makes it known how gorgeous she thinks you are, inside and out
Shinobu was humming softly, her morning had been rather pleasant and she was excited to see you. You had promised to stop by after you current mission, which had lasted for a week. "Nobu!!" Your voice made her turn, and a genuine smile graced her features as you pulled her into a sweet kiss. You sigh, seperating your lips only to lean your forehead against hers, looking into her dazzling eyes. "Shinobu, your so pretty." Your compliment startled her slightly, and she blinked, heart beating just a but faster as she pulled you into a kiss again. She pulled away, a thin trail of spit seperating both of your lips. One of her hands moved to caress your cheek, and the other gently gripped your hair as you both stared into eachothers eyes, enjoying the precious moment you had together.
Your praising him for once? wow
Seriously though, Rengoku is the ultimate bf when it comes to praise
He loves expressing his affection for you, and isn't afraid to tell you that he thinks your stunning
Whenever you compliment him, he always returns your energy in earnest, whether your acknowledging his looks or his skill or anything in between, Rengoku is quick to fire back a sweet, thoughtful compliment of his own
Rengoku doesn't care too much about his looks, though he does try to put in some effort
whenever you call him pretty, the biggest smile forms on his face and he laughs out loud
after you call him pretty, Rengoku sweeps you up into his arms and gives you a tight bear hug while kissing the top of your head and whispering sweet nothings to you
"Rengoku, can you come hear please?" You call out to your boyfriend, and he appears in the doorway almost instantly. "Can help you lift this with me?" You motion to the large table you had just finished building, and he nodded enthusiastically. Within a metter of minutes, the table had been settled and Rengoku was beaming at you. "Thank you so much baby," you smile, wrapping your arms around his neck and gently kissing his cheek. You sigh, looking into his eyes as he pulls you close, the two of you slowly dancing to non-existent music as you relished in the comfort of eachothers embraced. "Rengoku, youre so pretty." The words slipped past your lips without a second thought, and your boyfriend grinned impossibly wider. He laughed, cupping your face with both of his large, gentle hands and pressing a swift kiss to your forehead. "How could my beauty ever compare to yours, sweet flame? You are ethereal!"
Mitsuri gets extremely flustered whenever you praise her! Her whole face is red and she is shaking in embarrassment whenever you call her pretty<3
She doesnt believe you at first, how could someone like her ever be pretty to someone as stunning as you?
Her bubbly nature attracts all kinds of people to her, and while she gets plenty of attention most of it is for her body rather than her. However, when you call her pretty, she knows that you're talking about all of her, even the imperfections
I think she would squeal in delight when you call her pretty, and while she is very embarrassed she also thinks its so sweet you think of her that way
Praise in general makes her super happy, and she tries to praise you a lot too!
"What do you think?" You showed Mitsuri the cake you had made for her, and she looked as though she was about to pass out in delight. "Its perfect!!! It looks so delicious, I love you so so so sooo much!!!!" Mitsuri was bouncing up and down, cheeks a pretty pink as she ogled at the sugary heaven in front of her. You smiled to yourself, enjoying every second of her happiness and admiring her own sweetness. "Mitsuri, you really are pretty!" She squeaked, staring at you as her whole face turned bright red. "Wha- whats making you say that all of a sudden???" She brought her hands to her cheeks, squirming in embarrassment as you giggled. "Nothing! I just think your pretty." Mitsuri yelped, tackling you im a hug and nuzzling her head into the crook of your neck in embarrassment. You smiled, gently running your hand through her hair absentmindedly as she pulled away, cheeks still rosy. "I think youre really pretty too.."
Whenever you call him pretty, Obanai tries to act all calm and collected yet in his mind hes freaking tf out
He'll look away from you, desperately trying to avoid eye contact
Obanai is incredibly grateful that his bandages cover his blush, yet you can still see a soft pink on the tips of his ears
Calling him pretty is something really intimate between you two, especially considering his scars and imperfections
He never really sees himself as pretty, yet when you say it Obanai feels as though he ascended to another realm
Call him pretty when he takes his bandages off, and he might break down a little
Obanai truly trusts you and feels safe with you, and youre one if the few people who has seen him with his bandages off
Because of this, he really values your opinion and whenever you compliment him about anything he takes your thoughts very seriously
Obanai sighed, slowly removing the wrapping from his face. Kaburamaru hissed softly, curling into the crook of his neck as he placed the bandages down onto the counter in front of him. Around others, he hid the scars that disgusted him but when he was around you, in the comfort of your home, he could truly be himself. You slowly approached him from behind, humming softly to alert him of your presence. Obanai turned to face you, and you reached up to cup his cheeks. Your face crinkled in a smile, gently running your thumb over his scars and leaning in to press a kiss over each of them. Ovanai sighed, turning his head to press a kiss to each hand cupping his face. "Youre so pretty Obanai," you say softly, pulling him into an embrace. "Is that what you think?" he whispers softly in your ear, and you nod. He let out a shaky sigh, burying his head in the crook of your neck as Kaburamaru rested their head atop yours in an embrace. His breathing slowed as he allowed himself to melt into your touch, finally relaxing after a stressful day. "I love you so much, you know that?"
Calling him pretty can go one of two ways. Sanemi will either deny it and go feral, or he will get super flustered and deny being flustered
listen. hes confident af. he knows that hes fucking hot. we have ALL seen his boob window and sexy scars. sanemi KNOWS hes fine as hell, but pretty? if you call him pretty, hes honestly shocked
if you called him pretty around others, he would probably try to deny it and he would be kinda incredulous to the idea
however if you both are alone, and you play your cards right, you might unlock flustered sanemi
he'll blush, pretending to be annoyed but he cant deny that his heart feels like he just ran a marathon
compliments in general get him flustered while simultaneously boosting his ego x10
sanemi really really likes it when you compliment him, esp when your complimenting his appearance but he will NEVER admit it
Sanemis head lay in your lap as he dozed, your fingers gently running through his unruly hair. It was rare to see sanemi with his guard down, his eyelids drooping as he began to nod off. He looked so gentle and ethereal, whisps his white hair falling on his face. "You look so pretty Nemi," you say, gently massaging his scalp with your nails. Sanemi moans softly at the feeling of your affectionate touch, nuzzling into your lap for a second before he suddenly stiffened. "What the fuck did you just say?" Sanemi bolted upright, sitting in front of you and trying to look angry, yet his flushed cheeks gave him away. "I said you were pretty!" you repeated matter-of- factly. "Huh?! What the fuck- no I'm not!" Sanemi's cheeks were burning a beautiful red, and you pulled him back down into your lap. He grumbled, but quickly melted into your gentle caresses as you continued to run your fingers through his hair. The sleepy atmosphere soon returned, yet Sanemi's face remained a pretty, flushed pink. "My pretty boy," you coo, giggling to yourself as he glared at you lazily. "Shut the fuck up," Sanemi grumbled lovingly.
Gyomei would be pleased that you think he is pretty, but since hes blind he doesn't truly understand what you mean
in his eyes, everyone is pretty and equally beautiful, so while your compliment is touching to him, he doesn't truly understand it
however, he begins to realize that you think hes pretty not just because of his looks, but because of other traits too
such as his strength and intelligence, his faith and his gracefulness.
Gyomei calls you pretty too, while he cant see you, he believes with all of his might that you are the prettiest person in the entire world
your aura and your overall soul truly makes him see you as a beautiful person regardless of looks, and gyomei compliments you often
"There you are!" You called out to Gyomei, who appeared to be sitting under a tree, enjoying the scents and sounds of the beautiful landscape. "I was looking for you!" Gyomei turned towards the sound of your voice, a gentle smile forming on his face despite the constant tears streaming down his face. "Apologies, my soul. Ive missed you very much!" You grin at his words, approaching him as he stood to his full height. Your reach out to embrace him, letting him wrap his arms around you as you melt against his large form. Rough hands trace up your sides as Gyomei presses a kiss to the top of your head, and you pull away to stafe up at him in adoration. "You truly are pretty Gyomei, inside and out." Your words are gentle, meant for his ears and his ears alone. He hums in response, rubbing soft circles against your back with his large hands. "So are you, my dove."
HELPPP GIYUUS IS SO SHORT AND HES LITERALLY MY FAV <\\\3 i feel like im shadowbanned or sum cuz like nothing ive been posting has been getting notes 😭 is it obvious i am SO BAD at writing for Gyomei????? anyways, i hope you enjoyed!!! PLEASE SEND IN MORE DEMON SLAYER REQS IM BEGGING YOUUU!!! (ALSO VOTE IN THE POLL FOR WHAT I SHOULD WRITE NEXT!)
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seung-mong · 19 days
seung-mong's kinktober 2024!
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gulp~ they're right behind me arent they? well... more like on top!
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whats your favorite scary movie? - after a mysterious call in the middle of the night threatens to ruin horror movie night with your friends, you cant help shake the feeling that someone's watching your every move. at this point you dont know what's worse: a creepy stalker managing to sneak his way into the house, or how awkward and fidgety chan's been all evening!
includes: ghostface!bangchan x fem!reader, stalking, choking, slight knife play, blood kink, +more!
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and so the lion fell in love with the lamb - after moving to romania against your parents' wishes to live a peaceful life with your dying grandfather, your dreams are plagued with visions of pale, almost shimmering skin, droplets of crimson red blood with the taste of the sweetest wine, and sharp fangs that make you sweat in your sleep. your grandfather can only urge you to pray, despite the growing dread in the pit of his stomach at the sight of the bruises that linger on your skin. not to mention the puncture wounds right by the side of your neck!
includes: vampire!leeknow x inexperienced fem!reader, stalking, religious themes, marking, +more!
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not all monsters do monstrous things - changbin's been acting different lately, and you're hesitant to talk to him about it. after the accident that left him bloodied and bruised, the last thing you want to do is bring up how he's become so distant lately, passing up on opportunities to hang out, refusing your physical affection, ditching you for the new group of friends that seemed to appear out of thin air. but when he stands you up on your birthday dinner on Halloween, you know he's crossed the line!
includes: werewolf!changbin x fem!reader, childhood best friends trope, depictions of gore and violence, size kink, manhandling, strength kink, + more!
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its amazing, the love inside, you take it with you - finally, a space of your own! a safe space for you to practice your spells without accidentally setting your mom's heirlooms on fire. a safe space for you to brew your potions without your mom complaining about the smell and how you're doing it wrong (you've figured). a safe space for you to chat with your cat companion, milo, without your mother rolling her eyes. a safe space... with an awkward, clumsy, GOSSIP of a soul with unfinished business!
includes: ghost!hyunjin x witch fem!reader, voyeurism, pervy hyunjin, subby hyunjin, femdom raahhh, overstimulation, dacryphila, +more!
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you could be happy here, i could take care of you. i wouldn't let anybody hurt you. we could grow up together! - han thinks hes seeing things. he usually enjoys camping by himself, but when a bright light and a high pitched noise makes his head throb and his nose bleed, he genuinely thinks he could die. now he REALLY thinks hes seeing things because.. is that someone falling from the sky? after deciding to sleep on it, he meets you. and uh, oh yea. he's definitely seeing things!
includes: loser nerd!han x alien fem!reader, subby hanji, han jisung is a SIMP LOSER, bondage, use of some kind of aphrodisiac, choking, +more!
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absence makes the heart grow fonder…or forgetful - never being one to believe in fairytales, you were the only one in your village brave enough to explore the thick woods across the train tracks just south of your home. finally, a place where you can think in silence, with no one to disrupt your writing. when the creatures of the forest begin to make themselves known to you, you ignore all the signs telling you to run. especially when the so-called evil trickster fairy is the most beautiful boy you've seen in your life!
includes: faery!felix x fem!reader, kinda inexperienced felix, lowkey corruption kink (litrally if u squint), felix has wings (that r sensitive), overstim, +more!
