#dreams like they need to be) and everyone else is gonna be somewhat lesser
whirlybirdwhat · 3 years
Man it would so cool if Yamato joins the crew but a mythical zoan that can fight with an emperor would way too overpowered (and also i don't trust Oda treating Yamato's gender in any way respectfully in the long run)
hmm while i agree with u on the second point i do want to point that powerscaling is kinda useless in one piece because tbh?? mythical zoan isn't that much more fancy than a devil fruit that can bring back the dead + like. it doesn't mean much in the terms of things. like, look at big mom
her fruit isn't a mythical fruit but she's fucking deadly with it. and look at whitebeard! again no mythical zoan fruit but terrifying. marco's fruit too didn't mean much at marineford either. its just a type of fruit - it depends on the skill of its user to make it deadly or not
(which again, bringing up kaido - his fruit was a fish fruit. u better damn believe he had to awaken that fruit to become a dragon. otherwise it wouldn't do much)
and otherwise - uh. brook fought big mom. jimbe fought big mom. luffy fought kaido. zoro fought kaido. they all landed attacks that hit and i don't particularly think that yamato is going to last much longer alone even tho he's hitting attacks. he wouldn't be much more powerful at all or at least in the terms of powerscaling i think
idk!! i just think that applying 'over-powered' to one piece characters is somewhat not right, considering that if there was a power imbalance its been shown that the characters would point it out (thriller bark post fight, sabaody, everyone in whole cake against big mom) like the powers change so much within the arc just for the needs of the plot that its hard to rank any characters.
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amintyworld · 3 years
Dream SMP Fusion AU:
Certainly not me thinking about a Steven Universe AU for Dream SMP because fusions
Also, just to note: Not all fusions are for romantic relationships, so please no shipping since many of the creators are uncomfortable with that. The one somewhat romantic relationship fusion mentioned is between the characters Schlatt and Quackity, and are the only ones classified as such for the lore and story already created - I do not ship them whatsoever. Thank you.
Also, feel free to use these ideas with credit!
TW: Abusive Relationship, Toxic Realtionship, manipulation.
So like, what if during the L’manburg Independence War L’manburg was the only ones who really fused with each other, and the Dream SMP just never really thought it was useful and therefore didn’t really use it all that much for battle, pvp, etc. 
They discovered fusion one day while building the wall when a bit of debris was about to fall on Fundy and Wilbur swooped in to save him, and suddenly... a whole completely different person stood in their place. It didn’t last very long, but Wilbur from then on was determined to learn all he could about it and understand it. 
Wilbur couldn’t seem to explain his findings much scientifically, but he wrote up a journal on all he learned - how the fusion seems to combine and showcase the best parts of each individual person.
An iconic Steven Universe Scene takes place (For you SU fans, when Smoky Quartz first came to be) when Tommy in a effort to get his discs back one day tries to take Dream head on, pushing away Tubbo’s help. Tommy gets throughly beat up by Dream and in a heartfelt moment Tommy tells Tubbo that no matter what he does Dream will always win against him because he’s not strong enough. Then, Tubbo says that that’s not true, that Tommy doesn’t have to be like Dream, if anything Tommy’s like him because they both aren’t like anybody else, and it sucks, but they have each other. Finally Tommy accepts Tubbo’s help as they fuse for the first time.
Eret and Niki fused once while hanging out and dancing one day, which led Wilbur to discover how to trigger the fusion in a more controlled manner - through dancing. 
The war happens with the revolution holding better against Dream and his posse for the short fact that they had fusion on their side - they weren’t totally confident in the ability yet, which lead to some close calls to unfusing at the wrong time, but a few prominent fusions came out of it. In the end, they won and Wilbur continued to write his findings in the journal.
The election came about, and with it the exile of Wilbur and Tommy - this time the two were on the receiving end of fighting with fusions.
Wilbur even suggested on fusing together for survival - together they were more combat skilled, and better focused. After all, there was lesser chance of hurting one target than there was two. So, for a while they stayed together, at least, until Technoblade came to help.
Techno was very awkward at the whole fusion thing - it seemed stupid, and the poor pig hybrid didn’t exactly dance very well, though he was often too embarrassed to admit it. Techno didn’t understand how his two brothers could fuse so easily while he just... couldn’t. (I’m imagining Wilbur coaching him in Pogtopia while Tommy has to wear paint cans in order to each his height)
While out together, the sight of Tubbo causes Wilbur and Tommy to become so distressed they unfuse as Tubbo tells them he wants to help, and becomes their spy.
Back in Manburg, a certain goat hybrid finds Wilbur’s fusion journal and does some light reading. Schlatt thinks that he needs fusion soldiers to fight for him - from what he’s reading, these fusions are practically unstoppable. If he were to have that kind of power at his disposal, no one could stop him.
Being the ‘selfless’ leader he is, he uses himself as a test subject as he fuses with his militia - Punz, Ponk...
Quackity at first makes fun of his attempts as always within five minutes the fusion quickly falls apart. This only pisses of Schlatt more, until he comes up with an idea. 
He confronts Fundy and tells him that if he was loyal to Manburg, and their desires aligned, they’d be able to fuse no problem. Fundy agrees and they become the first completed fusion in Manburg - Fundy only does it because he wants to keep suspicion low and his cover a secret, and it somehow works. Schlatt doesn’t question Fundy much after that.
As the festival gets planned Schlatt continues his tactic of sniffing out traitors through fusion, which does not bode well for Tubbo, who keeps narrowly escaping having to fuse (Looking at the ‘I’m pregnant’ excuse-).
Back in Pogtopia, tensions rise as Wilbur and Tommy become more and more distant as Wilbur plans to blow up Manburg during the festival. 
Festival happens, not much really changes except Schlatt tries to get Niki to fuse with him to prove she wasn’t a traitor and not get killed like Tubbo - Wilbur overhears and intervenes, running away with Niki back to Pogtopia, fusing with her to help both of them escape.
When Quackity tries to leave, Schlatt forces him to fuse to stop the traitor from escaping, and for the first time, the two get trapped in a mixed up mess of a fusion - nothing is combined of the two, it’s all a mish mashed up mess - thankfully they aren’t fused for long and Quackity escapes, but both have the feeling of agony, sorrow and pain of the forced fusion in their minds. 
They take back L’manburg with some awesome fusion v fusion fights.
In a last attempt to keep from dying, Schlatt forces Quackity to fuse with him again in exchange that he release Tubbo, who was on his last cannon life (Schlatt held up a knife to his throat.) Once again, Quackity is trapped down in the painful and dark abyss as their fusion makes mass destruction. Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, and Techno all fuse to take  the unstable fusion down.
They succeed in doing so, fatally wounding Schlatt enough to corner him, the stress, drugs, and alcohol combing into a panic attack and he dies. 
From there, things proceed as normal - Techno releases the Withers, Wilbur pushes the button. 
New L’manburg is thriving with Tubbo as the new president... everyone can finally be who they want to be - wounds of course are still healing.
Quackity talks with Tubbo about his bad experience with Schlatt, and Tubbo is there to listen and always tells him that he doesn’t have to fuse if he doesn’t want to... of course fusion can be helpful (Some fusions have been helping repair the TNT and Wither damage) but, Tubbo insists, you don’t have to fuse to be able to help.
Ranboo gets a crash course in fusion basics by Phil and Ghostbur. (It’s like gem classroom, it’s all so cute guys-)
Phil also helps out Fundy who’s still iffy about Wilbur and all that he did for him... namely, fusing with Schlatt to avoid suspicion. It’s all wholesome and sweet, even with Ghostbur and his failed attempts to help in the background.
Things play out as normal in terms of plot - Techno retires, Tommy gets exiled...
Dream, at first, is very committed to blowing up Tommy’s stuff - one day, he says he won’t do it only if Tommy fuses with him, because he’s curious in how it works. 
This turns straight up unhealthy during the Beach Party when Tommy remembers all the times he used to have and how he feels so lonely, and Dream tells him that he’s always gonna be there for him even if they don’t, which results in Tommy and Dream fusing for a while whenever he comes to visit so Tommy won’t feel as lonely or as depressed. Tommy becomes dependent on Dream and the fusing and clings to it to an unhealthy amount, though Tommy of course wouldn’t admit that.
Eventually, Dream blows up Logstedshire and leads to Tommy running away in a brief moment of clarity. 
Phil gets under house arrest as the Butcher Gang try to take Techno down to kill him, but Phil, the ever to clever, gets there before they do and fuses with Techno to help take them down. They unfuse when Quackity threatens Techno’s horse, revealing that Phil snuck out. Techno covers for him and tells them that he broke Phil out, that it’s his fault and Phil had nothing to do with it. They believe him and Phil is in the clear.
The attempt fails, Techno finds Tommy and the two continue to practice fighting while fused - Tommy’s idea from his experience fighting with Wilbur - and they’re pretty strong. Ranboo and Ghostbur hang around and ooo and ahh over their moves.
Tubbo visits Tommy and as in cannon believes he’s dead but for a different reason - he finds evidence of when Tommy and Dream were playing around while fused and thinks that they’re permently fused - Dream forged a letter claiming that exact thing. Tubbo of course blames himself for losing his best friend.
Back in New L’manburg, the Butcher Gang gets fusion training too (except for Quackity) and Ranboo finally fuses for the first time with Fundy, the fusion turning into what a 12 year old would be like on redbull.
While on house arrest, Phil tries fusing with Ghostbur and to his surprise... it works - not for very long, but it works. They come to the conculsion that since Ghostbur is a ghost, that maybe it wasn’t two people fusing but instead a soul and a person, leading to the imbalance.
While Techno and Tommy are fused, they hold Connor captive and ask for ransom... leading Tubbo to be extremely confused when someone he doesn’t know is asking ransom from him who appearently knows him-?!
Only after they unfuse... Tubbo realizes that Tommy’s still... here. He’s still here and not in a fusion with Dream. Things go as in cannon.
Finally, after Dream figures out where Tommy is and tells Techno, any chance he gets with Tommy alone he tries to tell him that they could fix everything if they just fused again, and Tommy keeps finding himself refusing.
Anyway, what do ya’ll think? Should I do a follow up post for the fusions?
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Late Night Errands Chapter 1
Mulder x Reader
Summary: The reader is a paralegal preparing to help defend her client on trial in a week. The stress has finally convinced her to go out and get a stethoscope to help calm her down. Little does she know a certain agent was watching her out while she was out late at night, and it makes her a prime suspect in his eyes.
Y/n= your name
Y/f/n Y/l/n= your first and last name
B/f/n= your best friend’s name
Y/n slammed the door shut then started to punch the sides of the steering wheel. What in the world was going through her mind? Of course this store wouldn’t have any stethoscopes! Even if it was a pharmacy. People don’t have stuff like that lying around in their homes. Not normal people, anyway. What was she gonna say to the employee when they inevitably asked why she was looking for one? “Oh, I don’t need one, I just want it for my weird-ass heartbeat kink!” Yeah, that was one conversation she didn’t want to have.
She silently stared at the moon for a few brief moments. Why couldn’t she have a normal kink like everyone else? Like feet, maybe. It still would’ve been weird, but dammit, at least she’d be able to find porn of it. The best she could find easily was cardiophilia fanfiction, and even then, it was scarce.
She snuck glances around the parking lot. Nobody in sight. So hopefully, nobody would notice the blush on her face when she brought up an hour long “asmr heartbeat” video for the sake of calming herself down.
She smiled in bliss. When a heartbeat was in the background, it was like everything melted away. She groaned in frustration when she heard a text from her friend, B/f/n.
Don’t forget we’re having lunch tomorrow! I’m taking your mind off that trial if it’s the last thing I do!
She was double pissed now that the stress of last week filled her head. She was a paralegal, and one of her clients was set to go on trial less than a week from now. It was the oddest case she’d ever seen. The case of Bill Brown.
The man had killed exactly one-hundred people in the span of less than half a year. And the details he gave were chilling. They were vivid and graphic. So, he must’ve been a sociopath or something, right? Well he was super remorseful. And upon turning himself in, that’s right, turning himself in, he sobbed for three days straight. What’s strangest was he claimed he didn’t know they happened until the memories came back to him that night.
She wouldn’t have believed it either, if he didn’t point to bodies that hadn’t been found yet. He helped officers uncover at least a quarter of his victims.
It gave everyone working in his defense a headache. Argue innocence and a false confession? He flat out admitted details the public didn’t know. Did they argue insanity? He seemed pretty fucking sane during interviews and psych evaluations. Self defense? Not in a million years.
What got at her was the genuine feeling he was innocent, and that someone, or something, could be out there. The idea of being out there in the city alone with it out and about gave her the creeps.
“Whatever,” she whispered, turning the audio up so she could return to her blissful ignorant state. Where everything melted away. Where she was actually pretty happy with a smile on her face. With that, she began to drive away.
All she could think about when she finished getting dressed was the trial. The trial, the trial, the trial. This was gonna be the biggest train wreck she would ever see in her career, and she had only become a paralegal a mere three years ago. She didn’t envy the defense attorneys she was working under.
Her thoughts were interrupted by three knocks at the door. Strange, she wasn’t expecting anyone today, except for B/f/n, and she was always late for everything.
She looked through the peephole to see two people in fancy clothing outside. She opened the door just a crack.
“Y/f/n Y/l/n,” the man asked. Y/n nodded hesitantly. The man speaking held up the badge and the woman behind him did the same. “Agents Mulder and Skully, FBI. We have a few questions about your client. The one who’s set to go on trial next week.”
She turned her head to the side.
“I’m sorry, I think you might be mistaken. I-I’m not an attorney, I’m just a paralegal.”
“Oh, we’re not mistaken. That’s exactly why we wanted to talk to you.”
She looked inside her apartment real quick, then back at them.
“Okay… come on in. Just come in quickly so the cat doesn’t get out. She has a habit of running outside.”
She was internally grateful that her friend talked her into going out for lunch. She would’ve felt embarrassed if she had had to talk to these well dressed professionals in her pajamas. Skully knelt down, petting Y/n’s cat that had just walked up to the two.
“Um… would you like tea or anything? I’m about to make some for myself now.”
Skully lifted up one of her hands while she let the small animal nuzzle into her other one.
“That won’t be necessary. We plan to be out as soon as possible.”
“O-okay… um... I’m guessing you’re here to ask about Bill Brown?”
Mulder nodded.
“That’s correct.”
“I… don’t really understand. He’s set to go on trial less than a week from now. Why is the FBI getting involved? I thought this was settled, more or less.”
“We think he may be the wrong guy. We’re investigating a series of murders strikingly similar to the ones he supposedly committed a year and a half ago. We need to look at some of the previous evidence and cross examine it with the crimes happening now.”
She still seemed unconvinced.
“Why haven’t you gone to my firm? Or better yet, the police? I-I’m sure they have everything on file.”
Mulder shook his head.
“The lawyers won’t speak to us. And the police department doesn’t want to reopen the investigation when they’re so close to closing it. They don’t want to cause panic.”
She nodded. That actually wasn’t that hard a story to believe, considering the people she worked with on a daily basis. She just looked around the room.
“Okay… you might want to rethink my offer about the tea, then. And have a seat. Because this’ll take a long time.”
She presented them with a long list of documents. Some images, most legal papers. She pulled out the two things that were most of interest to her, a map of where the killings took place as well as a few images of supposed murder weapons.
“I’m not really sure what you’re looking for, so here's everything, I guess.”
Skully started flipping through the legal papers, reading passages of the man’s confession. Y/n’s cat slipped under Skully’s arms and laid on her lap as she continued to read. Mulder took a keen eye to the map.
“When did these murders take place?”
“Um, September 14th through February 10th, sir.”
“And he moved here the day these murders started, correct?”
“C-c-correct. You… didn’t already know this?”
“Oh I did. I just wanted to make sure you did. Encyclopedic knowledge of a case is the sign of a good paralegal, don’t you think?”
“Oh!” She let out an embarrassed chuckle. “Thanks…”
“Tell me, Y/n. What do you think happened?”
“Well, the evidence clearly shows he’s guilty, so… we are going to be arguing that he did these crimes due to mania and insanity.”
“No, Y/n. What do you really think?”
She looked down, and started to get finicky. She sat up straight.
“I think he’s innocent… and I have a theory about what happened. But… I don’t think anyone would believe me.”
Skully raised an eyebrow.
“Why haven’t you brought it up with any of the defense attorneys?”
She looked away, then back at the both of them.
“You won’t… tell anyone, right? I don’t wanna lose my job because everyone thinks I’m crazy.”
Mulder nodded expectantly.
“Of course not. Now, what did you find?”
She flipped through the papers.
“While they were at his house… they found a lot of these DVDs.” She was somewhat mumbling under her breath. When she pulled out the image she presented it to Mulder. “I’ve looked them up and they’re all from a lesser known hypnotist.”
Mulder read the bottom of the DVD covers.
“Hannah Martin?”
“...yes. I’ve tried to find those specific DVDs myself, on her website or Amazon or whatnot, but, uh, I can’t find them.”
“Why do you find these significant?”
“Um… Skully, was it? May I please have the written interview?”
She handed it to her. Now that her hands were free, Skully began to pet the cat sitting on her legs, who purred in appreciation. She cleared her throat and began to read.
“Bill said ‘I moved to start a new life, I tried to smile every day, I helped my neighbors, I listened to hypnosis videos every night before bed to make me a better person. I did my best to turn my life around… but I guess I was a monster this whole time. Last night, my memories came back to me in my dreams. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…’”
Mulder nodded.
“So you think that the hypnosis videos he watched before bed may have mind controlled or influenced him into committing these crimes overnight?”
Her face began to turn red and a wave of feeling stupid hit her.
“I’m sorry! I know that sounds insane!”
“No, not to me.” She was in awe. He was actually entertaining her insane supernatural idea? “How far have you looked into this Hanna Martin?”
“You have to pay at least five-hundred dollars for her to create a hundred and fifty custom sessions to send to you personally through DVDs. Um, the first alleged murder was one hundred and forty-nine days before the last alleged murder. That day he confessed would be day one hundred and fifty.”
Mulder seemed incredibly interested. He gazed down at the image he was holding.
“Thank you for bringing this information to my attention. Can you please scan this and make a copy for me? I want to see if I can track down these DVDs.”
She was a little excited that her idea was being entertained. And, aside from that, this agent was very cute! So he was cute and as conspiracy crazy as she was?! She smiled like a dope when she was no longer being watched, her back to the two. She began making the copy.
“Another question for you, Y/n.”
She gulped. Something about this man saying her name made her stomach drop.
“Do you go out at night often?”
The feeling of her stomach dropping was now from fear.
“What do you mean?”
“I saw your car parked outside the local drugstore late last night, any reason for it?”
She swallowed, hard. She was going for ulterior motives, but she was relieved she had something to fall back on.
“I was getting my medication. Um, I can show you if you want proof?”
“There’s no need to. But midnight is fairly late to be running errands like that, don’t you think?”
She breathed in.
“I couldn’t sleep. So I thought I might as well do something productive.”
He nodded. She turned to look at him, but she couldn’t quite read his face. Was he insinuating what she thought he was? Or was this all in her head? If he thought she was involved, he was probably crazy. She just laid out all this evidence to prove her client innocent, and possibly even helped point to the real killer, yet he thought she might be the guilty one?
“Did you happen to purchase anything from this hypnotist?”
“No, I don’t have that kind of money… and besides, i-if I am right, I don’t know if I would want to get anything from her.”
Her dopey smile and blush was gone by the time she handed the copied image to Mulder.
“I’m not sure about the legality of this…”
“Don’t worry. I’ll deal with it.”
She was a bit angry when they left. B/f/n was a bit confused walking in.
“What happened?”
“Ugh! The stupid FBI is involved in the case now. They wanted to see some stuff.”
She tilted her head to the side and her nose crinkled in disbelief.
“The FBI?”
“I don’t know either! Just… help me pick up these papers. Actually, don’t! I need to make sure they’re all in order before court in a few days!”
She nodded as Y/n began to put everything as they were supposed to be.
“...that guy was kind of cute.”
She sighed.
“I thought that, too. But actually, he’s a dick.”
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kbstories · 3 years
(Or: Bakugou is a little shit and a dork. 1-A gets used to it.)
Read on: AO3 / Twitter
One lesser known truth about Bakugou Katsuki is that he's an unrepentant thief of snacks.
Class 1-A is blissfully unaware of this habit all the way up to their move to Heights Alliance. There, they not only share living space, but every meal of the day as well — a status quo that revealed many a peculiar fun fact about most classmates, really.
Bakugou's first victim by sheer proximity is Kirishima. They're hanging out outside after a weekend session at the gym, drinking their electrolytes and talking about the pros and cons of different brands of protein bars. Well, Kirishima is, at least.
Bakugou is huffing, saying, "It's all bullshit", as he gives the one Kirishima is currently eating the side-eye. "The food industry is one big scam, really. Learn to cook your own stuff and you won't need processed anything."
"Okay", goes Kirishima, long used to debating him on anything from hero rankings to the weather. "But consider this: I burn anything I cook. Anything, dude."
"That's factually impossible."
"...I burned water trying to make ramen once?"
"Shitty Hair. Water doesn’t— How the fuck?“
Kirishima laughs, waving the half-eaten protein bar around. "I don't know, but there was smoke, I swear! I set off the fire alarm and everything, my moms were so done. Life-long kitchen ban in my own home, that's me."
Bakugou groans a disgusted eugh sound. "Fucking understandable."
When it only makes Kirishima smile all the wider, Bakugou pushes at his shoulder, a shove too rough to count as affectionate by anyone's standards but Bakugou's.
"Fine. Normal people shouldn't eat protein bars. You shouldn't either, but you'd starve without 'em, apparently."
"Or, you could, y’know, cook for m—"
Another shove, enough to push a still-laughing Kirishima over. "Keep trying, dickhead. Pshh, cooking for you. In your dreams, maybe."
Kirishima hums and says nothing, his idle sip of sports drink interrupted by Bakugou pulling him to his feet.
"Who cares, c'mon. Don't think for a second I forgot about Thirteen's assignment."
A sputtering gasp from Kirishima. "Thirteen gave us an assignment?!“
"Wait, no, listen. Why do physics have to, like, exist?", is Kirishima's brilliant argument. Nailed it.
Bakugou just stares. Then he snorts, "Fucking hell", shakes his head. "Whatever, I'm gonna make lunch and you're gonna do your damn homework. Maybe I'll let you have some. There's a faint chance. Very faint."
"Bro", Kirishima looks at him in wonder. "What about this, though?“
The glance Bakugou gives Kirishima's protein bar is downright offended if a little confused, too. "What about it?"
"Yeah, you're right. I'll just throw it awa—"
Bakugou moves so fast, all Kirishima sees is a blond blur.
Suddenly, the hand holding the snack is empty and Bakugou is chewing, having snatched the thing up with his teeth and devoured it like a beast from myths and legends.
"Problem solved, we're going. Huh, these don't even taste that shitty.“
Kirishima is too stunned to resist.
The Bakusquad is next in line when it comes to Bakugou's food-related crimes. Specifically, the croissant Kaminari is enthusiastically gesturing with to emphasize the point that yes, sneaking off campus for one (1) French pastry was definitely worth risking Aizawa's wrath over.
"It's perfectly baked. Look at its impeccable shape", Kaminari holds it up to his circle of friends like its his first-born child, "and the crust! It's so fluffy. I've been craving one all freaking week. This is gonna be so—"
Before Kirishima can even attempt to stop the tragedy waiting to happen, Bakugou has wandered back from his room, a stack of books under one arm and Kaminari's prized croissant in his mouth. The books are slammed on the table.
"Less talking, more studying", Bakugou snarks, somehow without getting crumbs of the stolen treat on anything. "Where'd ya get this from, anyway? S'good."
Kaminari’s jaw is on the floor, shell-shocked. "My… My croissant..."
"Sorry, bro", Kirishima sighs and pats his back. "He's just too damn quick."
The words are said with a look towards Bakugou, the that-wasn't-nice-man kind. Bakugou wrinkles his nose at him. (The very next day, an identical croissant shows up on Kaminari's plate during lunch break.)
Weeks fly by. By then, most of 1-A has been caught unawares by Bakugou's sneaky ways exactly once. They're training to be Heroes, after all — there's no way he'd get the drop on them again, at least not as easily.
Bakugou seems to be aware of this.
It doesn't stop him from snatching away Tokoyami's apple during movie night, smirking at both him and Dark Shadow with near-obnoxious levels of smugness. Tokoyami stares him dead in the eye while he grabs another one, one feathery brow raised in challenge.
Aoyama's handpicked brie is next, the guy's offended swearing almost as colorful as Bakugou's on his worst days. Bakugou outright cackles at that, obviously delighted by the prospect of someone else being subjected to Iida's no-cursing lecture for once, foreign language or no.
