#dream would be so PLEASED also so captivated by how much it matters to him
superprofesh · 7 hours
The Five Times Colt Seavers Almost Kisses You (and the One Time He Does) — Part 4
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Pairing: Colt Seavers x reader
Description: The fourth time Colt Seavers almost kisses you — on the brink of a promise he knows he can't afford to make.
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.2k
Tag List: @strangedeerconnoisseur, @icantwaittoliveandlearn, @moonlightandstarshimmer, @chemococktailonthehouse, @1word, @itzjustj-1000
Author’s Note: I've been blown away by how kind you all have been about this fic, and I'm so glad you're enjoying reading it as much as I am writing it! We've got two parts to go, and they only get better from here :) Thank you for all the support, and let me know what you think of this chapter!!
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
It’s five o’clock in the morning, and Colt Seavers has already been standing in the misty parking lot for two hours when he finally sees your car pulling in the entrance.
The last twelve hours have been absolute torture for him. One minute, he was walking into the crowded club to drop off some equipment with the stunt coordinator; the next, he was sharing space at the bar with you, trapped under your spell despite all his vows that he wouldn’t keep pushing this flirty thing you’ve been sharing.
He’s been conflicted for months now, knowing that his feelings for you are only getting deeper but also knowing that a relationship with him is the last thing you need. No matter how hard he tries to be noble for you, he just can’t get free from the way you enrapture him so completely — the way he thinks of you every moment of the day, dreams of a future where you could feel about him the way he feels about you.
And he honestly thought you didn’t — that you couldn’t — until last night. When he completely wrecked everything, including your heart.
Colt squeezes his eyes shut again, remembering the way he pulled back from you just a few seconds before your lips would have met. In the moment, it seemed like the right thing to do: cut it off, laugh it off, let it go before he betrayed how absolutely captivated he is by everything you do.
He keeps telling himself that he did the right thing. That he’s no good for you, and you’re better off not getting confused by his overwhelming feelings for you. But he keeps seeing your face — the way all the light in your eyes vanished, the way your shoulders slumped and your expression wilted. He had no idea there were actual, genuine feelings on your part. And for him?
Colt has spent the last twelve hours deliberating how to handle this situation. He knows he has to make it right with you, but the question is how. His inner monologue has quite the speech ready for him. You can’t even THINK about confessing your feelings. You’re the one who has no future, no big dreams, maybe not even much longer to live! You have no right to force that kind of life on anyone. Especially if you really care.
After hours of tormented decision-making, Colt has come to the same conclusion he always does: he can’t let you know how he feels about you. He’s got to apologize, make sure you know he didn’t mean to hurt you, let you think he’s just been flirting for fun, maybe even rekindle your injured friendship. But he absolutely cannot let you know he’s in love with you.
And he is, isn’t he? He wouldn’t have waited with bated breath in the parking lot for two hours if he wasn’t madly, hopelessly, irremediably in love with you.
Colt has planned this conversation thousands of times since last night, but the only thing he can choke out when you climb out of your car and start toward the studio is, “Hey.”
You glance up at him in surprise, clearly less than pleased to find him hanging around the parking lot so early. His heart tightens at the sight of your pale face, the dark circles under your eyes betraying what was probably a sleepless night. “Hey,” you respond emotionlessly.
“Do you have a second?” Colt asks. His voice isn’t quite as strong as he hoped, but the sight of you is sending jolts of electricity through his veins.
You look to the side, pursing your lips and injecting a hint of coldness into your voice that he has never heard before. “Honestly, Colt, no offense,” you say plainly, “but I don’t really want to talk right now.”
Colt presses his lips together, knowing he’s the reason for this uncharacteristic coldness. “Believe me, I understand,” he blurts out, “but I’ve got to talk to you about last night.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” you shoot back, fixing your stare on him again. Behind the coldness in your eyes is a deep sorrow that twists his heart. “I misread the signals, I overthought it, it’s not a big deal. You don’t need to explain anything.”
“Yes, I do,” he insists. “I messed up big time. I haven’t had a moment’s peace since last night, and I have to get this off my chest, okay? You don’t have to say anything.” He knows he sounds desperate, but he’s past caring. “Please, just hear me out and let me explain.”
You hold his stare, unrelenting, unforgiving. He loves you for it. “Fine.”
Colt releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding, overwhelmed with relief that you’re even willing to listen to him. His biggest worry all night was that you wouldn’t speak to him, wouldn’t let him make things right.
He plunges right in, knowing it will be messy but not caring. “Listen, I’m really bad at this, but I’m going to give it my best go. These past few months that I’ve known you… it’s been really nice. You’re amazing to be around, and I always feel better after I’ve hung out with you. You’ve honestly been the best thing about this shoot.”
Your expression doesn’t change, but Colt can feel the iciness in your gaze softening ever so slightly. It gives him the courage to press on, even though he knows what he’s about to say is going to devastate himself.
“The thing is,” he continues, heart in his throat, “I’ve been so caught up in just… flirting and messing around, that I haven’t paid attention to how it might affect you. I haven’t been paying attention to the signals either.”
You furrow your brow at him. “What are you saying?”
Colt, you are the worst at this, man.
“I’m saying… I’m really sorry that I hurt your feelings last night. I’ve been replaying it over and over in my mind, and I can’t get past the way you looked at me when I pulled away and laughed everything off. Just, the look in your eyes and the way you looked like I had let you down — it’s been killing me.”
Your expression finally softens, and Colt hates himself for the words that are coming out of his mouth. “I thought this was just a fun flirtation between friends and that it would be better to keep any physical stuff out of it. I didn’t know there was anything on your side. Honestly. Not until I saw how much it hurt you for me to just… act like it meant nothing.”
There it is again — that hint of betrayal in your eyes. Now that Colt knows you care for him, his decision to “do the right thing” suddenly seems like the most gut-wrenching, agonizing thing he’s ever done.
It’s all I can do. I have nothing to offer, nothing to make a relationship worth the pain it would cause. I love you, and that’s why I won’t tell you.
Your brow is still lined with confusion, trying to parse out his real meaning among the confusion of words. “But you’re still saying… it didn’t mean anything to you.”
This is killing him. “Of course it meant something to me,” Colt blurts out before he can stop himself completely. He tries to amend it. “Man, I am so bad at this. What I’m trying to say is… I would never have even started a flirtation with you if I knew it would hurt you. Please believe me when I say I would never, ever, in a gazillion years want to do anything to hurt you or make you feel like I don’t care about your feelings. I should have been more sensitive and realized that I can’t just… lead you on without it mattering.”
Lead you on. As if I didn’t mean every word I’ve ever said to you. As if I wouldn’t die for you right now.
You nod, pursing your lips again with a clearer, more determined look in your eyes. “So, just so we’re clear,” you say slowly, “there’s nothing going on? All this flirting and hanging out and almost-kissing — it’s just been for kicks?”
“No, no, not just for kicks,” he backtracks immediately. Even when he’s trying to be noble, he can’t betray your trust that far. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“What did you mean, Colt?” He can hear the genuine confusion in your voice. “I don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me.”
Colt takes a deep breath, closing his eyes as he tries to focus on the right thing to say. “I’m just trying to tell you that I am so, so sorry for anything I’ve done to hurt you. I’ve been stupid and insensitive and awful, and I wish there was a way I could make it up to you. I just…” He opens his eyes, fixes them on yours so you know he’s telling the truth. “I couldn’t let this go without making it right with you. No matter what, you mean a lot to me, and the thought of losing your friendship honestly makes me miserable. Please just tell me I haven’t messed this up beyond repair.”
Please tell me I haven’t lost your trust completely. Please tell me I haven’t damaged the person I love most beyond repair.
You stare him down for what feels like an eternity, your discerning gaze burning holes into him. Finally, you sigh, seeming to come to a decision. “No, you haven’t,” you tell him at last. “I mean, I’m still trying to process everything and sort it all out, but… it means a lot that you wanted to have this conversation.” A note of humor slips into your voice, and the twinkle in your eyes makes a very welcome reappearance. “I mean, you waited for me in the parking lot like a stalker, so that says something. Not sure what.”
Colt laughs out loud at that, all the intense pressure of the night lessening with your words. “I thought about camping outside your hotel, but I thought it might be a little much.”
“Yeah, it would have been,” you agree, scuffing your shoes on the pavement.
Colt feels like the weight of the entire world has been lifted off his shoulders, but he knows he has to keep handling this the right way if he doesn’t want to risk hurting you again.
“So, are we okay?” he asks sincerely.
You nod, smoothing your hair back and closing your eyes while you think about your response. “Yeah. Yeah, we are. Just… getting some closure and some straight-shooting takes a lot of stress out of this.”
“Yeah, me, too,” Colt agrees. “I’m just sorry it took me so long to shoot it straight with you.”
If you can really call this shooting straight.
You shake your head, raising your eyes to meet his again. “No, I should have been more upfront, too,” you admit. “It would have saved me a lot of trouble.”
Colt’s first reaction is to argue, to insist that you haven’t done a single thing wrong, that this whole tangle has been caused by his inability to let go of the feelings he has for you, but he knows it’s best to let that go. Better to end on a positive note.
“Friends?” he asks tentatively.
“Friends.” You grin at him, obviously as relieved as he is to have mended your relationship.
Great, just friends again. Exactly what we wanted. Colt elects to ignore his inner monologue this time.
With the tension lifted at last, you heave a grand sigh and nudge his shoulder in the old familiar way, heading in the direction of the studio.
“So, where are you off to?” Colt asks you, falling in step beside you.
“Train station set,” you reply lightly. “Filming for that scene is supposed to start next week, so I’m scrambling trying to get everything finished. It’s the biggest set I’ve ever created from scratch, so it’s been a serious challenge.”
Colt grins down at you, nudging your shoulder with his the same way you just did. “I’m sure it’ll be amazing,” he assures you, meaning every word of it. “Your sets always are.”
You grin back up at him, your cheerfulness infectious. “What about you? Any big stunts today?”
“Nah, just rehearsing some choreography for a fight scene. Easier schedule for the rest of this week.”
“That’s good,” you respond. The art trailer, empty in these early morning hours, is coming into sight now. “Maybe you can stop throwing yourself off moving vehicles for awhile.”
Colt smirks. “Yeah, that’s the plan. Unless something crazy happens on my way to the gas station or something.”
“Oh, sure. You never know with a Citgo.”
The two of you share a laugh, and suddenly everything feels back to normal. Maybe it can never be completely normal again, but after the fears that kept Colt awake all night, this feels like he’s just stepped into paradise after being cast out.
“Hey, bad guys come in all shapes and sizes,” Colt informs you, feeling his sense of humor coming back full force. “Sometimes it’s a hard-boiled gangster chasing you on top of a transfer truck; sometimes it’s a plastic bag flying off the pavement and around your head.”
“Maybe that’s the real reason why recycling is so important,” you quip. A few more steps, and the two of you are standing at the door to the art trailer, the pink rays of sunrise beginning to touch the tops of your heads. “Well, here’s my stop. Thanks again for talking with me. It really means a lot.”
Colt nods, a genuine smile crossing his face. “I couldn’t let things be strained between us. Who would patch together the props I destroy in every take?” he teases you.
“Who would destroy the handmade props I painstakingly create every day?”
“Publicity stunts wouldn’t have been the same without you to critique my color coordinating choices.”
“I was really going to miss you sneaking me a packet of Mini Muffins every morning.”
“Consider the Mini Muffins sneaked.”
You grin at that, and Colt’s heart speeds up a few beats just at the sight. He’s glad to have this image — your captivating smile, framed by the pastel light of the sunrise, happiness sparkling in your eyes — to replace the one from last night.
You don’t say a word before turning to open the door to the art trailer, clearly needing some space, so Colt turns to walk away, but the door doesn’t close behind you. When he turns back to face you, you’re lingering in the doorway, an unreadable expression on your face. Colt hesitates, not sure what you expect from him, but he’s cut off by you closing the distance between the two of you and wrapping your arms around his neck.
What what what what what what WHAT WHAT WHAT—
Colt isn’t sure this is the best idea, but he certainly isn’t going to make the mistake of pushing you away again. Instead, he lets his arms fold around your waist, pulling you close against him. Every muscle in his body aches to hold you as tight as he can, and it takes all his self-control not to lift his head up a few inches, to whisper in your ear, You’re every sweet dream I’ve ever had. You’re everything I hoped love would turn out to be.
You don’t make a move to release him, and suddenly Colt realizes: this is your way of letting go of him. You’re taking one last moment to savor this closeness before you resign yourself to a simple friendship and an inevitable goodbye. With that realization, Colt grips you tighter, lets his face rest in the crook of your neck while he breathes you in.
The sun keeps rising, and still you hold onto each other as if this is the last time you’ll ever see each other.
Colt feels your arms loosen their hold around his neck slightly, and he takes that as a cue to release the death-grip he has around your waist. He didn’t realize he could feel your pounding heart against his chest until you’ve pulled back a few inches.
He’s surprised, though, when you don’t get go of him completely. You let your hands rest on his broad shoulders, your eyes searching his own for some answer that you can’t quite grasp. It’s as if you know he’s holding something back — as if you can tell how deeply he feels for you just by the way he stays absorbed in the warmth of your gaze.
A sad smile tugs at the corners of your lips, and you lift one hand to rest on the side of Colt’s face. His heart instantly starts rocketing again, and all he can imagine is that you’re finally going to go for the kiss that has almost happened three times now. He holds his breath, knowing that he can’t trust himself not to seize you and kiss you with all the passion he’s holding inside.
Your fingertips trace the side of his face slowly, intimately, traveling over his cheekbone, down his jaw, right under his lips. His skin feels like it’s burning from the inside, incinerating him with heat. He knows he’s still holding your waist too tight for someone who is “just a friend,” but holding you is the only thing keeping him sane right now.
Your gaze slips down for a fraction of a second, landing on the spot where your fingers are resting tenderly. Colt’s hands are shaking from the tension. All he can think of is how close your lips are to his, how effortless it would be to lean forward a few inches and live out the daydream he’s had a thousand times before. He doesn’t even blink, unwilling to miss a second of being this close to you again.
Finally, finally, you take mercy on him and lift your fingers from his face, your own expression betraying the level of affection you feel. Right now, all Colt wants to do is close his eyes and let you trail your fingers over his face for the rest of his life, but your touch is already gone, and he finally feels like he can breathe again.
You take an unhurried step back, your eyes never leaving his. Your hands slowly slide down from his shoulders, his letting go of your waist at the same time. The distance between you suddenly feels miles wide, and it’s quite obvious that both of you want to close it again.
But neither of you does.
“Okay,” you murmur, eyes drifting across his face. The early morning sunlight is dancing through the strands of your hair, alighting on the dust particles in the air to create a mystical glow around your face. “I should go.”
Colt barely even registers his own response, still so dazed from the past few moments. “Me, too.”
You take a step inside the art trailer door, eyes hazy. “See you later?”
“Of course.”
You give him one last soft smile and walk into the art trailer. But Colt stands in the light of the rising sun for a long time after you’ve gone.
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magnusbae · 1 year
au where hob wears a jewelry crafted to him by dream and dream is absolutely normal about it
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biaonww · 4 months
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"something about you" rin itoshi based • angst based on not-so-bf trope <3
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may contain errors, similar content is coincidental.
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watching rin itoshi’s match is always mesmerizing. he shines in destroying things that are close to him.
it’s complete monstrosity when he plays, which is the complete opposite of his brother sae’s gameplay. 
a completely calculated person, while rin is a monster. 
but still—
why does rin still shine so much?
why does he stand out the most in your eyes, as if he was a twinkling star in the sky you would wish on?
why is he so captivating, yet always out of your hand?
bothered by your thoughts, rin wins his match. of course, another easy win for him. 