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this is true love- do you think this happens everyday? - seungmin is too young for this, he thinks. the youngest prince to take the crown in centuries, and the war between his kingdom and the kingdom of the forest is intensifying. his people are going missing, and he has no idea what to do. it does not help that the king of the forest scares him shitless. he turns to you for help, the last witch of your line- you can thank his family for that!
includes: prince!seungmin x witch fem!reader, kinda enemies to lovers (the trope belongs to him i fear), hatefucking, biting, bondage, +more!
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we all go a little mad sometimes. haven't you? - you really should have filled up your gas tank. your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, and the storm outside only further dampens your spirits. its dark and empty for miles, besides the little light that flickers on the side of the road. you brave the journey on foot, shivering, and soaking wet. your heart drops when you see the shelter, old and run down. thank god the young gentleman inside is kind enough to offer you a bed for the night!
includes: serial killer!jeongin x fem!reader, primal play, fear play, choking, knife play, jeongin is really rouch, +more!
got a horror concept for a fic? dont be shy and request! (submissions open until september 20)
wanna get tagged? (specify the kinktober special!)
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
summertime beauty routines⋆.ೃ࿔*:・👙
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since we are now in the hotter seasons of the year i wanna share some routines, tips and regimens to stay fresh all summer 🍹
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during the warmer months i transition from a thicker moisturizer to a moisturizer with a gel formula, otherwise the pores of the skin would get clogged. the gel moisturizer would feel rly light on ur skin whereas the thicker moisturizer would just feel too heavy.
when u go swimming whether thats at the beach or the pool, leave in products are the way to GO. bring a leave in conditioner to apply onto your hair after a swim to make sure that ur hair is protected from the salt/chlorine and the sun.
when looking for summer scents i gravitate towards more fruity scents for daytime events. and for evening or night events i gravitate towards muskier, more shimmery scents. a fragrance that i recommend for the summer is sol de janeiro rio radiance.
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some body products that i recommend for the summer are the watermelon and coconut scented tree hut scrubs. the maui hair products. cabana girl body wash from philosophy. the bum bum body scrub.
keep ur body hair trimmed or dont keep it at all bcuz hair traps odor and in order to stay fresh during the summertime, where we r always sweating. hair control/elimination = odor control/elimination.
use glycolic acid on ur armpits at night and use it on ur body in the day time. glycolic acid helps with strawberry legs too, not only odor. essentially its like a toner but for ur body skin. it goes before lotion.
last but not least dont forget to stay hydrated and apply ur SPF and smile
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traffytaffy · 5 months
OP Men and proposing💍
Ft. Law, Kid, Sanji, Zoro.
Sorry i haven’t posted in a bit. I had like no ideas, but this was actually requested by my best friend who was going through “marriage fever” lmao.
Requests are open!
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-Marriage isn’t something he’s concerned with but if it is something that you’ve shown interest too, then he’ll consider it. But expect a proposal after several years of being together.
-He would prefer something quiet.
-Somewhere that only you can hear the way he speaks to you in his gentle voice as he tells you everything he loves about you. 
-He wont get on one knee but he would be right next to you, thigh-to-thigh, hand-in hand… as the close contact of his warmth radiates off of him and onto you.
-He would probably pick the night time so it would be more peaceful as the moon and stars are out (also so you don’t see his deep blush)
-He looks embarrassed at first but decides to just be upfront and honest.
-He would pull out a diamond ring. It wouldn’t be too extravagant,something minimal but filled with love.
“Would you…accept this? And make me the happiest man…once more?”
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-Marriage doesnt really pass his mind. If youre with him. You’re his, not a paper or a ring can tell him otherwise.
-I dont think he would care about the logistics of it, but he decides to take matters in his own hands once he sees someone flirting with you…
You nod to get the person flirting with you away…
“I don’t see a ring on ya finger”
-After…beating their ass. Kid would make you a custom ring with an engraving of you and his initials.
-Instead of getting on one knee. He just hands you the ring, his flustered face not able to meet your eyes and all he says is:
“Keep it on, you hear me?”
-And thats all you needed to hear to know you’re a married partner now…without even saying yes.
(You can not convince me he’s not a big softie)
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Do i even have to say it?
He has every…little..thing… planned..
-Its Sanji, you should know he would make a proposal the most romantic gesture he has ever done.
-He’d probably buy you bushes of flowers. Petals running up and down the beach where you find a candlelit dinner waiting for you. And of course… he cooked it all.
-French wine. The best of the best.
-His suit was fresh and crisp, not one single wrinkle in its fabric. You actually felt a bit under-dressed but he assured you that you were the most beautiful thing to him no matter what you wore.
-You felt like an idiot cause out of all the extravagant dates and romantic gestures hes done for you, it took him getting down on one knee for you to finally understand what was happening.
-He has a long speech. You probably have to shut him up by giving him a kiss midway through and saying “please shut up. Of course its a yes” in a sweet and playful way obviously.
-Cause he didnt need to say every great detail about you for you to know your answer was always going to be a yes.
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Probably accidentally got lost and made it to an office where he can file for marriage.
(Kidding…well maybe..?)
-He probably would propose if its something you want. As for him, its not really a big deal.
-He actually does try to plan it out to the best of his ability, asking his crew members for help.
-He loves you so much and wants this to go as planned that he even asks Sanji of all people for help. Sanji takes care of cooking a special dinner for you two.
“Im only helping you cause its for y/n”
But secretly, he wants Zoro to be happy as well.
-When it happens, you two are alone on the deck of the ship, sharing a drink after the two of you ate the dinner Sanji had made for the two of you.
-When the time of the night came that he thought was right, he is sweating profusely.
“Can i talk to you?”
-You nod and listen as your beautiful eyes stare into his, causing him to stutter.
-He doesnt have a speech or anything, he believes the words should just come to him.
But they dont.
-He pulls out the ring and looks at everything else but you.
-He holds the ring out to you while rubbing the back of his head nervously.
“Marry me?”
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miaisocool · 7 months
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary - Wanda was your best friend in college that you had feelings for... were your feelings reciprocated or not?
Warnings: Mentions of underage drinking, Angst, Fluff in a way?... YES THIS WILL HAVE A PART TWO!
Word count: 4k
Note: This is inspired by the song Johanna by suki waterhouse :) so i recommend listening to that song..
Part two
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Oh, my Johanna, Johanna...
There you were at a party that wanda invited you to it was just a simple college party nothing else the atmosphere felt weird... and tense your vision was hazy including nothing but people passing out, strobe lights flashing over your face red solo cups plastered all over whoevers kitchen counter.. drinks that you didn't recognize the name of assuming it was something fancy. It made sense since it was apparently some rich kid who's dad owned a big company hosting the party you didn't even recognize anyone there except wanda, clint, tony and maybe natasha?...
You and natasha never got along well due to your past with her meaningless hookups that would end up with nobody in her bed the morning after. It was a on and off thing for a while with you catching feelings for her when she didn't want you and natasha catching feelings for you when you didn't want her it was a confusing thing between you both it was on and off like that for a while during your freshman year of college but, you guys talked it out and discussed how it was better for you both to just keep the relationship between you two EXTREMELY platonic she went on a rant of multiple pros and cons about it and how it would keep your friend group together you didn't care as much as she did but you went along with it. So did she.. she soon got used to it and distanced herself from you she was tired no matter whether or not the friendship included those hookups or if it was platonic she couldn't manage to be friends with you knowing she was gonna catch feelings again. Did she have a good reason to? maybe but those were hookups that you and her both strived off of everyone moved on from it except for her it was somewhat of a cold atmosphere between you and her for a while but its okay now, which you assumed since she gave you a quick smile at this party...
"come on.. go talk to her!" clint nudged your shoulder as he nodded to the direction wanda was in she looked so beautiful.. whenever you got a glance of her the signal of butterflies would turn in your stomach and it made you somewhat smile to yourself it was common for you to do that.. smiling at the thought of wanda or smiling whenever you had a interaction with her you couldn't help it who wouldn't fall for her? he was bothering you all night to go up to wanda and dance with her or at least have a conversation with her but he knew you were too afraid to "I think i just need to sit down.. i dont know clint.. this party is just.." it was true the party was overwhelming with the music pulsating off of the walls even when you stepped outside for some "fresh air" it was nothing but the music still blasting strobe lights were even set up outside to "keep the party going" which was doing nothing but making everyones face in the crowd unrecognizable and the strong scent of weed making the air thick, the scent of sweat and alcohol mingling with the aroma of wanda in your mind wasn't doing you justice she always smelt like cherries and wine in the best way possible the only scent that you could ever get drunk off of, the only scent that ever brought comfort to you when you didn't feel safe, the only-
"Y/n! im so glad you made it!!" Wanda had the biggest smile on her face as her slender fingers caressed your shoulder bringing you the sense of home and getting rid of the overstimulated feelings you had from the party. You were caught off guard with the sight of wanda suddenly coming up to you, you didn't expect it but yes you did how couldn't you? you guys were friends and she was known for being the sweetest to you, you sometimes wonder if thats what made you catch feelings for her. You hated it but no matter how much you did it wouldn't go away.
"wanda.. hey.." it took a while for you to regain your composure as you were drunk off of literally nothing except the thought of wanda in your system well to be honest she was the only thing in your mind that night "i couldn't find you" you lied, you saw her multiple times throughout the night even when clint brought your attention to her and tried to pressure you into talking to her. You avoided her, you felt guilty about it. how could you? wanda was basically your friend that you had feelings for just a friend that you had a really good connection with, the first person to ever show you what true love was like? or was it just fully platonic you always wondered what she thought about your friendship with her..
"i was looking for you!" she giggled her laugh was like the only noise that ever brought you happiness the noises from the party fading away and the soft rustle of the cup she was holding which had a bit of what you assumed was rum her eyes glistening from the backyard lights really making the emerald green remind you of the beautiful grass that you always dreamt about laying in with her and being far away from home you stood there taking in the moment of her presence until she spoke again "let me get a drink for you!" she said loudly but quietly in your ear it was hard to speak with speakers literally making the music blast in your eardrums the music was too loud for you to understand what she said but you made it out in your mind as you nodded she took your hand gently dragging you through the big crowd of people who were all over the place dancing, drinking, smoking or just passed out all over the atmosphere was still a mess but with the sight of wanda your mind was blurred from the chaos of the party the noise quickly faded as you took in wandas features from her dark brown reddish hair to the curves on her body your mind was in awe her presence was like a aura of light in darkness
A few seconds later as your back inside of the house wanda hands you a cup of a drink you couldn't even recognize but you knew it was alcohol you weren't used to liquor but you decided to put on a front for wanda as you chugged it and had sort of a face of grimace as you put the cup back down onto the counter "i know you don't drink" you turned your gaze back to wandas as you spoke
"i know.." it was true you didn't drink but you decided to act tough for her or maybe loosen up once in a while but she knew you.. she knew that you hated parties, hated smoking, hated the thought of being peer pressured, hated alcohol. anything that was sinful for you in general you despised, but this night wanda was your heaven sent angel
"just thought i would've gave it a try you know?" you murmured into her ear the music was still too loud to have a conversation with one of you yelling or whispering into the others ear "I guess its not my thing" wanda brought her hand up to your back as she slowly caressed it up and down making a wave of comfort wash over you.
