#durmstrang series
piqtescue · 1 year
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- Wizarding Schools around the world -
by noaptoparamuggles
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Moodboard of Ariana Dumbledore as a Durmstrang student.
Requested by: anon.
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malfoy-riddle · 2 years
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Part 6of my tt series
Gellert Grindelwald 🌪️🖤
Please reblog, don’t steal :)
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storiesfromafan · 7 months
The Waltz
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A/N: yes I am back with Part 3 (Dance Class 101 and Beautiful Swan). I have to say I've enjoyed writing this small series, and have enjoyed the comments.
I also want to thank everyone who has followed this story blog, I cant believe I have got 326 followers!!
Also, don't hesitate to request stories. Sometimes it helps with my writing block lol.
@littlebookbengal @bewitchingbrie @anehkael -unfortunatly I couldnt take a few people :(
The Waltz
The booming voice of Professor Dumbledore in welcoming all to The Yule Ball. Gathering with other couples, you and Lorenzo watched the Professor with everyone else. Dumbledore spoke about the ball and how it was a tradition that is kept up to bring Hogwarts, Beauxbatons Academy and Durmstrang Institute together. And it did bring you all together. Besides most of the males of Hogwarts being intimidated of the male’s students from Drumstrang, the female students from Beauxbatons had taken to the females of Hogwarts.
               Once Dumbledore was finished, he introduced each of the school’s champions. They all entered in a line, before coming to stop in the open space of the dance floor. They opened The Yule Ball with the first dance for the night. You and Lorenzo sniggered at Harry Potter and his date, the only couple to stick out like a sore thumb.
“Looks like old mate has two left feet” commented your friend.
               You snort laughed. “Don’t be so mean Enzo” you hit his arm softly.
               You both went back to watching as your professor’s joined in. Of course, Snape and the female professor, who had been your dancing instructors, paired up and took to the floor. You and Lorenzo held it together as best you could. The female professor still looked like she wanted to run for the hills, while Snape was as rigid as ever. Only now the rest of the students got to bare witness to what the Slytherin students had been privy to for two weeks. You heard the whispers and the sniggers at Snape’s expense.
               Once the dance was over, Snape left the dance floor in a sweep of his cloak, his dance partner moving off in the opposite direction. The champions all took their leave of the floor, while other students braved the dance floor.
               Lorenzo shot you a smirk before taking your hand and dragging you to the floor. All the while you softly protested, which he chose to ignore. Coming to a spot on the floor, Lorenzo stopped and swiftly turned to face you. You on the other hand, staggered for a moment from his motions. But quickly you corrected yourself, standing tall shooting your date a glare.
               The live band started up with the perfect melody for the dance you were all about to partake in, The Foxtrot. It was the second dance Snape taught Slytherin, it was easier to learn then The Waltz. Which made you wonder why he hadn’t started with that dance. Oh well, you had learned the steps in the end.
               “Ready?” Asked Lorenzo.
               You continued to glare. “No”.
               He chuckled. “Well, you better get ready”.
               And with that you both began to move along with the music, Lorenzo leading you around the floor in a medium tempo. At first your steps were unsure and a little sloppy, but after a little bit, you got comfortable and confident in your steps. And before long you and Lorenzo were moving smoothly around the floor. Lorenzo shot you a knowing smile, which you rolled your eyes at but none the less you sported a beaming smile.
               Like the other students, Mattheo and Daphne watched on. Mattheo’s gaze following your every movement. He felt jealousy rise as he watched Lorenzo smile at you, to which you rolled your eyes but gave him a happy smile. That should have been him out there with you. Smiling at each other and laughing. But instead, it was his good friend with you.
               “Who would have thought Enzo would pity (Y/N/N) enough to be her date?” Remarked Theodore as he came to stand next to Mattheo.
               “I don’t think it was pity” retorted Mattheo. “He did it out of friendship. Enzo cared about her to give her a good night”.
               Theodore shot his friend a bored look. “Whatever, he was the idiot to give up a night with any willing girl. What to ditch and hang out somewhere else?”
               Feeling appalled by his mate’s words, Mattheo got serious. “He’s not an idiot. Enzo chose a friend over some conquest. He always cares about a person’s wellbeing”.
               Theodore laughed with a hand up. “Alright, alright. Don’t need to get your knickers in a knot. It’s fine they came together, happy?”
               Mattheo huffed turning back to you on the dance floor. He could see Theodore looking at him, then to you and Lorenzo, and then back to him. A look of recognition flashed on his face before he chuckled.
               “How did I miss it” he mused, “how did I miss your crush on (Y/N/N)?”
               Mattheo looked shock, looking to his date, who was busy chatting with Theodore’s date. He then turned to his friend and said in a lower voice, “you’re wrong. I don’t have a crush on (Y/N/N)”.
               Theodore laughed. “Lie all you like mate, I can see it plain as day now. And quite frankly, it took you long enough”.
               Mattheo shot his friend a confused look.
               Theodore laughed hard. “Wow, come on I’ve known you a long time. I could see how close you and (Y/N/N)’s had gotten. I just thought you’d had worked it out by now. Both Lorenzo and I could see how you both were crushing on each other, even have a bet going on who would confess first”.
               Shock and surprise crossed Mattheo’s face. You, crushing on him? No surely, they were mistaken. Not once had you ever shown any interest in him in that way. You never flirted, never dropped hints, never jealous of other girls. You had always seemed uncaring and uninterested.
               “You’re wrong” Mattheo began, “(Y/N/N) doesn’t have a crush on me. She’s never shown signs of liking me like that”.
               Once more Theodore laughed. “Oh, my friend how wrong you are. That beautiful creature out there” – he pointed in the direction of you on the dance floor – “does have a crush on you. And just because you haven’t seen the signs, I can assure you that Enzo and I have”.
               Mattheo shook his head, not once taking his eyes off you.
               “I can tell you firsthand that the look in her (colour) eyes when you would bring your latest conquest around the group, the evident hurt in those eyes as she watches you together. Or how she would ‘off handedly’ help you study, when really, she wanted to be near you. Probably hoped you would read between the lines of all her help to see that she did like you more than a friend. You my friend have been oblivious to how she show’s her feelings, as you are used to girls throwing themselves at you”.
               If Theodore was right, then Mattheo had made a mistake, a big one. If he had been able to read you better, then he wouldn’t have had a reason to hold back his feelings. It would have been he who had escorted you to The Yule Ball. It would be him out there dancing with you, smiling and laughing.
               Theodore clapped Mattheo on the back. “If I was you, I’d come up with a plan to get to (Y/N/N) and sweep her off her feet. Or else she might fall for Enzo instead”.
               With that Theodore took his date and left Mattheo to his thoughts. Daphne brought him back when she asked when they would dance. He winced at the idea; his poor feet would hate him if he danced with her. Dancing, that was it. With a few words to Daphne that they would dance soon, the cogs in Mattheo’s head were turning, a plan coming together.
               The song came to an end, you and Lorenzo stepped back from each other before bowing and curtsying to the other. Coming to fully stand once more, you both shot the other a warm smile. Lorenzo then took your arm before leading you from the dance floor, and over to a space by the wall. You both took the moment to cool off.
               “I had my reserves about dancing but thank you for dragging me against my will. It was fun”.
               He laughed. “You are welcome, any time I would happily drag you to dance”. Lorenzo winked at you, making you laugh.
               Lorenzo smile at you before his attentions turned elsewhere. “How about I get us some drinks. I’ll be right back”.
               Before you could say a word, your friend walked off, leaving you a little confused but looking forward to some refreshments. You decided to lean against the wall, hands resting behind your back and against the cool stone wall. It was grounding, the coolness against your warm flesh. Your eyes roamed over the room. You noticed couples and groups in conversation. Those on the dance floor that were strong dancers compared to those that were trying their best.
               Finally, you spotted Lorenzo with drinks in hand, but it was the person walking next to him that he was in deep conversation with that made you stand up straight. He was talking with Mattheo, and they looked to be quite serious. But just as quick had you seen them, did Mattheo part from your date. What had they been discussing, you wondered.
               Joining you once more, Lorenzo held out a cup with punch in it, you accepted the cup and took a gracious sip. Once the cup left your lips you turned your gaze back to your date, studying him. You wanted to question him, find out what led to their talking or what Mattheo had to say. So, you decided to just go for it.
               “What did Mattheo want?”
               “Hm?” Lorenzo asked before taking a sip from his cup.
               “I saw you two talking before you came back with my drink. What did he want?” It might have sounded rude, but you were dying to know. Though it went against your not caring mantra for the night.
               “Mattheo? Oh, he was just commenting on the dancing. Thought we looked good” Lorenzo said off handedly turning to watch those on the dance floor, while leaning against the wall.
               “Oh really? Is that so?” You questioned further.
               “Mmhmm, said you looked graceful. And had a glow about you. Which he’s not wrong about” he laughed.
               You nudged his shoulder with your own. You left it that. Your heart swelled at Lorenzo’s words. Mattheo had complimented you. You felt the soft smile form on your lips at the compliment. But then reality set in. You were at the ball with Lorenzo, not Mattheo. He had chosen to take Daphne Greengrass and was probably having a wonderful time. He was probably being nice with his compliment. Possibly a ploy to get back in your good graces. The smile slipped from your face, the hallow feeling returning to your chest in realisation.
               Silence rolled over you both as you continued to watch those around you and on the dance floor. Soon time slowly passed before Lorenzo moved from the wall, taking your empty cups, and setting them down on a table off to the side. He shot you a bright smile before holding out his hand to you.
               “May I have the next dance my lady?”
               You laughed. “Why yes good sir, for this time you did ask me”. And placed your hand in his.
               Lorenzo led you to stand with those spectating the dancing students. You both stood there waiting for the current dance to end, so that you both could join the next dance. With the final notes of the song, the students on the floor stopped, bowed, and curtseyed to each other before vacating the dance floor. Sharing a look, you and your friend took to the floor, along with four other couples. Standing before your partner, it was the movement from the left side that caught your attention.
Making their last-minute appearance on the floor, both Mattheo and Daphne moved over to stand on your right side. You felt your body stiffen at the sight of them, a sight you had done best to stay clear of. But here they were, shoving it front of you. With the first few notes, you placed your left hand on Lorenzo’s right shoulder while his right hand was placed against your side, his left-hand taking hold of your right hand. Now you were ready to begin The Waltz.
Just like in dance class, Lorenzo led while you followed. You both followed the steps, graceful in your movements on the dance floor. Out the corner of your eye you would see Mattheo and Daphne, your heart sinking further from it. Moving to hold your head high you reminded yourself to not care about them. You didn’t need him.
Lorenzo shot you a warm smile, that you returned. “Forgive me or thank me later”.
You shot him a look of confusion before finishing the square, he then proceeded to turn you out before letting go of your hand. You wanted to protest to whatever he was doing, but the feeling of a hand taking hold of your own and spun you in to face the one person you were trying to forget. Mattheo moved you into position, without a thought you moved your left hand to his shoulder. Confusion written all over your face at what was happening.
Your gazed moved back to your original dance partner, who was now dancing with a confused and irritated Daphne Greengrass. Lorenzo looked to be talking to her, possibly an attempt to calm down the girl. You looked back to Mattheo, who wore a mischievous grin on his face. All the while you both moved in time with the music, steps just as graceful as you had been dancing with Lorenzo.
“What is going on?” You questioned with a sharp tone. “Why am I dancing with you?”
Mattheo chuckled. “I thought we should dance, and since you aren’t talking to me. I got Lorenzo to help me get my dance”.
You glared at the boy before you. “You had no right to swap me from my date”.
“Oh? I think Enzo didn’t mind” he retorted.
“Well, I mind. Not that you care”.
The look of hurt in Mattheo’s eyes at your words wounded you. Any time he was upset hurt you, and the need to cheer him up would kick in. But not this time. You were still hurting from what he has done. Mattheo needed to learn a lesson.
He sighed. “I’m sorry for stealing you away. But you have to admit you have avoided me. You aren’t talking to me”.
“And there’s a reason for that” you fired back looking him right in the eyes. “Until you work out what you done and what you need to do to fix it, I will continue to not talk to you”.
Silence rolled over you both after that. You had said what you had too. Mattheo knew exactly what you were talking about. He knew he had to step up and apologise, which is what he wants to do. He just wasn’t sure how to do it. He was worried he wouldn’t say the right words, and it would only make things worse.
You both continued to move in time with the music, fluid movements filling the remaining time with Mattheo. Without talking you took in the boy before you, now that you have a closer opportunity. Since arriving at the ball, his hair was now messy. Mattheo must have absented mindedly ran his hand through his brown curly locks, something he done when in thought. He had also loosened the tie around his neck, and the jacket of his dress robes unbuttoned. You could have laughed at the untidy appearance, but held it in.
As the song started its descent to an end, you both moved in a square one more time. Only the grip Mattheo held tightened, almost drawing you closer. Mattheo moved his left foot forward, as you stepped back on your right. He then moved his right foot forward, while you moved your left foot backwards. Then you both moved those feet to the side, before bringing their partnering feet to meet with them. Mattheo then led you as be moved his right foot back, as you moved your left foot forward. Then he moved his left foot backwards, while you brought your right foot forward, both moving them to the side and then closing with its partnering feet. Thus, completing the square.
Reluctantly Mattheo loosens his hold on you, as he stepped back. You step back from his hold, your hands coming to rest at your sides. Looking each other in the eyes, you see something unfamiliar flash in his eyes. But he bows to you, cutting eye contact. In a daze of mixed emotions, you curtsy back.
With reality coming back, you felt like there was no air in the room. Standing back up you try to take a deep breath but struggled. Feeling a panic rising in you, you gather up your skirt and quickly move from the dance floor and out of The Great Hall. It was all too much. You would rather have kept Mattheo at arm’s length.
That’s funny, as you just did. Your mind taughtened you. For you had just been dancing at arm’s length.
Exiting into a courtyard not far from The Great Hall, you held your head in your hands while taking a deep breath of cold fresh air. Releasing it slowly, you tried to work out what just happened. Your heart ached with a mix of happy and sad. Your mind a mess from all that has happened so far tonight. The one thing ringing in your mind was Mattheo, the one person who hurts you so much. Even if it was unintentionally.
“Bloody hell!” Huffed an all too familiar voice. “Why did you take off (Y/N/N)?!”
Mattheo had been oblivious of your leaving the dance floor till Lorenzo called out to him. Upon seeing your form missing before him, Lorenzo pointed in the direction you had taken off. And he took off in chase, not second guessing the choice to follow you. He heard Daphne call his name, but no doubt Lorenzo stopped her and would entertain her a little longer. All Mattheo worried about was you.
He watched you quickly walk before him; he did call out to you, but you ignored him. Coming to the entrance to the courtyard, he was greeted with the sight of you, standing with your back to him with hands on your head while looking up breathing slowly. Something told him it was some level of anxiety that had you making an escape. But he couldn’t help huffing out what he said to you.
“Matty…” you sighed. “Please, leave me be. Go back to the ball” you practically pleaded. It broke his heart.
“Talk to me” he took a step closer before stopping himself.
You laughed at his words. “There is nothing to talk about…not until you work out what you did”.
“I know what I did…” he said softly. “I’ve known since it happened”.
Your hands dropped from your head, slowly you turned around to face him with a hurt look upon your face. It hurt him to see you like this, it felt like that hurt was more than just from the other week’s hang out. You didn’t say anything, waiting for the boy before you to continue.
