#earth day ideas
bleakbluejay · 4 months
you motherfuckers have no concept of what "land back" or "decolonize" even mean. you're too busy demonizing entire groups of people, terrified, shitting yourselves, that they'll do even half of the horrors to you that you've done to them for decades or centuries. this shit comes off as hella racist for real. you hate arabs so much. you hate first nations people so much. you hate black people so much. even if you sympathize with them, you can't fucking bear the idea of them gaining freedom, independence, autonomy, safety, because you're so, so scared they'll hurt you back and cause chaos in the streets. these same people who just want to rebuild. who just want to go home. who just want to see their families again. who just want food. who just want medical care. who just want dry, warm shelter. you're so focused on the ideas of colonization, of "us vs. them", of one people displacing the other for a state to exist, that you cannot comprehend coexistence, and your only idea of peace is if an entire group of people were just gone and dead.
grow the fuck up. for the love of GOD, grow the fuck up.
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uncanny-tranny · 5 months
Huge shout-out to John Cena for dropping my new transition goal that one time last year. Look at this and earnestly say this isn't peak male performance.
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roobiedo · 1 month
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Made this for the Solarpunk Aesthetic Week server in a sudden creative fever, so I guess I'll post it here too hh
A relative of mine knows someone who teaches kids, so I'm gonna suggest this as an art project for them! The idea is that students could each make/decorate their own shelf, then put them together to form a hive, which could function as mini lockers in their classrooms. Then, by the end of the school year or something, they could either take their own little shelf home (or exchange them with their peers?), or recycle them into materials for the next class! Hopefully it'll teach them about pollinators too 🐝
Idk how doable this project is really, and its scary to imagine one of my silly designs could actually become something tangible irl. But even so, I'm still excited to try 🥰 (And if anyone else attempts this too, please let me know!!!)
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chaoticallyfluffy · 16 days
Ok consider:
A new hero emerges and the Justice League watches him for a while who make sure he’s not a threat. They see this giant clumsy man who moves like he’s not used to his body, smiles goofily every time he saves someone, and is clearly inexperienced with his powers and they’re all just like. Ah. This is a child.
Except they don’t think he’s a ten year old or however old Billy is at the time, no no. Clearly this hero came into existence shortly before his first appearance, just a few months ago. They don’t know how or why but It’s not the weirdest thing they’ve seen so it’s pretty easy to believe.
But they can’t just leave this toddler with the powers of a god to stumble around and potentially hurt someone by accident, nor go down the wrong path and become a villain. So of course they decide to ‘subtly’ guide him without alerting him to the fact they’re onto him.
They introduce themselves but instead of inviting him to the league they pop by every once in a while to ‘subtly’ teach him about responsibility and power, but also about love and humanity. They try to teach him to enjoy life and that he doesn’t have to act like an adult around them, instead encouraging him to enjoy his childhood even if it’s not an ordinary one.
(Too bad the Justice League suck at subtlety.)
Billy is certain they somehow found out he’s a kid before they even met him, probably because of Batman’s freaky know-it-all powers, but he isn’t very worried as they seem nice and don’t treat him like he’s dumb or fragile. They respect him as a hero despite his age so he lets himself act like a kid around them after a while.
When he gets comfortable enough to detransform Billy thinks that’s his identity reveal. The league thinks that he magicked himself a body that’s more of a representation of his true self and fits his developmental age better, possibly as a way to blend in with humans and experience what it’s like to be a normal child. Good for him!
Basically Billy gets a bunch of super powered parents and the Justice League get a newborn man that they think they’re raising from scratch lol
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crabussy · 19 days
I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life and. I just feel like crying over that fact. a few years ago I was sure I’d be an anxious miserable wreck for my entire life but now I wake up and I love the world and I promise one day you will too. please keep going please hold the world tight. you will giggle at something silly with a stranger. a staff member at a place you frequent will smile when they see you. an elderly person will look at you gratefully for helping them. you’ll cry about stupid stuff and laugh about it later. you’ll drink cold water during a hot day and it will be the best sensation ever. being alive is the best thing I’ve ever experienced.
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markscherz · 10 months
Whas ur favorite frog
Today's favourite frog is Microhyla berdmorei, which looks like it skipped arm day, but hit leg day extra hard.
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kaiipivara · 1 month
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silly little doodle for international dnf day i mean earth day !! 🌎🌳💚💙
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horse-head-farms · 4 months
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day 2: Royalty/Knight @mcyt-yuri-week
False, a knight famous for her ability to slay magical beings, was sent by her king to defeat the greatest threat of all - the fae. Here, she enters the faerie realm and is greeted by none other than the queen herself, waiting upon her forest throne.
Having grown up on tales of the fae and their evil trickery, False is surprised by how beautiful and kind the queen is, but isn’t going to let down her guard yet.
Queen Stress is rather impressed by this mortal who not only managed to find her way into the faerie realm, but is also brave (and foolish) enough to try and fight her! She has no intention of hurting False, and instead wants to teach her the mischievous ways of the fairies, get her to lighten up a bit and all that. And, well, if she tries to court the handsome knight along the way, who can blame her?
