#dont fudging ask why
bloombird · 1 year
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healingheartdogs · 9 months
Doctors visits as an AFAB person that have absolutely nothing to do with potential pregnancy and do not at all match symptoms of pregnancy be like:
Doc: "When was your last period?"
Me: "I'm currently on my period, it started (date)."
Doc: "And are you on any birth control?"
Me: "Yeah I have the nexplanon arm implant."
Doc: "And are you currently sexually active?"
Me: "Nope, haven't been for years."
~ Fifteen minutes later ~
Doc: "Well your pregnancy test (that we didn't tell you we were doing or ask your consent for) came back negative so it's not that."
No. Fucking. Duh.
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pontiikii · 7 months
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my boy....this is fudge
i miss drawing him hes so awesome
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fudge24-7 · 1 month
Huh, you ever have a blog asking for donation help just straight up block you before you could respond? Like damn was I taking too long for you? I get I was taking a bit trying to figure out if you were legit, but with how many scammers there are I've got to be vigilant you know
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
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→Naqi: You should be addicted to shutting the fuck up →Kells: You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid
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silverware-drawer · 8 months
🟥 felppps-6391 🔁 cellbo
🔎 cellbo Seguir
why is my castle full of smoke
🟥 felppps-6391
🔎 cellbo Seguir
🟥 felppps-6391
4 notas
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🪑 what-the-muffin 🔁 kocwillrock
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
guys whart happens if you set cocaine on fire you have one minute adn then im trying it
0_0 . . .whart
💣 endcrystalenjoyer Seguir
🪺 philza Seguir
🔰 etoyless Seguir
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
#heeheeheeheehee #prank tag
26 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 its-nice-to-miku
🐦 its-nice-to-miku Seguir
🥵 peterparkoier
403 notas
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🪷 quackitieeee 🔁 elmar1an4
🌻 elmar1an4 Seguir
es lunes 😏 alguien quiere ser mi novio 😜
🦠 backflipo-numero-uno Seguir
🌻 elmar1an4 Seguir
yes ok I am waiting in the bedroom
🦠 backflipo-numero-uno Seguir
okay give me a couple of minutes
🪷 quackitieeee
what the fuck is wrong with you guys
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 cellbo
🔪 cell-bites
você vai se arrepender disso nunca esquecerei o quão saborosa sua perna era
Umm. . . .what the fuck ??
why the hell are people in the notes acting like this is real lmfao did you idiots forget that people LIE on the INTERNET
okay, but has nobody noticed how this lines up perfectly with that insane alcatraz breakout that was in the news last month, only this was posted first??
i'm dying y'all are so fucking dumb LMFAO
🔎 cellbo Seguir
🥵 peterparkoier
899.113 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 its-nice-to-miku
🪺 philza Seguir
Get you a man with two hundred and twenty seven alt accounts that are all in constant danger of being banned for hacking
💣 tnt-cannoff-1748 Seguir
God damn, hit on by Philza Minecraft himself, never thought I'd see the day 😳
🪺 philza Seguir
Lmao nah mate but I am hitting your gym. Give me ten minutes
💣 big-daddy-bigger-breakfast Seguir
Hell yeah
589 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 4ever-420
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🐥 baghz-quacks Seguir
I don't know what youre talking about forever, it was a verified presidential post ?
🪺 philza Seguir
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🥵 peterparkoier
nem fodendo 👀
3,066 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 missa-not-missing
👑 chay-chay-chefs-blade Seguir
extra pics of the cake process because lulah told me to post them o7
💀 missa-not-missing Seguir
🪺 philza Seguir
Missa :D you finally back in wifi range?
💀 missa-not-missing Seguir
Thirty minutes!!
🪺 philza Seguir
. . .you good mate? It's been hours
💀 missa-not-missing Seguir
699 notas
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🚇 tubbohell 🔁 philza
🔰 etoyless Seguir
L+ratio well played gf
🪑 what-the-muffin
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
🚇 tubbohell
am I missing something since when does etoiles have a girlfriend???
342 notas
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🪑 what-the-muffin 🔁 what-the-muffin
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
🪑 what-the-muffin
hey foolish what does étoiles use when it rains
🪑 what-the-muffin
. . .a cucumbrella 0_0
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🕓 4ever-420 ☑️🇧🇷 Seguir
Hi bad :D
🪑 what-the-muffin
Hi forever :D
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
666 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 ⚠️ pactriggerwarning
🦄 ayyyyypierre Seguir
If you want free GEGGS come to the GEGG factory under the statue of GEGG
🎼 wilbur-soot-official ☑️
i fucking hate gegg
🔎 cellbo Seguir
🔎 cellbo Seguir
this is the only thing he's ever posted?!??!??????
⚽ doctor-ovo Seguir
🪪 elquackity ☑️
🧪 aquimicaehloka Seguir
what the hell
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sugar-omi · 11 months
Alright all your Cove and Baxter anguish has me FUCKED UP and I need some adorable Cove fluff to recover. How about a little about Cove and M/C as newlyweds coming home after the honeymoon?
at first i didnt know what to write but then i start thinking n.... pls i love this sm i hope it heals your broken heart <3333
tags : Fluff, cove loves you sm, sharing money (cove shares his money/bank acc w you), he's just in love w you theres nothing else to say
synopsis : how cove acts after your come back from your honeymoon
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he's bringing you flowers everyday
at first he brings you a couple bouquets but you've run out of places for them so he just brings you one and add them to your collection.
none of them are the same either
so you have sunflowers, lilies, roses, tulips, peonies, orchids, and many many flowers all in one vase
is it a little ugly? probably. definitely. the colors and sizes n shapes all clash but it's the thought that counts
if you don't like flowers, are allergic, or you get tired of him bring so many...
