#dragon wars campaign
worshippdsun · 10 months
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my inactivity is 50% my inability to do art consistently and 50% forgetting to post about it when I actually manage to make something aaaaaaaa so here look at my blorbos ig
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basketobread · 5 months
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I JUST REALIZED I NEVER SHARED PALADIN LUNARA LOL (yes i drew her in aylins armor... IT'S SO PRETTY I HAD TO!!! just pretend they're swapping outfits cuz they're besties ^_^ /j)
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grimvestige · 3 months
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Some war vets for me as a treat
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daisyvramien · 1 month
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Hi it's me again sharing our Star Wars Discord!! We're homebrewing stuff currently and working on characters and planets for future campaigns/one-shots, run-ins and more and IF you like Star Wars, Star Wars 5e and DND, we got some seats for you babe!!
Grab an invite here to get a seat!!!
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Hello there!! Here again to share our Star Wars Discord here again! We have campaigns plannings, campaigns, one-shots, run-ins etc proposed there and a bunch of homebrew stuff and character creation help and tips!! We have some dnd x Star Wars stuff planned, but I'm seriously considering opening rpgs channels as well, depending on the demands!
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t1r3dr3pt1l3z · 1 year
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its-mekjt · 3 months
i finished making my dnd character. the dm said it's like i handed him a 5 course meal on a silver platter. i see this as win.
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I fucked Darth Vader in a Dominos
Here's how it happened.
I got off work from where I work at a renaissance fair, and about half of my DnD party was also working today. We went to Dominos together to get pizza, and as we sat down to wait for it, this weird, boss-fight sounding music starts playing from the speakers. I still don't know why it started playing, but it did, and our DM jokingly told us to roll for initiative.
Little did she know that I had my dice bag with me, with exactly enough dice sets for everyone there. We rolled and suddenly we just. Started a mini oneshot, right in this fuckin Dominos. And because my DM is a nerd, and it's May 4th, we started fighting Darth Vader.
Everyone else in the party started fighting him, however my character is kind of the resident slut of the group, and I happened to be using my Slut Dice (my dice that only roll nat 20s when I'm flirting with people for some reason). So of course, I decide to seduce Darth Vader:
Me: "…I want to roll to seduce Darth Vader." DM, in the most pained voice: "Marko… I just--I'm going to need you to say that again one more time." Me: "I Want To Seduce Darth Vader. Please." DM, trying so hard not to just die on the spot: "…Okay."
So I roll to seduce him, and all the other players think it's hilarious, so they stop fighting him to let me try and seduce him. But then I start rolling bad, so one of the other players starts trying to help, seducing him as well. Then another player, then another, and then finally we're all fucking flirting with Darth Vader in a goddamn Dominos.
At one point he put one of us in a force choke and you can imagine that backfired on him completely as that character went "ooh kinky!" and mine said "aww babe you're supposed to do that to me"
And then Vader rolls a nat 1. He cannot resist all of us. We're just too attractive, he cannot handle it.
Darth Vader motions for us to follow him back to his quarters.
The next day we each find a little gift waiting for us: one of us got his boots, the other got his mask, another got his belt, and my character got the chain that holds up his cloak.
Apparently we are allowed to keep these gifts in our real campaign and use them should they possibly help us somehow. I don't know how Vader's cloak chain could POSSIBLY be helpful but I will find a way somehow. My DM is crying in laughter. We're all laughing so much it's hard to breathe. I don't know if those Domino's employees could hear us very well but if they could I imagine they have one hell of a story to tell later.
Anyway that's the story of how I and my party fucked Darth Vader right in a Dominos
May the Fourth be with you all
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eyranbelanore · 6 months
I have a question. A stupid question, perhaps. But a question. A question I've been asked by another for reasons I do not know...yet. I've read many, many Forgotten Realms books and spent a shameful amount of time on the wiki, but there's one thing. One tiny, tiny thing that is bothering me and I cannot find an answer...
It' Gromph's eyes.
What eye color does Gromph Baenre have?!
So SPOILERS ahead for several FR book series, but I do remember specifically that, in the Daughter of the Drow, his eyes were explicitly described, at least once, as amber. His daughter Liriel inherited hers from him, in fact, if I remember correctly. Yes? Then, in War if the Spider Queen, he was blinded and had his eyes chewed out by his rat familiar Kyorli and had to get replacement eyes from another drow male via a transplant of a sort. Still with me? Am I right so far?
