#drago age 2
rinalllin · 2 years
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Varric, Merrill and Sebastian ^u^
Yes I plan to sketch all characters from DA
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felassanis · 2 years
- What His Lyrium Whispered
Fenris x F!Hawke 
Warnings: Violence
Read it AO3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/43572516
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Fenris feels like the whole world is coming down on him. 
Reality tears at the seams like wet paper and the ugly stone walls of the Viscount’s Keep feel ready to topple like falling trees. None of this feels real; yet the blood hammering in his head tells him otherwise. The panic gutting his stomach like a blade  making him near manic.
He’s used to spiralling internally. Maintaining the stoic safe zone for others to rely on when the situation becomes dangerous. But in this moment, watching as Hawke struggles for air against the ironclad grip of the Arishok’s hand clenched around her throat, he can’t maintain this facade any longer. 
He can see the cracks deepening in the stone pillar she’s been thrust against. Used like an object - he’s shocked her damn spine hadn’t snapped. Or perhaps it had, there was no way for Fenris to know, to check on her. He steps one foot in this arena, the whole room will descend upon him like wolves. 
He can feel their eyes on his back, dangling along his spine like spider legs. The other Qunari stand like watchful statues all around them unmoved by the torture. Yet he feels as though they are just waiting for him to move. To finally snap. At this rate, Fenris fears they will get what they want…
The twisting expressions tearing apart Hawke’s face were enough to make him frenzy. That startled look of realisation - that there’s no way she’s getting out of this one - strikes at his heart as surely as a blade. He wants desperately to rush in, to unleash his fury on the Arishok. Make him regret ever laying a hand on her. But he knows that won’t save her…
The flash of memory over their last words; their last moment alone - and he’d left. Left her naked and alone in cold bed sheets as he stormed into the night. Pushed each and every attempt she’d made to pull him back, to have them talk about this. He left things unsaid, unanswered, and unsatisfied. Foolishly thinking there’d be time, another moment to explain, a distant future where he could be enough and ready.
And now he watches the colour drain from her face, her eyes bulging with horror, mouth twisting in agony. She’s everything to his world, to his heart, and he’s watching her die slowly right before him and everyone else she loves. 
Varric. Fenris tears his gaze from the horror and across his shoulder. His teeth ache with how tight his jaw is, eyeing the dwarf who’s suddenly got a firm grip on his wrist. 
“You can’t,” He’s never heard Varric beg. And frankly Fenris never wishes to hear it again. It reminds him how fucked everything is that the dwarf can’t find a reason to smile. That he too has lost hope that Hawke will have something up her sleeve this time…
Fenris looks down, startled as he realises. Despite intending to remain behind the line. He’s now standing on it. Teetering dangerously close to crossing it. Hearing movement, he sees the Qunari around them - their hands suddenly gripping the spears on their backs. Eyes daring him to step further.
Qunlat reaches his ears then, hot and spitting. He watches as the Arishok’s face pulls into pure rage as his already impossibly forceful grip winds all the tighter around Hawke’s throat. To the point Fenris sees his grey knuckles burn white. Lifting her up only to slam her back into the column, as if testing if she was still kicking. Her body thudded on impact horribly. He had taken all his outrage on her - holding her up as the city he had been stranded in. The city he had tolerated like a flesh-eating parasite gnawing away at him. His anguish cut deep into her skin in angry red lines dripping down and down…
He’d beaten her bloody, but his own body ran red with the myriad of cuts and gashes inflicted by the quickness of Hawke’s sword. But in the end…it wasn’t enough.
“No, no, no…” Isabela is the next one to be forcefully pulled back by Varric. Only just catching her, Varric lets Fenris go as he needed both hands to force her back.
“He’s going to fucking kill her!” Isabela cries out, struggling in Varric’s grip. 
“Rivaini no!” 
“Look at her! Look!” Her voice rings throughout the hall, pulling even the Arishok’s attention briefly. Who regards Isabela with nothing. Face stoic and unreadable, hardened like he was sculpted from stone. If he felt any remorse for giving Hawke such an agonising end, he didn’t show it. Deep down however, Fenris wondered if he felt enlightened by the thief’s reaction. Emboldened by his idea of swift punishment for stealing the Tome of Koslun.
Between Isabela’s frantic shouting, the mingled outcry of onlookers, and the rest of Hawke’s group looking on in pure horror. Fenris feels his sanity slipping. 
It’s only when Hawke uses what little strength she has to place her hand on the Arishok’s arm - as if that would stop him - that finally breaks him.
And in the end, when her near lifeless gaze reaches his, and she still somehow fucking smiles, as if to reassure him. He looks away. 
He can’t watch her die like this. And it makes him feel sick. The woman he had loved and abandoned only two days ago. The woman who had given him a place to call home, who made him feel seen, wanted, heard, and who he left like it was nothing. The woman whose affections he had never deserved since day one…and he couldn’t even give her the satisfaction of looking back at her in her final moments.
His heart is tearing apart, splitting open like a gushing wound. He’ll bleed out on the floor, and walk out of this Keep a husk of his former self. Suddenly he’s that elf in the dense fog of Seheron. The blood of comrades sticky on his skin, unable to even offer the respect of gazing upon the faces of the friends he had just decimated upon demand. 
A roaring gush, like the opening maws of a dragon, cracks the room apart. 
The Arishok suddenly stumbles back. Clawing at his wrist wildly - the distinct smell of burning flesh filling Fenris’s nose - as Hawke’s body slumps against the ground. 
The Arishok mumbles curses in Qunlat - phrases Fenris can’t begin to decipher amidst the groans and hisses as he holds his wrist. Smoke trailing from a patch of pink skin. Fenris thinks he’s missed something, brain lagging from the hysteria of losing Hawke. Until…
Hawke moves, slowly rising to her knees - the skin of her palms rippled from burns as smokey tendrils wave. As a small glow emits around Hawke’s form, Fenris spots that her fingers are moving. Tracing strange shapes…the same way that Anders does when he’s working in the clinic in Darktown…
Fenris stops breathing as she stands - her wounds healed but still red raw - spitting out a chunk of blood as she stares down the Arishok. Her face pulled into pure manic ecstasy as she extended her arms outwards - as if to taunt him.
