#double life rant
gh0stedcupid · 2 years
I hate dl!martyn dude got pearl to go to the nether with him then he blamed her for getting his soulmate to break up with him when it was because of him then he left her to try and get with his soulmate
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selodka-pod-shuboy · 5 months
I think 3rd life is somehow the best plot&system-wise. It's not based on anything, just my humble opinion. I have so much thoughts and they are all so tragic. Like. It was my first ever interaction with theese CCs, I went there blind reacting. It was amazing then, it was even better after getting to know them. Every perspective tells such a drasticly different story. You've got alliances formed throu death, loyalty and sacrifices, broken or cherished till the very end. You have 3 lifes, and that's it. No tricks or some help or twist from the gamemakers. Go apeshit or stay nice, nothing changes it. All your enemies can start from something as simple as a random punch or a shot or a pice of paper. So can friends. No one knows how the server operates, they all come from somewhat-friendly spaces, so every simple fact is a new surprise - everybody kills animals, and ends up suffering with lack of food&lether for books afterwards. They put effort into builds, bother with decorating(not to say they didn't in later seasons, it's just the attachment I'll talk later), fill the places with love and care, get attached to pets and trees, banners of all things. PROTECT THEM and feel sorrow and grief, once they enevitibly get killed or burned or blown up or DESTROYED. The rage is so innocent in it's belive, that they were wronged, that they should be avenged, and not that this is just the reality of the server itself, that that's just - what heppens. The story tells so much about betrayal, about broken trust, and friends that go mad, and almoust no one follows the "all alliances are broken after you're red" rule. You are allowed to kill now, yeah, but there was nothing in PARTICULAR, stopping you before. It is proven by the first death, that it was just a prank, that lead to all the following chaos. Scar gives Grian flowers after his second death, and Grian STAYS. Cleo sticks with Bdubs, calling his castle a toilet, kidnaps the desert lama, burns Joel's home. She goes for the king and dies in the blind rage . Bdubs makes and gives Impulse the clock, that will doom their hearts in the end. Impulse promises his trust to the Crastle. Bigb makes the cookie. Martyn hears voices, and Ren asks him to take his head. He takes so many lives. The Red Winter Comes. Tango saves the cows, only for them to be stolen, he gets shot stuck behind the fire. Etho's dark oak gets burned, he builds a woolen castle, for it to get burned multiple times. Timmy gives Scott a poppy, starting their marriage. They build the flower valley. Timmy DIES FIRST and aquaeres the Canary curse. Scott follows full of sorrow. Skizz dies second, full of rage, and creates the boogieman curse. Joel stays alone, with his dog army, and dies, leaving his pack wandering the desert. The cactus-ring fight. The siege of dogwarts. Battle of the Red Desert. All the monopolies. The state, that everyone leaves the server, the contrast with the start. It's like watching the 1rst anual hunger games, from a perspective of people, who know and love each other, but no matter their efforts, end up slowly spiraling into violence and distrust, spreading pain and destruction. Mu soul loves and aches for it, even though it was the very same thing that broke it in the first place, that took a pice of it and so it will never be whole again. It's so tragic. All this blood was never beautiful. It was just. Red.
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righthandman-martyn · 4 months
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meankeene · 2 years
In Third Life, Scar lost three lives: once to his own actions, and twice to Grian’s.
In Double Life, Scar lost three lives: once to his own actions, and twice to Grian’s.
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prismartist · 2 years
FH in different series because i love the progression of their relationship.
3rd life: married, very much bonded together, defended each other, affectionate teasing, when jimmy died scott's grief was so strong that glowing crystals formed around him and he vowed to avenge him. the afterlife was their home.
last life: not together, but they reminisced on their past life. scott never hurt jimmy even when he had several opportunities as boogey.
empires: had a cutesy date, scott had such a hardcore crush on jimmy, was teased about it by his brother (how embarassing), in scott's perfect afterlife they're together.
double life: they FUCKING hate each other. murder threats all the time. they have rivaling ranches. jimmy put an L over scott's ranch. scott lit him on fire then threatened to burn his ranch. jimmy insulted scott and cleo's partnership. scott paid hitmen to kill him. bitter-ass exes.
