#dr buckley is on the case
Eddie, sick as a dog but won’t admit it: So, what do you wanna do? Let’s do something crazy!
Buck: I know. Let’s rest and drink lots of fluids.
Eddie: Okay, I’ll rest. But if I’m going to bed… then you’re coming with me *sniffles loudly*
Buck: That would be impossible to resist if you weren’t all… drippy here *points to his nose*
Eddie, with a stuffy nose voice: Are you saying that you don’t wanna get with this?
Buck: Yeah, I don’t think you should say that even when you’re healthy.
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hippolotamus · 18 days
Inspiration Saturday/Several Sentence Sunday
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It’s still Saturday somewhere right??? For the fabulous @daffi-990 who conspired to bring this idea about. And also because I’ve maybe been torturing her hinting I’ve had a surprise for the last several days…
The Players:
Robert “Bobby” Nash - Asset Management (officially). Unofficially, a former banker who got tied up in a bad investment, causing him and dozens of others to lose everything. Bobby more than most. He’s a recovering alcoholic on a mission to steal from the rich and corrupt, and give back to their victims.
Athena Grant - LAPD sergeant who’s had her eye on Bobby for years, unable to catch a break in the case. He may be good at covering his tracks but she’s better. And Sgt Grant always gets her man.
Evan “Buck” Buckley - Associate. A young kid who steals for the thrill, but also to payoff his brother-in-law to ensure Maddie’s safety. Buck eventually winds up in Bobby’s company, sticking to his own agenda. Until the day that Doug’s asking price becomes too high and Buck finds himself needing a much bigger mark. Someone like…
Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz - war vet with a silver star and LA’s most eligible bachelor, who also happens to be pretty as sin. Oh, and has more money than god.
The Gig
Team up with Bobby to get the money Buck needs to save his sister, and hopefully get rid of Doug for good. Also, not allowing aesthetics to distract him from all the zeros in Diaz’s accounts. A target like this guy isn’t going to miss the amount Buck needs. Besides, it’s for a good cause. He’ll be in and out before anyone notices anything’s amiss.
What could possibly go wrong?
np tagging @actuallyitsellie @epicbuddieficrecs @loveyouanyway @a-noble-dragon @tizniz @diazheartsbuckley @saybiwithme mi amor @bidisasterevankinard @spotsandsocks @dangerpronebuddie @theotherbuckley @stereopticons @kitteneddiediaz @diazsdimples @your-catfish-friend @thekristen999 @filet-o-feelings loml @lizzie-bennetdarcy @wikiangela @steadfastsaturnsrings @rewritetheending
@jesuisici33 @rmd-writes @dr-shortsighted-owl @dorkydiaz @bi-buckrights @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @beyourownanchor6 @indestructibleheart @ladydorian05 @eowon @lemonzestywrites @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @the-likesofus @thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @welcometololaland @wildlife4life
and anyone else who wants to 😘
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scorpiussage · 8 months
The Lost Footage of You | Part 1 (Tom Buckley/OC)
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Pairing: Tom Buckley (Red Lights)/OC
Summary: Tom gets called to a review a very odd case involving a young woman and some unexplainable found footage. 
Warnings: Violence, very dark themes
Tom hates dealing with cops and he’s certain they hate him just as much. They watch him with open disdain as he gets buzzed through the locked security check points that keep the patients at Creekwood Sanitarium in and the regulars of society out. 
A nurse with the look of someone exhausted down to their soul meets him once he’s completely through security. She holds out a laminated visitors pass and he barely gets the chance to grab it and fix it to his clothes before she’s marching away from him down the main entrance corridor. 
“You’ll get thirty minutes to talk to her, so make it count,” the woman utters boredly, her gait surprisingly fast given her overall disposition and it causes Tom to have to power walk in order to keep up with her.  
“Er— right,” Tom replies weakly, trying to get his thoughts in order, “Has she said anything since being admitted?”
The nurse shoots him a sharp eyed, pursed lip look, “No.” 
Tom mentally adds “Nurses” to his ever growing list of things and people he hates. 
This entire case is sort of an unconventional one for Tom. Usually he’s exposing supposed psychics and tarot readers as fraudulent— never has he been asked by law enforcement to work on a case. 
Two weeks ago, six people were found brutally murdered at what appeared to be some sort of séance. A seventh person was found unconscious at the scene, a one Y/F/N Y/L/N, and with her a camcorder and a purse full of tapes. Now, Tom hasn’t seen the tapes yet, (he’s still waiting for clearance from the county judge to be allowed to watch them) but he’s been told roughly what they consist of. Whatever is on those tapes has law enforcement quaking in their boots. 
Tom has been called in to not only determine the validity of the tapes, but to also see if the young woman involved has some sort of supernatural ability. The police certainly think that the tapes are supernatural in nature. 
For a psychiatric facility, the living quarters of the patients and the inmates are actually pretty nice compared to the standard. Y/N has her own room and it has a few furnishings like a desk and a cushioned chair near the barred window. She’s sitting in said chair, starring out into the gray gloom of the facility grounds and the forest beyond them. 
This is the first look that Tom is getting of her and while they told him she was young, he’s still surprised. She can’t be older than 25 and she’s shockingly beautiful too. He sort of freezes in place when their eyes meet for the first time. He feels all too like the skinny weird kid he used to be and being faced with the local hottie. 
“Remember Mr. Buckley, 30 minutes,” the nurse says, shocking Tom out of his trance as she leaves the two of them alone, locking the door behind herself. 
Tom clears his throat awkwardly and takes a seat on the edge of Y/N’s desk, realizing too late that it probably makes him look like a middle school teacher trying to seem down to earth. 
“Hello,” he says with a weak smile, “I’m Dr. Tom Buckley.” 
“You don’t look like a doctor,” Y/N replies with a voice so soft that Tom has to lean forward to hear her better. 
“Er— I’m not a medical doctor, actually I’m a physicist.” 
Trying to grasp onto what to say next, Tom pulls the desk chair out and brings it over to where she’s sitting, placing himself in front of her, “I’m sort of a specialist in my particular field.” 
The woman stares at him blankly and it prompts him to start info dumping, “I deal with uncovering frauds who claim to be psychic or to have supernatural abilities. Not to say that that’s what you are, but that’s why I’m here.” 
The woman nods, “The police think I killed all those people.” 
Tom winces, “Um, yeah, they do.” 
Sinking into her chair she regards him with those piercing eyes of hers, almost making him feel like he’s being dissected. 
“Sometimes things happen around me that don’t make sense,” she says after a while, cutting off Tom who was about to start asking questions if only to fill the silence, “I carry around a videocamera to document everything.” 
“Have you? Documented these weird happenings?”
Y/N fidgets, her eyes darting to look back out the window, “A friend of a friend of a friend heard about me and requested me to do this séance? Like with a ouija board and stuff? I didn’t really want to do it but he said he’d pay me for my time.”
She takes a deep breath here, seemingly struggling to say out loud what occurred, “I told them it was a bad idea. The weird things that happen around me? The energies don’t like being taunted and I told those people that but they didn’t listen to me.” 
Tom quickly pulls out a notebook and pen, ready to take notes, “Can you tell me a bit more about these ‘energies’? What do they do?” 
“I— I wouldn’t call them ghosts, that seems too simple to what they are. They just— they’re always there, following me around? They get mad if I ignore them too long or if I try to provoke them.” 
“What do they do if you ignore them?” He asks. 
Y/N bites her lip nervously, eyeing him like she’s trying to decide if he’s trustworthy or not. She must come to the conclusion that he is, because she turns around in her chair and lifts up the back of her shirt. 
Tom’s notebook and pen go clattering to the floor, his shock audible in the horrified gasp he lets out. Big ugly bruises and weeping claw marks mar her back, in locations and styles that she would not be able to do to herself. 
Tom thinks that this case is going to end up being more than he bargained for. 
Tom isn’t sure what to expect when he finally gets approval to view the video tapes. He’s left alone in an unused interrogation room with a small box TV and a larger-than-he-expected stack of tapes. None of them are labeled and the cop that escorted him to the room fucked off without saying anything. 
With a deep sigh, Tom grabs the first tape on the top and pushes it into the VCR. It starts off how all home made videos are want to do, with jumbled, unfocused images before they finally settle.
It’s Y/N filming herself through the reflection of a bathroom mirror. She’s breathing heavily and the camera is shaking with her unsteady hands. Gulping audibly, she starts talking, “It’s— uh— Tuesday, August the 5th. The noises are back.” 
She jumps when a loud thump echoes in the background. She swings the camera to face a closed door— either the door to the bathroom or a closet, Tom can’t tell. Everything is still and quiet before another bang visibly rattles the door in its frame. Like someone slammed their fist into it. 
Y/N drops the camera in fright, the visual becoming that of her feet and the bottom of the door. 
Tom is both captivated and horrified, this whole thing is playing out like a real life horror movie.
“Don’t do it, don’t open the door,” he mutters to himself, both literally and figuratively on the edge of his seat. He holds his breath when she cracks the door.
She stands there for a moment before reaching down and picking up the camera. The door is now open to show a tightly packed linen closet. There’s absolutely no where a person could hide in that. 
Tom turns off the TV. 
The next time Tom goes to visit her, it’s during the patients’ outside recreational time. She’s sat off by herself under the shade of a large tree and she’s ripping up fistfuls of grass boredly. Tom rubs his sweaty palms on his pants before taking a seat near her. 
“Hey,” he greets awkwardly, “How are you?”
She shrugs and he tries to figure out what to say next. 
“How long have weird things been happening to you?” He eventually lands on, his curiosity getting the better of him. 
“Since I was a kid, I guess? My mom kept making us move because she was convinced the houses we lived in were haunted.” 
The ‘but it’s actually me’ goes unsaid. Tom feels a lot of sympathy for her, he can’t imagine being terrorized by unseen forces for years. He doesn’t really know how to express that sentiment to her though without flat out saying her life is a fucking horror movie. 
Deciding to change trajectory of the conversation, he asks, “Can you tell me more about that night?”
“It was supposed to be a seance,” she tells him and then after a long pause adds, “I think.” 
He frowns, “You think?”
She brushes the loose grass off of her palms, “The set up was really weird. Everyone was in a circle and they made me sit in the middle.”
“You were in the middle?”
She nods, “I brought my camera, but they told me I wasn’t allowed to film. I lied about turning it off and left it recording inside my bag. I just felt weird about the whole thing.” 
Tom bites at his thumb as he thinks. He hasn’t made it to the video of that night yet and this conversation is creating more questions than answers. 
“What happened next?” He finally asks. 
“That’s the thing. I can’t remember.” 
Tom doesn’t know how many more of the tapes he can watch. Each one is more horrifying than the last and if it were him, he would’ve taken a swan dive off a building out of sheer terror. 
For not the first time, he wishes Margaret was still alive to give him some guidance on what to do. Part of him feels relief that there’s another with strange abilities, but not at the suffering of this poor woman. 
He’s only halfway through the stack and he feels like this entire experience has aged him 10 years. With an exhausted sigh, he pops the next one into the VCR and hits play. 
The video starts off with a visual of the end of her bed before she turns the camera around to show her face. The lighting is poor, coming only from the faint glow of her bedside lamp. 
“It’s 2:38 am,” her voice is in a hushed whisper like she’s afraid of being overheard, “There’s something under my bed.” 
