#dumb ass crossover idea
lolotheparagon · 1 year
What Arkham Knight Scarecrow Thinks of Each Pony
Scootaloo: At first, I found her unbearable. But after seeing her hunger for destruction and rebellious streak, she became endearing to me. Unlike the Knight, she is reliable, loyal and courageous. She may not be evil, but she is a being of unfiltered chaos.
Cheerilee: She is remarkably intelligent for her age. Psychology is a subject she’s taken a shine to. Especially in the field of understanding the human mind. I have been teaching her the theories of the psychological greats like Sigmund Freud and Albert Bandura. It’s refreshing to see one of these ponies is capable of intelligent conversation
Rainbow Dash: I do not care for feminine things and she is emblematic of such frivolousness. However, she does keep the littler ones in line whenever they get out of hand. I also learnt that glitter is in fact dangerous for the human body if it comes into contact with the eyes or bloodstream, thanks to her. I guess this vapid nonsense does serve a purpose.
Toola Roola: They say art can be a window into a person’s deepest, darkest fears. And Roola here is the perfect artist to capture those fears. I didn’t think it was possible for a horse to paint but her eye for detail and resourcefulness is admirable. The child usually illustrates a lot of syrupy landscapes but she has been drawing a lot of storms lately. I thought I would never get her to embrace the darker side of nature since she’s the more skittish type and is afraid of the dark. But she seems confident when standing next to me. Her artwork may not be of vital importance to our mission but it does brighten up my office… don’t think this as paternal, the office walls are filled with holes. I needed something to cover them up.
Pinkie Pie: This one intrigues me. She’s both innocent and worldly at the same time. Such a personality doesn’t seem possible. Also she is capable of sarcasm. I was taken aback a little, one would think these ponies wouldn’t know what sarcasm is. From what I’ve seen, she’s the leader of these ponies and is the most proactive. Not as intellectual as Cheerilee or amusing like Scootaloo, but relatively normal.
Sweetie Belle: Ugh, such saccharine sentimentality. Everything this child does makes my skin crawl in disgust. How can you even deal with an angelic child like this? She’s like a puppy who wont leave me alone. However, being the only unicorn, her magic is quite powerful when influenced by her mind. I’ve been trying to curb the little one’s powers by giving her visual aids in the form of Rorschach tests. But every time I ask her what the inkblots are, she always says they’re butterflies or clouds. Its no use. I think she’s truly incapable of being evil. It’s a good thing Gotham is already afraid of her cuteness.
Starsong: Which one is she again?… Oh yes, the flying one. I wish she would used her flight for espionage instead of twirling around. She always ropes me into these TikToks dances, as the youths call it, with the other girls. Ive suffered enough humiliation.
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belladonnakimdracula · 9 months
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Tauro can’t wait to examine all of Tallon IV’s Chozo Ruins but Samus is annoyed considering she had to save his dumbass 15 times already & they’re barely at the Main Plaza.
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neoyi · 1 month
I'm only thirty minutes into this video and I'm SCREAMING at what we could have gotten!
I've made no secrets how much I abhor Crash Twinsanity (sorry, I am a petty OG Crash Bandicoot Naughty Dog loyalist) and I've never been a fan of the Academy of Evil because I've always felt Cortex being, essentially, evil since childhood undermines his original descent into madness/villainy presented in the first Crash Bandicoot manual (he was ridiculed in the scientific community, that's all you really needed as a motivation for a guy with an easily bruised ego; it just takes one bad day etc etc), plus I just think it's stupid. Yes, I know, it's Crash Bandicoot, a series that runs on goofy Looney Tunes logic, I know, I knooooooooow. I acknowledge this is a me problem, but it's so STUPID.
But I loved Crash Bandicoot 4. Loved it a lot. It was exactly what I wanted from a Crash series: a greater focus on lore with enough pathos without betraying its humorous, funny roots. And it delivered! It was high stakes, but also funny! It could be goofy and cartoony, but it remembered to treat its serious moments with sincere, emotional drive.
I would have been curious to see how Toys for Bob would take that specific tone that they established in Crash 4 in order to explore the villain's backstories in the Academy of Evil. I genuinely think they would have done a dynamite job, as well as provide us with even more lore (which, god, holy shit, I am stunned how much Crash 4 was feeding us with its lore.) I would have been all in. I would have taken the dumb Academy of Evil because I legit think they could have put their own twist into it and portrayed it as something genuine and with added depth. Plus it might have brought Nina Cortex back and she's, objectively, the best Crash Bandicoot character post-NDi. I love her and I really wanted to see more of her.
And then there's the other proposal, the crossover with Spyro the Dragon. The possibility of Toys for Bob converting Spyro 1 levels into Crash Bandicootian stages of linear hallways and obstacles? Oh my GOD, I would have been in like a heart attack. I want that so fucking badly.
