#drunk's diary
evelhak · 9 months
Kagami and Kuroko
joined a choir
on the side of the road
while Rakuzan was making a boy calendar.
Kagami understood something fundamental.
wtf is this
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s0ft-karina · 1 month
i need my pussy ate 😔
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sommerregenjuniluft · 4 months
@jegulus-microfic 21, 23, 24 feb - attack, alley, hungry - 1786 words - cw: blood (nothing violent though)
1920s New Orleans vampires <3 [part 1 vampire microfic, happens after this in the timeline though]
James flashes a blinding grin at the giggling young women he lets out the door before he ducks in after they’re gone. He nudges his glasses up his nose and straightens his fitted waist coat for the Christ knows how many-th time, sucking in a steadying breath as he lets his eyes sweep over the inside of the bar room.
He can do this.
He can hunt, it’s in his nature now—Barty had said so. Besides, James has always prided himself with his chivalry and charm, and now that it’s only amplified he should have no issues chatting an unsuspecting, innocent person up and taking them somewhere more private for James to be able to feed without getting caught.
The thought alone makes his teeth itch horribly and James slides his tongue along his fangs behind his lips before he makes his way farther inside.
James stops for a drink at the bar and then settles in one of the corners, slowly nursing his glass of whiskey as he browses the crowd for possible prey.
The dark-skinned woman under the spotlight is gorgeous as she sings into the microphone, golden band with white and emerald feather adorning her curly haired head.
None of the people enjoying the show spring into James’ eye, not one poor soul piquing his interest.
That is until James’ eyes settle against the other side of the room where a young man is propped against the railing of the elevated patio section of the establishment, not even pretending to watch the singer as he lazily swirls the dark liquid in his tumbler with slow circles of his wrist.
His suit is sleek and expensive looking, snug against his lean body. The pants fitted and hinting with stripes, and a plain, black fly sitting impeccably against the collar of his throat. The waistcoat seems to be velvet and there’s a silver chain disappearing into one of the pockets, evidence of what is most likely a pocket watch in the value of James’ monthly rent. 
What makes James’ breath catch though is the inherent beauty of the man. Porcelain skin, perfectly rosy lips, a jawline that could cut glass and the lightest eyes James has ever seen. Unlike most men, he didn’t slick his hair back, instead choosing to wear his natural curls though they look artfully perfect like he spent hours in front of the mirror tugging each and every one neatly into place, even the one falling into his forehead, right over dark brows. Especially that one.
Before James realizes the man moves to straighten up, gaze drifting farther back into the room and snagging suddenly when he catches James already looking his way. 
He keeps the eye contact up challengingly for a dragging moment and James slips into a grin, letting his head loll back and to the side against the wall. James watches the stranger’s gaze wander lower shamelessly, making his upper lip twitch with the desire to sink his teeth through pale skin and muscle.
The other man seems to be making a tch sound before turning and sauntering away but not without throwing another glance at James over his shoulder.
Oh, and how James likes them feisty. Always has.
He pushes off the wall in an instant and follows the dark head of curls through a curtain of beads leading into a random, dimly lit hallway. When James steps into it, it’s empty, obviously leading towards another room, door is open and letting James glimpse several pool and poker tables.
His teeth throb with the promise of being able to feed again as he steers for the room, though James draws up short at an alcove right next to the threshold where the man now leans.
“Looking for something?” he drawls, a strange expression on his face and James momentarily wonders if the veins around his eyes are showing without him realizing. He’s seen them pop out occasionally in the mirror when he’s particularly hungry.
Still, his mouth tugs into an easy grin as he steps closer, “Think I just found it.”
One eyebrow arches, “Did you now?”
“And what would that be?” he tips his chin up with arrogance. James wants to devour him.
But first, manners, ”Your name.”
“Regulus,” the beautiful stranger answers and James feels spit pooling under his tongue with the urge to taste him. Regulus links his hands behind his back, neck tilting to the side when James doesn’t continue, “Just that?”
Now James definitely can feel his eyes morphing. “And a little donation,” he replies, voice rough, then more darkly, “Don’t scream, don’t be scared. Everything is alright.”
“It is,” the other replies and James’ mouth tugs harder at the corners, mouth opening.
An excited chuckle punches out of him as he closes the distance, cradling the man’s jaw gently and exposing his fangs to the humid air.
It happens quickly after that.
“Fool,” he hears, a hair width before James’ teeth would have been grazing skin, and then his back is pushed into the unforgiving wall, hard stone cracking under the inhuman force of the shove and James groans. Hisses at the intake when he feels the entire length of his spine give a throb. 
James‘ lurches forward instinctively, a feral snarl ripping from his throat and then he blinks when he stares back into Regulus’ unbearably pretty face marred by the same intense bloodshot eyes and violet pulsing veins. His fangs a pearly white and so long it makes James draw in a shuddering breath.
He feels that by the strong forearm still pressing into his chest and James licks his lips, stunned and breathless, “Oh, hi.”
Something blooms in his chest, unfurling and making him feel even more drawn to the other man, inexplicably reeled in, much more intensely than before. 
Regulus simply rolls his eyes before pressing off him and James already mourns the contact. Craves it. Wants it back desperately, hunger and bloodthirst completely forgotten.
He’s about to open his mouth when the other vampire beats him to it, eyes narrowed calculatingly, “What is your name?”
“James,” he answers eagerly.
Something flits over Regulus’ expression for a fleeting moment and with that he turns on his heel, “Follow me.”
James blinks, shakes his head and quickly catches up to Regulus’ fast strides. His legs are miles long and James can’t quite help himself when his gaze wanders below the hem of his jacket for a few moments.
