#dub fix 50
apod · 1 month
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2024 August 17
Sky Full of Arcs Image Credit & Copyright: Rory Gannaway
Explanation: On August 11 a Rocket Lab Electron rocket launched from a rotating planet. With a small satellite on board its mission was dubbed A Sky Full of SARs (Synthetic Aperture Radar satellites), departing for low Earth orbit from Mahia Peninsula on New Zealand's north island. The fiery trace of the Electron's graceful launch arc is toward the east in this southern sea and skyscape, a composite of 50 consecutive frames taken over 2.5 hours. Fixed to a tripod, the camera was pointing directly at the South Celestial Pole, the extension of planet Earth's axis of rotation in to space. But no bright star marks that location in the southern hemisphere's night sky. Still, the South Celestial Pole is easy to spot. It lies at the center of the concentric star trail arcs that fill the skyward field of view.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240817.html
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gabbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy · 6 months
So called “Free thinkers” when there’s a bandwagon circulating around one of their favs
My take on Clock Tower / Glockenspiel headcanons!!
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this man has me in an actual chokehold sorry not sorry
-Basic HCs
Clocktower/Anthro Clocktower robot
CANONICALLY 59 yrs old (going on 60 in may)
Voice HC: The Landlord (Oh!Super Milk chan- English/Americanized Dubs)
Height = 36’9 (36 ft 9 inches)
His personality can be summed up as being Sweet, fatherly, and calm—But can occasionally go overboard with his emotions, whether it be him acting too protective or sweet to the point of obsession, or going cuckoo (pun intended) over even the most minor of inconveniences. Everything else aside, he’s as sweet and smooth as honey, as long as everything is in moderation, he will be too.
This guy is basically the Timekeeper of the Wasteland, keeping track of certain dates and events in the wasteland, etc.!
Despite claiming that he knows the time, at any given moment, by heart (knowing his 50+ years of experience), little things, such as Daylight Savings time, may throw him off…and when he DOES get thrown off, he’d usually throw fits out of embarrassment.
There was once a time where the Small World ride was closed down (by Glockenspiel himself) for a whole week simply because he got the time wrong by 1 hour once (1) due to Daylight Savings… THAT IS HOW MUCH HE TAKES HIS JOB AS THE WASTELAND TIMEKEEPER SERIOUSLY.
As a nod to the OG Small World clock’s facade, and how it opens up to show the time—He has a chest crevice, which he can open up at given request, and show the time. Sadly, he can’t change the time by himself, and usually needs someone (usually a gremlin) to go and fix the time for him, when necessary (Time can be rearranged VIA differently shaped/sized Cogs inside said chest cavity
Both the cogs + The aforementioned chest cavity are incredibly sensitive, and even the slightest pains can throw the big guy off…
Also don’t tell him this… but the damned song that constantly plays on repeat in his daily life … actually comes from a Gramophone stored inside said chest cavity
Was actually still alive prior to the events of his boss fight (thinner/canon route), It just took like. Day or two before someone came and threw paint back on the poor guy
Still holds a grudge against Mickey after the maingame events, Despite the fact he’s practically required to just smile and wave at everyone willy nilly… here’s a visual demonstration
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Has the memory of an elephant, once you do something to him, he (most of the time) remembers like it was yesterday… which isn’t too much of a good thing, given you know what
Drama Queen, very very big Drama Queen
Longlasting memory + Drama Queen = Hell no.
He can also recognize and perfectly memorize any face or object, so anyone who vandalizes the small world, or just any person thats worth seeing in a negative light, can be immediately recognized, and brought to justice
-BATCH 3 (+some Doll HCs)
Acts as a teacher/legal guardian figure to all of the dolls in the ride,
The dolls have Hivemind mentality, usually doing things in-sync and in unison, without rehearsal, as well as deciding how to act
Some times they’re pains in the ass to Glockenspiel, other times they usually help with certain chores and tasks, such as cleaning, getting certain things, etc.
Despite the fact the dolls resemble kids + have the mentalities of tweens, they’re extremely skilled and talented, even in tasks or activities that are normally considered hard, even for adults. But alas, the same cannot be said for their social skills, considering how their only real interaction is with eachother, and Glockenspiel
Though the dolls may cause some trouble or discomfort to Glockenspiel himself, any physical harm to them, from ANYONE (unless from another doll, without extremely malicious intent). Will set him off, no matter how bad the doll in question was behaving
If anything, if you break ANYTHING in the small world attraction, he will literally go over there and smack the Hickory Dickory FUCK out of you
Please note that Glockenspiel isn’t strict in the slightest, so you need to do something BAAAD to set him off like that.
The dolls carry information from the outside world, such as different cultures, fashion senses, food, etc.
As taken from a friend, Glockenspiel can reflect his own emotions onto the Dolls, if dormant, the dolls will act as normal, But if Glockenspiel goes into thinner form, the dolls will either:
Go completely stationary, not dare make a peep whilst the Clock Tower works his “magic”
Will wreck havoc on whatever person Glockenspiel is agitated at, Especially if said person has come with the intent to harm Glockenspiel, or the Small world in general. Please note that these dolls are approximately (in headcanon) 6-7 feet tall, and weigh about 250.
Glockenspiel usually feeds off of Oil (as a coffee-like substance) , and literal Computer chips (as snack)
Despite this, he doesn’t mind indulging in human cuisine every hour or so every once in a while, even having grown a bit of a sweet tooth from it, as well as having the aforementioned dolls make little foods for him, even if it’s not always perfect, or… even if it’s even considered edible. (Not like he cares though… he’s a damn robot!)
Speaking of how Oil acts as a sort of “coffee” to him, he’s. Pretty much addicted to the point that the oil may be apart of him, given how he has to deal with the 200+ sentient dolls, timekeeping, sitting around doing NISH. Keeping the ride fine and dandy, and listening to the same dumb song on loop for over 50 years…yeah!!!
If he doesn’t get his frequent dosage of oil, he’s just gonna be bitchy bitch mcbitcherson for the whole day, many complaints were filed to the gremlins for that and the ride’s service hours got cut short because the bitchiness was getting too much
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-BATCH 5 (backstory edition)
He was apparently popular in the outside/“mainstream” world back in the 80s, in which he looked extremely different, with his appearance resembling that of those punk/rock idols that catered to the rebellious teen generation
His appearance in the 80s was much more lively and had much more going on than the mellowed out old man we have today—though i have not drawn an actual design for it yet, it’s color palette is heavily similar to that of the Glockenspiel shown in the Epic Mickey comic “Clocktower Cleaners”, that + just being reminiscent to Hong Kong Small World
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Was a massive pushy egotistical jerk back in the 80s, partied a lot (not a healthy amount for a 36 foot tall, 6 ton weighing Clock tower), typical “young and free” hooligan—way less soft and collected as he is today
Something happened one day that cut his fame short, possibly an accident at a party that caused him to get thrown off from the Mainstream world, and straight into the Wasteland, where he was forced to be on some googoo gaga weenie hut Jr. ass ride for the remainder of his time as a punishment for his recklessness
There were even rumors that have diffused to the Wastelands from the Outside world that they even went on to REPLACE Glockenspiel with somebody else…it doesn’t bother him as much, but it’s definitely worth noting
-BATCH 6 (more physical stuff)
Despite all laws of physics, regarding the texture and form of metal, wood, and all things that create a mechanism such as himself…. He is squishy.
