#echoes fic kingsman
tideswept · 5 months
⛵️ Five Fandoms, Five Ships ⛵
Get to know the blogger, via five different ships from five different fandoms!
I was tagged by @dark--whisperings and @kingdomvel! (and possibly someone else, sorry if I missed you!)
[I will also not be including Obikin because C'MON]
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Sarah Williams/Jareth (Labyrinth)
One of these days I'm going to disappear. Nobody will know where I went. Seasons will pass. My name will become a dusty thought you think of occasionally, but not often.
THEN ONE DAY, I WILL RETURN. I'll be emaciated and weak. I'll be dragging a 500,000 word fanfic (in a USB, I'm not a monster) and I will press it into your hand, and I will say, "It was... my seven year old self... she finally broke lose.... held me prisoner.... forced me to write this... " and then I will close my eyes.
You'll think I'm dead. Turns out I'm just sleeping and incredibly dramatic about it. And it'll be the most indulgent fic in the world, filled with glitter EVERYWHERE.
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2. Dom Toretto/Brian O'Connor (Fast & Furious)
SOON. I WILL WRITE THIS SOON, I SWEAR TO GOD. It needs to be soon. I'm ready. My heart has healed from the loss of Paul.
tbh I'm always a bit shocked at how this series blew up. I'm not mad, though. It got me more movies with them getting to be them.
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3. Harry Hart/Eggsy Unwin (Kingsman)
My beloved. Let me cradle you close and weep over what that terrible sequel did. I really wish I'd been here when the fandom for it was alive--alas, I am left to wander through the great architecture that was left behind, peer into the empty homes, and listen to the echoes of a thousand voices laughing, crying, chatting.
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4. Wriothesley/Neuvilette (Genshin Impact)
I really didn't expect to like these two together as much as I ended up. But dang it, they're so funny together. Wriothesley is one of the people who most gets Neuvilette... and yet he's still clearly baffled by him constantly, in the most "oh God, you're so weird and silly and so dead serious about it" kind of way.
5. Emet-Selch/Azem(/Hythlodaeus) (Final Fantasy XIV)
I can't really say anything about this ship that wouldn't be spoiler-y as all get out, (even including a gif would be iffy!) so all I'll say is... my god, the pain. The tragedy. The ever-lasting flame of hope, the desperation, the endless, endless loneliness and longing.
It won't be forgotten.
TAGGING @ragnarlothcat @sky-kenobye @olivejuice96 @dream-about-dancing @usakostar
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thepiper0fhameln · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks to @the-ravening for the tag.
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 68, apparently.
2. What's your total ao3 word count? 1,906,252
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently Captain America (which no one saw coming, but here we are).
4. Top five fics by kudos:
No Familiar Sunken Roads (Kingsman, Harry/Eggsy, extreme underage)
[Fan Comic] A Lovely Shade of Cherry (Kingsman, Harry/Eggsy, extreme underage)
[Fan Art] A Gentleman’s Suit (Kingsman, Harry/Eggsy, extreme underage)
[Art] Blow (Captain America, Steve/Bucky)
[Fan Art] Fear and Delight (The Boys, Homelander/Butcher)
Number 6 is finally back to fic. I hadn’t realized some of the art got that high. I never look at works by kudo count.
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to, but I very often fall off.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably NFSR, for where it is and how long it’s run and what they’ve gone through to get there, but it technically hasn’t ended yet and I hadn’t intended for it to stay that way.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Uh. Maybe Echoes (BBC Sherlock, Moriarty/Mycroft, de-aged/extreme underage) or Arms and the Boy (Fantastic Beasts, Grindelwald/Credence, extreme underage). Both are very iddy-happy endings.
8. Do you get hate on fics? More rarely than you’d think, but occasionally.
9. Do you write smut? I don’t think I’ve written anything without smut.
10. Craziest crossover: Haven’t done a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don’t think so. If I’ve inspired anyone, I’m happy.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, mostly with Silus Locke. It’s been a long, long time, but it would be nice to co-write again someday.
14. All time favorite ship? You can’t make me choose.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I want to finish all of them. Some I still have hope that I will. I suppose Devil’s Bridge might fit this best.
16. What are your writing strengths? I’m honestly not sure what my strengths are.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Brevity.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? No strong opinions. It works when the pov character isn’t meant to understand what’s being said. If they are, then it’s nice to have a translation nearby. If the translation is in the notes, it’s hard having to scroll down every time. Shrug.
19. First fandom you wrote in? Who knows.
20. Favorite fic you've written? No Familiar Sunken Roads (Kingsman, Harry/Eggsy, extreme underage)
No pressure tags: @katie-delaney @blackwood4stucky @polyavenger @rosduncan @devildears @sayahs-corner @succulent-hyena
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ladyaj-13 · 2 years
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LadyAJ's 2022 Fics
This year I wrote 28 new stories across four fandoms - One Direction, Kingsman, Endeavour and Eagle of the Ninth. Details below, I hope you’ll check some out - a mix of short tea break fics and longer ones, and a good scattering of rare pairs amongst the fandom standards.
One Direction
Follow Your Arrow - T, 36k, Louis/Harry
Canon compliant omegaverse band era pack-fic with touch-starved luna Louis, dropping, and other good stuff. Written for the One Direction Big Bang.
They said Louis playing alpha wouldn’t affect anything. It was the best thing for the band, so he doesn’t really regret it except deep in the dead of night, when he bites down on his knuckles to swap the echoing ache of depri for a sting of pain. But if he’d known it meant stepping back from Harry?
He’d have thought twice.
Bit by Bit and All at Once - M, 23k, Louis/Liam
Canon compliant, present day friends to lovers story, with long overdue love confessions and a very oblivious Liam.
“It’s not a joke,” Louis says, so quietly it almost gets lost in the humming of the fridge and the TV still playing out to itself in the other room. “I’ve been meaning to say for a long time… always told myself I would before I turned thirty... I love you,” he repeats, slightly choked, awful. “I’m in love with you.”
Or the one where Louis is in love with Liam, but Liam doesn't love him back. Or does he?
Eight Days - T, 22k, Louis/Liam
My attempt at a true romantic comedy, this is a canon compliant, near future fic. Written for the Lilo fest.
“Eight days,” Louis says decisively. “If the paperwork takes three weeks that means you have eight days before you have to file it. Give me those eight days.”
“Wait, what?”
“To show you what you’re missing, being married to me,” Louis says with a ghost of his old cheekiness. “You want to end this marriage, well. I want to experience it first.”
Or: Louis and Liam got hitched in Vegas, completely forgot about it for more than a decade, and it comes back to bite them. Sort of.
Blind Date - G, 14k, OT5
Bantery, fluffy poly AU fic where all five of them meet through the reality TV show Blind Date. Podfic available, linked from fic.
Louis Tomlinson, model and aspiring actor, has been chosen to appear on Blind Date. The only problem is, all the contestants are wonderful. And so is the host. It's making things difficult.
You and Me (Got a Whole Lot of History) - T, 7k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw
A Walls-tour era canon compliant Tomlinshaw with exes to lovers - a bit of misunderstanding for flavour and maturity in the finish.
Nick loves the crush and fever of being right in the thick of things, but just the thought of Louis looking down and spotting him makes him feel a little queasy.
It hadn’t been a proper thing. It wasn’t a relationship.
With This Wing, I Thee Wed - T, 4k, Louis/Niall
I flirted with calling this either the Cheeky Nandos one or the Gay Chicken one. AU capers with fake dating! Written for the Louis rare pair fest.
Niall crosses his arms and pouts, a little line appearing between his eyebrows. “I want Nandos. I like Nandos.”
“And I like my dignity,” Louis mutters.
Make Your Mark - T, 3k, Louis/Liam
A friends to lovers speed-run with university students Louis and Liam, a tube of lipstick, and some realisations.
When one of Liam's classmates isn't getting the hint that he's not interested, Louis suggests they make him look unavailable.
Choo-Choose Me - G, 3k, Louis/Liam
AU meet-cute - read it on your next commute!
Liam is a commuter with a crush. Louis is the chirpy ticket inspector who occasionally mans the drinks trolley and sometimes makes announcements, his broad Yorkshire accent fighting the outdated train speakers. The train ships it.
Common Interest - T, 3k, Niall/Greg James
After reading the commuter fic above, maybe read this one on your lunch break. An office AU with background Larry, Nouis friendship and Tomlinshaw frenemyship. Written for Wordplay “Swing”.
Louis hums, swirling his potato to form a gravy puddle in the middle. He dunks a sausage in it. “Not that I don’t love our little daily ritual, but when are you going to go get your boy, you big hunky slab of man meat, you?”
Niall looks at Louis in horror.
Tall, Dark and… wait, what? - G, 3k, Louis/Harry/Nick Grimshaw
A canon compliant, Liam-POV, tour-shenanigans take on Stylinshaw. Written for Wordplay “Describe”.
Liam just wants Louis and Harry to admit they're seeing each other. To feel comfortable being themselves within the band and know that they're supported. So, he sets up a little game.
Roses - T, 2k, Louis/Niall
Beware the tags. Heed the tags. I take a fluffy pairing and make it less fluffy…
He’s going to go for it. He’s going to ask to be - boyfriends, or partners, or whatever you call it when you’re in your thirties and already know each other inside out. It feels like jumping off a cliff, but at the same time - it’s Niall. He can’t be afraid with Niall.
The Elf who Saved Christmas - G, 2k, Louis/Harry
An alternate universe meet-cute, with shopping mall Elf!Harry (and Niall) to the rescue. Written for the 1D Christmas fest.
Ernie and Doris are tired, grouchy, and no one told Louis you had to book an appointment to see Santa.
Particular - M, 2k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw
Edging into smut, as I described it in the tags, read for useless cleaner!Louis and uptight!(sometimes)Nick. Written for Wordplay “Particular”.
Nick is very particular about the upkeep of his hallway's Brazilian hardwood floor. He is very particular about the cleaning of his kitchen's fine Wedgewood china.
He is less particular in his bedroom.
The Superstar Scavenger Scramble - G, 2k, Louis/Greg James
The whole point of this fic was the smooching - canon compliant and height difference, because of course. Written for Wordplay “Scramble”.
He wants to win. And not just because he’s competitive as fuck, likes to best the other boys and put them in their place whatever they’re doing, never mind that this is a silly Radio 1 scavenger hunt around London, but because of what - who - is waiting at the other end.
Food Fight - G, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw
A little canon compliant snippet that encompasses Louis’ love for tomato pasta.
It’s Louis’ famed cooking skills against Nick’s more cultured palate. Fight.
Moths and Butterflies - G, 1k, Louis/Harry
A fic that is close to my heart and seems to have resonated with people - pride parades, insecurity and finding a friend (maybe more).
It seemed like such a good plan a week ago. It had seemed like fate, for the town’s Pride parade to fall at the very same time when work sent him there to charm some clients. Who was Louis, to sniff at a higher power?
It was exciting, a week ago. Now he’s here though, in the thick of it, and he thought it would feel freeing but it doesn't. It just rams home how he doesn’t belong.
Damn it, Let me Cuddle You! - T, 920 words, Louis/Niall
Part of my sleepy Nouis series, this is just cuddling, arguing and fluff. And a bit more bickering.
Louis and Niall are both the big spoon. This causes issues.
Check the Body - G, 869 words, Zayn & Nick Grimshaw
A little canon compliant fic about finding commonalities and making friends. Written for Wordplay “Check”.
“Check the body!” Zayn yelps, and Nick nearly jumps out of his skin.
Trading Players - T, 7k - Eggsy/Harry
An alternative first meeting if Harry wasn’t available to spring Eggsy from the police station - with lots of protective Eggsy and Eggsy&Daisy. Complete as is, but I may continue it next year…
With Harry away on a mission, Merlin answers Eggsy's call and inducts Harry's Lancelot candidate, a Thomas Mayfield, for him. But the story doesn't end there, just because the pieces aren't yet on the board.
There’s a faint whimper, too distant from the bug to be Eggsy, but it sharpens Harry’s ears. He hits run on the location tracking software.
Quiet, breathed. Hopeless.
“S’alright Dais. We’re alright, yeah? Just - just ona adventure.”
Electric - M, 2k, Eggsy/Harry
A bit of an experiment, with Harry doting and Eggsy learning to like it - mainly fluff, but with a little angst as the salt in the caramel.
Harry’s touch is gentle, but electric. His fingertips massage light circles across Eggsy’s scalp that raise goosebumps over his entire body, broad palms tilting his head this way and that, putting Eggsy where he wants him, and Eggsy lets himself be put.
Family Realisations - G, 1k, Eggsy/Harry but maybe more Harry&Daisy
99% of Hartwin includes an age difference relationship, but this leans into Harry having a (hopefully humorous!) realisation of that, thanks to Daisy. 
Harry cuts up apple slices for his sister in law. Then he sits his sister in law in front of Peppa Pig for her designated half an hour of screen time, changes from his full suit into something more appropriate for an afternoon spent with a three year - with his sister in law, and when the episode finishes he takes his sister in law outside so she can check on her bug hotel.
Cascade - G, 1k, Eggsy/Harry and Tilde/Eggsy
Because everyone in this universe is clearly traumatised and making bad decisions.
This was a mistake.
And not just one mistake, no. This has been a whole series of them - a cascade of wrong turns and bad decisions, snowballing away until the momentum ran out.
Following in His Footsteps - T, 397 words, Eggsy & Merlin
Everything kept getting so long, I purposely wrote something tiny. But I still kind of love it. More Merlin & Eggsy friendship, please.
“In my defence,” Eggsy says shakily, because the whole point of the mission was capture only, Eggsy, we need information, “he was already dead when I got here.”
Uncommon People - T, 25k, Morse/Jakes
Merlin-esque alternate universe with prince!Morse, pining and shenanigans.
Prince Endeavour of Lincolnia is trapped by his status, and even worse - now he's expected to marry a woman he barely knows! But the Oxfordon cohort aren't all bad…
Snowy Morning - G, 1k, Morse/Max
An instalment in my domestic, established relationship Morse/Max series. 
There’s an ominous silence, and he wonders if he’s about to be treated to an overly detailed description of what happens to feet when left cold and soggy in inadequate boots.
A Battle of Wills - G, 1k, Morse/Jakes
We all want to see out-of-his-element Morse on Jakes’ farm, right?