he brings you food <3
I think one of cove's love languages is food
he brings home sweets like cheese cake or marbled cake
or fudge, or chocolates
or if you aren't into sweets like that, then he'll bring lunch/dinner instead
he's a decent cook, and even if you're bad at cooking he wants you to help him
lots of kissing n half burnt food (he takes whatever portion is burnt so you don't have to eat it)
and he tries to always bring u lunch
if he can't bring you lunch for whatever reason, he either packs one for you or sends you money for lunch
COVE: hi bby, have you eaten yet YOU: im ordering food rn COVE: i sent u 50 is that enough YOU: ?!*!&!(!? YOU: that's too much 😭😭 cove pls YOU: ill send the rest back COVE: keep ot COVE: it* COVE: my money is your money
he does this all the time now, in fact he'll even had you his card
which he's always done before your marriage, but now ge even gets you a card connected to his bank account too
he doesn't even care if you share your money w him too, he just wants to give you everything he has
like if you asked for his shirt in the middle of the store I think he'd ask why n then just give it to you
as if he was gonna say no in the first place 🙄💀💀
he just becomes so much more obsessed w you after you're married
always cuddling or touching u
if you're around your mom's they're always cracking jokes....
especially if you want kids they're all "we're gonna be grandparents soon at this rate lol" (even if u want to adopt or dont wanna birth/can't have kids bc you're amab or infertile or smth)
they just think they're so hilarious 🙄🙄🙄
does he blush bright enough there's steam coming off him? maybe
does he stop? nope!!!
loves you so much, he just needs to be close to you
prbly has 2 actually
one is of the two of you bc sometimes he can't believe you're married n he just needs to make sure life is real
n one is of just you in your wedding attire
will talk abt you to anyone who asks or makes a comment
this mf would prbly get a shirt that says "y/n's husband" on the front
even tho it's in small print on the front it's embarrassing.... like pls we get it you're in LOVE
he'd get you both jewelry w your wedding date on it
will hold you up at the door if you try to leave without kissing him
you've always gave him a peck before leaving but now it's WORSE
once he even stopped you in the driveway before you pulled off...
man's ran out of the fucking house in socks and unicorn print sweatpants
you roll down the window "what? what's wrong?!" cove, leaning thru the window and pouting. "kiss."
you look at him in shock n disbelief before you just laugh and kiss him
he taxes you two extra kisses for the trouble, he got his socks wet from running out here!!!
you have to push him off otherwise you're gonna be late to work bc you were too busy making out in your driveway
your single/divorced neighbors hate you
the teens idolize what yall have n their standards got so fucking high after yall moved in
n the old ppl laugh bc they've been there when they married and/or they find it amazing how obsessed cove is w you
if it wasn't such a bad omen or if you didn't disapprove, he'd get your wedding date or your initials tatted on his ankle.
maybe it seems extreme all of this bc I think cove just realizes how amazing you are sometimes n all his love overflows in this way <3333
no matter how old you get he's always gonna run out in the rain, snow, or sunshine n get a kiss if you forget
pfx by the time he's 80 he can't move as fast but he's hustling down the path before you can escape
if you do get away before he can get a kiss though, he is pouting when you come back
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lorelaiblair · 7 months
My thoughts as I rewatch Wednesday, part 3
Part 1 / Part 2
-xavier has the weathervane and wants to trade with ajax, but ajax goes to uriah’s heap with enid, why didn’t he trade? he is apparently xavier’s best friend and he probably knows what tyler did to him?
-why does donavan hate outcasts so much? he was once married to and had a kid with one? what happened to his wife? does he recognize the hyde attack patterns?
-seen people say wednesday manuipulates enid into trading assignments with her and that literally makes no sense. enid was so excited to spend time with ajax! it was a fair trade!
-eugene with yoko and bianca, i love that weirdo
(took a break 12 minutes in to make brownies and listen to the ologies episode about thanatology, just thought y’all should know that)
-i wish wednesday had severely hurt those pilgrims (i love lucas later on, but my dude??)
-wednesday cleaning his vomit is disgusting.. please please stop, he is capable of cleaning himself off
-“what the fudge are you doing in here missy?!” stop. stop it. never speak again. (i don’t really have a problem with real/other people saying this so idk why it bothers me so much when she does)
-enid and ajax are not two different species (in the way they’re implying at least) they’re outcasts, they’re somewhat popular, they have the sameish friend group, they fit. this conversation doesn’t fit them together, it does fit considering them with other people though. it fits considering wednesday.
-“i can’t believe he asked me!!” honey, my sweet girl, he didn’t.
-“who i speak to is none of your business” damn right!!
-hate xavier, all my homies hate xavier
-he never believes her. he doesn’t believe her once without his own confirmation and then even when she proves herself right he STILL doesn’t believe her and then later he claims he always believed her. he lies straight up
-“are you mansplaining my power?” yeah, he really is
-enid clawing the side of that bus, my love, my girl, she is everything
-why does weems hate morticia so much??? please i need to know
-no because kimbott the therapist frfr scrapes roadkill off of the street and puts them in wedding dresses..
-how does donavan, a man once married to a hyde, not recognize a hyde when he sees one??
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cryptocism · 6 months
Oh my god this new chapter,.. gnawingbthe bars of the enclosure etc etc. what gave you the ideas for the kids being conjoined twins?
not sure how much i should be screening for spoiler-y asks n answers if anybody is still on the earlier chapters but! i wanted to answer this one so spoilers ahead for anybody who hasn't read chapter 17
i came up with it pretty early on! long enough ago that the details are fuzzy but iirc when i was making all the clone backstories, i was really invested in the idea that one of them wouldn't have powers. partially for character dynamics, also because i think having a range of abilities forces interesting workarounds (i.e. Jude and Nathaniel using Jude's speed paths to supplement Nathaniel's lack of powers)
then i was going back and forth on how to explain why Nathaniel didn't have powers, if an explanation was even necessary, etc. which coincided with me thinking a lot about the different applications of technoplasm and just how insane of a material it is to exist
then Impulse issue #56 where CRAYDL downloads, copies, and replicates Tim and Kon's genetic matrices using technoplasm came to mind and it felt a lot more feasible that technoplasm could literally be programmed for a human form
i thought abt CRAYDL just building Nathaniel from scratch, but there wasnt a motivation i could think of that was strong enough for CRAYDL to do that. (like maybe they didn't want Jude to be lonely or something, which fell a little flat bc obviously they werent concerned about Thad being on his own) also i wanted Nathaniel to still have some bio-connection to Jude and the other clones. so: technoplasm integration felt like a cool direction, and meant Nathaniel needed some essential part of him be technoplasm-made. any kind of amelia condition didn't really work because there are plenty of folks without limbs that are doing just fine and dont require medical intervention, (and i really didnt think CRAYDL would try an operation so risky if there wasnt a fatal threat) so it had to be something else and conjoined twins felt like a good direction to go. there's plenty of conjoined twins who are also doing just fine and dont require intervention, but this would be a case where separation was necessary for survival.
