#doritos close second
daydadahlias · 10 months
what’s your favourite flavour of chip
no one throw rocks at me but im a sour cream and onion gal
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duhdumb89 · 9 months
the same dang thing everytime
i go grocery shopping and say to myself, "No chips! You're a healthy girlie! Eat your fruit! You don't even want chips after a good meal!"
and then i'll have a good meal and say quietly: "Some sweet chili Doritos would really hit the spot right now..."
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
The location of the sex shop I worked was a haven for spiders. We had tall ceilings and skylights and unused storage rooms. It was a spider paradise. We quickly sussed out which coworkers to call on in case of emergency. The Dorito lady was a solid ally for spiders but absolutely petrified of moths.
But there’s actually a hierarchy of fear. Most people don’t realize. The person least afraid is the one forced to deal with the bug in question. If coworker B was scared, but coworker A was petrified, well coworker B was gonna have to screw their courage to the sticking place because by the law of fear they were the most competent person on scene.
Thus enters Rick. Rick first appeared in the back storage room. This room doubled as a second bathroom so we went in on a semi frequent basis. The girl who’d gone in to pee shot out again gibbering with fear about the biggest spider she’d ever seen had just run across her boot.
We sicced Dorito lady on it. She returned, shaking her head. “He was squatting on a power cord where it plugs in. I couldn’t get a clean shot at Rick.”
She shrugged. “Spiders that big need a name. Seemed like a Rick.”
Rick, freshly named, became a store menace. I’d normally say this was probably a case of multiple spiders being mistaken for one but everyone who encountered him swore up and down there could be no mistake. This spider was massive, fast, and distinct. A gladiator among arachnids.
I never encountered Rick. His exploits grew in the telling but the theme was consistent: no one could kill him. He’d hunker in places that no one could reach and dart away when a strike missed. He also chased off the more faint hearted, charging them in bold dashes. There could be no benign cup transplant to remove Rick from the premise. He was not leaving.
The saga of Rick continued for two months. Not seeing him was almost worse, a fearful wariness when going to the bathroom or stepping into quieter areas. I waited with dread, hoping my eventual run in would have me on shift with Dorito lady to protect me.
It was not to be. There was a girl the same who hated my one moment of singing that was absolute piss-herself scared of spiders. She’d slam straight into a panic attack and couldn’t think or speak. And so it was that one night on shift, I heard her scream.
It was unmistakable. I was in the front window turning off the open sign. Through an obstacle course of mannequins and lingerie I performed an acrobatic sprint out of the window, darting up to find her quivering at the front counter, fully crying. I radiated calm at her and said, “Just point.”
I knew it was Rick. Our destinies were intertwined and we had always been pulled toward the inexorable battle that was drawing nigh.
Her hand raised to point to our sandwich board sign at the front of the store. So Rick had the metaphorical high ground. There was no quick easy strike on the slanted signs surface.
I armed myself and marched into battle, my knuckles white on my chosen weapon. I would do this, because I must. Because there was no one else. And because I wanted to close and go home.
I saw Rick immediately and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger spider since. Outside of a tarantula, he was truly the most massive spider I’ve ever beheld outside a zoo enclosure or terrarium.
We regarded each other. Rick launched off the sign toward me and I stomped my foot reflexively, making him pause in his charge. Then I raised my weapon. Anything else, I believe Rick could have evaded. He’d bested most of the store thus far. But I had chosen chemical warfare.
I doused the shit out of that spider with cleaning spray, stunning him with a barrage of chemicals. While he froze, choking on the unexpected deluge, I dropped a paper towel over him. My foot came down.
I felt his exoskeleton crunch and I can feel it still to this day. The shattering was as of bones and I truly mourned that we had been forced into senseless war. If only he has cleaved tighter to the shadows. If only he’d crawled willing into a cup for relocation. I released a full body shudder of horror, fear, and adrenaline as I stepped back.
I took several quivering breaths. I donned a veneer of calm and tidied the battlefield of it’s corpse then went to reassure my coworker that all was well, while internally I still shook.
You fought well, Rick. I hope you sired many more monstrous children to haunt retail workers in the years to come. Rest in valor, you monster.
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zweiginator · 3 months
Reader making out with Tashi after she wins a game at Stanford. And Art and Patrick are jealous!
Oh my god yes...
Patrick and Art are obsessed with you two. You're not on the women's tennis team at Stanford, but you and Tashi had been assigned as random roommates freshman year and had been inseparable since. You came to all of her matches; you were the first person she ran to after a big win, pressing a big kiss against your cheek and spinning you around, high on adrenaline.
Patrick and Art had fantasies about the two of you. Of course, as the two best players on the men's tennis team, you both knew of them. But neither of you had paid much attention to them. They were exceptionally popular and well-liked, and every girl (and mom) within a 100-mile radius of Stanford University knew and admired the two of them. Fire and ice.
They would talk about the two of you late at night as they stared at the ceiling, watching the fan go around and around until they were dizzy and drunk off PBRs.
"I think they are just really close. Girls are like that." Art said, sitting up to rest on his elbows. They had a match the next morning at UC Berkeley; the team was staying at a hotel close to the campus.
"Yeah, maybe." Patrick sighed. "I would do anything for them."
"I don't know who wouldn't."
Patrick sat up quickly. "Do you think she is here?"
"Well," Art responded, his mouth full of cool ranch Doritos. "Given Tashi is on the team, I would say yes."
Patrick threw a pillow at his friend from his side of the room. "No, dipshit. Like, I think Y/N comes with Tashi sometimes on these trips. 'Cause she never misses a match."
"Okay asshole." Art rolled his eyes. "I don't obsess over every move they make like you do."
"What is your point?" Art changed the subject, confused at where Patrick's mind was headed. He figured somewhere perverted.
"I mean," Maybe it was the five beers in Patrick's quite empty stomach that was giving him this idea. This confidence. He was usually good at girls, but he couldn't get himself to talk to the two of you--especially not sober. "Maybe we could find their room. And maybe we could hang out with them."
Art lit a cigarette, his second of the night. "We have never spoken more than 5 consecutive words to them. What makes you think that would ever work out?"
"Can you not be a pussy for just tonight?" Patrick got up, pulling his linen button down on. He grabbed Art's cigarette from between his lips and took a hit. "Or be a pussy, and I'll just go by myself."
Art stood up quickly. "I'll go." He stole his cigarette back, ashing it into the trash bin haphazardly placed between their beds. "But how do we know what room they are in?"
They knew the girls' team was staying on the floor above them. And they knocked on every door until you answered, rubbing your eyes.
"What are you guys doing here?" You yawned, whispering to not awake Tashi, who was sleeping soundly on the side of the bed closest to the alarm clock, which read 2:15 AM. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?"
Art looked embarrassed; he was red in the face. But Patrick leaned into the room, looking down at you in a shirt he recognized as Tashi's and little sleeping shorts that made his breath hitch.
"We wanted to see if you guys wanted to hang out." Patrick raised his eyebrows and looked over to Art, who nodded.
"We can't sleep. We were thinking it would be cool to get to know you guys better, I guess."
"You mean Tashi?" You whispered. "She's sleeping, you know."
"No," Patrick shook his head. "Both of you."
Tashi stirred awake. She was wearing a black tank top and similar sleeping shorts as you were. "What's goin' on?" She slurred.
"Patrick and Art are here."
"Why?" Tashi, sat up; her hair was in a neat braid. "It's late."
"They have beer, and they want to hang out." You were half making fun of them, how they looked so nervous.
"We can't sleep." Art repeated.
"Sure, come in." You didn't know if Tashi meant it. She was delirious when she was tired. But you allowed them inside, curious about their intentions.
Obviously, they were attractive. They were also exceptionally talented. But you and Tashi were content in your own little bubble, eating gummy bears and potato chips in bed and laughing at inside jokes from 3 years before.
You sat on the bed, next to Tashi. The boys sat on the carpet, looking up at the two of you.
"So," You said, hugging a pillow to your chest. Tashi rested her head on your shoulder. "Did you come here hoping to fuck us or?"
"No," They responded, simultaneously. But their cheeks changing from peach to crimson told you and Tashi otherwise.
"We are just interested in getting to know you both."
Tashi scoffed. "Oh, Y/N, they are interested in getting to know us."
You laughed, throwing your head back.
You and Tashi noticed the dynamic you had created, completely on accident. She and you on the bed, them below you. Their eyes were glassy and lips parted, and you knew if you told them both to jump out the fifth story window, they would do it before they knew what exactly they were doing. You looked at each other and licked your lips.
"So if we offered to fuck you guys, you would say no?" You asked, furrowing your brows together.
"No, no, I wouldn't say that," Patrick scooted forward, hugging his knees. He looked vulnerable and small. "I can't speak for Art, but I-"
"I wouldn't say that either." Art said bluntly.
"Y/N," Tashi said, pushing your hair behind your ears. You were facing each other on the bed now; the boys were blurry in your peripheral vision. "How do you think they would kiss us?"
Patrick and Art swallowed.
You thought. "Hmm," You answered. "I bet it would be desperate."
"I think so too," Tashi leaned in, her lips brushing yours. "Probably pretty sloppy."
She kissed you, tangling her hands into your hair. You cupped your face, pulling her even closer than she already was. Your mouths opened against each other's, exchanging spit and each other's hungry moans. You pulled her braid to expose her neck, and kissed down the column of her throat, climbing on top of her. You and her had never done this before; of course, there existed the inevitable rumors, but they were untrue--until now.
"Holy fuck." Patrick was the first to break the silence; you and Tashi grinding against each other as Tashi's hands kneaded your ass.
Patrick's hand grazed the bed, a move made in an attempt to join.
"Uh uh uh." You tsked. "No touching."
Tashi flipped you around so she was on top now. Her thumb grazed your bottom lip, pulling your mouth open. You whimpered as her spit fell onto your tongue. Tashi pushed your--her--shirt up, palming your tits.
"Can we-" Art began.
"Can you what?" You and Tashi asked simultaneously, pulling away from each other. A string of your mixed saliva connected the two of you for just a second longer.
The boys rolled their heads back and moaned.
"Can we join you?" You could see their boners, prominent in their sweatpants. Beads of sweat dribbled between their collarbones and over their brows.
"God, you guys sound pathetic." Tashi laughed. "What do you think, Y/N?"
You pretended to think. "Well, I guess it's only fair." You began. You saw the boys' ears perk up like they were hungry little puppies, their lips bitten from lust. "That you guys show each other a little love and appreciation."
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dottydoesstuff · 4 months
You make me feel alive (steve harrington x fem!reader)
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Based on the song Rio by Duran Duran
can be read as a part of this series or on its own
Idiots in love, mutual pining, light angst, background Jancy, reader is described to wear a bikini.
ps. a game & watch is like the 80s version of a nintendo DS
3.4k words <3
Steve didn't know when his all consuming infatuation with you began. Maybe it had alway been there, the throat tightening, cheek blushing , knee wobbling, soul crushing feeling that only your presence seemed to elicit. But it was getting rather annoying.
Don't get him wrong we wouldn't trade his friendship with you for the world but constantly having to hold himself back from confessing his undying love for you or some other irreversible truth that would surely ruin your friendship was exhausting.
The sun had been beating down on Hawkins unrelentingly for weeks, pushing the small town and its residents to the brink of melting and so to avoid such a fate, plans had been made amongst your group to drive up to lake Michigan.
Steve of course was ​​unwillingly nominated to drive as well as Nancy so the group was split between his BWM and Nancy's moms borrowed station wagon. A fight had ensued that morning when the group was choosing who to ride with, each option having its pros and cons. Steve's car had the better air-con which was a necessary luxury in the Indiana summer but Nancy lets other people pick the music unlike Steve who cites that he's driving so he gets to choose the radio station. Eventually (and after much debate) you, Robin, Eddie and Dustin rode with Steve and everyone else crammed into Nancy's car. 
The drive was only a few hours and the group had set off early to beat the traffic, or had attempted to, but apparently some people (Eddie) needed their beauty sleep. Despite the air-con remaining on full blast, the heat couldn't be ousted causing the road up ahead to become a mirage. However the heat wasn't on the forefront of Steve's mind, instead his focus was pulled toward the hushed conversation taking place between you and Eddie in the backseat. He couldn't make out what either of you were saying but he could hear your quiet giggles and see that due to the lack of space, thanks to Dustin calling shotgun, Eddie and you were sitting very close together. Eddie, ever the gentleman, had taken the middle seat with you and Robin on either side. Robin had zonked out within the first 20 minutes and had monopolised all of her and most of Eddie's seats meaning Eddie was currently crowding your space, not that you seemed to mind, which infuriated steve to no end, not that he could say anything about it because steve wasn't your boyfriend so had no right to comment on the situation however this realisation only infuriated him further.
Thankfully Dustin hadn't noticed Steve's indignation despite him practically having steam shooting from his ears, although Steve could’ve grown a second head and Dustin wouldn't have noticed as he was too busy playing mario bros on his game & watch, which he was surprisingly bad at. 
“Son of a bitch”
Steve turned to see Dustin shoving his game & watch back into his backpack after losing yet again.
“It's probably rigged anyway plus my jump buttons jammed so it’s not even my fault” Dustin sighed in defeat as he slumped back into the seat with his arms crossed.
“Maybe you're just shit” Eddie teased whilst shoving another handful of Doritos into his mouth.
Dustin turned his head to glare at Eddie as you slapped him on the arm.“And since when were you so good a mario munson?” you asked whilst poking him in the chest.
Eddie grabbed your finger as he retorted “since birth, obviously”.
Dustin rolled his eyes “Mario wasn't around in the prehistoric age dickhead”.
Yet another argument ensued. 
The snarky comments and constant touching between you and Eddie bothered Steve then it occurred to him, was Eddie flirting with you? The question bounced around in Steve's head until a much worse realisation overtook it. Were you flirting with Eddie ??? His knuckles turned white with how hard he gripped the steering wheel as jealousy washed over him, he knew he shouldn't have been jealous, you and Eddie were both single and neither of you knew that Steve was hopelessly in love with you … or something less intense to that effect. 
“-and if you think that i'm going to let you even touch my game & watch with your nasty ass Dorito fingers, you're insane” 
“Ugh say it don't spray it” Eddie mumbled as he wiped his cheek with his sleeve.
Steve was still trying to figure out a way to murder Eddie and make it look like an accident when you leaned forward to ask how much longer the trip was. Your gentle smile as you made eye contact with him through the mirror made him forget you even asked him a question until you said “stevie ?”.
He felt his face heat up at the use of the nickname that he claimed he hated. Because he did hate it, when it was used by anyone other than you.
“Uhh probably like another half hour” 
You nodded absentmindedly as you settled back into your seat and pulled a book from your bag.
The half hour passed fairly quickly with the only hiccup being when Eddie and Dustin started arguing yet again because Dustin wouldn't share his nerds which resulted in Eddie trying to snatch the whole pack and spilled them everywhere.
As they approached Porter beach the busier it became, Steve started to wonder if they would ever find somewhere to park. Eventually they found a spot next to a parking meter which wasn't too far from the beach, Steve got out to pay only to realise he had no change. “Oh shit” Steve mumbled while patting his shorts pockets.
“What?” you tilted your head at him as you asked. You were still sitting in the car with the door open rubbing suncream on your legs. Steve had to consciously hold himself back from asking if you wanted him to do it for you, partly because he liked helping you and partly for more selfish reasons. Instead he shook his head as if to physically expel the thought from his mind.
“Do you have any change?” he asked sheepishly. 
“Uhh, oh you know I think I do” you wiped any excess suncream on your top and grabbed your bag to start searching through it.
“How much do you need?” you looked up at him with a smile when you said it. It was subconscious, the way you always smile at Steve when you talk to him, he brings it out in you.
Steve looks down to check the price on the meter “A buck twenty-five” 
“Aha, here you go” you pull the dollar bill and coins out of your purse and hand it to steve. 
Your fingers brushing up against his made you both dizzy. Instead of either of you acknowledging the feeling Steve turned away to put the money in the meter and you finish putting on your suncream and decide it would definitely be safer to ask Robin to do your back because having Steve rub his hands all over your back could be something you never recover from.
As Steve looked around it became apparent that every family in Indiana had had the same idea to visit the lake, hell it looked like every family in the goddamn midwest was currently lying out on their beach towels taking advantage of the sunshine.   
“Looks like we have some competition” Eddie said as he sauntered up beside Steve and slung his arm around his shoulders.
Steve looked at Eddie alarmed, not having realised the boy was talking about space on the beach for them to sit and not competition for your attention. Steve wasn't sure why his mind had jumped straight to you, but it was becoming a common occurrence. 
He saw Nancy and the rest of the group walking toward them as him and Eddie finished pulling all the bags out the trunk. Steve set yours, Robins and his stuff aside from him to carry and called the other two over to get their stuff.
“Jesus we have a lot of shit” Eddie murmured to nobody in particular.
You and Robin were crouched down trying to get all the nerds out of Steve's car as Robin lectured Dustin about having food fights in an enclosed space. You noticed that Steve had slung your bag over his shoulder and so you walked up beside him to knock against his arm as a thank you, the two of you were good at that, communicating without words. Steve always knew what you were thinking, well most of the time he did, you hoped against hope that he had not clued in on your very obvious, very embarrassing crush on him.
“Okay, are we all ready ?” Nancy asked as she effortlessly took on the leader role which she claimed to hate doing but refused to relinquish as no one else met her standards. Steve would argue he could do it as he led a group of preteens through the demodog tunnels with no fatalities but she'd probably argue that letting them go into the tunnels in the first place was incredibly idiotic. 
It took them a good twenty minutes to find a patch of sand that wasn't covered by sun burnt middle aged women or children digging holes. 
You and robin walked arm in arm mostly to stop robin falling due to her perpetual clumsiness. Steve, Eddie and Jonathan were given the heavy stuff, normally you would argue how it was inherently sexist to give the men the heavy things but it was hot out and carrying like a bajillion bags would only make it worse so you decide to cut your losses. The teens all walk in a group behind you, all complaining about the long walk and the sand and how they want to go swimming now and how their bags are heavy. Nancy looks fed up with them already and you can't blame her.
Finally you spot somewhere to set up.
“How about over there?” you asked as you pointed at a relatively shady but most importantly empty space on the beach.
“Oh thank god. I think my arms are about to drop off” Eddie said as he made his way over carrying the cooler with him. 
You paid no attention to Eddie's dramatics as you were admiring a now shirtless Steve. The scattering of moles on his back paired with how his muscles were flexed due to him carrying about 5 peoples bags was mouthwatering. You would have stood there ogling all day had Jonathan not nudged you whilst giving you a knowing smirk. You gave him a shy smile and vowed to blame the heat if anyone asked why your face had gone red whilst running to catch up with the group. 
Once all the blankets were laid and Robin had coerced you into rubbing a thick layer of suncream on her back due to her aptitude for burning you could finally take your shirt off to cool down revealing your bikini underneath. Had you been paying attention you would've seen Steve watching you intently with a slight blush across his face which he, like you, would swear was sunburn. You then would have seen Eddie catch Steves staring and wiggle his eyebrows at him wittingly which caused Steve to have no choice but to throw a handful of sand at him. 
“my HAIR. What the fuck Steve” Eddie gasped as he tried to shake the sand out.
Max and El screamed as Eddie's head shaking covered them with sand.
“Stop, Eddie stop that's not doing anything” you giggled as you reached your hands into his hair to brush out any remaining sand.
“See Steven this is true friendship, right here” he said as he gestured to you.
Steve's jealousy had reached an all time high. He thought seeking his revenge against Eddie would make him feel better however it had backfired ridiculously and though he knew it wasn't Eddie's fault and he had no way of knowing Steve liked you that didn’t mean Steve wanted to strangle him any less. Okay maybe that's a bit dramatic, Eddie was still his friend and all he just wished you were running your fingers through his hair not Eddies. 
“Okay I think that's all of it” you say whilst smiling at Eddie.
“Thanks, I owe ya” he says with a wink.
“If you two are done flirting, can we go swim now ?” Mike mocks.
You blush even harder and Eddie squawks, “I feel sorry for El if you think that was flirting”.
Mike rolls his eyes as Max joins in with taunting him.
“Okay okay, I want all of you to be wearing suncream, to stay near where we are and not to go too deep. Got it?” Nancy gives them all a good long stare as they murmur their agreements. 
Nancy nods her head and they take it as a sign to go. All of them tripping over one another, desperate to swim. Nearly all of them made it to the water without face planting in the sand.
Once all the teens had gone into the water, without missing a beat, robin pulled the cooler in closer. 
“Okay, who wants what? '' she asks while digging around inside “there's beer, cherry ice cream, soda if you’re boring and more beer” she says with a hinting glint in her eye.
“Oh so this is what teachers mean when they talk about peer pressure” you taunt with a grin.
“No no, no pressure at alllll” she says with little to no sincerity.
“Well some of us have to drive you all back” Nancy adds whilst gesturing to herself and Steve.
“Go on Nance you have one. I can drive on the way back” Jonathan offers. 
“No, i-” She considers it for a moment before huffing out a breath. “no it's fine. Someone needs to watch those lot” she says as she nods toward the water where Lucas, Will , Mike and Dustin were trying (and failing) to make a human ladder whilst Max and El played mermaids.
“Nance believe it or not, most of us are somewhat competent” Steve says whilst side eyeing Eddie. 
Eddie looks thoroughly offended before smirking and replying “that's a terrible thing to say Steve I thought she was your best friend” whilst wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pretending to comfort you. 
Steve gives Eddie a sarcastic smile before replying “I meant you dickhead”
Eddie gasps loudly knowing full well Steve had meant him. 
Steve pushes Eddie away from you and drags you into his side whilst wrapping his arm around your back 
“She's the most competent out of all of us”
Now it was Nancy's turn to be offended. But before any eye poking and hair pulling started Jonathan placed a can in Nancy's hand and kissed her cheek. 
“Alright let's get this partay started !” Robin declared before downing half a can of beer then coughing when she inevitably choked. She looked back up at all your bemused faces and said “what? we’re on vacation, live a little you guys” 
“Yeah, yeah come on guys” Eddie agrees as he reaches for his can of beer, downs the whole can and scrunches the metal in his hand then throws the can back into the cooler and finishes with a loud whoop. You and Steve share an amused look and Nancy looks a little frightened.
“I think i'll just stick to sipping” she retorts 
Robin and Eddie start booing until Jonathan throws Eddie's crumpled up can at them. 