Peter eyes the two staring contest participants, wondering who will win. Morse has determination on his side. He'll never back down from anything or anyone, Morse – he's got grit, as some out here would call it. Not to mention those wide blue eyes, narrowed now, that miss nothing, no sign of weakness.
Sunny Morning - T, 860 words, Morse/Max
Another instalment in my morning series, so more domestic established relationship fic, featuring Max’s garden.
Oxford is swathed in a heavy, unbroken blanket of heat.
The Eagle of the Ninth
Old-fashioned Sensibilities - G, 2k, Marcus/Esca
A modern AU… my flirtation with this fandom was brief but very satisfying.
Marcus must marry before he turns thirty, or his inheritance goes to Placidus.
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agentdagonet · 6 years
Echoes, Ch. 22
Find it here on AO3
Find it here on tumblr:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21
Fic Summary: Feet dangling off the edge of the bed, hands still resting on the earpieces of his glasses, Eggsy opened his eyes.
And promptly shut them again, screwing them shut like a child who had the distinct misfortune of biting into a raw lemon. Breathing harshly in his nose and out his mouth, trying to stave off whatever delusional panic had befallen him, Eggsy reopened his eyes.
Or: The Hologram Story Nobody Asked For
A/N This is a scene I’ve wanted to write for a while but only just found the proper place for it. Enjoy!
         Harry spent an inordinate amount of time watching Eggsy’s hands, of late. He thought he’d been surreptitious enough about the course of action- but Merlin’s pointed glances told otherwise.
         There was just this elegance about him, an unconscious awareness of everything- it was as if he were the air itself. Touching everything but never lingering. And for all of Harry’s poetic musings, Eggsy was still flighty and quick to startle or flinch at the best of times.
Except with Him.
         Those first couple months of living in the same space were awkward, there was no denying; Eggsy going out of his way to avoid the paths he’d programmed the holograms to walk, Harry dancing along the line between speech and silence about the subject. But, miraculously, they’d gotten through it. And things had only improved from there, in ways Harry could never have predicted.
         A house he’d lived in longer than he had not had suddenly become a home. The places where he had once been alone had Eggsy written in the gaps.
         It wasn’t as if he’d meant to fall in love with the man Eggsy had become in his absence, but it was far too late to change anything about it. He took every opportunity to bask in his presence like a cat in the sun, to praise his accomplishments and give kind criticism for his failures. Harry had gotten a second chance, a renewed lease on life, and despite the hard adjustments he’d had to make to his lifestyle Harry couldn’t be anything other than incredibly grateful.
         Grateful for Eggsy being in the house when he woke from night terrors, his quiet bustling about proof that he was awake and safe. Grateful that his injuries hadn’t benched him entirely, and had instead sparked interest in the Lake for new gadgets, making it possible to be in the field (with Eggsy) far more often. Grateful that Eggsy had finally relaxed into the house, his belongings now strewn about in a way that had driven Harry to frustrated to tears in his college days but now only filled him with fond exasperation.
         Grateful that Eggsy never once flinched from his touch, no matter how sudden.
         With their sporadic times of rest between missions, their small habits became ritual, became tradition. They had a home, and for what was perhaps the first time Harry realised that he hadn’t had one of those in a great many years; he’d had a place to live, certainly, but a home was different. A home was somewhere you looked forward to being- not just a space you slept in between bouts of activity. A home implied love and that was something Harry was finally able to come to terms with.
         But telling Eggsy of his affections was another story altogether. What they had wasn’t necessarily new, nor was it fragile- but it was important. Harry would dare to say sacred, if he didn’t feel oddly about the word in and of itself. Their quiet nights in front of the telly, their spars, their joint missions that happened with such frequency that some of the Knights had started calling Eggsy Excalibur.
         (If it weren’t for his entirely-biased attachment to the Galahad title he’d have made Eggsy his Excalibur long ago. The right hand man to Merlin’s left, the outward action to Merlin’s inward machinations and guidance- but that would be changing things just because he wanted to and not for a purpose, and Harry knew he was better than that. Eggsy was just as effective as Galahad as he would be as Excalibur. But the temptation was there and grew every time the others used the name.
         So he just... joined in on the Knights’ jokes, until it made the newer Knights uncomfortable, and the older ones confused- who enjoys their boss joining in on a joke? And it had all tapered off from there.
         To be fair, If Harry had seen Chester laugh genuinely once (and not at someone else’s misfortune) he might not have hated him as much as he- no. That was a lie; being sent to your death by a man you trusted to lead you (let alone had known you for most of your life) warranted hatred. And, if Harry didn’t, then Eggsy certainly would. Harry doubted that Eggsy had ever gotten past the shoot-the-dog moment. And that actually may have become a more intense hatred now that Harry explained what was supposed to happen.)
         Eggsy had retaliated to the Excalibur jokes by purchasing one of those sword-in-the-stone replicas and super gluing it to his desk- but he’d also gotten a Grail.
         ‘Well Galahad was the knight that found the Grail, yeah? So I’m a double agent for you, sword and cup- who said I had to choose?’
         It had taken all of Harry’s restraint not to kiss him.
         Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your desired outcome, Eggsy seemed oblivious. Ever since the Hologram conversation, Eggsy’s entire demeanor had loosened- he didn’t cut himself off mid-sentence, he stopped panicking about bringing up certain topics, he started asking more questions and revealing bit by bit the things he had learned from the program.
         Eggsy had somehow convinced someone in the Lake to modify his winged trainers with blades like the standard oxfords, and now they barely left his feet. He started throwing about ideas at random what if we had, like, bulletproof denim? Or snapbacks or somethin’ for your head- it’d still hurt like fuck but least the bullet wouldn’t kill you probably. It was wonderful to see Eggsy so driven, able to share his ideas without fear of judgement- oh, plenty of them were shot down for one reason or another, but it was never done cruelly. There were no jokes about whatever it was, just plain explanation as to why they weren’t possible at present, or else questions to try and expand or narrow down the idea before sending the request to Merlin for approval for tinkering.
         For everything that had changed, there was something that had remained. Sun covers;; though now they, too, were reorganised again: two walls for Harry, one for Eggsy, and one for the mission’s they’d done together. Butterflies- now not sequestered to the loo but scattered about their home, as well. Eggsy had said that, even if they were a bit creepy, he was glad for the reminders thy bore- so they’d started collecting for their joint missions, as well.
         Harry had to remind himself regularly that they were not, in fact, married- but these little things, the melding together of their habits and hobbies and traditions, were as close as spies could traditionally get- and that was ignoring their age difference. Percival and James had been the exception, not the rule.
         But, Harry shook himself back to the present and looked down at his phone, at the unsent text message that sat there taunting him, there were some things that needed to happen needless of romantic intention. Facing Michelle was one of those things. He sighed, ran one hand up his face and dislodged his glasses, before locking the phone and getting to his feet.
         There would be no better moment for this; Eggsy was in New Zealand for another week by his estimate, and Merlin was sufficiently distracted by Lamorak’s intel for at least another day or so.
         He stopped to get a small bottle of wine and a soft lilac blanket before heading to the Unwin house- the latter was for Daisy, the former was the only thing Harry could envision himself offering to Michelle as flowers held far too many romantic affiliations, and coming by empty handed was far too reminiscent of their last interaction. Harry steeled himself and knocked on the door, but couldn’t help but shuffle his feet as hurried footsteps stopped before the door and the lock turned.
         ‘Can I help… you…’ Michelle’s face paled as she took in the form of Harry standing on her doorstep. He’d forgone the glasses, and worn one of his cardigans instead of the suit- as much as he needed the metaphorical armour he did not want to force her mind back to that dreary December.
         ‘Uh, yes- Mrs. Unwin I would like to offer my sincerest apologies and explanations, and have to that end brought a peace offering.’ He lifted the blanket and wine, and smiled sheepishly as Michelle slowly came back to herself and opened the door a bit wider. He took that as invitation and stepped inside, unfolding the blanket and placing it on the floor by the pile of toys he was certain Daisy would eventually return to.
         ‘What’re you apologising for- not being dead? You already sent Merlin with all the stuff about Lee back when you were.’ Michelle’s tone wasn’t entirely accusatory, but still harsh enough to pink the ends of his ears. She grabbed a couple glasses, and poured a bit of the wine into each.
         ‘To be honest I haven’t entirely thought this through beyond knowing you deserved more than whatever it was Merlin said to you. I hadn’t even realised that he had followed through with the request until quite recently, but I was going to come by either way.’
         Harry shrugged, ‘Eventually, yes- forgive me for my delay.’
         ‘Can’t forgive shit that don’t deserve apologies, Mr. Hart.’
         Well, that was a surprise.
         ‘I beg your pardon?’
         ‘You were dead, damn near broke my Eggsy, but you’re not now and my boy’s back to being himself. That’s enough for me, Mr. Hart. You came back, and you make Eggsy happy- that’s all I’ve cared about. Lee weren’t your fault.’
         ‘I beg to differ, Mrs. Unwin.’ Harry cleared his throat, more affected by Michelle’s words than he would ever admit. ‘If I had not been so careless the day your husband died, had I paid more attention and showed off less-’
         ‘There ain’t any sense in dwellin’ on the what-ifs, Mr. Hart. It happened, and yeah,’ Michelle looked away, stared blankly at the wall, before turning to face Harry directly, ‘it was awful. But, thing is, it takes more than one thing to fuck up a life. There’s layers to this shit, yeah? There’s love and money, sure, but there’s also determination and weakness- I gave in to the shit that should have made me more determined to do well for Eggsy.
         ‘I let Dean into our lives- I didn’t even just let him in, I fucking married him and didn’t think to leave when he hit Eggsy that first time. I just thought to keep him ‘round cos he was my security- he was an awful man, and I let myself be blind to his abuse. I let Eggsy get hurt, let me get hurt- but I never let him touch Daisy. V-Day showed I didn’t have to stop him, I’d just ‘s soon hurt her myself. She’d get hurt either way.’ It was obvious that she had lost her train of thought, and Michelle took a moment to breathe before she continued.
         ‘The point,’ She said, ‘is that you can’t change the past. You can remember it, and you can regret it, but you can’t change it. So, now, you got to do somethin’ for me.’ Harry inclined his head, unwilling to speak and break her flow.
         ‘You’ve got to let it go.’ Harry shuddered in a breath, eyes wide, mouth opening and closing without sound.
         ‘I’ve learned a lot in the time you were gone, Mr. Hart- a lot abou’ Eggsy, and a lot about me. He and I’ve got a bit on common- we don’t let go easily, and when we love it’s with our whole selves. That’s why it hurts so much when it’s over.
         ‘I know he’s doing the job his Dad almost got- I’m not angry, but I’m worried for him every day. Like I was when he went off to join the marines, but somehow it’s worse because he won’t tell me. He says he’s a tailor, just like the rest of them, and if Merlin hadn’t let your name slip I prolly would never’ve connected the dots. I knew he was trying to live up to a memory, when he showed up in the Prince after V-Day, but I didn’t realise how much more than that it was.’
         ‘The Prince? I’m sorry, he hasn’t told me about much that happened around V-Day, would you mind…?’ To his surprise Michelle laughed, covering her mouth with the hand not holding the wine glass, and nodded.
         ‘Eggsy didn’ come back home for a few days- guess he was busy helpin’ your lot with the aftermath- and by the time he did Dean’s boys and I were out at the pub cos they had beer and the least broken windows.’ Michelle looked wistful for a moment before she shook her head. ‘So, there we were, when Eggsy’s just there and correctin’ Dean for tellin’ me to shut off my music- he was dressed in one of them fancy suits, and it was the first time I really saw him as a man instead of my baby boy.
         ‘So Dean makes some comment about havin’ a word with him,’ Harry refused to make eye contact, instantly connecting the comment to his stopping Eggsy from beating Dean after the final test. ‘An’ they trade words for a minute ‘til Dean called his digs a chicken costume and he just-’ She mimes pushing something to the side, and Harry is suddenly very sure of where this is going. ‘Starts locking up the joint, and no one stops him, sayin’ something about manners. And then, slick as anythin’, he uses the end of a fucking umbrella,’ Oh, Eggsy. ‘And throws a glass into Dean’s head! Knocks ‘im clean over!
         ‘He looked so proud of himself, Mr. Hart, and then he looks at Rottie and them and says-’
         ‘Are we going to stand around here all day, or are we going to fight?’ Harry whispered, cutting Michelle off smoothly, and her mouth hangs agape or a moment.
         ‘How’d you know that, if he hasn’t told you about it?’
         ‘It’s something I said the day we met- same group of people, too- so I assume they didn’t press the issue once Dean fell unconscious?’ Michelle was looking at him as if she’d never seen him before, and in a way that was true, but the smile tugging at her lips was entirely unexpected.
         ‘No, they let me leave with him and grab all our things- he got me the divorce papers a month later, and I never questioned it. I was too happy to have gotten free at all to really think about all the hows of it, too busy being grateful it had happened at all.’ That was a feeling Harry was growing increasingly familiar with.
         ‘I know the feeling- I’ve been so busy being grateful for things that I haven’t stopped to wonder about all the things that led to my being here.’
         ‘Yeah, that’s exactly it- you don’ want to stop being grateful but you feel like figuring out all the bits and pieces will take the wonder away-’
         ‘And one hopes that it won’t, but there’s always the possibility of going back to taking things for granted again-’
         ‘And then it’ll be like you never had those moments of gratefulness at all, because things just went back to the way they were-’
         ‘With some changes, of course.’
         ‘Of course.’
         They fell into companionable silence, and Harry was pretty certain that he was in shock but these were the oddest circumstances for such a thing. He’d been told to let the past go by the person whose life he had, arguably, altered immensely for the worse. He wasn’t sure what to do from this point.
         ‘I’m not entirely certain of what to do from this point- I came here with the intent of apologising and maybe getting you to not hate me.’ His cheeks pinked at the admission, and Harry took a small sip of the wine- surprisingly pleasant, much like these circumstances.
         ‘I’ve never hated you, Mr. Hart. I hated the news you brought, I was angry at the world for taking my husband from me, but you were just the messenger. And, when Merlin came by and explained, I was shocked. But I felt like I was finally able to close that book. The world’s different now; I’m different now. But I’ve got my sitting here today, with my son and daughter and a house and no more wondering where the next meal’s coming from, partly thanks to you- no,’ She corrected herself, resting an arm along the back of the couch, ‘entirely thanks to you, and your following through on a promise you made 14 years in the past.’