Mattheo took a deep breath, readying himself. “What Theodore said to you, how…pathetic” – he struggled to get the word out – “people would think you were if you didn’t have a date. And I am so sorry for agreeing with him”.
“Why did you agree with him then?” You questioned, guarding yourself to try and save yourself.
Mindlessly Mattheo ran a hand through his curls. “I was stupid. I didn’t want Theodore to turn his sights on me, teasing and running me down. But I hurt you instead. The one person who I hold close”.
The one person who I hold close… You felt warmth rise in you, but you told yourself it was because you were friends. That is all.
“Don’t say that” you pleaded, “don’t say you hold me close. It only gets my hopes up” you said softly, tears pricking your eyes.
Without a thought, Mattheo crossed over to stand before you. He wrapped his hands around your upper arms softly, subconsciously making sure you wouldn’t run from him again. Concern washed over his face as he looked you in the eyes. Everything Theodore said coming back to him.
“You are the one person I hold close (Y/N), you are the only person to be there for me. To help me study, to check on my mental state, to kick my ass if I step out of line” he chuckled. “Don’t ever doubt how highly I think of you”.
You shook your head. “I’m not that good a person…”
“Yes, you are” he pulled you closer to him. “Why do you say you aren’t?”
This was it, the moment of make or break.
“My intentions weren’t always innocent…” you started looking him deep in the eyes. “Sure, we are friends but over time things…changed. And I wanted more of your time”.
“Well, all you had to say was you wanted to spend more time with me” Mattheo butted in.
You shook your head. “Not like that…I saw how you were with other girls. Flirting and being your charming self. I was jealous of them. Then you would bring them around the group, lessening my time with you because you were focused on them”.
Mattheo swallowed. Hating to hear how you felt. Knowing he only did it to distract himself from you.
“Then this ball happened. Stupid me hoping, wishing you would ask me. That’s why in the courtyard I hinted at going on my own. Again, hoping you would ask me. But you asked Daphne…I wasn’t going to come tonight, you know?”
Hearing how you hoped for him to ask you was like a punch to the gut, bringing the guilt he felt back full force. “I-I didn’t know…” Mattheo breathed, hands dropping from your arms in thought.
That movement hit you hard, making you think he was pulling back from you. That he didn’t care for you. You felt a tear escape and make its way down your face, feeling rejected. Your shoulders started to shake while you tried to hold back the tears. Mattheo looked to you, only to see you shake. Thinking you were cold; Mattheo quickly removed his jacket before wrapping it around your shoulders. He pulled the jacket tight in front of you, you looked to the boy in confusion. He on the other hand looked at you with worry and care. Silently he was waiting for you to continue.
“Yeah…well I wasn’t going too; Enzo didn’t even know. But when I spoke to him earlier, I couldn’t bring myself to say I was not going. I didn’t expect him to offer to be my date, but I am grateful he did. He has made tonight bearable”.
Jealousy flashed in Mattheo’s eyes. But they softened when he saw a tear escape your eye, your second tear, before bringing his hand up and gently wiped it away. Both of you looked at the other, savouring this moment. Mattheo moved to cup your cheek with his hand, without missing a beat you leant into the warmth, all the while never breaking eye contact. Without missing a beat, Mattheo leant in and tenderly kissed your lips.
The kiss was gentle, innocent. He noted how soft your lips were, and a tad cold from the night air. Reluctantly, he pulled back and observed your reaction. Shock evident on your adorable face.
“Forgive me (Y/N/N). Forgive me for flirting and entertaining other girls, for parading them around you. Forgive me for spending less time with you, and for agreeing with Theordore’s idiotic notions” Mattheo confessed and pleaded. “And, most of all, forgive me for not being your date tonight. As I would have rather spent my night with you, then anybody else”.
You searched his eyes, looking for any sign that him or his words weren’t genuine. But all you saw was sadness, begging and hope. Not what you would usually see with the Slytherin heart throb. He was baring his all to you, and only you. So, you made your decision.
You raised up on your tippy toes, one hand grasping at Mattheo’s shirt, before you lent in to kiss him. As soon as your lips touched his, he knew you forgave him. No words were needed at this point. He leant down, releasing you from the uncomfortable position of standing on your tippy toes. Mattheo pressed his lips firmer to your own, but not enough it hurt. Soon he slowly pulled back, taking in the tender look upon your face, as you opened your eyes, that you don’t remember closing.
“I have liked you for years now” Mattheo said softly, afraid being too loud would burst this bubble around you both. “But I have been scared you didn’t like me, or it would ruin our friendship”.
You softly smiled at him, understanding how he felt. “I have liked you for years too…”
A bright smile formed on his sinful lips. “Then let us rectify it, what do you say?”
All you could do was nod your head. And once more Mattheo leant in and captured your lips, only this time it was a little more ungraceful. Which made you laugh. And to retaliate to your laughter did the boy before you poke your sides, making you squeal in dislike. Before long he was chasing you around the courtyard, you trying to escape his pokes and tickling. When he finally caught you, Mattheo spun you around before drawing you close.
That was the moment you knew you would have to thank Lorenzo. And it was the start of your personal relationship with Mattheo Riddle.
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Spoiled Brat
Remus Lupin x Fem!Gaunt!Reader
August Taylor Swift
Summary: When your escapism over the summer turns a bit more real, as you fall in love with a half blood your father would never approve of}
Wc- 3642
Cw: Use of {Y/N}, sexual themes and scenes, cussing, }
A/N- This was an idea I have been toying with for a while, this may become a mini-series if you'd like
Taglist- @otterlockholmes
If it was one thing your parents stuck into your head when you were younger, it was that you, {Y/N} Gaunt, were better than any other witch in your presence. 
‘The Lost Gaunt’ is what they referred to you as. You, and of course, your parents fed into this idea. People were sure they had died out, either from your family's admittedly embarrassing financial status, or from a few choice family members disgracing your blood line with Muggle blood.
It wasn't a secret, your family's blood soaked history and ideals on muggles of any variety. Your father spoke especially lowly of half bloods, saying they were some of the most loathsome and desperate of them all, with parents who tainted their good family names by giving it to scum. 
Very opinionated, that man.
You were much the same when you were younger. Snappy and spoiled, demanded everything and no one ever fought you on it. Even with your family's position with lack of wealth, when your parents came out of hiding as Voldemort started his horrid flock, your father didn't hesitate to join. There was no lack of support from expected places. Every pureblood with half sense wanted to be in the good graces of the heir of Slytherin, even if she didn't attend the school. Little you was treated like an absolute princess. Even receiving a letter from Durmstrang personally, your father opting for the obvious choice, burning your Hogwarts letter before you even read it. 
It made you an absolute terror when you got to the foreign school. Suddenly, you weren't as special as you were in London. Your name still carried a lot of marit, but so did several other students. You learned to keep your mouth shut, to keep your cards to your chest, and eventually, you unlearned everything your parents taught you. You met half bloods there, stronger than you had ever known witches and wizards to be, making close friends with several other open minded purebloods and friendly half bloods. 
Of course, you still had a family name to uphold. You studied and worked your hardest, eventually making it high enough on a social latter that Gaunt no longer mattered, but {Y/N} did. 
You started your rebellious streak in year 4, when your father asked you if you wanted to return home for the summer. It was the first time he gave you the choice, you refused. Instead, you traveled to Muggle London without his knowing. You went with a few friends, half bloods, they wanted to show you where they grew up. Your father would have your head for this. You thought in amusement as you danced through the market and gawked at all the muggle contraptions. You were sure to them you looked absolutely delirious, but you couldn't care less in the moment.
You wandered down the streets with a few girls who had broken off from the group. When you noticed a record store, your friends waved you off, refusing to join when they knew you'd be in there for hours. A boy who fancied you gifted you a small record player, and since then, you had been collecting muggle records at any opportunity. Thank Merlin your father didn't keep track of your spending.
You walked in with your head held high, you already gave off the impression of someone too good to be there, a force of habit. You walked down the aisle and searched the albums, dismissing people who tried to educate you on what was best, mostly men trying to impress you, you figured. Nothing more charming than being spoken down to. Eventually, you made it to some of the older ones, clearly used and used and used again. A soft yellow album caught your eye from the top shelf. Etta Jones? You thought for a moment. You had never seen it before, but the woman on the cover looked beautiful. 
You got on your toes and began to balance on a shelf, struggling to reach the damned record. You have a huff, ready to give in, before you hear a chuckle behind you. Whipping your head around you nearly spun around completely. Then, you saw him. A boy, he looked to be your age, tanned skin with soft pink scars littering his form, with one large one across his face. He had shaggy sandy blonde hair, almost brown, and the cockiest smirk on his face.
You huffed at him and put your hands on your hips, tilting your head at him. “Not very polite, you know. Watching a lady struggle without even an offer of help.” 
His smirk slowly turned to a dazzling smile. “You want my help? You've been blowing past people who've offered you help this whole time.” He remarked and you scoffed.
“Don't be coy. They weren't exactly being truly helpful. Also, no one here is as,” You gestured to him with both hands. “Vertically gifted as you.” 
He laughed at this and you got another flash of his pearly whites. “That so?”
“I only speak the truth.”
“That I see.”
“So will you?”
“Will I what?”
You scoffed with a scandalized look, gesturing to the album. “Help a damsel in distress?” 
He gave a playful hum and put his hands in his jean pockets, leaning forward a bit in his brown jumper that laid over a mustard yellow button up. “I'm not really the princely type, princess.” He teased and you slowly smirked. ��I'm more in line with the monster.” 
“Well, kind monster, would you do your princess the kindness of grabbing her this single?” You hummed and he laughed. “My princess?”
“If you behave.” 
He looked you up and down before he walked over and grabbed the record, looking it over and holding it just out of reach as you tried to snatch it away. “What if I don't?”
You huffed and gave up on trying to swipe it, crossing your arms and biting your cheek. “That's not a very gentlemanly thing to do.”
“I'm not a very gentlemanly person.” He gave you a look that had the alarm bells in your head sounding, but you bit your lip and nodded. “Fine then. What would you like in return, hm?”
“Your name.”
“My name?” You huffed and smiled once more. He nodded with a serious look, but a smile tugged at his lips.
“{Y/N}.” You introduced and held your hand out. “You don't need my last name. You'll never have to call me it.” You remarked and his eyebrows raised in delight. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You mused as he handed you the record. 
“And your name?”
“Remus. Guess I'll skip the last name too. But please, call me Moony.” He remarked and you nodded. 
“Until next time, Moony.”
“Next time, {Y/N}.”
The summer was absolute bliss. You spent it doing all the things your father hated about muggles. Running in fields and jumping in stray bodies of water, going to parties and drinking until you were sick. You kissed muggle boys, went to underground concerts, and even took enchanted pictures for yourself to keep.
Though, you didn't see that record store boy for the rest of the summer. Not from lack of trying, however, going to the store twice a week to try and snag a glimpse of him. Eventually you gave up and went back to your friends.
The next summer, you did see him again. This time, it was a month in, you were out late at a party, and were waiting for the bus to take you to the flat you had bought under a fake muggle name. Well, you say you bought, in reality you had been taking portions of money from your father and pureblood families that wanted your favor, from the start of the school year, saving up enough to be the spoiled girl you were. 
You were standing under a street lamp, leaning against it as you pulled out a packet of cigarettes. You put it to your lips, just as you did, a voice called over to you. “Need a light?”
You turned to face the boy who seemed to sneak up on you in alarm, before you slowly lit up at the sight of him. He seemed puzzled by your expression before recognition covered his features. “Record store princess.”
“Record store monster.” You cheeked and he walked over, leaning down to cover the end of your smoke from the wind, lighting it with a simple flick. You didn't even think about how you didn't hear the usual metallic click of a lighter, instead, a snap. That was how you lit them anyway. 
“Where have you been, pretty boy?” You asked after a long drag, and he watched you breathe the smoke out of your lungs, eyes lingering on your lips. This made you curl them to give him a better view. “Around.”
“Something caught your eye?”
“Someone.” He muttered and you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, glancing at the bus station. “I'm heading home, to my flat. Care to make sure your princess gets home safe?” 
He chuckled at the bold offer, rubbing the back of his neck and wetting his lips. There was a pause as he thought about it. “... lead the way.”
That summer was somehow even better than the previous. He spent the night with you, that night, then every single other night. He came and never dreamed of leaving, only gone a handful of days for a few hours at a time for his summer job.
There was this amazing peace, waking up, laying in your stomach, hugging your pillows in your plush massive mess of blankets and pillows, with him. Most of the boys you brought back would be gone in the morning, you preferred it that way, but when you woke up to his arm around your bare back and his nose in the nape of your bruised and bite ridden neck, you couldn't dream of another outcome.
He joked, the second he saw the large canopy bed, about you letting monsters into your private quarters. He seemed to not think so highly of himself, but with every part of your skin he discovered, with every touch and sound he drew from you, he seemed to grow more confident in your situationship. It was dangerous, you knew it, this muggle boy had you wrapped around his finger. Judging by the way he looked at you when you would fall into the clouds of euphoria, he met the same fate.
You had never felt so content, going out and partying, coming home before he did, and spending your nights and afternoons together. With the odd exceptions of a few days out of the months, he was glued to you. Your friends teased you, but for once, you couldn't find it in yourself to be embarrassed. When school came, you had never felt so crushed. You spent the day before lingering in each other's presence without a word. The silence was enough. 
When he brought you to bed, and your skin was pressed to his, his nose to your temple as he whispered sweet words of encouragement and pure infatuation, you were wreathing and gasping in short spouts, you muttered something that drew his rough movements to a stop. You hadn't even realized it, and he noticed how your eyes squished together and you whined with a huff. Fluttering open your eyes, staring up at his knee weakening hazels. He stared at you in silence and you slowly moved to sit up. It clicked to him, you hadn't even realized what you said. You'd never know that those three little words utterly destroyed him. Knowing that tomorrow he would be away from you again. He knew it would be hell.
He huffed and slowly pulled back. He began slowly, taking you in as if he was trying to commit you to memory. Every curve and blemish, every bit of scarred flesh he devoured with an open mouth kiss. You were lost once more to your own ecstasy. 
He wanted to say it back so horribly. 
He wanted you to know he loved you too.
You spent all of your sixth year waiting for summer, but when it came you dreaded it. Your father told you that you were to move back to London and resume your normal life in preparation for finding you a suitor.
He had promised your mother that he would wait until you were at least 20 to start, but her passing this year it seems he changed his mind. So you returned to business as usual, being enrolled in Hogwarts for your last year of schooling, and being undertaken by the Black’s matriarch, Walaburga, to learn how to be a pureblood witch worth marrying.
Every day she would come to the Gaunt manor, quiz and train you on behaviors and etiquette. You hated those meetings, she was needlessly cruel and fake nice, to the point it was painful for you to watch her try and flatter and build your fathers ego. It made you sick. Soon, but not soon enough, the summer was over and at least you would be at Hogwarts and away from that sour faced woman.
Remus had gone to your flat that summer, he stayed there for a week before he realized you weren't coming home. He hated it. He hated how you didn't tell him where you were, where you were going. There was this silent agreement between the both of you, You never told him where you would be and he never asked, Never exchanged much about your current personal lives, just the past. So if someone was to ask him where you were, he wouldn't have a clue.  You promised him you'd see each other next summer, and that was enough. 