Speaking of Iida: It's his unopened cup of chocolate pudding Bakugou is eyeing like a cat does an especially oblivious mouse.
"Dooon't", Kirishima warns, hand hardened and ready to make a grab if needed. "I swear to Crimson Riot. Let the poor man have his pudding, or else."
"What has Iida even done to you, bro?", adds Kaminari, sliding his food tray into his usual spot across from them. "Like, I get it, I've pranked you enough times to owe you twenty croissants. And you're carrying Kirishima's entire academic career, so targeting him is valid, too."
"Hey! ...That's fair, actually. Carry on."
Kaminari winks at him. It's not like it's any different for him. "Iida, however, is wholesome, and—"
"Guys, you're making a great point and all that“, Ashido contributes over her bowl of natto. "But he's already gone."
Kirishima's head whips around. Indeed: No Bakugou. "No!"
"How is he this stealthy?!" Kaminari whines. "Bakugou, of all people!"
A few tables over, Iida is currently mid-story and too wrapped up in telling his audience of Momo, Todoroki, Uraraka and Midoriya about his adventures of googling what Aoyama had yelled out in sparkly rage the day before to notice a certain someone approaching.
Bakugou smiles, certain of his victory. Pretending to walk past them, he takes one hand out of his pockets and reaches out—
Only for his arm to be slammed to the table with a loud bang, mere inches from the desired snack.
"Kacchan", Midoriya pipes up casually, eyes still on Iida who — like everyone else at the table — jumped half a foot in the air from the sudden movement. "That's not yours."
Every member of 1-A is blatantly watching as Bakugou, food thief extraordinaire, is stopped in his tracks for the first time since his reign of terror began.
A collective breath is held. Surely, this will lead straight into a showdown of epic proportions in the middle of U.A.'s cafeteria. After all, any interaction between Midoriya and Bakugou tends to end in a shouting match, chaos or even bloodshed. And Bakugou does look intense, glowering at Midoriya as the muscles in his pinned arm bunch up and his palm starts to glow.
Then, he goes tch and rolls his eyes, grumbling: "Let go, Shitty Nerd. Figures you'd be the only one paying fucking attention."
Midoriya smiles and does as asked, pushing his own pudding cup closer to Bakugou right away. A blatant offer that's equally as blatantly ignored, as expected.
The actual food was never the point, after all.
Bakugou huffs off, lips upturned in somewhat of a smile of his own. Not that he'd ever admit to it as he rejoins his own friends, snapping at them to close their mouths and finish their lunch already.
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staruplatinum · 4 years
Stay With Me
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I co-wrote this with @risottostitties a while back, and I just got around to posting it now. She’s a god at writing Abbacchio btw, and this was written for my oc/Leone but I edited it so everyone can enjoy 🎉
summary: reader comforting drunk Abbacchio after he confesses his past.
It’s angsty but has a cute ending. (abbacchio says I love you for the first time!) enjoy!
3.2K words
Abbacchio was on the floor, surrounded by bottles of alcohol. Was he crying? “Jesus Christ.” You panicked, dropping your things on the floor and rushing to his side. What the hell happened? He must have been doing this for a while now because you could see how bloodshot his eyes were, even though they were only opened a little bit.
“Fuck! Leone ! What -“ you were so confused, and scared. You worried he might have gotten alcohol poisoning, but that was just your “worry-wart” mind and you knew you were just overreacting. You took deep breaths and calmed yourself down, taking a deep breath before laying down on the floor across from Abbacchio.
You understood it now, he obviously had some sort of unresolved trauma. If there was one thing you knew about trauma survivors.. it was to never touch them in a state like this because they may not want it. You had to respect that since you didn’t know what you were dealing with here. It broke your heart to see him cry, but he needed someone right now and you needed to approach this cautiously.
“I don’t know what happened, but when you want to talk, I’ll be right here. “ You said, smiling softly at him. You needed him to know that you were serious about.. helping him through whatever this was. You wanted to be there for him, to be the girlfriend he needed.
“I’ll lay here all night, if I have to.” Frankly, while this was something you didn’t expect, you were just happy to see him alive. You were so worried that he might have been dead. Your mind started going to the more logical side of things. He needed food and water or else he’d be puking soon if he hadn’t already. That, and he’d have an awful headache in the morning. You weren’t going to leave his side though. Instead, you reached your hand out across the cold floor, hoping he’d hold yours and ground himself, in a sense. You didn’t think he was sober enough for that, though.
It took Abbacchio a second to even register the fact that someone had come into his apartment. When did you get here? He must have made you worried... he could add that to the ever growing list of why Leone Abbacchio was a disgusting waste of oxygen.
"You shouldn't stay. I'm a filthy ex cop and a pathetic excuse of a man. I'll only drag you down and make you hate me if you stay. You deserve someone better, not someone who got a good man killed because he took a fucking bribe and ruined his life." Abbacchio choked out, the alcohol causing some slurring of his words and also removing his filter.
It took a minute before he realized exactly what he said to you. Fuck, he told you about it. He told you about his partner and now you were going to fucking hate him. Would it have been better to keep lying? Probably. He could have at least prolonged your relationship, instead of sabotaging it less than a month in. He really was a pathetic piece of work, wasn't he?
"You deserve better, you deserve so much better. Fuck I'm... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't deserve you, I don't deserve to be here while a good fucking man is dead. He had a wife and a kid! Fuck, its my fault that kid is growing up without his dad. I should have been the one shot, not him. Fuck!"
Abbacchio was starting to talk in circles, tears leaking from his eyes as he sobbed and curled in on himself. He didn't deserve your kindness. He didn't deserve you right now, laying on the floor with him and being so heart breakingly kind.
"I'm going to fail you too in the end. You'll get hurt if you stay, I know you will. I fuck up every good thing that's ever happened to me and I know that you'll hate me eventually. So just... please, don't let me do that to you. You deserve so much better-" Abbacchio's words were cut off by a heaving sob.
He wanted to beg you to stay though, beg you not to leave him and not to hate him but he couldn't do that. He didn't deserve to be happy and he knew that, and he didn't want to guilt you into staying with him by being an emotional pussy. You deserved better than someone who needed alcohol to work through anything like this. You deserved a good man who could give you a house and children like you wanted.
Anything Abbacchio gave you would be tainted by him. A house, a marriage, children, he'd somehow find a way to ruin all of that. Someone as kind and beautiful as you didn't deserve that. All he ever wanted to do was help people. Even joining the mafia he wanted to help people. But he managed to fuck everything up no matter what he did. He was a loser who couldn't even keep his one dream in life after he achieved it and you didn't deserve that.
"Fuck, I-... Fuck!" Abbacchio didn't know what else to say, having already made a fool of himself. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I fucking... dragged you into this. You shouldn't be here right now you should be having fun. Not fucking... laying on the floor with some alcoholic loser..."
Ah. So that’s what it was. You listened to him, and sat up, pulling his head into your lap as he cried.
“Shh. Shh. It’s okay. I have you.” You said, trying to help him control his sobs. You knew it was falling on deaf ears though, as he continued to go on about everything. You remained silent though, letting him vent it out. “Leone.” you said, your tone more serious than any other time you had spoken to him. “Leone listen to me. You aren’t a bad person and you aren’t a corrupt cop. What you did was not something that every other police man didn’t do in the past.” You began to say. While you didn’t know the context of what the bribe was for, you could tell that deep down Leone was reluctant about it. “Your friend getting shot was not your mistake. If he chose to take a bullet for you, then that’s on him. When you are in that line of work you should expect death at every corner - the same as you do now with being in the mafia.”
It honestly wasn’t your place to say any of this but the more he went on about it the more you realized that he didn’t need to feel as guilty. He wasn’t blowing it out of proportion and losing someone was never easy, but you didn’t want him to have to cry like this constantly when his partner chose to save him.
“I don’t know what exactly happened that day, and I’ll never know exactly how you feel either. I have my own traumas to deal with. But what I do know is that your friend wouldn’t have wanted you to be like this. He saved you for a reason. If that reason is for you to join the mafia and protect Bruno? Then so be it. But you have a purpose here, Leone. As much as you don’t think you deserve anything ‘good’ in your life - you do.”
You ran your fingers through his hair as you heard his sobs start to die down a little. That was a good sign, at least. It was quite honestly making you tear up a little, seeing him cry like this. You had loved him for a while now and you wanted to be... so much more doting. But what could you do? They had only dated a month, at that.
“And you can try your hardest but I promise you I am one stubborn girl. You make me happy, even at your worst so it’s gonna be hard to scare me off or make me leave.” It was true. You could be stubborn at the best of times. Maybe a lesser woman would have ran away after seeing Abbacchio like this. But not you. This only proved your love for him.
Frankly, if anyone left him in this state then they’d be the lowest scum of the earth. He needed someone right now, and you wanted to be here.
“I want to help you, Leone. I want to be your girlfriend. I don’t care what the future holds for us I just want us both to be happy. I’m not going to let anything get in the way of that. You deserve happiness. You aren’t dragging me down in the slightest ”
There was more you wanted to say, but what? What could you say? You loved him, - that she knew -but he probably didn’t want to hear that right now - and that was fair. You knew your words were coming out choppy anyways, but now that he was somewhat calm, your concerns were on something else.
Leaning down, you placed a kiss on the top of his head before brushing the hair out of his face. His sobs died down completely, only various sniffles echoing in the room.
Abbacchio reacted to you putting his head on your lap by turning over and immediately trying to hide his face by pressing it into your stomach as he clung to you. He didn't want you to see how pathetic he looked as he shook and sobbed. Your words were too kind, he knew he didn't deserve them. Couldn't you see how much of a fuck up he was? Or maybe you did, but then why were you being so heartbreakingly kind? You couldn't seriously be accepting of all this, could you? The thought made him choke out another sob, clinging tighter.
Did he want you to hate him? To leave him? Or to stay? He didn't know any more, but for right now all he wanted was just to be here with you. He felt your hands start to card tenderly through his hair and despite himself the tension began to fade from his body. Your soothing voice and gentle affection starting to coax the sadness from him, causing his sobbing to eventually wane into the occasional hiccup and sniffle. His tears dried too, but he knew his face would be red and puffy and ugly to look at so he still tried to hide as best he could. " 'M sorry..." He mumbled again, half muffled by your clothes. He didn't want to move, he didn't want to go anywhere. This felt too nice, too safe, to even consider getting up.
“I’m going to get up and get you some water, yeah? I don’t want you having an awful hangover tomorrow.” You said, gently moving his head up and standing from the floor. You tried your very hardest to lift him up. He was sluggish from all the booze he drank but he could still move around. That was a good sign, at least.
He could feel you carefully freeing yourself from his grip and standing up. "Wait! Where..?" Were you really going to get up and leave him like this? He still had no idea what he wanted but if you left he'd definitely break again. His breathing started to pick up again until you explained that you were just taking him to their room. Their room. He liked the sound of that. Their room, their apartment, it was all really nice. He allowed himself to be helped up, leaning on you heavily as you guided him to their room. It was difficult to walk right now, swimming in alcohol as he was, but he tried not to let himself become too much of a burden on you like this. You were so small compared to him.
“Come on, baby.” He was heavy, but you let him rest his weight on your shoulders as you heaved him over to the bedroom. Once he was on the bed, you laid him back, taking his pants off. You knew he didn’t really sleep in Pyjamas because he got hot easily. Hell - sometimes he didn’t even wear a shirt. It was little things like this that you remembered, and you wanted to make him as comfortable as possible. You covered him in the duvet, before heading to the kitchen for some water. You knew he should probably eat something too.. but what? You knew Abbacchio would crash soon, so you opted to make him something light and easy on the stomach - some toast. That was easy enough anyways.
He knew he should be the one helping and protecting YOU, not the other way around. But he didn't complain as you helped him out of his clothes and helped him get comfortable in the bed. It was cold without you there, but it was comfortable. He supposed he could handle this for a bit. He watched you get up again, opening his mouth to protest when you explained again that you were just getting him some water and something to eat. Right water. He hadn't had anything to drink except alcohol all day, and barely ate anything too. He needed to have something otherwise he'd be sick tomorrow. He knew this, and so did you. So he waited.
When the toast was ready you put some butter on it and tossed the knife in the sink, you’d clean it up afterwards. Walking to the bedroom you placed the toast on the nightstand, helping him sit up.
Abbacchio tried his very hardest not to sleep until you came back so he could make sure you stayed, and when you returned with toast and a glass of water he sat up. Abbacchio felt his head spinning at the sudden movement, but he tried his best not to get sick, leaning heavily on you for support while he nibbled on the toast and sipped at the water. He didn't have an appetite at all but he knew he needed to try and finish this otherwise you would be disappointed.
“You have to drink this okay?” you said. You felt a bit better when he drank some of the water. Good. “I un- I Made you toast. I don’t know what you like to eat on it but I just put some butter. You need something in your system or you’ll be puking everywhere - which I don’t mind, I’ll clean it all for you. I just.. want to make this easier on you, if I can.” you hummed, placing a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
You looked at him as you sat on the edge of the bed. Your heart hurt, genuinely. You loved this man and it bothered you that he was so hurt by this. You just wished there was more you could do.
"-re too good for me." He slurred, resting his head on your shoulder for a minute while he took a break from trying to eat.
"I love you so much. You're so... perfect. You're too nice. You deserve the world and I... I want to give it to you. I'm trying. I promise I'm trying I really-" Abbacchio felt himself choking up again as he took a drink from the water, coughing slightly before righting himself. He was trying. It might not look like it now but he really was trying. He'd been trying for a long time and he needed you to know that.
"I promise I'm... trying. To be better. So please don't leave." He repeated, vision growing hazy as he looked down at the half eaten toast. He felt... so tired after everything. Exhausted really. He just wanted to lay down and sleep it all off.
You tried to be as calm as you could, helping abbacchio drink the water and eat. He didn’t have to eat the whole thing, considering his stomach probably would hurt or it could cause him to puke, but you were still happy with what he ate. You almost dropped the plate when you heard Abbacchio utter the words I love you.
Fuck. You didn’t know what to think. Your heart was telling you to drop everything and kiss him passionately!! Tell him how you’ve loved him since you first laid eyes on him and how you want to marry him! But you stopped yourself.
Instead, you smiled and rubbed his arm gently before standing up.
“You’re drunk baby.” you said softly, pressing a kiss to his sweaty forehead. You tried not to “believe” what he said anyways. People say a lot of things when they’re drunk. Doesn’t mean they’re always true. Still, you wanted to believe.
“Hey hey.. it’s okay it’s okay. I know you’re trying Leone - that’s what matters.” you said, hugging him gently. “I’m not going to leave you, ever. Alright? I promise.” your hand brushed some stray hairs out of his face, and you smiled at him. He looked.. so sad.
It hurt you , to see him like this.
“I’m just going to put this dish away and turn the lights off, then I’ll come to bed. Okay?”
You needed to make sure that he understood you weren’t leaving ; but you couldn’t just drop here
When he nodded, You quickly disposed of the remaining toast and put the dish in the sink. There was a small pile up of dishes, and while that was a pet peeve of yours- you’d do it tomorrow. Right now abbacchio needed you. The dishes could wait.
You returned to the bed, quickly slipping on a t-shirt and taking your pants off before cuddling Abbacchio. You were the big spoon this time and that was fine, you really didn’t mind at all. As tired as he was, he still seemed somewhat agitated. Which was fair considering everything he went through. You paused for a moment - unsure of what else you could do, but then you had an idea. Leaning up on your elbow, you used your hand to gently caress his head while humming a soft lullaby to him.
When you were sure he was “almost” out, you pulled away and kissed his head once more.
“I love you too, Leone...” you whispered.
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raleighliving · 3 years
Raleigh Apartment Culture
So I'm of the mind that Raleigh is a great place to live. It has my favorite things, my favorite people, and I'm too broke to move anywhere else.
Raleigh works for me, but I recognize it doesn't work for everyone. Some people had less than ideal childhoods and wanna escape the state ASAP, some just want to live closer to their dream jobs or have new opportunities. That's all fine, but what if this describes where you are now?
What if, for the sake of argument, you're outside of NC and wanna move in? Moving is expensive, time-consuming, and risky at the best of times; so you wanna make sure that wherever you're landing is at least as good as where you started 90% of the time
"But RL," I hear you say, "you make Raleigh sound like an idyllic dreamscape populated with parks and a diverse kumbayah of peoples living in harmony"
I do talk about Raleigh in a positive light but, like a life saving medicine flavored like ass, sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.
So before you spend thousands of dollars on moving vans, boxes, and grits; here's a crash course on what it's like living in a Raleigh apartment, coming from someone whose majority of Raleigh Living (heh) has been in apartments.
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First off, location. Any realtor will tell you that location is 80% of the sale to sound profound, and as anyone who has lived in the middle of ass-backward nowhere can tell you: It sucks having to drive 30 minutes to go anywhere.
Good news: With the Raleigh Beltline and connecting roads, there are very few places in Raleigh where your trip will last longer than thirty minutes one-way. Bad News: where you set down still matters because cutting down on travel is important for car and mental health.
North Raleigh is different from south Raleigh is different from northwest Raleigh, and the locals aren't the only difference you'll find between locations. Each segment of Raleigh has something to offer, with easier access to some attractions than others and neighboring cities for when you need something outside the RDU area.
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Using downtown as the center of our wheel, people generally divide Raleigh into North and South Raleigh (with distinction given for NW, SE, NE, etc when needed). N.Raleigh is considered generally more upscale, a slice of suburban living interspersed with plenty of shopping centers for families and the moderately wealthy; but it's boring as all hell.
Want some fun? Excitement in the evenings and a more traditional urban experience with bars, night clubs, strip clubs, and more? South Raleigh is your best bet, at the cost of being the "sketchy" side of Raleigh. That kind of place where you'll see a bunch of auto shops that look abandoned but haven't been closed in the past 5 years and there's at least one customer from time to time.
Of course, this is a lot of generalizing but you'll find that it's still mostly accurate. The main exception in this is Capital Blvd, a highway cutting across north and south Raleigh on the eastern half of the city; a high crime corridor that's undergoing some changes in the northern half that have (somewhat) reduced crime but most people will still associate that area with the majority of Raleigh's crime and debauchery.
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More importantly, is the distinction Raleigh citizens put on inside the beltline versus outside the beltline. The I-440 and 540 highways that wrap around Downtown form the mythical beltline, and to a degree what you have access to. Inside the beltline is the majority of workplaces, stores, and shopping centers; while outside you'll still have these things just to a more... dispersed extent.
North Raleigh actually kinda exemplifies this perfectly. Living inside the beltline, you have access to places like North Hills, Crabtree Valley mall, and Triangle Town Center. Live outside the beltline, like I currently am, and you're looking at 10 to 15 minutes to the nearest sheetz for that late night double hot dog fix.
So for point one: How important is it that you're near things? The majority of apartments and rental properties are in or around the belt-line, but if you want to save some cash on rent checks the cheaper properties are gonna extend your trips a bit.
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Next, what can you expect in terms of neighbors? Does Raleigh have a hip party scene full of teens renting cheap apartments and blasting trap music at 3AM?
Depends on where you live
I swear not every point is going to be this, but there's an important distinction this time that affects the type of people your complex will likely have surrounding you; are you in North or South Raleigh?
North Raleigh has a ton of pre-schools, k-12 public schools (Leesville, Hillburn, Lead Mine, just to name a few), and office complexes that make up the job market. As a result the majority of apartment renters in north Raleigh tend to be families with a few small kids or so.
As a result, living off of Glenwood North and Edwards Mill I never had any noise problems from neighbors, the worst being kids playing outside at 3PM sounding like they were being murdered (which apparently is a common thing and I apologize to any neighbors I frightened with ghastly shrieks).
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What I did have a problem with, however, was the typical Karen's you hear people complain about online. Renting a property now, we have access to our neighborhood's NextDoor page and it's hilarious sometimes to go on and read the comments, but living at a certain property we had a sort of mini-Facebook for residents
That thing was always full of either people who were moving out looking to sell their furniture or people passive-aggressively challenging each other/the apartment managers with comments about things happening around the complex.
Once I logged in to see one man accuse another, without ever actually accusing someone specific ("I know who did it and they should be ashamed" type post) of putting glass beer bottles under the tires of his truck to try and puncture them. Everyone acts civil in public, but then online they'll stir the pot harder than a chef with a hand mixer.
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South Raleigh, you have the schools like Shaw University, Meredith, and NCSU; so the people renting down there are typically college kids. You'll see more apartments that cater towards them like University Village or University Woods, but sometimes these places will cater to both college kids and working adults
Avoid these places like the plague, because despite sometimes having a lower cost to live there the neighbors and their shenanigans will drive you up the wall (unless you're the type to join in, then go wild).
I've had friends stay at places like University Village and The Proper (formerly The Vie, formerly Wolf Creek) who've shared horror stories. 3AM parties ending in property damage or vomit in inconvenient places, drug deals not even trying to be subtle, and maintenance workers doing nothing because regardless of the apartment conditions; no school's gonna pull their contract with them unless news articles start getting written.
Otherwise, south Raleigh apartments are largely like north Raleigh apartments; except the crime rate tends to be a little higher and you'll run into more singles and people working full time.
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Otherwise, Raleigh apartment culture is like apartment culture anywhere else in the country. You have a mix of apartments catering to those just looking to live versus more ostentatious luxury apartments with fancy pools, exercise facilities, and tech packages to draw people in.
If you're renting in Raleigh, however, do try to get a roommate or two if you can manage. Even with a decent job paying 800+ on a one bedroom one bath apartment can be exhausting at best, but with even one other person that can functionally halve your expenses
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So if you're a young professional, or a student, or even if you have a small family, I can safely recommend renting in Raleigh. There's plenty of places that'll accommodate you, and cater towards your needs.
But what about everyone else? Are there people who shouldn't rent in Raleigh?
But there are groups who I'd seriously ask to consider their other choices before picking Raleigh as a destination for their new home.
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For instance, are you a member of the LGBT community? A trans or non-binary individual? Well then, first off, I want you to know that you're loved and valid. I'm accepting of who you are and appreciate everyone's right to identify how they choose, but I'm not everyone.
Raleigh's bluer than other parts of North Carolina, as I've stated in other blog write-ups, but it's still part of North Carolina unfortunately and as a result, you'll face some challenges.
I doubt anyone's gonna burn a cross in your yard or knock over your mailbox, but Raleigh doesn't offer LGBT protections for housing, jobs, or credit/lending discriminations according to the Movement Advancement Project's website.
We have support organizations for LGBT and NB individuals, plenty of high schools and colleges have Gay-Straight Alliance clubs, and there are numerous businesses downtown that cater specifically to those individuals... but we're also the state that got into a lot of hot water because of a stupid bathroom bill, and our politicians are trying to pass anti-trans sports legislation (because they now magically care about the integrity of womens sports).
By that measure, but to a lesser extent, if you fall outside the Liberal/Conservative political spectrum then be prepared to have no one to discuss your politics with outside of a few sparse networks like the DSA.
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Additionally, if you don't have someone to room with or a significant other to split costs with; you may want to try searching somewhere a little cheaper.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Raleigh housing prices aren't terrible for a major metropolitan city, but we're not the best prices in the world.
You can get prices on apartments and rentals lower than say, California or New York. However, compared to other parts of NC like Greensboro or Garner; rentals are still a bit much.
On average, a Raleigh apartment can run you about $900 for a single bedroom and a single bathroom. You can find cheaper, but often times there's some risk associated (Crime levels, quality of the room, quality of the property manager, etc.) Looking for a two bedroom? Then your average price is gonna jump up to around $1,200, and this is all before utilities and cable come into play.
It's true a lot of companies around here will pay more than the $7.25 minimum wage, but most low-skilled jobs will pay around 10-11 an hour.
I guess though, that's kind of an obvious statement. "Don't live in Raleigh if you can't afford to live in Raleigh."
I might expand on these thoughts at a later time, but hopefully for now I've given you some food for thought; or at the very least an entertaining read for a few minutes.
I love my city, and I love the friends I've made in it, but the sad truth is that nowhere is perfect for everyone; leastways Raleigh. If Raleigh sounds like the kind of place you'd like to live in, at least take a day trip to come visit and see how things go that way. Visit some stores, meet some locals, and form an opinion off of more than travel blogs and youtube videos.
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octavoh · 5 years
heard you had an Octavo AU and I'm curious: Is he a puppet of Vaati ? Who hurt this poor boy™ and what is this AU about?
So the premise of the AU is that Vaati shares a body with Octavo due to some kind of curse. There’s a lot more below, including art for the AU. Please talk to me about it anytime!
I’m copy/pasting this from a doc. My notes are kind of incoherent, as I haven’t solidified the storyline too much (and most of them are just from me rambling on discord). 
