#draco malfoy angst
falling asleeep om malfoy
𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙨
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- draco malfoy
a/n: this isn't the best but it's something i wrote to one of my favourite bois, the gif sounds like he's saying my favourite- requests are forever open luv, tiya
requested- yes
currently playing- forever favourite
warnings- none i think-
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"don't fall asleep on me, darlin" Draco cooed
his voice oh damn the lord, it sounded so pretty calling you darling. you'd want to hear it roll of his tongue over and over again. just wanna play it on a loop.
even against his misguided words, he had his hand around you waist, letting you lean on him with your head on his chest. you could hear his pretty heart beating so quickly.
why was he so nervous talking to his friends huh?
he had gone back discussing something about Potter again. maybe that's why his heart was beating so fast. Him and his bloody Potter for Merlin's sake. it was as if he was in love with him.
pottah this, pottah that, potta breathes, potta looked.
Malfoy on the other hand was having a whole panic attack inside his head.
is she comfortable? where do i keep my hand?
am i comfortable for her?
their droopy eyes slowly closed and they'd gone to sleep.
draco malfoy couldn't even pay attention to whatever they were talking about, his favourite subject in the world was in his arms.
his world was in his arms.
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s9fti3 · 2 months
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Draco Malfoy Headcannons!!
• He has a locket necklace that is hidden somewhere in his dorm room of the confession note that you had given him in 4th year. He never gave you a chance until the near end of 4th year, early 5th year.
• He cried in your arms for days on end after getting the dark mark- he was absolutely sure that you would leave him, yet you didn’t, that was something he never understood.
• A dark heart just needs a little fixing, and that was him. You had soften the heart of Draco Malfoy, giving him a fresh perspective of life, what was going on and what there was to come.
• At first he was so nervous to introduce you to his friend group because he thought that you wouldn’t like them or they would think you weren’t enough for Draco, but you had actually fitted in better with the group than anyone who else had tried to join years before.
• Draco loves to hand you little notes during class to distract you and to watch your smile appear on your face as you read the sweet words he wrote in the note:
‘Hey pretty girl, I just want you to know I was thinking about you this morning when I saw Neville walking past me with some flowers that he was bringing to the greenhouse. I also thought of you when I smelled the coffee that Blaise had poured this morning at breakfast. You should spend the night at my dorm, maybe watch the sunrise with me?- Love, Draco’
• After dating you for a year, he didn’t care what others thought of relationship between him and you. Nobody would expect it, but Draco Malfoy had fallen in love. He had fallen hard in love with You.
• Smells like apple, cinnamon, old books and coffee.
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dracowars · 1 year
H!i i love your writing and i wanted to make a request can you do a draco x reader where they have a fight and then they sleep in diffrent rooms and the reader has a nightmare so she goes to dracos room and then just fluff <3
fighter | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x reader
word count: 1,2k
summary: where y/n and draco sleep in separate rooms due to an argument
a/n: i wrote this in one flow in the notes of my phone (i usually write on my laptop that's also why the " are different) and i don't know what happend, but i've never written something so fast. i hope it stays that way lmao enjoy <3 don't forget to reblog, it's so important!
warnings: angst, mentions of death
universe: harry potter
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"I can't believe you are being serious right now!", you scream at Draco, physically retreating from him as you take a few steps back in your anger, anger about what he just told you. The atmosphere in his big dark bedroom in Malfoy Manor doesn't help the cold that is now surrounding you, neither does your light sleeping gown that you put on mere minutes ago to finally get some well deserved sleep. That is until you got into this stupid argument.
Your whole body trembles and you desperartely run your fingers through your hair, waiting for him to tell you that it was just a joke, that none of it is real.
"I knew you wouldn't understand", is the only thing that leaves Draco's mouth and if you had been a few more meters away, you would have probably missed his murmur. But you caught every word he said and it makes you even more furious.
"Oh, so you didn't even think about telling me that you want to take your father's place among the Dark Lord's entourage? The one of your father who is currently, if I may remind you, trapped in Azkaban?!", you say while fully realizing the impact of these words. Draco really wants to become a Death Eater and follow Voldemort as his faithful footman until he decides one day that he does not need him anymore either and puts him into the same prison his father is currently residing.
"See? That's why I preferred not to tell you because I knew you would react like this", Draco only sighs at your emotional outburst, rubbing his palms against each other as he looks at the dark wooden floor beneath your feet.
"So you now support the Dark Lord? Is that it?", you ask, now directly looking at him in utter disbelieve, ignoring his previous words. In your opinion, this is the only reasonable reaction when you are told your loved one wants to basically throw his life, and everything he has accomplished, away. And you are a huge part of that life which he would discard. Just like that.
"Y/N, you are missing my point!", Draco raises his voice now too, no longer being able to withstand the hurtful words you are throwing his way. "I need to do this, alright? It is none of your business anyway."
"N-None of my business?!", you stumble over your words, not believing your ears but one look at his face tells you that he is being deadly serious. For a moment, you hold in your breath and stare at him, looking into his eyes that seem to have darkened now.
"You know what? Alright, if it is your business and you want to follow in your father's steps, then I'm not needed here anymore", you say with a fake smile on your lips, passing him without looking at him again and leaving the room with fast steps. You do not listen when he calls after you, because if he really wanted to solve this, he would follow you. The fact that he does not, sends another dagger through your already suffering heart.
Standing in one of the cold hallways of Malfoy Manor, watched by the few family pictures that hang along the walls, you make your way to the next guest room where you plan on spending the night before being able to leave first thing in the morning.
You open the creaking door and enter the room, taking a look at the large bed with dark green bedding. Sighing, you let yourself fall onto the soft blanket in defeat and look at the panaled high ceiling.
The next moment, all the emotions come crushing down on you and you let your tears run free, crying into the soft bedsheets, grapping a fistful of it in your hand. You don't know how long you just lie there and cry bitterly, but when you suddenly jolt out of your sleep, drenched in sweat, it takes you a few seconds to realize where you are. The realization hits you painfully as you lean against the headboard, knees pulled towards your chest beneath the thick blanket and your hands trembling, pulling the safety of the fabric more towards you.
You thought you had already cried out all of your tears, but this terrible nightmare paralyzed your entire body and the tears streaming down your already puffed cheeks do not seem to stop. Trembling, you lower your forehead onto your knees, closing your eyes to dispose of those bad images, but they keep appearing in front of you. Crying into the blanket even harder, your mind comes up with the only plausible solution and before you know it, you find yourself standing in front of Draco's bedroom again, slowly opening the door.
With only your head poking in at first, you squint into the darkness, searching for any indications if Draco is asleep or not. When you only hear his soft breathing, you sneak towards your side of the bed and climb beneath the cold blanket as quiet as possible, trying to sniffle your tears.
Draco, however, senses that something is wrong and shifts in his sleep, turning onto his back. His hand slightly grazes yours and your breath gets stuck in your throat at the sensation. It only takes two more seconds until Draco opens his eyes, suddenly aware of the warm trembling body next to him.
Pushing onto his arms, he looks at you, confused, but once he hears your sobs, he takes you into his arms without any words, enveloping you in his warmth. Burrying your face in the crook of his neck, your crying grows even worse and you claw his shirt as if he could disappear any second.
"I-I was so scared, D-Draco", you stutter once you have caught your breath a bit more, holding your hands in front of your mouth to stop yourself from breaking down again. "Y-You were a Death Eater and they- they took you from me. H-He killed you, Draco."
Draco, who was busy wiping away your tears while listening, stops in his movement, his lips slightly parted in shock. In this moment, he hated himself for making you cry like this, for causing you such a horrible nightmare that you ended up thinking that you had lost him.
"He won't, Y/N. I promise", Draco whispers finally, not at all sure what he is supposed to say right now. On the one hand, he wants to make everything right again, but on the other hand he knows that he has responsibilites that he can't run away from.
"You can't promise me that", you sob, wiping away your tears by yourself now, your hands still a shaking mess.
"I'm so sorry, darling, but I have to follow him", he answers, his voice shaking as he softly takes your hands in his. "Otherwise he is going to kill me. But what is worse is that he is going to kill my family. He is going to kill you if I don't obey."
As he says these words and lets down his walls, you see a single tear running down his cheek, finding its way onto your intertwined hands below.
"We- We will find a way, baby", you try to assure him, squeezing his hand lightly. "You don't have to do this. We just need to fight. For us. For your family. For you."
"I will."
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luv4freddie · 5 months
The Mark - D.M
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Reader comforts Draco after he gets the dark mark
Exactly what you think it’s gonna be like. Tragic backstory, mentions of voldy and war, so sad, angst/comfort, 776 words
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Draco Malfoy was tired.
He was exhausted, yes. But he was tired of being the man of the family. He was tired of being a Malfoy heir, of being forced into boxes in order to make his family proud.
And now it was too late.
He laid in his four poster bed, fighting against the tears blooming behind his eyes and the stinging sensation on his forearm.
He shivered— he felt dirty. Disgusting in a way that wouldn’t wash out no matter how many times he scrubbed the spot where bony white fingers had grasped his arm.
He wanted to kick and scream like a toddler, but even now he couldn’t express the emotions building up in his chest— adrenaline, shame, fear, all joining in on his downfall.
He laid unresponsive, too tired to move but unable to fall asleep.
He can still hear his mother crying downstairs. She hadn’t stopped since the Dark Lord had left the manor, and taken her sons innocence and choice along with him.
Draco faintly registers the smell of smoke and a tumbling sound, but he makes no attempt to investigate, chalking it up to a clumsy house elf.
At least until he hears your voice.
“Dray?” It’s gentle in a way that makes all of his emotions perk up, fighting their way to his face as he finally moves; sitting up to face where you stand, freshly out of his fireplace.
He wants to talk— ask what you’re doing here, how you got there, if you still love him— but instead the most embarrassing thing happens.
Draco Malfoy starts crying.
Draco has not cried since third year, but a single look at you has him sobbing out into the stillness of the house.
Within seconds you’re next to him, pulling him into your chest and stroking his hair while you mumble reassurances into his ear.
He cries for a long time, giving his mother a run for her money with the his sobs echo off the walls, the silencing charm you’d put up to shield him from Narcissa’s ears only making them reverberate louder.
By the time he’s finally calmed down his voice is raspy and his eyes are bloodshot.
“They’re monitoring floo.”
“I know,” you hush him, “but that’s for the order members. They won’t care about us. They probably think I’m just sneaking out to smog you.”
He lets out a chuckle, but it’s airy and there’s no real humor in it.
He wants to tell you. But at the same time, he’s terrified that you’re going to be disgusted— that you’d get up and leave him just like everyone else when he inevitably disappoints.
You notice he subconsciously fiddles with the edge of his sleeve, and you grab his hand, bringing it up to place a kiss on his fingers.
“I know already.”
You want to cry with the amount of fear in his eyes when they meet yours.
“You- how?”
“Your mom was talking to mine about it.”
He lets out a scoff, “it’s a miracle she can get anything out with the way she’s been crying.”
You sigh, “can you blame her?”
“I’m the one that got branded, why’s she crying?”
You smooth a gentle finger over his sleeve, hating the way he flinches.
“Because you’re now a part of this war, a bigger part than anyone your age should ever be.”
He buries further into you, tucking his head into the crook of your neck and appreciating the way you wrap your arms around him, squeezing just enough to press your bodies into each other.
“Do you still love me?”
His voice is so small and hidden from where he’s laying, but you hear it nonetheless, and your heart shatters into a billion tiny pieces at the vulnerability and disappointment in it.
He’s expecting you to say no.
Instead, you grab his arm, bringing it up to where you can see it. At first he refuses to let you move his sleeve, but he quickly tires, watching your every move with droopy eyes and resigned interest.
He inhales sharply when you do it— roll his sleeve up and press a soft kiss directly onto the middle of the mark, right where the snake winds around the mouth.
“The Dark Lord himself couldn’t make me stop loving you, Draco Malfoy. This doesn’t change who you are.”
He breathes a small sigh of relief.
He was still a death eater, still an heir, and still guilty—but you loved him, and you weren’t going to leave him because of it.
So maybe— just maybe— he could survive this war. As long as you were here
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marypaol · 5 months
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Cold Heart
Draco x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Aftermath of a fight, soft angst, that’s all :)
Summary: Reader and Draco have a fight over something they can’t even remember and they sleep in separate beds. But all that changes when Reader has a nightmare.
Note: I don’t use Y/N, if that’s okay :)
The feelings inside her chest were unbearable. It was a feeling of loneliness and hurt settling in her chest making her feel uneasy. The tension between them was thick yet awkward at the same time, so thick she didn’t know what to say next. Like if she tried to say something the air would drown out her words and they would be faded before they even reached his ears.
The so called fight was horrible. They both said things they didn’t mean, and called each other names they didn’t really think each other were. Their actions were foolish, getting upset over something that wasn’t important enough to affect their relationship. The thing neither of them would admit is that they didn’t even remember how it started. That was the thing about arguments. Once they start they keep adding up until it explodes, but no one knows what set it of in the first place.
The girl felt small under his sharp gaze, the once soft eyes that looked at her were now hard and stern. The sudden cold air made her shiver but of course he had no reaction. He just stood there, staring her down, making her more uncomfortable by the minute.
She swallowed her regret and pain for the night, deciding to deal with it the next day. “I’ll sleep in the guest room.” She mumbled oh so quietly, not even sure he heard her and slowly made her way to the bedroom, her feet softly padding on the floor the only sound in the room besides Draco’s breathing.
Draco didn’t do anything to stop her, not even changing his body language as a sign he wanted her to stay. It was almost like he wanted her to leave, wanted her to sleep in a separate bed just because they couldn’t act like mature adults properly solving out their relationship problems. So he stood there watching her leave and still watched as door closed, leaving him with the wood staring at him. The man sighed, running a rough pale hand through his even paler hair, tugging at the strands until it hurt. His hand went to his chest next, tugging harshly at the tie that was tied at the collar, something that seemed to be getting tighter each minute. He felt like he was being choked. He untied it and threw it hardly on the ground, the fabric making a sharp slapping noise. He himself was cold, the unexplained breeze sending shivers up his arms as he traveled to their bedroom, totally expecting her sleeping figure to be there, soft skin laying on the silk sheets, eyelashes tangled together as her eyes fluttered from time to time. But he know that even when that happened she wouldn’t wake, for that was a sign she was in deep slumber, not planning on getting out of it any time soon. But once he walked in he found the temperature even colder; the absence of the girl seeming to have an effect on the atmosphere itself. The bed was empty and the sight was unsettling to his chest, almost like her in the bed was something that needed to happen in order for him to feel content.
Sadly the feeling of discomfort didn’t go away even when he decided to sleep on her side of the bed, her scent evolving him like a quilt, the warmth of the smell almost overwhelming. The goosebumps on his skin seemed to go away just by smelling her, like just a piece of her could fix his smallest problems.
Draco slept restlessly that night, his eyes fluttering open every couple hours until he finally found himself falling back asleep again, only to do the same thing a couple hours later.
It wasn’t until he felt another presence in the room, someone’s eyes on him as he slept that his eyes finally decided to stay open for more than five minutes. He glanced at the doorway, the darkness seeming to spread as he focused on one spot. He heard heavy breathing, the person obviously trying to stop it so it wouldn’t wake him up. Little did they know he woke up because he felt her in his presence, not heard it. Almost like he couldn’t just feel her when he’s awake but also when he’s asleep.
“Hey,” he grumbled, his arm coming out of beneath the pillow, the pillow being almost permanently bent because of his arm squeezing it. The girl in the doorway shifted her weight on each foot, her body rocking back and forth as she did so.
“Come here,” he requested, rolling over so she could reclaim her spot. She hesitantly walked over to the bed, stopping when she was next to her side, hands fiddling with her-his- shirt. His hand reached out to her, fingers connecting to her arms, stroking the skin there. Her skin was still warm from the bed sheets, telling him that she wasn’t standing there for long before he woke up.
Silence wrapped around them for a while as his fingers continued to massage her skin, warm against warm. He knew she found comfort in it since she was practically melting into his touch. He wrapped his slender fingers around her wrist softly and lightly tugged as a signal he wanted her to join him in the silky bed sheets.
“Come here,” he grumbled again, fingers going down her wrist to connect his hand with hers. She stepped closer at the repeated request, like she convinced herself that the first one was a misheard, and that she needed reassurance. Her knee stepped up on the bed, arms reaching out to him for a seek of comfort. His arms settled on her hips, guiding her as she settled into bed with him.
She chose to lay on her back, eyes settled on the ceiling but her arm was still touching his. He only noticed then that her cheeks were damp and eyelashes wet.
“Hey,” he said comfortingly, fingers going up to her hair to stroke it out of her face; continuing to do so even after it was out of the way. “No tears, alright love? No tears,”
She sniffed, eyes glazing over but nothing escaping. Her lips parted and she breathed through her mouth for a couple seconds before she spoke.
“I had a nightmare,”
Draco sighed as a sign to say he felt bad, hand moving to her ear so he could stroke it carefully.
“I’m sorry, loves.” He said softly. “I wish I was there when you woke up.”