         ‘I’m sure anyone would have done the same-’
         ‘Not where I’m from they don’t. Not where Eggsy grew up; unless you had one hell of a partnership someone’s word was only as good as their next meal ticket. It was a hard life to live, but it’s a harder one to leave behind.’
         ‘I can promise that you won’t end up back there, unless that’s something you end up desiring.’
         ‘Oh no, never. But we can discuss that over dinner.’
         She’d lost him.
         ‘Well you’re staying, aren’t you? I’m dead curious about the man Eggsy somehow believed back to life- like fucking Tinkerbell.’ They shared a small laugh, and Harry decided that this was a connection he could actively see himself fostering, to his unending surprise.
         ‘Besides, imagine the look on Eggsy’s face if he came round for a visit and found you and I chatting over wine like a couple of biddies?’
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amalille · 2 years
They had a whole fucking cake to deal with, but they chose the candles.
- me, on the underwhelming sequel.
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unbreathable · 4 years
The magpie  ❃ B.Barnes
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Summary : As the princess of a prosperous kingdom, you lived a life of luxury and happines. But when war is brought upon you homeland and you find yourself at the mercy of the enemy... just how far would you go to stay alive?
Pairing : Dark King Bucky x Female!Reader
Before you read, please understand that this is intended to be a dark fic. There will be noncon elements, violence, manipulation, lying, blood, gore, death and so much more. If you find any of these disturbing, please click away. 18+ only.
Warnings for this chapter : violence, swearing, mutilation, death.
Word count : 2.745
Credit : for the magpie image, the credit goes to it's  rightful creator.
Note : Not me reading only dark fics for the last month and then deciding that I should try my hand at it. Also, I'd do anything else then study for my exams so there's that. If being honest, I don't really know what I'm doing, so if you decide to read this, please bear with me. It’s the first time I write something like this. Also I should mention that English is not my first language so please excuse any typos you may encounter.
 Also, to all the writer from this platform (especially the dark!fic ones) thank you !
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There was no other in this world that tresured love as much as the people of your kingdom did.
You could see it clearly. Even as your people’s last breath was cut short by the blade that severed the head from the body. Even when their screams were silenced by the blood that gushed down from their throats . Even in the last breath of those that were drawning in their own blood. You could see the love they carried for their homeland, for their kingdom and for their kind king.
But love, as strong as the bards that often sang their verses for your delight made it up to be, was frankly not enough.
The sound of clashing swords was terrifying. The axes were clattering against the metal shilds. The chain armor your people wore was jingling with every hit it received. Enemy forces were carving their way through your people s defences like it was nothing. Scarlett red blood and greasy innards covered the ground. The men were snarling and groaning while the fight continued under the starless sky.
From the highest turn of the citadel, you watched, as man after man fell to their knees. Your heart clenched at the sight. Those men celebrated every moment of your life, they watched you grow and as their princess they protected and loved you as they would their own. Tears were already running dry while your mouth opened in a soundless sob.
In the distance you could see the younger ones clutching anxiously the sword at their side. Some of them were even younger than you, and their life was already cut short. You watched as the enemy lunged forward. From were you were standing it seemed like being attacked by a swarm of bees. It was carnage.
”Stupid child! What are you doing?!”
The sharp voice made you jump. Tearing your eyes from the battle, you turned towards your mother, wanting nothing more than just to fall into her arms and let her hold you the same way she did all those times you’ve scraped your knees. Taking a shaking breath you opened your mouth to speak but the only sound that was heard was that of slashing swords. There was so much you wanted to say, to scream and beg for it to stop, but the words never came.
Your mother stared out the window for a second. She seemed lost, nothing like the queen you looked up to. Her hair was disheveled, her dress wrinkly and her face seemed to have gotten 10 years older over night. The crown on her head was the last thing that reminded of her once, imposing figure.
”We...” she took a shaky breath before continuing. ”We have to hurry!”
Her voice trembled, and the shaky hand that took yours shattered every hope you had. You knew it was a lost battle. You knew it was the end for you kingdom. You knew you were gonna loose your home, your parents and everything you ever knew.
“Mother, we have to put an end to it“ you spoke, your voice as steady as you could manage and nothing more than a whisper.
She didn’t seem to hear you. Only the hold she had on you seemed to thighten as what seemed to be iron ladders clinked againts the castle walls.
The corridor your mother took, lead to a small chamber in the back of the castle. It was dimly lit and there was a second door at the end of the room. There was one more person there, hiding in the corner. You reconised her. A maid, nearly the same age as you. She was the one that used to serve your food. You appreciated her and in some kind of twisted way, you always thought she resembled you. The hair color, the height, the full lips it was all there. You used to joke that in another life she could have been your twin.
Looking at her now tough, something didn’t sit right with you.
“There is no time to lose!”
Your mother’s voice echoed in the empty room, bringing some of your senses back. Watching as she was marching across the room, you straitghened your back.
“Yes” your brought your shanking hand up, moving some strands of hair that have fallen on your forehad. “You as the queen of the fallen king should order a retreat. We have to save what men remained alive and surrender.”
There was no answer. And for a second you questioned if you truly spoke or everything happened in your head. However you caught a glimpse of the maids hopeful eyes before she bowed her head again.
“Listen to me, mother.” you pleaded. “Between two evils we have to choose the lesser one. If we give them what they want maybe they’ll let us ... “
“I won’t be a slave in my own castle!”
You never heard you mother yeel. She never did something that wasn’t lady-like. And for a moment there, you were stunned. You were young, and this was the first battle that was brought upon you homeland. You didn’t know how to act or react. You fel helpless and you hated it.
There was a dress put at your feet. And as your mother urged you to change in the simple cloth, you eyes darted to the maid. She was terified, jumping at every sound and making her hand a fist over the cloth of her dress. A cloth, you realized, used to make only your most beautiful gowns. You eyes widened.
“Mother” you took a step back as the one that gave you life adjusted the modest dress. “What’s happening here?”
Again, there was no answer. The queen avoided your eyes as she went ahead and opened the door, for the one that you recognised as the head of kingsman to enter. Sir Gregor was your father’s loyal friend and your family’s protector long before you were born.
He sat on firm feet. His face impasive as he scaned the room. There was a short bow as his eyes fell upon you, but otherwise he remained the stoic knight.
“Do it”
Suddenly his sword was drawn.
You watched in horror as he headed towards the trembling girl that was hiding in the corner of the room.
“What are you doing?” your voice was suddenly hoarse.
You could see the fear on the maid’s face. You could see her shanking with sobs. You could see that she was unable to do anything. She feared for her life.
“Stop” your voice echoed. “Leave her alone!”
“Do it!”
The second comand given by your mother merged with your own. But it was to no avail.
The girl screameed as she was taken by her hair and hung in the air, the sword close to her throat.
You made to lunge foward, without thinking. Ready to fight thoot and nail for that girl, but the sudden grip on your shoulders threw you back. You hit the ground with thud.
“Stop!” you were screaming at this point. “Sir Gregor I said stop!”
You scrambled on your hands and feet trying to regain your composture, but as your mothers hands pushed on your back you found it hard to do it.
“And I’m ordering you to kill that girl!”
You couldn’t believe those words were said by the same person that used to remind you everyday that there was good in everyone and that every little thing had it’s own beauty. Your eyes widened in horror.
“Please, n-no, no...”
The poor girl voice was distraught. Terrified and when the sowrd dig into her skin her screams were even louder.
“Sir Gregor” your mother gathered you in her arms as you tried to break free. “Do as your queen commands! Protect your princess! Now!”
You screamed as the blade cut through the young girls neck. A sound like the winter wind could be herd as the maid gave her last breath. It was wrong. She had a whole life ahead. She could have had a family. Maybe there was someone out there praying that she’s safe and sound. Maybe.
”Unhand me!” you bated your mother s hands away as her grip on you lessened. ”How could you!?”
For the umpteenth time that day, you wanted to scream. Your mothers tired eyes stared at you. She was biting her lip whiler her hands were tugging at the dress sleeves. For a moment there, she seemed lost.
”Darling” her quavering voice made you forrow your brows. ”Look away, darling!”
You didn’t understand what she meant.
The sound of cracking bones came all too soon. You turned you head towards the man you once thought to be so kind. His sword was now put aside, replaced with a dagger. Shock crossed your face. He already smashed the girl’s head against the bare wall. That s were that shattering sound came from. If you squinted your eyes you were sure that you could see the blood running down that wall. It left you speechless.
”Child, I said to look away” your mothers voice seemed so far.
While you undestood what she said, the shock paralized you. Your eyes widened in horror as the man you trusted with your life was skinning the poor girl’s body. His moves were precise. Cherry red blood sprayed from the gaping cuts. Her young face was covered in blood, but you were sure that there was more damage than that. Her throath was cut open. And as the knife danced across her collarbone, you realized. He was carving her skin in the exact same spot your birthmark was.
It slowly came to you. The resemblance you noticed. The braied hair. The beautiful dress. Your mothers orders. The killing. The mutilating.
The battle was lost. Your kingdom was already in foreing hands. There was no chace for a retreat. Making it out to the forest that was near the citadel was  imposible. The enemy was already searching for what was left of the royal family. This murder. This charade. This, was your mother making sure you survived.
Shooking your head,  you stared at the barbaric picture that was before you. There were no words you could think of, that explained what you felt at the sight. Your heart sank and a your head started to throb. You wanted to throw up.
”How could you just take her life like that? Like she was no one?” you hadn’t realized you were holding you breath, till you took a a deep one to finish your questioning.
”She was a no one.” the queen’s voice was flat and steady.”If she didn’t die today, she would have been useless tomorrow.”
You turned towards her. Your eyes searched her face while your ears could not believe what they have heard. Those words were coming from the woman that gave you life. The woman that used to sing lullabies and braid flowers in your hair. The woman that protected every single girl that worked in the palace from the predatory gaze some dukes had. You wanted to be like her.
”I did what I had to do.” your mother continued.
She neared you. Her hand went to you face and as she did a hundred times before, she caresed it. Her sad eyes were looking you over, taking every single piece of her daughter’s face in. She looked at you like she was seeing you for the last time.
You held her gaze for a moment. The love you could see in her sad eyes was overwhelmimg.
”My sweet, sweet child. Forgive me for I could not see a wold without you in it.” tears fell down her cheeks. ”I just want you to live, to get a chance to fight back, to become the queen I always imagined you to be. I did what I had to do, what any mother woud do to protect her child! You... you don t know what he will do to you.”
You cried with her. And when she pulled you in a thight hug, you let your head rest on her shoulders. You wanted to tell her you understood but at the same time a part of you resented her for the decision she made. You were a princess, if your people died you should die with them.
There was a sharp noise, and your mother was the first to react, pushing you back to the end of the room, where the door was. Sir Gregor drew his sword as footsteps and loud voices could be heard in the castle. The enemy was here.
”Run!” your mothers voice was nothing more than a whisper.
”What?” you asked. ”You re not ... ”
”Run as fast and as long as you can. Don’t ook back. Keep that damned birthmark hidden. An don’t stop for anything in this world. You have to make it out alive!”
As the sound of voices became clearer, your mothers one become hushed. She balled her hand on fists as you drew in a shaky breath. Sir Gregor stepped in front of you both, his sword at ready.
”Child, promise me.” the queen looked you in the eye before placing a kiss on your head. The same spot your father used to kiss ”Promise me!”
”I ...”
A loud bang could be heard and the footsteps stopped right before the chamber’s door. A clattering sound. And then another.
The queen gave you on last push through the door. She looked at you as she used to, when you were just a little girl trying on her crowns and jewelry. You could see all the love she had for you. You could understand the sacrifices she made for you. So as another thundering sound made itself heard you took on running.
The tunel was dark, but you knew it. You darted forward, trying to move your feet as fast as you could. Your arms churned. And after a while, sweat started to go dawn your forehead. You panted. There were foreign voices that the echoes made them seem to close. You urged you feet towards as panic settled in.
The tunel wasn’t long, but you were already questioning how far could you push it?
The dim light you could see after a few more minutes of running gave you hope. You knew you were close to the opening that was in the back of the castle. It should be safe and the forest would give you a place to hide. You knew you could make it. Your feet pounded on the cold wet floor.
As soon as you neared the door, you threw it open. You sprinted outside. But the sound of clashing swords made stop dead in your tracks. A jet of blood surged into the air, part of it touching your face. You recoiled. The scent of death was around you. Swords were riging against each other. Men after men meet their doom. You trembled. The enemy really surrended the whole castle.
As you stayed there, too terrified to even move a finger, you saw him. This one man that no one seemed to touch. He moved with precision and when he hit, he hit to kill.
There was something familiar about him. You didn’t remember when or where but you were sure you’ve seen him before. Stunned, you stared at him. And somehow in all that madness, as his blade cut open the troath of some poor man, his eyes found yours. You realised then. He was the man that brught war on your home. He was the one that led the armies towards the castle gate. He was the man that drew his sword through your father’s heart. And he will be the one that tomorrow would be celebrated as a hero by his men. King James.
You gulped. He was the one you mother told you to run from. You teared your eyes away and in moment of panic you made to run. The hand that was suddenly caught into your hair trew you off balance. The ground was cold, and as soon as you hit it, you head was tugged back by the one whose hand was still upon hair. You yelped.
”Where you running to little bird?” a deep voice asked in a mocking tone.
You opened your eyes to see the brute of a man smirking down at you.You hated him. Without a second thought, all the saliva you had into your mouth, was spit directly into the man’s blue eyes.The image of his disgust, made you proud.
”You whore!”
You should have seen the kick coming. You should have expected the second and the third too. Though it didn’t really matter anyway. Unconcioness was so invinting.
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polikszena · 3 years
Ficlet Advent Calendar 2021: Chapters 5-8
Here are the latest chapters of the challenge. You can access them by clicking on the fic’s title.
December 5 - Substitute Santa
Fandom: Ted Lasso Characters: Ms Bowen, Phoebe Word Count: 596 Rating: Teen and up audiences Summary: Ms Bowen organizes a Santa Claus event for her class, but Janey McCabe's dad, who was supposed to play Santa falls ill and she has to find someone else. However, the only person available has only one thing in common with Santa Claus: they are both men. Note:  So, in my country Santa Claus (or rather Saint Nicholas) is coming at night on the 5th December, leaving sweets and chocolate in the children's shoes, so for this day I added a Santa-related chapter. Also, there's no canon information on Ms Bowen's first name, so it's only a headcanon of mine that her name is Paula. And this chapter contains strong language!