Context for the AU:
Vaati dies at the hands of the Hero in the Minish Cap. When he’s defeated, he casts a curse that binds his soul to a vessel. I don’t know what the parameters for the curse are, but it binds Vaati’s soul to Octavo’s.
Octavo knows that Vaati’s sharing a body with him, and Vaati can appear as an apparition to him. And since Octavo is born a few years after the events of MC he knows who Vaati is. That makes Octavo isolate himself, so at the point where shit goes down he lives as a hermit in the middle of the Minish Woods. He is, however, also a traveling musician who hoards instruments in his house.
16 years after Octavo’s birth, Ganondorf invades and takes over Hyrule. Both the king and queen -MC Zelda and Link- die at his hands. (They were barely adults at this point :(  ) However, their daughter, Zelda, escapes with Impa. 
And the plot:
The actual plot takes place 6 years after the fall of Hyrule. It’s anarchy, monsters abroad, Gan seeking the princess, etc. Zelda, now disguised as Sheik, takes refuge in Octavo’s house while being hunted by monsters. I made comic thumbnails about it. Click on the link to see ‘em
So Tavo opens up the door and hes like “bruh wtf” at all the monsters… and gets his ass beat. When Tavo’s knocked out, Vaati takes the chance to blast the monsters away (but doing so takes up most of the power he’s accumulated over Tavo’s lifetime, RIP).
Sheik sees this all happen. They know that Tavo’s gonna have a target on his back due to both his appearance (Since his color palette is kinda sheikah-like. I don’t know. It’s the pale hair) and, he just obliterated like half a platoon of monsters. 
In the meantime, Ganondorf senses Vaati’s magic outburst. He takes it as a sign of the princess’s return, and mobilizes his forces.
Sheik and Tavo end up travelling together. This is a rash decision on Sheik’s part; they know that they could’ve left him behind without endangering him. However, Tavo’s also the only person they’ve really interacted with in three years and both of them are starved for human contact, so they end up clinging to each other.
For a while, they just travel without purpose, helping whatever people they meet on the way. (At this point they also hear about the Link of this AU. I’m still not sure where I’ll implement him and how, though, so I won’t elaborate rn.)
Then they meet [NAME PENDING]. He’s a suspicious old man that Tavo and Sheik just. Keep. Meeting. Eventually, the man confronts the duo. He’s the guide of the story, and tells Sheik about their mission and how they can defeat Ganon. He tells them to find Link.
Congratulations! [NAME PENDING] joined your party! 
… Kind of. He disappears for days at a time. (Eventually, days become weeks. Weeks become months. Months become never again.)
And another major event that happens early on: while Tavo and Sheik are off adventuring, Tavo fucking dies. It’s probably not even a heroic death he just trips on a moblin or something.This activates an aspect of Vaati’s curse. 
So Vaati and Tavo make a pact (a la Ava’s Demon) before their souls really die. I’m still figuring out what exactly they promise each other. 
This is what the pact does, though: 
- Vaati takes somewhat of a “backseat”. However, if it’s necessary, he can take over Tavo’s body for a while. (Doing so puts immense strain on Vaati and he can’t do anything for a while).
- It lets Tavo and Vaati communicate via dreams. 
- Vaati also surrenders his magic power to Tavo (until the pact is … accomplished? Its conditions are met?) but Tavo, being a dumbass… doesn’t find this out till later. 
- It changes Tavo’s appearance… dyes the dude purple. 
- Vaati’s powers magically amplify Octavo’s music, letting him summon monsters and manipulate the elements (to an extent) with it. I might give him the wind waker because it’s the perfect weapon for Tavo (Is baton, has wind powers).
The rest goes something like this:
- Old man disappears altogether. 
- The party finds Link. (Link is a soldier who was chosen by the Triforce of Courage after his predecessor, MC Link, died in battle. He leads somewhat of a one-man rebellion against Ganon.)
- Link also remembers all his past lives (Granted, there aren’t many of them at this point in the timeline.) This includes MC Link. 
- Link is immediately hostile towards Octavo. Their animosity is probably going to be a major arc in the story. (…I’m probably not going to write it. F)
- Sheik and Tavo fight Link at some point when Link attacks Tavo. Eventually they get along and travel together lol
Also I think that the stuff that happens when the party gets to Hyrule Castle deserves its own section so it’s here. My notes also get a lot more incoherent from this point on, so beware
- As Tavo, Sheik, and Link gradually approach Hyrule Castle, they notice something different. The (Hylian + some Gerudo) citizens are happy and healthy. The castle is not in ruins. There are no monsters. It’s eerily idyllic.
- The castle is surrounded by an aura of malice, but everything else is peaceful.
- When they enter the Castle, the staff seem mostly be Gerudo. They welcome the party warmly. (The party is literally just waiting for the sneak attack, but it never comes).
- I don’t know what these are but they’re probably quotes/explanations from people in the castle
- “Six years ago, our king, Ganondorf Dragmire, came to Hyrule. Contrary to what you think, we did come in peace; we were to strike a trade agreement benefitting both our nations. During the last few days of negotiation, Ganondorf fell to a bout of madness- some sort of possession. Nobody had seen anything like it before.”
- “He came back to his senses to discover the blood of a thousand Hylians on his hands.”- [bitterly] “He still disappears to who-knows-where, only communicating with us by notes. We are doing the best we can to make amends for his own actions.”
- [From… Nabooru?] “I grew up with him as a child. He is hiding himself because he thinks- no, he knows- he will hurt others.“ 
And stuff from/about Ganondorf:
- Gan does his best to keep the will of Demise at bay.
- The Thing Happened when he touched some evil artifact in the Hyrule Castle vaults, which enabled Demise to use him and wreck shit up
- Gan has been researching the triforce to better understand what happened to him and learns about the Link/Zelda/Gan cycle thing.
- So the party meets Gan. Link’s in FIGHT mode from the start- Sheik and Tavo recognize Gan’s voice. Oh, wait. That old man…. Huh……..
- They fight and you can see that Gan’s holding back. But before Link can deal the finishing blow Gan goes apeshit because he can’t hold back Demise’s spirit anymore
- Cue epic boss fight but it’s sad because oh man that’s the old dude
- I know i mentioned [NAME PENDING] for like 2 lines but he’s an integral part of the story and becomes a little bit like a father figure to Sheik (and a lesser extent, Tavo). So they’re fighting a close friend. it’s not fun.
- By the end of the battle everyone’s exhausted, triforce pops out and forms that wish-granting triangle thing
- Guess who boops it. Surprise mothafucka, it’s Vaati (having taken over Tavo’s body.)
- He does the evil speech thing and taps the triangle with malicious intent. But there’s been a Vaati redemption arc throughout the story where he learns to empathize with people and become a decent dude. And though his wish sounds evil, but the interpretation is surprisingly neutral/good because his heart’s not really in it, so to speak. i havent even decided to use that particular event or not, though.
I’ve got a doc (It’s kinda inconsistent with what’s here. I need to update it)
And refs! 
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Headshots of Octavo, Sheik, and Link respectively:
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Yeah! Thanks for reading through all this; I’m really glad you asked!!
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ckret2 · 5 years
Like Lover and Owner and Worshiper
anonymous asked: If you are still taking requests about Ghidorah... Can you make one where the monster is having admirer /human/ and he didn't killed her, because she is the only one who like him... Felt like I need something sweet like this :) thank you in advance :)))
So apparently read mores don’t work in asks anymore so this gets its own post! *jazz hands*
I kinda feel like u mighta wanted to ask for a reader insert but didn’t wanna say so lol; so in case u did I left the main character unnamed, so it could be anyone. (In my head it’s AU Vivienne Graham who’s really really into Ghidorah, because from now on all Sally Hawkins characters have a thing for monsters. BUT you can substitute in anyone.)
It’s slightly bittersweet—some relatively surface-level talk of going through Seasonal Affective Disorder because Antarctica, some Ghidorah being like really super absurdly lonely, some kinda obsessive levels of affection—but it’s mostly sweet.
This is gonna get proofed llllater because im tired but wanna get it out. There’s a high chance that some pronouns got messed up because nobody has names and the pronouns switch between viewpoint characters. feel free to lemme know if you spot any of those. (or any other typos. always open to typos.) but don’t feel obligated to since this ain’t proofed. EDIT: Hey this is proofed now!
Few people last very long at Monarch if their first instinct upon seeing a monster taller than the London Eye with claws and fangs longer than their own body isn't to whisper, "Magnificent."
"Isn't he?" Serizawa asked, beaming. "Or aren't they, perhaps I should say."
"You said there are three heads. I can only see two. Where's...?"
Serizawa pointed at each of the obvious golden blurs in turn, and then at a murky patch of ice with a spotlight trained on it. She saw nothing through it. "The ice is still too thick for us to see all three," he said. "But the scans have revealed the whole body. He has two tails, as well."
"Absolutely magnificent."
Aboveground, the only thing currently protecting the crevasse they'd dug to reach this frozen titan was a chainlink fence and two very cold guards. There were a few temporary trailers set up nearby, bright orange and flying black-and-white Monarch flags; winter was coming soon, and they'd either have to work fast to establish a base that would hold them through the winter when most other seasonal bases has shut down, or withdraw to an established base for the winter and monitor the site from a distance. Japanese Showa Station was within sight of the crevasse when the weather was clear—had been the ones to discover the titan underneath, in fact—and someone, certainly, was already working out how to arrange for Monarch to move a few operatives into their facility while navigating their strict policy of secrecy concerning titans.
But all of that coordinating wasn’t in the here and now. Here and now, there was only a golden titan, glittering faintly through the ice from the spotlights put on him, and she stared at the blur that was one of his heads in wonder. How long was it going to be until they'd carved and chipped away the ice, and she could see his scales and wings and all three serpentine necks and heads in all of their glory?
She couldn't wait.
She leaned as far as she could over the railing of the rickety scaffolding that had lowered her and Serizawa to look at the monster, and she brushed the tips of her gloved fingers against the ice.
They were used to being cold.
They spent most of their life cold, frozen in the heart of an asteroid they pulled around themselves like a cocoon, soaring from world to world, unconsciously aware of how gravity tugged on their body and how the shell around them changed temperature when exposed to sunlight, but not even dreaming.
It took so long to travel from world to world, longer to travel from star to star. Staring at the same pinprick of light for years without any noticeable progress toward it was enough to drive them mad, enough to make them feel like they were going blind from staring so long at the same point, enough to make their heads ring with the silence and the inability to hear their own roars, enough to make them bite and tear at their own necks just to feel something, even if they had to rip off one of their own heads in order to feel. And then they might lose sight of their star and be lost.
It was easier to sleep away the centuries.
They slept now, in the cold, still and immobile. Their unconscious mind was certain that they were sheltered in an asteroid, floating between the stars. Only a few things could wake them from a sleep like this.
One was the feeling of an impact, jolting them awake as they made planetfall. One was extreme heat, warning that they were drifting too close to a star and needed to crack free and fly to a safer distance before falling in. One was other minds, alien minds thinking and dreaming outside of their shelter.
They felt minds now.
Once upon a time, when they were new, they could tell what others were feeling. They had long lost all but a whisper of that sense. They didn't know if it was because they now moved only among alien minds too strange to comprehend, or if it was because isolation and mutation had atrophied the ability.
But when they slept between worlds, when their eyes and ears and noses and tongues were numb and their touch was muffled by the steady pressure of their frigid cocoon, they could again sense what the minds around them were feeling.
The minds they felt now weren't enough to stir them to full wakefulness. (They should have been; but they were not, as their sleeping minds assumed, in an asteroid cocoon, but something different and worse.) But the minds were enough to shake them from deep hibernation into a dazed doze, dully monitoring the small emotions floating around them.
They were the usual feelings of industrious aliens—focused and interested, occasionally fluctuating with the pleasures and sorrows and frustrations that came from the daily private dramas all thinking things had. When the aliens focused on them in their cocoon—they could always sense when someone was focused on them—they were interested, nervous, awed, wary.
Except one mind.
One mind was consistently rapturous.
Dazed and half-dreaming, the other minds were like distant starry pinpricks in infinite black space, maddeningly far away—but this one's rapture was like an approaching sun, rushing up to meet them, filling their tired body with warmth, bright and welcoming and heralding the end of a long journey.
When had their presence been welcomed with such joy? Such unrestrained bubbling glee and dizzy euphoria? They couldn't remember if they had ever been so welcome—not on any world. Paralyzing terror, helpless anger, sickening dread, those they were all used to, those they all enjoyed. Those feelings were a sort of rapture, to be sure—the sort of rapture inspired by a devil. Never had they been on the receiving end of a rapture that was like—like what, exactly? Admiration? Love? The feeling of gazing upon something divine.
It was so warm. So warm, in the cold.
Everyone at Monarch, of course, agreed that Monster Zero was spectacular. But she began to realize that most people meant that differently from her. Sure, everyone thought he looked cool. What wasn't to like about a three-headed golden dragon? But no one else was as... as enthralled with him as she was.
He worried them.
The first she realized how widely her opinions differed from her colleagues' was when she discussed how they were going to safely remove him from the ice, and everyone at the table looked at her in surprise. They had all taken it as a given that they'd leave him where he was—incased in ice that was shaved down enough to let them get a good look at him, but not removed, and given extra refrigeration so that their surrounding equipment and lights wouldn't cause the ice to melt further. She'd looked back at them in just as much surprise—surprise at herself for not thinking that obvious. Because of course they would leave him frozen. That was Monarch policy. Hibernating titans were left to hibernate: contained in whatever tomb they'd been found in.
That was what they had to do. They had no idea what his personality was like; they couldn't wake him. They shouldn't wake him.
Even so, the knowledge that she wouldn't get to see him fly was devastating.
Everyone else found the possibility of his flying to be somewhat alarming.
Her colleagues saw his fangs, his spined tails, his clawed feet, and saw only the damage they could do. When they mentioned how much taller he was than Godzilla, it wasn't with a sense of knee-weakening amazement at the sheer grand scale of him, but with the implication that on some level they were calculating proportionately how many more neighborhoods he'd crushed if he ever decided to go strolling in San Fransisco. When she fantasized about what he would look like flying, his wings stretched wide, his scales glinting in the sunlight, her colleagues imagined only the terrible storm his flight would summon.
Everyone had their favorite titan. Even though everyone was wary of the titans' strength and dedicated to ensuring that they never posed a threat to humanity, most of them—certainly all the scientists, the multitudes of biologists and zoologists and environmentalists—had been drawn to this line of work out of love and fascination. They all, to a greater or lesser extent, collectively adored these dangerous giants. And they all adored one or two more than the others.
Of course, they teased each other good-naturedly about their favorites. Serizawa, who refused to keep a plaque on his door listing his official position in Monarch, once showed up for his shift to find his office had a shiny new plaque reading "Godzilla Public Relations Department". Years ago, Ilene Chen had received a giant caterpillar doll for her birthday, which was later seen in possession of her sister—holding it up to the glass window in front of Mothra's egg as though she was showing it off, beaming—and later still in the possession of Dr. Russell's young daughter, who would sometimes carry it like a baby and sometimes use it in battle against her dinosaur toys.
As the most excited scientist in Antarctica, she quickly gained the nickname Fangirl Zero. Sometimes, when people inquired about her work, they'd ask how her "husbands" were doing. It was always good natured, always laughingly, and with the understanding that everyone had That One Titan and was open to ribbing for it.
Even at that, though, she was pleased that when people thought of her, they thought of Monster Zero.
They could track its mind. Wherever it went, wandering back and forth, they felt it. They knew where it slept, because they could sense its dreams. They knew the spot where it spent most of the day.
They knew when it thought about them. Its mind shined upon them like a flashlight, calling to them.
It was sometimes so near to them that, if they weren't in their asteroid, they could bend down and lick it. And it would stay there, near to them, for so long at a time.
When had they ever been so worshiped? Never—not in a way that was inspired by tremulous devotion rather than trembling dread. When had they ever been so adored? Never—not since they had become they, rather than one and one and one all separate, cooed over as a trio of precious clumsy newborns. When had they ever been so loved? Never, never, never.
They were graced with every point on the spectrum of unconditional glorification—the upward-gazing glorification of a worshiper to its god, the downward-gazing glorification of an owner to its beloved pet, the equal-level glorification of lover to lover. How could one mind hold so much glory inside it without exploding? The mere spillover nearly melted the cold from their limbs.
Their worshiper grew unwell from time to time. Its emotions grew tired and dull and unhappy and quiet, like a heavy weight was pushing its mood down from above. Even when it was thinking of them, its rapture didn't reach the euphoric heights it used to. Sometimes, when it was close to them, they could feel it trying to force itself to feel euphoria in their presence. It rarely worked.
Every once in a while, it would leave. If they focused hard, they could tell where it went, feel its mind curving away in a long arc as it crossed the surface of the planet. When it settled somewhere almost halfway around the world, they were seized with an unconscious grief. The only consolation was that they could tell it still thought about them. Its worship was a star twinkling far away.
It left because something had been pushing down on its mind. They wished that they could sing for it. As their ability to hear emotions had atrophied, they had instead gained the ability to speak emotions. It took them a long time to figure out the exact notes to sing in order to change a new alien's mind, to enthrall and control it, to make it feel what they wanted it to feel. But unless they reduced a world to ash faster than they could puzzle out the native minds, they always did figure it out. They didn't want to control this mind, though. They didn't need to. They only wanted to turn the coffin lid pressing down on its emotions into a vaulted ceiling again. Maybe it wouldn't have had to leave, if they could have sang for it.
But after a while, it came back to them, happier again.
And so they didn't fear the next time it left.
During her lunch breaks and when she was off-duty, she would frequently bundle up and sit in a folding chair near his ice, gazing up at him, studying his faces, wings, scales. She'd sometimes bring books and read to him—if anyone gave her a quizzical look, she'd laugh and say she couldn't help but think he must be lonely in the ice. Oftentimes they were myths about dragons, hydras, and serpents, often sent to her by Dr. Chen as she tried to find more historical sightings of Monster Zero. She'd read him a story and then ask him whether it was true, false, or about a different titan entirely. She'd tell him about paintings they found that seemed to depict him fighting against Godzilla, and ask whether that was him or just another titan that looked like him, and what his relationship with Godzilla had been like. Of course he didn't answer. That was fine. She felt like, somehow, he knew she was there.
Nothing made her happier than working in the same facility as Monster Zero.
It made her almost as happy as Antarctica made her unhappy.
Sunlight was indirect and at times of the year sparse. Even in the summer, the temperature barely ever rose to zero. And except for a few quick, frigid walks she sometimes made herself take for her own mental health, she got very little of what sunlight was available. Almost all of her time was spent in Outpost 32, deep in ice. Even when she slept in her heated room under her many blankets, she could still feel the distant chill pressing in on her bubble of warmth, looking for a way to make her cold.
Most Monarch staff had their permanent assignments somewhere farther north, cycling through Antarctica for a shift of one or two months roughly every couple of years. Nobody wanted to be in the frozen, barren, dark tundra; nobody wanted to share a tomb with the devil with three heads. She was the only one who requested the position, insisted that she be permanently stationed in Antarctica. Because of that, she quickly became the most important person at the outpost: the expert not only on Monster Zero, but also in getting the satellite Internet to work again, in repairing the constantly malfunctioning coffee machine, in finding where the spare bulbs were kept, in coping with the soul-sucking isolation and inhospitable climate at the bottom of the world. She was officially put in charge of the outpost before the construction was finished. Time and again, her colleagues told her that she was invaluable.
But they also told her that they were worried. She understood. She didn't want to—for a while, she resisted it—but she did. Antarctica sucked the light from her mind as easily as the warmth from her bones. She grew tired, sullen, listless, irritable. The base was full of sun lamps, and she was shipped one antidepressant after another to try, but none of them fully mitigated the effects of being trapped underground and surrounded by ice. She couldn't stay there permanently. So for three months of the year, from July through September, when Antarctica was its darkest and coldest, she transferred to a post in the northern hemisphere.
And so, she became a reverse Persephone: every winter, she left behind hell and its king, to return eagerly in the spring.
They woke as their asteroid shuddered, cracked, and crashed apart.
Waking was a sluggish process. It took them a long time to remember where they were and what had happened: they hadn't been in space, drifting between planets. They had been trapped underground. They had been thrashed and defeated and discarded. They had been left broken in the frigid slurry of their melted battlefield, too weak to move and sinking. The water had come up around them and froze.
They hadn't finished with this planet.
They would now.
It was good that there were so many little creatures scurrying around under their feet. The creatures made excellent target practice to resharpen their senses, and the guns pinging pellets off their scales helped to wake them up. They hadn't recalled that any creatures on this world had guns. How long had they slept?
Not long enough for the little king to die out. Unfortunate. Excellent.
They were awake now—awake and alive and freezing and furious and ecstatic.
But through the swirling wind and ice shards and shrapnel, through the screaming and shooting and dying vermin, through the darkness and the flashing yellow and blue light, through the electric life crackling up their throats—they felt a point of light piercing their minds like it was the only light in the universe.
The little king had fallen—dropped into the pit he had frozen them in—they wouldn't have to worry about him for a moment. They broke off their search, twisting around, scanning in separate directions for the light.
There, far below, a dark speck on the white ice: one of the vermin fleeing for their lives. There was their worshiper. They had spent so much time unconsciously following its mind around that, even awake, with their empathic sense muffled, they could still dully register its emotions. They had never felt it fear them before. But even so, they could still feel its awe piercing through the fear, in breathless fluttering bursts. Were they everything it had ever hoped for?
They bent down, all together, wings spread wide for balance, studying the vermin up close from three angles. It stopped running and turned to face them, even when the other vermin looked back at it and started shouting.
Within its gaze, they glowed. Yes, they were everything it had dreamed of and more.
It raised a hand, reaching for the middle of them, and they jerked back. No, that wouldn't do. Electricity crackled across the surface of their scales; at times, they had amused themselves by finding vermin hardly larger than their worshiper and brushing lightly against them to watch them sizzle and fry. They did not want their lone worshiper to end that way.
They would give it a different gift. They had wanted to sing for it for a long time.
They reared back, stood straight, and let out a single, high, trilling trichord. It wasn't as loud as they could sing—but they didn't need the whole planet to hear them.
It clapped its hands over the sides of its head, as did most of the other vermin; but they could feel as its mind lifted, floating, filled with light. And may whatever had weighed it down never do so again.
They could hear the little king stirring. If they fought here, their worshiper might be crushed. They gave it one last look—they might never see it again, and a million worlds from now they would want to remember what it had looked like—and then they turned and took off. They flew over the pit the little king was still trying to claw out of, whipped his face with the spines of one tail to knock him off balance, and soared past him as he fell again, daring him to pursue them—away from the vermin on the ice.
They could still feel their worshiper's love.
She could never have imagined how much more beautiful Monster Zero would be as a living creature, moving and tensing and flexing, glowing in the dull light, crackling with lightning. All the simulations and theorizations Monarch made about how he would behave, all their CGI models predicting how he would move, all the scans and samples they used to guess at his biology and abilities, and still he was so much more than they ever came close to predicting.
He was as awesome and terrible as she’d always hoped and feared.
And he had stopped to bend down and look at her. Only her. Did he know her? Had he heard her in his sleep? She could barely hear her colleagues telling her to run as she reached a hand for him.
With the sound of his roar, her ears rang and her bones vibrated, and she felt static in her lungs. A moment ago she'd thought Monster Zero was going to be the death of her—and if she had to choose how she'd die, she would choose no other way, even if she would prefer it wait a few more decades—but at his roar she knew it was not possible that he would hurt her. Euphoria poured into her mind like sunlight, like ambrosia overfilling a cup, and her soul sang with lightning. For a moment, she couldn't see, she couldn't feel, she couldn't breathe. She didn't need to breathe. Everything was dust and glitter and enlightenment.
The echoes of his roar faded, and she felt herself settle back on the Earth; but something had opened up in her. She felt lighter than she'd been in years.
Her knees gave out, and she sank gracelessly to the ice, watching the way its necks and tails rippled each time it beat its wings.
Someone said, "Wow. Wow. Did the rest of you feel that?" Someone else said, "Did we know he could do that? That's new, right? We didn't know about that."
Her heart pounding like it was trying to break free of her ribs, she watched him until he disappeared over the horizon.
Comments/reblogs are welcome! Check the “source” link below for my masterlist of Ghidorah-centric and Rodorah fics, as well as my AO3 and Ko-fi links.
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just-jordie-things · 6 years
Don’t you Believe in Fate? - Peter Parker
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word count: too many.  (11,157, oof) warnings: swearing, action scenes, electrocution (?) summary: everyone seems to believe in destiny except for the two destined to be together.  one of them is the most popular person her age, and the other couldn’t be lesser known than he already is.  but when it’s just the two of them, none of it matters.