“Y-You…are Saarebaas?” The Arishok picks his axes from the ground. Eyeing Hawke with disdain.
“Yes,” She breathed, like she had finally released a breath she’d been holding for a long time.
She’s a terrifying sight. Her palms are scarred; the skin rippling from the fire. Her nose bridge split open  like her face was torn in half as blood spills across her nose and down to her jaw. Clothes sopping wet from her wounds. Yet she smiles - teeth blood red - like a demon descended from the Fade…
Fenris feels cold suddenly. Witnessing the woman he had fought beside for three years, the woman he had laughed with and talked to until the early hours of the morning. The woman he loved and laid with - now practically exuding magic. In this moment, she was magic. Untamed and wild; no staff to shape and conjure the fade into controllable elements, but pouring her determination to survive into reality like a crashing wave.
All this time he thought her to be a warrior like him. Built and locked into the waking world - relying on the physical to maintain strength and skill. But no, she was born to expel elements beyond the common man’s understanding. Born to manipulate and take. All this time when she touched him, his lyrium would thrum as if attuned to something. He thought it resonated with his love for her, his lyrium veins quivering for all the feelings he harboured. They were one after all.
But no. They were warning him. Whispering that magic was near the entire time.
“You lie,” The Arishok spits on the ground.“You dare engage in a duel with me, Sarebaas?!”
“Is that you forfeiting?” Hawke spits out more blood. “Does the Arishok claim defeat against a Southern mage?”
When she speaks, Fenris notes the other Qunari sharing glances with each other. The Arishok too seems to clock this, looking all around him. Fenris knows he did not view Hawke as a woman, to engage in a duel with one is unheard of for the Qunari. But he still respected her. With this revelation…Hawke has well and truly removed any ounce of humanity he might have once held for her….
He fears that. Amidst the anger he feels over her sick lies, he fears what he’ll do now. 
The Arishok spins his axe in hand, rolling his boulder-like shoulder.
Hawke’s face is firm, as if she had wished for nothing more. Nodding once in silent confirmation. She turns to her companions, but distinctively avoids him.
“Anders, your staff,” She says.
Fenris watches Anders, who freezes for a moment in shock, before slowly walking over to Hawke. He grips his staff firmly even as she tries to take it. And Fenris feels his blood boil as they exchange words, Anders taking hold of her shoulder and squeezing it. 
Then he turns away. And it feels like he too avoids looking at him as Hawke slams the bottom of the staff into the ground.
She holds it with confidence. The staff like a third arm, as she settles into a battle stance…..
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albaharu · 3 months
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remembering how the character developtment of anders dragon age is seeing him getting angrier and sadder and more depressed each time 👍
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worldwhightnight · 3 days
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Grimmel and Drago discussing how to kill Hiccup 🤧
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katari-adaari · 3 months
I have replayed da2 with a hawke that kills anders SO MUCH that I genuinely forgot he's still possibly alive at DAI whoops
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ladystardust422 · 1 year
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Warden X Morrigan Dragon Age Origins
“There came a night when he was sure that she was thinking of him... somewhere. She felt regret, and sorrow, but the ring told no more.”
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lowkeyerror · 7 months
The Family Business Ch.3
WandNat x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Chapter Notes: Mentions of death, violence, underaged drinking, slight mentions of SA, lisichka=little fox
Summary: Natasha has heard stories of you from Wanda. It has her doubting your current day skill level. With Dragos and Wanda in a meeting, you get the chance to tell her a bit about the person you've become.
An: Finally something between Y/n and Natasha (I say finally as if this isn't chapter 3 lol) Anyway enjoy this chapter and see you back next week.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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You could feel Natasha’s eyes on you as you worked. It was tedious work, but you typed away with a smile on your face regardless.  You thought that maybe she’d pick up her phone or something, but she seemed to just watch you.
“You want to ask me something or you just going to keep staring?” You kept your eyes on the computer screen as you addressed her.
“You’re different than Wanda said you’d be,” was all that she said.
You finally looked at the red head, “Well like I said, it’s been a while since she has seen me. A lot has changed in the years she’s been gone.”
“Like what?”
You paused your work to give Natasha your full attention. You sat back fully in your chair pondering back to the last time you saw Wanda. “Well, she left before I graduated. Back then I thought I was going to take my degrees, find an honest job, and live a normal life. I was fragile, even after the self-defense training. I hadn’t held a gun, I hadn’t hacked into anything, I was just a little girl.”
“And now?”
You gesture around you, “Now, I have this nice office. I crunch numbers for the most high-profile company in town, that just happens to be a front for a criminal organization. I have 2 degrees, I can defend my family and myself, I’ve shot a gun more times than I can count, and I could hack into anything that you could imagine.”
“You’ve got a ledger?” The line about the gun seemed to stick out to Natasha.
You shrug your shoulders, “I’ve carried my weight.”
“How many?”
The question startles you a bit. It was so candid as if she was asking about the weather. You could see them, the people you had killed. It wasn’t a large number, not even in the double digits, but still.
“7.” You don't know what compelled you to keep speaking,” I remember all of them. What is it they say about the first one? You will never forget it. I was 20, it was before I joined the organization. Pietro had dragged me to some party.”
“I take it you weren’t a party animal back then?”
You chuckle and shake your head, “Not even a little so I did what everyone does to get comfortable at a party. I took a few shots, it was stupid. As a light weight and someone not of legal drinking age, I should've been more careful. The shots had loosened me up, so I was enjoying the party for awhile. I lost Pietro at some point, but I was too drunk to notice.”
You see Natasha frown a bit, but you continue, “The host of party finds me on the dance floor. We dance for a while; we don't say much, just hi. Someone spilled a drink on me while we were dancing. He offered to get me a new shirt. Like the innocent little idiot I was, I followed him up to his room.”
You paused, almost feeling like you were back in that moment. You could feel everything again, your skin was hot and sweaty, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, you could feel him on you.
