#dottie peoples
trusoulchristmas · 1 year
Dottie Peoples-A Gift To All
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skizabaa · 1 year
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Sun's purposely not telling him how to tie his shoes.
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darlingofdots · 2 months
like I do think we need to acknowledge that being asexual can suck. I'm proud to be queer and I'm happy for everyone whose experience is different but for me, specifically, being asexual sucks. If I had the choice, I would change this about myself. The ways in which it affects my life are frustrating and upsetting to me and it's not just a question of accepting myself or 'coming to terms with' who I am, it is a very real impact on my interactions and relationships with other people, my existence in my community, and what the rest of my life will look like. I think it's important to talk about this not only in the context of the very real discrimination and exclusion that asexuals experience as a consequence of acephobia but also just the frustration of having so many choices and experiences taken away from you just because of your orientation
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bunnygirl-titties · 8 months
Hot dykes aren’t biphobic
Hot dykes aren’t biphobic
Hot dykes aren’t biphobic
Ok to reblog, in fact you should reblog this!
This is for lesbians and other sapphic folx
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zombiecicada · 7 days
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She can’t recall ever being this tired before.
With the conversation over, and Tille now seemingly more or less on their side and their little ragtag team safely on the ship, Wolfbell lets her eyes close. Even holding them open is too much of a struggle at this point. At least it seems like the chaos has passed, and Dolos doesn’t need to throw anything else at Tille.
Maybe that previously mentioned checkup would be a good idea. Or at very least, moving her somewhere that isn’t just the middle of the floor.
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fatuismooches · 3 months
Oml I just saw your tag on the Dadtorre with identical son post (same anon as last time here! Thank you for the kind words :3) if Traveller and Paimon meet the son it's going to be so funny but confusing for both parties 😭 It's a jumpscare!
The Traveller is in Snezhnaya, exploring the place, walking through yet another quaint scenery. Then they see a glimpse of a blury blue in the distance, a shade of blue they know all too well.
"Wait, Traveller - was that...?" Paimon whispers to her companion warily. "Uh, you saw that too right? That looked like—!" She gasps, her tiny hands cupping her mouth as she frantically whispers. "Do you think he saw us?!"
The Traveller gestures for Paimon, gaze hardening. "Get behind me."
They tail the all too familiar shadow. He may be wearing a heavy cloak to stave off the frigid heart of the Tsarista, but they would recognise that hair anywhere... It's shorter than last time, but this is not the first they dealt with a segment. The Doctor is stalking the village, what could he be up to?
It's a small village, far from the capital. What if he's here to exploit the vulnerable? There's so many ill and elderly residents here, it won't take much to station a lab here in the guise of a clinic, he would have his test subjects.
They have to stop him.
They continue to follow, but slowly, doubt starts to creep in.
What is Dottore doing? He's just... he's window shopping?
Sure enough, this familiar shadow is simply strolling through the streets without a hint of hurry, out of character for a man who does not waste time. Admiring the scenery and occasionally stopping. That's when the anxiety starts to build. Is this a trap? It must be.
If it is a trap he'd laid. They will bite - only to get closer to him.
They follow until the figure is in an isolated part of the settlement. The cloaked man is looking side to side, head turning this way and that. Not the most subtle way to check for your reinforcements, but whatever. They raise their sword—
Dottore turns around, an unfamiliar gleam in his eyes. A shine that struck the Traveller as though a snake had reared its head and bit with venom to paralyse. Not one of deep seeping crimson of blood. Kind, gentle eyes - the red of a comforting hearth, the red of a sunrise.
"Ah! Perfect, there's someone else here!" 'Dottore' chuckles awkwardly. "Uh... I'm lost? Can you help me out? It looks like you know your way around here— wait, isn't that outfit a little too cold?"
What is this.
Paimon yells this sentiment for them: "Huh?!"
(Dottore's son snuck out for a little outing. He inadvertently pulled the same headache of a stunt Dottore's lover had done ages ago: sneaking off when bored. Said father is tearing Snezhnaya through looking for his boy. It's only a matter of time before the Harbinger finds his son. He lacks the rigour to cover up his tracks.)