So, when he appears again in the Drizzt books after the Silence of Lolth, is his eye colour mentioned to have changed? Are they still amber or are they red? Do they change in the light, being red in the dark and amber in the light, kind of how Malice's eyes are described as being red in the dark and green in the light? I think??? Not sure on that one...heard it somewhere, though. I think that's also why Drizzt's sisters held a candle up to his eyes when he was born to see if they changed from lavender to something else in the light. Maybe that's a normal thing that drow have? I know not all drow have red eyes, even outside of Drizzt, though it does seem his are unusual for not being red in the dark. Curious...darkvision/infravision behind this maybe? I don't know... Just brainstorming here.) Is it not even touched upon in later books? Has the amber eyes trait been mentioned in any other drow other than Gromph? Do any other Baenres have it? Quenthel? His brothers? Did he inherit it from his mother Yvonnel or perhaps his unknown/unnamed father? Is it ever mentioned if Jarlaxle has eyes similar to that of his elder brother? Does Yvonnel 2.0 have them?
I've tried flicking through the books, but have found nothing thus far. (Then again, I don't have all the Drizzt books. I have up to Hero. I have yet to read the last six.)
I know it's such a minor detail, and it's understandable if nobody cares. But I'd love to know if anyone actually knows an answer to anything I've just rambled about. It would be very appreciated! :)
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk. Have a wonderful evening/day/whatever time frame in which you're reading this! :)
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systemendeavors · 2 months
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One of my favorite moments from the game, when the ranger’s bird ended up playing better chess than the (technically) smartest character in the group, Belladonna (Tabaxi Wizard/Cleric). Solomon takes chess very seriously, no matter the opponent.
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cinnamonrollwar · 1 year
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chaosos59 · 11 months
My writing project for the last 9 months has been this deep dive into Karrnath. I knew that a nation as old and as large as Karrnath was being underserved by canon's focus on national identity, so I crafted eight distinct duchies to provide regional identities that refine the national martial character.
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grimvestige · 5 months
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Let's go, fighting from the heart / I'll tear the world apart / No, I can't stand to see you be with anyone but me
Shaking my GM (/pos) for using this as nightmare fodder for tiarnán in last night's session
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daisyvramien · 2 months
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Are you a fan of D&D? Obsessed with Star Wars? Well, guess what? You're not alone! Imagine a place where you can let your imagination run wild, where you can be the hero of your own epic saga, all set in the vast and incredible universe of Star Wars.
But wait, it gets even better! Our Discord server isn't just about rolling dice and battling Sith lords (though that's pretty cool too). It's about hanging out with awesome people who share your love for gaming, storytelling, and all things Star Wars!
So, what do you say? Ready to join a community where you can be yourself, geek out over your favorite fandom, and embark on adventures that'll leave you breathless? Come on, don't be shy! The Force is strong with this server, and we'd love to have you on board for our dungeons, mini games, campaigns and more!!! Let's make some magic happen together in a galaxy far, far away!
Also, we're still looking for mods until the 1st of May, so if you want to be a mod, feel free to reach out with a comment or dm!
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Attention all aspiring Jedi, daring smugglers, fierce warriors, cunning bounty hunters and everything in between! The galaxy awaits your legend! Are you ready to embark on an epic journey through the stars? Lead the Rebels towards victory? Make sure the Empire thrive? In "Dungeons & Death Stars", anything is possible!!
🌌What Awaits You:
Epic Battles: From intense lightsaber duels to massive space fights!
Intriguing Mysteries: Uncover secrets of ancient civilizations and lost technologies, discover brand new artifacts, items and people.
Custom Creations: Access exclusive homebrew content and create your unique mark on the galaxy. (5th Edition)
Interactive Storytelling: Shape the fate of the galaxy with your decisions and actions with the rest of our players!
🌠Why Join Us?
Immersive Experience: Dive into a richly detailed Star Wars universe with engaging storylines and our DMs.
Collaborative Play: Join a community of passionate players and work together to overcome challenges.
Exclusive Access: Get full access to all creations and homebrew channels (and our discord server google drive to get the homebrew content in pdf format).
🚀How to Join:
Sign Up: Click the link below to join the server.
Get Ready: Create your character and prepare for adventure.
Dive In: Engage in epic quests, customize your gear, and explore the galaxy! We're missing you!!
🌟Become a Legend: The galaxy needs you!! Let the adventure begin!
📡 Join Now:
May the Force be with you, always. 🌌✨
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poteatthegeek · 1 year
In my mind, I knew Ravening War started today.
I did.
That didn't stop me from throwing my phone when I got the notification from Dropout that it was streaming.
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