Natasha could sense she lost you to the memory. She got up from the couch in your office to make her way towards you. She took a seat on the edge of your desk and pulled your hands into hers. “What happened in his room?”
“He tried to take advantage of me. He tore my shirt off just so his gross hands could grope my skin. He pulled me against him fiddled with his belt before trying mine. His breath was hot on my neck as he peppered kisses on my collarbone. When his hand slipped into my pants, is when it really clicked in my head. I had told him to stop, but he wouldn’t. You know the kind of guys that say, ‘you want this’ or ‘you teased me all night’ or ‘You’re the one half naked in my room’. He was one of those, no wasn’t going to cut it.”
Natasha squeezes your hand as you recount the harsh memory. It looks like you could cry right there in the office. Then all of a sudden, the tears pooling in your eyes are gone. A blank expression takes over your face.
“For a minute, I pretend I’m into what this creep is doing to me. Only enough for him to loosen his grip on me. At this point my back was against his front. I reach behind his head, like my arms trying to loop to bring him closer. Except one of my hand rests on top of his head and the other one is on the opposite side of his jaw. I snapped his neck. His body hit the floor like a sack of potatoes.”
“Y/n- “
“I threw up when I saw him. After I was done, I called Pietro, he found me upstairs with the body. He felt so guilty for leaving me, but I could tell he was surprised too. So surprised that fragile little Y/n had snapped someone’s neck.”
Natasha’s eyes bored into yours, “That asshole deserved that. He deserved worse.”
“He didn’t rest even in death. Dragos made sure of it. He made that family’s life a living hell. It was a message to the entire city that I was under their protection. If anyone so much as laid a finger on me there would be dire consequences.”
A silence filled the room. Natasha didn't remove her hand from yours and you didn't ask her too. You glanced back at your computer, knowing you had to finish your work.
“Wanda never said you were fragile, just delicate,” Natasha’s fingers drew patterns on your hand.
You shake your head, “Wanda has always had a way with turning something negative into a positive. I never saw the difference between the two words, but she’d always say- “
“Fragile things break quickly into millions of pieces under the slightest pressure,” Natasha starts as if she had been there when Wanda said it to you.
“If you were fragile, you wouldn’t be here with us. You’re delicate, beautiful, intricate, and deserve to be handled with care,” you finish with a fond smile on your lips.
“For what it’s worth, I think she was right,” Natasha returns to her space on the couch to allow you to keep working.
She finally pulls out her phone seeming to have relaxed a bit because of your vulnerability. You want to refocus on work, but there are some questions that are nagging you about the woman in your office.
“How did you two meets? If you don’t mind me asking.”
Natasha ponders a minute for a suitable answer, and you take note of it, “The short version is that we met at work.”
You raise an eyebrow, “And what did you do for work?”
You let your eyes look over the woman. You took in her relaxed posture, the muscles hiding under her shirt, the way she allowed you to be vulnerable with her, the mischievous glint in her eye. She was a multifaceted woman, you could tell.
“Spy, a Russian spy to be exact.”
Natasha seems slightly surprised, “How’d you guess Russian?”
“Romanoff sounds suspiciously close to Romanov, common last name in old Russia.”
“You’re a smart lisichka aren’t you?”
A blush takes over your features, “Little fox is new, but you’re stalling, Natasha.”
She crosses her arms across her chest, “Well I was formerly spy, turned into assassin for hire. I was anonymously hired to kill Wanda.”
“Too charming to kill?”
Natasha sighs, “I tried, but she was just too good. We started this rivalry, playful banter, suggestive tones, I spent a lot of time trapped under her thighs. It got to the point where I didn’t want to kill her, I had terminated the contract, but I just kept coming around to see her. She told me that my skills were being wasted on petty assassinations, when I could be working for her. I said the only way I’d consider was if she went out with me. The rest is history.”
“Leave it to Wanda to seduce an assassin.”
Natasha laughs, “Hey, she only seduced me because I let her.”
“Whatever you say super spy. I’ve got to finish this work before we have to leave for dinner.”
“Flora might have your head if you show up late,” Natasha comments.
You press the small button on your desk, “Thanks for reminding me. Kate, do you think you could get me some hydrangeas for Mrs.Maximoff.”
“Of course, Y/nn, anything for you,” she responds cheerfully.
You roll your eyes, “Thanks Katie.”
With that you're back to working. Though Natasha pulls out her phone, you still feel her eyes on you at time. It sends shivers up your spine, yet you don't want her to stop looking.
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername
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tekumaniac311 · 20 days
Open Arms: Finale
2 Weeks later after the rescue mission.
Dogbite and his team were getting ready for the gala party, Dogbite had just returned to the team the previous day and had felt like he had simply come home.
"Hey, Drago?" Dogbite asked as he sort his necklace "How was things leading the team while was gone?" Drago chuckled to himself as he sorted his ponytail "It went okay, nothing apocalyptic. Nuff said, captain."
"Fair enough, good job anyway Drago." Dogbite assured him. "We're all ready?" He looked around to see all his team were present, except Prettybird. "She ALWAYS takes a while..." FixFox murmured as she knocked on the door to her quarters "Prettybird??"
"Almost!" Prettybird called out as she applied her makeup "Alright, coming!" She said as she came out "You always take the longest" FixFox remarked "Not my fault, I want to perfect for Kickin!" Prettybird said as she twirled. Dogbite chuckled "Come on, let's not be late." With that, the squad set course for the Space Rider HQ.
Later, after arriving, the place was packed with other Rider squad members dancing or talking to eachother. "Okay everybody, you go have fun. I'm gonna find my brother." Dogbite said, with that everybody split off to have fun or meet up with a friend while Dogbite looked all around the gala for his brother.
Soon enough, there he was having a conversation with a black cat wearing a qipao and masquerade mask, it was of course Z. "Ahem." Dogbite said clearing his throat. The cat and the older dog looked at him with Dogday smiling. "Bro! Glad you could make it."