Specifically on the face (considering one of his attack animations in his boss fight), and certain bodily areas. Though this shouldn’t, and can’t be possible… it is… very much so
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Despite the latter, he is also somewhat soft on other areas of his body, especially due to a protective inner rubber layer on certain parts of his body, like his chest and limbs, you can’t feel it much considering it’s *inside* of his metal shell of a body, but it’s there
However, his stomach contradicts acts this, having the protective rubber layer outside of the body, given how he doesn’t have a shell on his stomach, but rather another, thicker rubber layer to replace it (making his stomach’s exterior just be two layers of rubber) making his midsection area, and his face, the squishiest parts of his body
His forms can also control the heat of himself + the environment around him, given his tremendous size
In Paint form, everything is at a comfortable, room temperature, and leaves the Clock tower being warm to the touch, especially on the facial area, given the fact that this man is literally competitious with the actual sun, given the fact that he’s just this big ball of artificial sunshine when he’s not being all moody
However, his Thinner form causes the environment around him to be uncomfortably cold, not in a “hoohoo chill breeze” way, but in a “Holy shit. Its cold. im gonna get sick out here” kind of cold, Any physical touch with this guy in thinner form feels like you just took him out a freezer, which may or may not feel worse when you’re getting absolutely crushed by this absolute mammoth of a man
It’s a rumor that if you hug, or squeeze him in a tight/forceful way, he’ll make one of those cartoon squeak noises (specifically the one in MLP)
Allergic to dust, somehow (also canon?)
Probably caused an earthquake like 45 times now
Actually put a crack in the floor once because he tripped
Without his glasses, his sight is equal to that of a 144p video
Touch starved.
Actually very clumsy, the size doesn’t help at all…given the last few entries
His favorite “human” food so far is probably pavlova, specifically pavlova cake rolls. The dolls make that for him a lot
Somehow is able to decipher any. ANY given language, speak it, and even translate it under any circumstances
Lullabies are one of his strongest weakness
Lemme elaborate—There was once a time where the Gramophone in his chest got damaged, and they had to replace it with a music box (the ones used for lullabies), and ended up having to close the ride because this mf decided to go Night-night after about 30 minutes into opening hours
Adores anything considered soft by texture, especially fabric, in clothing or blankets
Developed insomnia from constant oil consumption
Will usually call people who wander into the ride “little one”, regardless of physical age, to him, everyone is small
Got turned into a human once and nearly made like. Half of the Wasteland faint
Shortly after he was turned human, the first thing he did was hug somebody. It did not go too well considering his physique
Lives with 3 other objects in the Small World, which take form of a Cloud, a Sun, and a Hot Air Balloon, which may get separate HC dump posts sometime soon (once i find out what to do with them)
Cracks a lot of Time puns. the dolls really don’t like them
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cluz1babe · 7 months
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EDITED : 04 August, 2024
‘Open My Eyes to Everything that Closes My Heart’
(Limited use of Y/N) Canon-Divergent
Main Pairing : Aemond x You
Bonus Chapters/Blurbs/Drabbles Pairings : Aegon x You , Daemon x You x Aemond , Aemond x You
You were a Belaerys, with the Blood of Old Valyria in your veins, future Queen of Sothoryos. Up until eight years before the Dance of Dragons, everyone thought the Belaerys family was gone after the Doom. You were well-respected by everyone except most of the greens. Despite that, you were officially given a seat on the new High Council. The Hand, Otto Hightower, was trying to bring more countries to their aid, but his excuse was to bring peace between countries. Planning to wed you to Daeron, the Small Council of the Greens are shocked when Aemond refuses to offer you Daeron in order to take you for himself.
TAKES PLACE BETWEEN 129-133+ AC (a mix of show & book timeline & canon, plus my own)
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It will not have the AFAB reader (she/her) referred to as “Y/N” often.
Spoilers if you have not seen season I or II of House of the Dragon or read the book(s) or ASOIAF Wiki.
Notes & Trigger Warnings under the cut.
Thank you for reading!
Season 2 Spoilers starting in Chapter Six
I am 90% sure I am neurodivergent because I miss a lot of social cues, among 9/10 other things that can diagnose someone as ND and I take ADHD meds to keep me awake during the day (thanks to narcoleptic tendencies). I just don’t have the money to get tested as an adult. If my writing seems stiff, please lmk. I’d really like to know what you think about this story. Lmk if there is something about the story that I didn’t explain well enough or forgot something. I will answer all questions. Just be gentle with criticism, please.
Guys, reader is very Alys-coded, but I didn’t even know about Alys Rivers until I practically finished writing. I leaned in, but I barely needed to add anything Alys related. I have not yet read the book completely, I just did a lot of show watching and reading of ASoIaF Wiki.
Any time you see a picture of a dragon I made, please note the website doesn’t actually have dragons, so I had to make dinosaurs with bird wings. 😢 Sorry, but it’s very sad for me.
Things are very slow and don’t only take place within two years for certain plot things to work. It starts before the death of Viserys.
I try to make as many visuals as possible, as I’m that type of person. I know Sothoryos is inspired by Africa via George, but I am Hispanic (Aztec ancestry) and wanted to give it a hispanic flair. Some of the Islands and cities are made up names, but others are named Nahuatl things.
I do not speak Nahuatl or High Valyrian (well), but I did look up words for things from multiple sources.
Very Canon-Divergent, mostly because I don’t want the dragons to die. Mix of book and show canon as well as being canon-divergent. I’m changing Aemond’s characterization a little bit, but partially with a reason : he finds his match in all things. NOTE : You cannot fix any person. They need to fix themselves. I have re-read 50 times, so I’m sorry if I messed up somewhere, but I tried.
My husband is my current beta reader & co-writer.
I’m going to try my hardest not to specify reader’s color, but I kind of imagine myself (obviously) and I might accidentally write something referring to lighter skin. If I do something like that, please lmk. I don’t want to exclude anyone.
Talk of Abortion, Emotionally Abusive Relationships (Aegon x Everyone), Alcohol, Blood, Blowjob, Branding, Bullying, Childbirth, Mentions of Rape (no rape of reader) , Death, Drugs, Fire, Hallucinations, Incest, Marriage, Misogyny, Pregnancy, Profanity, Sexism, Slut Shaming, Smut, Violence, War, P in V, Sex, Fingering, No Cheating, MDNI, 18+ , ENM (Ethical Non-Monogamy), Slight Breeding Kink, Dub-Con (in the Aegon Bonus Chapter) if you squint
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skydigiblogs · 6 months
honestly thought i would have a lot more to say about adventure 02 but like
i just finished episode 50 and the jist of my thoughts really are "yeah this is better than i remembered it being"
overall, an extremely ambitious follow up to digimon adventure, balancing a lot of plot points and an attempt at having a more cohesive storyline than "bad guy of the arc but suddenly it's apocalymon." in 02, most of the bad guys lead from one to another, in a way that seems much more intentionally thought-out than everything up until the dark master's arc in 01. even the one-off antagonists (dark ocean and demon's crew) played into the larger narrative, and weren't necessarily treated as one-offs so much as chances to expand the scope of the lore and use it to the narrative's benefit.