You're still glued to Steve's side and would be quite content to stay there for the rest of the afternoon, if not eternity. He reaches into the cooler and grabs a can of beer and a can of soda before opening the beer and handing it to you. You thank him with, in his opinion, a glowing smile which he would like to believe is reserved especially for him. 
The conversation moves on and with the more you drink the more your mind seems to wonder. The afternoon passes by as you're deep in thought, passively adding to the conversation when you feel like it. The teens appear and then disappear sporadically as the hours pass, even Eddie and Jonathan were persuaded to get into the water. As the sun begins to set your mind settles on how warm Steve feels next to you, how nice his hand feels on your waist and how despite the sweltering heat you have no desire to move away from him. He looks over to check on you, smiling as he meets your eye.
“You good?” he asks quietly, his face mere inches from yours.
Before you can reply you feel a hand wrap around your wrist and your body is ripped from steves as you're hauled to your feet by a now very tipsy Robin.
You mourn the comfort and warmth you just lost and look at Steve apologetically. Robin pays no mind and drags you into the open space next to where you’re all sat.
“Dance with meee” her words are slurred and you can't help but think about the killer headache to poor girl will wake up with tomorrow.
“Robs we have no music” you giggle as you place your hands on her arms, half to ‘dance’ with her and half to keep her upright. 
“That never stopped anyone”
You don't quite agree with her statement but go along with it anyway grabbing her hands and jumping in circles with her in the sand. You make sure not to push it as her being sick is the last thing anyone wants. You twist and turn, stumbling in the sand and catching robin numerous times due to her incoordination being heightened by the alcohol.  She spins you in a circle and you feel the effects on the beer you've been sipping, you feel a haze of contentment wash over you as you continue to sway in the setting sun with a look of bliss on your face and Robin goes to find her next victim. 
Steve watches the entire ordeal and thinks that you've never looked more beautiful. Even with a small glob of suncream on your shoulder that you missed when rubbing it in and a sheen of sweat covering your skin, you shine. If he could look at you like this forever he'd be more than content. He damns himself for not bringing a camera but he supposes it wouldn't be able to capture the dazzle in your eye or the sway of your hips. You break from your dancing for a second to turn to Steve and give him the widest most shining smile he'd ever seen, he waved back at you and you stuck your tongue out at him and turned back to dancing as Steve chuckled softly to himself.
“We’re just friends y’know” Eddie's voice pulled Steve from his thoughts as he turned to look at the boy next to him. “I just- look I know you like her and all and I don't want any” Eddie pauses to think of the right thing to say  “...hostility between us. She's great, really great but were just friends”
“What Eddie, I don't-” he laughs awkwardly while scratching the back of his neck “I have no idea what you're talking about.” 
Eddie meets Steve's eyes with a sad look on his face.
“The way you look at her, the way you were just looking at her. You'd be blind not to notice it”
“Notice what ?” Steve asks in a small voice, already knowing the answer.
Steve looks back to where Nancy, you and Robin were all dancing and laughing in the sunset and thinks that maybe the throat tightening, cheek blushing, knee wobbling, soul crushing feeling that only your presence seemed to elicit, was something he couldn't bear to live without. It's like you had reached into his chest and carved your name onto his heart to command it to beat only for you, and the pain it had caused him was glorious. He decided then and there that keeping you by his side was his number one priority, no matter if that meant keeping his feelings to himself as long as you were around he would be okay.
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brnesblogposts · 7 months
3am kitchen meetings with bucky
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pairing bucky barnes x reader
warnings none!
3AM. you could not sleep no matter how hard you tried, you had a lot on your mind lately which was not helping. at 3:02 you finally gave in and got up, maybe a cup of hot chocolate might help you sleep.
after putting the hot chocolate in the microwave, you scavenged through the cupboards to find some snacks. a bag of doritos caught your eye and you put them in a bowl.
you screamed a little too loud when you saw someone out of the corner of your eye standing in the dim light,
"BUCKY WHAT THE HELL" you whisper shouted.
"i didn't meant to scare you, doll. what are you doing up at this hour anyway?" he asked inquisitively,
"couldn't sleep. what about you?"
"same here." he shrugged.
"nightmare?" you asked sympathetically,
poor bucky was always having nightmares, you felt sorry for him. he was getting better though, the therapy and shuri's technology was working.
"do you want to join me and watch a movie?" you inquired and be nodded. you both made your way to the living room, he had grabbed the doritos and you had your hot chocolate. when you sat on the couch you noticed he was pretty far away from you so you patted the seat next to you.
"buck," you gave him the best puppy eyes you had and to your surprise they worked. he scooted over to where your thighs were almost touching, it made you feel safe, you liked it.
"what do you wanna watch?" you asked with curiosity,
"whatever you want, doll'" he gave a weak smile.
you had decided on a cheesy romcom, how could anyone dislike them? it was called "what's your number", you sipped on your hot chocolate and ate your doritos.
about halfway through you felt your eyes growing heavy and your head falling. you didn't notice but your head landed on buckys shoulder, your hand still in the bowl of doritos.
bucky didn't know what to do in this situation, he moved the bowl away and set it on the table, trying not to wake you in the process. he looked at you and his gaze softened. he didn't know whether to move you to your room or leave you, you looked peaceful and he didn't want to ruin that.
he put a blanket over you and at some point you'd moved your head into his lap? he had drifted off lightly not noticing.
bucky noticed he felt safe and comfortable with you lying on him, but it was almost 5am so he decided it was best to move you to your room before anyone else woke up which would ultimately disturb you.
he picked you up gently, you stirred a little and he froze but you soon settled back down, he carried you to your room. he soaked in the moment for just a second before he lay you on your bed and put the covers over you.
bucky turned on his heel to leave but was stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist,
"no, stay" is all you said with your eyes still closed.
bucky was perplexed, he thought of it as a one time thing so he lay on the other side of the bed on top of the covers and you held onto him as you slept.
at some point in the early hours of the morning bucky ended up under the covers with you, holding you towards his chest.
it was the best nights sleep he'd had in years.
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aniesvision · 3 months
wanna bet? (chris sturniolo x f! reader)
part 1!
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warnings: enemies to lovers trope!, teasing, one annoying the other, suggestive, honestly just back and forth arguments
a/n: heyy, I'm making three parts of this 'cause it's way too long to be just in one part. friendly reminder: english is not my first language. 💕
synopsis: when you and Chris were left alone for a few hours and you can't stop arguing with each other, without Nick or Matt to separate you both, he decides to do something about it himself.
I walk down the stairs with a towel in hand drying my hair. When I realized that there was no one but me in the living room, and that Nick was not in his room, nor Matt in his, I came to the conclusion that the boys probably left me here alone. At least a moment of peace.
It was all I needed, until I heard footsteps and saw the silhouette of the boy I liked the least appearing in front of me, already rolling his eyes before he even fully saw me.
-Where's Nick? —His voice was hoarse, as if he had just woken up, even though it was past 2pm.
He wore a black denim shorts and a white tank top, his wet hair letting a few drops of water fall to the floor. Although he didn't seem so excited by my presence, he still walked towards me.
-He went out with Matt. —I answer, without much interest. I look through the kitchen cabinets, searching for some snacks.
-So they left us alone. —He scoffs, frustrated, looking at me as if it was my fault.
And I thought I'd have a few minutes of peace in this house.
-I'm not happy about it either, dude, stop looking at me.
I grab a Doritos, opening it and eating one as I make my way to the living room couch. Chris lets out an angry sigh and takes a pepsi out of the fridge, then throws himself on the opposite end of the sofa.
He takes his phone out of his pocket and types for a few seconds before tossing the phone on the side table and opening the soda. I turn on the tv, looking for a movie to watch.
-They're at Target and then they'll stop by BK to bring food. Matt said it should take an hour.
Chris announces, not taking my attention off the tv as I listen about where my friends are. An hour wasn't that long, I could watch something in silence if he cooperated and didn't open his fucking mouth.
Not wanting to continue the conversation, I just shake my head in affirmation and open the suspense tab, looking for something that I hadn't seen yet.
-Put on an action movie.
The boy's voice is heard again and I close my eyes, trying to stay calm. I take another doritos in the package, realizing that it was already running out.
-Action is bad and I want to see something cool until the boys are back, so shut up and let me choose. —I answer with a calm but serious voice, warning him not to exceed my limits of kindness.
He kept his arms crossed and his legs slightly apart from each other. I feel my blood boiling and I knew I was about to get carried away with my emotions and end up in yet another argument that would suck out all my energies.
Without responding me, he moves on the couch, sitting closer to me and taking the control out of my hand, clicking on the horror tab.
-It can be something we both like. —He says, his voice sounding calmer, but his expressions the same.
I roll my eyes and cross my arms and legs, letting him choose without giving my opinion. It wasn't going to make any difference and it's just for another hour until the boys arrive and I don't have to deal with him anymore. After going through a few covers, he pressed play on a random horror movie that seemed to be about spirits or something, quite cliche.
The movie starts and I quickly realize that my snack is over. I let the plastic bag on the table next to Chris's pepsi and take the opportunity to take a few sips of his soda, feeling like drinking something after eating all the doritos in the package.
-Hey! That's my pepsi! —He looks at me angrily, which makes me laugh a bit and hide the can behind my body when I see him walking towards me ready to take it back.
Chris stops in front of me, trying to pull the pepsi out of my hand, while I just move it from side to side. When he was about to get it, I quickly drink the last sips.
-Get over it, it's just a soda. —I say, placing the can next to the finished doritos on the table and ignoring his furious gaze.
I sit in the middle of the couch, trying to turn my attention back to the movie. I hear Chris sigh loudly, but he doesn't do anything but sit down next to me and cross his arms again, locking his jaw and not taking his eyes off the screen.
A few minutes pass in silence and I feel the couch vibrate. I looked around in confusion until I realized that Chris's phone was buzzing. He picks it up and unlocks the screen, clicking on the notification and reading the text. Out of the corner of my eye I can see him rolling his eyes and blocking the screen again without even responding, throwing his head back and closing his eye.
-What? One of your little girlfriends broke up with you? —I ask, provoking him.
I hadn't read what it was, even though I was close enough, I don't like to invade anyone's privacy, but from his reaction I knew it was something bad and if it was bad for him it was good for me.
-Nick said they're gonna take longer.
His answer had already played out as a possibility in my head, but it was still a burden to have to spend more time alone with him.
I had no clue what was the story of the movie anymore because I missed so many parts, so I had nothing stopping me from angering him even more. I get up from the couch, walking to the kitchen, seeing him follow me with his gaze, but not interested enough to follow behind me. I open the fridge, grabbing the last can of pepsi and look back at him with a smile.
-How lucky, it's the last one. —I announce, seeing him get up and walk towards me.
I hurry to open the can and take a few sips, starting to run around the kitchen counter as the boy chases after me to try and grab what's left of his favorite soda. I run back to the couch, making him stop in front of me, seeing that I had nowhere else to run, but the can was already half empty.
I was doing everything I could to annoy him, and it was working.
-Give me the Pepsi. —He demands, his voice serious.
He walks in slow steps and I smile sarcastically before putting another amount of the drink in my mouth and he takes advantage of the situation. With one hand he takes the pepsi from me, and with the other he joins my two hands and holds me by the wrists. His eyes focused on mine as I noticed how his pupils had dilated, the black now predominant, leaving no space for the blue.
-You need to stop acting like a bitch. —He groans, so stressed that his sentence almost came out between his teeth.
I felt the tension weighing down and now it seemed to be a lot more serious than before, but it's not like I was afraid to mess with him.
Chris squeezed my wrists tighter, which I was sure it'd turn red later, then he let go. He chugged the rest of the Pepsi and left the can next to the other on the side table.
Chris gave me one last, almost deadly, look and sat back down on the couch. I allow myself to process the situation. The look he gave me was his way of telling me that "enough is enough".
He manspreads, arms crossed and his jaw locked. I rolled my eyes, sitting a little further away and not letting my eyes stray from his face, he was eventually turning slightly red, I knew he was holding all the anger inside. It never took much for us to get angry with each other.
-You didn't last long this time. —I tease, my voice low, almost disappointed.
The movie was still running on the tv. It hadn't been that much time, and from Nick's message you could tell they were going to take longer then we expected anyways. Being without any entertainment until then was torture, and I knew that he wouldn't leave me alone to use my phone or do anything by myself, which I took as an advantage, I could use our time to make him mad.
-Shut up. —His answer came quietly, almost in a whisper.
I smiled at his reaction and move closer to him, letting our shoulders lean against each other.
-Oh, c'mon, it was just pepsi. —I laugh internally as I feel his gaze on me once again, looking even more stressed, if that was even possible.
Our gazes met and I felt on my skin all the irritation he felt. Being so close made me feel for the first time confused about how this was going to end. Normally our fights never get too bad, mostly because Nick and Matt were always there to push us away, but now it was just the two of us.
-You better shut the fuck up. —Another whisper, but this time I felt a slight shiver down my spine.
He was serious, he always was, but now I felt like I was really pushing his buttons. Although usually I'd get stressed back, I was having fun, seeing him so mad was funny.
-Or what?
I watch his every moves carefully. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes for a few seconds before looking back at me with a smirk that makes me a bit nervous.
My body involuntarily moves backwards, getting into a position where I could observe everything from a better angle. Without having any answers, I allow myself to relax and turn my attention to the tv, with the same movie still playing.
-I'll have to do it for you.
This one was not as low as the last few replies, but enough to cheer me up. He was going to fight back, finally, maybe I would even get mad back if he was lucky.
I let out a nasal laugh, as a form of provocation, and turn my gaze to his face again, which like mine, until a few seconds ago, was focused on the tv. Seeing him so angry wasn't something new for me, but I felt something different this time. I wanted more, I wanted to see him explode with rage.
-And what are you going to do? You could barely take a can of Pepsi out of my hand, didn't make me angry, you're just pretty weak today. You can't shut me up, you can't even calm down, let go of your anger, Chris, that stupid face of yours doesn't scare me.
I speak in a normal tone, looking at him with all the sarcasm I could. He bites his cheek, making me smile to finally see that maybe he was reaching the height of his anger, but to my surprise he just smiled.
I didn't let myself look surprised, but his next steps were unexpected. Chris stepped closer again, grabbing my wrists and pinning them above my head.
-If you want me to let go of my anger so much then maybe I'll use you to calm down, what do you think?
His dilated pupils made his eyes turn completely black, not showing even a trace of blue anymore. He held me tight, but not so tight that I couldn't get out, it wasn't an obligation, he was giving me a choice.
With that I feel my hatred rise once again, but despite being mad enough to fight back at the same level, I was too surprised by the offer to even think of a response. I knew he was just teasing me, but that kind of subject never came into our mouths while we were fighting before. Not once. Not ever.
-Fuck you. —I answer through my teeth, letting out all the hatred I felt for him at that moment, which only made him laugh and loosen my wrists, but not pulling back or looking away.
-I'm sure you wouldn't feel so stressed if you let me fuck you right now, maybe you'll calm down a little. —He keeps talking and I feel my body heating up in anger.
Now he crossed the line, he crossed them faster than he should have and I didn't like that. I didn't want to lose the advantage I had or lose this stupid argument, and it was obvious that neither Nick or Matt were going to arrive at the right time to separate us as it happens in movie scenes.
He had used my own poison against me and I wouldn't let him get away with this.
-Chris, let's face it, you could try all night, but you'd never make me feel good. I'm sure my own hand is more effective than your fucking cock.
I roll my eyes, feeling weird for saying these words, but it was interesting to see how his expression has completely changed. He no longer had an idiotic smile on his face, but rather the seriousness that followed him whenever we were together.
For a second I felt victorious, I knew that him being serious meant that I could be on top of the situation again, but that feeling passed as soon as I realized that he was actually analyzing me. I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion as I stared into the depths of his soul through his eyes, trying to know what the hell he was thinking about. Soon enough, his smirk returned, it was small but noticeable.
-Wanna bet?
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princessbrunette · 2 months
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you were headed to the control tower. it was the haven above the camp that saw everything, heard everything — and yet felt so out of reach and oddly peaceful. that’s where apocalypse!pope always resided, and today was like no other.
obviously, at the end of the world it’s not often you see anyone skipping around, singing and jumping for joy — but pope had been real moody. it was totally valid, since sarah died and all… but the group had finally been finding ways to cope. moments of solace. moments of laughter and joy where you could forget for a second what the world had become. but not pope, no — he’d lost so much. he was tense, you could see it in his body language from the way his shoulders were all tight and you could see the hunger for revenge in his eyes. there was nothing you could do or say to ease that, hell — you’d come to terms with the fact he’d probably drive himself straight into his death over it… but you could try and prolong it. take some weight off his shoulders even for a moment.
“knock knock!” you hum brightly, not wanting to startle him as you poke your head round the door, the sweet chime of your voice accompanied by two solid wraps at the tower door. you were still a little out of breath from climbing all the steps up when pope glances over his shoulder at you before promptly removing his headphones.
“oh, hey.”
as you step inside, you’re quick to gently close the door behind you. you got the sense that pope enjoyed being shut off from the outside. when he realises you’re here to stay, he swivels round in his chair to face you — slumped in his hoodie. “anything i can do for you?”
“no uh, thought i’d hang for a bit if that’s okay?”
his first instinct is to say no and busy himself with something else — but it was you, so his eyes soften and he shrugs.
“well, i’m not much fun right now. i’ve spent hours checking through the index of radio stations i can connect mine to. whoever we heard last week must’ve just been passing through.” he converses, wringing the wire of his headphones between his wrists. “or it’s rafe, just messing with us.” at the mention of the eldest cameron his nose curls and his eyes are cast down angrily — never missing an opportunity to spit venom at the killer.
you nod sensitively, shuffling a little closer. “right, yeah. could be.” you breathe — and let him cool off until he’s back with you, eyes flickering back up. “do i smell…”
that pretty smile reaches your lips and you dig into your pocket, pulling out the joint. “should’ve known you’d pick it up.”
some guy on your camp had been farming cannabis since you’d let him in. he offered a pretty sick trade, do his daily tasks and he’d hand you a generous lump— even roll it for you if you bat your lashes. pope grins too at first, and then it’s like he catches himself and he swallows it down, clearing his throat.
“yeah…uh, as much as i’d love that right now i should probably… keep the signal clear. you know, just incase.” you wanted to grip him by the shoulders and shake him. just let yourself have fun. stop punishing yourself.
“pope,” you deflate. “it’s been a week since you’ve come into contact with anyone through the radios. you’ve been sitting in here, cooped up, alone. just… a few hours of relaxation. that’s all i ask.” you pull out the doe eyes, and it’s like he’s the tiny insect in your venus fly trap because it works and he tips his head back sighing before nodding.
“fine. do you have a lighter or are we gonna have to do this the old fashioned way?”
an hour passes — and with the help of the stale doritos in your backpack, a joint, and some well deserved giggles, somehow you’ve relaxed pope to the point of having his pants around his ankles, ass scooched right to the edge of his seat where he slumps back, legs open with you between them.
you stare up at him sweetly through red iris as you pull off for a moment, savouring the moment and licking up his pearly precum. he lets out a sigh, squeezing his eyes shut as if momentarily regaining the consciousness.
“how did we… end up here?” he strains and you hum out a sound that resembles ‘i dunno…’ before pulling off with a wet pop.
“jus’ enjoy it… you taste good.”
“fuck.” he sighs, resting the crevice of his arm over his forehead as he leans back. you push him further into your mouth, and it’s like something snaps — the resistance he’d been putting up. momentarily, he’s limp — before suddenly he’s pushing his hips up, gagging you.
“shit, i’m sorry. i’m so… fucking sorry.” he moans, gentle hands contradicting his actions as he caresses your hair and rubs at your scalp with his thumbs all whilst using you as handlebars to fuck your throat. wet gags fill the room, and if you weren’t so hazy and out of it you might’ve needed a moment— but instead you let him, aroused and lazy as he manhandles your face. “feel so good— you— make— me— feel— better.” each word is punctuated with a thrust, before soon he’s throwing buckets of his warm seed down you.
there’s not a second of hesitation post orgasm before his guilt settles back in and he’s leaning forward, eyes wide and red as he holds your cheeks watching you sniffle and splutter.
“hey, hey— was i too rough? i’m sorry beautiful. god, i’m sorry.”
as soon as you can speak, you do. “pope, s’okay!” you squeak, letting out a giggle that relieves him enough to pause, catching his breath. “i liked it. i liked seeing you let go.”
“…probably let go a little too much.” he’s pulling his pants up and you shrink a little, watching him spin back round to the radios. “knowing my luck i missed something, missed a communication or—”
“you didn’t.” you interrupt, and he turns back round, analysing you. before he says a thing, your brows furrow. “nothing happened. you just relaxed. come down to the house pope. sleep.”
“i sleep in here—”
“not tonight.” you’re still on your knees, clammy hands clasped pathetically on your lap with his arousal actively drying into your skin. “please.”
pope blinks, melting just a little more once before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the centre of your forehead.
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heavyhitterheaux · 3 months
Treat You Better
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Synopsis: You are Urban's godsister and have been in Jack’s life ever since he was six years old. Urban would always mention how you were off limits, but it didn't stop Jack’s feelings for you. When your boyfriend cheats on you for the second time, Jack is determined to prove to you that he can treat you better than he ever did.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Do not engage if underage
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Jack was growing more worried by the second as he peered over at you next to him with tears still streaming down your face. This had been going on for the past hour and a half with you showing up on his doorstep at one in the morning. You still hadn’t said a word and Jack couldn't figure out for the life of him what could have happened in a matter of fifteen minutes after all of you had gone home from being out the majority of the day for you to come to him crying.
“Baby girl? You’ve been crying for almost two hours. Are you going to tell me what happened?”
All he got in response were sniffles as you held out your hand and he quickly put another kleenex in it so that you would be able to wipe your face.
That was when he decided to call Urban if you weren’t going to talk.
The two of you would talk a lot seeing as though you have always been close. You were Urban’s godsister, but Urban simply saw you as his sister since 85% of the time when you two were growing up, you would be around each other. Your parents often traveled for work, so you spent a lot of time in Louisville with Urban and the rest of his friends.