Dogbite smiled and leaned against the wall with his older brother, looking at Z as well "Cool mask." Dogbite complimented. "Thanks, made it myself." Z replied. The three chatted on as the party continued "When the Prototype finally shows, we're gonna take it out the both of us." Dogbite told him with Dogday nodding with a smirk, overhearing Z just goes "Prototype, take him out? Hehehehe..." Z chuckled shaking his head "Know something we don't?" Dogbite asked, noticing. "No, no. Just a little thought....ah, right on time." Z said as he looked ahead. "Hey you two. Look behind you."
The two brothers looked behind them and their jaws dropped. Entering the gala were two middle aged dogs, one male and one female. Arm in arm, they looked around before spotting the brothers, smiling at them they began to approach.
"...Did you call them to be here???" Dogday asked his little brother "No, i thought you did!" Dogbite replied while Z chuckled at the bickering "Guilty as charged, I did."
"...WHAT??" The brothers yelled at the cat in unison. The brothers started to yap at Z for inviting the strangers without either of their knowledge, nor consent. "Boys." Said the male dog, slowly Dogday and Dogbite turned to face the middle aged couple with nervousness.
"Hey mom." Dogday said "Hey dad." Dogbite added.
The female dog, with a big smile just walked up to her two sons and hugged them "How have you both been my little chaos pups?" she then happily kissed both of their foreheads while her husband chuckled. "Dawn, honey. Their not pups anymore." only for Dawn to turn back "Well, Goldie darling they are still my little pups."
Z chuckled "Mr Goldenhound Solaris and Mrs Spaniel Dawn, your both lucky to have these two for sons."
"Shut up!" The brothers told Z, embarrassed. "Now, now boys. No need to get tense." Goldenhound spoke with a stern tone. "Your masked friend here told us the whole story. We're proud of you both."
Both brother smiled at their parents "Hey, how about a family picture?" Dawn suggested "Mr Z, you don't mind if you could take it?
Z laughed "Please, call me Z." with that, the family of 4 got together for the picture, Dogday placed his arm on Dogbite's shoulder while he looked ahead with a smooth expression. They were rivals no more, they were now partners against a common threat, above all: Real brothers.
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Art and AU belong to @onyxonline
Ocs by me
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Late ahh dnp 2024 predictions:
- Valentines Day Heartthrob episode (they love this game so much) with another twist of some kind is the first dapg video of 2024
❌ first video back on the gaming channel is “will you press the button?”
- WDAPTEO 2023 comes out on very last day of January
❌ technically I predicted wdapteo but it wasn’t put out on January 31st
- Playing the next chapter of poppy playtime during spooky week
❌ they played it in February
- Sims episode of Spooky Week following Daliens emo ass
- Bob and Eliza die of old age, Dil befriends the Grim Reaper when he comes to collect their souls
- Dan and Phil Crafts revival video is taken down no more than 24 hours after it’s posted
✅❌1/2 points. Dnpcrafts video did not get deleted, but it was posted
- Dan makes it his mission to do the worst spon breaks ever/sabotage Phil, whose actually trying (like NordVPN)
✅ counting this as a successful prediction after Dans NordVPN fanfiction moment
- Heart Eyes Howell mention
- Phil wears an Extremely Expensive Shirt and everyone freaks out when those blogs that find people’s clothes post the price
- More crazy conspiracies about a wedding/child/pet/honeymoon
✅ these Phagenda theories are getting out of hand guys…
- Phil goes to the ER at least once
✅Good Lord I didn’t think it would be that bad…
- Dab and Evan make a science baby because Phil wants to know how it works
- They both get Hotter
- They finally rid the Howlters of Drago, only for the game to crash and the progress to be lost. They view it as a sign that Drago cannot be removed from the household or terrible things will happen
- Alluding to a popular Phanfic that they Shouldn’t Know About
✅ok I know they’ve referenced some before now but the visceral reaction I had to Phil saying “lets not mention any sunburn or hamsters.” Made me qualify it here
- They continue to talk about cursed Lore and make fun of old conspiracy theories that get gradually more niche
✅ yeah that’s happening
- One of Daliens high school friends is abducted while they’re hanging out at the Howlter residence
- DITL of Dan and Phil at Pride
❌wishful thinking tbh
- Some kind of house tour that shows little to none of the actual house
❌dnpcrafts came close…
- Less frequent posting on the gaming channel
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violet-moonstone · 1 year
THW Rewrite
More headcannons because I have not been able to stop thinking about this franchise for the past 13 years, and I have over a decade's worth of opinions.
I've already posted some of these ideas but ehh it's fine.
While I enjoyed watching it for the first time, THW was disappointing to me for a variety of reasons. (The music was probably the best out the franchise though, I'll say that) Grimmel didn't reach his full villain potential since the writers used Ruffnut's lack of judgment as his key to success instead of him being a capable strategist. (Also they did my girl so dirty. She may be a dumbass, but she's not an idiot!) I don't like that the dragons left after just 6 years. I don't like that all the riders except for Hiccup and Astrid are just played for laughs instead of shining like they do in RTTE. I don't like whatever the hell Snotlout's obsession with Valka was, and I didn't like Toothless' "romance" with the Light Fury. I hate that even dragons can't escape half-developed romance and a nuclear family as the ultimate character accomplishment.
So here are my edits (looking back, there's quite a bit going on, so it may need to be split into 2 movies or a short TV series)
The time jump happens between movies 2 and 3. (I want a full movie with bearded Hiccup and "Homecoming" does NOT count) 10-15 years have passed, so the riders are about 30-35. Zephyr and Nuffink are either little kids or preteens and are getting to an age where they're starting to train dragons.
Astrid is more rough around the edges like she was in HTTYD 1 and Rob/Dob/RTTE, not just Hiccup's supportive gf/wife. Instead of making her softer, motherhood has made her fiercer because she has more people to protect. Hiccup on the other hand is a doting father and can't say no to the kids if they give him puppy dog eyes: heart melted every time.
Toothless finds his original flock(?)/herd?/murder?/unkindness?/parliament? of Night Furies instead of just one "soulmate". Each can have their own personalities and roles in the group while Toothless is the baby. I think it would be interesting if, like Hiccup, Toothless was quite small compared to his peers - potentially explaining why he was on his own and got separated from the group before meeting Hiccup.