“I was scared you would still be mad.” She stated anxiously. He shook his head before she could finish speaking, lips leaning forward so he could peck at her cheeks, kissing the tears away one by one. He then backed up but still stayed close by, her right hand coming up to wrap around his neck. His silver orbs met her glossy ones, eyes searching for any emotion in her eyes. “Listen darling, I would never stay mad at you for coming to me for comfort,” he started, rubbing their noses together softly before looking into her eyes again. “You are mine, and if you need anything I’m here to give it to you.”
She smiled ever so softly, fingers stroking at his hair on the back of his neck. “All I need is you, and you already gave that to me. There isn’t anything else I need more.”
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goldenbuckyyy · 2 years
Summary: Confessions of love lead to a place you never thought you’d be.
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader
Word count: 6.6kish
Warnings: Idiots to lovers, SMUT (over 3k of it), oral sex (fem!receiving), raw sex, cream pie, multiple orgasms, undertones of Dom!Draco, pretty much making love
A/N: hi!!!! Omg, it’s finally here! Yay!! Here’s PART 4 of my Heather series. 🥺 my baby!! I’m so happy for this part. Hopefully you all enjoy. Please let me know what you think at the end!! I love them so much 😭💚 please read the first three parts before this one (linked below) Song for this fic: “You are in love” by Taylor Swift
Also hit 400 followers recently 🥺🫶🏻 thank you!!
All mistakes are my own. Please do not repost or translate my fics on any other side nor this one.
I appreciate any likes, reblogs, messages, and interactions.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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The cold November chill felt welcomed on your skin as you stood in the Astronomy tower. You overlooked Hogwarts with a smile, knowing this is the last Thanksgiving you’d ever spend here, but you didn’t feel sad right now. 
You felt grateful for your experience here because not many were that lucky. You had stayed for Thanksgiving break once back in your second year and it was magical. So beautiful. You loved it. Draco had stayed with you then. He never left you alone. 
But you were alone now. You knew he was back at the Malfoy manor. You watched him leave to catch the train just days ago. You pretended to forget something at the castle as your friends went to the train, but it was just an excuse so nobody would know that you were staying for the holiday. 
You didn’t want Draco finding out. You wanted to be alone. 
You slowly let your fingers run along the railing, the cold metal against your warm skin making you shiver slightly, and you tug your orange sweater over your palms to warm you up again. 
Today was Thanksgiving. One of your favorite holidays. You mostly enjoyed it because of the food. But truthfully, who didn’t? 
You were going to miss your mom's homemade Thanksgiving dinner. Especially the apple pie you and your dad always made for the holiday. But Hogwarts is going to have to make do. You’re sure they won’t disappoint. They never do. 
You had noticed there were a bit more students that had decided to stay. You were surprised to see so many students in your class. They probably wanted to enjoy their last Thanksgiving here as a student at Hogwarts. You were surprisingly happy to have chosen to stay. 
You start making your way down to the Great Hall for Thanksgiving dinner. Your belly is begging for food already. You only drank a warm cup of hot chocolate this morning because you loved to wait to eat until dinner time. That way you had more room for the feast. 
You had chosen to dress up today either way. You had paired your orange oversized sweater with a black skirt, it was one of those fitted ones that you really liked, black sheer leggings, and your pair of black booties. It was simple, but you felt pretty. 
You had even applied some makeup and styled your hair to your own liking. You even managed to find your cute pair of thanksgiving earrings. They were two little pumpkin pies. You thought it was hilarious when your mom gifted them to you when you were a kid. You’ve worn them every year since. 
You enter the Great Hall with a smile on your face, the different foods filling your space, you inhale deeply, almost moaning at the thought of eating already, and look around to see where you can sit. 
You spot the Golden Trio sitting down at the Gryffindor table. Talking amongst themselves enthusiastically and laughing. You noticed all the different students from different houses had all gathered at the same table. You smiled at that and made your way to Harry.
Ron notices you first, his elbow shoving Harry suddenly, Harry whimpering an “Ow!” He's about to shove Ron when Ron raises his eyebrows towards you, you’re still smiling as you walk towards them. Harry does the same thing he always does when he sees you. 
He sits up straighter, fixes his glasses, and smiles at you. 
“Hi, Harry!” You say as you reach them, standing next to Hermoine. Who has an empty seat next to her. She looks up at you, smiling, they all welcome you, “Is this seat taken?” 
“No, of course not!” Harry blubbers out with a rush. 
Ron and Hermoine snicker at his reaction, Hermoine places her hand on your forearm, “Sit, Y/N. You’re more than welcomed to join us.” 
You beam at her as you sit next to her. You both fall into conversation, completely forgetting about Ron and Harry, and gush about different topics. It was so incredibly easy to talk to Hermoine. Even Ron and Harry. 
They had even admitted to you a couple days ago that they were scared of you because of your friendship with Draco. You laughed loudly when they told you and teased them about it. You had even told them that Draco only puts on a front at them, but was truthfully a nice person. They were hesitant to believe you, but you didn’t force your words at them. 
Ron watches you and Hermoine with wide eyes, he looks at Harry, who looks about the same, “It’s like we don’t even exist, mate.” Harry hums in agreement. 
Soon enough, the long table is filled with the Thanksgiving feast. 
You gawk at the food in front of you. All the classics. The delicious looking turkey, the honey glazed pineapple ham, sweet potato casserole with brown butter on top, extra cheesy Mac and cheese, mash potatoes, corn casserole, and everything pumpkin flavored. 
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin juice, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin topping. It was overwhelming. 
You noticed your favorite butterbeer cookies eyeing you already. You reached over to grab some before they finished. 
You all start digging into the food, you enjoy a little bit of everything until you feel satisfied. 
The talks and laughter around you never stops. You feel happy with a belly full of food and a mouth filled with laughter. 
The Great Hall starts emptying slowly and you feel someone sit down next to you, you turn with a smile, and it doesn’t falter when you see Cedric. Dressed in his favorite Hufflepuff sweater and scarf combo along with a dazzling smile. 
You turn to face him, tilting your head on your arm, “Hi!” 
“Hi,” he chuckles out with crinkling eyes. 
You were happy that thankfully Cedric was okay with being only friends with you. It was a slightly awkward conversation the next night after what had happened she tween you two. Or what had almost happened. 
He had caught you on your way back to the Slytherin quarters, you had both gone to sit at one of the benches in the hall, and spoke openly about the past events. 
You apologized profusely about what had happened and he stopped you midway so he could apologize. He repeatedly asked you if you had felt he had taken advantage of you. With careful reassurance that you had consented to what had happened, every step of the way, and explained to him how you didn’t think it was fair to either of you to pursue something when your heart was truthfully with someone else. 
He didn’t ask who, but you knew that he knew. 
“How are you doing?” You ask him, nibbling on a butterbeer cookie. 
“I’m doing alright, are those good?” He questions curiously, you had him a piece, and he chews on it and rolls his eyes back, “Bloody brilliant, yeah?” 
“Indeed,” you hum back with a chuckle. 
Easy conversation flows between you two about the end of the semester and how lovely it is to be here for the Holidays. You both agreed that it was the right choice to stay here and that maybe you’d both stay again for Christmas. You had never stayed for Christmas and the Trio said they were going to stay as well. 
“I’m staying then,” you state happily, sipping on your pumpkin juice, and laughing at Ron’s comments to Hermione about something ridiculous. 
Hermoine nudges you suddenly, you look at her confused, her face falling as she’s looking towards the Great Hall double doors, and you turn quickly to see what’s she’s looking at. 
You feel your heart drop to your stomach when you see Draco standing there. He’s wearing his sweater, your favorite one, black slacks, and you notice his hair is loose and framing his forehead in curls. 
His eyes are already on you. 
You furr your eyebrows in confusion as you wonder what he’s doing here. You look around at your friends, who are looking at you in confusion, only knowing the bare minimum of what you had told them. But they knew something was going on between you two. 
“Excuse me,” you say quickly, grabbing your extra butterbeer cookies, and walk towards Draco. 
He waits for you at the entrance and immediately follows you as you walk out. 
You stop in the empty hallway, “What are you doing here?” You question him as you try to keep your voice steady. 
You fumble with the cookies in your hand, not wanting to look up at him, and he sighs deeply above you. 
“My mother told me you were spending the holiday here. Why didn’t you tell me? You could’ve come home with me.” 
You huff, “No, I couldnt.” 
“Why not? Because we’re in a fight?” Draco’s tone is not harsh, but in disbelief. You avoid his gaze and look to the side. 
“It doesn’t matter if we’re in a fight. You’re my best friend and I don’t want you to be alone on one of your favorite holidays.” 
“I’m not alone…I’m with my friends,” you reply quickly, brushing your hair away from your face, and trying to keep your heart from racing. 
“And what am I?” 
You finally look up at him when he says that. His gray eyes peering at you, his lips turned down into a frown, and he waits for your reply. You notice his fingertips are itching to grab your wrists. His hands go into tight fists to keep them to himself. 
Your heart skips a beat because you miss him so much. It’s only been over a week that you’ve spoken to him. Been in his bed. 
But it feels like a lifetime and it’s slowly killing you. 
You tilt your head to the side as you watch him, the corners of your lips frowning, your eyes taking him in, “You’re… you’re my Draco.” 
You both start casually walking down the hall, you both on instinct go towards the peach three in the courtyard, and you both sit down on the bench under the tree.
You shiver slightly as the cold wind brushes against your warm cheeks and Draco silently curses at himself for not bringing a coat with him to the Great Hall. 
You turn to face him, still holding your cookies in your hands, and look at him. Your heart feels heavy as you both stare at each other. 
His eyes look into yours with such sadness in them that it makes you want to curl into a ball and weep. You feel yourself starting to shake slightly because of how nervous you feel. 
Is this the end? The real end between you two? 
“Hey,” his voice startles you, soft and sweet, his hands finally inch towards you, and he takes your free one into his warm palms. His big hand covering yours completely. 
“Why are you shaking? It’s just me,” he whispers as he pushes a stray hair away from your face, his thumb caressing your cheek slightly, you feel yourself flush underneath his gaze, and you shuffle on the bench. 
“I feel this way because of you,” you admit, not breaking eye contact with him. 
“I…” Draco starts to say, but quickly stops talking when he notices a couple people walking around the halls and chatting in the corridor as well. 
He doesn’t let go of your hand, “We should go somewhere more private.” 
“Like where?”
He opens his mouth, but closes it. His jaw locks, his eyes slowly avert from yours, but then he looks back. Your eyebrows raise in confusion as you wait for him to speak.
“What about my room?” His voice filled with uncertainty. 
You still. You haven’t set foot in his room since the argument you last had in there. You hadn’t even bothered to go and get your things that you had left there. You hadn’t wanted to face him yet. 
A part of you wants to go back in there. You miss the warmth and comfort you felt there. 
Lately, all you’ve felt is loneliness as you sleep alone every night in the empty bed in your big room. 
The emptiness of his side next to you never left your mind. You find yourself nodding, he gets up, you follow, and he leads you towards his room. 
He stops in front of the door after walking up the steps, you behind him, and he whispers his password to the painting in front of the door. 
He whispers your favorite spell.
Your heart tugs a bit that he didn’t change it. You know it hasn’t been that long, but it’s been the longest time the both of you have gone without each other. 
He opens the door and the sweet smell of apples mixed with cinnamon and vanilla fills your senses. You let your eyes close slightly, inhaling the mesmerizing scent, and you follow him inside his room. 
He walks around the room and you stand near the door, feeling a bit awkward, not knowing what to do anymore in this room, and you watch him. 
He peers at you as he sits in his emerald green loveseat, he gestures to the matching chair in the corner of the room, and you start walking towards it. You glance around the room, taking notice that all your belongings are still in the same place, and you wish they weren’t. 
You secretly wish he had already packed up your belongings into a box to make this easier. You sit down and set your cookies onto the table in between you two. 
“Do you want some tea or coffee?” He asks as he’s about to stand up to make some. 
“No, it’s okay.” 
He pauses and sits back down. He turns his body towards you, his leg bouncing up and down, and he lets out a deep sigh. 
A couple minutes pass with you both sitting in silence. You gulp down your nerves and open your mouth to speak. 
“Draco?” You ask. 
Your voice fills his ears like sweet honey. “Yes?” 
“Why am I here?” You question him as you let out a sigh. 
“I’m a coward,” he blurts out, turning his face to look at you, you frown. 
“I am a coward. Draco Malfoy is a coward.” 
You adjust yourself into your seat, placing one leg underneath your bottom, and fully face him.
“Draco,” you say, reaching over to him and taking his hand in both of yours. “What are you talking about?” 
His hand grips yours, “The last time you were here… You, uh, you asked me if I ever thought about doing.. what we do… with, umm, someone else.” Your eyes furr because Draco is fumbling with his words and he never does. 
“I remember,” you tell him, a pang in your chest when you remember what he said after you asked him that last time. 
“Well.. I.. I, uh, I lied to you.” 
You sit up straight. His eyes racing over your face, taking in your different expressions, “I know I insinuated that I thought about doing that with Heather, but I lied. I’ve never thought about doing what we do with anybody else. Ever.” 
You scoff at him, not believing him, “What are you going off about, Draco? You’ve fancied Heather since the day you met her.” You try to pull your hand out of his, but he grips onto it.
“I told you that day that I never thought about doing this with someone else and I meant it. I know I said I fancied Heather, but I swear.. I… I never have.”
“You lied to me?” You say in disbelief. A part of you wanting to be happy that he never fancied her, but why did he lie to you?
“I… I did.” 
“Why? What are you saying?” You pull your hand out of his with force, standing up quickly and starting to pace around the room, as the memories of that conversation fill your mind. 
Draco sits up in the loveseat, facing you, and pouting. 
“I asked you if you felt anything for me! I asked you if I was more than just your friend! You didn’t say anything! I gave you a chance to say anything, to say something, and you bloody stayed quiet! You never said anything! And then I’m with Cedric that night and you burst into his room, demanding I go with you, and for what? For you to never say anything else to me? Then we didn't talk for almost a week and now… now… now you want to say something? Why?” 
You continue to pace the room, confusion filling you, and you stop in front of him. Hands on your hips, chest raising angrily, and you watch him. 
He doesn’t say anything, biting the skin around his fingernails, and he bites his lower lip with nerves. 
“What’s going on, Draco? You’re confusing me,” you cry out at him.
“I am a coward that didn’t see what was in front of him until it was too late,” he stands up, towering over you, taking his hands in his, and you both look into each other’s eyes. 
“I am in love with you,” he confesses in a whisper. You suck in a gasp, your world stills at his words, and you start shaking your head. 
You frown deeply, “Stop it.” 
Draco grips your hands in his tightly, “This… this thing between us started in fifth year.. we were barely fifteen years old. We both decided to do this, but a part of me only agreed because I wanted you to want me the same way I’ve always wanted you,” you mouth parts in shock, “A part of me has always loved you. I… I think I’ve always known that I have, but I’ve always been a coward at admitting it to myself. That was almost four years ago next year… And… my-my love for you has only grown.” 
You feel tears welling up in your eyes as you stare up at him, trying your hardest to wrap your mind around his words, and you let the tears fall down your cheeks. 
“Please, don’t cry,” he whispers as his thumb wipes away your tears gently. 
Your lips quiver, “I… I’m having a hard time believing you, Draco.” Your confession stuns him, he looks at you with confusion. 
“Wh-what?” His voice is shaky. 
“What about Heather?” 
His eyes darted away from your face for a second, “I… I, um, I made it up.”
“You what?” You feel different emotions filling your body. Confusion at his confession. Anger that he lied to you. Happiness because he feels the same way. Guilt for what you had done with Cedric. 
“I didn’t lie when I said I met Heather because of my mom in the summer. But I’ve never felt anything towards her. Ever. I only said that to you because I was hoping to make you jealous,” another confession slips his lips. 
“To… make me jealous?” You repeat his words, feeling distress. 
He nods, his body language showing you he’s ashamed of his actions, and he sighs. “I… I know my actions are confusing you.. and I know you might need some time, but…” he pauses and his palms cup your face gently, “I am in love with you.” 
Your breathing is picking up, you’re looking at him in shock, everything you’ve ever wanted to hear… he’s saying it right now. 
“I’m so in love with you that I was deeply afraid of letting you know because of the fear that you didn’t feel the same way about me. But if I would have just looked deeper… I would have seen and heard what you were trying to tell me…” 
“And what was that?” You whisper out, your hands slowly moving to palm his hands on your face. 
“That you’re in love with me too,” he pleads, voice wavering with hope. 
“Draco,” you whisper, tears falling down your cheeks, closing your eyes as you let a whimper fall out between your lips. 
“Do you not believe me?” He questions, hurt filling the room. 
You sniff as you lean your face into his palms, crying out, “Can you blame me?” 
Before you know it, you feel Draco’s hands leaving your face, you look for his hands, and he’s kneeling in front of you. 
“What? Draco, what are you doing?” 
He holds your hands in his, his knees touching the floor, he lets out a quiet cry. 
Your heart breaks at hearing him cry. 
“Y/N…” he begins, “Its always been you.” He looks up at you with tears in his eyes, “I have always loved you, never anybody else. I swear it. I have never once felt the way I feel for you for anybody else. Never.” 