(y/n) (l/n) was easily the most popular girl in school.  She was the most talked about, the most looked at, and won homecoming queen every year.  Boys were in love with her.  Girls were dying to be her.
Of course, this was all because of her living situation.  Working in the Stark tower and being a part of that mess they called a family really gave (y/n) a popularity boost, sometime in the middle of the eighth grade.  And since then, her social life had only gone uphill.
Meanwhile, in real life, it was a continuous plummet.
This morning went like every other.
(y/n) was one of the only people awake in the tower, with Steve, Bucky, Wanda, and Vision.  Three of them had a hard time sleeping, and were used to early mornings to avoid a long night of bad dreams, and one of them physically couldn’t sleep.
“Did you pack a lunch?” Steve asked as (y/n) was sitting at the counter with her breakfast.  She nodded in silent answer.
“A real lunch or just a bunch of non-meals packed into one meal?” Bucky questioned, only getting a glare out of the girl.  “I’m gonna guess snacks then” The soldier muttered before going back to eating his yogurt.
“I’ve gotta get going” (y/n) eventually said, putting her dishes in the sink and grabbing her bag off the floor.
“Want a ride?” Steve offered, like he always did.
“No” She declined.  Like she always did.  The last thing she wanted is for people to see her getting a ride to school from Captain America.  Steve knew that, but he always politely gave her the option.
(y/n) much prefered the city bus.
“Bye, I’ll see you later” She waved quickly and headed to the door, but she didn’t get off the hook that easy.
“Taking the bus with Parker today?” Bucky called.  (y/n) spun around on her heels, but before she could get out a smartass response Wanda came into the room and instantly eased the tension.
“You’re getting a ride with Peter?” She asked in that thick accent everyone secretly loved to hear.  There was a sweet and knowing smile on her face as she studied (y/n’s) features.  Carefully kept neutral.
Wanda could read her mind, sure, but the witch never did.  Unless it was warranted.
“Yes” The teenager finally answered steadily.  “And need I remind you all, Peter is a colleague”
“Sure kid, sure” Bucky remarked with a shake of his head.
“I have school to go to” (y/n) said, giving Wanda a kind goodbye, before tightening her grip on the strap of her bag and heading out of the Avenger’s Compound.
She pulled her phone out to send a quick text to Peter letting him know she was on her way to the bus stop, and just enjoyed her short walk through the city.  Going out in public could be a hassle, so she always made sure to put a cap or hood over her head just for safe measures.
But adults, though they recognized her, never made a big deal out of it.  Mostly cause she was still young, and nobody knew her identity as an Avenger.  Just that she worked with them.  Other teenagers however, loved to bombard her with questions or pictures, she’d even been asked for autographs.
(y/n) looked up to see Peter Parker standing at the bus stop, waving to her with a big smile.  She smiled back as she walked up to wait with him, high fiving his waving hand with a small laugh.
“Hey nerd” She replied.  “How much longer for the bus?”
“Four minutes” Peter answered like he’d been counting down the seconds in his head.  “Did you get the Calculus done? Or did you skip it for a nap instead?” He asked.
What she loved about Peter? He rarely asked her about the Avengers like everyone else did.
“No, I did it” (y/n) answered like the question offended her.  “Half of it.  Power nap.  Other half.  A good tactic that works every time, might I say”
“It doesn’t you liar” Peter replied.  “Most of the time you’re rushing to do it on the bus cause your ‘power nap’ just turns into bedtime”
“Okay but only like… three times”
“Eight” Peter corrected matter-of-factly.  (y/n) looked up at him with a raised brow and a slight smirk.
“Oh, so you’re counting?” She asked, and Peter momentarily flustered.  “Stalker.  I’m telling Tony” He laughed, realizing she was only messing with him, and hadn’t figured out that he really does notice that sort of thing.
Hopefully, anyways.  He couldn’t have her knowing that he has like… the biggest crush on Earth’s youngest Avenger.
“What about you? Did you finish the homework or just save kittens trapped in trees?” She asked him a little more discreetly.  Peter rolled his eyes.
“I always make time for both.  And it’s not only kittens!”
(y/n) was still laughing when the bus pulled up.
Walking into Midtown High (“only the best for Tony Stark’s kid!”) was the worst part of the day.
She always walked incredibly close to Peter, to the point where their sides ran into each other and she was constantly grabbing his shoulder as she tripped.  But she worried that if she left him at any point that she’d be attacked by everyone surrounding them in the halls.
Peter knew (y/n) hated the way her life worked out.  But even though he was living in the opposite world she was, they seemed to merge somewhere in the grey area between popularity and… well, nobodies.  Being the observant friend he was, he also realized she hated being left alone.  Especially at school.  So he let her bump into him and grab onto him as they walked the halls, as long as she felt somewhat comfortable.
“Hi (y/n)!”
“Good Morning (y/n)!”
“What kind of coffee do you drink? I’m going on a Starbucks run!”
“Hey (y/n)! Love your outfit!”
Random people would call out to her, people she wouldn’t even recognize.  Peter would roll his eyes, because he was always ignored, but (y/n) gave them small smiles at the very least.  Ignoring it just seemed to rude.
“Wow.  They literally worship you” Ned said as he scanned the halls of prying eyes, all wondering what (y/n) would do next.
“Really?” Peter mumbled to his friend while (y/n) fiddled around with the items in her locker.
“It’s okay” She said to Ned, her fingers gently skimming over Peter’s arm as though telling him he didn’t need to stick up for her.  “I’ve just come to terms with it”
“How do you ‘just come to terms’ with something like literally being treated like royalty?” Ned asked incredulously.  “Seriously, I bet if you cut your hair, someone would ask for the pieces you chopped off-”
“Ned” Peter hissed, widening his eyes now and jerking his head side to side to get him to stop talking.  (y/n) shut her locker, holding her books in her arms.  She glanced up at Peter, a loving look on her face.
“I get it, it’s cool” She told him, trying to get him to just brush it off.  The three began to walk to homeroom together, moving on with the conversation.  Ned started getting into how he’s decided to rebuild his Lego Death Star, and (y/n) tried as best she could to focus on it instead of the greetings, whispers, and cat-calls all directed towards her.
Peter hated the cat-calls the most.
(y/n) on the other hand, just pretended she couldn't hear it.
After homeroom was first period AP Language Arts, which (y/n) didn’t have with Peter, or Ned.  Meaning she had to get through the hour trying her best to just focus on the lesson, and not everyone else trying to get her attention.
Most of her school day was spent trying to focus, and most the time she had to take her work home to try and re-learn it because she would get so distracted by people passing notes to her and calling for her.
Lunch was the second worst part of the day.
The high school cafeteria was just as crazy as every movie ever made depicted it to be.  Yeah, food fights really were a thing.  Even in a place like Midtown, where the graduates go on to be successful scientists or business men or women.
“(y/n)? Hey (y/n/n)?”
The girl’s body shot up upon hearing the infrequently used nickname, Peter’s hand waving in front of her face.
“I asked where your lunch was” Peter said, a small smile on his face as he gestured to the ridiculous meal in front of her.  A container of pretzels, a water bottle, her favorite sweet snack, and a piece of toast covered in her favorite spread.
“This is my lunch” (y/n) answered confusedly, looking between her food and the boy who had clear disappointment written all over his face.  “What?”
“(y/n) that’s barely anything”
“What’re you talking about?”
“A couple of pretzels and a drink I mean-”
“And toast!” (y/n) defended herself.  “What? I ate breakfast and I hate eating in front of people here”
“Peter stop being a husband, let the girl eat” MJ called out from the other side of the table.  (y/n) pointed to her and gave Peter a look.
“What she said” She said, taking a drink of her water.  The boy sighed, eating his own lunch.  They went on silently as they ate their meals.  But it was comfortable.  It was always comfortable between (y/n) and Peter.  That’s what made her love him so much, even if she didn’t totally realize it.
“Thompson, twelve o’clock” Peter muttered, a tone of disgust in his voice as he watched Flash walk up to the girl across from him.  (y/n) abruptly stood up, mouthed ‘bathroom’ and left the lunchroom with her things before Flash could begin to sweet talk her.
She ended up not even having time to go back to lunch, and didn’t see Peter again until the end of the day at her locker.  He was waiting for her there, like the complete gentleman he secretly was.
Peter never let on that he was a total gentleman, and (y/n) kept that as her little secret.
Seeing him standing there on his phone while he waited patiently for her made her smile involuntarily, quickening her pace to get to him.
“Hey nerd” She greeted, and he couldn’t help but smile back at the unusually endearing nickname.
“Hey back” he said, shoving his phone into his pocket.  “Are you taking the bus home or sneaking off?”
Sometimes she did find herself getting geared up and fighting crime with Spider-Man, but tonight she was already busy.
“Actually I have to help Tony set up for the Gala tomorrow night” She said with a slight frown.  Peter always got so excited when she’d go patrolling with him, and she really did want to go, just to spend a few more hours together.  “I feel like I barely got to see you today”
Whether or not voicing her thought out loud was an accident would remain a mystery to the both of them.
“It’s okay” Peter said with a sad smile and a shrug as (y/n) busied herself putting her books back into her locker, trying to hide the hot blush on her cheeks from her confession.  Feelings weren’t something she talked about all that often, so anytime something slip she’d grow flustered.  “I’ll see you tomorrow anyways”
“Are you coming to the Gala?” She asked him quickly, her eyes wide and hopeful as she shut her locker and gave him her undivided attention.
Something that nearly everyone else in this damned school would beg on their knees for.
“I-I mean, I wasn’t going to it’s not like Mr. Stark invited me or-or anything” Peter rambled.  (y/n’s) hand latched onto his wrist as they walked to the doors.
“You don’t need an invite from Tony.  You’re- you know who” She whispered out that last part making Peter laugh just a little bit.  “Besides, everyone there gets a free invite to come, and you happen to have an internship” (y/n) grinned.
“I don’t know… it’s not my scene (y/n)” Peter sighed.  Her hand let go of his arm as she frowned slightly.  She tried hiding it, but he could tell he let her down.  “Come on, you don’t want me there.  I’d have to cling on to you the whole night, you’re the only person I’d know” He said, trying to get her to see his train of thought here, so that she didn’t think he simply didn’t want to hang out with her.
“I get it” She replied softly, shrugging a shoulder and then adjusting the strap of her bag.
“Really,” Peter said, stopping now and pulling on her arm slightly to get her to stop too.  “It’d just be better and a whole lot of awkwardness if I didn’t go.  I can’t dance, I don’t have anything to wear, and I look like a fourteen year old” He said dramatically, making (y/n) giggle a little bit.
“Okay, okay, I get it.  You’ve proven your point.  I’m not going to force you to go” He cracked a smile at her and they continued walking to th bus.
She didn’t know how to tell him that she really wanted him to go with her, so she didn’t.
“Well if you want him to come, why didn’t you simply ask?” Wanda Maximoff questioned as she used her magic to move tables around the grand ballroom.
“Cause I’m dumb and lack basic conversation skills! I don’t know” (y/n) groaned as she maneuvered a cart full of white tablecloths, laying them over each table Wanda put in place.  “It got weird, and I didn't want to force him to come if it was going to make him uncomfortable”
Wanda frowned at the girl she considered family, maybe a niece, or a little sister.  She placed her hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side.
“You wouldn’t be forcing him into anything, you’d be asking him to be your date to an event, there’s a very distinct difference” Wanda explained while trying not to chuckle.
“Peter does everything to make me feel comfortable, all the time.  In school, on the bus, just being in public.  I don’t want to do anything to make him feel out of place.  I don’t want him to feel like I do all the time” (y/n) explained.  “I don’t know if that even makes sense” She grumbled as she fixed the tablecloth in a frustrated fashion.
“I understand” Wanda said, thinking through all aspects of the situation.  “What, so his excuse for not coming was not having a suit?”
“Yeah, among other things” (y/n) shrugged, continuing on in her work.  “I’m sure Spider-Man duties are far more important for some Adult-Prom”
“This is a charity Gala, (y/n)” A new voice called.  “For charity.  And fun and drinks, but also charity”
“Tony, how long have you been eavesdropping?” (y/n) asked bitterly.
“Thirty seconds.  Long enough to know you went ahead and invited Parker”
“Well don’t get pissed just yet.  He declined” She told him.  
“Probably a good thing.  He’d hate this (y/n)” Tony said, clasping his hands together as if he were giving her solid advice.
“That’s a lie” Wanda said with a scoff.  “What?” She played innocent after Tony gave her a pointed look.  “I didn’t even have to read your mind for that.  Peter would enjoy this”
“Are you sure?” (y/n) asked.
“Yeah, Maximoff, are you sure?” Tony repeated with a completely different tone.
“Of course.  I think he’d like to meet everyone properly” Wanda said honestly.  “I’ve been in his head, trust me, he’d think it’s neat.  Especially if (y/n) stuck by him.  You know, introduced him, gave him a little tour-”
“He doesn’t even want to come, Wands” (y/n) cut her off.  “Can this conversation just be done?”
With that she abandoned the tablecloths and left the ballroom.  Leaving Wanda to give Tony a glare.
“What? I’m parenting” He stated.
“Bullshit, you just think she’s your little girl, and don’t want her hanging around that boy” Wanda replied calmly, crossing her arms over her chest.  “Listen, Tony, I know you love (y/n), we all do.  But Peter is her only true friend out there in the real world, and she relies on him”
“Peter’s off limits, (y/n’s) off limits to Peter.  End of discussion” Tony said, about to leave the room, but Wanda was quicker and used her magic to shut the doors.
“News flash, Stark, she’s not your child.  You don’t have the control over her you think you do.  Especially not here” She told him.  “You don’t have to like it, but you do have to tolerate it.  (y/n) is almost eighteen, she’s almost an adult, she can make choices for herself.  Whether or not that involves Peter, it isn’t totally up to you”
Tony was silent as Wanda spoke incredibly calmly.  When she finished, he let the entirety of what she said sink in.
Then left without another word.
Steve was sitting in the common room when (y/n) came storming past.  And as soon as he’d realized she was walking quickly and in an angry fashion, Tony was walking right on her trail.
“Tony- hey?” Steve stood up now, curious as to what was going on.  “Did you guys get in a fight?”
“No- well- sort of.  Maybe” Tony answered unsurely.
“What does that mean?” Steve asked.  “What happened?”
“Well I… I told her that Peter Parker was off limits” He said, trying to sound sure of himself.  But Steve went into panic mode.
“Have you lost it? Are you insane?” The Super Soldier threw his arms up dramatically.  “You can’t separate Peter and (y/n).  They’re… well they’re Peter and (y/n)”
“What the hell does that mean?” Tony asked, crossing his arms defensively.  “And I can, I’m her legal guardian”
“Tony that doesn’t make her your goddamn daughter, you can’t lock her in her room and keep them apart”
“Who are we keeping apart?” Thor walked into the room in a very untimely fashion.
“Peter and (y/n)” Steve answered before Tony could say it was a private matter.
“Oh my Gods! You can’t keep them apart! Their destiny is written in the stars!” Thor hollered loudly.
“Would you just- would you shut up, please?” Tony asked, clearly growing frustrated with the whole ordeal.
“Peter and (y/n’s) souls were meant to be together” Thor spoke anyways.  “They were made as one and born separately, it’s truly magnificent, the connection their young hearts have-”
“Thor? Shut it” Tony snapped.  “I already told her no”
“You can’t intervene with fate” Thor grinned.  “These things they… they have a way of working out”
“He’s right” Steve cut in.  Tony rolled his eyes, not believing the two of them.
“(y/n’s) too young for that.  And she’s not dating my… My student!” Tony said.
“Don’t you think you’re being a little over the top? She is almost an adult” Steve tried to sway Tony, but it didn’t work at all.
“No.  This is my decision” He said, continuing on his way to the lab.  “Everyone just needs to learn to deal with it!” He added as he left.
“I do not understand” Thor spoke.  “I thought that Lady (y/n) was already dating the Spiderling?”
Steve shook his head and sighed.
“No, and now they may not get the chance”
(y/n) had retreated to her room for studying in privacy.  She knew she probably shouldn’t have stormed out on Wanda like that, leaving her chores completely.  But she was so tired of taking orders from Tony.
The whole argument was unnecessary! Peter had rejected the offer, there was no chance in him coming, it didn’t need to blow up like it did.
She was trying to memorize her vocabulary for the week when her phone started ringing.  And there was only one person who ever called her.
“Pete?” She answered, still flipping through her notecards.  “What’s up?”
“Uh- bad guy- stuff” He said between harsh breaths.  “Could you maybe- come here?”
Suddenly (y/n) was up out of bed and digging for her suit.
“Where are you?” She asked frantically, finally finding it and stripping off her day clothes as quick as possible.
“Between fifth and fourth- wait sixth and seventh- wait-”
“You’re running aren’t you?” She asked, pulling up the black leather pants of her suit, and then the same dark colored tank top.
“Yep, can you just head this way as fast as you can?”
“I can’t get my wings, they’re in the lab” (y/n) cursed herself for having been so clumsy in her last mission, her angel-sized wings having been busted when she crashed into a building.
Truth was, (y/n) was a secret vigilante with the Avengers.  But she was an even more secret vigilante with Spider-Man.  The public didn’t know her identity as an Avenger, and the Avengers didn’t know she snuck out of the compound to fight crime with Peter.
“I’m coming on foot” She told him through her phone, grabbing her bow from under her bed and zipping up her leather jacket.  She threw her quill of arrows over her back and placed daggers in their sheaths all throughout her suit.  Ankles, biceps, inner thighs, and hips.  That’s eight knives.
“Okay, just be fast” Peter said.  He was clearly out of breath from running, and (y/n) wondered what the hell he was running from.
“I will” She promised him before hanging up.  With that, she pulled her hood over her head and gracefully lept out her window.
She’d done this more times than she could count.
When (y/n) finally arrived on the scene, Peter was swinging between buildings, shooting webs at Hydra Agents on the streets, who were shooting at him rapidly.
“Hey!” (y/n) hollered to redirect their attention, bow already loaded with an arrow.
“What are you, female Hawkeye?” One of them snickered at their own joke, and (y/n) smirked.  She liked the talkers.
Because it meant she could silence them.
Her arrow flew through the air and pierced through the man’s throat.  He coked and stumbled as he tried pulling it out, but only managed to fall over and bleed out.
“Anybody else?” She asked rhetorically, placing another arrow into her bow.
“She’ll actually kill you!” Spider-Man swung down and landed next to her.  One of the man cocked his gun before aiming towards her.
“Not if I kill her first”
He shot the gun, but before Peter could push you out of the way she’s lifted the bow and the bullet hit it, it’s metal making the bullet stop and fall to the ground with a quiet patter.  (y/n) smirked, cocking her head to the side.
“How many bullets you got left in there?” She asked him, shooting an arrow to the side of her and piercing the Hydra Agent that thought he could sneak up on her.  He groaned and fell to the ground, while Peter stood in amazement.
“Enough” He growled, walking towards her now and shooting his guns multiple times, and she dodged each one.  Spider-Man swung off to fight against the others while the Hydra Agent must’ve run out of bullets because he was trying to pistol whip the girl instead.  He landed one blow that knocked her to the ground but it didn’t take her out.
“Someone needs to learn some manners” She grunted as he placed his boot on her chest, keeping her down on the ground.
“You’re just a kid, what’re you doing playing hero?” He asked, taking his time to reload his gun since she couldn’t reload her bow.  But she had backup plans.
“I’m not fucking playing anything” She said, grabbing a knife from the sheath on her bicep, swiping it across his ankle so his hold on her would loosen.  When she got up she took the other ouf from her other arm, and raced towards his throat.  The man dodged her, able to hit one of them out of her hands.  But she just took one from her hip.
“How many knives do you have?” He asked, taking out a baton and whipping it forward in his hand to lengthen it.  He flipped a switch on the handle of it, and (y/n) could see bolts of electricity running through it.
When (y/n) came to her senses, she realized instantly how uncomfortable her entire body was, besides her head.  Her head felt… cushioned.  She opened her eyes and looked around, not recognizing where she was.  The sky above her was too dark to tell.
“Oh good, you’re awake”
Peter’s voice drew her to her senses, and she realized her head was lying on his leg, and he was leaning over her to look at her.  His mask was off, but the rest of his suit still remained.
“What… what the hell happened?” She asked him.
“That guy electrocuted you, like a lot” Peter said.  “We’re sitting on top of Delmar’s.  Figured I shouldn’t bring you back to the compound while you were unconscious”
She forced herself to sit up on shaky arms, swinging her legs over the side of the building and taking deep breaths.
“Thanks for not taking me home” She told him honestly.  “I would’ve been more dead than I feel now” Peter nodded, his eyes scanning over her to make sure she was stable enough to be sitting on the edge of a building.
“I got you a sandwich” He announced, handing her a wrapped deli sandwich.  “I didn’t know what you liked so I just picked the most basic order” He told her as she took it.  The girl’s fingers were shaking so bad she nearly dropped it fifty feet to the ground, but Peter kept hold of it.  “I’ll just unwrap it for you” He said, setting his own sandwich to the side to peel the foil off.
“Thanks” (y/n) muttered, shutting her eyes and trying to get her nerves to calm down.  It was like electricity was running through her veins in small shocks.  But enough that her body quivered.  She pushed the hood off her head and brushed her fingers through her tangled hair.  “How’d you get caught up with Hydra?”
“They tried to steal something, I dunno what” He answered, handing the girl her food before taking a bite of his own.  “I didn’t know they were Hydra Agents before I swooped in to stop them”
“You gotta learn to be more careful than that” (y/n) grumbled.  It took her a few moments to actually get a decent bite of her food.
“I am careful” Peter defended.
“Clearly you’re not” She snapped back.  
She didn’t mean to, she was just tired of Peter getting put into life or death situations where he has to call her for backup cause he can’t handle it on his own.  The boy was silent after her strong use of attitude, and they finished their sandwiches in silence.
“Can you swing me home?” She asked him quietly, which he agreed instantly.
It wasn’t a far distance, and somehow (y/n) managed to sneak back in her room without getting caught.  Spider-Man hanging off the wall by her window as she climbed in.  He took off his mask again.
“Try and sleep, heal” He told her kindly.  “We’ve still got school in the morning and… your… gala… thing” He added with a little more anxiousness.
“Thank you, Peter” She said breathlessly, falling onto her bed.  The boy smiled, shutting her window silently and putting his mask back on before flying off.
Maybe Peter wasn’t the Gala type, but he certainly was cut out for protecting the city of Queens.  She’d give him that.
The next morning she skipped breakfast, and decided that she would just buy a lunch instead of bringing her own.
Trudging into the kitchen, (y/n) made a cup of coffee and then went to the common room for her backpack.
“You heading to school already kiddo?” Steve called.
(y/n) winced as she turned around to see him standing there.  His brows contorted as he looked her over.
“You look like you haven’t slept” He stated.  At least with her hat on he couldn’t see the minor bruising from the Agent’s gun coming into contact with her face.
“Bad dreams?”
“I guess”
“You’re keeping your answers awful short.  You’re sure there’s nothing you want to tell me about?” Steve pressed.
“No, God, I just had a few nightmares and couldn’t get comfortable.  What’s with the third degree?”
Steve shrugged his shoulders simply, not wanting o push her even further.
“You talk to Tony since your argument yesterday?”
“No.  We’re fine” She said bluntly.  Steve frowned, and she shrugged her shoulders.  “It’s not a big deal, Steve”
“If you say so” He said, brushing it off.  “So, do you have your dress for the Gala?” (y/n) nodded.  “Are you excited still?”
“Yeah, it’ll be cool” (y/n) answered lamely and shrugged a shoulder.  Steve frowned again, but this time before he could start questioning her again she was heading to the door.  “I really have to get going”
“Okay, well, have a good day, kid” He called to her.  She waved before leaving.
Peter was sitting at the bus stop bench when she arrived, winded from speed walking so she’d make it in time.
“Hey nerd” She said, slumping onto the bench next to him.  Peter grinned sheepishly at her in response.
“Are you feeling better?”  He asked, and she slumped back against the shelter over the bench.
“No.  I got three hours of sleep, and I still have to help Tony when I get home because I bailed on him and Wanda last night setting up for the Gala.  Also, I think I’m bruising from the…” She trailed off, just gave him a look signaling he knew what.
“Bruising?” Peter asked confusedly.  He didn’t think that bruising could occur from that kind of torture.  “Can I… can I see?” he asked cautiously.  (y/n) nodded softly, looking around to make sure no one was near, then lifting her shirt up just enough to expose her stomach, where faint lines were seen, tracing all over her skin like a doodle of a vine.  “Yeah… that’ll certainly scar” Peter mumbled with a frown.
“It’s all up my chest too” She sighed, putting her shirt back down and settling on the bench again.  “I’m just… exhausted” She sighed, her head leaning towards Peter’s shoulder and finding peace there.  Peter didn’t say anything about it, not wanting her to move.  “How about you?”