The promise of an even deeper look into lore and a "darker tale?" YES. YES, I want this! I don't want non-stop obnoxious Dreamworks humor that plagues the mid-to-late 2000s era Crash games. I want Crash Bandicoot to stare at Uka Uka's void and promise with absolutely certainly that he will kick his ass again.
And again, I acknowledge it is a Me Problem that I want more Crash Bandicoot games that can be emotionally-driven, but also carry an all-age appeal and be wacky, when this is a series was designed to be goofy as fuck (even the OG Naughty Dog concepts went over-the-top with its ideas.) But, man, I'm sorry, I was raised by the first three Crash games where it tonally balanced its absurd humor with a sense of composed grace. It's what I'm used to and it's exactly what I got with Crash 4. And MAN, I would have been so hyped for Crash Bandicoot 5!
I'm gonna watch the rest of the video and see what else was planned and cancelled, and then continue to be Big Mad at Activision for once again screwing with this franchise.
Never forget, Activision, Crash Bandicoot's revival was not an act of good grace, it was an apology.
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foxblaze · 1 month
Had a fun crossover idea as I was napping. So I was thinking about 2 of my favorite shows when i was younger, Danny Phantom and Generator Rex, and how Rex and Danny would probably get along REALLY well with their smart-ass quips. And then I was like, who else would get along with them?
Obviously my initial thought went to Ben Tennyson, but Ben and Rex had a canon crossover, so I wanted to think of someone else that might get along well, and had sort of genetic-altered theme about them. At the same time I was trying to think of a female protagonist (lol those exist?) And then it hit me
Kipo. I think Kipo would at least get along with Rex very well, they both have sort of chaotic energy, and while she's technically a genetic experiment rather than a normal human that was altered, still fits the theme mostly. With Rex being the oldest of them you would think he'd be the 'responsible adult' of the trio, but i actually think it would be Danny. Cause let's be honest, Rex would either feed her chaos with crazy ideas, or just immediately go along with her impulses because it sounds fun, and then poor Danny would have to reign in these two dumb destructive chaos gremlins, bail them out over whatever trouble they caused, and then lecture them about being responsible while Rex mocks him for 'being a nagging mom' and Kipo trying to hide her snickering.
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cloangi · 4 months
How would you combine r6s and cod?
Finally a question that I had also been thinking of for a long time (don't know how to respond so I'm winging it, I'm thinking of a crossover between the two though)
I'm not exactly sure how I could combine two of my most loved things. And you weren't very specific in what exactly you meant by "combining" (or I'm just being dumb) so ima try here.
I guess you could give the COD characters/operators certain perks/advantages instead of manually applying perk packages, similar to how Siege works. Like how some operator's have shields, some have gadgets, certain tools, etc.
Like, wouldn't it be cool if default Ghost naturally had the ability to have silent ass footsteps due to the shoes he wears, cause like...his name is Ghost. Instead of just being a default guy like every other operator in COD that are just blank with 0 perks or talents.
Plus, it would be cool to know which of our beloved characters in COD would be classified as attackers or defenders (or they can swap 🤯🤯)
A crossover would be cool though, GSG9 meeting König, whose actually Austrian and from the Warzone franchise, but who cares? Could be a cool idea as to how the GSG9 Germans would react to a 6'10 giant. They've got a similar background, language, and even age, so let's see how they might relate to one another.
Nah cause Siege operators meeting the operators in COD and having an opinion on them would be a pretty cool interaction, since both characters come from military backgrounds, and both games themselves have similar game modes. Only difference is that Siege doesn't have a campaign mode, whereas COD does.
Honestly, I feel like there's multiple ways to combine r6s and COD, but I've only listed a few that could come to mind.
Thanks for asking, though, divoha4!! Appreciate it!!
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sadlynotthevoid · 1 year
I want to read a LCF x Assassination Classroom crossover only for the sake of seeing OG!Cale interact with the principal.
They would fight and OG!Cale would win because he's such a little shit and fears exactly one thing— and manipulative assholes aren't that.
Principal Asano (whatever his name was) would have an aneurism trying and failing to intimidate him.
This brat (because any version of OG!Cale would kick his ass, but teenager!OG!Cale would be funnier) not only isn't affected by his bloodlust (he grew up around Ron, that was rather pathetic), he can see through his manipulations and plotting as if he was reading a book— an easy one, at that—, and had been going in circles around him since he entered through the door!
What is worst, he has been switching back and forth between almost calling him out and playing dumb since he tried to use one of his usual tactics with him. He's laughing at him inside— he knows it.
He ends up giving Asano a nervous tick.
So, AU where teenager Og!Cale transmigrates to AssClass world— maybe he appears near Karasuma's colleagues so he has to deal with him (because whatever God that delivered him knows that kid needs a responsible adult around)— and proceeds to take it really well. Can't say the same about some people (cofcof Asano cofcof) who fucked around him and now find out.
Meanwhile, Karasuma is very busy with his job, the supersonic octopus, getting his teaching license, and the strange kid with self-esteem issues that crossed worlds— who's now living with him.