… but its noisy. it hurts your ears. 
announcers announcing his win.. interviewers excitingly waiting for him to get out of the stadium and start asking him questions… the horn sounds and people shrieking….
but everything goes quiet when he manages to find you straight away. 
no matter how many people are in the stalls—
his eyes always seem to capture you.
those beautiful eyes that could even challenge a diamonds beauty.
but there he is again, confusing you. 
he’s looking at you pleadingly, right after he scored the last shot.
shouldn’t he be focused on the crowd, and the way they scream his name in joy?
did he maybe finally realize that he left you mesmerized every single time?
did he maybe finally realize that you were always admiring him from afar?
or will he push you away again when he gives you mixed signals?
you sigh thinking of it, so you stand up, going to the exit of the stadium.
but once you finally reach the corridor, you see rin. 
so you pause from walking, while he jogs towards you.
“you should celebrate your win, itoshi.” you remark. 
“don’t call me itoshi.” he says in a tone that sounds like he’s still trying to catch his breath, while gripping your arm tightly.
(but of course, not in a way that would hurt you. he wouldn’t want that.). 
“i think it is only proper of me to call you itoshi. considering you never let me see what’s under your disguise.”
“i said don’t call me itoshi.”
“fine then.”
“— you know what, rin? i actually think it’s better if you keep pushing me away.”
“i mean i don’t know if you’re just another unreachable dream, or a one-in-a-million person i can achieve.”
“but i also don’t know if you’ll destroy me. which i’m scared of.”
“after all, you said everything that grows close to you soon tears down.”
you look at the floor, eyes slowly but surely becoming watery. 
rin stays quiet, his gaze softening when you immediately look down. 
“… if you’re scared of me destroying you, then i’ll try and treat you like a delicate flower.”
“if you ever get scared, i’ll stay by your side to keep you safe.”
“if you hate the noise, then i’ll cover your ears for you.”
“if i don’t show my true self to you, then i’ll lower my guard for you.”
“just don’t leave like everyone does. not like nii-san.”
“but instead stay. i’m humbly asking you to stay right now.”
“i’m sorry that i give you mixed signals. but give me a chance to prove myself to you, please?”
“i’m not perfect. i’m not the best yet. love is foreign to me. we may have fights and disagreements when we’re together. but for you, i’ll try.”
you finally look up at him, the tears in your eyes spilling out already.
but he wipes them for you, and looks at you so fondly. 
“then why couldn’t you do all this in the first place, you idiot?” you mumble. 
“i’m sorry.”
“but what’s your answer? will you accept me, or not?”
he chuckles softly, slowly letting down his facade for you. and only you. 
“… you know it’s a yes, rin.”
— fin.
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now that im rereading this, it actually looks so SHITTY WTF... but i hope its good enough to be posted </3 reblogs, likes and comments are highly appreciated pls !! (btw, tags kinda foreshadow the fic so hehe)
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teyamskxawng · 1 year
In Heat [I]
Lo'ak Sully x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
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Keep reading: Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV
The rundown: You seek out Lo'ak, your best friend, in the midst of your first heat cycle. Like the good friend he is, Lo'ak eases you through it.
Warnings: 18+ content, smut, language, characters are aged up, minors do not interact!! please
WC: 5.5k
A/N: user @teyamsxawng's first fic is about lo'ak??? yeah...i have neteyam fics in the works but this was the first avatar fic i wrote so i'm pushing it out now :) i'm also really scared to post my work so please be kind lol. i have like six chapters of this fic written so far with no clear ending in sight, so expect to see more of this soon.
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Your first heat was about to begin, and you tried to mentally prepare yourself for what you heard would be an excruciating experience. You had a rough idea of what your first cycle would entail–discomfort, fatigue, and a touch of humiliation–but little did you know just how much it would affect you. Bracing yourself for the onslaught, you grappled with an intensity you had never anticipated.
As you lay on your sleeping mat in the solitude of your home, you curled into a tight ball, desperately trying to cope with the nearly-unbearable pain. The sensation was comparable to harboring a living, breathing creature within you, its heartbeat sending shockwaves of agony throughout your body.
You imagined it being a tiny drummer, vigorously banging its drums in tune with your torment. Hopelessly, you squeezed your legs together, desperate for even the slightest relief amidst the immense pressure emanating from your core. Never in your wildest dreams had you expected your heat to be this intense and all-consuming, turning your routine upside down and leaving you at the mercy of your body.
Amid your futile attempts at alleviating the mounting pressure with your own untrained fingers, you realized that you had no clue what the fuck you were doing. Your anxiety levels skyrocketed as you envisioned the possibility of exacerbating your situation, fearing that you'd end up hurting yourself even more if you tried anything on your own.
With every passing moment, your mind betrayed you–compulsively circling back to the one individual you were trying to distract yourself from: Lo'ak, your best friend.
Tackling that emotional behemoth would be a mental expedition akin to scaling the Hallelujah Mountains with your eyes closed, and you lacked the cognitive stamina for such an endeavor. Regardless, the stubborn recollection of the boy proved to be relentless, a mental scratch that demanded to be itched. Memories of his ability to make your world right again resurfaced, and you couldn't help but contemplate that maybe he was the secret recipe to your current dilemma.
You couldn't deny that you were on the verge of making a catastrophically bad decision, one that would go down in your personal history book as an all-time low. However, it was as if your body had mustered all of its strength to overpower your subconscious completely, that annoying little voice of reason, and take matters into its own hands.
Before you knew it, you were on your two feet, feeling slightly wobbly but determined, run-walking out of your tent like a woman on a mission, seeking out your best friend.
You didn't even have to engage in any sort of exuberating journey to figure out where he'd be. It was as if your very soul could smell him.
His clean, robust musk seamlessly mingled with the sweet spice of his cleansing balm, creating an alluring fusion that your senses simply couldn't resist. The aroma captivated you entirely, and you found yourself drawn to him like a moth to a flame, your feet carrying your body toward the source of sensory delight.
Venturing into the forest, you kept a discreet distance from Hometree and the rest of the clanspeople, desiring solitude, with the only exception being Lo'ak.
You stumbled upon him near a shallow creek, his posture keen and attentive as he scanned the water for signs of fish darting through its depths. His back was a mesmerizing sight, his dark blue stripes tracing the outline of his sinewy, lean muscles.
So alluring was the view that you clenched your fists tightly, restraining yourself from fulfilling the irresistible urge to reach out and touch him. It was as if every fiber of your being demanded that you do so, and it took every ounce of your willpower to resist.
Against your will, an entirely embarrassing sound that was half sigh and half whimper escaped your lips. The unexpected noise caused Lo'ak to jolt in surprise, his hand swiftly reaching for the dagger at his hip as he whirled around to confront the sudden intruder.
In a fleeting moment, the anxiety etched on Lo'ak's face dissolved, replaced by mild amusement as he realized it was none other than his best friend. However, it didn't take long for his concern to resurface as he took in your bewildering appearance.
It was clear you were utterly discombobulated, a far cry from your usual poised demeanor. Your cheeks were flushed a deep purple. Your usually sleek, well-groomed hair had gone rogue, appearing as though you had either been tossing and turning in a fitful slumber or wrestling with a goddamn palulukan.
Adding to your unkempt appearance, your chest was drenched in sweat, heaving rapidly up and down as though you had just sprinted to your location yet still found yourself gasping for air. But what really captured Lo'ak's undivided attention, and sent a shiver down his spine, were your eyes.
Gone were the golden irises he knew so well, replaced by a dark hazel hue that was almost brown. Even more disconcerting, your pupils were dilated to an unnerving degree, appearing as wide as your irises themselves.
Without hesitation, Lo'ak rushed to your side and extended his arm to grasp your forearm gently. "y/n, are you good? You look kinda…"
He couldn't even bring himself to finish the sentence. The only way he could describe you was looking completely disheveled. And the sound you made earlier was definitely not something he was going to dwell on.
You blinked at Lo'ak's hand on your arm. You heaved several deep breaths, attempting to compose yourself. Opening and closing your mouth, it was evident you were wrestling with the right words to convey your thoughts. Eventually, you shook your head in defeat and covered your face with your hands, groaning loudly.
Witnessing this only served to heighten Lo'ak's concern. He furrowed his brow as he studied your condition. "y/n?" he inquired nervously, imagining the worst-case scenario.
Still shielding your face with your hands, you managed to mumble something that might've resembled a sentence. Lo'ak couldn't help but let out a snicker that briefly reverberated through his body. Regaining his composure, he tilted his head in confusion, entirely unable to decipher your garbled words. He admitted honestly, "I have no idea what you're trying to say."
You sighed in defeat. The close proximity of Lo'ak, combined with the overwhelming frustration you felt between your legs, completely overshadowed any embarrassment you may have otherwise experienced.
"I said," you started, your dark eyes fixated on Lo'ak's with an intensity he couldn't ignore, "I just started my first heat cycle." Lo'ak's eyes went wide with shock at your confession.
Of all the things he'd imagined you saying, this possibility ranked the lowest on his mental list. He found himself at a loss for words and unsure what to think or do, especially as he involuntarily pictured you in a state of undeniable sexual frustration.
In response, all he could muster was a weak "oh," his voice faltering mid-syllable, making the situation all the more awkward.
You emitted what sounded like a pained groan, your emotions threatening to overflow into tears. In a vulnerable gesture, you allowed your forehead to rest against Lo'ak's shoulder. He couldn't help but tense up in response to your warm body pressed against him.
"Lo'ak," you whispered through clenched teeth, "it hurts so bad."
Lo'ak found himself struggling for air in the tense situation. With a shaky nod, he attempted to comprehend your words and determine the next course of action. As your best friend, it shouldn't have been a shock that you sought him out during your time of need, especially when that need was your first heat cycle.
Lo'ak hesitantly cleared his throat, trying to dislodge the uneasy feeling that had taken up residence there. "Uh. Are you gonna be okay?" he asked hesitantly.
Blinking repeatedly, your eyelashes tickled Lo'ak's shoulder, causing him to shudder. Your voice was filled with uncertainty as you admitted, "I don't know. I can't… I'm scared I'll make it worse or hurt myself or…I don't know. I just need—"
Your grip on Lo'ak's arms tightened, your words trailing off. The message was clear—you had no idea what to do, and you were scared, turning to Lo'ak for solace and support.
In that instant, Lo'ak found himself filled with a sudden surge of empathy and understanding. With newfound determination, he placed his hands on your back, extending his fingers across your skin as he gently rubbed up and down.
Upon feeling his reassuring touch, you exhaled sharply, adjusting your position to bury your face in the crook of his neck. For a while, you two simply remained like that, sharing gentle caresses and the soothing sound of your uneven breaths.
At last, you found your voice amidst the silence. "Lo'ak," you whispered, your tone holding a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability.
It was barely audible, a faint whisper in the wind, yet Lo'ak caught it without any trouble, and he could undeniably sense the subtle movement of your body, inching even closer to his.
At first, Lo'ak couldn't tell whether you had done that deliberately, but then you shifted your weight further down onto his leg, nestling his left thigh snugly between your own two legs, ever so gently grazing yourself on his taut muscle.
Lo'ak had to consciously remind himself to breathe, to inhale and exhale, because there was no way that you could possibly be getting yourself off on his leg. Shamelessly. Completely unapologetic.
The physical contact must not have been enough to provide you any relief, as evidenced by the fragmented cry of aggravation that reverberated against his neck. "It's not…."
Lo'ak fully understood your sentiment, nodding his head empathetically at your frustration. "No, yeah. Here, let's just—"
He pulled away from you, or rather, he gently moved you away from himself, extracting a barely audible whimper from you. He held you delicately by the shoulders, keeping you at arm's length, and his heart plummeted at the sight of the tears that meandered down from your glassy eyes.
You were hurting and in distress, and witnessing it tore Lo'ak apart. In a flurry of motion, he reached out to cradle your face, tenderly wiping away each persistent tear with the pads of his thumbs.
You squeezed your eyes shut, cheeks burning with a mixture of embarrassment and frustration as you tried to keep your composure. His gentle touch drove you to the brink of madness. You loathed feeling so exposed and powerless, particularly in Lo'ak's presence. You took solace in the fact that, at the very least, he wasn't poking fun at you or rubbing salt in your emotional wounds. No, he was actually being kind.
In a soft voice, Lo'ak said, "C'mere," as he retreated towards an enormous tree trunk. Gently placing a hand on your wrist, he coaxed you to follow him. And in your current state of emotional upheaval, you found yourself unable to resist his pull.
Lo'ak found a comfortable spot on the forest floor, casually sitting against a tree trunk with his legs stretched out before him.
"You can sit if you want…it might be easier," he offered, attempting to hide the fact that his own face was now flushed with what could only be described as a matching shade of purple to yours. The tension of the situation was not lost on either of you.
He didn't need to tell you twice. In a move that bordered on comedic desperation, you practically threw yourself onto Lo'ak's lap, settling on his left thigh with a soft sigh. The newly adjusted position felt infinitely better than before. The direct contact sent shivers down your spine, and the pressure on your core momentarily eased as you clamped your thighs around his leg.
You were desperately chasing that tantalizing feeling, and you could hardly bring yourself to feel a hint of shame as your body instinctively pursued it.
With an almost artful finesse, you adjusted your hips to attain the perfect level of pressure on your front. You were acutely aware of the dampness that began to form on Lo'ak's thigh due to your wetness, and even though a flicker of internal mortification plagued you, you simply couldn't find it in yourself to halt your actions.
With each move, you felt Lo'ak's leg flex beneath you, inadvertently applying exquisite pressure against the sensitive nub at your front.
The sensation was nothing short of divine. It was so overwhelming that you couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure—a sound foreign to your ears but not significant enough to make you care.
Lo'ak, on the flip side, was experiencing an entirely different world.
His senses were fully alert, allowing him to take in every sight, sound, and feeling that unfolded before him in real-time. The whole situation played out like the most incredible, wet, thrillingly vivid dream he had ever encountered.
Desperate to maintain his composure, Lo'ak clenched his hands tightly against his sides, so much so that his knuckles turned a few shades paler than their initial blue.
As he attempted to stay as collected as possible, he couldn't help but wish for some magic remedy to sort out his persistent erection. It pressed uncomfortably against his loincloth at an awkward angle as if it were mocking him.
You unexpectedly interrupted his chain of thought, your voice sounding broken and desperate.
"I'm sorry," you breathed out, your eyes clenched shut as your mouth fell open, unable to suppress another moan. "just feels so good."
Lo'ak observed you with the utmost attention, his heart clenching tightly within his chest. In a barely audible volume, he softly reassured you, "Don't apologize; it's okay. Do what you have to do."
He was confident that, despite his subdued tone, you could hear and understand him fully.
You inhaled deeply, your breath quavering as you attempted to calm yourself down. Your tongue swept across your parched lips, and you swallowed, trying to dislodge the lump in your throat. You found yourself unable to respond, yet continued experimenting with different rhythms and levels of pressure, determined to find the optimal approach to take yourself to the verge of ecstasy.
As your quest yielded fruitful results, you began better understanding your body.
With every sway of your hips, you experienced a surge of delight that coursed through your entire being. Each motion brushed your most sensitive areas against Lo'ak's narrow, muscular frame, sending chills up your spine.
You could feel your breaths growing shallower and more rapid, the warmth of your breath caressing Lo'ak's skin as your eyes remained tightly shut in indulgence. You allowed yourself to fully enjoy the moment, unabashedly taking advantage of his presence for the sake of your own pleasure.
As you continued, the tension within your abdomen stretched further and further, like a taut rubber band about to snap. Beads of sweat formed on your glistening skin, and your panting filled the air.
The overwhelming sense of pleasure threatened to pour forth, and your toes instinctively curled in response to the inevitable release building inside you. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you let out a delicate mewl while elevating the speed of your motions.
You uttered desperately, "I'm so close, Lo'…fuck. It's so much." Your voice, filled with raw emotion, dripped with anticipation.
As that blissful sensation intensified within your lower abdomen, teetering on the edge of release, Lo'ak took a deep swallow. His voice was low and throaty as he softly whispered to you, providing reassurance and encouragement, "You're okay, y/n. Just let yourself go."
His words were just what you needed, a string of curses falling from your lips as you felt your orgasm wash over and your walls clench around nothing. Your face softened with pleasure as you let out a shaky exhale, still sliding your now completely oversensitive clit across his thigh.