At first his bitterness was winning, he wanted to believe you left without a word because you wanted nothing more than what you were that summer. Deep down, however, he knew. He knew by the way you looked at him in the morning, how you would pull him into the middle of the room in your socks and his shirt, like it was a dress on you, twirling around and slow dancing to that record he got you the first time you met. You always got what you wanted, and Remus knew he was what you wanted. When he left, he set a paper folded up between the door and the wall, a simple but desperate note. He needed you.
So when he got back to Hogwarts, he was a wreck. His friends noticed immediately. When he sat on the train, and looked out the window instead of shoving his nose in a book or teasing the others together.
“Moony, you good man?” James spoke up first after the three shared awkward looks. 
“Yeah dude, you look like a kicked puppy. Or James when Lily isn't looking at him.” Sirius tried to joke, looking through his suitcase before he paused and his eyes widened.
Remus was suddenly filled with dread. “Don't-”
“Let me guess, the cool girl you met last summer didn't show up this time? Told you, muggle girls her age are crazy.” Sirius laughed, not looking up, only to get jabbed harshly in his side with James’ elbow. Sirius hissed and held his side, looking at James with a glare before James flicked his eyes to Remus.
Sirius looked over and saw just how broken up Remus seemed to be about it. He sighed and gave him a pained sympathetic look. Watching as Peter took out a chocolate bar and handed it over to Remus. He muttered a thank you and took it. Sirius sighed and shook his head. “Look, I'm sorry dude. I don't mean it.”
“It's fine.” Remus answered quickly. “I was surprised she even gave me the time of day. I guess I always have that summer. I'll be over it in time, I'm sure she isn't missing me as much, as I'm moping over her, maybe that will help me get over it.”
He tried to believe that. He really did. His words were coming out low, he tried to sound wise but he truly sounded pathetic. He felt pathetic. She was all he could think about. From the train, to the carriages, to the Great Hall. Lily saw him and gave him a pout, he had written to her over the summer about what had happened. He wanted her perspective about what had happened, where he could have gone wrong, and out of the thirty he sent her she responded in kind to all of them. She walked up to him, straight past James which left the tall boy to theatrics. 
“Sirius did she just-” James gasped and clenched his chest.
“She did, James, she did.” Sirius walked up behind him with a smirk.
“Does she love me anymore?” He turned to Sirius and the shorter boy snickered.
“I don't think so, Jamie. I'll always love you, though.” Sirius indulged his theatrics and caught James (totally not with a struggle, totally smooth, Sirius is very strong) and James gasped. “You will, won't you, pads?”
“Always, my love.” Sirius declared his affections and James fanned his face like a swooning Victorian debutante. Lily rolled her eyes so hard she swore they would fall from her face. 
She turned back to Remus who gave her a painful smile. “I left her a note like you suggested.”
“Nothing.” Remus sighed and she nodded carefully. 
“I'm sure there is more to it, Remus. Don't let it consume you.” Lily tried to reassure him and he sighed again, making James and Sirius catch up as they sat down. 
“Yeah, there are a million girls in the world!” Sirius tried to cheer him up and both Lily and James winced at that.
“None of them are like her.” Remus sighed and Sirius gave an owl-like look and then gave a breath of shock. “... Damn Remus, that much, huh?”
He groaned and hit his head on the table. “I just want to sleep.”
“We could always ditch the sorting ceremony.” Lily tried to nudge him, he seemed to smile at her a bit at the offer. 
“Yeah, but then you'll miss a seventh year being sorted.” Peter piped up and the four of them snapped over to look at him. 
“What? Seventh?” She asked as she looked up at the kids in front of the hall, before she bit her tongue. “Right.. that Gaunt girl every Slytherin is losing their mind over?” 
Sirius choked on his pumpkin juice before he quickly cleared his throat as James patted his back. “Woah mate!”
“Her! My mom was tutoring her all summer. Regulus told me. That girl, trying to be the perfect bride or some shit? Just another spoiled pureblood.” Sirius huffed and Lily gave a faint nod. “I hate to agree, but apparently she's the worst.”
“Of course, she's the Slytherin heir.” Sirius huffed. “Apparently she went to Dumstrung, and you know how awful they are.”
“Ah.” Lily mumbled and her eyes landed on you past the crowd, nudging Remus. “There she is. Oh Merlin, spoiled and pretty? Dangerous combination.”
Remus sighed and looked over as you sat on the chair. His entire body froze. “Ahh! {Y/N} Gaunt! Slytherin!” 
The hat didn't hesitate. You had a calm blank expression you were tutored on all summer. Looking across the students, almost bored. You stood up and dusted off your robes, before you froze up at the sound of your name being shouted across the hall.
Remus didn't think. He saw you and shot up from his seat. Lily looked at him, startled, looking between the two before her eyes widened at the name. Oh Merlin. 
Sirius was bewildered, James was stunned, and Peter hid his face away from the crowds of students who turned to look at Remus. He got a variety of different looks from everyone, but there was a running theme. Who do you think you are? Talking to Gaunt.
“{Y/N}.” He called again, firmer. You looked like a deer in headlights. Staring at him in a stunned silence before one of the girls you met on the train tugged at your sleeve. You glanced at her and by the time you looked back, Remus was rushing across the hall to you. No no no no no.
“Fuck.” You hissed and snatched your sleeve from her. You watched as he closed in on you. You felt every hair on your neck stand up. “Fuck fuck.” You whispered.
You panicked. And you ran. He was stunned and froze on the spot. You ran straight out of the hall. Remus cursed and turned to his friends, then to the professors. Lily tried to stand and bring him back to sit down, but as if he was a wild animal, the movement gave him a rush of adrenaline. What did he do? What did this absolute stupid and love sick fool do? 
He ran after you. The entire hall was silent, even the professors stunned before his head of house yelled at him to sit down. He ignored them, turning the corner out of the hall and dashing down the hall he saw you run down.
The hall was quiet for a moment or two, before Lily spoke up. “I'll make it up to you, Professors!” She shouted back before she ran after the two. 
“Me too!” James shouted and followed after her. 
“I will not!” Sirius laughed and ran after them, Peter looking at the shouting professor before she made eye contact with him. Peter slowly sat up and she gave him a warning glance, before he quickly scrambled after his friends. 
McGonagall could only sigh as Dumbledore stifled a laugh into his sleeve.
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greenerteacups · 1 month
Hi GT. I hope this message finds you well. I am sending all the good vibes and we'll wishes your way! ♥️♥️♥️ I hope you've had a wonderful summer.
I'm such a big fan of your work. Lioneheart is amazing and has stuck with me for such a long time.
I was wondering if you had any other stories you'd like to explore one day (even if you never get the chance to write them.) Whether it be fanfiction or original work, I was just curious because sometimes I feel as if I have hundreds of stories inside that I could tell, and I am not sure how to pick just one and see it to completion.
First of all, thank you! This is a fun one. I have a few enduring ideas for longfics I may or may not ever write (i.e., ideas that would have been projects already if I didn't have an ongoing longfic). I don't get stuck in them mostly because I try to remind myself that the idealized story you imagine when a concept occurs to you will never actually exist as it does when it's unshackled by the constraints of execution. What you'll get if you actually sit down and hack it out is (1) a real and imperfect piece of writing, and (2) the satisfaction of having written it, which is by far the more reliable source of motivation, if we're being honest. That being said, here are some ideas I've always wanted to explore, if and when I finish Lionheart:
I've always wanted to write a longform canon-divergent Tomione fic about Tom Riddle's 7th year at Hogwarts. Big honking political melodrama ft. the original Knights of Walpurgis, a Triwizard Tournament, and realistically functioning time travel (hence why this one's always been kicked down my list of projects, because writing a time-travel plot is like running through a minefield made of trampolines). I've already got character concepts sketched out for the Hogwarts cast — sooooo many fun ideas for the teenage Walburga. But I'd still need about a week of solid fic preproduction on the plot alone before I was ready to boot up and start writing, and it'd take at least 250k words — closer to 300k, if I'm being honest about myself. So this probably won't see the light of day anytime remotely soon, if ever.
A canon-compliant Dramione war fic, diverging from the Malfoy Manor chapters in Book 7, picking up from a speculative thread I read once about what would happen if the war didn't end after Voldemort died at the Battle of Hogwarts. I've always thought it would be fascinating to see who Hermione and Draco would become if they were actual soldiers in the war (and my disappointment with how Book 7 handled the "war" of it all has been established). That being said, Book 7 of Lionheart will probably give me a lot of similar ideas to chew on, so I don't know what my appetite for this one will be once I'm finished with it.
Durmstrang AU. This one's barely a fic concept so much as it is a mental moodboard — I just want to worldbuild the hell out of Durmstrang. And the international wizarding world, generally. It's a delicious sandbox.
A longform canon-compliant fic or series of fics about the previous generation of Blacks (Sirius/Bellatrix/Narcissa, namely). If you look at the books, there's a huge amount we don't know about the fall of the Blacks. I always found it bizarre that the sisters and Sirius seem to be the only ones left by 1995. No one else has a claim? No one else from this all-powerful wizarding family wants to step in and claim this big honking townhouse in the middle of London? Or its attendant fortune? Dude, what happened? Also, we don't see nearly enough of the Black family melodrama in canon. They lose 4/5 children of a generation in the span of almost single decade. And then (presumably) all of their parents die in the span of another. Goddamn. Just imagine the character work you could do there.
A No Chosen One/Voldemort Wins (The First Time) AU where Hermione never gets her letter, and meets Draco much later in life as a self-taught witch. The dynamics I have in my head for this are really enjoyable, and it would be a chance to finally write Hermione POV, plus the Draco I've cooked up for this universe is [chefs kiss]. I also just love the idea of Hermione as a feral witch-child running around muggle London. I love it a lot.
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desideriumwriter · 1 month
Anyone But You | Chapter 10
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Chapter Summary: A seemingly good night at the Yule Ball goes wrong and Reader absolutely loses it at Fred.
Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Category - enemies to lovers + hurt/comfort
Content Warnings - cursing, arguing, yelling
Word Count - 2.4k
A/N: I know I knowww the second task was in february and the third was in june but we’re gonna change it up and say they were in january AND february instead, stay with me now, it’s for the plot i promise
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Katie and Angelina had come back just minutes after you had found your dress in pristine condition. Their exhausted looks from whatever Hooch made them do were replaced by shock.
“Is that- You were able to fix it?” Angelina blurted out, there was a noticeable amount of disbelief in her tone.
“Not me. I didn’t fix it.” You muttered, still looking at the clean fabric. “The twins…did.” You shook your head in disbelief, ignoring how the two girls gave each other knowing stares and smiles.
Katie then pleaded for you to leave the rest up to her, you did. And of course, by some miracle, was able to set you up with a Durmstrang boy for the ball, literally the morning of the event.
It was awkward being set up with a total stranger, but a date is a date.
Plus, you’d never have to talk to whoever this boy is again after this. Hopefully.
It was awkward enough meeting him. You had butchered the poor boys name to his face within the first minute of meeting each other. He had said yours perfectly through his thick accent.
“Poliakoff.” He corrected, you stammered out an apology and he only put up a hand to shush you. “It’s okay. Shall we go in?” He gestured to the entrance doors of the Great Hall when you looked puzzled at him. You nodded and wrapped your arm around his.
It was worse when you finally found where Angelina and Katie were standing with the twins, their dates. The weirded out stares from all of them were unnoticed by Poliakoff, but definitely not by you. It was so pathetically obvious you were just each other’s arm candy.
Poliakoff wasn’t the worst looking guy, but he definitely wasn’t the sharpest, and that seemed to be well-known already.
Even Cedric gave you a befuddled look and nod that said interesting choice when he entered with Cho and all the other selected champions and their dates.
Other than that, the night was going well. You stuck near Katie most of the night, you danced, you cheered and jumped around with the crowd when the band Weird Sisters came out to perform. Katie and you excused yourselves during the band's intermission to go get drinks from the refreshments table, you even were able to talk to Cedric then.
“What on Earth made you choose him?” Cedric gawked as you walked up to the table.
“You know…that is a really great question!” You happily pipped, turning to Katie with a sarcastic smile, “It was Katie's doing, not mine.” Katie scoffed and threw her hands up in defeat.
“Listen, he was the best I could find!” She huffed, crossing her arms in a playful way. “I understand he’s not the smartest but he was one of the better looking Durmstrang boys!”
“Exactly, you got her paired up with a Durmstrang while she's bestfriends with a future Triwizard Tournament winner from Hogwarts.” He grinned, tilting his head in a teasing manner, Katie sighed and shook her head.
“Future winner from Hogwarts.” You nodded slowly as you repeated his words, raising your glass in cheers to him. “Has Cho escaped you yet?” You teased Cedric, not realizing Cho was already making her way over.
Katie nudged you and your eyes went wide, a small amount of embarrassment creeping in when you saw her.
She stopped next to Cedric, letting out a shy wave.
“Cho! You look stunning!” You complimented, hoping to make her feel less tense than she looked. She thanked you, still giving a nervous smile.
“Cedric’s been giving you space to breathe I hope?” You joked.
“Yeah.” She nodded and let out a small laugh, you could see her relax a bit. “Um, you and Fred are having a lot of fun?” She pipped.
“What?” You blurted out. You were confused, honestly confused.
“You came here with Fred, right?” She blankly said, clearly oblivious to your hatred for him.
“Oh, um, no. No, I, uh, I didn’t come here with him. He’s not my date.” You stammered, genuinely surprised she thought that you and him were together.
“Oh! I’m really sorry! I just thought you two had something going on.” She rambled, apologizing more, you played it off with a laugh and shrug.
She then excused herself from the conversation, walking back to the group she was originally in.
“So, your nights been a success?” You let out a heavy breath, looking at Cedric and trying to distract yourself and everyone else from what just happened.
“Oh, it absolutely has. Cho..she…” He trailed off, letting out a happy sigh and looking behind his shoulder at Cho, “She really likes me.” He turned his head back to you with a lovesick grin stuck on his face.
“So, are you and her like…official?” Katie gestured, you looked at her with wide eyes as you nudged her with your elbow, your way of saying don’t be so nosey.
“I’ve got no idea.” Cedric breathed out, “I don’t know how to ask, am I supposed to ask? How am I supposed to?” He talked at such a quick pace, you gave him an apologetic shrug. He was so in love with her, you felt proud? Of him in some weird way.
“Well, I’ve got to get back. You better watch out, Freds been staring you down all night.” He winked and nudged you playfully before walking back to Cho.
He wasn’t lying either, by the time you looked over to where Fred was, he was darting his eyes away from you, going back to nodding at Angelina.
“He’s not wrong. He has been giving you eyes all night.” Katie said as you turned back to her.
“No he hasn’t!” You let out a ‘pfft’ as you waved her off.
“He has.” Katie said, a more serious tone this time. “You just don’t wanna see it. Cho isn’t the only one who thinks you and Fred have something going on behind the scenes.” She sipped her drink.
“You know, I would’ve told Angelina which one was George so you could take Fred.” Katie continued.
“Who thinks that?- Wait, she doesn’t know?” You gaped at her.
“I haven't got the heart to tell her Fred was the one who asked her out. I feel terrible…but I'm praying she’ll figure it out before she makes any moves.” Katie held back a laugh. “Also, plenty of people think that about you and Fred.” She gave you a sympathetic look, you ignored her.