Curiously, helping Cale to accommodate to a whole different world and society is the less difficult task out of all of them. The hardest part so far was explaining him why his happiness and reputation isn't a "good price to pay" for someone else's wellbeing.
(Although the talk about "why exposing yourself to any nocive substance was a bad idea even if you have a great tolerance or immunity to them, and therefore, is forbidden" had been a close one. Seriously, why does he knows how poisoned food tastes like?)
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yourflame · 3 days
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reminder: rp rules are rp boundaries. if we're interacting, i'm operating under the assumption you've read this post and understand where i'm at in terms of what and what not i'm willing to do. easy peasy!
some things to know about me, the mun!
*i've been writing in the sonic rpc for a few years now, you might recognize me by the name toby (i'm going by rune now, heads up!) i'm back from my hiatus with a fresh coat of paint and a new way of going about tumblr rp. i will be primarily icon-less since a lot of the time i will not have access to my computer when i'm writing.
*i'm an adhd writer with a full-time job and irl relationships to tend to, so if consistency in a writing buddy is what you're looking for, i can't promise that. if i get super locked into a plot though, you can expect me to be annoyingly invested in it for a while!
*my favorite things to write are: emotions, drama and character development driven plots. i LOVE angst, but also calm, quiet, and contemplative stuff too. shipping is my guilty pleasure, you can probably sell me on most pairings if you think there's a spark between our muses. (just.. nothing involving the littler guys like tails or cream or marine. they're too baby to me.) i also think the juxtaposition between technocolor super animals and boring, mundane slice of life is endearing and enjoyable. i also like to shitpost and write stuff for the bit. to be honest, if there's a cool idea and we're both like "that's a cool idea lets write that" i'll likely be totally down. also i LOVE crossover, it's my bread and butter.
*i don't put up with bullies or assholes! vague posting, pity fishing, guilt tripping, passive aggression, and harassing for responses are all behaviors that i've unfollowed people for because it's dumb and rude and harmed my experience. i don't vibe with callout posts or airing petty drama out on the dashboard for the world to see. don't try to tell me who or what i can't interact with. i have a hunch that most people here on this hellsite community are probably tired, gay ass liberals who just wanna rp funny animals - including myself, and are not bigots. but regardless, if i do see bigoted behavior, that's an easy block. and on that note: the only time i find callouts to be appropriate is if there is a literal predator roaming about or it's for a victim trying to get away from their abuser. (sadly, that happens in rpcs sometimes. keep in mind, there is a difference between actual abusers and people who are just being a dickhead. as i stated earlier, if someone's just flat out rude to me they're catching this block.)
✔️ duplicate friendly. i love duplicate interactions, they're so stupid and charming. ✔️ crossover welcome. at this point if i don't know the character or series - so long as there's an about page somewhere on your blog for your character or you give me a quick crash course on them, i can make my own fun with it. ✔️ shipping fiend. as i stated earlier i love to ship. if we have a ship, it takes place in it's own timeline and doesn't intersect with others unless plotted otherwise. ✔️ AU enjoyer. i love to brainstorm AU ideas and rp them out. you'll find a lot of that here. ✔️ mutuals only. if i'm following you, and you're following me - then i'd love to write with you some time!
❌ no smut. tried it, decided it wasn't for me. i'm down to discuss headcanons & stuff, though - and if you write it i'll read it. also nsfw jokes are funny. should i mention this blog is 18+ and if you're a minor, get out? ❌ don't auto-kill my muse unless we plotted it. don't take control of my muse or assume their actions. they got minds of their own, man. ❌ don't meta game! your muse shouldn't know something about mine if they don't have an IC reason to know it! ❌ don't... run off with my ideas. look, everyone has had the same thought before on here regarding their muses. i don't mean coincidentally same hat. basically, if you see me suggest a plot idea i wanna do that you didn't think of - and proceed to use that idea yourself/with the person i suggested it to - it's a huge buzz kill for me, especially if i get left out of the picture. it's not gonna bug me if we're not interacting, but if we're mutuals... c'mon man. common curtesy.
and that's it. gold star if you like this post to show me you read it. thank you, and i look forward to interacting!
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sky-kiss · 11 months
twenty questions for fic writers
@makesometime tagged me. Complain to her. Now you have to suffer.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? I have 40. Which shocks me. Gun to my head, I couldn’t have told you about more than 15 of them. So that’s a surprise.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 187,262.
3. What fandoms do you write for? I have what one would call idiot-brain. I can only focus on one fandom at a time. I come and go at the whims of my hyper-fixation. I’ve written one fic for a lot of fandoms.
              1) Baldur’s Gate (The new hotness. My love. My dear one. My rotten soldier).