Once Jack’s career started to take off, Urban was always with him, but since he is extremely protective over you, right along with Jack and the rest of Private Garden, Jack decided that you should be his “personal assistant” even though all you really did was travel with them and helped out when it was needed. A lot of Jack’s fans thought that the two of you were in a secret relationship or were friends with benefits, but that couldn’t have been further from the truth. But if it was left up to Jack, the two of you would be in a relationship at this very moment. Jack has always had the biggest crush on you, but refrained from making a move since Urban has said time and time again how you were off limits.
So, what did he do?
Watch on the sidelines how your boyfriends would treat you like shit and when your heart got broken, he was the one to pick up the pieces. He knew you deserved better than that and would honestly do anything to be able to show you. He knew that he could treat you better than any of your boyfriends have and was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to pursue it.
He knew that Urban was going to be pissed at him, but he would just have to deal with it. For the time being, he spent time with other women for simply a distraction in order to take his mind off of you. But, it never lasted long and by the end of the night, you would be slowly creeping back into his thoughts.
“Y/N, either you tell me or I’m calling Urb.” Jack said while looking at you anticipating some type of reaction, but he got absolutely nothing.
“You have to meet me halfway here. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s happening.”
All you did was give him more sniffles in response as you laid your head in his lap and attempted to drift off to sleep.
So, he knew the next step was to call Urban.
“We have a situation.” Jack answered as he looked down to see you now wide awake and scrolling on your phone.
“Oh shit, what is it?”
“What’s wrong?!?”
“She showed up on my doorstep fifteen minutes after we left crying. She’s been crying for almost two hours and hasn’t said a word.”
All Urban did was sigh in response.
“I'm on my way.”
20 minutes later, you still hadn't said a word as you now helped yourself to Jack’s pantry full of snacks. He simply sat at the island in the kitchen watching you as you opened a bag of doritos. You heard the front door and knew that Urban would soon be making an appearance but all you did was continue to eat chips and poured yourself a glass of Arizona iced tea that Jack kept in his house specifically for you.
“Y/N….” You heard Urban say as you sat next to Jack.
He got nothing in response and sighed.
“This has been going on for two hours.” Jack told him as you had now laid your head on his shoulder and started to once again scroll through your phone when Urban snatched it away from you which led you to pout and immediately try to grab for it.
“No. I'm not giving it back until you talk.” Urban said, leading you to roll your eyes and sigh.
“He cheated on me. Now give me my phone back.” You answered and tried to grab for it again, but Urban put it further out of your reach.
“I…. Not again.” Jack said as he sighed and shook his head and Urban looked at him dumbfounded.
“What do you mean not again!?”
“He did it before and I only told Jack because I knew you already didn't like him and didn't want me to date him. And when I told him we were in a different country so he couldn't do anything.”
“I'm beating his ass.” Urban muttered as he started to get up from the island, but you immediately stopped him by moving to grab his hand.
“No! absolutely not!”
“Why’d you tell us if you didn’t want us to beat his ass? He CHEATED on you. I’ve never liked his ass anyway. My instincts were right from the beginning.”
“I just want to sleep and not think about it. I broke up with him and it's over and done with.”
“Can we drop this? I'm tired and don't we have to be up at like nine in the morning?” You asked as you got up from the island.
“We could have been asleep if you would have said what happened from the beginning.” Urban said and all you did was roll your eyes.
“Jack, can I sleep here? I need to borrow a shirt. Second drawer?” You asked as you made your way towards the steps knowing that he wasn't going to say no since this happened often.
“Not you inviting yourself over and then now taking over this man's bed and clothes.” Urban said and you simply shrugged.
“Jack loves me and lets me do whatever I want. Not my fault the bed in the guest room is so comfy.”
“Have at it, but you owe us breakfast for all this.” Jack said as he put your cup that you used in the dishwasher and put the chips back in the pantry while you snatched your phone from Urban.
“Sure, sure.”
Once upstairs, you heard the front door open indicating that Urban had left and you went to Jack’s dresser and opened the second drawer grabbing one of his shirts and quickly changed into it before making your way down the hall to the guest room. When you got settled, you were scrolling on Instagram since you weren't tired when a text from Jack came through on your phone.
Favorite White Boy 💖- You deserved better than him and the way that he treated you. I'm always going to be here for you and just want you to be happy. But the offer still stands if you want me and Urb to kick his ass
You- I love you bunches. I'll be okay, promise. At this point, he's not even worth it.
Favorite White Boy 💖- I love you back tenfold. Get some sleep so you have enough energy later to deal with me bothering you
You- I don't think there's enough energy in the world for that
Favorite White Boy 💖- 🙄
Over the next several weeks, your ex-boyfriend had been blowing up your phone non-stop and Jack saw how frustrated it made you and quickly made a point to grab your phone and block his number and questioned why you hadn't done it already.
But that was when you had an idea.
“Jack, you know how you're my favorite person in the world?” You asked while batting your eyelashes and he just looked at you and laughed.
“What is it this time?”
“I need you to pretend to be in a relationship with me to make him jealous.”
“Wait, what?” Jack was taken aback because that was the last thing that he expected that you would ask him. How was he supposed to pretend to be in a relationship with you when he was actually in love with you and wanted for this to become reality?
“I just don't feel like he's going to leave me alone unless he sees me with someone else. And you're the perfect person for it. People already think that we're in a relationship anyway. I can’t even tell you how many times that people ask me that when I go out by myself.”
“That's what restraining orders are for, stink.”
“Jack, please? I need you to make this work.”
“And what are we supposed to tell Urban? You know he will lose his shit.” Not that he cared at that point even though that was his best friend.
“We aren't telling him anything. I have an entire plan to make this work.”
“Sweetheart, that's…”
“Just trust me on this.”
“And Urb is still going to ask questions.”
“Just let me worry about him. So your answer is yes?”
Jack sat there for a minute as he looked at you and sighed.
“I feel like this is going to end up coming to bite me in the ass, but okay.”
“You always say that you would do anything for me!”
“Not you trying to guilt trip me.” Jack replied as he laughed and shook his head.
“It's what I'm good at.” You said while shrugging.
“But if we want to make this believable, we need to go all in.”
“What do you mean?”
“Get your phone and open the camera.”
You followed directions and was caught off guard as Jack kissed your cheek and realizing that this was what he was talking about, you quickly snapped the photo.
But you also couldn't help the intense amount of butterflies that had erupted in your stomach.
“Damn, we cute. Okay send this to him. Making this my contact photo too.” Jack said as he stole your phone and opened it up to your contacts to see that your ex had in fact been messaging you multiple times since you broke up with him.
“He's a pathetic piece of shit, but it's his loss. You're mine now. Well at least for the time being.” Jack said as he winked at you and handed you your phone back.
If only this could be real was the only thing he thought as you took your phone back.
“Uh, shouldn't you mention this to Neelam? I don’t want her bombarding me.” You asked as you placed it back down on the table as you saw yet another Instagram notification.
“It’s only for a little while, right? I don’t think we need to.”
Weeks had gone by when you decided to actually post a picture on social media because your ex boyfriend didn't seem to be understanding that you weren't taking him back. You were out of chances and fucks to give and he needed to deal with the consequences of his actions.
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Liked by jackharlow, shloob_, neelamthadhani, taylorrooks, saweetie, claybornharlow, and 971 others
y/n: nothing compares to those late nights with him 💕
urbanwyatt: WHO IS THIS?
saweetie: 👀👀👀
urbanwyatt: answer your phone, NEOW
Comments on this post have been limited
After you posted the picture, Urban had been blowing up your phone trying to figure out who the mystery man was, but you honestly didn’t know what to tell him. You and Jack had taken it a few days ago when you had gone on a late night food run and the kicker is the fact that your ex was still blowing up your phone despite you posting pictures of you and Jack on a weekly basis. Now as for Urban, you guess he was confused because the only other pictures you posted would be on your close friends story that he didn't know existed because you blocked him from seeing certain ones not being in the mood to give him an explanation. Now you didn't care.
However, you weren’t sure if you just wanted to come clean altogether and tell him that this was all fake in order to get back at your ex, simply because you were starting to feel things for Jack as much as you wanted to deny it. No, not starting to, they've been there.
You weren’t even sure if you could call this a fake relationship anymore.
The stolen glances
The brushing of fingertips against each other’s skin
The late night phone calls and good morning texts (sometimes Jack would even facetime you before he started his day in order to hear your voice)
The kisses that Jack would give you on your cheek that were dangerously close to your mouth
You were honestly scared of what Urban was going to think, but you had to remember that you weren’t a little girl anymore that he always had to protect. Your judge of character had obviously failed you in the past, but this was different.
Jack was different.
You wanted this and you wanted Jack. All you could do was hope that he felt the same.
The two of you had always spent time together, but even more so now that Jack was back in Louisville trying to plan for Gazebo Fest and you were helping him with some ideas and different things that he should include for the entire weekend. The two of you had been brainstorming well into the night when Jack noticed that it was around three in the morning. The texts from Urban had gone unanswered and you decided to text him back when you woke up later in the day. 
“I didn’t even realize what time it was. You want to pick this back up later?” Jack asked as he got up from the couch and stretched. It took everything in you not to stare as his hoodie lifted up and you could see a peek of his happy trail.
“That’s fine, do you remember where I put my keys?”
“Now what makes you think that I’m going to have you leave by yourself at this time of night?”
“It’s morning, Jackman.” You replied as you got up yourself to stretch and laughed.
“You know what I mean. Just sleep upstairs with me. Well not with me… I….”
“Yes, I got it.” You said as you laughed from Jack turning a bright shade of red.
Oh, how much you did want that to become a reality.
“Did you ever respond to Urb?”
“No, I’ll do it later. Sleep is more important right now.” You replied as you headed up the stairs first with Jack slowly coming up behind you. He was doing everything in his power to not stare at your ass in your leggings, but was failing miserably. Since he was so close to you, he could tell that you weren’t wearing anything underneath them and the thoughts that were running through his mind were quickly silenced when you spoke up.
“Gazebo fest is going to be amazing and I’m so happy that you’re doing it. I can tell that your heart is in this and I’m going to do anything I can to help you.” You confessed as you made your way into Jack’s bedroom and made a beeline for the second drawer.
“Thank you, I always appreciate you helping me. And I need to make you your own drawer for when you come over here. I think a pair of your shorts are in there too.”
“Well, I mean I do live here when I’m not with Urban so it’s only right.” You replied as you found the shorts and the t-shirt that you were looking for.
“Okay, Harlow, to be continued later.” You said as you reached up to kiss his cheek and your arms immediately went around his neck. He returned the hug as he squeezed you tightly and kissed the top of your head.
“Goodnight princess.”
Tossing and turning in your sleep and waking up every few minutes, you couldn’t get comfortable and knew that getting any type of rest was not going to be a reality but when it started to thunder and lightning outside that took the cake. Ever since you were small, you were terrified of them and although you've gotten better since you've gotten older, a lot of the time you still found yourself going into Urban's room.
So, your next best solution was to go and bother Jack.
However, once you opened the bedroom door in order to go to him, he was standing in front of it looking as if he was about to knock.
“I was coming to get you because I know that you don’t like thunderstorms and I wanted to talk to you about something. I can’t wait any longer.”
“Umm, okay.” You quietly said as he grabbed your hand and led you back to his bedroom, once inside, you stood with your back against the wall near the door suddenly becoming nervous.
“What did you want to talk to me about?”
“I can’t do this anymore.” Jack blurted out, but it didn’t come out higher than a whisper.
“Can’t do what, bubs? What’s wrong?”
“Pretend to be in a relationship with you when I’m completely in love with you and have been for the longest time. I just….”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“From the time we were younger Urban has always said how you were off limits, so all I did was distract myself and fill the void with talking to other girls even though you were the only one I wanted. If you don’t feel the same way….”
“Who said that I didn’t feel the same way?”
“Oh, you do?”
“I see the way that you treat me and the people around you and I just want a relationship like that. Someone to love me, which I already know you do. Listen to my dreams and my fears, remember my favorite color and what I want to order from my favorite fast food place, falling asleep on the phone with each other, being able to satisfy me because he definitely couldn't do any of those things despite how long we were together.”
Jack was quiet as he thought about what you had just confessed to him.
“I promise if you give me the chance that I’m not going to waste it. Let me show you how you deserve to be treated.” He said as he stepped closer to you. You felt as if your voice was going to fail you so all you did was nod your head.
“But for now, why don't you let me take care of that for you?” Jack asked as he stroked your face.
Your heartbeat increased as you had suddenly become nervous. I mean this was Jack that we were talking about and you had been around him since you were six years old. But now almost 20 years later, you saw him in a different light than before and that was terrifying. Terrifying because the feelings that you were having weren't supposed to be happening and yet they were, making you more nervous. So nervous in fact that you still hadn’t answered Jack’s question.
“Y/N, sweetheart you haven't answered my question.” Jack asked again as he leaned down to kiss the shell of your ear as you were pinned against him and the wall.
Jack then placed a finger underneath your chin to lift your head so that he could see your face.
“I…” You started to say, but you stopped yourself.
“You told me how he never satisfied you as long as you two were together and you have someone in front of you at this very moment that wants to make you feel good and do everything that he didn't. Are you going to let me?” He asked as he searched your eyes for an answer. When he still didn't get one, he leaned down and softly met his lips with yours and your heart fluttered as you slowly kissed him back.
“This might not be your first time, but it's your first time with me and I promise to take my time with you. I don't plan on this being the last time it happens either.” Jack whispered in your ear as his right hand snaked underneath the back of your shirt and unclasped your bra in one swift movement.
Since Jack had you pinned against the wall, his right hand reached up to massage your breast as his other hand made its way lower to cup your ass.
“You never gave me an answer, Y/N. I want you squirming underneath me, begging me to let you cum.” Jack had now moved his attention to focus on your neck as he tilted your head to the side and kissed upward starting from your collar bone. As he made his way higher, he softly bit down on your warm skin and soothed it by gently sucking on that same spot which led to a moan escaping your lips.
If this was your reaction when he had barely touched you, you knew that you were going to be in for it when he had you underneath of him.
“Yes.” Was all you had the strength to breathe out as Jack smirked before kissing the side of your mouth.
You gently pushed Jack away from you as you gathered the material of the bottom of your shirt in your hands and gently moved it up over your head. Since your bra was already loose by Jack’s doing, it simply fell from your shoulders and landed at your feet.
Capturing you in a kiss, Jack’s hand slipped into your shorts and discovered that you weren't wearing anything underneath. He gently grazed his fingers over your folds as you were growing wetter by each second that was passing. 
Soon he began to kiss down your neck and made a trail down your entire body until he was on his knees in front of you. Hooking his thumbs in each side of your shorts, he slowly pulled them down and tossed them behind him.
“I need to taste you. Spread those legs for me.”
An opportunity didn't present itself to do as you were instructed by Jack and he slowly spread your legs himself as he placed one of them on his shoulder and took one long painfully slow lick across your folds earning a moan from you.
He slowly licked again and you couldn't help but to grab a fistful of his curly hair as he continued to use his mouth to pleasure you.
“You taste so good, baby. Keep still for me.”
As difficult as it was, you tried your best as you felt one of his fingers slip inside you. He was moving painfully slow as you bucked your hips towards him, but all he did was keep the pace the same.
“Be patient, princess. I want to take my time with you and we have all night. There's no rush.” Jack said as he lightly kissed the inside of your thigh and his mouth immediately attached back to you.
A minute later, you were caught off guard as Jack moved your other leg to be placed on his other shoulder and was now holding you up against the wall. 
“You taste so good, baby. Just like I knew you would.”
You glanced down to see your juices all over Jack's face as you let spit dribble from your mouth and onto your chest to immediately begin pulling and massaging your nipples. You had gotten them pierced a few weeks ago and they were still a little sore, but the sensation and pleasure that it gave you led to you throwing your head back and continuing to do it as you planned on cumming all over Jack’s face.
He looked up and saw you with your head thrown back, eyes closed and letting out soft moans which was music to his ears. He was getting bricked up by the second as he watched you and planned on putting you in every position that he possibly could before both of you tapped out.
Since Jack had been enjoying his view in front of him, he decided to step it up a bit and now put all of his attention onto your clit knowing that you would soon come undone in front of him.
As soon as he began to suck on it, you loudly gasped as your hands went back into Jack's Hair to pull him even closer if that was possible.
“Oh, fuck. Baby stay right there. Shit, that feels so good.” You breathed out as Jack began to suck harder, making you squirm.
However, there was nowhere to go seeing as Jack was holding you in place making sure that you would stay where he wanted you.
A string of curse words erupted from your mouth as you finally came all over Jack’s face, but that didn't stop him from still eating you out and keeping a tight hold on your legs.
“You gonna cum all over my face again? Hmm, baby?” Jack asked and he got a nod in response as your juices once again made its way onto his face.
Your breathing was erratic as Jack was now kissing along the insides of your thighs again in order to give you a chance to catch your breath.
Once you did, your hands cupped his face as he set you back down on your feet and immediately brought him down into a kiss as your hand snuck underneath his shirt and your nails were scratching along his abs.
“Now why am I the only one without clothes on?” You playfully asked him and in response his shirt was now on the floor.
“We can't have that, now can we?” Jack asked as you shook your head no and he grabbed your hand to lead you to the bed. Once in front of it, he backed the two of you up until your legs had made contact with it and kissed you before he gently laid you down.
“Move to the top of the bed for me.” Jack said as his shorts and boxer briefs came off in one swift movement.
Your eyes went wide as you saw how big he was and he slowly began stroking himself as he peered down at you.
There was no way that you were backing out now.
Jack was admiring you as you began to notice the precum leaking from the tip and your mouth instantly watered.
“You're so beautiful, baby. You ready for me?”
Thinking that a simple nod would do, that was your response as Jack shook his head.
“Need to hear you say it.”
“Yes, what?”
“I'm ready for you.”
Smirking, Jack climbed on top of you and began nipping and kissing at your skin making the river in between your thighs increase.
“Still sore?” He asked as he began playing with your breasts and you let out a quiet yes, but at the same time gently moved his head lower to take one of them in his mouth.
He lightly sucked going back and forth between both of them as he had inserted two of his fingers in you in order to get you ready for him. 
You were caught off guard as he slipped himself inside you and captured you in a kiss at the same time earning a gasp to escape from your lips.
As he slowly moved in and out of you, his mouth found its way back to your breast as he sucked harder and bit down on the sensitive skin making you gasp.
Your arms immediately went around his neck as he increased his pace and his hold on your hips became tighter.
That was probably going to leave a bruise, but you were entirely in too much pleasure to care.
“Jack…” You softly said as you tried to reach down to massage your clit. 
He gently pushed your hand away and he stopped mid stroke to peer down at you.
“That's my job, baby all I want you to do is cum for me. Put your legs on my shoulders.”
“I… I'm not that flexible.”
“Trust me, yes you are. And didn't I just have them on my shoulders a little while ago?” Jack replied to you as your legs were actually now behind your head as he pushed them forward and resumed pleasuring you.
“How good am I making you feel, baby? I need to hear it.”
“So good, so so good.”
“Better than touching yourself as you thought about me? Because I know you have.”
“You imagined me eating you out, sucking on that clit and giving you this dick? Because I know I have thought about having you underneath me moaning my name.”
“Mmm hmm, baby don't stop.”
“I don't plan on it, look at that pretty pussy creaming for me.”
Jack quickly slid out of you and took a long lick across your folds as you whimpered underneath him. He stayed there for a few more minutes before sliding himself back into you earning a moan to escape from both of your mouths.
That was when your phone started ringing on Jack's bedside table and promptly told you to ignore it as he saw you look in that direction.
“Ignore it, baby.”
“What if it's Important?” You asked as Jack grabbed it before you could to see who it was.
“Only important thing right now is me making you cum, but if you insist.”
He quickly answered it by putting it on speaker phone as he smirked.
“Y/N? Hello?”
You recognized that voice of being your ex-boyfriend's and had no idea on why he would be calling you and you were obviously too focused on Jack to respond. You had blocked him when you first broke up with him so had no idea how the call even went through.
That was when Jack increased his pace once more earning a loud moan to escape your lips.
“Hmm, Jack, baby don't stop, don't stop. I'm almost there.”
“Then cum for me. Cum all over my dick.”
Your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks as you yelled his name and Jack hit his peak soon after you did. As he was peppering kisses along your entire body, he grabbed your phone that he had put beside you and spoke, surprised that he hadn’t hung up yet.
“Do me a favor, Matt and don’t call my girlfriend’s phone again.”
Jack tossed your phone to the side as he leaned down to place several kisses on your lips which you gladly accepted and once you two broke apart, Jack promptly laid his head on your chest as you ran your fingers through his hair.
The two of you listened to each other’s breathing before Jack attempted to get up, but was pulled back by you.
“I’m coming right back, I promise.”
You nodded your head as he made his way into the bathroom and emerged with a warm wet cloth to wipe you off. Once he was finished, he put it in the hamper to lay back down next to you. Picking up his phone and glancing at the time, it was close to five in the morning and neither of you had been to sleep.
“Princess, it’s almost five in the morning and we need to go to sleep.” 
You moved to lay on his chest as his arms wrapped around you before answering him.
“It’s Saturday.”
“Fine, I’m ordering your french toast, but after that we’re sleeping.”
Every Saturday since the two of you were thirteen, you and Jack would always get french toast whether it was his mom making it or going out to a restaurant to get it.
As Jack picked his phone back up to order breakfast for the two of you, you suddenly had a realization.
“I can’t believe you answered my phone.”
“I had to let him know that you were spoken for.”
It was around noon when Jack heard a knock on the door waking him up out of his sleep. He glanced down at you to see that you were fast asleep on his chest and not wanting to disturb you, he slowly moved you over in the hopes of not waking you up and found some shorts for him to put on.
He made his way downstairs and opened the door to see Urban staring at him with a pissed off look on his face.
“Where the hell is Y/N? And why aren’t you two answering your phones?” Urban asked as he brushed past him and went into the living room.
“She’s sleeping. We were up until like five in the morning planning for Gazebo Fest so she just stayed over.”
Urban was quiet for a second and then put two and two together.
“You two have been spending a lot of time with each other.”
Oh, shit was the first thing Jack thought as those words left Urban’s mouth.
“Uh yeah? We always do.” Jack answered, trying to downplay it.
“Like more than usual. You were the one she posted on her instagram, aren’t you?”
“We just went out for food, it was no big deal so why are you trying to make it one?”
“I’ve said it from day one that she is off limits because I know how yall are.”