December 6 - Santa F*cking Claus
Fandom: Ted Lasso Characters: Roy Kent, Phoebe, Keeley Jones Pairings: Roy/Keeley Word Count: 588 Rating: Teen and up audiences Summary: After the Swearing Santa incident, Roy Kent goes home embarrassed, angry, and still wearing the red costume. Note:  Roy Kent as Santa Claus - part 2, also contains strong language
December 7 - Surprise
Fandom: Kingsman, Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga Characters: Roxy Morton, Alexander Lemtov Word Count: 834 Rating: Teen and up audiences Summary: Coming home one evening, Roxy Morton finds an unexpected visitor in her bathroom. Note:  This chapter is related to my Kingsman-Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga crossover, The Bodyguard. Last year I grew quite fond of Roxy's friendship with Lemtov, so I decided to include them in this challenge as well. Also, just like last year, Lemtov's Christmas party will be a recurring storyline again. Oh, and this chapter was based on this post.
December 8 - Number 25
Fandom: Absolute Power (BBC) Characters: Charles Prentiss, Martin McCabe, Alison Jackman, Jamie Front, Nick Mayer, Cat Durnford Word Count: 758 Rating: Teen and up audiences Summary: “We had a phone call,” Martin told him, and his tone suggested it was something important. “From whom? Number 10?” Charles wondered. What would the prime minister want from them? “Number 25,” Martin said, making his partner furrow his brows. “Number 25?” Charles echoed. What the hell was Number 25? “December 25.”
The London-based PR company, Prentiss McCabe gets a new client who needs some help to get his groove back. Note:  Originally, I wasn't planning to write this today, I wasn't even planning to write for Absolute Power, but I suddenly had this idea that Father Christmas would hire the Prentiss McCabe, and I decided to give it a go. Also, thanks to @mattzwright for the help with this! ^_^
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pi-cat000 · 4 years
Premise: Everyone in the world is born with a Curse.
Curse-AU world-building thing: Baced of this post by writing-prompt-s
Don’t know if anyone’s picked it up on it but I love world building and have messing around with this premise for ages. Anyway, decided to make it a Mystery Skulls fic because I wanted to write Lewvithur stuff and wanted an interesting setting. 
Pairings: Lewvithur
"Do you think she's okay?"
Lewis folds his arms, restless, glancing down at his lot number. 65. It put him near the end of the queue and the waiting is disagreeing with him.  
"It's Vivi...she's the only person I've ever see get excited about knowing her Curse."
Arthur's reassurance is at odds with his fidgeting and own restless movement.
The hall around them slowly empties as, one by one, people take their turns entering and exiting the old community centre, temporarily repurposed into an Identification Centre. Almost half an hour ago Vivi had disappeared behind the makeshift wall which was bisecting the usually larger room in half to get her Curse identified.
“I mean it’s probably going to be a continuation of her bloodline curse so it’s not exactly going to be a surprise.”
Lewis immediately picks up on the undertone of bitterness and resignation in Arthur’s voice and reaches out to rest a hand on his friend's shoulder in a gesture of comfort, “There's always a chance a bloodline curse will skip a generation.”
“A small chance,” Arthur snaps, before wincing, “Sorry. Vivi might be happy with her family’s weird monster hunter Destiny Curse but Bad Luck curses suck and the Kingsman one hasn’t skipped a generation yet.”
“Bad Luck curses are manageable," Lewis reaffirms, sounding more certain than he is, “Lance handles his one just fine and there are all sorts of strategies and wards to mitigate the effects of probability-based curses." He lets his arm fall back to his side.
Of course, everyone hoped to get an Innocuous Curse. A curse that caused a small inconvenience in the individual’s day to day life. Lewis's mama had a Curse which manifested in her accidentally breaking one glass item a day. His dad’s Curse had him to stumbling when moving through specific doorways. When it came to Curses, a mild inconvenience was the best one could hope for. Usually, having two parents with an Innocuous Curse would increase his chances of getting one in the same category. Heck, one more iteration of a Pepper having an Innocuous Curse that involved breaking small objects the family would have one of the word’s most inane bloodline curses.
Only, he's adopted, so Lewis has no idea what to expect. He doesn't want to inconvenience his friends more than they already were, saddled with their respective bloodline curses. He exhales unhappily.  Obviously, his sigh is a little louder than intended because Arthur glances over, mouth opening as if to ask something. Before Lewis can wave away any incoming concern, Vivi finally re-emergences.
She comes strolling out from around the makeshift barrier, practically skipping past the two stern government officials who were blockading the area. Her enthusiasm is at stark odds with the dourer atmosphere hanging over the remaining waiting crowd.
"A destiny of monster hunting awaits," Vivi crows in triumph as she hurries closer, garnering serval incredulous glances.  "Was worried I was going to get mom's boring one for a second there... now dad has no excuse but to start teaching me his hunting stuff. So much for Mystery's warning that it would skip this generation."
"...congratulations,"  Arthur mumbles, gloomier than before, eyeing the official curse certificate that Vivi’s brazenly waving around. Usually, Curses weren’t things you celebrated.  
Vivi laughs, takes a second to read the room, and sobers up a little "Ah, sorry. I mean...it’s a little exciting."
Lewis offers a smile, Vivi’s enthusiasm is contagious, “I’m happy for you.” Which isn’t a thing you would usually say to someone who’s found out it’s their destiny to hunt monsters but Vivi makes even the darkest parts of the world that much brighter.
“Thanks Lew. I know it’ll be a bit of an inconvenience when the Curse really kicks in in a few years, but I’ll make sure I’m prepared for it. I’ll do a load of training and we’ll have a good excuse to travel all over the place.”
“Lot 63″
The metallic voice echoes over the room’s speaker system, interrupting Vivi’s rush of dialogue, bouncing off the wood-panelled walls and floor. Simultaneously, as if of one mind, both he and Vivi turn to check on Arthur. He's turned several shades paler, hand tightening on his lot number, turning his knuckles white.
Vivi reaches out to hold the hand, squeezing it to loosen Arthur's death grip,  “You’ll be fine,”
“My dad died because of his Curse” Arthur objects, voice high-pitched.
“Knowing what your Curse is doesn’t change things immediately. There’s always an adjustment period.”
Lewis nods, reaching out to take Arthur’s other hand, which fits easily in his palm, “Whatever Curse you get, we’ll have time to work it out.”
“63″ The voice sounds again, mildly impatient as, whoever it was, waited for Arthur to come forward.
“Right...yeah. It’s not the end of the world,” Arthur breaths in and out in a calming motion, forcing himself to step forward. Lewis gets a small, abet strained smile, and he lets go of Arthur's hand.
“I’ll be fine,” He hears Arthur repeat, walking past to be ushered out of view by a board-looking security guard.
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imagines-by-rose · 4 years
New Recruit - FINAL
Hello, lovelies! I’ve decided to go ahead and post the last of the fic as one big finale rather than break it into small chapters. Thank you all so much for reading!
Summary: Y/n is brought into Kingsman as Lancelot after the events leading to Roxy’s death, and Eggsy is furious. As the two work together to stop a notorious jewel thief, however, attitudes change - and feelings develop.
Pairing: Eggsy Unwin x Reader
Genre: Angst w/ a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Near Death Experience, Cursing, Blood
An ‘out of body experience’ wasn’t exactly how y/n would’ve described it.
She was very much in her body, but it wasn’t hers. The now foreign limbs felt unimaginably long as her consciousness nestled itself fully behind her eyes; two enormous windows that cut through the darkness, showing her an unknown, yet vaguely familiar world. She looked on passively -- curiosity her only motivation, if one could even call it that.
He was crying, she noticed, his trembling hands firmly pressed against a wound that was now miles away.
It all seemed so strange to her. She felt nothing; her pain long forgotten. Why was he still trying to staunch the bleeding? Didn’t he know it wasn’t her anymore?
How odd.
Indifferent, she continued to watch him attempt to fix the empty body. Sometimes, if she focused, she could even hear his pleads echo in the fog around her.
“Please, y/n! I love you. Please don’t leave me--”
She almost pitied him. He looked so...sad, wasting his time on someone who didn’t even exist anymore.
It was only when those windows began to close that she truly remembered fear. She may not have felt any attachment to the world in view, but she dreaded the boredom that she knew would surely come with oblivion.
She let out a silent scream -- for a moment she thought she heard him scream with her -- as the waning light was finally snuffed out, leaving her in darkness.
*  *  *  *  *  *
Eggsy could only watch helplessly as her eyes closed, her body now completely limp.
He cried out in horror, his instincts letting him do little else.
“NO! No, no no no! I can’t lose you, too! Stay with me. Open your eyes, y/n, come on! Please. Please!”
Her wound continued to weep blood, mocking his attempts to slow it.
“Merlin! Where the fuck is the damn evac team?!”
“They’re going as fast as they can, Eggsy! They’re nearly there, just a few more seconds!”
“She hasn’t fucking got seconds!” he bellowed. “I need them here NOW!”
His whole body was shaking. It was all he could do to apply more pressure to her chest. He felt useless.
“Please, baby” he begged, “don’t you fucking die on me. You can’t leave me like this, love. I need you here. I need you.”
Just then the doors burst open, a rush of Kingsman medics racing toward them.
Eggsy sobbed in relief.
*  *  *  *  *  *
The first thing she saw was the clock.
She had no idea how long she’d been staring at it, her consciousness coming in waves. She could’ve sworn the minute hand sat by the three, but now it was hovering near eleven.
Where am I?
As her awareness grew, her eyes traveled around the room. Fluorescent lights were embedded in the tiled ceiling, and she noticed a track that carried a thin blue curtain. There was a window to her right -- is it nighttime? -- and a doorway to her left. Various medical instruments stood everywhere, a faint electric ring sounding every few seconds.
A hospital. So I’m alive, then.
She continued taking in her surroundings when she noticed a light pressure on the bed. She looked for the source, her eyes landing on Eggsy. He was sat in a chair, his head resting on her bedside as he slept. He held her hand so close that his soft breaths landed on her knuckles and his stubble just brushed against her fingers. He must not have shaved in a week, at least.
Still in a daze herself, y/n watched him sleep, admiring how peaceful he looked.
It occurred to her, then, why she was there in the first place. She had been shot, and Eggsy had been the one to save her. With guilt she remembered his desperate cries as he did everything he could to keep her awake. She could see now how worn his features were despite his relaxed state.
He must have been through hell.
Pain shot through her and she sucked in a choked breath, her senses fully returning. Eggsy’s sleep must not have been as deep as it appeared, as he was immediately upright and fawning over her with concern.
“Y/n? You’re awake. What can I do? How can I help?”
She tried to sit up. A pained cry left her as her ribcage screamed in protest. Eggsy’s hand came to rest on her shoulder, preventing her from moving any further.
“Woah, hey, easy now” he cooed. “Don’t try to move too much, yeah? That’s what the bed’s for, love.”
Strong arms carefully held her as if she were glass. Eggsy propped cushions behind her, hoping to make her as comfortable as possible while the bed readjusted to a more upright position.
“That better?” he asked after easing her back onto the pillows. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
Y/n nodded, her movements strained.
“T-thank…you” she managed through harsh breaths.
I feel like I haven’t spoken in days. How long have I been here?
“I’ll call the nurse. They can give you something for the pain.” He pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek. “I’ll be right back, y/n.”
Y/n tried to take even breaths, focusing on moving as little as possible. It wasn’t long before Eggsy returned, followed by a woman in a white coat. Y/n didn’t miss the Kingsman insignia on her clipboard.
“I've brought the doctor, love” Eggsy said, taking her hand. “You’ll feel better in no time. Promise.”
The doctor spoke in a kind voice. “Hello, y/n. I’m Dr. O’Malley. Glad to see you’ve finally woken up, Eggsy here hasn’t left your side at all these past ten days, you know. Maybe now you can help me get him off my nurses’ backs, hm?” she laughed good naturedly.
Y/n managed a smile, but she was sure it looked more like a grimace.
Ten days? I’ve been here for ten days?
No wonder she felt so weak.
Dr. O’Malley put something in y/n’s IV drip -- has that been in my hand this whole time? -- and the pain was almost immediately overtaken by a soothing warmth.
“There. That should feel better.”
Y/n sighed in relief, her body relaxing. “Much. Thank you.”
“This medicine can cause fatigue, so don’t be alarmed if you begin to feel groggy. I’ll give you a while to adjust, and then I’ll be back to run a few quick tests to see how you’re improving. Sound good?”
Y/n nodded.
“Great. Call if you need anything, you two.”
The room was quiet when she left. Eggsy was rubbing gentle circles into y/n’s palm. His eyes were somber and he looked like he wanted to speak, but his mouth kept closing as if he couldn’t.
He took in a shaky breath. “Y’know…you gave me a real scare, love. I don't want to think of what could've happened, if-- "
Eggsy’s voice cracked. His lips pulled into a tight line, brows furrowed.
Y/n brought her free hand to his face, prompting red-rimmed eyes to meet hers. He looked miserable.
“Oh, Eggsy…”
She pulled him into her, guiding his head to the crook of her neck and rubbing soothing circles on his back. He was careful of her injuries, even then, making sure not to put too much weight against her. She held him while he processed everything that had happened.
Y/n kissed his head. “Eggsy, you’ve been through so much. I don’t even know how to thank you.”
He sat up, y/n’s hand affectionately following to wipe his tears. He put his hand over hers. “You don’t have to thank me, love. You went through the worst of it, anyway. I’d do it all again if I had to.” He turned to kiss her palm, his lips lingering over the soft skin. His eyes closed in relief.
She’s awake. She’s okay.
He threw her a sideways glance. “That doesn’t mean you have permission to get shot again, you know,” he teased.
Y/n chuckled. “I won’t make a habit of it, I promise.” Her expression grew dark as the severity of what happened settled in. She felt her own eyes well with tears. “But I’m serious, Eggsy. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I remember everything. You were so upset.” She sniffed. “I just-- I wish I could’ve-- ”
“I was upset because I love you.”