Meeting a Harbinger so quickly into their visit to Snezhnaya was not on the Traveler's agenda. Especially since they snuck into the nation without anyone knowing. But how could they see those familiar blue locks and not do anything about it? Sure, it wasn't the best idea, considering how they planned to hide out a bit more, not to mention there was still a wide gap in strength, but they couldn't pass up the opportunity. At the very least, they don't think the scientist would kill them. There seems to be a greater plan, one beyond what they know.
Of course, the Traveler's immediate thought is that the blue-haired man is up to no good. Perhaps immediately thinking the worst seemed a bit harsh, but this was the Doctor. What else would they think, especially after what happened in Sumeru? They had to be wary and cautious - there was no such thing as too much of it when dealing with him. And cautious they are, carefully stalking behind, not a noise made even in the crunching snow.
And so they cautiously watch with narrowed eyes as the "Harbinger"... casually strolls by numerous stores? Looking at outfits that certainly don't fit his style, peeking through the glass of some local restaurants. For some reason, civilians don't seem to bat much of an eye at his presence either. It's strange. Very strange. Unfortunately, the Traveler and Paimon still can't get a good look at the man's face, but they're positive it has to be Dottore. Who else has such fluffy blue hair? Are they overthinking it? Is he pretending? There are always so many questions to deal with when it comes to the Doctor.
Until they realize it's not the Doctor.
The man in front of them bears a striking resemblance to the Harbinger, but he simply couldn't be, not even a segment. A small smile that wasn't cocky, sweet eyes that could envelop another in a warm embrace if it came to that. These features cannot belong to a man such as Dottore. The laugh and concern for the blond was also something that couldn't be an act. After getting over their little surprise, they'd be an idiot not to take advantage of this outcome. Perhaps they could get some information... of course, they only end up more confused when they find out the truth.
(You, while also concerned for your son, know he's a capable boy and he'll be fine. You like to see how much Dottore secretly cares for his kid too, although you feel a bit bad for the poor Fatui agents who are currently dealing with his orders. If someone does end up hurting your son, however, well... you can be scarier than Dottore if you want to. At the end of it, Dottore ends up giving you both a scolding... but neither of you takes it seriously as you giggle with each other.)
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honeytoasts · 2 months
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remember when I drew all the straw hats as sanrio characters... well here's law!
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sweetphantasmagoria · 6 months
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So my bestie @honeydots has an ongoing longfic, Lover's Stigmata, I read regularly, thus exposing my poor little brain to a rot from a fandom and games I'm not even familiar with... SDFSDF
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dottie-n-stripes · 2 years
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dottie and stripes and co tableturf expansion pack!!!
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mitskijamie · 4 months
Can we talk about how Dottie Lasso gives me bad boy mom energy? She doesn't have the energy of somebody who would be normal to her 16-year-old son who probably looks a lot like his father after said father's death.
I actually thought the problem seemed to be that Ted and Dottie were too emotionally distant rather than too emotionally close. An enmeshed parent will turn to their child for support and advice and companionship (as if they were a romantic partner), and Ted talks about how Dottie shut him out and wouldn't even acknowledge that she was grieving
So personally I would describe her as more of a wire mother than a Boy Mom
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fakemichaelsheen · 1 year
dottie, pouring tea: more tea dear?
sadie, smiles: thank you
dottie, thoughtful: so. what do you suppose they’re up to today?
sadie, waves a hand: oh who knows! I try not to ask too many questions
dottie, sipping tea: yes there’s only so much you need to know
sadie, taps her chin: he does keep coming home late…
dottie, nods: usually with an expensive receipt from the ritz
sadie: yes…
dottie, gets out of bed: well, I for one am glad he has a hobby
sadie, pulls on a dressing gown, chuckling: especially if it means the world isn’t about to end yet again
dottie, raises her teacup: I’ll drink to that
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easilyentertained99 · 2 months
chat, i need to be honest. that was not good
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tenderjock · 16 days
like the moon moves the tides [agent carter werewolf au]
part iv. tail tucked
Carter is out fucking cold, but Jack cuffs and collars her anyway.
The girl who found her is babbling to Sousa, something about ambulances, but Jack ignores her. Between her and the young wolf they questioned earlier that blubbered all over Jack, he’s getting a pretty low opinion of the women Carter hangs out with.
Carter growls under her breath as he sits her up. She hasn’t quite found her feet when he starts walking her out, so Jack keeps a hand gripping her elbow and the other gripping the back of her jacket.