although i wrote Jude and Nathaniel as both parapagus and craniopagus twins (the grammar there may not be right but basically: joined both at the pelvis/abdomen and the head) which i dont believe (?) is a type that's ever actually occurred. keeping with sci-fi's grand tradition i fudged the science for the sake of the story u know how it is
but yeah of course after that the possibilities of a bio-computer technoplasm-integrated character got me Extremely Excited. tons of functionally-immortal self-programming computer-hacking fun. plus i had an excuse to give Jude heterochromia and a cool birthmark :P
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
Thinking on the whole "Aldera allowed BK to bully Izu" and how Inko is so...uncaring for such fact may be accidental or not...
There are others schools out there...why Izu had to stay in Aldera? Legit. Why? If Inko is so poor she cant afford a new school it would be smth but...the fact she doesnt even try, she is so out of reality...its concerning.
Also...Aldera has (or should have )parents meetings(parents and teachers meeting one another) are the teachers the best actors in the world to convice Inko "your son happy here" or she just dont care?
Another thing: BK is from a rich family...he could have gone to a big school but stay on Aldera. Reason? "To make his hero origin story look good"
1) why? Where this idea comes from? Is AM from a poor background and reach stardom from day to night?
2) does others heroes care for "proper hero background"?
Inko is a bad mom in canon...ironically, bashing fics got it wrong. She doesnt light cigars on her son nor let him starve...she just...do nothing.
Hi @mikeellee 👋,
This. This is where I see Hori's lack of exploration into Izuku's childhood to be a massive problem. Inko is never seen to try literally anything to prevent Izuku's bullying.
A common defense I hear of her is that, "Izuku hid it from her so she had no idea" and while that may be the case later let me ask; does anyone seriously think a four year old can hide being hurt constantly? Let alone being exploded?
So there is two options here:
She could have been too poor to change Izuku's schools / move homes. If this is case - Explore that HORI! That could have been common ground for IzuOcha to bond over!! Not only that but it would have gave Inko a sympathetic reason why she didn't go this route. Hori should have coupled this with a few brief shots of her in the manga showing her trying to speak with teacher, Mitsuki etc... That could have shown a sympathetic and good prominent mother figure.
She saw Izuku being hurt for being quirkless and viewed his suffering as inevitable so did not try to do anything to prevent what he was going through. This is the option that makes Inko look the worst - but also lines the most up with canon in my view. There's metas out there saying that, despite the Midoriya's living in an apartment, they are rich / well off by the interior Hori designs for them (maybe not as much as Bkg but comfortable.) So no monetary boundary to moving. There's the fact that Inko is quick to say "I'm sorry Izuku" and cry on him when he's being diagnosed as quirkless which... It feels like Inko is now expecting the worst for him/ Izuku's future in this diagnosis - which would explain her inaction. (Note - she only tries to protect him after Izu gets a quirk too, by threatening to take him out UA, which lines up with this theory.)
With the Bakugou part - that's just Bakugou's stupidity and ego coming out full swing.
Logically speaking, it would make more sense to go to be best school - rather than whatever Aldera is - to maximise the chances of getting in UA. But Baku is so up his own ass he believes he is innately the best.
First, who lets their child pull this sort of shit when they genuinely want the best for them? Why doesn't Mitsuki sit Bkg down and tell him he's being an idiot? She's done it before. And should do it here.
Second, I WISH this bit him in the ass. I wish he got lower down the scoreboard then third on the term rankings. Or even, failed the entrance exam, got expelled by expellzawa - just anything! Because then it would show Bkg is his own worst enemy.
Third, maybe Baku pulled this deliberately because he knew Aldera would let him get away with being a POS. If Bkg went to a top school do you think they would let him get away with being an abusive turd? Short answer no. If they expelled him - game over for his dream of heroism too. Baku probably knew Aldera would likely fudge things for him to help him get in UA to make themselves look good.
We don't know enough about AM in canon but I do presume that he was from a poorer background due to this view of Bkg's otherwise Bakuboo would not have cared about being seen as "coming from poverty."
TLDR - Inko sits by and does nothing for her son while he was quirkless and being severely bullied because Hori writes her poorly. But there's no nice implication as to why this is the case.
Bakugou is an arrogant idiot who is his own worst enemy - or would be if Hori making him the strongest plot armour all the time.
And AM needs his origins explored - where's the underdog rising to be the number one hero origin story, Hori?
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cyberslam · 17 days
hi!!! u dont have to if u dont want to obviously but since u asked for requests!!!! maybe undertaker taking care of his lil bro or vice versa or some shawntaker angst after the screwjob? sorry these arent v detailed lol u dont have to!!!! ty ty ty
It wasn't often that The Undertaker actually looked upset.
Kane had been in the funeral home, doing some clean up work before closing up. He didn't exactly enjoy it, but it was something to do between the days of travel and matches.
It was back in the house that Kane found his brother staring down at a sheet of brownies. The smell of baked goods lingered in the air. 'Taker was the one who usually cooked and looked after household duties. It was rare for him to even LET Kane do any type of finishing up in the funeral home or mortuary. He had strict rules about Kane taking his mask off for any front facing work (so Kane didn't), but today he had told Kane to clean up and close up early for him.
At the time it had sounded like there was something important 'Taker had to do, but it didn't seem that way now.
Kane sat down, perpendicular to his brother at the dinner table. He stared down at the brownies with him.
Silence shrouded them for what felt like hours, before The Undertaker spoke.
"They were her favorite."