Her eyes widened.
Eggsy’s gaze never faltered and he threaded his fingers with hers. “I love you, y/n.” He quirked a brow. “Didn’t you hear me in the museum? And here I thought you remembered everything.” He faked offense, pulling their entwined hands to his chest and closing his eyes, drawing a tearful laugh from y/n. “I confessed my heart to her and she doesn’t even remember. I knew she was a wicked woman!” he shook his head.
“Oh, shove it. I love you, too, cheeky. And I already told you, I’m lovely, so don’t you start that nonsense again.”
He leaned forward, grinning. “You’re wonderful, love.”
They shared a tender kiss, Eggsy’s free hand lightly caressing y/n’s cheek as he rubbed her tears away. Y/n rested her head on his shoulder when they reluctantly parted, exhaustion beginning to overtake her.
“‘M Sorry. Guess those miracle drugs are finally kicking in, huh?”
She felt his chuckle resound in his chest. “S’alright, sweetheart. You should get some rest.”
Her head tilted up towards him. “And what about you? Dr. O’Malley said you’d been here ten days. You need to take better care of yourself, Eggsy. Have you eaten? Tell me you haven’t slept in that chair every night.”
He pressed a quick kiss to her nose.
The woman’s been shot and she’s worried about me. What am I gonna do with her?
Eggsy laughed, peppering y/n’s face with kisses while he spoke. “I have eaten. Merlin made sure of that. He says hi, by the way. And you win -- I won’t tell you that I’ve slept in the chair every night,” he smirked.
Y/n sighed, exasperated. “Baby, no, that’s not fair,” y/n tutted in protest, but the grogginess in her voice did little to make her sound commanding. Eggsy helped her lie back while he readjusted the bed. She squeezed his hand with what little strength she had left. “Don’t sleep in the chair again, s’not good for you. This bed is big enough, you should come up ‘ere with me. I’ll scoot over.”
Eggsy laughed. “Don’t you worry about me. I’m messing with you, love. They have cots here so I’ll be just fine. You caught me nappin’ is all. I can rest easy now that you’ve woken up.”
Y/n closed her eyes, her voice growing faint. She sighed into Eggsy’s touch as he softly brushed his fingers through her hair. “M’kay. Promise me you’ll eat something. And tell Merlin hi.”
“I promise, sweetheart. And I will.”
Eggsy brought his lips to her forehead. His smile was the last thing y/n felt before drifting off to a restful sleep.
A/N: That’s it! I had a lot of fun writing this, and I really appreciate all of you who’ve read/liked/reblogged my posts! It really means a lot. I plan to keep writing and have a few imagines in mind, and who knows? Maybe I’ll start taking requests soon ;)
‘Til next time!
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satanssmutcorner · 4 years
Smutty Blog Introduction
Hello fellow earthlings! I’ve been debating for a while now on whether or not to become more active on this platform. Given the short nature (ish) of the content here, it seems like a good option given that I’m currently quite busy with Uni and other life stuff in general, but still feel that writer’s itch and wish to write down thoughts and ideas to explore some creative avenues. Now, for that to happen, I’m more than happy to take requests, given that I’m a part of quite a few fandoms. I’ll also add the characters I’d be willing to write for, so you guys get an idea as to what to expect.
That being said, this is a blog largely dedicated to all the smutty fics I come up with, so it’ll mostly be one-shots, drabbles, headcannons, NSWF alphabets, etc. I reserve the right to not write certain stuff because, well, I might not be into it (this includes underage stuff and noncon, straight off the bat, sorry, that’s just how it is). Other than that, please feel free to send me an ask of a request. Under the cut are a list of characters I’ll happily write for since I’ve watched/binged the show and have plenty of inspo for them. If you can’t find something to your liking, please shoot me a message anyway an we’ll see if we can work something out.
Actors I’d consider writing preferences, imagines or one-shots for, and any other characters they might have played in movies (as well as scouring the internet for pictures and mood-boards):
Ralph Fiennes,
Christoph Waltz,
Willem Dafoe,
Jason Isaacs,
Alan Rickman,
Iain Glenn,
Stephen Lang,
Charles Dance,
Robert Carlyle
David Thewlies
Cliff Simon
Javier Bardem
Bill Nighy
Tim Roth
Joe Mantegna
Hugh Laurie
William Fitchner
Michael McEalhatton
Timothy Dalton
Michael Sheen
Robert Sean Leonard
Claes Bang
Goran Visnjic
Oded Fehr
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
J.R. Bourne
Sebastian Roche
Jack Davenport
Colin Firth
Mark Strong
Henry Ian Cusick
Aiden Gillen
Alexander Skarsgard
Stephen Moyet
Mads Mikkelsen
David Tennant
Stargate (Atlantis, Universe and SG1) Characters:  SG1: Jack O’Neill, Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson, Ba’al, Cameron Mitchel, Vala Mal Doran, General Landry,  Selmak/Jacob Carter, Martouf) Atlantis: John Shepherd, Teyla Ammagen, Todd the Wraith, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Elizabeth Weir, Carson Beckett)  Universe: Nicholas Rush, Cl. Everett Young, Tamara Johansen, Camille Wray, Chloe Armstrong, David Telford, Varro, Ginn, Simeon, Amanda Perry, Commander Kiva)
The 100  Charaters: Clarke Griffin, Marcus Kane, Octavia Blake, Lexa, Echo, Raven Reyes, Roan) 
Star Trek (For now only Discovery and a few of the main characters from the older series such as TNG, Enterprise, etc) Characters: James T Kirk, Uhura, Spock, Scotty, Leonard McCoy, Jean-Luc Picard, Data, Odo, Worf, Jonathan Archer, Paul Stamets, Saru, Gabriel Lorca, Phillipa Georgiou, Sylvia Tilly, Sarek, Leland.
Battlestar Galactica Characters: Admiral William Adama, Dr. Gaius Baltar, Nr. 6, Boomer, Starbuck.
Terra Nova Characters: Nathaniel Taylor, lol.
Westworld Characters: William/The man in Black, Delores, Mave.
Harry Potter Characters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Rufus Scrimgeour, Minerva McGonagall.
Games of Thrones Characters: Jorah Mormont, Tywin Lannister, Petyr Baelish, Roose Bolton, Khal Drogo, Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Eddard Stark, Oberyn Martell, Bronn
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Characters: Zelda Spellman, Faustus Blackwood, Madam Satan
Supernatural Characters:  John Winchester, Ruby, Crowley, Lucifer, Balthazar, Naomi.
True Blood Characters: Eric Northman, Russel Edgington, William Compton, Jessica Hamby, Sam Merlotte, Alcide Herveaux, Pam.
Vampire Diaries Characters: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Katherine, Elijah Mikaelson, Mikael, Alaric Saltzman, Bonnie.
Reign Characters: Mary Stuart, Sebastian, Kenna, Stephan Narcisse, King Henry II, Gideon Blackburn, Aloysius Castelroy.
The OA Characters: Prairie, Hunter Aloysius Percy (HAP).
Penny Dreadful Characters: Malcolm Murray, Vanessa Ives, Ethan Chandler, Brona Croft, Dorian Gray, Victor Frankenstein, Dracula, Dr. Henry Jekyll.
Grimm Characters: Nick Burkhardt, Juliette Silverton, Captain Sean Renard.
Aquaman Characters: Nuidis Vulko, Arthur Curry, King Nereus.
Hannibal Characters: Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Dr. Alana Bloom.
Kingsman Characters: Merlin, Harry Hart, Lancelot, Whiskey.
The Lighthouse Characters: Thomas Wake
Pirates of the Carribean Characters: Hector Barbossa, Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swan, James Norrington, Armando Zalasar
Spiderman Characters: Norman Osborn
John Wick Characters: Marcus, Viggo Tarasov, Winston
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scarlettwitcher · 4 years
Baby Girl Chapter One
Summary: Y/n tried to avoid her past with a certain Statesmen but when they’re partnered back up for a mission that could cost millions their lives, Y/n must make the right choice. (This is the Kingsman: The Golden Circle movie basically in writing with reader insert. I recommend watching the movie, it’s amazing! It’s on Amazon Prime Video.)
Characters: Agent Whiskey, Agent Gin(Y/n), Tequila, Ginger Ale, Eggsy, Merlin, Champ, Harry, mentions of Poppy, Charlie, and Clara in coming chapters..
Word Count: 2.327
Warnings: Canon typical violence, angst, cursing, fluff here and there, uh guns?
Author’s Note: We’re finally here! I have been working so hard on this series and I have finally finished it! I’m so excited to be sharing this. Shoutout to my lovely @giftofdreams​ for being an amazing beta and friend. Also send my girl @queenxxxsupreme​ some love. After this series, I’ll be working hard on my requests and on my existing August Walker Series. Don’t worry, I didn’t forget it babes. Thanks for all the love I receive daily! If you’d like to be a tag, please send in an ask! As always, thanks for reading, feedback is always welcome/needed. Also, please reblog! I know this fandom is kinda small but I’d love for people to find this fic. I just worked so hard on it and I want it to get the love it deserves. Love to you all!
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The loud sound of rain burned into Eggsy’s ears as he stared at the broken-down building in front of him. He didn’t know whether he should scream, cry, or curse anyone who was listening. He looked up to see a black figure walking towards him, holding a black bag. He immediately reacted, pulling out his gun, aiming it straight at his head. As the figure stepped closer, Merlin's face became visible to him but he never lowered his gun. Slowly the both of them started to walk towards each other as Eggsy gripped his gun harder, feeling it's weight get heavier with every step. “Someone decides to wipe out every Kingsman property, every agent, and somehow, conveniently, you weren't at home.”
Neither of them stopped walking towards each other, walking between all of the rubble of Eggsy’s blown up home. “I could say the same thing about you.
Finally, Eggsy stopped when he was a few feet away from Merlin, his voice cracking from emotion. “What, you think I'd kill Roxy? And my mate, Brandon, and my fucking dog?”
“No. You think I would?” Eggsy kept his gun trained on Merlin as he swallowed thickly. Merlin held up the black bag towards him, opening it up and pulling a robotic arm, holding it up. “This thing hacked us. Clearly, this arm can be remotely controlled. I'm only alive because my address wasn't on the database with the agents. Whoever Charlie's working with doesn't think that mere staff are missile-worthy.”
Eggsy scoffed angrily as he lowered his gun, his voice raising an octave. “This ain't funny. Roxy is dead! Everyone's dead! Gone! Do you even care?”
“Pull yourself together. Remember your training. There's no time for emotion in this scenario.” Eggsy nodded quietly in understanding. “Now, as all surviving agents are present, we follow the doomsday protocol. When that's done, and only then… you may shed a tear in private.”
Eggsy sighed deeply as he nodded. The loud sound of thunder echoed between the two men filling in the absence of conversation. The deaths of all the Kingsman weighed heavy on their hearts. “Okay. What's the doomsday protocol?”
“We go shopping.” Both of the men decided to take the night off and try to sleep. It was a restless sleep for both. First thing in the morning, they both headed for Berry Bros & Rudd; Wine merchants. They walked in dressed to the nines. Merlin approached one of the workers. “We're from Kingsman. We'd like to buy some wine and use tasting room number three, please.” The man in the shop nodded quickly, before taking both of them towards the room. The man left, leaving Eggsy and Merlin alone. “Not one of my predecessors has ever been in this situation before. Thank God.” Merlin walked towards a distinctive place in the wall, recognizing a familiar shape. He pulled out a pendant, exactly like one Harry had given Eggsy when he was younger. “A-ha. Remember this?” He showed it to Eggsy who smiled softly, remembering its significance. 
“Yeah, how could I forget?” Eggsy watched as Merlin turned towards the wall, slipping the pendant into the shape, fitting perfectly into the molding. Loud sounds of locks being opened and gears turning filled the room. The wall slid open, revealing a black safe. 
Merlin pointed towards the safe as he spoke to Eggsy. “Whatever's in that safe is the answer to all our problems.” Merlin got to quickly opening the safe. Pulling the door open, his brows furrowed in confusion as he leaned closer to see what he was looking at. “Huh.” He pulled out a bottle of whiskey with clear big letters that read “Statesman” on the front. He showed it to Eggsy who looked confused.
“Is that it?”
“I suppose that must be upper-class humor.” Merlin looked down at the bottle, analyzing it for a few seconds before looking back up to Eggsy. “I don't get it.”
“Me neither. What the fuck are we supposed to do now?”
“I think we should drink a toast to our fallen comrades.” Merlin served both of them cups of the Whiskey. Eggsy grabbed one and held it up towards Merlin as he grabbed his own cup, doing the same. They clinked their cups together. 
“To Roxy.”
“Roxy.” Merlin oohed in admiration of the taste. Eggsy nodded his approval as well as they served another round, doing what they had previously done again. “To Arthur.”
“Arthur.” They both drank their whiskey before Eggsy stopped in thought. “Mmm. Should we do one for JB?”
“I think we should.” Eggsy pulled out a chair, sitting across from Merlin as they poured more whiskey. They took a drink for every fallen Kingsman. Leaving the bottle almost empty, Merlin started to cry, wiping at his eyes in pain with his handkerchief. “I should have seen it coming. Charlie, the taxi. It's all my fault.” Both men had forgone their jackets and glasses as they spoke.
“No, that's bullshit, Merlin. It ain't all your fault. You're the best, bruv. Honestly, without you, I'd have lost it a long time ago.”
There was a moment of silence between the two as Eggsy placed his hand on Merlin's shoulder. Merlin stayed quiet before reaching for the almost empty bottle. "I think we should drink to Scotland."
Eggsy quickly took the bottle away from Merlin. "I think we've probably had enough, to be honest." He analyzed the bottle as Merlin cleaned his glasses. 
"You're probably right." Eggsy stared at the bottle. Looking closer he saw a small print at the bottom of the back of the sticker, 'Distilled in Kentucky'. The K looked very familiar to him before it clicked. 
"I think we're going to Kentucky."
"Fried Chicken? I love fried chicken."
"No, proper Kentucky. Look." Eggsy placed the bottle on the table as Merlin slipped his glasses on. 
"You know what else I love? Country and western music." Before Eggsy could say anything, Merlin started to sing. Eggsy was annoyed but listened quietly anyways. "Country roads, Take me home, To the place I belong.." The boys moved quickly, getting what few things they had left before flying over to the distillery. They noticed a tour happening as they arrived and they followed behind as the woman spoke. She didn't let them into a large warehouse, explaining something about how the temperature is perfect for the barrels and both men stopped. Eggsy scanned the door with his watch, nodding towards it. 