With a whispered sigh, Lo'ak reassured you, "Just like that, I've got you. It's okay." His hands tenderly left their perch at his sides, returning to the relative safety of your back. Gently, he stroked your soft skin, providing comfort as you descended from the peak of your intense high.
His soothing words and embrace gave you warmth from within, a sensation of security wrapping you up like a comforting blanket. You couldn't deny the feelings that Lo'ak's presence evoked in you.
At this point, one would presume you had suffered enough self-inflicted humiliation for a single day, but no.
As quickly as you bid farewell to your recent high, an insistent, throbbing ache woke anew within your deepest core. The previous experience proved a mere prequel, a teasing overture for the reverberating need you knew you just could not ignore. Your desires for touch and release cried out incessantly; Lo'ak was nestled beneath you all the while, painfully tempting—so close yet so frustratingly far.
With a gulp of determination and an unceremonious discard of any remaining semblance of pride, you peeled your eyes open, greeted by the half-lidded, entranced gaze of Lo'ak. His voice laced with curiosity; he inquired, "Is it better?"
You knitted your forehead together, desperately attempting to articulate the whirlwind of feelings that surged through you. It was a monumental challenge, one that left your mind racing with a relentless barrage of risqué thoughts involving what you desired Lo'ak to do to you.
Sighing, you muttered to yourself, "How is it still there?"
Lo'ak, on the other hand, was doing everything in his power to grasp the situation and figure out how he could alleviate your distress.
Puzzled, he inquired, "How is what still where…?"
In response, you actually hissed at Lo'ak, baring your fangs and all, unable to contain your frustration. He was so stupid. So warm and strong and pretty and stupid. You thought this as your eyes roamed over his strong, warm, and undeniably attractive figure.
"The urge, skxawng!" Your body involuntarily responded by undulating your hips against Lo'ak's leg. His eyes drifted downward for a moment to follow your movements before refocusing back on your face with concern.
You continued to explain, "The urge to be touched, I don't know why it's still there."
Suddenly, you glanced down at your own body, only then becoming aware of the rhythmic motion you had been unconsciously performing. In an effort to regain some semblance of control, you dug your fingernails into your thighs, willing your body to cease its movements.
Lo'ak grunted at the sight of you holding yourself back, the grip on your legs tight enough to cut off your circulation. Unable to stand it anymore, he pried your slender fingers from your thigh and gently took your hands in his own, much larger ones.
He tried to make eye contact with you but soon realized you were lost in your thoughts, staring intently at your lap. With a bit of patience, he finally managed to catch your dark irises when you fleetingly looked up at him.
"Okay," he began earnestly, "just tell me what I can do to make it better."
Though a bit hesitant, his voice was full of sincerity and determination.
Much to his surprise, your eyes widened even further. Shock, hope, and a dash of something else filled them all at once. He was really giving you complete freedom, entrusting himself to you to alleviate the pain of your heat.
With that, you decided to take the leap. "I want you to use your hands on me," you murmured, bringing yours and Lo'ak's intertwined hands toward your abdomen.
You watched Lo'ak's facial expressions with keen interest as you hesitantly guided his fingers to your most intimate spot. Despite the thin fabric separating his digits from your flesh, you couldn't suppress the breathy moan that escaped your lips.
"Right there," you continued, your voice trembling as you released your grasp on Lo'ak's hand. To your immense relief, his fingers didn't retreat. Instead, they maintained gentle pressure, sending pleasant tingles throughout your lower body.
Suddenly, it was as if Lo'ak had awakened from a daze. He looked up at you with curious desire evident in his eyes but still managed to convey his genuine concern.
"You're sure?" he inquired with the utmost caution, seeking all the verbal affirmation he could possibly get. No matter the circumstance, he would never let himself exploit you in such a vulnerable state.
You rolled your eyes in annoyance at Lo'ak's search for reassurance.
You couldn't help but think that Lo'ak asking for consent would be an irresistible turn-on under any other circumstance. However, given your state of urgent need, you craved immediate physical touch and control, no questions asked.
In a display of impatience, you threw your head back in exasperation, your own hand carelessly venturing beneath your loincloth to explore the fiery depths of your core.
"Please," you managed to utter, despite never being one to steep as low as begging. It was embarrassing, but that was genuinely the only word that managed to take shape in your mind amidst your overwhelming desires.
Lo'ak, finally sensing the critical nature of the situation, offered a hastened nod to the increasingly desperate girl before him. His heart pounded with exhilaration as his trembling fingers made short work of loosening your loincloth.
Captivated, his eyes were drawn to the now fully exposed treasure that lay between your legs.
Despite the circumstances, an undeniable blush spread across your cheeks, leaving you feeling more exposed than ever before.
With utmost care, Lo'ak gently guided your legs further apart. His fingers, like tendrils of affection, traced a delicate path around the contour of your knee and then traveled along the length of your inner thigh. Their journey didn't end until they arrived at your already glistening core. A single, adventurous fingertip glided gingerly along your lips before hesitantly prodding at your entrance. Your spine stiffened involuntarily, a sharp gasp emitting from your lips.
"Shit. Does it hurt?" Taken aback, Lo'ak's eyes widened as he witnessed your intense reaction—his reassuring self-assurance evaporated.
He immediately interpreted your pinched expression as a sign of hurt or discomfort. Alarmed, he became a living statue, daring not to move a muscle, his finger maintaining its intrusion of the slightest degree.
With an air of bewilderment, you stammered, "No, it's just so different," struggling to put your experience into words.
"Is that a bad thing?" His panicked gaze searched for your eyes.
Trying your best to control your emotions, you responded with a bit of a quiver in your voice, "No. No, it's really good. Keep going."
Lo'ak let out a shaky, relieved exhale, thankful that he wasn't causing you any discomfort. He proceeded with a short nod, allowing his finger to submerge into your eager embrace.
Your jaw went slack, eyes flickering in surprise, head tilting back as you reacted to the new, fuller sensation. The taut muscles in your abdomen quivered as you fought the urge to press yourself against him even further.
Lo'ak maintained a leisurely rhythm with his finger. A tender whimper escaped your lips as you adjusted to the near-overwhelming sensation, waves of undiscovered pleasure enveloping you, easing the fiery longing at your very core.
"Shh, you're okay, y/n," Lo'ak murmured softly, the hushed vibration of his words coursing through your entire body. A warmth flooded your face, and you quickly looked down, suddenly feeling feverish.
Seemingly unfazed, a second of Lo'ak's fingers joined the first, proceeding at their unhurried speed while your own hands struggled to find something to occupy, something to keep you grounded in reality.
You reached a hand out to grasp his shoulder–your grip probably bordering on painful–while your other hand covered your mouth in a hopeless bid to stifle the embarrassing sounds you kept unconsciously making.
"Oh, fuck." You mumbled, your hips twitching as his thumb grazed over your swollen clit.
An overwhelming wave of delight crashed over you, unlike anything you'd ever experienced. It built in the pit of your stomach, erupting into a continuous stream of moans that escaped from your lips while Lo'ak performed the entrancing move once again.
With one last deft stroke of Lo'ak's thumb, you reached the peak of your sensations. All you could do was mumble out an embarrassed string of apologies as you shattered around him, legs shaking, your entire body trembling from the sheer intensity of your second climax.
"No, you don't have to apologize. That's it, there you go." Lo'ak whispered above you, his hands securely gripping your hips. He watched you in a mixture of amazement and disbelief as you came undone on top of him.
In the aftermath of your unforeseen encounter, you and Lo'ak found yourselves sitting together in a tense, stunned silence.
Lo'ak's fingers remain deeply lodged inside your warmth, a vivid reminder of the unexpected turn your meeting had taken. While slowly regaining composure, Lo'ak's thoughts naturally drifted to his own throbbing predicament. He fervently attempted to push those intrusive musings aside, focusing all his mental strength (what little of it he had left) on anything else that might've provided a reprieve.
To distance his mind further from his own problem, Lo'ak mustered up the courage to break the otherwise heavy silence.
Clearing his throat awkwardly, he managed to ask, "How about now? Does, uh. Does it feel better?" His question, though well-intentioned, seemed to hang in the air, almost as if it were searching for a suitable landing spot.
Still catching your breath, you eventually acknowledged Lo'ak's efforts. With a meek nod and a quiet, "Yeah. Thank you," you did your part in attempting to lift the air of awkwardness that had befallen the two of you.
In response, Lo'ak merely mimicked your nod, his gaze drifting back to the delicate situation of his hand's continued connection with your lower half. A determined expression graced his face as he gently gripped your waist, carefully guiding his fingers free from your tight warmth.
The ridiculously obscene squelch of the movement caused you both to flush, despite everything you'd just done with each other.
As his fingers slid away, moistened with your slick, you were overtaken by a deep, almost primal desire to capture every last trace of yourself from his fingers. You felt absolutely unhinged.
Lo'ak, completely unaware of your internal struggle, stared at his own hand, held up between the two of you. His eyes widened in disbelief and amazement as he realized the impact his touch had on you.
Unsure of how to handle his newfound emotion, Lo'ak stealthily tried to wipe his hand on the lush grass beneath him, but your sudden vice-like grip stopped him.
Your eyes blazed with a mixture of desperation and wild abandon, yet you couldn't bring yourself to explain your overwhelming urge.
Instead, you gently guided Lo'ak's hand close to your face and took two of his soaked digits into your mouth. A soft moan escaped your lips as you savored the taste, feeling the fullness of his fingers as they filled your mouth.
You hastened your efforts in cleaning them, the graceful movement of your lips against his skin bringing you a sense of intense warmth and satisfaction as the previously overwhelming sensations within you began to subside. Finally, you released his hand, but not before planting a series of tender licks across his fingertips, ensuring that nothing remained.
As you finally met Lo'ak's eyes, you became painfully aware of the fact that you had just come on your best friend (twice).
Not only that, but you had to go and make matters even worse by practically worshiping his fingers with your mouth. The heat in your cheeks intensified as you gingerly placed Lo'ak's hand back in his lap.
With a desperate need to refocus your attention, you quickly averted your eyes from the boy to avoid being tempted by any further impulsive behavior. You busied your fingers with the painstaking task of reattaching your undone loincloth, double knotting the ties as if that would erase the memory of your exposed lower half from Lo'ak's mind.
Managing only to utter a brief "Sorry," you could sense the tension in the air. It was almost palpable.
Lo'ak, however, responded with a calming and reassuring deep voice, "You don't have to apologize."
You snorted inwardly at the thought that that was at least the third time he had said some variation of those very words to you in the last ten minutes alone.
You offered a subtle nod, unable to bring yourself to look at, speak to, or even touch your friend at that moment.
In a sudden, jerky movement, you disentangled yourself from his leg. You planted yourself on the forest floor, sitting against the same tree trunk that supported Lo'ak.
You couldn't help but glance back at his thigh, noticing the glistening evidence of your prior proximity. Your heart must have stopped beating for a good few seconds. You squeezed your eyes shut, mentally chanting a string of curses in a bid to cope with the irrepressible embarrassment that swept through your body.
The tense silence that ensued felt like an eternity, each moment stretching out painfully while the muted sounds of the Pandoran forest hummed in the background. Your mind raced, desperately trying to come up with an escape plan.
You really, really needed to leave. Like, yesterday. But you were still firmly rooted in your spot, too terrified to move even a muscle.
Then, without warning, the quiet was shattered by the violent rustling of leaves nearby. As if summoned by your wishful thinking, Neteyam appeared through the greenery. He wore an exasperated expression upon seeing you and his brother sitting together against the tree.
"Lo'ak! Dad sent you to fetch a single fish thirty minutes ago! What are you doing?!"
Neteyam's patience was wearing thin as he grabbed his brother by the arm, dragging him to his feet, his eyes probing for a reasonable explanation.
"Shit, bro. I'm sorry! I was fishing, I swear. But then I ran into y/n, and…" Lo'ak's voice trailed off, his eyes darting toward you as he recalled the events that transpired during your brief encounter. "…she just needed my help for a minute. It was really important."
Neteyam exhaled loudly in frustration, clearly annoyed at his brother's excuse. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, gathering his composure, and then fixed his glare upon Lo'ak, followed by you.
His eyes narrowed as he scrutinized you both, sporting matching blushes and attempting to maintain nonchalant expressions. Neteyam knew you two all too well; you were always getting into some kind of mischief together.
But today, he decided, he could spare you the grilling session. With an exaggerated shake of his head, he urged Lo'ak toward the direction of the creek, giving the back of his brother's head a not-so-gentle nudge as he passed by.
"A single fish," Neteyam mumbled, running a hand over his braids in disbelief as he glared at his brother.
You sensed that your chance for a getaway had finally arrived–it was now or never.
Your muscles tensed, eager to lengthen the gap between yourself and Lo'ak (or any other living being within your vicinity, for that matter). You sprung to your feet and hastily ran your fingers through your tousled hair, attempting to tame its disarray. You smoothed your top and made sure that your loincloth was properly adjusted.
"I should get going," you stammered, trying to swallow your nervousness. "I have some…um…chores I need to finish."
Both boys turned their attention toward you, with Neteyam giving you an amicable nod while donning a warm smile. Lo'ak, for his part, offered you a tender smile of his own, causing you to stifle the shy grin that threatened to conquer your entire countenance.
As you stood there, poised for your great escape, you were reminded of the delicacy and reassurance that radiated from Lo'ak just a few minutes prior.
Lo'ak, typically the embodiment of immaturity—a foolhardy best friend in the purest sense—managed to make your heart flutter with his tender warmth, nurturing you through your dire ordeal. He took care of you, offered praises and soothing words, and fuck. You wanted it again and again.
Abruptly, you snapped out of your daydream, realizing you were meandering down a dangerous tangent. You shook your head, as though physically trying to jolt your mind back into reality.
"Thanks, Lo'ak," you managed gratefully, making eye contact with him for just a bit longer than was probably necessary. "I mean it. For helping me."
Lo'ak, seemingly caught off-guard by your intense gaze, replied with a faint but earnest, "Course."
All the while, Neteyam couldn't help but furrow his brows at your peculiar exchange, very much aware of the odd dynamic between you two.
Sensing the need to move forward, Lo'ak immediately added, "Let me know if I can help you again."
Blushing at the implication, you nodded your head vigorously, fully aware that a similar scenario might very well arise in the future.
You offered a hasty wave to the two brothers before you spun around and embarked on your journey back to your home, navigating the wild landscape, distractedly ducking under low-hanging branches and batting away intrusive leaves.
There was no way you were making it through your first heat cycle alive.
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Keep reading: Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV
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cammys-imagines24 · 2 years
•Being in a Relationship with Dream•
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Although Morpheus has had many a past relationship you're the first one where he's felt like he couldn't exist without you. Like he really, truly needs you and he's never needed anyone before.
He may be an endless, anthropomorphic being but you make him feel like a simple man very much in love.
Now, it is no surprise that Dream's job has to take first priority most of the time. That's just how it is and has to be and you knew what you signed up for.
Though still he always tries to include you in everything he does. Learning from past relationship mistakes that even if he's preoccupied with work that by having you beside him he can still spend time with you.
So, if there's a runaway nightmare that needs taking care of, you'll travel to the Waking World with him. If there's a problem in the realm or someone else's dream, then you're coming along for the ride as well.
There is no part of his realm he won't show you. He rather delights in showing you every nook and crevice of the Dreaming and seeing your reactions.
Morpheus loves telling you everything about his world and his long existence. He is incredibly open with his infinite knowledge and abilities.
One of his favorite pastimes is visiting your dreams but he never disturbs them. Rather he just likes to quietly marvel at what your imagination has come up with. And, of course, he will personally destroy any nightmare that dares enter your head.
Dream's nicknames for you will be "love" or "darling" but he especially enjoys when he can introduce you to someone so that he can say "this is my partner" or "my wife." He likes when he can openly call you his.
The King of Dreams and Ruler of Nightmares is definitely one who let's his actions speak louder than his words.