“Oh j-just regular stuff that I’m used to” He stuttered slightly over his words, trying his hardest to come off as casual.  “Hey so that thing you said last night, about not being careful, I-” He paused when (y/n) sat up again to look at him, suddenly wishing he’d just kept his mouth shut so that she’d still be laying there.  “I just thought I should tell you that I’m-”
Peter was cut off by the screeching of the bus tires coming to a full stop.  Silently cursing himself he slung his bag over his shoulders and made sure (y/n) were okay to walk up the steep little steps of the bus.  He let her have the seat next to the window and sat next to her.
“I’m careful” He finished in a mutter, and (y/n) looked away from the window to Peter, not having expected him to say anything.  “When I’m.. yaknow… doing that stuff.  I’m really careful.  And if I’m being honest, it’s cause I’m really worried I’m gonna damage the suit and have to beg Stark for another one and he kinda terrifies me sometimes-”
“Peter” (y/n) cut the ambling boy off with her soft voice.  “I know you’re careful” She confirmed with a small nod, her eyes locking on his.  The boy sighed, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.  “I’m sorry I snapped at you yesterday, I just don’t want you to… you know” She shrugged her shoulders, not finishing her sentence.  But Peter knew what she meant.
“Yeah” He breathed out the word, looking straight ahead and severing their eye contact.  The ride was quiet as (y/n) continued to stare out the window and he thought about what he could say just for the sake of talking to her.  Nothing good came to mind.
When they arrived at school, the girl stuck close to him again while their peers said their ‘good mornings’ and told her she looked exceptionally beautiful today, just like every other morning.  She tried her best to walk at a normal pace, through the slight discomfort in her abdominal area.
Peter still slowed down a bit so she didn’t have to, and she thanked him silently for that.
“Hey guys!” Ned called with a wave from his locker, shutting it and walking with his friends.  “So, do any…. Crime fighting last night?” He asked in a quiet but eager tone.
“Maybe not the best subject to start on” Peter stated, and Ned shrugged and moved on.  
The boys rambled about the chemistry homework while (y/n) limply got her things from her locker.  She put one book in her bag at a time, not sure she could hold much more in her arms without shakily dropping them.
“(y/n/n), do you want help?” Peter asked gently, his hand laying on her arm to stop her actions and gain her attention.
“No, it’s okay” She answered with a timid smile, closing up her backpack and shutting her locker.  The three walked to their homerooms together, dropping (y/n) off first because hers was closest.  She simply waved and was about to walk into the classroom but Peter stopped her.
“Are you gonna be okay?” He asked.  Ned hung back a bit so it didn’t seem like he was eavesdropping when he 100% undoubtedly was.
“Yeah, it’s okay Peter, really” (y/n) reassured quietly.  He still looked unsure though, his eyes glancing over her stance.  She had all her weight on one foot and held the straps of he bag tightly in her hands.  He could see her knuckles whitening.
“Okay” He gave in, trusting her.  “But if anything happens or you need anything-”
“Text you.  I know” She answered softly with a small smile.  “I’ll be fine Peter, I promise” He still looked apprehensive, but let it go.
“Okay” He said again.  “Okay” He repeated.
“You gonna let me go into my class now?” She asked him, a smile tugging on her lips.  She wouldn’t admit it in a million years, but she liked that Peter got stupid protective.  He rolled his eyes at her but nodded.  (y/n) reached forward and squeezed his hand with her own before walking in.
Peter caught back up with Ned to keep walking, trying to just focus on the fact that (y/n) secretly was a badass, and she could handle anything.
“You two are like star-crossed lovers” Ned told his friend.  Peter didn’t say anything at first, not sure what to even say with that.  “Just a matter of time before one of you cracks and confesses”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about” Peter brushed it off.  “(y/n) and I aren’t in love, we’re just friends by chance” He shrugged like it was simple, finding the idea ridiculous.
“By chance!” Ned exclaimed.  “Don’t you believe in fate, Peter?”
Don’t you believe in fate, Peter?
The question lingered in his mind all day.  He’d laughed at Ned when he’d spoken it, because it was hilarious at the time.  But the moment the laughter stopped, he couldn’t get the thought out of his head.
Did he? Believe in something as fragile but permanent as fate?
More importantly, did he believe (y/n) was his fate?
“Hey nerd”
Her voice drew him from his deepening thoughts as she set her lunch down on the table before taking her seat.
“Hi” He replied as awkwardly as you could greet someone.  Ned chuckled behind his drink.
During the whole lunch period, Peter couldn’t take his eyes off of (y/n).  He was staring at her as though she were under a whole new light.  Sure, he’d always harbored a bit of a crush on the girl, but now… things were different.  He spoke very little, and just watched as she would talk and eat and smile and laugh.  And he just couldn’t stop staring.
When the bell rang, he was about to shoot up to walk to class by himself, but (y/n) called after him.
“Peter?” She jogged to catch up with him as best she could, seeing as her body was still recovering.  He stopped in his tracks so she didn’t have to run, not wanting her to hurt herself more than she already had.  “Everything okay?”
“Question of the day, huh?” He joked, bringing a smile to the girl’s features.
“I guess so.  But don’t avoid the question” She said.
“Yes, everything’s okay” Peter answered.  She rose a brow at him, as if questioning his reply.  “Really” He reassured while they walked to their next class together, which they luckily shared.  “So, how much prep do you still have to do for the Gala?”
“Ugh, don’t even get me started” The girl said tiredly, making Peter chuckle.
Don’t you believe in fate, Peter?
Today they took the bus home together, which often didn’t happen.  Peter was always too excited to go straight to patrol to go home right after school, so it was nice to spend some more time with him.
“You haven’t even shown me your dress” Peter stated abruptly as (y/n) was in the middle of listing off all the things she still needed to do before the Gala, which was at six o’clock.
“Your dress for the evening, do you have a picture of it?” He asked.  She shook her head slightly.
“No, sorry” She answered sheepishly.  “It’s just a dress though, no big deal” She added with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulder.  “Might have to find a change of shoes though, I don’t think after last night I can wear heels tonight”
The rest of the ride continued with a minor argument about whether Peter could wear heels or not.
By the time they’d been dropped off at their bus stop, (y/n) had pretty much convinced him he couldn’t.
“See you Monday nerd” She told him, about to head on her way to the Compound, the opposite direction of Peter’s apartment.  Peter just stood where he was, waving as she walked away.
“Yeah… Monday”
And as (y/n) smiled a little smile and waved back, Ned’s question echoed in his head again.
“Well (y/n), are you excited for tonight?” Wanda asked as the two finished up the last of the preparations.  The floor was mopped and dried, the tables set in place with silk tablecloths, paired with bottles of wine and glasses.
“I mean, I guess” (y/n) answered, sitting at one of the tables.  “Not really, if I’m being honest”
“Not really?” Wanda repeated, not understanding why she wasn’t excited for the event.
“To be honest I really wanted Peter to change his mind today and say he’d come” The girl admitted.  “Does that sound cheesy? I wanted a whole movie moment to happen.  But… it didn’t” She shrugged her shoulders and messed with her fingers on her lap.
“(y/n)” Wanda walked over to the girl and kneeled in front of her.  “I have never seen any two people look at each other, the way you do” She spoke with finality, like it was the most important thing she’d ever said.
“What?” (y/n) replied weakly, her eyes squinting and her brows drawing together.
“You and Peter, you have something between you that some people take years searching for” The witch smiled softly at the girl, grasping her fiddling hands.  “And I believe fate brought you two together”
(y/n) was silent, but her jaw dropped slightly as her lips parted, never having thought of something so… well so childlike.  Her hands in Wanda’s went completely still as she stared at the woman in complete shock.  Never before had the thought crossed her mind.  Being in love with Peter… but was she?
Of course she always thought of him as one of the closest people in her life, if not the absolute closest.  He was funny and charismatic and kind, all good things.  And sure, she’d found him attractive since the first day she met him.  But having a minor crush, and being destined to fall in love, are two completely different territories.
“I don’t think…” (y/n) began, but she trailed off.
Because maybe she did think it was true.
Wanda grinned, patting (y/n’s) hands as she let them go and stood up.  “You’ve got to go get ready” She announced.  “It’s almost five thirty, and you’ve got a big night to get dolled up for”
“Yeah, guess so” (y/n) sighed as she stood and began heading out of the ballroom.
“Oh, and (y/n)?” Wanda called, causing the girl to spin around.  “Next time you sneak out to fight crime, at least tell me, in case of emergencies” The witch winked while (y/n) flustered from being called out.
“Sure thing- yeah, yeah, sorry” She stammered before leaving quicker than before.
When the clock hit six and her phone alarm went off, she had just wrapped up the finishing touches of her look for the night.
“Miss (y/l/n), Mr Stark wanted me to remind you that your attendance to the Charity Gala tonight is incredibly important, and that it’s starting now” F.R.I.D.A.Y announced to the room.
With one last look in the mirror, she fixed up her hair and headed out of her room.
She took a deep breath before descending the stairs and making her way to the ballroom.
It was already pretty busy, and it had only started a minute ago.  Everyone decked out in gowns and tuxedos, some more extravagant than others, and suddenly (y/n) elt incredibly out of place.  She hadn’t been to something like this in years, maybe she hadn’t dressed appropriately, maybe she looked like a little girl trying to hard.
“(y/n)!” Wanda called, gracefully walking over to the girl in her had-to-be five inch heels, Vision on her arm.
“Hi” (y/n) responded bashfully, her hands beginning to mess with the material of her dress.  “You-you look great.  Both of you look great” She stammered out, giving them the best smile she could manage, her cheeks already turning a shade of pink.
“Thank you Miss (y/l/n)” Vision bowed his head politely.  “You… clean up nice as well” He looked to Wanda as though for a correction in his speech, the woman giggled, nodding her head.
“Thank you (y/l/n), you look lovely” She responded sweetly.  “Vizh and I are going through some conversation techniques” She added, as an answer to Vision’s strange compliment.
“Ah, I see” (y/n) nodded, hoping to God that Wanda and Vision would stand here and talk with her the whole night so she didn’t have to go around meeting and greeting with everyone like Tony wanted her to.
“Well, Vizh and I should get going, maybe drinks?” She turned to the android who shrugged his shoulders. It was the most casual thing (y/n) had ever seen Vision do.
“I can’t get… wasted?” He questioned both girls who stifled their laugher, and Wanda began to tug him along.
“Come on love, let’s meet some people” She suggested.
“Have fun” (y/n) said.  Please don’t leave me here, she begged internally.  Wanda gave a small wave and smile to the girl before walking away with her love.
(y/n’s) heart ached watching the two of them hold one another as they walked throughout the grand room.
Beautiful music was being played by a small orchestra on the stage, and (y/n) would’ve liked to just take a seat, drink a glass of champagne, and watch the musicians, but she was addressed again.
“(y/n), you look amazing” She was surprised when she turned to see Tony Stark standing there.  They had done the bare minimum of talking since their argument, and quite frankly the compound had gotten fairly awkward since then.
“Thank you” She gave him a quiet response.  Tony and (y/n) didn’t fight, since he’d become her legal guardian and they’d agreed on keeping it professional, such as not using terms such as ‘dad’ or ‘daughter’, they’d gotten along well.  A few stages here and there that would bring just a minor amount of tension, but none that lasted more than a few hours.
“I’m glad you came” Tony said.  He was dressed nice, a dark navy blue tux with a tie.  She was surprised to see that he wasn’t wearing his iconic sunglasses that he always wore to events like these.  But it suited him better not to be.
“Yeah well, I didn’t completely get the choice” She sighed, her hands falling limply to her sides.  Tony gave her half a smile.
“Still glad you did.  And you still look fantastic.  Would you like to meet some people?” He offered.  (y/n) thought about it as he held his arm out for her to take.  She wasn’t sure where they were right now, or if this was Tony’s way of trying to move on.  But she didn’t want to look like the loner that got rejected by the only person she wanted to be around right now.
“Okay” She answered, sliding her arm through Tony’s and letting him guide her to where more people were speaking and meeting one another, large swarms of who she presumed were agents, other heros and loved ones they’d all brought along.  If she were being honest, it was a bit intimidating.
“Doctor Wizard!” Tony said ecstatically, and a tall, lean man turned around, looking absolutely exhausted just from hearing Tony’s voice.
“Doctor.  Stephen.  Strange” He said in monotone, before seeing (y/n) standing there.  “It’s nice to meet you” He spoke as though he were forcing himself to be polite, holding his hand out for her to shake.  She smiled and did so.
“(y/n) (y/l/n)” She responded.
“This is my awesome facial hair bro” Tony said, earning a pained eye roll from Stephen.  “He’s also a wizard” Another eyeroll.
“Um, cool” (y/n) said, her lips pressing into a line.  This was worse than she thought it’d be.  Really, it was Tony showing her all the people he’d managed to piss off already.
“He’s your Dad?” Stephen presumed.
“Uh- sort of?” The girl responded, while Tony burst into a fit of laughter.  “Legally, yeah.  We hate the term”
“I would too if I were you” Stephen grumbled.  “I’m going to find more drinks now, Tony, please don’t speak to me for the rest of the night.  (y/n), it was nice meeting you” She nodded while Tony frowned as the Doctor made his way anywhere else but there.
“Do you have a crush on that guy?” (y/n) asked Stark, to which he shook his head dramatically.
“No way.  I’m too good for him.  Moving on”
At this point (y/n) was certain he’d had at least two drinks.
Tony continued to introduce her to other people until he ran out of ideas and finally let her go off on her own.
Tired of walking in her heels, and more than ready to be done talking to people, she made her way back to the closest table set near the stage, just wanting to listen to the pretty music being played.  She’d been done with this night before it had even started.
“Hey, (y/n)”
She almost groaned out loud as Natasha approached her.
“Wow, don’t act too excited to see me” The ex-assassin joked.  “What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing really, I just want to go back to my room and go to bed” She sighed.  Natasha smiled sadly at the girl.  “I walked around with Tony while he pissed people off and now I have no excuse for something to do and I’m tire-”
“Is this about Peter?” The red haired woman cut her off, a smirk tugging on her glossed lips.  (y/n) flushed at the mere mention of Peter, but shook her head wildly.
“What? No, no way”
“So it’s not about how he turned you down and Tony forbid you from dating him?” Natasha questioned, clearly stating exactly what the problem was.
“Really? You have to go and interrogate me?”
“Wanda told me all about it” Nat chuckled now, and took a seat with (y/n).  “You want to talk about it at all?”
“No thanks.  I want to forget it completely”
“Forget Peter? Or the fight?”
“You’re not helping with my process” (y/n) said emotionlessly, making Natasha laugh again.
“Come on, open up to me.  You know I’ll just pry it out of you anyways-”
“Everyone thinks that Peter and I are meant to be together, or something” She admitted before Natasha could even finish her sentence.  “And I’m… I’m starting to think maybe everyone’s right” She finished with a heavy sigh, fingers tracing invisible patterns in the tablecloth.  Natasha smiled.
“I agree with you” She said happily.
“Of fuckin’ course you do” (y/n) grumbled.  “Sorry I just… I don’t know what to do from here”
“I do” Natasha took the glass of champagne and skinny glass from the table, filling it half way and then handing it to the girl.  “Drink this, liquid courage”
“Please just drink it, we all know it wouldn’t be the first time” Natasha spoke with a threatening tone, and (y/n) took the glass without hesitation, and took a rather large sip from it.
“Thanks” She mumbled.
“Go dance, go have fun.  Have a great, memorable, beautiful night.  Make sure to sent Peter a picture of you as well.  Tomorrow, recover from tonight, and on Sunday, plan what you’re going to say to him on Monday” She instructed.  “Because you my dear, are going to confess!” (y/n) nodded her head shakily, getting slightly terrified of Natasha’s excitement.
“O-okay then” She responded, still nodding as she took another drink.  “Do you think I ca have some more when this is gone-”
“Hell no” The excitement vanished as Natasha took the rest of the bottle to put it somewhere else, leaving (y/n) sitting alone with a near empty glass.  She frowned, drinking the last of her champagne and setting it back on the table.
The pep talk Natasha was beginning to fade in her mind, but she stood up and walked towards the crowd again anyways.
When Wanda saw (y/n) looking around as she weaved through people, she grinned happily.  The witch excused herself from Vision to walk over to her again.
“(y/n), having a good time?” She asked, unable to contain her smile.
“Yeah, I think I am” (y/n) responded, also beginning to smile.  Maybe because of  the slight amount of alcohol in her system, maybe because she truly was having a good time, or maybe just because Wanda’s smile was so contagious.
“Good! I’m glad!” Wanda was still smiling widely, like it was Christmas morning.
“How are you and Vision doing?” (y/n) asked, trying to make conversation so she wasn’t nervously smiling as Wanda grinned at her.
“Good, he’s having a good time I’m having a good time” She answered simply, still smiling as she glanced around herself.  (y/n) began to wonder if she was keeping her from something.  But Wanda snapped her attention back to (y/n).  “So does Peter’s little friend know about your feelings?” She asked abruptly, making (y/n’s) eyes widen and her brows shoot up out of surprise.
“Ned?” She thought aloud.  “I mean, I haven’t said anything, but maybe.  If it’s that obvious to everyone else I’m sure he’s picked up on it” She shrugged a shoulder, trying to avoid Wanda’s eyes.  Why was she staring and smiling at her so much? Was everyone at this Gala drunk out of their minds? Already? It’s only been half an hour.  “Have you and Vision danced?” (y/n) asked, desperate to change the subject.
“Yeah, it was nice” Wanda said simply, again, looking around the room.
“Um, do you need to go?” (y/n) asked, but Wanda shook her head, looking back at her again.
“No, just… enjoying the scene” She said.  (y/n) nodded with disbelief, looking over the witch’s nervous stance.  But she didn’t press her question further.  “You feeling okay?” Wanda asked, discreetly gesturing to the girl’s chest.  (y/n) nodded with a half smile.
“Yeah, the pain’s passing, the marks are still there though.  Hopefully I never have to wear a swimsuit around you guys because…”
Her words trailed off as her eyes, for no particular reason, caught the movement of the doors opening.  It was far from her view, but somehow she saw them open, and a guest walked in.
But she knew that guest.
Her words halted completely, though her mouth stayed partially open as her eyes trained onto the boy that had walked.
That boy that completely lied about not having a suit to wear.
“What is it darling?” Wanda asked, but her smile gave it away.
“You…” No more words than that came out of (y/n’s) mouth as Peter Parker walked into ballroom.
“Me” Wanda said, clapping her hands together quickly and bouncing just a little bit.  Finally, (y/n) tore her gaze off of Peter and looked to Wanda.  She wasn’t sure if she wanted to cry or scream or just laugh, but she just stood there in stunned silence.  “Well? Go over to him”
Without further frozen-ness, (y/n) reached forward and wrapped her arms around Wanda’s neck, hugging her happily.
“Thank you”  She breathed.  “But-but how?” They let go of one another as (y/n) glanced over Wanda’s shoulders to make sure Peter was still here.
“Well I nearly killed Tony over it but… he okayed it and sent him a suit yesterday morning”
“That’s it?” (y/n) asked incredulously.
“No, he left a note saying if he didn’t show up and broke your heart then he would-”
“Okay okay” The girl giggled slightly, wiping her fingertips under her eyes to stop the possible teardrops from falling.  “Thank you” She said again, her thought process not functioning enough for her to say much more.
“Come on then, go over there” Wanda nudged her head towards Peter, who clearly was lost, and looking for someone he recognized.  His back was turned to the girls.  “Seriously, go put that poor anxious boy out of his misery”
“Thank you” (y/n) repeated again, kissing Wanda’s cheek chastely and squeezing her hands before heading towards Peter.
She couldn’t believe it, he was here, he came.  Tony let him come… they all kept it a surprise.  That meant Peter had known all day long that he was going to show up for her, and the idea of it made her heart race uncontrollably in her chest.  This had to be exactly what love felt like, this had to be what everyone was telling her about.  Suddenly she couldn’t seem to find him fast enough.
Really, she couldn’t find him.  Not five seconds ago she was heading his way and now she had no idea where he’d gone.  She stopped and looked around, trying to catch that familiar curly head of hair.  Maybe he’d gone looking for Tony first-
“I feel like you’re looking for me”
(y/n) jolted and nearly fell down from the movement in her heels as she whipped around to see Peter standing there.
“You came” She spoke almost breathlessly, staring at him like she hadn’t seen him in years.  
It was clear Tony had gone out of his way to get him the suit he was wearing.  The clothing was absolutely tailored to fit him perfectly, and as much as (y/n) had fallen in love with his nerdy tee shirts and baggy sweaters, this was a look she could get used to.
“I came” Peter repeated awkwardly, his arms waving outwards in a sign of surprise.  A smile broke across (y/n’s) face that only grew wider the longer she looked at him.  “You… you look…”
He couldn’t find the words that fit the way (y/n) looked.  Her dress was long, it barely touched the floor, even with her heels on.  He recognized it as her favorite color, and it seemed to hug her curves in all the right places.  Her hair was only partially done up, along with her makeup.  Her natural beauty shown through it all.
“-Perfect” Peter finally answered.  But even that didn’t seem good enough.
“So do you, fancy suit guy” She responded, reaching forward and straightening out his tie.  He flustered as she did so, seeing that she was standing so much closer now, looking like that.
“Tony sent it to me” He mumbled the words out.  “Along with a pretty threatening note” He added, making the girl chuckle quietly as she looked up at him, fingers frozen still on his black tie.  “Not that I was going to pass up a second chance to answer correctly this time” He told her.
(y/n) bit the inside of her lip to contain her smile.
“See I- I would have done it right yesterday,” She could tell he was going to start rambling.  “But I didn’t have anything to wear, and I wasn’t just gonna whip together the nicest clothes I have for an event like this because that’s a button down and khakis and that’s not good enough and I’m not going to go to a freakin’ Gala with you looking not good enough and so I just brushed you off for Spider-Man duties which is a total dick move and I swear I’ll never play the Spider-Man card again, I swear.  And I really didn’t want to let you down so when Tony sent me this I-”
“Peter” The moment she spoke his name he halted in his babbling and stared at her intently.  “Are you gonna walk around with me or not?”
That look in her eyes, that absolutely delighted and adoring look in her eyes, how could he ever reject anything from this girl?
After nodding his head, (y/n) hooked her arm through his and showed him around just like Tony had for her.  She introduced him properly to the Avengers, Wanda being the only one who didn’t try to freak him out.  He kept his arm around hers the whole time, their hands so close to touching it was the only thing stuck in their minds.  Bursts of laughters and shy smiles shared between the two as they showed each other off equally.
Peter usually had a hard time at big events like this, the loudness and constant bustling of people everything his anxiety loved to prey on. But with (y/n) right there next to him it was a completely different experience than he’d assumed it’d be.
It felt like hours of walking around and occasionally talking to people, but mostly they just talked to each other.
“Did you tell Ned you were coming here?” (y/n) asked as she leaned back against an architectural column.
“I wasn’t going to but… it slipped out” He chuckled from embarrassment and rubbed the back of his neck.  “He came over and saw the suit and I… yeah” (y/n) smiled, thinking it was cute that he’d told Ned.
“I’m really glad you came” (y/n) told him on a stroke of confidence.  “It’s been a lot more fun with you here” She added as casually as she could.  Her eyes darted everywhere but his, and he caught the way her fingers played with the material of her skirt.  Fiddling was an anxious habit of hers that she’d never seemed to break.  Peter smiled at that, liking the way she was suddenly getting so nervous.
(y/n) rarely got nervous around him.  Mostly because Peter was constantly nervous, but there had been a few times she’d grown flustered and Peter always found it to be the best, most amusing thing.
It also gave him confidence.
“Anyways do you like-” “You wanna dance with me?” Peter cut her off completely.  If he didn’t ask now, he wouldn’t gain the courage to do so before the night was over, and he so desperately wanted to dance with her.
“Do you know how to dance?” (y/n) cocked her head to the side, an eager smile on her lips.
“Pfft, it’s not that hard” Peter said dismissively, hoping she wasn’t going to shoot down the idea.
“Then yeah, I’d like a dance with you” She finally answered, her hand latching onto his arm as they walked to the dance floor.
Okay, Peter had no idea on how to dance, and they both knew it, but neither were going to address it.
(y/n) gently took Peter’s hand, placing it on her waist, and with the other she interlaced their fingers together.  Then took a tentative step towards him to be closer.  Her eyes slowly peered up from beneath her lashes to meet his already looking down at her.
Don’t you believe in fate, Peter?
Peter wanted to ask her the question that had lingered in his head all day long.  He wondered if she thought about them the way he did, he wondered if she ever questioned the bond the two of them had.  But looking into her eyes now, gave him his answer.