"it doesn't have to be your thing" her eyes softened as she noticed your discomfortness " Y/n.. you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with" "you don't have to pretend with me you know?" you couldn't help but feel your cheeks warming up and blushing at the sound of your name coming out her mouth and the sentence that tugged at your heart strings heer words truly resonated within you, cutting through the noise of the party and the insecurities that had you held up throughout the party. A reassurance that you didn't have to adjust to anyone else's expectations to belong.
"honestly you could just be yourself and thats all i want" her pupils dilated as she looked into your eyes this caught you off guard "nothing else?" you smiled and teased wanda seeing how far you could push her back into her regular state she quickly hit your shoulder and rolled her eyes as she giggled.
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A flashback to two months ago
You were invited to breakfast by wanda you weren't used to waking up as early as her. This restaurant spot was where you guys would meet up countless times to talk, study or just have a coffee you didn't like waking up early to meet up with wanda like this but you couldn't help but fiend for her presence so you pushed yourself cause it was wanda and you wanted her, you loved her, you desired her. The morning sun was glistening over your skin as you stared at your phone until wanda spoke up "The service is awfully slow today.." you weren't used to seeing wanda be impatient was she complaining too much? no she wasn't it's true the service was very slow it makes sense since it's summer there was many tourists visiting the city just for food, beaches, views and expenses it held. "I could've cooked my own food faster than this.." wanda muttered under her breath you weren't used to seeing cold attitude come from her even her voice was laced with venom but you quickly spoke up and decided to ignore it "i'm sure they're just busy.." you noticed she was biting the inside of her cheek wanda would always do this whenever she had something heavy on her mind or if she was just frustrated. It hurt you seeing her like this so you snapped her out of her thoughts "wanda our foods here" she quickly re adjusted herself straightening her posture in the seat as the server set her food down along with yours "Sorry for the wait, enjoy." the server smiled at you both as he walked away quickly attending other customers. Wanda just rolled her eyes leaving a awkward but comforting silence you weren't sure what to say to cut the tension in the air until wanda spoke up "So.. i have news" you noticed something was off her voice was a bit hesitant before speaking that wasn't normal either she was always so confident before she spoke.. you raised your eyebrow giving a signal to wanda to continue talking as you bit into your food "I've been seeing this guy.." your heart immediately stopped at the mention of a guy wanda is with, the oxygen in your lungs felt nonexistent, the butterflies in your stomach died, it felt like you were suffocating almost, your chest started to burn as you coughed on your food a bit as you tried to force a smile "That's great wanda" you spoke up trying to suppress the feelings of jealousy within you, you wanted to scream at her telling everything you ever felt for her what you loved about her and how much you longed for her but you knew you couldn't. wanda spoke up again silencing the ringing noise in your ears "We're still figuring things out you know?" "I just wanted you to be the first to know" she smiled at you how could you not love wanda? The room fell silent once again, the weight of Wanda's words heavy in the air. You glanced around the restaurant until you swallowed scrambled eggs and your feelings of jealousy "im happy for you" your voice was slightly trembled oh how you wished wanda wasn't so blind..
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I was drinking hard, acting tough But it was just a crush, just a crush
There you were dancing with wanda you were at least two shots in not enough to be drunk but enough to start pouring out your heart to her of how you wanted to marry her, make her yours, or be hers? your body was starting to loosen up so was the lump in your throat with every secret you held you towards her you couldn't help but notice how beautiful wanda looked even with messy hair your mind would sometimes drift off wondering if that's what she would look like if you ever had the chance to wake up next to her. You couldn't help where your mind was drifting off to but it felt strange, your mouth started to open up as if it was a feeling of vomit the music made you deaf from any words that were about to come out your mouth you tried to protest it but soon your body gave up
"Wanda.." You said her name as if it was a prayer she kept dancing as she heard you speak up the lights looked so beautiful in her eyes as it glistened over her face making wanda a bit unrecognizable and making your vision hazy mixed with the alcohol you had...
You knew she didn't want you, You knew she was with vision, she belonged with vision, She didn't even think of you that way but here you were about to dump your feelings towards her the weight on your chest was starting to feel heavier.
As Wanda danced like a angel gracefully, her laughter ringing out like in your ears, you couldn't help but feel a pang of longing deep within your chest. She was so close, yet so far away, a distant star shining brightly in a sky you could never reach.
"Wanda" You repeated once again... You leaned into her waiting for her to send or give a sign of some assurance that she knew what you were trying to do or if your feelings were reciprocated she soon leaned in and brushed her lips against yours. Your heart started to pound quickly as if it was a ticking time bomb that was about to explode. The kiss was soft, tender she tasted like cherries, rum and wine with a hint of cinnamon you were testing the waters first until she deepened the kiss making it become more passionate with a trembling touch you cupped her face into your hand you could feel how warm her cheeks were getting and the smile forming on her face as you pulled back she pulled back into the kiss making her breath warm and sweet you could tell she wanted this too with the way she pushed her body against yours the longer the kiss continued you pulled back and started kissing onto her neck as she moaned into your ear all you wanted to do in that moment was melt into her arms but it soon came to a end.
The feeling of vomit was starting to get heavier on your chest the more you stared at her figure dancing in the strobing lights
"im gonna get another drink" Your voice trembled with emotion as she nodded and smiled give you assurance that she would be right there just dancing the night away knowing she'll never walk away from you. You wished you could stay there forever with her but you walked away quickly to the bathroom making your way through the crowd getting elbowed a few times and struggling to get out of some tight spaces
You immediately shut the door once you stepped in and looked at yourself in the mirror, your hair was messy droplets of sweat were pouring down your face, watery eyes, pupils dilated. You looked completely out of it, you couldn’t tell what was real or fake, there was still adrenaline running throughout your veins from the sensation wanda had once placed on your lips and the melody she left ringing in your ear it was everything you ever wanted you soon closed your eyes turning on the sink splashing your face with water noticing the vivid image of wanda’s face and the lights you soon opened your eyes and smiled recollecting your thoughts of what just happened you were all happy and thought about how it was finally the right time to confess your feelings to wanda. You resented that vision was going to hold a spot in wanda’s heart even if you wanted to be in a relationship with her but you daydreamed about ways it could work out for the both of you.
Soon after you stopped smiling to yourself and daydreaming what you and wanda could be you soon stepped out the bathroom your eyes being greeted with the sight of clint coming up to you
“i’ve been looking for you everywhere!” He drunkenly swung his arm around you catching you off guard forcing you to regain your balance “Clint right now is not the best time…” You whispered into his ear trying to look for wanda in the crowd. It was hard to look for anyone in general even with the strobe lights flashing and fog in the air masking everyone, making it impossible to find her.
The air was choking up your throat as you tried to get a fresh breath of air from how terrible the party smelled but you had to adapt your senses to it even if it meant passing out all that mattered to you right now was getting to wanda. Your heart started to race the more you were scanning the crowd with desperation of finding wanda but you could barely recognize anyone… The feeling of clint trying to tug you back into his presence wasn’t helping you focus much either and the fact that he was yelling into your ear was just causing you more overstimulation. You bumped into a couple of people having to apologize profusely over and over your voice noticeably shaking with fear and emotion until….
You finally spotted wanda crossing out everyone in the crowd making the lights that were once flashing into your eyes causing a headache, you noticed she was dancing with a tall figure you really couldn’t make out who it was but you noticed it was some tall blond lanky man dancing and grinding against her they looked like two intertwined souls dancing with not a care in the world. You couldn’t help but feel a lump build up in your throat as you spotted the two having such a intimate dance, your throat got even tighter when you recognized it was vision the man who she would brag about all the time and how happy she was with him..
Was that why she was smiling at you all night? Was that why she didn't pull away from your kiss? Your mind drifted off to multiple scenarios maybe she was trying to get her mind off of vision. You knew he wasn't the perfect boyfriend for her well everyone had their reasonings but that's what you wanted to believe so you could swoop in and be with wanda because at the end of the day you believed that you were the one she belonged to. You remembered those nights you stayed up late just to hear her rambling about how many times she caught vision cheating on her you tried to convince her to break up with him not out of jealousy but out of how you wanted the best for her even if that meant not being with you. You didn't really have the right to be upset with her even if she was dancing with vision..
Feeling suffocated by the weight of unrequited love, you needed an escape – something to numb the ache in your chest and quiet everything that was going on in your head. So, without a second thought, you gave Clint a quick glance and pulled him into the kitchen, where all the drinks were stocked.. Your throat was tight and burning enough already, the alcohol was not going to suppress your feelings for her, it wasn't going to suppress the numbness you felt at the sight of wanda dancing with vision but you decided this is what you need to clear your head so you drank away
"Hey.. y/n lets slow down the drinks alright?" although clint was a bit drunk he still had a mind of his own. To be fair he was the only one out of the group who knew you best even since you didn't speak your feelings he could still tell what was wrong with you. You could notice that clint was very concerned and worried for you all you needed to do was to communicate with him so he could stop you for whatever disaster was about to happen.
"I'm fine."
You paused, your hand hovering over the bottle, the weight of Clint's words sinking in. In that moment, you realized that drowning your sorrows in alcohol wouldn't make the pain of seeing wanda with vision go away – it would only numb it temporarily. But either way you took a long chug of whichever alcohol you chose from the counter and how it left a sharp pain in your throat the same sharp pain wanda was leaving..
Clint watched you silently, his eyes filled with understanding and empathy. He knew all too well the pain you were having as he soon came to what made you this way the agony of watching someone he cares for slip through his fingers. "I just need a moment," you muttered, your words slurring slightly as the alcohol began to take effect. But even as you spoke, you couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at your insides, a constant reminder that wanda would never be yours and that her happily ever after would be with vision even in every other universe..
You were already soon too deep it had been a few minutes ever since you chugged multiple cups of alcohol and clint snatched the bottle from you although you tried to fight him and protest but you knew he wasn't doing any wrong so you soon gave up after.. You noticed a few looks coming from the crowd as you started to cause a scene while all clint was trying to do was diffuse the situation as he took the bottles and cups away from you.
Your body was starting to give up as you tried to lean against the counter for support even clint was trying to help you regain your composure your muscles were slacking and the lights started to turn into a hazy vision of a kaleidoscope, the weight of the alcohol and emotions bore down on you, the world around you began to blur and spin. With each passing moment, the room seemed to tilt on its axis, the sounds and colors melding together into a haze.
You tripped over your own foot as you tried to lean against the counter again but without warning you soon saw every overwhelming sense come to a halt as the last thing and all you could perceive were scurried footsteps and Wanda's voice, a distant echo calling out your name in panic and worry. The last sensation being the vibrations of her voice coming through and her hands reaching out to catch your weak body as you felt droplets from what you assumed were tears of concern coming from wanda.. In that moment, as darkness closed in around you, you couldn't help but not have a single thought but for now, all you could do was surrender to the embrace of unconsciousness and wandas arms wrapped around you as she tried to help you.. The voices of the crowd and clint and wanda and then vision were the finally the last thing.
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dreamywriter143 · 1 year
Could I request a Neteyam x Reader and its like the beach scene where him and Loak get into a fight with Aonung and his friends? I dont have a plot in mind and I just have this scene in mind! lmk if u need ideas! xo
Status: Request by Anon
Genre: FLUFF, Some violence. Neteyam being speechless.
Warnings: Depictions of blood, fights and cursing.
Parings: Neteyam X Metkayina Reader (Y/n)
Summary: Upon first meeting Y/n, Neteyam was awe-stricken. Such a beautiful, elegant and poise Na’vi. He was entranced before he could even stutter out a hello. Now facing the challenges of fitting into the Metkayina, Neteyam is thrown into another loop seeing Y/n’s fierce side. He finally understood the meaning of a word his father said from time to time. Badass.