              2) Final Fantasy XV
              3) Fallout 4 (Nick, my beloved)
              4) Avatar: The Last Airbender (Baffling)
              5) Persona 5
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
              1) Personal Space: Cloud/Aerith at 748
              2) Law and Order: Nick/Sole Survivor 649
              3) Cigarette Day Dreams: Nick/Sole     571
              4) Some Old/Something New: Nick/Sole 412
              5: A Splash of Color: Cloud/Aerith 386
My top five is dominated by Nick and Cloud/Aerith, hahah. But, with a little work, we can frikkin’ shove the Raphael fics up there and dethrone the robot silver fox and the babies. Love my niche ass pairings.
5. Do you respond to comments? Almost always, yes. It’s fun to engage.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending: /stares in one-shot. Uh. Maybe Ash and Ember? It’s more bittersweet than angst, but it’s still the end of Dark Souls 3. So it’s going to be sad.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending: Chance. It’s a short one for Full Metal Alchemist. Hohenheim comes back and Trisha doesn’t die.
8. Do you get hate on fics: I’m very lucky. I’ve never received hate on Ao3 or here on Tumblr. This is not an invitation to start though, I swear to god.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do write smut. It’s not my favorite thing to do, and I think it’s one of my weaknesses. I’ve done some kink stuff, but don’t post most of it. That might change. Thanks, Ascended Fiend Raphael.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not posted. I do have an Avatar/Westworld fic on Ao3, which is a batty combo.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not directly. Pretty sure I’ve inspired some fandom trends before, but like. I write in very small corners of fandom.  We share one dumb brain.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have, yes. A Dreamless Sleep was translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I’ve collaborated and had shared universes, but don’t think I’ve directly co-written. I’m a control freak.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? I don’t frikkin know, dude. I like a lot of ships. Currently, it’s Raphael/Durge or Raphael/Haarlep/Durge. All time? Zero clue.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Doing It to Death will never be finished lol. I look at it and my soul hurts for Evelyn, but it ain’t happening. I have other WIP's on Ao3 and they will never be finished either, but like. I don't care about them.
16. What are your writing strengths? I like to think it’s my characterization. Maybe scene setting or dialogue. I don’t know. I hate my writing 99% of the time. Like, I need enough time apart from the work. Once I’ve forgotten it’s mine, I can appreciate it a little more.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Pacing and plot. And smut. Pacing long-form fanfiction absolutely baffles me, just because it differs from the pacing of a traditional novel. It’s really challenging to balance, and I have no idea how to do it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don’t have a problem with it, but probably wouldn’t risk it. Maybe if someone else handled the translation?
19. First fandom you wrote for? The Mummy, haha. I was 14.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I’ll do. Three.
              1: Sex, Love, & the Infinite Void: Raph/Durge. It’s the longest story I have on Ao3, and the only multichapter one that’s made it passed chapter 2. And I’ve enjoyed hell politics and character building. I want to finish this damn thing.
              2: The Outsider: Evelyn/Corpo!V. I love Evelyn, and it was fun to experiment with a more cybernoir writing style.
              3: I Don’t Think About You Anymore: Raph/Tav. It was just a fun and clipped style to write. It was very loose, free, and I’m proud of the end result.
I'll tag @kiss-inferna and @adarlingmess if they'd like to suffer this.
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agent-toast · 1 year
entirety of my TUArtemis crossover headcanon so far
had to get this out and write it, it was bouncing around in my head for days
Includes most main characters of both The Umbrella Academy and Artemis Fowl :D
What I'm not obsessed who gave you that idea?
Pairings (NOT SHIPS)
Five & Artemis: Two short bois who constantly annoy each other, but tolerate each other decently well, as they find that Five/Artemis are one of very few people who have an equal level of intelligence and comprehension about things that they are interested in.
Five is both academically and emotionally smart. The latter is more developed than Artemis (in the first few Fowl books), for that matter.
Artemis finds most people less intelligent than him, but Five is one of those exceptions, similar to Minerva, except this relationship holds out.
Artemis: Five, where's my entire stock of Earl Grey Tea? Five: I threw it out the window. Five: You refused to give me coffee. Five: So now you will face my fucking wrath. Artemis: Artemis: Holly, Five is having a tantrum again. Five: IT'S NOT A TANTRUM IT IS DESTRUCTION OF THE ENTIRE WORLD
Five & Holly: What with Five usually being the oldest one in the group, he's going to feel a bit out of place when with the thousand year old (iirc) elf, Holly. But they probably get along as well as Holly and Artemis, though Five provokes Holly a lot more actively and easily than Arty.
On a slightly different tangent, Five can definitely 'see through' Holly's shield by slowing down time just a smidge. This works as a good plot point and makes Five just a little stronger than Holly in that specific area.
Holly: Five, when I first met you, I thought you were dumb and annoying. Five: And? Holly: You are. Five:
Allison & Juliet: Allison would be a nice older sister figure for Juliet. They're both good fighters, and I think they'd be a really wholesome lil pairing!