“But what about you and George?” You attempted to switch the topic away from Fred.
“Us? We’re just friends. He clearly has his eyes set on Angelina.” She shrugged, unbothered. “Fred got Angelina, so he just decided to go with me. Anyways, where’s your boy gone off to?” She craned her neck towards the crowd, looking for your date.
You couldn’t remember the last time you saw him. There wasn’t a glimpse of him amongst the crowd.
“I suppose I should go look for him before the slow dancing starts, shouldn’t I?” You sighed, putting down your glass. Katie nodded. She went back into the crowd and you went to go look for your date.
It embarrassingly took ten minutes to find him. After looking through the sea of people in the middle of the room, outside the entrance doors, the staircase, you found him hiding behind a large pillar in an empty hallway. With some Beauxbaton girl. Sticking their tongues down each other's throats.
Neither of them noticed you standing there with a disgusted look, nor when you stormed off back into the Great Hall.
Sulking in a chair at an empty table, you felt stupid for being upset. You didn’t even care for that boy in the first place, but you felt stupid. You felt humiliated. It was embarrassing, being left astray like that, just embarrassing.
You stayed there for the remaining hour of the event. You weren’t sure why you bothered to stay since you were in such a bad mood, most students had left already. There were a few pairs mingling around or slow dancing.
You felt envious, watching Fred dance with Angelina.
You weren’t envious of Angelina, that she was Freds date, or that she got to slow dance with him. You weren’t envious of that, of course not.
You surely were envious that Fred was able to score a date, that he got to have fun until the last hour, and not be abandoned by his date. It hurt. It hurt seeing that. Seeing them. Him.
So, you continued to sit around, resting your head on your hands, staring at the bubbles fizzing in your drink.
“Wow, it’s odd seeing you in that fancy dress.” Freds voice appeared as he stood in front of the table. “Despite being all mopey, you look quite nice.”
“Why are you here? I thought you were with Angelina.” You slowly raised your head to give him a puzzled look.
“I thought she knew I wasn’t George.” He gave an amused look as he nodded behind him, George and Angelina were now slow dancing together, looking much more lovingly at him than she was at Fred. You let out a small amused breath, thinking about what Katie said earlier.
“What’s wrong with you?” He spoke when he noticed your face go back to its inexpressive look.
“Nothing.” You muttered as your eyes darted over to where your now ex-date was dancing with the Beauxbaton, you didn’t mean to point Freds direction to them, giving him a non-verbal answer. Fred clicked his tongue at the sight.
“I knew that geezer wouldn’t be good for you the moment he stepped in with you. Hell, I would’ve been a better date for you, and you hate me.” He sighed and shook his head.
“Yeah, well I didn’t ask for your input.” You muttered.
“I’m just saying.” He lifted up his hands in defense, “You're always holed up on your own, Katie and Angelina are the most people I’ve seen you hang around.” His words made you sit up a bit more, rubbing your arm for comfort, a bit shocked at his words.
“Maybe if you put yourself out there more…you wouldn’t be heartbroken being someone's last resort.” He shrugged, all your movements stopped as you glared at him.
Last resort? Was he fucking serious?
“Excuse me?” You whispered out, he opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off when you stood up.
“Firstly, I was no one's last resort and I am not heartbroken over anyone! Secondly, I don’t hole myself up, I have friends.” You noticed that look in his face, it was a hint of condescending. “And finally, what the fuck is your problem?” You felt your eyes glaze over, you decided to start walking off before the tears came.
“I don’t have a problem! I’m just telling you how it is.” Fred was quick to follow your steps.
"God, you just don’t know when to shut up, do you? Have you always been this insufferable? I swore you were somehow more tolerable when we were younger." You spat, he only let out an amused scoff.
"I reckon what happened is you've just become uptight. People love me, I'm great!" He uncrossed his arms as he followed you up the steps.
“Of course you are! That’s your fucking issue! You’re always great and you’ll always be great.” You stopped where you were on the staircase, whipping around to look at him. You were the one staring down at him this time.
“Everyone loves you and your brother and I can’t see why!” You continued on, “Why doesn’t anyone find you as annoying as I do? Either you’ve got them all under some spell or nobody has the courage to buck up and tell you damn insufferable you are!” Fred blinked back when you pointed your index at him.
“And just because you grabbed me out of the crowd that one night doesn’t mean I have to be your friend or like you! Because all you’ve ever done is make me fucking miserable! With your stupid tricks and pranks! You make people miserable!” The words were like venom spitting off your tongue, you felt awful about it underneath all your rage. Fred looked down and blinked a few more times, like there was something in his eyes.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone? Why’d you even approach me?” You breathed out, your tears were angry and hot. You never realized you were already crying.
“I originally wanted to say that you…” Fred hesitated to speak, opening his mouth and closing it.
“What?” You barked out, you wanted him to say whatever he was going to say so you could finally go back to your bed. Your feet hurt and you felt humiliated, there were already enough eyes from passersby set on the two of you now that you’ve shouted at him.
“That you looked…nevermind. Forget it.” He sniffled and shook his head. “Have a nice night.” He said flatly, turning around and disappearing down a random hallway.
There was a sting that came with his words. You’d never seen this raw version of him. So taken aback, sharing the same bitterness you had towards him. Spitting at you the way you always spat at him.
You’ve struck something in him somewhere in your scolding to see him be actually insulted by what you said.
You let out a breathy sob, you felt almost guilty for it, but you were blind with rage, and he started it. You attempted to swallow back your sobs and keep yourself together until you got back to your dorms, although you were already falling apart, you had already cracked in front of Fred.
Hermione bursted in not long after you, her face matching yours; tear stained with puffy eyes.
“What happened to you?” You accidentally spoke out loud.
“Ron. What about you?” She sniffled.
“Weasley boys. Can’t give a damn about anybody but themselves.” Hermione muttered, grabbing pajamas out of her drawer before slamming it shut and walking out the room.
Katie’s words rung in your head as you sat in the silent room.
“Cho isn’t the only one who thinks you and Fred have something going on behind the scenes.”
“Plenty of people think that about you and Fred.”
She had to have been exaggerating, no one truly thought that. There was nothing going on “behind the scenes”.
There was nothing but hate for Fred, there was nothing hiding behind your hatred for him.
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tell me what you thought! or ask tba to the series taglist!
TAGLIST: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @five-seconds-flat@nal-leo-17@rhunew@albertdabuttler@weak-aesthetic @whotfskai @m00nymarauder @miaandthediamonds @hpstuff244444 @tarzanathetumblingwarrior @isabellavolere @navs-bhat @honeybee240 @pillowjj
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the-colourful-witch · 9 months
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Triwizard Champions
From Durmstrang... VIKTOR KRUM! This guy was wonderful to draw. I had a blast. I wanted him to be more like the book version of Krum, rather than the film version. In the film, he was bulkier and pretty cool. But... he was supposed to be a bit awkward and grumpy. He was even described as being duck-footed and glum-looking. That is something else entirely! So, I decided to go for a middle way. I wanted him to still look rather impressive because he is a Quidditch star and people idolize him. But, I also wanted him to look slightly unapproachable. Like, he wouldn't like it if you came up to him for a chat. (Same, tbh...) So here is my version of Viktor Krum. I'm doing a series of this style. Four portraits of the champions, with their school crest.
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It's fun. I'm having fun. I'm having so much fun! I've just started my holiday break, so I'm planning on doing a lot of fun drawings next week. I'll keep you all posted.
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k-hippie · 8 months
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Well, well, well ...I know ... I was not supposed to make some artworks but as I build and manage terrains for 2 months now, I think I needed to make something else, for changing, as a break ;)
So here comes our Artworks update, since some of those artworks are 8 years long ! And this post is going to be long too :D
Let's face it : our Sims, the ones who are ex-students of Hogwarts and other schools of witchcraft and wizardry such as Beauxbatons or Durmstrang, are a bit lost when arriving into a new Sims World and some of them are eager to bring in their new home as many wizard stuff and things as possible ... These Artworks are some of these things and stuff ;)
But let's begin with something new ... Some of the Arts included into the game HOGWARTS LEGACY and let's rock in Hogwarts ;)
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Modern technology bringing back to life the history of Hogwarts ?! Well, if we can’t read History of Hogwarts, we’ll take whatever Hogwarts Legacy can give us … 
Those 22 Artworks all somehow related to Hogwarts history. Some are explicit, where you can see the castle or its grounds, some are completely up to your imagination with skulls or fruits. Some are pieces of lost tapestries, part of a larger story ( and fully based on Gryffindor dormitory in Harry Potter movies which are themselves based on vintage French Tapestry Hanging Needlepoint of the Lady and the Unicorn ). They are all beautiful and will enhance any room.
This object is a new mesh, it doesn’t override anything, and works fine in-game :)
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We added 4 more paintings, we slightly modified the colorimetry and we refined the textures :)
Yes, we agree : enchanted paintings are superb and you don’t need to be an artist or art-lover to appreciate any of the paintings from the Hogwarts Staircases. In fact, the paintings don’t ask to be seen or admired. Wouldn’t be awkward for anybody to stand before a moving painting all day long ? :D
But art is art and the Artist behind the impressive gallery of headmasters deserves attention. Thus, we made a series of headmasters portraits. They have been painted by Rembrandt, Vemeer and Van Eyck ... They don’t move but they are just as beautiful. Incidentally a good topic of discussion at evening with friends :)
“ Is that brooding man your ancestor?
– Headmaster Snape?! By Merlin’s beard I hope not! ”
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Attention please : we do not guarantee that you won’t feel judged by any of these portraits. Hang at your own risks ...
This object is a new mesh, it doesn’t override anything, and works fine in-game :)
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The Hogwarts Vertical Artworks have been updated with more artworks and diverse visuals. Wand permit from MacUSA or extract from a famous Howler, an artistic rendition of Dolores Umbridge torture ( can't believe that happened ), special editions of the Daily Prophet, Ministry of Magic recommandations and book covers and details. Now you have up to 21 artworks to choose from. Colorful ( or not ) and unique.
Many of those Artworks are based on the fantastic work of minalima ... the ones we admired in every Harry Potter movie ;)
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Many Hogwarts students, after their studies, moved out to many different places, including some Sims Worlds ( yes, it’s true ! )
So, you can imagine how good it is to remember Hogwarts and its famous houses wherever you can live, as Wizard/Witch, and as Sim. And all the memories related to Platform 9 3/4, the Hogwarts Express, etc ... By the way, in which House the Sorting had sent you when you were 11 ? :D
This object is a new mesh, it doesn’t override anything, and works fine in-game :)
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The Hogwarts More Artworks series have been updated and augmented with new stuff and 10 more artworks. Yup, you read that right. More Daily Prophet front pages, education decree, book covers and various artworks ... International Quidditch World Cup poster or exemple of famous Howler. There's something for all taste in these complete sets. Wondering what the small characters are ? Zoom in ! Mesmerized by the details of the famous Marauder's map ? Have a look in big ! Studies in propaganda ? Oh boy are you in for a treat …
Framed posters are a good alternative if you are a wizard ( or witch ) living incognito in the muggle world. Who would suspect the Daily Prophet to be a "special" newspaper with its weird headline of a defeated dark lord named You-Know-Who ? Muggles might even think The Quibbler cover to be a nice modern art. And they haven't seen the sad Ministry of Magic propaganda when Lord Voldemort ( he's dead, we can say his name now ) took over the government.
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As you can see, we added really a lot of Artworks ;)
This object is a new mesh, it doesn’t override anything, and works fine in-game :)
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Download Hogwarts Legacy Artworks here
Download Hogwarts Paintings here
Download Hogwarts Vertical Artworks here
Download Hogwarts More Artworks here
Have fun playing witch and wizard :D
Show your support ( we accept sickles and galleons ) : ko-fi // paypal
Made with Sims4Studio Dates of Release: August 28th 2015 Date of Update: February 5th 2024 Expansions: Base Game Category : Buy > Decorations > Paintings
122 notes · View notes
heli-writes · 1 year
Seven summers, part 1.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x female!reader
Summary: Every summer, Draco and y/n meet. First, by pure coincidence, then intentionally. Unbeknown to Draco, y/n's a muggle who has no clue he's a wizard. With the rise of the dark lord, how long can this go well?
Part 1, Part 2
Series Masterlist
First summer
I can't wait for summer to be over, y/n thinks. Y/n just turned eleven and after the summer, she starts at a new school. Her family just moved into the area and she can't wait to get to know kids her age. Today, her parents took her to London to get some school supplies. Her mother dragged her to Waterstones to get her school books but y/n managed to get away and to wander into the fantasy section. She loves nothing more than fantastic stories about fairies and evil witches.
She's engrossed in a book about an elven princess when she suddenly hears: “Pah, stupid smugglers!“. She looks up and sees a blond boy her age who holds a fantasy book in his hands. Maybe he goes to my new school, she thinks. Being desperate to finally find a friend, she says: “Yeah, you're right. They're so stupid.“ Y/n has no idea what a muggle is but hopes the boy doesn't notice. The boy turns around and looks her up and down. “Are you going to school at Hogwarts then?“, he asks. Y/n tries her best to hide her disappointment. Of course, it was too good to be true. “No, unfortunately not.“, she says. “Durmstrang then? My father wanted to send me there.“, he continues. “No, my parents are sending me to-“, she starts. “Ilvermorny School. You're American, right? I notice your accent.“, the boy interrupts her. Y/n is taken aback. She thought she practiced her English accent really well. She doesn't want the other kids to make fun of her accent. “Is it that obvious?“, y/n blurts out. The boy laughs. “Yeah, you sound like there's a potato stuck in the back of your throat.“, he says. Y/n feels her ears burning up. “I'm Draco Malfoy. And you?“, the boy asks. “I'm y/n l/n. Nice to meet you.“, she answers. Y/n is glad that the conversation goes in a different direction. “You wanna get out of this muggle shop?“, Draco asks. Y/n thinks about it for a second. Her mom is still somewhere in the school section. Whatever, she thinks, I can call her on my phone late. “Sure.“, y/n says, “You wanna get some ice cream? There's a truck down the road.“ Draco agrees and the two of them exit the bookshop.
“So, what kind of flavour do you like?“, y/n asks Draco. “Chocolate.“ he immediately says. Y/n orders for both of them and hands Draco both cones so she can pay. “It's 3 pounds and 60 pence.“, the vendor tells her. Y/n starts digging in her purse and puts some coins in her hand. Being used to American dollars, she has to turn around every coin to see its value. It takes quite a while to count the money together and she gets embarrassed by the line that forms behind her. “Don't worry“, Draco tells her, “The muggle money confuses me too.“ Draco's cryptic use of the word 'muggle' confuses her, but she decides it's probably a British word that she doesn't understand yet. Like hoover or flat. “So, what are you?“, Draco asks. Y/n takes a
lick from her ice cream. “What do you mean?“, she asks. “Your blood. Pure or mixed?“, he asks. Y/n thinks it's a weird question. Does he want to know if both of her parents are American or if one of her parents is British? I guess it's somehow a valid question, y/n thinks, what other reason does an American have to be in Britain? “Oh, I'm a pure blood. My parents are only here for work. They work at the embassy, you know.“, she tells him. Draco nods as if he expected such an answer. “I see.“, he says. “When does school start for you?“, y/n asks him. “First of September.“, he tells her. “Same for me.“, she says. Suddenly she gets really shy. “Do you... Like... Would you like to hang out before school starts?“, she asks him. Draco looks a bit taken aback as if he didn't expect someone to want to hang out with him.