She peeks the camera over the edge of her bed to show her wooden floors. Nothing happens for a long moment before the camera jolts as the bed is shaken in its frame. She lets out a scream and buries herself under the covers like a child would, bringing the camera with her. The video goes on with a close up of her panicked face until eventually she falls asleep. 
Tom feels like he’s the only one who’s capable of protecting her. 
to be continued...
Part 2
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Several Sentences Sunday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
FANON Future Buddie Fanfic Series
First Child (Buck) & First Baby (Buck and Eddie)- Buck's first child and Buck and Eddie's first babies.
Buddie Fanfic
Part 15 - Chapter 7 will be posted soon. It's the final chapter in the fic and the series.
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First Child (Buck) & First Baby (Buck and Eddie) - Currently 134.9K Words and 6 of 7 Chapters have been posted; Rated: Mature
Chapters will be posted one at a time.
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 7 because a lot happened in Chapter 6. After they received the news that Bill and Sandra passed away, Buck and Eddie had a meeting with the estate attorney and they learned everything about the assets Bill and Sandra left them. They watched two videos they recorded for them and even though the entire Buckley-Diaz family took it hard, Buck took it worst of all.
At the end of the previous chapter, several months had passed and Buck and Eddie were preparing for the birth of their daughters, Daniella and Danielle at the end of May or early June. There's a lot more to come in this final chapter of the fic and the series.
Here's a snippet from Chapter 7 of Buck and Eddie while they're in the delivery room with their surrogate. Her water broke and she's in labor and even though she's been given an epidural, she's still in pain.
It’s obvious from Diana’s yelling that she’s in excruciating pain and even though Buck and Eddie have seen babies being born before, neither of them has ever witnessed the birth of twins, therefore, it’s concerning.  Also, these are their babies and they want to make sure they’re ok especially since their surrogate was rushed to the hospital two days ago after she experienced Braxton Hicks labor pains.
“Diana, I need you to listen to me… you’re 10 centimeters dilated, the twins are coming and they’re ready to meet their dads.”
“I—I… Dr. Dorson, it hurts!  I think there’s something wrong!”
At that comment, Buck’s and Eddie’s eyes widen but neither of them interrupts the doctor.
Dr. Dorson looks at the nurse and in a low voice, she asks, “You all administered the epidural before I arrived, correct?”
“Yes!  We gave it to her after she asked for it about an hour ago.”
“How much did you give her?”
The nurse starts speaking but it’s so low they can’t hear her and she’s also wearing a mask which means Eddie can’t read her lips.  Therefore, he doesn’t know how much she said.
“Thank you.”  Dr. Dorson replies, then she looks at Diana and says, “We’ve already given you an increased dose of an epidural but now that you’re in labor and baby A’s head is visible, we can’t give you another dose.”
“Diana, please listen to me.  I know it hurts but Nurse Kathy’s going to do the breathing exercises with you and they should help ease the pain.”
Dr. Dorson’s seen this before with multiple births and she fully understands the pain Diana’s in since she’s given birth to her own set of twins but she also knows it’s too late to give her another epidural.
Eddie’s watching his husband, Dr. Dorson and Diana because Buck’s eyes are wide, Dr. Dorson’s trying to calm Diana and she’s screaming in pain.  During their legal surrogacy legal, they discussed the different types of birth and even though they agreed to natural, they included the other options as well just in case the doctor needs options.
He exhales and moves closer to Buck, if that’s even possible and they both keep their eyes on their surrogate and her OB/GYN.
Dr. Dorson makes a quick decision, then she looks at them and explains, “Buck and Eddie, we’re going to transport Diana to the operating room.”
Eddie nods in response because he fully understands what’s happening. “Thank you, Dr. Dorson.  We’ll follow you and your team.” After he refocuses his attention back onto his husband, he notices he’s still swaying back and forth like he’s going to faint, so he steps in front of him.  Once he’s directly in his line of sight, he puts one arm around his waist and pulls him close so Buck can’t see anything but him.
After their conversation this morning, he knows Buck’s worried and he has been for weeks.  He’s fully aware he’s scared something might happen to the babies and if he’s honest, he’s scared now too.
He can tell Buck’s not breathing and since they’re wearing masks and scrubs, he focuses all his attention on those ocean blue eyes he loves so much and in a low voice, he asks, “My love.  Can you hear me?”
After a second or maybe two, Buck slowly nods then his tears break free and they start rolling down his cheeks.  His mask gets wet but he’s so afraid that he doesn’t notice.  He whispers “Babe… I—I don’t understand.  What’s happening?”
Eddie cups his cheeks with both of his gloved hands and admits...
What's going to happen next as Buck and Eddie wait for their twin daughters to be born? 👀
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First Love Confession -Buck and Eddie share their first real and meaningful love confession.
First Date - Buck and Eddie go on their first date.
First Kiss - Buck and Eddie share their first kiss.
First Argument - Buck and Eddie have their first argument.
First Couples Therapy Session- Buck and Eddie go to their first couples therapy sessions.
First Time - Eddie and Buck make love for the first-time.
First Morning After - The night after Buck and Eddie make love for the first-time, they spend their first morning after together.
First Relationship Reveal - Buck and Eddie’s first relationship reveal.
First Mourning - Buck and Eddie experience their first mourning after a loss together.
First Marriage Proposal - Eddie and Buck’s first marriage proposal.
First Fiancé Introductions - Buck and Eddie’s first introductions as fiancés.
First Wedding Planning & Preparation - Buck and Eddie’s first planning and preparation for their wedding and honeymoon.
First Civil Marriage Ceremony - Buck and Eddie’s first civil marriage ceremony.
First Honeymoon - Buck and Eddie’s first honeymoon.
First Child (Buck) & First Baby (Buck and Eddie) - Eddie’s been a father for almost 14 years and Buck’s been a legal guardian to the same child for 4 years. However, after a court hearing, Buck will become a father to their first child and the title of legal guardian will be given to someone else. Also, one year and three months later, Buck and Eddie will welcome their first baby into the world.
Their Firsts, At Last - 200K Words; Currently 14 completed works and 1 in progress: A multi-part fanfic series about the romantic “firsts” Buck and Eddie share as they journey through life in an established relationship and their lives as a couple will include some of Buck’s individual “firsts” too. It’s filled with the FANON love, romance, fluff and domesticity their relationship should have been allowed to experience in CANON. The second part of the series title was adapted from the song “At Last” by Etta James.
This series of FANON future speculation fanfics is being written on a continuous timeline that begins with the start of season 7 (if it were to start in September 2023). Each part ends at a specific point in Buck and Eddie’s relationship so the next part can begin with the ending of the previous part. Therefore, parts 1-14 should be read prior to reading part 15 and the series will continue in that manner until it’s complete.
Parts 1 - 15 are available on AO3
Part 15 has 7 chapters but they will be posted one at a time. Currently, Chapter 1 - 6 are available on AO3.
Chapter 7 is the final chapter in the fic and the series and it will be posted soon.
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littleoddwriter · 1 year
Rules, Guidelines, etc.:
[Used to be: ronaldrx]
I'm a hobby writer and mostly write (x Reader) FanFictions and Headcanons. But I am also working on my original story whenever I can, so that I’ll hopefully publish it as an actual book someday. My Ao3.
Here’s a link to my Ko-Fi, in case you want to support me financially. It would mean a lot to me! (Obviously no obligation whatsoever! You never have to pay for anything on my blog, it’s merely an option for donations.)
Also, here are my sideblogs if you’re interested:
Dead Poets Society
Raúl Esparza
The Simpsons
Only ask for the characters I’ve got listed, please. I’ve written down all of the ones I actually write for, and the list is being updated regularly, as I often find new (actors, whose) characters I write for! (And yes, I always write for every character, so don’t ever worry if you wanna ask for one I haven’t written for in a long time, or ever, it’s fine!) Please always be patient with me. If I haven’t outright declined your request, it’s definitely in the works; even if it has been weeks or months since you’ve sent it in! And only send your requests via ASKs. No DMs or comments, please.
If you have a request, send an Ask to my inbox.
NO sexual NSFW requests, please (more details further down).
Requests = CLOSED (Max. Limit: 10)
Current number of requests: 10
Last updated: October 29, 2023
Masterlists are linked with fandoms/actors/characters below. I WRITE FOR:
ALFRED MOLINA characters:
Doctor Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man
Bob Taylor
James Lewis
Kurt Goreshter
Lonny Crane
Philippe/Abra Kadabra
Simon Lynch
Thomas Schiff
ETHAN HAWKE characters:
Arthur Harrow
Ellison Oswalt
Goodnight Robicheaux
James Sandin
EWAN MCGREGOR characters:
Alex Law
Catcher Block
Christopher Robin
Curt Wild
Dan Torrance
John Bishop
Mark Renton
Obi-Wan Kenobi 
Roman Sionis/Black Mask* (Birds of Prey - Masc!Reader only) [Any other version of Roman Sionis/Black Mask can be with a Gender Neutral/Female!Reader.]
HUGH DANCY characters:
Adam Raki
Cal Roberts
Luke Brandon
Executive ADA Nolan Price
Will Graham
KARL URBAN characters:
Billy Butcher
Black Hat
John Kennex
Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Markiplier EGOS:
Wilford Warfstache
PAUL DANO characters:
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Edward Nashton/The Riddler
Eli Sunday
Jay (Okja)
Joby Taylor
PEDRO PASCAL characters:
Agent Whiskey
Dave York
Dio Morrissey
Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Marcus Moreno
Marcus Pike
Max Phillips
Maxwell Lord
Oberyn Martell
Ricky Hauk
RAÚL ESPARZA characters:
Dr. Frederick Chilton*
Jackson Neill
Jonas Nightingale
Rafael Barba
Characters from 9-1-1 (Lone Star):
Carlos Reyes*
Eddie Diaz
Evan “Buck” Buckley
Howard “Chimney” Han
Josh Russo*
Mateo Chavez
Paul Strickland
Bobby Nash
Tim Rosewater
TK Strand*
Characters from Law and Order(: Special Victims Unit):
Detective/ADA Dominick “Sonny” Carisi, Jr.
Sergeant Mike Dodds
Detective Nick Amaro
Executive ADA Nolan Price
ADA Peter Stone
ADA Rafael Barba
Deputy Chief William Dodds
Little Miss Sunshine:
Dwayne Hoover [Platonic only!]
Our Flag Means Death:
Edward Teach/Blackbeard*
Izzy Hands
Stede Bonnet*
Prisoners (2013):
Alex Jones/Barry Milland [Platonic only!]
Bob Taylor
Detective David Loki
Renfield (2023):
Count Dracula
Robert Montague Renfield
Tedward “Teddy” Lobo
SLASHERS/Horror Film Characters:
Asa Emory/The Collector
Ash J. Williams [I will usually default to Ash from the TV show, unless requested otherwise!]