Juliet: You know, I wish I had that rumour power of yours sometimes. Allison: Why? Juliet: It'd make things a looot easier. Allison: Well, you don't have to rumour me into caring for you, just so you know. Juliet: Juliet: NO SERIOUS THINGS RIGHT NOW I ACCEPT ONLY FUN AND CHAOS Allison: OKAY OKAY
Luther & Mulch: Luther is just a mix of disgusted and confused by Mulch the entire time. Mulch enjoys toying with him :D
Luther & Butler: Butler definitely tells Luther that he's treating Five, who reminds Butler so much of Artemis, really badly. Sure, Five can be a bit of a pain in the ass most of the time, but he's still Luther's brother, and Luther should treat him as such. Butler would be the good parental figure to Luther that he never had.
Diego & Holly: HEAR ME OUT These two would be so badass during fighting scenes. Holly shielding in and out, helping Diego fight, while Diego curves his knives, making sure not to hit the shielded Holly. I want to watch that kind of fight scene so badly :DD
Orion & Five: Basically a wholesome, delusional ray of sunshine paired with angry swearing old man. This would be such an entertaining pair, and Orion would definitely get hit in the face with a coffee cup Five throws away.
Orion: Might I ask, what is it about your dear manequinn that draws you to her? Five: Her loyalty. Her kindness. Her compassion. Five: But most of all, her ability to keep silent when I'm busy. Five: Unlike you. Orion: I see, I see... Five: Can you not take a hint GET OUT OF MY ROOM
Orion & Viktor: The epitome of wholesomeness. Viktor would finally get the older, more knowledgable sibling figure role as he takes care of Orion. He'd be so sweetly confused by Orion's ramblings of middle earth tales, but perhaps play along with him. And Orion would listen to Viktor's violin solos quietly and admirably. This is a relief for Holly as well, she can escape from Orion's constant romantic drivel being spouted at her all the time.
Orion: The beautiful princess, the young maiden, the heroine of the ice, my dear Holly Short... have I told you about her, perchance? Viktor: About 60 times before, yes. Orion: Ah. It is not a bother for you, I hope? Viktor: No, you can tell me again.
comment or reblog with tags if you want to see my opinions on your pairings!
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the-francakes · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thanks for the tag @schmem14 - sorry this took me so long!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
28: 27 finished and 1 WIP
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter. sometimes si consider others but ideas never hit me like they do for hp
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Five Times Draco Malfoy Accidentally Apparated into Hermione Granger's Bed… And the One Time He Meant To (Dramione) - every time draco masturbates, he ends up in hermiones bed 2. An Overly Considerate Friend (Jegulus) - james confronts regulus about spying on their quidditch practices and ends up liplocked instead 3. Both (Hermione/Fred/George) - the hermione and the twins fuck or die DVP PWP 4. I WANNA SEE SOME ARSE (nottpott) - theo is on an island vaction and somehow sharing a bed with harry who has an amazing arse 5. The (Third) Worst Year (drarry) - draco has one year to kiss his true love, harry potter, or turn into a dragon... so he picks dragon like a dumb ass
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes.I do my best to because i think the converation is important and im grateful so i want readers to know. i havent lately because i get overwhelemed and im on a hiatus but yeah i try to
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
You & Lily - regulus is so tired of being used by james, he gets his mark and only tells james after they have sex to really fuck james up. then years later he returns to james to apologize by promising to save harry and its open ended but like... also cannon compliant
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
all of them are happy endings tbh... while i like writing angst, i dont like writing unhappy endings or dead dove sort of things. so pretty much any of my fics will leave you happy
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nah not really. i think its cause im in happy rare pairs world. every now and then i get the off the wall comment like 'telling somone to come is SO overdone' and im like cool bye.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
all the smut. mostly vanilla-ish? i like to change up positions or what the sexual act is, but i dont cross into anything kink mostly cause i just write what i know/like/is comfortable.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
nope. probably never will either.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that i know of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! The Quidditch Pitch Incident is in Russian Five Times Draco Malfoy Accidentally Apparated into Hermione Granger's Bed is in Chinese
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No! But im open to it with the right person
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I dont really have one. It always changes for me. I like trying a new ship so i think the majority of my fics are different ships.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
honestly, Im starting to think Echoes wont be finished. i havent had the want to write it all year and i dont think the first parts are really my best writing. so part of me might even delete and rewrite it if i start getting the vibes to pursue it again.