He grips your hands in his, kissing the palms of your wrists, “You are the only one I’m ever going to want.” His voice is shaking, “It’s you who I want next to me. Warming my bed, forever. You’re everything I want. Everything!” 
You both are staring at each other, crying together, he continues, “I know I’m a bloody fucking idiot for not saying this sooner and I know it’s hard to believe me right now after everything… but I’m so in love with you that merely thinking about anybody else… It sickens me. You are the only person that matters to me. You’re the only one I see in my future.” 
You fall to your knees in front of him, your arms wrapping around his neck, his hands gripping your waist so your knees don’t hit the floor as he tugs you into him, and you cry. 
“Draco, I…” your lips quiver, “I’m so sorry for what I did with Cedric. I… I thought you didn’t feel the same way and I just wanted to forget about you.” 
Draco shakes his head rapidly, “Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. I was a coward and you were just trying to move on from my bloody dumbass.” 
You let out a giggle at his words, you wipe his tears away from his face as he wipes away yours, “I’m in love with you, too.” You confess, your heart rate accelerating at saying those words out loud. Finally. 
His eyes lighten up at your words. 
“I’ve always loved you. I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. It has been hell without you since our last argument and I never want to go through that again.” You lay your head on his shoulder, sniffing and whimpering into him, and he holds you in his arms tightly. 
“It won’t ever happen again, I swear.” 
“I love you,” he whispers into your ear as his hands tangle into your hair. You scruff your head onto his shoulders, taking him in, and breathing in his warm scent all around you. 
You both lean out, his forehead on yours, your eyes are closed, you can feel his heartbeat against you, and his breathing increasing slightly. 
One of his hands grasp your neck, you lean up to look at him, his eyes wander your face and land on your lips. Your hands are holding onto his biceps as one of his free arms wraps around your waist, gently and with hesitance. As if he’s scared to touch you. 
“I’ve missed you terribly, my love.” 
You lick your lips, “I missed you more.” You let your gaze stop on his lips, he parts them open, and you both start leaning into each other. 
You met in the middle, your lips centimeters apart, you can smell his mint breathe, and you shiver at being this close to him again. 
“Draco,” you whisper out as you close your eyes, letting your body melt into his, and he pulls you into his space with his arms. 
His lips touch yours gently, you whimper at the feeling as fire erupts in your belly at the contact, goosebumps breaking out over your skin, and your eyes flutter closed. 
You move your arms to wrap around his neck as your lips move against his, it’s as if you’ve never been apart, and you feel fuzzy like you always do when you kiss him. You feel your body already reacting to his touch and you cry out for him. 
Draco’s tongue slowly lines your bottom lip, you part your mouth open for him, and your tongues meet in the middle. You both moan simultaneously, one of his hands gripping your waist, the other on the back of your neck, and you grip your arms together around him. You lean up to kiss him harder and he bites your bottom lip which causes you to whine loudly. 
You pull away from him, his mouth sucking on your lip, and you groan against him. His hands move towards the end of your sweater, you feel him hesitate, and you look at him with a small smile. Feeling your skin flushed. 
“I trust you,” you breathe out, his eyes flutter, and he smiles sweetly at you. He wraps his lips around yours once more, his hands inch underneath your sweater, and your skin feels as if it’s on fire. His big warm hands on your skin making your belly erupt with butterflies. 
“God, I’ve missed your skin.” He starts to kiss down your neck with big open mouthed kisses, leaving love bites down as he goes, his eyes looking up at you with pleasure, and you moan with every kiss. You grind your hips against his, your hands clinging onto his shoulders, and you pull away from him. 
You stand up quickly, pulling him up with you, and you both stand in front of each other. 
You take one step back, letting yourself take him in, the big dent in his slacks making your mouth water, and you reach down to tug off your sweater. 
You throw it to the side, letting him look at your chest, your breasts are covered with a lacy black bra, and you're both breathing heavily. You kick off your boots with ease, he follows your lead by tugging off his sweater, and unbuckling his belt. 
You both hold eye contact as you lower down your skirt and him his slacks. You lick your lips once you see him in only his tight black briefs, your mouth feeling dry when he palms himself to try and relieve the pressure he’s feeling, he hisses at his own touch, you tighten your legs together for a second to slow down the throbbing you feel, and you slide your hands into your sheer leggings. 
You bend down slowly to pull them off your legs and you stand in front of him, holding the lace of your panties in between your fingers. 
Draco's eyes are taking you in, every single inch of you, and you don’t feel insecure under his stare. You missed the way he ate you up with his eyes, he’s biting his lips as his eyes go down to your breasts, your navel, and land on your most private area. 
You feel yourself wet with anticipation and want. 
“Lay down,” Draco orders, chills run down your spine at his tone, and your body follows before your mind can. You lay down on the bed, with your arms underneath you to hold you up, and Draco moves to hover over your body. 
You feel him against your thigh, hard, and you moan when he kisses your neck. 
His arms are caging you underneath him, “Can I touch you, baby?” 
You nod at him as you reach up to kiss his lips, slowly. 
His hand slips underneath your torso, he unclips your bra, you let it fall over your shoulders, pulling it off your chest, and his mouth immediately meets with your already perked nipples. 
You gasp when his warm tongue laps on your nipples, he moves between both of your breasts, his hands cupping each one of them, the moans you let out only fuels him, and he starts moving down your stomach. 
He lets his tongue swirl around your belly, licking your naval, and his hands grip onto your panties. 
He swiftly pulls them down, he sits on his knees with your legs on his shoulders, he pulls off your panties, he kisses the inside of your ankle, and you open your legs for him. 
Your hands grip your breasts as he admires you. You’re soaking and he knows it. 
He watches your glistening pussy underneath him, all for him, he moans at the sight, and curses. 
“You’re fucking beautiful,” he licks up your calf, bitting the inside of your thighs, and you whimper. His eyes are locked on yours, he’s making sure you’re watching him, and you bite your bottom lip when his mouth hovers over your pussy. 
“Dray,” you whisper, hitching your hips to him, and he tsks at you. 
“Always so inpatient,” he says with a chuckle, he lowers himself down flat, and spreads your legs wider. His mouth latches onto you, you moan out loudly when you feel his wet tongue on you, his tongue laying flat on your folds, then flicking up to your clit. 
You gasp sharply, your breathing increasing with pleasure, and you tilt your head back as your hands grasp onto his almost white locks. 
Your hips move with his mouth in sync, he licks and slurps your wetness, your clit throbbing against him, “I’ve missed your taste, princess.” His breaths on you, you move your legs onto his shoulders, and pull him down to you again. 
He continues to eat you up, he slowly lets a finger enter you, you cry out at the sensation, feeling yourself tight around his digit, and he works you open slowly. 
He groans against your pussy as he feels how tight you are around him, he couldn’t believe he had gone so long without you, and he inserts a second finger without warning. 
You gasp again, feeling yourself burning up as he opens you, his fingers curling inside of you is something you hadn’t realized how much you had missed, and Draco starts moving his hips into the mattress. 
Your mouth parts with pants as his fingers find your sweet spot, “Draco!” You breathe out with a moan, his tongue lapping your wetness faster, his lips wrap around your clit, sucking on it, your legs are starting to shake as you near your orgasm, and he increases his speed inside of you. 
His fingers keep fucking into you, his tongue licking you in the right places, and playing with your clit at all the right moments. 
“You’ve always tasted amazing, sweetheart.” Draco quickly says to you before he continues doing what he does best. 
You whine out, hands locked into his hair, your back arching up with pleasure, and he moves his free hand to play with your nipples. You tug onto his locks feeling yourself getting closer and knowing that’s the signal you use to tell him.
Draco moans against your pussy, sending vibrations to your clit, and you feel your lower belly start contracting with your anticipating orgasm. 
You feel tears in the corner of your eyes, your hips grinding against his mouth, and he curls his fingers inside of you one more time. 
“Draco!” You yell out in pleasure as your orgasm takes over you suddenly. His mouth latches onto your clit, sucking on it, your entire body shaking with euphoria, and Draco only slurps up all your wetness. 
Draco moans against your pussy, licking you slowly as you come down, your chest raising up and down to catch your breath, and Draco slowly pulls away from you. His fingers inside of you exit slowly and you bite your lip looking at him. 
Draco’s lips are swollen and puffy, he licks them and sucks his bottom lip, you reach down to him, pulling at him from his arms, and wrapping your lips around his. Moaning as you taste yourself on him. His hand wrapping underneath your neck, pulling your naked body into his, his warm-flushed skin feeling hot against you, and you both lean your foreheads together. 
You look down at his still covered dick and look into his eyes again. He waits for you to say something, his gray eyes looking beautiful, and you reach down to shove off his briefs. 
Draco moves one of his hands to help you, you feel his big dick hit your thighs, and you know he’s absolutely throbbing against you. 
“I can’t wait to feel you,” Draco whispers into your neck as he pumps himself quickly, you spread open your legs, placing your hands on his face, he aligns himself with you, you both stare into each other’s eyes, he rubs his dick up and down your wetness, hitting your clit gently, you moan, and then you feel him at your entrance. 
You’re both breathing deeply, his dick entering your folds, and you bite your lower lip. One of his hands underneath your waist and the other holding your face. It’s as if the world stills around you both. It feels as if it’s just you two at this moment. Just you two in this world and nobody else. 
Draco's eyes never leave yours as he slowly moves himself to enter you, you gasp at the feeling, he moans at your tightness around him, and his tip moves deeper inside of you. Slowly. 
You pull him closer into you, your pussy stretching around him, feeling so full once again, and you cry out to the missed feeling. 
His lips connect on yours passionately, “Always so fucking tight for me.” 
You nod at his words, kissing his lips, clenching around him, his mouth parting open on yours, you both letting out moans against each other’s lips at the pleasure, and he starts moving his hips against yours. 
“I’ve missed you,” you whisper against his lips, licking the inside of his mouth, rocking your hips against his, your noses nudging together, and he lets out a whimper as he bottoms out inside of you. 
“I’ve missed you so.. so, fuck, so fucking much.” His lips kiss your face, down your chin, and your neck. Leaving sloppy kisses all over you. 
He sucks on your collarbone, leaving more love bites because he knows you love to see them, and you roll your hips against his. 
His tongue swirls around your breasts again, your bodies moving together in sync, sweat already coating your skin, and his thrusting gets deeper inside of you. You feel so full right now. Feeling so full of Draco. 
Tears prick your eyes as you realize you are making love to Draco Malfoy. He’s making love to you. Maybe this isn’t the first time you make love, but it’s the first time you do after confessing your love to each other. 
Draco notices your tears, he kisses them away without pausing his motions, and whispers sweet nothings into your ear. 
“You’re perfect, baby. So fucking good for me. Like always.” 
He praises you, licking your earlobe and sucking on it, you grip the back of his neck as his words consume you, and you let the tears fall down your cheeks slowly. 
You moan out when he wraps one of his arms underneath your waist to hitch you up higher, his angle making his dick go in deeper, and all you feel is bliss. Blissfulness and love all around you. The room smells like vanilla, caramel, and sweet sex. 
His lips wrap around yours once again, your pussy squeezing around him, wanting to make him feel you, and he moans into your mouth. 
Draco swiftly switches your positions as he’s now sitting down on the bed, his legs parted open, you sitting down on him, hovering over his dick, and you align yourself again with him. 
Draco holds your hips with his big hands, looking down at himself as you reach down for him, you hold him steady while you lower yourself down into him. He’s watching himself enter your sweet pussy.
“Fuck,” he whispers at you, admiring the view. 
His hands grip your hips while you take him in, squeezing your walls around him, “Fucking shit.” He curses as he watches you take him in deep. 
You moan out, eyes rolling back at the sensation, setting your hands down on his shoulders to get a good rhythm, his hips moving into yours, and once you both get a good rhythm.. he pulls you into his lips once more. 
You kiss him, mouth open, both moaning together, your hips grinding down on his, feeling him everywhere, he’s filling you up so nicely, your breasts against his chest, his arm wraps around your waist holding you, and his forehead is against yours. 
In this position, you could feel him so deeply. Your walls contracting on his dick with every thrust, his moans as your clench only makes you wetter, and you both cry out at the feeling. 
His free hand moves in between the space of your bodies, his fingers inch towards your clit, and you whimper when you feel him touch your sensitive bud. 
“Draco,” you cry in a whisper, he slowly moves his fingers against you, kissing your neck, and you tilt your head back to let him. 
“Look at me,” he says, your body immediately reacts to his words, and you’re facing him. You look fucked and he loves it. He finds the most pleasure in making you feel this way. He loves it. 
You make eye contact with him, he licks his lips, and you don’t look away. You’re both panting together, bodies moving as if they are one, and you slowly start feeling the orgasm coming again. 
“I’m close,” you whisper, “Are you?” You ask him because you won’t come again until he does. He knows this. 
His hips are still meeting yours, soft and slow, but with so much passion. His dick hitting your soft spot inside of you, getting you closer to your release. 
He nods, kissing you slowly, and he increases his speed on your clit. You both keep staring at each other, panting only getting louder, whines getting closer together, your legs are shaking slightly, his hips are moving faster and sloppier, and you’re waiting for him to reach his orgasm. 
You feel your orgasm at the brink of taking over you when Draco orders, “Come for me.” 
Instincly, both of your hands intertwined together tightly. 
You cry out as your orgasm takes over your body, shaking entirely, his hips moving into you as he releases into your pussy at the same time you do, and you pull him into a kiss to ride out both of your orgasms. 
“I love you,” he whispers into your mouth, his hips still moving underneath you as you both ride out your orgasms, he’s filling you up deep with his cum, and you kiss him harder. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you,” you repeat into his mouth, tears running down your face, and you feel tears running down his as well. 
“It’s always been you. Always.”
You cry at his words, you both pull away from each other, foreheads leaning together, still connected, and feeling the post-orgasm bliss. 
You look into his eyes, wondering how you could never tell how much he loved you, and you smile at him with tears in your eyes. 
“You’re my best friend,” he admits with a smile. 
He’s so in love with you. 
You cry out a giggle, placing your hands on his face, kissing him slowly, “You’re my best friend.” You never thought you’d be in this situation.
You can feel it all around. All you feel is love. Love between you and Draco. There’s nothing but silence in this room, but you know he feels it too. 
You’re in love with Draco Malfoy. 
And he’s in love with you. 
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hanhaeji · 7 months
i want to read draco malfoy's but all i see theodore, mattheo and etc. use the correct hashtag im begging
465 notes · View notes
st4rr-girrl · 1 year
cheater pt 2 please 🥹
Cheater Pt 2
M.R x Fem! Reader
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Summary; Mattheo Riddle, one of your close friends notices your sad energy. He attempts to cheer you up.
Thanks for the request, enjoy! xx
Warnings; swearing, angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of smut/implied sexual intercourse, nicknames; bunny & Mi Amor
Side note; Bunny is ur nickname that Mattheo gave you a long time ago, like when you were little. You found a bunny at the park and adopted it and he started calling you bunny. (Idk thought it was cute)
A/n: Should I make this a series? I know I never finish my other ones bc idk where the plot is going nd I lose motivation but ik what to write for this.
Now playing; never felt so alone -labrinth
Up next; see how I circle/labryrinth
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Staring at your plate, filled with foods you would normally dig into, you felt an inexplainable emptiness in the pit of your stomach. Some people were already heading off to their dorms for a good nights sleep, since the school year was almost over and finals were coming up.
Although you were surrounded by people you loved, you still felt a bit lonely. You lost the one person who understood how you felt. You didn’t miss his longing gaze, that stared at your melancholy expression. He wanted nothing more than to hug you and tell Astoria to fuck off, but he understood what he did was wrong.
You’re just protecting yourself.
You glanced at your long-time friend, Mattheo, who was shooting daggers at Draco.
Just as your thoughts were about to consume you, Pansy spoke up. “Earth to Y/n?” She noticed the sad expression on your tired face, and attempted to cheer you up.
“Sorry.” You furrowed your brows and shook your head. “What were you saying?” Pansy pulled you out of your trance-like state.
“We were just debating which was better; butter-beer, or chocolate frogs.” Pansy raised a brow, awaiting your answer.
“Well chocolate frogs are good,” Pansy felt hopeful that at-least one person would agree with her about her favorite treat. “-but…” her face dropped. “Sorry Pansy, chocolate frogs get away too easily! And butter-beer is top tier.” You raised your hands in defense, while Pansy sighed and admitted defeat while Theodore teased her. A spark of happiness fluttering for a moment. You smiled contentedly, before you felt that damn stare.
You frowned and bounced your leg up and down. You felt a hand on your bouncing leg, and looked up. Mattheo was smiling reassuringly. “You ok?” He whispered, gazing at you with adoration. You two were in your own little world while the others talked. He gently grabbed both of your hands.
You smiled softly, about to answer when Astoria came in. She sat on Draco’s lap and stared right at you with a devilish grin.
Your eyes widened slightly, while tears filled your eyes. Draco could no longer face you without shame. You bit your lip and faced back to Mattheo who glared at Draco and Astoria.
“I think I need some air.” You said quickly, pulling your hands from Mattheo softly as you rushed out of the dinning room.
You headed through the halls, not noticing the tall male that followed behind you.