"Biometric security scanner just to protect a few old barrels of whiskey? Pull the other one, love." 
Merlin fiddled with his tablet as Eggsy watched him. "Got it." The door slid open behind Eggsy. They looked around before skidding in. Eggsy kept his hand up with his watch, surveying the area. They looked around amazed at all of the giant barrels. 
"Are you getting anything?"
"Not yet."
"Fucking hell."
"It's a shame it's not scotch." Merlin's tablet started to beep loudly. "Hang on." He looked at the image, showing underneath them was the base. "According to this, there's a huge underground structure right beneath us." Merlin walked quickly to the end to place his tablet down, grabbing an axe placed lazily on the side. "And if my calculations are correct…" He moved towards the main barrel in the middle, holding the axe tightly. "This is the way in." Without a second thought, Merlin hit the wall with all his strength, denting and making a hole on the barrel. Whiskey gushed out of it and both men panicked. 
"Fucking hell, Merlin. Shit." Merlin moved quickly, covering the hole with his hand. 
“You know, my mama, she always told me us southerners get our good manners from the British.” A man slowly walked towards them, holding a shotgun loosely in his hand as it rested on his shoulder. Eggsy tried to act casual, crossing his arms and leaning on the barrel as Merlin kept his hand on the hole he created. “I was thinkin', ain't that a pity. Y'all kept nothing for yourselves. Y'all ain't never heard of knocking before you enter?” The man turned his head slightly, smirking before spitting to his left. 
“Well, actually we had an invitation. Didn't we?” Eggsy looked over at Merlin as he nodded quickly.
“Oh, did you now?” The man watched them unamused.
“Yeah. It came in the shape of a bottle. We're from the Kingsman tailor shop in London. Maybe you've heard of us?”
“Oh, the Kingsman.”
“Huh. That's where y'all got them fine suits and them fancy spectacles y'all got on?” The man pointed towards them with the end of the shotgun, acting like he knew what they were saying was enough.
“Exactly.” Merlin nodded his head enthusiastically, almost as if he hoped they made the right decision. 
“That's right.”
“Y'all look damn sharp. Let me see if I got it right, here. You want me to believe that it's normal for a tailor to hack through an advanced biometric security system with nothing but a little bitty old watch on?” Eggsy clenched his jaw nervously as Merlin frowned. They were starting to realize their name meant nothing. Merlin looked over at Eggsy with concern as Eggsy rolled his eyes, staring the man down.  “I can promise you,” The man grabbed his shotgun, loading it as he twirled it effortlessly in his hand, aiming it at both of them. “That dog don't hunt.” With the shotgun, he motioned for both of them to get down. “So why don't you go on and get down on your knees and tell me who you really work for.” 
Eggsy raised his eyebrows, mocking the man before looking over at Merlin tight-lipped, as Merlin nodded, silently saying, ‘okay, you asked me to’. He removed his hand as the barrel started to leak again, dropping whiskey all over the floor. The man quickly sucked up some saliva, spitting it across the way on the hole, covering it perfectly.  Eggsy looked at Merlin with disgust before turning back towards the man with the same expression. “That's 1963 Statesman Reserve. You just made it personal.”
The man walked towards both of them, as they ran towards him at the same time as well. Eggsy raised his fist, ready to punch but the man ducked and hit him in the back with the shotgun. Merlin lunged for him next. The man hit him in the abdomen, looping his arm around Merlin’s and used his body weight to throw him against the barrel, knocking him out cold. Eggsy took out his gun but the man used the shotgun to trap his arm between his body and the shotgun before swinging it around and smacking it out of his hand with his shotgun. The momentum of the hit threw Eggsy on his knees as he swung the shotgun into his ribs, swinging it the other way around. Eggsy blocked the hit but still groaned in pain as the hit threw him against the barrel. The man pinned Eggsy’s arm with his shotgun before moving quickly to flip through Eggsy’s watch until he found the stun option. He pulled Eggsy off of the barrel and angled it so he shot himself with the dart. Eggsy stared at him in surprise as the man smirked. Eggsy moved to touch his neck where the dart was as he went limp on his legs. “Who the fuck are you?” Eggsy stepped back once before falling onto his back, blacking out quickly like Merlin. 
“You’re right. You are getting better Tequila, almost as good as me.” The man, Tequila, looked up to the left where you slowly stepped out of the shadows. You licked your lips as you walked over to the limp bodies on the floor. You bent down beside Eggsy and reached out, touching his watch admiring the technology. “I guess you didn’t need me after all.” 
Tequila smiled and shook his head as he nudged Merlin with his foot. “Now darlin’, don’t say that. You know I love having you around.”
“Well, duh. I’m a fucking catch.” Tequila laughed out at your comment before moving to grab Merlin, throwing him over his shoulder as he motioned towards Eggsy with a nod of his head. 
“Can you handle him?” You frowned and shook your head. You were smaller than Eggsy and even though you were strong, you weren’t that strong. 
“I can drag him.” You grabbed his arms and slowly pulled him towards the real elevator, dragging him inside as you huffed. He was heavy. Tequila laughed as he watched you and you glared at him. 
“Did you hear?”
“Whiskey might be coming down this weekend. Something about a meeting.” You visibly tensed as you clenched your jaw. You took a deep breath as Tequila watched you concerned.
“I didn’t know. How long?” You didn’t even realize you whispered this until Tequila reached over pulling you into his arms. The big lug basically swallowed you in his big arms but you didn’t care. You wrapped an arm around his waist before letting out a shaky breath. 
“Just for the weekend. Has he tried to talk to you?” You shook your head as the elevator stopped, indicating you were on the floor you needed. “Good. How about we go to that restaurant I told you about?”
“Sounds nice Tequila. We’ll take Ginger. She’s really been wanting to go there.”
“It’s a date.” You giggled at his remark. You grabbed Eggsy once more, slowly dragging him towards the interrogation room you had. Once Tequila secured Merlin into his chair, Tequila moved quickly, securing Eggsy beside him. You sat in the far side of the room as Tequila took his place in front of the both of them, leaning on the table. He licked his lips, trying not to show how much he would enjoy this as he leaned over, slapping the both of them out of their unconsciousness. This was going to be fun.
Forever Tags: @iwantthedean @authoressskr @sorenmarie87 @reigningqueenofwords @goldenolaf25 @giftofdreams @winchesterprincessbride @chelsea072498 @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @itakeawfultoawholenewlevel @fictionalabyss @gabby913 @angelkurenai @sea040561 @sleepylunarwolf @smoothdogsgirl @carryonmyswansong @feelmyroarrrr @evyiione @sofreddie @sis-tafics @nitelotus @trexrambling @dancingalone21 @manawhaat @mermaidxatxheart @winchest09 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @mrswhozeewhatsis @just-another-busy-fangirl @lovebodymindstuff @backseat-of-deans-67chevy @chook007 @akshi8278 @evansrogerskitten @bringmesomepie56 @persephonehemingway @blacktithe7 @donnaintx @queenxxxsupreme @whitewolfandthefox @riviawitch3r
Kingsman/Agent Whiskey Tags:  @thesadvampire @le-roman-rose @mcudisiac @someone-take-my-bagelseverywhere @chibi-liz05 @marvel-avengers01 @themandjalorian @floccodineveautunnale @jassiepoohbear @gollyderek @retrobhaddie @wolf-lover74
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tideswept · 9 months
First post of 2024, let's go!
First off! I'll be picking up my goal of 100 books a year again and will post a tracker next, feel free to join in and/or give recommendations as the year progresses. ❤ I'm a voracious but lazy reader, so I don't venture outside of my usual circle of authors as often as I should, which is actually the point of the tracker!
Secondly, I want to show off the podfic @sweet-cynic did of stubborn in the bones and the delicious Padobi/Masterkin @ossidae-passeridae wrote for silly ol' me. 💕
stubborn in the bones (podfic)
surrender | be moved and shaken
Yessss, yesss, look at the pretty, look at it!
Third, and really what you're interested in--State of Fic Updates and Previews!
[Hartwin] a tender gasp of inevitable ache ch2: 3k in, rough outline written out. Guesstimating something like 6k for this one.
Then Merlin pipes up.  “God, I thought you two couldn’t get more obnoxious.” Neither of them starts. Kingsman trained them too well for that. But Eggsy’s fingers curl around the stem of his fork before relaxing. Since there’s no data being fed into his glasses, he assumes this is an informal check-in.  He places another forkful of tender, exquisite salmon on his tongue, closing his lips around the tines and dragging the fork out without breaking eye contact with Harry. This might be mainly to yank Merlin’s tail, but he can’t deny that Harry watching him make a slaggy spectacle of himself ignites a forbidden, heady thrill. It’s better than the cock of a well-oiled gun—better even than firing off a snazzy one-liner when taking out bad guys.
[Hartwin] always be something sacred ch3: 1.6k in, some thorny things to work out. Might be a split POV chapter, might also end up being 5 chapters total after all, we'll see!
“Opinion on a blockade?” Harry asks, shrugging off his jumper, heading for the hidden armory beneath the staircase. He’d long ago bought and hollowed out the neighboring houses that bracketed his own for security and usage—pressing his palm against the wooden panel reveals a hidden entrance.  It’s amazing that Eggsy, despite all his rightful suspicions and cleverness, has never figured this secret out. He would have loved it. There’s no need for Harry to close his eyes and imagine that boy’s delight, he knows the exact grin that Eggsy would flash, his choked, skeptical laughter, his glee. How carefully Harry would have to watch his hands to ensure that Eggsy didn’t pocket anything.  Pain digs sharp claws behind his breastbone. He ignores it. Regret can come later, after Eggsy isn’t at the mercy of an unknown enemy. 
[Obikin] Untitled -- Alpha!PadObi/Beta!Masterkin: smutty irredeemable oneshot, ahoy!
Obi-Wan groans again. He stumbles onto his sleeping bag and lies there, gritting his teeth. Through their bond, Anakin experiences an echo of the pure need threatening to drag the nineteen-year-old into a feral state.  Or that will kill him.  Anakin swears in Huttese. If he were better at mind suggestions or at meditation, if he could karking heal, he could help. If he were an alpha, he could superimpose his will and force Obi-Wan to calm down. And if he were an omega… Well. Anakin didn’t successfully see one Padawan through an intergalactic war only to lose his second Padawan to something as ridiculous as this.
[Obikin] Untitled2: another irredeemable smutty oneshot, yay!
“Are you sure that you’re alright, Anakin?” Obi-wan asks for the third time, exasperated to the point where no matter what Anakin claims, he’s going to stop their walk and examine Anakin from head to toe. But instead of lying again, Anakin, who has been making the strangest noises as they pushed through the wildly lush jungle that covers the planet, groans piteously and stops so suddenly that Obi-Wan almost runs into him.  “Anakin?”  “I’m—kark, don’t make me say it.”  Since Anakin stubbornly refuses to face him, Obi-Wan circles around to find Anakin flushed and sweaty, his lips torn from biting down.
[Obikin] Untitled3: probably still irredeemable but not actually smutty! for @sweet-cynic, a bit of a... TMA-SW fusion AU? (featuring Priest-Wan because we could always use more of that.)
The day Obi-Wan Kenobi stumbles over the bedraggled figure curled up tight at a corner of the stairs leading up to the church is already one of exhaustion and fury drowned in alcohol. He is in no charitable mood, but discovering a small child wedged tight against the stonework in the middle of the night, with the chill of an early winter creeping in, horrifies him into action. Are they dead? Obi-Wan wonders, leaning down carefully. Wrapped up in misery and in shapeless, grimy garments, the child is nothing but a genderless mop of blond hair and too-pink ears peeking out from the collar of the jacket they’re wearing, some cast off business jacket for an adult repurposed for warmth against the bitterness of October.  He clears his throat. “He—” Blue eyes snap open.  Too blue, too bright, there’s not enough light that I should be able to see the color. But Obi-Wan doesn’t pay that thought as much attention as it deserves. “Hello there. That doesn’t seem terribly comfortable." The poor creature—Obi-Wan still cannot pinpoint a gender, the face dark with dirt—shifts away from him, inching to regain space as if they don’t trust him despite the markers of his office, the collar, the coat, the cross weighing heavy on his chest.
airline Obikin shenanigans for @virahaus
even more shenanigans set in bones of a miracle for @gretchenzellerbarnes
A coda for all things unsaid
I'm hoping Untitled2 will be finished today, but we'll see. :) After some of these go up I will finally get back to working on fear the crown and the devil is a gentleman. They're long overdue for updates. (Also have my eye on you should see what we do in my head--definitely want to finish that this month.)
And that concludes the State of Fic! ❤ If I have forgotten anyone or any thing or you have a question about a fic not mentioned, please give me a poke.
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darcyfirth · 4 years
For your incredibly generous fic-gift-giving: Hartwin! I'd be so happy with pretty much anything, and cheesy is my jam! :) As for a trope, how about decorating for Christmas and/or leaving out food for Santa with Eggsy's little sister? If that doesn't work for you, maybe the two of them got snowed in on a job somewhere and Christmas just happens to them?
I love both of your ideas and since this fic fill is months late I’ll combine them into one cheese-ball monster :’)
“I’m afraid I can’t make it home in time, Eggsy,” came Harry Hart’s muffled voice on the other end of the phone. He had left for a quick transaction in Russia several days ago and meant to come back to their house before Christmas Eve. This year’s snowfall certainly made it a tough job for Harry to keep his promise.
“That’s alright, Harry,” said Eggsy, not letting the hint of disappointment seep into his voice, lest Harry grew anxious of letting him down. “You can always find a way to catch another flight after the storm’s settled down.”
“I will, Eggsy,” Harry said firmly.
“See you soon,” whispered Eggsy before the call is hung up, by whom he didn’t know.
“So Harry’s not going to be here with us on Christmas morning this year?” Daisy asked. She was standing next to Eggsy during the phone call, holding a plateful of cookies freshly baked out of the oven.
Eggsy smiled ruefully and mouthed a soft ‘No, Daise,’ and when he saw how his little sister’s shoulders drooped down visibly, Eggsy gently ruffled her hair and said, “But he’d be here with us on New Year’s Eve.”
