#dr staff
dailyrol · 11 months
Nos gustaría dirigirnos a la persona que nos mandó un ask explicándonos como se sintió ofendida hace un año por el antiguo manejo de DR.
Lo hacemos de esta forma porque, aunque entendemos que tu experiencia en ese entonces no fue buena y en consecuencia como es lógico tu concepto de nosotras tampoco; creemos que la forma en la que ha sido expresado y las menciones a otros espacios nos aleja del tono y ambiente que queremos instaurar en DR en esta nueva etapa tras la renovación del blog y por ello hemos decidido no publicar el ask pero sí ofrecerte una respuesta.
Ante todo, creemos que te mereces unas disculpas por cómo te sentiste entonces y por el mal recuerdo que pudo haberte generado DR en aquel momento. No queremos justificar lo que se hizo mal pues somos conscientes de que se cometieron errores, los cuales lamentamos profundamente. De hecho, durante una época —concretamente la etapa en la que nos trasladamos a thedailyrol— pudo notarse en general que el tono de algunos ask por parte de la moderación del blog, no eran correctos. Somos conscientes de ello y por eso, reiteramos nuestras disculpas no solo a ti que nos has escrito, sino a toda persona que durante ese tiempo tampoco se sintió bien con cómo se manejaba este espacio.
Errar es humano, pero por suerte nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena y la nuestra actualmente, tras actualizar el blog y la moderación del mismo, es reparar esos errores y reconducir DR hacia un rumbo mejor. La reactivación del blog viene motivada por nuestra intención de ser un tumblr publicitario en el cual uno pueda compartir sus experiencias, recomendaciones, dudas y sentirse seguro/a al hacerlo. Podemos decirlo con palabras, pero os prometemos que también lo demostraremos con el contenido que aquí se publique.
Staff de Daily Rol
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oldsportussy · 1 year
SCP shenanigans...
A bit late to the party with this meme but oh well
Feel free to drop ideas of what SCP characters I should draw :]
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jilly-jelly-bizy · 16 days
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POV: You're a doppelganger and you successfully snuck your way into a apartment, but the fiancée came prepared.
Headcannon: Dr. W and Mia have prepared themselves to kill a Doppel if they got in/encounter and after doing it so much, they pretty much gotten used to seeing each other covered in blood.
Also here's the aftermath.
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blartboy29 · 23 days
WOKE scp foundation be like:
dr clef
dr bright
dr glass
dr kondraki
dr light
dr rights
dr gears
dr iceberg
literally everyone else
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deadpuppetboi · 2 months
I can’t wait for the new update in Outlast Trials because that means we’ll get even more journals from Easterman that basically make him look like this-
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books-and-ivy · 6 months
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Introducing the Jekyll Estate staff
- Mrs. Jessica ‘Harpy’ Harpshire is Jekyll’s tightly wound and stiff-lipped housekeeper. Hired shortly after Poole, Mrs. Harpshire has been well acquainted with the Jekyll family since Henry’s boyhood. She has seen it all, and subsequently knows how to keep things in order… even without the presence of her beloved husband John. Deemed ‘the Harpy’ by Bradshaw, she is respected and feared by nearly all of the staff (Poole being the only exception).
- Mr. Steven Poole is the eldest and most tenured member of the staff. Poole has performed many roles within the house over his twenty years of service as head butler and valet to Dr. Jekyll and his father. Loyal to a fault, Poole will see to it that his master’s house and reputation is kept in perfect condition, come any trial that may arise.
- Mrs. Lillian Davies is Jekyll’s cook and head laundress. After severely injuring her leg in an east end wash house, Mrs. Davies found herself and her three children in desperate need for work and shelter. Enter Dr. Jekyll. When she is not in the kitchen preparing for lavish dinner parties or ensuring the master does not starve himself to death, Mrs. Davies spends her time instilling her values of hard work and integrity to her children.
- Mr. Niles Bradshaw serves as Jekyll’s footman and unofficial jester (much to everyone’s dismay). Jovial and charismatic, Bradshaw ensures that the house is never entirely quiet. His good looks are readily used to incite the attention of any woman he encounters, but unfortunately for him, never quite seem to catch the eye of the one person he actually wants to notice him…
- Ms. Valentine Davies is the youngest member of the staff at 15 years old, but her age is hardly noticed in the wake of her shining character and determination. After working several years under her mother’s tutorage as a scullery maid, Valentine worked herself through the ranks to become one of Jekyll’s housemaids. Kindhearted and empathic, Valentine is quick to endear herself to nearly everyone she encounters.
- Ms. Emily Waller is Jekyll’s infamously levelheaded chambermaid. Having come from several houses prior to working at No. 28 Leicester Sq, Emily has learned how to thrive in the cutthroat world of service, even if it is to her detriment. She is quiet, wise beyond her years, and knows far more than she would ever dare to say aloud, even to her friend and coworker Valentine.
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
Irondad fic ideas #117
One day, May receives a threatening letter at work. It says, "Do you know who your nephew is?" and contains, crushed into the page, a dead spider.
Horrified, May calls Tony Stark. Plans are set in place immediately to move the Parkers into Stark Tower for protection while Tony tracks down the people who sent the threat. 