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lillazi · 6 months
no cause Scar and Pearl are actually such a good duo and I hope we get to see more of them in later seasons.
The similarities between them is crazy;
they were both alone (Scar in Last, Pearl in Double) and now in the end they had each other this season, when Scar was her hypeman, when Pearls defended Scar- and ofcourse in the finale when they were an unstoppable duo until the end.
and btw let's talk about the end and how they handled it.
Pearl tried to sacrifice herself so Scar would get 10 hearts from her. Sacrificing herself because she feels he deserves it more... something Scott did for her in Double Life.
Scar refused that sacrifice without hesitation saying he doesn't want to win that much to have to kill her, if she wins she deserves it... something Grian did for him in 3rd Life.
The way Scar came full circle in the series- becoming the villain and having to settle the final with a death-match. Only this time he finally won!
All this time trying to be good, generous and munificent... turns out he got it right the first time, he was meant to play the villain role. But now with more experience he came out victorious.
anyways I wanna say that I think the reason he didn't die is cause the Watchers had a way bigger role this season than the rest. I have a feeling as a winner he will enter the next season through the Watchers. It honestly feels like he became a little favourite of them cause the season he was the only one who had many many tasks for 1 specific trope (villain). He is the only one who succeeded in his final task and he will continue to succeed until the next season.
The only winner who didn't suffer the same fate as all the others.
Question is.. is it a better fate than death?
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enderwoah · 1 year
jimmy solidarity is so intrinsically mind-meltingly confusing i love him dearly and i want to squish him with a passion and i want him to win (or lose) the next life series installment and here is why
(this is a very long insanity fuelled rant sorry but if you too are obsessed with jimmy solidarity and the concept of him actually not being pathetic and possibly winning heres the post for you)
jimmy solidarity is the kind of guy that literally has one gimmick and its being the most pathetic person on every server he has the pleasure of being on. he is the wet cat of a man that gets bullied and taken advantage of and nobody listens to him when he complains or objects to anything and yet not once has he truly gotten angry about it because hes just that nice of a guy. sort of.
cause i dont know about yall, but jimmy solidarity is kind of a bastard to me?? i will never forget him swindling joey out of 50% of his gunpowder profits (u think that wasnt swindling?? consider the following: he was earning NOTHING before joey started doing gunpowder on his own. NOTHING. and yet all he had to do was go over and put on his little sad pitiful pathetic song and dance and beg for a cut of joey's profits and suddenly: whats that? a net profit?) i will never forget the sheer amount of times this guy has had to hold himself back from straight up killing or aattacking someone; not because of morals or kindness or goodwill, but out of spite. but out of "i need to be better than this person it hurts them more if i dont kill them in cold blood (in my head)." i will never forget the amount of times he has just straight up punched someone in the nose (/rp) because they were being mildly annoying in the middle of a conversation.
im not saying hes a mastermind thats manipulating everyone by acting lame but also just a little bit?? minus the manipulation part?? hes proven on multiple occassions that he isnt like stupid idiot baby man. like yeah he can be a little incompetent sometimes but so can scar and by now we have ALL recognised that scar is terrifying and could raze the server by himself if he so pleased. i think if jimmy solidarity's main bit wasnt 'its funny when my friends bully me' he could genuinely cause some serious damage. i think the one time hes like ever made a trap on his own in the life series (the one in his doorway in last life) it worked flawlessly which. like. a trap. in the life series. working flawlessly. hello. sure it was basic but the fact that it worked without a hitch should alone be a testament to his ability
and if thats too obscure for u i mean we can step out of the life series for a little bit and just direct you to the fact that he isnt bad at minecraft like at all?? if u havent had the pleasure of watching his dodgebolt 1v3 i really reccomend it because youd THINK that someone bad at minecraft would be trembling in his boots and being in a total panic in that situation. hell even someone AMAZING at minecraft in that position (grian) literally sounded on the verge of throwing up for his entire time and thats FAIR. thats NORMAL.