He will face off against Lucifer and all of Hell for you should the need arise and he will not hesitate to battle even his siblings should one of them be foolish enough to mess with you.
He would dismantle the universe and lay waste to humanities unconscious just to keep you safe but saying "I love you" is a rarity reserved for only the most special of times.
You don't mind of course because every starry eyed gaze he gives you is a constant reminder of his everlasting love for you. His is the kind of love you can feel with every look and touch.
You're getting a raven whether you like it or not. Even when he's not near you he likes having a way to check up on you and make sure you're safe.
Matthew and Lucienne are your besties. Death is like a cool older sister to you as well.
Morpheus will not hesitate to offer you his coat if you're ever cold or if you fall asleep in the library or his throne room while he's still working he will cover you with it like a blanket.
He knows all too well the effect his voice has on you and though he'd never admit to teasing you with it, he does and does it all the time.
No matter how long you've been together nothing pleases him more than how his captivating, deep voice can still make your heart pound like a drum in your chest and bring you to your knees.
Despite Dream's more reserved nature he is an incredibly passionate lover. He is also gentle and kind. Your every wish he will fulfill. Your every dream will come true. He will give you pleasure far beyond what you could even fantasize about.
He uses his past relationship failures as cautionary tales to ensure that he doesn't repeat the same mistakes with you.
Morpheus tries, he really tries to always make you feel loved and above all else, valued. He makes sure that though he is Endless, without you he would feel like nothing.
Not a day goes by where you don't feel cherished.
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lucakaneshiroswife · 11 months
Warnings: suggestive content
Genre: NSFW
Word Count: 553 words 3,102 characters
Published: 5th July . 23
! Minors and Blank blogs DNI !
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"You are perfect to me..."
Despite being seen as ‘innocent’ or just ‘unaware’ of innuendos and certain types of remarks that he might parrot or say everyday, he does make them a lot, often leading to you being given hints without your knowledge until you come to him. That’s his way of showing that he wants something without being too straightforward about it, he is just smart.
Yet at the same time, Luca’s confident and charismatic personality shines through in the bedroom, his magnetic presence and captivating gaze make it impossible to resist any of his advances when he does decide to come to you and be straightforward. Be careful that only happens when the matter cannot wait.
His natural charm that is often noticed by everyone around him extends to the intimate moments he shares with you. He knows exactly how to make you feel desired and cherished, showering you with compliments and affectionate gestures that leave you weak in the knees.
Along with his mischievous grin and playful nature, Luca tends to enjoy exploring new experiences with you. Not only is he open-minded but he is also very adventurous, always eager to discover more about your interests within the bedroom and bring them to life in exhilarating ways that you can't even imagine in your wildest dreams.
As seen on several of his endurance streams, it’s fair to note that Luca is more patient than most people, while he does have his moments of getting pissed off at losing too often, he never gives up and keeps going, which also translates to when he takes his sweet time exploring every inch of your body, until he finds the spots that make you squirm and quiver with pleasure. So be prepared to lay in bed for hours on end without knowing when it will end, but you better trust that your mind would be too clouded by pleasure and just too distracted by the unforgettable sensory experience you will be having with him.
Communication is key for Luca. He values open and honest talk, constantly encouraging you to share more of your desires and boundaries. He would make sure to have ‘Secret meetups’ that aren't much of a secret really, simply to make you feel more comfortable about talking about what you wish to try and what you wish to stop.
He is such a sweetheart both in and outside the bedroom, would spend days between your legs without growing tired, he doesn’t even care about his own pleasure, surely sometimes he cannot take it anymore and has to take you the way he pleases but that's for another time to discuss as long as you feel worshiped and are gasping in pleasure, tears decorating the corners of your eyes serving as a testament of how good he is making you feel, he is more than satisfied.
Luca’s energy and stamina, oh god, both awe-inspiring. He is always ready to go the extra mile for both of your satisfaction. With him, pleasure becomes this marathon of intense connection as his one and only goal is to leave you breathless and craving for more, he wants your body to memorize how he makes you feel, he wants to cloud every one of your thoughts, that way he never leaves your mind, he thinks that is cute <3
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A/N: Luca brainrot Luca brainrot Luca brainrot, I cannot even begin to explain how much of my brain he takes up daily, I had to get these out of my system AND THIS IS NOT PROOFREAD FORGIVE MY MISTAKES.
ART CREDITS: @/LoiS_loisss -> twt
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5eraphim · 1 year
omg i have a request... like a scenario type with vampire mercs (norm or yandere i dont mind either) and a vampire hunter s/o? I am THINKING very normally about this hehe
Ahhh, love this! I'm so weak for all things vampiric and gothic, but in general I keep my requests 4 characters max. Sorry if this is so few, but I'd prefer to really go in depth with a few than to shallow-ly touch on all the mercs, (with very rare exception) but you're free to asks for others when requests open back up,. I hope you're ok with the characters I chose to feature here! :) (Also note, I refer to demo and Engie as living with demons who, for the sake of the story are meant to stand in for Medic's medical equipment/weapons and Engie's machines respectively.)
Characters: Demo 🐏, Engie 🦫, Heavy 🐻 and Medic 🕊️ (Team Fortress 2)
Rating: M (MINORS DNI)
Word Count: 2.6k
(Song Inspo- See the Light, Ghost)
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One of the elders of the vampires Medic's all too familiar with your type. He's been targeted by countless hunters over the years and managed to survive every encounter. He was never shy about killing and feeding and made many enemies with humans over the centuries. No one's managed to kill him yet though he had to admit you came closer than any he had remembered before. But Medic felt far more shaken than usual, discovering the demons you slaughtered to get to him.
He'd always been so fascinated by mortals and loved pursuing them at night, to watch the precious fear which tempted him onward before overpowering his victims with his enhanced strength. As a powerful, supernaturally charged vampire, he hardly considered mortals much of a threat, just a bit of a challenge keeping him from his next meal. When he was transformed into a vampire, he was blessed with a mystical charm, the ability to hypnotize humans who let their guard down around him and compel them to do as he pleased. Many vampires possessed the power of "suggestion," but Medic brought this to a new level. Typically he'd use this charm to instigate things to get mortals alone in a vulnerable, more suggestive state of mind before going in for the kill. Luring and stalking his victims just long enough to know what they feared and desired most, using that to his advantage.
Unlike so many misanthropic vampires, Medic was quite captivated by humans; he was turned into a vampire ages ago and, under the conditions of how he was turned, forgot all about what his life was before he became a vampire.
He regrets the lack of memories of his time among the living but tries his best to make up for it by learning all about humans in their lives now and is quite fickle in this regard. Finding a new obsession every time he dwells among the living to feed. His obsessions come and go as soon as he has his fill. It wasn't until he met you that he genuinely felt like he had met his match.
Not physically, of course; his sparring matches with you were more to stave off his boredom and for amusement than to actually try and kill you, but still, you had his attention all the same.
Sure, if he really wanted to best you, he could compel you to obey his sinister will and eliminate you in a matter of minutes, but where was the fun in that? You were prey unlike any he knew before, and he wanted to give you a violent and gruesome end worthy of the time the two of you shared together.
What Medic wants more than you under his total control is for you to come to him of your own volition. He wouldn't dare try to corrupt a mind so sharp and captivating as yours. While he dreams of being the one to deal your killing blow, he can't help but imagine how charming it would be for you to join his side. To become one with him, living in the night as his mate. Until then, this little ongoing battle would have to do.
Medic deluded himself into believing all your fighting and animosity was your unique way of trying to get his attention. Like you were only acting out because you were jealous of the others he spent his time with and fed upon.
You were so precious to him, and truly loved him deep down. You merely had an unconventional way of showing it. Medic would be the type to see you getting ganged up on by other monsters before jumping into action to save you, tearing the vile creatures to pieces, covering the two of you with the gore, only to stroke your hair and comfort you afterward. To ensure that you are all right and don't sustain any damage. He'd hold you tenderly in his arms as though cradling a baby bird while he whispered,
"The only one who gets to kill you is me. Is that understood?"
Heavy has been out on his own for so long now, living in his eternal purgatory in isolation. He doesn't remember much of the past. It hurts too much to try and remember what he once had. But he knew he gave his life to protect his family from a vampire ages ago. Though in a cruel twist of fate, he managed to survive the attack only to wake up cold, alone, and ravenously hungry.
Unlike some vampires, Heavy had to slaughter a living creature every night to sustain this unbearable hunger. It wasn't exactly that he felt guilty for killing more that this was all a part of the balance of nature. It wasn't his fault he was so large, so capable of killing. The fact of the matter was that Heavy needed an awful lot of blood to survive, and it was the job of smaller prey creatures to provide for him.
So long as he mostly kept to himself, Heavy wouldn't worry about anyone bothering him, and he wouldn't bother anyone else. Animal blood kept him alive well enough, even if he gave into temptation, slaughtering masses of human livestock in a bout of gluttony, so long as he didn't drink from the living, everything was fine.
The fact that you managed to hunt him down and tried to target him in the first place was quite curious. He couldn't understand why one so small would bother trying to pick a fight with him of all vampires.
Heavy forgot how long he'd gone without interacting with another intelligent lifeform, and you caught him completely by surprise the first time you ran into him. It hurt all over again, remembering how long he'd been alone. How long it'd been since he'd seen the last of the family he knew as a living mortal, he tried so hard to forget for centuries, but you wouldn't let him.
When he was a younger vampire, he was so cruel and bitter, taking his frustrations out on his food, tearing whatever poor creature was his dinner that night to shreds leaving trails of carnage behind, but now he was more efficient. Though it still required a great deal of blood to sustain a creature of his size, he wasn't so careless anymore. Encountering you was a break from the regular routine it had been sometimes since he met prey that managed to put up such a fight.
While he wasn't blessed with otherworldly charms or powers of hypnosis, his already powerful physical abilities were somehow the only things amplified by vampirism, and trying to take you in a fight felt cruel. But if this was a fight you wanted to pick, he supposed he had no choice but to satisfy you.
At first, he was mainly apathetic to your existence. You were stubborn and hard to kill, but you were still just a tiny human fighting a supernatural entity, and it was only a matter of time before that caught up with you. During a particularly heated battle, you finally slipped up, realizing too late you were out of silver arrows and defenseless when you felt his hands drawing around your neck. But when he finally got close for the first time in his life, Heavy decided to spare his prey. And just a moment away from dealing the killing blow, he hesitated, halting for long enough for you to escape.
Later that day, he lay restlessly wondering where this change of heart came from and couldn't stop himself from dreaming about what it would be like to take you under his wing. Thinking about sharing a more domestic, peaceful life with you. In his eyes, you were the last remaining tether he had to the human world, and killing you would sever that bond for who knows how long.
He dreamed of harnessing your fiery human spirit, training you to work at his side, and showing you how to hunt from the shadows, creeping silently and evading human attention.
From then on, he'd be anticipating your arrival. Wondering if it was wiser to jump right into the action and turn you into a vampire the first chance he could or to wait for the hunter to come to him. The time spent awaiting your return was agony, painfully aware of his loneliness while you were no doubt back home, licking your wounds, hopefully regaining your strength enough to rechallenge him. He desperately missed the feeling of your warm skin against his cold body, your precious blood pumping away, practically begging for him to take a bite.
He was a vampire with a fearsome reputation known for his explosive anger and the bloodshed he brought with him. However, the supernatural powers he was blessed with were almost more akin to a werewolf's than a vampire's. Demo was blessed with the gift of rage, the ability to manifest every ounce of his anger and lay ways to whatever poor soul was stupid enough to invoke it.
But it wasn't just rage which captivated Demo, but hedonism in all forms. Unlike many vampires, Demo liked to keep around a few humans to amuse himself with. Not precisely to a consensual agreement, but a mutually beneficial one. He would keep his captives fed and safe, and they would provide him sustenance in return, and it wasn't long until the hostage began to grow comfortable and compliant. Demo found blood tasted much better when laced with pleasure, far better than fear, and he loved to wait until the last moment, when his captives were comfortable, before draining them of their delicious blood.
Even when Demo feeds from his harem before going in for the kill, the man is well-practiced and knows how to make the feeding sessions as pleasurable for the victim as it is for him.
All this was quite familiar for Demo, humans were easy prey at the end of the day, and even the holiest and most righteous would eventually succumb to the flesh's temptations. The process was familiar, but the pleasure was sweet all the same. When he did have to fight back, it only made the inevitable meal all the more precious. He loved when people played hard to get, and there wasn't a human alive who managed to escape him and his temptations.
You were so adorably feisty and stubborn the first time he crossed you. A cute little mortal who wanted to play Van Helsing, using your little toys of pure silver, holy water, and scriptures to keep him back.
Though Demo was amused, he was impressed at how well you managed to keep him away. After all, holy relics and verses only worked against the supernatural if you really believed and put all your faith into your words calling upon your deity to protect you. You were a fighter, that's for sure, and the way you were so confident God would protect you from demons like him. It was almost enough for him to spare you, but how could he deny himself a feast such as yourself?
Not only were you pious, but you could also physically fight him back, a rare combination greater than any he'd encountered. Most who tried to protect themselves with holy relics would begin to doubt when he really let out his rage, but somehow, you didn't falter. Not even for a moment. It would be an honor to be the vampire who finally managed to conquer your pure heart and turn you into one of his own. The only issue is how hard it would be to catch you.
While your faith appeared, unshakable Demo would still plant seeds of doubt in your mind whenever he could. Promising you pleasures beyond your wildest dreams, endless time to spend pursuing knowledge of whatever you wanted, powerful supernatural abilities you could conjure at will, and trying to use a bit of materialism to sweeten the deal. Promises, more specifically, to convince you to align with him. Demo telling you about how he would spoil you with riches, the most beautiful clothes, the finest of jewels, anything your heart desired would be yours. All you had to do was submit. It was meant to be, so why resist?
Out of all the vampires, he was the least happy to be sought out by a hunter.
He didn't want to end up like this. He didn't want to kill to survive, and being hunted down by you was just another cruel reminder of how far he'd strayed from humanity and how no matter how hard he wanted it, there was no place left for him among the living.
Furthermore, unlike Medic, who was apathetic to the slaughter of his demons, he felt personally offended as he was much more compassionate and personal with the demons who lived with him. Engie hated you before he met you, wanting to kill whoever was responsible for damaging his property slowly and painfully.
But you were far from easy prey. And no matter how hard Engie tries to take you down, you somehow always manage to remain just a touch out of reach. The game of cat and mouse is far less endearing to Engie than it was to any of the other vampires.
Eventually, he became increasingly obsessed with the hunt, spending his waking hours preparing for your next ambush, dreaming about the night he would capture and slaughter you. Avenging all his creations you destroyed before now.
As much as he didn't want to admit it, his obsession with you grew as fervently as the hunt itself, culminating with the day Engie decided to try to stalk you during the daylight. Engie was a younger vampire, native to a sunny climate. He never found sunlight to be as unbearable as it was to other vampires, so long as he didn't linger in direct light. Direct sunlight was unpleasant, but it wouldn't burn him to ashes as it would to elder vampires. The real reason he stayed on his own more was to stay away from crowds and give into a feeding frenzy.
He wasn't prepared to be so taken aback by your human vitality. The freshness of life pumping through you, giving you a rare kind of beauty he never saw from any sort of prey before now. You were nothing less than radiant in the light of the sun, a deity incarnate. Your skin flushed with life, your voice pleasant and calm, and your smile all appeared ethereal as though he had seen you for the first time. Engie never thought he'd see you as anything but a mortal enemy, yet at this moment, he was undone. All his resentment and hostility felt so trivial now. He didn't want your hatred. He wanted your adoration. He needed to have you all to himself, but not to kill.
If he couldn't kill you, he thought it was only just to turn you into a vampire.
Only then would his loneliness and resentment for being a vampire be satisfied, and you would be forced to rely on him to survive the strange new existence. All newborn vampires were fragile, and it wouldn't be hard for him to keep you from running away.