(although i do think it's a bit sad we never saw follow up on demon going "oh, you all are going to regret sending me to dagomon's ocean SOOOOO much")
also a lot of lore. so much lore. 01 introduced the fact that homeostasis has a bunch of agents that look like gennai, but a2 kept suggesting they're all copies (put a pin in that for my tri rewatch, much as i am loathe to rewatch that one). there wasn't any elaboration, but it is an interesting idea, and unfortunately i understand why it was kind of hastily noted and dismissed (the world tour arc had a lot to get to).
also the dimensional makeup of the digimon franchise got a lot more fascinating in 02. in 01 gennai mentioned that the gate could lead to all kinds of different places, but 02 actually takes that a step further in the lore, showing us the dark ocean and the dimension of dreams (even mentioning that the latter is pulled from by the digital world).
but it does maintain some of the problems i had with the original adventure in that i do wish more of the kids got to see their mega forms. :/
(i know tamers fixes that somewhat, then frontiers backpedals, but. you can't get me to rewatch frontiers lmao.)
furthermore, it does kind of suck that we're still left to wonder about ken's adventures in the digital world. we see ryo and millenniumon in his flashbacks to the adventures, but for audience members who missed out entirely on the wonderswan games, it makes it so we have to trust wormmon's word that ken was a kind person in the past. it's shown to an effective degree in the show, especially with his flashbacks to his childhood after the chimeramon arc.
it also makes narrative sense that they didn't feel the need to go over a story that's already happened, because that likely would have taken too long for 02, which already had so much going on. but maaaaaan. i do not want to play the wonderswan games, frfr (though i know there are fan translations out there for 'em).
i do love ken's arc though, as frustrating as him struggling with self-doubt is to watch. i'm glad the writers didn't make it seem too easy for him to forgive himself, because that's hard even if you weren't the vessel for like. All That Shit. i'm giving this boy a weighted blanket and hot tea.
tl;dr: compared to the oftentimes fever-dream like qualities of 01, 02 feels a lot more narratively focused in its story, and i think that really works to its favor. not a flawless season, but none of the digimon seasons are. a successful sequel to 01, much more so than i remembered from my last rewatch of the dub in 2020.
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harrietbarnesblog · 2 years
I think (18+)
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Pairing: CEO! Chris Evans x reader
Warning: smut, language, pussy slapping, dub-con, video recording (with permission), fucking, no protection is used.
It was so wrong. You were lusting after your boss. But who can blame you, he was handsome as hell. When he makes eye contact with you, you feel like you might drown in his ocean blue eyes.
All your wet dreams were about him. You would think about him while touching yourself. It felt so wrong but not wrong enough to stop yourself from thinking of him.
You watched Chris walk in in his dark blue suit. He nodded at Amanda, the receptionist who greeted him. You handed him a cup of black coffee as you always do. You start to read his schedule for the day.
"You have meetings with the Smiths in 2 hours." You announced as he took his place in his chair.
You placed a set of files in front of him.
"You need to sign these." You said.
"What are these?"
"Documents regarding the two publishing houses you are buying. "
He removed his jacket and hung it in behind his chair. He removed his tie and kept it on his table. He unbuttoned his first two buttons and rolled up his sleeves. He was so fucking hot. You tried your best not to drool.
You bent a bit down to turn the page as he signed. He took sips of his coffee. You felt the room temperature drop.
He placed the emptied cup on the table and closed the pen cap as he finished signing the documents.
You checked the time it was 9:50 am.
"The meeting is in 1 hour. We have to leave so we can reach there in time." You reminded him.
"Okay. " He said, getting up. He adjusted his sleeves and buttoned back his shirt. He took his jacket and tie and put it on.
"Okay?" He asked you, referring to his outfit. You noticed his tie was a bit crooked.
"Umm…it's a bit crooked."
He looked down to check it. Your hands involuntarily went for the tie to fix it. He kept looking at you as you fixed his tie, especially your lips. He was so tempted to kiss you.
"Thanks." He said.
"You are welcome. We should head to the meeting."
You both headed to the meeting. The meeting was pretty boring to be honest. Chris didn't like the idea the client was proposing you could see in his eyes. He was as bored as you. He was scribbling something down on his notes.
"So do we have a deal?" The client asked Chris as he finished his presentation explaining what he had in mind.
"No. I think your plan needs a little more upgrade. It is boring and cliche. Now stop wasting my time. leave." Chris said, and got up from his place. You rolled your eyes at his rudeness. And he noticed it but he pretended like he didn't.he clenched his jaw.
Time passed and the evening had come. You were ready to leave the office and head home.
“y/n.” Chris called out for you.
“ Yes, sir.”
“There is a charity event happening tonight. I want you to accompany me.”
“I have work to do at home.”
“You’ll accompany me as my date. Do as I say or I'll fire you.”
“Okay sir.” you said in defeat. “Motherfucker.” you whispered under your breath.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. I said okay sir.”
“Good girl. Now go get ready. I'll pick you up from your house around 7pm.”
“Is there any specific dress code for this event?”
“Yeah, wear something black.”
“Okay, I'll see you later.”
As soon as you headed back home you hunted down your closet searching for the perfect dress to wear. You found a dress. It was v necked with a long slit on your left side revealing your leg completely. You picked out a matching pair of footwear for it. 1 hour later you were ready and it was 7.
Just like he said Chris was waiting for you in front of your house with his black rolls- royce ghost.
*chris pov*
Holy fucking shit. Oh my fucking god. Holy mother of jesus. What the shit. How can a person look this damn good? I just love everything about her except for the fact that she is not mine yet. You gotta note the keyword ‘yet’. Cause I'm not going home tonight without making her mine.
y/n looked perfect in that black dress she is wearing right now. I opened the passenger seat door for her and helped her get in. Then I climbed onto the driver seat. I picked out the bouquet of flowers I bought for her and handed it to her. Her face brightened up.
“sir , you didn't have it.”
“Call me Chris. We are not in our workplace anymore.”
My hands brushed her leg while I was operating the gear. First time it was an accident but the rest was not an accident at all. She let out gasps each time it happened and I was addicted to the sound of it. I would record and listen to it all day long.
“Chris, stop the car.” y/n said. I pulled the car into a dark street. It was so empty.
“What happened? Are you alright?” I was concerned for her suddenly. Was she not feeling well all of a sudden?
“I’m alright. What are you doing?”
“What am I doing?” I'm confused now.
“Yeah, with your whole ‘hand brushing my leg accidently’ thing? What are you doing?” she whispered the last part.
“I don't know. what do you think, y/n?”
“I think you want me, Chris.”
“I think you might be right.” I said , holding her chin while my thumb brushed her lips.
“I think we should kiss then.” she said. We were not in our seats anymore. We were in the backseat making out passionately. She was on lap grinding on my hard on. My hands were gripped tightly on her hips. My lips moved down her neck. She threw back her head, moaning.
I threw her beside me and knelt before her. I spread her legs and pushed her dress aside. She was fucking soaked. She was dripping through her inner.
She lifted her hips making it easier for me to remove her panties. I kept it inside my pocket. I kissed all over her inner thigh. I stroked her wet pussy and watched her whimper under my touch.
“Chris,kiss me.” she moaned in heat.
“No darling. I wanna see you touch yourself.”
“No, I want you to touch me.”
“Please do it for me.”
“Fine.” she said, reaching down but grabbed her hands stopping her.