Before he can answer, a loud and somewhat shrill voice yells: “Dracooo! What are you doing? Let's go!“. A woman with black hair and a blond streak waves from across the street. “That's my mother. I got to go. See you around, l/n.“, he tells her and turns to leave. He seems eager to not answer y/n's question. “Wait! What about hanging out?“, y/n yells after him. Draco turns around for a second. “I'll send you an owl.“, he quickly says before taking off. Y/n looks after him dumbfounded. An owl?, she thinks. Is that an app the Europeans use that we don't? Like whatsapp? She thinks about it all the way back to the bookstore where her mother scolds her for leaving without telling her.
Second summer
Y/n's early. Way too early. Usually, she's always late and only catches her train to school by the second. But today she's early because her dad has a work thing and dropped her off at King's Cross early. Having a couple hours to kill, y/n wanders aimlessly through the train station. There's so much to see. One of y/n's favorite hobbies is people-watching. Some may call it being noisy but y/n doesn't care about that. Currently, her focus is on an old, fat guy who is picking his nose. I wonder what he's going to do with it, she thinks. He puts it into his mouth. Ewwww, she thinks and quickly turns around running head-first into someone.
"Watch out where you're going, you filthy muggle!", someone says in a disgusted voice. A voice that sounds all too familiar to y/n. "Draco?", she says in disbelief. "Oh, it's you.", Draco answers while straightening his jacket. Y/n takes a good look at him. He has grown a good few inches taller. But not yet taller than me, she thinks proudly. Other than that, he pretty much still looks the same. His blond hair is still glued to his forehead and he works that same disinterested facial expression as the last time he saw him. "I thought you wanted to send me an owl.", she points out reproachfully. Suddenly, Draco looks embarrassed. "Yeah... my parents didn't want me to send a stranger letters.", he says, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "I guess I understand that.", y/n replies. After all, she hadn't told her parents about meeting him last year. "So, how's life? The new school?", she asks him. Draco scoffs. "School could be better. The place really is going down. My father already wrote the ministry about it.", he says dismissively. "I see. What about friends? Did you get to know some people?", she continues to ask. "I guess. At least they're loyal.", he replies. Y/n nods excitedly. "That's so important. I became friends with this girl, Becky, at the beginning of the school year but later, she made fun of my backpack behind my back. Obviously, we're not friends anymore.", y/n chats happily. Draco shifts uncomfortably on his feet. He's not sure what he's supposed to answer to this chit-chatty nonsense. "Well, did you get revenge on her?", he asks. An evil grin spreads over y/n's face. "Well, what do you think? Of course, I did! I collected a bunch of bugs and put them into her shoes during P.E. Never heard a person scream so loudly.", y/n chuckles. That puts a grin on Draco's face. "Good. Don't let others take advantage of you.", he tells her. Y/n nods. "What is taking you to the station today?", she asks and points towards his suitcase, "Are you going on a trip?" "No," he answers, "School starts today." Y/n is a bit confused. "Why are you taking a suitcase then?", she asks. Draco looks at her as if she's asked what color the sky is. "Hogwart's a boarding school.", he points out as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Oh, that's cool. Must be fun, having a sleepover with your friends every night.", y/n replies cheerily. "Right...", Draco says. "Draco, where on earth were you? Didn't I tell you to stick around?", a man says behind y/n. He's tall, blond and carries a strange-looking cane. That must be his dad, y/n thinks. "I'm sorry father. I just ran into y/n, the American girl from last summer.", Draco says and y/n thinks he suddenly looks a few inches smaller. His father scoffs and musters y/n from head to toe. Suddenly she's glad she's not wearing her school uniform yet but one of the new dresses her mom got her during her summer holiday in Italy. "Ah, so you're the American. What does your father do for work again?", Draco's father asks her. "Oh, he's working at the embassy.", she answers uncomfortably. "I see.", Draco's father answers. "Actually, would it be okay if Draco and I write each other letters from time to time? It'd be nice to know how things are at other schools.", she quickly asks him. The man ponders on the question for the moment. "I guess it'd be good to know how things are at Ilvermorny since we are considering transferring Draco.", he eventually answers. Y/n gives Draco a booming smile and he gives her an oppressed smile.
"Father, we still have some time. Would it be alright if y/n and I go to that muggle café around the corner?", Draco asks his father. "Why would you want to do that? Why don't you take her to a proper place? Like the Leaky Cauldron?", his father answers appalled. "It's just closer to the station. That way we don't miss the train.", Draco quickly adds. His father sighs and waves him off. "Fine, fine. I have business to attend to. Just see that you are in front of the platform in time.", he says. Y/n quickly says her goodbyes and quickly follows Draco to the 'muggle café' which turns out to be a Costa. They order some tea and make themselves comfortable on the couches close to the window. "So, tell me about Ilvermorny.", Draco demands once they sat down. Right, Ilvermorny, y/n thinks, the school I don't go to. "You see, actually I don't...", she tries to explain when Draco suddenly spots someone outside the window. "Potter! Look at that who's arriving with that blood-traitor family. Unbelievable! How low can one person sink?", he exclaims indignantly. Y/n quickly looks out of the window and sees the back of a raven-haired boy alongside a family of redheads. "Who's that?", she asks him. "Oh, just Harry Potter. My archnemesis.", Draco replies in a bored tone. "You have an archnemesis?", y/n gasps, "How did that happen?". "Well, y/n, you see wealthy and powerful people like me always end up having enemies.", he boasts. Y/n thinks about Becky who keeps spreading rumors about her after the whole bug situation. "I guess Becky's my archnemesis then.", she says, "You should try putting bugs into his shoes." Draco scoffs. "Unfortunately, we're not in the same house, so I don't really get an opportunity to do that.", he tells her. When she asks about the houses, he explains the system to her and y/n decides that it's the same thing as being in a different homeroom.
After finishing their teas, Draco and y/n part ways at platform 9. Draco tells her that he needs to catch the train at platform 9 3/4, which y/n doesn't really understand. She doesn't worry too much about it since a lot of things that Draco says don't make sense to her and a lot more things he says are kind of rubbish in her opinion. Considering he was technically her first friend when she moved to England, she lets it slide. They wish each other a successful school year and Draco promises to send her an owl as soon as he sets up his room at Hogwarts.
Dearest y/n,
Life at Hogwarts is annoying as always. The food's still terrible and the education less than adequate, at least according to my father.
However, good news are that I've achieved to become the seeker for my house team. Finally, I can show that Harry Potter what it really means to play this game.
I hope things at Ilvermorny are well for you.
See you soon, Draco Malfoy
When Draco said he'd send an owl, y/n did not think he'd literally send an owl. It probably should've concerned her when the feathered fellow landed on her windowsill with a bright red envelope in its beak addressed to Ms. Y/n L/N. But when you're 12 years old and an owl brings you a letter, you'd think it's super cool and something straight out of your favorite book. Y/n's mother probably would have lost it at the sight of the bird sitting on y/n's desk.
Y/n immediately wrote him a letter back and gave it to the own alongside a piece of her peanut butter jelly sandwich that was meant to be eaten during lunch break. Over the year, sending letters back and forth became a regular thing for the two. Y/n often didn't understand what Draco was talking about (A seeker? Like in hide and seek?) and filled the gaps with her imagination. Draco often didn't understand what y/n was talking about and shrugged it off with the excuse that y/n's American (Angry Bird? That must be a magical beast native in America!).
Third summer
Dear Draco,
My mom's taking me to London next Friday. She visits a friend from the office. I've asked to tag along so that I can do some shopping in London.
Are you in London that day by any chance? Maybe we can have some ice cream again.
Hopefully see you soon, Y/n
"Y/n, are you listening?", y/n's mom pulls out her headphone out of y/n's ear. "Seriously, you kids and your technology!", she sighs, "I've told you to get some school supplies while you're out with your friend, did you get that?" Y/n rolls her eyes at that. "But mom! I'm out to have fun with my friends, not to go school shopping.", she whines. "C'mon, y/n, you're going to hang out at some shops anyway. Might as well get something useful.", y/n's mom says and shoves a few pound bills into y/n's hand. Y/n shoves the money into her bag and hops out of the car. "I pick you up, here, at 5 o'clock, y/n. You'd better be here. I'm not gonna go looking for you.", y/n's mother says sternly. "Yes, Mom.", y/n says obediently while rolling her eyes again on the inside. Then, she takes off to meet Draco at Trafalgar Square.
When she spots the blond-haired boy, she starts waving both hands above her head. "DRACOOO! I'M HERE!", she yells and grins widely. When Draco notices her, he walks towards her. "Why are you being so loud? Seriously, the muggles are already noticing us!", he hisses while grabbing her arms and pulling them down. Y/n gives him a mischievous smile. "Let them watch. What are they gonna do about it?", she says. Draco lets go of her hand and scoffs. "I guess you're right.", he says, "Let's go, though. Can't stand to be around them for too long." "Alright," y/n says, "Where do you want to go?". "Diagon Alley, of course.", Draco points out as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Y/n, not wanting to look stupid in front of her friend, says: "Oh, of course! Lead the way!".
The two make their way to the entrance of Diagon Alley. When they stop in front of a brick wall, y/n thinks for a moment that Draco got them lost. But when the bricks start to move and an entry to a hidden street is revealed, y/n's jaw is on the floor. Draco doesn't seem to notice this and grabs her arm without looking at her. "C'mon, before a muggle sees us!", he says and pulls her into the alleyway by her arm. When the brick wall rearranges itself behind her, y/n has to swallow and a pit starts to grow in her stomach. "I want to go to Sugarplum's first.", Draco tells her while pulling her through the alley by her wrist. Y/n barely can keep up with him, mostly because her head is turning in all directions at once. There's a person in a pointy head and there's a broom sweeping the floor by itself. There's a small man with pointy ears and there's a small cage with little dragons in it. Y/n's head feels like it's about to explode when Draco stops in front of a bright pink shop door. Y/n is still questioning her sanity and everything that's real as Draco pulls her into the shop.
"What kind of candy do you like?", Draco asks her while letting his eyes run over the shelves of different candy jars. Y/n releases a breath that she didn't notice she was holding. Finally, a sentence that makes sense to her. "Chocolate.", she tells him. "Then you should get these chocolate frogs. Do you know them? Do you have them in America, too?", Draco asks. Y/n looks at the packaging he put into her hands. "No, sorry, we don't have that in America.", she tells him. She's pretty sure also the British kids in her school wouldn't know what this type of candy is. Y/n slowly starts to realize that the misunderstandings Draco and her tend to have, do not have something to do with culture and more to do with... well what? Y/N's still not sure what this place is or what is going on this street. The only thing she knows is that everything in this street is absolutely normal for Draco, while for y/n, it's something totally out of a movie. Draco starts to fill a paper bag with different types of candy that he takes out of glass jars. "So, uhm, Hogwarts, eh?", y/n tries to cover up her insecurity. "Ugh, yes!", Draco sighs dramatically. "I swear, you wouldn't believe what happened this year!", he tells her. Y/n relaxes a bit and is glad that Draco is utterly oblivious to the y/n's shock. "Why? What happened?", she asks him. "The so-called chamber of secrets was opened and a bunch of people got turned into stone!", he boasts as if that was a good thing. Y/n swallows. Just what kind of school does Draco go to? "Uhm... and did they die?", she asks him carefully. "No.", Draco says unbothered. "But Potter got to play the hero again. My dad told me to stay on the low which is what I did. However, if I investigated the whole thing, the whole issue would've been solved way earlier.", he tells her. Y/n has to snicker at Draco's arrogance. "What you don't believe me?", Draco grins at her. Y/n raises her hands in defense. "I would never, I'm convinced you're the greatest guy at your school! Certainly greater than the boys at my school.", she tells him truthfully. During the last part, she has to think of Connor O'Sullivan who tried to impress the girls in her class by snorting a line of sherbet powder which resulted in a visit at the school nurse's office and a school-wide ban of sherbet powder. Draco puffs his chest at that and tells her: "I know! I'm gonna be one of the greatest wizards ever!". At that, things fall into place for y/n. A wizard! Of course! The owl, the broom, the guy in the pointy hat. Things make a lot more sense now, y/n thinks to herself. At the same time, she comes to the realization that Draco must think she's a wizard, or witch, too. An American witch, at least. Suddenly, y/n feels really bad. I need to tell him, she thinks.
While y/n is deep in her own thoughts, Draco pays for the candy and leads her back outside. "So, Draco... Thanks for showing me this place. I've never seen anything like it...", she starts, trying to ease Draco into the conversation about how she's not a witch. "Ha!", Draco laughs, "You've never been to Diagon Alley? Your parents must suck if they only ever showed you the muggle side of...". Draco stops midsentence and warily stares at a girl their age and her parents on the other side of the street. "Muggles!", he swears under his breath. "What?", y/n asks him. He blatantly points towards the family. "They're muggles. That's Hermione Granger. She's in my grade level. Her parents aren't witches.", he tells her. "Oh.", y/n just says and immediately feels great sympathy for the couple that looks around quite awkwardly. "I don't understand why they even let people like that in here and into Hogwarts. They should be banned!", Draco continues his rant. "What do you mean?", y/n asks stupidly. "Well, clearly muggles like the Grangers shouldn't wander this street. They don't belong here. And Hermione Granger shouldn't be allowed to attend Hogwarts. After all, her magic doesn't come from witches.", Draco explains. Y/n crooks her head. "She's got magic. Doesn't that make her a witch?", she asks him. "Well... technically, but she's still a muggle-born!", Draco defends himself. "You keep saying muggle as if it's a bad thing. It's not their fault that they don't have magic.", y/n argues. She notices how she gets offended and angry by Draco, now that she knows that the word "muggle" includes her too. "Well, you're right, it's not their fault they're muggles. However, being muggles, they're still oblivious to magic and the real world. We wizards could wipe them off the face of the earth if we wanted to.", he talks back. Y/n thinks about this for a second. "So what you're saying is the following: muggles are born without magic, which isn't their fault, but they're still inferior to wizards and that's why they should be grateful that you let them live?", she points out. "Yes.", Draco says and crosses his arms in front of his chest. "That's bullshit.", y/n concludes. "How so? Didn't think you're such a great muggle defender.", Draco provokes her. "Well, all people are different. Some people are stronger or smarter or prettier than other people. For every weakness you have, I have a strength, and the other way around. Together, we can do anything.", she tells him. "Aha.", Draco deadpans, "And what do muggles bring to the table when it comes to 'together we can do anything'?".