“Urb, here me out. Why are you so against this? I like Y/N and I'm 98% sure that she likes me back and I'm good enough for her! I'm not like these other dudes out here that don't deserve her. I know and you do too that I'm going to treat her like she deserves.” Jack expressed as he pleaded his case. He knew that it would eventually come down to this. He wasn’t quite ready to fully tell Urban that the two of you were in fact together. 
"You are literally the biggest WHORE that I know of. Ain't no way in HELL. She's been off limits from the beginning and you know that."
"Look who's talking! We're adults now and she can decide for herself who she wants to date." Jack quickly shot back looking at his best friend in disbelief.
"Her track record says otherwise. She's my godsister and I'm going to do what I need to do in order to protect her."
"But from me? Protect her from me? Do you hear yourself right now? So you’re going to shelter her for the rest of her life?”
"Especially from you. I've seen your track record too with relationships and she's not someone that you hit it and quit it. And I’m not sheltering her. I’m protecting her from no good assholes.” Urban replied, keeping his voice low in the hopes that you wouldn't hear him.
"I'm not going to do that with her and did you low key just call me an asshole? You know how important she is to me!” Jack was now fuming and shaking his head at him in disbelief.
"Like I said. She's my baby sister and I said no. I don't give a fuck about how you feel. End of discussion.”
“The fuck it is. We can agree to disagree.”
As Urban was getting ready to respond, you walked in the room beaming, wearing Jack’s clothes and holding Jack’s dog CoCo in your arms.
“Jack Jack, are we ready to go? I still need to find something to wear though.” You asked as you scratched behind her ears.
“Where are you two going?” Urban asked while getting a slight attitude.
“Jack promised me an ice cream date with just the two of us. Since we couldn't do it yesterday.” You responded and Urban shot Jack the evil eye while all he did was come closer to you.
“Are you two okay? You both look tense.” You asked looking at both of their faces and Urban couldn't help but to blurt it out.
“I don't want you dating Jack.” Was all he said and you looked at him dumbfounded.
“Well Urby, that isn't for you to decide. I can date whoever I want. But I would at least think that you would approve of me dating your best friend.”
“I don't want you to get hurt.”
“Jack would never hurt me in a million years and you need to get that through your head and get over it. We mean a lot to each other and I would think that you would be happy. You don't want to see me happy?”
“Yes! Of course I do, but…”
“But what, Urban?”
“He thinks that I'm going to use you essentially and when I get what I want, leave you high and dry. Oh and also said that I'm the biggest whore he knows.” Jack finally spoke up and you looked at Urban who simply shrugged.
“I've seen him do it countless times before and he's not a relationship type of guy.”
“Urban, I love you with all of my heart, but until I ask you for your opinion, stay out of my love life. I am tired of you coddling me like I can't take care of myself. I'm not a baby anymore.”
“Fine, but when he cheats on you and breaks your heart remember that I warned you. Oh, and don't come crying to me because all I'm going to do is say I told you so.” Urban replied as he walked away bumping Jack’s shoulder on purpose but he decided to ignore him.
“Nope, don't want to hear it.”
“Enjoy your date.”
As he walked off, you turned back to Jack Who could tell that you were clearly upset.
“Just give him some time. He'll come around.” Jack told you as he kissed your forehead, but he wasn't quite sure if he believed those words himself.
Urban was avoiding Jack as well as you at all costs unless it was absolutely necessary. You were starting to feel guilty and you felt as if this entire thing was your fault and the last thing that you wanted to do was come between them. Gazebo Fest was approaching fast, and you knew deep down that Jack wanted Urban there, but because of what was currently happening, you highly doubt that it would happen unless you gave him a little push. 
After a few weeks of pleading, Urban finally agreed to go out to lunch with you, but made it clear that Jack was in fact not invited. This was your opportunity to fix what was going on between the two of them.
You and Urban were sitting across from each other scanning over the menu when he was the first to speak.
“Y/N, out with it. I know you’re here to convince me to talk to him, but I still don’t want to.”
“Urby, Jack has been your best friend since forever and you are being a little dramatic and acting like a diva. I love you and I love him and we are in a relationship together because we make each other happy. Will you please just talk to him?”
“Urban! He needs you.”
“There are a lot of things that I can fix for him, but trying to fill the void of his best friend is not one of them. Gazebo is literally next weekend and he needs you to be there and support him.”
“Yeah, support him as he went behind my back and fucked my little sister?”
You sighed and massaged your temples because you were getting absolutely nowhere with him.
“If I knew that you were going to be this much of an asshole when I finally got with the person that I wanted to be with, I would have never done it. I don’t want to come in between the two of you so I’m going to break up with him. Have fun supporting two broken hearted people because you couldn’t stand them to be happy. I’m leaving.”
“Y/N, baby girl, hold on.” Urban said as he grabbed your hand from across the table, but quickly snatched it back. 
“No, you’ve made your opinion known and I hear you loud and clear.”
Getting up from the table, you made your way outside to Jack’s Jeep and climbed in making your way back to his house.
You weren’t going to break up with Jack, but needed something to get a reaction out of Urban to make him show up next weekend.
One thing that Urban did not want to deal with was a broken hearted Jack. He’s gone through it too many times and he sat there with his thoughts running a mile a minute as he weighed the pros and cons of the two of you being in a relationship with each other. 
He wanted for you to be happy as well as his best friend so who was he to get in the way of it?
The following weekend, Jack couldn’t contain his excitement as the weekend for Gazebo Fest was finally here. Although Urban hadn’t reached out to him, he was still going to try and make the best of it with the support of his family and other friends and of course having you by his side was a plus.
The two of you were holding hands as you walked side by side behind the Gazebo stage when you caught the sight of Urban out of the corner of your eye. Jack was talking to Vince Staples and didn’t realize that he was there until he turned his head and saw him and you saw his eyes light up making a small smile grow on your face. While Vince went to get ready for his set, Urban came over to the two of you and Jack immediately embraced him as he let your hand go.
When they broke apart, Urban shoved his hands in his pockets and had a solemn look on his face.
“I’ve been an asshole to both of you and I’m sorry. You are two of the most important people in my life and if this is what you two want to do then I’ll support it.” He said as you also hugged him and he kissed your forehead.
“About time you came to your senses.” You replied when you moved away from him and pinched his cheek earning him to swat your hand away.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Jack asked, wanting another confirmation and Urban slowly nodded his head.
“I hope you two didn’t think that you were getting rid of me that easily.”
“Our next step was to kidnap you in the middle of the night and hide your weed.” You blurted out which instantly made Jack laugh as Urban rolled his eyes.
“Hold on, wait a minute. I thought you told me that you were breaking up with Jack because you didn’t want to come in between us?” Urban asked as Jack’s eyes went wide.
“Urban, I literally only told you that to guilt trip you and get you to show up today and look, it worked! Oh look at that Mama Maggie is here! Bye!” You said as you started to run after her.
“Y/N! GET BACK HERE! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THAT PART OF THE PLAN!” Jack exclaimed as you got further and further away from him. 
When the two of them were by themselves, Urban took this as an opportunity.
“Look, I know that you’re going to take care of her but I will seriously cut your dick off if you hurt her. Best friend or not, your ass is grass and I’m the lawnmower.” Urban said as he looked over at you talking to Maggie and Brian.
“Hmm, what kind of ring do you think she wants?” Jack asked as he followed his gaze. 
“RING? What?! The two of you have been dating for six minutes and twenty five seconds!”
“I’m thinking princess cut.”
“Look as long as I’m the best man.”
“Y/N might want you in her bridal party so we probably have to rock, paper, scissors for it.”
“I… seriously?”
“But on a real note, I’m happy you came. I really needed you.”
“And that’s exactly what Y/N told me.”
“I can’t explain it, Urb but she makes me better and makes me want to be better.”
“That’s just the type of person she is and I’m happy that she’s with you.”
“Oh, this might be TMI, but her ex called when we were….”
“Ew, spare me the details please if this is going where I think it is.”
“Right, but I answered and all he heard was her moaning my name as she came and I told him not to call my girlfriend’s phone again.”
“I thought I said spare me the details? But I know you gagged his ass.”
Making your way back over to them, you hugged Jack and then reached up to kiss him.
“Gag me with a spoon.”
“Urban, you approved this so get over it!” 
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frankenkyle19 · 10 months
The Twinkie Thief
Peter Maximoff x fan!reader smut
word count: 8.4k!!
warnings/description: Smut, handjobs, oral (male and fem receiving), Use of peter’s powers in bed, hair pulling, begging, Peter being a cocky brat, teasing. Reader hosts a college party and a certain speedster stops by trying to steal some twinkies… Enjoy!
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You’d been planning this party for months. Well- okay not months, maybe like… a few weeks, but in your defense it sure felt longer than that. It was your first time hosting a college party, despite being in your third year. You shared an apartment with three of your friends just off of campus. Having roommates wasn’t always great, but it made the rent cheap and that obviously made it well worth it. You were a broke college student and you definitely didn’t make enough money to rent your own apartment. It was a three level house. With a main floor, an upstairs, and a downstairs. The basement had been transformed into a little hangin’ cave where you were currently setting up the chips and drinks for the party, trying to distract yourself and keep your buzzing nerves at bay.
Doritos, pretzels, tortilla chips and salsa, various sodas and punch as well as alcohol sat on the table. Beer, vodka, all the cheap shit you could buy at the nearest gas station. It didn’t need to be good, college kids didn’t care for good alcohol, they just needed it to get them drunk. Especially at a party. 
You weren’t sure who all would come to the party and a bubble of anxiety slowly built up inside you. What if no one showed up? Currently you were home alone because your roommates were all out doing their own thing and would be coming home much later. That’s why you had decided to have the party, but now? What if some creepy pervert dude was the first to arrive and you were forced to hang out with him until the next person came? You tried your best to ignore the screaming in the back of your mind as you finished setting up, taking a handful of chips to eat as you made your way back up the stairs. 
The house was modern and sparsely decorated but still homey. You’d luckily put away anything valuable or breakable because god forbid something gets broken. 
As time went on you came to the realization that maybe this wasn’t the best idea… but it was too late to go back now. Surely it’d be fine. How bad could it be?
You finished the handful of chips right as the first knock of the night sounded through the house, causing you to jump a bit before making your way towards the door, just praying it wasn’t some creep. 
And luckily, it wasn’t. 
It was a group of three younger college girls, all smiling brightly the second the door was open. They didn’t say much to you as they scurried inside the house, out of the cold as they shivered a bit. They led themselves downstairs, talking amongst themselves and not really paying you any mind at all. Wow. Kinda rude. 
Soon the pace started picking up and in no time the basement was full of chatter and bodies as people laughed and drank, talking about the latest gossip. 
You’d long since abandoned your post at the door, figuring people would let themselves in, and they did exactly that. 
You had made your way downstairs, a drink in hand as you looked at the crowd. It was a good turnout, nearly every corner of the dimly lit room was occupied by groups of people talking about one thing or another, sipping from solo cups and snacking on mini pretzels and Doritos. The sight had you smiling. This was going exactly how you wanted it.
To be honest, you weren’t a super social person but one thing you did enjoy was people watching. So seeing all the different people here made for a fun activity. Hearing whispers of conversations, not able to make out much as other noises drowned out the words into a jumbled mess of sounds. You were planning on just sitting in a corner, sipping your drink for the rest of the night as you kept a close eye on the party goers, making sure they didn’t break anything. 
That’s how it went for a few hours. You sipped at your  drink, going in and out of the basement to get refills on chips and ice for the drinks every so often. Overall, it was a success. 
On one of these trips upstairs to get a break from the crowd and the noise, you caught the shadow of what appeared to be a man in your kitchen. Unease settled over you like a dark storm cloud as you crept closer to the kitchen, back up against the wall as you swallowed hard, heartbeat uneven and frantic.
You knew it was most likely someone from the party who had either gotten there late, or had snuck upstairs. Maybe he needed a break. Just like you. But the idea of a random man in your kitchen, which, keep in mind, was dark, made you uneasy. 
You crept to the entrance of the kitchen, hand moving slowly towards the light switch, ready to bolt back downstairs if you were in any danger. 
The man froze when you flicked the light on, bathing him in the yellow light. And that’s when you saw it..
It wasn’t some random creeper that had snuck into your kitchen and was waiting for everyone else to leave so he could like- kill you- 
It was a certain silver haired mutant superhero that you may or may not have had a small (huge) obsession with. 
Peter Maximoff… aka Quicksilver. 
Okay rewind- what in the fresh hell was Peter Maximoff doing in your kitchen? 
You both just stood still, staring at each other unblinking, each waiting for the other to say or do something. 
Peter had an armful of little, wrapped cake snacks that had been quite literally stolen from your pantry, giving you a shy, remorseful smile. 
“Uh… Hi-” Peter said, swallowing hard as he set the snacks on the counter with an embarrassing grin. 
You just blinked a few times, unable to think of any words. What does someone say in this situation? When a literal superhero was stealing snacks from your kitchen. Nothing in your life had ever prepared you for this..
“I- Hi?” You said, an eyebrow quirked as you took in the look of the man in front of you. Yup it really was him. Not just some creep dressed as him. He was the real deal. 
“You can uh- you can take anything you want… Mr. Maximoff” You said with a shy smile, playing with your hands as you tried to keep calm. 
Peter blinked in surprise. Oh. So you knew exactly who he was. Great. Of course you did. That made this even more embarrassing. A superhero sneaking into a party to steal some cake snacks? He would never live this down if anyone else found out.
“No I just- uh- was just- organizing… the pantry. It was a bit messy..” he said, trying to lie his way out of the situation. 
“Mhm. Yeah okay.” You put your hands on your hips, shaking your head. You didn’t believe that lie for one second and the thought of a silver haired speedster trying to get away with a lie despite being caught red (silver?) handed made you chuckle. 
“Okay okay ya got me- I’m a thief-“ he raised his hands over his head in surrender, sighing in defeat. The gig was up. 
You raised a brow, watching him curiously. He was so… Down to earth? You weren’t sure what you expected, but it wasn’t that. He didn’t act like a famous person… he just acted… Normal. Maybe you were a bit naive as to what someone like Peter should act like, but he was definitely much different than what you had imagined. In a good way of course.
And it didn’t help with your obsession with him. You almost wanted him to be rude or full of himself. It’d be easier to get over this little (big) obsession with him. But no. Of course he had to be perfect. 
“It’s okay- if you want one you can have it- really-“ you said, taking a few more steps into the kitchen, the background music from downstairs making the silence between the two of you seem not so awkward. 
Peter didn’t waste any time after that. He snatched a Twinkie off the counter and unwrapped it before shoving half of it into his mouth, some of the cream smearing on the sides of his mouth. If it was anyone else, it would be kinda gross, but because it was him, it was endearing. 
“So why exactly are you… Here?” You asked and Peter held up a finger to signal to let him finish chewing the snack cake before he began to explain.
“I heard about a party goin’ on here and thought hey, I’m sure there’s snacks. So I came. And I was right.” He shook the other half of the Twinkie that was in his hands before shoving it into his mouth, tossing the wrapper into the trash can and wiping off his fingers on his silver jacket. 
“Okay but the party is downstairs-“
“I didn’t think you’d mind if I just took a few.” He interrupted, already on his way to opening another hostess snack. 
He was bold. Very bold. And pretty cocky too. A drastic change from how he was acting just a few minutes ago. All shy and apologetic. Was that just a hoax? A trick? 
“I mean- I don’t- but it’s not just every day when I get a superhero in my kitchen.” 
“So you rent this place? It’s pretty bangin’ I gotta say.”
“I have roommates. But they aren’t here right now.” Why did that sound so suggestive? Jesus Christ…
Peter nodded, looking around the kitchen and examining it now that the light was on, leaning against the marble counter.
“So this is your party then I take it?” He asked, eyebrow quirked as he turned back to face you. It was weird making eye contact with the speedster just because you never expected to actually be this close to him. 
“Mhm, my first college party actually..” you said a bit shyly. He was trying to keep up a conversation with you… but why? Did he actually care? Possibly?
“Well the first one I’ve hosted I mean- I’ve- I’ve been to lots of parties before-“ you paused “not like a lot a lot! I’m not like a crazy party person- I have…” you wanted to bang your head against the wall.
“I’ve gone to the normal amount of parties that a college person does.” You said, a blush dusting over your cheeks. Way to embarrass yourself in front of your crush. Your superhero crush at that…
“Coolio- and hey, between us, I don’t judge. I like party girls.” Peter winked. 
Your brain has just short circuited. Either you were delusional or the man was flirting with you. The way he winked? There was no way. 
You gawked at him for a moment before chuckling “yeah, hah… parties are pretty fun- you go to them often?” You asked curiously, trying to not be so fucking awkward.
“Eh, depends. When I’m free I usually just zoom in to steal some snacks- which was exactly what I was doing before you caught me.”
“Okay well the party snacks are downstairs. At the party.” You said, sarcasm dripping from your tone and it caused Peter to grin. He liked your attitude. Feisty. Just the way he liked his women. Not that he… No.. He totally wasn’t attracted to some random quicksilver fan.. Not at all. There had to be some sort of moral rule against that. 
Except… He was. He was totally and utterly attracted to you. 
Holy shit. He was truly and utterly fucked. Done for. Game is up, time to go- before he royally ruined this whole interaction.
But yet, he couldn’t get his mouth to just shut up. 
“Y’know what, I like ya. You’re down to earth, chill. Totally unfazed that I’m in yer kitchen right now.” 
You shook your head, looking up to meet his eye and trying not to get too lost in his sweet syrupy brown gaze. 
“Well I mean- I am- I’m just good at hiding it.” You admitted, tucking a bit of your hair behind your ear, an obvious thing you did when you were nervous.
Peter subtly, with his super speed, looked you over, trying not to make it too obvious that he was staring, but who wouldn’t? You were… Geesh words couldn’t even describe the way Peter felt when he saw you. His literal dream girl, and you were interested in him? At least wanting to talk to him… not like… romantically or anything crazy like that.
But you were. You were both acting pretty dumb at the moment, dancing around the sexual tension that literally anyone could cut with a knife. How did it happen that the two of you were so damn oblivious? It’s like the universe was holding up a big sign that said “Fuck Already!” And somehow the two of you were both blind.
Peter stretched his hands over his head, revealing a sliver of silver hairs that led under his waistband to-
No. You needed to get your mind out of the gutter. There was no way Quicksilver out of anyone was going to fuck you. No way. Not in a million years.
Peter zipped around the kitchen and for a moment you thought he’d left, until the breeze and silver settled and you saw him, now much closer than he was before.  
He was uncomfortably close, but you were… Okay with it. In fact you wanted him close to you. It had made your heartbeat speed up in your chest and your cheeks reden. 
You felt his breath on your neck and it made your hair stand on end, goosebumps erupting across your flesh as you turned to face him.
He was taller than you, but your faces were only several inches apart, the feeling of his breath hit you, the leftover smell of the Twinkie he’d devoured a few minutes ago hitting your nose.
You blinked a few times, unsure of what to do or what to say. I mean… What do you do in a situation like this? You’d never experienced it before and doubted you ever would again. 
Peter glanced down at you, unblinking as he watched you before he spoke up
“Want a drink?” He asked, swallowing hard as he gestured to the rest of the alcohol that you hadn’t brought down to the party yet.
The tension was getting impossibly thicker between the two of you, a heat seeming to fall off of Peter in thick waves, filling the air. It was addicting.
You nodded, still not speaking as you watched him zip back around the kitchen, barely able to make out his outline as bottles shifted and moved from their places.
He was so… Interesting and you wondered what it was like to be able to move that fast. Did he have full control over it? Did he sometimes go too fast? Had he ever hurt himself by speeding around the way he did? These were all questions you longed to be answered but were too shy to ask. 
A few more seconds of him zooming around the kitchen and he was next to you again, holding a drink in either hand. You weren’t really sure what was in it, but you trusted he hadn’t done anything suspicious. I mean he was a superhero- superheroes didn’t like- drug drinks… Right?
“Here, it’s a sex on the beach- or well, my attempt at one. You didn’t have all the ingredients so I had to substitute a few things.”
By a few things did he mean everything? You’d had plenty of these drinks before and none of them ever looked the way the drink he held out to you did. It looked (smelled) like the only ingredient the two drinks had in common was vodka.
Still, you took the glass from him and smiled, taking a sip. It wasn’t horrible, he hadn’t added a lot of alcohol so it was mostly a mixer, but still you’d had plenty worse before.
He sipped his own drink, watching you over the rim of the glass, waiting to see how you’d react.
“Decent.” You shrugged, taking another sip.
Peter laughed in disbelief “Just decent babe? Wow, I’m offended.” He placed a hand on his heart dramatically and shook his head.
You were about to laugh when it dawned on you what he’d called you just now. Babe. Uhm.. pause. What? Why had he called you that? Did he call everyone that? Surely he did… Don’t get your hopes up so quickly. He was just being friendly.
You ignore it, giving him a friendly smile before taking another sip of your drink. Maybe it’d be nice to get drunk but you’d surely make a fool of yourself. You were already well on the way to doing that.
“So- you were really just in the neighborhood and decided to stop by?” You asked, swirling the remaining drink around, watching it slosh inside the glass.
Peter set his drink down on the counter, leaning against it as he nodded “Yup, could tell it was a party from a mile off so I decided to see what was goin’ on. Glad I did, you’re good company.” He grinned.
“I was honestly having a pretty boring night before you got here.” You admitted, setting your own half finished drink down close to his before glancing back at him. You were beginning to let your guard down and it made Peter smile.
“Aw I'm flattered that I’m the reason you’re havin’ a good time now.” He grinned, full of himself and cocky as ever. 
You rolled your eyes playfully at him, shaking your head as you wrapped your arms around yourself, glancing around the kitchen.
“So uh- m’not usually like this but-“ He was blushing again… Quicksilver was blushing because of you? What was he trying to say that made his cheeks turn the color of ripe tomatoes?
“I’m catchin’ a vibe off ya. Y’know the whole fan thing- I just-“ He shook his head, bringing a hand down over his face, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he let out a sigh. Dammit Quickie, ruined it again from your big mouth.
At least… He thought he’d ruined it, and was so distracted by embarrassment that he hadn’t even noticed you’d stepped closer to him, standing right in front of him and staring up at him.
“Yeah, I’m sure I’m giving off that vibe-“ you took a deep breath and decided to continue, making a bolder choice of words. It was now or never.
“Not everyday you meet the person you dream about fucking every night.” You were only half teasing him, hoping you’d be able to play it off as a joke if it went the wrong way. 