Dagur and Heather are brought into a council meeting as Berserker allies. Hiccup greets them in a way that clarifies things for audience members who haven't watched the show. I suppose Mala would also be in it too. I don't dislike Mala but I hate her and Dagur's relationship. More development needed there.
Gustav should be there too, still very much trying to prove himself as a dragon rider and occasionally messing things up.
In terms of the main plot and villains, I'm not too picky, although I've said before that I'm tired of dragon mind-control being the main villain tool. I'm fine with it if Drago comes back as the villain, but if not, the villain should just be dragon hunters or rival dragon riders who use their dragons for conquering/raiding other settlements.
It can hit pretty much hit the same story beats as before but with better character dynamics.
Make Ruff and Tuff more instrumental to mischief and redirection in a way that helps the plot.
Give Fishlegs more credit for his discoveries and record-keeping about dragons.
Snotlout and Eret are together (or implied to be together if that's the best we can get). Snotlout is also no longer Hiccup's rival - he should be his second in command. They can disagree from time to time, but ultimately, his loyalty is not in question.
Fishlegs and Ruffnut have kids who cause chaos with Zephyr and Nuffink.
It would be cool to include a couple characters from other parts of the world with dragon mythology. I understand that Vikings are white but if we have goddamn flying dragons, there's no reason there can't be visitors from other cultures (who aren't villains).
Ending option 1: The movie can end with the dragons going away, but now they've been with the Berkians for over a decade and it just feels more impactful.
The "there were dragons when I was a boy" line can either be Hiccup talking to his grandson after an even longer time jump, or Nuffink talking to his own kids about Hiccup's adventures.
Ending 2: the Berkians go to The Hidden World with the dragons. Hiccup writes a memoir to leave behind. We hear him reading from it at the beginning and assume that means dragons are going to leave, but it's actually a diversion to make people think dragons are gone so no one tries to look for them.
Ending 3: We accept that HTYYD takes place in a different world so we don't have to explain why dragons don't live among us anymore. The movie ends with Hiccup vowing to make the archipelago safe for all dragons and Nuffink and Zephyr take up the mantle of discovering new dragons. The dragons stay and they all live happily ever after, the end :)
I'm tempted to actually write this as a fanfiction but I already got a lot of writing projects atm. We shall see.
edit: I'm writing it
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Happy Pride Month everyone!
To celebrate, I made some Pride month art of my and @appleeyeangeldust's OCs. Hope you like it! 🏳‍🌈
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Wait, are those... Violet's new OCs? Indeed they are! (Left to right): Gia, Jimmy, Caine, Brian and Geoffrey. All of them are angels, except for Caine, who's a fallen angel. Ooh, lore. >:)
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Another one of Violet's new OCs? Yes. The beige cat next to Felix is Gabriel, who's also an angel. For the record, Felix is the devil.
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NEW LESBIAN CHARACTERS??? WAHOOO!! The tuxedo cat is Jennie, and the Tonkinese cat beside her is Amy. Fun fact, Jennie is Jimmy's little sister, and Amy is Felix's little sister.
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Now, I've made a silly little Space Riders AU of the original Space Riders AU, belonging to @onyxonline. In my AU, the main differences are: 1. Catnap's design. I basically crossed over my OC, Drago ^ (the one up there) into The Space Riders AU of an AU. 2. I added a few new characters, and as it goes in an AU, the situations are different, not completely tho. I mentioned In Drago's ref sheet that he's 14 years old, but in my Space riders AU, he's the same age as Catnap is in the original AU, around 26, I think. So yeah, the artwork below is Catnap, (who is basically Drago crossed over into the Space Riders universe) two years ago.
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And that's all! Thanks so much to anyone who saw this. Love from Captain Fluffy. ✌
Spotflower, Bigsisterbunny, Gia, Jimmy, Brian, Caine, Geoffrey, Sequin, Bronzy, Alex, Oscar, Felix, Black Wolf, Roxy, Jake, Drake, Qualo, Diamond, Bryson, Gabriel, Jennie, Amy... oh and did I say Felix? Belong to @appleeyeangeldust.
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headfullof-ideas · 23 days
Presenting two more characters and their redesigns in my HTTYD/The Deep story! One is more involved in the story, but the other makes PLOT, and neither really ever interact or connect to one another plot wise to my immediate knowledge in the overall story.
Introducing Savage and Eret!
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Savage is not an Outcast and Alvins right hand man, but a true Berserker warrior, serving Oswald and his family for years. But when Oswald the Antagonistic becomes Oswald the Agreeable, Savage starts to grow restless. The Berserkers aren’t at war with the Berkians and surrounding tribes anymore, Oswald trying to maintain a semblance of peace in the dragon-war ridden Archipelago. Savage is a follower, not a natural born leader, but years of peace treaty after peace treaty, and babysitting Oswalds whelps has made him seek out other like-minded Berserkers, planning an uprising against the passive Chieftain. Oswald seemed to have caught on to what Savage was doing, escaping their attempted assassination, and now Savage is trying to commandeer the Berserker Tribe as a whole through sewing doubt amongst the tribe against Oswalds children, and trying to pit the siblings against one another in hopes they’ll simply get rid of the other for him. Savage isn’t good at thinking things through though, especially what the aftermath of his plans to stage a coup or civil war amongst the tribe to try and take leadership might be.
Eret son of Eret is a budding Dragon Trapper, partaking in his father’s business of trapping dragons and bringing them to Auction Markets run by the Grimborn brothers. Dragon Trapping was introduced to Erets family through his paternal Grandfather, with loans being taken from the wrong people, with no money to pay them back leading his Grandfather to Dragon Trapping. With similar habits being passed on to his son, Eret Sr, Eret has been taken on as crew for his fathers quest to pay off the debts his grandfather failed to pay, and his fathers own drunken mistakes. Eret isn’t sure how to feel about it all, his father pushing the looming mantle of Captain on to Eret as his eventual future, leaving whatever debts his father fails to pay before retirement for Eret to try and absolve, with old bedtime stories from his deceased mother and her side of the family speaking of dragons being more than wild animals. Eret’s been grappling with his internal struggles for a few years now, and a sudden interaction with some Archipelagon teenagers apparently riding dragons only rattles his inner beliefs even more.