Y/n thinks about that for a second and lets her gaze wander through the scene of Diagon Alley. Everything looks like it comes straight out of the Middle Ages, she thinks. "Technology.", she suddenly blurts. Draco rolls his eyes at that. "No, seriously. For example, you send me an owl to communicate with me. Your owl takes several days to send messages back and forth. If you were a muggle, you could just send me a message on your smartphone. Your message would reach me within seconds.", y/n explains. Draco stays quiet for a while. Seems like I've got you, she smirks to herself. "Well, I still think muggles suck.", Draco tells her. Now he's just being petty, she thinks. "Well, I think you suck, too." y/n tells him equally petty. Draco turns around and looks are her offendedly. "What? Why? What did I do?", he asks her. "You are being a prick, Draco. You judge people based on something they can't do anything about. It's as if I would judge you because of your hair color.", she tells him. Draco gives her another offended side look. "What's wrong with my hair color?", he asks her. "It's the same color as your face.", y/n snaps at him, "It makes you look like a ghost." Suddenly, Draco's face has a different color than his hair, namely red. "A ghost? I don't look like a ghost. Ghosts are transparent, you know! Or have you never seen a ghost?", he takes a swing at her. Jesus, are ghosts real, too?, y/n asks herself but quickly answers: "Of course I have! But you still look weird like that! More dead than alive!" Draco huffs and tries to answer: "Well and you look like... like...!" Desperately, he tries to find a fitting insult to y/n's appearance but he doesn't come up with anything. Probably because he actually finds y/n very pretty. Y/n has to laugh heartedly at Draco's dumb face. She slaps his arm. "I guess I'm too gorgeous to be insulted by a ghost.", she giggles and the tight atmosphere around them loosens up a bit. Draco secretly agrees with her and is glad that the argument is over. "Let's just not talk about muggles anymore.", he proposes and y/n agrees. She decides to keep her being a muggle a secret for a while longer.
The two of them continue their stroll through Diagon Alley and y/n takes her time admiring all the magical things around her. The street gets fuller and fuller, too. Soon so many people push themselves through the small space that y/n is worried, she'll lose Draco in the masses of people. She quickly latches onto his hand. Draco grips her hand firmly and leads her through the alley. Y/n is so distracted by everything that's around her, that she doesn't notice how the tips of Draco's ears turned a bright red ever since they started to hold hands. Eventually, they turn around and come to a stop in front of a tavern which has a big sign over its door which reads "Leaky Cauldron". "Let's have a butterbeer before heading back.", Draco tells her. Y/n agrees and they go inside.
Y/n is immediately in love with the place. It's cozy and spooky at the same time. The couple sits to rest at a table close to the bar and they order their drinks. Y/n observes the people in the tavern. Some people look exactly like y/n would imagine a witch or wizard to look like, others look like people you'd meet in the normal world as well. Y/n takes a closer look at Draco and ponders whether or not he looks like a wizard. The ghost aspect clearly gives him supernatural plus point, she decides. "Why are you staring at me?", Draco asks her uncomfortably. "I just decided you do look very wizardly.", she tells him. Draco sits up a bit, clearly content with that. "Well, I am a wizard.", he tells her. Y/n nods. "True, but that guy over there does not look like a wizard.", she tells him and points to a boy their age which sits a few tables behind Draco. Draco turns around and then lets out a loud laugh. So loud, that the boy and his friends turn around to them. "Shhh!", y/n tells him and grabs his arm. Draco turns back to her with a clearly amused expression on his face. "That's Harry Potter.", he tells her. "Your archnemesis?", y/n asks dumbfoundedly and Draco nods. Y/n takes a closer look at the so-called Harry Potter. Not only he doesn't look like a wizard, but he also looks like he's never seen a barber shop from the inside. "So, what do you think?", Draco asks her. Y/n supports her head with her hand and stirs her yellowy drink. "I thought he'd look more intimidating.", she tells him truthfully. Draco snickers. "Yeah, he looks like a pathetic worm, doesn't he?", he says proudly. Y/n doesn't agree with his choice of words but lowkey agrees with him. "Why do you even bother with him?", she asks him. Draco shrugs. "He's annoying and thinks he's better than me.", he tells her. Y/n doesn't think that Harry Potter looks arrogant. She thinks he looks like an average, maybe even below average, boy their age. She doesn't like his round glasses. They make him look silly, like a grandpa, she thinks. "I wouldn't worry so much about him. You said you're in different classes, didn't you?", she asks Draco. Draco nods. "Yes, which means we're constantly competing against each other. For the house cup, you know?", he tells her. Y/n doesn't know. "We don't have that at my school. We barely have anything to do with the other classes in our grade. We only see them during the break at the schoolyard. That's it.", y/n replies. "Geez, you're lucky.", Draco tells her, "Even my dad constantly wants to know what that Potter guy is doing, and beware he's better at something than I am." Y/n finds it weird that Draco's father, a grown-ass man, is so interested in a minor's life that is not his own child. Yet then again, y/n also thought Draco's father was weird the second she saw him. "You shouldn't have to compare yourself to that guy.", y/n says softly, "Remember how we all have different strengths? You're definitely better than that guy in some things, I bet." Draco's face lits up. "Potions!", he tells her. "I'm really good at Potions but he sucks. To be fair, our professor also hates him. He still sucks, though." Y/n nods in agreement. The two of them continue to chat a bit and Draco tells her all about Harry Potter and his gang of three. Y/n should feel strange that she gets to know so much about people she's never met. Then again, she does love some juicy gossip.
Eventually, y/n takes a look at her watch and notices that it's already half past four. "Oh, no! It's already so late! I need to get back! My mom will be furious if I'm not punctual.", she says as she jumps up and scrambles together her things. Quickly the couple gets up and hurries through the wall that rearranges itself. Draco walks with her to the agreed pick-up point with y/n's mother. Luckily, her mother hasn't arrived yet. "I guess that's it then.", Draco says and puts his hands into his pockets. "I guess so." she replies. There's an awkward silence between them. "Hey Draco?", she asks, "Are you still mad about the conversation earlier?". Draco shakes his head. "No, it's okay. Muggles are a controversial topic. It's okay if you think differently than I do.", he tells her. Y/n sighs in relief. "That's great. I really would have hated it if we stopped being friends over this." Draco chuckles in relief, too. "Yeah, that'd be stupid.", he agrees. Y/n clutches her hands behind her back. "You know, Draco, I'm really gonna miss you this school year. It's always funny with you", she tells him. There's a faint blush on his cheeks. "Yeah, uh... I'm gonna miss you, too. You're silly. Most of my friends are too stern and serious.", he replies. Y/n chuckles and then opens her arms. Draco awkwardly steps into her arms and she gives him a bear hug. He shyly hugs her back. "You promise to write me?", y/n whispers into his ear. Suddenly, there's a lump in Draco's throat. Only now he realizes that he's never been so close to a girl before. "Y-yes. I'll write you.", he says hoarsly. Y/n gives him one last squeeze and then steps back. "Meet again next summer?", she asks. Draco gives her a loopsided grin. "Meet again next summer.", he agrees.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 6 months
Hi! Really enjoyed the Harry is gay post, very well researched! Are there any other characters in the series you would also think are gay? Don't wanna say anyone just yet, just want your unfiltered opinion
Thank you so much!
Can't say I have other characters I feel as strongly about their sexual preferences. A large part of it is what Harry chooses to pay attention to. So, I don't have much evidence for anyone else, but I can say who I think is likelier to be gay (or at least not straight) from textual evidence. Some of them go into headcanon territory, but here they are, off the top of my head and in no particular order:
1. Dumbledore and Grindelwald
I'm pretty sure these two are canon, so I don't need to say much. But:
“Yes, even after they’d spent all day in discussion—both such brilliant young boys, they got on like a cauldron on fire—I’d sometimes hear an owl tapping at Gellert’s bedroom window, delivering a letter from Albus! An idea would have struck him, and then he had to let Gellert know immediately!”
(DH, pages 308-309)
Gellert— .... (This was your mistake at Durmstrang! But I do not complain, because if you had not been expelled, we would never have met.) Albus
(DH, pages 309)
“Grindelwald. And at last, my brother had an equal to talk to someone just as bright and talented he was. And looking after Ariana took a backseat then, while they were hatching all their plans for a new Wizarding order and looking for Hallows, and whatever else it was they were so interested in.
(DH, pages 480)
2. Sirius Black
I think Sirius might've been gay, or at least bi. It goes into headcanon territory, but I think Sirius used to be in love with James. He just always gave me that vibe. (I don't think they were ever a thing, I think Sirius took his feelings for James with him to his grave).
Here are some quotes that gave me the feeling Sirius is not interested in anyone but James:
Harry saw Sirius give James the thumbs-up. Sirius was lounging in his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs. He was very good-looking; his dark hair fell into his eyes with a sort of casual elegance neither James’s nor Harry’s could ever have achieved, and a girl sitting behind him was eyeing him hopefully, though he didn’t seem to have noticed.
(OOTP, page 642)
“He kept messing up his hair,” said Harry in a pained voice. Sirius and Lupin laughed. “I’d forgotten he used to do that,” said Sirius affectionately.
(OOTP, page 670)
Plus, Sirius' general fixation on James and his constant reminiscence about him. And the two-way mirror they made just for them cause they couldn't handle an hour apart in detention:
This is a two-way mirror. I’ve got the other. If you need to speak to me, just say my name into it; you’ll appear in my mirror and I’ll be able to talk in yours. James and I used to use them when we were in separate detentions.
(OOTP, page 858)
But we don't really know about any romantic interests Sirius may have had. So, it's more of a headcanon than anything.
3. Dean Thomas
I think Dean Thomas is bi (not gay, I think he did like Ginny). And I have only one qoute evidence for it, but it's a really funny one and I don't think I've seen anyone mention it so I'll put it here:
He certainly wasn’t the only one who was sorry to see Professor Lupin go. The whole of Harry’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class was miserable about his resignation. “Wonder what they’ll give us next year?” said Seamus Finnigan gloomily. “Maybe a vampire,” suggested Dean Thomas hopefully.
(POA, page 429)
Dean Thomas clearly read whatever 1990s version of Twilight that exists in the HP universe and wants a love triangle paranormal romance with a werewolf and a vampire.
4. Draco Malfoy
I think he was a little too obsessed with Harry. Like, I don't actually ship Drarry, but I can definitely confess Draco was way too interested in Harry for it to not appear a little gay.
He rummaged in his trunk up in the luggage rack and pulled out the miniature figure of Viktor Krum. “Oh wow,” said Neville enviously as Ron tipped Krum onto his pudgy hand. “We saw him right up close, as well,” said Ron. “We were in the Top Box —” “For the first and last time in your life, Weasley.” Draco Malfoy had appeared in the doorway. Behind him stood Crabbe and Goyle, his enormous, thuggish cronies, both of whom appeared to have grown at least a foot during the summer. Evidently they had overheard the conversation through the compartment door, which Dean and Seamus had left ajar. “Don’t remember asking you to join us, Malfoy,” said Harry coolly.
(GOF, page 168)
Draco literally comes to find Harry on the train, uninvited, every year (except 6th). Throughout their time at school, he also makes an active effort to seek out Harry to a level that is kind of ridiculous. It always looked to me like Draco was desperate for any sort of attention from Harry.
Harry looked down at the hawthorn wand that had once belonged to Draco Malfoy. He had been surprised, but pleased to discover that it worked for him at least as well as Hermione’s had done.
(DH, page 444)
Considering how loyal unicorn hair wands like Draco's are, it seems Dravo feels more friendly about Harry than he likes to pretend.
5. Aunt Muriel
It sounds weird, I know, but I have a reason here. So, Muriel is from the same generation as Dumbledore, more or less, from her words in DH. And we know, back then she had expectations to marry and have children as a (seemingly) pure-blood witch. Those expectations would've been prevalent when she was a young woman in the early 20th century, even among the less blood-purist families.
The fact that she didn't seem to have settled down with a husband and children implies she wasn't interested in doing so. This allows a reading of her as either interested in women or not interested in sex or marriage in general.
6. Alphard Black & Cassiopeia Black
For the same reasons as Muriel. Neither Cassiopeia (born 1915) nor Alphard, Sirius' godfather (born circa 1927-ish) married or had children. This is something that would be expected of them, so the reading of them as not straight is very plausible.
So, that's it. These are all the characters that off the top of my head I could give textual evidence for a not straight reading of. I don't have as much evidence, and that's why I consider this more headcanon than theory. Obviously, people can headcanon wherever, these are just the ones that I could recall evidence for.
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fa-headhoncho · 2 years
Unlike The Rest: Gits
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(Eventual) George Weasley x Malfoy!Reader
Prompt: The announcement of the Tri-Wizard tournament creates drama.
Word Count: 1894
Reader: Female
Warning: None
Author’s Note: Where are all the George Weasley fanfics? I'm back in my HP phase and I've already read all of them. AO3 too. This was written before I fell off the face of the Earth too so no promises my skills are up to par.
Series Masterlist
You let out a chuckle as you watch the boys become mesmerized. The ladies of Beauxbatons let out sighs and dreamy looks as they parade down the center of the Great Hall. They were indeed angel-like creatures but the reaction was a bit overdramatic. The boys are drooling, hooting, and standing. It was quite entertaining, honestly. You take a glance over at the Gryffindor table, the look on Ron’s face sends you into fits of giggles.
Next, the boys of Durmstrang come through the doors. Well, men of Durmstrang. Whatever is in their water in the north, you need it here. The men are doing flips, twisting their staffs and it’s very entrancing. This time, the girls are the ones drooling. They were, indeed, very attractive. What catches you off guard, though, is the last two people who enter.
Viktor Krum and Igor Karkaroff.
Your mouth opens slightly, staring at the two. Viktor Krum was a legend himself, just recently coming out of the Quidditch World Cup. You honestly didn’t realize how young he was. There are whispers and gasps echoing throughout the room. But, you’re not focused on him. 
Igor Kararoff was known for all the wrong reasons. You’ve heard his name whisper throughout your household for a few months now. Doing some research during the first few months back at school, you’ve learned his history. He was a Death Eater, being one of the ones who were sent to Azkaban. He was only pardoned because he gave up the names of his fellow Death Eaters. Maybe he was a changed man, but with the attack that just happened, you were still a bit nervous that he was here.
“Oi, looks like (Y/N) has her eye on someone.” Alfred points out causing the guys around you to sound off while the girls go straight to whispering. Cedric just laughs and shakes his head at his friends, the idea humoring him. “Malfoy and Krum, an interesting pair that would be.” He continues, you roll your eyes at their assumptions.
Switching your focus from the performance, you look past them to the Gryffindor table once again. Ron had a starstruck expression on her face while Hermione had a glare, you were glad to see she recognized the former Deatheater as well. Scanning further, a particular redhead duo catches your eye.
The twins were in deep conversation, Fred gesturing adamantly as George hung his head in defeat. You furrow your eyebrows, wondering what they were talking about to make George so uncharacteristically shy. He then raises his chin slightly, making eye contact with you and panicking. He quickly hits his brother on the shoulder before gesturing towards you. Fred turns and smirks, saying something to him before sending you a goofy wave and forcing George to send one too. It causing you to let out a giggle before smiling back at them.
Cedric watches the whole thing, noticing the small blush that comes onto your face when you made eye contact with the taller ginger. He shakes his head fondly at you, “I’m sure you already have eyes on someone particular.” He slyly comments and nods his head toward the said person. 
A small smile appears on your face as you shake your head at him. Cedric knew of your crush on George and loved to tease you about it. He was the first to figure it out and the first to point out anything remotely flirtatious that went on between the two of you. He was a cheerleader for the complicated relationship you had with the ginger, supporting your continuous breakdowns about him over the years.
And, oh, were there many.
Without realizing it, you were absently staring right at George as you thought about the time you realized you had a crush on him. It was back in fourth year, Fred and Lee had disappeared in the crowd on the way to Hogsmeade so it left the two of you alone. You spent the whole day together, laughing and having fun. You didn’t even remember your two friends who abandoned you in the first place.