You debated where to go, before your mind lingered around going to the astronomy tower.
So thats where you went. You ran up the stairs and collapsed to the floor, holding yourself while sobs wracked through your body.
Someone sat beside you, and you sniffled before glancing up. It was Mattheo. A part of you was expecting Draco to be there, but it was nothing more than a silly thought. Besides, seeing Mattheo was a lot better than seeing Draco. A pleasant surprise if you will.
Mattheo pulled out a cigarette, putting it to his lips and lighting it. He handed you one.
“Mattheo, you really need to stop smoking.” You said, but still took the cigarette and let him light it.
“I’ll stop when you stop.” He smiled, making you shake your head and smile, while wiping your tears. You didn’t wanna cry in front of him. It was embarrassing, even though you’ve known him forever.
You took a puff of the cigarette as Mattheo scooted closer and wrapped an arm around your waist.
You leaned your head against him. You too were super affectionate before you started dating Draco. You’d cuddle, hug, a kiss on the cheek or head every now and then, but Draco was upset with this. Reasonably, of course, but it cause you and Mattheo to drift apart slightly. Draco was always possessive of you, so you saw less and less of your friends. Ironic, huh.
So this type of affection usually wouldn’t make you flustered, or give you butterflies; but it did. Heat crept up your neck, and you felt nauseous, as if butterflies were flying in your stomach.
“Yknow…” Mattheo said, disturbing the comforting silence. You hummed, looking up and noticing he was already glancing down at you. “There’s a bright side to this.”
You raised a brow. “And that is?”
“I can tell you something I’ve always wanted to.”
“And that is?” This caught your attention.
“I really like you, Bunny.” Your eyes widened as you stared, searching for anything that would tell you that this was some type of sick joke.
Gladly, there was no trace of him playing with your feelings. Only raw, sentimental emotion.
“I-I really like you too, Mattheo.” Your mouth tripped over your words as a faint blush crept up your neck to your cheeks. He cupped your cheek with the hand that didn’t hold a cigarette. You cupped his cheek as well, but your hand did hold a cigarette.
You both leaned in slowly, meeting one another in the middle. You smiled into the kiss, and melted in his hands.
You got on his lap and grinded, the once innocent kiss turning into something less innocent.
One things led to another and….
You shifted in your sleep, feeling a warm pair of strong arms wrapped around you. You smiled contentedly, turning around and facing Mattheo. To your surprise, he was already awake.
“Hey, bunny.” He said, smiling at the nickname he gave you a long while back.
“Hello Mi amor.” Mattheo spoke Spanish, and you took a few classes with him, so you started calling him that.
“Are we official?” He asks.
“What do you mean?” You ask with a raised brow. “I mean we had sex, so I’d like to believe we’re official.” You laugh, as he laughs along. His laugh vibrates his chest, and it give you butterflies.
“We should probably get ready for class.” You considered, softly getting up from the bed. “We don’t want anyone catching us in the same dorm room do we?” You added, before he could protest.
“Finee.” He groaned, getting out of bed gingerly.
He kissed your cheek, before you left to your dorm with all your school clothes in your hands.
Time rolled by quickly, and it was now dinner.
You were late, per usual, but this time your melancholy expression was replaced with one of happiness.
Astoria was sitting on Draco’s lap, and staring at you with confusion. Why weren’t you upset?
You strolled happily to the slytherin table, and took your seat right on Mattheo’s lap. You stared at Astoria with pride, and scowled at Draco.
Kissing Mattheo on the cheek, though it was not for revenge. You just loved him.
And this time, you were not letting anything get in the way of that.
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malfoyscoffee · 8 months
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birthday cakes ౨ৎ draco malfoy
♡ draco malfoy x transfer!slytherin!reader ᝰ fluff, slight angst ☆ reader has neglectful parents, use of y/n
a.n.: this is my first fic for this account, so it's not my best work.
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6:02 pm
“Finally, in a few hours, our lovely Y/N will be 16!” Pansy clapped her hands together in delight, excited for your birthday.
“Oh Pansy, it's not that serious.” You shrug while picking at your food.
You were a transfer student from Drumstrang, so this was indeed the first birthday you would spend at Hogwarts.
The moment you were placed into Slytherin, Draco approached you and befriended you into his group of friends. Ever since, you have grown closer with all of them.
Mattheo puts his fork down, “But Y/N, this is your first time celebrating your birthday with us!”
“He’s right,” Theodore started, “we should stay up till midnight since we don't have class tomorrow anyway.”
You looked up at your friends, knowing they wanted to cheer you up.
It was this morning when you received your monthly letter from your parents. They wrote that you should study harder to keep up your—currently perfect—grades, along with how they were going on another business trip to America.
They wrote about everything but your birthday.
This was nothing new, after all, they were always busy during your previous birthdays.
Blaise joined in, “If it makes you feel any better, we all had our gifts bought last month because someone,” he looked over at Pansy, “wanted to start gift shopping early.”
You turned to Pansy who simply grinned, “Oh, come on, you didn't have to spoil the surprise, Blaise!”
Pansy playfully slapped Blaise’s shoulder while you, Mattheo, and Theodore laughed.
The laughter died down and you spoke, “By the way, where's Draco?”
Draco Malfoy, your best friend. You would consider him the closest person to you in all of Hogwarts.
You haven't seen the blond a lot this week, mostly during classes. After classes ended, instead of him hanging out with you, he would leave the common room and not come back all night.
Two days ago, he returned late at night to the common room, passing by your group of friends while his dark robes were covered in some white powder. You asked what was wrong as he bee-lined towards the stairs, but he muttered something with a frustrated face; you haven't had a chance to talk to him since.
All the talk about your birthday made you start to feel excited, but you wanted Draco to be around too. But seeing how he has been the past week, you were starting to doubt he remembered your birthday.
You were too busy in thought to see the four of your friends sending eye signals to each other, each of them caught off-guard to give you an excuse.
Unlike Blaise exposing everyone’s early gift preparation, this was something that needed to be covered up.
Theodore cleared his throat first, “I think he's practicing more Quidditch. You know, since the season is starting soon.”
Mattheo added on, his food long forgotten, “You know how serious he is with beating every house, especially Gryffindor.”
“Oh,” you nodded your head “that reminds me, I'll see my first Hogwarts Quidditch match soon!” Your mood was suddenly lifted, thinking back to your old school’s Quidditch games. You always loved Quidditch and attended every game since you were a first-year at Drumstrang.
The moment you started to ramble to your friends about your favorite sport, you didn't hear the sighs of relief at your table.
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11:50 pm
Pansy and Blaise were walking with you back to the common room. You just spent a few hours stargazing with them by the Black Lake.
Mattheo and Theodore said something about having to practice Quidditch with Draco too, which you didn't want to hold them back for. They made sure to tell you that they would meet the three of you back before midnight before they hurried off.
“We’re going to the Three Broomsticks tomorrow?”
“Of course, we’re going to have a birthday dinner. We always celebrate our birthdays there.”
You smiled, grateful to have wonderful friends. “It's not even my birthday yet, but thank you both for preparing so much. You guys know already, but I didn't celebrate my birthday during my childhood.”
Pansy and Blaise look at you with sadness, knowing about your life with your busy parents. It was a post-party hangout at Draco’s dorm when you opened up to all of them, partially because you were drunk, but also because you knew you could trust all five of them.
“Y/N, we’re your family too. We will always celebrate your day with you, so don't think too much about your parents.” You smiled at Blaise, grateful for his words.
The three of you finally reached the Slytherin common room. Although it was late, there were many students sprawled out of the room, hanging out with each other.
“Should we go check up on Draco?” Pansy asked, staring at her watch.
“Wouldn’t he be asleep?” You asked confused.
You assumed that since he was busy with Quidditch, he forgot about your birthday. The thought of him forgetting your birthday made you grow a bit sad, but you didn't want to make it a big deal.
Blaise started walking to the stairs, “He doesn't sleep early, come on.”
Pansy followed quickly behind Blaise, leaving you a little confused.
“Y/N!” Pansy yelled from the top of the stairs, “Let’s go!”
You grew confused but followed after your friends, walking up the stairs to Draco’s room.
“Pansy? Blaise? Where did you guys go?” You reached the top and did not see your friends.
You approached Draco’s dorm, knocking on the door.
“Draco? Are you in here?” You pushed the knob, stepping inside the dark room. You took two steps before there was a loud sound next to you, like something popping.
The lights turned on and you looked around, Draco’s dorm decorated for your birthday. Green balloon letters were written ‘HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY’ and confetti was thrown all over the floor. There was also a stash of gifts in the corner of his room, definitely the one Pansy made them buy in advance.
You were immediately hugged by Pansy, “It’s midnight! The start of your big day!”
Blaise, Theodore, and Mattheo chuckled before all saying happy birthday to you.
You had never smiled so hard, feeling so grateful for all of your friends.
“What happened to Quidditch practice today?” You ask Theodore and Mattheo, assuming they must have decorated Draco’s room. However, it may have been the messy arrangement of the balloon letters that gave it away. 
Mattheo looked at you with wide eyes, “That was a lie. Sorry, we tried to have you distracted to prepare this.”
You let out a laugh, “It’s okay, wait a minute, then what about Draco’s practices?”
The group felt silent, not before looking behind you at the currently opened door “If your practices were a lie, then was Draco’s-”
“Happy Birthday, Y/N” A voice interrupted your own.
You turned your body to the door, and a smiling Draco entered the room. Looking at his hands, he held a green cake with a single lit candle on top. It spelled out ‘Happy Birthday Y/N’ in frosting.
“Draco? What is this?”
“Well, snake's out of the bag,” Draco said standing in front of you.
Pansy went to stand beside you first, “But before, let’s sing first!”
The others agreed and started to sing you a happy birthday, Mattheo’s off-pitch voice making you laugh the whole time. When they finished you smiled, closing your eyes to make to make a wish before blowing out the candle.
“Yay!” Mattheo screamed excitedly, jumping up and down.
“Let’s go down to the common room to eat!” Theodore suggested, leaving the room to race Mattheo.
The rest of you four laughed, following them quickly.
“So,” you started, “did Draco have practice this week?” You sat down on the couch as your friends surrounded you.
Draco grinned, “You’ve caught me. I made your cake myself.” Your eyes widened in surprise as he put the cake down for Pansy to cut it.
“You thought Pansy reminding us a month in advance to buy gifts was insane? Draco spent the entire week learning how to bake a cake for your birthday.”
Draco took a seat next to you on the couch, hiding behind you as Blaise and Mattheo teased him further.
“Is that true?” You asked Draco, who shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing.
“Have the first slice, Y/N” Pansy passed you a slice on a plate that she somehow prepared while you were too shocked.
“Come on, tell us if it’s bad!” Mattheo said from the couch across from you, earning a smack in the head from Blaise.
You took a bite and it seemed like the cake was baked by a professional. You savored the taste and smiled, “It's delicious!”
That was all it took for Mattheo and Theodore to beg Pansy for slices, while Blaise was busy helping her cut the cake.
“Thank you, Draco, I didn't know.” He put his arm around your shoulder, leaning closer to you.
“I’m happy you love it, and that the cake didn't taste bad.” You laughed as you kept eating the cake.
“Y/N,” Blaise said, all your friends now settled down with cake slices except Draco, “You don’t understand. Not only did he learn how to bake that cake, he asked all of us to taste test it each time..”
A realization hit your eyes, “Is that why you were all sick a few days ago? It was his previous cakes?”
All your friends laughed as Draco hid his face in your neck embarrassed.
“At least it tastes wonderful now.” Mattheo munched on his cake slice with a smile, “Draco, you need to bake all of us birthday cakes now.”
Draco shook his head, before looking at you.
“Only for Y/N’s birthdays.”
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redeemingvillains · 8 months
sweet disaster - draco malfoy
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pairing: draco x f!reader
summary: you and draco are inseparable friends, but deeper feelings come to light when you're asked on a date with someone who is determined to take advantage of you.
words: 7.3k
warnings: reader is put under the influence unknowingly; unwanted advances and affection (nothing more than kissing).
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You were snuggled into the edge of the largest couch in the Slytherin common room closest to the fireplace as it crackled. The warmth was welcome against the damp cold that lingered in the dungeons this time of year. You were covered in a quilted blanket reading against the soft light, but you found your attention wavering between the book in your lap and the boy next to you on the couch.
Draco Malfoy had been your closest friend for several years now. First year you had fallen into a fast and easy friendship, clicking right from the very start. You were like two halves of a whole, complimentary in ways other people didn’t quite understand. You could finish each other’s sentences, anticipate each other’s feelings, make each other laugh, even at the most nonsensical things that befuddled your other friends. You had a casual intimacy, your head resting on his shoulder, or wearing his jumpers when you were cold, him always adamant about having the seat next to you whether in class, in the Great Hall, or tonight in your respective spots on the couch.
In many ways your relationship intimidated those around you, who simply assumed that you were dating, though in reality you had never crossed that line. You didn’t even see Draco that way, truthfully… at first. But the more time that passed, and the older you had gotten, you found yourself more and more attracted to him. You were distracted, suddenly, by the way his grey eyes glinted like the cloudy night sky, the way his muscular frame filled out his suit jacket, the way he smelled, like leather and expensive cologne, and the warmth that radiated from him whenever you were pressed close together like you were right now. 
You’d lost count of the number of times you had nearly let slip how you felt, only to bite your tongue at the last minute, too afraid of rejection and of ruining the relationship you already had. But that didn’t stop you from daydreaming about twining your fingers into his or feeling his lips pressed softly against your own. You ran your fingers absentmindedly over your lips now, lost in that same thought as you stared at him when your daydream burst like a bubble as Pansy Parkinson sauntered into the common room, leaned over the couch and flung her arms around Draco.
“Pans” he acknowledged, his eyes never leaving his book as she pressed kisses to his cheek. The whole scene turned your stomach, disappointment, hurt and jealousy roiling in equal measures.
Their relationship was a new development over the last few weeks. He had never said anything to you about her, then all of a sudden she was following him around, hanging off of him, kissing him. You squeezed your eyes shut to keep them from welling up. You had been completely blindsided by their relationship and the pain in your heart felt like a fresh wound every day. What made her worth pursuing, but not you? What made her so much more attractive to him? Your mind raced with your own insecurities as you closed your book and stood to leave, unwilling and unable to sit and watch the two of them.
“You’re leaving?” Draco asked, surprised at your abrupt movements, at the lack of warmth he felt as you left his side.
“I’m going to get something to eat, good luck at practice” you said, forcing a smile on your face as you exited the common room as quickly as possible before your tears overflowed.
Draco’s eyes followed you the entire way out of the room. He was disappointed that you never wanted to hang out anymore. He missed you, but he couldn’t figure out how to tell you. Even when you were next to him, it felt like a chasm had opened up that he wasn’t able to cross. He was trying to work it out in his head as Pansy chattered in his ear… It couldn’t be Pansy, could it? He knew you weren’t her biggest fan, but did she really bother you that much? And if so, why hadn’t you said anything? It wasn’t like things were serious with Pansy. Truthfully, he didn’t even know why he had agreed to be with her in the first place. His head swirled as he stood up, pulling away from her.
“I’ve got to get to practice” he said dismissively amidst her whines of protest as he stormed out of the room.
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You had absolutely no appetite, but you made your way to the Great Hall anyway, knowing most everyone would be eating dinner and hopeful your friends could help you take your mind off of things. You were nearly there when you heard someone shout your name. You turned to see Cormac McLaggen of all people waving and jogging over to you. You were in the same year and had a few classes together, but the rivalry between your houses and between him and Draco was no secret as competing captains of their quidditch teams.
“Cormac” you said cooly as he approached you.
“Y/N, you’re looking beautiful as ever” he cooed, ever the flirt. You rolled your eyes in response.
“What can I do for you?” you asked, eager to move this conversation along.
“You can go out with me tomorrow night” he said, point blank.
You couldn’t suppress the laughter that came out of your mouth. “And why would I ever do that?” you replied mockingly.
His cheeks blushed and he managed to look bashful for a moment, which caught you off guard.
“Because I fancy you. Have for a while, but I always thought you and Malfoy….” he trailed off. “Now that he’s with Pansy, I thought I’d have a shot. I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’d like to get to know you, if you’d give me a chance?”
You truly could not believe the words coming out of his mouth. You had always written him off as a flirt, well aware of the trail of girls he left in his wake, but he sounded so genuine, so sincere, and just the mention of Pansy’s name had your stomach churning again and your heart beating in your chest. If Draco didn’t see you that way, then why cling to something that was never going to happen? Not to mention a small part of you reveled at the idea of Draco hearing that you were going on a date with Cormac. You knew he’d be furious.
“Fine” you agreed.
“Yeah?” Cormac said, the surprise and joy written clear across his face.
“Sure” you shrugged, a smirk on your face.
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Draco was deep in his own head, trying to work out how to make things right with you, while simultaneously trying to focus on his plan for practice as he suited up in the locker room. They’d agreed to share the pitch with the Gryffindors for the evening, both teams eager to get in as much practice as possible before the Quidditch Cup and he gritted his teeth as he listened to the annoying chatter of the opposing team nearby, namely McLaggen, with his obnoxious drawl, going on about whatever girl he had managed to sack that week. Draco was just about to tune him out when he heard something that made his breath catch in his lungs.