Word count: 2.1k
A/N: Thank you for your request Anon!! I totally agree, the beach scene was so good. Neteyam was so cool in that scene😍. I hope you like how I added to your request. Also, I suck at writing action scenes. So, please excuse that!! Enjoy!!!
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The day Neteyam met Y/n, was unlike any other. 
Feeling fear for his family's safety amongst a clan he heard very little about, Neteyam felt out of place. Being stripped of everything he knew growing up he felt utterly bare as the dreadful feeling weighed down on his shoulders greatly. Neteyam’s eyes wandered aimlessly amongst the new clan his family seeked refuge upon. 
The nagging feeling of being watched, of being analyzed so critically set an unsettling feeling deep within his stomach. If he could, Neteyam would cover his family from the harsh glares the onlookers sent their way. It didn't help when two boys around their age came up towards them mocking their apperence, specifically Neteyam’s appearance. 
He felt uneasy as they commented on their physique, the difference between them. Every fiber in his body stood to respond back, to put them in their place for blatantly disrespecting his family in such an outlandish way. But before he could utter a single word, an angel appeared. 
At least that's what he thought when she graciously walked through the crowd soundlessly. The crowd seemed to move around her, giving her space to walk through them. Like her presence alone demanded respect. She held herself proudly, her beautiful curly locks falling past her shoulders as they swayed along with her steps. She sent a quick smack to the shorter boy before hissing their names in warning. When she turned to him, Neteyam felt the wind being knocked out of him. 
Staring at him out of curiosity were beautiful e/c hues, the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. They didn't stare at him in fear or disgust, but in curiosity and concern. He could feel himself clam down under her stare alone, his shoulders relaxing significantly as they made eye contact. Her face was adorned with white freckles and markings that seem to only enhance her beauty, a beautifully crafted necklace hanging around her neck. The small smile she sent his way only increased the fluttery feeling in him, his palms began to sweat as he shakily reached up to greet her. Thankfully she returned it easily, a smile formed on her face. Before Neteyam could savor the small moment the chief flew over them, demanding attention. 
When Neteyam caught his little brother openly gawking at another female who walked up to his angel, he knew they were special. Both girls watched him and his family with kind and sincere smiles. They made his heart feel a little lighter, she made him feel lighter. 
After both girls showed his family their new home and Neteyam could have sworn she was the definition of perfection. The way she graciously walked and showed them their home, the way she held herself just expressed elegance and poise. She was respectively polite to his family, her eyes warm with sincerity. She had a charm about her that Neteyam couldn't help but be attracted to. She was a textbook of what a princess would be, a word he heard his father use towards his sisters. 
Neteyam was quite shocked to find out she wasn't the chief's daughter, but the older sister to the shorter male, Rotxo, who was his siblings diving instructor. She was being trained as a Tsahìk under Ronal as she showed great promise, Neteyam had found out after asking about her from Tsireya. 
It came with great disappointment when he realized she wouldn't be helping them with their lessons as they desperately tried to adapt to the sea. But luckily, the disappointment didn't last long.
“How are the Numeyu’s??” (Students) Y/n asks teasingly, taking a seat in between her brother and Neteyam as they were in the middle of breathing exercises. Neteyam immediately sat up straighter in her presence, he hadn't even heard her footsteps when she snuck up on them. She would make for a great hunter, but she didn't seem to have that air about her. She seemed so calm, so quiet. She didn't seem to have it in her to even hurt a fly.
“Great! Neteyam and Kiri are doing exceptionally well” Rotxo praises, his eyes traveling to Kiri who looks away. The small purple hue along her cheeks going unnoticed. Y/n’s ears perk up at her brother's words. 
Rotxo was one of the best free diver instructors they had around their age group. His praise meant alot. Especially to Y/n, who held her younger brother on a high pedestal. She turns to Neteyam whose eyes were already trained on her, a smug smile twitching along his lips. 
“Oh? That's impressive” Y/n notes, grinning at the boy who she grew close with over the past few weeks. Neteyam and Y/n immediately hit it off, though they barely had interactions as Y/n was always busy shadowing Ronal, the moments they did share only made them realize their similarities. Being the eldest and holding many responsibilities on their shoulders. They bonded over the matter, growing quite close.
With Neteyam and Y/n always teasing each other, almost bordering that of flirting. 
“Guess I'm a quick learner” Neteyam offers, a cheeky smile breaking through. Y/n tilts her head back as a silvery laugh escapes her lips. Neteyam’s eyes widened at the sound, a sound he swore he would burn deep into his soul. 
“That's good to hear, I guess you won't be needing my expertise?” she teases, her eyes crinkling in delight. Neteyam quickly shakes his head. He didn’t want her to think she wasn’t needed.
“N-No! I mean, we’ll still need your h-help. We have a lot to learn” Neteyam stutters out. He didn't know what it was about her that always left him a stuttering and embarrassed mess. He ignores the giggles that erupt around him at his hurried response. Y/n simply smiles, a smile that rivaled the sun itself in Neteyam’s eyes.
“I guess I will stay after all, Forest Boy” she teases, sending a small wink.
Truth be told the nickname had bothered Neteyam at first, he didn't like being called that especially by Ao’nung. But whenever it came from Y/n’s lips it sounded endearing, almost heavenly. 
It didn't take long for Y/n to tag along during lessons often, always offering helpful advice that aided the Sully’s. She also grew very close with all the siblings, immediately clicking with Kiri. The girls could go on and on about the beauty the nature around them offered. Kiri always shared stories of their home as well as herbs and remedies they used. Y/n always seemed eager to learn more, showing Kiri some of the techniques they would use here. 
The bond she grew with Tuk only caused Neteyam to fall deeper in love with her. Always watching the duo from afar with a lovesick expression. Tuk adorned her, claiming to become like her as she grew up. Neteyam couldn't help but start having fantasies about what it would be like to have a family with her. She seemed to love children, a motherly aura radiating off her. 
Neteyam’s feelings for Y/n would only grow, the female Na’vi proving to be a force to be reckoned with.
It had been like any other day, Neteyam set off early to sneak in some extra practice with his Iiu as he wanted to impress a certain h/c Na’vi. Just as he was about to call it a day the sound of arguing catches his attention as he races to shore. A specific voice stood out as he recognized it immediately which only pushed him to walk faster. 
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Neteyam stomps towards the group noting how Kiri stood to the side, her arms crossed over as if to cover herself. The group had circled Lo’ak, pulling and prodding at him. Neteyam rushes in, shoving Ao’nung off his brother with force. He creates distance between them and his siblings, his glare unwavering.
“You heard what she said-'' Neteyam growls, his eyes solely on Ao’nung who steps back. “-leave them alone”. 
The commotion had gotten the attention of some Na’vi nearby, specifically a certain female Na’vi who rushed towards them in a hurry. 
“Back off…..Now” Neteyam presses his finger against Ao’nnung’s chest, pushing him back. He ignores the attempt his friends takes as Ao’nung silenced him by raising his hand. He had a smug smirk on his lips but chose not to retaliate against Neteyam.
 “Smart choice” Neteyam acknowledges. His ears twitched to the sound of hurried footsteps, turning to see Y/n, her face flush with color as she ran towards the group. She stops in front of them, her eyes darting between Ao’nung and Neteyam. 
Neteyam glances back at his sister who looked to the ground in sadness. He felt his anger bubble inside of him as he turned back to the group. “And I need you to respect my sister” he adds, dismissing the hiss that is sent his way. He looks at Y/n who had an apologetic frown on her face. Netreyam nods at her, his lips forming in a thin line. He pulls Lo’ak with him so they could leave. 
“Ao’nung, you skxawng!!” Y/n hisses, stopping the Sully’s who stare at her in surprise. Y/n was always collected, calm and kind. The venom that dripped from her tone alarmed them all. Ao’nung seemed like the only one unfazed. 
“What will your father say! This is low, even for you.” she hisses, taking a step towards Ao’nung who scoffs at her words. He keeps his mouth shut, his eyes glancing at Lo’ak. He sends a mocking smile that seems to rile the younger Sully who pulls away from his brother's hold. Neteyam goes to pull him back but he's already walking back to the group. 
“What would Rotxo think? Yaymak ‘evan!!” (Foolish boy) The girl hisses, her tail swishing behind her angrily, thumping against the sand. Her e/c eyes scan over the friends, her disappointment evident as she hisses in anger. Ao’nung huffs in annoyance, shrugging it off. He smirks wide as Lo’ak walks closer to them. 
“So? Why would I care? That's what they are, isn't it? They’re freaks, the whole family” 
What happened next no one present would ever believe, not in a million years. Y/n’s hand juts out landing a powerful punch square against Ao’nung’s jaw. A sickening crack is heard as her clenched fist collides with him. Ao’nung stumbles back, his eyes dazed as if he didnt know what had hit him. Y/n quickly follows it by landing a swift kick against his stomach sending him tumbling against his friends as they all fall against the sandy floor beneath them. 
“Watch. Your. Mouth.” Y/n huffs out, her eyes burning with anger as she clenches her fist. The friends get up, snarling as they  lunge after her. Lo’ak quickly joins in, landing a punch of his own on one of the male Na’vi who hisses at him. Y/n gets roughly tackled onto the floor but she is quick to recover as she flips Ao’nung over straddling his hips. He struggles under her as she punches him, holding one of his arms back not to land anything on her. 
“Neteyam! Help them!” Kiri yells hysterically, turning to her brother. 
Neteyam stood frozen in his spot, his eyes wide as he watched in pure amazement. All he could focus on was the drastic change he witnessed in Y/n. Someone he thought was too elegant, get violent. Violent to the point she punched Ao’nung and was able to take on the rest with ease. All to protect his family's honor. 
Neteyam’s mouth hung low as shock washes over him, his eyes following how Y/n had now moved onto the other Na’vi. He drank in how she elegantly avoided getting hit but landing her own hits with brutal force. She looked fierce and strong. She reminded him of his mother, beautiful yet deadly. Words that his father had used to describe his mother ringing through his head as he finally understands its full meaning. Y/n was a complete-
“-Badass'' Neteyam whispers. 
He finally understood what it meant, she was the definition of intimidating. Every hit was calculated and precise. That of a skilled fighter. Neteyam was in awe, and if he thought he couldn't grow to love her more, boy was he wrong. 
It is only when Lo’ak screams in pain is he finally brought back to reality.
Neteyam quickly runs back to the group, pushing the Na’vi who tried to choke his brother. As he lands a kick on his stomach he slides right up against Y/n, who is smirking at him. The butterflies in his stomach increase at their close proximity. She looked utterly beautiful with her hair disarray, heavy breaths racking through her body.
It was at this moment Neteyam realized he had met his match, his perfect match.
“Show me what you got, Forest Boy” 
A/N: I'm sorry for the poorly written action scene. I cannot seem to make them descriptive enough! I'm sorry for that but I hope you guys enjoyed!
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tojis-favorite · 2 years
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Imagine toji being your first boyfriend. Your relationship is a little toxic but that's okay because he loves you so much. With this being your relationship everything that you have done with Toji has been your first.
He was your first kiss, first date, and he is the first to ever give you an orgasm. One thing you havent done though is have sex. Its not like you dont want to have sex with Toji he just doesnt believe your ready yet.
So one night when you come back from being with your friends you see him in all his glory laying in his bed with nothing but gray sweat shorts on. Toji doesn't even notice the effect he has on you when he starts asking how your day was and what you and friends did.