When you came back tothe dorms, you found Cedric sitting in the common room with a muggle book in his lap. He chuckled as you nervously blurted out your newly discovered feelings about the ginger, relieved that you finally figured it out.
A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips, looking back on the fond memory. George turns his head and makes eye contact with you once again. You share a dumb smile before he sends a wink your way. Cedric lets out a booming laugh when you start getting flustered. Your face flames up and you turn away, mumbling stuff under your breath about how unfair it was to be that attractive.
Cedric sets a gentle hand on your shoulder, patting it comfortingly. You let out an exasperated sigh and fall into his chest, “He’s going to be the death of me, Cedi.”
“I’m sure you’ll die happy then.”
The castle already felt overcrowded with the extra bodies and they haven’t even been there for twelve hours; the rush back to the dorms after the announcement last night was ridiculous. You almost got trampled over three different Durmstrang hoards. You weren’t as lucky as Collin Creevey, poor boy got crushed by a sea of Beauxbeatons girls.
The great hall was surprisingly empty for having the additional schools being there. Most people were either showing their new friends around, sleeping in, or waiting around the cup to see who has the bravery to put their name in. It was nice to have a break from the chaos that occurred in such a short amount of time.
The twins immediately spot you once you walk through the doors of the Great Hall as if they’ve been waiting for you all morning. They wave you over, the mischievous smiles on their faces make you want to turn around and pretend you never came down here.
The boys separate and make room for you on the bench, allowing you to sit in your unspoken designated spot between the two. “Good morning, boys.” You mumble a greeting before reaching for a pancake.
“Well, don’t you look rather ravishing today?” Fred compliments once you're settled with a plate full of food. “Doesn’t she, George?”
“I’ve never been graced with anyone more beautiful in my presence.” He dreamily says, gently pushing a piece of hair out of your face. You freeze in confusion, the dry pancake hanging out of your mouth as their words process in your tired brain. Ravishing? You were still in your pajama pants and sweatshirt that you were certain was your brother’s. Beautiful? Your hair was in disarray, more strands were out of your ponytail than in it by this point.
This wasn’t out of character for George, but Fred? You couldn’t recall the last time he complimented a sweater you wore. Realization washes over you when you put the two together...
“What do you two gits want?” You spit out and going back to your food. Fred lets out his infamous offended scoff, pressing a hand to his chest which makes you roll your eyes. You stab at the breakfast at your plate as you wait for them to answer. They silently communicate over your head, sending each other looks and mouthing words. “Just let it out, will ya.”
“So, we’ve been thinking--”
“--That’s never good--” You immediately quip while looking over the rim of your cup, hiding the smile that appears when Fred rolls his eyes.
“We, the brave and daring Gryffindors we are, would like to enter the Triwizard tournament.” The older ginger announces and you to choke on the pumpkin juice. “So, we are trying to make an age potion. We have the base of the potion but we are having trouble with the rest.” He pulls out a muggle notebook and a pencil, a list of the ingredients and directions ripped out of a book taped to it. “So, we need your expertise.”
“Are you guys mental?” You immediately scold, an onslaught of worrying thoughts flooding your brain. “There is no reason for the two of you to put your name in that cup. You would be risking your lives for what? Get your name out there? People already know the people behind the outrageous pranks.”
Fred opens his mouth to defend himself but is cut off by you continuing your ranting. You were absolutely fuming at them. How could they put themselves in danger like this? People knew who they were and they shouldn’t risk their lives for a dumb prize. “You guys aren’t even old enough to put your name in the cup, why do you think you could win it if you even got in the damn thing?”
“And Cedric can?” Fred dares to challenge you. The grip on your cup tightens at the mention of Cedric planning to put his name in the cup. You honestly didn’t want him to but you knew if he got picked he would kick ass. He’s excelled at all his classes and he has shown how talented he can be. Cedric wanted to volunteer for the challenge, not the rewards.
“Cedric has been at the top of our class since first year. He’s proven himself worthy on many occasions and has the mental capacity to handle the challenges they put him through. You two are not Cedric.” You simply state, voice scarily steady. It’s not that you didn’t think they had the skill to survive, it’s just that you were scared to lose them. Yea, you were scared to lose Cedric as well, but you knew his passion would perceive above all. “What do you guys even want to be in it for?”
“The money.” Fred instantly answers, you let out a scoff. You knew their dreams of opening a joke shop but risking their lives when there was an easier way to do that was not the way to go.
“You guys are so stupid.” You shake your head and get up out of your seat. You couldn’t stand to be in the same room in fear that you would snap and say something you would regret later. “I can’t believe you two would risk your lives for a little bit of cash.”
“We don’t have money as you do, Malfoy, so I don’t even want to hear it.” Fred has the audacity to continue the argument as George stares down at his food. “Some of us have to work harder to afford what we want.”
You physically flinch at his direct insult to your family. It takes you back to the time your first year when the feud between the three of you was at its peak. It made your blood boil, “Well, Weasley, don’t come crying back to me when you’re on your deathbed because you use the last two of your combined brain cells to enter yourself in the most dangerous competition in Wizarding history.” And with that, you turn on your heel and storm down the aisle. A few people’s heads turn your way but you don’t pay mind to them. It was a matter of life or death when it came to the Tri-Wizard tournament and those two numb skulls didn’t see the severity of it.
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Moodboard of Narcissa Black in a relationship with a red-haired, blind girl from Durmstrang.
Requested by: anon.
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gmcostaart · 20 days
Drarry Fics that I've read
Sooo I got into the fandom about a year now and I obsessively read a bunch of fanfics (Ao3 is my second home fr )
Running on Air by eleventy7
Chapters: 17/17 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 Sinopse: Draco is missing and Harry needs to find him. He thought it would be another boring work, but then it turns into a self-discover journey and revisiting memories. All time favorite, this fic changed my brain chemistry for forever
Dear Diary by AWickedMemory (TeddyLaCroix)
Chapters: one-shot 🖤🖤🖤 Sinopse: Harry finds a diary that writes him back. Cute and well written. If you need smth sweet and cozy to read, go for it.
Mental by sara_holmes
Chapters: 32/32 🖤🖤🖤🖤 Sinopse: Due to a spell Draco and Harry can read each other thoughts and things go crazy, emotional and cute at the same time. This one got me stay up all night.
The Ordeal of Being Known by louisfake
Chapters: 14/14 🖤🖤🖤🖤 Sinopse: Due to a curse Harry can't use your voice and Draco, a  Licensed Healer Legilimens, is going to help. It's like a time-travel fic but only through dialogue and revisiting memories, heavily emotional and overall well paced but for me the final chapters were a little bit rushed.
Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain by Faith Wood (faithwood)
Chapters: one-shot 🖤🖤🖤 Sinopse: A cloud follows Draco everywhere and Harry comes to help like an umbrella. Overall cute.
The Lip-Lock Jinx by cassisluna
Chapters: one-shot 🖤🖤 Sinopse: Draco lost his voice and to recover it he needs a kiss from the person he's in love with. Drarry eight year fix-fic. It was cute, but a little forgettable tbh.
knickers in a twist by technicolourbeat
Chapters: 7/7 🖤🖤🖤 Sinopse: Draco wears a skirt and Harry can't stop staring or keeps his hands to himself. Just to boys going out and having a lot of fun in many different ways
Catch and Release by shealwaysreads (onereader)
Chapters: one-shot 🖤🖤🖤🖤 Sinopse: Due to temporary curse Draco and Harry need to stay close to each other. It's a forced proximity, forced cohabitation, only one bed trope fic with slow burn, and for me that was the best part of it.
Blue Boy by orphan_account
Chapters: 11/11 🖤🖤🖤 Sinopse: Draco Malfoy is a shy beautiful Ravenclaw boy who got attention of Harry Potter, the most popular boy of the Slytherin. The different and non usually personalities of them is what makes things interesting
Body Electric by shealwaysreads (onereader), tackytiger
Chapters: one-shot 🖤🖤 Sinopse: Due to a potion accident Harry and Draco swap bodies and the change of perspective is not the only thing they'll explore. I really liked this work but it felt smth is missing or not fully developed, specially, emotional part of the plot. It should have a second chapter tbh.
In Need of a Proper Hug by Faith Wood (faithwood)
Chapters: one-shot 🖤🖤 Sinopse: Harry turns into a Koala and keeps hugging Draco. Very cute but also very short.
 Floating by serikkun
Chapters: one-shot 🖤🖤 Prequel: Sparks by serikkun Sinopse: """Draco Malfoy, a visiting student from Durmstrang, couldn't believe he was Harry Potter's hostage for the second task."" I was in a hungry to find Drarry in this dynamic and it was ok, but I'd like to find smth longer.
Dear Cousin, Love Regulus by LLAP115, XxTheDarkLordxX
Chapters: 7/7 🖤🖤 Sinopse: Draco receive letters from his former cousin Regulus and starts questioning all his beliefs and family values, changing the course of the history and alliances. It's not a rewrite or time travel fic, a lot of majors events are summarize, though is interesting.
You And Me by bixgirl1
Chapters: one-shot 🖤🖤🖤🖤 Sinopse: Harry needs a calm and isolate place, Draco seems to be alone most of the time. Hogwarts 8th year, Slow burn, well paced, praise relationship dynamic.
The Importance of Being Draco Malfoy by poppyhills
Chapters: series rewrite (it's currently, covering the book 5 events)🖤🖤🖤
Sinopse: Hogwarts 3rd year; what if, instead of a scratch on the arm, Draco hit on the head by "the big bloody chicken" causing a huge memory lost that changes many aspects of Draco's personality. An unusually fic rewrite series. I love this 'new' Draco, he's just to silly that makes you laugh a lot plus it's amusing to see the Slytherin gang befriends with the golden trio. (It's sad that the author takes sooo loong for an update )
You've got the antidote for me by Kandakicksass
Chapters: one-shot 🖤🖤🖤 Sinopse: ""When Harry Potter unintentionally severs their soulbond before it can fully form, Draco Malfoy resigns himself to a slow death and decides not to burden Harry with a soulmate he's made it very clear he doesn't want. He's never been selfless before, but for Harry, he can try."" God that was painfully beautiful. Though it has a happy ending, the plot broke my heart in tiny little pieces, I'll never read this fic again.
Draco Malfoy and the Mirror of Ecidyrue by starbrigid
Book: 5/7 (currently reading) 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 Sinopse: Through a magic mirror, Draco goes back to 1st year at Hogwarts as a child of 11 years old. This time he decides to make things right even if the process hurt. All time favorite time-travel fic. This was my first reading of time travel fic and rewrite series, tbh I never thought that someone would be capable of rewrite the whole story changing the perspective, it amazed me the creativity and love required to do this. All the characters are very dear to me, specially Draco I love him just too much; and the fact that Drarry is a slowwwwww burrrrnnn dynamic, makes this fic a work of art.
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l-lenny · 1 year
Dumb Krum! … I love you too
Viktor Krum x Malfoy!Fem!reader, Fred Weasley x Malfoy!Fem!reader
Part 1/??
TW: cursing, mention of fighting parents
Malfoy reader, Durmstrang, no voldy au, fictional wizards names (side characters)
AN: this is longer then I expected but be prepared for next pt
“No! This is final they will go-“ boomed masculine voice before being interrupted by high pitched yell. “LUCIUS!” The man in question was furious. “Narcissa don’t you dare-“ your mother started crying. “Luci, please let at least one be close to me.” She foolishly hoped that she could persuade her husband. If she convinces him once maybe she will twice. You were aware of the whole situation. They have been arguing about this whole education thing for months. You were soon to be turned 11 and your Hogwarts letter came two days ago. However your father wanted you to go to Durmstrang. It wasn’t that common to have girls attending, but it was not an oddity and single incident either. Doing your research you learned that only 2 girls would be attending while you will be at school and both of them were much older than you. You knew that your mother wanted both of you to attend Hogwarts, but father was dead set on Durmstrang. You heard footsteps behind you and when you turned around you saw your little brother. Teary eyed and with messy hair. He was 7 and much more softer than his big sister. “Why are mum and dad fighting?” He whispered, tears spilling. You hugged him. He didn’t have to hear all of this. The empty hallway not helpful for your words of encouragement “don’t worry I will fix it” your brother hugged you back and yawned. It was by far past his bed time. You took him back to his room and put him to sleep, singing a lullaby. After he was sound asleep you went back to the hallway to hear your parents still arguing. Narcissa was crying and Lucius was fuming. After taking deep breath you knocked on the door to father’s study. Your parents stopped their “talk” and opened the door angrily. “Didn’t you went to sleep?!” Your father said rather strictly. “I couldn’t sleep and by chance I heard you two, so if I may add my opinion to this: I would go to Durmstrang under one condition.”
And that’s how you ended up in the small castle on north. You were cold from the harsh weather and environment. When you arrived via floo power to your new school you have been greeted by cold stares. You did your research on how things are done around here so you practiced in front of mirror your speeches to every possible scenario. You straighten your shoulders and went straight to great hall, where many students were gathered. Students were sitting around round tables and were chatting. You immediately noticed that there have been almost no girls. You were expecting that, but it is still kinda disappointing. Principal Karkaroff took your attention. He spoke in heavy accent. “New students!” Trying to make an impression of strong and powerful man. Everyone was silent in that instance. “You shall train your hardest! You will be excelling in many ways and techniques. If not, you will be punished.” then he clapped his hands once and everyone started talking again. Was this your que to go and eat? You looked around. New attendees were as confused as you. Deciding to take action you marched to one of the tables full of students. One thing you reminded yourself was to stay strong. “Hey” you said as you sat down between two older boys. They could have been 16 or 17 if you could guess. “Oi! We have a brave one here! Sitting with your superiors” Said the one on your left. “Get lost twerp” said the one on your right showing his shoulder into yours. This might be just a test! You were feeling tired after long day and didn’t have patience for them. You took one breath before smiling at the boy “listen to me! I would highly suggest for you to shut your fucking mouth before I do it for you…permanently.” You shove him with your finger. “You are just a dumb loud mouth with no respect! And I don’t tolerate that kind of behaviour” you said lowly. “So shut up before I will shove my wand in your eye and your wand up your arse.” You grabbed plate and started eating. To be honest you were scared. Like scared so much you were almost shaking. Key word almost. “I like ya kid” he said after a while. His friends agreeing and started chatting with you.
His friends agreeing and started chatting with you. That was the best nerve-reliever. You heard from all of them that this is almost as a trial to see who is more suited for this school and for what group. You happened to chose the popular kids. After you took your first bite you noticed another kid across from you. He was same age as you. He looked at you and visible sparkle in his eyes. But not for long. Because the whole “trial thing” happened again. You just ate your meal, which was warm, still it looked disgusting but you were far too hungry to care. This was supposed to be some kind of shredded meat with mashed potatoes. After more chatting your stomach was full. That was when the boy on your left said “You two should head to dormitories and sleep” and when the young boy asked where to find them the older one replied with snarky “figure it out” you spun around. The only thing that popped in your mind was asserting dominance. You will not be showed around. “He asked you a question give him a proper answer.” You said. The tall boy towered above you. “And what are you gonna do about it? You don’t even know a single spell” you pull out your wand. It was pretty cherry wood with unicorn hair and ivy leaves. “Wanna bet ? I will avadakedavra your arse.” You pointed to him with your wand. “You are amazing kid!” He patted your head after a while. “Come with me.” He led you two in corridors and hallways pointing out every classroom and room. He was much nicer than before. “And here are the first years” he smirked. “Wasn’t so bad right?” You laughed. He patted your head again and took off. You looked at the young boy beside you. “Y/n, Y/n Malfoy” you outstretched your hand. The boy smirked “Viktor, Viktor Krum” he mimicked your introduction and shook your hand. The two of you made your way through the door to se a long hallway with many doors. On each door was a nameplate.