I decided to go a bit of a different route with Savage in this story, making him a member of the Berserker tribe instead of the Outcasts. There are a lot of elements of his prior design still in this one, but he’s got a lead part in a lot of the early Berserker central arks and plots, especially in Heathers early story, and why she makes some of the decisions she does in Riders and Defenders of Berk, which has a sort of butterfly effect on the way she is in RTTE. He’s not a MAIN villain like the Grimborn brothers, Alvin, Heather, Drago, and a certain someone from the games, more of a small villain and a reoccurring nuisance. He gets his comeuppance however, as he’s not good at thinking things through, especially in the long run, and eventually gets revealed for all his nefarious schemes, and promptly exiled
Eret is a little different to the swashbuckling Dragon Trapper that’s in HTTYD 2, but he’s also nearly five years younger, a little older than Dagur and around the age that the riders were in RTTE. So, eighteen-nineteen-nearly twenty. He’s not Captain of the ship yet, and dealing with a lot of inner family struggles and trying to come to terms with what his future may hold. Generational and pawned off debt is how I play off (Headcanon wise) how he came to be under Drago’s employment in the films, and I’m playing with the setting of the early stages of how that happened here. With his grandfather and father both taking loans they couldn’t keep or pay back, and turning to Dragon Trapping to try and pay them off. Afterall, dragon parts and living dragons sell for a LOT of money. The Dragon Riders throw a bit of a wrench in things though, and Eret ends up being one of their first allies beyond Dagur and someone else in the Archipelago. He’s also a little shorter and not nearly as beefy as he is five years from then, not having the experience to build up that kind of muscle yet. I did this partly because of his age, and partly because Nico Marlets early concept art for him (whose HTTYD art I love and want tattooed to my brain) had him being a little more scrawny, and so I thought that was a nice callback
More characters to come…eventually, as it takes time to draw these, especially with the designing process I go through
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lexsssu · 2 years
You (Aemond Targaryen) [1/2]
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TAGS: Aemond Targaryen/Dragoness!Reader, yandere themes, obsession, possessiveness, pining
If someone spoke of softness, the last person anyone would think of is Prince Aemond Targaryen. Of the current king’s children and of all the living Targaryens, his dragonsblood ran the hottest.
One might even say as hot as dragon fire.
However, he is thankfully no second coming of the Rogue Prince, Daemon Targaryen. And yet, there is no denying that his ferocity with a sword is on par with his royal uncle.
How fitting is it that it is to Daemon he falls to? Dark Sister pierced through his remaining eye as he fell into the God’s Eye, still strapped to the enormous mass of Vhagar. 
Despite being a brutal death, it is a glorious end to the man that had the blood of dragonlords and conquerors coursing through his veins. Even through the excruciating pain, Aemond accepts his own death with grace and dignity as he surrenders himself to the Stranger.
“My very first Dragoon summon! Thank you for answering my call…Aemond? That’s a beautiful name. Well then, Aemond…Please take care of me!”
“Aemond is my first ever Dragoon. I don’t care even if it costs more to ascend him into a Draco Knight, Tabula-san!”
“I can’t believe it…Aemond looks even cooler in his new Draco Knight armor! And you don’t even have an eyepatch anymore. The sapphire makes you even more badass! Bukubukuchagama is gonna be so jealous when I show you off~!”
“Things have gotten a lot quieter since almost everyone had to leave…but at least I’ll always have Momo-chan, Nazarick, and you…right, Aemond?”
“YGGDRASIL will disappear and with it…everything my friends and I had worked so hard for…I’m so sorry for having to leave you and everyone else here. If there was any chance that I could stay…”
I can’t go back to a world without you
Don’t go somewhere I can’t follow
“—mond! Quickly, fetch the maesters! My son is awake!”
And so, Aemond the Kinslayer awoke with only a single Targaryen-purple eye as the empty socket on his right throbbed from beneath the layers of bandages. He is once again a mere boy of ten summers who’d just lost his eye in exchange for the world’s largest dragon.
His mother, Queen Alicent, is near hysterical as he lay there, an uncharacteristic calm for a child that had permanently just lost half of his vision. And even as the maester arrived to attend to him, there was only one thing on his mind:
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The young Prince Aemond seemed changed after the harrowing ordeal that had lost him an eye and gained him a dragon. He threw himself into his studies and swordsmanship as if in preparation for something bigger than a mere second prince.
Perhaps losing his eye had awakened the blood of kings and conquerors that laid dormant within his blood because it was he who sat upon the Iron Throne. 
Unlike his older sister, Crown Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, Aemond regularly involved himself in the affairs of the realm. Rather than leisurely enjoying his time from within the sturdy walls of the Red Keep, he seemed to have inherited the wisdom of the Wise King Jaeherys himself. Some say his brush with death at such a young age had also gotten him a blessing from the Crone.
During the last year of their father’s reign, his older brother, Prince Aegon II, willingly abdicated from the line of succession, becoming a staunch supporter of Aemond’s claim to the throne instead. 
A second Great Council was petitioned by the nobles of Westeros themselves as King Viserys I rapidly deteriorating health signaled the end of his reign and what could only be civil war…
“The Baratheon sisters are quite comely, my son. Perhaps they might strike your fancy? Lord Lannisters daughters are also very fair—”
“ENOUGH. Mother, I’ve no use for these harlots in my court, much less my chambers. None of them could ever hold a candle to her…”
Queen Alicent bit her lip as she watched her younger son stare up at the large painting he’d commissioned from the kingdom’s greatest painter. It is of a maiden with striking Valyrian features with eyes the deepest burnt gold she’d ever seen.
And yet, the fair maid that had her son so enamored was a mystery to her. Aemond offered no explanation other than the fact that in his heart and his bed, there would only ever be her.
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“Where is this place?”
“Beggin’ ‘yer pardon, me ladyship. But this be Dragonstone.”