You cut him off by putting your lips on his. He goes along with it letting out a quick moan into your mouth and you start to move on top of him and he wraps both of his hands around your thighs rubbing on them causing quick sparks to go off with the roughness of his big hands.
You pull away from the kiss and a string of salvia follows you as your lips are glossed over with his salva. You try to pull his shorts down but he quickly circles his hand around your wrist. “Your not going to fuck me sweatheart” he said as he leans up and starts trailing open mouth kisses on your neck.
“I’m so wet toji, please do something for me!” you whine he lets out a deep chuckle and puts his hands on your hips and starts dragging you back and forth along his covered cock.
He gets harder under you causing your panties to form a wet patch on them. The feeling you were experiencing right now was stronger than ecstasy as you look down on him seeing him have a dazed look in his eyes let’s you know he’s feeling the same way.
Suddenly he uses his left hand and rips your panties from under your skirt with you still rocking yourself on his cock. With the loss of your panties you pull down his shirt revealing his big hard cock.
It’s red and angry against his toned stomach and you want to lick the pre cum that is leaking out of his tip but you don’t instead you lay your pussy on his cock. You twitch at the feeling of his tip hitting your clit and he takes control again.
This time the speed was way faster. The tension was building inside your stomach getting closer and closer to your breaking point. Toji pants under you getting closer to his orgasm as well.
“Fuck princess your sweet pussy is going to make me cum” you twitch at his word and with one more rock of your hips you cum, squirting on his stomach as spurt of cum land on his stomach as well.
Toji helps you ride out your orgasm, your legs are shaking and all you see is white. “You look so fucking beautiful baby cum all over me” he guided you finishing you off.
You see his cum on his stomach and you stick your tongue out collecting it on your tongue and swallow it with a moan. Your man was dumbfounded most of the time you were super shy with stuff like this but not tonight.
Especially when you jump up and go towards his bathroom turning around with a smile on your face inviting him in.
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kimchitsu17 · 1 month
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trust me | a.arlert
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nsfw,mdni (just don't)
tags: wet dreaming,fingering (f.recieving),UNI AU!!,angsty confessions with fluff? eventual smut (idk how to do this 🤷🏽‍♀️)
word count : 2.3k
summary : your boyfriend's avoidance of sex forces you to take matters into your own hands.but what happens when he catches you in the act?
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Your body turns into mush the deeper he thrusts into your sloppy cunt. Armin maintains a steady pace as he fucks up into you.he dotingly pecks all over your face and your heart keens over the endearment.his hands interlink with yours on either side of your head, towering over your body.baby blue eyes skim over your naked frame.he nuzzles your nose with his."you're so beautiful",he says.you can feel his love for you.can hear it in the breathy moans that traverse into your ear.his slick and your wetness make the most erotic sounds and you can feel your bundle of nerves about to snap,just a little more...
Then you wake up.drenched in sweat and hornier than you've ever been.its not the first time you've dreamt about him that way and probably wont be the last.you just wish you could do something about it.
Throughout the relationship ,its all been going according to your pace.First time holding hands,first hug,first kiss, its all been you initiating it.and you know its not him being nonchalant.he just wants to make sure he has your consent before he does it himself.
So imagine your surprise when he puts a pause on you when you let him know you want to jump his bones.most guys would have already jumped at the opportunity to get between your legs but then again,Armin isn't "most guys".H e told you he'd let you know when he's ready for that and like the good girlfriend you are,you respected his wishes.But this wish respecting has gone too long for your liking.You've been together for a little over a year now and yet nothing has happened.
You want to feel the intimacy of his skin against yours,to share the vulnerability that comeswith laying bare for the other to see every part of your being.Youre not blind to the heated gaze that travels up and down your body whenever you're in a particularly revealing outfit,or how his eyes dilate and his breathing goes heavier the longer you make out with him.he likes being affectionate with you so what's he waiting for?
You want to tell him you're tired of waiting but you dont want to come off as pressuring him.Plus if the roles were reversed you know for a fact he'd wait for you.You honestly respect his boundaries but its feeding into your own insecurities.Are you not pretty enough,is that it?
What's he so afraid of? Does he not trust you yet? Even after a year?
The furthest you've ever gone with him was this one movie night at your place.your mouths were pressed together in a searing kiss as you led him from the living room to your bedroom.one hand tugging at the back of his undercut and the other guiding his hand to your ass,trying to let him know its okay to let loose.You were so sure this was his way of letting you know he was ready since he's the one who kissed you first.But before it could escalate any further,he stops you in your tracks by your waist and separates his lips from yours.he lets out a few coughs and then you hear it ,"uhhh,we should probably go back to the movie,its about to end."not to mention he left early that night claiming to have forgotten about an assignment due tommorow.saying you were mortified that night would be an understatement.it also,in a way felt like a rejection.
Now here you are,groggily rising from your bed to the bathroom.you feel a little guilty for dreaming of him the way you did as you brush your teeth.hes just so sweet and considerate with you.you also feel a little guilty for what you're about to do but it cant be helped.
You cant stop rubbing your thighs together.the images from your dream are scorched in your mind.the burning sensation in your core is barely tolerable and you need some relief now.
The toothbrush long forgotten,you slip a hand into your sleep shorts.your slick has soaked through your petty excuse for underwear.the pads of your fingers flitter leisurely against your folds as you ease yourself into a fantasy,trying to imagine its Armin's hand stroking your nipple through your camisole.his fingers teasing you, hand stuffed in your underwear.gosh,his hands are so pretty you sigh at the thought.you feel your legs crumple to the floor.
You indulge in reminiscence of the time he fixed your kitchen table.the way his biceps flexed over the the wood as he dismantled the legs.he thin sheen of sweat that glazed over his muscles,over his face, the laboured breathes he let out caused by hours of focus.never had he looked so fuckable.how you wish he could dismantle you like he did to that table.His name leaves your lips with a whimper as your fingers sink into your cunt.
And thats when you hear it.The clutter of a soft drink can against he floor.Your eyes fly open to see none other than Armin standing in front of the bathroom door,lloking like a deer caught in headlights.His cheeks and ears are blotched crimson,mouth slightly agape.His wide eyes are glued to you from the hand stuffed in your shorts and trail up your scanty camisole to your face. your eyes stay glued to one another for what feels like an eternity.
you're the first to break the trance as you stand at full height and dash to shut the door in his face.what the heck is he doing here?! weren'tyou supposed to meet up on campus?but then again you haven't checked your phone for any notifications and he always texts before he comes in.you probably didn't hear it with how...occupied you were .
you do what you can to fix the state of undress you're in but its not helping much. can hear the thump of his head against the bathroom door as he lets out a breath.my gosh,this is so embarrasing.
your thoughts cease.you feel the warmth in his voice.can also hear the unease.he wants to know if you're okay.gosh why is he still being so sweet after what he just saw.if it was any other guy they would've bolted out of your apartment by now.
he's now turning the doorknob,"love can i come in I-"
"No!"You clutch the door knob tighter.
What the fuck does he mean come in!?!? you're nowhere near ready to face him.
he keeps tugging at the doorknob and you equally wrench it back closed.
"Armin,I'm fine.an we just meet up after class?
"no we cant,not after what i just saw,now open up"
"he's not asking anymore,he's gonna open that door whether you like it or not.you try your best to overpower him but you're no match for his well-built physique.
he wrenches the door open to find you looking vacantly at him.he looks so perplexed, eyebrows slightly furrowed and slightly out of breath.he must be so disgusted by you.getting off on fantasies of him.you can't bear to face him.how could you ever explain yourself.tears threaten to spill at your lash line and you sag to the floor as you cover your face with your hands.out of shame?out of fear? you don't know.you just want the earth to swallow you whole right here and now.
Armin lets out a dejected sigh and his shoulders slump.its not out of disappointment or disgust like you think.more out of hurt.it hurts him to see you cry. Especially knowing he's the one who made you cry. He should have talked to you sooner it seems,but he decides now is better than never.
he takes up the same position as you on the floor in front of you and tries to pry your hands away from your face but you don't let him.
"Go away Armin", you sob with a hitch.The rejection stings a little but he doesn't let up.
"Hey, it's oka-"
"No it's not okay,it's embarrassing".
Armin let's out a sigh, trying to figure out how to calm you down.Honesty always works right?
"I don't think my girlfriend being half naked on the bathroom floor trying to get herself off is the most normal of things to see first thing in the morning" he lightly tugs at your wrists.seeing that youre not letting up,he decides to just hold them as he strokes at your pulse."but I also don't think it's anything to be embarrassed about either." The words float around you both.puzzling ,shocking.
your cry has now diminished to light sniffles.
does he really mean that? if so why has he never brought up sex in your conversations. you've been going out for over a year for fucks sake,how chaste can this boy be. before you can retort back,you feel him press his lips to the back of your hands.just like in your dream.once.twice.all over them, the exposed part of your forehead,your hair, anywhere he can kiss.
he stays at the shell of your ear,kissing, whispering,”honey please don't shut me out, it's just me."
you can feel your heart melt at his actions.why does he always know exactly what to do to make you cave.
you slowly move your hands away from your face to find light blue eyes studying you,all his focus is on you.he's so close your noses are almost touching.
"hi love"
"I'm sorry",you blurt the words out before you can think.
The air around you remains stagnant,along with Armin ,expressionless and unmoving,as if you never even said anything.Is he mad? disappointed?you have no idea.
You don't get the chance to find out before he swoops you up from the ground.one hand on your side,the other at the back of your knees.You let out a squeal and cling to his neck at the sudden elevation.
he moves in silence to the bedroom,
kicking the soft drink can on his way. Armin never gets like this.its scary.that you've been together for this long and yet have never seen this side of him.it makes you wonder what else don't you know about him.
he settles at the edge of the bed right in the middle and seats you on his lap, guiding your legs on either side of his waist.
his eyes never leave yours as he entwines his fingers in yours.
"since when?"
"when did you start getting off to me?"
you avert your gaze from his.
"since Connie's welcome back party"
you turn back when you feel him bury his head into your chest.he lets out a groan."that was months ago".
you let him gather his thoughts.his breath fanning over your breasts making your nipples pebble,his eyelashes brushing to and fro against your supple skin.its turning you on,but you force yourself to focus on the issue at hand.
"I didn't mean to do it,im sorr-"
"stop apologising,it's making me feel even more bad"
A beat passes between the two of you.the silence doesn't offer any comfort for your busy brain.hes sorry?
he finally lifts his head from your chest to look directly at you.
"First of all,I need you to know that you can come to me,for absolutely anything.Whether you're horny or depressed or just want to talk im here for you." he looks deep into your eyes,pleading. "you jerking off doesn't disgust me,so dont hide from me again.please."
You understand what he saying but you can't help but feel his hypocrisy.Hes the reason why you hid it from him in the first place.How can he expect you to be open with him when he hasn't been open with you for months.
And it's as if he can read your thoughts.Its his turn to look away from you.eyes cast down,voice gloomy.
"And I'm sorry you felt the need to hide it.Its just," he lets out a breath, "I-"
You untangle your hands from his to reach out for his face.your palms cradle his cheeks as you guide him to look at you.
"why don't you want to have sex with me Armin? Do you not want me?”