“You’re right,” Daisy exclaimed happily and stood on tip-toe to set the plate on the table, next to a glass of milk which Eggsy had poured minutes ago.
Eggsy led his sister by her hand to the bedroom, kissed her forehead goodnight and wished her a merry Christmas like he did every Christmas. He returned to his own room next to her and texted his mother, who was at her company’s Christmas party, to come home safely after or call him to pick her up, whichever worked for her. 
Then, Eggsy set his phone on his bedside table, a thing he rarely did at 9PM on a weekday, and tried to think nice things, happy thoughts, and without a shadow of doubt they all happened to be with Harry.
It was several hours later, a long time after Eggsy had opened the door for his Mum and went back to bed, when he heard the creaking sound coming from outside his window. The leaves rustled as their branches were weighed down by something that was decidedly not a bird.
Eggsy carefully picked up his bat on the floor, a Kingsman gun or umbrella was out of the question for this kind of intrusion anyway, and stealthily crouched next to the shadowy area in his room, where the moonlight could not reach.
He waited. Several broken branches later, his window finally swung open by a man’s hand, one Eggsy thought was eerily familiar.
The index finger immediately pointed up as his other fingers curved into a fist, oddly enough, Eggsy could imagine that the intruder was trying to make a point to him somehow.
“Eggsy, please kindly put down your bat and help me up,” said Harry Hart’s voice, a strange turn of event, as his voice wasn’t supposed to be in London at this hour physically-speaking.
“Harry, you are Harry?” Eggsy said, dropping his bat with a clang.
“Yes, and you are Eggsy, my fiancé, soon-to-be husband,” Harry joked, and Eggsy honestly would find a deserving rebuttal to his smartass comment had Harry wasn’t dangling with half his body out of the window right now.
“You said you wouldn’t be able to make it home in time,” Eggsy complained breathily as he helped pull Harry’s whole body into the room.
“Oof,” Harry gave a little noise of relief once he finally landed on something soft. The soft thing was Eggsy.
“You’re here,” Eggsy grinned, not bothering to move an inch from his current position.
“I’m here,” Harry echoed, cheeks slightly flushed from the exertion of his juvenile climbing and sneaking around.
Hands finding themselves wounding around Harry’s neck, Eggsy leaned upwards to kiss his boyfriend soundly on the mouth.
“Did you lie to me?”
“Not really. I was in Russia and there really was a storm, hours and hours ago. Then I just expedited things up a little.”
“A little?” 
Harry kissed Eggsy back instead of replying, both of them knowing the real answer to it already.
“Did you set out cookies and milk?” Harry said minutes later, mouth no longer attached to Eggsy’s.
“We did.”
“Can I have some?”
Eggsy laughed. “Cookies? Course. Not the milk though, it went bad.”
“Shame,” said Harry, pulling Eggsy up without much hassle at all.
They both trod lightly down the stairs, fighting the urge to giggle like a couple of teenage kids, shoulders to shoulders, barely an empty space between them.
Harry started to work his way into the plate of cookies eagerly, as if he didn’t have a proper meal before coming here.
Eggsy held his hand and beamed at their intertwined fingers, Harry’s ring finger had his engagement ring on, the mission was really over.
“What’s the matter?” asked Harry, swallowing the crumbly chocolate chip bits.
“Nothing,” Eggsy shook his head, eyes shining because he couldn’t help it, “just, merry Christmas, love.” And he brought Harry’s hand up to kiss his knuckles, softly and gently.
Harry was a tad surprised at Eggsy’s sentiment, it showed on his face as he paused mid-bite, but he soon recovered and smiled, genuine and fond, “Merry Christmas, Eggsy.”
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dashesofink · 5 years
To Forget
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Drabble: “ I need some major angst. Kingsman drabble or fic, whichever you think would better-- Being Eggsy's best friend and Merlin's daughter and comforting Eggsy as they die in his arms. If you don't do death, then amnesia please. I just want the angst to rip my heart out. “
Pairings: Eggsy Unwin x Reader
Word Count: 1613
Warnings: mentions of blood, head injuries, amnesia, major angst (or as angsty as I could make it)
Main Taglist: @legolaslovely @c4ts4ndstuff @t00-many-th0ughts @fizzyxcustard @anilynsworld
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Panic shot through Eggsy like a bullet when he saw your body slam to the ground. He didn’t have enough time at all to rush to you, to hold you and make sure that you were okay. You stumbled to your feet, gripping your head as you tried to fight off another guard. No blood was seen at first. He kept his focus on getting the mission done, his weapons aimed at the enemy as he took them out one by one. His heart was hammering in his chest, blood rushing in his ears as he pushed further out of the compound and out into a dense forest. The gunfire blocked his ears from your pained screams. It took longer than expected, but you guys had extracted the information you were after, and soon everyone was fighting to get to your get away plane.
Eggsy was on the plane last, his chest heaving for air as he stumbled into his seat. A triumphant smile pulled up his lips, his teeth poking through as he waved around a small USB drive in the air. “Target acquired, Merlin— Merlin?” The man in question paid no mind to Eggsy as he gloated, alarm having already flooded his system as he pushed through the other team members and to the back of the plane. Eggsy stood to his feet in confusion, his eyebrows knitting as he followed after Merlin. Merlin had never once acted this way, so scared and fearful. The closer he got to the back of the plane the more anticipation filled his body. “Merlin, what’s going—“
Eggsy felt his world freeze when he finally laid eyes on your body. You seemed lifeless, your skin a stark white while your eyes remained closed. A deep, jagged cut was laid heavily against your head, starting at your hairline and cutting through your right eyebrow only to end by your ear. Blood stained the hands of those working to keep your body stable and the uniform you had on, your face dripping and hair matted down from the warm sticky substance. Eggsy felt as if he couldn’t breath. Merlin was gripping your hand tightly, the usual stoic man now shaking as he held your fingers to his lips.
“No no, no y/n,” He cried quietly, his free hand moving to brush away your bloody and matted hair. “Not my daughter!” Eggsy’s feet were glued to the plane floor, his knees instead colliding with the floor painfully as his body suddenly flooded with horror. He knew he should’ve gone back to check on you, to make sure that you weren’t hurt and help you as you got to your feet. He stupidly believed that you had just tripped. A rookie mistake. Tears clouded his vision, his hands growing shakier as his world slowly crumbled around him. Others around him worked quickly to ease the bleeding on your head, but everyone knew they wouldn’t be able to make any real progress until they reached the base again.
The ride back to the base seemed to go by in a blur. One minute Eggsy was on the plane, watching helplessly as your body shut down from trauma and blood loss, and the next he’s waiting outside of your room, face hidden in his hands. Guilt ate away at his heart as he waited. Tears were still fresh against his burning skin as he ran his hands over his face. The assessment for your injury was quick and easy, but you needed surgery. The cut to your head was deep, too deep for his liking. The trauma to your head had caused your brain to swell, so you were rushed quickly into surgery to try and ease the pressure on your brain and skull. Everyone was miserable. Merlin couldn’t stop pacing, his long fingers brushing over his head in anticipation. Eggsy felt like he couldn’t breath, his face red and eyes puffy from crying. God, why didn’t he just go back and help you?
The surgery went well, or at least that’s all that they told him. Merlin was the only one allowed to see you at first, seeing as he was your father. You were placed under a medically induced coma so that your body would be able to heal, giving your brain time to shrink to its normal size before you went to moving again. Eggsy thought he would go crazy from waiting to see you, to hold you again and to apologize for his mistake in not going to you in the field. It was months before he was finally able to see you, but not without Merlin in the room.
You were finally awake, a thick bandage wrapped around your forehead. Your skin had regained its color, your lips a bright pink as you smiled at your father. You remembered how disoriented you were when you first woke up, but your father was there to reassure you. His voice was gently as he explained what had happened, his fingers gripping your much smaller hand in his. Merlin was over the moon that you were going to be alright. The doctors had explained that amnesia was likely to occur due to the severity of your head injury, but so far everything seemed great. You remembered him, you remembered being apart of Kingsman. Merlin was happy.
When Eggsy heard the good news he was ecstatic. He was waiting anxiously by your door, his fingers dusting over his freshly ironed shirt. He was desperate to apologize, to explain why he did what he did and not help you instead. Guilt and remorse had been building up in Eggsy ever since he first saw you, and now that he had a chance to apologize, he was going to do so. It wasn’t long until Merlin opened the door for him, a bright smile on the previously depressed man’s face now that his daughter was in the clear. Eggsy sucked in a nervous breath as he stepped into the room, his eyes landing on your figure.
A smile spread on his face as he saw your eyes, as bright and curious as he remembered them. “Oh thank god.” Eggsy felt relief flood his system before he stepped forward, his hands reaching out to grab one of your own as he went to your bedside. “I can’t tell you how worried I’ve—“
Merlin and Eggsy froze when you suddenly yanked your hand out of Eggsy’s grasp, a look of confusion forming on your features as you looked him over. Eggsy now felt confused as your lips pursed together, a sneer seeming to find its way on your face as you shied away from him. “Dad,” Your eyes strayed away from Eggsy was you looked to Merlin, him taking a step closer to you when your eyebrows knitted in confusion. You looked back to Eggsy once more, trying to rack your brain for information on the man. But you couldn’t. “Who is he?”
Just as it had been on the plane, Eggsy’s world suddenly froze at your words. You had to be joking, right? Merlin felt his heart jolt at your question, and he thought back to what the doctors had said about your possible amnesia. His hand was resting upon your shoulder as he looked between you and Eggsy, worry building in his stomach. Pain contorted Eggsy’s face, his fingers beginning to shake once more as he slowly reached for you again. “Y/n, d-darling, what do you mean?” His voice shook with panic, his eyes swelling with tears when you flinched away from his touch again. “It’s me, baby, it’s Eggsy.”
You kept your eyes on him for a moment longer, the anxiety in Eggsy’s heart ceasing for a moment when he saw your lips twitch. A tick you had whenever you had a secret to hide. Did you remember him? When you finally tore your gaze away from him you looked up to your father again, your eyebrows still knitting in confusion as you lips turned down into a frown. “I don’t know who he is, dad.”
Eggsy wanted to throw up. Your words echoed in his brain as they tore a new hole in his pained heart. You couldn’t have forgotten him, it wasn’t possible. You couldn’t have forgotten your first date, or all of the times you had to hide your relationship from Merlin. How could you forget the pathetic excuse of a letter he wrote to you one day in an attempt to win your heart. He felt a coldness run over his body, tears now flowing heavily down his cheeks as he looked to his hands. The gold band around his finger felt cold and heavy, staring up at him with malice. How could you forget him, your husband, and how he tripped over his words when proposing to you?
You didn’t know why the man in front of you seemed so pained by your words. You didn’t even know him. His face was scrunched up, eyes bloodshot as tears rolled down his flushed cheeks. Eggsy’s heart was heavy and his mind was clouded. Nothing could’ve prepared him for this. Eggsy still had a sliver of hope residing in his heart, the back of his hand dabbing away his tears before he slowly reached for your hand again. You didn’t pull away this time. Instead you watched his fingers curl around your hand, and for a second Eggsy was sure he saw a spark of recognition flash through your face, but the wind was knocked out of him when you spoke again, anguish flooding his nerves.
“I’m sorry, but I really don’t know who you are.”
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agentdagonet · 5 years
Echoes, Ch. 24
Find it here on AO3
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Fic Summary: Feet dangling off the edge of the bed, hands still resting on the earpieces of his glasses, Eggsy opened his eyes.
And promptly shut them again, screwing them shut like a child who had the distinct misfortune of biting into a raw lemon. Breathing harshly in his nose and out his mouth, trying to stave off whatever delusional panic had befallen him, Eggsy reopened his eyes.
Or: The Hologram Story Nobody Asked For
          Eggsy couldn’t help himself- he knew that he was pressing where he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help but push anyway. He’d heard from his mum about Harry’s visit, and she’d sounded so damn happy that he just couldn’t help it. He’d reached up onto his toes and hugged Harry tightly the next time he’d walked into the house, squeezed around his neck and tucked his head between Harry’s jaw and shoulder, right against his collarbone.
          Harry had frozen for all of a breath before bringing his arms down to Eggsy’s waist, squeezing just as tightly in return. He didn’t ask what the occasion was, or try to pull away after a minute because that’s how hugs normally went; instead he simply rested his cheek against Eggsy’s hair. Eventually they parted, shared a small smile, and went back to their normal routine.
          Something had changed, then, but neither of them ever spoke about it. Their fingers brushed more often while doing dishes, their shoulders brushed constantly while walking to and from the shop, they ended up falling asleep on each other more often than not during evening films. Maybe it was just a final barrier falling and making them feel more comfortable- but Harry knew it wasn’t so much a final barrier as it was that some unspoken rule that had been tossed out.
          Eggsy leant into his shoulder when they sat near each other, he relaxed when Harry clapped him on the shoulder (unlike when Percival did, which had resulted in wide eyes and stuttered breathing) or guided him into a room by the small of his back. And maybe Harry was encouraging Eggsy’s exploration with non-romantic physical affection for his own ends, but where was the harm? It wasn’t as if the two of them weren’t touch-starved, or touch-wary, between Eggsy’s childhood and Harry’s loss of physical control, it was a wonder they let anyone near them at all.
          Two puzzle pieces that kind of fit- like pieces of the sky, you could put them together on their own, but when you try to attach them to the rest of the picture you’d discover it’s the wrong combination of bloody blue tiles. At least, that’s how Harry reasoned his lack of active  communication. He just let things start happening, didn’t reject anything offered, and rationalised that if he said something it would all fall apart because of the things that made them different.
          He should have thought more of Eggsy, the determined little shit, because it was obvious that he was up to something. He began escalating the types of touch he would use, going from the faintest brush of fingertips to resting his hand wholly on some portion of Harry’s body; from that to pressing into the places that stored the most tension, seeing what made Harry react.
          It had taken him nearly a month to catch on, and once he did he couldn’t unsee it- but he also didn’t want to stop him. So he let it be, and soaked in the attention as if it were going to stop because after almost dying you don’t take anything for granted if you can help it.
          On one rare morning, where they both were home and resting with no obligations, Eggsy came down the stairs looking particularly ruffled. He yawned loudly and rubbed at his face, and when he made it to where Harry was sat at the table he dropped a kiss on his head as he passed by. He didn’t stop his progress to the kitchen, and Harry didn’t dare turn to see if Eggsy realised what he had done.