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hajihiko · 1 year
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My friend Hajimmy Hinata birthday post🎆🎉
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imthursdaysyme · 13 days
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arthur trying to order coffee when he knows nothing about coffee and thinks it’s gross but there’s a cute barista
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gl1tzpupper · 1 month
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──★ ˙🌱 ̟ ¡!
Earth Day is a global holiday celebrated each year on April 22. It is dedicated to the conservation and protection of our planet and raising awareness of environmental issues to encourage people to take action in order to benefit the earth. It aims to increase our understanding of the environment and motivate individuals to take steps to safeguard our planet and help it to flourish.
Ways to help can include:
🌱Planting trees and flowers
🌱Choose eco-friendly products
🌱Removing litter
🌱Reducing waste
🌱Reduce heavy water usage
🌱Reusing and recycling
🌱Reducing energy consumption
Activities for Age Regressors:
🌻 Write an appreciation letter to Mother Earth
🌻 Create arts and crafts using recycled materials
🌻 Make a cardboard bird feeder
🌻 Create a mini insect hotel
🌻 Make a poster about Earth/Nature/Animals
🌻 Create a poster to inform you about how to save energy then hang it up so you won’t forget
🌻 Go birdwatching and count/draw the birdies
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Mars 2 electric boogalo ᕦ( ᐕ )ᕡ
hey @lets-try-some-writing i've made more stuff, since:
1-i can't control myself or the amount of ideas that just come to my mind XD; and
2- I'm having SO MUCH FUN AND JOY making these and seeing other people also enjoy these :)
So Mars despite his near non existent magnetic field and atmosphere also have aurora borealis, smaler but still aurora...and I just couldn't help myself :D
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A little eplenation since Mars doesn't have canon design, I just winged it and tired to mash Ares and a planetary titan, hence why the shoulder pads and skirt flaps both have the surface texture just like Earth, but at the same time are stylized after whatever greek armor Ares have
The big circles on his left arm - that's Olympus Mons: It is Mars's tallest volcano, its tallest planetary mountain, and is approximately the tallest mountain currently discovered in the Solar System. So what's a better use for it than to use it alongside classical ✨transformers mass shifting✨, and turn it into hidden/compressed shield - also borrowed from Ares, but i also think it fits his personality to have one
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And now i think my absolute favorite detail: The Markings
I couldn't get your drawing of Convoy with these markings out of my head, and the fact that Mars is old and definitely had an amazing relation with his citizens before departure, so I just thought that it would be really cool and cute if the markings were a gift from his previous citizens. Either during their stay, simply as a "thank you" or "we love you", or as a parting gift, so he could always remeber them the "we're always with you, we'll never forget you" :')
And i had to throw the biolights? the energon lines running on the body (or as I like to call them: "TRON lights". I just love the concept of cybertronians to have such thing, and this is why (among many other things) I love TFP Soundwave and Shockwave and the whole IDW/MTMTE designs :D
Overall I had SO MUCH FUN drawing these AAAAHHHHH and again I'm so happy you like it as much as i enjoy making them
Bonus, because I CAN NOT BE STOPPED (⊙ヮ⚆)
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Yeah he holds them in a baby carier, as for the (way to small for a titan and a buch of rovers barely the size of a car) size difference, ehm: ✨the magic of transformers mass shifting✨...and it being a cute image
close up on the babies:
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(shhh I know that as of writing this post Marie Curie and Ingenuity are not canon, but neither is Marss design and I want one big happy family ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ )
Part 1: Earth
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fruixtii · 1 month
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Hiii I’ve been gone for a few days cuz I haven’t been feeling that great and I’ll probably still be gone for a little bit BUT I scribbled this up this morning on my school computer and thought it was cute enough to share :)
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birbwell · 9 months
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tried my hand at drawing regan
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2lurslinger2000 · 4 months
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Proto Earth:
Or Ancient Earth, he was reborn after the collision (essentially his core/outer layers repairing themselves anew) and has no memory of it ever happening in solarballs. HOWEVER, headcanon, i like to think he has certain visions(?) of his past self? Like he stares into a part of vast space wondering why its so familiar. A lot of things give him weird deja vu like that. Its mainly bc of the (supposed?) remnants of Theia but also because he probably still has some proto earth in him.
Theia is the mother of Luna, right? (Or well trchnically selene but yk) and since Luna was made out of Theia's remnants i also think he has visions from when Theia existed. Like, seeing through Theia's eyes when he's sleeping. Anyways, enuf abt him, Theia! I like to think Theia preferred to stand out from the others, and thus she would try to show off in many ways possible (like crossing other planets orbits and playing the ancient version of asteroid dodgeball) but aside from her competitive nature she was the most friendliest face there. She also liked shiny things, a bit of a hoarder really lol
Heres them interactin w the others :3<
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ataykiri · 1 year
Our stay on this earth is so so short, we’re in such a dream state that we keep forgetting this truth
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