Regulus takes the few steps to the patio two at a time and James follows dutifully, taking in the lounge with wide eyes. The multiple plush armchairs and loveseats, couples entwined in each other or people talking animatedly, coy grins on their faces.
Regulus comes to a halt near the spot James first found him, a curvy woman in a knee long dress perched on the legs of a man, obscured by the woman’s curls.
“Crouch,” Regulus says pointedly, no nonsense. Right before kicking a man in the shins. 
An annoyed sound, “What?” and then James’ knees nearly buckle when he smells blood.
“That one seem familiar to you?” Regulus bites out, placing a possessive hand on the back of James’ neck. 
James’ mouth drops open around a quiet sound, skin prickling intensely at the contact and sending a strong tremor through his whole body.
The man lifts his face from where he was immersed, head tipping back and suddenly James is face to face with Barty, a trail of blood dripping down his chin again. Just like when he first found him a few weeks ago.
He cocks his head with a chuckle, curiously eyeing the hold the older vampire has on James. He absentmindedly licks a drop of blood from the woman’s neck, and James keens, before Barty gives a feeble shrug, grin unbearable smug. “I might.”
“Oh, you might?” Regulus spits.
James goes a little rigid at his tone, insides fluttering.
He steps forward, tugging James right with, “Barty, why does he smell like mine?”
James’ jaw drops, head whipping around and staring at Regulus’ side profile. A silent moment goes by, neither of them budging and then Barty’s brows knit with suspicion, “Like yours?”
“Yes, like mine, you fucking idiot,” he snarls and James shivers from where the other vampire’s fingers clench. “You sired him!”
Barty levels him with a look, “I sired him…to you?”
“Well, I sure as hell didn’t do it,” Regulus snaps back.
“What’s going on now?” another voice says and James swivels his head to watch a tall blonde man sidling up to them, whiskey in hand and eyeing them all warily.
With a sigh Barty mumbles something to the woman in his lap, wiping messily at the wound on her neck before tugging her scarf back in place and sending her on her way.
“Barty’s gone and sired someone,” Regulus replies and James can’t help but be endeared by the petulant tone and pouty twist of his mouth. He looks so put together and intimidating it’s just sort of…cute like that. Ridiculously cute, really.
“What?” the blonde blurts. His features harden immediately, snapping around at James like he’s going to rip his heart out of his chest right then and there.
In a split second Barty is up and holding him back with a palm against his sternum, “To Regulus, Evan, not to me.”
Evan, apparently, rips his eyes away from James, gaze boring instead into Barty’s face, restlessly searching for something as his chest heaves heavily. 
Barty tugs his lower lip between teeth, taking him in appreciatively, “Pipe down, loverboy.”
The blonde bats Barty’s hand away with a sneer, poising himself before he turns back to Regulus. “How’s that even possible though?”
Regulus shoulders slump with a shrug—James hadn’t even realized how rigid he had gotten. Or when he had stepped in front of him.
Barty throws an arm around Evan’s shoulder lazily, making a dismissive sound, “Dorcas’ll figure it out for us. She always does.”
“I hope you’re right,” Regulus says, turning a glance over his shoulder and James follows it to see the attention directed towards the pretty singer from before.
A touch at his elbow has him turning back though and Regulus is suddenly much closer than before. “In the meantime,” he starts, lips spreading into a predatory smirk that has James suppressing a noise deep in his throat, “I bet you’re hungry, aren’t you?”
He nods stupidly, hands itching to reach out and swaying in again.
Regulus hums appreciatively, hooking a finger into James’ belt loop to tug once, and then promptly swivels, expecting to be followed.
James doesn’t miss the risen eyebrows and surprised expressions on the other two faces as he passes them.
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oopbackinmymcdphase · 2 months
Art suggestions: Garroth with tattoos
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Since I headcannon Garroth has some healing magics, I decided to give him some runes for it! The ones on top of his hands channel the sun's energy and the bottom help channel and direct it for healing. These magics are also the reason his hair turned from white to blonde :D If he had any actual tattoos I think he might've got bat wings for Zenix and wyvern wings for raven. He probably has some silly ones he got with Azura back in guard academy as well lol.
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Also extra season 2 gar for funsies
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romeavethinker · 5 months
on s1 episode 94 of my rewatch and i forgot that i actually really liked aaron as a character before The Incident
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rosewind2007 · 2 months
Mood board for my current WIP:
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Provisional title:
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vyladromeave · 9 months
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Day 4 of Aphtober is Song
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kaspermoon · 27 days
not even drugs can help me escape my mind
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camojacketfag · 1 year
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nestled between our devotion to god and hard work is our silent gluttonous wish for more
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tobisiksi · 3 months
saiki would really hate being drunk, he's a control freak so being so out of himself would be a nightmare for him
even worse If his powers act on his own, if he's still half conscious he would start panicking
EVEN WORSE If he throws up he would hate it so much omg
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evelhak · 8 months
Seirin's and Rakuzan's teams
danced humppa
on basketball court
at three in the morning.
Both schools stared.
wtf is this
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s0ft-karina · 23 days
raw sex, please 💗
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romansmartini · 4 months
BREAKING NEWS: my girlfriend is falling in love with “the concept of david tennant”
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skinnycrochet · 6 months
Why does alcohol have to have so many calories 💀
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phoenix-drop-guard · 4 months
I don't know how Garroth or Zenix do anything on patrols. Like yeah, maybe it's me being antisocial, but how can you finish a patrol on time when everyone is trying to talk to you or ask you questions??
I don't get it and I honestly hope they get back soon because I really want to get back to night patrol and patrol outside of town again.
Also need to beat up Zenix because he broke into my tea stash again before they left.
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mediademon · 6 months
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EMILY WATSON as LENA in PUNCH DRUNK LOVE (2002) (for @workin9to5)
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