Not to mention the bond shared between vampires and their scion would help do away with all the hatred you held for Engie in life. No matter how hard you thought you hated him, once Engie sank his fangs into you and infected you with his venom, it was only a matter of time until your will crumbled as you gave in to the surreal newfound devotion you developed for your vampire mate. All resistance was futile, your rational mind silenced as your primal vampiric urges began to take over.
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cryptictongues · 8 months
Beyond Our Vessels
pairing: Barnabas Tharmr x Sleipnir Harbard x Fem!Reader rating: Explicit (MINORS DNI; 18+) word count: 4.4k summary: Barnabas lets you and Sleipnir enjoy each other and realizes something along the way.
warnings: porn without plot (this is pretty self-indulgent LOL), polyamory, threesome, vaginal sex, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, minor pain play, making out, body worship, voyeurism
Author's Note: Spoilers about Barnabas's background and connections, and some mentions of things revealed from FFXVI Ultimania. Going to put an Ultimania spoiler note at the end for those interested. Nothing crazy, but of course read with caution!
Also, I wrote this in Barnabas's POV so please forgive me if some parts sound strange. It is something new I'm trying out.
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Barnabas Tharmr is a patient man. Through his stoicism and endurance, he has learned that patience is everything and in time the things he commands will fall into place. While others are one step ahead, he is three steps further; calculating every possible move that would fall into his lap and how he would bend it to his liking. He is patient because he knows he is always in control, which brings him to the displays of affection happening right before him. 
Here he is sitting in his chair in the corner of his chambers, watching you and Sleipnir kiss hungrily: with Sleipnir on top of you palming at your breasts, while you keep your hands in his silver hair and rub your thighs together to relieve the want stirring between them. To see the both of you so needy for one another, the two people he trusts and loves with his whole being, is the most beautiful thing he has ever witnessed. 
Barnabas Tharmr can’t deny that he is a possessive man, especially when it comes to you. So much as a look from another man in your direction is a reason for punishment of the highest order, as no one is to look at you with such lust and need. You are his, and his alone… until now.
Barnabas had found you during his time in Kanver after their fight for independence was over. You were a barmaid, serving ale to the Kanver army and citizens in celebration. He was captivated by many things: the way you made barmaid garb look elegant and how you had the voice of an angel when you sang songs local to the area, just to name a couple. However, the one thing that absolutely drove him mad was the innocence you exuded; an innocence he so desperately wanted to break… and he did just that. He brought you to his kingdom, made you his queen, spoiled you with all the luxuries he could grant you, and had you submit to him at your own will, which you willingly gave away with his own when you both became Akashic to better serve his Master. Since then, you and Sleipnir have been the only two members in his council that mattered; everyone else disposable.
You and Sleipnir’s devotion to him is undeniable, serving him in all ways that he commands willingly. However, over time, he had noticed subtle shifts between the two of you. Sleipnir was often ordered to keep watch over you when he was away, and every time he would come back he would sense the atmosphere was different. He had always conjured it up as you both grew closer due to such close proximity, which pleased him regardless.
It wasn’t until one night where he had woken up to your dream induced whimpers and curses that he knew the connection between you and his lord commander was much deeper than anticipated. He remembers hearing Sleipnir’s name as more pretty sounds would fill the room. He remembers thinking he should be enraged that you were dreaming of another, yet all he felt was the immense thrill that ran straight to his cock at the thought of watching Sleipnir take you. 
To say you were surprised when he approached you on the matter is an understatement, for you had broken down and fallen to your knees, confessing that the love you have for him extends to his second-in-command. You cried that you had tried to push the wavering feelings down, as he was everything you needed and wanted and more, but the harder you would push, the faster it would spring back up. He felt he should be angry at what would be considered emotional infidelity, but instead he had knelt down and cradled you in his arms, whispering in your ear how he wasn’t upset and how much he loves you. In his mind, he kept thinking maybe the soft spot in his heart for Sleipnir makes this so easy to forgive, even when there was nothing to be forgiven. 
Little did he know, it was much more than that.
A gasp brings Barnabas back to the moment, and he sees Sleipnir inserting one of his long fingers into your pretty cunt, leaving your mouth agape as you watch him play with you. He is leaning over you as he draws his finger in and out of you, cupping your face as he seemingly whispers words between shared kisses. Barnabas takes notice of one of your hands traveling down to Sleipnir’s cock, running your fingertips along the sensitive flesh. He is mesmerized at the chemistry the two of you have, both loving each other in rhythm. 
Sleipnir leans down towards your ear, muttering something Barnabas can’t decipher. Your head turns towards him as a second finger slips in, and his fists clench in self-control as your face contorts with a moan. He can feel his cock straining in his trousers but refuses to palm himself. He just tilts his head, admiring the sounds and faces you make as Sleipnir continues to get you ready for his own cock. Barnabas can tell you are overwhelmed with both the pleasure you are receiving while having to look at him, and he wants to see you fall apart.
“Sleipnir, why don’t you prepare our sweet angel with your tongue?” Barnabas suggests, causing your eyes to go big. 
Sleipnir looks at Barnabas from your neck, and grins. “As you wish, my liege.”
He sits back further in his seat as he observes Sleipnir make his way down your body, placing open mouthed kisses on your skin. Your head turns back to him only for him to seize your chin to keep it facing Barnabas. “Keep your eyes on your majesty. Let him watch as I please you.” 
Barnabas keeps his eyes on you, and knows instantly when Sleipnir’s tongue makes contact with your delicate flower: eyelids heavy, chest rising and falling more rapidly, and lips parted as sweet little moans enter his ears. Your hands reach down to Sleipnir’s hair, pulling the strands causing him to hum into your cunt and trail his free hand from your chin to your thigh, squeezing the flesh. 
“Oh stars please, Sleipnir!” You moaned, pushing his face more into your heat. Sleipnir picks up his pace, ravaging you in a way that has you squirming. This only makes Barnabas groan at the push and pull game the two of you are playing, and he decides to take a closer look. He stands from his seat, walking over to you two with the primal urge to be close. He kneels beside you, cupping your face in his hands before gently kissing you, a big contrast to the animalistic actions Sleipnir is performing between your thighs. A gasp from you breaks the kiss slightly, making Barnabas look to the cause. He sees how Sleipnir is devouring you, mouth sucking on your clit and fingers working you open, a third one being added to the mix sometime during his escapades. Watching him pleasure you in this manner feels so different and new, and it feels so right. 
Barnabas turns back to you, seeing how your eyes have not left him. He smiles wickedly, loving the way you are being so obedient to the two of them. “How are you faring, my dear? Is he making you feel good?”
You nod, a small curse leaving your lips at what he knows is from Sleipnir’s doing. “Hmmm feels so exquisite with his tongue, doesn’t he? Especially if he is making absolute sin drip from your own.” 
“Yes, my king! He feels so good!” You praise, causing a loud groan to hit your clit from Sleipnir which only makes you grow louder. 
Barnabas looks over at Sleipnir and to see the sight of his lord commander up close consuming your cunt with his fingers buried deep inside you is a sight to behold. While he cannot see the vigor of Sleipnir’s fingers, he can see him going back and forth from his pinkish gray lips sucking your pretty pearl to his tongue caressing it to make you last evermore. It’s hard to tear his eyes away from the glorious sight, but that sight will have to wait. After all, he wants to watch you surrender to the rapture you are about to fulfill.
He turns back to you, hands going to your cheeks, so your focus stays on him. He feels your hands wrap around his wrists, a grip of a thousand men clutching for dear life at your impending release. He can feel himself smile, teeth and all, for the desperation and need of release from you is apparent. And he is more than willing to give it to you. 
“Are you going to let go, my beloved? Are you going to give your lord commander the nectar he starves for?” A whine comes out of you, eyes shutting and head turning to the side. He is quick to turn your head back facing his, one hand leaving to grasp the back of your head by your hair. “Oh no, we can’t have that. You will keep your eyes on me when you finish.” 
Barnabas is barely holding on, the pout and tremble of your lips from the overwhelming stimulus happening makes him want to finish you off himself. But once again, he is a patient man. He will wait for Sleipnir to give you your first release of the night. A sudden gasp comes from you and a shake of your head starts as you start to fall over the edge. “Mmmm goodness Sleipnir please!” You wailed, the grip on Barnabas’s wrist growing tenfold with nails digging into his skin. He moans, the pain feeling so good, and he goes down to kiss you, swallowing your cries as Sleipnir draws you out of your orgasm. 
Barnabas feels movement on his right and releases your lips to see Sleipnir sitting up from your thighs, lips glistening with your arousal and hair a mess from your earlier pulling. He holds up the fingers that were once in your cunt and moves forward to bring them to your lips. “Open up.” Barnabas sits you up, and watches you lean over to lick your juices from Sleipnir’s fingers, purring at the taste as you clean them off. “That’s it, our sweet angel. Clean up your mess.” Sleipnir murmurs, a trance apparent at the way you work your tongue. 
Barnabas can’t keep his eyes off Sleipnir in this moment. Watching his chest rise and fall as he watches you, swollen, wet lips agape, small amounts of perspiration on his body. He looked like an absolute God, and Barnabas could feel something snap in his chest as realization dawned on him. He loves him. 
Barnabas loves Sleipnir. He created him to fill the loneliness and the void; to always have someone by his side for all time. When he doesn’t have the words, it is Sleipnir that knows what he is thinking. It is Sleipnir who knows what action needs to take place before Barnabas commands it. Before you, it was Sleipnir who protected Barnabas from his fears. His lord commander has always held a special place in Barnabas’s heart and the realization of those feelings have led to this moment: that the love he has for Sleipnir goes beyond companionship. 
Sleipnir’s focus is on Barnabas, curiosity in his eyes as he awaits his king’s next move. This sets Barnabas off, for he was going to admire the beautiful being before him so help him. He is quick to take his trousers off, now fully naked, and gets on the bed kneeling by your side. Barnabas takes no time at all to grab Sleipnir by the back of his neck, and bring him down for a deep kiss. He feels Sleipnir encircle his arms around his waist, pulling him in closer and urging him to keep going. Barnabas growls, biting Sleipnir’s bottom lip causing him to grunt, granting him full access to his taste; tongues greeting one another for the first time in 47 years. It feels so natural, and all he can think is that this is right. The three of you together as it should be. As it should have always been. 
He pulls away from Sleipnir’s lips, now looking more swollen and glossier than before, and he can’t help the genuine smile that forms. Sleipnir huffs out a laugh, his hand reaching up Barnabas’s cheek to soothe the handsome wrinkles under his eyes. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this. How long I’ve waited for you, my king.” Barnabas thinks that Sleipnir deep down must have known it would come to this and must have known his feelings for him early on. The corners of his mouth turn up, the fingers of his free hand trailing to meet the hand on his cheek to bring it to his lips. “Forgive me for my late realization.” He mutters through the kisses on Sleipnir’s fingers. “For my ignorance nearly led me astray from you, my star.”
It feels like they are both in that position forever before Barnabas senses a shift on the bed, and next thing he knows his cock is being touched. He looks in between him and Sleipnir to see you on your knees beside the two of them, one cock in each hand and slowly stroking them in sync. He can only chuckle, seeing you serve your King and Lord Commander during a sentimental moment. Such a naughty little thing. 
“It seems someone wants attention.” He hears Sleipnir snicker. All you do is smile innocently, and Barnabas leans down to press a sweet kiss against your lips. “You’ve been so patient, my dear.” He goes to leave a kiss on your temple. “You’ve cooled down quite a bit.” He goes to kiss under your ear. “Would you like us to warm you back up?” 
“Yes, my darling. I beg you. I beg the both of you.”
Barnabas acts fast, crawling to rest against the headboard before grabbing you swiftly. He gets a yelp and a fit of giggles from you before settling you in between his legs, your back against his chest with his cock snug against your lower back. He keeps his head on your shoulder as he watches Sleipnir approach you on his hands and knees, crawling to you like a lion about to go in on the hare. He sets his thighs under your knees and starts to rub your thighs up and down. “My Queen, is this truly what you want? You shall only receive what you wish.” 
Barnabas watches you nod determinedly. “I want you, Sleipnir Harbard. I want all of you.”
Barnabas observes Sleipnir slowly push inside your cunt, a soft gasp leaving your lips at the intrusion. He watches as you open up, the preparation serving well for his new lover’s cock. While Barnabas’s cock is well-sized, girthy and uncut, Sleipnir’s cock is undoubtedly longer with protruding veins, so he knows it’ll rub against areas that will have you feeling enlightened.
Barnabas wraps his arms around your waist as Sleipnir goes at a leisurely pace, his hands gripping the crease of your hips. Barnabas takes this time to drink you in, kissing your neck gently to start and letting his hands knead your tummy. You keen as he continues his trail, starting to nip at your skin as Sleipnir grows notably faster in his pace as your lower back starts to grind into Barnabas’s cock. He trails his hands up your tummy to your breasts, deciding to knead them roughly, causing you to whimper at the treatment. He senses Sleipnir pick up the pace again, rocking his cock in and out in a smooth rhythm. This only makes Barnabas up the antics, biting down on your neck hard enough to leave indents of his teeth all the while taking your pebbled nipples between his fingers and pulling on them. 
“MMMM Barnabas!” You choked out, and Barnabas chuckled against your neck, letting go of the skin of your neck to lick it soothingly. “My little masochist.” He tugs at your nipples harder, making you squirm in his hold. “It’s no wonder you chose an old sadist like me.” He continues playing with your sensitive nipples as he watches Sleipnir continue to take you, soft grunts leaving his lips every so often. 
“How does our sweet angel feel, my pet?” Barnabas asks, curious as to what is playing through his lord commander's head. 
“She feels absolutely delicious, my liege.” 
“Delicious?” Barnabas smirks. “If she feels as such, why aren’t you showing her?”
Sleipnir simper’s, leaning forward slightly. “I’m simply enjoying the view, my liege.” He leans down, placing a gentle kiss against Barnabas’s lips, juxtaposing the roughness of his cock entering your cunt, causing a cry to leave your lips. “I’ve been left speechless.”
“You may not be as loud now, but don’t worry.” Barnabas lets go of your nipples, wrapping one arm back around your torso while his free hand wraps around Sleipnir’s throat, a soft gasp leaving his lips. “Next time, it’ll be you who begs for release at the mercy of myself and our queen.” He growls. “Now, give her what she wants.”
Sleipnir groans deeply. “As you wish, your majesty.” 
Barnabas lets go of his neck and the first thing Sleipnir does is go down to you, kissing you deeply as his cock continues ravaging you. The particular thrust of Sleipnir’s hips affects both you and Barnabas; a shriek of pleasure at a certain spot Sleipnir hits inside you and a loud moan from the gravity of his thrust pushing you further into Barnabas’s cock. Barnabas can feel himself in need, needing to worship his lovers as they take on one another, for it exhilarates him knowing the both of you love each other in the same way he loves you both. 
He maneuvers his arms in a way that allows each of his hands to weave his fingers into yours and Sleipnir’s hair. He pushes both faces together, watching as you and Sleipnir swallow each other’s sounds. The sound of panting kisses and the wet smacking of Sleipnir’s hips is driving Barnabas insane, and so he pulls them apart so he can bring Sleipnir down to his own lips. They both groan hotly, heavy breathing intaking them as their tongues battle for the others' mercy. Barnabas feels you tilt your head back, feeling your eyes on him and Sleipnir as he claims the latter. He releases Sleipnir, their lips stringing saliva, and goes down to meet your lips to give the same treatment. You whimper against his lips as he claims them, and he feels your hand rest against his jaw, scratching against his facial hair lightly. He notices Sleipnir move his head in his grip, and he decides to push his head down to the crux of your neck. Barnabas captures your gasps, glancing down to see Sleipnir nipping love bites into your skin, small pink marks forming.