She smells good. She smells good, musk and salt-sweat, nothing like the itchy copper and floral perfume that blonde girl was wearing that made Jack want to claw his nose off. Carter smells like he could bury his face in her neck and just – lie down, for a while, and that’s how Jack knows it’s a trick.
When he shoves her in the back of the car, Carter looks at him, blinking woozily. She inhales, quick, and goes limp as he puts her in the backseat.
Jack gets in the driver’s seat and starts the car as Sousa pulls himself into the passenger seat, Carter’s pocketbook in hand. He wants to scream. He wants to hit something. He starts driving, feeling so angry that he’s about to tear out of his skin.
“We have to go back,” Carter slurs.
She’s looking out the window. Jack ignores her.
“We’re taking you to the SSR,” Sousa reminds her. “You’re under arrest.”
“We have to go back,” Carter insists drunkenly. “We need to – Dottie. Jack, you smelled her.”
Jack glances back at her. “What the hell are you on about,” he asks tersely.
“The woman who drugged me,” she says. “Dottie Underwood. You smelled her, Jack, she’s not human. She’s going to …” Carter seems to be recovering from the sedative, but she’s still not very coherent. The collar probably isn’t helping.
“We are not doing anything,” Jack snaps. “You are going straight to a cell. You won’t have to worry about much after that.”
There’s silence from the backseat for a good five minutes. “I didn’t do what you think I did,” Peggy finally says. “I can explain everything.”
Neither Jack nor Sousa respond to that. There’s no point to it; they’re gonna be interrogating her soon enough.
: :
It’s about a month after the Howard Stark fiasco that Daniel gets hard proof of his theory regarding Peggy and Jack’s furry problem.
There’s a werewolf attack in lower Manhattan – something to do with a gang, he thinks. Daniel’s with Peggy, a veteran agent named Goldstein, and the rookie Mazzara, who is about twelve years old but gets very upset if anyone points that out. Chief Thompson gets roped into the cleanup, and that’s when the radio really starts squawking.
They’ve got one guy that won’t back off, and apparently he lost it when Jack tried to talk him down. The two of them turned, right there in front of everyone, and are brawling it out in a parking lot outside a warehouse.
Goldstein, who’s been working with Daniel and Peggy pretty intensely on the Underwood case, answers the radio, telling them that they have four more agents on the way. They leave the deli that they’d been eating in and pile in an SSR car illegally parked out front.
They’re not too far from the scene. It only takes about thirty seconds before there’s a choking noise from the backseat.
“What are you doing,” Agent Mazzara says, sounding panicked.
“Do you know how many pairs of these I’ve ruined shifting?” Peggy says, in a tone that implies whatever she’s doing is perfectly reasonable and Mazzara is overreacting.
Daniel looks back; Goldstein glances over his shoulder, too. Peggy has her heels kicked off and is casually rolling a stocking down her right leg. The left is bare, the other stocking already folded into a little bundle on the seat next to her.
Mazzara is staring fixedly ahead, face bright red. The poor kid looks like he’s gonna pop a boner, or faint, or both. Peggy calmly finishes taking her stockings off and starts on her belt.
“Uhhh Peggy –” Daniel starts, not entirely sure where he’s going with it except that he remembers some of the werewolves from his battalion would strip completely naked before turning and he doesn’t think Mazzara will be able to handle that.
“Relax, Daniel,” Peggy says in that no-nonsense tone that always preludes her doing some sort of nonsense. “I simply don’t want to ruin more clothes than I must. Here, hold this.” She shoves the belt and a pair of stud earrings into Mazzara’s hand. He looks terrified, poor guy.
Goldstein is visibly fighting laughter, but he keeps driving while Peggy takes off her jacket, her watch, her hat and about twenty-two hairpins. In a blouse and skirt, curls falling into her face, she stops stripping, just as the car skids up to the parking lot next to a ruined SSR car.
Daniel squints at it. It’s hard to tell, with it all busted up, but it looks like the one Jack and Faut had taken. Three more SSR cars are parked blocking the entrance to the lot, so they stop in the street.
In the lot, surrounded by a perimeter of half a dozen human agents, two werewolves are facing off. Daniel doesn’t immediately know which one is who: there’s a dark brownish one, face visible as it snarls and snaps, and a larger, more sandy-gray one, only its back and the bony line of its spine in view.