Peter’s eyes were wide as he stared down at you and finally he made a good choice that night, leaning down to capture your lips with his own.
It took you several seconds to process but when you did, you nearly squealed with joy.
He tasted sweet like twinkies and just… Him. There was no other way to explain it really.
You kissed back for several seconds before pulling away to look up at him, eyes wide.
“Holy shit.” You whispered, glancing around the room once more to make sure no one had walked in on the two of you.
Peter, unbothered, leaned down to capture your lips once more, never wanting to stop kissing you. He deepened the kiss, a hand reaching out to rest on your shoulder as he pulled you closer, a quiet moan slipping from his lips which caused him to blush even further.
He pulled you closer to him, a bit of urgency in his movements as he panted against your lips, worked up from the slightest bit of kissing.
“Quicksilver- n-not here we can’t. There’s people downstairs-“ you said, a surprised gasp leaving your throat as he started to plant kisses to your neck, wrapping his arms around your waist to lock you in place.
“Tell ‘em to go. I need ya-“ he said, nipping ever so slightly at your collarbone as his hips connected with yours, his hard on brushing your leg.
“Okay okay okay slow down- is this really happening?” You asked, Peter never once stopping his assault on your neck, leaving marks that would surely result in bruises the next day.
“So fuckin’ real baby. I want it- if you do too-“ He added, his hands adventuring up the small of your back in an attempt to explore more of your body.
“Ya tellin’ me you don’t wanna clown around with yer favorite superhero?” He breathed against your neck, closing his eyes as he inhaled deeply, wanting to memorize this moment.
“I do! I do want to- very very badly I just-there’s so many people downstairs- I don’t know what to do about that.” You said, reveling in the way his hot breath fanned across your skin.
“I’ve got an idea-“ He mumbled “just tell ‘em the cops are coming and they gotta clear out. Easy peasy baby, then we got the whole place to ourselves.” He grinned against your skin, much too eager for this.
“You think that’ll work?”
“Worth a shot at least.” He shrugged, groaning as you pulled away from him to face the basement door, ready to barge down there and tell everyone to leave. You’d do whatever you needed to to get Peter alone. 
Peter, as impatient as he was, didn’t wait for you to handle it and instead zoomed downstairs in a blur and several moments later people were running up the stairs, drinks in hand, obviously caught up in the moment and not expecting the news that police were going to be there any second.
The last person up the stairs was Peter himself, grinning from ear to ear, obviously proud that his plan had worked and the two of you were now alone. The second the last guest had scurried out the door, the threat of police crashing the party more than enough to get their drunk asses moving, peter pulled you into a bruising kiss, arching his hips against yours to try and get any desperately needed friction on his aching cock confined in the fabric prison that was his pants and boxers. He’d never wanted to be naked more in his entire life. Okay- maybe he had- but right now he felt as if he hadn’t. 
Your tongues fought for dominance and you inevitably won, backing Peter up against the kitchen counter before sinking to your knees. You were not wasting a second. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and with just how fast Peter moved, you weren’t sure how long you’d realistically have him here for. How often did you get to meet your idol and fuck him? The thought made your head spin. Like holy shit? Holy fucking shit. 
“Woahhh mama-“ Peter ran a large hand over his face, his dark pupils blown so wide that his eyes were nearly black as he watched you, his brain still trying to grasp the situation in which he was in. A quicksilver fan getting on their knees in front of him? Holy shit, someone pinch him. There was just no way this was actually happening. Like in all the years of his life he had never experienced something like this. Despite what some may think, Peter didn’t get laid a lot. He either didn’t have the time, or didn’t have the charm. And he was sure that realistically, this could have some serious repercussions.. Having sex with a fan? There weren’t any laws against that, right? Right? Fuck it, he couldn’t find it in himself to care. Especially not with how eager you were.
You pulled his pants down to his knees, instantly scooting closer and mouthing over the cotton of his boxers, your tongue tracing the large length of him as he mewled above you pathetically. He was hot against you as you nuzzled your cheek against the length of him, a string of pre-cum leaked through his boxers and stained your cheek with a sticky, opaque fluid. 
“Holy shit- can’t believe this is actually happening to me right now-“ he mumbled, hands going behind him to  clutch the cold, marble counter his back was up against. Thank god for it. His legs were so shaky he was barely able to keep himself up and the embarrassing thing was you hadn’t even really done anything yet. Keep it together dude.
You pulled his boxers down in one quick motion, his cock springing to full attention now that it had been freed. He was hard as a rock, twitching and throbbing red, pre-cum spilling from the tip as it bobbed in the air, right in front of your face. Peter inhaled sharply at the cold air against his bare cock, but the second your warm hand wrapped around him? He was a goner. Total goner. Like thank the gods above? It felt sooo fucking good. Like… Too good.
“O-oh geez-“ He involuntarily jutted his hips into your touch, causing his cock to slide through the tight grip of your fingers with how slick it had become. 
You made eye contact with the speedster above you before leaning closer, licking over the head of his cock, collecting the pearl of pre-cum that had leaked from the slit, dripping down the side. 
He was salty and a bit bitter, but the sheer fact that you were getting to taste the Peter Maximoff’s cock made any disgust you may have initially had fly right out the damn window. 
Peter’s knees buckled the slightest bit, thighs quivering as he watched you with a kind of intensity and focus he didn’t even know he possessed. So he could focus. Just… only on things he really wanted to. Hah… As long as you didn’t tell any of the other X-men that. 
You continued your exploration of the speedy mutant's cock, pressing gentle feather light kisses to the head of his cock, which you soon learned was extremely sensitive.
“Mmm- please! Gentle! It’s so sensitive, baby!” He yelped, writhing in place as his knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping the countertop.
You ignored his requests, wanting to see just how worked up you could get him, your tongue tracing around the bulbous head several times before dipping into the slit, causing Peter to wince in overstimulation. You took this as a sign to pull back a bit, instead taking the whole tip into your mouth, sucking on it like a lollipop, flattening your tongue on the underside as you hummed.
Peter spiraled even more. The way you looked up at him, batting your eyelashes innocently as you suckled on his cock? When was he going to wake up? Because there was just really no way that this was actually happening. It had to be a dream. 
“A-mmgh- shit-“ he groaned out, running a hand through his now damp with sweat silver hair, slicking it back in a way that was more attractive than you’d like to admit. 
You slowly took more of him into your mouth, inhaling through your nose so you didn’t choke, and soon enough you had fully engulfed him before pulling back, gagging a bit as the tip hit the back of your throat. A string of spit connected your lips to the head of his cock and Peter nearly came right then and there at the sight, hips subconsciously humping the air as he threw his head back, Adam's apple bobbing.
“God baby- this is so fucking unbelievably good- god damn-“ he panted, babbling words as his hips arched upwards in search of your mouth once more. You pulled back from him completely, watching as his throbbing red cock bobbed in the air between you two, desperate and aching for whatever you planned to do next.
Peter inhaled a deep breath, straightening up a bit as he got a better grip on the counter, some of his damp silver hair falling back over his forehead.
Coming back to stroke him with your hand, Peter’s hips jerked once more, biting his bottom lip between his teeth in an attempt to stay quiet, despite not needing to. It was just the two of you alone in the house. He could be as loud as he wanted.
“Really? That’s all ya got, speedy? Tiny little whimpers? C’mon I want to hear more.” You surprised yourself with your boldness, and it obviously surprised Peter too by the way that he nodded, letting his lip fall from between his teeth as a pleasured sigh left him. It was finally sinking in that this was really happening to him. He was getting head from a super mega quickie fan. And damn you were good at it. Too good. Or maybe Peter was just that desperate. It was honestly a little embarrassing but you obviously didn’t care so he didn’t either.
You stroked him with increasing speed, thumbing gently over the tip and collecting the pre-cum on the pad of your thumb before bringing it up to your lips and licking off the glossy liquid. Peter groaned, cursing under his breath at the sight below him, a hand coming to brush through your hair gently, giving him something to do to keep his hands busy.
“Can’t believe this is happening. I’m actually getting to do this to the Quicksilver-“ You shook your head, still in a state of disbelief 
“Y’can call me Peter y’know- please-“ He chuckled breathily, hand still gripping your hair as he tried to subconsciously pull your head closer to his length, a quiet mumbled plea coming from his red lips. Okay. Noted. Peter. 
“More- please? Feels so good, baby- feels so fucking great-“ He pleaded with you, giving you the cutest puppy dog eyes. You didn’t take him for a begger, but you were definitely not complaining. And of course who were you to deny him? He did so much good for the world, he’d literally helped save it multiple times, hadn’t he? He deserved this, plus, his taste was addicting. Manly and a bit salty in a way that had your pussy throbbing in your underwear. 
You took him into your mouth again, suckling on the tip before going further once more, suctioning your lips around his length, dragging your tongue on the underside of his cock, tracing the prominent vein that was found there. 
Peter tossed his head back once more, closing his eyes as he moaned, this time a bit louder than before. It made you smile around his cock.
You continued your exploration of his cock, bobbing your head up and down before focusing on the tip for a few moments and then repeating over and over and over-
Peter was growing increasingly worked up, chest heaving up and down heavily, cock beginning to twitch in your mouth as you gagged on him, tearing up as you inhaled through your nose.
“I’m close! F-fuck!” He groaned out, hips bucking farther into your mouth as he gripped your hair a bit tighter, causing you to let out a whine and choke even more around him, tears falling onto your cheeks, mascara smudging under your eyes as you swallowed around him.
That was all he needed to cum hard down your throat in heavy ropes of thick white, his hips jutting forward harshly, causing him to slide even further into your mouth and down your throat.
“Fuck! Shitttt!” He cursed, gasping as he shuddered, thighs shaking as he fought to keep himself up right. Damn. He hadn’t came that hard in… Well he couldn’t even remember when. But it had been a long time. Too long.
You pulled back, the biggest gag yet coming from you, the feeling of his cock so deep in your throat and his cum filling the back of your mouth causing you to retch. You held onto his thighs as you tried to catch your breath, wheezing heavily, head bowed as you attempted to swallow all his release. Dear god, he came a lot. Maybe it had something to do with his mutant powers, or maybe it was just the fact that he came a lot. Either way it amazed you.
Once Peter caught his own breath and calmed down enough to come back to his senses, he glanced down at you with a worried look, watching you attempt to catch your breath. 
“Shit- you okay? Sorry I- kinda lost control- I’m so sorry-“ he apologized, worried he’d ruined the whole moment by not being able to control his damn hips. A crimson flush covered his cheeks as he looked away, embarrassed. Great. His one chance to get laid had been ruined by his actions. Like everything else in his life.
“Peter-“ your voice was a bit hoarse as you swallowed hard, wiping the corners of your mouth as you stood up, dusting off your thighs as you cupped his cheek.
Peter’s attention was on you again in an instant, tilting his head ever so slightly into your palm. Peter was touch starved. Extremely so, but it was something he wouldn’t ever admit. Not that he really needed to, it was pretty obvious. 
“I’m okay. It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize. It was actually really fucking hot. Watching you lose control like that.” You blushed softly at your own words, giving him a shy smile despite being so bold in your previous actions.
Peter was quiet for several moments and if anyone walked in on the two of you right then, they’d see you standing in front of Peter, and Peter, pants down, leaning against the countertop as he stared at you longingly.
“Uh- anyway I can return the favor?” He asked, large hands coming to hold your hips, a subtle buzz seeming to come from his body. Specifically from his hands. It made you shiver, your already wet panties seeming to soak even more at his words that were dripping with lust. You were much too curious about those hands of his and what they could do. Especially with that power…
You pulled him into a kiss, practically jumping on him as he pulled you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as you made out with the silver haired man. Honestly, if someone came up to you and told you this was how this night was going to end, you wouldn’t believe it. Not one bit, but the fact that it was actually happening? That this wasn’t a dream? You were fucking around with someone you were quite honestly obsessed with? It made your head spin.
He stumbled down the hall, kicking his feet out of his pants and boxers as he held onto you tightly, his blunt nails digging into the meat of your ass as he brought you to your bedroom. You weren’t sure how exactly he knew which one was yours, and chalked it up to him snooping around when he first got here. His superspeed made things like that easy. 
He practically tossed you onto the bed, kissing any inch of your exposed skin before he pulled your shirt off, laughing a bit as it briefly got stuck around your neck before it was thrown… Somewhere. It’s location wasn’t important right now when you had Peter right in front of you.
Peter’s eyes zoned into the way your breasts bounced with each laugh of yours, looking so totally perfect in the black bra you were wearing.
“Sorry- obviously didn’t think this was gonna happen tonight so it’s not special or anything-“ you said, speaking about the bra.
Peter scoffed at your words, shaking his head in disbelief “you kidding? Have you seen yourself? God you’re a masterpiece. Really-“ His hands came up to cup your breasts in each palm over your bra and you mewled lightly at the contact.
“Peterrr'' you groaned, wriggling around underneath him. Your words seemed to snap him out of his boob induced trance and he refocused once more. Eye on the prize, Peter. The prize just so being the beautiful mound between your legs. Well, Peter didn’t really know that it was beautiful since you were still wearing pants, but he could just tell. Maybe another, more secret super power he had? Or just common sense.
Peter, ever the speedster sped your jeans down your legs and off your body before you could even blink, settling comfortably between your thighs before tossing his own shirt off. Finally, Peter was fully naked and you were pretty close to being so as well.
“So uh I won’t say I’m like.. A master or anything but I’d like to return the favor. Like I said.” Peter's eyes were dark as he slid further down the bed before he was face to face with your sopping wet panties. 
He brushed the pads of his fingers against the wet fabric, shocked that he’d had that effect on you. Holy shit, you were this wet for him? 
The second he touched you, you closed your eyes, tossing your head back. You weren’t sure if you just really needed to be laid, or if it was the fact that it was Peter Maximoff barely touching you that got you going. Either way, you were desperate and didn’t plan on waiting much longer. 
“Please don’t tease-“ You breathed out, already out of breath as you watched him, begging for him to just do something already! This was torture! Why was he going so slow! 
Peter sensed your need and decided it’d be rude to tease. Especially considering how generous you’d been with the blowjob in the kitchen. Something he certainly wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon. He pulled your panties to the side, nearly drooling at the sight of your pussy right in front of him. 
He licked his lips, swallowing his excess drool as he hooked his fingers under the waistband of the small black panties and pulling them slowly down your legs.
Your breathing increased exponentially when he tossed them off your legs and spread your thighs wider to give him better access to you.
Blushing in embarrassment, you weren’t able to meet Peter’s eye. This was really happening? You were about to be eaten out by The Quicksilver-
That was mind blowing to you, just like the rest of the night had been. You’d have to host more college parties in the future if this is what you got in return.
A subtle buzzing had started on your thighs, slowly creeping closer to your core and you soon realized it was Peter’s fingertips, buzzing gently as they crept closer and closer to where you needed him most.
You opened your mouth to beg again but any words you had died in your throat as his nose brushed against your clit, causing a sharp burst of pleasure to run up your spine. 
“Ahhhh Quicksilver- Peter-“ you quickly corrected yourself, remembering he had said you could call him that. That he in fact wanted you to. 
Peter grinned at your response to the slightest touch, brushing his nose across your folds again before blowing a cold burst of air over your core that caused you to shiver. 
“Stop!” You suddenly shouted, a pout set on your lips “stop teasing me! Please! I didn’t do this to you! This isn’t fair!”
“Who ever said anything about me playing fair, baby? I mean me? Fair? Those two words should never be used in the same sentence.”
This cocky side of Peter was hot, but you also found it hot that the hunger in his eyes never once subsided, a hint of desperation hiding behind his bratty, full of himself demeanor. 
He did eventually decide that maybe he was being too mean with his teasing and finally let his lips brush against your clit, his tongue flicking across the hardened bud before sucking it into his mouth gently, humming the whole time.
Your body seized in pleasure, trying not to crush him between your thighs as he played with you to his heart's content. 
He began to finally eat you out the way he should have all along, messy and fast, making sure to give extra attention to your puffy clit.
Your back was arched and your eyes were closed, head thrown back against your pillows. Your chest heaved heavily with each brush of his tongue against your core, a pleasure building up in your belly so fast that despite him only being at it for a few minutes, you were already embarrassingly close. 
And that sense of being close was only amplified when Peter, cocky sex god he was, brought the pad of his thumb to your clit, rubbing gentle circles around it before he began to vibrate that thumb, a dull buzzing sound filling your ears.
You had barely any time to warn him of your impending release before your toes were curling and your thighs tightened around his silver head of hair, locking him in tightly. 
Peter smirked against you, letting you ride through your orgasm before pulling away from you, his lips shimmering with your release.
He quickly licked them clean, grinning from ear to ear as he crawled over you, pulling you into a kiss.
You panted against his lips before finally kissing back, taking a fist full of his hair and yanking ever so slightly. Not enough to hurt him by any means.
You didn’t expect the reaction that followed. Peter whimpered, leaning into the touch as he bucked his hips against you ever so slightly, his hard on brushing the plush of your thighs.
You grinned against his lips, nipping at his bottom lip gently, running your hands through his hair a bit more.
He pulled away just a bit to meet your eye, his own blown wide, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead as he swallowed hard.
“You got like- y’know- a condom?” He asked, a blush covering his cheeks. Sweet boy. Still shy even after everything the two of you had done so far.
“Like I mean-“ he continued, blabbering on, “My pull out game is pretty good- I’m fast-“ he laughed at his choice of words. Of course he was fast, that was his whole thing.
“But it’d be nice just in case- to not have to worry about it, y’know? Just bask in the moment. Plus it’d be pretty hot to cum inside. Even with a condom.” He shivered at the thought, cock twitching and oh so ready to be inside of you.
You laughed softly and reached over into your bedside drawer, rifling around for a few seconds before you found what you were looking for, pulling your hand back and showing off the shiny package to Peter.
He went to grab it from you but you pulled it away, shaking your head “can I put it on?” You asked, looking him over.
Peter seemingly got even more shy at that, blushing harder as he nodded “yeah- yeah course ya can, mhm that’s fine that’s-“ You cut him off with a kiss, cupping his cheek gently.
“You don’t do this often do you?” You asked, running the pad of your thumb across his cheek, hot to the touch from how hard he was blushing. 
He shook his head in embarrassment. God, Quicksilver himself didn’t get around, despite how much he wanted it. It just… Didn't happen. Nothing he could do about it really. It wasn’t for lack of trying, so when you seemed so eager, he was more than ready to get down with you.
You ripped the condom out of its wrapper with your teeth and Peter thought it was the hottest thing ever, eyes wide as he watched you, completely mesmerized. There was just something about you that seemed to draw him in.
You carefully wrapped a hand around his cock, stroking him slowly as he let his hips gently buck into the feeling, burying his face in your shoulder.
You continued like that for a few moments, enjoying the way Peter’s body shivered against your own and how his moans and whines got increasingly more desperate.
You brought the condom to the tip of his cock and slowly rolled it down, making sure it was on correctly before giving him a few more firm strokes.
Peter groaned against you, pulling from your neck to look you over. You’d never expected that this could be so gentle, especially with someone you really didn’t know.
“You can put it in, baby.” You whispered, wondering if that’s what he was waiting for. Confirmation. Proof that you actually did really want this as much as he did. You definitely did.
He swallowed thickly, heartbeat fluttering heavy in his chest as he positioned himself at your entrance, letting the head of his cock slide against your slit a few times, causing the both of you to moan softly. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist, urging him to go further, unable to wait anymore. The idea of him inside you made your breath catch in your throat. The Quicksilver was about to be inside of you. Peter. 
Peter Peter Peter was all you could think. This whole time you’d been obsessed with the superhero aspect of the man without really thinking that just him himself could be perfect. 
He locked eyes with you as his tip breached your hole, and after that he sunk in easily thanks to your slick. He didn’t stop till he was balls deep inside of you, his lips inches from your own as he panted, adjusting to the warm tight feeling of your walls squeezing around him. 
Peter groaned against your skin, hands clenched in the sheets at your sides, trying to steady himself as he let you adjust to his size.
He was big and it was a bit uncomfortable at first but the stretch was more than welcome and you found yourself trying to pull him deeper, needing more than what he was giving you in the moment. 
“Peter please-“ you choked out “Need more- I’m ready- please-“
“I’m gonna rock your world, babe.” Was all he said before he thrust into you, finding a nice rhythm that was fast, but not so fast that you couldn’t physically handle it.
You were glad now that the party had ended and the two of you were alone so you could be as loud as you wanted. You took full advantage of that, moaning and clawing at the speedsters back, most definitely leaving marks as his hips slammed against yours.
The drag of his cock inside your thick plush walls had to be one of the best things you’d felt in a long time. He was pretty shy at first you’d have to admit, but he definitely knew what he was doing. 
“Peterrr- fuck-“ you gasped, holding onto his shoulders for dear life as he pounded you into the mattress, knocking the air from your lungs with each thrust inside of you.
He went so deep you swore you felt him in your stomach and a pleasurable ache began to form in your groin, bubbling into a tingling pleasure that spread through your veins. You knew that feeling all too well. You were close. Already.
You didn’t want it to end so soon though and tried to fight it off. In a desperate attempt at distracting yourself, you pulled Peter into another kiss, nipping his bottom lip which caused him to moan against your mouth, his hips beginning to lose their rhythm.
“My god baby- can’t do that to me- gonna make me lose it-“ He chuckled breathlessly, trying to regain control of himself.
Realizing that he was close too, you smirked, squeezing around him purposely, causing his jaw to drop and the hottest little whines to leave his lips. 
“Don’t want this to end- so soon-“ He complained, body begging to buzz with built up energy that was ready to burst.
“Who said it had to end?” You questioned, smirking up at him as you placed one of your hands in his silver hair and pulled on it a bit. Peter let his head fall back, adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed hard.
“Y-yeah? Think you can handle another round?” He asked with a smirk, but was obviously trying to cover up how desperate he was.
You didn’t respond with words, too far gone and basically mindless on his cock at this point as he fucked you within an inch of your life.
You felt the tight band in your stomach snap, euphoric release flooding your system as you clenched around him, a loud moan leaving your parted lips as Peter kissed you, resulting in the two of you really just breathing into the others mouth, too caught up in the moment to focus.
Peter was right behind you, a few more thrusts had him tipping over the edge, stilling inside you and stuffing the condom with his white hot release.