all i am saying is that jimmy solidarity rolled up to this 1v3, said 'ive got this,' and took out two people in literally a second and a half. and then just chill-ly said 'ive got this' again. the only time he sounded mildly panicked was when tommy was making him dodge for a ridiculously long amount of time. as soon as tommy missed twice- or, rather, as soon as he dodged tommy's bolts twice, mine brother in craft took one shot after like five seconds and it was over. every SINGLE time i decide to watch a jimmy mcc pov im sitting there like. 'damn. DAMN?? JIMMY SOLIDARITY???? POPPING OFF???????" at like more than one point every single time. there are so many other places that hes demonstrated that he isnt bad at minecraft but its late/early and my memory doesnt work like it used to
which brings me back to the life series. since we all know that his 'being bullied hahaheeheehoohoo' bit is a bit (and hey. its a good bit. im not saying its a bad bit. i think its funny and i think it gets even funnier when jim starts fighting back. if youre gonna have a long-lasting gimmick thats a good one and jimmy does a swell job at making it entertaining and also making it clear that it isnt serious) this means that he can un-bit it for a bit. or at least peel away the bit a little.
im just saying jimmy solidarity has huge bastard energy and hes allowed to let it free in the life series!! he will burn things down he will cheer at traps he will fight for his friends he wil fight tooth and nail and claw for his life (he started last life with two lives. he never got any more. he only died due to a trap and due to murder like COME ON). if he wanted to burn down a base he could if he wanted to set up a huge trap PERSONALLY i think he could hell i think if he went up to someone in 1v1 combat he would at least have a chance (depending on the person of course). i mean look at his dodgebolt performance all the man needs is a bow and some distance and hes APPARENTLY set for life!!
ill say it
if jimmy solidarity played it smart, he could win the life series. easily.
jimmy is good at making alliances with people (coughs and kicks the southlands betrayal underneath the rug Ignore That One he was Desperate he started off with two lives remember honestly it was a justified move) hes a litlte bit silly stupid and oft acts impulsively but he can direct that impulsivity against one person and for another. if he got himself in a squad like he did in 3rd and last life and stopped playing up the pathetic bit and set a trap for once in his life (/endeared) he could actually get himself some kills. some Real kills, not accidentally blowing up ren and skizz with tnt.
i dont even care how he does it. i just want him to win. and if he doesnt win, i want him to come top five at LEAST before getting horrifically stabbed in the back by someone he had been running with for the whole series that is the ONLY loss i will accept and still be happy about. the man deserves a girlboss moment please we're approaching two years let the man LIVE
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lakrimasx · 7 months
I feel myself relapsing and I don't really give a shit
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mentallyinsanebsdfan · 6 months
Do y’all bsd and skk fans ever think about when Dazai left Chuuya and just cry for hours? Like look, Chuuya as shown in season 2 did celebrate the occasion of Dazai leaving the PM but, deep inside he was probably really sad that his partner who he trusted so much left him (especially considering that Chuuya has a deep loyalty to those he cares about the most). PLUS, when he finally saw Dazai again after YEARS Chuuya didn’t question it. LIKE THATS HOW MUST TRUST CHUUYA HAS IN DAZAI!! He probably never really got mad at him because he knew deep inside that Dazai most likely had his reasons for doing so. In bsd it’s established that Chuuya is the only one that can really read Dazai and understand him. So with that, that’s my rant lol. (Please excuse my horrible grammar :’D)
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I’m sick of pretending Grian isn’t loyal.
We all already know about the desert and sticking with scar even after he lost his first life.
He was ready to kill mumbo so they could be on the same team again. As soon as he was yellow again, he went right back on that sinking ship that was those towers.
He killed Jimmy and Mumbo cause they were attacking HIM. He was getting pestered by them for awhile, before he killed them. (It’s not Grian’s fault mumbo and jimmy are sad and pathetic.)