“That’s right boys, I’m taking Y/L/N out tomorrow night. Now accepting bets on how long it will take to get her in bed. Ten galleons says we leave after one drink!” Their side of the room howled with laughter and eager cheers and jaunts.
Draco’s side of the room began to spin.
You were going out with McLaggen? Since when? And of all people, why him? Suddenly his uniform felt too tight around his neck, like he couldn’t breathe. He tugged at his collar and found that his hands were shaking. He was furious. Furious at the way McLaggen was talking about you, like you were any other girl. His mind raced with mental images of you two snuggled in a booth at the Three Broomsticks, walking hand in hand down the corridors, you wearing a jersey with his name on it and he felt a wave of nausea wash over him. No, he definitely didn’t want you going out with McLaggen. But, the more he thought about it, he realized he didn’t want you going out with anyone…
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You were right that spending time with friends at dinner had been a welcome distraction and you felt calmer as you trailed your way back to the common room. You were about to go to your room to study a bit before bed when the door flung open behind you and Draco marched in, his eyes scanning the room wildly before landing on you. You had never seen him this angry before, and certainly never at you as he grasped your arm firmly and pulled you into the corridor, away from the prying eyes and whispers of your fellow housemates.
“Ouch – Draco – that hurts! Let go of me! What’s the matter with you?” you demanded as you tried unsuccessfully to wiggle out of his strong grasp.
“Is this some kind of joke to you?” he asked. “Because it’s not funny in the slightest.”
“What are you talking about?” you asked, genuinely confused.
“McLaggen” he said, breathing heavily, “you and McLaggen.”
Oh, you realized. News travels fast.
You pulled out of his grasp and straightened up, meeting his burning gaze with your own.
“Not sure what difference it makes to you who I choose to go on a date with” you said smartly.
Draco let out an aggravated sigh and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Of course it made a difference to him. It made a massive difference to him, he realized, but he couldn’t coherently say what he wanted to say through the white-hot anger he felt pulsing through his blood, through the mental images of you with McLaggen that had plagued him all night.
“McLaggen, really?” was the only response he was able to muster.
“Oh, piss off, Draco!” you said. He didn’t have the right to be angry. He didn’t have a say in the matter. He was the one with a girlfriend to begin with.
Realizing what a mess he was making of the situation, Draco tried desperately to backpedal, to see if he could change your mind, to buy himself some time to figure all of this out.
“Look, he’s not a good guy. I heard him talking about you in the locker room, the things he was saying–”
You held up a hand in response, silencing him. “Just stop, Draco. You don’t get to do this” you said as you brushed passed him, back into the common room, leaving him alone in the corridor as he cradled his head in his hands.
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You eyed yourself in the mirror the next evening, taking in your stylish sweater, short skirt, tights and heeled boots. It felt nice to be wanted, to be seen by someone, even if it wasn’t the person you wanted it to be. You felt a familiar ache in your chest as you thought briefly of Draco and how deeply you wished you were getting ready for a date with him instead. But you quickly dismissed the thought as you remembered every painful moment you’d watched him and Pansy; instead, you grabbed your coat and headed to the common room.
You tried to make your way quickly to the door when you realized Draco and nearly all of your friends were there. You could feel Draco’s eyes on you like a hex, could feel the weight of his stare, distinct from everyone else’s and you hazarded a glance his way against your better judgement. His arms were crossed and he had an angry scowl on his face. You met his eyes and amidst the palpable anger, for just a moment, you thought you could see a sparkle, a glint that said stay here, with me, please don’t do this. It nearly pulled you back in, but you turned away quickly, unwilling to acknowledge how those eyes, how this boy made you feel.
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Your date went as predictably as you could have imagined. Revenge had felt sweet as you thought back to Draco’s reaction to your date, but now you were certainly paying the price. Gone was the bashful, blushing Cormac that had asked you out and in front of you was the self-flattering egotistical boy you had heard so much about. He bragged about himself relentlessly and he laid it on thick, inching closer to you every minute as you wiggled further and further away.
Your first butterbeer went down without any effort, proving to be a sweet distraction and a clear obstacle in front of your lips, which Cormac continually eyed.
“Another?” he asked eagerly, as you set down your empty glass.
“Sure” you said, smiling, looking forward to a moment of peace as he walked back to the bar, though he returned all too quickly.
“Here you are, beautiful” he said cheesily as he took a big gulp of his own.
You reached for the mug, happy to drown in the sweet liquid, but the first sip you took tasted awful: bitter and metallic, like the batch had gone bad.
“Gosh – I think something’s wrong with this” you said as you set the drink down, wincing.
“No, no I asked for another shot in it. It’s just stronger than you’re used to” Cormac said, winking as he pushed the drink back towards you.
Well, thank Merlin for that I suppose you thought as you choked down another sip and he renewed his efforts of bragging and flirting. Before long you felt a fog settle over your mind like a thick blanket. You felt yourself zoning in and out on his words, your thoughts wandering aimlessly.
“Gotta take a piss” he said abruptly, bringing you back to reality as he stood up. You looked down at your near-full drink and tried to think of a way to end this miserable date. You saw a large potted plant beside you, and took the opportunity to dump your drink there, hoping that Cormac would think you’d finished it and take the hint that it was time to leave.
Sure enough, he registered your empty glass immediately. “Whoa! I’ve got to catch up!” he said, as he chugged the last of his.
“I think I’d like to head back, if that’s alright with you?” you asked.
“Of course!” he said eagerly, rushing to help you out of the booth and wrap an arm around you possessively. You tried to create some distance between you but upon standing you realized the foggy feeling in your brain had wound its way to each of your limbs, making you sway slightly, so you relented and leaned into his strong frame.
You walked in silence for a while, your feet crunching on the frost on the ground. It was dark now and the street was illuminated only by the ambient light from the storefronts. Suddenly, Cormac surprised you by pulling you close to him in a small alleyway. He began kissing your neck, his lips working their way to the spot beneath your ear. “So beautiful” he murmured against your skin. “Never thought I’d see the day Malfoy’s girl took up an interest in me, but you are a slithery little minx aren’t you?”
His words, his lips, his everything felt so wrong and you struggled, scraping against his chest, trying to push his weight off of you fruitlessly; each of your limbs felt heavy and clumsy, uncoordinated.
“Sstop, Cormac” you managed weakly.
“What’s that?” he muttered, his hot breath making you feel feverish, flu-like.
“Sstop!” you said more forcefullyas you moved to push him off of you.
“What’s gotten into you?” he asked angrily, pulling back.
“M’going backt’castle” you slurred, stumbling slightly as you made for the main road.
“No! Come back!” he said, reaching for you and grasping the back of your jacket strongly, nearly knocking you to the ground. “You can’t come out, dressed like that, then spend all night making eyes at me just to shut me down.”
“Leggo of me!” you said, your voice rising. You wiggled out of your jacket, leaving him empty handed as you forged forward into the cold. A few people walked by, muttering and eyeing Cormac suspiciously, keeping him grounded in place.
The walk back to the castle felt like it took years, like one of those dreams where you’re running but no matter how fast you move your legs you don’t make any progress. It was undeniably cold as thick snowflakes began to fall from the sky and gather at your feet. You could feel the cold on the outside of your body, but your insides were hot, like you could feel the blood running through your veins slowly, weighing down your movements, your thoughts. You could have cried when you finally reached the castle doors nearest the astronomy tower. You were shivering violently, you were uncomfortable and you were desperately confused.
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If anyone would have asked, Draco would have said he was reading. He’d even brought a book with him as an alibi, though it remained unopened in his lap as he sat in the window in the astronomy tower, hoping to catch a glimpse of you and McLaggen headed back from your date.
He didn’t know why he was so determined to put himself through the punishment of seeing you with him, perhaps because he knew had to see it with his own eyes to believe it, to believe you were truly happy with him, truly enjoying yourself. He thought about how beautiful you had looked tonight, your short skirt, your rosy cheeks, and he felt his heart squeeze as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration for the thousandth time, permanently mussing his normally slicked back locks. He let his head fall back against the cold stone wall when he saw erratic movement out of the corner of his eye and leaned forward in the window to get a better glimpse. Even between the thick, heavy snowfall and the dim light he could tell it was you, could see the color of your hair and your outfit and when he realized you were alone he was on his feet and moving before he knew what he was going to say. He dashed through the door and into the gathering snow.
“Y/N!” he called as he approached you.
You were hunched over hugging your arms to your body and he realized, suddenly, that you weren’t wearing your jacket. Merlin he was going to kill McLaggen.
“What’s wrong, where’s your jacket?” he asked, frantically, pulling off his own suit jacket to wrap around your shoulders.
You looked up at him and blinked slowly, searching his face like you were trying to figure out who he was, like you’d never seen him before.
“Y/N?” he asked again, as his heart began to quicken its pace with concern. “Are you okay?”
You looked confused at his question and as you stared at him, he took the opportunity to examine you properly. Your pupils were dilated wide and he could tell you were breathing heavily and shivering at the same time. He pressed a hand to your forehead and could feel you burning up despite the freezing temperature.
“Come on, let’s get you inside, alright?” he placed an arm around you gently and you melted into his embrace as he guided you up the stairs and into an empty classroom.
“What’s gone on, then? You’re all sorts of out of it. Where’s McLaggen?” he asked.
You shook your head in reply but didn’t offer more than that as your eyes fell to the floor.
“What were you drinking?” he tried.
“Butterbeers” you whispered.
This is helpless, he thought, yet he couldn’t ignore the feeling deep in chest that something wasn't right. He knew you better than anyone, better sometimes than he knew himself, and it wasn’t like you to go out and get drunk with a lad you hardly knew, and it wasn’t like you to wander around aimlessly without a jacket in the middle of winter, something was definitely wrong.  
“Tasted funny” you murmured quietly, pulling Draco out of his thoughts.
“What?” he said, wanting to make sure he’d heard you right.
“Tasted bad, so I didn’t drink all of it.”
Draco’s heartbeat thudded harder. He had read about a potion that was circulating around bars in London, intended to disorient and take advantage of people. This couldn’t possibly be it… McLaggen wouldn’t…. would he? Draco tried frantically to remember what he’d read as you swayed precariously on your feet and he caught you just in time, pulling you into his chest, too worried about you to enjoy the sensation of you pressed against him. He remembered the potion had a distinct taste, which made it difficult to mask. Sour? Tart? Bitter? Licorice, that was it. It tasted like black licorice.
“What did it taste like?” he prompted. “Your butterbeer, did it taste like something?” he asked, praying he was wrong.
“So gross” you murmured into his chest before you turned your head to face him as he looked down at you.
“Please, darling, try to think, did it remind you of something? A food? A candy maybe?” he tried.
“Yeah” you said quietly, thoughtfully. “Bertie Botts – what’s the ones we always pick out? The black ones?”
Fuck he thought.
“Licorice” he said sullenly.
“Licorice” you agreed.
His mind raced. He was going to kill him. He was going to bloody murder McLaggen with his bare hands. He was in utter disbelief that he would do something like this, to you, the most important person in Draco's life. As he thought about it, he pulled you further into his arms and you let out a contented sigh.
He needed to focus on getting you better. While it didn’t have long term harmful effects, he knew this potion was wreaking havoc on your body. From what he remembered the effects came in two stages, the first being disorientation, sluggishness and confusion and the second being a complete loss of inhibitions, making the drinker say and do whatever was on their mind, whatever their heart desired. It was no secret that Draco was good at potions, and he was hopeful he might be able to spare you the rest of the symptoms if they hadn’t set in yet.
“C’mon then” he said, urging you towards the door. You could barely stand on your own, nearly sinking to the floor again. Without wasting a moment, Draco scooped you into his arms, bridal style, one arm around your back, the other under your legs, your head resting in the crook of his neck as he carried you back to the common room.
He moved quickly, his mind working in overdrive thinking of the ingredients he needed for the remedy. You stirred in his arms, winding your own around his neck and pulling yourself closer into him. Your proximity sent a small shiver down his spine and he unconsciously gripped you tighter.
You murmured something against his neck, your breath tingling his skin.
“Hm?” he asked, struggling to understand you.
“Smell so good, you always smell so good, Draco” you said.
He smiled to himself and let out a small laugh, blushing. “Thank you” he whispered quietly.
You giggled back and he was glad to see that you were still conscious and coherent.
You wound your fingers into the hair at the base of his neck and nuzzled into the tender spot just below his ear. He all but dropped you when he felt your warm lips against his skin, pressing kisses to his neck. He was grateful you were near the dungeons, nearly to his room, unsure how much longer he could be steady on his feet.
He tried to wiggle away, his mind and his body fighting each other in their reactions. He knew this was wrong, knew you had no idea what you were doing, but your lips were absolutely sinful against his skin, warm and wet and he couldn’t deny that the sensation stirred a reaction in every inch of his body, especially as you worked your way across his jaw, towards his lips.
He fumbled with the doorknob to his room and quickly ushered you both inside, kicking the door closed behind him as he set you down on your feet. Though he’d let go of your legs, you clung to his neck and pressed your body into his, your face inches from his. He swallowed deeply as he looked at you – you were very much coherent now, your cheeks a rosy red and your eyes, though still dilated, shimmered at him. You bit your bottom lip seductively as your eyes trailed to his lips and you leaned forward.
For half a second, he considered it. You were right there in front of him, the subject of his every waking thought for the last two days, and frankly for the last three years if he was honest, and you wanted him, that much was clear. He imagined sinking his lips to yours, feeling their wet warmth pressed against him, the velvet taste of your tongue.
He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, using every ounce of strength he had left to pull away from you. You let out a small groan that should not have affected him the way it did as he grasped your hips firmly and walked you to the bed.
“You don’t want to kiss me?” you asked, the pout on your face nearly bringing him to his knees.
“Not like this, not tonight” he managed, his voice husky as he kept his eyes averted from yours. “Sit” he said, gesturing to the bed.
You relented and he made his way over to a small cabinet in his room, pulling out the ingredients he needed to right this unbelievable situation.
“It’s because of Pansy, isn’t it?” you said behind him.
He sighed, rubbing a hand over his face, trying to find the words to say in response.
“I think she’s terrible, Draco. I hate seeing the two of you together.”
He hazarded a glance in your direction, shocked at the truth of your words. You were laying back on his bed, eyes tracing the ceiling as you spoke. This was a conversation that needed to happen, he had loads he needed to say to you, but not like this. He remained silent as he sped up his efforts, mixing the ingredients in front of him; he was grateful that you remained silent for a while.
He had nearly finished when he heard shuffling behind him. He turned to see that you had pulled off your boots and you were pulling your sweater over your head.
Merlin you were going to be the death of him.
“Whoa whoa” he said, running to your side and trying to get you to stop just as your sweater hit the floor, leaving you in a dark lace bralette that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. He peeled his eyes away, searching for a shirt, a towel, a hoodie, anything he could to cover you, finding one of his hoodies on a nearby chair just as you grabbed his wrist, pulling yourself into his arms again.
“Should be me and you, Draco” you muttered against his lips. You ran your hands up his chest and then ran one palm slowly downward, across his ribs, his stomach, his belt until his hand shot out and grasped yours firmly. His heart was beating so hard in his chest, he was having trouble breathing. He swallowed deeply before taking your face firmly in his hands, as much to get your attention as to keep himself from kissing you.
“Please listen to me. I’m begging you. You are absolutely beautiful, Y/N, breathtaking. And I would truly love nothing more than to have my way with you right now. Really. You have… no idea” he said, letting out a frustrated sigh.
“But you’re not okay, you drank something you shouldn’t have and you have to focus on getting better, alright? Then we can talk about… all of this.”
You looked confused and more than a little disappointed, a pout set against your lips again, but your eyes traced his face, met his own and it was like a deeper part of you understood that he was trying to protect you.
“Okay” you sighed, relenting as you took the hoodie and pulled it over your head.
“Drink this” he said, offering the remedy he had made.
You eyed him warily but took the cup he offered you, sniffing it before taking a sip.
“Tastes good” you said, smiling at him, and he felt the first sense of relief since he’d found you that night as you finished the rest eagerly.
His eyes could have been deceiving him, but he swore he could see your pupils return to normal size as you blinked slowly.
“M’tired” you murmured. “Can I sleep?” you asked, glancing at his bed.
“Of course” he said, without hesitation as he helped you crawl under the sheets. You were out in a matter of minutes and he sunk into the couch next to his bed, exhausted, as he looked at you, trying to comprehend what the hell had just happened.
It had to have been the potion. But the potion didn’t make people say or do things they didn’t mean… it removed their inhibitions, allowed them to relax and pursue the deepest desires of their hearts, things they wouldn’t say or do otherwise. Was that it then? You were really attracted to him all this time? He thought about how long he had agonized over telling you how he felt, how he didn’t want to ruin your friendship and never felt any inclination that you saw him that way. It had driven him mad and was ultimately the reason he had agreed to start dating Pansy, hoping to distract himself from something he never thought possible.
He sighed, leaning his head back against the couch and running his hands over his face.