Billy Lenz (1974)
Billy Loomis
Bo Sinclair
Brahms Heelshire
Bubba Sawyer/Leatherface (TCM 1974 and TCM 2)
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
Chop Top Sawyer
Corey Cunningham
Dewey Riley
Drayton Sawyer
Herbert West*
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull
Lawrence Gordon
Lester Sinclair
Luigi Largo
Mark Hoffman  
Nubbins Sawyer
Pavi Largo
Stu Macher  
Vincent Sinclair
William Easton
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Qui-Gon Jinn
The Girl Next Door:
Characters from The Simpsons:
Cecil Terwilliger*
Fat Tony
Frankie the Squealer
Jack Lassen
Johnny Tightlips
Moe Szyslak
Ned Flanders
Otto Mann
Seymour Skinner
Sideshow Bob
Sideshow Mel
Snake Jailbird
Timothy Lovejoy
Waylon Smithers*
What We Do in the Shadows:
Anton (Movie)
Guillermo de la Cruz*
Laszlo Cravensworth
Nandor the Relentless
* Please note that an asterisk (*) means that these characters are Male/Masc/GenderNeutral!Reader only (including non-binary, of course). Platonic relationships with Female!Reader are possible, but no romantic ones.
If it’s a character that is open to all Readers, and you do not specify in your request what you want, I’ll usually opt for a Gender Neutral Reader by default.
SHIPS, such as:
BlackBonnet (OFMD)
SteddyHands (OFMD)
Black Pete x Lucius Spriggs (OFMD)
Buck x Josh Russo (9-1-1)
Dracfield (Renfield 2023)
Buddie (9-1-1)
Eli x Klitz (The Girl Next Door)
Nandermo (WWDITS)
Herbert West x Dan Cain (Re-Animator)
McKirk (Star Trek: AOS)
Oluwande x Jim Jimenez (OFMD)
Barisi (Law & Order SVU) 
Renfield x Teddy Lobo (Renfield 2023)
Sickrent (Trainspotting/T2)
Stobotnik (Sonic Movie)
Tarlos (9-1-1: Lone Star)
AnderPerry (Dead Poets Society)
ZsaszMask (Birds of Prey)
Lastly, I would like to add things I will NOT write (about):
Sexual NSFW fics/headcanons (I used to write those as you can see in my Masterlists, but I have my reasons for not writing them anymore. Any hints at sexual topics are fine).
Anything related to death as the main subject (this includes deadly diseases, anything fatal, really, etc.).
Anything that romanticizes Mental Illness (my Vent Fics about my own disorders obviously do not romanticize any of it and I do not stand for that).
(Recreational) Drug Use
Extreme Possessive Behaviour and/or Jealousy
If you have something you would like me to write for, but you do not see it listed anywhere, please ask me before requesting it, so we can talk about it. I hope you enjoy yourself on my blog and have a good time!
My Asks and DMs are always open for any questions or simply to talk!
- Jesse
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aaronhotchstuff · 2 years
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criminal minds oc week :: day two ↳ We’re Ready to Present the Profile
Dr. Scott empathises with every victim we’ve encountered more than anyone on the team, and definitely way more than she should have which she goes to great lengths to hide even though it’s proved to be an asset rather than a liability, mostly due to the way she handles herself on each case that we work. She believes that thinking with her head is the best way to solve a case while also distancing herself from her emotions, but she doesn’t realise just how much of her heart she also pours into every decision that she makes, and that it’s one of the things that makes her a very good agent. — Aaron Hotchner’s profile of Phoebe Scott in 2x23 (No Way Out II: The Evilution of Frank)
credits & inspo: template, caption, one, two.
special mention to @lizziesxltzmxn who went through the same struggle of making this set with me 😭💞 check out her amazing version here!
tag list: @yelenabolevas @chrissymunson @richitozier @delicateblackrose @arrthurpendragon @raith-way @claryxjackson @hiddenqveendom @decennia @lovehermioneforever @kendelias @waterloou @multifandom-oc-hell @come-along-pond @lizziesxltzmxn @maddies-buckley @cas-verse @foxesandmagic @issytrix @booty-boggins @reirvival (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!)
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Make me write!
I have the day off and I need to work on my wips. Send me an ask with an emoji that represents one of my fics and I’ll answer with a few new lines!
Green Arrow AU - 🏹
After being marooned on the island of Lian Yu for seven years, Evan “Buck” Buckley, son of billionaire Phillip Buckley, returns to Starling City with the mission to right the wrongs of his father and the city’s rich elite. He starts his mission alone, taking up the mantle of the city’s masked vigilante, who kills his targets with a bow and arrow, earning him the moniker of “The Hood.” However, he quickly learns that doing this job on his own is nearly impossible, and leans on his new bodyguard, Eddie Diaz, and Buckley Consolidated’s IT hotshot, Hen Wilson, to help him save the city all while he tries to rekindle his relationship with his former girlfriend, Taylor Kelly. As the team works together, and Buck gets closer than ever with his bodyguard, he realizes that what he had with Taylor may not live up to the life he’s building with Eddie, and his six-year-old son, Christopher.
Bones AU - 💀
Based on 2x09, Aliens in a Spaceship AKA the first Grave Digger Episode. While working a case of the serial kidnapper, the Grave Digger, Forensic Anthropologist Dr. Evan “Buck” Buckley and Etymologist Dr. Howard “Chimney” Han are kidnapped and buried alive until the $8 Million ransom can be paid. After receiving the call, Special Agent Eddie Diaz and the forensic science team at the Jeffersonian must race against the clock to find where the Grave Digger has buried their friends before they run out of oxygen.
Trapped!Eddie AU - ☎️
From Bobby's POV, Eddie gets trapped under a collapsed building on a call. When he radios in to tell the team he's alive, he asks for a minute alone with Buck. The problem is, their "private talk" is over an open radio channel.
Army!Eddie AU - 🇺🇸
When Army!Eddie is transferred from El Paso to Los Angeles, Buck joins the 118. A series of moments that Bobby sees of Buck from when he starts as a probie as he navigates life as a firefighter, a father, and a partner.
Trapped!Buddie AU - 🚒
Buck and Eddie are trapped together on a call and to Eddie’s dismay Buck feels the need to pick a fight with Eddie about him coming for him on the night he died. 
Celebrity!Buddie Fake Dating AU - 🩷
After being busted for participating in an underground fight club, actor Eddie Diaz needs some good publicity. His publicist, Cheryl, suggests to get the heat off him for the fighting, he should fake date a celebrity whose good publicity can rub off on him. After a list of suggestions, Eddie chooses fellow actor, Evan Buckley. Who knew that selecting his headshot would lead to one of the best choices he’s ever made?
Girl Dad!Buck AU - 👧🏼
10 ½ year old Hailey James walks into the 118 claiming Buck is her father, and well, Buck is going to need some help from his best friend, Eddie, learning how to navigate being a dad. Buckey-Diaz family shenanigans ensue, and the new sibling bond between Christopher and Hailey means they both have some ideas on how to make their dads realize how complete their little family could be if they just owned up to their very obvious feelings for one another.
Jealous!Buddie AU - 😡
6 times Buck and Eddie were jealous over the other’s friendship with Ravi + 1 time Ravi calls them out on it.
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ladygrey7 · 1 year
fire on fire (would normally kill us) (1727 words) by ladygrey7 Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Bobby Nash, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Firehouse 118 Crew Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Bobby Nash, Athena Grant, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Howie "Chimney" Han, Maddie Buckley, Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Additional Tags: Post-Lawsuit (9-1-1 TV), Buckley-Diaz Family (9-1-1 TV), Christopher Diaz is a National Treasure, Light Angst, Mutual Pining, Firehouse 118 Crew as Family (9-1-1 TV), Supportive Firehouse 118 Crew (9-1-1 TV) Summary: Evan “Buck” Buckley would do anything for his family. He would go through hell fire and high water to make sure that they were safe and happy. If he had to endure their cold shoulders and disdain, he’d do it.
At the request of Chief Alonzo and the Los Angeles Police Department, Buck was tasked with gathering evidence to build a case against Chase Mackey and his network of shady associates.
Since Mackey was targeting the 118, Buck had agreed to the assignment and played the role of a scorned employee filing a lawsuit. The issue was– he couldn’t tell anyone about it.
The mission was successful and Buck had succeeded in protecting the 118 from being harmed. While the ruse was over, the hurt caused by it remained. Despite the reassurances from the 118 crew, Buck couldn’t help but internalize some of the things that had been said and done during the lawsuit.
With some help from Dr. Copeland, Buck stepped away from the 118 to heal himself and figure out how to stand on his own as a person, and not just a firefighter.
If it led to him working as a bounty hunter tracking down a serial arsonist, then that’s just part of his healing.
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hawkinsmafia · 5 months
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day 09 : juice box
featuring Gareth Emerson x oc Fox Buckley
summary: Gareth and his secret boyfriend are almost caught together
rating: general
wc: 861
cw: none
an: written for the 200 Words Challenge. Fox is the fastest muse spawn I’ve ever had, he practically sprouted fully formed from my forehead like Athena and I can talk about him and Gareth all day long.
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The staccato snap of a steady three-beat rhythm, their long-established signal for Gareth to grab Fox’s attention while he was deafened, made Fox look up from his sketch pad. Gareth was tapping his own ear with the tip of his other drumstick; Fox quickly turned his hearing aids back on.
“Sorry, yeah?”
“Grab me a Doc?”
Fox pulled his knee up onto the old couch and levered himself over the arm, pulling open the door of the fridge next to it. There was a block of Sprite cans, another of Tab, two of Coke, a line of Pabst beer bottles… but the space usually occupied by Dr. Pepper cans was conspicuously empty.
“You’re out,” Fox announced.
“Aw, shit!”
“Hey, gimme me a Coke.”
Fox wiggled a Coke can out of the box and tossed it in Eugene’s direction. “Anyone else?”
“I’ll take a Tab.”
He tossed one to Jeff as requested.
Eddie grinned cheekily at Fox. “Gimme a beer.”
Fox and Gareth both answered together. “No.”
“Mom got another box at the store yesterday,” Gareth said, setting his drumsticks down and getting up. “Think they’re still in the pantry.”
Swinging the fridge door closed again, Fox climbed off the couch and followed behind Gareth. “I’ll help.”
As they went inside, Eddie sighed behind them. “Okay, guess we’re taking five then. Hand me a fucking Coke.”
The garage door led into the utility room, the door to the pantry off to one side and the doorway to the kitchen on the other. “Can you grab them for me?” Gareth asked Fox. “I’ll help you take ‘em out there, but I gotta piss real quick.”
Fox nodded as Gareth headed out through the kitchen, and pulled open the pantry door. Jesus… The Emersons were never hurting for food, but with Mrs. E just having restocked yesterday, the pantry shelves were practically bowing under the weight of their stockpile. And on the floor, wedged beneath a shelf lined with assorted cereal boxes that Fox would mix all into one bowl the next time he slept over, was a stack of six cases of Gareth’s beloved Dr. Pepper.
As Fox started pulling them out, he heard the bathroom door hit the wall, then the clomp of Gareth’s chucks on the linoleum in the kitchen, deliberately walking heavily to not sneak up on Fox.
“How many you want out there?” he shouted, and a moment later he could hear the beat of Gareth pounding the kitchen countertop twice, signaling two cases. Fox pulled out a second case as Gareth returned and set it on the counter beside the first.
“Got you a present,” Gareth said, now that they were in the same room again and Fox could hear him clearly, holding out a Hi-C Wild Cherry juice box. Favored by both his little sisters, the cherry flavored juice box was a hot commodity in Gareth’s house.
“These are supposed to be for Claire and Lily,” Fox reminded him, even as he accepted the box.
“Mm, but you love them too. And I love you. So…”
Fox smiled, and his freckles turned bronze as his cheeks colored pink. “You romantic, you.”