Jack must be the larger one, he thinks to himself. He’s acting defensively, keeping his back to the entrance and the other agents, reacting rather than striking first. The other werewolf’s desperation is palpable as it launches itself at Jack, biting his neck and scrabbling at his belly with its paws.
Peggy bursts out of the car. It takes her just a moment’s breath to turn, blouse and undergarments tearing at the seams. As always, Daniel fights the urge to gag at the sound the transformation makes, the sick, organic sound of dozens of joints popping out and back into place, muscles growing faster than skin can contain, hair follicles working overtime.
Peggy claws at the scraps of linen and silk that still stick to her huge, muscled thighs. Her lips are pulled back from two-inch-long fangs in a fixed snarl. She casts one look back at the Daniel, a yellow, slit-pupiled eye catching his gaze for a moment before she whips around and charges at the wrestling werewolves.
Peggy hits the brownish one hard in the side of the ribs, knocking it off of Jack, who scrambles to his feet behind her. She's smaller than both of the male werewolves, slighter too, but she makes up for it with the fury that she bites at the other werewolf with, snapping her teeth in its face until it cowers back, whimpering.
Jack steps up next to her on four feet, his own teeth bared at the enemy werewolf.
It’s over fairly quickly once the werewolf realizes it is outnumbered. After a handful of expectant seconds, it crumples to its haunches, turning back into a naked man as it does so.
Peggy and Jack back off to let the agents arrest the guy. They put handcuffs and a heavy iron collar on him. He doesn’t react to being manhandled by the agents, or to being out in public without a stitch on him, but he does walk to the car in a route that’s as far away as possible from the SSR’s two werewolves.
They haven’t turned back yet, neither of them. Peggy has Jack held in place with a paw on his head while she sniffs at the shallowly bleeding bite marks on his neck and shoulder.
“We should do something about them,” Goldstein says.
“Yeah,” Daniel agrees, then sighs and starts to crutch over. There’s no point in being scared, he figures; even if it weren’t just Peggy and Jack, it’s not like he’d be able to outrun a werewolf. If it wanted him dead, he’d be dead.
Jack turns his head to him, sharp, as Daniel approaches. Peggy backs away a bit on her hind legs, making a low whuffing sound, before butting her head into Jack’s cheek. Jack gives her a flash of teeth, but it seems more playful than anything.
“So, uh,” Daniel says. “We got some extra clothes for Jack. Peggy, you’ve got about half an outfit in the car. We’ve also got a truck that’ll definitely hold one werewolf in the back, but we can’t take both of you at the same time – you’d be too heavy. We can take you home, though.” He considers them. “What, uh, what’s the plan here?”
Peggy whuffs again. She dips her head at Daniel, then scampers over the truck, where with some difficulty she undoes the latch on the back and crawls in.
The whole bed of the truck dips about six inches when Peggy steps on it. Daniel shudders to think what it’d do to the struts to have Jack, who looks about two hundred pounds heavier, in there too.
“Do you want me to close the back?” Daniel calls. There’s that nauseating sound behind him. When he turns back, a nude Jack Thompson is glaring half-heartedly at him. There’s a row of bloody but no longer bleeding tooth-pricks marring his left shoulder, layered over a bruise, and pink scratches up and down his chest and belly.
“Yeah, she does,” he says.
Daniel nods, trying not to stare. Agent Lewis has the book with the agents’ home addresses, so Daniel just tells him to drive to Peggy’s place before heading back to the SSR. He closes and latches the back of the truck, waving to Peggy – she gives him a toothy, lolling grin – as he does so. He bangs on the side of the truck, and Agent Lewis starts the engine and pulls out of the lot, following the other cars out.
Jack is still very naked when Daniel turns back, of course. He fights hard to keep his eyes above the neck, when all of Thompson is just there, tan skin and soft, golden fuzz over firm muscle. The asshole is injured, which Daniel shouldn’t find so appealing. He’s also standing closer than he really should be, close enough that Daniel notices that his eyelashes are fine and blond, that his nipples are the exact same shade of pink as his lips.
Peggy probably has occasion to see it all, Daniel thinks to himself bitterly, and that should kill the attraction, but now he’s thinking about Jack and Peggy, together, and it’s – well.