They were barely dancing, barely moving or swaying at all.  At one point Peter thought he’d forgotten to move and was stood still staring at her.
He couldn’t get himself to stop staring at her.
“You should kiss him”
The thick Sokovian accent in (y/n’s) head did not belong to her, and she subtly turned to see Wanda standing a few feet away.  The witch grinned before heading off, letting the two have their privacy back.
“Can I ask you something?” (y/n) spoke for the first time since they’d started their dance, her eyes flickering back up to his, and Peter nodded.
“No, I don’t really know how to dance” He answered jokingly, making her smile.
“For real” (y/n) said with a playful roll of her eyes.
“Yeah” He said, and (y/n) seemed to hesitate before asking him her question.
“Do you believe in, um, fate?” She asked him anxiously, her voice practically a whisper.  Her eyes wandering down to her shoes momentarily before looking back up at him.
Peter was so lost by the question he’d nearly forgotten to answer her at all.
If he didn’t before, he certainly did right now.
“Yeah? You do?” She seemed surprised by his answer.  Peter was such a logical-thinking smart kid, she was taken aback to hear he believed in such a thing.
“I do” He said simply, because he really did.  “Do you?” (y/n) nodded her head shakily, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from letting her emotions show.
“I think I do” She murmured back.  The corners of his lips quirked at her answer, and the action made her begin to blush.  “Promise not to get weird if I tell you something?”
“Weird how-?”
“Can you just promise?” Peter nodded his head, giving in to her odd request.
“Yeah, I promise” He agreed, and (y/n) took a deep breath before shutting her eyes.
“Wanda and the others keep on telling me that you and I are destined to be together, like soulmates or something, and they’ve been pushing it for so long now I always just laughed but now I kind of think they’re right”
She rambled out the words so fast Peter felt proud that she’d taken in his mannerisms.  When her eyes opened after he didn’t say anything for a few moments, she’d never looked so vulnerable.
“You think we’re soulmates?” Peter asked carefully.  The girl nodded her head.
“Maybe” She whispered out.  The boy smiled at her and shook his head delightedly.  “What? You promised you wouldn’t get weird-!”
Before she could cold him his hands cupped around her jaw, the action alone silencing her.  She’s never wanted to know what it’s like to kiss him more than right now.
“Well maybe I think we’re soulmates too-”
Peter didn’t get a chance to finish, he took too long so (y/n) took matters into her own hands, leaning forward and pushing her lips against his.
It was a perfect first kiss, albeit she’d never kissed anyone before, and he hadn’t kissed a girl since the seventh grade.  But it was nothing short of perfect.  Her arms loosely hung around his neck as she moved closer to him, never wanting it to end.
This is exactly what love had to feel like.  She was sure now.
“I think I’ve been in love with you” (y/n) told him, breaking the kiss but not moving away from him.  Peter smiled, his eyes opening to see her already looking at him.
“I already knew” He told her, before kissing her again.
“Well finally!” Steve cheered, earning many of the Avengers attentions.  Bucky began wildly clapping, cheering them as if they were making out, when really they were just softly kissing one another, exploring what was about to be theirs for the rest of their lives.
When the awkward applause was over, (y/n) bowed, smiling at Peter with a bashful blush on her cheeks.
“Remind me not to bring you here anymore” She told him as he took her hand and drew her close again.
“Oh no, I’m going to be here all the time now” He told her seriously.
“You say that now, but we still haven’t talked to Tony” (y/n) said with an amused smirk.  Peter shook his head, already leaning down towards her again.
“I don’t care”
Don’t you believe in fate, Peter?
The question crossed his mind once more as he slanted his lips over hers.
And absolutely, no doubt about, he damn right did.
taglist:  @writings-and-stuff @rofromtheashes @tomshufflepuff @steve-avengers-rogers
(a/n): ok so this took me way too long for what it turned out to be yikes
xoxo ~ jordie
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lilacmoon83 · 6 years
Dreaming Out Loud
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Dreaming Out Loud
Chapter 48: Smoke and Mirrors
The first thing Belle noticed upon waking was the smell of soot and when she opened her bleary eyes, she found her surroundings to be shrouded in darkness. And she was not alone. She heard voices, male from the sound of them and she lifted her head. Around her were walls made of rock and she looked down to find herself in some kind of mining cart. The mines...that's where she was. Then the memories all came crashing back to her. The portly man in the red cap had come after her and despite fighting her way to escape, he had put something over her mouth. The smell of the substance on the cloth had rendered her unconscious. But her mind still swirled with questions as to why. She had never seen this man before and had no idea why he might want to kidnap her.
Most in this town knew Rumple well enough to know that doing something like this to someone he cared about was as good as a death sentence, never mind that she would never approve of killing under any circumstance. But when she heard her name, things started to become horrifyingly clearer. Especially when she realized her wrists were handcuffed to the inside of the cart
"Belle…" Moe uttered, as he noticed she had awakened.
"Father...what's going on?" she demanded to know.
"Relax Belle...I promise you'll understand soon enough. This is for the best," he said. She looked at him with confusion written on her face.
"For the best? What does that mean?" she asked again in a demanding tone.
"That monster will ruin you. You will be better off forgetting him again...you were going to leave him behind before and it would have been the best thing for you," Moe explained. She stared at him in disbelief.
"You don't get to decide what is best for me! This is wrong, father! Let me go!" she pleaded.
"I'm sorry Belle," he apologized, but she didn't believe he meant it.
Cora looked around Regina's home with an impressed air about her.
"A lovely home...you've done well for yourself, dear," Cora mentioned and Regina found herself resisting the urge to preen under her mother's scarce compliments.
"Thank you, Mother. It is this world's version of a castle," she replied.
"Yes...now our real work begins. Persephone and her precious daughter must pay," Cora added. Regina frowned.
"How long have you know that Snow is Persephone's daughter?" Regina asked with scrutiny.
"For many years now...I'm actually the one that told Leopold that his fair little retch wasn't actually his," Cora responded. Regina's eyes widened.
"Leopold knew?" she exclaimed, as she clenched her teeth.
"Of course dear. I wanted him to know exactly who the daughter he doted upon really was and where she came from. I wanted him to realize that the pride he had in thinking she was his little girl was untrue; that his heir was illegitimate. My only regret is not being able to tell Queen Eva the same," Cora responded.
Regina was stunned. Were she and Snow the only ones that didn't know about her true heritage? For she knew if her mother and Leopold knew that Rumpelstiltskin certainly knew, probably from the time Snow was born, knowing the imp. It didn't matter though. It didn't change the fact that Snow still needed to pay. She and her perfect little family had taken Henry away from her and turned him against her. And that would not stand. But it had to be done carefully.
"Mother...we must be cautious on how we deal with the Charmings. Not only is Persephone powerful, but Henry will hate me forever if I kill his family," she mentioned.
"I've been waiting a long time to deal with the woman that cursed us with that wretched girl,"
Cora cooed.
"And Emma and her parents. We can't just kill them," Regina reminded..
"Yes, we can," Cora stated. Regina's face fell.
"Don't worry, dear. Henry will be made to understand that what we're doing is for his own good," she added. A cold chill slithered down Regina's spine at those words. Her mother had killed Daniel for her own good. She had accepted Leopold's proposal for her own good and put her on the Throne for her own good. And somewhere, deep inside Regina, the need to protect Henry from her mother bloomed. But turning against her would spell only her own doom and the need to still make Snow and her perfect little family pay was still very present. There was a war inside her, a war she had not felt since before she had descended down the path from young Queen Regina to the Evil Queen. She clenched her fists and her anger at Snow threatened to boil over. It was so much easier to hate her step-daughter and blame everything on her. Yes, if Snow was gone, then her problems would be solved. But deep down, she knew that wasn't true.
Maleficent had warned her about casting the curse and the emptiness it would leave inside her. And it had...it was an emptiness that not even Henry had completely filled. She thought he had, but that was when the curse was keeping everything and everyone in order. But now...it was all gone and again, because of true love's kiss. She was sure other villains were somewhere laughing at her being defeated now twice by something such as a kiss.
With Persephone protecting the Charmings though and David's weird pseudo friendship with Gold, there was no way she could take all of them on without her Mother's help. Could her Mother really be the lesser of two evils?
"Mother, we must handle Snow's demise delicately. It's very important. Her husband has developed somewhat of an unlikely friendship with Rumpelstiltskin," she informed. Cora seemed to ponder this for a moment.
"Perhaps, but I have something he wants and I assure you that he won't bat an eye at tossing his friendship with some pauper turned prince when he sees what I have," Cora promised. Regina swallowed thickly.
"Then what do you plan to do to Snow?" she asked. Cora smirked.
"Let's just say that I happen to know that the plant I used to have in Eva's court is somewhere here in Storybrooke and I believe it's about time that she come back to work for me. She failed to help me undermine Snow White when she was a girl, but this time, she'll help us see to a very tragic demise for her," Cora stated in a pleased tone.
Red led them through town, tracking Belle's scent from the article of clothing provided. David's phone buzzed insistently again and he finally answered it.
"What is it, Leroy?" he asked.
"It's the Queen...she's gone," he reported. Snow watched her husband's expression go from concern for the task ahead of them to hard edged and rigid.
"Check the cameras," he ordered.
"Yeah...those are gone," he reported. David clenched his teeth.
"Dammit...we'll be there as soon as we can," he responded, as he hung up.
"Regina is gone," he growled, as he balled his fist.
"What?!" Emma cried.
"The cameras are gone too…" he added.
"Gone?" Snow asked.
"Like magic," he answered bitterly.
"I'll go to the station and assess the situation while you all keep looking for Belle. Obviously, Regina found a way through my magic and I'll need to see the cell to determine how," Persephone said. Snow nodded, as her mother squeezed her hand and then disappeared in a puff of lavender smoke.
"You should have let me take care of her from the beginning and this wouldn't be a problem," Gold growled.
"This isn't the time to play the blame game...and killing her is still wrong," Emma countered, as they stopped near the Game of Thorns flower shop.
"Red?" Snow asked.
"The scent...it's muddled now. It's the flowers…" she said, as she struggled to keep the scent. David looked to Gold and saw he was seething with barely contained rage. He stepped into the shop and found it empty.
"You think he's behind this?" David asked.
"Oh, I know he is, dearie. Suspend your thinking that a father would never abduct his own child. Sir Maurice is not you," Gold replied.
"What the hell does he get out of kidnapping his own daughter?" Emma wondered.
"To keep her from me," Gold responded, like it was obvious.
"Yeah...but keeping someone under lock and key isn't as easy as it sounds. He knows we were gonna check his shop and his home. If I had to guess, they're not there either. So where would he keep her?" Emma reasoned. Just as she said that, Snow noticed something on the ground and knelt down.
"What is it?" David asked.
"I think it's part of a footprint. Whoever's shoe it was is really dirty," she mentioned, as they looked at the substance on her fingers.
"That's soot...I know where he took her," David said, as they hurried off after him.
Persephone rushed into the station, where Leroy and Happy were in the process of locking Keith up.
"Well...hello doll face," he leered. She glared at him.
"Call me doll face again and I assure you it's the last thing you'll ever be able to say," she snapped, as she waved a hand over the lock on the other cell where Regina had been.
"What are you doing?" Happy asked curiously.
"Trying to figure out what magic was used. The spell I used isn't easily nullified," she explained.
"Ain't it obvious, sister? Regina got out and then blasted the cameras," Leroy retorted.
"No...she didn't. All magic leaves a signature and this is not Regina's," Persephone replied.
"Then who would have freed her?" Happy asked. Persephone swallowed thickly. Thankfully, she knew it wasn't Hades. She'd know his mark anywhere, but the sinking feeling in her didn't disappear. She didn't know her signature, but instinctively she knew it had to be Cora. She was the only one that would have the magic to free Regina. She almost felt faint at that. They had expected her to eventually find a way to this land, but they had not expected it to be so soon.
"I have to go," she said, as she disappeared and then reappeared in front of Regina's house.
"Cora...I know you're here…" she called. But there was no answer.
"So...that's how you want to play it? Lurking from the shadows...fine by me. Just know that if either of you hurt my family or think of employing anyone else to do so...I won't hesitate to turn you to mulch!" she called with vehemence. She let her warning carry for a few beats, before she disappeared again.
Cora peeked through the curtain with a smug smirk. The Goddess was unnerved by her presence in town, which made staying concealed for now all the more fun. Like a game of cat and mouse, with her as the cat of course. As matriarchs of their respective families, Cora could already feel the coming stand off between her and the Queen of the Underworld. And she relished it. She couldn't wait to cause Snow White to lose yet another mother and give her everything she so justly deserved. Of course, that meant making the Princess truly suffer by taking away what she loved most. Her Prince Charming and lovely daughter. And then, only when Snow White was finally nothing more than a broken shell of a girl at her feet, would she grant her the release of death by allowing Regina to finally crush her heart.
"Let the games begin," Cora said quietly to herself.
"Father...you have to let me go! This is wrong!" Belle pleaded.
"I know it seems that way now, Belle. But I promise this is for your own good," Moe reasoned.
"You don't get to decide that! You cannot continue to try to force me to live the way you want me to. Why can't you understand that?" Belle exclaimed.
"Belle…" he started to say again.
"No! This is my life and if you do this, then you are the true monster!" she interrupted.
"Belle...that beast is the monster! I don't know what he has done to you, but this will fix it," Moe said. Her brows furrowed in confusion, as she watched him put a hand on the lever that controlled the mining car.
"Father...what are you doing?" she asked fearfully.
"Sending you over the town line. At least as Lacey, you can be free of that beast. Even if you leave and I never see you again, at least I know that monster won't be ruining you," he replied. Her mouth dropped open in shock, as he admitted he'd rather never see her again than allow her to be happy as herself.
"Please don't do this...I have friends! I don't want to leave them again!" she pleaded.
"This is for the best, darling," Moe said tearfully, as Emma and David rushed in with Snow and Gold behind him. Moe hit the lever and the car started speeding away, as Belle screamed. Emma drew her gun and pointed it at Moe, making him move away. David stopped the mining car and ran down the tunnel. The car screeched to a halt, barely a few feet before the line and a frantic Belle looked up.
"Belle?" he asked. She breathed in relief and nodded.
"Still Belle," she confirmed, as he unlocked the cuffs and lifted her out of the car. When they returned, she saw Emma had cuffed her father and she ran to Rumple, as he enveloped her in a hug. Snow sighed in relief, as she felt David's arms encircle her waist and she leaned back against him, relishing it, as he pressed a kiss to her hair. She turned in his arms and he cuddled her against his chest, folding her into his arms.
Dark magic swirled in Gold's palm, as he threatened to virtually vaporize Moe for what he had done.
"Rumple...no," Belle pleaded.
"He needs to pay, Belle. How can you defend him after what he almost did to you?" he growled.
"I'm not...but I don't want you to kill him," she countered.
"No...he has to pay," Rumple argued. But she put a hand on his forearm.
"And he will...because I never want to see him or have anything to do with him. Ever again," she said firmly.
"Belle…" he started to plead, but she put her hand up.
"No...just stop," she said, cutting him off.
"Belle...I'm your father," he reminded.
"No...you're not. Father's do not do what you just tried to do," she hissed. Emma nodded.
"She's right…" Emma agreed.
"And you think you know so much about father's, Miss Swan? Or mother's for that matter?" Moe questioned, glancing at Snow and Charming. Emma smirked and gave him a smug glower.
"Oh yeah...I know about having parents, in a way no one ever expected. And my parents...they'd never even think of doing to me the things you've done to your daughter. They're real parents, who love and support me, no matter what. If I thought you weren't a lost cause, I'd say you could learn a whole hell of a lot about parenting from them. But...I don't think you're worth their time," she replied. The looks on Snow and Charming's faces at that clearly stated they were both surprised and touched by their daughter's staunch defense of them.
There had been times over the years in the dreamscape that they had truly felt like horrible parents. There were even times in Emma's anger that she had told them such. And though, they knew she hadn't meant those words at the time, it was never lost on them that in many ways, she could have been right. So to hear her so passionately defend them nearly brought them both to tears. It's not something they would expect from her, so perhaps that was exactly why she believed they deserved such. Emma may have saved them all, but Snow and Charming were determined that there would not be any more challenges or battles that she would face alone.
Moe could only glare at her though and Emma never really expected to get through to him. She had a feeling he was just one of those people that would never change and this instance, perhaps Belle would be better off without him in her life. It wasn't for her to say, but she certainly wouldn't blame the brunette if she truly did cut him out of her life.
"Let's go...you can have your phone call at the station, because I'm booking you for conspiracy to commit kidnapping. And if I manage to get to the rat you hired to do the job before Gold, he's going to jail too," she informed, as she marched him out of the mines and back toward town.
Snow and Charming followed behind Belle and Gold with their arms around each other's waists. They couldn't help but exchange looks filled with so much love and emotion that anyone noticing probably would have felt like they should avert their eyes, for the looks passing between them seemed so intimate.
Unfortunately, when they reached the station, they found a nearly frantic Persephone waiting for them.
"What's wrong?" Snow asked in concern.
"Besides Regina being gone," David added.
"Because I don't think Regina was the one that freed herself," Persephone responded.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"I thought you said she couldn't get through your magic?" Emma questioned, as they took Moe into the station and locked him up.
"She can't, which is why I don't think she did," Persephone responded, as she watched Gold hobble over to the cell that had once held her and examine the lock. They shared a knowing look.
"Then who did?" Emma asked.
"Cora…" Gold hissed and Snow felt dread knot in her stomach.
"She's here?" she squeaked, as she felt Charming's arms encircle her waist again.
"I'm afraid so, snowdrop. I knew she'd come...I was just hoping for more time," Persephone replied.
"So...if she's here and hasn't shown herself yet, what's her ploy?" David asked.
"She is patient...she'll lurk in the shadows and bide her time until she's ready to make her move. What that move will be...is uncertain," Gold responded.
"He's right, which means none of us should move about the town alone, no exceptions," she warned, as she looked to Gold.
"And you…" she started to say.
"She's going to come to you wanting to make a deal," Persephone warned.
"And she has nothing I want," Gold retorted.
"Really? So when she offers you the globe that will allow you to pinpoint Baelfire's location, you won't sell us out?" she challenged. He went silent and Belle looked at him in disbelief.
"Rumple!" she scolded.
"How can you expect me to turn down an object that will allow me to find my son?" he questioned.
"Because the price is too high!" Belle exclaimed.
"Or maybe you don't turn it down," David said, earning incredulous looks from all the women in the room.
"Do you think you could play double agent?" he asked, cluing them in on a plan of sorts.
"You want to double cross Cora? That's gutsy, even for you, dearie," he warned.
"What other choice do we have? She's going to come to you and probably evade the rest of us until she's ready to strike. Let's not let her get the drop on us," he suggested.
"I think the question is what is she going to want from you in exchange for that globe?" Snow asked.
"Probably a truce. A promise that I won't kill her on sight," Rumple responded. Emma's brow furrowed.
"What did she do to you?" the blonde asked.
"Never mind...making deals with Cora is almost as bad as making deals with Hades. However...without that globe, I might as well kiss the possibility of finding my son goodbye," he replied bitterly.
"Cora may say she wants a truce, but you and I both know she only wants that for one reason," Persephone countered. He nodded evenly.
"The dagger," he agreed.
"The dagger?" David asked.
"Quite simply, should Cora find my dagger and use it to kill me, then she becomes the Dark One. And I don't think I have to tell any of you what that would mean for all concerned," he responded. There was dead silence, as they let that sink in.
"What do we do?" Emma asked, breaking the silence.
"When she comes to you...let her convince you into a truce and get the globe. Let her think she's in control and then we track her. Once she thinks she has you at a truce, that's when she'll search for it," Persephone reasoned. Gold nodded.
"It sounds like it's our best bet, even if there's a lot of room for things to go wrong," David mentioned, not missing the troubled look on his wife's face. Emma checked the time and started for the exit.
"I gotta get Henry. He'll be getting off the bus any minute," she mentioned. The others followed, with Gold and Belle returning to the shop and Persephone letting her daughter and husband have a few moments alone.
"Snow…" he started to say.
"Cora is evil…" she blurted out.
"I know," he responded.
"No Charming...you don't know what she's like! She used my dead mother to manipulate me into telling Regina's secret. Then she killed Daniel in front of Regina," she reminded, as he put his hands on her arms.
"She won't stop until she takes away everything I love...everything her own daughter loves. That means Henry, Emma, my mother…" she lamented, as she trailed off and tears filled her eyes.
"You…" she finally managed to choke out, as he folded her into his arms and kissed her hair.
"I know you're scared...I am too. I'm terrified of losing you and our family. I don't even want to think about my life without you..I lived that when I thought we couldn't be together back in our land," he confessed. A tear slipped down her cheek and he brushed it away.
"I know...so did I," she recalled.
"Without you...I felt dead inside," he continued.
"I took a potion to forget you...it was the worst mistake ever," she reminded. He smiled gently and caressed her cheek.
"I understand why you did...I was in misery without you, but that's why I'm going to fight with everything I have for you...for Emma and Henry. Because I refuse to ever be separated from you again," he said passionately. She swallowed.
"And I'll fight for you...even if it means ending Cora myself," she realized darkly, before her green eyes flicked up to him again. She could see his worry, but he brushed it off.
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that," he replied.
"But if it does, I will do it...I will do anything for you," she promised. He hugged her close at that.
"And I you," he confessed, as he slowly led her out, tucked closely to his side.
They joined their daughter and Snow's mother at the bus stop to greet their grandson. He dipped his head down to capture her lips in a tender kiss, just as the bus pulled up and deposited Henry. With that, the five of them headed home to the loft.
Regina parked her car on the curb. A simple glamor spell had disguised her easy recognizable car as something less conspicuous and they watched Emma arrive at the bus stop with Persephone.
"These carriages are strange," Cora commented.
"They take some getting used to, but I've found they are a preferable way to travel when magic isn't an option," Regina said idly, just as they spotted Snow and Charming join the other two women at the bus stop, arms around each other.
"Ugh...are they always this nauseating?" Cora complained.
"Yes...as a matter of fact, they are. True love…" Regina said, hissing the last part with contempt.
"Love is weakness, darling. True love will be Snow White's undoing," Cora stated.
"Believe me, I've tried to get rid of her Charming multiple times, but that love always seems to save them," Regina warned. Cora smirked.
"Yes...Snow White seems quite willing to do whatever is necessary for him. It will be interesting to see how far she really will go," the former Queen of Hearts cooed. Regina gave her mother an odd look in response, but Cora didn't elaborate.
"It's time to find the person I asked you about earlier," she added. Regina nodded curtly and started the car, all while casting a longing look at Henry's retreating form.
"Don't worry sweetheart, you'll get him back and then everyone that has crossed you will pay dearly," Cora promised. Regina resisted the urge to shift uncomfortably and then slowly drove off for their intended destination...
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lemon-vase12 · 3 years
And here is the next chapter of Home:
Chapter 3
The Student Council of RAD
      Almost the entire room was caught in a snickering fit. Andras shook his head as if he were disappointed but had a small smirk on him meaning to Jessie that somehow got his approval. Once the giggling died down, Andras looked at Jessie and said, “Well, what do you think?”
         “I’m gonna give this guy the benefit of doubt and assume that he’s reliable than he sounds,” Jessie replied.
          “You really think that?”
          Shaking her head a bit, Allata said, “I mean think about it: if you suddenly find yourself in a strange place and was told that a complete stranger was going to look after you, you’d be a little uncomfortable as well. Thankfully though, Jezebel, Helge won’t be the only one to help you out. The rest of the student council will help you out as well. In fact I believe that Andras should be the one to introduce them, they are his cousins after all.”
        “Is just about everyone in the student council related to one another?”
        “Everyone except for Lady Allata,” Andras replied. “And as much as I dread the idea of introducing them to you, I don’t have much choice in the matter.”
       “Oh Andras, come now what’s wrong with introducing such a beautiful cousin as me?” A woman wined. She had honey blonde hair with pretty orange eyes. She wore her uniform crisp and clean, and had some of the most beautiful nails Jessie has ever seen. Pointing to the her, Andras said, “This here is Gresilla, our powerful lust demon.”
      “Ignoring what I just said and called me this one?” Gresilla scoffed, “Honestly how RUDE can a person get?”
     “Hmph,” the third woman said. “Look at it this way, at least you’re not being ignored all together.” She had long raven black hair with green eyes.
            “That one is Akeldama. Our powerful wrath demon. Don’t let her charm fool you, she is quite deadly,” said Andras.
        Smirking, Akeldama said, “Ah. So I’m basically That one then. Nice to meet you Jezebel.”
        “Nice to meet you too,” said Jessie. “So, you’re a wrath demon? What’s that suppose to mean if I may ask.”