Both of them glanced toward the closed garage door, then back to each other, and moved in unison. Gareth quickly pushed Fox backward into the pantry as Fox grabbed Gareth by the shirtfront and pulled him in with him, hands finding waists and shoulders as their mouths met. Fox’s fingers climbed into Gareth’s hair, twining into the fluffy brown locks and tugging the way he knew made Gareth’s knees weak. Gareth groaned softly in response, his hands traveling down Fox’s back to settle on the curve of his ass, squeezing lightly and pulling him flush against Gareth.
They lost all sense of time and risk, too consumed by each other to keep their wits about them, until the garage door banged open. Gareth and Fox jerked apart as if they’d been scalded, Fox whirling around to discreetly wipe his mouth.
“The hell are you guys?!” Jeff yelled from the doorway, at the same time Gareth snatched a box off the pantry shelf and declared, “Found ‘em!” Backing out of their cubby hole, Gareth held up the box of Fruit Wrinkles for Jeff to see. “Sorry, dude, Mom hid the fruit snacks from me, we were trying to find them.”
“Well get back out here, Eddie’s getting cranky.”
“I am not!” Eddie shouted from somewhere beyond Jeff.
“These the pop cans you wanted?” Jeff asked, not waiting for an answer before he picked up both cases and returned to the garage. Gareth heard the garage fridge open and the clank of the cases being put in their place.
“Fuck, he scared the shit out of me,” Gareth whispered, his hands forming the words as well.
“That was too close,” Fox signed back in silence, his heart still hammering.
Gareth leaned forward and pressed his forehead to Fox’s for a moment. “He didn’t see anything,” he assured his boyfriend softly. “We’re still okay.”
Fox nodded, pressed a quick kiss to Gareth’s lips, and gestured for them to get back to the garage before anything more could happen.
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dividers by @saradika-graphics
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wackybuddiemewbs · 2 years
Here's to some more WIPpeting for the fic that doesn't exist...
AKA here's some more context for that arc that was already explored a bit in these Seven Sentence Sundays (1 and 2) and this WIP Wednesday. AKA I am still way too obsessed with this fic that's not a fic. And now that it's WIP Wednesday yet again, I said... why not torture y'all along with me?
*checks notes* 460k something words... Just kill me already.
Anyway, here's to more bones and shenanigans! Cheers!
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The Worm in the Man II
“Okay, that’s where they found the victim. The woman said that she found him on her morning round with her dog Daisy. Poor thing must be scarred for life,” Eddie notes, looking back over his notes.
Buck is crouching near the tree squinting, or as he’d probably rather call it, absorbing the scene.
“The dog, you mean?” Buck asks, his lips curled into a pensive frown, all the while his eyes set on the ground. “Most animals don’t distinguish between kinds of meat. Because that’s what this man’s remains were to Daisy. So for her, it was really a snack. Though I do feel for her, in case she got tapeworms.”
“Right, anything else you can tell me from this… gunk?”
Buck walks around carefully. “The man died standing near that brush. He faced away from the pathway. He fell forward and slipped under, close to the root. The brushes must have covered him up, so no one noticed him… until Daisy started to nibble on him.”
Eddie scratches his chin. It doesn’t cease to amaze him what that guy can get from some bones, some tapeworms, and some tracks on the ground. Sure, their forensics team is good, but they are nowhere near up to par when it comes to Dr. Buckley.
Sadly, he’s also a little shit, which can sometimes pale the amazement.
“Okay, leaves you wondering what the guy’s been doing in the brush,” Eddie ponders.
“What I can tell you is that someone’s urinated here,” Buck lets him know. “I can still smell the ammonia all the way up here.”
Eddie wrinkles his nose. “Ew.”
“Which is something I wouldn’t have been able to tell you from just the pictures.”
“Now, if you riddled me how this is relevant information, too…,” Eddie teases.
Buck rolls his eyes at him, then focuses back on the ground. “Well, for one, it may also explain the sped-up decomposition. And then… I can’t say whether he was the one who took a leak or someone accidentally urinated on him. Both in combination are also possible. Judging by the smell and the tracks around, that bush seems to be popular for taking a piss.”
“So okay, guy may have been taking a leak. He’s faced the other way. If someone sneaked up on him and, say, hit him in the back of the head with something heavy, he would’ve fallen forward just as you said. Never would’ve seen it coming,” Eddie thinks aloud.
That sounds about right, doesn’t it?
“There is no trauma to the skull that suggests that he was hit, though,” Buck notes.
Apparently not so much.
“So what?” Eddie huffs. “You think he just died taking a piss?”
He still has to teach Buck the arts of bouncing ideas. He is just straight-up terrible at it. Or rather, Buck refuses to engage in such conversation or just seems so confused at the mere thought he just zones out completely.
One time, Eddie had Buck stare at him for two minutes straight – and yes, he counted – waiting for Eddie to say something else. Because he wasn’t going to continue that conversation, or just didn’t seem to know how to do it.
Because Buck hates assumptions, as Eddie understood by now, got told often enough by now. Way too often, in fact. But in Eddie’s line of work, this is how you get to the core of the problem. You get a feeling for the scene, you paint a picture. And sure, it may not be 100% accurate, but it’s giving you ideas. It gives you hints of where to go next. But for Buck, there doesn’t always seem to be a next. There just is the here and now. And in the here and now, he’s crouching near a brush, absorbing the scene and the smell of the piss.
“It could’ve been a fatal heart attack, too, or something to that effect.”
“Wait, are we theorizing?” Eddie grins at him.
Buck puffs at that, making his discontent known. “We’re certainly not. I’m simply telling you that statistically, both scenarios are just as likely, given the evidence we have. Though I can say that one thing with a certainty: Your theory of the man being hit disqualifies due to the lack of evidence of trauma to the skull.”
Eddie makes a face. “Make sure to never try out as a motivational speaker.”
“They are all frauds anyway. Motivational speakers appeal to very basic human needs. Essentially, they get you addicted to the high you get during those presentations, the group spirit and such. It’s really no different from tribes consuming drugs to witness some kind of trance in an effort to get closer to their gods. Just chemicals in the brain,” Buck hums, continuing his venture under that brush.
“Alright, good that we ruled that out as a future career choice for you,” Eddie snorts, then frowns. “But rewind for a second there for me. Why do you find a heart attack that likely? I thought the guy had changed his lifestyle for the better?”
“On the contrary, really. That man has been running rampage with his body in an effort to get it into the shape he wanted. The victim lost a lot of weight in a very short amount of time. Too much, even, for it to be healthy. We’ll only know once Hen took a look at the organs and the flesh, but it’s a valid hypothesis based on what we already have,” Buck lets him know.
“Awesome,” Eddie mutters, still mulling that over. “Anything else?”
“None that I can see…,” Buck says, then stops, tilts his head to the side and gets further under that bush. “Oh, okay, one more thing: The brush was apparently used for both taking a leak and… getting intimate.”
Eddie frowns. “What has you think that?”
Buck holds up a used condom with his forceps. “There’s a whole parade of those down there. All colors of the rainbow!”
Eddie shakes his head. “Don’t people have any class these days?”
“People are simply responding to their instincts, they do that these days and did it before – and they will in the future. It’s a natural urge for most humans.”
“But in a bush?”
Buck shrugs. “For some people, it heightens the thrill and thus sexual arousal. Of being caught in the act, that sort of thing.”
Eddie cocks an eyebrow at him. “Speaking from experience?”
He’d like to say that this might make Buck just the slightest bit uncomfortable, but no such chance. The guy just rolls his shoulders, puckers his lips, then looks back at the condom dangling inches from his face, like it’s a natural thing to do.
“Yeah, no, I don’t like the idea of having insects lay eggs in places I’d rather not have them venture around. If you expose your lower half, you may get yourself some visitors, even though you use protection on one end.”
Eddie screws his eyes shut. “Yuck.”
“Though sex outside can be quite stimulating,” Buck continues. “But there’s safer environments to do it.”
“So speaking from experience after all?” Eddie teases, chuckling softly.
“I have a very healthy libido, and I’m not opposed to trying out new things, thank you very much,” Buck lets him know, still inspecting whatever else he can find under that brush.
“Good to know. Okay… let’s focus on… virtually anything else,” Eddie mutters, looking at his phone. “Google tells me there is a gym not that far away from here. Maybe our victim took a stroll through the park on the way back from the gym?”
“Sounds reasonable. Good.”
“Thank you, I guess?” Eddie furrows his eyebrows.
“I’ll send a team from the Jeffersonian down here to secure the remaining evidence, including the little latex parade,” Buck ponders. “If the victim was having sex in the brushes, maybe one belongs to him. And if so, we might get DNA from the other side, to tell us whom he was seeing here.”
“I so hope that this is not the case.”
“You should, though,” Buck argues. “Because that means we may have a witness or even a suspect. That person may very well be the last person to see our victim alive.”
“Now, that’s what I call romantic.”
“Not all people need romance.”
“Why did I know you were going to say that?” Eddie huffs.
“Some people just want sex, a lot.”
“Yeah, thanks, I got that bit,” Eddie huffs, then places his palm on his forehead. “Okay, put the condom down, Buck. And stop wiggling it, for Christ’s sake!”
Buck grins at him wickedly. “Cherry.”
“I hate you.”
“I don’t like flavored ones myself. Always tastes artificial, like real bad, cheap gum.”
“Fine, fine, to the gym.”
“Thank you.”
A few minutes later, Buck and Eddie find themselves standing in the entrance area of the nearby gym. Nothing out of the ordinary, the typical smell of sweat, strong deodorant, and fake leather, mingled with the clanking of the machines and the oofs and aahs and sighs of the people training. Though there is a lot of yelling going on, that much they have to realize upon entering. Last time Eddie heard such harsh orders, he was in training for the military.
Before Buck and Eddie get to ponder why the trainers continue to cuss their clients out, a blonde woman appears. She has a toothpaste smile plastered on her face, wears the brightest neon sportswear, and a ponytail tied so high up and tightly on the top of her head that it’s almost a miracle she can move a single muscle on her face.
“Hi, my name is Zoe. Welcome to X-Treme Fitness,” she greets them. “How may I help you?”
Eddie flashes his badge at the woman. “Agent Diaz, FBI. This is Dr. Evan Buckley from the Jeffersonian. We’re looking for what we believe is one of your customers.”
The woman stares at them. “Oh wow, the FBI. For real?”
“No, for shits and giggles, ma’am,” Buck mutters under his breath.
“What?” he parrots, quickly turning around to look at the hallway full of pictures. “What are these?”
“Oh, that’s our hall of fame. Everyone who manages to meet their goal to optimize their body will get his or her image put up there,” she explains, the same way she has probably done it at least a thousand times by now. “It’s supposed to motivate our customers to keep going and run that extra mile.”
“So most of the people coming here seek to lose weight, judging by the before and after pictures on your wall?” Buck questions, still perfectly absorbed into the images hung upon the wall. Though Eddie will say he rather has him absorbed than irritate possible witnesses. They tend to be a little less talkative when they are met with a certain attitude before they as much as said their name.
Zoe nods her head, sending her ponytail bobbing up and down. “Yes. We want to create an environment that motivates people to get rid of all that nasty fat holding them down.”