Barnabas pulls away, and stares at your blissed out expression. You have never looked more beautiful than you do now, and all he thinks is you deserve everything, especially for bringing all three of you together like this. He clutches his fingers in your hair a little harder, making sure your focus is on him. “Tell me how your lord commander is making you feel? I want to hear you say it.” He bids, but you only twist and turn, making Sleipnir push against your hips to hold you down against Barnabas. Your hands latch around Sleipnir’s back, your head falling on his shoulder. Next thing Barnabas witnesses is Sleipnir lifting his head, a shuddering smile on his face; the same one Barnabas equips when he is the one worshiping you. One of his hands leaves your hips and travels to your neck, wrapping his fingers around it and pushing lightly so your neck would stop turning away. “That wasn’t a request, my queen.” Sleipnir hums. “It’s an order from your king. Tell him, tell us, how I’m pleasuring you.”
“You feel incredible!” You sobbed. “You both do I- It’s too much.”
“But not enough.” Barnabas hums into your ear. “Next time, you’ll get to have both of us and our spends. At the same time.” You start to shake, and he can see how his words are reeling your excitement. “But for now, clench your walls on him. Let him really feel you.” 
He knows you are doing as you’re told because Sleipnir starts to grunt obscenities, his hand going back to your hip. Barnabas takes the opportunity to let go of both heads, throwing one arm back around your torso and letting his free hand run past the two bodies of his lovers, landing right on your clit as he starts to rub small, tight circles. A sob leaves your lips, a telltale sign that you were right there. 
“My king, I can’t hold on much longer. Please let me be relieved!” You cried, your hands coming to clutch on his arm holding you to him. 
He kisses behind the shell of your ear, nipping and licking slightly at the cartilage to tease you further before he gives in to your desire for release. “Let go for us, my dear.”
He watches as your climax takes over you, seemingly possessing you mind, body, and soul as your back arches against him. He sees Sleipnir is at his wits end, his hips pistoning back and forth brutally as he rides out your release. Barnabas smirks, as seeing Sleipnir Harbard, his lord commander, his newfound lover, utterly tranced by you makes him feel euphoric. 
“My dear, why don’t you help our star out, hm?”
You nod, and your hands let go of Barnabas’s arms to wrap back around Sleipnir again, pulling him in closer with the back of your heels. His breath hitches as he goes forward, his hands catching himself as they plant on the mattress on either side of Barnabas’s thighs. Barnabas moves his arms so you and Sleipnir’s chests touch, wanting the two of you as close to each other as possible. He lets his hands go down to Sleipnir’s hands, stroking them as you work on Sleipnir’s release.
Barnabas can vaguely hear what you are saying, your voice low in Sleipnir’s ear as you coax him. All Barnabas can think of is how you and himself can bring such a snarky, matter of fact being into such a submissive state. The way he is gasping and muttering a variety of affirmations, like he is begging for you to give him what he needs, brings a whole new side to him. Barnabas feels like he has fallen in love all over again. 
Barnabas leans over your shoulder, Sleipnir’s other ear available, and whispers his command. “Release inside her. Fill her with your love as I do.”
That is all Sleipnir needed, a chain reaction setting off as Sleipnir moans hoarsely as he releases his spend into you, causing you to whine as another orgasm hits you from the constant stimulation of his cock. His arms give out, Barnabas catching him by wrapping his arms around him alongside your own. “You two did so well.” Barnabas praises, his hands going to rub your side and Sleipnir’s back. There is only heavy breathing in response, bearings working to be met as everyone calms down their hearts. 
Sleipnir is the first to move, placing kisses on both you and Barnabas’s lips before slowly pulling out of your cunt, a groan leaving your lips in the process. Sleipnir flops graciously on the bed, sighing with utter thrill as his eyes rest for a moment. Barnabas goes to move you to the side when you turn in his hold, going to your knees in front of him. He is perplexed for a moment, only to see you staring at his hard cock.
“My darling, you didn’t get to have a release. Let us please you.”
This perks Sleipnir up, rolling over to his front to crawl over. “Yes, my liege. We want you to feel as good as we do.”
Barnabas laughs and shakes his head. “In due time. I can assure you both that I am completely satisfied. Let’s rest for a moment, only then will I let the two of you have your way with me.” 
You and Sleipnir look at each other, smiles plastering in agreement. You move off the bed, ushering Sleipnir to go back to his side of the bed. “Okay, but at least be in the middle so we can both love you.” 
Something shifts in Barnabas’s chest, a sense of belonging settling in deeply. He inclines, moving to the middle of the bed and under the covers where Sleipnir is already settled in. Sleipnir latches to him, his left arm wrapping around Barnabas’s torso. Barnabas feels another weight on the bed, his right shoulder now being used as a pillow as you snuggle up close to him. There is a buzzing throughout the room; hums, sighs, and gentle kisses summoning a calm atmosphere. Barnabas has never felt so complete; to be adored and loved like this by the two people he considers home is elating. 
He can hear Sleipnir lightly snoring, a dreamlike state having taken over him. Barnabas turns his head to you and goes to kiss your forehead. You purr, stretching into him as your eyes open to meet his. He reaches his free hand to your face, brushing your cheek with his knuckles as he admires your glow. He is so in love with you, especially in this moment.
“Thank you.”
Your eyes glint, confusion striking them. “For what, my king?”
“For bringing the three of us together, for if you hadn’t, I’m afraid a part of my heart would have never unlocked.”
You move up slightly, and kiss his lips, both of your hands on his cheeks. Your lips linger against his own as your next words flow. “Thank you for opening up your heart for us. He has loved you for a long time, just as I have.”
Barnabas sighs against your mouth and moves to lay his head into the crook of your neck. “I truly love you both. I adore and admire you both. I hope you know this.” Your chest vibrates, your hand still holding onto his face. “I know because I love you. I love him. I love us three.” 
“It is us three beyond our vessels.”
Ultimania Spoiler Note: Sleipnir was created in the Year 826 when Barnabas was 18 using Odin's magick, meaning up to Year 878, they have been together for 52 years. This story takes place in 873 only because I felt like in 878 a lot is happening.
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tired-teacher-blog · 1 year
hi teach! how are you? i'm kinda new to your account and i gotta say i adore your writing 😌✨
is it okay if i request any spicy and relationship headcanons for best jeanist? i can barely find any content of him lately 😔
if you don't write for jeanist it's okay! i hope you have a great day/night! ♡ (ps: thanks for the follow🥺)
Hi baby ❤️ your words are making me incredibly happy, you have no idea! And you're absolutely right, there is barely anything out there written for him so let's change that shall we? 😍
Relationship headcanons
Characters : Best jeanist/ Gender neutral reader
Genre : Fluff/ Suggestive themes/ Headcanons
Please do not read if you're a minor
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
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Meeting the pro hero for the very first time, you were instantly captivated by his flamboyant personality and alluring appearance, however, his eccentricity was a bit too much for you to handle, which was why you kept a little distance between you two, and settled for admiring him from afar.
That was until you learned more about him, and understood that underneath that charming surface, lays a selfless and brave man, one who strives to spread peace and serenity among civilians, even at the expense of his own safety -like a real hero should do-.
When you finally gathered up the courage to confess your newly discovered feelings for him, you were met with a concealed smile from underneath his ridiculously high collar, he was pleasantly surprised to learn about your sentiments and fervently confessed his own.
Being with him is a literal adventure, he is mesmerizing and does everything passionately which is exciting. He is straightforward, and you love that about him.
He has always been proud of you, cheering you on and motivating you to follow your dreams no matter how tough things get.
He talks about you all the time, he just manages to find a way to slip your name into any conversation he's having, no matter if serious or casual said conversation is, he's just smitten and never gets bashful to show it.
You love shopping dates with him, he just has the best taste in clothes and you end up with amazing pieces of garments each and every time.
In addition, he makes you try them out for him once you're home, like a little fashion show just for his eyes. He enjoys your excitement and the little twirls you do in order for him to have a good look at the way they fit you, and he finds himself unable to keep his hands and lips away from you, turning your fitting session into a make out one, -or something even spicier-.
You are his confidant(e) and he trusts you with his life, keeping nothing hidden from you, and seeking your advice when things get tough.
He's so vocal during your intimate times, and body worship is his thing! He enjoys praising you while his lips and fingers cover every inch of your skin. He usually uses fabric related descriptions to address you during those moments, such as: soft, elegant, firm, silky, shiny, velvety, luxurious.
He has an extremely sensitive neck, something you always use to your advantage, because just a simple touch of your fingertips to his skin can bring the most delicious groans out of his mouth. And you usually don't stop at that, adding your lips and teeth to the mix and relishing the goosebumps appearing under your touch.
He goes nuts when you put on a sexy lingerie set for him, not only because of how alluring and enticing you would look, but also because of the way his fingers glide along the delicate fabric before reaching your flesh.
He is passionate and extremely gentle with you, he never does anything hurriedly and always asks how you're feeling before taking the next step. You communicate well and tell each other instantly if one of you wishes to take things slower, or do them harder and faster.
His mouth can do wanders, wether he's kissing your lips, nibbling on your earlobe, sucking on your neck or teats, plunging his tongue into the wetness between your legs, you are always writhing and shuddering and begging for more. And it's vice versa, because you -too- get to witness his aroused expression and needy pleas everytime the roles are reversed.
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clj-art-blog · 10 months
His XLH | Episode 26 | 2 part
Despite 30,000 years of captivity in the Haotian Tower, he never got used to the darkness that surrounded him all this time. Loneliness and darkness, drop by drop, devour his strong soul. This is somewhat similar to when he was sealed by the Shuiyuntian immortals. He also does not feel his golden body. And how long will he now have to exist in this state this time? 100,000 years? 500,000 years? Or perhaps it will already last forever? Or maybe this darkness will still be able to disperse his soul completely?
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He does not know where he is, he does not know if time passes in this void, but suddenly he feels an inexplicable and so familiar energy that permeates his entire spirit and everything around.He gradually begins to feel his lips and what spreads over them. What is on his lips returns his soul to his immortal body.
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Then he feels a warmth on his cheek that fills him all over. He will never confuse this touch with anything, because it is the gentle hand of his Xiaolanhua. A sweet voice is heard in his ears, sobbing his full name.
XLH: Dongfang Qingcang.
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He tries to gather his consciousness, all his spirit and mind together, continuing to hear her voice.
XLH: Please, wake up. Please. As long as you wake up, no matter how much you hurt me or lie to me, I won't be angry. I beg you. Don't leave me alone.
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The energy in his body is rapidly gaining momentum, gradually returning his body of strength. He slowly opens his eyes. The darkness dissipates. His eyes are filling with bright light from the fire. But a brighter picture unfolds before him when he finds her eyes, which glitter with tears. The eyes of the one who sits next to him and weeps bitterly … Eyes that are brighter than even sunlight for him.
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A spark flares in her gaze of such different emotions. She instantly throws herself into his arms.
XLH: You’re wake!  You’re finally awake!
She wraps her arms around him and leans against his chest, continuing to shed tears.
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The fire around them, which burns and crackles with heat, is incomparable to the warmth that she radiates, and that he feels even through the many layers of their clothes.
But how much she cries… His lips are about to say something, but his mind can't muster a single word.
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Although at this moment his mind is not subject to him, his body is already under his control. He gently puts a hand on her back, stroking her soothingly.
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He did not even think, much less dreamed that one day he would be able to sit with her by the fire, drowning in her arms. That she would someday embrace him, Dongfang Qingcang, voluntarily. He had already felt her embrace several times, when she tightly squeezed him with her small hands and pressed tightly against his chest, looking for protection in him. There hasn't been a day since then that he didn't want her to do it again… He could have hug her against her will by virtue of his power. Or he could have force her, for example, by threatening to kill Jieli. But after he forcibly kissed her in the Dark Pine Forest…he would not want to see the look of disgust on her face again like that. He has long been not indifferent to what she feels and what she wants.
To the sound of crackling firewood in the fire and to the sound of her sobs, he continues to gently stroke her back, and she does not stop crying inconsolably.
XLH: I was scared to death, you know?
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More recently, her crying irritated him terribly, and he was forced to wipe her tears again and again. Then he, with anger in his voice through clenched teeth, tried to persuade her not to do this. Later, he ceased to stop her outpourings of emotion, calmly waiting and not interfering. Now everything is different. Her tears penetrate to the very root of his tree of emotions. She was so scared all this time…to lose him. She was afraid for him. Her tears are like diamonds on her face, falling countless on his clothes, on her clothes, on the floor… What a waste. Nothing in these three realms is worth her precious tears.
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He gently places his hands on either side of her cheeks, so soft and wet. With the back of his hand, he carefully wipes her tears, which come out again and again without ending.
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A little hoarse half-whisper, in the most softest tone he's ever been capable of, he finally says the right words.
DFQC: I`m fine.
Then even quieter, and even more affectionately whispering adds.
DFQC: Don’t cry.
XLH: I’m not crying. I`m just happy.
When she cries so hard, saying she's happy… Is she really that happy that he's back? No one and ever rejoiced at his return. Even when he was away for such a long time, when he arrived back at Canyang Sea, the picture that was waiting for him, it was the subjects trembling before his name, who involuntarily were forced to submit to him.
And again she pretends to be strong in front of him, trying to quickly deal with her emotions and stop crying. He has known her for a long time, he couldn't help noticing that she is now trying to avoid something…
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XLH: Are you thirsty?
She's definitely avoiding some topic… His gaze from her face slowly moves over her body, trying to find the cause. He has a unique attention to detail, so as not to notice how drops of blood glisten on her wrist.
XLH: I'll get you some water.
She is about to rise when he abruptly grabs her hand, exposing her wrist, giving his gaze full access to the cut she so desperately wanted to hide from him.
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DFQC: You...
He looks into her eyes anxiously, noticing what worries her, how he reacts to it. How could he react otherwise? Even if he does not know what happened next when he was unconscious, but judging by the long-burning fire, she has been here with him for quite a long time. And the wound on her arm is completely fresh …
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XLH: It's all right now. I guess you don't know. My blood can bring the dead back to life. It's strange. Why does my blood have such a miraculous effect?
He knows why. She is the Goddess of Xishan. Thoughts are ahead of him, analyzing the case when on the Oblivion River, she sacrificed her chance to return home, after which she was ready to protect him with her body, sacrificing herself. And now. When she figured out that her blood contains unique divine properties, she hurts herself to save him…
Continuing to hold her hand, he pulls her sharply, as if trying to pull her out of her thoughts so that she would better remember what he will going to tell her.
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DFQC: Why are you even thinking about this?
His soft emotional whisper changes into a commanding half-whisper.
DFQC: Don't use your blood to save others again.
No life is worth her tears or her blood.
DFQC: I'm no exception.
Half a second later, while emphasizing his habitual Moon Supreme`s status, he adds more menacingly to be sure she won't do that again.
DFQC: Do you hear me?
He is still too weak to use his commanding habits, causing a cough to erupt from his chest, reminding him that he is still very badly hurt.
XLH:  How can you be angry when you're so badly hurt?
She doesn't mind that he's angry with her. She will only be glad if he can soon do this with the same strength and to the fullest. But now it is contraindicated for him to do so.
Any excitement is contraindicated for him right now, and in order to soften his ardor a little and calm him down a little, she tries to reassure him, looking into his eyes and in a soft voice arguing her act.
XLH:  I'm willing to do it. It doesn't hurt at all. I'm not lying.
What a bad liar she is. Having experienced so many wounds, bruises, burns with her, she will not be able to convince him that it does not hurt and that this is not something that constantly puts her life in danger. They miraculously escaped, but what would have happened if this had not happened? Does she even understand who she risked her life for? Does she even understand who she saved? She saved Dongfang Qingcang, who is about to unleash the greatest war in all three worlds. After all, he told her that he would not leave his plans, no matter what it cost him. She could be at home right now, in her real Simin Dyan. And he - as the biggest threat in the three realms, would have cease to exist. Nothing would have already threatened Shuiyuntian. Why did she do this for him?
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Without letting go of her hand, without taking his eyes off her wound and trying to put the puzzle together in his head, he has one main question, to which he thought he knew the answer all this time. Like a sapper, probing the ground, he begins to ask leading questions.
DFQC:  Why did you save me? Didn't you always want to go home?
From her shifting eyes, he clearly understood that he had asked the right questions, for which she was definitely not ready.