“I do!”He says it with more force than is required.How could you, for even a second, think he doesn’t want you.If only you knew how much he’s jerked off to the pictures of you on his phone.
he doesn't know how he's lived normally all these years without you.how he's gone through life without having your warm body tangled in his when you sleepover, without your mindless conversations that never add up to anything, without your smiles.your kisses.he can't fathom a life where you're not there.if you guys haven't slept together and it doesn't work out,he can still fight for a friendship at least.after sex, there's no going back.he knows you'd never be friends with someone you've slept with and hes just too afraid he'll loose you.he wouldn't survive it.he'd rather suppress his own desires and torture himself.he just didn't realise he was torturing you too.
he wants that intimacy between you just as much as you do.hes just so scared of what might happen after.after he's laid his soul bare for you to see.after he's given you every morsel of his being.you haven't given him any reason to doubt your loyalty but what if you decide you could do better than him? God,you could do so much better than him.what if you leave?
he doesn't realise he's said the last part out loud.you jerk his face up even higher.his statement troubles you."Why would I ever leave?" he tries to avert his gaze from your concern once more and this time,you force him to look at you.you feel the melancholy take over his body,he grips you tighter to him by your waist, bodies now flush together.the calm blue of his eyes turns into a kaleidoscope of sapphire,glassy and miserable in their beauty.and then he whispers the fear he's had since the start of your relationship,"because you're too good for me"
the words break your heart.how can such a sweet boy think so poorly of himself.he does so much for you and he doesn't even realise it.with a breath you fix your forehead to his.you both close your eyes at your proximity.
"Armin, this won't work unless you trust me."
"I trust you with my heart",he confesses,nuzzling further against you.
"Then give in to it.Give in to us"
your hands shift to stroke at the apple  of his cheek.the other guiding his hand to your chest.right where your heart is.your next words brush upon his lips in a burning whisper.youre demanding, pleading. begging.
"Give in to me"
a/n: thanks to anyone who made it this far.i plan on making a part two depending on if i can find inspo for it. constructive criticism is appreciated. 👍🏾
borders by @cafekitsune
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ashwhowrites · 2 months
hi! can i request a fic with eddie where he meets reader on a random night or on a date app and they really get along and all but what eddie doesnt know is that reader is actually a single mom and when eddie finds out hes very surprised and hes like "i dont want to get involved" and that really hurts reader because she really likes him but senses knock him up and he realizes that he really likes her and it was immature of him and he wants to become a part of her life and her child ?? hurt/comfort if its possible please! thank you and sorry for rambling 😊
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
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Y/N blew away the small pieces of hair that fell out of her ponytail. She could feel the sweat on her hairline as she moved quickly through the bar. Her feet hurt and she was exhausted, she hated working two jobs but she was a single mom with a six-year-old and needed the money.
She threw the dirty dishes in the sink, a shadow casting over her making her look up. She saw one of the hottest guys she had ever seen. He had long dark curly hair, a silver chain on his neck, and a white t-shirt that was thin enough to see dark ink on his skin. She tried to cough up spit to clear her dry throat.
"Welcome, what can I make for you?"
"Best beer you got," he said, she shivered at the deepness of his voice. She told herself to get it together as she made him his drink.
Eddie spent as much time looking at her as she did him. Both sneaking glances throughout the whole night until he paid off his tab. She had never seen him before so she figured she wouldn't see him again.
But the next night there he was. And the next and the next.
Eddie didn't have plans to come to the bar again but he felt this pull towards her. He was memorized when he watched her work. Her swift movements and how amazing she smelled in a dirty bar. She was gorgeous and he was sure he was not the only one who noticed.
She seemed young but not too young, and not too old. He figured she was around his age and hoped he was right.
After a few times he showed up they began to talk...and flirt. He couldn't help himself, he wanted to nail down his moves before some other lowlife beat him to it.
After countless small talk and interactions, he asked her out on a date. Something both of them were patiently waiting for.
Y/N calmed her nerves with a sip of wine as she waited at the restaurant. She hadn't been on a date since before her daughter was born. And even then it was with her ex. She felt terrified to start over but she refused to turn Eddie down.
"You sure stand out in a crowd," Eddie said as he pulled out his chair and sat down. "Somehow get more beautiful every time I see you"
She smiled and sipped on her wine as she felt her body burn. "Thank you." She patted herself on the back for picking the red dress because his eyes stayed on it all night.
The date went well. No awkward silence and it seemed like the conversation flowed. She wanted to tell him about her daughter but every time she tried, she panicked and said something else. Maybe it didn't have to be a first date thing.
As he landed a few bills on the table, he grabbed her hand. Both their bodies shivering as they met the cold air.
"Are you new in town? I've never seen you before the bar of course." She asked. She worked at that bar for years and never saw him.
"Not really. I only went to this one bar, but it closed down. I was searching for a new favorite spot" he shrugged. He kept his hand in hers as he walked towards his van.
"Seem like it could be a favorite?" she asked, leaning against the cold van.
"Oh, it is definitely my favorite" he smirked, he leaned against his van, mirroring her. He let go of her hand to hold her hip, drawing her body closer to his.
"Why's that?" she asked, her eyes looking down at his lips before looking back into his brown eyes
"It has you" he flirted, licking his lips when he caught her looking twice
"I am the best bartender there" she joked, enjoying the warmth as her body was pressed against his. His deep laugh rumbled through his chest and she could feel it against hers. He was so close it made her head spin.
"And by far the most attractive" he whispered. His eyes looked deep into hers. She felt her heart race as he tilted his head down.
"Are you going to kiss me or not?" She asked, growing impatient as they stared at each other's lips with desperation.
He didn't say anything, just giving her a smirk that made her a puddle at his feet. She gasped as she swiftly pushed her against the van and stood between her legs. Her back pressed against the van, the coldness calming down her hot skin. His left hand slowly moved up her dress, starting at her thigh and up to her cheek. His right hand stayed on her hip as he leaned in.
She closed her eyes as his lips pressed against hers. She moaned at the taste of him, her hands around his neck as she pulled him closer. He happily deepened the kiss as his tongue slipped into her mouth, he moved his hands down to her ass and squeezed. He swallowed her moan as she moved her hands into his hair.
Their steamy makeout came to an end when they needed air. They stared at each other, panting. No words to describe how perfect their kiss felt.
It had been a week since their first date and Eddie stopped by at the bar every day. He'd sit and talk to her all night long. He'd wait until she was done, sitting with her as she ate her dinner, and walked her to her car. He loved kissing her goodnight, and the activities that happened in the back of his van.
He called all the time, leaving her squealing into her pillows before she fell asleep.
Everything was perfect. Their second date was better than the last. Two weeks flew by and she was falling hard for him. And she could tell he was falling for her too.
Which is why she knew she needed to come clean before they went too far. She was nervous to tell him but had a lot of hope that it wouldn't matter.
Y/N smoothed down her black skirt as she looked at herself in the mirror. She doesn't remember which date number this was and she hoped it wasn't the last.
She slipped on a leather jacket and walked out of her room. She said goodbye to her daughter and the babysitter. She got in her car and drove over to Eddie's place.
She had been there a few times, most of them leading to his bedroom. She never spent the night but he never quite asked why. Maybe if he did, it would have made it easier to confess she had a child.
Eddie opened his front door for her and she smelled the amazing food he was preparing. She kissed his lips as he welcomed her in. A smile on his face as he kept pecking her lips for more. She laughed as she pushed him away to fully make it inside his small apartment.
"Smells wonderful" she complimented, she followed him into the kitchen. He had a towel tossed over his shoulder as he checked on the oven.
"Took me years to learn how to cook. Figured it might come in handy for a night like tonight" he winked.
Once dinner was finished, they sat at his dining table. They ate and talked. Y/N grew more nervous as each second passed.
"You alright? You seem a little distracted tonight." Eddie asked, reaching over to hold her hand. Their finished plates were pushed to the other side of the table.
"I have something to tell you, and I want you to know I wanted to tell you right away but everything has been so perfect and I didn't want to mess it up." She confessed, squeezing his hand.
"You can tell me. You won't mess anything up." He said, but she knew it was a 50/50 shot.
She took a deep breath
"I work as a bartender at my second job, and I never stay the night because I have a daughter. The father is not in the picture, I'm doing it alone with the help of a neighbor. She's six." Y/N said it all in one breath. Looked at Eddie as the words processed through his head.
She felt her heart drop in her stomach when he released his hand from hers. Moved it to rub his chin.
"So uh, you have a daughter? And you didn't tell me until a month after seeing each other? Practically every single day?" He asked, slightly annoyed and she completely understood why.
"I know! I wanted to tell you right away but I was scared. I just didn't want anything to change." She explained, but everything already changed.
"I'm not asking you to be her father or even to meet her right now. I just wanted to be honest about what a relationship together would include."
"I just don't think I want to be involved with a kid." Eddie said honestly.
"You don't have to right now though. I wouldn't feel comfortable meeting you two until we were together for like a year. Do you think a year will give you enough time?" She asked. She bit her lip as she shook her leg anxiously.
"I'm sorry, but no. I want a relationship with you, but a kid is too serious for me at the moment and I can't say if that'll change in a year."
She wanted to be mad, but she couldn't. It was fully his choice and she had to accept that.
"I respect that." She choked out, quickly wiping a stray tear. "I think I should go now."
"Yeah that might be best" Eddie sighed, standing up as she got up from her chair. "I'm really sorry about this." He added as she made it to his door.
"Yeah, me too. But I understand. Bye, Eddie." She said sadly, her wet eyes were the last thing he saw before his door closed.
She sobbed as she made it to her car. She wanted more than anything for him to want to make it work. But her daughter would always come first. She lost one relationship because of her daughter, she could handle losing another.
Eddie watched as she pulled out of the parking lot. A twitch in his stomach as her lights disappeared down the road.
He cleaned up their dinner, washing his dishes in silence. He kept looking back at the door, half hoping she'd come back but he knew that wouldn't happen.
He needed to accept that and move on.
Just as Y/N thought, Eddie was a ghost. She hasn't seen him since the night they broke it off. He hasn't called or been to the bar. She figured he'd disappear, and she was disappointed that she was right.
But she was a mother and needed to bust her ass. She worked through her bartending shifts as if she wasn't breaking down on the inside. Faking a smile as the older men praised her for her beauty. She acted as if nothing was wrong because that's what a woman does.
It had been a long month for Eddie. He drove up to that bar every day but was too chicken to get out. He wanted to see her, just a small glimpse. But he knew if he did, he'd go running in and begging for her to take him back.
But he still didn't know if he could commit to becoming a father figure within a few years.
So with fear in his heart, he'd drive away.
There were some nights when he was weak. When he was drunk at home, too scared to go to bars knowing where he'd end up. He'd call her, just to hear the sound of her voice as she said hello. He never said anything, just breathing into the phone.
He found himself doing it almost every night. At first, she'd hang up after a few seconds. Then she kept asking if someone was there. Then she answered but waited longer. He thinks she slowly caught on to who it was because she didn't hang up for hours. Just two people listened to the sound of each other breathing as they fell asleep. Once he'd wake up she was gone.
And he realized he needed way more than just hearing her breathe into the phone. He needed to wake up with her. He needed her in his arms, not over the phone.
The longer he waited, the closer she was to moving on.
He woke up, the sun burning his eyes. He rolled over hands reaching for the phone. He sighed once he saw the call disconnected.
But something was different that morning. He woke up with a purpose. The ache in his chest made a home, all because he allowed it in. He was the one who caused himself all this pain. And he wanted it to end. If living away from her was going to feel this painful, it would never be worth it.
So he redialed
"Hey, it's me"
She almost gasped as she heard his voice travel through the line. His voice raised her heartbeat. She felt like she couldn't breathe.
"I wante-"
His voice cut out as she hung up. Slamming the phone on the wall and running.
Eddie hung his head as he heard the long beep.
"FUCK" he screamed, tears down his face as he mindlessly threw the phone.
He didn't give up though. The next night he left his apartment, driving to the bar as he always did. But this time he got out. He tugged on the sleeves of his flannel as he pulled open the bar door.