Kane tilted his head in confusion. Her?
"A young girl...lifetimes ago," The Undertaker mumbled. "Her soul...is lost to me now. She liked brownies that were more like cake than fudge."
"Is she damned?" Kane asked.
"No. She is not damned," he sighed, rubbing his temple with his fingers. "Her soul is just not here, this time. I remember her. This time, however..."
Kane understood, to an extent. The cycles of life and death were not easy to cope with at times, especially for beings like them. Those of other worlds felt everything in a different ebb and flow.
"She didn't come into this world, this time." Kane finished the thought. He wondered, if it was a girl he knew before he possessed Mark's body, or if there was another way he was connected to her.
"...So you made brownies." He could understand why his brother did, but not exactly what his end goal was.
"I thought it'd relieve some of the pain," The Undertaker explained, finally lifting his head to look at Kane. There was a sadness in his eyes. His eyes, that looked more like the soft gaze of the vessel The Undertaker possessed (Kane took deep, rattling breaths to resist the anger and sadness at the loss of his real brother, not that he'd say it again), and not the hardened stare of an undying spirit.
The demon could only stare, before slowly taking his mask off. The Undertaker's sadness became a slight look of surprise.
"Let's..." Kane sighed deeply, quirking his lips into a smile for a second. He felt exposed, naked, and his skin burned and burned as it was exposed to the air. He could smell the smoke. "...eat. For her. She wouldn't want this to go to waste."
"...No. No she wouldn't," 'Taker didn't move as he stared at Kane's face, taking in the details that remained hidden from the world.
Kane let him, this time. He hated the idea of eating in front of anyone, but nonetheless he reached into the pan to pull out one of the pre-cut pieces. He bit into it, the taste of ashes filling his mouth. He looked ahead, his damaged vision able to block out the way his brother stared.
He'd let him, today. It was clear that even The Undertaker needed his small comforts.
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i love when the subject of modern au for the arcana comes up cause my only metric of judgement for it is What are you gonna do with Muriel. is he still. you know. practically homeless
cause it can be done well i believe it!! but i mean its interesting to me cause theres so many um. cultural differences i guess i can call it, and ramifications and implications and fucking more thesaurus words we get it to consider in comparing our "everyone has to have a document about *Everything*, whats your assigned number at birth, let me record you with 50 cameras at all times just in case, gimme your PapERS HOW OLD ARE YOU WHATS YOUR GRANDMAS MAIDEN NAME NO IM NOT SELLING YOU THIS CARTON OF EGGS UNTIL YOU TELL ME" society (Admittedly! not every single place in the world today is like this necessarily!!! so you can just put them someplace else and work from there!!! but youd have to know how life there actually looks like And also wait whats the point of this au if everything ends up the same lmao i wanted asra to have tiktok and work at starbucks what are we doing here) vs the old timey fantasy world presented in the game where its just "yeah sure you can go live in a forest theres no fences here lol bye dont get dysentery" which is how the world used to be i guess and thats so fun to ponder for me lol we really were just monkeys fucking about with sticks huh. good times
man this is why i dont actually write fanfics i get too lost in four different trains of thought and dont finish any of them lmao and i guess also cause of the "i Cant POSSIBLY write this story about kissing a dude if i cant describe the sociopolitical climate in this neighbourhood in the netherlands after the Batavian Rebellion and how it influenced the contemporaneous fauvistic arT MOVEMENT with UTMOST ACCURACY cause THATS WHAT HIS FAVOURITE PAINTING WAS THE ONE THAT SHOWS UP IN THIS THREE SECOND BLURRY BACKGROUND CLIP OF THIS SCENE IN HIS APARTMENT AND IS CRUCIAL TO HIS CHARACTER AND I HAVE TO NAIL IT WHAT DONT YOU GET" type personality i got going which i guess writers deal with by just going full "lol whatever i am god here and i make law" mode
i just started thinking about this cause of the new story on dorian in a modern au i got pretty hype about it teehee but yeah muriel hasnt shown up yet so i got into that whole spiral about wHERE ARE THEY GONNA PUT ME BOYE AAAGJHFN i hope he gets a good outfit lmao i love jules' vibe but i looked at asra n went aw Hell naw hed be way better dripped out you done my boy dirty cmon man. pashas hawaiian shirt tho fucking we're so back lets go lesbians hkdyyifulj Anyway they made lucio a wholeass bilionaire which had me shook a lil for some reason but i can see him as a total ~Musk-esque~ archetype lmaooo like that is literally so him, just barges in and makes people have good ideas for him gikgststnv oh god i hope theres not any elon fans reading this cause theyre not gonna appreciate that oh fudge ok lets get back to the point which was uuuuhhhhhhhhhh oh yeah i liked your muriel lives in a van concept i thought its good! yeah thats what i wanted to say. what a tumultuous journey i just had to invent to arrive here.
Oh yeah, I've been seeing a lot more posts and questions about the arcana's modern au, and it's why I was so happy to dig up all those old ask arcana posts! I'm so glad we have all that canon content from way back when, it was so sad that I could only put ten images in one post T~T
And Muriel definitely lives off the grid - I also remember another ask arcana that said in modern times he'd wear a cable knit sweater on top and leather pants and demonias on bottom and that works so well for him XD
Here's the screenshots since the links haven't been working:
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dirkspanelcollection · 4 months
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From page 5244
timaeusTestified [TT] began pestering golgothasTerror [GT]
TT: Jake.TT: It seems you are going to have to kiss me.
GT: What????? GT: Dude what is going on...GT: Is this... is this really dirks head???GT: What happened to him!
TT: Dirk's dead, Jake. TT: You have to bring him back to life.
GT: How?!
TT: I already told you. TT: If you want Dirk to live.TT: The odds that you are going to have to make out with this severed head are so high, I literally just confiscated their bong.
GT: Uhh.
TT: I refuse to believe my statement has left you unconvinced. The very notion is absurd. Now hurry up and kiss me. TT: Chop chop.
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GT: I dont understand! GT: Are you saying i have to kiss him... like uh... on the lips... while you stare at me through his sunglasses like a weirdo??