“Also one more request. I wanna take a video. And I promise it will be safe with me and you if you want. No one will see it.”
“Okay.” she said. I thought she would say no and slap me in the face for asking. But I guess I am a lucky man.
I took my iphone out of my pocket and kept my phone ready. I started the recording as slipped her sleeves off her shoulder revealing her boobs. My fucking god. I want to take those nipples between my teeth and assault it all day long.
She rolled her nipples between her fingers looking straight at the camera and then me. Then she winked at me. And I was done. She wins and I lose. I set the phone down in a way it would cover both of us. I removed my pants half way and pulled out my penis. With no warning I mounted over her and pushed myself into her dripping wet opening.
“Chris, move faster.” she demanded.
The car was filled with her moaning, my grunts and the sound of our skin slapping together. The fact the camera was on and recording this whole thing turned me on more than anything.
She finished by coming all over my dick. I was about to pull out.
"Finish inside me. I'm on birth control." She said.
I picked up my pace. Her eyes rolled back. I slapped her pussy hard.
"Aahhh" she moaned in pain and pleasure.
"Why did you do that?"
"For rolling your eyes on me this morning." Her eyes wided. She thought I didn't notice but I noticed every single thing about her.
And I slapped again.
"Fuck what was that for?"
"For calling me a motherfucker."
I filled her inside with my cum. I pulled out of her. I kissed her boobs. I pulled my pants up and zipped it. I kissed her pussy which was now dripping wet from mine and her cum. I licked it clean. She pulled me up and kissed me. She sucked my tongue.
"Oh my my. I like how we taste together." She remarked.
"I know right."
I took the phone and stopped the recording. I took a pic of her boobs and pussy. She put back her dress properly, stealing away her best view from me.
"I would like to have panties back."
I took it out of my pocket and smelled it. She smells divine. I thought of giving it back but not anymore. I put it back inside my pocket.
"You aren't getting it back anytime soon."
"Chris, the panty stealer." She commented, with a fake gasp and laughing. I started laughing along with her.
We got back to our seats. And I started the car. We talked and got to know about each other on our way there. After ½ hour of driving to our destination we reached it.
I got out of the car and opened the door for y/n. She stumbled once she got on her feet. I helped her to stand steadily. We exchanged a mischievous smile. We were having flashbacks of what happened in the car.
We both walked into the party.
"Chris." She whispered looking at the crowd.
"Did you lie about the dress code so you could match with me?" I looked down at my black suit and the colorful crowd.
"I think i might've."
We both stared at each other and burst out laughing.
"God, I think I like you so much." She said.
"I think I like you so much too."
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fostersffff · 9 months
If you're someone who's interested in collecting physical media, especially DVDs and blu-rays, I cannot overstate how good an investment a blu-ray drive for your computer is.
There are copious free resources that will allow you to digitize your collection for additional preservation and convenience... and I've placed them beneath this break!
MakeMKV: https://www.makemkv.com/
MakeMKV is the program I use for backing up blu-rays and DVD. It’s “free while in beta”, and as far as I can tell it’s going to continue to be in beta forever. You just need to register the program with the beta code, which can be found here: https://forum.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1053. If your registration ever expires, you can just go to that post and they’ll have it updated with a new one.
“MKV” is “Matroska Video”, which is a container format (named after the Russian nesting doll) that collects the video track, audio track(s), and subtitle track(s) all into one file, which is super convenient for anime, because that means you don’t need to worry about making separate files for different combinations of dubs and subs. My understanding is that this is, essentially, a lossless video copy, and I’ve done comparisons comparing screenshots taken from video playing off the disc and from the .mkv, and I haven’t been able to notice a difference. As for playing .mkv files…
VLC Media Player: https://www.videolan.org/vlc/
The Combined Community Codec Pack (CCCP): https://download.cnet.com/Combined-Community-Codec-Pack/3000-2139_4-10966585.html
VLC is my media player of choice for watching back the stuff I back up. I’m not 100% sure if you need to download the CCCP for this- my backups play fine on my tablet just using the VLC app, and I recently found out they even work off a USB stick plugged into a Samsung Smart TV- but it doesn’t hurt to have.
MakeMKV can also be directly integrated with VLC Media Player to play blu-rays right from the drive, which is tremendously valuable if you're not interest in/don't have the hard drive space for digitization. I think I’ve encountered maybe one thing that couldn’t be played off the disc with this solution, and that was fixed in a subsequent update to MakeMKV. The full breakdown of how to do that can be found here: https://stolafcarleton.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1893/StOlaf/KB/ArticleDet?ID=128854.
MKVToolNix: https://mkvtoolnix.download/downloads.html
Different companies author discs differently, and I like to keep my stuff organized the same way, which is where this tool comes in. I won’t go into too much detail on this here, but if you ever need to split one large file into smaller files (for example, a disc has 9 episodes of a show to a single title/file, and you want to split them into individual episodes), edit or remove chapter information, or rename audio/subtitle tracks, this is the tool to do it. There's a lot to this, so I would suggest reading the official documentation, but I could also whip up a guide if people are interested.
HandBrake: https://handbrake.fr/
The video encoder for shrinking those backups down to size- my favorite example was getting all 49 episodes of G Gundam down from almost 300gb off-the-discs to just under 50gb. This is also going to be heavily dependent on how powerful your computer is, because encoding takes up a lot of resources. On my computer, which is by no means top-of-the-line, I’d say on average it takes about 50 minutes to encode a 24 minute episode of anime, and that increases exponentially the longer the source material is.
I got the settings I use in HandBrake from this incredibly detailed breakdown of how video encoding works: https://kokomins.wordpress.com/2019/10/10/anime-encoding-guide-for-x265-and-why-to-never-use-flac/#tldr-summary-for-x265-encode-settings. There's a lot of information there, too, but it also provides generic settings to plug in to HandBrake if you don't care to manually adjust the settings for each project you're doing.
And that’s everything I use for my process! A lot of this was trial and error with other programs that cost money, performed worse, and were generally aggravating to use. It's a bit of elbow grease, but the reward is that once something is digitized, you have it forever, exactly the way you want it.
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amberlide · 7 months
Out for bids
(I'm not back to Tumblr yet, but this is just a teaser for something I'm writing, as if I'm not already swimming in WIPs and projects XD)
Pairing: Dark!Garreth Weasley/Penelope (my OC)/Leander Prewett
He's not dark as in Hexed, but he's still a charming, twisted bastard.
Tags: Sexual content, smut, threesome, oral sex, anal sex, anal fingering, anal training, vaginal sex, praise and degradation, sensory overload, use of potions. Not suited for minors!
Yes, it's a threesome, yes, there is Dark Garreth, we all know where the block button is ;)
Warnings: dub-con! (someone in this fandom has to take the burden to write non-con and dub-con >.<") Notes: takes place 8 years after my main fanfiction, so characters are in their 20s. This will most likely be a 2-3 chapters short fic, hopefully I will manage to post it all here and AO3. Special thanks to: @animasola86 for her lovely encouragement after I pitched her the idea, thank you so much! @tessari-the-dreamer Tess my dear friend... oh my, your Dark Garreth Audios are making me crazy!! I can't get enough of his low, menacing voice :O The amazing RE Discord server for their support and for creating a safe place for all types of writers <3
Teaser (SFW):
“50 Galleons and one…”  Penelope’s heart slowed down after painfully beating against her ribs for minutes on end. “50 Galleons and two…”  Was there still a chance? The amount of money was such an exaggeration, it was almost hilarious. “50 Galleons and three…”  She saw Andrew shaking his head, a desperate and sorry look on his face, defeated. “Sold!” Mr. Gabling's voice resonated in her ears, sealing the fate of what should have been a fun and different evening for her and Andrew. Penelope blinked in disbelief, her eyes widening as her confused gaze shifted across the small crowd in front of her, finally resting on the figure seated just to her left, a few chairs up from where she stood.
