#dumps things on you to keep you “entertained” yk?
random-twst-things · 5 months
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Crowley: Perfect! Just the person I was looking for!
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: 😐
Crowley: I acquire some assistance for an accident made in-
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Hey Grimm?
Grimm: What?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: ya know what sounds really good to eat right now?
Grimm: Tuna?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: no, roasted crow
Crowley: ...
Grimm: Roasted crow? Where ya gonna get a crow from?
Mc/Y/N/Yuu: Oh, don't worry, I know where we can find one veeerrryyy near
Mc/Y/N/Yuu, turning to look at Crowley with a smile: Reeaaally close 😀
Crowley: OH! WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT! It would seem the accident was mysteriously cleaned! Isn't that great? I must leave now! BYEEEE!!
Crowley, running away:
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gabby-i-guess · 5 months
ADHD PSA #3: Bath time 🛀
So I just moved into a new house, and for whatever reason, the gremlins living in my brain have decided that the new shower has ‼️BAD VIBES‼️ and therefore will only agree to let me have a shower when ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. I've been trying to figure out ways to bribe them into liking the shower, so here are a few ways I've tried to make my shower ADHD accessible.
1) DIY waterproof phone holder
Yes I know I sound like an iPad kid, but if having an audiobook/music/YouTube video playing while I shower lets me shower, I'm ok with that.
All you do is take a sturdy ziplock bag, pop your phone and a large bull clip inside, and zip it up tight (give it a lil squeeze to make sure there are no gaps). Now you can clip the bag onto your shower caddy from the inside, or another ledge or something (get creative), and voila - your phone stays totally dry and you stay entertained. You can even somewhat use your phone through the plastic, so you can change songs etc. When you're done, unclip the unopened bag, take it to a dry place, and you can open it and take your phone out there.
Here's a photo for demo:
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2) Sort your shit out
Personally, I get super overwhelmed by all the steps in self-care tasks, including but not limited to showers. Routines like that involve like 10 steps that call on skills ADHDers really struggle with, like decisions, organisation, memory, executive functioning, and planning. So I've made things as simple as they can possibly be for me.
I have 4 little baskets in my cupboard for each of my regular routines:
morning (with makeup, sunscreen, moisturiser, and deoderant)
evening (with vitamin C serum, makeup wipes, pimple patches, and floss)
regular shower (with antibacterial soap, shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner, and a hair brush)
and ✨fancy shower✨ (with a razor, shaving cream, nice smelling soap, body moisturiser, curl cream, and a candle)
Now I can just yank out whatever basket I want and use whatever is in it on autopilot. Then, when I'm done, I can dump it all back into the basket and shove it all back into the cupboard. This method reduces how overwhelmed I get by so goddamn much that my fucking dentist commented on the noticeable improvement in my teeth, because I had actually consistently had the energy to floss. And when you're consistently flossing - well, it's only up from here baby 😎
3) DIY bath
The sensory experience of showering can be truly horrendous. And while I can't fix a lot of it, I can at least make it a little less... much. Yk?
So here's my solution:
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I got myself a blow up pool.
For my shower.
I am officially the coolest person alive.
This baby was $10 at Kmart, and is 80cm wide and 18cm deep - basically, cross your legs and it will not quite cover your thighs. To provide a little more insulation and some padding, I also popped an old towel under the pool. It's really not much, but it means I can sit down in comfortably warm water and splish-splosh myself clean. As opposed to showering, which (especially in a large bathroom/shower like I have now) is alternately way too cold and way too hot, way too loud, way too (I literally don't know how else to say it) "fast", way too out of control (so much splashing and water going everywhere, UGH), and just kinda generally way too much.
A bonus perk: I can finally use some nice pink bubble bath bombs from last Christmas 🥰🥰
I really hope one of these tips helps one of you out there. Keeping yourself clean is one of those "basics" that neurotypical/mentally well people don't realise is actually really hard.
You are doing a truly awesome job, and I'm truly, truly proud of you. Sending you love and warm, clean, sudsy thoughts ❤️
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psychwardpup · 3 months
Stopppp you’re making me consider getting birds 👀 they sound so fun!! I had a friend who has birds that danced whenever she played certain songs, is that what your birds do?
bird baths are so silly!! Top tier entertainment fr. How do they get along with your cat?? That’s been the one thing stopping me from considering it
uhm. don’t if you are not ready or willing to put in a lot of effort and time and they also make a mess LMAO — and it takes a lot of time ( depending on the individual bird ) to earn their trust , so patience is KEY
but yeah they’re so cute and a lot of fun ! they keep me on my toes lolol . if u want more info i can give you some im not gonna info dump rn but yeah 😭
so my cats were way worse w my birds a few years ago / the beginning ,, specifically my orange cat lol . luckily my birds aren’t that scared of my cats , i just don’t leave my cats alone with my birds like ever just in case but yk , my cats mostly just stare at my birds now , not murder attempts yk
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