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XLH:  Anyway... I can't go back anyway.
All this time she yearned to come home. She always wanted to run away from him, but she didn't it. She missed her chance when she decided to save him. Everything boils down to just one question.
DFQC: Now that you've saved me, you really can't.
Her silence hung in the air, and she don't even dare to look him in the eye right now. She avoids his gaze. She could only choose him again if between them… No. He no longer wants to live in conjecture.
DFQC:  Why exactly?
He cannot fail to notice that she tries with her eyes to find something that she could cling to in order to escape from the question attacking her. And the way she moves her hand in his hand, as if probing for a weak spot in order to escape from his grip, don't hide from him either.
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XLH: Let's not talk about that. You must be hungry. I'll go get you something to eat.
XLH tries to seize the moment to get out of his hand while he is a little confused by the sudden change of subject, she thought, but he already knows her too well and has long been immune to her tricks. As soon as he senses that she is about to get up, he instantly squeezes her hand and pulls all her all towards him.
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Dazed and trapped in his arms, she first looks at him, then at her hand, which he continues to hold tightly. She makes one last desperate spurt, which he also deftly stops, after which it finally dawns on her that now all her further actions will be absolutely useless. She can't get away from this topic. Having riveted her to him, and now also with his gaze, a hoarse whisper trembling with excitement, he continues to dig into the truth.
DFQC: Why?
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Holding her tightly, like a bird that could fly out at any second and which he would not be able to catch later, he gazes into her eyes, hoping to find an answer. He wondered so many times. Is it true that there is no affection between them? All this time he did not know what to think, is it worth it to hope that she likes him a little? If her answer is no, will she be able to love him in the future? He is overwhelmed with anxiety and uncertainty. And their hearts at that moment are beating in the same rhythm, as if they are reproducing the same musical score.
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Without leaving her eyes for a second, he gradually feels how his soul begins to dissolve … His soul dissolves in the eyes in which love lives… There is so much love in her eyes …
XLH: Because... 
..and with this inexhaustible love, she looks at him right now and which envelopes him all. She…loves... His Xiaolanhua loves him…
XLH: Because I...
His desire to hear from her the words that he had always wanted so much, is abruptly replaced by an insatiable desire to taste her love. Without a second's hesitation, he greedily covers her lips with his own, inch by inch drowning in the sweetness of her soft and so seductive lips.
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He has already kissed her 8 times and he remembers every kiss, but this… His lips, which have just asked the same question so many times, feel how her lips affectionately and gently answer him exhaustively. Her answer dries up his question and then evaporates any doubt in him that might have remained in his heart.
Like a creature that was dying of thirst and after absorbing the right amount of moisture, he slows down his kiss, replenishing his desire to an acceptable critical level. Now his soul is slowly filled drop by drop with their mutual love.
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He feels his heart intertwined with orchid vines, through their lips closed in a kiss, through their hands closed in a castle. Leaving no place on her lips untouched by his lips, he seems to be doing the same trick with her hand, gently examining every inch of her skin.
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She belongs to him… And not because he always repeated it over and over again, but because he needs to her, just like she needs to him. Just like from the moment they met, his life belongs to her alone. Their lives are interconnected. He will forever be only hers, and she will forever be his. She is his XLH.
Eyes tightly closed in pleasure, he is immersed right now in the bliss of kissing his XLH, which has merged them into a single whole. But as if like an alarm clock, with the most annoying chime on the only weekend, a voice reaches his ears.
SQ: Zun Shang, Zun Shang… (Your Majesty)
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These two pop up on the horizon - SQ and Jieli. Two pairs of eyes, just tightly clenched with happiness, open sharply, as if at the snap of a finger, but their lips are still touching. These two "unexpected guests" stand and look at them. His XLH sharply opens from his lips, instantly jumping out of his arms, trying to hide from their gaze.
Fortunately, Jieli have more brains than Shangque, and she, with an ambiguous smile on her face, takes the two of them back to where they came from.
Jieli: Let's go...
But the moment hopelessly interrupted.
XLH: I want to jump in the river...
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At that moment, DFQC mentally wrote down another reason why he should send Jieli to the Silver Lake to dig rocks and mine. After that, he added one more fad marked “important”, about not forgetting to deprive Shangquye of the annual bonus.
His XLH | Episode 26 | 1 part
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kurimiaki · 2 years
Lilia + Hydrangea and Jasmine? Please <3
flower prompt list is courtesy of ddarker-dreams
tw: yandere, implied death and torture, kidnapping
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Hydrangea - How would this yandere react if their darling gave them affection? What is their internal thought process like?
Give him an inch, and he’ll take a mile, or two, or twenty. You might not even mean to do something affectionate or endearing, and while Lilia will acknowledge that, he’ll also tease you relentlessly for your slip-up. He’s constantly anticipating the perfect moment to do so. Ask when he’ll be returning from a visit to a neighboring country, and you’ll be thwarted by phone calls and letters crooning on and on about how terribly you must miss him. You only meant to see if you’d have a little longer to yourself, but Lilia’s taken the unintentional bait and pulled you in the water, too. He doesn’t mean to deprive you of his affection, you poor thing— to heal your aching heart, why don’t you accompany him for the remaining week of his visit~? You’ll be reunited a lot sooner than he anticipated, and you might be a bit of a nuisance, but what is Lilia if not self-sacrificing?
Bluntly, he’s very annoying. Whereas he regularly supplies you with the incessant throb of irritation, you provide Lilia with an endless fountain of fresh entertainment. He never tires of you, no matter how frequently you slap his seeking hands away, squirm out of his embrace, shy away from his kisses. He’ll allow your reticence, on occasion, but a kiss where you’re struggling is just as enjoyable as one you melt into. It doesn’t take much effort to get you to the latter state, anyway.
It’ll a bit easier for you in the event that you deliberately lavish Lilia in affection, rather than actively refrain from doing so. But it all depends on how genuine you are about it. I don’t think there will be any point in your relationship where Lilia won’t get a rise out of your anger, where he won’t intentionally piss you off, but he’s not so insensitive that he’ll brush away a tender moment with you. It’s not necessarily intentional affection on your part, but if you were in a state of immense distress, and sought him out as comfort, Lilia will be more than happy to scoop you up in his arms. He is your tormentor and warden, but ultimately, Lilia aims to be your lover. He’ll cocoon you in the comfort of your shared bedroom, rock you back and forth as you ride out an onslaught of hiccuping sobs, yearning for the life he ripped from you. In these moments when you break, Lilia has the most fun.
Jasmine - How would this yandere use their status/money in their favor? 
Building on the headcanon that Lilia is a royal consultant, of sorts, a jack of all diplomatic trades, he is by no means lacking in power. While he harbors a great deal of affection for Malleus, as well as respect, Lilia made a great investment in raising him as dutifully as he did. If it wasn’t so in the past, Lilia certainly now has irrefutable influence over Briar Valley, his position at the king’s side solidified. Malleus’ support alone is enough to provide him with freedoms and privileges few others can boast of— not that Lilia can’t get what he wants without the aide of his ward.
He’s older, cryptic and wise, and few fae dare to question the legitimacy of his knowledge (he’s in history books dating back a millennia, after all), though Lilia is picky with whom he divulges his prowess and experience. Some things are meant for Malleus’ ears only. Lilia does not falter or dim in his quick wit and memory— one must wonder if his mind will ever deteriorate, if it’s possible for his eternity to end.
Essentially, you have little to no influence in the castle Lilia keeps you captive. You aren’t treated without respect, of course, but you are a human. Lilia once mentioned how strictly forbidden relationships such as yours once were, in the not-so distant past. (You asked why kidnappings weren’t frowned upon now, and received a quick flick to the forehead.) You’re treated with respect, yes, but there is a thinly-veiled disscontempt in the eyes of some elder fae that only Lilia catches onto. Nothing enrages him so as another individual treating you cruelly, subtly or otherwise. You ought to be thankful not to know of it, but there was an instance wherein the castle’s treasurer indirectly insulted you in Lilia’s presence.
We oughtn’t allow the convoys to take residence in the castle. They’ve always understood our reasoning for putting them up in an inn. What’s more, I doubt any of us can stomach the stench of these children of man for such an extended period of time.
The table in that meeting room had to be replaced. Malleus, in an indirect attempt to punish Lilia (that the latter was rather proud of), saddled him with the task of finding new candidates for treasurer. He’s tempted to show you the offensive creature as a way to earn your thanks, to be praised, but humans don’t take too kindly to the grittiness of pain and gore. You’re a sensitive little thing, and he doubts you could stomach the image of guts strewn about the dungeon walls.
Lilia could truly care less for the consequences that come from spoiling you. The payoff is too great to resist. Dear me, it seems that the antique necklaces prepared for a visiting princess have gone missing! How utterly terrible! …But it’s not as if she’s exactly lacking in luxury, is she? And you look positively adorable adorned with such jewels— why don’t you let him admire you up close? And he does exhaust the poor maids who manage your wardrobe, acting as if you’re a favorite doll with whom he can lavish new clothing every day. You never see the same piece twice.
He spares no expense when it comes to you, but don’t assume this is an opportunity to take advantage of him. He’s quite perceptive of your likes and dislikes, finely tuned to your distaste in particular. You believe he forces you into these clothes for your benefit? That’s laughable. Lilia doesn’t think anything could be more entertaining, how furiously you bristle as he demands you change for a stroll in the castle garden, how you wholly exhaust yourself by trying to remain composed despite your anger. It’s cute.
It’s not rare for Lilia to spoil you, but it is unexpected when he does something for your genuine enjoyment. If in passing you mention missing a dish from your hometown, you’ll find it on your plate during an upcoming mealtime. If there’s a hobby you ever wanted to take up, even without bringing the desire to words, Lilia will find you an instructor unprompted. Or perhaps you see a piece of art in some foreign museum he’s dragged you along to, (Malleus often questions the necessity of your presence at these congregations) staring at it for a long time; it’ll be hanging somewhere for you to extensively appreciate when you return home. It’s not often he does these things, and he doesn’t necessarily act like this as a reward for your good behavior. Lilia will lovingly accept anything you can give him, and while your fury is truly something to behold, your mumbled words of thanks is equally as gratifying.
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yandere-daze · 1 year
mmm this might be a little.. repetitive? But can I request for some yandere HiMERU headcannons (or scenario if you're more up for it!) On how he'd kidnap his darling away and his reaction to their failed attempted escape. I think HiMERU is pretty underrated character 🥲 Thank you in advance if you do take up this request!
Oh HiMERU! I really do think he is very underrated so I hope you enjoy ^^
This discusses some things about HiMERU´s identity so please beware of spoilers if you don´t want to know anything about that!
Also I feel like this also kind of doubles as a general analysis of yandere HiMERU? This was also really fun for me to write, somehow the words just kept coming and coming!
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, jealousy, kidnapping
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Yandere! HiMERU kidnapping his darling and reacting to their attempted escape
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HiMERU as a yandere I feel would be pretty subtle compared to some other characters in the cast. He wouldn´t be super clingy or flushing bright red whenever you looked in his direction. He also probably wouldn´t sing your praises or act openly lovey-dovey around you
No, HiMERU is more subdued when it comes to his obsession with you.
This is both because of his general personality, but also because of the truth about his identity.
He´s playing a role for his brother´s sake, so he can take over as the ideal idol once he wakes up. Which is why HiMERU can´t be completely true to himself. He needs to keep himself in check, he can´t lose himself in his obsession with you because he needs to keep a good public image
He can´t pull any crazy stunts and he can´t properly court you how he would want. What would the public think if it came out that the once-popular idol HiMERU is now dating someone?
It would cause a huge scandal and one that he couldn´t bear burdening his younger brother with
No, no matter how much he wants to monopolize your time, no matter how much it irks him to see Rinne crack jokes with you and get unnecessarily close to you, he can´t be open about his desires
But the more time passes, the more upset he becomes. The struggle of having to see you with other men while unable to do anything about it aside from throwing a harsh glare their way almost makes him go mad
He tells himself he can´t allow himself to be rash but it´s not very long until he finally snaps, his last thread of sanity gone when he one day catches you having lunch with Tatsumi, the both of you sitting so close together and heartily laughing with smiles on your face
It´s the last straw and HiMERU finally decides that he has had enough of this
He can´t be affectionate with you in public so how about he instead takes you captive so you won´t ever see the light of day again?
When it´s only the two of you with no one there to witness it, HiMERU can finally be with you like he always wanted to
There are no judging eyes, no one to blemish his reputation and hinder him from achieving his brother´s dream
It´s just the two of you
And though you´re understandably upset ( really, he gets it), he doesn´t regret his actions in the slightest. To him, this is the only way he could ever be with you so even though you´re currently unsatisfied with the arrangement, he is sure that you will eventually come around
Well, you will have to. He doesn´t plan on ever letting you go, especially after telling you the truth about his identity and that he is only acting in his little brother´s stead. Under no circumstances can he allow that to be public knowledge
And yet, he still decided to tell you
Why? Maybe because he was tired of having to act out a role while being with the one he was in love with. Perhaps because the thought of you only tolerating him because of the facade he had put up kept him up until late into the night
He´s sure that with enough time, you will come around and accept your new life with him
It doesn´t entirely surprise him when you try to attempt an escape. He´s frustrated with you but he only thinks it a bit amusing that you would think he would ever allow you to leave him
He has already lost a person that was important to him, he´s not going to lose you too
Maybe that´s the reason why behind his stern face, you can see hints of panic deep within his eyes that slowly disappears when he finally has you in his arms once more
And though he understands why you would try to run away, you will be hard-pressed to find any sympathy for you and your plight
Chides you when he catches you, telling you that there´s no use in trying anymore. That no matter what, he´s always going to find you
He´s been so desperate for way too long, always having to observe you from a distance and never able to make a move. He just wants to start his happy life with you already
He wouldn´t really punish you afterwards, thinking it counter-productive, but he would be fairly strict with you
When before he would let you roam the apartment on your own, sometimes even when he had to leave for idol work, he now never lets you leave his vision
If he´s not with you, he chains you to the wall. It´s loose enough to allow you to get the basic necessities but it still prevents you from going very far and it´s pretty painful, the clanking of metal a sad reminder of your current predicament
HiMERU would also change all the locks on the doors and windows to prevent you from breaking out again and he would even go so far as to install cameras in every room (except the bathroom) to have a watchful eye on you even when he´s gone
He would have liked to give you some much-needed privacy in his absence but you´ve proven yourself to be untrustworthy so he will have to make sure you don´t do anything stupid again until you´ve regained his trust
HiMERU never wants to feel the weight of loss ever again
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seconds-not-decades · 2 years
Tightrope {Five Hargreeves x Commission!Gn!Reader}
Summary: You and Five Hargreeves have been together through everything. You two met while working at The Commission and it was pretty much love at first sight. When the both of you return to 2019, Five gets swept up into the frenzied world of dealing with his siblings and trying to stop the apocalypse. However, in the midst of the chaos, you begin to wonder: where exactly does this leave you?
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Commission!Gn!Reader
Author's Note: Oh no, not another song fic. Made some slight changes: the Handler found Five when he was in his twenties and when you two return to 2019, you're both in your eighteen year old bodies. Lol I almost just made this a list of headcanons. Still might do that. Please feel free to comment/reblog!
Edit: We've made 157 NOTES! Thank you so much!💜
Word Count: 943
Warnings: Slight angst(?)
Requested: No
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Tightrope
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
Taglist: @shadowisbored @m4nd0l0r @magicalxdaydream @superbreadsoul {Please let me know if you want to be added/removed}
*Edit below is mine, please credit me if you use it*
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~ * ~
Some people long for a life that is simple and planned
Tied with a ribbon
Some people won't sail the sea 'cause they're safer on land
To follow what's written
But I'd follow you to the great unknown
Off to a world we call our own
You softly hummed as you quietly sauntered down the hall. Five was gone from the Academy again and here you were, left alone. It was nice and quiet. Peaceful, almost. It made you think for a split second about what your life would be if it was normal. Would it be fun? Would it be relaxing? Would you see your significant other a lot more than you were at the moment? You wondered how long Five would be out this time. You knew he was busy trying to stop the apocalypse and save his family. That was one thing you loved about him. He may be cynical and brash, but deep down he loved his family. He would do whatever it took to save them. When he found a way home to 2019, you didn't hesitate to follow him. You would always follow him, no matter how hectic or crazy things got.