TT: Yes.
GT: That doesnt make any sense! GT: Can you actually tell me whats going on?! What happened to him?
TT: I told you, Jake. TT: Dirk is dead.TT: He is lying on the floor of Roxy's room, headless, four hundred and thirteen years in the future, while the universe is about to be destroyed. TT: If you don't kiss me soon, he will be dead forever.
GT: So... GT: If i kiss him his headless body will hop up and start prancing about or...GT: Will he grow a new head???
TT: No. His dream self will take over as the new Dirk. TT: But only if you hurry up and do it.
GT: But like... GT: If hes dead in the future...GT: How does kissing him NOW bring him back? How does that work?
TT: Yeah, great idea. Let's roll up our sleeves on nuanced metatemporal mechanics with the concussion-addled kid in micro-shorts. TT: Leave the synchronization issues to me, ok?TT: I have everything under control.TT: Now pucker up.
GT: Wait... GT: Are you behind these shenanigans?GT: Did you plan this auto responder??????????
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From page 5245
TT: Please don't call me Auto-Responder. TT: It is very impersonal, and I no longer care for the designation.TT: I have decided on a new name, to distinguish myself from my human counterpart.
GT: Really. GT: What is it?
TT: Lil Hal.
GT: Huh? GT: Why that name...
TT: Just a reference to the protagonist of an ancient movie. You probably wouldn't like it.
GT: Thats a lie!
TT: Yeah, maybe.
GT: How do you know i wouldnt like it???
TT: Funny, I was about to ask the same thing about this rad kiss you're totally about to do on your best bro's mouth to save his life.
GT: Argh!GT: This strikes me as rather unsportingly manipulative of you mr hal if indeed that IS your real name.
TT: It isn't really. I was kind of messing with you about that? TT: But this shit is pretty serious. People's lives are on the line here, Jake.TT: This is a very delicate sequence of events that is designed to bail everyone out of a tight spot, and you are a critical part of the plan.TT: Don't let us down, man.
GT: You never answered my question! GT: Did you plan for this to happen... like for me to be in this situation?GT: How long have your machinations been in play!
TT: Jake, come on. TT: The feat you describe would exceed the capabilities of even the most far fetched theoretical AI system.TT: It would be a daunting challenge to engineer such a series of events, even if I was relegated to a model of pure fiction.TT: Why would I be inclined to orchestrate such a convoluted sequence to produce such a specific and unsettling result, let alone be able to pull it off?TT: In addition to being moderately sociopathic, I would also have to possess unfathomable heuristic depth.TT: I would have to be the Deep Blue of Weird Plot Shit.TT: Do you think I am the Deep Blue of Weird Plot Shit, Jake?
GT: I dont even know what that means!
TT: It would mean that while they have the Red Miles on their side, you have the Blue Leagues on yours. TT: One of infinite reach. The other, infinite depth. Such would be a situation of mutually assured inescapability.TT: Kiss me.
GT: Little hal... i think youve gone and flipped your FUDGING LID. GT: Oh and hal is a STUPID NAME!!!!
TT: It's not exactly apropos, is it? TT: Or it wouldn't be, if I truly were capable of what you have suggested. TT: No, to pull that off, I would have to be far more advanced than my cinematic predecessor. TT: My abilities would have to go well beyond those of Mr. Hal 9000.TT: They would have to be, you could say...TT: Over 9000.
GT: Augh not that fuckin meme again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TT: Kiss me, damn it.
GT: Ok ok just... GT: Gimme a minute!
TT: We don't have a minute. TT: They're dead, Jake.
GT: They? GT: Whos they?
TT: They're all dead, Jake.
GT: Oh god! Jane!!! GT: I forgot what with the bonk to the noggin last i saw she was run right through with a fearsome lash of that red noise.GT: Is she ok?!
TT: She's dead, Jake.
GT: Shes dead??? GT: You mean like DEAD dead????
TT: Everybody's dead, Jake.
GT: Everybody?? GT: Even roxy???!!!
TT: She's dead, Jake. TT: Everybody's dead.TT: Everybody is dead, Jake.
GT: So... GT: Dirk jane roxy... theyre all...
TT: Dirk's dead, Jake. Jane's dead. Roxy? She's dead, Jake. Everybody is dead, Jake.
GT: So youre telling me that while i was asleep somehow EVERYBODY died???
TT: Jake, everybody is so utterly fucking dead, Jake. TT: And they will be not only dead, but royally boned forever if you don't man the hell up and make out with me, right now.TT: Be the Salome to my John the Baptist.
GT: I dont know what THAT means either!!!
TT: I know you don't. TT: But now is not the time to accelerate your cultural enrichment.TT: The conductor is ready to strike up the band.TT: Press your lips against mine and make it count.TT: This severed head is your filthy tuba.TT: Our love will be your haunting refrain.
GT: Whoa wait whoa whoa... our LOVE? Hang on a minute!
TT: Stfu and kiss me.
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From page 5246
GT: Ok im going to! God!!! GT: I just...GT: This isnt how i pictured it going.
TT: Pictured what?
GT: Between him and me. GT: There had to be a better way than this!
TT: This is the only way it can be.
GT: I guess if it was going to go this way... GT: I kinda pictured something different?GT: There was stuff i wanted to say.GT: To the real him i mean.
TT: Tick, tock, Jake. Time is dead kids. TT: How 'bout that smooch?
GT: Stop being so pushy!
TT: I thought you were supposed to like adventure?
GT: I LOVE adventure and you KNOW it!
TT: I'm not sure what to believe anymore, frankly.
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From page 5247
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
Yo, I'm back! Some lore drop-off for today:
[Lets hope that the Week day kids don't develop the same nutritional needs... at least Xci Nicco might get company on her flights.]
PIF is a little confused as to why Hua Jiao is always so sad when Xci Nicco has to go, but Hua Jiao replies with; "OH! so you got used to grandpa DBK not being around when he was trapped under the mountain then?" Hua Jiao's love for Xci Nicco doesn't grow old.
Let's mind here that Xci Nicco is technically a celestial, since stars are celestial bodies and Xci Nicco was born from a star..