You found out that every room was shared. Two people in each one and one small shared bathroom. You prayed you got your room with a girl or alone. From the manor you were custom to having your own place and bathroom. And not going to lie it was big. But when you arrived at the end of the corridor and no other girl names were placed you were pleasantly surprised. You had your own room! The door beside yours read V. Krum and A. Landsprout. “Looks like we are neighbours!” you said to Viktor. “Oh! I vos not expecting a roommate” he said as he opened the door and found out his suitcase on one of the beds. You did the same. The only difference in your room: there was only one bed. You took a look around. A dresser on the right from the door, next to bed under a shelf. You stepped into the room further, taking in the pretty grey wallpaper. You looked at the table which was situated under a window opposite side of your bed. And in the end of the room there was a small bathroom. Decided to unpack you heard a soft knock on your door. “Come in” you said. You saw Viktor. “Can ve talk?” He asked. Straight forward, you liked that. “Sure” you smiled. Your smile brightened this dark place. “How did you know vot to do? You seemed so confident either. Almost like you have been here.” He sulked. You let out a laugh. Viktor felt embarrassment creeping to his cheeks. “I was shaking in my boots. Before I came here I practically rehearsed every single conversation and scenario I could think of. I also read a lot about the school and its traditions.” Viktor looked at you again. “So you practiced?” You nodded. “My parents vonted me to be more confident, to be someone …like you were today so they sent me here. And it’s also a tradition.“ he opened up. In whole 11years he never opened up that quickly to someone. “So do you think you could help me?”
You two become best friends in no time. Supporting each other in trouble, when you had hard time or even tutor each other. Sometimes the education process was hard and you cried to Viktors chest while he awkwardly patted your back. But you were doing this for your little brother, you reminded yourself. And you had Viktor and your older friends to support you. But Viktor was here for you as you were here for him every step of the way. The teaching style in Durmstrang was harsh. Often disciplined students by whipping spell or crucio. You were glad that you and your friends were rather smart, so you don’t have to see them in pain. You have to remind yourself time and time again that you are doing this for Draco. He would broke in your place.
One afternoon in December, right after class with your potions professor you catch up with Viktor. “Do you understand the formula?” You asked. “Oh yeah.” He chuckled. You pout and looked at him with puppy eyes. “Can you help me please?” You begged. “You know ve are not supposed to do that” Viktor was amused. You were excellent at charms but terrible at potions. Non the less he would help you, just like you would help him with charms and transfiguration. In most cases it was just his accent troubling him. You two met in your room and went over and over the formula. You were super worried about not doing it right. Although Viktor was excellent tutor he failed to teach you this. And in your next lesson with professor Grimdale you managed to mess up the potion. “Miss Malfoy! Care to remind me what was the correct formula?” You tried to remember, but due to your nerves acting up you simply couldn’t. Was this your first punishment? Right before Christmas? Oh no! “You are talentless! Hopeless potion maker!” He yelled. You were expecting to be strike with cruciatus spell, after all some other students were disciplined like that. Instead of the crucio came whipping. One whip strike for each of your hands, for making a mistake. You shut your eyes in pain trying so hard not to make a sound. Most of your classmates were punished more if they made a sound. You stood there bravely. “Remember correctly next time!” Professor said and continued the lesson. You were shaken and teary eyed. But you had reputation! Get it together Y/n! You can’t cry.
Few days after this incident you found yourself hugging your pillow and crying. Re-reading the letter your father sent. You were his favourite after deciding to go to Durmstrang, he praised you in his last letters how well you do in school. But this time. This time it was a strictly shaming letter.
I am very disappointed in last letter I got from your potion professor! How can you mess simple potion? You are slacking. Focus on your studies. When you will go home for Christmas I will hire a tutor so you would not slack off! Don’t disappoint me more child!
Every ounce of stress putted on you came flowing out in the large tears you cried that night. Viktor, nor your friends knew about this. You were feeling lost for a moment. But soon you slept off most of the negative feelings.
Soon after the holidays came around and you were going back to manor. Floo powder in hand you said your last goodbye to your boys and with “Malfoy manor” you disappeared in green fire. When you came to your living room you looked at the dark place. Your coat reminding you about the change of scenery. After taking it off with another hundred layers of clothing you heard footsteps. “Y/n?” You saw Draco coming towards you and then he ran, body slammed straight into you. “Hey!” Quickly you greeted each other and then you went to find your parents. Staying at home over the holidays was harsh to say at least. Mother was still mad at you for going to school so far away. Father lectured you on basic and advanced things. Overworking you every day. And Draco? You noticed that he started to change. He was more spoiled in your eyes. The only thing that was making your stay bearable was letters from your boys. You started to feel like an outsider in your home. To be honest you were happy to go back to the Durmstrang institute again. There you have your best friend and group of friends. Your time at home was slowly coming to an end and your excitement grew. Finally the day came and you went back to school. You were ambitious witch. Trying to be top in every class. After your father’s lectures you aimed to be the best just to not go through them again. Getting good grades and being respected by many was on your agenda as well. By the end of the year you made your name shine very bright and be one of the more popular students. You had your friend group around to hang out with and some admirers to scare or prank. None the less eaven if the school was hard you liked it there. And as time passed by you were saying goodbye to your friends at the end of your first year. “Bye Vik!” You smiled. “Bye Artie! Bye Archie!” You waved and with a promise to go to visit each other you floo back to manor.
Spending summer with your friends was great! Your father actually liked the guys you hanged out with. Well what was there not to like. They were all pure-blooded and strong. One or two times he actually asked if you and Viktor are dating. You dismissed that and explained that you two are just friends. The most fun you had at Archie’s! His mother was strict, but very kind to you. She wanted a daughter, yet never had one. You won the lottery there. Archie was kinda butthurt about it at first but it became an inside joke. You went to trip with the guys. It was fun! Draco was disappointed that you were most of the time gone and actually started ignoring you. It still hurts but what can you do. Forcing someone to like you is pointless. After that summer your family kinda fell apart.
Near the end of the summer holidays you went to your father’s study, letter from Durmstrang in hand. You knocked on the door and waited. Lucius permitted for you to come in and you read the letter to him. “There is a letter from school! I need few new books for dark arts and charms. Can we get them later? If you have time of course” your father nodded and dismissed you. In the afternoon of the next day Lucius got home early from work to pick you up and to go shopping in Diagon alley. You also wanted to get a custom case on your broom. Your hands got always cold when you were flying. You brought nice knitted case around the holder and it was so nice and warm. After that you were headed to get books you needed. Your father was heading to look at some other stuff and left you some money. “Wait for me in front of the shop.” He instructed and left. You nodded and looked for the books. You got one and looked for the other. After a while you spotted the book you needed and got on your tippy toes to get it, but you were too short. “Need any help shortie?” Said someone behind you and grabbed your book handing it to you. You grabbed the book. Looking at mop of red hair. “For your information I am not short, the shelf is just too high.” The red head chuckled. “Sure, are you going to Hogwarts too?” You looked at the book you were holding and shook your head. “I am studying at Durmstrang!” You smiled. The boy before you looked completely shocked. Platinum hair, perfect posture and student of Durmstrang. He heard of you. His father actually talked about you with his mother. You were the oldest daughter of the Malfoys. Fred remembers the conversation clearly.
“How was your day?” Asked his mom. He and his twin brother by the stairs waiting to snatch some cookies. “Malfoy came today flourishing about his oldest daughter. What is her name again?” Molly chuckled “Y/n?” Arthur nods “yes and he wouldn’t shut up about the Durmstrang. Honestly it was tiring.” He says and Molly laughs.
“Anyway thank you for the-“ before Y/n even has time to properly thank him she heard the door of the shop spun open. And in storms your father. “Y/n-“ he turned towards you. Then his gaze was on the older Weasley twin. “Weasley? I believe you are in the way. My daughter is trying to buy some books. Not that you could.” He placed his cane on the redhead’s shoulder. “Father! He is not-“you started only to be interrupted. “Fred! Oh good afternoon Lucius.” Said another voice. You looked up to see older gentleman. Presumably father of the redheaded boy. “Afternoon Arthur” said your father. “Shopping for school I presume” Lucius smirked and looked at the older, second hand, books Arthur was holding “At least some of us can afford brand new books” Said your father taking you by the shoulders “do you have everything?” You nodded. “Then we shall part ways, see you at work.” Said your father harshly while tugging you towards cashier. You looked back to see the redhead boy and waved with sweet yet awkward smile. After you left and went home your father gave you a hard lesson. “Don’t associate yourself with wrong people. The whole family of Weasleys are blood traitors.” You looked confused. Father never had any issues with people you talked to. Was this really something that was so inappropriate? You paid no mind to it happy to have your books and ready to pack to Durmstrang.
On the other hand Freds interest was peaked. He was just being nice. Still a little confused you were a Malfoy he remembered your smile.
“Vik!” You greeted your friend lightly punching him on the shoulder. He did the same. “Hov vas the rest of your vacation?” He asked. You beamed. Seriously you were the only person in the entire Durmstrang institute to be happy and smily here. “It was fine, I am just happy to be back at school!” Viktor shook his head. “Comrades!” Cheered loud voice of Arthur. “Artie!” You high-fived him and you all went to you table. You looked at the first years and thought of your first time here. There were significantly less students this year. “Guys, do you have any ideas where Archie is?” You asked just to be interrupted by the principal. “Archie is still on vaccination in Russia” whispered Artie. You pretend to be shocked and listen to principal. The whole deal as last year was heard. You were honestly just eager to eat. “Yes!” You muttered and grabbed a plate full of food. Today was the Bulgarian speciality. You simply loved this food and Vik shared your opinion. You chatted and looked around to see none of the new students went here. The lessons, duels and flights on brooms made time pass by quickly. Vik was very good at flying lessons. You often joked to get the first autograph after he will become famous quidditch player. Everything was just right.
You saw Viktor grew in to the young gentleman. He also saw you matured into skilled and talented witch. You made yourself known for being perfect. From the way you looked to the way you acted. Perfect scores in your classes, great skills, powerful friends and nice looks. The pride of your year, truly. When you were at school you enjoyed every second of each day, if you didn’t have professor Grimdale that is. But none the less life at school was perfect. The cold place was very warm and welcoming if you had the right mindset and friend group. At home it wasn’t so great. You saw as your younger brother just grew more spoiled the longer you were gone. When Draco attended Hogwarts he was sorted into slytherin. As expected. He wrote to you from time to time. But it was bland, mostly out of the formality. You wrote back just to be polite and slowly started to part your ways. Your father was writing you every month after receiving monthly report card giving you his word of encouragement. Your mother was writing from time to time too. Mostly the how are yous and be careful. You never knew what happened. Your family just stopped working at some point. You shared most of your troubles with Viktor. And he was so understanding. You actually admired him very much. He had aspiring career ahead after the Bulgarian National Quidditch team saw him play. Viktor often played with them in preparation for the World Cup.
Sitting in your room, you in your chair, Vik on your bed you tutored him in transfiguration. “Yes you did it!” You said excitedly. Viktor nodded proudly. “Vith this I could pass to the delegation!” He said. You laughed“stop calling it delegation!” The boy in front of you just shrugged. “The triwizard tournament trip or vhat ever.” You stood up slapping his shoulder. “I hope I will make it there!” Viktor looked at you confused. “You are one of the most skilled vitches!” Hearing him say that was different then what other said this.
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greenerteacups · 1 month
Hey GT, glad to see you're back! I'm still halfway thru Lionheart (just read the world cup chapter, what a delight) and your notes got me wondering.
I'm sure you've probably answered this before but how do you manage to make the world feel so rich? I'm not that into the fandom so I don't know If there are some things fanon agreed upon or if it is your own musings about the magic world. Like Draco explaining to Hermione about portkeys or how many languages Krum speaks.
How do you decide what's important enough to get a mention? Where do you go when you need answers and Canon is not enough to provide it?
Thanks for the kind words, and for the question! It's a matter of personal taste, like anything. Some writers prefer an athletic, streamlined plot, with only as much worldbuilding as you absolutely need (how does Panem run a command economy of 4.5 million people primarily on fossil fuels when its coal district has a population of less than 10,000? fuck off! who cares! they're Y/A dystopias about a TV show where teens beat each other to death!). Some writers, on the other hand, won't bother to start the story until they know the pH of the soil in every region of the world they're writing about. I'm somewhere on the second half of the scale, in that I'll give details that aren't strictly necessary to the plot, just because I like to feel like I'm writing about a world where real, extraneous things can happen. Some details are foreshadowing; some details are Special Mouseketools that will Help Us Later; and sometimes, you just get to know a cool fact about portkeys.
I guess part of the fun of building out a world is getting to think about Everything, which is what my brain normally does. I have a pretty broad body of literature as a starting gate, so there's plenty of room to play. E.g., when I started writing Krum, I thought about how he's not super fluent in English in canon, and that naturally made me ask why, because he clearly has taken English, so either he only started lessons recently or it hasn't been a priority for him; and then I went "wait, what's his first language? Bulgarian, right? But Durmstrang isn't — hang on—" and then I pulled up an actual map of Europe, which led me to realize that he wouldn't likely be speaking his first language at Durmstrang, which means he already had to become bilingual just to start his wizarding education, and that explains part of why he doesn't have a ton of time/effort to spare for a third language, plus he'd probably have a translator available whenever he traveled with a team because he's a B.F.D. — etc., etc. And then you keep thinking about that until you remember that you're supposed to be writing a fic, and you scramble to get back to doing that. Only now, you have worldbuilding! Congrats.
To try for an even halfway useful answer to your question: worldbuilding becomes most important when it creates limitations, because limitations define your characters and give them chances to develop/reveal themselves. So the details of portkeys become important because they explain the limitations of magical travel, which is a big nebulous ??? in the original series, since the introduction of teleportation via Apparating means that all other forms of transportation become inefficient by comparison. It also means the limitations introduced by travel — that is, not all characters can be in all places at once — also go away, because anyone can be anywhere immediately. From a narrative perspective, this sucks massive horse ass. Hence: I dumped a shit ton of limitations on Apparation (i.e., (1) it requires a ton of energy, (2) it's really fucking hard, (3) it's really fucking dangerous, (4) it's more of both the farther away you're going, (5) it's more of both the more people you take with you, (6) you can't Apparate without a clear destination in mind which means (7) you need to have been there already, and so (8) some people prefer not to do it). Hence, I also put limitations on portkeys (i.e., they have to be set up well in advance, you need to identify out both destinations precisely beforehand, and the calculations are difficult to do). Those limitations, and the Watsonian explanations you create for them, are your worldbuilding. They're what make the world feel real, because they give it grit and character. They give you a more complete sense of what you can and cannot do.
The rest of it is taste and preference, really; it's what interests you, and what parts of the world you want to explore. That's going to be unique to every author, and that's the beauty of worldbuilding — it reflects the parts of the world that you like to think about.
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