“Fat is not nasty, it’s naturally in our bodies,” Buck argues, making a face. “For some people, it is an amount that’s not healthy anymore, but that doesn’t make them or their body fat nasty.”
“Do you know the customers, as you are so keen on helping them meet their goals?” Eddie interjects. While he agrees with Buck’s notion, this is not the time to discuss body images with someone who clearly lives by the gym’s gospel.
“Some of them, those who take courses, mostly. So you may wanna talk to our top trainer. Jay is the greatest. Half of the people on the wall owe it to him that their picture is up there. He’s sooooooo great.”
Eddie grimaces. “Yeah, I’d love to speak to Jay, thank you very much.”
“I heard he’s great,” Buck snorts, still studying the photos. Eddie can’t help but grin at that.
“I’ll check in with him. He’s currently teaching our extreme yoga class, so I wouldn’t want to interrupt them, while they are carrying out a routine,” Zoe tells them.
Both turn their heads to her. “Extreme yoga?”
“You can bust so much more body fat with weights attached to your limbs – and you get so much more done if you do the crane pose as many times as you can in five minutes. You can see it right over there.” She nods over to one of the rooms where a bunch of people are sweating and grinding their teeth as they balance on their palms, with their knees tucked, and the feet lifted off the floor. Well, more or less, depending on the person you’re watching.
Eddie tilts his head to the side. “Sure looks… relaxing.”
“Well, we believe that you can relax once you achieved your goals.”
More like: You can sleep when you’re dead, huh?
“The extreme yoga classes are on high demand,” Zoe informs them. “The specialized version of the crane pose is working wonders on your arm muscles, let me tell you.”
“That’s actually an adapted crow pose,” Buck notes, wrinkling his nose.
She blinks at him. “I beg your pardon?”
“That’s not a bakasana pose, it’s a kakasana,” Buck explains. “The trainer shows it with bent arms, and bent arms are for the crow pose, not the crane.”
“No, I’m pretty sure that’s a crane, because that is what’s in the schedule,” Zoe insists. “We only cover the crow in the other program.”
“And I’m positive that this is a crow,” Buck argues.
Oh boy. Let’s hope we don’t have to intervene in a fight of the yogis soon. The Director will surely have something to say about that. Among other things…
“Fascinating as that discussion is, it’d be great if you could fetch Jay for us, Zoe,” Eddie interrupts. “It’s really important that we talk to him.”
“Sure thing. I’ll check in with him to see if he has time,” Zoe answers, nodding her head, though evidently, none of what he said just reached her.
“Zoe, he has to make time,” Eddie corrects her.
She smiles at him, bobbing her head. “As I said, I will ask if he’s available.”
Eddie opens his mouth to say something, but then bites down the comment. He smiles at her as she rushes off to get Jay the Great.
He then turns his attention back to Buck. “So you’re big on yoga, huh?”
“I’ve dated my fair share of yoga instructors. I can do without the esoteric vibes that some attach to it, but if carried out correctly, the exercises are proven to be good for your health,” Buck lets him know matter-of-factly. “Great way to ensure core stability and flexibility in the limbs. And for the record: This is definitely a crow.”
“Well, something tells me that this is the least problematic thing about this place,” Eddie sighs, looking around at the trainers screaming at their customers, some of whom look genuinely frightened.
“It’s certainly taking things to an extreme, literally. I mean, I like to work out, too, but I know my limits. They tell you how to go past your limits, which can’t be healthy in the long run,” Buck argues. He then focuses back on the hall of fame. “Most of those people were likely healthier before they started with the workout they preach here.”
Eddie frowns. “You think?”
“They’ve all lost weight too fast. That isn’t healthy at all,” Buck explains, pointing at a photo. “That woman over there? She may not look the part, but her features suggest that she has too little body fat. You need some of it, you know? Also, when the picture was taken, she was seriously dehydrated. Sadly, no uncommon practice for body builders or actors to show off muscles.”
“Yeah, that sounds fun,” Eddie huffs. “But hey, at least you get to join the hall of fame.”
“Sure, what an arbitrary honor to have bestowed upon you.” Buck points at the pictures, clearly frustrated. “This whole idea creates a very competitive, downright toxic environment. They also put down how long it took those people to lose weight. Look!”
“Well, if you asked any of those guys, they’d say they’re just optimizing.”
“Well, most of those people would’ve been at their optimum with a few more pounds, a healthy and balanced diet, medium workout, and some fun,” Buck continues. “Look at them. They were all completely worn out, driven, and totally jacked-up by the time those pictures were taken. I don’t call that optimal.”
“Jacked-up is what most of our clients are aiming for,” a man’s voice rings out. “Hi, I’m Jay. Zoe informed me you wanted to see me?”
Both turn around to face Jay the Great. And just going by size, the man sure is great. Eddie would put him in his mid-thirties. He towers above them by at least one and a half heads. There is so much spray tan on him that Eddie isn’t sure whether the guy is Caucasian or Latino. And there is something in his eyes that Eddie can only describe as off-putting. Though if he were to ask Buck, he’d surely remind him that this is no scientific observation. But it tells him that he does better staying a few steps back.
Just in case.
“Yes, it’s possible that one of your clients died about two weeks ago. We found a body in the nearby park. From what we can tell, that person lost considerably much weight in a short amount of time. Which is why we thought that maybe he frequented your gym,” Eddie explains.
“Oh God, no. That is terrible! Terrible! Absolutely terrible!” Jay shouts, clutching at his tight muscle shirt, nearly tearing it off in the process, as though it was made of thin paper.
“Do you have any regulars that haven’t checked in lately?” Eddie continues.
“I wouldn’t really know, at least not when they just come here to use the equipment. My focus is on the courses, giving people the extra training they need to achieve their goals,” Jay explains.
“And of those, all showed up?”
“As far as I can tell, yes. I mean, in the group sessions, it might be that someone didn’t check in, and that may have slipped my mind. But the private courses? All those people showed up right on schedule,” Jay explains. “I have very dedicated customers, you know?”
“I bet.”
The agent whips his head around. Somehow, Buck managed to sneak away from his side without his notice – which is not good – and back to the hall of fame. He keeps staring at one spot on the wall, almost mesmerized. Eddie makes a mental note that maybe he should get Buck a bell or so after all. For a guy who sometimes stumbles with the grace of a baby giraffe, he still knows how to move without making a single sound.
And I can’t have that.
“Hm?” Eddie blinks at him.
“I might have found our victim.”
He stares. “What?”
Buck gestures at one of the pictures in front of him. “Height matches. He used to weigh 160 kg and went down to 100 within five months, as it says here. Race and facial features match that of the skull, too. This is very likely our victim.”
“What? No, not Jimmy! Jimmy was our champion!” Jay shrieks, which has everyone take a step back.
“Champion?” Eddie asks, his fingers flexing on his gun. That guy’s getting a bit too emotional for his liking. Because something tells him that if this guy loses control, you don’t want to be anywhere near him.
“Every year, we host a contest to motivate our customers to lose weight. Whoever loses the most gets a prize,” Zoe explains, though she is clearly irritated by the man’s outburst as well, taking another measured step back.
“Jimmy did phenomenally! And now he’s dead!” Jay cries out, tears streaming down his face.
“What prize?” Eddie questions, his eyes still trained on Jay as he keeps bawling.
“Ten grand and a commercial with our in-house brand of food supplements. This year it’s our new and refined formula for protein powder,” Zoe informs him, chewing on her bottom lip with growing nervousness. Though the template is seemingly too deeply embedded into her head to not rattle out what she’s likely been instructed to tell anyone who asks about the contest.
“We already had it all set! Oh God! Jimmy, no!”
“We’d like to have any information you have on Jimmy,” Eddie continues, trying his best to keep his voice leveled.
“We had him booked for next week for a photoshoot! He was perfect! Oh God, oh no, not Jimmy! JIMMY NOOOOO!” Jay screams, staggering past them over to one of the rooms down the hall.
Buck and Eddie watch in shock as the guy tears down a damn door and scrambles inside, all the while screaming Jimmy’s name over and over again.
“What the actual fuck?” Eddie breathes, keeping one arm in front of Buck, though he thankfully has no intention to move towards the guy either.
“Steroids, most likely,” Buck notes, tilting his head to the side. “Enlarged breasts, baldness on the scalp, skin breaking out, increased rage and aggression…”
“I have a feeling he’s not the one who killed him,” Eddie ponders.
“I have a feeling we should take a step back,” Buck adds with a grimace.
Eddie nods. “Maybe three.”
“Or five,” Buck agrees.
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jmoonjones · 1 year
🎶✨️when you get this, put 5 songs you actually listen to, then publish. Send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
(the whole non-negotiable thing feels aggressive to me, so feel free to disregard that if it doesn't make you happy to send the ask along!)
Yay! I love this. I misread this as picking 10 songs and I can't trim it down so think of it as a double answer!
I love these songs with all my heart and soul (in no particular order):
Moonlight Shadow by Mike Oldfield
Mad Woman by Taylor Swift
Violet by Hole
Hold On, Hold On by Neko Case
Grace by Jeff Buckley 
No Leaf Clover by Metallica 
The Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding
Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac
Everybody Wanna Get Rich Rite Away by Dr John
Because the Night by Patti Smith
(anyone feel free to answer the question too! I love seeing music lists!)
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grunge-mermaid · 9 months
grunge rewatches The OC pt 1
I haven't watched this show since it aired. when I was in high school. I'm assuming it hasn't aged well, but who knows
1x01 The Pilot
"modern medicine is advancing to the point where the average human life span will be 100. But I read this article which said Social Security will run out by the year 2025, which means people are gonna have to stay in their jobs until they're 80"
20 years later, Ryan seems like an optimist
this is the show that taught me that there is a world where people have pool houses
ooh smoking so edgy
baby!Dr Link
he grew up good
naming a boat after a girl you've never talked to? that's not a red flag at all
early 2000s teen girl fashion was a travesty
"open collar, it's a good look" Ryan is correct
no one is carding the 15-year-old at the bar? he's only 2/3 the legal drinking age in California come on
is he 15? 16? idk. how many seasons are they in high school for?
I will operate on the assumption that they're 15 until proven otherwise since Luke is the only one who drives (that we know of so far)
gay slur count: 1
ok Summer's dress in the fashion show is kinda cute but that hair & makeup are a travesty
All American Rejects oh man
the music in this show is pretty amazing ngl
"I should really learn to knock in case there's a threesome going on in the bathroom"
gotta have the requisite gaggle of girls on cell phones to show they're rich
how did 14-year-old me not realize I was queer when faced with Summer Roberts in a bikini and low-rise skirt? I'm so sorry, 14yo grunge, you really missed out on fully appreciating
(psst, present day grunge: Rachel Bilson was 22 in season 1. you're good)
ableist slur count: 1
what teenagers actually speak like this have the writers ever spoken to actual teenagers before?
ok a 15yo who cooks breakfast bc his parents are shitty and abusive & he needs to cook or else he doesn't eat & neither will his parents? absolutely believable. also absolutely believable he would do it out of habit + as a thank you for taking him in for the weekend
a 15yo who cooks bacon and pancakes and sets the fucking table for breakfast? who is this child
ok maybe it hasn't aged as badly as I thought. the hair and clothes have, but otherwise it's holding up ok
1x02 The Model Home
ohhh I remember this episode
I think
there's a fire, right?