With bated breath, she watched the gentleman rise slowly, his tall and broad frame filling her view as he adjusted his dark grey vest with studied and secured movements. Passing a hand through his curly hair, bringing back a long, disheveled lock, the fiery tones ignited under the floating orbs as he made his way to the stage.
She instinctively took a step back, hugging her shoulders, attempting to shield herself from the murky and hungry gaze fixed upon her. The auction had just concluded, and undeniably, she was now his. And she had only herself to blame.
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unpluggedfinancial · 9 days
How the SEC’s Rumored Rate Cut Could Supercharge Bitcoin’s Momentum
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The financial world is buzzing with rumors about the upcoming SEC meeting on September 18th. Analysts are speculating that we could see a significant interest rate cut—potentially a full 50 basis points. If this happens, it could ripple through markets worldwide, but one sector that stands to gain the most attention is Bitcoin.
In times of economic turbulence, Bitcoin has continuously proven itself to be an asset that defies traditional expectations. The upcoming SEC meeting may represent yet another turning point in its already fascinating evolution.
The Ripple Effect of Interest Rate Cuts on Traditional Markets
To understand why this is significant, it’s important to look at how interest rates influence traditional financial systems. When rates are high, borrowing becomes expensive, dampening consumer spending and corporate investment. Conversely, a rate cut encourages spending, stimulates investment, and injects liquidity into the markets.
Historically, interest rate cuts have caused stocks and bonds to rally. However, with rising inflation and increasing uncertainty in fiat currencies, many investors are questioning how long traditional markets can sustain their growth without inflating a massive bubble. This is where Bitcoin enters the picture as a hedge against economic instability.
Why Bitcoin Benefits from Lower Interest Rates
Bitcoin, often dubbed "digital gold," thrives in an environment of financial uncertainty. When central banks pump liquidity into the market by lowering interest rates, the excess capital needs somewhere to go. While traditional assets like stocks or real estate may rally in the short term, they are still tethered to an inflationary system.
Bitcoin, by contrast, operates on scarcity. Its fixed supply of 21 million coins makes it a deflationary asset, immune to the debasement seen in fiat currencies. When interest rates are cut, and more money flows into the economy, Bitcoin becomes increasingly attractive as a hedge against inflation.
Look back at early 2020: interest rate cuts across the board as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic saw a flood of liquidity enter the financial system. Not only did traditional markets recover, but Bitcoin's price surged to record highs, further solidifying its status as a store of value in uncertain times. A similar scenario may unfold following this rumored rate cut.
How This Potential Rate Cut Might Impact Bitcoin’s Price
If the SEC cuts interest rates by 50 basis points, it could trigger a similar injection of liquidity into global markets, causing a surge in speculative and institutional investment into Bitcoin. Lower interest rates often lead to a decrease in bond yields and traditional savings account returns, prompting investors to seek better returns elsewhere. With inflation rising, Bitcoin’s status as a hedge becomes even more compelling.
Furthermore, as the Fed continues to shift monetary policies to avoid a recession, more people are losing faith in fiat currencies. Bitcoin, with its decentralized nature and inherent scarcity, is increasingly seen as a safe haven during these periods of monetary manipulation.
This rate cut could bring a new wave of institutional buyers who recognize that traditional assets are over-leveraged and potentially overvalued. They may turn to Bitcoin as a hedge against continued inflation and fiat devaluation, adding more momentum to its upward trajectory.
Mitigating Volatility with a Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) Strategy
While Bitcoin’s potential for growth is significant, it’s also known for its volatility. Sudden price fluctuations can be daunting for both new and experienced investors. This is where a Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) strategy becomes crucial.
DCA involves investing a fixed amount of money into Bitcoin at regular intervals, regardless of the asset’s price. By spreading out your investment over time, you reduce the risk of buying large amounts at a market peak and capitalize on market dips. This method helps smooth out the highs and lows of Bitcoin’s price movements and reduces the emotional stress that often accompanies trying to time the market.
In the long term, DCA allows investors to accumulate more Bitcoin at a lower average cost. It is a disciplined, low-risk approach to building wealth in Bitcoin, particularly useful in times of market uncertainty—like the potential market shift following the SEC's interest rate decision.
Bitcoin’s historical price volatility can be a deterrent to those not used to the crypto space, but a DCA strategy ensures that you keep building your position over time, regardless of short-term price swings. In the end, consistent accumulation of Bitcoin is a strategy that has proven to pay off for patient investors.
What This Means for the Bigger Picture
The SEC’s potential decision could be a pivotal moment in the ongoing adoption of Bitcoin. With inflation pressures looming, many people are looking for alternatives to protect their wealth. Centralized financial systems continue to show signs of fragility, and Bitcoin offers a way out—a decentralized, censorship-resistant alternative to fiat currencies.
In a world where central banks are losing control of their monetary policies, Bitcoin represents a beacon of financial independence. Every rate cut further highlights the cracks in the existing financial system, and each one brings Bitcoin closer to mainstream acceptance.
Conclusion: Preparing for What’s Next
September 18th could mark a major turning point in both traditional markets and the Bitcoin ecosystem. If the SEC moves forward with the rumored rate cut, expect a ripple effect that will send Bitcoin into another wave of adoption and price appreciation. As we’ve seen in previous market cycles, Bitcoin thrives when the rules of fiat finance begin to falter.
For Bitcoiners, this moment reinforces the importance of staying the course. While short-term market fluctuations can be nerve-wracking, the long-term trajectory is clear: Bitcoin is the future of money, and its value proposition strengthens as centralized systems continue to stumble. This potential rate cut is just one more chapter in the ongoing story of Bitcoin’s inevitable rise.