There was no way he was going to be able to sleep tonight, between wanting to make sure you were okay and reliving over and over and over again the way you looked at him, the desire in your eyes, the pout on your lips and your hot breath against his neck. He pulled off his shirt and pulled on a pair of sweatpants as he settled into the couch, thinking what a perfect vision you were in his bed, your hair splayed out on the pillow, wearing his sweatshirt, your chest gently rising and falling.
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Your first thought was that you felt like you were on a cloud. You were immensely comfortable and you burrowed further into the sheets that were soft and silky and warm. You sighed deeply, breathing in a familiar scent that made you smile. You rested a moment longer before your brain slowly came to life; these sheets weren’t your sheets, and that smell was… Draco?
Your eyes fluttered open slowly as you tried to take in your surroundings. You were in a large four poster bed in a sea of emerald sheets; Draco’s room you thought. You looked down at your outfit, an oversized Slytherin sweatshirt you knew well; Draco’s sweatshirt. You looked to the other side of the bed and found it empty and you were surprised at how disappointed that made you feel. You stirred and turned to see Draco’s sleeping figure splayed over the small couch in his room, his frame much too large for it, making you smile. You let your eyes wander over his sleeping form, shirtless with a pair of sweatpants slung low on his hips. You looked around the room to see various articles of both of your clothing strewn on the floor. Oh god you thought. Did we…? You frantically tried to remember the night before and felt a sharp ache behind your eyes.
“Ahh” you said in pain as you sat up and rubbed your eyes, seeking relief.
The noise stirred Draco out of his sleep. It took him a moment to register the scene in front of him, you, in his bed, wearing his sweatshirt, him on the couch, and it all came back to him. You were hunched over and rubbing your eyes, your face squeezed in pain and he pulled himself quickly to his feet, making his way over to you and sitting on the bed next to you.
“Are you alright?” he asked, placing a hand gingerly on the side of your head.
You dropped your hands at the feeling of his. You had always been close, but this felt like a new level of intimacy as you met his eyes and saw them clouded with concern for you. His hand moved to cup your face, his thumb tracing your cheek tenderly.
“I’m f-fine” you managed, your skin warming under his touch as you desperately tried to piece together what had happened between the Draco that had scowled at you on the way to your date and the Draco in front of you. It was like a massive black hole existed where your memories should be.
He registered the look of confusion on your face.
“Do you remember... last night?” he asked, pulling his hand back. You wanted so desperately to remember, to understand what had him looking at you like that, his closeness and affection.
You closed your eyes, forcing yourself to try but were only met with the same sharp ache behind your eyes.
“I’m sorry, I can’t… I don’t…” you trailed off and it was silent for a moment. “Draco, did we…?” you let the question linger unfinished as you met his gaze.
His eyes widened, panicked. “No! No. I promise you. Nothing of the sort” he said, trying to reassure you. He smiled at you and you registered an uncanny pink in his cheeks as bobbed his head from side to side “…Despite your very best and most persistent efforts to the contrary.”
Now it was your turn to blush as you covered your mouth with your hands.
“WHAT?” you asked, astonished, humiliated. “Draco, I am so sorry, I—” you paused. What was there to be sorry for? The truth had clearly come out and the way he was smiling at you made you think he wasn’t unhappy to hear it. He wasn’t angry, he wasn’t confused, he wasn’t demanding an explanation. In fact, he was looking at you in a way you had only dreamed of, his eyes full of tenderness as they traced your hair, your face.
“You have absolutely nothing to apologize for” he said quickly, his signature smile on his face.
“Okay…” you said, trying to feel out this new situation. “Are you going to tell me what happened? And why I don’t remember anything?”
His smile faded and he looked away from you. You could see his Adam’s apple bob as he took a deep breath, silent for a while.
“Draco… you’re freaking me out” you said, your voice wavering as panic rose in your chest. “W-why don’t I remember anything?”
The pain and fear in your voice squeezed his heart. “Hey, it’s alright, you’re okay, come here” he said, pulling you into his chest. You curled into him, letting your heart beat against his, like it was the most natural thing in the world, your body seeming to remember something you couldn’t as it instantly relaxed.
“I don’t want to upset you, but you need to know the truth” he murmured against your hair. You pulled back to look at him, but he didn’t let you fully out of his grasp, his arms remaining circled around you as he took a deep breath.
“McLaggen – Cormac. You went out with him. From what I can gather you were at the Three Broomsticks and had a few drinks, a few butterbeers, but he put something in them. I’d read about it, it’s a potion that’s meant to…” he grimaced. “It’s meant to take advantage of someone, to make them confused and then drop their inhibitions. It’s said to taste awful, like—”
“Licorice” you said, a memory bubbling to the surface at the tart taste on your tongue, the greedy look in Cormac’s eyes as he encroached on your personal space. Your stomach roiled at the recollection and you scrunched your face in pain, the memories coming fast like flashes of a movie in your mind: you dumping your drink in the plant, Cormac pulling you into the alleyway, his lips, the weight of his body on you. You were breathing heavily and didn’t realize that you were crying until you felt warm wetness on your cheeks.
“No, no, no” Draco muttered as he pulled you back into his arms. “M’sorry. I’m so sorry. Please tell me he didn’t hurt you, didn’t take advantage of you, please. I’ll kill him. I’ll fucking kill him.”
He let you cry as the weight of what could have been washed over you, rubbing circles into your back, murmuring calmly against your hair. “You’re safe now, it’s okay. I swear on my life I will never let anything like that happen to you, ever again.”
Soon your cries turned to ragged breaths. “It’s not your fault, Draco. You couldn’t have known, neither of us could.”
“I should have known, I told you I heard the way he was talking about you, like it was such a sure thing you were going to hook up with him.” You could feel Draco physically tense as he talked about it, every muscle taut. “I let my anger cloud my judgement. I was furious at the way he was talking about you, furious that you’d agreed to go out with him.”
You pulled back to look at him, wiping the remaining tears from your cheeks. “Yeah, I gathered as much when you berated me” you said, shooting him a glare.
“I-I shouldn’t have done that. I mean, I meant it, but not in the way it came out. I wasn’t mad at you for going out with McLaggen. I was mad at you for going out with… anyone… anyone that wasn’t me…” he said, letting the truth linger in the air.
“W-what?” you said, your heart beating wildly in your chest.
He smiled shyly and rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ve fancied you for… a long time, but I didn’t want to ruin what we already had. You’re so important to me and I realized I would take having you in my life as a friend over not having you in my life at all should my feelings not be reciprocated.”
“But you’re literally dating Pansy!?” you replied, overwhelmed, exasperated.
“Was” he said.
“What?” you replied.
“Was dating Pansy. The minute I realized what a fuck up I’d been, I broke up with her. Yesterday, actually, just before you left for your date.”
You pouted at that and the familiar look of frustration on your face made him smile as he relived the same look on your face from the night before.
“Well, I obviously didn’t know that” you said, blushing deeply.
“Obviously” he agreed.
Your eyes fell to your lap and he reached over to tangle his fingers in yours reassuringly. You took them hesitantly at first, then eagerly, the warmth from his palm sending warmth to the rest of your body as well as you smiled, blushing.
You looked up to find Draco already staring at you, his eyes sizzling with warmth as they met yours before flitting, nearly imperceptibly to your lips and suddenly you were awash with another flood of memories from the night before.
You and Draco, just centimeters apart, him breathing heavily as he glanced at your lips.
The feeling of his taut chest underneath your fingers, your palm running over his abs.
His hands firm but tender on your cheeks. His words…“You are absolutely beautiful, Y/N, breathtaking. And I would truly love nothing more than to have my way with you right now. Really. You have… no idea.”
Curling into his bed, surrounded by his scent, and warm lips against your temple as he pulled the sheets around you.
“I-I remember” you said quietly.
His eyebrows quirked up accompanying a surprised look on his face.
“And?” he said, treading carefully, not wanting to get his hopes up that last night was more than just a side effect of a potion.
“And...” you started, blushing deeply and tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, squeezing his hand as you met his eyes, shrugging bashfully, “I meant it, Draco, all of it. Not the way I imagined telling you, but gosh I’ve fancied you too, for a long time.”
He reached out with his free hand and pressed it to your forehead.
“What are you doing?” you giggled.
“Need to make sure you’re not still talking jibberish. You’re feeling okay? You mean it?” he said, moving his hand to various parts of your temple.
You reached up to pull his hand off of you. “I mean it, Draco” you said, smiling as he looked at you and laughed before the familiar look of desire crossed over his face again.
“Then please, for the love of Slytherin, can I kiss you?” he asked, his voice barely louder than a whisper; his boldness and sincerity setting your body alight.
You nodded, smiling widely.
He leaned forward, closing the distance between you as his hand moved to cup your face locking you into him. Your body moved automatically, gravitating to him as his lips hovered over yours, ghosting them, tickling them with the barest touch of his own, savoring the anticipation of the satisfaction to come, the way you had wound your arms around his neck, the way you were breathing erratically against him, reveling in your desire before relenting. He kissed you sweetly, softly but deeply, with a passion that electrified every inch of your body. He pushed you backwards gently, laying you in the feathery softness of his bed as he rested his body comfortably atop you, tracing your bottom lip with his tongue, as you opened up to him immediately. Your kisses were like a dance you both already knew the steps to, effortless, beautiful, natural, your bodies so in tune to each other as your tongues tangled and he grasped you firmly against him.
He pulled away to look at you, breathing heavily and you couldn’t help the whine that escaped your lips at the lack of contact. Never wanting to disappoint you again, he pressed his lips to yours and you wound your hands into his hair, trying to pull him impossibly closer. You could feel him smiling against you as he pulled back again.
“Wait, wait” he said, pressing a kiss to your pout.
“What is it Draco?” you asked, breathless and impatient, his name on your kiss-swollen lips stealing his heart.
“Be mine?” he asked.
“It’s taken you long enough to realize it, but I’ve always been yours, Draco” you replied.
He hung his head in regret before meeting your eyes. “Trust me when I tell you--” he said, pressing a quick, warm kiss to your lips.
“I’m going to spend--” a deeper kiss.
“Every day” deeper still.
“Making it up to you” he said, sinking into you in earnest.
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louvemione · 8 months
illicit affairs — d. malfoy (y/n's pov)
synopsis : draco malfoy and astoria greengrass are destined to be together, so why does malfoy end up in someone else's arms all the time? specifically, in your arms.
warning/s : angst, fluff if you squint, a bit 🤏 suggestive, swear words here and there, no voldy au 🙅‍♀️, written in first person, not really cheating bc draco n astoria are not dating, pretend that there's only a 1 year age gap between Astoria & Draco
author's note : illicit affairs by taylor swift! i will most definitely write a part two of this 😎
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make sure nobody sees you leave
hood over your head, keep your eyes down
third year
Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass. a perfect pair, really. they're destined to end up in each other's arms by the time they finish Hogwarts, they're destined to spend the rest of their lives together and no one was to get in between them.
not even me
I stared at the top of my four-poster bed, nights like this always had me wondering, why am I doing this? why did I even get into this relationship, if you can call it one, that was bound to end within the next few years? why am I risking everything for someone who would end up in someone else's arms? why am I making promises with someone who will fulfill those with someone else?
my head always spiraled with a list of why's. why am I doing this to myself?
the only time I'd stop is when he finally knocks on the door and I'll quietly slip out of my blankets, making sure not to wake my roommates up, slip on my robes and take his hand to spend the rest of the night giggling and trying not to get caught by Filch or Mrs. Norris.
and the cycle repeats itself the following day.
tell your friends you're out for a run
you'll be flushed when you return
fourth year
"wait! I don't know how to.." Harry stopped mid-sentence, too embarrassed to do so. I snickered as I lead him to the dance floor where the other champions along with their partners stood, "you'll be fine, just follow my lead"
I had fun dancing and laughing with Harry Potter, so much fun that I had nearly forgotten about the fact that Draco and Astoria came to the ball as each other's date.
if Draco and Astoria weren't dancing so close to us, I might've completely forgotten about it.
"you look gorgeous" Draco whispers the words that were meant for Astoria, only for her to hear.
I ended up spending most of my time at the yule ball with Harry and his friends as I tried to avoid Draco and Astoria at all costs.
but my attempts of avoiding him was soon washed down the drain because a graze of Draco's hand against my waist was all it took for me to excuse myself, "hey, uh, I had so much fun with you guys but I'll just go get some air. it's getting kind of cramped here"
when we returned, even if I was back with the trio who was by the way asking why I looked flushed, I see the smirks Pansy and Daphne sent in my direction when they saw Draco's flushed cheeks and lipstick stain on his lips.
take the road less traveled by
tell yourself you can always stop
lie. everyone knew it's a lie when we said, "we can stop this anytime we want"
because if we can, he wouldn't be in my dormitory, crying and begging for me to stay. him and I wouldn't be waking up longing for each other's embrace.
because no matter how many times we say it, the truth is we don't want to stop.
that's why we didn't do anything to stop.
what started in beautiful rooms
Draco and I met in our first year, during the sorting ceremony. him and I were both put in Slytherin along some newly met friends.
our little set up started during our third year, by that time I was already knowledgeable of his family's arrangement with the Greengrasses. yet, him and I carried on with this.
ends with meetings in parking lots
and that lead us here.
in front of my dormitory, where he would come and fetch me for our daily late night rebellion.
and that's the thing about illicit affairs
and clandestine meetings and longing stares
illicit. is this considered as an illicit affair?
yeah, probably. he's bound to marry someone else but he's here with me, in the restricted section of the library where we'd cost at least a hundred points off of our house if we get caught.
"i love you" Draco whispered against my nape, arms wrapping around my body to pull me into a back hug as he pressed my back against his chest.
I turned around, leaving the dusty potions book I was holding on the table beside us, "i love you too" I whispered back, our lips inches away before he finally closed the gap.
yes, I consider this an illicit affair. because if it isn't, why would I catch Draco's longing stares whenever his father requested for him to spend more time with his future wife?
it's born from just one single glance
I glanced at Draco just in time for our eyes to meet as I walked past him and Astoria.
that alone was all Draco needed for him to excuse himself from his seemingly clueless future wife.
but it dies, and it dies, and it dies
sixth year
"let's stop"
"you're drunk" Draco carries me to his bed
"I'm serious. let's stop. you're getting married after next school year so why should we carry on with this?"
an uncomfortable silence surrounds the room and my tears were already falling before I could even stop them, "I'm tired, Draco. It's unfair to all of us, we can't keep making promises knowing we won't fulfill them. I should've done this a long time ago. and in fact, we never should have gotten together—"
"so you're regretting it? everything we did together? you wish it never happened?
a million little times
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© louvemione on tumblr | do not steal, copy, translate or repost
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apparentlytheproblem · 9 months
s w e a t e r w e a t h e r
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- Draco Malfoy
a/n: so this one is based on a situation I've been in which had me bawling, crying and literally dying. I also saw something similar on Pinterest and I thought why not? requests are always open, love, teddy
requested- yes
warnings- none i hope
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You found yourself in the edge of the black lake sprawled on a fuzzy blanket with all sorts of delights, giggling and laughing with a blonde Slytherin over something absolutley preposterous, the idea or to be more specific, the rumors between you and a Malfoy.
The evening was crisp already, the last of sunset just a fading pale stripe in the sky. Evening shadows deepened into blue and purple. the wind was icy and withering, it sent chills down your back.
"c'mon, its almost time for bed luv"
love. love? did he just call me love? am I okay?
"yeah, let's head back" you assented.
a cold wind swept past the both of you, Draco's eyes bumped together in a scowl and his nystagmic eyes hadn't missed anything. All he was waiting for was an ask and maybe a pretty please too.
"would it be alright if i borrow your sweater?"
their eyes my god, as if I'd say no, fuckin damn
"it would be more than alright sweetheart"
fuck. sweetheart? is he tryna kill me? what does he want? oh god
His fingers gripped the ends of the sweater covering his abdomen and quickly pulled his sweater of green and silver and handed it to her.
it was loose to say the least, but you loved it almost as much as he loved seeing you in it. it smelt of mahogany apples which he loved so much.
Draco towered over, trying to roll the sleeves for you, and grabbed your palm and began to walk as if he wasn't absolutley panicking inside.
"it smells like you"
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vanishingcherry · 2 years
draco x reader
words: 2.7k
warnings: fighting, slightly angsty, swearing, 
summary: you are harry’s younger sister, and got sorted into slytherin. (draco is a year older, based on canon timeline)
a/n: this is the longest one ive written so far! hope you like it :)
part 2
You anxiously walk up to the sorting hat, gingerly sitting down on the stool. Scanning the room for your brother, you finally notice him sitting on the Gryffindor table, sending him a small smile. You heard all side conversations pause, everyone waiting in anticipation to see where Harry Potter’s little sister would get sorted. 
As you feel the hat settle on your head, you remember what your brother had told you, and immediately started repeating the word Gryffindor over and over. 
“Not gonna work this time” you heard the hat whisper. Before you could comprehend what it meant, you heard a loud voice bellow “SLYTHERIN!”
You stilled. Your eyes navigated back to your brother, whose expression mirrored yours almost exactly. After a second of staring, he turned away, choosing to look at his food and not his sister. 