“Dragonstone? I don’t think I know where that is either…”
“Ahh…Must’ve flown in from across the Narrow Sea recently then. Mighty odd that ‘yer not bein’ escorted by any knights. The King’ll whip ‘em himself once he finds out tha’ a member of his house is left unguarded…”
“The king?”
“King Aemond I. That gem-eye of his is a wee bit intimidatin’, but he actually gets shit done, so I ain’t complainin’.”
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kitsune024 · 11 months
ROTG x HTTYD Fanfic Recs
Series by Valledorthedragon FFN Dragon Jack Frost, Adventure & Mystery, Hiccup, Toothless, Jack Frost
Part 1. Dragon Boy I Chapters: 29/29 I Completed
A snowstorm spooking Toothless wakes Hiccup up in the middle of the night but what was it about it that scared his Night Fury? The next day the find a white dragon lying close to death on the ground. Four days after they rescued the dragon a boy around the age of seventeen shows up with white hair. Who is this boy- and how does he know the world of dragons like he was a part of it.
Part 2. Dragon Friend I Chapters: 30/30 I Completed
(Sequel to "Dragon Boy") 5 years have passed since the Sky Dragon first came to Berk and things seem just the same as always but then something happens which shakes both the world of dragon and Viking alike. They hear of a man who calls himself dragon master- Drago Bloodfist... and of mysterious dragon rider.
Part 3. Dragon Tales I Chapters 15/15 I Completed
 A few extra short stories and oneshots following the antics of Hiccup and Jack. Because life with a Sky Dragon as a dragon rider is sure to never be one thing: dull. Follow on to Dragon Boy/Friend. by Valledorthedrago
Part 4. Dragon Guardians I Chapters 29/29 I Completed
(Conclusion to the "Sky Dragon" Trilogy) The Recall is being sent out. Bonds are tested, and a Hunter circles. New doubts arise as old enemies return. Is it better to fight for what you believe in? Or must you someday let it go? Time grows short and Hiccup and Jack must each decide. But, its fine! Nothing could ever break up the Viking and his Sky Dragon... right?
Hijack with Fanart
The Ripple of a Snowflake by @emerialyncodevenice I Chapters: 20/? I Jack and Light Fury Are BFFs, Valka Adopts Jack, Slow Burn, Miscommunication, Jack and Hiccup start as enemies- Hiccup falls hard Son of a Witch by @twiafom I Chapters: 7/? I Arranged Marriage, Magic, Witches, Slow Burn Forever Is My Tomorrow by @mahoganyrust I Chapters: 5/68 I Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Angst, Humor, Mutual Pining, BAMF Jack- he's nerfed at the start bc of the oath, Dark Jack, Lord Winter Jack Frost, BAMF Hiccup, Dragonlord Hiccup, King of Dragons Toothless
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zundely · 1 month
The bad thing about playing Dragon Age 2 is how fast I run out of Dragon Age 2 to play and then when I think about it I am like "Maybe I should try playing Origins... or Inquisition"... and then none of those are more Drago Age 2.
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Chunky!Krogan Lore
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@duoatomica hehe
And @ziggityzigg , my other chunky!Krogan lover lol
Krogan is 27-30 at the current timeline of this au, depends entirely on the story, and in fact the roleplay this takes place in. It means that this au takes place 4-7 years after Race to the Edge, 3-6 years after How to Train Your Dragon 2 and about 2-5 years After THW.
For more Context of the state of the world:
in this AU The dragons never left. Because the third movie’s ending is STUPID AS FUCK and I will die on this rock.
Viggo Grimborn is alive and well.
Drago is fucking dead as hell lmao. (Krogan also does NOT know this.) Grimmel was the person they faced in the time frame of what would have been the second movie as the main villain and ended up falling to his death where he broke most of the bones in his body upon contact with the water.
Night Furies are also not extinct because Grimmel is stupid and definitely did not kill every single one of them because he is LITERALLY JUST A SINGLE GUY.
Anyways! The background:
Krogan managed to escape Drago Bludvist at the age of 23. He spent about a year and a half running around trying to figure out what, exactly to do with himself, considering the fact that he was, for the first time in his life, truly alone. During this time, doubt began to creep into his mind, about the fact that he was worthless by himself. That without someone to aid him or guide him, that he was incapable of being useful or worth anything.
Krogan decided to settle somewhere in a forest. There was a village nearby, however he tended to ignore the village in favor of teaching himself how to build things. It put his mind to work and distracted himself from his… entirely unwanted thoughts. Over the span of a few months (with a bit of struggle and intense anger at initially being unable to figure it out, Krogan was able to get the frame of a house up. It wasn’t much, and it was starting to get cold, but he continued to work on it, collecting mud and bricks and wood to his best ability to build the walls and the roof. When he was finally satisfied, he moved on to building and sculpting doors and everything else he needed.
Getting glass was quite surprisingly… not very hard, at least for Krogan. All he had to do was collect sand and throw it in the kiln he had been using to heat his home. and when he was done, he would simply shape it into panes with his bare hands. For whatever reason, he simply thought his skin was far more heat resistant to fire and high temperatures due to the amount of time he spent around forges and dragons. He has a few burns, mostly from Deadly Nadders, however most fire really did not phase his skin very much. In fact, this was incredibly useful for how he made his windows, and how he began to fire the mud bricks he used for his fireplace, as they are both hand sculpted. In several of the window panes there is a clear imprint of some of his fingerprints, permanently there and lovingly crafted into the very glass itself.
As time goes on and the structure is built, Krogan continues to try and distract himself from everything else that was raging in his head, as well as the… other habits he has began to pick up, because of the fact that simply burying himself into his crafts of painting and building and chopping wood for more projects and crushing up beetles and flowers and other items to make pigments for his paints just was not cutting it anymore. And it hadn’t been, not for a while. They did not stop his thoughts. His thoughts of horrible hatred and terrifying pain and fear. That he was useless. He had no direction. That he needed anything and everything to be perfect otherwise he had to start all over again in ripping everything he just worked on apart, nail by nail. It was probably what lead to his home becoming such a large part of him, a perfect getaway where he could just do whatever he wanted within it. Staining wood, making furniture and building a home for himself. Most every inside wall at some point has been painted over with some sort of mural and then repainted again and again according to Krogan’s whims and trying to “fix” things about himself and his so-called work.