The harsh smell of liquor and sex smacked his face. But that sweet perfume cut through it, filling Eddie's senses. Then his eyes caught her.
She was bent over scrubbing a table. Eddie moved forward but his eyes saw a flesh of skin slam down on her ass. Eddie felt himself lose control. It was like his body moved on its own as he screamed at the guy. Punches followed and all he could hear was screaming.
Then he was picked up by security and tossed out the door.
He stood up and dusted off his flannel. The bar doors opened and she raced out in a flash.
He had three seconds to take in how incredible she looked before her hand connected with his cheek. His head was slapped to the side and he moaned out in pain.
"I don't need you to be some hero. I can handle myself!" She said through clenched teeth
She turned around, aiming to head back inside when he spoke,
"I was just helping, goddamn."
She stopped in her tracks, turning around as she set fire to his body. She wanted to swing at him again but his arm held her arm.
"I don't need your help. I don't need anyone's help! I didn't need my mom, I didn't need my ex, and I sure as hell don't need you." She shoved his hands off of her.
"You might not need me, but baby I need you." He said, his eyes searching hers. "I'm so sorry for giving up on us. I was an idiot to let you leave, to not fight for you. I'll admit I'm the biggest prick alive for running away because you had a daughter. I can't imagine how that made you feel-"
"Like something I've felt before with her father," she snapped
Eddie whimpered at the blow. Licking his salty lips tears worked down his face.
"And that is the last thing I want to do again. I was scared but I can't let that stop me. I want you and everyone who comes with you."
Y/N turned around, not wanting to show her emotions as she tried to shake off his words. She wanted to stay strong and fight him off. But then he wrapped his arms around her, his chest against her back as he squeezed her.
"Please give me one more chance," he said into her skin as he kissed her shoulder.
She sighed and turned around in his arms. His soft lips crashed on hers, giving her no time to think as she kissed back. She melted into the familiarity of him. But then she pushed him away.
"I'm begging, baby. Please let me fix this." His lips kissed her nose and chin.
"Okay," she whispered. His shocked eyes looked at her as she nodded. A huge smile took over his face as she landed a thankful kiss on her lips.
"She's six and her favorite color is red..."
What could be so bad about having a family with her?
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt @ineedmentalhelp123
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paiges-1vur · 2 months
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from across the crowd pt. 2… and as always enjoy loves <3 🏀⚡️🪩
“you probably have a boyfriend.. right?”
I heard what she had said, but it was like the words didn’t register in my head for another minute. i blush for a moment, and look down before looking back at her, smiling. “no..” I say giggling slightly. why am i acting this way? Tiff lock in. she seems genuinely surprised, but before surprise another emotion crosses her face that i cant decode. “a beautiful girl like you must have a boyfriend, though” she says in total surprise. she must think im lying. “no.. no boyfriend haha” I say trying to calm my nerves. why am i so worked up right now?
“well im sure your ex boyfriends regret ever leaving you, or letting you leave” she says, flattering me. i tense up for a moment. how do i put this? “ive.. never uh- had a boyfriend” i say shyly, slightly embarrassed. i can tell my cheeks are red, but i cant do anything to hide it. “no way..” she says quietly matching my volume. she pauses before speaking again. a smirk spans over her face and she puts her hands in the pockets of her sweats. my eyes flicker down to them for a minute. my breath catches in my throat. im suddenly brought back to reality by u the sound of paiges voice, louder this time. “did you hear me?” i look up to see paige a little closer than before, hovering over me. a smirk that can only be described as devilish on her face. shit. she saw me. “uhm, im so sorry, what did you say?” i say hurriedly, my face even redder than before. nice going tiff way to be nonchalant. “dont worry about it” is all she says in reply.
she looks back down, into my eyes. “whats your name, pretty?” she asks me intently, looking down at me. “my name is tiffany but my friends just call me tiff” i reply, proud of myself that i didnt forget my name. “tiffany,” paige says it again. “even your name is cute huh” i cant help but blush and look away from her for a moment.
theres silence for a minute. but not necessarily awkward silence. just us co existing with each other. i decide to say ‘fuck it’ and be bold. when is the next time im ever going to talk to a hot basketball player, who by the way seems to be very into me. i break the silence. “paige, if you want to know anything, just ask me” i say in a low voice. i could tell something was puzzling her. she knew i had never dated a guy, so im sure she was wondering if im into guys at all.. she looks down at me, her voice dropping an octave. she moves a little closer to me, and we are still in the tunnel towards the locker room so its just us still there at this point. she leans into my ear, and whispers “so no boyfriends.. hm” i can smell her scent even stronger than from her sweatshirt and it’s intoxicating. my eyes flutter closed, breathing her in. she pauses for a moment and i can hear her breathing, “no..” i reply my voice breaking slightly. just when i think shes about to question me farther she leans away from my ear. “just wanted to make sure i heard you right.” she says smirking at me.
she then reaches down next to her and grabs her bag. she puts it on and grabs her glasses, also putting those on too. i secretly hope this moment never ends. “so, will you be out celebrating the win at teds tonight?” i speak up and ask. her eyes flicker to me, still in her hoodie and she smiles. “will i see you there..?” she asks looking at me. gosh. how is she even more sexy with her glasses on. “i guess so” i reply, biting my lip.
she looks me up and down one more time. i can tell seeing me in her hoodie is making her think of a lot of different scenarios right now. “i need to go find my friends,” i finally speak, “but it was really great to meet you paige… i guess i’ll see you tonight.” I say smiling, trying to process everything that just happened in the last 20 minutes. she smiles back at me “here, let me walk you out” she walks over to me. we walk out of the stadium and i look over and up at her. she really is big. my croatian genes may have made me a lethal face card, but in the height department they lacked. heavily.
I spot my friends car and stop walking, before looking at paige. this was a sight. she had pulled on pj pants after the game and had her keys hanging out of her pocket. she had also pulled the hair from her ponytail into a messy bun. i also never would have guessed that paige had glasses. but then again, i had only known the girl for less than an hour. i move closer to her and pull her into a hug. “it was so nice talking to you, ill see you tonight paige.” i say, making sure the hug stays somewhat friendly. she bends down to hug me, and her scent floods my senses once again. “bye tiff, ill see you tonight love” I walk over to the car before really thinking about what she said. before i get into the passengers seat of the car i look back at paige. shes standing with her hands in the pockets, and her stance looks quite intimidating. as soon as she sees me get into the car safely she turned around and walked to her car.
i sit down in the passenger’s seat of madisens car. i buckle up before i look up to see everyones eyes on me. their mouths are wide open and theres silence.
“what?” silence.
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bear-remn · 2 months
—shu headcanon's!
hi! I've been thinking a lot lately about the Sakamaki brothers and I came up with some headcanons that maybe you guys can enjoy too, the first one in this series is shu so enjoy! also a little art piece i make during maing this post.
tw: there are some nsfw headcanons!!! if you dont like that content dont read it!
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his looks and selfcare
i do think that shuu is very, good looking, shu has that kind of elegant beauty, with his fine face and a straight nose, clearly his eyes are what attract the most attention when you see him for the first time, also shu has a very penetrating and fixed gaze, in addition to the fact that his blue color makes him have a captivating look and sometimes makes people nervous without realizing it, just because of his natural gaze.
even so, shu does not realize how attractive he is, at least not entirely, mostly bc he doesnt take care of his face, like he dont put any cream or special soap on his skin, he is totally the guy that barely wash his face and has a perfect skin.
but i do think that when he wants to, he definetly put sunscreen bc thats what he thinks is makeup for men.
and maybe this is a little... dirty? but i truly belive shu does'nt shower too often, maybe three times a week? or sometimes two, and he does not smell, like too bad, bc he dont sweat for some reason, but does sometimes stink with that smell, when somebody is for too long in a bed... that kind of smell.
and the times he showers he truly takes that shower like if it was his last, ofc is a bubble bath and he puts some candles and music while he just rest in hot water. is shu's private moment with himself. and he loves vanilla and chocolate candles.
and about shaving, he has a happy trail, but cant grow a hole beard, for some reason it just grow under his chin and it bothers him so he shave it right away. and about his body hair it is very thin and not so visible.
talking about skin, something shu needs, is to feel soft things to the touch, like his sheets, he makes his bed all the time and loves the smell of vanila or lavanda the bed has when its recently done, and its the same with his clothes, he needs cotton clothes, if shu feel something that is minimally rough or that makes his skin itchy, he never wears it again or throw it away.
shu does not brush his hair too often, mostly bc its not hard to control and he likes how he looks with messy hair.
i like to think that shu has a wide body, big shoulders and a thick waist, he has a prominent v line, his arms are a little thick too, and his hands are big, but his fingers are more thin and long, as he use to play piano. and he takes care of his nails, doesnt put nail polish but do cuts them and keep them clean.
random stuff
sometimes shu doesnt realize his shirt is inside out, and he realize just when somebody else point it out. but shu dont care.
shu is actually a goosip, so he puts one of his earphones bad just so he can hear what people are talking even if it had nothing to do with him.
and a little secret of him, when shu cant sleep and is alone, he looks at cute/funny (mostly shitpost) videos, memes and photos of animals, shu is totally an animal lover.
on his vacations shu loves to watch a reallity shows, he loves drama of famous people, but ofc shu doesnt talk about this with anyone. and definetly watch them when he eats. not too often tho, it has to be a really good show.
shu has a record collection in his room, next to a wall full of vinyls of his favorite music, he doesn't use them much but enjoys collecting them.
and bc of his childhood he is actually really smart but bc he is miserable and lazy he just dont show it nor in his life or in the academy. and also as a little revenge to his father (who punish him by sending shu to alaska lol).
shu actually dont like human food, he find it boring, but do enjoy eating meat, almost raw, but not too much, bc after that his stomach hurt a little. he does like coffe or hot chocolate sometimes and better when it has milk.
and my favorite little thing about shu, i think shu dont play in consoles, not play station, not xbox, not nintendo, nothing like that. so he only play games in his phone, but not anygame. shu either playes puzzles games or play subway surfers, or both, who knows. and he loves the music of that game, it always stick into his mind when he hears it.
so, shus dick... is great, maybe too dirty of me to say but u truly belive that shu has a pretty dick, like maybe more thick than normal, with two prominent veins and heavy balls. and its a little biger than average, probably like 19 cm. i had to say it.
also, i belive shu is a switch, ofc loves to be dominant but also enjoys being dominated, with a limit.
shu loves to tease people in any chance he gets, like, when someone (specially a girl) find out that he likes to hear woman moans as music, he tease them to make them nervous like "what? would you prefer me to just hear you? want me to make you moan? hehe". or when a girl is wearing something too revealing too close to him, like he sees someone underwear or a little peak of her chest shu be such an ass "wanting to show me something? how lewd of a woman you are huh" all of that with his sly smirk.
he flirts in a very... one of a kind, like he teases but also like to make physical contact, at firts he just do it in a way to make the other person nervous but with the time he craves the physical contact, he loves feeling his skin touch another skin, what makes him sleep naked.
shu is more perverted than laito canonically, but i think that shu is more romantic about it, like put passion in it, you can feel the conection with him when having sex. specially bc he loves making eye contact and touch everything he can. he craves to melt into your skin and its really intense. he holds you with possessiveness, hard and intense. almost needy, but shu isnt like quick and fast or desesperate. he is more the kind of sloow and deep, nice and steady. kind of guy.
and bc of his intense desire, he loves foreplay, and best of it, he knows how to do it right, i just know he can read people to know what someone like to make them weak. he also loves kissing, tongue. theeth and lips, he have to kiss at every moment, and if you moan into his mouth he just gets worked up. he would definetly make you grind on his leg while kissing. clearly he does the leg thing, he know things.
shu is a big fan of 69, like he loves to get sofocated while you suck him, and he does it right, loves to play with your clit like crazy, but he isnt rough, but if you ask for him to be more rough he get into it, until youre fucking trembling. and he expect you to cum in his face, afterwards he is happy just to be there.
and his favorite position in bed is either cowgirl or spoonign, firts bc he like when you take control, and seconds, he gets to hold you and be close to you and not making too much effort.
in the case of cowgirl, he loves pushing up to go deeper, and all of that while watching you face, damn he loves it. also likes to hold you waist, and watch you support your body with your hands on his legs, that way he can see better your boobs as you move. when he is close he bites his bottom lip so hard just bc he wants to see you how you cum as well, literally make you look into his eyes while doing it. and if he can, shu will sit up just to kiss you and and look into your eyes up close. he loves to intimidate you with his gaze.