        “It’s basically her sin,” Andras answered. “However, I recommend being weary of her. For even though she looks like a nice being but it’s nothing more than a mask to hide the true monster that she is.” Great, Jessie thought. Akeldama smiled and said to Andras, “If you keep saying things like that, you’ll scare away our new exchange student. Pay no mind to him, Jezebel. Andras basically feels that being the son of the avatar of pride makes him entitled to think lowly of others.” When she said that, there was a purple aura that surrounded Akeldama.
           “Right,” said Jezebel. She then turned to Gresilla and said, “So does that mean that lust is your sin?”
            “That’s right,” Gresilla explained. “And it comes with a cute little charm. How about a demonstration.” She got up and stood right infront of Jessie. “Jezebel darling, can you look at me in the eyes right quick. That’s it don’t be shy.” She did. Nothing happened. After Gresilla awed in pity from her failed attempt, Akeldama said, “Jezebel, I should warn you about Gresilla’s gaze. If you look deeply into her eyes, she put you under her spell and you do anything at her command, and when that’s done, she’ll eat you.”
          “Sweetie don’t say things like that,” Gresilla whined. “But still my charm didn’t work on her, I wonder why.”
           “Are you done?” Andras sighed. Then he continued his introductions, pointing to a man at the far end of the table,  far into his hand held game. He had purple hair and blue eyes and his uniform was a little messy but not crazy bad. “Now the one who is focused on…something else is Henry. He's a demon of envy.” When Jessie said hi to Henry, he paused to say hi but got back to his game. “Normies,” he added.
            “Shocker,” two voices said in unison. “For Henry you’d be lucky to get the time of day out of him.” The sources came from the last two men in the room. Identical twins they were with each one wearing a somewhat neat uniform. They both had messy brown hair with magenta colored eyes. Jessie thought that their eye colors looked somewhat familiar to her but she couldn’t put her finger on what it was. Next thing she knew, each twin was on either side of her.
         “Is this necessary?” Jessie asked.
        “We say so,” the twin on her left said. “And dear cousin Andras’s explanation are informative but not helpful. But luckily for you, you have us.”
       “Except for any lady related stuff which in case,” the twin on her right point towards the other ladies in the room, “we’d recommend those three. But don’t mind us though.”
       “Will you two sit down,” Andras commanded.
        Ignoring him, the twins then stood in front of Jessie. “Don’t listen to Andras for a moment,” the twin on the left said. “We’re somewhat of a Bain to his existence .”
         “Ironically that’s what our parents said before we were even born,” the twin on the right said, “Now allow us to introduce ourselves.” The twins then side hugged each, put their hands out, and said in unison, “We are Denjamin and Bamion! We’re the demons of cows! Anything you need, just moo! But we won’t come running. Too much work. So Jezebel, can we call you Belle?”
          This got Jessie to laugh a bit. “No, but call me Jessie,” she replied.
         “Great,” the twins continued together, “Less work on our end, the lesser the work the better. Aww what’s wrong cousin Andras, don’t like how we handled it?” they turned and asked Andras,  who looked like he was about to pop a vein.
          Finding all this amusing, Gresilla stepped in and said, “Jezebel, let me introduce you to those two. The twins are actually named Benjamin and Damian. They are both demons of sloth. However they can be quite the handful. They love to pull pranks on people and cause an inconvenience for Andras.”
                “So, how do I tell them apart?”
                Akeldama replied, “Oh that’s easy. The one on your left is Benjamin the older of the two and the one on your right is Damian. But be weary of those two, despite being sloth demons, they love to be an inconvenience for Andras, much to his dismay. Not that I blame them of course.”
            “They’re also class clowns,” Gresilla added, “even though they are funny at times, they’re always in some form of trouble.”
          “Hey,” the twins gasped together, “That hurts you know.”
         “Though it could be worse,” said Benjamin.
         “Yeah, we could be Helge,” said Damian.
          “Do I even wanna know why?” Jessie asked.
          “Well,” Andras replied, you’re about to find out because he’s here now.”
          As he said that, the doors burst open. Entering the room was a young man who looked like he was a couple years older than Jessie. He had a golden tan, beautiful blue and yellow eyes, with golden yellow locks. Jesse thought that judging by his attire, he would be an actor in a beach movie. Until he spoke. “Oi, human,” he exclaimed. “yes demon,” Jessie responded. This got a few chuckles out of the room. Shaking his head, the man continued “You got a lot of nerve summing the great Helge and to talk to him like that.”
        “Sooorrryy,” Jessie rolled her eyes. Taking no hint to her sarcastic remark, Helge said, “ If you wanna apologize you can start by giving me all your money and valuables or else I’ll,”
        “Helge, shut up before I punch you.” Andras followed that statement up with an immediate punch to Helge's arm. “Ow, what was that for?” Helge whined. “At least give me a chance to shut up before hitting me.”
       “Jezebel, I should tell a little something about Helge,” said Akeldama, “he’s a demon of greed. People found themselves swimming with fortune when they are his good side but once they do something bad, they aren’t even left a grim to their name.”
     “He’s also a total tsundre,” Henry added.
     “ Indeed,” said Andras, “And I happen to have a job for my sweet tsundre of a cousin.”
       “Oi knock it off,” Helge cried. “And for the record I aint’t a tsundre.”
      “Helge, you are going to be in charge of Jezebel Gluttan here for the full semester. I expect your full cooperation.”
       “WHAT?! Seriously?” Helge could not believe what he just heard.
      “Aww Helge you’re so lucky,” said Gresilla.
     “Then why don’t you look after the human?” Helge asked.
    “Nope too lazy.” Akeldama shook her head and added, “ Give it up Helge, once Andras makes his mind up you have to do what he says and that’s the end of it.”
      “Why me though? Why not Henry or one of the twins do it?”
     “Because my brother and I are slothful, far too lazy to do it,” Damian replied.
      “And Henry does online classes,” Benjamin added. “So it doesn’t pay for him to look after the human.”
      “Exactly,” Henry confirmed.
     “Ugh I hate you guys you know that,” Helge groaned.
      “Umm guys,” said Jessie, “not to interrupt but I know some great self defense attacks. Not to mention…” she began to raise the sleeves of her shirt to flex her muscles but before she even had a chance…
       “Helge,” Andras said, completely ignoring her, “surely you don’t object to this order do you?” He had a dark black aura around him that screamed pissed and dangerous.
 Helge gulped. “Alright fine. Alright listen up human,” he said turning to Jessie, “I don’t wanna do this but I can’t decline a direct order from Andras so if you wanna survive you do as I say. Got it?”
       Jessie shrugged. “Okay.”
      “Good,” said Helge. Andras then stepped in to summarize everything that Jessie was supposed to do. Afterwards when he was done, Allata came forward to say, “Humans, demons, and angels residing with one another and putting their differences aside to form unified relations. My father, King Diavolo had that dream and I plan on helping that dream come true. All I ask is you to help us accomplish that dream Jezebel starting with this exchange program. Best of luck my dear!”
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diamonddrive91 · 3 years
For a story I’m working on....
Basically, I have some crazy ass dreams. That’s what started this all. But a while back, had a dream that involved 5 teens, a witch with some frankly disturbing growing, pointy ass nails, a couple of curses, and a small-ish fictional town. The two curses: one placed upon the teens that results in facial marring of different kinds upon each teen and affects their memory of each other, the other that affects the town. I’m still figuring out a lot of the big details for it but I’ve been kinda wanting to share some of what I have.
The teens:  Nolan - The one who started it all/the star of the dream lol. Nolan’s facial marring takes the form of lightning strike scars on his face, as well as his left hand. In addition, there’s what appears to be a black bolt through the area of his left hand where the index and thumb meet that’s easily seen when looking at his hand from the top down, to a lesser degree when looking at his hand palm up. Nolan’s tall, with wavy black hair that’s usually a bit of a mess, and some seriously intense(ly pretty) green eyes. Nolan’s smart but often hides this and he’s not got the greatest confidence in himself. Lucky for him, the others have great confidence in him and are just waiting for the day he realizes what his own value actually is. Nolan’s the heart of the group, the conscious of it at times too. He’s observant as hell, except when it comes to himself, and he’s got a heart of gold. It may just be a bit bruised with his family situation, but hey, at least he’s got his “uncle” looking out for him. 
Fionna/Fionnlagh - Somedays, xe identify as Fionna, some days as Fionnlagh, but Fio’s a fairly safe bet to call xem on any day. A short and fiesty redhead with facial marring in the form of burn scars, Fio lives by a motto of ‘fuck it all, Imma do me’. Fio’s blunt and might not necessarily be everyone’s cup of tea, making xem more of a loner in most social situations, but at least with xem you’ll never find yourself being judged for who you are. Unless, of course, who you are is an idiot, in which case you can certainly expect Fio to let you know and give you supporting facts. Fio’s got a temper at times, sure, but if you ever see xem picking a fight, know that there’s certainly a reason for it. Spill something on Fio? Fine, whatever, it all comes out in the wash. Try to bully xem for not conforming to the whole ‘cis-gender’ role you think ought to be the norm? Fuck you very much but other than that, not worth the time and effort. But try to do the same thing to someone else? Degrade another for being who they are? The fists are gonna start flying if you’re unlucky. If you’re lucky? Well, then you can count on a tongue lashing and maybe having a number of laws that point out where exactly you done fucked up shoved your way. 
Huxley - Hux is the kind of guy who could easily make varsity on any sports team he tried out for, if it wasn’t for his absolute refusal to get involved in any sort of school sports. Hux’s facial marring takes the form of scars that appear to be from some sort of animal attack and damn if he isn’t willing to play up the stories others seem so happy to make up about them. That being said, if anyone were to actually ask Hux how he got them, he’d tell the truth because he knows his momma would whoop him six ways to Sunday if he lied, never mind her being in the ground already. Dianna would become one of the undead just to make sure her boy remembered she didn’t raise no fool. Hux is kind of like the big brother to the others of the group, always watching out for them and doing what he can to lead them the right way. He may not have asked to be the group’s impromptu leader, but it’s a role he lives up to. 
Zaylie - You know that pretty, popular, sassy girl who can fit into literally any group and take on anyone with her pinky? That’s Zaylie. She’s somewhat of a chameleon and doesn’t really let other folks in all that easy but she’ll happily fill any role she needs to in order to get what she wants or needs. Buried under all the layers she’s got, there’s a big heart but Zaylie didn’t get where she is now by letting the whole world see that. She’s not in it for any sort of sympathy or whatever crock of bullshit people might think but she’s not about to go around ripping the wool off their eyes while there’s still a chance she can make use of them. The only ones she won’t lie to or manipulate are the others of their group. Doesn’t mean she won’t mess with them every so often but she’s only ever mischievous with them. A couple pranks and some teasing never hurt them after all.
Neirin - Neirin may be the shortest of the boys but that doesn’t mean he should be underestimated. While the others may joke that he’s in a committed relationship with his bed, there’s truly few things that can be more dangerous to the world than Neirin when he’s woken before he’s ready and the others know to immediately get out of his way in such situations. And while he’d happily spend all his time sleeping if he could, he’s not one to shy away from getting involved in the important stuff....or taking care of his appearance. Hence the constant care he pays to his dyed silver hair.  Like Zaylie, he can be on the blunt side, though only because beating around the bush means getting that much less sleep, which is simply unacceptable in his mind’s eye. He can be a bit of a cuddle-pus when he’s sleeping and that means that the others are all free reign to latch onto and use as his own personal body pillow, but rest assured if he doesn’t know you, he will not go near you. Out of the lot of them, Neirin can easily be the most protective or possessive because the others are HIS people. 
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anodyne-sunflower · 7 years
The Yearbook (Part 2)-High School series
A/N: It’s here! Part 2, turtle doves. I love writing this stupid fic, all because I had a whack ass dream about Balem being a dick to Newt in school…oy. Anyway, I know Marius has an English accent lol but for drama sake, he’s got a French one in this. Use your imagination. Also, if you requested to be a teacher in this, I will slowly (try) to introduce you. That being said, I’m not basing any of their actions off y’alls personality. That’s too much work, and I’m lazy…cut me a break. So, it’s name only haha. Enjoy!
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MOOD MUSIC: Feel it still by Portugal. The Man
You threw your backpack onto the table, pulling out a chair and taking a seat as you looked around the almost empty library. No other students plagued the aisles of books, or extended their stay on the empty computer desks. It was how you enjoyed the library, quiet and devoid of all other life. Save for your best friend, who was busy burying his nose into another wildlife book to pay much attention to your topic of conversation.
The freckled boy glanced up, blinking at you stupidly before smiling. “Sorry, did you say something?”
“Never mind…” You sighed into your jacket sleeve, restlessly leaning back and forth in your chair as you watched the clock tick by. School wasn’t entirely awful, but in the realm of activities, you’d much rather be sleeping at this ungodly hour. “I am not looking forward to drama class. Why is that even important? I have no use for acting classes…”
“Perhaps you should’ve taken biology.” Newt mumbled nonchalantly, flipping the page and highlighting parts he found particularly interesting.
“I am, but…wait,” You fell forward into the table, hands slamming into the surface and scaring the other student from his reverie of animals. “Did you not sign up for drama class? First period? With Ms. Derboven…?”
Newt stared pathetically at you, a sudden dark cloud emerging over his messy head of hair. You knew that look all too well, you had been victim to it many times in your friendship. That guilty smile, that nervous laugh…it was just another blow to your already annoyed mood.
“Newton Artemis Fido Scamander,” you threatened between gritted teeth, leaning closer to your friend. Your proximity caused a flush of red to sweep along his cheeks, and he lifted his book to cover the obvious sign of nervousness. “So help me god if you didn’t-“
“I swear it was not intentional…” he attempted to soothe your anger, still keeping that sheepish grin on his features. He assumed it would make it all go away, as it usually did. But, you only glared deeply at him, getting closer until your noses were touching and he had no choice but to sit silent and listen. Not that it was difficult for him, your perfume and entrancing eyes were enough to gain his focus.
“Newt, I don’t want to take that class alone! They say the teacher is eccentric and expects you to perform for her the very first day! I don’t know how to act! I’m not even sure I know how to create art…I’m gonna die…that’s it…my social life is now null and void and I will forever be known as the girl who fucked up her monologue.”
“That’s a tad dramatic, don’t you think?” Newt cleared his throat, taking his chance to move away from you while you wallowed in your self pity.
“What’s dramatic is leaving your best friend to endure a full hour and a half of drama class.” Perhaps you were being a bit of a whiner, but facing courses without anyone you knew was always a rough situation. One you didn’t want to deal with senior year.
“I don’t believe dramatic fits that sentence-“
“There you are, Newt!”
The two of you looked up, your eyes falling upon a young man running over to you both. He was dressed like a complete hipster, one you’d find on some Instagram post about charcoal ice cream or what not. His fedora tilted sloppily to the side, giving him a very relaxed look that was only overshadowed by his striking red hair. He certainly knew how to gain attention.
“Oh, hello…” Newt dropped his book to the table, watching as this boy took a seat next to him and began going on about money and drawings. None of it made sense to you, and you sat there completely befuddled by his sudden appearance.
“So, I kind of need the money now…any chance you can pay?” The red head held his hand out, a huge smile on his face when Newt fished through his pockets and handed him some crumpled up bills.
“That should be sufficient.”
“Thank you, I need new supplies…”
“Um,” You interjected, nudging Newt on the arm to introduce you to this new kid. He looked faintly familiar, but it was hard to forget someone with his looks and hair. So you imagined he didn’t make a huge impression the first time, if you ever met him before that is. “Newt?”
Newt, glad for the distraction from your anger, held his hand out towards the red head and quickly blurted out an introduction. As if he didn’t really see the point in doing so. “That’s Jack. He offered to do some drawings for my book I’m writing.”
It dawned on you then, the red hair, the somewhat messy tie. You had seen him before, he was a frequent flyer in the principal’s office, although his offenses were of a lesser degree than the resident bad boy, Eddie. “You’re the one who makes those really amazing murals, right? On the gymnasium, and men’s bathroom!”
Jack hadn’t been paying much attention to you or Newt, he was busy counting the money and figuring out what to purchase with it. But, the moment your melodic voice hit his ears, he nearly froze in his actions. With a surprised expression he glanced up, green eyes widening when he saw you. He could count on one hand the number of girls he found attractive at this school, because the fact was, you were the only one he found charming. Every other girl was so caught up in their looks or social lives it grated on his nerves. There was something refreshing about you though, a trait he wasn’t yet knowledgeable about but, he felt it.
You pursed your lips, eyeing him strangely while he just stared. The silence built to a level that even gained Newt’s attention, and with a curious glance he turned to his friend.
Before he could get another word out, Jack leaned forward, a glint of wonder in his eyes as he looked you over. “Can I draw you?”
It was an odd request, one you didn’t expect to receive today. To say you were flattered though, would be an understatement. A soft blush formed on your features, a smile curling along your lips as you giggled nervously. “I, uh-“
Newt watched the exchange, somewhat annoyed, but otherwise keeping his mouth shut. He didn’t care for the way Jack looked at you, it was reminiscent to the way you eyed Stephen earlier. A hint of arousal, and longing that only made the animal lover jealous. Try as he might, Newt wasn’t very adept at burying his feelings. “Stop asking everyone to let you draw them.”
“How else am I supposed to practice?”
“Perhaps you should do your art assignments.”
“What a waste of time. Art isn’t something you can schedule or direct…” The entire time he spoke, his eyes fixated on you and only you. It was as if he was already sketching you into his mind, taking every lovely detail and canvassing it into his memories. “It has to be free, spontaneous…”
There was something in the way he spoke that made your heart flutter, like the very passion he conveyed could be felt in his words. It was mesmerizing, and you nearly toppled into his spell if not for Newt interrupting him.
“Jack,” It was when he reached out to touch you that Newt had enough, and with a sigh he held his book up, blocking the artist’s wandering hand. “Sorry, but shouldn’t you finish your painting in the gym?”
The switch went off in Jack’s head, and he rose quickly from his chair, giving a quick farewell before taking off in a rush towards the doors. You smiled at him, a thoughtful look on your face when you considered your observation carefully.
“You know,” you paused, eyes following the retreating back of the talented student. “If it wasn’t for the red hair, I’d say he could be your twin, Newt.”
Newt glanced up from his book, blinking at you skeptically before looking towards Jack. He raised his eyebrow for a second, before pursing his lips and scoffing at the notion. “Absolutely not.”
Before you could think of a single snappy remark, the bell rang, indicating the next five minutes should be spent getting to class. An audible groan flew from your lips, the dread of drama class becoming far too real now. You wanted to drag Newt along with you, but taking him from his beloved science classes was too cruel to entertain.
“Would you like me to accompany you there?”
“No, don’t worry. I’ll survive.”
Newt felt awful about the change in classes, but his counselor was adamant he take courses geared towards his interests. It would help in college, and he had to admit it was a smarter plan than wasting his time watching the drama kids reenact their favorite Shakespeare play.
“If you say so, Y/N…”
You hummed back to him, throwing your bag over your shoulder and sending a wave of goodbye as you walked out the library and into your horrible hour and a half fate. The walk to first period was uneventful, save for the nasty look some girl gave you. You weren’t aware of her dispute with you, but the faint whisper of ‘Balem’ was heard as you passed by. If you were to venture a guess, she was not overly fond of the way you interacted with him this morning. Every girl here was swooning over the rich man, constantly leaving letters in his locker or on his windshield. It was a dim-witted attempt to get his attention, but he rarely ever read the love notes. On one occasion you even saw him use his wipers to release the perfume scented letters from his precious car. Yet, in spite of his cruelty, they still flocked to him like moths to a flame.
“Ow!” The rough material of someone’s jacket pushed into your forehead, making you flinch back and grumble about small hallways. Why Balem’s mother couldn’t pull her purse strings for a bigger building was beyond you. “Watch it!”
“Easy there, darlin’.” An amused chuckle was all you needed to realize who it was, and you reluctantly moved your hand away. View now obscured by the devilish grin of Eddie Kreezer. “Where you off to in a hurry?” He was already pulling a cigarette from his jacket pocket, lighter hidden in his cowboy hat as the staff walked by. You envied his devil may care attitude, but you didn’t need to be caught with him today.
“To class, you idiot. Where you should be going.”
“Tsk, didn’t your momma ever teach you to be nice?” He teased, lighting his smoke and blowing some of it into your face.
“You’re one to talk!”
Eddie was always amused at your temper, but that was due to him being one of the few people who could bring out that spark of anger. It was amusing and quite frankly, hot to him. “Damn, sweetheart. What? Daddy didn’t love you enough as a kid? Is that where all this misdirected rage comes from?” He laughed heartily, pushing one finger into your forehead to keep you away as you launched your fists at him. It was a weak attempt to defend yourself, and it only made the cowboy laugh harder until you gave up. “I’ll be your daddy if you want.” He had the gall to wink, to flirt amidst all this teasing like you were just going to cave under his southern wiles. It fueled that fire of fury inside you, and admittedly was just a bit charming…which only made you angrier.
“Ah, ah, ah!” Eddie easily trapped you into the lockers, smirking down at your expression of discontent. “Daddy don’t like the attitude, darlin’.”
The last straw, that was it, and with all your strength you kneed Eddie in the stomach, taking his momentary lapse of judgement as a sign to run away. The last bell had rung, and with the halls now clearing you took the chance to turn back to him, hands balled into fists as you yelled, “And for the record you’re too young to be a daddy!”
The cowboy glanced up, a huge smirk now forming on his lips as he laughed. You figured he’d finally lost it, the recreational use of drugs eventually killing off his last brain cells. That was until you heard your name, a huge blush going head to toe when you realized who was behind you. With a stiff posture, you turned, growing redder when Stephen came into view. He looked confused, green eyes darting from you to Eddie with a hint of worry.
“Are you alright?”
“I-“ you couldn’t form a proper sentence, and in your embarrassment the only helpful thought that came was to run off into the halls. So with a quick mumble of farewell, you brushed passed the athlete and somehow found your way to the theatre. Life could be dramatically unfair sometimes, and having to say such a stupid thing in front of your crush was probably on the top ten list of don’ts. Lamenting over your actions did no good though, and with a troubled scoff you slowly opened the drama room doors. All eyes fell on you then, the piercing ones of your teacher among them. It sent chills up your spine, and even though they all saw you, you still attempted to sneak across the stools lined up to the stage.
“How good of you to join us.”
You fell into the stool, trying to ignore Ms. Derboven’s irritated glare. Thankfully, another student began to sing softly on stage, taking her attention elsewhere. She was positively thrilled when the student sang, like the world was suddenly brighter for it. In your mind, it was a simple distraction, but the pining sighs of women made you finally look towards the center of the auditorium. A tall, handsome student was on stage, crooning out his rendition of a Les Miserables song. Something about empty chairs and tables, not that you knew any of it, musicals weren’t exactly your hobby. But, you welcomed the talent he displayed. If only to have your teacher preoccupy herself with his enchanting voice.
“Isn’t he charming?”
You sank back into the air, trying not to fall from your stool as this girl leaned far too close to you. She had pretty green eyes, her blonde hair set into intricate curls that seemed to have taken hours to do. You didn’t recognize her from anywhere, and with a French accent you wondered if she had any relation to the new boy singing up there.
“Oh, no need to answer. I already know you agree.”
She giggled, hand on her cheek as she sighed happily while eyeing the handsome student on the stage. Drama wasn’t your forte, and if it wasn’t for the insane obligation to take an elective you’d be far from here. But, you humored her affections, eyes darting towards the stage and watching as the other French student recited his lines. He was rather talented at it, even more when he broke into song again. Even if that made it feel awkward to be in here. All the girls, and possibly even the teacher seemed entranced by his voice now, like he suddenly became the first male siren in history.
In your musings, you hadn’t realized he stopped, all the girls clapping and cheering their hearts out to him. Some of the boys reluctantly did so, more than one of them grumbling about how unfair it was to have so many good looking guys at this school. You had to agree there, lately it seemed like an abundance of them came crawling from out of the woodwork. With a defeated breath, you started clapping along as well, looking towards the clock on the wall and praying it would move faster. At least this new kid took up a good chunk of time for you.
“Come on…” you pleaded silently with the clock, as if that would somehow aid your impatience.
“Cosette, would you like a turn?”
You watched as the girl you were speaking to got up, clearly the one known as Cosette. She clapped happily, getting off the stool and heading to the stage to begin her own monologue. You envied her bravery, but the puppy love look on her face made you roll your eyes. She had it bad for that other guy, and judging by his smile he seemed somewhat interested in her in return.
“May I sit here?”
His French accent was enamoring, but you weren’t about to fall head over heels just because he seemed exotic.
“Thank you.” He smiled politely, eyes constantly moving to look at you. “I’m Marius Pontmercy, and you are?”