          Harry didn’t even think to return the gesture, but eagerly awaited the next opportunity Eggsy had to do it again. If there was, indeed, anything beside respect and devotion between the two of them, from both directions, then Eggsy needed to be the one to make the first move. Not only was Harry technically his superior, but he was several years his senior and Harry would have felt lecherous making the opening move. But, Eggsy’s actions- planned and non- were indicative that he had ideas, even if they weren’t advisable from the common person’s judgements.
But when had they ever truly cared about the opinions of the outside world, anyway?
          But Harry was getting ahead of himself- by a good kilometre- because these were shy or unconscious glances and infrequent touches. There were so many things that needed to happen between there and where Harry’s thoughts were heading. Patience, he told himself, if it’s going to happen, it will happen- it’s not as if he’s going anywhere.
          And that, in and of itself, was a new thought process. Being aware that someone had decided you were worth spending time with was different than spending a life together- but they’d already fallen so far off the usual, acceptable, path that what did it matter? They could never do more than hold hands or clasp arms and Harry would be satisfied as long as their home remained such.
          Harry went on a solo mission to Antigua, what should have been a quick pick-up went sour within the first 24 hours, and ended up with Harry sporting several bruised ribs, seventeen stitches scattered about his body, and an overnight stay in medical. Surprisingly, it was the first serious injury he or Eggsy had gotten since their house became a home- which meant it was uncharted territory, and Harry wasn’t sure what exactly he was so nervous about. He’d been injured, before- he’d been in medical overnight, before- but this was the first time for him since Kentucky. 
          Eggsy didn’t run into the room when he arrived, but he did close the door fully behind himself and rest against it for a moment after. He looked to the ceiling, took a deep breath, and then approached the bed- and it was lucky that Harry hadn’t required a heart monitor, because it surely would have given him away. Eggsy sat in the chair Merlin had sat in for debrief, though he pulled it closer, and lifted Harry’s hand in his own- lightly kissing the top of it before rubbing his thumb over the same spot. As if to rub the affection into his skin completely.
          ‘You’ve got to either stop this shit or give me a bit of warning, luv.’ Harry blinked slowly, as if doing so would freeze this moment in his memory, and huffed out a laugh.
          ‘You and I are both fully aware that those options are equally impossible. But, I’ve made it home once again in, relatively,’ Harry glanced down at himself before shrugging a shoulder slightly, ‘good condition.’
          ‘Your stitches say otherwise.’
          ‘I have all my limbs and have lost an insignificant amount of blood- rest assured, these are entirely superficial wounds.’
          ‘Harry, bruises are superficial- you got stitches and your ribs are fucked. Tha’s why you’re in medical instead of at home.’
          ‘The ribs are bruised, actually; and Merlin’s being a stick in the mud about letting me home-’
          ‘He ain’t letting you go anywhere he can’t see you for a bit- always been more sensitive than he’ll admit.’
          ‘You don’t say?’ Surely Eggsy, in his far more limited experience with Merlin than his own, hadn’t managed to get Merlin’s number that easily.
          ‘Well, yeah- you shoulda seen ‘im when you were gone. Oh, he put on a brave face, but he was so quiet. And he was a right arse about makin’ sure everyone was rested and eating and shit. Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone embody that nurse lady from the Harry Potter books like he did;’ Eggsy chuckled, ‘the Lake was so confused when he started goin’ on about proper nutrition and REM cycles and shit- Rox and I made sure he actually listened to himself every once in a while. Managed to glue ‘im to his chair once, and just… rolled him into medical for a check up.’ Harry laughed, imagining his usually-stoic friend struggling to remove himself from the predicament while keeping some semblance of dignity and authority intact.
          ‘Yeah, it was funny in the moment, but… lookin’ back and all it makes me wonder- the fuck was wrong with Kingsman before V-Day, Harry?’ Eggsy’s eyes had gone hard, the thin line of his mouth so at ends with his youthful face. ‘It was like no one knew that anyone else cared about them- that they had value outside of mission parametres. Outside of their job.’ He spat the word, and Harry was caught entirely off guard by it.
          ‘Chester King was very purpose-focused, Eggsy, to put it kindly. The vast majority of Knights never became familiar with one another outside of respect for one another’s skills, and emotional connections have always been construed as a weakness by those of higher stations. If it couldn’t be used to further the agency, then it was unnecessary. The Lake’s betting pools are far more the exception than the norm- their sense of community has been fostered in the shadows for the past twenty-odd years. If it weren’t for the circumstances of Chester’s demise- and those of his ilk- I’m certain that the trend of emotional segregation from one another would have continued seamlessly from one Arthur to the next.
          ‘I’m not certain of how to explain it to you, Eggsy, but Kingsman has never been about a group uniting to face a common threat, or defend a common goal, in my experience,’ Harry frowned and shook his head, ‘Kingsman was always about individual people being sent to settle individual problems that just happened to be facets of the larger goal. There were only a handful of people in the history of the agency that demanded to work with certain people, and very rarely were there Agent/Handler pairs in the fashion you’re accustomed to.’ Harry pinched the bridge of his nose, pushing up his glasses as he did so.
          ‘So, what you’re saying is that no one knew that they were important as humans outside of their fuckin’ skills because Chester King was an enormous prick?’
          ‘That’s about the sum of things, yes.’
          ‘If Merlin figures it out, can I go back in time and kill him all over again?’
          ‘Once was quite enough, Eggsy- but you can rewatch the footage ad nauseum, if you’d like.’
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ardentmuse · 6 years
Fleece and Fancies (Tequila x Reader)
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Kingsman - Tequila x Reader
A request from the lovely @thecaptainsgingersnap: LIAAAAAAAAAA! Your description says fic requests are open, so here I am because I DESPERATELY need Tequila! So can you PLEASE do 25, 45 & 99 from the Love Tropes list??? Love ya doll! (Her Boyfriend’s Jacket, Lap Pillow, You Must Be Cold)
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: mild swearing, sexual innuendo 
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Your ankles were crossed as they rested high upon the masonry of the unlit fire pit. The entire Statesman group was still out on the ski slopes, probably would be for a while, but you had decided rest was necessary. A day of such robust physical activity didn’t seem like proper work to you, but it often was in your line of business. A week’s long vacation in Telluride, an “agent bonding trip” as it was framed, was coming to a close as the film financier you had been tracking finally checked in to the resort this morning.
Fun and work were interchangeable you had come to learn in your time with the organization. Really everything in your life was just a strange blur between personal and professional, starting with the lovely man with the southern drawl and dimples so faint you’d almost miss them if he weren’t smirking so goddamn much.
“Hey, sugar, why you lookin’ so glum?” that same voice that always seemed to be echoing in your head called from the edge of the snow. He already had his hands down to unclip his skis and boots, so all you could see was the red that covered the bit of his exposed back and earlobes, his skin splotched, simultaneously frozen from the wind and heated from exertion. He was a sensitive man your Tequila in so many ways.
Your Tequila? Really? Damn, your mind really needed to stop doing these sort of mental gymnastics. If you kept saying these kinds of things in your head, they were eventually going to make their way out your mouth. He’s a friend. Just a friend. You needed to keep repeating that to yourself.
“Cat got that pretty tongue of yours?”
You looked up to see Tequila lounging upon the fire pit, already pulling your booted feet into this lap. He was smiling upon you, his eyes searching your face for answers your mouth wasn’t giving. And the shine of his gaze just pulled your heart further.
“She’s not glum, T,” Whiskey said, startling you with his presence. He took the seat beside you to take his rest as well. “Just frigid.”
You shot Whiskey a glare. He never met your gaze.
“Our ice princess,” he hissed. All you could do was roll your eyes.
Tequila caught your expression and laughed, rubbing his thumbs into your ankles which you hadn’t realized were swollen until he gave them attention.
“Y/N isn’t made of ice but she’s a princess alright,” Tequila said, tossing you a wink, “One I’d gladly wait on hand and foot. A loyal servant of the royal guard.”
You laughed, but before you could respond with words, Tequila’s fingers moved up your leg to massage your lower calves. But immediately upon feeling your skin, he pulled away.
“Jesus, Sweetheart! Maybe you really are ice!” Tequila tentatively touched your leg again, only this time you felt the pulsating heat of his fingers on your flesh, electric and piercing. Maybe you were cold.
“Take our princess back to the cabin, Tequila,” Whiskey said with a dismissive wave, his eyes up the mountain as he pulled out a pack of smokes. “I’ll wait for the rest of the group.”
Tequila just nodded and stood, placing your feet upon the wooden deck. He reached out with his hand to offer you help up and soon you found yourself walking back towards your vacation home.
Once out of sight, you expected Tequila to drop your hand but he didn’t. Instead he interlocked your fingers and pulled your hand into the depths of his coat pocket, leaning you even further into his side. Your better angels had you wanting to pull away but you just couldn’t find the will in yourself to do so. It was nice, overwhelmingly nice to feel the fleece upon your skin, warming your throbbing digits. He seemed to have a hat or gloves buried at the bottom, providing a nice pocket of material for you to explore. And soon the light tinge of sweat from his palms had your knuckles loosening and sooner than you expected your heart was pounding at the intense level of care this friend, just friend, always showed you.
You walked in silence until you could see the chalet in the small valley before you.
“You know,” Tequila began, “I didn’t want to say anything back there, but you have been a little, I don’t know, frigid, recently.”
The air left your lungs and your eyes darted to the ground. You had been doing everything in your power to distance yourself from Tequila, but for that to be interpreted as coldness hurt a little.
“I know. Tequila, I’m so sorry. I just—“
He cut you off with a light laugh. “No need to explain to me, sugar. You be as cold or as warm as you want. Just don’t send me one of those glares you aimed at Whiskey and we’ll be all good, okay?”
You let out a sigh. “Okay.”
When you entered the cabin, Tequila removed his jacket and draped it over the couch before moving to work on starting the fire. His back was to you, broad and inviting under his red henley. Your eyes were transfixed until you felt the cold take your body over once again.
Your gaze moved to the jacket, inviting and still warm with his body hear beside you. Just looking at it had you feeling the the faint scent of him upon your nose. Goodness, you had it bad now, didn’t you?
A hand on your shoulder pulled your from your daze and all you could do was watch as Tequila took his jacket, shook it once, and wrapped it around your shoulders. You were engulfed in him immediately and felt the heat rising in your cheeks for a far difference reason.
The fire was now fully ablaze and Tequila took his position on the couch beside you and without a word simply patted his lap. You looked at him confused.
“You’re cold. You’re tired. We have a busy day tomorrow. Just take a rest.”
You let out a breath and smiled at him before moving your head down onto his strong thighs. His thumb began caressing your shoulder and he lifted his feet onto the coffee table, easing himself into a more comfortable position.
The only sound in the room was the occasional crack of the fire and your heart beat, which you thought for sure had to eye audible now with Tequila so close, his breath brushing against your ear and his hands teasing at the base of your neck.
“I like this,” he said out of the blue just as you were about to fall asleep.
“Yeah, we definitely needed a break before this next big mission.”
Tequila spit out a laugh at your answer.
“No, sugar,” he purred as his hand moved down atop his coat caressing the curve of your waist. “This. You in my clothes, in my lap. Just us enjoying some peace and quiet. It’d be a damn bit better too if we knew for sure Champ wasn’t gonna be here in a couple minutes wanting to game plan.”
You sighed but the breath stuck in your throat as you felt Tequila push down his jacket from your arm and kiss the bare skin of your shoulder.
“I like us,” he said for emphasize, his lips still brushing your shoulder and his eyes intent on his face.
You starred into their depths, the rich hazel always so inviting to you for how difficult it was to take them in. Tequila had a fighter’s face, a strong brow bone with hooded lids that were easy to ignore if you weren’t right beside him. But being this close, close enough to see the darkened center and lightened edges and the…
You pulled yourself up to meet his lips to stop your brain from spinning. His eyes disappeared from your mind but a new sense set in. Feeling. All you were was feeling. The warmth of his coat, the softness of his touch, the tinge of cold still upon your fingers, even now as they were wrapping into the base of his hair, and his lips. His lips - warm, perfect, supple, and sweet - were unhurried but passionate against yours. You expected some surprise or hesitation but none existed. Tequila was only desire and need and the gentle rub of teeth upon your lip, clearly wanting to bite and lick but waiting for the invitation to do so.
But as soon as it started, he pulled away.
You made to speak, to apologize profusely, but Tequila’s blown pupils and reddened cheeks told you it wasn’t needed. He reached down, picked you up by the waist and hoisted you into his lap. You followed his lead, straddling his legs and pressing yourself down against him. He was laughing as you wrapped your arms around his neck, already prepared for more. His puffy jacket was falling off your shoulders, bunching at your elbows like one might wear a feather boa, but you knew you would be heated soon enough.
Tequila’s hands found your waist and he leaned forward to taste you again but a loud whistle from the door startled you both still.
“Damn,” Whiskey said, leaning himself against the doorframe. “I figured you two had it bad for each other but I thought you’d at least have the sense to lock the door.”  
His eyes roamed you like he was imagining what you’d look like in this exact same position but naked upon your partner. The thought had you looking away in nervousness and just a little excitement.
Tequila’s hand came under your chin, pulling your gaze to his. He was smiling at you still and reached down to once again intertwine your fingers as you slowly shuffled back into the seat beside him, though this time the hold carried much more meaning.
Whiskey at the door wasn’t playing you any mind anymore, instead leaning his head out to scream, “Hey, Champ, if you still need someone to take that surveillance suite, I think Tequila and Amaretto would probably be up for the task. Quite eager, I recon.”
You had to laugh. Work and pleasure, always together.
All tags: @fangirlandnerd, @aerdnandreaa, @thisisbullshytt,  @cancerousjojian, @whovianayesha, @themarauderstheoutsidersandpeggy, @luna-xxxxx, @sleepylunarwolf, @starryrevelations, @potter-thinking, @all-by-myself98, @bananafosters-and-books, @cutie-bug Kingsman tags: @allonsymexgirl, @eiensteiner, @thecaptainsgingersnap, @madamcadaver. @doct0rstrange
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this, love! It was a little self-indulgent and I’m working on a newish writing style. I hope it flies well.
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