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mthofferings · 1 year
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The Restricted Section
See The Restricted Section’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Tumblr: therestrictedsection Discord: therestrictedsection
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: Fluff, angst, dark themes, hurt/comfort, fake relationship, getting together, AUs, fix-its, smut, porn with/without plot, major character death, dub-con/non-con, horror, friendship, romance, poly ships, gen, crack, femslash
Will not create works that contain: Underage, crossovers, reader/self-insert, 100k words or more
  -- Other Fan Labor --
Auction ID: 1009
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - Any Universe Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - Any Universe Natasha Romanov/Any - Any Universe Moon Knight fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Captain Marvel fandom any gen and ship - MCU Spider-Man fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Thor fandom any gen and ship - MCU Avengers fandom any gen and ship - MCU Loki fandom any gen and ship - MCU WandaVision fandom any gen and ship - MCU
Work Description: I am offering to bind a fanfic of your choice up to 100k words. The book will be printed, typeset, and handbound by me. * Tier A ($15-49): One fic up to 25k words. * Tier B ($50-99): One fic up to 50k words – OR – two fics up to 25k words each. * Tier C ($100+): One fic up to 100k words – OR – two fics up to 50k words each. For every $100 after the initial $100 bid, I will bind an additional pamphlet style book (a fic of your choice, 1-5k words – maximum of 4 pamphlets). IMPORTANT: Unless you are the author of the fic, or the fic has been orphaned, you must have the author’s permission. If the fic contains art, you must obtain the artist’s permission too. This is required. I will not begin typesetting until I have received proof of permission from you (e.g., a screenshot). It will take several months for me to complete the binding process. Final design decisions will be made by me, but I will take some of your suggestions/preferences into account. I will pay for shipping within the US only. If shipping internationally, the winner is responsible for shipping. If you have any questions, please reach out to me before bidding! I am open to other characters/pairings, even if they aren't listed.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? No - I'd rather not be bid on by pods
-- Other Fan Labor --
Auction ID: 2008
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - Any Universe Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - Any Universe Natasha Romanov/Any - Any Universe Moon Knight fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Captain Marvel fandom any gen and ship - MCU Spider-Man fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Thor fandom any gen and ship - MCU Avengers fandom any gen and ship - MCU Loki fandom any gen and ship - MCU WandaVision fandom any gen and ship - MCU
Work Description: I am offering to bind a fanfic of your choice up to 100k words. The book will be printed, typeset, and handbound by me. * Tier A ($15-49): One fic up to 25k words. * Tier B ($50-99): One fic up to 50k words – OR – two fics up to 25k words each. * Tier C ($100+): One fic up to 100k words – OR – two fics up to 50k words each. For every $100 after the initial $100 bid, I will bind an additional pamphlet style book (a fic of your choice, 1-5k words – maximum of 4 pamphlets). IMPORTANT: Unless you are the author of the fic, or the fic has been orphaned, you must have the author’s permission. If the fic contains art, you must obtain the artist’s permission too. This is required. I will not begin typesetting until I have received proof of permission from you (e.g., a screenshot). It will take several months for me to complete the binding process. Final design decisions will be made by me, but I will take some of your suggestions/preferences into account. I will pay for shipping within the US only. If shipping internationally, the winner is responsible for shipping. If you have any questions, please reach out to me before bidding! I am open to other characters/pairings, even if they aren't listed.
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? No - I'd rather not be bid on by pods
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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4nn1kgak · 1 year
2023.10.29更新 About Raine Whispers in the Disney Plus' Japanese Translation
I've noticed Disney Plus uses the same Japanese audio as the Disney Channel(JP) version.
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残念なことに、未修正の字幕が残っています。 ・30話テラ「レインは病気だったけど~」 ・34話イーダ「ある日のこと わたしは史上最強に~」 この2箇所の字幕が「彼」のままです。
My English isn't good but I want many people to know that Raine has been misgendered in Disney Plus' Japanese translation.
This post is probably hard to read. I'm sorry.
レインは、メインキャラクターのひとりイーダと恋愛関係にあった人物で、原語ではレインについて語ら���るときに "ex" という単語が複数回使われています。
しかし現在、レインはディズニープラス配信版( ※ディズニー・チャンネルで放送している方でありません)の日本語翻訳において「元カレ」と説明され、また三人称単数で呼ばれる際には原語のthey/themを無視した「彼」という代名詞で呼ばれています。
// misgender
When "Follies at the Coven Day Parade" premiere in Japan at 13th July 2022, Raine was called "元カレ(meaning: ex-boyfriend)".
But Disney Channel Japan already fixed it right away. Raine is called "元恋人 (meaning: ex)" now.
But Raine is misgendered in Disney Plus' Japanese translation because they use the same translation that Disney Channel used when the episode premiere.
Also, there are some scenes where Raine is misgendered in Japanese translation only by Disney Plus.
Raine is called ”彼 (meaning: he/him)” by Terra (JPN sub), "元カレ (ex-boyfriend)" by Edric (JPN sub and dub) and "彼 (he/him)" by Eda (JPN sub).
How can we make Disney Plus fix those Japanese translations?
I’ve sent inquiries to them a few times, and I know about some people sent too.
But Disney Plus hasn't fixed them.
I hope them respect non-binary.
Thank you for reading.
Japanese text↓
2022年7月13日、『アウルハウス』 30話「カヴン・デー・パレード大作戦」が日本初放送されました。
原語: Eda hired someone to spy on her ex! And they're Head Witch of the Bard Coven! And they also--
旧: イーダは元カレのことを調べてる!相手はなんと吟遊詩人カヴンのリーダー! しかもその元カレは――……
新: イーダは元恋人のことを調べてる!相手はなんと吟遊詩人カヴンのリーダー! しかもそのレインは――……
さらにディズニープラスの独自字幕にて、themが "彼"と訳されているシーンが複数存在します。
原語: They were sick for a while, but thanks to me, they're good as new!
音声: レインは病気だったけど 私のおかげですっかりよくなった
独自字幕: 彼は病気だったけど 私のおかげで元どおり
さらに、33話「秘密の魔女対決/ TV放送版サブタイトル: 打ち明けた思い」、34話「仕方ないよ/人生そんなもんさ」でも「元カレ」、「彼」と呼ばれています
原語: "So the Blabber Serum should get your ex to tell you about your other ex? Man, being an adult gets complicated." "Warden Wrath is not my--"
音声: 「つまりこの薬で元カレから別の元カレのことを聞き出すってことか?うわ大人って複雑だな」「あいつは元カレじゃない!」
TV初回放送から使用されている翻訳: 「つまりこの薬で元恋人から別の元恋人のことを聞き出すってことか?うわ大人って複雑だな」「あいつは元恋人じゃない!」
原語: This is the story of how I met the coolest, baddest, kick-buttiest witch of all time.
音声: ある日のこと 私は史上最強にクールでワルでイカしてる魔法使いと出会ったんだ
字幕:彼と出会った時の話だ 誰よりもクールでイカした最強の魔法使い
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・前半は英語文章のみにしていましたが、冒頭に「ディズニープラス配信の『アウルハウス』でノンバイナリーのキャラクターがミスジェンダリングされている件について」 と加えました。
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crystalitecloudie · 2 years
Alexandria's Genesis has been dubbed the "Mary Sue Mutation". But... what if we made it less Mary Sue-like?
Firstly, we'll keep the purple eyes. That's kinda what makes Alexandra's Genesis so special. The eyes would still be born a light grey at birth, and would turn darker at about six months. Instead though, I would say the eyes stay this way, and don't change further during puberty. If you have blue-violet eyes, you get those at around 1 year old. That's it. No extra steps.
Impaired sight. The pigment in the eyes is being altered in an extremely "uncommon" way. Perfect vision is a no-go. And adding onto the previous number, maybe the amount of vision impairment depends on the shade of the eye color. The darker the shade, the better the eyesight.
I'd say that with this mutation, it should increase your chances of being infertile. You would have a 50/50 chance of getting a period, and if you didn't get one by age 16 (just to be safe), you were probably infertile. Having no period should come with a cost. And just to add extra burn, if you do get a period, it's heavy bleeding, and there is about 35 days in between each period. This would indicate some sort of menstrual issue, that in this case, is genetic and incurable.