Luke and Ryan fight and they start a fire in the model home?
wait Marissa drives maybe they are 16?
Ryan and Marissa are prime Siblings Or Dating content
gay slur count: 2
$100,000 seems pretty low-stakes for Jimmy to be so worried about given the presumed scale of the investments he was managing
like, that's a lot of money for sure but if he's
the show that introduced me to Jeff Buckley's version of Hallelujah
girl you met him literally 2 days ago why are you so intense about this?
you're not romeo and juliet calm down
oh there's the fire
Luke "I'm an asshole bully not a murderer" Ward
Julie was pregnant in 1986 so Marissa at least is almost-17?
but if season 3 is their senior year, then in season 1 they're all going into grade 10, so shouldn't they be 15? I'm overthinking this, I'm aware
1x03 The Gamble
Julie Cooper reminds me of Bertha Russell but without any of the charm or warmth or manners or fashion sense
I should take that back. Bertha doesn't deserve to be compared to Julie Cooper, she's too beguiling and clever. Julie is just shallow and manipulative.
"no two black tie events in the same month" I would love to live a life where this is my biggest concern
of course these women watch Dr Phil
god they'd be on the front lines of Moms For Liberty wouldn't they
"we welcome everyone here. I'm from the Bronx and you're from Riverside" what a fascinating definition of diversity (Newport, not Sandy. Sandy knows what's up)
"he called me white trash"
honey, you may be rich but you are pretty trashy
being trash has nothing to do with net worth and everything to do with attitude
"Ryan's gonna stay with us now" 😭
ok that's it for tonight but I was wrong. besides some atrocious fashion and period-typical homophobia, it's holding up pretty well
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typingtess · 2 years
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 13 Rewatch:  “Where Loyalties Lie”
The basics:  When military tech is stolen and its creator murdered, the team searches for both the killer and the tech.
Written by:  Matt Klafter.  This is Klafter's first solo episode.  He co-wrote "Smokescreen Part II" and "A Fait Accompli".
Directed by:  Tawnia McKiernan, who directed "Exchange Rate", "High Value Target", "Kulinda", "Assets", "Joy Ride", "The Frogman’s Daughter", "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You" and "A Land of Wolves" (episode before last).
Guest stars of note:  Anthony Alabi as Marine Master Sgt. David Maxwell, J. Anthony Pena as Manny Ortiz, Jessica A. Caesar as Ruby, James Martin Kelly as Seth Wilcox, Ann Hu as Jun Chen, Kristin Carey as Dr. Laura Nash, Bridger Buckley as Hunt and Tom Virtue as Dr. Hodge.
Our heroes:  Search for really cool goggles.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Stayed at the bar apartment longer than he planned because he knew Kensi and Deeks needed the money. Sam:  Worried about gang leaders and other bad actors getting their proteges into the military. Kensi:  Seriously into her jeans and their management. Deeks:  Seriously mourning the loss of the bar. Fatima:  Saw Jordyn Rountree play the prior night. Rountree:  Out. Kilbride:  See Fatima.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Moving, again. Sam:  Having dinner with Kam and her boyfriend Josh. Kensi:  Wants their cars in their garage because it is safe. Deeks:  Wants a mancave in the garage. Fatima:  Thought the day went fairly well. Rountree:  Probably recovering from seeing his sister play the night before. Kilbride:  Thought the day only went fairly well because the technology is still missing.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Like the tech in the episode, missing.
Who's down with OTP:  Kensi and Deeks are talking mancaves and men who look good in jeans.  All is well.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Callen is lying to Sam about some strange phone calls but only because he doesn’t understand them either.
Fashion review:  Callen is wearing a dark blue button-down shirt.  Sam is in a long-sleeve black tee-shirt.  Kensi works out in a tiffany blue athletic top and dark blue running tights.  Working the case, Kensi wears a sand colored sweater with a white band, a gold band and a grey one the sweater.  Deeks works out in a Navy blue sleeveless shirt and grey joggers.  Later, Deeks has on a pink Henley.  Fatima has on a green oversized (really oversized) jacket over a dark blue turtleneck.  The Admiral is in a dark blue three-piece suit, light-blue dress shirt and medium blue tie.
Music:  “Three Alley Cats” by Roy Hall is playing when the team decides to investigate the denim shop.  “Back on Top” by Buffalo Nichols is playing in the background in Ruby’s Denim Shop.
Any notable cut scene:  Nope.
Quote:  Deeks:  “I'm gonna sell the bar.” Callen:  “You're selling the bar?” Deeks:  “Yeah.” Callen:  “Thank God. Deeks:  “I don't... I don't think that you, um... Sorry. I don't think that you heard me.” Callen:  “No, I heard you.  Congrats.” Deeks:  “Right, well, then, I don't... I don't think that you're fully understanding, because if I... if I sell the bar, it means that you got to find a new place….a new place to live.” Callen:  “No, I get it.” Deeks:  “It's just, it's a lot, and you-you don't seem very fazed by that.” Callen:  “I've had a little bit of practice at this.” Deeks:  “Right. Just out of curiosity, when's the last time you lived in a place this long?” Callen:  “Never. In fact, I actually don't know how I made it work.” Deeks:  “So why did you do it? Why did you stay?” Callen:  “I thought you could use the money. I know things have been tight around here lately, and I figured at some point you and Kens would want to buy a house and start a family.” Deeks:  “Thank you. Yeah. Of course.” Callen:  “You would have... you would have done the same for me.” Deeks:  “In a heartbeat.  You know, uh, the house we bought, it's a two-bedroom, if you want to…” Callen:  “Not a chance.”
Anything else:  A tactical team of– they look military – enter a dark building.  Using fancy night-vision goggles, the team leader moves into the facility with ease.  The goggles give him not only the ability to see through walls but the goggles identify weapons used by the person on the other side of the wall.  When one member of the team gets near the person behind the wall, someone pops up and shoots the two men moving forward.  The shooter then says “bang.”
This was a training session.  Other members of the team want to use the goggles but the team leader tells them they can use them soon enough.  Dr. Nash, who is running this exercise, arrives.  The goggles failed part of the test – the person behind the wall had a rifle but the goggles identified it as a pistol.  They are running the test again.
Later that night, Dr. Nash is working in the facility when she hears a noise.  She is looking for the Master Sergeant who was running the team to help her check around but he’s not there.    Walking around the testing area, she sees what caused the noise – a dead mouse in a trap.  Her relief is momentary, however, when she sees a man out of the corner of her eye.  Warning him she’s called security, Dr. Nash is shot and killed.
Kensi and Deeks are working out their local park.  Kensi is jogging and still has the bandage on her arm, Deeks is on one of the piece of equipment, making a Seabiscuit announcers call.  Deeks is buttering up Kensi, literally, about her cooking skills.  Seems Deeks wants to turn the garage into a mancave.  Kensi wants the cars in the garage – it’s safer.  Deeks does the financials about how much it costs to park their cars based on LA real estate prices.  Kensi doesn’t want him to rebuild The Squid and Dagger in their garage.  
Kensi shifts the conversation to talking to Callen.  With the bar being sold, Callen has to leave.  Deeks keeps checking his Magic Eightball for the perfect time to have the conversation but the outlook keeps saying no.  He brings up how many times he used it before proposing and that just goes poorly.  Deeks decides to talk to Sam before talking to Callen.
Finding Sam at his coffee spot, Deeks tells Sam about the best, and only, offer to sell the bar.  Sam is surprised they are selling the bar.  Deeks tells Sam that he and Kensi are lucky they had other jobs because COVID wiped out the bar.  Thinking aloud, Deeks offers the bar to Sam, golden shark included, but since Sam doesn’t even own a house, why would he want a bar?  The real problem is Callen – the new owners don’t want a tenant.  Deeks suggests Sam, as Callen’s best and possible only friendly, break the bad news.  Deeks even promises a year’s worth of free coffee from his coffee spot, detailing the Hellcat and a year membership to the Jelly of the Month club.  “Deeks, relax.  It will be fine, Callen is cool, just talk to him.  He’ll understand.”  Deeks will tell Callen.
At the office, an arriving Callen gets a phone call.  His doctor is on the call about a follow-up appointment- a telemedicine call - two-weeks ago.  Callen denies doing the call and the doctor wants to review his records.  
In Ops, Fatima tells Callen, Sam and the Admiral about a call from ONI.  They are interested in the murder of Dr. Laura Nash.  Nash was leading a team developing short-range radar technology in goggles for the Navy.  The only prototype was stolen when Nash was killed.   Fatima calls the prototype “x-ray goggles on steroids”.  
Callen asks about the team testing the goggles.  They are Marines, Master Sergeant David Maxwell was the operator wearing the goggles.  He’s worked with Nash for two years.  Maxwell and the other Marines all have alibis that were checked by the local police, who also cleared Nash’s team of engineers.  Nash was a single mom with a daughter at Penn.  Her husband died when the daughter was seven.  She brought up her child on her own.
All agree Nash was killed for the tech.  Fatima thinks it would be terrifying to have that equipment fall into the hands of a mass-shooter.  Callen, Sam and the Admiral are all more worried about America’s enemies getting the tech.  They could reverse engineer the goggles and mass produce them.  The Admiral is sending Callen and Sam to the boatshed to speak to Master Sergeant Maxwell.  Kensi and Deeks are off to the crime scene while the Admiral wants Fatima to check into the engineers.  NCIS can’t afford to have a single mass-shooter with the goggles, let alone an entire army.
In the boatshed, Maxwell tells Callen and Sam that Nash’s death is like losing a member of the team.  While she wasn’t military, “she was one of us.”  She wanted to give Marines an edge in the battlefield.  As far as Maxwell was concerned, the goggles were ready to go but Nash wanted them to be perfect.  Refused to sign off until every last bug was checked out.  
Sam asks who will take over the project.  Maxwell said he if he has any say in this, it would be Kevin Tyler, Nash’s right-hand man, “her clone.”  Both were diligent, meticulous but Tyler was more personable.  At the training warehouse, it was just Nash and the Marines.  Tyler was back in their lab studying the data coming from the goggles.  Another Sam question – who knew about the training warehouse?  Maxwell says it was just the team.  They kept a tight lid on the testing.
Calling Fatima into his office, the Admiral wants a report on the engineers.  Fatima is still interviewing them, much to the displeasure of the Admiral.  He’s seen “snails move through molasses with greater speed.”  Fatima explains that she’s doing it alone, she’d usually be splitting this work with Rountree.  Since Rountree isn’t here, Fatima is expected to get it done.  Leaving the office, the Admiral asks if Fatima saw the game last night.  She did – Jordyn Rountree won the game.  The Admiral also saw the game and the two share a moment.    
In the training warehouse, Kensi and Deeks are looking around.  Deeks thinks if they ever hit the jackpot, he doesn’t want a mancave, he wants his own warehouse.  He also checked out a window in the back.  It was so caked with dust that there is no way the killer could have used it to gain access to the warehouse.  
Kensi notes that the side door has no security cameras.  There was a half-hour window where the killing could have taken place but a few of the Marines were hanging out in the parking lot near the side door when it happened.  There is no way someone was able to sneak in with the Marines around.  Kensi thinks the killer was already inside.  If the killer came in when the test run was going on, nobody would notice them entering.  They could hang around, kill Dr. Nash and steal the goggles.