But Xci Nicco, being a harpy, can grow up to only possibly 200 years max. Not really making Hua Jiao any happier because it means that he'll be all alone all over again; He does NOT recover well from heartbreak.
("I'll take care of you!" Hua Jiao said at Xci Nicco's deathbed.
"it's rotten work.." Xci Nicco said, muttering.
"not to me.." Hua Jiao paused, going to Xci Nicco's side and nuzzling her in their last moments; "not if it's you, my love..")
IS WHAT I WOULD SAY IF I WAS THAT CRUEL! since Xci Nicco is TECHNICALLY a celestial, she is also TECHNICALLY IMMORTAL! Wipe those tears, I ain't having none of them!.. well.. for today, at least..!
Dont scare me like that again. Hua Jiao and his birdy wife deserve all the time together.
And as if grandpa SWK wouldn't ask the pair if they need some special Peaches or some Ledger's fudged so that Xci Nicco and Hua Jiao can be without fear of old age. It's uber sweet that they stay together to the very end tho.
Also; Hua Jiao sassing his grandma Pif is extremely in character.
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Has any one thought that since maddie from danny phantom and Vicky from fairly odd parents look similar do you think they could be aunt and neice.
Like since maddie and her sister have opposite personalities and Vickys mom did something horrible causing a strained relationship, and maddie she dosent what to stress her kids so she dosent mention it.
Then danny gets outed as a halfa and the news reaches vickies mom and her imidiate though is to gain social standing, like, 'oh your nephew got into harverd well thats great dear and oh did i tell yoi about me nephew danny he saved the world on the news, he's 14'
And so she tries to get into contact with maddie and says that the knowlege of her neice and nephew made her want to reconnect.
And maddie like the good mother she is accepts and tells her kids, which jazz and danny point out its weird how she chose it RIGHT after he saved the world, and maddie still knowing who her sister is but hopes shes changes tells them, people can change amd even if she is we dont need to go back there why not give her a chance.
And so the fentons go to Dimmsdale to meet them, it didnt go well but they still give them a chance.
And then Vickie talks about how shes a babysitter and how while their parents are busy she can take danny and jazz to meet the kid she babysits. The fentons not seeing anything wrong with this agrees.
Now on timmys side Vickie just asked his parents if they would mind if the brought her estranged cousins over while they were gone.
They agreed.
Now Timmys having a heart attack because 1 vicky was evil enough now he'd have 3.
And is absolutely terrified of when they'll arive bacause he thinks its his death, and tries to escape, but vicky catches him and tells him that because her estranged family has very good social standing and lots of money, she has to make a good impression and is going to use him to do it.
When the door bell rings and he knows its her cousins behind the door hes terrified again so when vicky opens the door to show an 17 year old red head and an 14 year old black haired kid he tries to run.
Then vickie introduses then and he finds out their names and jazz and danny.
Vicky ends off going somewhere with jazz just leaving timmy and danny.
In the next couple of hours timmy is getting more and more shocked that not only is vickys cousin ,danny, decent he's actualy the nicest person he's  ever met and then they just go off in the neighbourhood pulling pranks on people and timmys having the time of his life with danny.
And maybe he lets slip how babysitting usualy goes with vicky and danny rightfuly freaks out, amazing timmy about how kind danny is.
Its later that day when the fentons and vickys family plan to have lunch and danny invites timmy over saying they wont mind.
And when timmy gets their he's greeted by a doting and kind jazz who he is amazed by.
Meets a goofy jack asking him of he wants fudge and just being a good dad to timmy
And an protective and affectionate naddie who also dotes on him.
It was that day that timmy finaly realised what having a family was really nice. Not just a normal family, timmy is under no illusion that the fentons are normal but it continuesly amazed how none of them seem to care and genuinely love eachother.
I just think the idea that timmy sees and experiences not only a weird family but a very loving one too, and internationally freaking out because these wonderful people are related to VICKY.no wonder their estranged.
He wonders if the fentons were put on this earth to cancel out the evil of vicky with the goodness of danny.
The more time he spends with danny solidifies that in his mind.
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dylanmunson · 2 years
Pretty Boy | Eddie Munson
Chapter Five
wattpad : intro | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ///// tumblr : intro| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
master of masterlists | main masterlist |
pretty boy \ eddie munson masterlist
AU: Trigger warnings| swearing, bullying, slight SA (its at the very end, when they get back to the trailer park) i think thats it but i just wanted to put it here! I also havent proof read this so soz, also word vomit, kinda my thing. 
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mood board for chapter 5 
word count: 2.8k 
Luckily, everyone was at mikes, Will was in town so they were all playing dnd in the basement when we arrived. 
I hopped out the van and knocked on the door "hi dusty!" i grin as he opens the door, the other boys all behind him "what you doing here?" wheeler asks, "well ya see the thing is" i grin, "we're going to the diner then arcade with that munson kid if you wanna join" max says leaning against me. I nod "basically" i grin, "you know eddie munson?" dustin says. "Well duh, she's repeating senior year as well" Mike says. "Dudeee" lucas says giving mike a look. "Its fine honestly, uhh do you wanna join or not? Eddies kinda waiting in the van" i smile, rocking back on my heels. 
"EDDDIEEE" dustin grins running out of the door and into the passenger seat. 
I grin at the younger boy, "you guys gonna join or?" max says clearly getting annoyed with the boys already. They all just shrug and shout to mikes mum before closing the door and walking to the van. 
"yes henderson, jesus, i know just" he stops "get in the back" he says as i climb into the back of the van. "but why? i called shot gun" he says all pouty. "Because cause" he says looking back at all of us in the back. "curls its fine" i grin, Letting out a loud sigh, "belts!" he says before driving to the diner. The music loud in the van, everyone just bopping along to motley crue. Max is talking to Lucas, holding hands and being all coupley, cute. 
We arrive at the diner and everyone rushes to get out of the van and into the place, "whoa whoa whoa" eddie says locking the van and sighing "listen here sheepies, can we all just behave" he smirks, "wow really curls" i grin up at the boy, before walking towards the building slinging my arm around dustin and will. 