Body hair (missing pubic hair, armpit hair, etc., but still having hair on your head and eyebrows). This simply wouldn't work. One alternative is having no hair at all, which would mean wearing a wig and putting on fake eyebrows. Haley Mermaid on TikTok (not sure if that's her actual name, but she's a Mermaid performer) does not have eyebrows, and cannot grow them. I do not remember what condition gave her that, but it is possible to fake eyebrows. Faking eyelashes is easy enough. The other alternative to this is having all hair like normal, and no hair loss. Honestly, I'm not sure which one to choose. Maybe the option that occurs depends on number three, and whether or not they have a period. If they do have a period, they would have hair, and if they don't, they don't. Or maybe a swapping of those alternatives. Alexandra's Genesis has the potential to be a mutation with a spectrum, like how Autism has a spectrum.
Hair color is usually dark brown or black, but I would say that it should be lighter. Not platinum blonde like those with Albinism, but still lighter -- pale browns and reds, crispy blondes, etc. Maybe even unnatural colors, like a light lavender to compliment the eyes. I know I'm trying to fix this disease, but especially in a fantasy setting, unrealistic hair colors would work fine.
The immune system??? Yikes?? I'd say a better immune system is fine, but not completely immune to every disease. Also, maybe to tack on a disadvantage, vaccines not working on them. If their immune systems are better than other humans, vaccines realistically would not work on them. So when they do get sick with a more serious disease, it won't kill them like it normally would, but they can get sick and debilitated.
Appearing young forever, and living an about 170 lifespan screams Mary Sue. No. I'd say they can keep their young appearance, but maybe they die faster than other humans (like around their 50s), for that angsty touch. Or the reverse, if you'd like. In the reverse's case, they would like their abnormally long lifespan, but the aging process would last across that time evenly. Their skin would probably start showing noticable signs of aging around 60 years old. Either of these alternatives work.
Metabolism -- we can keep this mutation having a permanently high metabolism, but as someone who does have a high metabolism, there is a cost. They would need to eat a lot, which can get costly very quickly. And if they don't, they will end up small in size... not that Mary Sues see that as a bad thing. I personally am pretty small because of this, and Depression lessens my appetite. But having a body that fits Euro-American beauty standards has to have a cost. This high metabolism would also probably result in malnourishment.
Shimmering skin isn't real. Nope. Or resisting tanning and burning. I'd say that with Alexandria's Genesis, they can come in all skin colors/shades, not just "white". And their skin should just act like a normal human's, where darker tones resist tanning and sunburns better than lighter ones. That's it.
Speaking of skin tones, the mutation should be "mainly" found in any ethnicity. Gender does play a role in genetics for mutations like this, so it being more common in girls is actually realistic... surprisingly. But the whole ethnicity thing doesn't work well, especially considering it "originated" in Egypt.
That's about it. Lemme know if you have any comments on this! (Sorry the numbers are off)
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ihateliterature · 1 year
As a kid, I was everything they expect a trans man to be. I hated pink with a passion. I hated girly things, gossip, make-up, doing my hair, pastels, flowers, one direction, Twilight, 50 Shades and everything else the girls around me liked. I called myself "not like other girls". I begged my mom to let me cut my hair short for years and when she finally let me at 14 I almost cried in the hair salon. Just the simple idea of putting a dress on filled me with dread and disgust. I spent more time with guys and I never felt at home among girls, always unwelcomed, always an intruder, although I didn't know why
But I am not a man. I never was. I called myself a lesbian, demiboy, genderfluid, agender, maverique and so many other terms, but I could never just call myself a man
I loved Barbie ever since I was a kid. I saw all the classic movies, but I could never bring myself to reveal that until recently
I liked make-up and deeply admired mua, but I could never try it for myself or admit to this
My discomfort with girls was actually fear all along, as most of my major abusers have been women and girls so I was hypervigilent around them
It's weird. Being constantly punished by society for your masculinity while being hypermasculinized. I was "the brave one", "the strong one", or so people said, I was actually just the freak. The token masc in every group. Being dubbed the butch lesbian even if I was never any of these things
Society pushed femininity on me, and I fought back bc I didn't want it, not that way. But after a while I just couldn't even attempt to breach that femininity, bc it would have meant they were right, it was a phase, I was just a spoiled brat wanting to be special. Even if I knew it was wrong, I had to keep going, bc I've come too far and getting patted on the back for finally "growing up" would have hurt more than suppressing that part of me
Until it happened
I finally cut off my last link to my teenage years. The best friend who treated me like an accessory and the ex that tried to "fix" me and make me into an alloro Dom masc lesbian for her fantasies
I was alone, I felt like I got cut off from my own identity. It was both freeing and terrifying. And I said fuck it. If it is a moment, it's this one
I've grown up from that scared teenager. I don't care anymore. People can talk, I won't listen, because I know who I am and how far I've become. My femininity is not a retraction of my masculinity, but a part of it, my femininity is masculine in nature and the more femme I dress the more masc I feel. That me, that's who I am
I love Barbie and mua. I like wearing long skirts and crop tops. I like wearing spiky eyeliner. And it's alright. It doesn't invalidate who I used to be. I don't need to be the "token masc" or the butch, I don't need to be the fantasy of cis women, and I definitely don't need to listen to them when it comes to my presentation. I am non-binary and I don't owe anyone androgyny or masculinity or femininity, I don't need to make myself palatable to cis people. I can just be myself
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bettyminicoop · 2 years
I've had a lot of work in the last few months and I've almost completely separated from Tumblr. But since Riverdale wakes up from its hibernation and starts biting us as viewers, I have a few quick thoughts.
Of course, I fully expect leaks and spoilers to follow soon. Because the first episodes will be sent for translation and dubbing in other countries. And we all remember that some do not know how to be silent, even if their lives depend on it.
I believe that we still don't have a trailer for one reason - they literally just finished filming and editing these two episodes. I saw on sm that Charles Melton had joined the cast no more than two weeks ago. Probably, his schedule did not allow him to do it earlier. And since this time they have much more time to film the first half of the season, they could afford to shoot some scenes from the first episodes much later. I'm sure Reggie will be in the story since 701.
Camila Mendes indirectly confirmed that in the 50s we will only be in the first half of the season. I can't be 100% sure, but she was pretty vague about it in an old interview.
I'm also sure that they have a plan for the whole season in advance. I don't think The CW would have let them go wild after the failure of season 6. Do you remember one of the producers or some CW director speaking at the investor event? He literally said - "We will fix what is broken." A man who risks his money and business reputation more than Ted.
And never forget - whatever they show in the trailer - it will be cut scenes from only the first three episodes. Maybe even just two. And for Riverdale, these trailers have never been the plot vector for the entire season.
And let ba burn in the fire of the comet forever.
I love you fandom.
And I also apologize for my English. I have not practiced for a long time and Google translator helped me today.
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captainimprobable · 8 months
I feel myself giving up on voice acting and shoving it into some "future" space. "once I move out, once I get a better job, once once once" I'm still working on the comic dubs I promised people I'd do but I haven't auditioned for anything in months and I am SO stuck. I'm scared I'll be 50 years old and realize that I gave up on something so important. But I don't know where to go from here. I don't want to move to LA, and I'm not good enough to record a demo. But I have no clue how to GET goof enough to record a demo. Private coaching was SO expensive and it was only 4 classes, and group classes literally don't help. The light in my sound booth is broken and I haven't fixed it, so it's dark in there, and it's so hot, and the music stand I use for my computer is rickety, and it feels wrong. I'm going to message my VO friend and see if he has any advice bc I don't want to end this. I don't want to, but I dread doing comic dubs just bc I hate how I sound. I don't even like the results, I haven't watched a dub I've been in in months. I sunk thousands of dollars into this already it would be so dumb to end it here. I think maybe tomorrow I'll try to do one audition. Just one. Start over. Maybe that'll help.