"cmon... keep looking at me... dont take your pretty eyes off mine..."
and if you refuse to lok at him, shu would hold you face to make your eyes meet his.
and in the case of spooning, he grabs you close, like if shu wants to get into your skin, would hold onto your tits or your belly with one hand while he other is in your neck, making you look back at him while he trust into you deep and nice. would kiss your shoulder, your neck, your back, any little part of your skin that is close to him, he would kiss it gently, and if shu speed up a little, you would hear his hot breaths in your ear, occacionally biting it.
"fuck... you're mine, you know that?... only mine.. say it..."
"you're my woman... hear it?... say it... i want to hear you..."
the aftercare is another story to tell, basically he would be either too lazy to get up or just by luck he has something to clean up in his drawyer. he is the kind of men, that would prefer to stay dirty for a while just to hold you a little longer, definetly tease you for another round or just kiss you softly as he carees you hair or skin.
this man craves you with passion, and its touch starved.
── more of my content here!
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burning-omen · 1 year
Kinktober day 3: Public play + Spencer Reid
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Spencer Reid x male!reader
Kinktober 2034 list | Day 1 | Day 4 | Ao3
Summary: you and Spencer fuck in the back alley of a bar
Warning: public sex, “good boy”, not beta read, short fic, formatting error that will be fixed late but it's 11:58 and I refuse to miss a day!
Word count: 967
The team always went to bars after a mission, well not always, but frequently enough for it to be normal. Today was just like another day, with the team spread out around the bar, JJ and Garcia were at a table chatting together, Hotch was at the bar, a very intense look on his face but you could tell he was having fun, apparently him and the bartender knew each other. Morgan had settled at a table, shirt long gone after about an hour of dancing. Prentiss sat across from him, sipping her drink and laughing at Morgan’s sweaty misfortune. Rossi, old, stayed home after the mission.
Spencer was…somewhere else. He'd watched you slip out the back door of the club before excusing himself and following after you.
With one of your hands over his mouth, concealing his high moans from any who may pass by the alley, his pants pooling around his ankles, and his eyes squeezed tightly shut. He had to keep quiet, and the both of you had to be quick. Spencer had asked for this, you don't know where he got the idea, but on the flight back, just as you were falling asleep, you felt him lean in close and detail every little thing he wanted you to do to him in this alley, right next to the bar you and the rest of the team were so familiar with. You neatly fell out of your seat then, wondering when and where he'd gotten his sense of adventure from. And then he was just so…normal for the rest of the flight, the nerve of that man.
Well, that nerve lead to him getting fucked in the alley, just like he'd asked. Only a few words were exchanged, considering that the moment he walked through the back door you were ready to rip his clothes off and take him where he stood. But you didn't, you were civil, you made sure he was okay with this, to which you received beyond enthusiastic consent, with the green light to go ahead, you came at him at full force.
Now here he was, eyes rolling into the back of his head, clawing at the brick wall to try and find some kind of purchase against it. He didn't, his hands only becoming more and more dirty with every attempt. His face was flushed red and you could hear his pretty little moans even with your hand covering his mouth.
You heard him whine and hiss as your cock stretched his barely prepped hole. Considering this was a fairly spare of the moment event, you didn't really have the time to.
But that was fine, Spencer liked pain. He'd given you a full psychological breakdown as to why he did, from trauma to just being born that way. It made things more exciting
You pressed your full body against him, crowding him against the wall, your body pressed against his back, as a car with particularly bright lights drove past. The two of you panted together, still as can be, as you waited for it to leave. When it did you breathed a sigh of relief, then kept thrusting into Spencer like nothing had happened, he was very greatful for that.
The risk only amplified everything for Spencer, he'd stopped being the perfect boy genius in people's eyes a while ago, but now, if someone saw him like this, he wouldn't even be worthy of their respect.
And that turned him on more than anything.
He pushed his hips back against you, meeting you halfway with every thrust.
“Thars it,” you said in his ear, just loud enough for him to hear, “Good boy, keep going.”
And he did, practically riding you. He'd do anything for you, he realized, anything for your respect and approval. He needed it more than anything. His mouth fell open with a beautiful moan, his head resting back against your shoulders, his body enveloped with sweat. Your cock pressed against his walls in a way that made his knees weak, you were practically supporting his whole body in your arms.
“L/n-” he gasped, his voice muffled.
You moved your hand, letting him talk, but the only thing that came out was erotic, wet moans. You considered, for a moment, covering his mouth again, but you didn't. Letting his wild moans be heard by whoever was near.
“You’re so pretty, Reid, so fucking pretty like this.”
Your words only fueled him further. Rocking his hips back, wanting every inch of you in him constantly.
“Y/n!” he cried, “motherfu- ah- ah— good, so good, “
His moans got louder and loud, more desperate, frantic, and praising as he got closer and closer to cumming. The tip of his cock just inches from the brick wall in front of him, leaking gallons of pre-cum onto the floor.
He didn't want you to know when he finished, if the massive stain of white cum on a dark red wall wasn't obvious enough, the way his shoulder slumped and his entire body seemed to release any attention it was holding would have done it.
You didn't stop, this was a part of his fantasy after all. You using him for your own personal pleasure. And you did. Fucking him faster, harder, with only yourself in mind. You pulled out seconds before you came, watching it splatter across his and shoot up his back.
You don't know what he enjoyed more, getting fucked, or walking back into the bar after like nothing had happened. His shirt sticking to his back, his hole sensitive and stretched, and his brain an absolute mess.
You didn't stick around long after, maybe another 30 minutes before you dragged Spencer back home to do it all again.
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ssparksflyy · 25 days
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pairing percy jackson x ballerina!reader summary (smau) just a few days in the life as a pro ballerina nd her loving bf ( ꈍ◡ꈍ) an guys i dont know anything abt ballet please dont come for me 😭 also!! first smau and first time writing in foreverrrrr
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♡ liked by perseajackson, annie.beth, prettygirlpipes, hazelluvsu, clarisseswrld, lightning.mcqueen and others
soyn last few days in the studio have been soso hectic but im forever great full i get to spend them with some of the most beautiful amazing dancers in the whole wide worlddd ‹𝟹 ( dont forget to buy ur tickets for our upcoming recital !! )
annie.beth u guys literally look so good !! popped in the other day to help with lighting issues and oh em gee im so excited nd proud!!
⤷ soyn and u didnt say hello !! literally what !!
⤷ annie.beth my boss didnt let me ᴖ̈
⤷ soyn they hate to see us together fr
tallesttiptoes blood sweat nd tears going into this guys buy ur tickets ꃋᴖꃋ
⤷ soyn no literally like the amount of band-aids i have on rn ....
⤷ perseajackson can confirm shes gone through two boxes of hello kitty band-aids in the last month
lightning.mcqueen where can i buy tickets plsss (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
⤷ soyn TY JASON !! (balletwebsite.com) !!
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♡ liked by soyn, letsbefrank, sillysallyjackson, underwoodz, annie.beth, fireboy, lightning.mcqueen and others
perseajackson day like forty seven of trying new recipes except when i tried making what i had originally planned i spilled like half of our salt ... we resorted to pasta but its a win cause my gf loves pasta
fireboy how the hell did u spill half of ur salt
⤷ perseajackson ive literally watched you intentionally put seven cups of salt into a cake before
⤷ fireboy ... and what im a salty man
⤷ prettygirlpipes we know
lightning.mcqueen waiting for the day u make me dinner ᴖ̈
⤷ perseajackson ill make u a full course meal bro dw
⤷ lightning.mcqueen bro ily
⤷ perseajackson omg no ily more
view more replies
soyn best chef in ny fr !! after ur mom ofc
⤷ perseajackson real i can never compete with her she'd eat me up
⤷ soyn its cause she's sally jackson babe dw
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now playing ... birds of a feather by billie eilish
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♡ liked by annie.beth, soyn, perseajackson, lightning.mcqueen, hazelluvsu, fireboy, letsbefrank and others
prettygirlpiper group met up at the fair this weekend nd omg ... i have not laughed n had so much fun since i cant even remember like core memory fr + everybody's fav couple making the whole fair feel single
hazelluvsu i had so much fun except for when i almost died of laughter after watching jason lose at thirteen games in a row
⤷ lightning.mcqueen TRAITOR
⤷ perseajackson damnnnn u did my man dirty hazel
⤷ letsbefrank nah cause it was genuinely sad after a while
⤷ lightning.mcqueen percy ur the only one who understands me
soyn ily guys sm omgggg (pipes dont be shy send me that pic ˘ ³˘)
⤷ prettygirlpiper i gotchu pooks dw ♡
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♡ liked by perseajackson, tallesttiptoes, letsbefrank, luvrgirlsteph, annie.beth, prettygirlpiper, fireboy and others
soyn im working late, cause im a singer dancer ( recital is in two days we r stressing but so ready !! )
tallesttiptoes OH YEAH im so ready (im not ready at all) literally so pumped (crying in my closet rn) i CANNOT wait (im going to kms)
⤷ luvrgirlsteph WE GOT THIS GIRL DONT KYS ‹𝟹
perseajackson ilysm babe u got this !!
⤷ soyn tysm percy ily (˃̣̣̥ᴖ˂̣̣̥)
⤷ prettygirlpiper omg i hate u guys #bringbacktoxiccouples
⤷ perseajackson stay jealous
hazelluvsu u got this yn !! ur an amazing leader i just know all the girls in ur studio r so lucky to be working with u !!
⤷ tallesttiptoes YESS WE AREEEE
⤷ luvrgirlsteph yn my fav dancer fr !!
⤷ soyn ilysm pretty girls ‹𝟹
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now playing ... new years day by taylor swift
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♡ liked by perseajackson, tallesttiptoes, annie.beth, prettygirlpiper, fireboy, clarisseswrld, lightning.mcqueen and others
soyn theres glitter on the floor after the party, girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby, and i am holding onto these memories as they hold onto me- we did it !!
perseajackson words cannot explain how proud i am of u babe, i literally started crying and the guy next to me hugged me and we cried TOGETHER
⤷ lightning.mcqueen yes he did leo and i can confirm ill send u the pics rn
⤷ prettygirlpiper ohmygod i cannot wait to see how this ends
⤷ hazelluvsu my jaw was literally on the floor to whole time ꃋᴖꃋ
⤷ letsbefrank drop the leg day routine cause HOW
⤷ soyn STOPPP ILY GUYS SM (˃̣̣̥ᴖ˂̣̣̥)
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© ssparksflyy ┊ ur user was inspired by so high school n so american - like if you put my name in it would be 'sobells' yk?? yk.
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