The two of you stayed like that for a few moments, attempting to catch your breath as Peter leaned over you, muscles flexing as he gripped the blanket before he pulled out of you, taking off the condom and tossing it onto the floor, which you’d yell at him for later. Once you came to your senses.
Peter wrapped you up in his arms, holding you to his chest as your breathing slowly returned to normal. You felt so safe in his arms. It really was a nice feeling and you hoped it’d last. 
The two of you fell asleep like that, too tired to have another round that night. You woke up in the morning a bit sore and when you reached for Peter, he was already long gone. You should have expected that.
Sitting up, a bit of disappointment filling you, you saw a quickly scribbled note on a piece of paper that lay on your bedside table. It read: 
I had a righteous time with you last night baby. Had to leave earlier than I wanted to, but I obviously know where you live and intend on stopping by again soon. For twinkies of course…
and other things if y’know what I mean- Quickie 
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kalims · 1 year
flushed — when you fluster them and how they act.
do you want a 'kiss' — not an actual kiss, the chocolate.
falling (asleep) — you fall asleep on their shoulder.
w/ malleus draconia
commissioned by paru !
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flushed — when you fluster them and how they act.
typically if it was anyone else, they'd have a really hard time to gauge out a reaction from malleus when the most they'll get is probably a barely evident crease, or raise in his brows.
in this case tis our very lovely mc who malleus is very much already on the ground from how fast he fell. you could do just about anything, give him a rock or something, and he’ll thank you eternally and keep it in a room above the most eccentric gifts he's ever gotten.
(god forbid if sebek ever enters, and sees some random rock on a pedestal meanwhile his gifts for the master is just.. there on some table like malleus didn't even think twice to leave it there then worship that rock!)
^ well thankfully, out of respect. sebek believes that someone like him simply is not privileged enough to enter the room of his esteemed master.
anything remotely affectionate from you would definitely send malleus to cloud nine for the whole day, he's practically emitting comical hearts every second you're together. they're trailing after him as he's following you around.
so you have a variety of choices! a heartfelt compliment, a hug, maybe even a kiss. whatever you choose will only feed on the overflowing glass that's called; 'malleus' love for mc'. trust me if you think he's like 67% in love with you, you're WRONG.
it's actually 101% and it's still increasing I swear 😭 
well the glass I was talking about is probably overflowing right now, and it's also probably going to start drowning everyone.
as in… everyone's just stuck to witness malleus' insanely endearing reactions to your shenanigans. should they be scared that malleus would probably do it in a heartbeat if you asked to take over the world??
yeah they should tbh.
in this case, I believe a close hug then a whisper in his ears would really make that arrow hit straight to his heart. you can't just whisper 'doritos' though! /j but you shall instead proclaim your love for him instead with a single 'I love you'.
it's funny to see his face completely freeze. you can practically hear his brain absolutely blowing up. there's a wobbly grin stretching across his face, the tip of his ears turn a shade of pink.
he looks… shy, but oddly pleased.
hellour congratulations malleus will not stop till you're both bound for life 💀 trust me he won't take anyone else if it isn't you anymore. he loves you THAT much.
malleus is not aware of the feeling blooming in his chest, it's foreign. he could even describe it as addictive. he's clueless really, but what he's sure of is that he wonders if you'd feel that too if he did the same to you.
oh well.. you've exposed him to such a euphoric feeling. it's only natural for him to return the favor. 
so honestly just expect him to be the rizzlord for the rest of your existence, he's rizzing you up every chance he can get. and the fact that most of it is just him not trying at all, and just being himself.
which is also funny cause when he does try to 'charm' you it ends up in fail.
like who let him bring you the 'rewards of his hunt' as a courting offering.
and when he tries to recite a letter he wrote for you, it's very endearing, and flattering but he's been talking for quite a long time now and you're concerned.
do you want a 'kiss' — not an actual kiss, the chocolate.
*malleus holding a big ass bowl* yes pls
^ but that's if he knows it's chocolate, and still wants the legit kiss. in a way that's the amount he'd want if it was the real deal.
not that he does know! cause malleus isn't exactly educated in the chocolate culture. as horrifying as it sounds, i doubt he snacks on chocolate in his free time.
I guess he didn't have much time to be a child :(.
he's tasted it before though! but knowing specific brands doesn't really cross his mind. for malleus chocolate is just chocolate. 
so he definitely doesn't know that there's a brand of chocolate called kisses.
so when you ask him if he wants a kiss he's like: yes. IMMEDIATELY. 
ok maybe not immediately but he gives you this certain look, and when he registers your silence at his face he realizes that you're being serious. 
malleus rn: well I mean ur offering so 
jokes aside it's almost sad to think how he'll react when it's in fact, not a kiss.
when you pull out some kind of thing wrapped around in some kind of foil and place it inside malleus' palm he's just confused. where are his kisses?? why are you giving him this thing??
malleus spots the 'kisses' label on it and blanks.
oh.. so that's what you meant.
okay he's happy to receive anything from you but that's foul play!
but he really likes you so he won't comment on it 😞 you didn't even elaborate so it's partially his fault for jumping into conclusions.
no one can explain, not even you when there's a visible aura radiating off malleus. something gloomy, and he won't tell you even if you point out that you've noticed him constantly glancing at your face.
well your lips but you also don't know that.
falling (asleep) — you fall asleep on their shoulder.
would refuse to move at all.
first of all, he's honored that you trust him this much to lower your guard, and fall asleep on him. malleus is aware, sorta. he doesn't stop talking but instead slows down his words.
he doesn't want to wake you up, does he?
so he just settles on rambling in hopes that even in your dreams, his voice would reach you. you'd dream of him day, and night.
but when he's done malleus makes very little movement, hyper aware that you've fallen asleep on him. so when he finally assumes a position most comfortable for you, (plus one where he wouldn't crane his neck too much to peer at you) and he just stares.
he's done this plenty of times when you were awake so he doesn't know why he's doing it now. maybe it's because he sees you awake every time, and when you were, he could see the slightest bit of exhaustion present in your eyes.
this way he can be at peace knowing you are.
he recalls your certain features, he'd love to just gaze into your eyes right now and see himself in it but the fact that he can feel all your weight on him is better than anything he's ever felt before. 
cold, rainy days in nrc are just a blessing from grace.
but you now just discover that rain here is a lot stronger than your local pour back at home. to make everything worse, you had no idea it was gonna rain this hard, and if you did you wouldn't have taken the time to visit the city on a sunday.
now you're stuck waiting under a cover outside a shop. your patience honestly starting to run thin. from your legs sincerely, you're immensely thankful for the random bench under it cause you're sure they would have been quaking from the amount of time you spent waiting.
but you do like the weather, cold weather is rare to see when the sunny days reign over many.
you should have brought a jacket or something.
"child of man?"
you blink when malleus tilts his head at you, a thin smile playing upon his lips. his shoulders seem to ease up at the sight of you. your eyes fly above him, weirdly enough it's like there's some invisible force protecting malleus from the weather so he's completely dry.
albeit weakly, you still make an effort to give him a half hearted wave. 
of which he notes.
malleus makes his way over to you, and your beloved bench you had started acquainting yourself with. "may I?" he gestures beside you, and you take that as an initiative to move over.
he takes a seat next to you right after.
"how are you faring?" his eyes crinkle, he stares deeply into you. 
you chuckle. "well I'm stuck here for a while I guess. I already miss my bed,"
the man beside you raises his brow before lightly raising his shoulder, leaning towards you a little for emphasis but you're sure that's just another excuse to take up more of your space.
you get what he's implying in a second. "oh no, no," you shake your head. that would be… embarrassing. 
but your yawn betrays you, and malleus easily coaxes you into using his shoulder. with or without your will, you can't even remember what happened until you blearily open your eyes, and realize the rain has passed by.
when you wake up you feel like you've had the best sleep in your life. but you're sure you would have frozen to death by now.
your hands feel the fabric between your fingers, previously taken over your shoulders. ah.
… as well as a pair of eyes staining into your existence.
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wc. 1.5k
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Hey guys! Remember this page in journal 3?
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So I actually tried to replicate the reading! While the first two cards don’t match anything in my deck (the rider waite smith version, as that’s what matches the 3rd card best), I was able to get the next two.
We have the two of swords (the third card), usually representing indecision and protection while right, and manipulation and blocked intuition while reversed. Her view is obscured and she is posed as if to defend herself against the unknown.
Now, in this context, even though all cards are shown as upright in the journal, I have to say that in the reading, it would be most likely reversed. Ford has to make a decision soon, and while his past pain and fear of the future blind him, he is also being manipulated into something he isn’t.
We can also assume that the skull (the 4th card) represents death. Death, as a part of the major arcana, is a very misunderstood card. In most cases, it represents the ability to change. In the frack we can assume the palm reader is using, the skeleton is yellow(!!!) a color associated with holiness (!!!). It represents not only the cycle of change, but time.
We can safely say that this card is upright in ford’s reading, for multiple changes are to happen in next few pages of the book.
Now, the first two cards are harder. The use of the snake in tarot often represents the development, so that’s the card I’ve chosen to be the second one in the draw. The devil, while upright, represents addiction and manipulation., as well as sabotage. It is also very connected to “the lovers”, another card in the major arcana.
In a reading, the devil represents self-destruction and toxic relationships, especially controlling partners (sound familiar?). For these reasons, we can assume that the devil is facing upright.
The first card was the hardest for me to find a match to. Instead, I selected a card that I feel would match the current situation and the page in the journal best: the nine of swords. This card, reversed or not, symbolizes anxiety and terror. The act of journaling (!!!) as a coping mechanism is tied closely to this card. Additionally, it represents emotional solitude and anxiety creating a decline on your physical health. This card portrays a man sitting awake in bed, with the objects of his worry scatted around him.
This is very ford vibes to me, for obvious reasons. While it wasn’t the card portrayed (as I can find no matching one), I feel it is the one that completes the reading best.
Overall, the reading says that Ford is overwhelmed with fear of his past mirroring his future, and that, along with the manipulation and toxic relationships, is causing him to loose his sense of self.
The tarot carda recommend: journaling, taking with loved ones, a better sleep schedule, and also breaking up with the evil Dorito man.
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fawnandshadows · 5 months
Guilty as Sin?
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For @elriel-month and the "New Beginnings" prompt
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 7.4k
“Have you met your new neighbor yet?” Cassian’s staticky voice crackled in Azriel’s ear, his phone held in place by his shoulder and ear as he furiously searched his apartment for his keys. 
“Not yet, just saw the back of her head once when she was closing her door.” Azriel said as he toppled the couch cushions and ran his fingers through the deep crevice on the side. “Where the fuck are my keys?” He muttered, his fingers trailing over long forgotten crumbs that had slid down the side of the cushion. “Were you eating Doritos last time you were here?”
“Uh,” Cassian’s voice caught in his throat. “What happens if I say yes?”
Azriel rolled his eyes and said, “Nothing other than supergluing a trash bag to you as a bib next time you’re over.” 
“Wasn’t me, man. Must’ve been Rhysie.” Cassian brushed him off. 
Azriel barely mustered a “hmmmm” in acknowledgment as he lowered himself to the ground to check underneath the couch, hoping to see the metallic glint of his keys and only seeing dust bunnies. 
“Anyway,” Cassian said in his ear, cutting out for a second before coming back in full volume. Since he had perpetual shitty service, Cassian felt the need to make up for it with shouting. “Your hot new neighbor, do you think you could give her my phone number? She was definitely making eyes at me last time I was there.” 
“Was she?” Azriel asked, barely paying attention as he hunted for his keys. He pushed himself off of the floor, his gaze scanning the open space. Where the hell had he put them? He came home dead tired from a shift last night and he remembered fumbling with them out in the hall — there had been a crash from his neighbors apartment that had distracted him, his head already pounding from the drinks he had with Cassian, and he remembered the sound of his keys hitting the ground — did he leave his keys in the hall?
“Are you listening to me?” Cassian asked, his voice sounding far away as Azriel headed towards his door, his duffle bag already there and waiting for him. 
“Of course,” Azriel said, opening the door and spotting his keys in a lump on the floor. “You want me to set you up with my hot neighbor.” He bent down, his fingers looping around his keys as he heard a high-pitched “Oh!” from across the hall. 
Azriel’s entire body stilled as he turned his head and saw the most beautiful wide brown eyes and flushed pink cheeks. 
He blinked at her. No wonder Cassian wanted him to give her his number. Fat-fucking-chance. 
“Hellloo?” Cassian asked in his ear like he was trying to wave his head in front of Azriel’s face. 
Azriel just hung up on him. 
“Sorry about that,” Azriel said, coming to his full height and shoving his phone in the back pocket of his jeans. “I – My friend – He saw you the other day and, um, he has a crush.” 
Those brown eyes blinked at him and kicking himself seemed like too kind a punishment. 
 He was two seconds away from blurting out “I can’t blame him” just to end the agony of silence, but his new neighbor must have had a merciful soul because she beat him to it. 
“I just wanted to introduce myself,” She said in the sweetest voice Azriel had ever heard and it wasn’t until then that he noticed she was holding out a pie. “Since I’ve been making so much racket I wanted to apologize.” 
“Don’t apologize,” Azriel said, his hand surprisingly steady as he reached for her peace-offering. “I’m not home enough to be bothered by it.” 
“Oh.” She said, looking down at her feet, her golden brown hair sweeping down around her. 
“I just mean that there’s nothing to apologize for,” Azriel rushed out, her eyes peering up at him and his heart started fucking racing. “I work down at the local fire station, so I’m used to chaos.” 
She bit her lip, her eyes dropping down to his muscled arms for a moment as she asked, “You’re a firefighter?” 
“Yeah,” Azriel said, sticking out his hand. “I’m Azriel.” 
“Elain,” She replied with a soft smile and placed her small hand in his. “It’s nice to meet you,” Azriel never wanted to let go. Her eyes flicked to the duffle bag on the floor behind him. “I don’t want to keep you.” She started to pull her hand away. 
“No worries,” Azriel said quickly. “I was just going to meet up with some friends at the gym. Do you want to come in?” Azriel nodded to his apartment behind him. “I make espresso that goes great with pie.”
Elain took her hand back. 
“Thank you for the offer,” Elain said with a small smile, taking a step back and reaching for the door knob to her apartment. Azriel felt his body screaming in response as she moved farther away from him. His eyes taking in the purple sundress she was wearing. “But my boyfriend is coming over soon.” 
Azriel’s body steeled at the words. Boyfriend?
“Boyfriend?” Azriel asked out loud and Elain nodded her head. 
“He’s coming over to see my new place.” 
“He didn’t help you with the move?” Azriel already hated him. For probably more reasons that he didn’t want to think about, but what loser didn’t help his girlfriend with a move? Did she move in all by herself? Now that he thought about it, other than a few people from a moving company he didn’t see anyone else moving her in.
She shook her head. 
“He was busy.” Elain said simply and Azriel hoped he kept his glower off of his face. 
“Well, if you need any help you can always knock on my door.” Azriel offered, forcing a smile and he was delighted when she gave him one in return.    
“Thank you,” Elain said, opening her door, and almost shutting it before she poked her head out. “And I love espresso.” 
Azriel stood in the hallway, staring at her door and holding the pie and wondering what the hell just happened. 
— — — — — 
“No, no, no,  you don’t understand, he was really pretty.” Elain said to her sister over the phone as she rushed around her apartment. 
“How pretty?” Feyre asked, her voice crackling from the poor cell service in Elain’s new building. 
“I-forgot-about-Graysen-pretty.” Elain said, adjusting the bouquet of spring flowers on her coffee table. Residual guilt gnawing at her bones. Her boyfriend of two years. She forgot about her boyfriend of two years because of a pretty face. And muscles. 
Something clattered on over the phone and Elain knew that her sister dropped a paint brush. 
“Oh my God.” Feyre said, stunned.
“I know!” Elain cried, repositioning the silverware for the tenth time. 
“Can you send me a picture?” Feyre asked. 
“Well, I don’t have one, but just imagine the most good looking man you can think of and then like double that. And imagine him as a firefighter.” Elain said and rushed across the apartment to stir her bolognese sauce. 
One interaction with Azriel and she was buzzing around her apartment not knowing what to do.
“I need to throw you a housewarming party just to see him.” Feyre said, laughing over the phone. 
“This isn’t funny!” Elain pouted, stirring her sauce. “I almost went in for espresso.” 
“You hate espresso.” Feyre said, and even though Elain couldn’t see her she knew her sister was smiling. 
“I know.” Elain replied with a sinking feeling and stifled a sigh. 
She couldn’t be friends with Azriel. He was too pretty. And by all accounts he was nice. She got the sense that he actually would help her if she needed it. That he wasn’t just saying that to be polite. 
For some reason she wanted to stomp her foot like a child. She had to practically beg Graysen to see her new place. 
“What are you going to do?” Feyre asked. 
“Nothing.” Elain said abruptly. 
“Elain,” Feyre said gently. “You called me just to talk about how pretty your neighbor is.” There was so much unspoken in Feyre’s voice that Elain felt the weight of it on her shoulders. 
“It doesn’t matter,” Elain said, forcing away the rush of emotions. “I’m with Graysen.” 
There was a moment of silence over the phone. 
“It’s not a crime that you find another man attractive, Elain.” Feyre said and Elain felt herself nodding along. 
“I know.” 
A knock sounded from the door. 
“I have to go, Graysen is here. I’ll talk to you later.” 
“Ok-love-you-bye!” Feyre rushed out before Elain hung up. 
— — — — — 
“I can’t believe you followed me home.” Azriel said, fishing around in his duffle bag to pull out his keys. 
The thump of Cassian bouncing a basketball beat steadily behind his back as Azriel unlocked his door. 
“I didn’t follow you home,” Cassian said and Azriel shot him a bland look over his shoulder. “We’re hanging out, it’s what friends do.” 
“And your being here has nothing to do with Elain?” Azriel asked, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at Cassian who had begun to spin the basketball on his index finger. 
“Of course not, I—”
The ball slipped from Cassian’s finger and flew across the hall, smashing against Elain’s door. How the ball managed to move perpendicularly through the air, Azriel never knew.
Half of Azriel wanted to rush into his apartment and slam the door to leave Cassian to his own humiliation, but the sound of a male voice behind Elain’s door made Azriel stay in place. 
Two seconds later they watched as the door swung open to reveal someone Azriel could only assume was The Boyfriend standing there with Elain peering out at them behind his shoulder. 
The Boyfriend…did not look happy as he took in Azriel and Cassian standing in the hallway. 
“Hi Azriel,” Elain said with a polite smile as she curiously looked at him. The eyes of The Boyfriend snapped to her and narrowed. “Is this yours?” She went to reach for the stray basketball, but The Boyfriend’s hands shot out and grabbed it first. 
“You should be more careful next time.” He said, holding the ball out to Azriel, his eyes weary and smile plastic as he sized Azriel up. 
“My bad,” Cassian said with a charming grin as he took the ball that Graysen was holding out after it became obvious that Azriel wasn’t going to. “Azriel has better control over his balls than I do,”  Cassian took a step back and slapped Azriel on the back, but when no one laughed he stuck his hand out toward Elain. “Cassian. Nice to meet you.” 
“Elain.” She replied kindly, her eyes flickering to Azriel as she accepted Cassian’s outstretched hand.
“I was on the phone with him this morning.” Azriel said and nodded towards Cassian, his lips twitching as Elain’s eyes widened. 
Everyone noticed the way her cheeks flushed and the way Cassian smiled hungrily. 
Elain sheepishly drew her hand back as she asked, “Are you a firefighter as well?” Her eyes dipped to his t-shirt which boasted the numbers of the local fire station. 
“You know it,” Cassian’s grin widened. “Someone’s got to rescue all those kitties trapped in trees.” 
Elain laughed at that, but The Boyfriend bristled. 
“We should get back to lunch.” The Boyfriend said with false cheer. 
“Of course,” Elain said, blinking. “It was nice to see you both.” She nodded at Azriel and Cassian. 
“I’m having some friends over next week,” Azriel rushed out as Elain was turning away. Her wide brown eyes curious as she looked at him over her shoulder. “Saturday. You should stop by.” 
“I’d love to —”
“We have plans.” The Boyfriend cut her off, and Azriel couldn’t stop himself from glaring at him. 
Elain’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she said, “But I asked if you wanted to get brunch and you mentioned a business lunch?” 
Azriel’s jaw hurt as he ground his teeth together. 
“We can head over once that’s wrapped up.” The Boyfriend said, his smile not budging from his lips. 
“Elain can come whenever she wants.” Azriel said, his voice not exactly dark, but full of meaning. Enough meaning that Elain’s cheeks turned ripened pink and The Boyfriend outright glared at him. 
Azriel didn’t back down from his stare, keeping his face completely neutral even though he knew Cassian was wearing a shit-eating grin next to him. 
“That’s very kind of you,” Elain muttered, tugging on her boyfriend's arm. “I’ll see you later?” She asked hesitantly, and Azriel nodded in confirmation. 
“It was nice meeting you!” Cassian called out as Elain was closing the door, but they managed to see the small smile on her lips before they were shut out. 
Azriel and Cassian stood in the hallway, Azriel looking at the door intensely while Cassian’s eyes flitted between the door and his friend. 
“Fuck that guy, right?” Cassian said. 
“Yeah,” Azriel nodded. “Fuck that guy.”
— — — — — — 
“And you haven’t seen him, right?” Graysen asked over the phone, his voice suspicious and casual in a way that made Elain roll her eyes. 
“Not even in passing.” Elain said, flipping over her pancakes. For some reason she was craving something sweet as soon as she woke up — she didn’t even bother changing out of Graysen’s old Wharton’s shirt and her boy shorts she slept in.  
“Good.” Graysen said, his relief evident over the phone. 
“I don’t know why you hate him so much.” Elain muttered, moving her pancakes off of the heat and getting ready to add more batter to the hot pan. 
“He was coming onto you right there in the hallway, right in front of me, and you weren’t exactly telling him to back off.” Graysen said irritably. 
“You’re exaggerating.” Elain said, but the creeping, gnawing feeling of guilt wormed its way underneath her skin. She might be able to lie to Graysen, but she couldn’t lie to herself. And the fact that she could lie to Graysen sent alarm bells blaring in her mind. 
“Yeah, well, don’t go over there on Saturday without me.” Graysen said in a way that made Elain bristle. 
“You don’t even know what time your lunch will be over,” Elain said, her voice hitting an unbecoming whine. “And I’m free all day, so why wouldn’t I go over?” 
