#drugged Mac
dennisboobs · 10 months
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7x10 // How Mac Got Fat
↳ Charlie & Dennis + getting high together
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psymachine · 5 months
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happy 420 to those who celebrate 🍃
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Vox is the homophobic despite being bi gamer bf to Velvette's trans goth furry gf
Val is the domestic abuser car salesman husband to Vox's 1950s housewife who's on so much fucking cocaine while trying to keep this household together
and Alastor and Vox is just is Fleetwood Mac
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campgender · 14 days
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Madeline Davis (with Joan Nestle) on the combination of masculinity & femininity in the men she’s been with
excerpt 1:
[…] but I had partners that supported that image. Some of my partners were very feminine men. They were Sal Mineo when he was a pretty, big-eyed, soft-looking baby-butch type. So I was satisfied for a long time with them and wondered why my girlfriends were into muscle and macho, because I wanted men who were sweet. Even when I was coming out, I went back and forth some. I went with a couple of guys who were faggots and were quite effeminate.
J: The first adult person I loved and lusted after was a gay man.
M: I loved that combination of toughness and softness, that combination of masculinity and femininity. And then I began looking for it in women too […]
excerpt 2:
M: My first sexual experience with a woman was different from the way I expected it to be. I had already been fucking a lot of men, even loving a few of them. They were in a strange way—when you said you liked tough, hard men — the men I loved. Although they were pretty and sweet, they were outlaws, they were poets, they smoked dope, they sold [dope] […]
from “The Femme Tapes” by Joan Nestle, Madeline Davis, and Amber Hollibaugh (recorded 1982), published in The Persistent Desire: A Femme-Butch Reader (1992), ed. Joan Nestle
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thepoisonroom · 3 months
too high can everyone please cherish and be nice to me
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anguishmacgyver · 7 months
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diyasgarden · 20 days
In some ways, Tashi Duncan is the definition of a gold dust woman. Plus, a relationship with her could possibly feel like this song...
Well, did she make you cry? / Make you break down?
She is such a strong presence. She is sure of herself and always knows what she wants. Even for the people around her. She's blunt when expressing these things too. It doesn't matter how long you've known her or how much you care for her, it doesn't make her any less blunt with you. And yeah you know she wants the best for you, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. It's for your own good, the way she pushes you. The way she says it. It still hurts.
Shatter your illusions of love?
Regardless, you can't imagine not loving Tashi. It's so different than any other feeling you've ever experienced in your life. Your past relationships seem meaningless now. The possibility of falling in love again with someone else feels impossible. Sometimes you think the word love isn't the right word to describe what you feel for her. It's too simple. You need something bigger. Something stronger.
And now tell me, is it over now? Do you know how / To pick up the pieces and go home?
You dread the possibility that your relationship with her could fall apart. What would your life be without her? You don't know. You don't even want to think about it. You wouldn't know what to do. You can't even imagine moving on. You'd mourn the relationship for the rest of your life. Or could you even call it a life without her? You decide no. A life without Tashi, is not a life at all.
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awesomeferret10 · 5 months
Unfortunately for them I think this show might be one of the best things Smosh has ever created.
Another banger.
Another banger by Shayne Topp from iCarly
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hailieshapedbox · 11 months
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emodennis · 2 years
macdennis - your love is my drug (valentine’s day edition)
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impossiblepluto · 3 months
Hello bonjour I reread Adversary + Antigen and ignoring the fact that I am now screaming in every possible way except physical (and, even though I knew what was coming this time, I still had a physiological stress response to your words (<- big big compliment)), I am also gnawing on my laptop thinking about McClain and Reese's reaction and response to seeing Mac.