At his greeting, you turned to him, offering a smile as you held your hand out to shake his. Only he seemed more intent on being a true gentleman. With a delicate touch he took your hand, twisting it around and laying a sweet kiss to the back of it. The French truly did inspire romance…
“I’m…um,” The words would not come out, and unfortunately making a fool of yourself seemed to be a reoccurring theme this school year.
“Won’t you tell me?” Marius smiled widely, chuckling when you looked away from him. You seemed on edge, and he had no intention to make it worse for you. “It’s alright if you wish-“
“Y/N.” You spat it out harshly, your nerves making you agitated enough to seem rude. Lucky for you, Marius took no offense to your curt tone.
“It’s a beautiful name…” He said quietly, eyes transfixed on you from the start.
There was a notable tension in the air, one that confused you greatly. But, the longer he gazed into your eyes the more you felt your chest cave to the attractive French student. In just a few short hours, you found life at eighteen proving difficult already. How on earth could you navigate this school year with all these men being distractions? Stephen was always your source of affection, and even though you still held strong feelings for him…you found yourself hooked on these new characters. Maybe Newt was right, sexual maturity had officially peaked and you hated every minute of it.
A/N: Alright, tell me!! Who do you ship Reader with so far?! Hope you liked it! There’s nothing greater than writing a trashy cliche high school fic. Takes me back, my loves…takes me back. Feedback appreciated! ❤️
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mlpextremelover · 7 years
“Haifuri” aka “High School Fleet” aka “That One Show That’s Like ‘Girls und Panzer’ But Is Different From ‘Girls und Panzer’ Because They Operate Battleships Instead Of Tanks” has conquered every part of my brain. I find myself in the middle of the night thinking about Haifuri: Did I like it? Did I hate it? Remember when that thing happened? etc. This show has managed to occupy my every thought process and I need an outlet. Normally I like to keep reviews spoiler free but that simply cannot be the case this time. Get ready for my longest review yet.
I’m gonna start with what I enjoyed from the show. The animation is solid, each character is unique and recognizable, movements are fluid for the most part, the battleship design is cool, and the interior shots/settings are really neat. The battle scenes are surprisingly well done; we see each compartment of the ship performing their individual tasks and coming together to overcome hardships (pun intended). What I enjoyed even more was when battles aren't happening. Much like Girls and Panzer, the show excels in its amusing slice of life moments. Dealing with problems like running out of water and putting on festivals give depth to the show and personality to the crew. "That girl who fires the torpedo" "Those three that does the cooking" and "Trumpet player" start to have names that you remember, friends they hang with, emotions they express, hobbies they enjoy...etc. Whoever wrote the show understands that supporting characters with personality is the difference between a fictional world that's alive and one that's not.
Now on to the parts I didn’t particularly enjoy or is straight up confusing. Last night I compiled a list of things in Haifuri that bothered me, spoiler ahead.
1. Mike (me·keh) and Moka
       Mike(Misaki) is our main protagonist and captain of the ship, and Moka(Moeka) is her childhood friend and captain of another(much bigger) ship. The story mainly revolves around the fact that Moka’s ship is in distress and Mike wanting to save her friend. The premise is fine... Except I literately don’t give two shits about Moka. Moka is a prime example of why the “childhood friend” trope is one of the dumbest things in anime. In the first episode we have Mike and Moka as children and it shows the two of them sharing the dream of becoming “Blue Mermaids” who protect the sea. In subsequent episodes we get some flashbacks of Moka expressing her view that “everyone on the ocean is family”, an ideology in which Mike adopts. We get excessive shots of Mike looking worried about Moka. And that’s it. Moka literately have no personality other than “childhood friend of Mike”. Imagine being at a party and the people you talk to only talk about their other friends who isn’t at the party. That’s what it feels like when it comes to Mike and Moka. Mike on the other hand, does get some character development. That being said, out of every other character on the ship (there’s 32 total including the cat), Mike managed to be the most bland and brain dead of them all. She’s in the protagonist role simply because it’s easy for audiences to project onto her blank personality and insert themselves into the show instead. Her most notable trait is that she’s afraid of lightning due to a tragic event in the past. Luckily the show tend to give more screen time to more eccentric characters in the grand scheme of things. 
2. One-liners
       “The wind is blowing, the wind of hope” said Moka in a room with the windows closed and door barricaded. This line of dialog completely ruined what’s otherwise a decent action sequence. “Tama, fire with your soul” (it’s a pun when spoken in japaneses) and “With this shot, we’ll grab our chance” are just some other glorious eye-rolling one-liners in this show. Anyways, these really don’t detriment the show all that much but are still worth mentioning. 
3. Flashbacks
       Flashbacks, when used correctly is one of the best story telling mechanisms out there. Sadly, it’s been used much more frequently as a way to avoid actual good story telling. If something truly important had happened in the past then it’s almost always better to show it in the beginning rather than in the middle. If you did it correctly the audience wouldn’t even need a reminder in the form of a flashback. I’m referring to Mike afraid of lightning and her relationship with Moka. Instead of sprinkling bits of flashback throughout the series and frequent reminders of who Moka is; I truly believe the story would flow a lot better if we got the whole first episode dedicated to Mike’s past and Moka, where Haifuri begins in the present time should be mid-episode 2. This way I might connect better with Mike as a main character and give a damn about Moka. 
4. Why things went wrong
       This is a major spoiler point. This whole mess is due to some magical virus carried by rats that infected the instructor’s ship and surrounding ships. A zombie-like virus that controls the host to be hostile against the uninfected. The doctor on board, due to her character trait as a genius found the antibody/cure. Oh, and in early stages of infection spraying the infected with sea water would also do the trick. Like... wtf. It’s not how viruses, geniuses, antibodies or seawater work. But, whatever, it’s a show that’s meant to be entertaining so this is just me nitpicking. Still... Wouldn’t the instructor purposefully sabotaging the students in hopes of framing the principal to gain power made for a more logical and dramatic plot? 
5. Logic
     If you have any common sense then there are points in the show where you’ll go “Why?”, “How?”, “What??”, “k, that just happened.” or a mixture of those reactions. The most notable one is in episode 4 when a crew member got infected and is going crazy so the German deputy captain straight up throws her into the ocean. Ok... the impact should’ve killed her. However not only did it not kill her, she just magically gets shot back up onto the ship by the ocean “Moana” style and is no longer infected due to being in contact with saltwater. (O.O) HOW??? That sequence of events has kept me up at night, I’m so baffled by it that I’m losing sleep. Another lesser wtf anime moment is one of the Blue Mermaid captain got these robotic looking cat ears on her head. Like, why does she have those? Nobody else in the entire show is wearing robotic cat ears. Is it a fashion statement? Do those serve a purpose? The show doesn’t even acknowledge them once but they’re there!! Again, I’m left wondering.
6. Marketing/Other
       This anime is so poorly and confusingly marketed. It’s initially called “Haifuri” but on MAL it’s “High School Fleet”. It was released last year and i somehow completely missed it. It’s a ghost of an anime. Several sources have conflicting information as to if it’s an anime original or based off of a manga. The VA for the main German character that threw the indestructible girl off the boat has voiced several characters in hentai. <--This isn’t a negative point, just something interesting I wanted to mention.
7. Right things at the wrong time
       There were several instances of this in the show but I’ll only mention the most aggravating one here: So the Blue Mermaids has this oath that they chant which goes “Live on the sea. Protect the sea. Sail the sea”. It’s honestly kinda cool. Anyways, Mike and Moka always say this to each other as kids and it’s real sweet and cute and stuff. At one point mid-battle Mike and the other main characters each say a part of the oath and it actually sent a chill down my spine. This was such a cool/symbolic moment for these characters. Mike only ever said the oath with Moka but in that moment you realize she’s no longer  saying to herself but with h̶e̶r̶ ̶c̶r̶e̶w̶  her new family. This fantastic moment only happened once, and it wasn’t even that big of a battle. Instead of something like this during the finally we instead get Moka’s “The wind is blowing, the wind of hope”: a shitty one-liner from a character with no development. 
8. German
       I don’t speak German, and I don’t need to in order to wince at the German spoken in this anime. I can’t really fault anybody here since it’s probably asking too much for native Japanese speakers to nail German lines. 
9. No introduction
       Out of the 32 characters on the main ship in Haifuri, only like 8 of them got somewhat proper introductions. This is not an objectively negative point toward Haifuri but I can easily see how it might agitate viewers. I personally found it neat that I got to know side characters over time through familiarity, but for others this may be a hassle. At some points I had to pull up the wiki after seeing a character and wondering “what do you do here again?”. For me this is actually a positive trait, the show wasn’t going to introduce 32 characters one by one so it instead did something neat and gave you the “first day in a classroom” feeling. 
10. Exposition
       The world setting of Haifuri is given through exposition. However it was a neat moment I had upon realizing that the city beneath the ocean at the coast is the sunken remains of modern day Japan and not Rapture.     
You might think that  with all these negative points I must have had a terrible time with Haifuri, but it’s quite the opposite. I for the most part very much enjoyed watching Haifuri. It’s madly entertaining compared to the majority of animes out there. These negative points are more so pet peeves of mine than real negatives that truly ruins a show. And to be honest, I derived quite a bit of enjoyment from these nitpicks. In the end the ship crew of Haifuri really made an impact to me and it’s an anime that I’m unlikely to forget. 7.5/10 
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galacticbonii-blog · 7 years
My Gemsona backstories
   Mint Sapphire
v  Petty, sweet, independent. respectable and very calm
v  No weapon made weapons instead
She is a  sapphire who was made for Blue Diamond but she knew her use but she wanted to fight and not just give predictions about what she thought was gonna happen so one day she disguised her self as a mint quartz while she was on earth and fought with the warriors and since then she has changed her look and attitude she even has her own one of a kind Mint Quartz
 Fuchsia Pearl
v  Sweet, sensitive and the kindest pearl you’ll meet
v  Spear
Belonging to Violet Quartz along with 2 other pearls Fuchsia also fought in the war with Mint Sapphire and became her best friend. She covers her eyes so she cant express emotions like her owner. She admires the Diamond Authority along with Mint Sapphire.
 Pink Mangano
v  Gentle, peaceful, tranquil, hippyish and a flower geek
v  Bachigata Hoe
She was made a short time before Pink Diamonds shattering but while she was in her court she helped Rose Quartzes work with their ability to grow plant soldiers she also helped Lapises terraform but after Pink Diamonds death she was sent to Blue Diamonds court as an advisor to a quartz which is where she met Prehnite and they’ve been friends ever since.
v  Goofy, protective, elegant and playful
v  Quaterstaff
She was made as a warrior and fought elegantly until an agate told her being a warrior is not her place so she was sent to be an advisor and she was there dreaming about her past and how it wouldn’t be the same but everything changed when Pink Mangano came along.
Aqua Angel Quartz
v  Elegant, semi-prudish, cold, kind once you get to know her
v  Ice and hydrokenesis
She was always a diplomatic gem who carried her duties respectfully and did everything she was told until she met Flame Aura Quartz and fused with her. She has a repressed love for her but acts like she doesn’t she misses when their love was at its Golden age but she knows it can never be. FAQ always flirts but she acts like she doesn’t like it but she does.
 Flame Aura Quartz
v  Jerkish, Cool, Relaxed, and Carefree
v  Fire and a custom flammable sword
She is a puny quartz solider with a big attuite. She may have not come out right but she has skills to make up for it. She is very social but is not open to anyone except AAQ. She fought in the war and hates the CG.
Himalayan Quartz
v  Quiet (I’m so funny), wise and a loner
v  She can make stalactites of crystal come out of the earth
She is the first semi-perfect force fusion. She doesn’t know what she’s supposed to be or what she’s meant for but she knows almost everything else. She knows about the war even though she hasn’t heard or read anything about she was sent was sent to Homeworld when Peridot checked the Kindergarden. She has been strictly placed in White Diamonds court and is being put under intensive training. Her form is unstable, she poofs a lot and she can barely shapeshift
 Adean Opal
v  Sweetheart, Kind and Motherly
v  Ahlspiess
T/B all I know is she hates maw
v  Jerk, evil, mean, self-centered
v  Military fork
T/B all I know is that she loves to irritate AO and forced her to fuse with her
Pink Sardonyx
v  Provocative, mean, arse
v  Heeled boots
She was a gem war general who fought Sardonyx. She likes making gems feel like lesser versions of themselves. She has many enemies and she shattered most of them during the war. She is currently on a planet training gems.
 Exotica Jasper
v  Mild mannered, snobbish ? and flexible
v  Helmet?
         She is defective but she hides it with a visor she is blind but can sense things through her feet. She found friendship with two other jaspers in the war, they are now being trained by pink sardonyx.
 Kaleidoscope jasper
v  Doesn’t talk much, distant , mysterious and scary
v  Horsemans pick
  She came out backwards from a enormous height but landed on her feet no one ever saw her eyes (eerily creepy yet beautiful) she attacked the nearest gem and disappeared but found her way to exoctica jasper and blue jasper and joined their platoon
  Blue jasper
 v  Sassy, drama queen, provocative ,talkative and boastful
v  Saber
  She is defective but no one , not even me knows how but she is pretty much … well perfect she’s beautiful can fight and everything she has seen thus gem before she was a pearl and she fell in love but never spoke to her
   Pink Heulandite
v  Flanged Mace
 v  Childlike easily influenced
 She was made after the war but since HW has few resources she was made short but for now she is a part of PGAQ team on her ship.
Purple Galaxy Aura Quartz
v  Headstrong secretive elegant noble
 v  Cosmic energy
  She brought one of the ancient gem ships to earth and fought gracefully but now she is a captain of a high
tech gem facility well ship
  Violet quartz
 v  Crafted sword and chest pate that can shoot beams
 v  Frustrated poised a tad bit mean
 She fought in the war with her lover who has yet to be made but one day she disappeared and violet has been sad ever since
  Royal blue aura quartz
v  Liar snobby redeemable noble
 v  Bastard sword
 She was made during the war before resources started to run out but she didn’t want to fight she wanted to be a aristocratic gem so she made a deal with a sapphire so she could be her personal body guard to avoid the war but she betrayed the sapphire when it was actually time to fight for her, leaving her under the wrath of mint
 Celestial aura quartz
v  Vile eerie sweet warrior somewhat elegant
 v  Telekinesis
 She was scarred by a crystal gem agate but never poofed during the war she had a pearl but the pearl wasn’t fit to her taste so she shot her into space in an escape pod which landed on an unknown planet she was in mints platoon during the war and she even saw garnet before filling her with Hatred which led her to be attacked by that aquamarine agate
  Tanzan aura quartz
v  A cross bow that shoots hooks with chains
 v  Extremely sweet loving confused
 She fought in the war with mint but several hundred years later she was poofed in a ship explosion her an her pearl gems floating off she eventually landed on a plane and reformed finding that her gem was the tiniest but cracked she was found by pgaq and her companion never telling them about her gem fearing shell be shattered she had forgotten her memory and didn’t really know what she had done in the war (she was a savage shattering gems and such) and didn’t really know much
Anchorite tourmaline
v  Spear
 v  Wild quiet scared unhappy
 She was made but she ran off and found indigenous people and learned their ways? She got on one of the ships on back to homeworld and wound up on pgaq ship with sunshine aura quartz whomst she is falling in love with
 Sunshine aura quartz
v  Her light eyes and she can manipulate light
v  Sunny great person happy respectful
She was just… a cheerful gem made some short time before the war she really just explored the galaxy roaming onto ships and going where ever they take her.
 Champagne aura quartz and pearl
v  Cpaq – intimidating scary
v  Cpp- snobby like super snobby
Tba probably plot device
 Sunset aura quartz
v  No weapon
v  Nice a tad slow
She was made after the war and found red sunset aura quartz and they became best friends almost sisters. She had saved her from being poofed by pink sardonyx but was ultimately poofed herself after striking pink
 Red sunset aura quartz
v  A bit of a hot head loyal underestimated
v  A made sword
She is a defective gem who longs to fight but sadly she was made after the war and didn’t get to she loves to spar but hates being undermined by her opponent.
 Butterfly aura quartz
v  Butterfly knife
v  Deceitful doesn’t talk much bubbly
She is just a quartz with wings? Nothing real special besides the fact shes an intergalactic criminal to the gempire
 Titanium butterfly aura quartz
v  Butterfly knife
v  Hardcore probably evil
She is also a galactic space criminal on the run with her lover they blew up a useful ship and  much more stuff
 Blue andalusite
v  War hammer
v  Blunt butch malicious cold blooded
Not very much is known about this gem she was shattered during the war after shattering a pink gem she was on the crystal gems side
 Magenta quartz
v  Unknown
v  Sweet loving tad slow
She was ssaq ex-lover who was killed by blue andalusite she was a war general and that’s all that’s ever really known
White jasper
v  Helmet
v  Serious but she can be a softy
She fought in a platoon with all other white jaspers and even cut her hair(if gems can do that) and one day they just disappeared but it was also mysteriously the day the war ended but she can’t remember anything but running
 Plum pearl
v  No weapon
v  gay fancy seductive
nothing is to be known about her she was recently made and is entirely clueless but she always tries to fall n love and ruin things.
 Crème rose pearl
v  unknown
v  unknown
she literally is seen walking around the ship almost everyone has seen her and few tried to talk to her or catch her but she just disappears there are rumors that shes something a earthling would call a “phantom” another rumor is that her owner got shattered on a mission and never came back and shes just wandering looking for her.
 Aqua agate
v  whip
v  relaxed cool fun
she isn’t like your average agate she doesn’t have the horned do she has her hair down almost looking like a quartz herself she is currently dating blue vesuvianite and hiding from homeworld elites,
 blue vesuvianite
v  no weapon
v  elegant quaint regal
she was an aristocratic gem who fell in love with an agate she used to follow a harem of sapphires Around but ran away to hideaway with light blue quartz which is where she met aqua agate and they have been in love ever since
 ruby (mints ruby guard)
v  chisel
v  sassy that’s it
she was made a short time before the war like 3 days she was given to mint for protection(she really didn’t need it but they didn’t know that) she didn’t really like being with mint until she had to fuse with her to protect themselves and they’ve been close ever since.
 Botswana agate
v  whip
v  mean malicious malignant prude uptight
she doesn’t really have any memories from before the war but she has plenty from during the war. She can remember being attacked by this green skinny quartz with braids who scared her forever she still can figure her out until this day
 mint sapphires
v  unknown
v  unknown
tba plot device?
 Peacock pearl
v  spear
v  charming flexible cheerful
she was made after the war and is happy for the fact of that she performs in areas and other areas for gems amusement she actually likes her job and pretends to have a mysterious owner and she can work her way around a destabilizer
 purple lapis
v  water wings
v  sad lonely confident
she escaped the war on earth by flying off with blue lapis and hid until it was over she had partner but she was taken by homeworld soldiers and never seen again
 blue lapis
v  water wings
v  insane corrupted
she was actually a pretty nice gal until the war hit she saw horrible horrible things she had even done horrible things. she decided to flee with purple lapis and they flew back to homeworld and hid in the slums where she met mint sapphire who helped them return.
 Candy apple quartz
v  helmet
v  reckless headstrong
after being found by mint sapphire hiding out with uc she was taken into care by mint but after the war ended mint had to leave so her and uc fused into rose aura quartz hiding their other set of eyes and candys gem to look normal on homeworld they are look up to as a power quartz when they really are a fusion
 unicorn quartz
v  lance
v  profound graceful swift gleeful
she was made defective like caq so they hid during the war only to be found by minty who couldn’t bring herself to shatter them so she took them under her wing she sent them on a ship to homeworld so they wouldn’t be stranded and she fused with caq so they wouldn’t be shattered.
Seafoam sapphire/seafoam pearl
v  no weapon made shield
v  wavy cool goes with flow
traveled in a harem with other sapphires she accepted the invitation to fight in the war with the other sapphires and she fused with her pearl to fight too.
Rosaline sapphire/Rosaline pearl
v  no weapon made war hammer
v  sweet nice loving chipper
traveled in a harem with other sapphires she accepted the invitation to fight in the war with the other sapphires and she fused with her pearl to fight too.
 Midnight sapphire/midnight pearl
v  no weapon made scythe
v  cold distant dark
traveled in a harem with other sapphires she accepted the invitation to fight in the war with the other sapphires and she fused with her pearl to fight too. She dated mint for awhile but broke up with her. She is currently dating maroon sapphire.
 Maroon sapphire/maroon pearl
v  no weapon made sword
v  evil manipulating conniving
traveled in a harem with other sapphires she accepted the invitation to fight in the war with the other sapphires and she fused with her pearl to fight too. She dated mint after mints break up with midnight and is now dating midnight.
 Rose quartz(bubbled by mint)
v  shield? Not much known
v  like our rose but even more pure and loyal (to the diamonds)
mint came to her telling her a vision she saw so she let mint bubble her so she could be saved. As of now she is in mints bubble room on a far far distant moon.
Dark ruby
v  femme caring loyal
v  no weapon
she was made after the war and couldn’t really do the afro style so she found another ruby and hitchhiked to the reserve there she stays as a sort of performer
light ruby
v  innocent small caring
v  no weapon
she was found by dark ruby and taken care of since she didn’t know her way around so she went with her and stayed eventually they found themselves at the preserve where they sing (they have different voices that regular rubies)
 light blue quartz
v  sweet silly happy chill
v  flail
she used to be midnight sapphires body guard but ran off since she was being mentally abused by her and maroon she fought their pearls and ran off the ship she jumped onto landed at the preserve and she’s been there since
phantom amethyst
v  mace
v  goofy joker amethysty
she is a special vein of amethyst quartz with heightened abilities allowing her to be better than most gems but its really a waste cause she’s too lazy to fight.
Orange elestial quartz
v  tba
v  tba
 elestial quartz
v  tba
v  tba
red phantom quartz
v  I forgot
v  Mysterious chaotic neutral intimidating
 She was known in the war for how swift she was and her horrid claws always wanted to fight mint and is looking forward to meeting her
Phantom quartz
v  Intimidating droopy graceful
v  Tba
She has a horrid screech that can poof a gem it is 10x effective if used with a wailing stone. She would show any of her victims her icy blue eyes before shattering them and say I’m sorry just to give them a little piece of serenity  
Pomegranate quartz
v  Tba
v  Sweet motherly magnetic personality
Currently she is living on a tropical planet living like a human (never met one)she is there with members of her platoon (other fruit based quartz)they are stranded since their ship crash-landed on a place not on star maps
New Zealand blue pearl
v  Spear
v  Snobby hardcore fancy luxurious
She ran off from her owner because she didn’t like how she was supposed to look and ended up at the preserve
 Siamese ruby
v  Clawed gauntlet
v  Creepy scary impressive
She was a mean little gem she targets beryl’s mainly aquamarines
Greek agate
v  Whip
v  Really nice and laid back
She was made after the war and was immediately placed she didn’t really know how to be an agate she knew what she was supposed to be like and do but it wasn’t her so she was just nice
Pigeon blood ruby
v  No weapon but has metal wings
v  Quiet precise loner
Obviously made after the war she disappeared she stole some materials from a docked ship and made due she is currently on an unknown planet living with a pearl
Orange Sapphire
SHE CAME OUT WRONG AND FOUND Caribbean quartz  she took her to her planet and they’ve been together since
Red zircon
v  Tba
v  Mean malicious
Plot device
Mint zircon
v  Tba
v  Convincing sweet
Plot device
Silver pearl
v  Spear
v  Exactly like her owner can sing
She was made after the war as a gift for pq service
White pearl
v  Water wings and spear
v  Lonely nice
She was made with too much mass and hid on a ship she saw pbr breaking into the ship and decided to go with her for protection they flew to a planet but are being hunted down
Red amethyst
v  More serious than a regular amethyst
v  Tba
She was made after the war but really wants to fight someone bad
Caribbean quartz
v  Motherly has a Jamaican accent
v  Machete
She fought in the war but retired soon after now she just helps defective gems find a home she has already rescued baroque pearl now she is building a ship to look for more
Blue grey star sapphire
v  Weird forgetful
v  No weapon
She was made almost directly as the war ended and is currently the sire of bgss
Blue green star sapphire
v  Serious when she needs to be, beautiful
v  No weapon
Made before the war tba
Powder blue sapphire
v  Sweet low voice loving
v  No weapon
Tba she was beat by ba and
Cornflower sapphire
v  Nicer than friends open minded
v  No weapon
Tba doesn’t like her other sapphire friends
Royal blue sapphire
v  Evil mean spirited
v  No weapon
Tba hates love
Ceylon sapphire
v  Jealous
v  No weapon
Tba not as bad as rbs and she wants to be loved
Blue rubies
v  They are all cold and distant except for 1
v  Tba
Plot device
okaaaaaaayyy so i know that this stuff is really messed up like on story is in all caps and some stuff is spelled wrong but this took me too long and i dont feel like fixing this
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