Listening to his voicemail as he walks into the bullpen, Callen is gets another call, this time about a loan application he made.  The loan officer is sorry, no loan, and sorry about Callen’s mother.  Sam asks what’s going on and Callen goes with “robocall”.  After getting the stink-eye from Sam, Callen promises he’s not looking for any of Hetty’s protégés (technically not a lie since he found one already).  Fatima arrives.  She spoke to everyone on Nash’s team except Kevin Tyler, who is a Navy Reservist.  He didn’t show up to work – first missed day in five-years.  Tyler was last seen in the office yesterday afternoon by a co-worker.  He was leaving around 4PM.  Sam thinks if they find Tyler, they may find the tech.  LAPD got a call from a neighbor, Tyler’s door was left opened all night.  Sam doesn’t see how someone who is diligent and meticulous would leave their door opened.  Callen and Sam are on their way.
As they look around the warehouse, Deeks is dreaming out loud about the mancave and man-warehouse.  Kensi knows he’s mourning the loss of the bar, she is too.  But they have to focus their priorities on bringing a child into their lives.  Kensi finds a spot she thinks would be the perfect place to hide.  It has a perfect view of the testing area.  The killer could watch the Marines call it a night and wait for Nash.  Looking around the area where the killer likely hid, Kensi finds some loose threads.
At Kevin Tyler’s house, Callen and Sam go in when there is no answer to their knocking (and yelling “federal agents”).  The house was ransacked – tipped lamps on the floor, dining room chairs on their sides.  They are concerned Tyler met the same fate as Nash.
In Ops, the Admiral asks what is up on the big screen.  It is the fibers from the threads Kensi found in the warehouse.  It is raw denim.  Kensi knew this because Japanese salvage was all she wore in college.  The Admiral demands to know what is Japanese salvage.  Deeks explains she’s talking about jeans.  Kensi goes on a Deeks-like tangent on caring for and not washing her jeans – both Deeks and Fatima share a “gross” but Kensi goes on to explain freezing her jeans.  The Admiral hates Los Angeles just a little bit more after this exchange.  The jeans were new with a black overdye.  Only one place sells those type of jeans in Los Angeles.  Kensi wants to go jeans shopping.  Deeks wants a new freezer.
Looking at Tyler’s home, there is no signs of forced entry – maybe he let the people who ransacked the apartment in before finding out their real reason for showing up.  Sam finds some tattoo tracing paper in a frame – some people keep theirs after getting a tattoo as a memento.  Callen thinks the tattoo should be the memento.  Sam asks when is Callen going to final get a tattoo.  Callen says maybe he already has one.  Sam doesn’t believe him – there is no way Callen could keep something like that quiet.
Sam finds another tracing – this one has gang connections.  The tattoo tracing is from 2008, Tyler was 16.  It could have been an initiation tattoo.  Looking around some more, while the place has been tossed, nothing is really broken, nothing ruined.  In fact, it looks like Tyler’s clothing and suitcases are gone.  People who break in to ransack the place don’t usually let you pack up.
Walking into the denim store, Deeks finds a leather jacket to his liking – something like Marlon Brando wore in the “The Wild One”.  Kensi tells him to hang it back up after he does his Marlon Brando imitation.  Kensi finds a great pair of jeans for $425.  Deeks thinks she should get three-pairs of jeans for that sort of money.  
Ruby, the shop owner, approaches Kensi and Deeks.  She can get the jeans tailored for Kensi if she’d like.  Deeks doesn’t like.  Kensi and Deeks identify themselves.  Ruby asks how she can help.  Kensi shows the jeans where the threads came from.  Ruby says they are her best sellers.  Kensi asks for a customers list and Ruby complies.  With the price of the jeans in the store, Kensi wonders if the person who stole the tech isn’t going to sell it, maybe they are going to use it to get some more money.
Calling Callen and Sam, Fatima explains the tattoo belongs to the White Kings white-supremacist gang in Venice, best known for dealing drugs and weapons.  This seems impossible to Callen and Sam that Tyler would be part of that gang.  Surely the Navy, his high tech company or the DoD would find out.  Callen wants a list of all the known White Kings in Los Angeles – he wants to know who they’re dealing with.
Looking that Ruby’s customer list, most of the addresses are in Beverly Hills or Malibu.  Kensi thinks they would appreciate some fine denim.  While that’s true, Deeks thinks they lack the skills to break into a Marines-run warehouse.  Kensi thinks both the Rock and Jason Momoa could do it. Deeks says Kensi is now dreaming out loud, putting her favorite guys in her favorite jeans.  When Deeks mentions Chris Hemsworth, Kensi half giggles/half snorts.  Deeks asks her what is happening, including possibly having a stroke.  Kensi want to move on.  
Noticing a clothing donations collection box in the parking lot of the store, Kensi says the jeans may not have come from the store but from a donation.  Kensi explains that jeans with small irregulars could be donated to charities.  Going back to Ruby, she does donate her jeans that either didn’t sell well or had flaws to a charity run by a man she knows.   When Deeks pushes her on the guy, Ruby is reticent at first.  She met the man, Manny, through her sister.  Her sister, her best friend, had drug issues.  After trying everything to help, her sister wound up on the streets.  The community center let her sleep there, fed her, let her shower.  After seemingly kicking her addiction, Ruby’s sister relapsed and died.  Ruby doesn’t have much but what she has goes to the community center.
Fatima is having a hard time figuring out who is in the gang and what is their command structure.  Sam says that’s likely on purpose to protect members from the police.  It may also explain why Kevin Tyler was never flagged.  During Tyler’s time with the Navy, there were several inventory issues where he was assigned but Tyler was never implicated.  Callen asks about the inventory and Fatima replies weapons, equipment – a few rifles here, some body armor there.  Nothing big enough to raise red flags.  Over time, however, he stockpiled enough to arm a small militia.  
Wondering where he kept it all, Callen thinks he sold it with the White Kings.  Which makes sense because the occasional missing rifle or kevlar vest gets noticed but not a lot of attention.  The one-of-one goggles going missing went all the way to ONI.  This could have been Tyler’s way to cash out – one last payout.  If this is going to someone in either Russia or China – the only ones who could not only play for the tech but mass produce it – their buyers must be in LA.  Callen wants Fatima to check everyone going in and out of LAX over the last two days.
At the community center, Kensi and Deeks speak to Manny Ortiz.  The center is giving out their Heroes of Tomorrow Diversity Scholarships at a big party.  There is a red carpet for the event.  Kensi asks about the jeans Ruby donated.  Manny thinks people are crazy to pay that kind of money for jeans.  Deeks has a new friend.  A workman leaves after painting the inside with Manny’s thanks.  Ten high school seniors are getting scholarships that night, they are making the place look great.  Deeks asks what happens to the jeans.  Usually donated clothing is just left in the center but Manny gave the expensive jeans to some of their volunteers – he can’t pay them but he can reward them.  Unlike Ruby, Manny doesn’t have a list who has the jeans.  He just left them out for the volunteers with a request that you don’t take anything you won’t wear but he will ask around.
Fatima tells an arriving Callen and Sam that she found a June Chen, a Chinese professor who has been here teaching for the last five years.  She’s leaving tonight.  All of the colleges where she was teaching Chinese are near Navy bases.  She’s also a person of interest in a joint investigation between NCIS and Scotland Yard but they didn’t have enough evidence to question her.  Fatima tablet beeps – Chen is entering a nail salon.  Castor and his partner are nearby so they’ll pick her up and bring her to the boat shed.
At the boat shed, June Chen is on the wrong side in the interrogation table.  Chen claims innocence, she just a college professor, but Callen knows she’s so much more.  In Ops, Fatima calls Chen a ghost.  The only information she can find about Chen is her parents’ apartment address in Shanghai.  
Sam asks Chen about the goggles but again, Chen says she knows nothing.  She has a flight to catch.  Callen explains she’s not going anywhere.  Even when NCIS is finished with her, the FBI, CIA and NSA are lined up to speak with her.  Fatima explains to the Admiral that half of the residents of Chen’s parents’ apartment building are all from the same farming province in China and all work for the same mining-fertilizer company.  
Sam explains Chen is looking at life in jail.  Fatima’s review of the medical records shows that there has been a 50% increase of cancer diagnosis of the people from that farming province.  
Making one last pitch, Sam asks where are the goggles.  Chen says nothing.  Noticing scars on Chen’s hands, Callen tells her they aren’t the hands of a scholar.  Sam agrees, those hands worked hard in the fields.  Years of physical labor.  Chen asks if they find labor shameful.  Sam shows his hands and is proud he works with them every day.  Callen finds no shame in wanting out of an area that has become a toxic wasteland – Chen found a way out.  She found a way out for her parents, her friends and their parents.  By helping out the government, earned a way out for all of them.  She was a great help to the Chinese government but now that she’s been arrested, the government is going to kill her.
While Callen and Sam promise to protect Chen in prison but Chen is at peace dying in an American prison.  It would be many times worse if the Chinese government learned she gave up the goggles.  She won’t tell them where it is but she will help in other ways.  The tech was sold by two men – a younger man she confirmed was Kevin Tyler and another man, an older man – who got $2 million.  The older man wanted a Chinese explosive called “Devil’s Wrath”.  Sam confirms with his bomb tech buddies that it is highly unstable and has to be detonated within a 100-yards.  No cell phone triggers or deadman’s switches.
Popping up on the screen, Fatima has news from ATF about the White Kings.  Seth Wilcox is their leader.  It is the workman from the community center.  He painted the place for this minorities scholarship ceremony – he could have put the bomb in the drywall, patched it up and painted over it.  Nobody would notice.  With nobody answering the phone at the community center, the team is making their way to the event.
Kensi and Deeks arrive first and start evacuating the place.  Callen and Sam are looking for Wilcox – he has to be nearby to detonate the bomb.  They spot Wilcox and Kevin Tyler are in an alley with a dead end.  Callen and Sam try to sneak up on Wilcox, who is taking a smoke break, when Tyler sees them.  Lots of shooting ensues.  Callen takes out Tyler turns his and Sam’s attention to Wilcox.
Kens and Deeks are evacuating the community center.  People are fleeing.
With Sam covering him, Callen moves closer to Wilcox.  Wilcox is ordered to put the gun on the ground.  The detonator is within his reach.  When he puts the gun down, he tries to go for the detonator and is shot for his trouble.  Sam takes the denotator for safe keeping.  The bomb squad arrived at the community center.
In a darkened office, Fatima updates the Admiral.  Wilcox and Tyler were about the flee with the money, more explosives and fake passports.  Tyler had the jeans in his suitcase.  Fatima thinks all things considered – stopped the explosion, found the money - they had a fairly good day.  Since the goggles are still missing, the Admiral agrees fairy good since the goggles are still missing.  
Walking into the armory, Kensi and Deeks feel like honorary members of Manny Ortiz’s family.  They were guests at the ceremony.  One of the scholarship winners was going to UCLA so Kensi offered an introduction to Jordyn Rountree which made the young woman’s day.  Deeks wants to go home and watch something on TV with lots of action and little plot.  Kensi would be find with less action and more plot.  Deeks sighs, if only he had a special spot where he could watch his programs, they could do both.  Kensi cuts a deal.  During the week, the cars go in the garage, during the weekend, one car is outside.  Deeks wants a chair, a tiny TV and his big golden shark.  Kensi commits to a beach chair.