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So, Warren the Worm’s Friendship Episode gave me PTSD Flashbacks and I NEED TO SHARE WHY.
The friendship episode, at least for the first chunk of it, parodies kid’s edutainment that teaches social skills. If you don’t know the specific genre I am talking about, then be grateful. This shit was cringe af and probably led to way more bullying in schools than it ever could’ve prevented.
I defended myself from being beaten up when I was in the fourth grade, using self defense techniques I learned in a class because I was that worried I’d get beaten up. I got punished for it by having my recess in extended day revoked every other day. Instead of being outside, my bully got to play with my friends while I sat in a cramped dark office watching these sorts of videos. My mom moved me out of that school after the year ended, but I still remember these anti-bullying videos very vividly.
The “Okay Stop” format is basically what all of them used, rewinding and showing good/bad ways to handle bullies. Of course, none of these covered what to do if the teachers didn’t help you when you told them, or when you were going to be hurt by said bullies. Instead, all the “solutions” boiled down to the victim saying “Hey, bullying is not cool, man. It is not groovy to hurt people’s feelings.”, and then the bully would magically be like “Oh, sorry, dude. That was lame of me. Let’s go play together instead.” Sorta like how Warren dubs over Yellow and Red to have them say the ridiculous shit he wanted them to.
You can imagine how this sort of scene would unfold if a victim was using this against an actual bully, especially when that bully was trying to punch or kick you in the face… Yet, this is what they taught children was the only “appropriate response” beyond going to tell a teacher. I’m autistic, and let me tell you using the “social skills” I was 1984-style brainwashed with for 50% of my recess time did not end well for me. It taught me there was no use defending myself at all… Many other adults solidified that belief as I grew up.
Warren is interesting to me because he shows just how even in adulthood certain people take advantage of the “rules” of friendship and relationships to sway things in their favor…then they become the exact people who are deemed “experts” on relationships. His backstory isn’t a sad one at all. His friends just didn’t want to be part of his pyramid scheme and he got butthurt. They apparently apologized but Warren said it was “too late for them”, which isn’t a very “good friend” thing to do. There’s even a slide where his friends are just petting a rabbit and he looked jealous!
The fandom simping for this guy is oddly fitting to the meta narrative of the episode, too. Warren drives everyone away from him, acts pitiful despite manipulating and controlling every social situation he is in, and yet… Y’all find him attractive or endearing? This is exactly why people fall for these so-called pick up artists, relationship experts, and similar personalities online, despite them being blatantly unhealthy and harassing people. This is the “Oh he’s just a poor skrunkly wittle meow meow uwu! I can fix him!” mentality at work.
The fandom’s very predictable reaction to this character is only making the satirical message of the episode even stronger! This show is GENIUS.
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sarcasticmudkip · 2 years
Back on my mission to make Hikari (currently lv 51) the Most Guy Every (while procrastinating his chapter 2), He has Full Power (instant LP at the start), Summon Strength (+50 phys. Attack), Deal More Damage (can go up to 99,999 max), and last but not least, A Step Ahead. Now why A Step Ahead? If i have him defend during this, it ups his BP to 2 BP, so when its his turn-he can 2 Boost Shadow's Hold his Sougetsusen (Unleash a polearm and sword attack on all enemies).
Equipping him with Starsplitter for his sword ( +296 phys. Attack with +91 Crit), Matching Trident (+114 Phys. Attack with +35 Crit) , Victory Ring (more attack), and Finisher's Claws ( more damage when Crit).
Not to mention he's in Merchant Class so Hired Help is <3<3<3. If i have another class (such as Hunter use Take Aim (Raise Crit. Rate and Accuracy) or Inventor use Crit Scope (All damage delt to a foe becomes Crit. damage)) I can become God
Oho? We're bragging about our Hikaris now, are we? Well, while I can't say my guy is at your level at the moment...I assure you I only mean that in the sense that my catboy Hunter Hikari is only Level 45. In every other aspect I dub him superior! Call yourself a god all you want, but I am a believer in only one true power and that is of homosexuality!
See, my personal Hikari strategies center around one man: Inventor Partitio, who himself is equipped with the A Step Ahead support skill. Now, why Partitio instead of Hikari? Well, My Hikari is set up with
Boost Start - Starts the battle with 2 BP
Full Power - Instant full latent power gauge
Deal More Damage - Increases max damage to 99,999
Salt in Wound - 50% to act twice when breaking a foe
In addition, Catboy Hikari sports increased Phys Atk, Accuracy, and Critical with the Hunter secondary job, as well as a Rosary of Redemption, which provides a -60 Crit and -60 Phys Atk. Now, why a negative stat? It's because I've also come across the accessory piece of Blessing in Disguise, which turns all stat negative values into positive values! In addition, while I currently only have him fixed up with a +112 Little Crow, I recently fixed him up with the Fire Dragon's Glaive, which has +318 Phys Atk which is helpful for Twin Serpents (Polearm attack on all foes twice) and Sougetsusen (Sword and polearm on all foes)
With all that set up with my guys, the strategy is this:
Partitio is guaranteed to go first with his extra turn with the A Step Ahead support skill. He also has Boost Start, so by the time the actual battle round starts, he will already have 3 BP.
Therefore, Partitio uses this turn to use Critical Scope to guarantee critical hits on the baddies for Hikari to cut down in the next turn.
Then, during the first actual round of battle, when it is Hikari's turn, he is able to max boost Hienka since he has Boost Start, and the extra round with Partitio gives Hikari his third BP. Hineka then allows him to attack twice, and then act again at the end of the round.
In addition, if the initial attack of Hienka breaks the enemy, he has a 50% chance to act again thanks to Salt in Wound, in which I could set up Abide to increase his physical attack further if I haven't dont that with Castti's weed already.
After the initial attack of Hienka, Partitio's turn then comes in and gives the maximum amount of BP to Hikari, which he has since Partitio has the 3 BP thanks to the A Step Up. Additionally, if I set up this attack a little later in the round, Partitio is still able to give the maximum BP to Hikari because of his latent ability (He's also equipped with Full Power) to summon back all his Boost Points whenever he needs it. So max boost "I'm investin' in ya!"
Finally at the end of the round, the Hineka attack gives Hikari his second turn (Third, if it's with Salt in Wound) and he is then able to max boost again, with Brand's Blade.
This has mainly been my strategy for minibosses and going to places that are a bit out of my level, but it's very satisfying to just stack turns on Hikari. In addition, the same condensed strategy works out with clearing mobs, similar to your Hikari, where I have Partitio's Crit Scope/A Step Ahead set up, then he can max boost on Changeable Catapult (He has Frontier Axe +219 Phys Atk so I usually just go with the AOE Axe attack) if he goes first, or Hikari just max boosts Sougetsusen (with his +318 Fire Dragon Glaive) or even max boost the AOE Bow skill I had him pick up since he has the Protector's Bow now, (+310 Phys Atk)
I'm coming for you! My southern hat man and my gay catboy will beat the shit out of your Merchant lad!! God or no!
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