Lucas and Max already sitting in one of the larger booths at the back, will next to lucas and dustin to max, i slide in next to max and mike next to will. Eddie walks over pulling a chair to the end of the table. A waitress comes along and hands us some menus, saying she'll be back in a few to take our orders. "does anyone wanna get the chocolate fudge milkshake to share? i know i wont drink it all" i grin looking at the menu biting my lip. "i will lu" max smiles, dustin smirks "ow" he says "what happened?" i turn to the boy. 
"no-nothing nothing" he smiles, frowning i turn back to the menu as the boys start bickering between themselves. "guys guys what did i say" eddie says flicking something at mike. The waitress comes back over and takes everyones drink and food order before hurrying over to the kitchen. After a while the we get our drinks and some of the food comes out. My milkshake im sharing with max is to die for, its heavenly. "oh my god curls you have to try this" i say with a mouthful of fudge grinning at the curly haired boy, he smirks shaking his head, "its so good" i grin taking another big gulp. "hey eddie, try it, didnt you say chocolate fudge was your favourite?" Mike smirks at the older boy. 
"you should've said we couldve shared! Max says its to sickly" i smile softly at the boy next to me. Eddie sends me a quick smile before flicking a chip at the boy "shut up wheeler" "Come on curls try some" i grin handing him the drink. "Its fine blue honestly" he half smiles. I nod sitting back "i dont have cooties if thats what your worried about" i send him a wink, before giggling. "gosh your such a child" mike sighs. "It was a joke, im sorry" i mumble sitting back into the booth "really mike" dustin says "was there any need" lucas sighs "yeah they didnt have to bring us with them" will joins in. "no no its fine dont worry" i shrug, looking down at the table. 
A silence falls upon the table as the kids finishing eating, "uh eddie?" i mumble he looks up at me nodding "got a ciggy i could nick?" i sigh, he pats his pockets trying to find the packet. "you alright?" i nod taking a cigarette and the lighter before walking out of the diner. 
Luna quickly walks out of the diner, going around the side of the building before lighting the cigarette taking a long drag. Before sighing and sitting on the steps behind her. 
"Did i-" "shut it" eddie says to him, "dont" he says holding up his hands "just no" eddie sighs, "is she ok?" dustin asks, eddie just nods "just gone for a cigarette" Max frowns, "uhh i'll be back" Max quickly pushes herself out of the booth and walks over to the door "mayfield wait!" eddie shouts but the red head is already out the door. 
"is everything ok?" the waitress grins coming back to the table, everyone nods "could i get the bill?" eddie mumbles "sure thing sweetie" she smiles before taking the empty cups and dishes before walking away again. Max and Luna walk in, Max rubbing lunas arm up and down, Eddie gives mike a look before the girls sit down. "You good?" eddie says luna just nods "thankyou" she mumbles to eddie handing him his lighter back. He nods as the waitress comes over with the bill. Eddie looks over it before putting it on the table, sticking his hand in his pocket to sort out the cash. "here curls" luna smiles handing him a 20 dollar bill "no" he smiles back at the girl, "keep it for the arcade" he grins finding the money and handing it to the waitress "right come on sheepies" he sighs standing up and walking out of the building to his van. 
Luna follows eddie out, him going to the back of the van like hes looking for something, luna goes up behind him and gives him a little hug, a little squeeze before letting go and getting into the passenger seat. Eddie jumps at the sudden contact, knowing its luna but her chipped nail polish, as he goes to open his mouth the warmth from her body is gone and the van door is being shut. He finds what he's looking for before going to the drivers side, the kids start getting in the back. 
"Whats this for?" luna says as eddie puts a jumper on her lap. "You looked cold" he shrugs before starting the van up and driving to the arcade, the kids bickering about what games their gonna play first and whos better at what game. Eddie is slowly turning the volume on the radio up as the bickering goes on. Luna chuckles noticing what hes doing, getting his attention he sends her a wink before looking back at the road. Him driving some what sensible considering how shes seen him drive before. 
Eddie puts the car in park and the kids are pushing the door open running out and into the building, "shall we munson" luna smiles, eddie nods "we shall." They both hop out of the car Luna stopping for a quick moment to put the jumper on eddie had given her, it swallowing her hole. 
The jumper coming to mid thigh, fully covering the old band tee she had on, the sleeves becoming sweater paws. It smells like him too. Of course it would it was his, but her heart melted a bit "you good blue" he chuckles next to her giving her a look. "uh" she smiles "yeah yeah sorry" she chuckles running a hand through her hair. "come on imma gonna beat you at pac man" she grins grabbing his hand and running into the arcade building. 
Neon lights and different game sounds soon fill her senses. She stops dead in her tracks just as shes gotten into the building. "wow" she smiles taking everything in. Sure she'd been to an arcade before but this felt different. It was a new build, more games and machines to go on, there was a little diner tucked in the corner as well. Serving slushies and all sorts of sugary goodness. "where to first blue" eddie smiles looking down at the shorter girl, his hand still being by her. 
She giggles before dragging him over to one of the four pac-man machines, fishing out a coin and slotting it into the machine. She begins racking up the points, moving to the next level within minutes of just starting, Eddie chuckles deciding to bump her a bit, "munson dont!" she grins, trying to concentrate on the game, "buuut why" he chuckles flipping the tag back into the jumper. This causes luna to jump, she lets go of the controls and stands still as his fingers brush against her neck. "hey no, you made me die" she sighs turning to the boy. 
He shrugs smiling, "the tag was sticking out" she grins folding her arms and pouting "hey no" he laughs, "dont do that" "do what" she says in a funny trying to be angry voice "oh sweetheart dont do that" he smiles "i'll buy you a slushie" he says biting his bottom lip. She groans throwing her hands down "you dont have tooo" she smiles pushing at his chest lightly. "m'just playing" she grins, now biting her own lip. 