Deeks has to tell Callen about moving out.  Kensi is willing to do it with him but he’s going to do it alone.  He asked Callen to move in, he can ask Callen to move out.  
In the bullpen, Sam is bothered that Tyler got so far in the Marines and in the military tech field.  He’s horrified that someone like Wilcox could plant Tyler into such high raking positions.  And if Wilcox could do that, so could other gang leaders, other foreign governments.  Sam gets a call from Kam – he’s going to dinner with Kam and her boyfriend Josh.  Callen is invited but passes.  
As Sam leaves, Deeks arrives.  It takes Deeks a while to get to say what he has to.  Deeks tells Callen he has to sell the bar.  Callen is relieved.  And thrilled.  He’s happy to be moving – he’s had some practice at this.  This is the longest Callen has ever lived in one place.  He’s not sure how he made it worked.  Deeks asks why Callen stayed.  Knowing that Deeks needed the money, that he and Kensi wanted to buy a house and start a family, he was happy to pay.  He knows Deeks would do the same for him.  Deeks would.  In fact, Deeks offers the second bedroom in the Blye-Deeks home.  “Not a chance,” is Callen’s reply.
When Deeks leaves, Callen get a text from his doctor.  He is sure he spoke to Callen two-weeks ago.  He wants to talk to Callen.  In a home with Russian television running in the background, someone is working on the deep fake technology.  
What head canon can be formed from here:  Kensi as a jeans-fan.  This is an “evergreen” episode.  The bones of this episode – stolen tech, gang infiltration in the military, murder, racism – have been regular storylines.  This is a well-told, well-act hour with no gapping plot holes.  It would have worked in season two and in season 13.
This season has had more Callen-Deeks solo interaction than any other one I can remember.  Callen and Deeks are often in the same scene but Sam and Kensi are usually with them.
Liked the Master Sergeant and Manny at the community center.  Wouldn’t mind seeing them again.  Same with Ruby, who had a terrible story to tell.
Episode number:   Episode 290 overall, the 10th episode of season 13.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
Hello!! Kikuo Anon here!! How are you doing today??
I’m just here to send in a request!! I’m not so sure if you done something like this before or not but if you didn’t i guess this is the first one (^^) If you don’t wanna do this request feel free to tell me and i’ll send this to somebody else, no pressure at all!! Now… without further ado…
Could i request (small headcanons for this request please :D) Billy Hargrove, Chrissy Cunningham, Eddie Munson, Gareth Emerson, Henry Creel/001/Vecna, Jason Carver, Dr. Alexei, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Eleven, and Max Mayfield With a GN! Or (Fem!) S/O who has a Cyno Personality from Genshin Impact??
(So… i don’t really know how to explain his personality well since he’s a new character but i found some information about his personality so you can look right HERE and HERE his design is just beautiful!!)
Thank you!! And i wish you a great day!! Drink lots of water!! :D
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So sorry for how long this took! I hope I did this justice, I don't know anything about Genshin Impact! 😅 Also, I hope that it's okay that I leave some I'm not comfortable with, and add a few others.
ST Characters with S/O with a ISTP Personality Type MiniHCs
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Summary: This is how your relationship dynamic goes with your favorite character, with a cold, calculated, and passionate personality type!
Warnings: None this time!
You two have very similar personality types, you're both extremely logical, honest, and passionate about doing things the way you feel is right. Your alikeness sometimes causes you to butt heads when you disagree on what the next course of action should be. You both typically result to the silent treatment in these cases, and have a hard time admitting that your feelings are hurt or that you are wrong. However, no matter what the circumstance, if you're angry with one another or not, you both share a deep love for one another that you can always rely on.
Henry Creel, Nancy Wheeler, Max Mayfeild, Lucas Sinclair, Murray Bauman
You often tend to hurt their feelings with your bluntness, and in honesty, they wish you were a little bit nicer when you spoke to them. Sometimes, you dismiss small pleasures or worries that they share with you, because you can't see why they matter to them. Because of this, they can be a little insecure when talking to you about things that they'd like you to react largely to, and this is something you try to work on. In the end, they can always see you trying to make things right that they feel you've done wrong, and love you so much for it! They know you don't mean to hurt their feelings, and that you only intend the best things for them.
Chrissy Cunningham, Robin Buckley, Dr. Alexi, Gareth Emerson, Jonathan Byers, Dustin Henderson, Will Byers, Joyce Byers
You often fight with them over your shared passion to protect one another. You both just want to see the other safe, but this is where your similarities end. They are Very hesitant with heir feelings, and tend to keep very strong ones to themselves to save a good mood, while you leave nothing unsaid. This can sometimes leave them offended by your curt nature, and they'll usually show this through a snarky remark. The bottom line though is, you both love each other very much, but there is definitely room to improve communication on both ends!
Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Jane 'Eleven' Hopper, Mike Wheeler, Jim Hopper
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aaronhotchstuff · 2 years
scenes i’ll probably never reach (2/?)
Hotch and Phoebe (Part II)
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x OFC (Phoebe Scott)
Word Count: 913
Warnings: language (let me know if i missed any!)
Summary: Agent Hotchner just returned from a month of medical leave and after his first case with Dr. Scott, who was assigned to his team by his superiors without his knowledge, he informs her of his plans with her transfer to the BAU moving forward.
A/N: HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF MY GREATEST LOVES, AARON HOTCHNER!! it’s already november 2 where i live and to celebrate, i thought i’d post a drabble of my hotch fic, sharp objects. i ended up writing two scenes and i’m posting them both!! i hope you enjoy them and please leave some feedback, thank you <3
Tag list: @yelenabolevas @chrissymunson @richitozier @delicateblackrose @arrthurpendragon @raith-way @claryxjackson @hiddenqveendom @decennia @lovehermioneforever @kendelias @waterloou @multifandom-oc-hell @come-along-pond @lizziesxltzmxn @maddies-buckley @bzzkills @cas-verse @foxesandmagic @issytrix @booty-boggins @reirvival (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!)
“I’m restarting the clock on your certification. I’ll be overseeing your training from now on,” he repeated in a much more authoritative tone ― if that was even possible ― and didn’t break eye contact. Hotch just watched as confusion filled her eyes and her lips went ajar.
Phoebe eventually scoffed. “I got that, sir. I meant...” she paused and gulped, composing herself so as to keep her professionalism, “Why? There’s no need for me to do it all over again for five hundred hours. Didn’t you speak with Morgan? He told me I was doing pretty good―”
“I’m not Morgan, Dr. Scott,” he interrupted. It sounded as though her name rolled off his tongue like poison, and he practically glared through her soul. “Yes, his evaluation of you will be greatly considered but at the end of the day, I’m team leader. I am the one responsible for this team. I’m the one who makes sure that everyone uses their skills and qualities in a way that best benefit this team as well as the bureau, and that they work well with everybody else. I’m the one who decides whether or not you can keep up with my team, do the work the way that we’ve always done it and actually do it well. I’m the one who decides whether or not you really belong here,” he finally paused, his words almost a warning. “I get the final say.”
Silence covered the already tension filled air as they stared back at each other, unsure of what the other is going to say after Hotch’s speech that felt a little dramatic (and redundant since she used to be the unit chief at her old office and knew exactly what he was talking about), but perhaps justifiable.
“If you did well with agent Morgan, then it will be in his report. I would, however, like to see you in training for myself, seeing as I already didn’t get to―”
“Do you?” she interrupted him this time, her expression blank as he raised an eyebrow at her. “All due respect, of course,” she added, almost with no regard whether her sarcasm was evident, “Do you get the final say?”
Hotch simply pressed his lips together.
“If you really have the final say, I wouldn’t even be here and we both know it,” she continued as though it wasn’t her boss she was talking to. “Here’s another thing we both know that you won’t admit; the brass wouldn’t have put me here if they didn’t think I belonged here. I’m more than qualified to have a position in this unit, agent Hotchner. I know you’ve been through quite a lot recently, and I know it seems like they took advantage of your absence by assigning me to your team without your say so, but I hope you’ll be professional enough that you won’t take your frustration out on me and give me the chance to prove to you that I deserve to be here.”
Phoebe kept her face straight as she finished her own speech; the momentary hint of pleading in her eyes caught by Hotch. They continued to stare at each other, although weirdly enough, this one felt a little less antagonistic.
She really didn’t want to be in the BAU; not at first, at least. It was just as dangerous as her last assignment, but she knew this would’ve cut off most of the time that she spent with her son, and Phoebe couldn’t afford that. Especially since he needs her now more than ever. But time went on and it felt like sign after sign was being dropped off her feet that it was time for her to come back, and when one in particular came directly from Danny, she knew she couldn’t not try it out.
And with how well things were going with the team (excluding Hotch), she has no regrets.
“Dr. Scott,” he sighed, finally trailing his eyes away from her as he sat down in his chair then leaned forward, hands intertwined on top of a couple of files. “This is your chance,” he informed her as his eyes found hers again, and what she had to do just so he wouldn’t hear her breath hitch. Fuck, she thought, I’m so fucked. “But if you don’t think I’m professional enough, or if you just don’t want to train under me―which is the only thing stopping you from certifying as a profiler―you can leave.” Hotch told her sincerely and even shrugged a couple of times, but she just looked at him in surprise. Did he seriously just quote me? “I’ll be more than happy to recommend you to whichever unit you’d like to transfer―”
“No!” Phoebe exclaimed, embarrassingly too loud and too eager that she had to subtly clear her throat and compose herself. “No, sir,” she repeated with a shake of her head, much more professional this time. But she couldn’t stop herself from letting out a small smile, “Getting rid of me isn’t gonna be that easy.”
Hotch smirked slightly, something so subtle that Phoebe just barely missed it as he dismissed her. She gave him a brief nod before she left him in the comfort of his office, and once the doors clicked shut, he couldn’t help but continue his paperwork in amusement.
Dr. Phoebe Scott belonged there, all right. The Behavioural Analysis Unit was like a huge puzzle with a missing piece, and she fit perfectly.
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Temptation Tuesday
I made it one week with only one new WIP! I honestly can’t believe it. I think the WIP list is up to 10 now? Possibly.
Anyway, here’s the synopsis for my new WIP. I’ll be posing a preview of it tomorrow for WIP Wednesday probably!
Bonus AU - Based on 2x09, Aliens in a Spaceship AKA the first Grave Digger Episode. While working a case of the serial kidnapper, the Grave Digger, Forensic Anthropologist Dr. Evan “Buck” Buckley and Etymologist Dr. Howard “Chimney” Han are kidnapped and buried alive until the multi-million dollar ransom can be paid. After receiving the call, Special Agent Eddie Diaz and the forensic science team at the Jeffersonian race must against the clock to find where the Grave Digger has buried their friends before they run out of oxygen.
If you’ve watched Bones before, here’s who the 9-1-1 characters correspond to:
Booth - Eddie (Oh and Christopher is obviously his like Booth’s son Parker)
Brennan - Buck (He’s a bit of a prodigy in this, graduating from everything hella early)
Cam - Bobby
Hodgins - Chim
Angela - Maddie
Zack - Hen (She’s coming in late to the forensic anthropology game, similar to her late med school stuff)
Assistant FBI Director - Athena
If you've never watched Bones before (you should), I'm planning on going pretty in-depth with character descriptions so you'll know a good bit about what's going on with the characters!
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