You walked towards the Slytherin table, feeling the eyes of everyone present in the room on you, and sat down next to the other 1st years. You slouched, trying to make yourself smaller as the next child walked up to the hat. 
You figured it would be okay, he was just surprised. I mean he was your brother wasn’t he? Well, things didn’t get better. 
While he continued to be the golden boy, loved by students and teachers alike, you were scorned at, even by members of your own house. Apparently, no one wanted to be friends with the younger sister of a rival, even after multiple attempts at trying to convince them you were different. 
Every time your brother saw you in the hallways, he’d immediately turn around, like the sight of you disgusted him. You spent most your time in your dorm or the library after that, having given up on trying to make friends. 
The first term passed just like that, with you once again spending Christmas without any gifts, except this time you didn’t have the comfort of your brother either. Over time, you got used to it. While it was tough to survive Hogwarts without friends, you started enjoying the silence, and focused on discovering new corridors and rooms. 
Near the end of the term, Harry killed a snake and got even more popular, saving all the people who were petrified. Resulting in people thanking him all the way back home, and on King’s Cross Station. 
As you sat at the back of your aunt and uncle’s car, you kept sneaking glances at him, sitting across from you, waiting to see if he would say something. But as days passed at the house, he wouldn’t say a word to you, even though you had tried very hard to make conversation. There was a part of you that help out hope, waiting to see if he would talk to you at home, but now you were well and truly crushed. 
Your second year passed like that too. There was an escaped prisoner after Harry, and part of you actually wanted the prisoner to get him, although you felt really bad the moment the thought popped in your head. There was a new DADA teacher, except you actually liked this one. He actually taught stuff in an understandable manner and was nice to you, until he got sacked for being a werewolf. Once again, courtesy of Harry. According to some girls in the hallways outside potions, he was in love with the escaped prisoner too. 
It was the second term of your third year when life started getting interesting. While Harry was out battling dragons and overgrown hedges, his nemesis seemed to be growing an interest in you. Draco was constantly around you, and while coincidences exist, him randomly taking a walk through the greenhouses while you were there definitely wasn’t one. 
He was everywhere, stalking you. You weren’t the only one who had noticed, boys and girls in the corridors whispered as you walked pass them, whispering to each other, trying to figure out why Draco Malfoy is suddenly interested in you.
One day when you two were alone after a Charms class, you finally confronted him.
“Okay, you know what? This isn’t going to work. Why on earth do you keep following me?” You ask, slightly surprised at yourself for the sudden tone of your voice. 
Draco smirked slightly. “What do you mean?”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breathe in. After letting it out, you opened your eyes. “Look, if you’re that desperate to stalk a Potter, go obsess over Harry instead. I assure you, he’s a lot more interesting.” You gathered your books and started walking out of the class.
“What if think you’re more interesting?”
“What?” You stopped a couple steps away from the doorway.
“I said, what if I think that-”
“No I heard what you said. I’m not interesting. So if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like for you to stop following me everywhere. It’s unnerving.”
It seemed like the talk had done the job. He had stopped following you around everywhere, and you saw less and less of him. But one day, around a week after the confrontation, as you left the Slytherin common room, you felt someone grab your arm and pull you to an empty corridor. 
“What the fu-”, you were shushed by a finger on your lips. You looked up, realising it was Draco and not Sirius Black. You were quite apprehensive, wondering if he would be coming after you too.
“What is wrong with you. Are you crazy? Bloody hell you’re an idiot I swear to god what made you think grabbing me like that would be okay?” You ranted out, heart still beating extremely fast. 
“Look”, Draco pauses and looks around before continuing, “I’m sorry. It’s just I really do think that you’re interesting, and I was wondering if we could be friends.”
You look at him skeptically. It’s weird that Draco Malfoy would suddenly come up to you and ask to be friends. But, goodness knew you needed friends, and if it made Harry mad? All the better! After all, what had he done to make you respect him. “Fine.”, you replied, still eyeing him suspiciously. 
Turning around, you walk away, heading to the Great Hall for some food. As you’re walking, you hear Draco jogging to catch up to you. He stops beside you and starts walking at the same pace as you.
“You do realise that being friends with someone means talking to them. And going places together?”
“Hmm.”, you replied. Still walking towards the great hall at a speed faster than anything that would be considered normal. 
That didn’t put him off though. He was still stuck to your side almost all day long. You relented too, realising that you had to put some effort into the friendship.
As months passed, you got used to his presence. You had gotten used to his snarky remarks in during class, and his expensive cologne didn’t smell as strong anymore. While you were still hesitant to get too close, you felt your walls slowly crumble as he became a larger presence in your life. 
“Finally! I’ve been looking for you for ages, what are you doing all holed up in here”, you heard a voice shout from a couple meters away.
“Studying. You should try it sometime”, you replied, still looking down at the parchments on which you were writing an essay for Transfiguration. 
“Hmm, anyways. You’re staying here for winter break right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Nothing. Just wanted to make sure.”
A couple days before winter break started, your brother pulled you aside to an empty classroom. Considering he hadn’t even looked at you in years, it was a shock to say the least. 
Without even letting you speak, he immediately starts talking, his voice angry. 
“Y/n this is the last time I’m going to say it. I don’t want to talking to Malfoy at all. Break it up with him, I don’t care, as long as you stay away. You better do it or I’ll-”
You stare at him, and realise he only talked to you because of Draco.
“What? What are you going to do? Not talk to me for another 3 years? Walk away every time you see me?”. You cut him off, your voice lowering to a hiss. “Or maybe you’re going to try and do something to him? I’d very much like to see you try.” You raise your eyes up to his in a challenge.
He stared right back, mouth opening to retort, until he shut it, let out a big breathe of air, and walked away. He didn’t talk to you for another term. 
That summer was going the same as the last few, until one night a couple adults burst into your room. Startled, you sit up, and look at them while they look at you, unsure of whether or not you should scream. A girl with pink hair takes out her wand and starts emptying out your closet into the trunk lying under your bed. Sighing in relief when you see that they are wizards, you get up.
“What are you doing with my stuff?”, you ask, slowly grabbing your wand from your bedside table should they suddenly attack. 
“We’re here to pick up your brother, he got into some trouble and you have to come with us too.”
“Hurry up, we have to leave as soon as possible.”
Arriving at Grimmauld Place around an hour later, you weren’t even surprised when the building parted to reveal a house. The morphing witch and replica of your previous year’s defence against the dark arts teacher was more than enough to prove that you would never understand the wizarding world completely. 
The first thing you do when you enter the house is lock eyes with Sirius Black.
“Ah!”, jumping back you try to leave, only to see that the door has been closed behind you, “why the fuck is Sirius Black here, what is going on? If you’re trying to kill me I’m sure there are better wa-”
“You don’t know?”, you heard a voice cut you off. Looking up, you realise it was Mrs. Weasley speaking. 
“What are you doing here? What do you mean I don’t know?”
Looking away from you, Mrs. Weasley turns to Harry. “You didn’t tell her? Harry you’re telling me that for the last year she thought Sirius was responsible for your parent’s death?”
Behind her, you see Sirius flinch at the mention of your parents. You then hear Harry mumble a small excuse, claiming it slipped his mind. 
Over the next couple days you learn that Sirius is actually Harry’s godfather, and that the meeting in the kitchen was actually a discussion on how to manage Voldemort and his forces. 
You don’t bother trying to get more information, and no one else offers. Every time you enter a room, everything goes quiet, all conversations are stopped. Even the adults seem wary of you, not sure if they could trust a Slytherin.
You’d hoped that Sirius, who you learnt was in a similar situation to you, just with Gryffindor, would be nice to you. Unfortunately, it was the opposite. He was actually the most careful, you heard him convincing others to not to tell you anything.
One night when you go down for dinner, you enter the kitchen to realise that everyone had already started eating, not bothering to invite you or leave room for you. 
They all stare at you before Harry decides to talk. 
“Look Y/N, maybe it would be best if you just ate somewhere else. Your plate is over there near the sink, you can go eat in the living room.”
Everyone stays silent, turning around and staring at their food, moving it around to avoid looking at you.
“Y/N please just leave, we need to talk about stuff and you can’t listen to it.”
“‘Cause I’m a Slytherin? I thought family was more important that your fucking house.”, you shout at him, an incredulous expression on your face.
“No one here likes you. Can’t you see that? God, life would have been much easier if you’d never been born.” he yells at you. 
Taking a step back, you look at him in disappointment before turning around and slamming the door behind you. As you climb up the stairs, you can hear Hermione’s voice scolding him before her chair scrapes and you hear the kitchen door open. 
You run up the stairs even faster, locking your door behind you. Grabbing a bunch of clothes and galleons, you stuff them into a bag lying on your bed before looking out your window and trying to find a way out. With tears streaming down your face, you decided that you were leaving, forever. It was what Harry and everyone else seemed to want, so you figured why not? Might as well go if no one wanted you. 
With one leg out the window, you grasp on to a pipe, slowly lowering yourself before shutting the window behind you. You can hear Hermione knocking on the door and pulling at the handle, but you pay no mind to that and focus on getting down safely. 
When you finally make it, you run down the street before lifting your arm to catch the knight bus, leaving that miserable place and all its people behind. 
Somehow, you ended up at Malfoy Manor. You weren’t sure how or why, but decided to knock on the doors all the same, figuring that anyplace away from Harry and people he called family was good enough for you. 
The door opens, but no one stands before you. Looking down, you realise it was a house elf, waiting for you to speak. 
“Hi, uh, I’m- I’m a friend of Draco’s?”
The house elf doesn’t reply, instead opening the door a bit further and moving aside to let you in. You wait by the door as he walks away, presumably to look for Draco. 
The first thing you notice about the manor is how dark it is. The bleakness was overpowering, with shades of black and grey covering almost every inch of the hallway. Your eyes wander over the various portraits hung on the wall while you wipe away any trace of tears from your cheeks, lowering your bag to the ground. Were all Slytherin houses like this? If anything this house was even darker than Grimmauld Place. 
You look down the hallway when you hear a voice say to you, “Hey? What are you doing here Y/N?”
“Hi, hi um. I- I don’t know why I’m here, I’m sorry, I just turned up here. I don’t know how, its- I just didn’t know where to go and I guess I just turned up here and-”, you ranted, breathing heavier with every word as you felt a couple tears slip out. 
“Hey hey, its okay, calm down Y/N.”, he cuts you off.
You hastily wipe away the tears, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as you continuously apologize. 
At the realisation that someone must have happened, he immediately wraps his arms around you, hesitating only for second. He pulls you in, your head wedged into his shoulder as he keeps one hand on your back while the other slowly strokes your hair. 
Getting over the initial shock of Draco hugging you, you lift your arms to hug him back. You feel his arms tighten when you reciprocate. The hug lasts a couple more seconds before he pulls away, running a hand through his hair. 
“Sorry. I uh didn’t know what to- sorry.”, he apologised. 
“It’s okay, it was-”, you paused for a second, “-nice.”
After a couple seconds of silence, he pipes up, “C’mon, let’s go inside. My parents are going to want to meet you.”
You stilled, only just realising that you were going to have to see his parents. His infamous parents. 
“It’s okay, my father can seem a bit scary but he’ll be nice to you. My mother will give you a room too, I promise they won’t make you leave.” With that, he loops his arm into yours, picking up your bag with his other hand, and walks you into the living room, where his parents were confused but sympathetic all the same when you told them you didn’t have anywhere to go. 
You spent the rest of your summer vacation at Malfoy Manor, enjoying, weirdly enough, the days that you spent exploring the vast mansion with Draco. 
part 2
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dracowars · 2 years
Hi hi, how are you? Could you write one where y/n is Draco's girlfriend, but she and Harry, who are best friends, end up arguing and he casts a dangerous spell on her? And when she arrives at the infirmary, still passed out, they discover she is pregnant?
best bad friend | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x reader
word count: 1,0k
summary: where y/n discovers something that will change draco’s and y/n’s life forever
a/n: i just wanted to clarify that the characters here are all in 7th year and thus of legal age
warnings: angst, violence, mentions of pregnancy
universe: harry potter
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“Harry, if you would just listen to me for one second-”
Your vocal cords can’t manage more than that when in the next moment you are hit with Stupefy by your opponent, whom you also call your best friend. With force, you are thrown against the wall and fall into unconsciousness right away. Only when you are able to open your eyes again do you realize what actually happened, what Harry did.
What he did to you, his best friend.
The bright light that streams into the room through the large windows dazzles you a little, and the slight breeze that gently shakes the white curtains reaches your ears, shaking the dark chandelier on the ceiling. The beige brick walls of the hospital wing – you realized it is the hospital wing once you sat up in your hospital bed, startled – express a coldness and you quickly notice that you seem to be the only patient right now. The other beds around you are all empty.
Exhausted, you massage your temples with your fingertips, the impact seemingly hit you harder than you originally thought. As you try to stop the pounding in your head, your gaze falls on the two wooden chairs that are close to your bed, as if someone had been sitting there just mere seconds ago.
Surprised, you look around again and do not move a single muscle, but you have to accept the fact that you can’t even hear any sounds from outside. Sighing deeply, you lean back into the uncomfortable mattress and place your palm on your forehead, closing your eyes and reflecting on what happened that transported you into the hospital wing of the castle.
Maybe telling Harry about your relationship with Draco Malfoy had not been such a good idea after all. Especially not when he found it out by himself first and only then did you decide to actually tell him about your relationship status. On the other hand, he would still not know if he had not caught the both of you kissing in an empty hallway. Even though you have sworn to never hide anything from each other, you betrayed him.
Best friends should not betray each other, you think. And yet you did exactly that.
It was perfectly understandable that Harry was angry and upset about this. You would never have blamed him for that. But throwing you across the room with a dangerous curse, ending up in the freaking hospital wing, all alone? Rather despicable.
You are racking your brains about how to face Harry the next time you see him when you are released from this prison that is your hospital bed when suddenly the heavy door finally opens and none other than Harry enters. Well, at least his head is peeking around the corner, and when your eyes meet for a moment, it looks like he would like to vanish into thin air right this second.
Understandably so.
“Y/N, you are awake!”, he says happily, but can’t hide the insecurity within his voice. “I- I will be right back.”
And just like that you are as alone again as you were since waking up, causing you to roll your eyes while crossing your arms in front of your chest in despair. Harry will definitely not get away from you that easily.
Harry does not take long to return, though he does bring Madam Pomfrey with him on the way back, the nurse greeting you with a friendly smile and looking you up and down as if you have lost all your limbs. When she asks you how you are feeling, you only reply that your head is buzzing. Which is the truth, but you honestly do not feel like talking to her about your emotional state right now after you were brought here by your best friend.
Obviously, you are not feeling well.
“If you allow me, I would like to talk to you alone for a few moments, Ms. Y/L/N”, Madam Pomfrey remarks after realizing that you do not feel like talking to her, or anyone at this point, about what happened. However, no one could have prepared you for what she would share with you in private.
At first you want to laugh and deny what she claims happened. That is completely and absolutely ridiculous, you think to yourself. Then, as you look into her serious eyes, your mood immediately changed, and you suddenly feel nauseous. The ground is pulled away from under your feet all of a sudden and you start falling and keep falling and just can’t stop falling. The pounding in your head gets louder, more unbearable by the second, and is now accompanied by a loud beeping in your ears.
Without knowing it and without being able to stop it, tears flow down your cheeks as your world falls apart in the blink of an eye. First, Madam Pomfrey tries to calm you down, to encourage you, but you do not want to hear her words. They will not change anything anyway. When she notices this as well, she finally gives you your space and leaves.
The silence bother you even more, however, since you are suddenly all alone with your thoughts and feelings. The moment there is a knock on the door and Harry enters the hospital wing, you break down completely. Immediately, Harry is at your side, holding you tight in his arms, trying to soothe you with whispers and repeated apologies.
The fact that he attacked you with a spell out of anger is honestly the least of your problems right ow, which is why you let him hold you, why you allow him to support you as your best friend. Everything you can think about in this moment is filled with pure darkness, and if it were not for Draco, who storms inside after hearing about the incident, completely distressed, the darkness would have taken you in whole.
As soon as you find yourself in a loveable embrace, after Harry willingly released you, Draco encourages you and confesses his love for you over a thousand times, over and over again.
“We can get through this, darling. Together”, Draco whispers softly and places several kisses against your temple, kissing away some of your streaming tears. “If anyone can do it, it’s us.”
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cassiopeiasdaughter · 10 months
To not leave Draco Malfoy out of this celebration, maybe an angsty fic with the prompt “Don’t leave me”?
Draco Malfoy x fem!reader
A/N:I've always wanted to write something in this format, thank you for the inspiration and the request 🤍 Draco Malfoy masterlist & celebrate my academic hardships
Warning: mentions of war and everything related to it
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The five times Draco Malfoy needed you away from him and the one he was desperate to keep you close.
First Year; you found him with Hermione, you were both looking for Nevilles toad, asking around the students if they’d seen one.
He gave you a snobby look ,as you entered the room he was in, taking in your form. After introducing himself to you two and learning you were both Muggleborn he said “Leave us, we haven’t seen a toad.”, snickering with his friends- and driving you mad with the need to hex his pointy face out of the window.