Hand in my hand
And we promised to never let go
We're walking a tightrope
High in the sky
We can see the whole world down below
We're walking a tightrope
You fiddled with your ring, thinking over your life with him so far. Balancing your relationship and The Commission at the same time was no easy feat, but, your love for one another made it all worth it. You felt like you were soaring through the air, but at the same time, watching your step constantly. And there was also Five's laser-sharp focus. Whenever something caught his attention, he was determined beyond measure to fix it. Almost to a point where he was on the brink of obsession. That and he also tended to pull from you in the midst of his mission. Well, until you pulled him back to Earth and helped him regain balance in his life.
Never sure, never know how far we could fall
But it's all an adventure
That comes with a breathtaking view
Walking a tightrope
With you
There were challenges, of course. You and Five didn't expect to have it easy. You were the deadliest assassin duo in The Commission and it came with its trials and tribulations. There was a lot of danger that came with the job. However, as long as you had each other by your side, you both felt safe.
Mountains and valleys, and all that will come in between
Desert and ocean
You pulled me in and together we're lost in a dream
Always in motion
So I risk it all just to be with you
And I risk it all for this life we choose
When you first met Five, you were captivated beyond belief. He was already notorious enough for surviving in the apocalypse, not to mention his abilities involving time travel and spacial jumping. When you found out the Handler partnered him with you, you felt like you were Cloud Nine. Though at first he was quiet and calculating, you eventually softened his shell and melted his heart. You couldn't imagine life without him ever since. You'd risk everything for him.
Hand in my hand
And you promised to never let go
We're walking a tightrope
High in the sky
We can see the whole world down below
We're walking a tightrope
Never sure, will you catch me if I should fall?
You went up the rooftop where Five took you for some fresh air the night before. It gave you such a stunning view of the skyline. The sky was painted in colors of pink, purple, and orange. The breeze was cool and calming. You sat there, reminiscing for a bit. You remembered the stories he told you about his time in the apocalypse. Was everything really going up in flames in a matter of days? You always felt like you were doing life, not living it. And you hoped that after he stopped the apocalypse, you two could live a quiet and normal life together. Or would something else happen that would pull him away?
Well, it's all an adventure
That comes with a breathtaking view
Walking a tightrope
With you
Five suddenly blinked next to you and you smiled softly.
"Hey, love," he greeted lowly.
"Hey. Are you okay?" you looked at him in concern.
He looked tired as he sat down by your side and you curled up next to him, feeling his arms wrap around you. "Just…well, looking forward to stopping the end of the world and getting some rest."
"You definitely need it," you agreed.
He sighed and nodded. "Hey…look…I um…"
You frowned some as he hesitated to continue. He was staring at you rather forlornly.
"Five? What's wrong?" you slowly asked.
"I…I know I keep running away from you and sort of leave you on your own and…I'm really sorry. I…I don't mean to neglect you like this. I hope you understand," he answered.
You gazed at him sadly. "I do understand. It is hard seeing you throw yourself into this so aggressively, but, at the same time I know it's for a good cause."
"I know. I honestly don't know what to do either. Everything I've done so far feels like a dead end. But I don't want to give up. I can't give up."
"Then tell me how I can help. Please, Five. I don't want to be on the sidelines anymore. Let me help you. You're going to drive yourself insane if you keep doing this by yourself."
Five looked down with a sigh. "This won't be easy or pretty. You know that right?" his eyes flicked back up to you.
"When did we ever work on anything that was easy or pretty?"
He laughed softly and you cracked a smile.
"Alright. You and me. We're doing this together now," Five took your hands.
Together. No matter what. You would always find a way to work things out, together.
~ * ~
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llittletingoddess · 1 year
Midnight at the big city
At the bar drinking all on my own
Just thinking about that girl and me
How something's going wrong...
Genre: AU, Psychology, Drama, Angst, Character Study
Words Count: 1.4k
IMPORTANT: English is not my first language so there may be some mistakes, please be patient. Also note that it's based on real occurrences but do not claim to be accurate. Everything described is merely the author's point of view ♥
July, 2022.
The evening Los Angeles always captivated the gaze of millions. Lavish parties, tipsy girls, expensive outfits... Perhaps the dream of any foreigner. After all, that's what the American Dream looks like, right? But when you're a little over 50, all these delights of life become less interesting. People consider you worn-out material because you're no longer in the loop — how do people over 50 dare to show up at the same gatherings as the hottest Hollywood stars? James Hetfield? Cool... Oh, look, it's Doja Cat with a bald head!
Yeah, LA is quite the dump. But no matter how much he hated this place, there's nowhere else to go.
James sat at the bar of some dubious pub where you'd never expect to find a celebrity, let alone one of his caliber. Leaning on his left arm, he watched the bubbles rise in his glass. He despised himself for this decision. Going through another rehab treatment and then relapsing— it was the act of a pitiful man. He promised his family, but mostly to himself, that he would never drink again. And yet, he relapsed. How foolish. When did his life spiral down into such an abyss? There's hardly any time for reflection between tours and recording albums. You have a contract and obligations — fulfill them. No one cares about what's going on inside you. On stage, you have to be the same superstar you were 30 years ago. At this rate, it's easy to turn into a soulless money-making machine. But he does it not so much for himself as for his family.
Returning to reality, James emptied his glass in one gulp and slammed it back on the counter, furrowing his brow. Was it the bitterness of the drink? He knew very well that it wasn't. Looking at the glass, he waved his hand dismissively, ignoring the bartender.
"Another one."
"Of course, sir."
Curious whispers started circulating in the pub. James Hetfield, the frontman of Metallica, in such a simple pub on the outskirts of Los Angeles! But he paid no attention. Let them whisper — public life was never easy. Taking out his wallet from the inner pocket of his jacket, James pulled out a bill and placed it on the counter, his gaze lingering on a tiny photograph that was always with him. Kirk and Lars considered it slightly strange, but when did he ever listen to them?
In the photograph, it was him and his family. There was little Marcella, who threw tantrums throughout the photoshoot, first-grader Cali, who hadn't lost her charm over the years, Castor, his pride and the heir to his legacy… and Francesca. James looked at her attentively: big blue eyes, light hair, a modest smile… It seemed like he found a literal copy of himself, someone he could always talk to, laugh with, and share stories with their children on Christmas. And how wonderful she was in bed! James had tried numerous experiments, but it was Francesca who managed to conquer Big Het's heart. She was so simple, so beautiful, his one and only…
"Here you go, sir."
A new glass of alcohol brought him back to reality. Somewhere in the background, an old Thin Lizzy song played, but he didn't care. Soon everyone would find out, and that annoyed him the most. Tabloids would write made-up reasons, attribute an affair with some socialite, and that would be the end of it. Why did it even matter to anyone why this happened? Peace — that's all he wanted at the moment.
Setting aside his wallet, James reached for the glass again. Only now did he realize that he hadn't thanked the bartender. Well, to hell with it. His hand trembled slightly, whether from nerves or the reawakening addiction. It consumes you, whispers in your head like a serpent in paradise, gripping you with its dead hold, and you'll never be the same again. Suddenly, James decided to look at his wrist's tattoo, which he got shortly after completing the first rehab program. "Lead us not into temptation." Yeah… he didn't feel like drinking anymore.
Rummaging through his pockets, Hetfield discovered a nearly whole cigar. Nowadays, he started smoking much more often, despite protests from those around him. "Stop it, you'll ruin your voice!" Lars, Kirk, and Rob all pleaded in unison. But he alone was responsible for himself and his health. Bringing the ashtray closer, he lit the cigar, releasing a cloud of smoke with a sigh of relief. The high-quality tobacco pleasantly scorched his throat, providing the long-awaited relief. But thoughts kept replaying that conversation, as if on a cheap record:
"Francesca, I think we should get a divorce."
"What?! But why?!"
He himself didn't know for sure. After rehab, when everything seemed like it should be getting better, everything began to crumble: the pandemic, concerts, the studio, more concerts, more studio time, endless evenings in his office with a guitar in hand… but she didn't need that. She needed him primarily as a husband and father. "You're never home with all your concerts!" But how could she not understand that he was doing it so she wouldn't need anything?..
A sharp pain pierced his wrist. The cigarette ash fell directly onto the knuckle of his finger. James disgustedly flicked the remaining ashes into the ashtray and sighed. He hardly felt the pain because his soul hurt more. His heart was shattered into tiny pieces, and no amount of alcohol or cigarettes could soothe it. Here he was, James Hetfield, the leader of the world's most popular metal band, sitting on his pile of money in complete solitude: his children had grown up and scattered (on tours, he hardly noticed how quickly his little birds grew up), he had divorced his wife, and besides fame, he had nothing left. But can fame provide the same care and tenderness that his beloved Francesca gave him? The question remained unanswered. And now what? Who needs an old man with a weakening body and the beginnings of deafness?
Taking another drag, James finally looked around. His gaze was drawn to a young girl who smiled back at him discreetly. Clearly a fan, one of the tens of thousands. Perhaps that was his only option - to find a young girl to spend his money on. She wouldn't nag him, but she would provide satisfaction. Sex for money, and with a girl who could pass for his daughter?! James cringed at the thought. At least not now. He wasn't ready yet. And perhaps he never would be because no one could piece together his heart again. No one except Francesca.
A notification buzzed. Judging by the familiar sound, James knew it was their secret chat with the guys. Taking out his smartphone from his pocket, he read the message:
"Hey guys, how about jamming with that new riff James wrote last week? If we don't get our fucking album moving, the fans will tear us apart!"
"I'm out, sorry. Need to help Cali with the move."
"Whatever you say, Mama Het!"
James smiled. Lars' cheeky language always made him smile, although he had long memorized all of the Danish jokes. Imagining the grumpy little Lars grumbling at everyone around him was amusing. The guys shouldn't know. At least, not yet. Their families had become one long ago, and any division always came with stress in the group. And what would happen when they found out about James' divorce? He had been a model family man, 25 years of marriage! He didn't want them to pity him. It would immediately lead to suggestions of seeing psychologists, sympathetic looks, and phrases like, "Maybe you'll still reconcile?" We won't reconcile. However much he regretted the decision, there simply was no other way. Maybe without him, Francesca would be happier. His one and only, his dear Fran.
Midnight approached. The streets grew louder, and the pub filled with new people. James felt uncomfortable in such conditions. The sheer number of people only intensified his loneliness. How was he supposed to give the remaining concerts of this year in such a state?! He needed to gather himself. Both at home and within himself. Thanking the bartender, he extinguished his cigarette and, casting a fleeting glance at the untouched glass of whiskey, smirked bitterly. There was no turning back; ahead lay concerts, the studio, the release of new music. He sincerely believed that music could distract him. James walked out of the pub, plugged in his headphones, and played one of the demo songs from Metallica's upcoming album. Well then.
It's time to start over.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Doesn't than mean he sleeps alone everytime? If he is in a relationship won't they even sleep together? Or couple doesn't need to sleep together atleast few days to be a couple ?
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JK: "I used to have a cuddle pillow when I was little. Now I don't and I toss and turn alot in my sleep"
You: "so this means he is single and sleeps alone right?"
Please explain to me how you twisted his words so throughly? Lmfao
Is it me? Am I the problem? Is it the fact that I read so much that I am expecting too much of people to be able to comprehend a sentence as it is said without difficulty? I suggest practice anon! You didnt give me a lot trope wise to work with here, but I recommend Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo if you haven't read it yet. The romance isn't the main focus, the heist is. But wow, you can read about how much intimacy can come in various forms and still be insanely beautiful expressions of love. And that found family trope is perfection
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Description: Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can’t pull it off alone. . . .
A convict with a thirst for revenge
A sharpshooter who can’t walk away from a wager
A runaway with a privileged past
A spy known as the Wraith
A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums
A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes
Kaz’s crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don’t kill each other first.
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Kaz and Inej are everything to me, that slow burn. Ugh 😍
“I would come for you. And if I couldn’t walk, I’d crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we’d fight our way out together—knives drawn, pistol blazing. Because that’s what we do. We never stop fighting.”
And guess what anon? They never sleep in the same bed and they even only touch sometimes and with careful consent because of their traumas, their boundaries look different than what you'd typically see in a couple, fictional or not. And yet, that intimacy, that love 😍
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Content warnings: Ableism and ableist language, persecution for witchcraft (central theme), indentured servitude and slavery, Forced underaged sex work recounted, Child abuse recounted, abandonment and disownment, Substance and gambling addiction, panic attack (implied) and nightmares, Coerced suicide (implied), Alcohol consumption, recreational drug use, drugging without consent, forced and coerced drug dependency, Blood and gore depiction, graphic physical injuries, eyeball trauma, emesis, medical experimentation, dead bodies, plague, body modifications (with consent), Grief depiction and death of a father, brother, family and friend, Murder, attempted murder, physical assault, knife and gun violence, torture, strangulation, explosions, Kidnapping, captivity, incarceration, loss of autonomy, drowning, Animal death, animal attack, death by an animal attack and animal fighting rings, Bullying
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Representation: Some POC main characters, 2 Bisexual and a gay main character, an mlm relationship, disability own voices, ptsd and other mental health rep too.
This IS a TV show on Netflix too which is great. But does differ from the book in ways and the book is spectacular, so I highly recommend reading it! And watching the show if you want!
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The other relationships? Also total perfection. They are right up there as favorites for me too.
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myvirtualife · 2 years
I just re-read Dream Country to fill this Sandman-sized hole in my brain all week. And Netflix drops a bonus episode with not one but two stories from that third volume today? See, Desire and Dream can come true!
Anyways, first impressions after watching Episode 11. Spoilers ahead.
1) Oh, Calliope — you’re too good for all of them. Loved her dignity despite her circumstances, and how the TV adaptation empowered rather than victimised her. We didn’t need to see the actual abuse as the implications were clear and impactful. Morpheus acknowledged this with “My suffering was nothing compared to yours.” And respectfully fulfils all her wishes, even extending “mercy” to Madoc who had “held captive for more than 60 years. Demeaned, abused, defiled. And you will not set her free because you need ideas?!”
2) “You have changed, Oneiros.” How many times does Morpheus need to hear this before he admits it to himself? Just like with Hob on their friendship, he didn’t respond well in Episode 6 “Playing House” where Lucienne tells Morpheus: “We all change, sir. Even you, perhaps. One day.” The same points are made later by Gault, and even Fiddler’s Green “… his time there appears to have changed him as it has changed me.”
3) “When I heard you call me, even after all this time…. Let me help you. Please. I owe you that much.” “I have learnt much in recent times and … no matter.” Aaaah, what a tease! So much backstory, unresolved conflict and words left unsaid. While I loved Morpheus’ righteous anger and protectiveness for her, I was so frustrated at his inability to truly change and love in return. What a stubborn, arrogant, romantic fool.
4) “Without forgiveness, wounds will never heal” … “I will not forgive him for what he has done, but I must forgive the man. Not for him, for me.” She’s talking to you, Morpheus. Go back to Hell to forgive Nada soon, ok?
5) “You have met Morpheus, he was once my husband and the father of my son.” In this one episode, he is also called Oneiros, Morpheus, God of Dreams, The Dream King, The Shaper of Form, Dream, Endless. He collects names as often as he shuns ex-lovers.
6) “One day, perhaps but…” I had wanted them to reconcile in the original comics and finally in this TV series, Morpheus seems less cruel though still painfully aloof. Loving this creative choice because it opens up the door for richer storytelling and for this very strong, diverse cast to flex their characters even further. Maybe Calliope will finally have an adult conversation with Oneiros, mend old wounds and grieve their son together! (But then, that also means Death would be near …. IYKYK)
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