“We brought some clothes,” he says instead. He retrieves the bag that Goldstein had left for them. It contains boxers, a pair of socks, rough laborer’s pants, an undershirt and short-sleeved shirt. No shoes and no jacket. “Not exactly your style, and I don’t know how well they’ll fit, but.” He shrugs.
Jack’s giving him a very funny look when Daniel turns back to him. “What?” Daniel asks.
“Nothin’,” Jack says, a bit defensively. “You just – it’s nothing.” He inhales, slowly, through his nose. His frown gets a bit deeper. “I’ll take the clothes now, Sousa.”
He dresses quickly. The other agents left them a car, and Jack gets in the driver’s seat in just his socks before Daniel can argue. He grips his crutch, fighting back annoyance, and takes his time limping to the shotgun seat.
A week later, Chief Thompson tells Daniel that he’s being promoted – and, oh, by the way, he has to move to Los Angeles if he’d like to accept the promotion. It comes with a significant pay raise and a free house, and without Peggy or any other veteran agents. L.A. already has some people hired, all locals, but Daniel plans on talking to some of the switchboard girls about transferring out west, too.
In the end, Rose Roberts is the only one who’s interested. She’s alright, although she and Daniel aren’t close. He knows Peggy likes her. Before they’re shipped off together, he offers to buy her a coffee and talk about what he knows of the L.A. office.
It’s not much, honestly. It’s a smaller building with a different cover story than the New York office, but her job would be much the same. She would be the only SSR agent in the front of the office, and he doesn’t know any of the men in the back of the office. He tells her the address and the pay scale and after a few minutes they lapse into silence.
“Are there any wolves in the L.A. office?” Rose asks.
Daniel’s surprised, but he answers truthfully. “No. They hired mostly out of the LAPD and they aren’t big on werewolves there. Not like Boston.”
“I’m human myself, but I have a branch of the family that’s furry,” Rose clarifies. “I just like to know who I’m working with, and wolves tend to think and act a bit differently.”
“How so?” Daniel asks. He has his own observations about werewolves; during the war, they were mostly those scary fuckers and now, with his only points of reference being Peggy and Jack, it was more those uncomfortably attractive fuckers.
“Oh, they just have different ways of doing things,” she says breezily. “You know, I knew Peggy – Agent Carter was a wolf from the day that I met her. Just a feeling, you understand. But I didn’t realize that Chief Thompson wasn’t human until months later.”
That’s a surprise, too. “Why’s that?”
“He doesn’t have a very wolfy way about him.” Rose considers Daniel for a beat, then says, “And I think Agent Carter didn’t expect it. Wolves tend to pack up if they spend enough time together, even ones that don’t like each other that much man-shaped. From what I’ve seen, Chief Thompson was resistant to that.”
And now he wasn’t. Daniel chews on that for a minute, then says, “Well, it looks like we won’t be dealing with werewolf politics in L.A., at least not right away. Assuming you’re still interested?”
Rose beams and nods, and Daniel thinks about a city he’s never been to and two werewolves that don’t want him and the way his back has been keeping him up at night, spasming from all the crutching around on New York City pavement all the time –
Yeah. Maybe he could use a promotion.
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darlingofdots · 2 months
going to start collecting my small moments of random connection:
girl on the bus said I had beautiful nails (currently red with heart-shaped strawberries stamped on)
I've decided to befriend the security guy at the local supermarket (who has a magnificent moustache) so I've started greeting him whenever I go in and he touches an imaginary hat in response
older woman with a rollator insisted on letting me go first at the till because she "wasn't in a hurry" and when I said I wasn't either she said "okay next time I'll go first" and we parted with that solemn agreement forged between us
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bunnygirl-titties · 1 year
Femmes, butches, studs, mascs, and other forms of dykery
All wanna hit it cuz I’m so cute and fat
Reblog if you agree
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justmwahstruly · 11 months
just some litol doodls
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silly maybe a bit too silly
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me when ragatha hehehehhhehe (looking at you. you know who you are 🫵👁️👁️)
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he’s so stupid <3
(did not draw that pretty face! @annemissingshoe did! nor did i draw the litol gangle, @sallyandganglesimp did! both are very talented!)
and ofc! tadc belongs to @/gooseworx!
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