“Because he wants to fuck you, Elain.” 
“He does not!” Elain roared over the phone, her cheeks burning as she angrily flipped her pancakes. “And besides, there will be lots of people over there so it’s not like we’ll be alone. And after years of dating I’ve given you zero reasons not to trust me.” 
Graysen sighed into her ear. 
“I’m sorry,” He apologized and Elain felt slightly mollified. “I just don’t like that he lives across from you.” 
“You have nothing to worry about.” Elain said in resignation, but she wondered if she had the willpower to push Azriel away if he made a move on her. 
“I know.” Graysen said, but Elain could tell he didn’t quite believe the words. 
She opened her mouth to speak, but a knock sounded from the door. 
“I should go,” Elain said, taking the pancakes off a little too soon so they wouldn’t burn. “My breakfast is ready.” She didn’t tell Graysen about the knock, having a sneaking suspicion it was Azriel on the opposite side of the door. 
“Enjoy, baby.” 
“Thanks.” Elain said, hanging up before her guilt could consume her. 
She rushed across the hardwood floor, completely forgetting the fact that she was in her underwear, and opened the door a crack to see Azriel on the opposite side of the door. 
“Hi.” Elain said breathlessly, taking in his wet hair and clean scent and gray sweatpants. His white t-shirt clung to his torso in a way Elain shouldn’t have noticed. 
“Hey,” Azriel said in a low voice, his face touched with kindness. “I was wondering if I could borrow some sugar?” He held out an empty measuring up. 
“Oh,” Elain said in surprise. “Of course, come in.” She opened the door wider and stepped aside. 
As soon as Azriel clocked what she was wearing his eyes darkened and he visibly swallowed. 
“Sorry to interrupt.” Azriel said, his voice slightly scratchy.
Elain shook her head, her golden curls moving with her head, and said, “You’re not interrupting. I’m just making some breakfast…I always make too much…do you want some?” She nodded to the plate of towering pancakes. 
“If you don’t mind.” Azriel said, a small smile winding on his lips. 
“Of course not,” Elain said, gliding back to the kitchen in a rush. “Please have a seat.” She motioned towards the table without looking at it. 
She piled four pancakes on top of each other with little pads of butter between them and drizzled a generous amount of maple syrup on top before placing it in front of Azriel. 
“Coffee?” She asked and as soon as Azriel nodded his head, she filled up a mug and got out the half-and-half and set it down on the table.
“Did I forget anything?” Elain asked, looking around. “Oh! Do you like blueberries?” She was about to take off again when Azriel’s warm hand clasped around her wrist. 
“Elain,” He said gently and Elain felt herself melt. His hazel eyes were amused and kind as they captured her attention. “I don’t mind, but you might want to put some pants on.” His eyes flickered down to her legs before he forcefully pulled them away. 
“Oh,” Her eyes widened. “Oh! I’m so sorry! Excuse me!” Elain scampered off to grab the first article of clothing she could find - her well loved plaid pajama shorts. “Please just ignore the last three minutes!” 
Her cheeks were pink as she made her way back into the common area, but even though she should be dying of humiliation since she was walking around pantless in front of someone she’d talked to for a collective ten minutes — she had a feeling this story would be re-told with charm rather than embarrassment. 
“You’re not eating,” She stated when she returned to the table, her brows coming together. “Is something wrong?” 
“I’m just waiting for you.” Azriel said with an easy grin. 
Her heart stopped as if it understood his words and didn’t quite believe it. 
He was waiting for her. How many times had she made a meal for Graysen and he just started without her? 
“I’m sorry,” Elain muttered, averting her eyes. “I didn’t mean to keep you waiting.” She quickly gathered her own pancakes and coffee and sat next to Azriel — well adjacent to Azriel since she sat at the head of the table and Azriel was directly to her right. 
“Don’t apologize,” Azriel said, leaning forward to place a warm hand on her bare knee. “I’m just trying to be polite.” 
Her eyes locked on his brown hand on her pale thigh. Little scars scattered the length of his skin to create something beautiful, but she was taken by the mere size of his hand and the way it emitted warmth. 
“Sorry.” Azriel quickly took his hand back as if she burned him. “I know they can freak people out.” His cheeks were red as he cut into the fluffy pancakes with his fork, little puffs of steam floated through the air as he took a bite. “Delicious pancakes, thank you.” Azriel said as he dug back into his breakfast. 
“No,” Elain said belatedly and Azriel looked at her in confusion. “I was thinking about how large your hands are,” She held up her own hand, palm facing him and wiggling her fingers. “My sisters always made fun of how small my hands are. See?” 
Azriel blinked at her. 
“Your hands are perfect.” Azriel declared and Elain blushed. 
“Well, so are yours, but that doesn’t mean mine aren’t freakishly small.” 
Azriel snorted at her. 
“They’re not freakishly small, they’re just…small.” Azriel said, smiling and Elain rolled her eyes in affection. 
“Let me see yours.” She motioned for him to lift his hand up and he slowly, almost sheepishly, exposed his scarred and calloused palm to her. Elain laid her palm directly against his, indulging in the feel of his hand. The warmth. The strength. She tried to not think about his hands gripping her hips, or his fingers writing on her body. She really tried not to think about that. 
“Hmmm.” Elain hummed as she took in the size difference of their hands. Her fingers barely touching his and his palm noticeably larger than hers. “I can’t tell if my hand is freakishly small or if yours is freakishly big.” She half-heartedly joked. 
“I don’t know, I think they fit pretty perfectly together.” Azriel said almost thickly, and Elain tore her gaze away from their hands to see him intensely staring at her. 
“Me too,” Elain said, slowly — begrudgingly — taking her hand back and using it to pick up her fork to stop herself from reaching for him again. “I can reach the bottom of the Pringles can and you can open any jar. We’re a match made in heaven.” 
Azriel slowly smiled at her. 
“I’d have to agree.” He turned back to his breakfast, smiling into his next bite. 
Conversation flowed easily after that. They talked about how Elain worked with a local florist and would love to open up her own shop one day and how she’d also worked on her social media brand online, which explained her odd working hours. Azriel talked about how he had known Cassian since they were children and that she’d meet their other friend Rhysand on Saturday — and he even mentioned the fact that Rhysand convinced his family to take Azriel and Cassian in at a young age and how the three of them were closer than brothers. Elain mentioned her two sisters, whom she loved more than life itself, so Azriel extended them an invitation to his gathering on Saturday which caused Elain’s world to instantly brighten. 
“Thank you again,” Elain said as they stood by her door hours later, her hands clasped behind her back as she peered up at Azriel. “I’m sure my sisters are going to be thrilled. We never get to do anything together anymore.” 
Azriel’s dark brows pulled together. 
“Why’s that?” He asked. 
“Graysen doesn’t really like them,” Elain explained and Azriel couldn’t stop the scowl on his face. “Anyway,” Elain pushed on before he could comment. “Thanks again for stopping by.” 
Azriel raised a brow at her and said, “I ate most of your breakfast and you’re thanking me?” It’s true. Azriel went back for seconds. And thirds. But Elain smiled as she watched him enjoy her food. 
“You saved me from leftovers. I have bad habits when it comes to breakfast food. I love it too much.” 
“Yeah,” Azriel said, leaning in conspiratorially, “I’m like that with baked goods.” 
Elain grinned widely at him. 
“Those are my specialty…I’ll have to bring something on Saturday.” She bit her lip to try and stifle her smile. 
“I can’t wait.” Azriel said, grinning. 
They stood there grinning at each other, neither one of them moving to open the door. Both of them ignoring the still-empty measuring cup that Azriel had brought over. 
“I meant what I said the other day,” Azriel said, tilting his head at her. “You can come over to my place any time.” 
“I am curious to see what it looks like.” Elain admitted. 
“You can come over now. I —” An alarm bursted through the air, coming from the phone tucked inside of his back pocket. Azriel sighed, his body deflating. “My shift starts in 40 minutes.” 
Elain couldn’t stop the wave of disappointment that swam through her. 
“Some other time than.” She mumbled. 
“Some other time,” Azriel agreed and pressed his lips into her soft, plump cheek before he could stop himself. “I’ll see you later, Elain.” He said, his breath tickling her overly-sensitive skin. 
“Bye.” Elain said breathlessly, watching him leave with wide eyes. 
She swayed for a moment in place before she fell against the door. 
— — — — 
“Are you sure about this?” Feyre asked, using her nail to clean up her lipstick in the mirror. 
Elain’s entire bathroom was covered in beauty products as she and her sisters got ready to go over to Azriel’s place. Even though it was casual and there was no need for them to spend so much time on hair and make up…but the Archeron sisters liked to look good, and they liked getting ready together. Some of Elain’s most favorite memories involved them getting ready together, whether it was for prom or just to go shopping. It was when they felt the most like sisters. 
“Of course.” Elain said, careful not to look at Feyre or Nesta because they could easily see right through her. 
“Twenty bucks says Elain gets laid by the hot fireman by the end of the week.” Nesta said slyly, carefully coating her eyelashes in mascara. The black striking against her blue eyes. It took everything in Elain not to hip check her. 
“Stop it!” Elain cried, but fighting a smile as she did it. 
“How many times have you done it in your head?” Feyre asked with a cat-like grin as she fluffed her golden brown hair. 
Elain pursed her lips together, not willing to give either of them the satisfaction of knowing that Elain had pictured her and Azriel together in vivid, graphic detail. She simply ignored them and reached for her favorite perfume. 
“A-ha!” Nesta exclaimed, sticking the mascara wand out at her sister. “That’s sex perfume!” 
“It is not!” Elain laughed as she sprayed her neck. And hair. And wrists. “I just felt like this one today.” She brushed off the fact that it was her most seductive scent. 
“Mmhmm,” Feyre sounded, not hiding her smile. “And then explain the sundress?” 
“And the fuck-me-heels?” Nesta added on. 
Her sisters smiled knowingly, almost smugly, at her. 
Elain opened her mouth and closed it again, feeling oddly like a fish. 
“I just want to look nice, is that a crime? And these are hardly fuck-me-heels.” Elain said and looked down at the shoes in question. “They’re wedges, so they’re casual.” 
“Your nails are painted red,” Nesta said with a devious grin. “And they have straps, so you know your hot fireman will think about undoing them.” 
“Please.” Elain tried to scoff and push the thought out of the room. 
“She has a point,” Feyre said, nudging Elain gently with her elbow. “But it’s nice to see you all dressed up.” 
“And you’re due to a good fucking,” Nesta said, finally capping the mascara. Elain started to protest but her sister continued. “Are there going to be other hot firemen at this thing?” 
“Probably.” Elain said with a smile. 
The sisters made their way towards the door, all of them looking beautiful in their own right. Elain wore a flower-yellow sundress which she thought made her look tan and emphasized her brown eyes. Feyre was beautiful in her denim skirt and loose cream sweater. And Nesta was stunning in tight black jeans and sleek black top. Even though they goofed on Elain for her “fuck-me-heels” she chouldn’t help but notice Feyre and Nesta also wore heels. She smiled fondly as she shut the door behind them and went over to knock on Azriel’s door. 
They waited all of three seconds before the door swung open and they were greeted by an exceedingly beautiful man. One that wasn’t Azriel. Or even Cassian. 
His violet eyes looked at her knowingly before breezing past her and locking onto her sister. His grin grew as keen interest sharpened in his eyes. A crisp, white button down — which seemed it was perfectly tailored to his body — was tucked into jeans, and Elain was certain his outfit cost a small fortune. 
“Hi,” Elain said, forcing herself to speak up. “I’m Elain — I live across the hall. Azriel invited us over.” 
At the mention of her name, Violet Eyes snapped his attention back onto her. 
“I’ve heard so much about you,” He said in an amused voice and stuck his hand out to her. “I’m Rhysand. Azriel will be pleased that you’re here,” Rhysand leaned in close, and Elain could feel Feyre leaning forwards as well, wanting to be included, while Nesta just stood back and observed. “You know he threw this entire party for you.” 
“Hey, don’t fuck with her,” Azriel's familiar voice floated through the air, and Rhysand’s grin had a wicked quality as he moved out of the way to let Azriel in. “And it’s not a party.” 
Rhysand rolled his eyes. 
Elain felt breathless as Azriel’s hazel eyes trailed up and down her body, his eyes catching on the part of her leg that touched the hem of her sundress. 
“Hi.” Elain said softly as her eyes connected with Azriel’s. 
A slow grin unfurled on Azriel’s lips. 
“Hi.” Azriel replied, his eyes heady and smoldering. 
Nesta gave a not-so-subtle clearing of her throat. 
“These are my sisters,” Elain rushed out, her cheeks flaming. “Nesta,” Elain nodded her head. “And Feyre.” 
“Come in,” Azriel said, sticking his hand out to Nesta and Feyre. “Nice to meet you both.”  
They all found themselves crammed into the entry of Azriel’s apartment, with Elain pressed against Azriel’s side. She could feel his muscles through the thin cotton of her dress and his hand naturally settled on her hip. 
“Do you guys want a drink?” Azriel asked, his mouth close to her ear. “We’ve got beer, wine, and something Cassian made called ‘jungle juice’ which Rhys and I haven’t been brave enough to try.”
Nesta let out an amused scoff. 
“Is this a frat party?” Nesta asked, a hair too mockingly, but after certain looks from Feyre and Elain, Nesta shrugged and said, “I like frat parties. It’s the only place we can do body shots in public.” 
Rhysand and Azriel both chuckled at that and shared a look. 
“Come inside.” Azriel said, gently pushing Elain by the small of her back. 
It thrilled her to be touched by him and the fact that it felt so natural and comfortable almost squashed the hair of guilt she felt worming inside of her. 
Azriel wasted no time getting her alone — she barely counted the number of people that filled his living room before he got her into the kitchen which was overflowing with coolers and snack foods. 
“We’re grilling burgers and hot dogs later, but I have some chicken if you’d prefer that — there’s not enough for everyone, but I can grill it just for you. Or Mor brought some pasta salad and I think there’s humus out there if you don’t eat meat. You do —” 
“I’ve never heard Azriel talk this much in my life.” Cassian’s familiar voice came from behind Azriel’s irritated form. 
Cassian joined them and slapped Azriel on the back. 
“Elain, you’re looking stunning as ever.” Cassian said with a smile. Elain could tell that whatever interest he may have had in her fizzled out (thankfully) and he only flirted with her to get a reaction out of Azriel. 
“Thanks Cassian.” 
“Can we help you?” Azriel asked him irritably, and Elain was entirely too affected by the fact that he wanted to have her completely alone. 
“Just getting Nesta some of my famous punch.” Cassian said, entirely too flippantly. Elain had only known him for a short amount of time, but “flip” and “Cassian” didn’t mesh together. 
Azriel grinned at that, his annoyance bleeding away. 
“Trying to get her drunk already?” Azriel teased and Cassian cheeks turned pink. 
“Dude,” Cassian started, looking at Azriel with wide eyes as he grabbed a red plastic cup. “She actually dared me to do a shot off of her —” Azriel kicked him and nodded his head towards Elain. Cassian shot her a pained look. “Sorry Lainy.” 
Elain waved him off and said, “My selective hearing is one of my best qualities.” 
Cassian grinned at her, but Azriel took a step closer to her and leaned against the counter and Elain felt herself being pulled into his side by some magnetic force. Cassian kept talking, but Elain wasn’t entirely sure what about because she kept imagining Azriel putting his arm over her shoulder — and was her mind playing tricks on her, or was he gripping the counter to stop from reaching for her. If he did put his arm around her shoulder, then would he pull her in close? Would he massage the back of her neck or place his fingers in her hair? He was so close that Elain could smell his aftershave and Elain fought herself from taking a long, deep inhale. 
Suddenly, Elain was hit by the weight of her crush. 
She felt like she was back in high school with the giddy butterflies swarming her stomach. 
“So what does she like?” Cassian’s voice finally broke through, or maybe it was the fact that Azriel kindly nudged her with his elbow. 
“Huh?” Elain asked, a bit dazed from where her thoughts were taking her. 
Cassian grinned at her, as if knowing exactly what she was thinking. 
“Nesta,” Cassian confirmed, not commenting on how spacey Elain was being. “What does she like?” 
Elain thought for a second, tossing and turning ideas over in her mind. 
“Her bark is worse than her bite,” Elain said softly. “And she can be a bit prickly if someone gets too close, but she really just wants someone to like her for who she is. Someone that doesn't back down. And someone who makes her laugh.” 
Cassian nodded, a drink in each hand, and Elain knew he was taking what she said to heart. 
“Thanks,” Cassian said with a kind smile — which quickly turned more devious. “I’ll get of your hair before Azriel kills me like I know he wants to. He was so cute, planning this thing all week and getting pissy when we called it a ‘party’ and —” 
“Alright,” Azriel said, pushing off of the counter and steering Cassian out of the kitchen with by his shoulders “Time to fuck off.” 
Cassian threw his head back in a laugh, his curls flying, but he didn’t put up a fight as Azriel forced him out of the room. 
When they were alone again Azriel finally turned around to face her and Elain couldn’t stop the smile that bloomed on her lips. 
“I have a question,” Elain said as Azriel made his way back to her, his strong arms crossed over his chest. “Did you really do this for me?” Elain asked, her voice slightly too breathy. 
Azriel moved in closer. 
His nose just a hair's breadth away from her. 
“Elain, I’ve lived here for four years and never had more than four other people here at a time, but now I’ve called every friend of a friend I could think of just as a cover so no one would think twice about me inviting the beautiful girl next door into my place. I even have a fucking beyond burger on deck just incase you don’t eat meat. Cassian had to talk me out of buying flowers for tonight but…” Elain couldn’t breathe. Azriel took a step away from her and opened the fridge and Elain saw a beautiful bouquet of tulips. “But Rhysand said to just give them to you tomorrow.” 
“You got me tulips?” Elain asked, the air in the room turned hot and humid and thick.
“You said they were your favorite.” Azriel said, looking slightly confused. 
“And you remembered.” Elain felt her face crumbling. 
Graysen always got her roses. She was always grateful because it was a nice gesture, but she told herself that it was nice enough to get flowers and she shouldn’t be so picky…but it had taken Azriel an entire week to get her a bouquet of her favorite flowers. It wasn’t asking for too much to want something, and in all of two seconds Elain realized just how little she had been settling for. 
“I just thought you’d like them.” Azriel shrugged and brushed a stray wavy lock out of his face. 
“I love them. I —” She was about to say that she was going to break up with Graysen. Because she was going to at the first chance she got. She was tired of settling for the merest hint of attention and every scrap of affection that he bothered to throw at her. And it was so incredibly important to her that Azriel know that she’s going to end her relationship. 
Invisible ice slid down her back as she looked behind Azriel to see Graysen standing in the doorway, his eyes bouncing back between Elain and Azriel. An accusatory look in his eyes, one that wasn’t unfounded, but was thankfully left unspoken. 
Azriel simply nodded to Graysen and closed the refrigerator door. 
“Hey,” Graysen said to Azriel and walked over to Elain, interlocking his fingers with hers. “Thanks for inviting us.” 
Azriel leaned against the closed refrigerator door and crossed his arms. 
Elain wondered if this was something to cry about. 
— — — — 
She had no idea how she made it through the party, but she did. A broken heart heavy in her chest as she smiled her way through polite conversation — she felt awful watching Graysen chat and talk and be friendly knowing she was going to end what was between them. Every time he locked eyes with her he looked a bit confused and he asked if she wanted to leave about three times, but she kept saying no, not wanting to cause any type of suspicion. 
They didn’t leave until almost midnight, and even then there were still people loafing around, but she had completely lost track of Feyre and Nesta. Azriel was backed into a corner by some blonde and Elain avoided the way he was desperately trying to seek her eyes as she left. 
As soon as Elain closed the door to her apartment she watched as Graysen flopped onto her couch and kicked his feet onto the coffee table. 
“Thank fuck that’s over.” Graysen groaned, letting his head fall back onto the couch. 
“Graysen.” Elain said, unable to keep the crack out of her voice. 
His body tensed as he opened his eyes, and Elain knew that he knew. 
He sat up and placed his feet firmly on the ground and clasped his hands together between his knees. 
“Did you fuck him?” Graysen asked, a quiet anger in his voice. 
“No,” Elain said emphatically, walking over to him. “Of course not?” 
“But you thought about it?” Graysen asked, his voice tight like a spring wound too far. 
“I —” Elain couldn’t bring herself to lie about it, she just stood there with her hands limply at her sides. 
“Fuck.” Graysen exclaimed, launching the vase of flowers on the table across the room with the flat of his hand. 
Elain couldn’t help the shriek that escaped her — out of surprise more than anything else. 
“I knew from the way he fucking looked at you, and the way you looked at him…I haven’t seen that look in your eyes since…well, since you looked at me for the first time.” Graysen sounded hurt and defeated and angry and Elain felt about two inches tall. 
A heavy thumping came from her door followed quickly by Azriel’s voice calling out for her name. 
“Great,” Graysen said, standing and gripping his hair. “Fucking great we can’t even break up without him being here.” 
Graysen took a step towards the door, but Elain held out a hand to stop him and rushed towards the door in case he made a charge for it. 
Elain cracked open the door to see a worried and concerned Azriel. 
“Are you ok?” Azriel asked, his eyes looking her over from top to bottom to make sure she wasn’t harmed. “I heard you scream.” 
“I’m fine,” Elain assured him and forced a smile. “Just, um, surprised. But I’m ok. I promise.” 
Azriel’s intense hazel eyes looked behind her, zeroing in on Graysen, and Elain watched as a dark cloud descended on his face. 
“We’ll talk tomorrow?” Azriel asked and Elain nodded, quickly shutting the door. 
Elain turned around and rested her back against the door. 
“At least you’ll be in good hands.” Graysen said bitterly, walking towards the door. 
“Grayen,” Elain pleaded, staring up at him. “Don’t end it like this.” 
He smiled cruelly at her and said, “You’re the one that ended it.” 
He didn’t push her out of the way necessarily, but he definitely pushed past her. 
For some reason, Elain followed him into the hall, it seemed like the polite thing to do. Like she was sad to see him go — and she was sad. She wasn’t sure if she was sad Graysen was leaving or sad that she spent so much of her life with him and now he was going to be nothing more than a memory. 
“Oh great, you’re here,” Graysen said, almost laughing in absurdity. “Of course you’re still here.” 
Azriel’s eyes didn’t move from Graysen, carefully tracking his every move. 