I am just. I am thinking about how much do they know??? Has Yasmin radioed over and given them the scoop?? Does Yasmin even know what went on in the back there (😱)?????? Like despite (or maybe inspite of) the fact that Mac's got about a thousand different reactive molecules moving through his blood stream right now, he's still somewhat combative I imagine. Or at the very least, I'm sure there's a good chance that some of those drugs are going to wear off before everything is sorted out 😬
Anyway whilst thinking about this I inadvertently made a chart in my head and thought it would be funny to share with you:
pros of epi wearing off: less wired mac who can breath without his entire body vibrating and causing panic on top of panic
cons of epi wearing off: anaphylaxis comes back and says hi!!!! because it is annoyed it got pushed off of metaphorical center stage
pros of sedative wearing off: mac feels less betrayed, more in charge of his body with more autonomy
cons of sedative wearing off: PANIK
...I'm not sure what this ask is anymore at this point. I just need you to know that my brain is entirely occupied thinking about what the future has in store for Mac and I am wondering if there is any hints or thoughts that I can have to munch on in my brain <3
Bonjour friend (I cannot read that word without seeing the polar bears peeking their heads out of dens or into portholes memes, and I am delighted to realize that)
I am also delighted to hear that you reread Adversary + Antigen. I was completely spoiled by the comment you left on that fic and now I get another one + more Vi thoughts. Ah! Amazing. An embarrassment of riches.
Not sure if it's the worst thing I've done to Mac but it's the most in depth I've gone. I got a little tightness in my chest and throat while writing it.
Reese and McClain hearing about what happened to Mac, the panic attack, and getting to witness one of their own is a moment that I am anxiously awaiting to share (and finish writing) Originally, Mac was going to make it all the way to Phoenix Med, where he would again stubbornly insist that he was not laying down, not riding into the building on a gurney, and mostly unsuccessfully struggling through the halls with his entourage, before his facade completely broke. I was as shocked as Jack and Ed when Mac began fighting for his life in the back of the ambulance.
I think I might have to do Mac's attempted escape from someone else's POV. Yasmin does know some of what happened and has radioed ahead so McClain and Reese have an idea of what's coming through the doors. Also, everyone is putting the puzzle pieces together a little quicker and confirming what they suspected. And Jack is struggling for many reasons.
One of the things that has me stalled is getting Mac's headspace right- and portraying so it feels genuine. The epi, adrenaline, and emotions are still thrumming under his skin, but the sedative is making it feel strangely distant even though it's right there. The loss of safety, security, autonomy, he expects that from Murdoc but from his friends and the people he trusts, that betrayal feels like a sinking pit. If he expresses his needs who would listen? Even his anger feels muted, but will be making an appearance that I'm very excited about. Regulating his emotions and his responses are beyond his ability so he's oscillating between this betrayed, submissive compliance, seething anger, embarrassment about his outburst and shame that he allowed Murdoc to do this to him. Everything that anyone says or does feels so patronizing. There's a detached clinical part of him too, and while he wants to lean into that part, that's worse for everyone else watching.
I love your chart because it's all the same stuff going through my head. I'm trying to fit a little bit of everything in there. The half-life of epinephrine is very short (epi is just to stem the reaction and keep you alive long enough to get additional treatment) so he might start feeling the foreboding, prickly sensations growing again before this is over.
Thanks for the ask, friend! It has reawakened my excitement for this fic when I was starting to get too in my head about it! If there is something specific that you've been like "i hope she does This!" feel free to share because there are a lot of directions that I'm still trying to decide on
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killershrike · 14 days
you guys I have to admit to yall. I'm actually crazy. there is a dark side of me you haven't seen...
I like to take always sunny characters + lore seriously, I psychoanalyze them and then bring them to more extreme sides of the character while trying to keep always sunny vibe & humor. such as: I have a CharDen fic I've never posted which centres around Dennis murdering Jack Kelley for Charlie and bringing him the skin to show his love. yandere, obsessive, crazy, yes. but NOT that far from canon and I could tell you why i think so down to exact episodes + lines but I'll spare you my intense psychosis
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any theories as to what frank was up to in mac and dennis buy a timeshare?
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opioidenjoyer · 28 days
Mac Miller x French Montana pouring up Promethazine/Codeine in the studio (April 2012)
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ricketycr1cks · 2 years
Reject modernity- Dee got mean after the roller skating incident
Embrace tradition- she was always mean and the nickname sweet Dee was supposed to be ironic
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orcelito · 6 months
With a combination of medicine, excessive water, and Soup, I am feeling... okay.
Very sleepy. But at least it's not agony to swallow like it was last night. So I'll take it.
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