16. What are your writing strengths?
characterization. i love fanfic because i can use the base of what we know and grow from the tiny details to make fully developed ones. its hard for me to read some fics that the characterization doesnt match what i know from the books without explanation. like its hard for me to see hermione as a sugar baby for money and loves being doted on because i dontt hink that matches her from the books but like if you can explain she gets her strength and independence from manipulating men then im like yes okay im on board.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
im awful with commas. everyone else loves them but i forget them so much grammarly is always yelling at me.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
nah. i've been living in italy for a month now and the only words i know are ciao and allora LOL - if i want it i ask someone to translate for me
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter and twilight at the same time back in 2004 ish
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I cant pick just one so here are my faves that are not my most popular because of the ships but probably some of my best writing and get really good comments. Locals Only (draco/blaise/theo) A Saving People Problem (draco/james potter snr) The Quidditch Pitch Incident (ginny/blaise) A Good Night for Whimsy and Love (ron/luna) tis the damn season (Pansy's version) (pansy/ron) Maid of Honor for a Day, Best Friend for Life (susan/blaise)
tagging whoever sees this and also @crazybutgood @vukovich @holygnocchi @phdmama @sailtomarina
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sonicasura · 2 months
Sees Kaiju No.8/ Dragon Quest crossover
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Anyway jokes aside, this is a really good idea. Though before I get into it your complaints about the story about the Toilen and Za Wurdo moment are pretty much how I feel about it.
A better way to have handled it would to keep the scene of Toilen leaving, but have Psaro start to feel regret over having that needless fight with Toilen, knowing that Toilen has had his back throughout the adventure and cares for him as a friend. That woukd work well with the Rose scene with Psaro believing Toilen on the first go around and them going to save Rose.
This is just how I feel it should have played out, as I think it would have been a good moment for Psaro and the group to comeback together even stronger.
Well with that out of the way having Kafka adopt the soon to be Master of Monsterkind, is defintely going to be insane.
With all the unqiue Monsters, abilities, and items Psaro brings with him the world of Kaiju No.8 won't know what hit it that's for sure.
Post in question.
I wholeheartedly agree. Like it was sorta dumb that your first decision didn't matter because I chose Toilen obviously. What they could've done if the devs really wanted Players to see the canon event of IV is an optional Superboss.
Toilen attempting to return the stolen Sands of Time has them face their friend's original fate aka Monster Psaro the Manslayer. If the player wins the battle then they get to unlock an actual 4 Way Synthesis method. This super tough fight being something you can challenge any time should someone want to use said monster for the Upper Echelon(not post story).
Anyway, Kafka unknowningly brought a lot of insanity with his promise to adopt Psaro. The man is already a hot topic amongst monsters cause news travels fast between them. (It will be more insane should his kaiju form become known to Monsterkind.)
Rosehill Tower appears on a mountain closer to the countryside once the Charcoal Travelite is used. (Timeline wise, this is the day where he receives his first round exams results in episode 2.) A more isolated location to avoid any seeing the tower spontaneously. Psaro and his companions can subtly come or go whenever as well.
You can bet your ass Kafka was surprised to see his kid again. Man is coming back with a bento for his break only to notice a very familiar face stand by the caterpillar kaiju corpse he might be using as a makeshift bench. Poor Reno absolutely isn't ready for the waiting insanity when he went to show Kafka their results.
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culpeppercheckers721 · 3 months
Turn Week 2024– Day 6: Crossover
Ok I initially came up sort of empty on this prompt again, but I give you a few things now!:
I know this isn’t really a proper crossover since Hamilton was in the show, but something that would’ve been fun to see in Turn for me was Abe and Hamilton getting to interact (even if it was totally plot irrelevant)!
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I feel like they actually have… a decent amount in common, if you know what I mean. (At the very least, they’re both small and angry 5”7 men 🤪)
Now for something slightly closer to a crossover with other pieces of media, though both of these examples are closer to just regular AUs than crossovers I think(???) I want to shout out a Turn/National Treasure style AU fanfiction that I will simply never get over, Of Treasure & Treachery; this fic is honestly one of the funniest and cleverest concepts I have seen in this fandom so far, and not only does it have me laughing my ASS off every time I read it and picture Abe doing dumb shit as always (though you may say stealing the Declaration of Independence is particularly wild even for him 😂), it also has me going feral over the Townhull dynamic (since sometimes, you just wanna see your ship in ridiculous scenarios from pop culture films), and living for all of the Abe & Anna friendship it contains because that is a dynamic I cherish so much! It’s like I didn’t even know what I was missing before reading this fic, but genuinely, I wish we could have canonically seen them just be friends more, since when they’re not committing adultery together every five minutes, I do truly believe that Anna and Abe had underrated and wonderful platonic chemistry, if that’s a phrase, and I just enjoy their childhood friends connection and banter so much.
Once again, I cannot stress enough how hilarious this fic was to me. Maybe that’s because my sense of humor is wildly specific and unhinged, but I thoroughly enjoyed this writing so much, and I totally recommend this rollercoaster ride of a story for anyone seeking a good time!
(And an edit since apparently today was national kissing day, as much as I don’t want to spoil specifics there will be kissing in that fic!! Just go check it out!)