Peter is at school during the chaos of getting May to the tower. He only learns what's happened when he's called out of class. When he gets to the office, it's Tony waiting there (with the very stunned school secretary) to pick him up. He has his nanotech housing unit on.
Tony explains once they're in the car. Peter freaks out until Tony promises that May is already safely at the tower with Happy and Pepper. Only then does Peter notice that Tony's hands are shaking too.
All of this was not what the villains wanted. Their plan had been to scare May into abandoning Peter. They didn't know that she already knew who he was, and they definitely didn't know that the Parkers were close to Tony Stark.
An abandoned and homeless Peter would have been much easier to kidnap. Now, they will have to step up their game.
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dailyrol · 10 months
3. Rol Quiz: Personaje Favorito
Os traemos una nueva ronda de preguntas sobre diferentes aspectos del mundo del rol. Para participar solo tienes que enviarnos un submit con tus respuestas marcando el tag #Rol Quiz. En caso de querer contestar anónimamente, recuerda cerrar tu sesión de tumblr antes de enviarnos el submit.
Este es el Rol Quiz que os planteamos en esta ocasión:
De todos los personajes que has creado a lo largo de tu vida rolera, ¿cuál es tu favorito y cómo se llamaba?
¿En qué foro lo desarrollaste?
¿Cuál era el rostro (PB) que lo representaba?
¿Cómo era su personalidad?
¿Qué otras cualidades hicieron que se convirtiera en el personaje que más te ha gustado crear?
¿Pudiste darle cierre a su historia de alguna forma?
Si tuvieras la oportunidad de re-adaptarlo a otro foro, ¿lo harías o prefieres crear un nuevo PJ diferente aunque con alguna de sus características?
Recordad que lo interesante y divertido es responder a todas las preguntas, pero si por cualquier motivo se quisiera evitar contestar alguna, bastará con dejar un espacio en blanco o un guion bajo esta. Ante cualquier duda, podéis contactarnos por ask, submit o chat privado antes de mandar vuestro formulario.
¡Esperamos que os guste esta nueva edición de Rol Quiz!
Staff de Daily Rol
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anhilliator1 · 1 month
I l'd like to imagine that at some point the Theraprism does transition Bill into one-on-one sessions with staff members who are likely some of the absolute BEST in the multiverse and it only makes him angrier because he's all "my past is none of your business" - plus, you've seen how he reacts whenever anyone brings up Euclydia and his parents.
That said, when that does happen, he does start making progress, although so slow it makes the half-life of Xenon-124 (160 trillion years) look fast - but it's progress, especially important for someone like him.
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oldsportussy · 1 year
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Jjackkennedy annual scp shitpost time
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banesberry-anomoly · 3 months
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Goofy ass Roth doodle for the Rebar Antlers (Clef x 173) roleswap au (she knows something the others dont) (you dont get anymore context than that)
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frie-ice · 4 months
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Each one of the four main staff members of Night Raven College are modelled after a Disney villain, at first I was going to make individual collages on the four with the Disney characters they were inspired by, but then decided to feature them in one single collage. Divus Crewel the science and alchemy teacher represents Cruella De Vil, Mozus Trein the magic history teacher represents Lady Tremaine (just as his cat familiar Luclus represents Lucifer), Ashton Vargas the P.E. teacher represents Gaston and Sam the shop keeper represents Dr. Facilier.
This Disney Twisted Wonderland collage is part of a series that showcase the parallel comparisons between the original TWST characters with the classic Disney villain characters (or trademark items) that they are based on upon and inspired from. In which has those Twisted Wonderland characters be seen as the TWST counterparts of those Disney characters. I got the idea for this series after seeing Tumblr posts of the TWST Housewardens and Vice-Housewardens being featured beside the original Disney characters that they represent, and I didn't want to limit myself to the Dorm Heads and overblot victims, but also for the other TWST characters.
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jamjuiceart · 1 year
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Made more discord emoji’s
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drilanime · 5 months
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not-poignant · 10 months
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Daily excerpt from today's writing, chapter 80 of Underline the Black:
'Flitmouse,' Anton hissed in the background.  'No! This is something that has to be talked about! I'm sorry, but this isn't something we all get to tiptoe around until that young boy is a mess. It's something that should have been talked about from the beginning! Isn't that what you'd do for him if he was an omega? And isn't he biologically sharing at least some of the functions that omegas have? Gary, he's not just an alpha, I said that before. Everyone here thinks it's so hard to be an omega, and I've seen for myself that it can be quite difficult to be an alpha too. Well, he's both, and something else besides, and you'd best be taking all of that into account. Because otherwise Efnisien will get his rape trauma from Hillview.' 'Flitmouse, you can't just- Gary's not-' Anton cut in. '-I'm sorry, I'm sorry,' Flitmouse said quickly. 'I'm sorry, my darling. I am. I've been in agony over this, thinking about it, and I wish I didn't have to say any of this. Truly I wish that. But my love, you cannot say Gary's not a rapist, because you've never seen him with anyone. I don't think he is, but you have to admit that peak alphas carry an intensity with them that the whole world knows of. And all of that, right now, is pointed in the direction of someone who has spoken to less than ten people on his own in his entire life. All right, maybe more if we include his family, some nurses, but what capacity does he have to handle what's coming?' 'I think you're right to bring up these concerns,' Gary said heavily. 
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