About two and a half years in, Krogan gets into a fight with a man in the middle of the streets of the town and ends up getting a new, deep cut in his face that ends up scarring and damages his right eye enough for a cataract to form. Due to the fact that he does not inherently want to go back to killing people (even though he does end up killing the man), he faints and wakes up being cared for by the town’s healer, a nice woman who he quietly pays for her time and resources, and quickly escapes back home, despite her efforts to try get him to stay and heal because of his injuries and her fear of a concussion.
He ignored the fact that binge eating and alcoholism were beginning to affect him. It really wasn’t a big deal after all. He hid the changes to his body, hid them from the world, despite the fact that on all other accounts, he had become a complete hermit, spending his time toiling away in his garden, and only really coming out of the cove to collect booze or seeds for the garden that was beginning to grow far too sizeable for he himself to use all of the products… at least the ones that were not turned into paint, or the fibers of the plants into more canvases for his work. More books, more journals to stuff even more knowledge into them.
His drunken binges sometimes ended with over thirty pages of sometimes… blatant nonsense or just awkwardly scribbled notes wallowing in his own self pity and hatred. It wasn’t like he went through and re-read any of his own work half the time, anyways, unless it was specifically to study whatever bug or animal he had recently discovered or written about. Exploring the forest surrounding the cove, he came into contact with plants that he noted down, and even if they weren’t entirely important in their usage for medicinal purposes, he’d note down their location if he found them interesting enough to come back for seeds from them.
Around this time, he’d continued to make himself new clothing in between everything else. Hunting, fishing, skinning animals, killing the occasional raven for its feathers to sell to merchants in the town. He was still wary of the faces that would stare at him as he came into town, their voices seeming to multiply and expand into a hoarse sound of racket and laughter at his mere appearance. He had begun to stop ignoring his appearance. He’d changed, of course, he knew that, his hair was growing longer, more unkempt, and his mind was desperately screaming for more release. More time.
The dome was constructed about three years into all this. By this point, the mania is beginning to fade, if albeit slightly, however he still doesn’t understand the manner of his thoughts. His needs, his wants. He is still, for the most part, entirely reclusive, not preferring to appear in town unless he needs to sell something, due to the anxiety that rages on in his body towards his self image. Mirrors are for the most part, removed from his home. He doesn’t need reminders as to what he looks like constantly staring at him in the face. His ability to sew has gotten better, and he has started to make himself increasingly more complex outfits and clothing whenever he can, in between the bouts of being drunk, though the need to binge has been waning. Alcohol does everything the food does, if not more with the extra, happy buzz it gives him. It is not true happiness, of course, but it definitely does the trick to make people think he is okay.
And he is completely fine with that.
(Mainline lore coming up)
Viggo Grimborn arrives at Krogan’s home unexpected. He practically lets himself in, and during this time he has been searching for Krogan. He doesn’t know WHY he wants to see the man considering the fact that last they left off, it wasn’t exactly on the best of terms, and he is entirely 100% not at all shocked at finding out that Krogan is very much 100% not thrilled to see him in any way shape or form.
Of course Krogan has changed since the last he’s seen him, but Viggo finds everything about the changes endearing and alluring. It still looks like His Krogan, but slightly different. And he is fine with that. Of course he really does not understand the turmoil Krogan is going through, especially with the extreme depressive episode he’s in, so the… particularly disheveled state of Krogan’s home is unsettling, considering he knows Krogan to be an incredibly neat individual.
Krogan doesn’t take his jabs to heart of course, he has too many other things already on his metaphorical plate, and Viggo can’t help but wonder what some of the frustrated looking paintings scrawled across the walls on canvases that are scattered in their nature, mean. He is allowed to stay, for the time, Except he really doesn’t get to talk to Krogan about… anything. The man doesn’t talk to him, if only in the way of grunts and moderate insults, which, fair enough, Krogan must seem to think Viggo hates him, based on their last interaction, but it feels so hollow and empty to watch his… friend spiral the way he is.
And Viggo doesn’t mean to snoop. He doesn’t try to, but Krogan is… kind of a mess at this point. It isn’t his fault that he stumbled upon the piles of discarded, unfinished paintings that were depicting Viggo himself, and in quite a few of them, there is another man, of whom he can only know is Krogan. He would have had a more solid idea if the faces of the portraits hadn’t been burned out and smudged with charcoal. Even the seemingly newest one, they all depict Krogan as having the body he used to have, even though… according to Krogan’s notes that have been seemingly drunkenly scrawled across the backs of some of the later portraits, that is not what he looked like. The hatred that bled from the words of a man who had always seemed to hate himself, seemed to bleed and boil over into pure self loathing and disgust at “everything he had become.”
Though Viggo was most concerned about how on the last one it mentioned the fact that Krogan had started to harm himself again. He decides to try and shove these discoveries away, and the keyword is, most certainly the fact that he does, absolutely try to do so, though he had no clue how long Krogan had been looming behind him, watching him from the doorway, because it was really only once he heard the man approaching him, was the time that Viggo had to try stuffing the portraits away into a drawer where they had been haphazardly hidden away from prying eyes.
And it was then that Viggo noticed the bloodied bandages that clung to Krogan’s arms. The ones that were kept hidden under long sleeves for the most part. He knew. Viggo knew Krogan knew.
Viggo didn’t have any sort of problem with Krogan’s odd… obsession, over him, but the way Krogan just… stared at him with eyes that weren’t entirely there, like he was looking through him rather than at him.
He wants to help Krogan. Because the expression fills him with dread. He can understand, slightly, why Krogan has changed now.
But he didn’t want to spook him more.
And at the same time, it is no better if he leaves him to rot all alone, filled with hatred and anger towards himself. Viggo knows what that can feel like. It hurts. And he could never wish it on the man that… he finds he still loves very dearly.
His only uncertainty is if Krogan feels the same as him. And, if he will even let him inside his mind, to begin with.
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