And finally, I’d like to introduce another AU based on a piece of media, this my own concept that I will hopefully finish someday— a crack-treated-seriously type parody of The Afterparty (the Apple TV series). The idea of matching each character to a specific film genre was something so inexplicably fun and exhilarating to me, so I do have a HEAVY heavy work in progress of this AU in the making right now, featuring, similarly to the original, a high school reunion afterparty turned murder mystery when one John Andre “mysteriously” dies 👀 Once again, it’s a very loose story as of now (though I do have a pretty extensive murder timeline written out 😂), but I figured this a somewhat fitting occasion to mention it given all the other creative combinations of Turn and other series that I’ve seen so far! If anyone is interested, I may very well talk more about it haha. Until then, I wish you Turn folk good luck on your other (more legitimate crossovers than this lmao) pieces of crossover content! 💕
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nanuk-the-bat · 3 months
Tagged by the phenomenal @phenanthreneblue (I wasn’t gonna do it, cause I’ve only been at this for like a couple years, but why not :p ) thanks for the tag.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Technically 24, but only 17 are fics. The others are art/podfics as I jump around with my hobbies.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
198,671. Actual story words are probably about 198,000. Not terrible?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Control. I wanted more Darling fics. So I got off my ass and learned how to write them myself. I do have a draft thing for Alan Wake but it’s little and will probably stay stashed away in my notes files for the rest of eternity.
4. Top five fics by kudos
I’m just astounded that people found my stories amusing enough to leave kudos in the first place. The most popular one is Anachronisms Welcome
5. Do you respond to comments?
Of course. Might not be eloquent, but I’ll respond in kind.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’m more of a fluff and smut gal at heart…but anything I’ve written for Trench x Darling tends to lean that way.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I wouldn’t say my fics have happy endings, in the sense that the protagonists ride off into the sun set just that they have mundane or hopeful resolutions. For A Cup Full of Resonance I was originally going to have Darling sacrifice himself for Dylan to return and leave it ambiguous whether or not he survived corporeally. Like a coffee cup appears on Jesse’s desk after they save Dylan, just how Jesse likes it, as a sign that Darling is still watching over her, but I ended it on a happier note instead.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. Thankfully people haven’t given me shit for my silly ideas.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes. But only when I’m in a specific headspace.
10. Craziest crossover?
Haven’t ventured there really. I included Scratch in one chapter of Anachronisms Welcome, but beyond that, no. Would love to do a Fallout or BG3 crossover with Control. But I don’t have the brainpower for it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No one would want to steal my stuff XD
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I like doing podfics sometimes.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Anachronisms Welcome turned into a collaboration when the shower scene happened and horny head voice Jesse was born. (because I can set up humor, but executing is not my specialty…I always want to explain the joke 🙄) My partner/familar/sometimes editor threw a dumb idea out there, we played with it, and head voice Jesse became his distinct recurring character. We refer to her as an extra planar being/ personality who manifests as Jesse’s id. Those internal monologues, the dialogue sections Jesse has with herself, those are cowritten with my familiar voicing that Jesse.
14. All time favourite ship?
Jesse x Darling. I know it’s not canon. And won’t ever be canon. But something about them appeals to my creativity and when I see stuff for them little confetti/ dopamine canons fire in my brain.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I feel like this applies to all my wip’s…I can only write when the stars align.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Not pacing or plot haha, but sometimes I can come up with decent metaphors and descriptions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
All of it…I’m still a fledgling fic writer and it’s learn as I go. I really struggle with plot, which contributes to the shit pacing. With thinking in terms of tension and seeing a story as a whole and not a jumble of stuff I feel like writing about. If I ever write another long fic, I’ll plot it out with all the story beats, and the motifs, and actually have a solid plot line or two running through.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I’m personally not a huge fan of having to scroll to the bottom to look up translations but if it’s done sparingly or as in canon I don’t mind. Depends I guess.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
In Contribution of Entropy it’s shameless fluff ridden smut, but for my craving at the time it was the equivalent of getting a free triple scoop of bubblegum ice cream mixed with cotton candy topped with rainbow sprinkles on a 102F summer day…and the last chapter is some of my best imagery.
Tagging: @blessedpictures @annachibi @laudanine and @wondrouswendy
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Account Updates + More!
Greetings, everyone! Okay, so I decided to make some changes to the blog-
I will still be posting my regular content, but apparently my dumb of ass decided they want to try something new- I want to extend the hand of inspiration to @aster-saturn because I am but a simple pup; what I do mean is I want to create content for c.AI bots - as well as canon x reader asks for interested parties! For the x Readers, this also includes any specific headcanons you might want for canon characters as well! I'm down for accepting, well, almost anything-
To keep things organized, I'll list some of the regulations and guidelines for sending me asks!
a. be respectful. this is self explanatory, but i do have a life outside of tumblr and can't always be responding to asks; i will still do my best to answer as quickly as i can since i tend to come on at night anyway!
b. i do utilize a lot of self indulgent headcanons while still sticking true with their personalities as best i can (unless i feel this needs to be expanded upon). due to this, i am asking that you don't take my interpretations to be 'canon' as this is all just for fun
c. asks must remain sfw- while i do occasionally reblog some adult-themed content, this will not be applied to requests. this is mostly for my own safety and the comfort of others
d. you can request practically anything- from x reader asks about imagined romantic scenarios or you can also just ask for generic scenarios and/or headcanons for canons without needing to be about x reader!
e. in general, this page accepts self inserts and original characters - hence x reader asks! - so, if you don't support that- i have no idea why you're here-
f. c.AI bots can be a little suggestive, but i do ask that you're at least eighteen or older- if your blog doesn't have a way of confirming age, well, the ask might have to change
What kind of asks will I be accepting?