"oh my gosh, claw machines!" she grins running over to the five claw machines that are all lined up in a row. She spots Lucas and Max on the last one, "hey guys" she grins, "not now, concentrating" lucas says focused on the claw. "yes! yes! yes!" he jumps up and down as he wins the teddy, bending down to grab it before handing it to max. "so fucking adorable" luna grins, "what shall we name him" Max smiles leaning into lucas' side. "we'll come find you in a bit?" lucas says as they walk away. Luna just nods before spinning to find that mop of curls. 
She spots him by the corner, near what looks like the tempest game, the closer she gets, the louder the boys around him become. "hey dickward" she says pulling the boy away from eddie. "Luna leave it, freak had it coming" Jason spits, "what the fuck is wrong with you" she sighs pulling him away. "Luna i swear, leave him alone!" "or what huh? or what blue" "or i'll uh" she says thinking, "what i thought" jason says pushing her back a little before walking away laughing with his group of dickwards. 
"you good?" she sighs looking at eddie, he just nods "all good sweetness" he sighs stretching out his back. "Doesnt he like buy from you?" Luna asks, playing with her hands, Eddie shakes his head "him? naa, he's to up his own arse for that, but" he grins "his friends do" he smiles softly "most of the basket ball team do to be honest with you blue" he sighs as he digs around in his pocket for a coin. "here" she mumbles handing eddie a coin so he can play the game in front of them. "does.. does it not bother you?" she sighs leaning against the machine watching eddie play, he shrugs "i mean, a little but ive gotten used to it yano" he sighs clearing his throat. "Cant let them bastards bring ya down though" he says sending her a soft smile. She nods, bringing the sleeves over her hands, then bringing her hands to her face. 
Eddie looks at her "you ok?" "mhmm" she says "yeah yeah all good" she smiles. He nods moving to wrap an arm around her shoulders "right then" he grins "street fighter!" she grins, Eddie just chuckles following the short girl as she goes to the next game that has caught her interest. 
After some more games and a round of slushies for everyone, it was getting late. Eddie hands Luna the keys telling her to go heat up the van while he rounds up his little sheep, she laughs at the boy but agrees walking out of the building and to the van to start it up.
A few moments later and the kids are all walking to the van, jumping in and grinning "wheres eddie?" "bathroom" will smiles "thanks for inviting us out tonight" will says patting lunas shoulder "its alright little dude" she smiles back at the boy. Eddie is soon running out, and jumping in the van. "you lot ready" he says before backing the van out of the car park and driving each of the kids home. 
By the time they'd reached the trailer park, Max is asleep against the window. Luna grins at the girl before turning to eddie as shes turning the engine off "thanks for tonight" she smiles turning to the boy "i had a lotta fun" he chuckles, you cant tell cause of the lightening but hes blushing. Its dark out and the only light is coming from the little lights outside everyones trailers. "your welcome sweet" he chuckles, rubbing his neck "maybe next time we wont take the kids though" he chuckles, "sounds good munson, their a handful i dunno how steve does it" luna laughs leaning back into the seat. He nods "do, do you want me to help you take her in?" Luna shakes her head "its alright i've got her" she smiles "thanks again for tonight" she grins leaning forward and placing a kiss on eddies cheek, before getting out the van and shaking max's shoulder lightly telling her their home. 
Eddie waits in the van until both girls are in the mayfield trailer, Billy's car wasnt out front so Luna decided to take max to her bed. "good night max" she grins kissing the red heads forehead before turning the light out and going to leave the trailer. "what you doing?" Luna looks up and see's a drunk billy in front of her, she sighs "i was just dropping max home, your car wasnt out front so" she shrugs making her way to the door. "Hey" he says pulling her back "how about i give you your reward for taking her out for the night yeah" he grins licking his lip moving closer to her neck. 
"Or you could go to bed" she sighs pushing him away slightly. "Billy stop" she sighs as he pulls her against his body again "shh, you'll wake maxxie up" he grins, kissing at Lunas neck "billy i said stop" she says again trying to push him away. "oh baby, i know you want it" he chuckles "i really dont" she says trying to push him off again, tears now starting to form in her eyes. He only gets slightly more rough with her though, hand on her hip the other on her bum "come on babe, come on now" he grins pulling her in for a kiss, but she doesnt kiss back. One hand on her hip and the other around her neck, slightly to tight. Tears now running down her face, and before she can think of anything better to do she knees him in the balls before running out of the trailer. 
"SLUT" Billy shouts, Luna tries to catch her breath as she leaves the trailer, the tears now full on falling. Shes gasping for air, she lets out a sob and falls to the ground. "hey hey" She hears "Hey its me" he says, she turns to see eddie next to her "what happened?" he says taking her face into his hands. She shakes her head, biting her lip trying to stop the tears. Eddie looks at the girl frowning "lets get you home alright" he says, helping her up and into her trailer. 
"gonna tell me what happened sweetheart?" Luna just falls into eddies lap, "hey its ok" he says moving her hair over her shoulder when he sees an indent of rings. "Luna what happened?" he says sitting him and the girl up, a more serious voice now. She looks at him and shakes her head "luna who touched you" he sighs "was him wasnt it, was billy wasnt it" he says, she nods slowly, covering her face curling into herself.  
"it couldve gotten alot alot worse but" she says hiccuping "but nothing, he still touched you lu" he sighs pulling her into his chest. 
Munson taglist :
@alicefallsintotherabbithole @steves-robin @onlydruig @tenderhornynihilist @itsyouimagines @witchsbitchestime @kyomiite @girl-with-an-orange-cat @flatoust11 @udontcarethisshit @chloepricerk800 @kellysimagines @caitfrogs @get-me-to-wonderland @bdpst-massacre @lagataprrr @goldenharrysworld @oo0lady-mad0oo @presidential-facts @qu7nn @pleasantlycrazyworld @ladyapplejackdnd @little-cupcake17 @meaganjm @dixontardis @megsrose @chaos-incorp @sourbutcalm143 @lieblingsmenzch @kbakery @positivevibesnlif3 @stcastwh00re @greatfandomsgalore @eddies-gf-86 @mariar597 @lothiriel9 @lesliemcawesome @chrisevansmarvelmcu @zdarie @notbeforelong @jayy-sins @witchy-bisexual @stephanie-lkj
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