Third Year; your interactions as the years went on, had gone from a quick sneer at the hallways, to insults and yelling after quidditch practice- and especially games- specifically the ones where he lost.
That wouldn’t happen that day, though, because Draco was determined to win. He had been practicing for this game for weeks, exhausting himself in the quidditch field.
The image of him rubbing it in your annoying face that he had won and you had lost, was the only motivation he needed.
He was confident, so confident that before the game he walked up to you, way too cocky and said “Good day to lose, isn’t it?”
“I don’t know Malfoy, you tell me.”,you replied smirking 
This was usual for you, teasing and taunting before matches. That, turned into a silent challenge between you two.
Who could fly the fastest? Who could impress the crowd more? You fueled eachother; your relationship was an endless competition. 
And secretly you both loved it.
In the midst of the game, he found you alone looking over the field, deeply focused on the game.
He doesn’t understand what frivolous thought resulted in him flying up to you; just for a few seconds, he said to himself.
“Go away, Malfoy, I am trying to focus.”
“Save yourself some trouble, maybe relax your forehead before you get wrinkles, and accept your defeat.”, he said with a smug face
“Stop buzzing around me like a fly, go spin around some more over there, will you?”, you said clearly annoyed and he laughed at that.
Before he could get the chance to reply, he noticed a strange movement behind you. He wrinked his eyes, trying to get a better look and realized it was a bludger coming straight to you- and you the complete idiot you were, were staring at the opposite direction.
He supposes there are many other things he could have done that day. He could just warn you, scream at you even. He could fly away and mind his business- focus on winning the game.
But if the bludger hit you, who would he make fun of, then? 
That, and only that, is why, he flew infront of you, with the bludger hitting him in the ribs- causing him to fall several feet to the ground.
As he laid in complete darkness, with a piercing pain in his chest, he thought he heard screaming and then your voice; you were okay, he could rest now.
He woke up to the sound of whispers, and pages turning. The room smelled of clean sheets and he felt cold. He shivered and opened his eyes groaning.
“Sleeping beauty is awake.”, he heard Blaise and before he could open his mouth, he felt Pansy rush to his side, grabbing his hand.
“Are you completely mad?”, she asked furious “What were you thinking, you-”
“Let him be, Pans, you can scold him once he is out of here.”, Theo interrupted her “How are you feeling mate?”
“M’fine, I feel stiff- and thirsty.”, Draco replied slowly, batting his eyes- preventing them from closing again.
His three friends looked at eachother, as if speaking silently, plotting together-specifically something only he wasn’t supposed to know.. 
“What?” He asked annoyed “We lost. Is the team mad? Just say it.”, he said between groans- moving his body to stand a little straighter- look stronger.
“Uhhh-”, muttered Theo
“We’ll get you some water.”, interrupted Blaise
“The three of you? Where are you getting it from exactly, the Lake?”, he replied annoyed at his friends- and himself for getting himself into this mess.
Pansy groaned impatiently and rolled her eyes at him “You have a visitor, see you later.”
With that, she walked out of the room- followed by Blaise and Theo, both smiling at him, the first mischievously and the latter sympathetically- holding his book in his arms.
He groaned then and threw his head back- staring into the empty ceiling, that looked as depressing, as his actions. Honestly, what was he thinking? He blew everything up, wasted so many hours of work and practice; in just one single second-
“Hi.”, he heard your voice, soft and gentle. He couldn’t recall, the last time you looked at him, without a sneer or a scowl. With your mouth relaxed and your eyes gentle.
“No need to gloat, I am not in the mood, right now.” You scoff at that, “I came here to thank you, you impossible twat.”
He smirks, at your words, and how natural it feels to hear them from your mouth. He gives you a knowing look; slightly amused.
“Sorry.”, you mumble 
“Thank you for what you did there.”, you said and sat at the bed, next to his body, your hands almost touching.
“Uh- it’s not like I could have gone anywhere else.”
“You could have stayed still, it would have hit me, not you.”
“And you’d have fallen on me, we’d both end up here. Honestly, I did it to save myself from your voice, annoying me even here. It’s more peaceful this way.”
“Oh, Malfoy, shut up.”, you said trying not to look amused “We both know Pomfrey can’t stand your whining, I heard she’s considering resigning.”, you continued, fake whispering with a face that makes him laugh even now, remembering it.
He sees his friends enter, and quickly snaps back to reality. You are his competitor, the person he wants to show off to- they are his friends, the ones who want to see him do well, they care about him- not you.
And he cares about them, certainly not about you.
“You’re giving me a headache, go away, please.”, he said and noticed how your eyes saddened slowly.
Your face returned to its usual look, eyebrows raised, mouth slightly turned and hands crossed in front of you. 
“Ah- right, bye.”
And with that you left, leaving him with his best friends, who loved him and protected him from everything harmful.
But then again, why couldn’t he stop the throbbing in his head, every time he thought, of you leaving?
Fourth Year; he was perfect. His robes looked great on him, he knew the dances well- after all the training he had had through the years- and he’d gone with Pansy, who he trusted.
Then, why couldn’t he have fun? 
It was your presence surely- it drove him mad. You were dancing around with your friends- missing steps and then laughing at yourself. You were clumsy and graceless and laughed with your mouth open.
All the manners he had learnt to obey, were nowhere to be found when it came to you.
But then, why couldn’t he take his eyes off of you? 
“Excuse me for a moment, Pans.”, his mouth muttered despite his protests not to
His feet carried him to you, he begged them to stop- turn around and insult Potter or the Weasel, don’t go to her, not her. But they had a mind of their own and he cursed as he bumped into you.
You turned around and stared at him with a surprised look on your face “Malfoy.” ,you said confused and scanned his body with your eyes, your gaze lingering at his face before lightly shaking your head “Something wrong with your eyes?”
He didn’t answer though, not as he was taking in your form; your dress and how its color complimented you perfectly. Your hair loose, with strands falling across your face like a waterfall.
Your skin glowing as the colored light fell on it; making you look like you didn’t belong in this world, but in the fairytales he would read as a child.
He couldn’t breathe, maybe you’d thrown something in his drink- you’d love to ridicule him at the Ball, the whole school would talk about it- then again, maybe these thoughts had always been there, found shelter in a dark place in his mind he didn’t want to acknowledge. 
“Draco, are you alright?”, your voice worried then and his name falling from your lips felt like a spell shot directly at his chest.
“Ah-”, the sound of music cut him off and the image of his classmates pairing up and dancing, drove him to eventually ask “Dance with me?” 
And the moment you said yes and held his hands; a fire inside him started. It warmed parts of his soul that had never seen the sun, they were cold and dying, but your light healed them. 
Your moves were seamless and your hold was gentle. You let him guide you, with trust he secretly wished could last.
You could not help but giggle as he swirled you two around and the sound of your voice was contagious, the smile on your lips something he wanted to memorize.  
As the dance progressed you two moved closer; his hand was holding you tighter and your eyes were curious, as if you yearned for more.
And as your face tipped forward and your lips parted slowly- he felt a strange and unwanted force dragging him back to reality.
To his reality, the one filled with your differences and his friends and family. The reality that wasn’t the fairytale you two belonged in.
He pulled back, causing you to lose your balance slightly and almost fall on him. You looked betrayed and embarrassed, like a wounded animal showing trust, begging for help only to receive the opposite.
He didn’t say anything to you, as he exited the big room, and he didn’t acknowledge his friends who looked at him with a puzzled face. The only thing on his mind was how much he needed to get away from you.
Sixth year; the room was spinning. There were bandages all over his body and a sharp pain on his limbs. It was incredible how he had managed to end up in the infirmary again.
He remembered Potters face, filled with hatred and betrayal as he cast the unforgivable, directly at him. It brought him shame, how not even Potter could believe he would join the Death Eaters, it was low even for him.
He felt shame and fear, It’s not my fault he wanted to scream, I didn’t choose this, he needed to let everyone know- but he was too scared of everything that would follow.
Myrtles screams and cries were ringing in his ears “Please stop”, he whispered with his eyes closed- tears falling down his cheeks.
“Stop what?”, he heard your voice ask, hoarse as if you were crying and he cursed himself then.
His mind played cruel tricks on him. Not only did he see you in his dreams every night but now he could also hear you in his wake. He couldn’t protect you in his dreams; the Dark Lord used you against him- made him do things that he wouldn’t even imagine prior to this summer.
And after doing everything the Dark Lord asked of him, he would see you die in front of him.
His cries grew stronger, but a hand strongly closing on his stopped him. He tried to open his eyes and turn his head, “Does it hurt? Do you want me to call Pomfrey?”, you asked scared with swollen eyes and dark circles under them.
“No.” He whispered quietly and felt your grip on his hand and your thumb tracing the skin there.
Your eyes landed on the inside of his sleeve, where the Dark Mark still lies and you looked at him with sorrow in your eyes. “I am sorry.”, you said and let tears fall.
He wishes he could have been strong and push them away, but more than that he wishes he would had prevented them in the first place.
However, you were neither his lover or his friend, so he had no place wishing any of the two. 
“What are you doing here?”, he turned his head- staring at the cold empty ceiling, once again.
“I heard what happened, Draco-”, you stopped, didn’t know how to continued- what to say.
“Why are you here?” , his voice was angry now “I don’t need your pity, after all those years, how can you still not understand that? You are supposed to hate me.”
“Well I don’t. I-”, care about you, you almost confessed- but he couldn’t let you.
“Leave! Leave me alone.”, he said closing his eyes and forcefully removing his hand from your grasp.
And, sadly you did. But not for long.
You returned that same night, with books and notes in your arms and a look of determination on your face.
You placed everything on his nightstand and sat at the same place as earlier. 
“You have missed too many classes, you need to catch up. Come on.”
He stared at you confused and tired, so so tired of handling everything by himself, of protecting his family and everyone he loved. And he was so tired from convincing himself that lowering his walls and letting you in would result in his distraction. 
Because at that moment, the only thing that had managed to offer him relief from the ache in his chest was you.
“I am sorry.”, he said ashamed.
“It is fine.” You replied sincerely and then shook your head lightly “Charms, page 431, chapter 18.”
It shouldn’t have been this easy for him to fall in love with you. You helped him with schoolwork and then with adjusting to normality again. You teased him, like before, but the look on your face now and the gleam of your eyes were completely different. 
You would talk outside of class and quidditch practice. He would often meet you, to study together and talk about your days.
And the most important, at night, after proving his loyalty to the darkness he was forced into, he’d run to you. You would remain silent, on top of the astronomy tower, thinking about the future and the past; of all the actions and choices that led him up there, with you. 
“I am sorry.”, he said one night, turning his head to look at you
“What for?” ,you asked back     
“I don’t know, for being a jerk? For treating you terribly?”, he let out a deep sigh before continuing “For everything I guess.”
“We both treated echother shitty. We are fine now, aren’t we?”
“Yeah, I suppose we are.”
“Just.” You started “Be careful, with them, I know you say you have everything under control, but be careful.”
“Why- why do you care? You shouldn’t care.”, he said amused and annoyed by how you would open your heart for anyone to find shelter in, even him.
“Because I want to, that’s is why.”, you held his hand and turned your head to look at the stars in contrast to the night sky- lighting up the darkness.
June 30th 1997;he wished he hadn’t grown closer to you, that day. Dumbledore was dead, and the Death Eaters were coming, the castle was in danger and there was nothing he could do about it.
As he ran down the halls, begging his mind to focus and not panic at the madness around him, he kept wishing you were safe.
He found you, looking around scared- terrified. And as your gazes locked you ran into eachother.
“Go away! Leave!”, he said, but despite his words, his hold on you grew stronger.
“What about you, I can’t leave you.”, you shouted back
And he knew you meant that, but he couldn’t come with you, couldn’t put you in any more danger; that was his excuse for what he did next. 
His hand moved to your face and he grabbed you; smashing your lips on his. You kiss was filled with longing and years filled of your pushing and pulling. Your dance around eachother.
It was filled with his gratitude for you, for being the safety he longed for, while nothing in his life was safe or stable. He kissed you for being his friend, when he had to distance himself from his- to protect them.
But, he also kissed you, because if he were to die in the moments to follow, the selfish- twisted parts of him wanted to at least have known how you tasted, how your lips felts against his, and how your body would mould against his.
You parted, your lungs aching for oxygen and he said again, in a gentler voice “Leave.”
And you did.
May 2nd 1998; he is tired. He doesn’t know how long he has been running for, screaming; your name the only sound falling from his lips.
His vision is blurry from the dust, the building around him slowly collapsing; his home for the past seven years will soon be nothing but a ruin.
And the thought of you buried under it, stops his breathing as he picks up the pace and runs faster.
“Draco?”, he hears his name being called, the voice entirely familiar. 
He turns around and sees you, with your hands around your waist and ashes all over your face.
He doesn’t have to think twice to sprint to you, not caring who he bumps into or if a spell hits him right there in the chest- not if it means that the last thing he'll see is you, alive.
He crushes you in his arms and breathes in deep, your scent hovering over him and his hands around you, shielding you from the battle.
He wishes you two could stay like this forever, he should apparate you both somewhere far away from this hell, somewhere where he could protect you, keep you safe, and show you how much you mean to him, how much he lov-
The voice you let out, filled with pain and regret crushes all his dreams and he pulls back in an instant.
“Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?” He instructs and uncrosses your arms from your body, to reveal blood all over your clothes.
You give him a tired look and his scared eyes beg you to stay close to him, but your body is weak and you fall to the floor taking him with you.
He lifts your shirt carefully and gasps when he sees your wound, bloody and open, your body emptying, losing blood dangerously fast. 
“It’s okay.”, you whisper “It is going to be okay.” You smile weakly 
“No, no, no.”, he repeats unable to accept what’s happening.
His hands are stained with your blood, leaving your face crimson-red and sticky as he cradles it for dear life- as if his hold on you will keep you alive.
“Don’t leave me.”, he begs “Please.”,and he leans in your hand, caressing his cheek lovingly, as he cries.
Only when your touch loosens and your hand slips to the floor does he stop to let out a haunting scream.
I love you, he meant to say, “I love you.”, he says now, wishing you could hear it.
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sorry for any mistakes; comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated 🩶
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btsbabe7 · 6 months
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November Prompt 18: Crown
Words: 594 | Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
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There’s a surreal feeling that washes over you as you descend the castle stairs into the entrance of the Yule Ball. You hadn’t told a single soul about your date. In fact, as far as all your friends knew, you had no intentions of attending. But here you are in a pearly gown with silvery lace trim hand-sewn against the white silk. Your curly hair is styled in a slightly messy updo that you’d practiced for weeks until it was perfected, and a dainty, single emerald stone bracelet, gifted by your date clings to your right wrist. All the planning had finally led you to this very moment.
In the midst of the first dance coming to a close, an applause breaks through the room, then you spot your date breaking through the crowd. Heads turn and there seems to be whispering amongst the crowd, but not over the music. Just as you reach the bottom of the stairs, Draco’s arm links around yours. A vest and bowtie accompany the snowy white button-up that hugs his thin torso. His platinum hair is parted perfectly down the side and tucked behind each ear to fully display his dashing features. He looks absolutely amazing, even more than he does on the day to day, if you do say so yourself. And soon, the gaze of other students follow the two of you through the crowd where Draco pulls you in close for a slow dance.
“Ignore the whispers,” he breathes, pulling your wandering gaze for your friends back to him. “You look beautiful tonight and I won’t let anyone ruin this for us.” His brows raise to make sure you understand and you smile softly and nervously.
You had planned to attend the ball with Draco almost a month ago in the secrecy of your meetings in the Astronomy Tower. If everything went as planned, the entire school would be in shock at the news of you and Draco attending together, despite the existing rumors of his growing crush on you. And the whispers tonight have proved just that. Even Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Dumbledore, the Headmaster himself, had done double takes when Draco’s arm reached out for you at the entrance moments ago.
“Draco,” you mutter softly, keeping your eyes on his to stay focused. “What do we do when they see? My friends, when they notice?”
He chuckles softly and pulls you closer, gently stroking your reddened cheek.
“Then let them notice. You look beautiful. You spent so much effort planning and perfecting the perfect. Just focus on this. Don’t let your crown slip.”
You smile widely at his comment and just because you’re happy to finally be in his arms in the midst of everyone. There’s whispers and stares and even pointing, but you stay focused on Draco. It all feels like a relief compared to the fear that came with sneaking out to meet in hiding in The Astronomy Tower every night. You know your friends are somewhere with their own dates and that their curiosity about you and Draco will soon be a topic of conversation, but none of that matters now in a place where you should feel the most confident.
Draco spins you around one last time at the close of the song, and with a smile, he caresses your cheeks.
“We’ll have the best night of our lives, my queen. I promise,” he breathes before placing a soft kiss on your forehead that leaves you grinning from ear to ear, and tonight, you truly feel like royalty.
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Please be sure to check out my other latest fics:
⚡︎ November Prompt Challenge (days 1-30)
⚡︎ For You Always - reader x Snape
~ Navi: masterlist (all fandoms) & (bts imagines/drabbles)
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Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction, but please don’t copy! Written purely for fun :) Please only repost to other socials w/my permission and credit! Reblogging w/credit is fine. Thank you! ♡
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