#dwarf house
allhailkingsquest · 1 year
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King’s Quest (1, 2, 4, 5, 6) by Jim Ferguson
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alyss-claire · 2 years
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greenbloods · 1 month
honestly hilarious that the lannister siblings are all history freaks in different direction. cersei rolls her eyes that jaime doesn't know what the second blackfyre rebellion was about while he rattles off the tale of ser luthor pisseryon of daeron i's kingsguard, who served for all of seven moons before he died shitting himself en route to dorne. meanwhile tyrion's sitting in the corner reading maester leomore's neo-myrxist critique of archmaester hargreave's account of the Storming of the Dragonpit (The Warrior Himself: Examining the Dying of the Dragons in the Light of the Seven) and not paying attention to it one bit because he’s moping about how everyone in kings landing hates him, the imp, because he’s ugly and rich, and not because he’s a feudal overlord who is fundamentally detached from the immediate concerns of his starving subjects
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mayday396 · 2 years
You know what's the MOST Ironic thing of the whole Owl House Cancellation and the whole show just "Didn't fit the Brand"?
Disney has forgotten their Past, Dana and the entire Crew is in the Same EXACT situation Walt Disney has to go through to make Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Walt was initially hated for even trying to bring a Female Central Main Character to the Big Screen, his film wasn't conforming to the Social norms of that time and many of his peers hated him and his Creation but the People/ Audience Loved it.
Dana is litterally in the exact Situation, trying to show her Creation to the World, while in a company their ethics have not truly Adapted to this Modern World, Disney had become the Peers to Walt, if that isn't Insulting then what is.
I'm not saying Dana is like Walt or Walt is like Dana, I'm saying what they have been through is different yet very Similar almost as if they could be considered Parallels.
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nuzzle · 1 year
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disneyllect · 13 days
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houseofmouselove100 · 4 months
Here mortimer teaches goofy how to get a girl but he fails
Anastasia and drizella but ends up scratched by lucifer
Madame min but I ended up burned
Laverne but ended up spit on by Victor and Hugo
Queen of Hearts [although she is married] ended up beaten by her flamingo
Ends up falling into the. Table where Goofy was sitting with a lion also disappointing Goofy.
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themagicalfancat · 8 months
I'm a legacy nerd. I watched Red Dwarf with my parents bc they both love the show. I first started watched House bc my dad mentioned how good it is a few times.
I have introduced the element of old man yaoi however, and for that I take full credit
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I read Dune and I cannot get over Alia insulting the Baron then poisoning him at just two years old
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rimster modern day au with a twist: rimmer is a ghost
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hhimring · 2 months
Wingfeet: Racing across Ard-galen
Written for the current SWG Challenge, for which one of the prompts was: The Three Hunters.
A Dwarf, a Man, and an Elf race across a grassy plain… Except that these three are original characters of the First Age racing across the plain of Ard-galen and their plight is rather different.
Warning for non-graphic canon-typical violence against orcs.
‘I fear I can run no more,’ gasped the dwarf. ‘I must halt although all Morgoth’s forces be after us.’
‘Not yet, brave friend, not yet,’ urged Imrach.
‘You have much the longer legs, Hadorian! I wish I had never left Belegost,’ groaned the dwarf.
‘What do your Sindarin eyes see, Pengyl?’ asked Imrach. ‘How much farther to the Ered Wethrin?’
‘Not much farther than your eyes, in this Angband-spawned mirk,’ replied Pengyl, ‘and not much nearer since the last time you asked.’
She kept her arrow on string, gazing anxiously backward and forward across the plain. There was every chance that they might be intercepted before they could reach Barad Eithel, as well as that their pursuers would catch up with them. As long as the dwarf could still complain, she thought he could not be entirely spent yet, but the relentless chase was telling on all of them. Her companions had already shown more endurance and speed than she could have anticipated. Imrach was not complaining, but his anxious questions betrayed his exhaustion. Pulling back scouts from the outposts had been a sensible move, under the circumstances, but now she selfishly regretted the distance between them and anyone who was not a foe.
They raced on. The dwarf had stopped grumbling; his breath was increasingly loud. Imrach had fallen silent, too. He looked haggard and hollow-eyed, under his bright blond thatch. Pengyl bit her lips, peering anxiously ahead again.
‘Ah,’ she exclaimed, ‘riders!’
‘What, where?’
The dwarf, startled out of blind endurance, looked around wildly, clutching his axe.
‘No, no enemies, friends up ahead, coming for us!’
‘I cannot see them yet, Pengyl,’ said Imrach, but his voice was invigorated with hope.
‘They are quite some distance away yet,’ said Pengyl. ‘Don’t slow down! We don’t want to be caught just when help is in sight. Run!’
They put on a desperate burst of speed. Eventually even the others could hear the sound of hooves coming towards them.
A small troop of orcs rose from the grass before them but too late; already Pengyl could see the spear points of Fingon’s riders lowering. She shot one in the throat; the rest were trampled.
‘Well met, Pengyl!’ cried Fingon. ‘We brought spare mounts.’
‘And grateful we will be for them, we three,’ said Pengyl. ‘Except…’
She turned around, concerned.
‘Dwarf friend, can you ride?’
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harbingerwren · 1 year
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The first rendition of these two Collector characters!
The Neutron Star (she/they) I imagine like a matron-esque figure.
The White Dwarf (they/it) would be even younger than The Collector and a bit of a tattletale.
Hopefully I can develop these two more in the future!
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white-boy-bracket · 1 year
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spotforme · 3 months
Rimmer's little portable holograph cage <3
Rimmer dancing in his little cage <3
Rimmer, drunk, bopping to the beat in the cage <3
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Cersei and Tommen: 😁😁😁
Tywin: 😐
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somnas-writes · 5 months
I still think it’s so important to remember that Magnus was homeless from the age of 14-16 like. He’s a baby, not an actual baby but he’s young as shit.
(More in the tags)
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