~ For starters, I accept anything from angst to lighthearted romcom tropes! I do lean a bit to angst but honestly anything is fine with me! The only exceptions are if it's heavy on the smut side or is something I would be uncomfortable with
~ For x Reader, it can be virtually any imagined scenario from fluff to angst and anything in between. I do highly ask that you don't send scenarios about characters cheating on one another as that makes me severely uncomfortable
~ Headcanons! This gives me a way to just freely infodump and depending on what is being shared, they may be debuting as official headcanons in my fanfics!
~ I only do fandom characters! Please do not send me anything to do with the actors; only their character selves
~ Requesting Alternate Universes and Crossovers is perfectly acceptable! Canon is also accepted, but please specify which version you want when sending in the requests!
*Anything tagged with ⭐️ is my most active hyperfixations and what I might feel more comfortable writing! Though I will make a separate post with a longer list of all of my muses!
TV SHOWS (Cartoons / Other)
⭐️ Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
~ Randy Cunningham
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~ First Ninja
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⭐️ Danny Phantom
~ Danny Fenton / Phantom
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She-Ra: Princesses of Power
~ Adora / She-Ra
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~ Catra
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Once Upon a Time
~ Rumplestiltskin / Mr. Gold
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The Owl House
~ Luz Noceda
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⭐️ My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
~ Twlight Sparkle
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(Okay, this post is honestly getting massive- I am going to do something purely dedicated to exploring muses and whatnot in a different post; eventually, I might consider making something like a carrd but please be patient with me!)
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So I know you like AUs and crossovers. This idea started as a Halloween party idea: ML SPOP
Chlobrina, Adora&Catra
Djwifi, Glimmer&Beau
Ladynoir(as Ladynoir) Mermista&Seahawk
Myvan, Entrapta& Hordak
Julrose, Scorpia&Perfuma
Alix, Frosta
That's as far as I got atm.
The dynamics just *work* the only big twist is that Sabrina gets to drag her Lezbean self right out of the closet. Her 'Hey Adora....' makes Julerose all wibbly even at range.
Chloé is her big dumb clueless dyke gf that everyone prays figures it out by the end of the evening.
Okay so we DID have a ML SPOP au at one point thought it was very half-assed because I was not familiar with SPOP at the time BUT
My issue with it so much is that I like the Adora/Catra but for ML the only thing that works is a platonic Adrien as Adora and Chloé as Catra.
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game-boy-pocket · 6 months
Potentially a Hot Take, but I think the reason with Smash Bros roster complaints lies in how characters are chosen for Smash.
With very little exceptions, Smash Bros fighters aren't just the major character or most beloved character, they have to be the very, very main character of the game, as Nintendo also wants to advertise their games.
The issue is alot of the time, the most primary protagonist isn't the most memorable or unique character in the game and is often directly based off prior protagonists, especially in long running RPGs.
Or like there aren't alot of primary protagonists that are slow/heavy tanks, because there aren't alot of genres a slow heavy character works well as the primary protagonist, even though its an essential character type to have any fighting game or beat em up.
I think I think Nicktoons all-star brawl and multiversus did well to avoid falling into this, so like Hugh newtron, Zuko, Nigel Thornberry and Reptar over the actual primary kid protagonists that were not in the game because they wouldn't have been as unique to add to the roster.
I don't think Nintendo would ever do that though, the closest they ever did was Min-Min over Spring Man for representing ARMS.
That reminds me how there was a boxing DS game called Animal Boxing, but when you played multiplayer, it was just two humans boxing.
Eh, I don't think i've ever heard that complaint. And personally speaking, I'd rather protagonists get in the game first before other characters. I was actually very disappointed in the Nick All-Star Brawl 2 roster after they cut so many characters and made some dumb ass choices for DLC.
I think the issue with Smash is that they've started to rely too much on special guests, so now secondary and tertiary characters are no longer considered viable choices for Smash because they're "not hype enough", like Dixie Kong was trending on twitter the other day because some well known Smash Player was asked who they wanted the most for Smash and their choices were Paper Mario and Dixie Kong, and some fuck wit on twitter quote retweeted saying they were "the whitest choices possible" for not being Devil May Cry Dante.
What does that even mean... Are we not supposed to ask for Nintendo characters in the Nintendo crossover anymore? I like the idea behind special guests, but they really went too far with them after Smash Wii U's DLC and it has completely ruined speculation.
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