Of course we have double life next, his actions aren’t really defendable in the loyalty front, but toxic gay people what can you do?
The bad boys!!
Grian’s first time changing his skin for the life series, and he does it multiple times! He gets pestered to put it on every session, till the last one when Jimmy and Joel are dead.
he might be on a different team at the end and he might have set up the arrangements before they died but he stuck with them till their death. He was doing everything he could to keep them alive for longer. Didn’t he literally ask Joel to kill him for more time with him?
Then we have secret life my baby girl!!
I’ve seen many a post about Grian being so loyal to Cleo and Etho.
And like yeah of course he is.
There his only real allies this time.
But Grian being loyal isn’t new to me.
Grian literally always goes out apologizing to his teammates every season.
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theheirofthesharingan · 8 months
Naruto fandom: We SAW Itachi was traumatized as a kid. As a 4-year-old. Had his formative years ruined with a burden by both the village and the clan. Had to make impossible decisions the responsibility of which he took on his shoulders. Regretted all his actions. Never believed he deserved forgiveness, love, and compassion from anyone. He died in guilt and disgrace believing this was what he deserved.
Also Naruto fandom: What shitty logic can we use to contradict everything we know from canon to discard his trauma and pain and pretend he was a completely mentally stable kid/teen who made all the decisions himself with no heavy conscience and then also blame his fans for actually seeing through all of this. Also how can we defend our favorites from Naruto itself and other fandoms because..?
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astronomicidiot · 5 months
I saw a post on reddit saying 'I think Scott could've won every season if he really tried' or something like that, and I just wanna say not only would that be boring but also if we apply that to every cc in the series, it would just not be fun at all.
Personally, what makes the life series so charming is that the ccs and characters all fight to survive, not win. In most first sessions of a series, you can see the ccs be cautious of how to survive, but as it progresses we usually get to see their characters start to live more than just surviving as their main goal. It's usually either the last or second to last session they actually fight to win, but even then, some still choose to survive rather than win.
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leafatlaw · 11 months
Team Rancher <3
Them <333
Theyre sooo right people wrong time. Because its freaking death games, theyre doomed, and jimmys cursed so theyre double doomed. But what makes them so special is that they dont live like theyre doomed. They make a gorgeous ranch full of animals and they dont worry about after. Theyre tied together and they both embrace it. Jimmy doesnt hold tango in content for dying so early, and tango dosent look down on jimmy for being the first out last time. They dont look for a way out or anyone else. They made a home at the end of the world and maybe it doesnt matter but there was love there.
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borom1r · 6 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Who Let Him Out Of Minas Tirith Dressed Like This.
(I understand range of motion for an actor but there were better ways to do this from a character standpoint as well)
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threeostrichesinacoat · 8 months
Desert duo is such an interesting duo, they had at least some sort of alliance in each of the life games(when G swore his first life to scar, threatening to kill him to get a life, soulmates, and extended family) while also in hermitcraft they were neighbors, opposite sides war leaders, neighbors 2, ect. They were paired up together a bunch of times and that’s a big part on why they’re so popular together, plus we even have stuff from some bonus small series like the 100 hr one. And they’re dynamic can switch a lot depending on what you’re basing it off from, and you can place a bunch of tags on them like enemies to lovers, superheroes, and falling in love in a war. You can even place a bunch of songs in them too, that’s one of the main reasons why the fandom just adopted crane wives
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prismartist · 2 years
i just realized. while most of the soulmates did love and care for each other, sure, they were still sort of forced to. they're soulbound, they have to care. but with scott and pearl, scott's sacrifice just hits harder. because he didn't have to do that. for most of the series he and pearl barely gave a damn about each other. even at the end, their allyship was more so borne out of necessity rather than love. so when scott chooses to kill himself, to make pearl the winner... it wasn't forced. it wasn't a decision made for him like the soulbounds. he chose to show pearl mercy. he chose to let her win. he chose to save her. and the fact that it killed him amplifies that. it's wasn't survivalist like how the world demanded. just the opposite. just the kindest.
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