“You didn’t have to stay.” Elain said, melting a bit at the gesture. 
“I wanted to.” Azriel said, his face and voice utterly neutral, making it clear that he didn't want to escalate anything. 
Elain watched the muscle popping in Graysen’s jaw, and he took one step at Azriel before turning and storming down the hall. 
“She’s not worth it.” Graysen muttered before turning the corner. 
Elain and Azriel stood in a heavy silence, broken only by two drunken party goers leaving Azriel’s apartment and he nodded goodbye to them as they stumbled down the hallway. 
“We broke up,” Elain blurted out as soon as they were alone again. “I broke up with him,” Azriel nodded, his eyes wide as he processed what Elain said. More drunken revelry was happening in Azriel’s apartment and before they could be interrupted again Elain motioned to her apartment. “Want to come in?”
Azriel nodded and followed her inside. His eyes immediately took in the broken glass, water, and limp flowers on the floor. 
“The scream?” Azriel asked with a raised eyebrow and Elain nodded shyly. 
“I was surprised.” Elain said, about to spring into action to clean up the mess, but Azriel was already kneeling down and picking up the shards of glass. 
“Don’t cut yourself,” Elain rushed around getting the dustpan and trashcan before kneeling next to him. “You don’t have to do this, Azriel.” 
She swept up some of the glittering pieces of glass and Azriel dumped a handful of them in the trash can. 
“I want to help you, Elain,” Azriel said meaningfully, and Elain felt two hot, salty tears slide down her face. “In any way I can.”
“Thank you,” Elain said, clearing her throat and clearing it again because somehow it became harder to breathe. “Thanks.” 
“You don’t have to thank me, Elain.” Azriel said softly, picking up the last few large pieces of glass. After a quiet pause he softly asked, “What happened?” 
Elain couldn’t look him in the eyes as she wondered how to answer him. 
“You,” She said as she swept a sad-looking rose into the dustpan. “Your tulips. I just — I realized how much our relationship was over, you know? How empty it actually was. I just couldn’t pretend anymore.” 
Elain swept up the last of the damage before finally looking Azriel in the eye. 
“You remembered I liked tulips,” Elain said with a shrug. “He never did.” 
“He’s a fucking idiot.” Azriel said gruffly. 
Elain shrugged and was about to say something in response — she wasn’t sure what, but somebody hollered for Azriel out in the hall. 
“Are you ok?” Azriel asked, standing. Outstretching a hand to Elain to help her stand. 
“I’ll be fine.” Elain said, forcing a smile. A smile that melted into a very real one before Azriel placed a kiss on the back of her hand. 
Azriel’s name was called again and he begrudgingly left her apartment. 
Elain took a shower and tried not to think too much about what the hell happened, and listened to music that both helped her wallow in her sadness and made her feel a little less alone and eventually she managed to fall asleep. Before she slipped into her dreams she remembered the plate of cookies she made especially for Azriel, wanting to hold off until the party was over to give them to him. 
When she woke up the next morning, it was to Azriel knocking at her door holding a bouquet of tulips and a little shot of espresso. 
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elsgooglyeyes · 1 year
i just know (from personal experience i swear) that ellie would be sooooo touchy when she’s high.
her eyes half closed and hands aimlessly roaming your body in small patterns. you ramble on about whatever high thought you’re having, paying no mind to anything but the bright pink slipper in front of you and the bag of cool ranch doritos. ellie’s head is fuzzy, finding it hard to blink, but the one thing she’s sure of is that she wants-no she needs to touch you right now. in any way. or she may just die.
as she lazily nods her head to whatever you’re saying, her calloused fingers roam around your arm, your leg, your back, and up into the base of your neck. “mhmmm…” she says as you say something extremely profound (thats only profound in your mind).
“oh my god, babe…” you mumble, still staring at the slipper, “we should…i have this like-“ you giggle for a few seconds, “no no no, listen…” you interrupt your giggles, as if ellie was shooting down your plan. even though she had just been staring at you the whole time, unmoving. a small smirk creeps up on her face as she watches you, nodding slowly to urge you to keep going.
“there should like…totally be a-like a… oh my god! wait…i-i forgot…” you pause for a moment and then giggle even harder, so hard it turns into a full on cackle. you finally breakaway from your trance of the pink slipper and cool ranch doritos to find ellie staring at you. her eyes are bloodshot, squinting slightly, and her gaze almost causes you to let out a little yelp. ellie’s hands continue their pattern, and you’re finally suddenly aware of it. goosebumps follow in her trace, she’s smirking at you slightly, “it’s okay…” she smiles fully “you’ll remember…and you’re hot…so s’okay i think,” she mumbles and shrugs.
“damn right, baby,” you laugh hard and look her in the eye. you’ve never noticed just how green they are. like the trees outside jackson, strong and resilient. the grass in the fields, flowing without a care in the world. the moss covered rocks you find in the river. your eyes slowly move to her freckles, counting each one. you reach up to trace constellations in them, creating a full sky of stars. your fingertips drag to her lips, feeling them softly. they’re chapped, but soft. under your fingers your feel a smirk form. you finally look her back in the eye and giggle again.
“holy shit…” you whisper and slowly straddle her lap, a different feeling...desire, overtaking your hazed state. luckily, she graciously accepts the new position, she has been waiting all night for this after all. with deep breaths from the both of you, you analyze the other’s face, from their worry lines to their pores, and it’s all just…beautiful. it’s perfect. you slowly and gently place your lips on ellie’s, and she sighs into the kiss, wrapping her arms around your waist tightly, gripping you. the kiss is full of love and adoration, nothing else. nothing else matters except you two, like you’re the only two people in the world. as your lips collide and tongues intertwine you’re positive that you were made precisely for this moment. you swear. and no, it’s not the weed. you promise.
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sammybeann · 22 days
Sammy has had an oral fixation since the day he was born. Pacifiers were a fucking godsend during his first few years of life, but by the time he had turned three John deemed little Sam too old to be sucking on a piece of rubber so he pulled it right from baby Sammy's sweet mouth and tossed it in the garbage.
When their father had left the wee Winchester kids at the seedy motel to check out a lead on a case, 7 year old Dean had fished the pacifier out of the trash, giving it a thorough wash before giving it back to his baby brother.
"You have to hide it though, Sammy. So daddy doesn't take it away." Dean had warned, an enthusiastic Sam nodding, big dimpled smile brighter than the sun. 
"Yay! 'Kay, Dee. I pwomise!"
Eventually, after an impressive year of hiding the forbidden item, John had caught Sam when he came home early one night. Sam had been sleeping curled up next to Dean, soaking up his warmth in the chilly, poor insulated motel room, the pacifier hanging from Sam's parted lips. 
John shut that shit down real fast, so for the second and last time, John had pulled it from Sam's mouth, waking him almost immediately. 
To say Sam was an absolute nightmare after that was an understatement. Nights were hell, Sam kicking his legs and demanding his 'sucky', snot and tears running down his little cheeks as he begged and plead, his tantrums baring no fruit however. 
Eventually, John had gone out to the bar one night a few weeks after, mumbling about how he was going to blow his own brains out if he had to listen to Sam's whining for one more night, leaving poor Dean to deal with a relentless Sam. 
"Sammy, c'mon, bud," Dean sighed as they lay in bed, a trembling Sam spooned in front of him. "I don't sleep with a sucky, don't you wanna be a big boy like me?" 
"No!" Sam exclaimed defiantly. "I want sucky!" 
An idea popped into Dean's head as he soothed his hand up and down his brother's side, feeling each rib beneath the worn, way too big Metallica shirt Sam wore to bed. He wasn't sure it would even make a difference, but desperate times and all that. 
Removing his hand from Sam's side, he moved it to the front of his brother's face, sticking his middle and ring fingers out. 
"Suck," he instructed a confused Sam. "Might make you feel better."
Sam sniffled, apprehensive. But eventually he took Dean's wrist, skinny little fingers wrapping around it as he guided Dean's fingers into his mouth. 
He could taste the salt on Dean's fingertips with notes of nacho cheese from the Doritos his brother had eaten earlier, but as the pads of his fingers slid across Sam's tongue and his lips wrapped around them, the tears suddenly stopped. 
Closing his eyes he began to suckle, and sure enough, a few minutes later he was out like a light.
That's how the nightly ritual of Sam sucking Dean's fingers to sleep started, and even as he grew older, baby teeth falling out and big boy teeth replacing them, it was a habit he didn't break. 
Of course Sam aging meant Dean was aging too, puberty hitting him like a fucking freight train. After one night, while Sammy was sucking hard on Dean's fingers during a particularly restless night of sleep, Dean had been mortified when he felt his 15 year old cock harden, Sam's small, plump little ass pressed up against his crotch doing absolutely nothing to help matters. 
He ripped his fingers out of Sam's mouth so fast that his baby brother nearly bit them off in surprise before gracelessly shuffling out of the bed to beeline it to the bathroom. 
A cold shower later and a bucket full of shame, Dean had to break the news to Sam that he couldn't have Dean's fingers anymore, telling him he was too old for it now and that dad would rip Dean's hand off and Sam's tongue out if he knew what they were doing. 
Despite the fight Sam had put up, Dean remained headstrong and stood his ground on the matter, resulting in Sam's prepubescent voice declaring that he hated Dean as he climbed out of the bed, dramatically striding over to the bathroom where he locked himself in for the rest of the night. 
Days passed, and Sam, the stubborn little shit still did everything in his power to ice Dean out, refusing eye contact with him, ignoring him when he spoke, even going as far as to deny the last slice of pizza Dean had offered him as an olive branch. It stung, but Dean was sure he was doing the right thing. 
To Dean's dismay, while the suckling had stopped his growing arousal surrounding his brother did not, and even as the guilt festered deep and ugly inside his gut, all he could think about was Sammy's tongue, the way his soft, pink lips looked wrapped around his fingers, how his dimples would peek out when he would suckle with a particular urgency when having a vivid dream. He missed the wet, squelch of it. 
Dean was going straight to hell, but as he and Sam lay in the darkness on opposite beds one night when John had left them to their own devices once again, he caved. 
"Sammy," he whispered, glancing over to the opposite bed, eyeing the dark silhouette of Sam's form. "You up?"
Sam, still intent on ignoring Dean remained silent, feigning slumber. 
Clearing his throat before inhaling sharply, all Deans resolve dissipated. Fuck it. 
"Do you want sucky?" 
The question hung heavy in the air, and seconds ticked away before the sound of Sam shuffling out of bed filled the quiet of the room. Without saying a word, Sam climbed into Dean's bed, pulling the scratchy motel comforter over his body as he molded himself to Dean's front, fitting there like a puzzle piece. 
Remaining silent, he reached behind him and searched for Dean's hand, gripping his wrist once he located it before bringing it up and over, lips parting as he slid those now thicker fingers into his hot little mouth. 
Dean felt his cock begin to stir almost immediately, and while Sam began to doze off, Dean remained wide awake. 
After a good 20 minutes, he felt Sammy's mouth go slack, and that would normally be when Dean separated his fingers from it, but this time he simply changed the angle of his hand, letting his baby brother drool into his palm until it was dripping with Sammy saliva. 
And if he stumbled to the bathroom after to yank his boxers down and furiously jerk his now rock hard member using his precious little Sammy's spit, well then nobody had to know. 
Yeah, there was no way he didn't have a first class ticket straight to hell.
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wh0re43van · 10 months
Frogger- Peter Maximoff X Reader
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Summary: Teasing Peter Maximoff. That's it. Thats the fic.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: A little smutty (pg 13-ish), weed, kinda slow burn
A/n: This came to me while staring at a wall for 20 minutes after five bong rips. It was written in like an hour at midnight and only proofread once; probably a fair amount of typing errors. Thank you for reading !!
Pt 2
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I lay on Peters bed listening to one of his Pink Floyd cassettes and sipping on a coca cola awaiting his return. I met peter at the arcade a couple months ago and we hit it off immediately… well, after we finished arguing over who got to the Pac-Man game first. He zoomed in front of me, seeming to appear out of thin air. I yelled at him, saying that I was there first and I had already put my token in, after he backed down, then we hit it off. He showed me some secretes he’d learned about the game then we went to get coffee. I’ve spoken to him almost every day since. He quickly became a close friend.
“Knock knock,” he says walking into the room. He’d zoomed out to re-up. I hop off his bed, setting my soda down on the coffee table as I approach him. I’m happy to see him, but even more excited to check out the weed.
“About damn time,” I joke as he tosses me the baggie.
“What? I was gone for literally five minutes,” he laughs, taking a seat on his couch.
“That’s awfully long for you, eh Quickie,” I sit down next to him grinning. “Shit, I left my papers in my car,” I frown, before picking up my keys and dangling them in front of Peter. He rolls his eyes, taking the car keys and speeding out and back, within seconds he’s tossing the rolling papers into my lap. “Thank you,” I bat my lashes at him.
“Yeah yeah,” he rolls his eyes, opening a bag of chips. He watches me as I break up the weed and begin to roll the joint.
“Damn you’re good at that,” he says genuinely impressed as he crunches on the Doritos.
“Well, I have a lot of experience,” I laugh sparking the joint, taking a deep hit. He’s told me that he didn’t smoke a whole lot before he met me, maybe I’m a bad influence. Then again, I had never stolen anything until I met him; so I guess it cancels out.
I pass the joint to peter as I exhale the smoke. “Good shit,” I laugh as I try stifle a cough. Peter takes a hit, immediately coughing so hard his face turns red.
“Goddman,” he chokes out, I hand him my soda in attempt to ease his coughing. “Wow I already feel it,” he says after he takes a sip, his voice raspy from the hot smoke and hacking as he sets the glass bottle down next to him.
“I think the coughing makes you higher,” I giggle, wiping off the ash off my skirt.
“I think you’re right, shit,” he sighs. “You feel it yet?” he asks looking at me through lidded eyes.
“Not quite, my tolerance is pretty high,” I laugh then take another hit before grabbing his Atari controller. “Wanna play frogger?” I ask.
“Stupid question,” he scoffs, zooming to the gaming console, looking for the correct game cassette. I take the time to admire how handsome Peter is, the way his white t-shirt hugs his toned arms, his constantly messy silver hair that falls perfectly into his face, his perfect skin- despite how much junk food he eats.
‘Damn he looks good,’ I think to myself as I take another hit off the joint, lounging on his crumb covered couch with the tan controller resting in my other hand. Peter zooms back to me.
“321 go!” He shouts, starting the game.
“Shit Pete I wasn’t ready,” I shoot up dropping the blunt, Peter of course catches it before it hits the ground then pops it into his mouth. I die almost instantly.
“You lose,” he takes the controller out of my hand replacing it with the joint. “My turn!” He gives me a shit eating grin that I’ve grown to adore. I roll my eyes.
“Alright Quickie,” I begin as his fingers move in a blur on the Atari controller. “Lets make this a competition. Best 2/3. Winner gets a whole joint to themselves,” I smirk.
“Oh you’re on,” he laughs, not looking away from the television. I cover his eyes with my hands, causing him to die. “Dude!” he shouts at me. I grin taking the controller. “You loose, my turn!” I mock him. He laughs, leaning back on the couch. I last a while, ultimately missing the log, dying when I fall into the water.
“425, beat that,” I proudly hand him the controller.
“Pft, in my sleep,” he scoffs, and he’s right. He quickly beats my score with a whopping 683. “You sure you wanna continue, man?” he smirks. “You can still back out and just split the joint, and keep your pride intact,” he offers with a smug grin. Instead of getting irritated, I develop a plan.
“Oh, I’m sure Peter,” I smirk back. “But could you go first? You’re so great, I’d like to know the final score I have to beat,” I ask batting my lashes.
“Uh, sure. Okay,” he agrees even though he looks confused. He starts the next game, doing very well of course. Without him noticing, I pull my sweater down to show some cleavage before I reach over him to grab my cola sitting on the opposite side of him. My chest sets even with his eyes as I grab the cold glass bottle. Peters fingers slow and a light pink settles on his cheeks. He clears his throat, as I sit back down on the couch.
“Alright man, you can’t distract me that easily,” he laughs it off, even though he’s still blushing, glancing between me and the screen.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, I’m just thirsty,” I smirk as I use my tongue to bring the paper straw into my mouth, staring at Peters eyes that keep finding their way back to me. I slowly slide the straw out of my mouth, my tinted lip gloss leaving a ring on the white paper.
“Mmm,” I moan, leaning closer to him as I savor the taste of the cherry cola. “This is really good Peter, how’d you know that cherry’s my favorite?” I ask lowly. His eyes go wide, his frog gets hit by a truck earning him a score of 237
“Come on!” the speedster shouts. “That’s totally unfair! How am I supposed to concentrate when you’re being all hot and shit?” he asks, his cheeks still pink.
“You think I’m hot?” I giggle, taking the controller from his hands. His cheeks burn even brighter when he realizes that he just admitted that he thinks I’m hot.
I easily beat his score; he doesn’t even try to stop me. “Fetch me my weed,” I grin, holding out my hand. He rolls his eyes, but in instant the weed, papers and lighter are in my hand. “Thanks, Quickie,” I wink before quickly rolling another joint.
I lean back on the arm of the couch, watching Peter as his eyes follow the joint going between my lips, staring as I French inhale the smoke. His bloodshot eyes watch in awe and I can’t help but smile at his obvious ogling.
“Let’s watch something,” I smile, standing up and walking toward the tv, taking another hit.
“Sure,” he sighs in relief. “What movie are you th…” he trails off when I bend over, my short skirt exposing the smallest amount of my ass. I pretend not to notice, picking up a random VHS.
“What about Jaws?” I turn, asking him innocently. He blinks shaking his head as if trying to release himself from a trance.
“Uh,” he clears his throat. “Yeah s-sure dude. What, uh, whatever you th-think sounds good,” he clears his throat again, staring into my eyes, not even blinking. I can tell that he’s trying extremely hard not to look at my sweater that’s still pulled down or my skirt that’s ridden up my thighs. I can almost hear him saying to himself ‘don’t look, don’t look, don’t look…’. I’m enjoying every moment of this.
I smile as I bend down to slip the VHS into the player, I turn to catch Peter adjusting his pants. He quickly removes his hand, giving me a huge grin trying not look guilty. I put the spliff back in my mouth to keep myself from laughing.
I walk over to the couch, tapping the joint out and setting it in the ash tray. As the movie starts to play, I take a seat next to peter, throwing my legs over his, allowing my skirt to fall down my thighs towards my stomach, and Peter seems to notice. His breath hitches in his throat, glancing back and forth between the movie and my thighs. We sit like this for the first part of the movie, eventually he relaxes a bit, getting into the film. I watch as the light from the screen bounces of his sharp features. I smirk as I lean up to Peter.
“You have something on your face,” I say quietly. He watches as I take my thumb in my mouth, wetting it to wipe the dried frosting off his cheek. His face floods red, he’s adorable.
“What’s wrong Peter?” I ask, still only inches from his face. “Why so quiet all of the sudden?” I lean into whisper in his ear. He visibly shutters as my breath hits his skin, a barely noticeable sheen of sweat appears on his forehead. I’m satisfied with his reaction. “Do I make you nervous, Peter?” I ask, wiping the sweat off his face. He turns to look at me.
“Uh,” he clears his throat. “N-no, of course not. It’s just, uhm, a little warm in here, th-that’s all,” he stutters, staring at me with his glossy brown eyes.
“Hm,” I pretend to think about his response. “You’re right,” I grin before pulling my grey sweater over my head, leaving me in my short skirt and white tank top that clings to my curves and barely covers my cleavage. He audibly gasps with wide eyes, not bothering to hide his staring.
“It’s getting even more hot in here all of the sudden,” he pulls at the neck of his shirt trying to cool himself off.
“Maybe you should take this off then,” I suggest, toying with the hem of the shirt. “Might cool you off,” I don’t drop his gaze as I reach for my cola, taking another sip.
“I-uh… y-yeah, sure, m-maybe you’re, uhm right,” he stumbles over his words before clumsily taking off the white t-shirt. I’m surprised that he actually did it, but definitely not disappointed. I drink in the picture Infront of me. The nervous boy fidgeting with his hands, a thin sheen of sweat on his flushed cheeks and toned torso, his chest rising and falling rapidly, all of my doing. The sight makes my core ache.
“Your goggles are crooked,” I observe as I slowly crawl on top of him to straddle his waist, giving him time to stop me, incase I’m taking it too far.
He just gulps, watching as I settle on his lap. I place one hand on his chest, using the other to adjust the silver goggles, my chest at his eye level once again. I catch his eyes, now glossed over with lust rather than THC, watching me as I smooth his hair down. As I sit back, my core against his crotch, I can feel his excitement through his pants, he bounces his leg rapidly in anticipation, watching, waiting for whatever it is that I’m going to do to him next.
“Are you sure you’re not nervous?” I smile, my skirt completely bunched up around my waist, exposing the entirety of my white thong.
“Y-yeah,” his voice cracks. “I’m totally fine,” his words come out shaky as he stares at my exposed underwear.
“I’ll move if you want, Peter,” I slowly grind my crotch against his, the friction on my core feels amazing. “Just tell me and I’ll move,” I offer with pleasure laced in my tone, hoping that he doesn’t ask me to stop.
He doesn’t say anything, just lets out a small whimper as I put more pressure and speed into my movements. I slowly dip down to his neck, giving him time to stop me if he desires, leaving wet kisses on his jugular. I swear I can feel how hard his heart is beating.
“You taste so sweet, Peter,” I whisper in his ear, continuing my grinding on his erection through his pants.
“Fuck,” he whispers, his breathing shallow and quick. I slowly slide my hands down to his buckle, still moving my hips as I trail my kisses closer to his lips. I pop the buckle open and bite down on his lip gently, he gasps against my mouth.
Beep beep. Beep beep.
My digital wristwatch signals that it’s time to pick my little brother up from school. I hop off Peter, he furrows his brows.
“I gotta go man, I gotta pick up my brother,” I explain, he just watches in confusion as I slide my sweater back on my body, adjusting my skirt and putting on my shoes. I head to the steps, he jumps up as if he’s just now processed what’s happened.
“Hey, wait, you can’t leave me like this,” he whines, his erection prominent in his blue jeans. “We were having fun,” he frowns. I smile widely.
“Don’t worry, I’m coming back,” I wink. “My weeds here dude, you know I’ll be back,” I laugh walking away from the shirtless, frustrated, confused boy standing with a raging boner in the middle of his room.
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